hier de handleding van de Glomex V9125

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hier de handleding van de Glomex V9125 | Manualzz


Installation Notes:

• Do NOT bend the coax cable in a radius less than 21n".

• Use screw-up wire ties to secure to bulkheads

• Do NOT staple coax to bulkhead


• Ne pas plier Ie cable Ii 90 0

• Utiliser des colliers Ii visser nyloll pour fixer Ie cable sur la cloison

• Ne pas agrafer Ie cable coaxial sur la cloison


• NON piegare il cavo ad angolo retto (90°)


• Utilizzare il cacciavite per fissare il cavo allf! para tie.

• NON danneggiare il cavo perforandolo per fissarlo aile paratie, utilizzare fascette che possano essere fissate con una vite aile pa ratie

V9173 TV Masthead Mount Bracket for 14" antenna V9112/12 or V9150/12

V9123 Masthead Mount Bracket for 10" antenna V9125/12

V9173 TV Equerre inox de mat pour /'antenne V9112/120u V9150/12

V9123 Equerre inox de mat pour /'antenne V9125/12

V9173 TV Staffa di supporto in acciaio inox per antenna V9112/12 0 V9150j12

V9123 Staffa di supporto in acciaio inox per antenna V9125/12


I . .


F Connector Crimp

@ ~

Connectteur F Ii sertir

Connettore Fa crimpare

0 ~ h



F Connector twist on

Connectteur F Ii visser

@ ~

X Connettore Fad awitament o c n - b



Installation Notes:

• Mounting a TV antenna next to or just above a flat metal surface may cause "ghosting" on the picture.

• Keep clear the antenna from any obstructions .


• L'installation d'une antenne TV pres ou juste en dessous d'une surface metallique plane peut provoquer des perturbations sur /'image.

• Ne pas installer /'antenne pres de tout obstacle qui pourrait diminuer les performances de /'antenne,


• L'installazione deW antenna TV vicina

0 sopra una superficie metallica piatta potrebbe causare

10 sdoppiamento nelle immagini televisive.

• Non montare i'antenna vicino a ostacoli che potrebbero interferire con Ie performance deWantenna TV .

Splicing Installation Notes: It is always better to run new coax cable of the proper length and quality, as the 20 mts supplied with the antenna, without splices.

This will provide the best performance from your Glomex TV antenna.

The coax cable should never be spliced wire-wire.

When splicing with connectors, use only 75 Ohm connectors only.

Remember each splice represents again loos of + 1 .

5 d.B or more .

Remarques: II est toujours preferable d'utiliser un cable de la bonne longueur et de bonne qualite, comme les 20m fournis avec f'antenne, en un seul tenant plutot que de faire des accords afin de garantir la meilleure reception de /'antenne Tv.

Le cable coaxial ne doit jamais etre raccorde par epissure directe cable Ii cable.

Dans Ie cas de raccordement, toujours utiliser des connecteurs 75 Ohms.

Chaque raccordement provoque une perte de gain d'environ 1,5 dB ou plus.


E sempre consigliato utilizzare un nuovo cavo coassiale della lunghezza necessaria e di buona qualita, come i 20 mts forniti con I'antenna, senza connettere due 0 pill cavi, al fine di garantire performance migliori deW antenna TV Glomex . NON si dovrebbe mai connettere cavo con cavo.

Ouando si connettono i cavi, utilizzare solo connettori 75 Ohm .

Ogni assemblaggio, determina una perdita di + di 1.5 d.B

0 superiore .



0) \

\ y ~



Installation Notes:

A tool to connect the"F" connector is included in your pack.

1. Slip tool over coax with "nut end" toward the connector. Make sure the coax cable is fed throughout the mount before connection is made.

2. Slide the tool over the connector.

3. Turn the connector to attach it to the receptacle inside the antenna base.

4. Remove the tool and mount the antenna on the boat mount.

Remarques: Un outi/ pour connecter et visser Ie connecteur Fest inclus dans la boite.

1. Inserez Ie cable coaxial dans I'outi/. Faites glisser I'outille long du cable jusqu'a inserer Ie connecteur F dans son extremite. Assurez-vous que Ie cable est bien passe dans Ie support avant de connecter.

