Yamaha EM-200 Owner's manual
Yamaha EM-85 is a compact and versatile 8-channel stereo mixer that offers a wide range of features for both live sound reinforcement and recording applications. With its built-in effects, multiple inputs and outputs, and user-friendly controls, the EM-85 is an ideal choice for musicians, DJs, and other audio professionals.
Here are some of the key features of the Yamaha EM-85:
8-channel stereo mixer: The EM-85 features 8 input channels, each with its own level control, pan control, and EQ. This allows you to mix multiple sources together and create a balanced and professional sound.
Built-in effects: The EM-85 has a built-in reverb effect that can be used to add depth and ambience to your sound. It also has a delay effect that can be used to create echoes and other time-based effects.
YAMAHA SOUND REINFORCEMENT MIXER EM-200 OWNER'S MANUAL 200 В N A E. À 3 | LU o |: © Na? Cd ioe EN Е | LO) | NS N À I | | | = COR 4 Y e A 4 01 3 } SZ | PNS== A | N В EEN E=N + I Y a ETA у # № A u 1 PZA НЕ = № — Ton E EN 7 EN Ш pe i EN e НЫ | UE == #4 |! DE uu a: Ne 7 E > DE E ONZA й o © аа e a) © | Е a лы == А (Л ua ; ` id | “ = id EN 7 a NUE 00 ÓN A Ne || NZ В A В N ) | В : И ZEN Ш Ph ZN ! A NL LAN REE “E NA Ne NAZAS A - | ER | К oil Cl } E: On O E = cs вы A TY | y Г Л E ZA E | 3 КС N ia } | ENE Щ и OR ZA au As. to O) ZA N A ® a o Л Y: PES al 1 4 М 4 | DS bs A ELENA E ERRORES EM-200 PA MIXER The YAMAHA EM-200 PM MIXER with its eight input channels, two output channels (stereo) and built-in power amplifier is extremely easy to use and operate. It is equipped with a graphic equalizer, reverberation unit and monitor circuit which extend the mixer's application range from ordinary public address (PA) to business uses. Please read through these instructions so that you will know exactly how to use the EM-200 in accordance with the intended application. | CONTENTS BEFORE OPERATION. ......... FP e 2 | CONTROL PANEL OPERATION ............ 3 So CONNECTION FIGURE ............. ee 5 — BACK PANEL OPERATION ................ 6 BLOCK DIAGRAM ...................... 7 INPUT/OUTPUT SPECIFICATIONS . .......... 8 CHARACTERISTICS FIGURES... ........... 9 CABLE CONNECTIONS ........ FP 9 OVERALL SPECIFICATIONS . .............. 10 BEFORE OPERATION Check the following points before operating your mixer. e Do not set the controls to the following positions. Installation location Wherever possible, avoid installing the mixer in a location which is exposed to direct sunlight, or a great deal of humidity, dust or vibration. Do not block the ventilation holes in the top, bottom and back panels of the mixer since they are designed to dissipate the heat which is generated internally. Connections ВЕ Make absolutely sure that you use the commercially available power line voltage to power the mixer. Refer to page 5 for the connections and then pro- ceed to connect properly. When performing the con- nections, make absolutely sure that the power switch is set to OFF. Speaker impedance The acceptable speaker load is from 8 to 16 ohms for USA and Canadian models and from 4 to 16 for general models. Do not connect a speaker system with a total impedance of less than the minimum above rating. INPUT LEVEL controls —50 for ali channels Channel! faders Max. for all channels LOW-EQ, HIGH-EQ controls| Max. for all channels GRAPHIC EQUALIZER Max. Master faders Max. Although these positions are