STAR 2000 FP fingerprint time and attendance system User manual

Below you will find brief information for fingerprint time and attendance system STAR 2000 FP. The STAR 2000 FP is a fingerprint time and attendance system that allows you to enroll users and verify their identity using their fingerprints. The system also features a password verification option for users who may have difficulties with fingerprint verification. The STAR 2000 FP supports multiple verification methods, including fingerprint verification, password verification, and ID number and fingerprint verification. The system also offers various system options, including date and time settings, language settings, log options, communication options, and advanced options.

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STAR 2000 FP Manual - Fingerpint Time and Attendance System | Manualzz




Key features

  • Fingerprint Enrollment
  • Password Enrollment
  • Fingerprint & Password Enrollment
  • Multiple Verification Methods
  • System Options
  • Log Options
  • Communication Options
  • Advanced Options

Frequently asked questions

Place your finger firmly and touch the sensor surface, covering more than 2/3 of the area. Do not touch the finger too fast and do not move it on the sensor surface.

The system defaults to three ways of verification: Fingerprint verification, Password verification, ID number & Fingerprint.

To change the date, press the up and down arrow keys, then input the correct date and time, press OK.

For users with worn or damaged fingers, the identification can be influenced. You can select password verification, if the finger quality was poor, or reduce the match threshold levels.

Fingerprint T&A has four authority or status levels: Users, Enrollers, Administrators and Supervisors.
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