Scantronic 808 hardwired control panel User Guide

Below you will find brief information for hardwired control panel 808. The 808 system comprises an end station, one or more keypads, and various detectors. The end station is a steel box that houses the main components, power supply and stand-by battery. The detectors are installed at various places, or zones, around the premises. If something triggers a detector it signals back to the end station. The keypad is used to operate the system. From the keypad you can set and unset the system, read the event log, and make minor changes to the way the system operates.

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Scantronic 808 Hardwired Control Panel User Guide | Manualzz




Key features

  • Set and unset the system
  • Read the event log
  • Make minor changes
  • Programmable Levels (A, B, C, D)
  • 24 Hour Zones
  • Panic Alarm Zones
  • Omitting Zones
  • Walk Test
  • Bell Test
  • Set Time and Date

Frequently asked questions

You can set the system using Timed Setting, Final Exit, Exit Terminate Button, or Instant Setting. Key in your access code at the keypad and follow the instructions.

If the system detects a problem with a detector, it will display a fault or trouble message. Check for open doors or windows, and contact your installer if there are trouble messages.

The system has a programmed entry time. Enter through the designated entry route, key in your access code at the keypad and press Enter.

Disarm the system by keying in your access code and pressing Enter. Then, reset the system using the method provided by your alarm company.

Key in your access code, press Menu, select the desired level, and press Enter. Then, use the A or B keys to select the zone you want to omit and confirm omission.

You can walk test the system by keying in your access code, pressing Menu, selecting Test Options, selecting Walk Test and following the instructions to trigger each detector.

Key in your access code, press Menu, select Set Time and Date, and follow the instructions to adjust the time and date.
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