Vetek OCS S crane scale Technical Manual

Vetek OCS S crane scale Technical Manual
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Below you will find brief information for crane scale OCS S. This crane scale is designed with high resolution and offers several features for precise weighing and data management. It features automatic zeroing, manual zeroing, zero tracking, and zero range capabilities. The OCS S includes anti-motion level and dynamic weighing modes, allowing for adaptable weight readings in various scenarios. It is also equipped with user-configurable units, temperature compensation, and adjustable gravity acceleration for accurate measurements.


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OCS S Technical Manual | Manualzz


High Resolution Digital Crane Scale


[email protected]


1. Scale Configuration .......................................................... 1

Display Resolution ....................................................... 1

Auto-Zero Range ......................................................... 1

Manual-Zero Range .................................................... 2

Zero-Tracking Range ................................................... 2

Zero Range ................................................................. 2

Zero-Saving ................................................................. 3

Anti-Motion Level ......................................................... 3

Dynamic Weighing....................................................... 3

Gravity Acceleration .................................................... 4

User Unit ..................................................................... 4

2. Calibration ........................................................................ 5

Calibration Unit ............................................................ 5

Calibration Gravity Acceleration .................................. 5

Max. Cap. .................................................................... 5

Zero Detection ............................................................. 6

Load1 Detection .......................................................... 6

Load2 Detection .......................................................... 6

Load3 Detection .......................................................... 7

Please read this manual carefully before using.



High Resolution Digital Crane Scale Technical Manual

1. Scale Configuration

Press twice to enter Password mode. shows.

Short press or press and to change digit.

Press and to right scroll digit. Input password


Press to confirm password, and enter Scale Configuration.


Parameters in Scale Configuration are closely related to scale’s metrology performance. It is NOT recommended to change any parameters unless you are authorized from your local representative.

Display Resolution

Press to enter Display Resolution. shows.

Short press or press and to change resolution value.

Display Resolution can be set to: , , ,

, , , , , , , , , , , .

Designed to meet the OIML R76 ’s directive, the scale has the best (default) performance at 2000 to 3000 division.

Auto-Zero Range

Press to enter Auto-Zero Range. shows.

Short press or press and to change range.

Auto-Zero Range can be set to: (disabled), (±2%FS),

(±3%FS), (±4%FS), (±10%FS), (±20%FS),

(±100%FS). It is set to ±20%FS by default.

Upon boot-up, scale automatically zeros.

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High Resolution Digital Crane Scale Technical Manual

Manual-Zero Range

Press to enter Manual-Zero Range. shows.

Short press or press and to change range.

Manual-Zero Range can be set to: (disabled), (±2%FS),

(±3%FS), (±4%FS), (±10%FS), (±20%FS),

(±100%FS). It is set to ±4%FS by default.

Zero is allowed only when weight is within Manual-Zero range.

Zero-Tracking Range

Press to enter Zero-Tracking Range. shows.

Short press or press and to change range.

Zero-Tracking Range can be set to: (disabled), (±0.5e),

(±1.0e), (±1.5e), (±2.0e), (±2.5e), (±3.0e),

(±3.5e), (±4.0e), (±4.5e), (±5.0e). It is set to ±0.5e by default.

Enabling Zero-Tracking will enhance scale temperature and drift performance.

Zero Range

Press to enter Zero Range. shows.

Short press or press and to change range.

Zero Range can be set to: (disabled), (±0.5e),

(±1.0e), (±1.5e), (±2.0e), (±2.5e), (±3.0e),

(±3.5e), (±4.0e), (±4.5e), (±5.0e). It is set to ±5.0e by default.

Zero Range defines the range that scale must fall into before other operation becomes active. When load is removed from scale, left weight must be lighter than the value set.

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High Resolution Digital Crane Scale Technical Manual


Press to enter Zero-Saving.


Short press or press and to change

Zero-Saving status.

Zero-Saving can be set to: (enabled), (disabled). It is set to disabled by default.

When Zero-saving is enabled, Auto Zero is disabled automatically. Scale calculates weight based on the last Zeroing action.

Anti-Motion Level

Press to enter Anti-Motion Level. shows.

Short press or press and to change level.

Anti-Motion Level can be set to: (disabled), (weakest),

(weak), (normal), (strong), (strongest). It is set to weakest by default.

At the cost of measuring time, Anti-Motion intelligently settles down weight reading when scale is in motion. The weaker

Anti-Motion is, the faster weight reading displays, but the longer it takes to get stable weight reading.

Dynamic Weighing

Press to enter Dynamic Weighing.


Short press or press and to change

Dynamic Weighing status.

