378 | Owner's manual | EICO HF-81 DUAL 14 WATT HI-FI stereo amplifier Owner manual
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Below you will find brief information for stereo amplifier HF-81 DUAL 14 WATT HI-FI. The stereo amplifier HF-81 DUAL 14 WATT HI-FI is a complete high fidelity stereophonic control center and a pair of 14watt amplifiers, all on one chassis. With it you can select preamplify, and control accurately any stereophonic source (tape, discs, or broadcasts) and feed it through the self-contained dual 14 watt amplifiers to a stereo pair of speaker systems. When you playa monophonic source, the 14 watts available per channeI adds up to a total of 28 watts for your two speaker systems.
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MODEL HF-81 DUAL 14 WATT HI-FI STEREO AMp·PREAMP general description GENERAL channel) and two auxiliary Binputs (one in each channel). nout Selector switch on front panel has positions for feednpur serecror swiren on rronr panel nas polil I lun::o lUI ."''''... ing FM tuner output to one channel and AM tuner to other, or FM tuner to one channel and FM Multiplex adapter output to other. I The EICO Model HF-81 is a complete high fidelity stereophonic control center and a pair of 14watt amplifiers, all on one chassis. With it you can select preamplify, and control accurately any stereophonic source (tape, discs, or broadcasts) and feed it through the self-contained dual 14 watt amplifiers to a stereo pair of speaker systems. When you playa monophonic source, the 14 watts available per channeI adds up to a total of 28 watts for your two speaker systems. If you desire, both amplifiers can be connected in parallel and driven byone preampIifier-control section while the other preampl ifier-control section is free to drive an external power amplifier. In this way your old amplifier can be put to use in a stereophonic system. Construction is of the "low silhouette" type that permits you to dispense with cabinetry if desired. 3. May be used as either two independent amplifierpreamplifiers,or one preamplifier-control section may be set free to operate an external power amplifier and the other preampl iFier-control section used to drive both internal power amplifiers connected in parallel at the speaker connection terminals. A top - of-chassis slide switch permits choice of operation . 4. Ganged level controls and a separate focus (balance) control. 5. Independent full-range bass and treble tone controls in each channel. Tone controls of the low distortion variable cross-over feedback type. FEATURES 6. Identical Williamson type, push-pull EL84power amplifiers with high quality output transformers. 1. Separate low level input in each channel for mag. phono, tape head, and microphone. Circuitry carefully designed to provide the high gain required by tape heads and high quality, lowoutput mag. cartridges without hum and noise problems. A front panel switch permits choice of the proper NARTB tape head equalization for either 7 1/2 & 15 or 3 3/4ips tape speeds. 7. Hum balance control, panel-mounted fuse, pi lot lamp, convenience outlets. 8. EICO "low silhouette" construction employing horizontal chassis for proper layout and component separation. Easyconsole installation, if desired, with complete shielding and adapatability to any panel thickness. 2. Separate high level inputs for AM, FM, and FM Multiplex. Also two auxiliary A inputs (one in each Copyr ight 1 © 1958 Electronic Instrument Compan y, Inc . SPECIFICATIONS * ** Hum & Noise Level (below rated output): mag. phono - Output Power: 28 watts continuous; 56 watts peak. 60db; tape head - 51 db; mic - 57 db; tuners, auxll iaries - 75 db. 1M Distortion (60c &7kc at 4: 1): 2% at 28 watts; 0.5% at 10 watts. Tone Control Range: ±15db at 50c and 10kc. Frequency Response: (2w):I:O. 5db 10c to lOOkc. Speaker Connections: 4,8, and 16 ohms. HarmonicDistortion: 16 watts at less than 1% 30c to lOkc; 20 watts at Iess than 1% 40 c to 10 kc; 28 watts at less than 1% 50c to 5kc; 8.4 watts at less than 2% at 20c. Tubes: 4 - ECC83/12AX7, 2 - ECC82/12AU7, 4- EL84, 2 - EZ81. Size: 15" wide, 4 3/4" high, 10 1/2" deep. Transient Response: excellent square wave reproduction (4usec rise time) negligible ringing, rapid settl ing on 10kc square wave. Transient Distortion (60 cps tone burst): full power. Weight: 241bs. * Where power output is involved, figures are given for two channels combined; divide power output figures by two for specifications of each channel alone. Design property specifications refer, of course, to either or both channels. less than 1% at Inverse Feedback: 20db ** Measured with tone controls set "flat", LEVEL control maximum, and FOCUS control set for maximum gain in channe I checked. Stability Margin: 12db Damping Factor: above 8,20 cps - 15 kc, Sensitivity (input for rated output): mag. phono 4mv; tape head 7.5 ips - 2 mv; tape head 3.75 ips 3.5mv; mic - 6mv; tuners, auxiliaries - 0.5V. 2 mechanical installation GENERAL CONSOLE MOUNTING a) HEAT DISSIPATION (VENTILATION): In common with other electronic equipment, the HF-81 produces considerable heat in normal operation. Unless continuous and adequate air flow isobtained around the heat producing elements, these elements will over-heat and their useful life will be greatly curtailed. a) 0 erations on console front anel reI iminar to am Iifier mounting: 1 Tape the panel template provided to the face of the console so that the top of the mounting surface line on the template is level with the top of the amplifier mounting shelf. Note: When shelf is not available, tape the template at any convenient spot on the face of the console. (2) Use an awl or a nai I to pierce the centers of the four extreme outer holes for mounting the control plate)' to transfer their locations to the console panel beneath. (3) Trace out the rectangular cutout with an awl or nail and then pierce the centers of the four 1/2" holes)' one in each corner of the cutout. (4) Remove the panel template. (5) Drill the four 1/2" holes in the console panel, one in each corner of the rectangular cutout area. Cut out the rectangular piece with a keyhole saw)' using the four 1/2" holes as starting holes. It is useful to understand the process of convection whereby heat is removed in judging the suitability of a location. Air heated by the heat-producing elements expands and rises; cool air is drawn from beneath to take the place of the heated air. In this manner, a stream of air is set in motion which continually removes heat from the amplifier. (In particular, we are mainly concerned with the major heat-producing elements; the four EL84 output tubes and the two EZ81 rectifier tubes.) If there is any impediment to or constriction of the airflow, the essential process of heat removal will be adversely affected. b) Am Iifier mounting in console: (1) Pull off the control knobs. 2 Remove the four screws that fasten the bezel to the side pieces and remove the bezel. {3} Remove the two screws and nuts that fasten the control plate to the bezel. The bezel is not used in console mounting. ~) Fasten the control plate to the console panel with the two #4x3/8 wood screws supplied. (5) If the rubber feet have been inserted irwhe bottom plate)' remove them. (They may be pried out with a thin screwdriver.) (6) Place the unit _ on the mounting shelf and slide it forward until the slide Adequate ventilation will be provided if the amplifier is installed in an open-back console provided that the top of the amplifier is spaced at least two inches below any shelf mounted above it. If the cabinet is enclosed at the rear, provide several large holes or slots as low down and as high up in the cabinet back as possible. As an alternate, holes may be provided in the sides, bottom, or top of the cabinet. The important thing to remember is that _ ~ff~~ti~e ve~tiiation requires provis~n for cooi air to enter at the bottom and hot air to leave at the top. • __. ~ _1 t I I switch support bracket is up against the panel and the slide switch accessible from the front; the control shafts should be approximately centered in the corresponding holes in the control plate. (7) With a sharp pencil, draw the outl ine of the side and rear bottom edges on the chassis shelf. As the bottom plate falls short of the full width by 3/16" on each side)' draw new side edge lines 3/16" inside the original side edge lines. (8) Now remove the knobs and take the chassis off the shelf. (9) Remove the 6screws which fasten the bottom plate to