STAR 2000 FP fingerprint time and attendance system User manual
Below you will find brief information for fingerprint time and attendance system STAR 2000 FP. The STAR 2000 FP is a fingerprint time and attendance system that allows you to enroll users and verify their identity using their fingerprints. The system also features a password verification option for users who may have difficulties with fingerprint verification. The STAR 2000 FP supports multiple verification methods, including fingerprint verification, password verification, and ID number and fingerprint verification. The system also offers various system options, including date and time settings, language settings, log options, communication options, and advanced options.
Manual for STAR 2000 FP
1. Introduction.........................................................................................................3
Basic Concepts .................................................. 4
1.1.1 User Enrollment ......................................................... 4
1.1.2 User Verification ......................................................... 5
1.1.3 Match Threshold Levels ............................................. 5
1.1.4 User ID Numbers ....................................................... 6
1.1.5 Authority (status) Levels ............................................. 6
1.1.6 Start-up window.......................................................... 6
1.2 How to place the finger......................................... 7
2. Enrollment and Verification Procedures..................................................7
2.1 Enrolling Users...................................................... 8
2.1.1 Fingerprint Enrollment................................................ 9
2.1.2 Password Enrollment ............................................... 10
3.1.3Fingerprint & Password.......................................... 12
2.2 Testing an Enrollment..........................................13
2.3 Enrolling a User with the Display Finger Option On.........13
2.4 Verifying Your Identity .........................................14
2.4.1 Fingerprint Verification ............................................. 14
2.4.2 Password Verification............................................... 15
2.4.3 ID number & Fingerprint........................................... 16
2.5 Hints for Successful Enrollments .......................16
3. System Options ..............................................................................................18
3.1 System Options....................................................18
Manual for STAR 2000 FP
3.1.1 Date Time................................................................. 19
3.1.4 Advanced Options .................................................... 19
3.2 Power Manager.....................................................20
3.3 Communication Options......................................21
3.4 Log Options ..........................................................21
3.5Auto Test................................................................22
4. System Information.......................................................................................22
5. Trouble shooting.............................................................................................23
1. Introduction
Figure 1~2 keypad
Manual for STAR 2000 FP
Keypad Definition
Confirm the current present.
Access to manage.
Escape or cancel.
Scroll up.
Scroll down.
Power button.
:Numerical key.
Manual for STAR 2000 FP
1.1 Basic Concepts
This section contains definitions and descriptions of Fingerprint
T&A Concepts, including:
¾ .User Verification
¾ ·User ID Numbers
¾ ·Authority (Status) Levels
The two most important Fingerprint T&A Functions are user enrollment and user verification.
1.1.1 User Enrollment
Enrollment is the process of create an ID number and scanning a user’s finger to create a template three times. This template is associated with a user ID number and stored.
During user verification, the stored template is compared to the current fingerprint scan to confirm the user’s identity.
Enrollment is performed at designated units. The user can verify on the time recorder that enroll his fingerprint. The enrollment process takes approximately 2 seconds.
Up to ten fingers can be enrolled for the same ID number, so the user may have more verifications way.
Ideally, everyone finger on each hand should be enrolled so that if the user injures the enrolled finger had, an alternate finger template is available. While recording the finger type is optional, it is recommended such as left or right index, so that at verification the user is prompted as to which finger to use.
Manual for STAR 2000 FP
1.1.2 User Verification
Verification occurs when a user either enters an ID number or places a finger in the fingerprint sensor, then input password for comparison with the stored template.
1.1.3 Match Threshold Levels
The Match Threshold is a number that represents the degree to which a verification is examined to ensure that the person is the person claimed.
The Match Threshold Levels establishes a balance between
False Acceptance Rate (FAR) and False Rejection Rate (FRR). FAR measures how often a non-authorized user is falsely recognized and granted access to the system. FRR measures how often an enrolled and authorized user, who should be granted access to the system, is denied on the basis that the system did not recognize him.
You can set match threshold levels on a per-use basis. For the fingerprint verification is difficult, you can adopt ID & Fingerprint verification (match one to one).
Raising the threshold increases security, while lowering it increases throughout. The correct balance is essential.
For users with worn or damaged fingers, match threshold levels can (and should) be reduced.
Different sites have different requirements.
Table 1—1 Suggested Match Threshold Settings
FRR FAR One-to-many One-to-one
High Low 45 25
Middle Middle 35 15
Manual for STAR 2000 FP
Low High 25 10
1.1.4 User ID Numbers
Before beginning fingerprint enrollment, a user is assigned User
ID Number. This ID number is used to call up the fingerprint template each time that verification is requested.