not the ones usually used for normal use, bear in mind that if you inad- vertently set the controls to the positions given above, the conditions governing the equipment connected to the input connectors and the load speakers may result in damage to the speakers. Maintenance The color of the mixer panels may undergo change if they are cleaned with a paint thinner or similar liquid. Always use a soft dry cloth to wipe off any dirt on the panels. CONTROL PANEL OPERATIONS - TETU TT MOR ESA E NI RAMO IS TIRAN ED NT Dec pecan cansa a e IET PNC о 2 Un E т а CE An] an va Any PEO ON AN De = lake PT INE En es TA NU e A E. 5 | | eh tua E e A as INTEGRATED MIXER EM SERIES MODEL a se a — "E чис: LEFT PROGRAM RIGHT ALE HA too Cm = pes 2 GRAPHIC EQUALIZER | i | = FAN = а aes L A "3 ve ЧА a 8 я E : es 3 sue 9 LEFT Ge т = MONITOR 1 5 р : (REV ECHO) -12 Sears Y T FADEAL EY г, 63 125 250 500 1K 2K 4K BK 16K Г Mm . E a tre 2 rer PEA MONITOR 2 3 5 O [ Faces eo Н ВЕЕР = “9 RIGHT A to ‘ Sa : are - o e -12 Sit 5 HIQHEO a + a Ta > E В Va = . - e bis | He Se REEL Loges 2 Ge . jd CIDO * A Soden e ; . e =, UE ны INPUT LEVEL a E e. iB |. A Че = Re 2 a ral ? 5 ne re NR » REVEAB/ECHO PHONES REA Se 4 ® Но = Co 1 MONITOR 2 a = me A — —— 0 — — Fn — — я —— — a — — 1 — — E A E — — в —— — — — — — 3 — — — = — — 3; — — en — (TES 1 E y ; E - e Es a e CH, $ i! , U The table below lists the general settings. Set the con- trols to the proper level in accordance with the intended application. O INPUT LEVEL controls | These controls are used to select the input levels of the ‘thannels. They allow a five-step switching (+4/—20/—30/ —40/—50dB) of the channel input levels in accordance with the equipment which is connected. Setting the input levels properly is instrumental is pre- venting overdrive of the head amplifier, which is cause of distortion in the sound, and in helping to create a clear ‘and natural sound. a | General settings of input levels a e rr Ca a ES rr Sr Tr te EC Te Tr e Pe TT UT Low-level microphone (dynamic type) Ea High-level microphone (condenser type) —30d8 Electrical, electronic musical instruments —20dB Low-level line {general audio equipment) + 4dB High-level line {professional equipment) O LOW-EO controls These are used to control the sound quality in the low range of each channel. The low frequency of 100Hz can be controlled across a range of +15dB between the left- most and rightmost settings, and a flat response can be yielded at the center (0) position. © HIGH-EQ controls These are used to control the sound quality in the high range of each channel. The high frequency of 10kHz can be controlled across a range of +15dB between the left- most and rightmost settings, and a flat response can be yielded at the center (0) position. ~ @ MONITOR 2 PRE FADER & EQ controls — These are the MONITOR 2 channel controls and they are used to contro! the signal level which is fed out from the channel fader pre-stage and sent to the MON OUT 2 jacks. They are also used as holdback (stage monitor) mixing controls for performers. O MONITOR 1 (REV/ECHO) POST FADER & EQ controls These are the MONITOR 1 channel controls and they are used to control the signal level which is fed out from the channel fader and equalizer post-stages and sent to the reverberation circuit, and the MON OUT 1 and ECHO SEND jacks. These controls perform the following roles in accordance with the intended application. 