the chassis. (10) Place the bottom plate exactly in the outl ine drawn on the shelf and mark the position of the center hole on the left side and the center hole on the right side. (11) Remove the bottom plate and drill each of the marked holes on the shelf to a diameter of 1/4". (12) Refasten the bottom plate to the chassis, with the four of the six#8x3/8screws previously removed, using the two holes at the rear and the two holes at the front of the chassis. (13) Replace the chassis on the she lf, positioning it exactly in the outline previously drawn, and restore the knobs. This time make sure that the indicator dot on each knob agrees with the control position. (14) From the bottom side of the shelf, insert a #8 x I" screw, with a 1/2" flat washer against the head, through both the left and right side center holes. These screws engage the stamped nut over each hole on the chassis flange and when tightened secure the chassis to the shelf. ]f the amplifier is not installed in a console, it may be situated on an open surface or on a shelf of a bookccse, Four rubber feet are also provided so that the amplifier will not mar the surface of furniture on which it is placed. b) EASY ACCESS TO CONTROLS: Mount the amplifier at a height which will permit easy manipulation of the controls. Tuner controls should be located nearby. c) ACCESSIBILITY TO PARTS:. Tubes are the most frequently replaced items in electronic equipment. If the amplifier is installed in a console, sufficient space should be alloted to reach and remove any tube in the amplifier. Furthermore, input and output terminals of the amplifier should be accessible to permit easy interchanging of system components for comparison, and connection or disconnection of a portable tape recorder which is stored away when not in use. If antennas are strung around the back of the console in which the amplifier is installed, arrange them so they will not interfere with access to the amplifier. d) ACOUSTICAL ISOLATION: If amplifier and speaker are installed in the same cabinet (not recommended), provide sufficient separation to minimize mechanical speaker vibration reaching the amplifier. The minimum separation is about one foot. 3 electrical installation CH.2 The HF-81 can be used in two ways for a stereophonic system. In all cases, plug monophonic sources and one track of monophonic/stereophonic sources in the channel 1 inputs; plug the other track of stereo sources in the channel 2 inputs. It is assumed in what follows that a stereophonic phono cartridge is being used . Monophonic phono refers to playback of a monophonic recording with a stereophonic cartridge. 32 16 G 32 TO MATCHING TAP 4 G SPKR.I FIG. 10. SPEAKER CONNECTIONS CH.l TAPE OUT --I I t r . CH.2 TAPE OUT CH.l HIGH LEVEL INPUTS CH.l TAPE OUT L-- SPEAKER ~ CH.I --II PO~~.~AMP ~ SP~~;R Ip~:,~p~! CH.2 HIGH LEVEL INPUTS POWER AMP CH.l 1--_ _ SPEAKER CH.I CH.l LOW LEVEL INPUTS FIG.ld STEREO NORMAL CH.2 LOW LEVEL INPUTS S TO MATCHING TAP r:r<5NEl CH.I LOW _--_IPREAMPt LEVEL INPUTS . CH.I ~ CH. 2 LOW LEVEL INPUTS 16 SPKR.2 CH.I HIGH LEVEL INPUTS FIG.lc CHECK AMPL. 2 .4 8 (J) (]) (J) (J) () a) INTERNAL POWER AMPLIFIERS OPERATED SEPARATELY, EACH DRIVING ONE SPEAKER OF A STEREO PAIR. This arrangement is used when there is no other amplifier the user desires to include in the system. The SERVICE SEL.sl ide switch on top of the chassis must be set to SEParate. Signal connections are all internal, so only the speaker connection need to shown (Fig. la, rear chassis view). The internal arrangemention in the HF-81 at each of the positions of the FUNCTION selector are shown in Figs. lb, lc, ld, le, H, and Ig, as an aid to understanding the operation with this arrangement. FIG.lb CHECK AMPL. 1 CH.I I SERVICE SEL. :" W""'ER :":"""AM -:-:-:"P ::-1L - - SPEAKER P""'O. CH.2 ~ CH.2 PREAMP~ SEP • • • 1 CH.2 I 19!:2J ~ CH.2 HIGH LEVEL INPUTS CH.2 TAPE OUT CH.l HIGH LEVEL INPUTS CH.I TAPE OUT jr- CH.I LOW LEVEL INPUTS 1-_'- SPEAKER CH.2 LOW LEVEL INPUTS 1--_ _ CH.l FIG.le STEREO REVERSE CH.2HIGH LEVEL INPUTS 4 CH.2 TAPE OUT SPEAKER CH.2 CH.I HIGH LEVEL INPUTS CH.I TAPE OUT 1-_ _ SPEAKER CH.I LOW LEVEL INPUTS CH I FIG.1f MONOPHONIC TUNER, TAPE, TV SEP 1---_ SPEAKER CH.2 CH.2 TAPE OUT CH. I TAPE OUT CH. I HIGH LEVEL INPUTS I--_ _ SPEAKER CH. I LOW LEVEL INPUTS CH. I FIG. 19 MONOPHONIC PHONO CH.2 HIGH LEVEL INPUTS b) INTERNAL POWER AMPLIFIERS COMBINED (TIED TOGETHER AT THE INPUTS AND PARALLELED AT THE OUTPUTS) TO DRIVE ONE SPEAKER OF A STEREO PAIR. This arrangement is employedwhen the useralready has a high quality amplifier (usually 20watts or more if it is to be worthwhile) which he desire to include in the system. The oreamo-tone control combination including the regltie preamp-Tone conrroi COmOlnUJlUlI 11I"'IU\,llll~ " " " '''''l:fular CHI·tone control feeds the combined internal power amplifiers; the preamp-tone control combination including . the regular CH2 tone control feeds out through the CH2 TAPE OUT jack to an external power amplifier. The SERVICE SELECTOR switch on the chassis must be set at the COMbined position for this service in order to disconnect the input of the CH2 power amplifier from the output of the CH2 tone control and connects it instead to the input of the CH1 power amplifier. The CHI and CH2 power amplifiers are paralleled at the outputs, as shown, by an external jumper connected between corresponding speaker connection taps . The external signal connection and the speaker connections are shown in Fig. Zc, The internal arrangements in the HF-81 at each of the positions of the FUNCTION selector are shown in Figs. 2b, 2c, 2d, 2e, 2f, and 2g, as an aid to understanding the operation with this' arrangement. 2 If-__ SPEAKER I • CH.2 CH.2 TAPE OUT TAP!: OUT o CH.2 32 4 16 CH.I __ G 32 ~_~ ~ .- - - - - - - - EXTERNAL BASIC POWERAMPLIFI ER - 8 - p - - - ~I ~I 4 G (J) I , I I I . I ' ~, "INPUT 16 ~ - -''- -- -- --- '1 ::11 :Q itl '" ~ "'I 0, o ""I I co 1 I I 1 - * On integrated amplifiers HF20, HF32 feed into TAPt OUTPUT [eekj en HF52r feed into ELECTRONIC CROSSOVER INPUT jack, after severing connection between ELECTRONIC CROSSOVER IN and OUT jacks. FIG. 20. SPEAKER & EXTERNAL SIGNAL CONNECTIONS. CH.I HIGH LEVEL INPUTS FIG.2b CHECK AMPL. 1 SERVICE SEL POWER AMP • CH.2. ~SEP., CH.2 CH.2 LOW LEVEL INPUTS CH.I TAPE OUT CH.I LOW LEVEL INPUTS SPEAKER CH.I 5 FIG.2c CHECK AMPL. 2 CH.2 LOW LEVEL INPUTS CH.2 HIGH LEVEL INPUTS CH.2 TAPE OUT _ SPEAKER CH.2 CH. I HIGH LEVEL INPUTS CH.I TAPE OUT CH.I LOW LEVEL INPUTS FIG.2d STEREO NORMAL SPEAKER CH.I CH.2 LOW LEVEL INPUTS CH.2 HIGH LEVEL INPUTS CH.2 TAPE OUT _ SPEAKER CH.2 CH.l LOW ... LEVEL INPUTS _ FIG.2e STEREO REVERSE SPEAKER CH.I CH.2 LOW LEVEL INPUTS CH.2 HIGH LEVEL INPUTS CH.2 TAPE OUT I--_--.:SPEAKER CH.2 CH.l HIGH LEVEL INPUTS CH.l LOW LEVEL INPUTS SPEAKER CH.l FIG.2f MONOPHONIC TUNER, TAPE, TV CH.2 TAPE OUT I ! POWERAMP I, _ _--=SPEAKER • CH.2 ~----. EXTERNAL"'"' 6 CH.l HIGH LEVEL INPUTS CH.l TAPE OUT CH.l LOW LEVEL INPUTS FIG.2g MONOPHONIC PHONO SPEAKER CH.l CH.2 LOW LEVEL INPUTS CH.2 HIGH LEVEL INPUTS CH.2 TAPE OUT f - - - SPEAKER CH.2 * NOTE: All ceramic cartridge manufacturers have developed simple networks which when connected the outputs of their cartridges result in a characteristic identical to that of magnetic cartridges. By interposing the recommended adaptor for the particular ceramic cartridge between the cartridge outputs and the MAG. PHONO inputs of the amplifier, it is possible to use the MAG. PHONO inputs for the ceramic cartridge with excellent results. Adaptor networks are given in the literature for the particular ceramic cartridge and can be built on a terminal strip mounted on the underside of the phonograph base, or may be available in convenient component form from the cartridge manufacturer. Stereol;lhonic crystal cartridges c) INPUTS: There are identical pairs of MAG. PHONO, TAPE HEAD, MICROPHONE, AUXILIARY A, and AUXILIARY Binputs -one of each pair in channell and channel 2 - and each is identified accordingly by the suffix 1 or 2. The MAG. PHONO, TAPE HEAD, and MICROPHONE pairs of inputs are all "low level" inputs, meaning that they all feed through a preamplifier/equalizer stage in either channel 1 or 2. The AUXILIARY A and AUXILIARY Bpairsofinputs are "high level" inputs, meaning that they enter either channel 1 or 2 at a point after the preampl ifier/equalizer stages. The AM, FM and FMFM Multiplex inputs are also "high level inputs", which nr", intArnnllv ~"'IA...,t",rl in nnir~ - nn", fnr ",n...,h ...,hnnn"'l ccrrrrcge mcnurccrurer, are Interne y se ectea In pal rs - one for each channe - by the INPUT SEL. switch. At the MONAURAL position of the FUNCTION SEL., AM only is selected at the AM-FMposition of the INPUT SEL., and FMonlyis selected at the FM- FM MULTI. position of the INPUT SEL. orereopnoruc crysTal carrnages (Ronette "Binofluid" OV and BF40) can be connected directly to auxiliary high level inputs. 