ID numbers are called up via the keypad
1.1.5 Authority (status) Levels
Fingerprint T&A has four authority or status levels:
·Users are people whose identity must be verified, such to gain access to a facility or to have their attendance recorded.
·Enrollers are Users who are authorized to enroll new users or delete on to the system.
·Administrator can do other operations, except set advanced option and enroll administrator authority.
·Supervisors are Users who access to all functions and change all setup in the system.
Note: Without Administrator and Supervisor status in the system, the Enroller will enroll them. And if there isn’t a Supervisor in the system, the Administrator will enroll him.
1.1.6 Start-up window
Click the power button and the screen showed on, a display of a window was called the Start-up window. The following appears:
04-01-02 FRI
Manual for STAR 2000 FP
1.2 How to place the finger
The correct way is:
Place a finger flatware on the sensor surface
Place it to the center of the sensor surface
The wrong way is:
Upright askew
Unfettering part
Note: Please adopt the correct way to place the finger,
2. Enrollment and Verification
Manual for STAR 2000 FP
This chapter describes how to enroll and verify users on the
Fingerprint T&A verification system.
The following topics are included:
¾ ·Testing an Enrollment
¾ ·Enrolling a User with the Display Finger Option On
¾ ·Hints for Successful Enrollments
Note: You must have Enroller, Administrator, or Supervisor status to enroll users. For information on status levels, see “Authority
(Status) Levels” on 1.1.5.
2.1 Enrolling Users
If this is the first enrollment in a new or empty system, everyone will become an enroller.
If there is a manager in the system, you will have Administrator status to enroll a new user.
There are three ways of enrollment, fingerprint enrollment, password enrollment, fingerprint & password are suitable for three differences crowds. Fingerprint enrollment suited the most people who have better quality fingerprints; Fingerprint & Password suited few people who enrolling successful, but verification was difficult;
Password enrollment suited 1% people who verification unsuccessful.
To start the enrollment process, identify yourself firstly—press
[Menu], enter your ID number or fingerprint, and then verify your identity.
Note: If this is the first enrollment in a new or empty system, you will not be prompted for verification.
The following message appears on the display:
► User Manage
Sys Info
Manual for STAR 2000 FP
Press [OK], access the User Manager, the following message display:
User Manage
►Enroll User
Enroll Admin
Press [OK], access the User Enrollment, the following message display:
Enroll User
►Enroll FP
Enroll Pwd
FP & Pwd
2.1.1 Fingerprint Enrollment
(1) Access the Enroll Fingerprint to press [OK], the following display:
New Enroll
Enroll No 00001
(2) Press [OK], the following appears:
New Enroll
Enroll No 00008
Manual for STAR 2000 FP
(3) Input the enrolling number (the range is 1 to 65534), press [OK], the following appears:
New Enroll
Place Finger…
(4) If the test is successful three times in a row, the following appears:
New Enroll
Note: 07711-1
The last number 1 means the
ESC OK [Save] first fingerprint.
Press [OK], the previous message continues to be displayed while the template is created.
If your identity cannot be verified, you are prompted to try again.
And you must restart the verification procedure (step 3).
2.1.2 Password Enrollment
(1) Access the password enrollment, press [OK], the following appears:
Enroll Pwd
New Enroll?
Manual for STAR 2000 FP
(2) Press [OK], the following appears:
New Enroll
Enroll No 00008
(3) Input the enroll number (the range is 1 to 65534), press [OK], the following appears:
New Enroll
Input Pwd *****
Note: The password range is 1 to 5.
(4) Input the password, press [OK], the following appears:
New Enrollment
Input Pwd: *****
Pwd Affirm: *****
(5) Input the password again, press [OK], the following appears:
New Enroll
ESC OK [Save]
Note: 00008-P
The last letter P means password.
Press [OK], the previous message continues to be displayed while the template is created.
Manual for STAR 2000 FP
3.1.3Fingerprint & Password
Access the Fingerprint& Password, press [OK], the following appears:
FP & Pwd
New Enroll
(2) Press [OK], the following appears:
New Enroll
Enroll No 00008
(3) Input the password (range is 1 to 65534), press [OK], the following appears:
New Enroll
Please finger…
(4) If the test is successful three times in a row, the following appears:
New Enroll
Input Pwd: *****
Manual for STAR 2000 FP
(5) Input your password, the following appears:
New Enroll
Input Pwd: *****
Pwd Affirm: *****
(6) Input the password again, press [OK], the following appears:
New Enroll
Note: 00008—1P
The second from the last 1 means one fingerprint
The last letter P means password.