1. Channel controls for reverberation effect. 2. Channel controls for echo effect. 3. Mixing controls for holdback (stage monitor) O PAN controls These controls are used to distribute the input signals of the channels to the left and right channels, and also to position the sound images. | | O Channels faders These are used to set the mixing level of the channels and to attain an overall balance in the volume. OQ AUX IN controls These are used to control the AUX IN 1 and AUX IN 2 input levels. | © AUX PAN controls These are used to distribute the AUX 1 and AUX 2 input signals to the left and right channels, and to posi- tion the sound images. O REVERB/ECHO control This is used to control the overall output level of the built-in reverberation unit. When an echo unit has been connected to the ECHO RETURN input jack, the built- in reverberation unit is cut off, and the overall output level of the echo device | is controlled. ` ® MONITOR 1 master fader | This is used to control the overall level of the ; signals which have been already controlled by the MONITOR 1 controls, and to feed the signals out at the MON OUT 1 jack. ® MONITOR 2 master fader This is used to control the overall level of the signals which have been already controlled by the MOMITOR 2 controls, and to feed the signals out at the MON OUT 2 jack. ® GRAPHIC EQUALIZER These nine linear controls for each channel, left and right, vary the frequency response across a +12dB range for the frequencies centered оп 63Hz, 125Hz, 250Hz, 500Hz, 1kHz, 2kHz, 4kHz, 8kHz and 16kHz in accord- ance with the intended application or location, and they thereby vary the sound quality of the whole system. For instance, they can be used to control levels at frequency ranges where howl! is easily produced, and to control the sound quality finely by emphasizing some of the fre- quency ranges. | O PROGRAM master faders These are used to control the overall signals which have been already mixed by the. channel faders, and to set the sound which is ultimately heard through the main speakers. ® PROGRAM VU meters These are used to monitor the output levels of the left and right channels. An output of 42,5W/8 is indicated when the pointers deflect to OVU and likewise 85W/8%2 (full power) when the pointers deflect to +3VU. O PHONES jack This is the output jack for stereo headphones. This allows the power amplifier output to be monitored and the volume is controlled by the PROGRAM master faders. CONNECTION FIGURE For holdback FUSE: Use BA, 250V fuses. If it is necessary to replace a blown fuse, disconnect the AC plug from the power socket and then replace with a unit having the same ratings. If the fuse should blow during operation, it means that there is a failure and that you should get in touch with your dealer or nearest YAMAHA Service Station. ——POWER SW: This is the power switch which accommodates reversed polari- ties with two ON positions that help to,minimize hum in certain instances. USA & CANADIAN MODELS N GOOLING PÁDIECT ROVERTE i BO 100 OR TOP OF MER Fa BREYER FORE JA lew Co AIAG BO] лоно ren BEL Tee AA is PUR CAD Ud COTO FUN Cr gate ANANT DE ACUM PELA LO CUT E Tesh ¿QA A LENTO AERLACI Connect this to the AC power outlet @ MON OUT 1, MON OUT 2 pm SPEAKERS «ога ya ame Y y Ed (Self-Power Monitor) ACNE A0112T © INPUT Microphone PLACER POWER dar 1 0-50 OUT 910 LE oul a vin 5 + o ACOESSORY QOUT O-COIN tac +. e } O ©-0 J