2} TAPE HEAD 1, TAPE HEAD 2: These inputs are intended for direct connection to the two outputs of a stereo tape playback head. A front panel slide switch permits choice of NARTB tape head equalization either for71/2 (& 15) ips or3 3/4 ips tape speeds. The loading resistance presented by each tape head input is 100,000 ohms. l) MAG. PHONO 1, MAG. PHONO 2: These inputs are intended for the two outputs ofa stereo magnetic cartridge, or for a stereo ceramic cartridge with adaptors. The correct method for wiring a three terminal cartridge is shown in Fig. 3. If the cartridge is a four terminal type, short the two inside terminals of the cartridge together and treat it exactly as if it were the single center terminal shown in Fig. 3. The loading presented to each output of the cartridge by each MAG. PHONO input is 100,000 ohms. If a lower loading resistance is required by the particular cartridge used, connect a shunt resistor of appropriate value from each outside terminal of the cartridge to the center (common) terminal. This can be done actually by mounting a 3-post terminal strip on the underside of the phonograph mounting board at a point near the lead break-out from the pickup arm. These shunt resistors are then wired to this terminal strip as shown in Fig. 3. The value of each of the two shunt resistors (Rs) can be determined fromthe desired loading resistance (RI) by this formula Rs = 100,000 x RI ohms 100,000 - RI or th is tabl e; for RI = 50KQ, use Rs = 1OOKQ; for RI :: 33KQ, use Rs = 50KQ; for RI = 25KQ, use Rs = 33KQ. 3} MICROPHONE 1, MICROPHONE 2: These inputs are intended for rec~~:ving the output signals directly from two separate microphones. It is preferable that the microphones used be of the high impedance type. 4) AUXILIARY A1, AUXILIARY A2: These inputs are intended for either a stereophonic or monophonic high level source. A stereophonic high level source might be a stereo tape deck with built-in playback equal ization for both tracks. A monophonic high level source might be a monophonic crystal cartridge or tv sound. Plug a monophonic source intoAUXJLlARY A 1, leaving theAUXILIARY A2 input unused. Note that the input impedance at all these high level inputs is 0.5 megohm, which is too low for ceramic cartridges requiring 2 to 3 megohms input impedance. For ceramic cartridges, use the MAG. PHONO inputs with the simple adaptor networks recommended by the manufacturers. For stereophonic crystal cartridges (Ronette "Binofluid" OVturnover and BF40 single needle), the 0.5 megohm load provided at the high level inputs is exactly the loading impedance required. 7 STEREO MAG. CARTRIDGE ~ ~ ~~ -~, - (8- I TO MAG. INPUT 1 B-1 TO MAG. INPUT 2 FIG. 3 5) AUXILIARY B'l, AUXILIARY B2: Same as for AUXILIARY AI, AUXILIARY A2 above. mentioned sources to the correspondmg amplifier input jack. Unless the source has a low-impedance output such as a cathode follower (with which up to 50ft. of cable can be used), use the shortest possible connection and low - capacity shielded cable (cable having os low as 25mmfd capacitance per foot is available). 6) AM: This input is intended for AM tuner or the AM output of an FM-AM tuner where the FMand AM sections are independent. 7) FM: This input is intended for an FMor FM-AM tuner where the FM and AM sections are ~ independent. d) TAPE OUTPUT I, TAPE OUTPUT 2: When no external amplifier is used in the system, both these outputs are available for feeding out to a stereo recorder. When an external power ampl ifier is used in the system, TAPE OUTPUT 2 is used to feed out to the external power amplifier. If it is desired to do stereo recording under the latter conditions, construct a device such as shown in Fig. 4. Use low capacity shielded cable for connections. 8) FM MULTIPLEX: This input is intended to receive the output from an FM Multiplex adaptor. NOTE: A shielded cable with a shielded "phono-type" plug should be used to connect from each of the above- HF81 TAPE ,",liT OUT ~-----~ TO INPUT 1 ~OFSTEREO U~ RECORDER IV ... '. lI"1ru I ,L OF STEREO RECORDER -dJ "'-----~ ._- TO INPUT 2 2 - PHONO RECEPTACLE STRIP 1'"'--_----:....8 I!l (8 I!l 6, TO EXTERNAL POWER AMPLIFIER FIG. 4 e) POWER CONNECTIONS: The line cord of the HF-81 must be plugged into a house outlet providing normally 117 volts , 60 cycles AC power. A convenience receptacle on the rear chassis can be used, if desired, with a cube tape to provide 117VAC power to the associated equipment. This convenience receptacle is not switched or fused and provides 117VAC at all timeS;-regardless of whether the HF-81 is turned on or off. follows: With your ear held close to the speakers, insert the amplifier power plug into the wall outlet and listen to the hum level. Now pull out the plug and re-insert it with the prongs reversed. Choose the prong position with the least hum. Now connect the tuner input connector to the amplifier input jack, and with the tuner set between stations and the tuner volume control set at a minimum, do the same with the power plug of the tuner; use either the 117VAC receptacle on the HF-81 or one receptacle of a cube tap inserted in the 117VAC receptacle on the HF-81. Next, connect the phono cartridge leads to the MAG. PHONO 1 and 2 Inputs, and, with turntable off and pickup arm at the rest position, find the insertion position of the turntable line cord plug that yields lowest hum. Finally, connect the tape head leads to the TAPE HEAD 1 and 2 inputs, and, with the tape deck turned off, find the insertion position of the tape deck line cord plug that results in lowest hum. When all of this is completed, adjust the humbalance control on top of the amplifier chassis for least hum. HUM ADJUSTMENT After checking the ampl ifier for proper operation, remove all input cables to the amplifier and make the following control settings which hold throughout the process of hum adJustment: INPUT SELECTOR at PHONO, FUNCTION SELECTOR at STEREO, FOCUS control at 0, LEVEL control at 10r both TREBLE controls at -5, both BASS controls at 0; the two speaker systems must be in phase and placed near one another for this adJustment. Next, procede as 8 operation PRELIMINARY: Be sure all tubes are firmly seated in their sockets and that the tube shields are making good contact with their baSes. As initial adJustments, set these controls as follows: LEVEL at 0, FOCUS at Or both BASS controls at O. Tum the amplifier on by turning the TREBLE 2 control clockwise from AC OFF and set it at zero initially. Also set the TREBLE 1 control at zero. Please note that in the instructions that follow, it is assumed that a stereo pick-up and/or a stereo tape head is being employed in the system. head): Set the INPUT SELECTOR to TAPE. NARTB tape head equalization is provided in both channels for the tape speed selected with the TAPE switch on the front p~nel" One position is for7-1/2and 15ips tapes and the other for 3 3/4 ips tapes. These equalizations are the industry standard for pre-recorded stereophon ic and monophonic tapes. If the FOCUS' control has been set as described in the preceding paragraph, it will usually be satisfactory for this function also. Otherwise, it may be set in a similar manner using a test tapeorsimply by ear. Set the FUNCTION SELECTOR to STEREO NORMAL or REVERSE for stereophonic tapes or to MONOPHONIC TUNER, AUX for monophonic tapes. Use the BASS and TREBLE tone controls as described above. LISTEN IN G TO PHONOGRAPH: Set the IN PUT SELECTOR to PHONO if you have a megnetic cartridge or a ceramic cartridge with adaptors interposed between the cartridge outputs and the MAG. PHONO 1and 2 inputs. (The RIAA equalization provided at the PHONOposition is now the international standard in the recording industry for both monophonic and stereophonic records and is also a very good compromise for the most important of the older monophonic recording characteristics.) Set the INPUT SELECTOR to AUX Aor AUX B if you are using a stereophoni c crystal cartridge (Ronette) connected to either AUX A or AUX B inputs. Set the FUNCTION SELECTOR at either STEREO position. To balance levels between the chennels; playa conventional