ESC OK [Save]
Press [OK], the previous message continues to be displayed while the template is created.
2.2 Testing an Enrollment
Ask the users to place their finger to perform a test verification. If the test was successful, you will adopt Fingerprint enrollment. If the poor quality of fingerprint, you will be recommended to use
Fingerprint & Password.
2.3 Enrolling a User with the Display Finger
Option On
Press [ESC] to the Display Dinger Option On, the following appears:
New Enroll
Enroll No 00008
Esc Ok
Enroll No 00008
Esc Ok
Manual for STAR 2000 FP
Note: Where system memory permits, it is advisable to have at least two fingers enrolled for a long-term user.
2.4 Verifying Your Identity
The workers used Fingerprint T&A to verify their identity. The system defaults to three ways of verification: Fingerprint verification,
Password verification, ID number & Fingerprint. The following appears:
2.4.1 Fingerprint Verification
Place the finger on the sensor surface, the following appears:
FP Verify
Please Move Finger
It continues for about 0.5 seconds. If the test is successful, it will say “Thank you”, the following appears:
FP Verify
Enroll No 00008
If your identity cannot be verified, you are prompted to try again, the following appears:
FP Verify
Place Finger Agn
Manual for STAR 2000 FP
It continues for about 0.5 seconds, return to the start-up window.
2.4.2 Password Verification
To start the enrollment process, enter your ID number, the following appears:
1:1 FP Verify
Enroll No 8
ESC OK [Pwd]
Press [OK], the following appears:
Pwd Affirm
Enroll No 8
Input Pwd: *****
Input correct password, press [OK], the following appears:
Pwd Affirm
Enroll No 00008
If the password cannot be verified, the following appears:
Pwd Affirm
No 8
Error pwd !
Manual for STAR 2000 FP
2.4.3 ID number & Fingerprint
To start the enrollment process, enter your ID number, the following appears:
1:1 FP Verify
Enroll No 8
ESC OK [Pwd]
If your identity is verified, the following appears:
:1 FP Verify
Enroll No 00008
2.5 Hints for Successful Enrollments
The fingerprint is of good quality, the verification speed will fast;
Otherwise, it will verify slowly or occur to FRR.
In order to improve the fingerprint verification quality, the following hint appears:
Table 2—1 Enrolled unsuccessful or the fingerprint of poor quality
Solve the dry problem that rub the dry fingerprints
Have no enough to bring pressure
If the fingerprint is dry, you will adopt the way of wetting up the finger.
The user should place a finger firmly and squarely on the sensor surface.
Manual for STAR 2000 FP
How to select the finger?
Recommend to left or right index or middle finger.
Use fingerprints of good quality, without worn or hurt.
The user usually selects the forefinger, if it was of a poor quality, you will be recommended to middle finger or ring finger.
If the user’s finger area is less, you will select the thumb.
Place your finger firmly and touch the
How to place the sensor surface must cover over 2/3 finger? area.
The fingerprint does not touch upright on the sensor surface.
Do not touch the finger too fast; Do not move the finger on the sensor surface.
The influence of the fingerprints change
For users with worn or damaged fingers, the identification can be influenced.
If the finger quality was poor, you will select password verification.
However, few people’s fingerprint quality is too poor to verify the fingerprint in gear. Please use ID & fingerprint verification, and the Match
Threshold Levels can be reduced or use password verification.
Manual for STAR 2000 FP
3. System Options
Press the [Menu], then verify your identity. The following appears:
User Manage
Sys Info
Access Options, press [OK], the following appears:
System Opt
Power Mng
Comm Opt
The following topics included: System Options, Power Manage,
Communication Options, Log Options and Auto Test.
3.1 System Options
Access System Opt, the following appears:
System Opt
Date Time
Language ENG
Manual for STAR 2000 FP
The setup facility covers: System Options and Advanced
3.1.1 Date Time
Access Date Time, the following appears:
Date Time
To change the date, press correct date and time, press [OK]
and , then input the
3.1.4 Advanced Options
Access Advanced Option, press [OK], the following appears:
Adv Option
Restore Deflt
Del Logs
Press and to scroll up or down the screen to select the option.
Restore Default: restore all setup information to default.
Manual for STAR 2000 FP
Clear all Data: delete all enrolling fingerprints and logs.