2. Inserez I'outi/ dans I'embase de I'antenne jusqu'a blocage.

3. Enlevez I'outil et fixez I'antenne sur Ie support.

Avvertenze per I'installazione:

AlI'interno della scatola contenente I'antenna e presente una chiave per montare il connettore ((F».

1. Inserire il cavo coassiale all'interno della chiave, assicurandosi che I'estremita a forma di esagono sia rivolta verso il connettore. Assicurarsi che il cavo coassiale sia stato infilato nel supporto prima di fare il collegamento.

2. Far scorrere la chiave verso il connettore.

3. Girare la ghiera del connettore per attaccarlo alia presa ali'interno deli'antenna.

Assicurarsi che la connessione sia stretta eben serrata.

4. Rimuovere la chiave e montare I'antenna suli'apposito supporto.

Max Thickness (3/4") - 19 mm fpaisseur Maximal 19 mm

Spessore Massimo 19 mm



~ ~










/ , r

l4 '~








~ >

Bulkhead mount






3'/2"_ 88mm

Flush Mount Installation / Enca srrement /lnserimen

Amplifier Installation Notes

1. Amplifiers should be mounted in a dry well ventilated area.

2. Mount amplifiers in an accessible location to allow access to the gain contr o l knob on the Iro nt.

3. Make sure all connections are secure so they do not become loose underway.

4. For bulkhead mounting use a 90° 'T' connector.


1. L'amplificateur doit entre installer dans un endroit sec et venti/e

2. Installez f'amplificateur dans un endroit accessible de fafon iJ acceder faci/em ent au b outon de reglage du gain en fafade.

3. Assurez-vous que tous les connecteurs soient bien fermement visses.

4. Pour un montage en sai/lie, utilisez des connecteurs F a


Avvertenze :

1. Si consiglia di montare I'amplificatore in un luogo asciutto ed arlegglato.

2. Installare I'amplificatore in un luogo facilmente accessibile per pater regolare i l g u a d a g n o ca n la manopol,

3. Assicurarsi che tutte Ie connessioni siano serrate cos) che non si allentino n e l tempo.

4. Per I'installazione a paratia, usare un connettore "F" 90°.

V9112/12 - V9126





V9112/12 V9126

V9112/12 - V9126

12/24 VOLTS Red wire = +12V DC

White wire = +24V DC



. mJ

Black wire ~h : .


~ :--



VCR t •


Lecteur Video







Optional Inputs / Entrees en option /Input Opzional i

V9112/12 - V9126 Amplifier Gain Control Options

V9112/12 - V9126 Fonctions de contriJle du gain de famplificateur

V9112/12 - V9126 Funzioni di controllo del guadagno dell'amplificatore





Lee/ellr Video

~ e o







V9112/12 - V9126 By-Pass

When the amplifier is in "by-pass" the system eliminates the amplifier and the antenna feeds directly to the TV. Use this function when you are very close to a transmitter tower.

Lorsque famplificateur est en position "by-pass,

Ie systeme elimine ramplificateur du circuit comme si rantenne etait directement connectee au recepteur Tv.

Utiliser cette fonction lorsque I'ous I'OUS situez proche d'un emetteur ou lorsque I'OUS recel'ez trop de perturbations (dan un port... )

Quando I'amplificatore e in "by-pass" il sistema elimina I'amplificatore e il segnale passa direttamente dall'antenna alia TV. Utilizzare questa funzione quando si e vicini ad un trasmettitore.




........-::: .'6 I I ' ..".. ! I




I 1'=' .. d l Y;:/ellr Video

~ i deo tf.


V9112/12 - V9126 Shore Connections

By turning to the "shore" area of the dial, a DDS system or VCR will be the "feeding" input.

V9112/12 V9126 Connexions Shore

Tourner Ie bouton dans la zone " shore " pour rece­

I'oir d'une source autre que rantenne (lecteur video, quai, antenne SAT...)

V9112/12 V9126 Connessione Shore

Ruotare il pamella fino alia «shore» per ricevere da una fonte diversa dall'antenna

(Video registratore, banchina, antenna satellite .. )

I ~

~~I ~CJ I


11 ~ oc.