monophonic (lateral) recording on the changer or turntable and turn the LEVEL control up• --until you have normal listening level. Note _. - _. r _I •• _ ., LISTENING TOAMONOPHONIC SOURCE CONNECTED TO AUXILIARY AI, AUXILIARY Bl, TO MONOPHONIC AM BROADCAST, ORTO MONOPHONIC FM BROADCAST: Set the INPUT SELECTOR to AUX. A, AUX.B, AM-FM, or FM-MUL tt. respectively and the FUNCT10N SELECTOR to MO~OPHONIC TUNER, AUX. Use the BASS and TREBLE controls as described previous IY» LISTENING TO A STEREOPHONIC SOURCE CONNECTED TO AUXILIARY Al and A2, AUXILIARY B1 and 82, AM and FM, FM and FM MULTIPLEX: Set the INPUT SELECTOR to AUX A, AUX Br AM-FM, or FM-MULTI II." -----·--· .. ·-,·-"- .. ·r that the action of the FOCUS control (sometimes called a "balance" control) is to simultaneously raise the level in one channel while lowering the level in the other as it is turned in anyone direction. At the zero setting of the FOCUS control, equal sound volumes would obtain on both channels only if the ideal conditions of identically efficient loudspeakers and identical overall gains in both channels existed. With the conventional monophonic recording being played, adJust the FOCUS control for equal volume from each speaker system. With the FOCUS setting properly made, any stereo recording played back will have close to the same balance as actually exists in the recording. The FOCUS control setting can be a semi-permanent adJustment in that, at any given time, the setting achieved as described above will usually be satisfactory for tape stereo, and may also be for broadcast stereo, if it means existof adJusting for equal output levels from the stereo broadcast rece iving equ ipment. As components age, a shift of the normal FOCUS control setting may be necessary. Note that there are a concentricpairofbass controls, one in each channel and a concentric pair of treble controls, one in each channel. Use the separate bass and treble controls to compensate for any audible deviation of the recording from the standard recording characteristic, as well as to compensate for the over-all characteristics of your audio system (including room acoustics). Set the FUNCTION SELECTOR to STEREO NORMAL or STEREO REVERSE for stereophonic records and to MONOPHONIC PHON 0 for CONVENTIONAL MON OPHON IC records. '·'-"'-r , _ ••••• '.'--'11 respectively. Set the FUNCTION SELECTOR at STEREO NORMAL or STEREO REVERSE. The FOCUS, BASS and TREBLE controls are set as described previously. MAKING RECORDINGS: Tape recordings may be made by connecting the recorder to the TAPE OUTPUT Jacks. See "TAPE OUTPUT 1, TAPE OUTPUT 2" under ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION. Please note that recordings cannot be made on tape decks unless those decks are equipped with the electronics required for recording. FUNCTION SELECTOR: The STEREO NORMAL and STEREO REVERSE positions are both used for stereophonic reproduction. At the STEREO REVERSE position, the channel 1 and channel 2 amplifiers from the tone controls to the speaker connections are interchanged. These two positions permit interchanging the signals fed to the two speakers so that the correct left to right display of the orchestra can be achieved on all recordings or broadcasts. The CHECK AMPL. 1 and CHECK AMPL. 2 positions permit hearing either channel 1 alone or channel 2 alone for comparison or balancing purposes during stereophoni c use. The MONOPHONIC TUNERr AUX position is used for monophonic FM, AM, tv sound, monophonic phono cartridge monophoni c pre-ampl ified tape etc., fed into channell inputs. At this posltlon, the channel 2 inputs which are unused in this type of operetlon, are disconnected from t-he active channel so that they cannot contribute interference. At the MONOPHONIC PHONO position, the channel 1and 2 corresponding inputs are mixed, which is useful when playing monophonic records with a stereophonic cartridge to cancel vertical rumble components. LISTENING TO TAPE DECK (direct connection to tape 9 The plus sign on the right side of the dial indicates that TREBLE CONTROL 1, TREBLE CONTROL 2 (CONCENTRIC): The plus sign on the right side of the dial indicates clockwise rotation from the mid- point (0) of either control that clockwise rotation from the mid-point BASS CONTROL 1, BASS CONTROL 2 (CONCENTRIC): increases (boosts) _bas~ response; the minus sign on the left side indicates that counter- clockwise rotation from the (0) of either control increases (boosts) treble response; the minus sign indicates that counter- clockwise rotation from the mid- mid- point decreases (cuts) bass response. There is no interaction with the TREBLE control. Start all adjustments with this control set at the mid-point (0), which is called point decreases (cuts) treble response. There is no inter- is neither cut nor flat" position since treble response is neither cut nor the "flat" position since bass response action with the BASS control. Start all this control set at the mid- point adjustments with (0), whi ch is called the boosted at this position. boosted at this position. maintenance GENERAL G" on the amplifier Your amplifiershou Id require I ittle service except for normal tube replacement. We recommend no substitutions for the tube types used in this amplifier except as stated. All the tube types used are distributed national Iy, but replacements can be obtained directly from EICO if desired. To facil itateservicing, remedial and trouble- shooting pro- cedures have been provided in the TROUBLE- SHOOTING CHART that follows. A VOLTAGE AND RESISTANCE CHART is also provided as an aid in locating defective components. DC operating voltages are given both at no signal and signal developing 14 watts output, as well as the corresponding 1 kc signal voltages. TROUBLE- SHOOTING PROCEDURES Do not connect such a ground wire to other components in the system If possible, let each channel be connected to the amplifier using a separate shielded cable to the ampl ifier input. It is also desirable that the ground leads on both cables not be connected to- gether at any point - not even at the cartridge. How- ever, with some cartridges, it will not be possible to do this. In this case, just disregard this last instruction. Excessive hum on other inputs may be checked in a similar manner. Disconnect the input cable in question and short the particular input jack to the chassis. If the hum disappears, the trouble is external to the amp! ifier. Note that on all inputs, the braid of th;;; input cable shou Id connect to the ampl ifier only through the skirt of the input connector. The cause and remedies for the following symptoms are then based on the assumption that checks made in the manner described above have eliminated the Connect the leads from the stereo cartridge and from the two speakers to the amplifier. as described in the section " Electrical Connections " . Set the Input Selector control at PHONOand the Function Selector at STEREO. Playa known high quality stereo record- . possibilityof the trouble being external to the amplifier. These connections are made ing on the phonograph. If there is no output to the speaker of if the output is low or audibly distorted , procede to the checks for those symptoms. If there is excessive hum in the output , disconnect the phono input cable from the ampl ifier and short the phono input jack to chassis. If the hum disappears, the trouble is not in the amplif.er but in the phonograph or in the connection to the amplifier. each case, check for the trouble in the amplifier which seems defective. If both amplifiers are defective, check the power supply. The cause of phonograph hum may be a metal pick-up arm not grounded to the cable shield (try a good single ground connection to the cable shield from turntable frame, pickup arm, and cartridge case), direct hum pick-up by the magnetic cartridge from the record player motor(tryusing a rubber mat on the turntable to increase the separation of If the trouble is no output or low output , check AC signal voltages and DC operating voltages starting at the input and work step_by-step toward the output in each ampl ifier. Set the VOLUME control to maximum (10), the FOCUS, BASS and TREBLE controls to their mid- points (0), the INPUT SELECTOR to PHONO and the FUNCTION SELECTOR to STEREO . Use a 1000cycle sinewave signal , such as supplied by the EICO 377 Sine & In addition, use a precision 100: 1 attenuator to permit obtaining a level of Square Wave Audio Generator 0035 volt fed into MAG. PHONO from an audio generator output of 0. 