Delete Logs: delete all logs of flash disk.
Clear Managers’ rights: change the managers’ rights into ordinary users’ rights.
Show Score: whether show the quality value of fingerprint in the screen or not;
Match Threshold Levels: For helping in selecting threshold level settings, see Table 1.1.3.
Sound: whether use to phonic hint or not.
3.2 Power Manager
Access Power Manage, the following appears:
Power Mng
Power Mng
Shutdown No
Power On No
Sleep No
Idle Off
This product uses smart manage system, supports the time switch and resting features, it can satisfy the user’s different demands.
Shutdown: auto shut-off in the timed.
Power on: auto open-up in the timed.
Sleep: automatic resting in the timed, press any key to enter working state.
Idle and Idle Minute, they are related each other, while the idle minute is zero, the idle is closed; while the idle minute is not zero (unit was minute), for example, it is one minute, the user does not do anything in one minute, the system will enter the idle state.
Select Shutdown, press [OK], the following appears:
Setup On time Fun?
Manual for STAR 2000 FP
Press [OK], then enter Shutdown, press [ESC] to cancel.
3.3 Communication Options
Access Comm Opt, the following message appears:
Comm Opt
Comm Opt
Dev Num 1
Baud Rate 1115200
Ethernet Yes
RS232 Yes
Fingerprint T&A support RS232, TCP/IP, whether you use
Single-Board Computer (SBC) or Networking, Fingerprint T&A will satisfy the user’s demands.
Device Number: machine ID, the range is 1 to 255.
Baud Rate: there are three options, 9600, 38400, 115200; The speed of communication is fast, recommend to use RS232; IP
address: it defaults to IP address is
Ethernet: whether use TCP/IP protocol or not.
RS232: whether use RS232 or not.
Link code: it defaults to code is 0,but can setting up
3.4 Log Options
Access Log Opt, the following message appears:
Log Opt
Alm AttLog 10
ReCheck Min 0
Manual for STAR 2000 FP
Alarm Attendance Log: when the remainder log capacity reached set numerical value, it will automatically sound a warning that logs were fulled.
Recheck Minute: Set within compass (Unit: minute). Someone’s enrollment has enrolled, then, the log twice was not displayed in the system.
3.5Auto Test
Access auto test, the following message appears:
Auto Test
Run All Test
Flash Test
Auto Test
FP Reader
Key Test
In the option, you can run system device test. When the device broken down, it can analyse the cause of the device’s fault and the devices were quickly and easily maintained.
It tests the Memory, LCD, Sound, Fingerprint sensor, keypad and clock. In the course of test, you should guarantee the stability of the power. Otherwise, the system’s hardware was probably damaged, especially it runs the memory test.
4. System Information
Access [Menu] to Sys Info, press [OK], the following appears:
Sys Info
User Cnt 206
FP Cnt 173
Sys Info
Admin Cnt 0
Pwd User 37
Manual for STAR 2000 FP
Sys Info
Pwd User 37
Res. Space Inf
It displays user numbers, password numbers, fingerprint numbers, manager and log numbers in the screen. You can see some information such as the remainder log capacity in the memory, the device capacity, the defaults date, machine number and OEM’s information are in the system.
5. Trouble shooting
1. Cleaning
From time to time, the optical platen, the keypad and display window require cleaning. Since working environments differ, it is not possible to define when cleaning should be performed. Following is guide: display window
Optical platen read. See cleaning the keypad and display below.
Do not over clean. The platen is designed to work under greasy or dirty conditions.
Manual for STAR 2000 FP
However, do clean if the platen is obstructed or people are reporting deteriorating performance. See cleaning the Optical Platen below.
Table 5-1 Cleaning Schedule
2. Cleaning the Keypad and Display
To clean the keypad and display, use the same cleaning products as for the platen, and wipe dry.
3. Cleaning the Optical Platen
Clean the optical platen as follows:
(1) If dusty or gritty, first blow on the platen to clean off any loose particles.
(2) Spray on a light coating of a window cleaning product or other similar neutral detergent.
Warning: Do not use any other cleaner or the platen may become damaged.
(3) Using a non-abrasive and lintine, pat dry. Be careful not to scratch the platen. If lint particles adhere to the platen surface, below them off when the platen is dry.

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Key features
- Fingerprint Enrollment
- Password Enrollment
- Fingerprint & Password Enrollment
- Multiple Verification Methods
- System Options
- Log Options
- Communication Options
- Advanced Options