Red wire = +12V DC

12 VOLTS o ~


Black wire = Negative



Red wir e


+ 1 2 V DC

White w ir e = +2 4V DC

Blac k wir e


N egative


12 VOLTS Red wire

Black wire

= +12V DC



I •


~ ~

. L





50023/98 EC

Red wir e "" ~ 12V DC

White w ire


+24V DC

Black w i re = N egative


From iI

500231911-50023/98 SR12-50023/98 EC amplifier

COl/l/cele Ii un amplifier 50023/98--50023/98 SR12-5OO23/98 EC

COllllos s ion e per un amplificatore 50023/98-50023/98 SR12-50023/98 EC

LJ I ; -



I 1 c::::J



~ t~ ffiJ

~ t

Fig . 1 lL .-l o

Fig.2 Fig .

F , ig. 4 F ig. 5

Thanks to vert ic al antenna inside the "shark fi n ", N a shira and Talitha can receive TV sig n a l s ve rtically pola r ized. P u t th e O r i ng in the hole on the radome ( fi g . 1 c fi!l

. 2) . Screw the "sh ar k fin ~ i n the hole (fig .

3) clockwise an d i n perpendicular position (fig. 4). S cr ew it (ab ou t 1 turns for Nashi ra and 6 turns for Talitha) (fig. 5) u ntil it i s well tighte ­ ned by the rib in relief (fig. 6).

Avec Ie pinacle vertical dalls Ie "ailerons de req u;n W les antennes peuvent recevoir les si g n aux TV polarises ve rt i c a le ment Mettre Ie

O-r;ng dans Ie trou dans I e ra dome (fig. 1 e fig. 2) . Vi s s er I' a ppend;ce dans Ie tl OU (fi g . 3) en s en s hOlaile et en po sition p elp e ndiculail8 Ii

/'antenne (fig. 4) . Vis sez I' ap pel/dic e (en vil on 7 tO U IS pour Nssh i ra et

6 tours pour Talitha) (fi g. 5 ) jlls qu ' ;j ce qu'il soit bie n sell e par Ie ner ­ vure en relief (fig . 6) .

AlI'interno dell'appendice n " pinna di squalo"


inserito 10 stilo pe r l a ricezione del s egn al e i n polarizzazione verticale. Posizionar e I"Or i n g nel foro presente su i r a dom e superiore (Fig. 1 e Fig . 2) . Av v i t a re r ap ­ pendice nel foro Itig . 3 ) i ll se ns o ora rio ed in posizione p e r pen d i c o la ­ re (fig . 4). Avvitarl a ( per c ir c a 7 giri per Nashira e 6 giri p er Ta litha) fin­ che non eben s tr e t t s e blo c cata (fig. 5) dal ferma in rilievo ( fi g . 6).



Where I best to install my new Glomex Antenna'

Your antenna should be mounted free and clear of any obstruction and <1 0 llI'ill ., ' . I'",.

, .,hll, .

If I mount it on a radar arch, will the array interfere with the re co p/, o ll ?

Yes and on the other way around. Make sure that the Glomex dome is eith O! n ll l,lI l !

III htt ll uw the radar array and never on the same "plane" as the ar ra y

What cable should I use?

It is important to use only RG6 Twin Screen low loss cable.

We recommend that you use only a DSS quality cable.

How can I tell if a cable is either low loss or not?

A high quality low loss cable will have a white foam center insulatlll where a lower grade of cable will be opaque and solid.

What type of connector should I use?

Use only "F" gold connectors for TV wire 6.8 mm or a wire with the same diameter ul lilt'

11'.,·,1 """

How do I get the


connector into the base of the antenna?

Included in your Glomex Marine TV Antenna package is a flack plastictool; this tool is el"""II II ' I I " , " Iu l n over the coax and grip the connector so it maybe twisted on.

Where should the amplifier be installed?

The amplifier should be installed in a dry well ventilated place that provides easy a e u ..


· . to the gain AlB switch built into the unit.

What if I don't want to cut my bulkhead to install the amplifier?

Included in your package there is black bulkheads mount to install that will accommodate 11 11' , 1I"l l hl lll', you will still need to drill a hole to accommodate the entry of the coax connectiOl \ ~.

Whal power supply will need to power my amplifier?

You can use either a12 V de or you can purchase the V9117 220 V de power adap ter .

Is there any difference between powering with 12 Volt or 220 V?

It depends upon the model you purchase: V9125/12TV -1 TV set V9112/12 - 2 TV sel s

(up to 4 sets if no cable length exceeds 15 feet). V9150/12 - 6 TV sets.

Is il possible to connect an AM/FM radio to my Glomex TV antenna?