35 volts, which can easily be measured onthelowestACvolts range ofyourVTVM (also improves signal to hum from generator). Use a high input impedance VTVM for all AC signal voltage measurements; a for DC volts measurements. YOM VTVM or 20, OOOQ/v is an excessively distorted output, try tube replacement, signal tracing, or procede directly to vol- . If the trouble tage and resistance measurements. the pick-up from the motor), or pick-up from a power transformer or other magnetic field in the vicinity (try moving phonograph away from suspected source). Check also that the phono input cable shielding is grounded to the ampl !fier chassis at one point only, through the skirt of the input connector where it plugs into the ampl ifier. Finally, try a good building ground such as a connection from a cold water pipe terminated under speaker terminal When the defective stage is local ized, procede to a resistance and voltage check of the stage, using the data in the VOLTAGE and RESISTANCE chart. Disconnect theampli- fier from the power line and discharge capacitors prior to making any resistance check and prior to removing any or Do not turn the amplifier on all of theEL84output tubes. with any of the output tubes remove CHECKING A TYPICAL TUBE STAGE bass re- inforcement and the other bass cancellation. The connection that gives bass re- inforcement is the in- phase connection and should be used. 1. Check tube. 2. Check plate and cathode resistor. 3. Check coupl ing capacitors for leakage or short. 4. For output stage, check dc Another criterion for the in- phase connection is that of resistance of transformer windings. 5. Check blending, which can be best applied if the speaker systems are identical or at least have similar middle and high frequency range grid leak resistor for open. 6. Check cathode by-pass capacitors for short. B+ voltage on tube, check decoupling low no or 7. If path for open or defective R60, R61, R62, R63 and fiI ter capacitor C37, C38 or C39. 8. . If wiring and circuit components including the tube voltage is excessive)' check the decoupl ing path for short or defective R60, R61, R62and R63. reproducers. With the in-phase con- nection and both speakers operating at approximately the same volume level, a monophonic source will appear to be emanating from a point mid- way between and the two speakers will blend. With the out-of- phase connection, the two sources will appear to remain separate. check O. K. and B+ Suspected trouble in the equalization)' tone, focus, and volume controls and networks should lead to specific resistance and capacitance checks to localize the trouble. In general, if the user suspects defective equal poor frequency response, ization)' or defective operation of the tone controls, the amplifier should be tested thoroughly with audio generator, vtvm, and scope. SPEAKER PHASING SERVICE If trouble developes in your instrument which you can;.,t remedy yourself, write to our service department listing all possible indications that might be helpful. If desired you may return the instrument to our factory where it wi be placed in operating condition for $12. 50 plus the cost of parts replaced due to their being damaged in the course of construction. NOTE: Before returning . this unit, be sure all parts are securely mounted. Attach a tag to the instrument, giving your home address and the trouble with container)' using sufficient packing material (cotton, shredded news- the unit. Pack very carefully in a rugged IMPORTANT NOTE ON SPEAKER PHASING: The two connected so that they operate. in phase, meaning that corresponding cones or diaphragms in the systems move in and out together when actuated by loudspeaker systems must be the same or similar signals. A simple method of checking this is to playa conventional monophonic (lateral) recording having considerable bass program material, setting the FUNCTION SELECTOR at MONAURAL. After listening for a few minutes, reverse the connections of the speaker paper, or excelsior), to make the unit completely immov- able within the container. The original shipping carton is satisfactory, providing the original inserts are used or sufficient packing material inserted to keep the instrument immovable. Ship by prepaid Railway Express, if possible, to Electronic Instrument Co., Inc., 33- 00 Northern Blvd., Long Island City I, New York. Return shipmentwill be made byexpress collect. Note that a carrier leads at only one of the speaker systems - not both - and cannot be held liable for damages in transit if packing listen again to the same program IN HIS OPINION)' is insufficient. wi II noti ce that one of these material. Normally, you connections seems to give TROUBLE- SHOOTING CHART SYMPTOM Amplifier causes power line fuse to blow. Power line fuse blows again with VII & V12 out of their sockets. REMEDY CAUSE Line cord, J16, primary or high voltage Replace or repair. secondary windings of T1 shorted internally or externally (wiring). VI0, or T2 Amplifier causes power line fuse to blow. Power line fuse does not blow again with VII & V12 out of their sockets. VII, V12, C39)' V7, va, V9, Any or all tube filaments not lit. Open tube fil ament. Open lead from 6. 3V winding of T1. Replace or repair. T3 primary shorted internally or externally. Replace or repair. 6 3 V winding of T1 open. Output tube bias too high (resulting in distorted output waveform). Open R56, Replace or repair. R57. DC voltage at Vl1, V12 cathodes (pin 3) is incorrect as specified below. a) No voltage. b) High voltage. C39 shorted internally or externally. Replace Replace or repair. Connection from C39 to pin 3 of VII Repair Defective VII or V12. & V12 broken. Connection to center tap of h. v. second- Repair ary winding of T1 open. Output tubes V7, VS, V9, VI0 overbiased or not drawing current. May re- shooting typical tube stage. sult from open R56 c) Low voltage. Excessive hum on mag. phono tape head or mic. Replace, repair, or see trouble- or R57. Excessive current drain in amplifier. See trouble-shooting typical tube Defective VII, V12. stage. Replace VI or V2 defective. Replace FiI. Dress fit. leads leads dressed toa close to grid away from grid lead. lead. Tube shield not making electrical con- Check and correct. tact to base or base not making electrical contact to chassis. Shielding and grounding of wiring to Correct input jacks not exactly as instructed and shown in drawings. Excessive noise on mag. phono tape head or mic. VI and V2 and contacts dirty. Clean throughly with carbon tetrachloride. Sustained oscillations. Poor dress of output transformer T2 or T3 leads. Dress all input leads and T3 leads away from each other. Keep T3 leads away from input jacks. Sustained microphonicson mag. VI or V2 defective. Replace V3 or V4 defective, not properly Replace, correct, phono, tape head or mi c. Hum on all inputs. shielded, or dirty sockets and contacts. Dress of power transformer T1 leads. Correct or clean. VOLTAGE AND RESISTANCE CHART TUBE PIN# OPERATING VOLTS AT NO SIGNAL (DC UNLESS NOTED) OPERATING VOLTS AT 14W OUT (DC UNLESS NOTED) SIGNAL VOLTS (1 kc) at 30W OUT FROM POWER) 014 290KO IMO 7KO 0035 290KO 90KO 2KO CC83(12AX7 4&5 OHMS UN IT DISCONNECTED 500 filament (OVDC; 6. 3VAC to pin 9) 500 filament 290KO IMO 7KO ECC83/12AX7 4&5 500 filament (OVDC; 6. 3VAC to pin 9) 290KO 90KO 2KO 500 fi lament 1. 2 ECC82/12AU7 V3, V4 . 1 4&5 500 filament (OVDC; 6. 3VAC to pin 9) 1. 8 1. 75 065 195 170KO 190KO 8KO 500 filament ECC83/12AX7 120KO 61OKO 3KO 100KO 190 470KO V5, V6 100KO 4&5 500 filament (OVDC; 6. 3VAC to pin 9) 1. 15 1. 1 7KO 500 filament 340KO 340KO EL84(6BQ5 ,1, 4&5 470KO 250KO 1650 14. 12. filament (OVDC; 6. 3V AC between pins 4 & 5) 500 330KO 335 325 180 165 1900 330KO 330 3500 320 340KO 340KO EL84(6BQ5 12. 4&5 -,7 14. 03* 6 2 335 325 330 320 1650 500 filament (OVDC; 6. 3V AC between pins 4 & 5) 180 330KO 330KO 3500 EL84/6BQ5 V9, V10 0 6. 7 12. 7 14. . 03 * 4&5 EZ81/6CA4 VII, V12 4&5 filament (OVDC; 6. 3VAC between pins 4 & 5) 335 325 330 320 290 V AC * 29OV AC* 180 340 335 7. 290* filament (340VDC; 6. 3VAC between pins 4 & 5) 290V AC * 290V AC * 290* 340KQ 340KQ 165Q 50 Q 165- 190 Q 330KQ 350Q 45- 55 Q 100KQ 100KQ 45- 55 Q * = 60 cycles All resistance measurements, except those made from pin 3 of Vl1 and V12 (EZ81 rectifier), are made with pin 3 of V11 and V12 grounded. All voltage and resistance measurements are measured to chassis with the controls set as follows: INPUT SELECTOR to PHONO, FUNCTION SELECTOR to STERO NORMAL)' LEVEL at 10, BASS, TREBLE & FOCUS controls at O. For voltage measurements at 14W output, set the input selector to the PHONO position and feed a O. 0035volt (;3. 