Na _ | o SPEAKERS @ LINE OUT . : À 2 5 FZ CU оо LILI QoQ Ww 9 © Tape deck (recording) Delay unit (echo unit) Main speaker (OUT) © AUX IN Tape deck (playback) - Main speaker 5 E BACK PANEL OPERATION O INPUT | | Both the LO-Z {low impedance) and HI-Z (high imped- ance) INPUT jacks are unbalanced. Connect low-impedance and high-impedance micro- phones, general electrical and electronic musical instru- ments and LINE inputs to the HI-Z INPUT jacks. Connect low-impedance microphones to the LO-Z INPUT jacks. * It is not possible to use both the LO-Z and HI-Z INPUT jacks simultaneously for the same channel. O SPEAKERS Connect the main speakers to these jacks. NOTES: LOAD INPEDANCE 8 1602 U.S.A 8: CANADIAN MODELS 4 ~ 1652) GENERAL MODEL Do not connect a speaker system with a total impedance ‚of less than the minimum above rating. GENERAL MODEL prem SPEAKERS mm 2 TOTAL 4Q MIN MAX 120W S4115H S4115H When tivo S4115H speakers are connected to two jacks of the same channel as in the figure, this parallel connec- tion reduces the overall impedance to 4 ohms, © AUX IN Connect the tape deck (playback) or another mixer for increasing the number of channels to these jacks. O LINE OUT Use these jacks to feed out the recording output signals or the signals produced when the mixer is being used as a submixer in order to increase the number of channels. O MON. OUT 1, MON. OUT 2 Use these jacks to connect the holdback (stage monitor) speaker. — * A power amplifier is required for both MON OUT 1 and MON OUT 2 jacks. Use a speaker with a built-in power amplifier or use a separate power amplifier. O ECHO RETURN, ECHO SEND These are the input'and output jacks for the echo unit. (When the echo unit is connected, it is no longer possible to use the built-in reverberation unit.) Use the MONI- TOR 1 (REV/ECHO) controls to control the echo effect for each of the individual channels, and the MONITOR 1 master fader and REVERB/ECHO control to control the overall effect. e POWER AMP IN | Use these external input jacks when you want to use the power amplifier in the mixer independently. | © G-EQ IN, G-EQ OUT The G-EQ IN jacks can be used to cut off the mixer's built-in graphic equalizer from the mixer's pre-stage so that it can be used separately. Furthermore, it is possible to connect another power amplifier to the G-EQ OUT jacks and lead out the output of the mixer's graphic equalizer. * In cases like this, the mixer's power amplifier is also actuated. * MON, SUB IN Connect another mixer to these jacks when you want to increase the number of monitor channels. BLOCK DIAGRAM ZH 09/05 ATddNS . ov HIMOdS asnd ; (4) SU3HVIdS Te . | dV Y3MOd dWY HIMOd SI 91+ 9- 8+ (4) HINVIdS t HO.LINON z HOLINON (1) 4349396 AAA VV apr+ € LNO NON apoe- QON3S OHO3 art + gr + SENoHa | O |] (4)1n0 03-5 (1) SEIHVIdS dWY H3MOd | (7) | Ni dv gamodU AL 3 gpe+ (1) | | 1N0 03-9 NO 3NI1 div wns ай Wns A 2 [WN Y 7 arb + Al] 2 NI ENS NOW apr+ L NI ANS NOW 8P02— € NI XNv 8P0Z- | NI XNY INPUT/OUTPUT SPECIFICATION e Input jacks INPUTS (1 ~8CH) —50 Hi-Z 10K £2 Hi-Z 3KQ —50dB (2.5mV) | —50dB (2.5mV)| —22dB (6.2mV) X LR-3-31 and —40 Lo-Z 6000 Lo-Z 1500 —40dB (7.8mV} | —40dB ([7.8mV): —12dB (193mV) | Phone Jack —30 —30dB (25mV) | -—30dB (25mV) | — 2dB (616mV) —20 —20dB (78mV) | —20dB (78mV) | + 8dB (1.93V) + 4 + 4dB (1.23V) + 4dB (1.23V) | +32dB (31V) AUX IN (1, 2) 30K $2 5K 2 —20dB (78mV) | —20dB (78mV) Phone Jack ECHO RETURN 30K 