Yes, by installing a TV/AM/FM splitter.

Can the Glomex TV antenna be damaged by lighting?

No because of its unique design and no active parts in the dome; so it won't attracted it.

Anyway, if it fall down very close to the boat it might damage it.

My antenna is experiencing a lot of "ghosting".

Check and make sure that it is not mounted on a flat metal surface as th i s will cause reflection of the si ~ nal and thus "ghosting", or move the antenna through the remote control to attenuate the reflexion s .

In a sailing boat is the masthead the only place where I can mount the antenna?

It is the best place to install it. Make sure you use a Glomex V9173TV masthead bracket for your installation .

I have installed the antenna and I don't get the local station. What should I do?

First. gather a list of the broadcasting station that you should receive in that area. Next, pick a chann e l, move the antenna through the remote control and regulate the gain to get the best images. If you use a Digital

Terrestrial Decoder go to menu, select signal research and move the antenna up to get a good quality signal.

Why do I have to adjust the gain control?

In the marine you have many different factors affecting your reception. If you are very close to a broadcast tower you will need less gain if any . The further you are from the tower, the more gain you will need.

In marina with a lot of sailboats and larger yachts, you will have a lot of signal reflections and you will have the ability to adjust the gain accordingly.

I can see no difference in the picture when I adjust the gain control.

Check and make sure you have power going to amplifier,

(check your electrical panel and make sure the proper breaker is ON).

I still gening a lot of interferences in my pictures and I have adjusted the gain control accordingly.

Go around your boat and check the connections you have installed.

Make sure you have connected the connectors properly .

How d" 11,,// ,1 /I "IV" ",,1,, //,.,/ " ,:,,/IIwclor properly?

Make sure that the central CO l1 d , ,, ,,"

If there is a "s it u,' "




Also check and ma ke S \ III' II " "" ,

Ir "It'

1'111111'/ 11 1 11 ",' .

,'" III!lIIite connector on the TV or amplifier.

' II ' , ,,,,10 1 11111 111"'111", t:"nler connector in the cable .

V"" w lil · "" .1 .

1I ' .

1 ' ." .IOItI'"IIt:IIIIl!l the center wire .

I receive 11111 /11 1' 1/11 '" "" tI,,,

IV '111m ,hllllnl e nna but I cannot get my VCR /

S /III11.

' , "/111111 " " " /

SII,oll"o 1 0 di s pl a y on my T1I.

Make sure that the TV is set 01111 11 ' 1 "" 111 " ,11.111111'1111111 1111 VIII )


Video input line; furthermore check out there is not a thread touching 11 111 W ill' ' ;1" 1I",lIy . "' , ,, ' ." 11111", V!l

11 2/ 12 is in the ·shore" position in the cas of the V9112/SR lIor St H. II .,V "WII'"

·. IIII.'~II"1

'.,"" .h, ' lI "i n o ontrol is the "shore" position.

I have a sailboat but my

COiU ,., ,"', /"""

You may connect an extension


/1"",, /.

It . " ' j , d, IIIIl poinl that I want to install my amplifier. to ,I ... ,


" V


01111 1 III I

I ',



""lIlIector. For every connection you put on Iii you lose gain and thus degr a do y0 11i

' lilt """ " lI iI"

1 ",10 1 ' . ' " '" IlV r'lI with the proper connectors. We strongl) recommend that YOll run n "' lW ' I II" ,1 , .. 1 I "10 1 1111 1 11 1 ,10 " "1111 Il may be more work but well worth it.

. I have decided to use 1111: /l1 " " "III / li/III"''' /",/lt/' "I1" "'O/II/t but the coax fits tightly into the box.

Is II"" " "

W IIV ' "

""'IIII II,, ~

'" Ih n r.

OIlX is not strained?

It is recommended tlt,I' 'If! I 11111110 ' 1 "" 10, ' .,1 1.

" h ll , I 11l1lw amplifier, than the coax installed

' 01 II II' ' " 111 '" , 1I1'""tltll ~.

I hIlVI ) .. / 1 "'/"






, "


/V .",,1 I ...

"''''01 get good pictures.

If you have more than 2 TV y o u s h ill"" I .. ; lI ·ll llti ,' , l, tl lI '"

" I" pltill" III boastthe signal through the boat. If you h i a Glomex 50023 amplifi e rY O Il ,", ,,,,, II I ' " I' 00 11 , 111' , 1 , ' II'oi l' ,1 IV"'; without the Glomex 50022/00 inline amplifier.