5mv) 1 kc signal to the CH 1 & CH 2 Mag. Phono Input jacks; connect a resistive (preferably non- inductive) load to the output of each amplifier, of equal resistance to the tap selected (::1:20%), and capable of handling 15 watts. Voltage measurements are made with a VTVM. Operating line voltage atwhlch voltage measurements are made is 117VAC, 60cps. NOTE: ALL VOLTAGE & RESISTANCE VALUES NORMALLY BY::I:15%. AUXA SECTION AM-FM AUX B FM-MUL TI PHONO MIC TAPE INPUT SELECTOR 11- 11- SWITCH 2-6- S 1 10- 11- 10- 11- 10- 10- 12 10- 11- 10- 113- 7 4-11 1 -4- 2-4- 3-4- 10- 10- 10- 3-610- 12. 10- 1":12 10- 10- SECTION 10- 10- AMPL. 2 AMPL. 1 10- 9- 1 0- NORMAL 10-11 TUNER AUX. REVERSE PHONO FUNCTION SELECTOR SWITCH 3-4-7 4- 10 1) Entries are numbers of those switch contacts which are connected together by the rotors at the particular position. NC means no connection. 2) On schematic diagram, all switch wafers shown in the maximum counter_ clockwise position (AUXA and CH 1CHECK)as seen from the front or shaft end. TOP VIEW ~~L~~/6BQ5 ~~~84/6BQ5 OPERATES FROM ""V ~'-'t'~ SO/6C CYCLE AC LINE ECC83/12AX7 84/6BQ5 ~~L~4/6BQ5 MODEL HFDUAL 14 WATT HIGH FIDELITY INTEGRATED AMPL"'ER ECC83/12AX7 r'\ V V r'\ ECC83/12AX7V ECC82/12AU7V r'\ V- POWER CONSUMPT'ON. 140 WATTS ELECTRONIC INST. ' CO.. INC. r'\ VECC83/12AX7 r'\V- noo NORTHERN BLVD r'\V- 11 L , CITY 1 N Y r'\V- VEZ81 \JEZ81 VECC82/12AU7 FRONT AUX A iUEIiJ. MODEL HF- AUX B DUAL 14 WATT HIGH FIDELITY INTEGRATED AMPLIFIER 3 AMPS 117 VAC (Q) ITJJ SPEAKER CONNECTIONS TAPE OUT CH- 2 CH. OAM MULTIO 10 0 0 001 100000\ CHANNEL 2 CHANNEL 1 OFM 000 000 MIC PHONO TAPE CHANNEL 1 MIC PHONO TAPE CHANNEL 2 REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST Stock' 20050 23014 23020 22517 22514 22518 22550. 22506 20039 22520 22529 22543 23007 22533 24005 23016 20043 22519 91005 92000 50020 50018 Description Stock' Cl, cop. , paper ~1\T C3, C5, C7, cap., disc., . 025mfd, GMV (25K or 25, OOOmmf) Symbol 25mfd, 200V cop., elec., lOmfd, 6V cap., elec. , 25mfd, 6V 33, C35, 36, 45, 46 C9, Cl1, C13, C15, CI7, 18, 21, CI9, 20, 41, C23, C25, 26, 27, 28 C29, C31, 32, 43, 44 C37 C38, C40 C47, 48 cap., disc., 850mmf, "'10% cap., disc., . 0027mfd, "'10% (2. 7K or 2700mmf) cap. disc., 6oommf, "'10% (20K or 20, 000mmf) 02mfd, "'10% cop. disc. cap., molded,. lmfd, 400V, "'10% J14J16 PCl, Rl, R:r,4, 40, 41, 53, 54, 11526 10423 10430 11504 11527 RS, 6, 11 10422 11518 _18045 ---., 8046 10435 10414 18048 18047 10410 10420 R13 R15, RI7 18, 44, 45, 46, R19 20, 60 R2I, R22, 23 R24, 25 R26, R28, 29 R30, R32, 33, 54 R34, 35, 68, 69 10431 R36, R38, 11543 10412 R48, 49, 50, 51" 14600 11538 10851' 10952 14302 19009 10421 R42, 43 RS6, 57 RS8, 59 R61 R62 R63 R64 R70, 71 nut, for fuse holder jack, dual outlet, convenience printed circuit res., IMQ, 1/~, "'10% res., 10KQ (brown, black,green, silver) 1/~, "'10% (brown, black, orange, silver) res., 200KQ, 1/~, '" 5% (red, black, yellow, gold) (red, red, red silver) res., 2. 2KQ, 1/'NI, "'lOOk. res., 4. 7KQ, 1/~, :10% (yellow, vi~let red, silver) 5% (white, black, orange, gold) res., 90KQ, 1/'NI res., 100KQ 1/'NI, '" 5% (brown, black,yellow,gold) res., 68KQ, 1/'NI, :10% (blue, grey, orange, silver) res. , 2.2MQ, l('NI, : 5% (red, red, green, gold) pot. , 750KQ linear, dual TB5 TBIO, 19 TBI2, 14 43004 46000 46006 50012 50019 nut, he", '4-40 nut, lin., '8nut, tin., angle bracket screw, '6- 32 x 1/4 screw, '8- 32 x 3/8 screw, '4- 40 x 1/4 screw, '4-40 x 1/4 brass screw, '4 wood screw, '8- 32 x 1 screw, '6 P. K. brown screw, '8- 32 brown screw, '8 P. K. washer, '3/8 lock washer, '6 lock ~sher, '4 lock washer, '8 lock washer, rubber, forfuseholder washer, fiAt, '8 lug, '6 ground lug, '3/8 pot ground lug, 18 ground grommet, 3/8 feet, rubber insulator for 50011 insulator for 50018 insulator for 50020 pbono plug knob, outer concentric 50021 51006 53016 pot., IMQ, linear, concentric pot. , 500KQ, linear, concentricw/SPST switch res ", 100KQ, l(ZW, %10% (brown, black, yellow, 53017 53018 57000 58004 58300 58302 58408 58410 58412 knob, inner concentric 58501 80057 81109 81110 81111 81116 81124 wire, bare silver) res., I. 8KQ, 1/~, :10% (brown, grey, red, silver) silver) res., 3. 3KQ, l(~, %10% (orange, orange, red, silver) res., 470KQ, 1/~, :10% (yellaw, violet,yellow, silver) res. , 1.8KQ, l(~, : 5% (brown, grey, red, gald) res. , 330KQ, 1/~, :10% (arange, arOnge, ye ilow, sHver) res., 1650, !)N, % 5% res., 22KQ, 1/~, % 5% (red, red, orange, gold) %10"k. (red, red orange, silver) res., 22KQ, lW, res., 4. 7KQ,~, :10% (yellow, violet, red, silver) res., 3500, lOW, :10% pot" 100Q res., 6. 8KQ, 1/~, :10% (blue , grey, red, silver) 30021 TB6,7, 13, TB9, 11, 18 43001 nut, hex, '6nut, hex, '3/8- pot., 250KQ, audio, dual res., 150KQ, 1/~, :10% (brown,green,yellow, transformer, power transformer, output T84 fusebolder pilot assembly sacket, 9 pin min. w/shield socket, 9 pin min. nut, he", '8-32 switch, Input Selector switch, Function Selector switch, slide, DPDT switch, slide, SPOT T2, 3 TB1, TB3, XFl XII XV1, 2, 3, XV5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 40016 40026 40027 41000 41003 41016 41026 41027 41028 41045 41046 41047 42000 42002 42007 42008 42029 42032 43000 cap. , elec., 4O- 40- 20mfd/350- 350- 400V cap., elec., 30mfd, 4O0V cap., molded, .03mfd, 600V (10K or 10, 000mmf) cap., disc., . 0Imfd, "'10% 60057 60065 62000 62002 32013 54516 54002 54001 54014 54003 54006 54013 54008 tube, EL84 tube, EZ81 Vll, 40008 jack, triple 10407 10400 tube, 12AX7 tube, 12AU7 V7, 8, 9, cap., disc., 47mmf, "'10% 11- 1250011 Vl, 40000 40001 40007 10. 50016 "'" 29751 terminal strip, 2 past right terminal strip, lP left "'10% (1.2Kor 1200mmf) cap. disc., 150mmf, "'10% cap., disc., 225mmf, "'10% cap., elec., 5Omfd, 25V pilot light, '47 jack, quad, J5- ...97025 cap., disc., . 0012mfd, fuse, 30mp JI- 54000 90034 90033 90039 90038 97800 97712 97027 Description TB15, TB17 terminal board, 5 screw terminal strip, lP right w/ground terminal strip, IP right terminal strip, 3P 2 left terminal strip, 2 past terminal strip, 3P 2 right terminal strip, lP left w/ground terminal strip, 4 past 81134 81144 81145 81146 81154 81903 89207 89208 89219 97300 97710 66067 66316 knob, duell concentric line cord wire, hook...p, thin wall spoghetti spaghetti, heavy cable, 1 conductor cable, 4 conductor cable, 3 conductor panel bottom plale brocket, left bracket, right bezel chassis shield w/spade bolls perfomled screen bracket~ Input bracket far DPDT switch shield bottom clamp, wire label, rear apron label, tube layout label, service tube shield Jewel, red manual af instructions (wired) manual of instructions (kit) length length length length length length length Jl1 J12 J13 Jl0 ""1:26 ""C25 -C23 ~C24 -C22 .....C21 --C20 --C19 -CJ8 ,...CJ7 -'J6 -CJ5 ........C14 -c13 ..:.CJ2 - ClI =CIO ~C8 .... C7 ....c6 -c4 ... Cl ';'",,-, C28 200V ~ 6V 6V - 200V "'- C27 C13 ~'4 %10% -:13 %10% - cap., disc., 150mmf, cap., disc. , 225mmf cap., disc., 225mmf %10% _ %10% ' cap., molded, . 1 mfd, ..uJOV, %1O%-"'C48 -Jl cop., disc. , 150mmf %10% %10% GMV %10% 6V 6V GMV cap., elec., 10mfd C29 cop., elec., IOmfd, ,.-C30 cap., elec., 25mfd "'C31 cap., elec., 25mfd ;;,-C32 cap., disc., . 025mfd ,C33 cap., disc., . O25mfd, C34 cap., disc., 850mmf, ""C35 cap., disc., 850mmf, %10% . C36 cap., disc. , . 0027mfd, %10% ;"C37 cap., disc., . 0027mfd %1O% ...C38 cap., disc., 600mmf, %10% ......c39 cap., disc., 600mmf %10% .....,('C..uJ cap., disc. 02mfd -C41 cap., disc., . 02mfd, "..,c42 cap., molded, . Imfd, ..uJOV, %IO%-C43 cap. molded, . Imfd, ..uJOV, %IQ%- C44 cap., disc., . 00J2mfd, %IO"k .?C45 cap., disc. OOJ2mfd %10% "C46 cap., molded , . I mfd, ..uJOV, %1O%-C47 cap.,paper, . 25mfd cap.,paper, . 25mfd Description , . , . ';' RI3 R12 RlI RJO R2l R19 R20 R32 R33 R34 R35 R36 R37 R38 R31 --R30 res., 3. 3KQ I/2N, "'lO"k res_, 470KQ, I/'M, "'IO% res., 150KQ,I/2N, "'10% res., 8KD.I/2N, "'10% res., I. 8KQ, %10% I/2N, pot. , IMQ, linear, concentric pat., lMQ, linear, concentric pat. 500KD. linear, concentric , concentric pot., 500KQ, linear res., lOOKD. I/2N "'10% res. , lOOKD. I/2N, "'10% res., 3. 