Dynamic Weighing can be set to: (enabled), (disabled).

It is set to disabled by default.

In some special application where scale ’s accuracy is not so important as scale

’s stability for weight reading and data printing,

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High Resolution Digital Crane Scale Technical Manual

Dynamic Weighing can be enabled to settle down the weight reading faster.

Gravity Acceleration

Press to enter Gravity Acceleration. shows.

Short press or press and to change digit.

Press and to right scroll digit. Press to input decimal point. Input Gravity Acceleration value.

Gravity Acceleration can be set from to: to .

It is set to 9.794 by default.

Adjust Gravity Acceleration, only when you use the scale in a place where acceleration of gravity is greatly different from the place where the scale is calibrated.

User Unit

Press to enter User Unit. shows.

Short press or press and to change digit.

Press and to right scroll digit. Press to input decimal point. Input User Unit value.

User Unit can be set from to: to .

It is set to

1.000 by default.

User Unit is a named unit which is usua lly used in user’s region, but not included in scale by default, like kg, lb, etc. It is a ratio to

System Unit. For example, if User Unit is set to 1.234 and

System Unit is kg, then after switching to User Unit, scale calculates weight (1000kg), and displays the calculated value


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High Resolution Digital Crane Scale Technical Manual

2. Calibration

Press twice to enter Password mode. shows.

Short press or press and to change digit.

Press and to right scroll digit. Input password


Press to confirm password, and enter Calibration.


It is NOT recommended to enter Calibration unless you are authorized from your local representative.

Calibration Unit

Press to enter Calibration Unit. shows.

Short press or press and to change

Calibration Unit.

Calibration Unit can be set to: (kg), (lb). It is set to kg by default.

Calibration Gravity Acceleration

Press to enter Calibration Gravity Acceleration. shows.

Short press or press and to change digit.

Press and to right scroll digit. Press to input decimal point. Input Calibration Gravity Acceleration value.

Calibration Gravity Acceleration can be set from to: to


It is set to 9.794 by default.

Max. Cap.

Press to enter Max. Cap.. shows.

Short press or press and to change digit.

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High Resolution Digital Crane Scale Technical Manual

Press and to right scroll digit. Press to input decimal point. Input Max. Cap. value.

Max. Cap. can be set from to: to .

 Do NOT attempt to set Max. Cap. greater than scale’s actual capacity. Overloading causes severe harm to scale, and is very dangerous.

Zero Detection

Press to enter Zero Detection. shows.

Keep scale no load. Press to display weight code


Wait until weight code is stable. Press to start weight detection. Scale automatically enters Load1 Detection.

Load1 Detection


Load standard weight, press . shows.

Short press or press and to change digit.

Press and to right scroll digit. Press to input decimal point. Input weight value.

Keep load stable. Press to display weight code

Wait until weight code is stable. Press to start weight detection. Scale automatically enters Load2 Detection.


Load2 Detection

 shows.

If one weight calibration is enough, press or to exit


Load standard weight, press .


Short press or press and to change digit.

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High Resolution Digital Crane Scale Technical Manual

Press and to right scroll digit. Press to input decimal point. Input weight value.

Keep load stable. Press to display weight code

Wait until weight code is stable. Press to start weight detection. Scale automatically enters Load3 Detection.


Load3 Detection

 shows.

If two weights calibration is enough, press or to exit


Load standard weight, press .


Short press or press and to change digit.

Press and to right scroll digit. Press to input decimal point. Input weight value.

Keep load stable. Press to display weight code

Wait until weight code is stable. Press to start weight detection. Scale automatically exits Calibration.


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Key Features

  • High resolution display
  • Auto-Zero, Manual-Zero, Zero-Tracking
  • Dynamic Weighing
  • Anti-Motion Level
  • User configurable units
  • Temperature compensation
  • Adjustable gravity acceleration

Frequently Answers and Questions

What are the different resolution options available for the OCS S crane scale?
The OCS S supports multiple display resolutions, ranging from 1000 to 3000 divisions. The default and recommended setting for optimal performance is 2000 to 3000 divisions.
How do I adjust the gravity acceleration for the OCS S?
To change the Gravity Acceleration, enter the password mode, navigate to Scale Configuration, and select Gravity Acceleration. You can adjust the value from 9.760 to 9.830, with the default being 9.794. This setting is used when the scale is operating in a location with significantly different gravitational acceleration than where the scale was calibrated.
What is the purpose of the Zero-Saving feature?
Enabling Zero-Saving deactivates Auto Zero and calculates weight based on the last zeroing action. This is useful in situations where a static weight reference is preferable, but it's important to note that Auto Zero is disabled when Zero-Saving is enabled.

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