Also, keep in mind you siloul ri li ol l' OIII,· , iI,l" '"'' . 1 fO lI'" ' 1 II t il


It from the amplifier if you have an extra TV

IUi!{1!!"&i;N,I"MUMM · !id·l,"OjH.]!ill:fVltf"Utffi'tPffNf1'Yitt'flfi

a",:I, '"

/ 11 111",/1 ,· ",

" "" , 'm:ttm/lnt pour mon antenne TV?

Votre antenne TV doit etr" , ' 1 , It · 1 "", " I, .1

, 11 h · " I" l t ill metallique et position nee Ie plus haut possible .

Si ie /'in s l a ll o f",j;/II' ",," ,.

"/ 1 , 1. v .II

' .


IIvuir des prob/emes de .


Dui, et vice versa. TouJ ou rr. Stlr ·.'" ' " oi l ,

Il l'




, I

It l/lil l , j' , lIl l r~llne

TV et Ie radar s ur Ie meme plan horizontal.

Positioll n er 1" "1 1" 11 1 '" II / , 01' , I, .. , ,, ', , II I "11 tll, S SIIIIS du radar mais jamais a cote .

1 '''' ' ''."1, 1,1" '/ 111 5



11 ": , .

'11 111'" 1 11111 1,1' ,, , , " · .

1" 1II III/II " "lh ll l du cilble RG6 faible perte.



I" "., """,III11! un cable faible perle?

Un Glible faibl a PO I HlI I "

' '' '''" It

'1 111 1 ," )

11 101 11 '

1I 1I 1" ~s e blanche isolante au c fllt ll , · . 'PI ' III' I ~ 101o' tl ll lI'" i ,,,I,,' "lI n lit e a un isolant opaque. entre du cable .

II lItll/V/III 1111 ,.,/II nu lJltlurs dois-je utiliser?

Utilisez 1)11 con n nt : 1l1l 1l ti l' 11'1" '" I " . Iii1 " "I' I " "':l) plaque or pour une meilleure connexion.

Commellllll, i s i.





"''''''II.'.I:I'1IIr" F» dans I'embase de r ante nne?

Avec v o tre a n. 911 11 o'

1 ~ 1"",, ,x

'''.' l,vl ,.


IOlilti "11 pla s tique noir permettant d'y l nserer Ie c1ible

,'1 tI,·

V ·




II! t:onnecteur.

II" "OI .

~ W ,".

~ /I "ler ramplificateur? l·alllpli lll : .

1111111 , ",l l lvr l ', .

I V'" 1111 hll ltrr.

r enjoliveur pour Ie fixer en saillie .

Vll il b " '\11 " "/1 1" ' " 1 "'":'" IIlI l ro u pour Ie passage des cables . aU fl ll;, rlmsl,m Ir i ,Um IJ "'Jlli(III est necessaire pour ramplificate ur?

Vous pO UV tl Z connor.

I" , V III, I' U II II'l illl ;.

""1I1 o il' Ie 12Vou 24Vou bien utiliser u n a d ap tat eu rV 91 1 6 po u r l u I IUV 101'11111111 11 1) 0 1111 .lIlilpl

, Heur V9117 pour Ie 220V loptionne l).

Y a-I·i/ ,/lie d ,ltlm mcl1 clllre falimentation en 12Vet en 22OV?

/I n'y a pas de fI!elle dIHI!

ro nr.1J

I I. III~ ;

I ii II lul lO ll lies situations . Cependant quand i'emetteur est t res cl Oign ti de votre antenllc I V, 1' lI llI l1 l' lIt ol l O Ii e ll nov ameliore h!gerement la reception du s ignal

Combien de rece p t o u I" s TV puis·je brancher sur une seule anten ne TV?

Cela depend du mo d e l e u e i' a n l ' elllle : V9125/12 pour 1 TV, V9112112 pou r 2 TV

(et jusqu'a 4 TV si la lo n g u e u r d es ca bles n ' excede pas 4.50 mL V9150/12 pour 6 TV .

Est-il possible de cOlmecler la radio AM/FM sur rant enne TV?

Qui, en install a nt un repartiteur TV/AM/FM (optionnel).


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