3Kn, I/2W, %JO% R28 R29 res., 150KQ,I/2N, %10% R27 pat., 250KQ, audio, dual pat., 250KQ, audio, dual R26 --rt25 R23 R24 res., 68KQ, J(2N, :10% res., 2MQ,J(2W, :5% pot. , 750KQ linear, dual pot., 750KQ linear, dual res., 100KQ,I/2W, % 5% res., 68KQ, I(2W, :10% res., lOOKQ,I/2N, % 5% R17 RJ8 res., 9OKD. J(2W, % 5% 4.7KD. I/2N, %10% res. , 9OKD. I/2N, % 5% Descri tion res., R71 R16 RJ4 RJ5 ;:.oR22 -';' =-R63 R62 R61 R58 R59 R60 - R57 -R56 R52 R53 R54 R55 R51 R42 R43 R44 R45 R46 R47 R48 R49 R50 R4l R..uJ R39 I/2N, %10"k 7KD. res., 350Q, res., res., 68KQ, res., 22KQ, --VI .......VI2 -VIO ....VII -V9 -V8 ""V7 "-...V6 .V5 ... V3 -55 12AX7 12AX7 12AU7 12AU7 12AX7 I2AX7 tube, EZ81 tube, EZ8J tube , ELM tube, ELM tube, ELM tube, ELM tube, tube, tube, tube , tube, tube , switch, input selector switch, function selector switch, slide, DPDT switch, 5P5T, port of R32, switch, slide, 5PDT res. , 6.8KQ, 1/2N, :10% res., 2. 2MQ, I/2W, % 5% res., IOOKQ, I/2W, :10% :10% res., 6, 8KQ, I/2W, :10% res., 1O0KQ, I/2N, res., 330KQ, I/2W, %10% res., 330KQ, 1/2W, %10% pat., 1O0Q Description C18 R32 (g) 1958 R61 R62 JI5 JI4 R63 ..1f37C ..1f378 .1f37A ..1f38 R60 'IV STEREO AMP. PREAMP lOW, %10% I/2W, :10% IW, :10% I/'M, :10% 165Q, !NI, 5%. res., 165Q, !NI, res. , 22KQ, I/'M, % 5% res. , 22Kn, I('M, % 5% res. , res., 10KD. I/2W, %10% res. , lOKn, I/2W, :10% res., lOKQ, res., 33OKQ, 1(2W, :10% res. , 330KD.J(2W, "'10% res., 1OKD. J(2W, "'10% res., 330KD. I/2W, :10% res., lOOKD. I/2W,% 5% res. , 330KQ, I/2W, :10% -51 R71 res., 100KD. I/2W, : 5% res., 100KQ, I/2N, res., 1. 8KD.I/2W, %5% res. , 100KQ, I/2W, : 5% R66 R64 R65 5ym R67 R68 R69 R70 470KD. I/2W, %10% res., lOKn, J(2W, %10% res., 10KQ, I/2W, %IO"k res., 1, 8Kn, I/2W, % 5% res" Description 4"5 DUAL 14 WATT HI- res., IMQ, I/2N, %10% res. , JMQ, I/2N; %10% res., 200KQ,I/2N, % 5% res., 200KD. I/2N, % 5% res. 7KD.I/2N, %JO% res., 2.2KD.I/2N, %10% res. , 200KD.J(2N, % 5% res., 2Kn, J(2N, %10% res., IMQ. I/2N, %10% res., JMQ, I/2N, %JO% res., 1OKD. I/2N, %10% res., 10KD. I/2N, %10% res., 200KD. I/2N, % 5% ac pawer tope output - channel I -116 tope output - channel 2 :)15 phono - channel I tope - channel I mic - channel. phono - channel 2 tope - channel 2 mic - channel I multiplex aux A - channel 2 DUX B - channel 2 DescriJ'tion "JI2 JI3 ..J14 ,-:Ill "JI0 d'l ~~~ MODEL Hf- %10% aux A - channel I aux B - channel I cap. , disc.. . 0Imfd cap., disc. , . 00 12 mfd, %10% cap., disc. 0012mfd %1O% cap., disc. , 47mmf, %JO% cap., disc. , 47mmf, %10% cap., disc., . O25mfd, GMV cap., disc., . 025mfd, GMV cap., disc., . OJ mfd, %l0% cap., elec., 40-40-20mfc!/350-350-400V cap., elec. , 30mfd,..uJOV cap., elec., 3Qmfd,4OQV cap., molded, .03mfd OOOY cap., disc., 47mmf, %10% cap., disc., . 025mfd, GMV cap., disc., . 025mfd, GMV cap., disc., . 025mfd, GMV cap., disc., . 025mfd, GMV cap., disc., 225mmf %JO% cap., disc., 225mmf, %IO% cap., elec., 50mfd 25V cap., elec., 50mfd, 25V cap., disc., 47mmf, %10% Description ';' R42 VllVI2 ---- C32 R58 C31 R59 ';' ';' su!d ta)j::Jos aljt Ot 6UHJoljS lOt uapp::Jo tuaAaJd Ot S!ssolj::J aljt pJOMOt sta)j::Jos aljt uo sqOt 6nl punoJ6 aljt puas Japlos puo pauuo::J suoaw (S) UOHO!AaJqqo (papauuo::J uaaq aAolj spoal Jaljto I!tun) Japlos taU op tnq pauuo::J suoaw alj1 :atoN ' paH!WO aq AOW sl!otap 6UP!M JO 6uHunow jO ~l (j) UOHO!AaJqqo %OZ (~W) wlj06aw L :: (~)I) swljolPI swljo OJ::J!W-OJ::J!W OOOL (jW) SpOJOj OJ::J!W L ::: (jww) SpOJDj 000 000 000 000 uo!wadaJ AJOSsa::Jauun I papMoJ::Juns6u!MOJpalj t d3a)j01 ' sMollOj ampa::JoJd 6u! J!M puo 6uHunow datS- Aq-dats ataldwo::J aljl :3~nG3)0~d NOI1)n~1SNO) SJots!saJ 'AtPodo::J JO a::JuotSlsaJ ssaJdxa Ot pasn sHun aljt uaaM,Jaq sd!ljsuoHolaJ 6U!MOIIOj aljt atOU asoald ' patupd san loA J!aljt aAOlj SAOMIO II!M S::JHAloJpala puo SJOH::Jodo::J ::Js!pSOaJaljM ' papo::J JOlo::J aq tau AOW JOAOW SJOt!::Jodo::JJolnqnt parlow tOljt oslo ~patu!Jd sanloA J!aljt aAolj Jots!saJ %L SOaJaljM papo::J JOlo::, puo ' %OL aJO tDljt PU!W U! daa)j ' UOHo::J!jHuap! p!doJ U! auo Ot lonba S! (jw) pOJOjOJ::J!W auo sato::J!p patu!Jc.: U! anloA aljt U!Otqo Ot tsnw anloA 10::J!Jawnu patupd aljt toljt SpOJOj OJ::J!W- OJ::J!W JO swljo P!O 01 ' (jww) SpOJOjOJ::J!W- OJ::J!W ~uo!lI!W toljt oslo alaN 'AlaA!padsaJ puosnoljt dUO Aq pa!ldHlnwaq S! )I Jattal aljl ' AJaA tDljt atou asoald :NOll JO V')I:lIlN301 Sl~V'd . sJa!ld soD ' . U!SOJ AHlonb lj6!H atsod JO P!::Jo Jaddpts aJ!M 0 puo sawu!ds jO tas V' oslo xnH ::JHaljtUAS tualoA!nba sa::JuOtswn::JJp AUO Japun xnH aJO AJaA J!aljt aAoljtnq I papo::J JOlo::J aqtO UAoW uaA!6 S! 6u!po::JJO\0::J U! SjOH::Jodo::J JO SJots!saJ uo puo (OOOLX) JalldHlnw 0 s6UHOJ puosanloA Injasn aJo::J lj::J!ljM JOj stJod aljt jO AUOW SIOOt AJotuawalddns asn Wu 00 . Japlos aJO sloat ::J!soq asalj1 :G3~lnO3~ 51001 )ISV'S . Jalj!ldwo aljt jO 9 JO t;; - sJa!ld asou6u01 . apolq ,, 8/L - JaAppMaJ::JS apolq " V/L ot 11 9L/~ - JaAppMaJ::J5 . L SJaHn::J lou060!0 (SHOM ~~) UOJ! l!::Juad JO ' un6Japlos JO ' (SHOM OOL) UOJ! 6upaplos uo!pnJtsuo::J aljt JOj paJ!nbaJ aq tUIO! 0 JaplosaJ O~ AJOssa::Jau sl t! UOSoaJ AUO sWOJ6OIP aljt U! UMOljS so patnOJ SI peal aljt ualjM ljt6ual paJ!nbaJ aljt paulWJatap aAOlj nOA IHun peal AUO tn::J tOU 00 'AJOssa::Jau ualjM ljt6ual aJO JadoJd ayt Ot paWwpt aq PlnoljS spoal asalj1 ' paJlnbaJ UOljt Ja6UOI uauo SJaWJOjSUOJt pUO ' SJOH::Jodo::J ' SJOts!saJ uo spoal aljt tOljt patou aq oslo Plnoljs . JaplOS Mau asn ot aJns tuauodwo::J aljt tuaAaJd pUO AOMO toalj ljHM paJap SJaiid alj1 ' SJalld asou6uol jO Jlod 0 jO dH aljt JOj jl ' patOaljJaAO Alnpun 6u!aq WOJj aljt pnpuo::J 111M -IOS 6u!aq tU!o! aljt puo tJod aljt uaaM,Jaq peal aljt Plolj tJod 0 Ot asol::J 6upap -IDS am nOA jl ' UMOP )joaJq JO '6uHOO::J aAlpatoJd Jlaljt asool l anlOA a6uolj::J JaljHa AOW H Ot papauuo::J StJod aljt tUIO! 0 Ot pal Iddo S! toalj lj::Jnw oct puolj Jaljto aljt uo . AJOPOjSHoSun S! lj::JIljM tU!oJ UISOJ 0 6UHo::J!PUI ' AaJ6 puo 3~0) ODV' 35n 53) pamdJoaddo II!M tU!o! aljt ' pa!lddns S! toalj aitHI OOt jl ' toalj lj::Jnw oct puo toalj alH!I OCt ~pap!OAO aq Ot sawaJtxa OM,J aJO aJalj1 . paloo::J solj Japlos aljt ualjM AU!ljS puo ljtoows S! tU!o! 6uHI nsaJ aljt toljt adS Ot )j::Jalj::J pUO SMOlj Japlos aljt IHun UOJ! 6upaplos aljt aAOWaJ tau 00 ' jlasH tUlo! aljt WOJj toalj aljt Aq patlaw SI Japlos aljt tOljt os(UOJ! aljt uo tou) tU!oJ aljt uo Japlos aljt a::Jold puo SttOM OOL uoljt Jallows ou ' uoJ!6upaplos pauuHAlljsaJj ' uoal::J 0 asn ' uo!pau jO u!otJa::J 0 a)jow 6upaplos aJojas ' UO!SOJJO::J snop ppo a::Juls Xn1:1 01:)"'1' ~O ~3G10S -uO::J 10::J!uolj::Jaw po06 0 -as asno::J UO::J xnlj ~3G10S 3~0) NISO~ ::10 30V'~D 153S 3H1 3Sn AlloHUOtS %O~- :SlNIH NOI1)n~lSNO) NV'1SWn)~I) ON ~30Nn ' sadApollwIs JO " aJo::JHlnw" U!SJ3 ' " aAI:I-u!sa~" Jatsa)l so lj::Jns saxnH patOA!pO Mau aljt 6UIU!Otuo ::J dUO AlqOJajaJd 1NO puo %OOL+ Allonsn S! S::JHAloJpala JOj a::JuoJalot aljt puo ' JatoaJ6 'Ins aJO SJOH::Jodo::J II!M tuauodwo::J 0 jO anloA aljt toljt pu!j II!M noA Jadod uo sa::JuoJal01 . ~)lZ' ~ puo ~)lZ' V uaaM,Jaq aJaljM I ~)lL' aljt ' aldwoxa Jo:l ' a::JuoJalot t!n::JJ!::J AJOA AUO aJnsoaw AOW Jots!saJ%OL =F alqoMollo aljt U!ljHM tJolj::J r- ape:;. JOlo::J aljt JO SWOJ6OlP 10pop!d aljt Ot JajaJ StJod AUO 6U!AjHuapI alqnoJt aJO aAolj noA jl ' S!ssolj::J aljt Ot patunow toljt stJod asolj t 6u!pnl::Ju! ts!I stJod aljt tSUl060tJod lj::J09)j::Jalj::J puo AI InjaJo::J t!)j aljt )j::Jodun :1()I 3H1 DNI)I)V'dNn UMOljS tnoAol s.llod puo aJ!M aljt 6u!MOIIOj aljt Aq pa::JnpaJ joAtln::J!H!paljt puopaAoJdw!aq II!M tuawnJtsul aq II!M JOJJa 6U!J!M 0 6UlpU!j pataldwo::J aljt jO a::JuoJoaddo aljt Alu!opa::J puo l uosoaJ po06 0 JOj UMOljS so aJO saliM uatjO AJaA ' alq!ssod so Alasol::J so SWOJ60!p 10!Jop!d aljt U! pa::Jold UMOljS tnOAol StJod pUO aJ!M aljt MOllOj nOA tOljt AI6UOJtS a6m aM aJoWJaljtm::l . 6UP!M puo Alqwasso JadoJd JOj tOU Ot nOA a6Jn aM ale) uoH::JnJtsuo::J aljt ljsnJ tnq Uo!pnJtsuo::J aljt U! ua)jot Amssa::Jau awH aljt 110 a~ot Ot pJOMaJ II!M tuawnJtSU! slljt jO puo a::J!AJas AJOPOjSHOS jO SJoaA AUOW ljHM JopnJtsuo::J aljt . tuawnJtSU! S!lj Ul a::Juapuuo::J JatoaJ6 H SMOllOj puo H sapa::JaJd ljtoq toljt uolpas NOll -)n~1SNI aljt 6ultdnJsap tnoljHM paAOWaJ aq AOW puo )jooq aljt Ul AlloJtua::J pato::Jol SI Uo!pas NOIl)n~1SNO) aljt toljt atON ' uoH::Jas NOI1)n~15NO) aljt 6UIMOilOj sa60d aljt uo sawnsaJ uolpas NOI1)n~15NI alj1 ' ('::Jta ' )2: ),, Aq paMolloj sJaqwnu a60d aAolj Uo!pas S!ljt U! sa60d IIV' ' uolpas )L) NOIl)n~15NOJ aljt S! a60d S!ljt ljHM 6uluu!6aq lonuow aljt jO Uo!pas alj1 SNOUJn'H.1SNI 'V'H:lN:I!) to.) -$- TBll XVll XV12 - TB21 TB20 8' '-'. ) !' Fig. 1 XV6 TB3 .J8910 -Jl11213 XV8 TB2 TB1 TB4 TB17 TB13 TB5 TB18 TB 14 XV9 XV10 TB19 -$- addition to Fig. 1, it will be required to refer to Fig. 6 in the fol- j9 direction in figure 6. chassis and the input jack strip. (Fig. 10). screws, two #4 lockwashers and two hex nuts. Fig. 1. Mount the shown. hex nuts.. Mount a lockwashers, mount one post right terminal strip, TB4. 