2 5KO —30dB (25mV) | —30dB (25mV) Phone Jack GEO IN (L,R) 100K £2 5K 2 + 4dB (1.23V) | + 4dB (1.23V):! +18dB (6.2V) Phone Jack. A AMPIN | 30KQ 5KQ + 4dB (1.23V) Phone Jack MON IN (1,2) 30K 2 5KS2 + 4dB (1.23V) + 4dB (1.23V) | +24dB (12.3V) e Output jacks Phone Jack SPEAKER OUT 0.0650 40) 120W Phone Jack (L, R) 80 85W - LINE OUT (L, R) 1KQ 10KQ + 4dB (1.23V +18dB (6.2V) Phone Jack | 60082 OdB (0.775V) | +14dB (3.9V) GEQ OUT (L, R) KO 10K 2 + 4dB (1.23V) | +18dB (6.2V) Phone Jack | 6000 OdB (0.775V) | +14dB (3.9V) | MON OUT (1,2) 39082 10K © + 4dB (1.23V) | +18dB (6.2V) Phone Jack | 60082 OdB (0.775V) | +14dB (3.9V) ECHO SEND 10082 10K £2 —20dB (78mV) | — 6dB (0.39V) Phone Jack PHONES 13082 80 + 2dB (0.96V) Stereo Phone Jack Note: All the inputs and outputs are unbalanced. CHARACTERISTICS FIGURES ‘wm Frequency response 100 10K IK FREQUENCY (Hz) Channel equalizer frequency response 100K IK, FREQUENCY (Hz) CABLE CONNECTIONS There are many types of connecting cables for PA record- ing. This allows a choice in accordance with the intended application. Such cables are sold on the market but they are costly and there is no great variety. When using the cables, the established procedure is either to make them » Graphic equalizer frequency response +16 RESPONSE (dB) FREQUENCY (Hz) sm Output versus distortion . DISTORTION(%) OUTPUT (W) yourself, bearing in mind the required length of the cables, or order them from a specialist manufacturer. The types of connecting cables required for general sound systems are indicated below. White tred)/hot (+) 3 Balanced type: XLR Black/cold (—) Shield/ground White (red)/hot (+) Unbalanced type: Black/cold (—) Shield/ground White (red)/hot (+) Unbalanced type: Pin plug Black/cold (—) Shield/ground White (black)/hot (+) 1 Unbalanced type: Standard phono plug Ly 4! ES Shield/ground e White (black)/hot (+) Standard phono plug Unbalanced type: Pin plug Shield/ground __- Tor > OVERALL SPECIFICATIONS Channel controls {CH1 ~ CHS) PAN MONITOR 1 (REV/ECHO) MONITOR 2 | HIGH-EQ LOW-EQ INPUT LEVEL switch (—50/—40/—30/—20/+4) Channel faders Master controls AUX IN controls, AUX PAN (1, 2) REVERB/ECHO controls MONITOR master faders (1, 2) PROGRAM master faders (L, R) GRAPHIC EQUALIZER (L, R) Others VU meters Power output 120W per channel (4 Q, 1kHz, 0.5%) 85W per channel (8 92, 1TkHz, 0.5%) — Frequency response 20Hz to 15kHz 0+1dB (40W, 8 Y) +1dB 20Hz to 30kHz 0 “gag (40W, 8 Q) Total harmonic distortion Less than 0.2% (1kHz, 75W, 8 (2) | Less than 0.5% (20Hz - 20kHz, 75W, 862) Intermodulation distortion Less than 0.5% (70Hz : 7Hz = 4 : 1 at 40W, 8 ) Hum and noise level (20Hz to 20kHz) —118dB (Equivalent Input Noise) Maximum gain 79dB (CH IN SPEAKERS (L, R) + SPEAKER OUT) MON OUT (1, 2) 54dB (CH IN >» MON OUT) ECHO SEND 30dB (CH IN > ECHO SEND) LINE OUT (L, R) 54dB (CH IN > LINE OUT) G-EQ OUT 54dB (CH IN > G-EQ OUT) AUX IN (1, 2) 49dB (AUX IN > SPEAKER OUT) Equalizer LOW-EQ +15dB (100Hz) HIGH-EQ +15dB (10kHz) GRAPHIC-EQ +12dB (63Hz/125Hz/250Hz/500Hz/1kHz/2kHz/4kHz/8kHz/16kHz) Power supply Dimensions (W x D x H) Weight U.S.A. & CANADIAN MODELS: AC120V, 2.5A, 50/60Hz GENERAL MODEL: AC220/240V, 600W, 50/60Hz 621 x 631 x 229 mm (24-1/2 x 24-3/4 x 9") 28'kg (61 155) * Specifications subject to change without notice. 10 @ YAMAHA NIPPON GAKKI CO. LTD. HAMAMATSU, JAPAN 11.78 2.2K Printed in Japan | ">

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