5 screw terminal board, TBl, as shown. Use two #6- 32 screws, two #6 lockwashers and two #6- 32 hex nuts. Under one of the 8. ( J) 2 hole insulator between the chassis and the jack strip. Use four #6- 32 screws, four #6 lockwashers and four #6- 32 7. (~) Fig. 1. Mount the2 terminal tape output jack strip, J14, 15, QS and tWo #6- 32 6. 1. Mount the switch bracket with the switch (previously mounted il6 lockwashers in step 5) on the chassis, as shown. Use two #6- 32 screws, two (~ig. #4-40 hex nuts. two #4-40 1. Mount the double pole 2 position slide switch, S3, into the switch bracket, as shown. Use 5. . (' ~i9' washers and four 16- 32 hex nuts. Mount a 3 hole insulator between the chassis and the input Jack strip. (Fig. 10) 1. Mount the 3 terminal input jack strip, JIl)' 12, 13, as shown. Note mounting direction in figure 10 Use four '6- 32 screws, four #6 lock- 4. (J, Fig. the Fig. 1. Mount the 3 terminal input jack strip, J8, 9, 10 as shown. four #6- 32.screws, four #6 lockwashers and four #6- 32Iiex nuts. Mount (J) Use the 3 hole insulator between 3. XV5, XV6, XV7, XV8, XV9 and X\f10. Use two 14-40 screws, two #4 lockwashers, and two #4-40 hex nuts on each. In each case)' note the mounting direction in figure 6. 2. (/) Fig. 1.. Similar to the above, mount 9 pin miniature sockets, XVII, mounti v( Fig. 1. Mount the 9 pin miniature tube socket, XV12, as shown. Use two #4-40 screws, two #4 lockwashers, and two #4- 40 hex nuts. Note the lowing mounting procedure in order to settle such matters as orientation of terminal boards, keyways on tube sockets, etc. The wiring which comes later will be greatly facilitated if, after mounting each part, the symbol number of the part is written on the bottom of the chassis next to the part with a crayon soft pencil. Note: In BELOW CHASSIS ASSEMBLY 1. Mo,nt the 5 wew te,mlnall"""d, TB2, '" ,hawn. U,e two Fig. 1. Fig. 1. Push a rubber grommet into the 3/8" hole next to the fuse- (I) Fig. 1. Mount 3/8 this manner are: three post , two left , TB5; two post , TB6; )' F" Fig. 1. Mount the #6 ground lug " G" with one #6- 32 screw, Note position of lug on figure 6. one 1. Mount the single pole 2 position sl ide switch, S5, as shown. screws, two #4 lockwashers and two #4- 40 hex nuts. #6 10cKwasher and one #6- 32 hex nut. 18. ( Use two \4.-40 17. (, four pos~, 1814; one post left, TB 17; three post, two right, TB 18; one post left with ground; TB19; on~ post right with ground, TB20, and two post right , TB21. two post, TB7; two post , 188; three post, two right , TB9; one post6 1eft with ground)' TBI0; three post, two right, TBIl; four post, TB12; two post, TB13; to be mounted in 16. (\4 Fig. 1. Mount the following terminal strips as shown. Use one #6scre ;J;/)one #6 lockwasher and one #6- 32 hex nut on each. The terminal strips this terminal. up the lu ~ with terminal 2. The grounding lug will eventually be soldered to hex nut. Between the potentiometer and the When tightening potentiometer, line hum bucking potentiometer, PM, as shown. Use one Je one 3/8 pot ~rounding lug. chassis, u 3/8" lockwasher and one 15. 14. Fig. 1. Mount the 30mfd, 4O0V electrolytic capacitor, C39, as shown. Use one #6- 32 screw, one #6 lockwasher and one #6- 32 hex nut. Note direction of positive side. (It is the reverse of C38 in step 13 above. 13. Fig. 1. Mount the 30 mfd, 400 V electrolytic capacitor, C38, as shown. Use one #6- 32 screw, one #610ckwasher and one #6- 32 hex nut. Note direction/of positive side. th 1. Mount the convenience outlet, J16, as shown. Use two #612. screws, (two #6 lockwasher and two #6- 32 hex nuts. holder. 11. nut. against the outside of the chassis under the 10. Mount the fuseholder, XFI, as shown. Use rubber washer wider part of the holder. Slide the large nut over the fuseholder on the inside of the chassis. DO NOT tighten maining "nut, mount a #6 ground lug. #6- 31hlg.screws, two #6 lockwashers and two #6- 32 hex nuts. Under the lockwasher, mount one post right with ground terminal strip, TB3. Under the re- 9. j, ~g. PREWIRING OF SELECTOR SWITCH (C) to S 1 B- 7 (S 1). Connect C46 from S IH- 7 (C) to /J) G- (S4). 3/)ft. :Sf) (C). to S 1 G- 1 (S2). Fig. 2. Cut all leads on two 47mmf disc capacitors, C43 and C44, Connect C43 from S 1 B- 12 (S2) to S lC- 12 (S2). Connect C44 from (C) to SlG- l SlG- 5 (Sl) to SlF- 5 (C). 8. ( /Fi9. 2. Cut all leads on two 600mmf disc capacitors, C13 and C14, to 3/4" . Connect C13 frcm SlB- 4 (Sl) to SlC-4 (C). Connect C14 from S 1 F- to 7. Connect;R18 from SlF- l 6. (' Fig. 2. Cut all leads on two 100KQ (brown, black, yellow, gold) resistors)' R17 and R18, to 1/2" . Connect R17 from SlB- 12 (C) to SlC-12 (C). to S 1 tors, Cll and C12, to 1/2" , Cover each lead with a 1/4" piece of spaghetti. conne t 111 from SlB- l (54) to SlC- l (S2). Connect C12 from SlF- 2 (S2) disc capaci- (C). Connect 5. (~ Fig. 2. Cut all leads on two. 0027mfd (2. 7Kor 2700 mmf) R67 ftm SlF- 2 (C) to SlG- 2 (C). (C) to S lC- l two 2. 2MQ (red, red, green, gold) 5% resistors, Connect R21 from SlB- l Fig. 2. Cut all leads on R21 and R67, to 1/2" . 4. (S2). 850mmf disc capacitors, C9 and C10, to (C). (S2) to SlB- l (C). Connect CI0 fromS 1 G- 2(C) 2. Cut all leads on two Connect C9 fromS1B- 3 to S 1/-4 3/4" . 3. (d. Fig. resistors, R15 and R16, to 1/2" . Connect R15 from SlB- 3 (C) to SlB- l Conne R16 from SlG- 2 (C) to SlG- 4 (C). 2. ()) Fig. 2. Cut all leads on two 90KQ (white, black, orange, gold) 5% Connect C45 from S IB- 6 S 1 ~ /S 1). 1. 4) Fig. 2. Cut all leads on two. 025mfd(25Kor 25, 000mmf) disc capacitors, C45 and C46, to 3/4" . Cover each lead with a 1/2" piece of spaghetti. num er. The lug is re ferred to by the wafer number and lug designation. Thus lug lD- 3 refers to selector switch S 1, the " D" side of the wafer (rear side of the econd wafer-side facing you when holding the switch as shown in the drawing) and 3 refers to the lug on this particular side of the wafer. determined by looking at the switch from the view shown in the figure. Each side of the wafer has been assigned a letter. Each lug has been assigned a Turn the switch to its maximum counter-clockwise position. The switch is shown in the figure from the rear view. The exact position of the lugs referred to are (' Fig. 2 R21 ell R15 9. J) Fig. 2. Strip back the outer insulation 1 1/2" from one end of a 10" the shield strands together and IA - 10 (52). Connect a 1" piece of bare wire from S ID- l1 (S2) to S 1 Etwisted shield strands' to S lC- 6 (C). On the other end of the (C). N.) Fig. 2. (S 1), the red lead to S 1 F- l 0 Strip back the insulation 1/4" (Si3) 1 1/2" piece of bare wire from SlC- 6 (S2) to of a 4 1/2" piece of black wire to SlF- 6(C). 7 1/2" piece of 3 conductor shield cable. Twist the shield strands together, Strip back the outer insulation 1 1/4" from one end of a 2. Connect a 2. Connect one end until later. 15. (,) Fig. 2. S 1 F- 6 VI 14 (V)\.Fi 13. ~~F! ~ , /i get co ~neqted from f~e e ?d of each of the inner conductors. This end of the cable does not oran~e lead to 3/4" and the brown lead to 1" . (Sl), the brown lead to SlF- 9(Sl) and the twisted shield strands to SlF- 6 (C). On the other end of the same piece of shielded cable, strip the outer insulation back 1 1/4" . Twist the shield strands. Cut the shield strands, red lead and of these leads. Connect the orange lead to S 1 F- 12 piece of 3 conductor shield cable. Twist the shield 12. Strip back the insulation 1 3/4" from one end of a 9 1/2" strands together and cover wIth a 1 1/2" piece of thick spaghetti. Cut the brown and red leads to 3/4" and the orange lead to 1" . Strip back the insulatIon 1/4" from the end of each back the insu lation 1/4" from the end of each of the inner end of the cable does not get connected until later. Strip conductc?rs. This strands to 3/4" . U'I same piece of shield cable, strip the outer insulation back 1 1/4" . Twist the shield strands. Cut the red, orange , and yellow leads to 1" . Cut the shield (S 1). Connect the lead- to S 10- 11 cover with a 1 1/2" piece of thick spaghetti Cut the brown, red and orange leads to 3/4" each and the yellow lead to 1 1/4" Strip back the insulation 1/4" from the end of each of thes~ leads. Connect the brown lead to SlD(SI), the red lead toS1D- 9(Sl), the orange lead toSlD- 10(S1)and the yello 11. ( Fig. 2. Strip back the outer insulation 1 3/4" from one end of a l0" piece of the4 conductor shielded cable. Twist the shield strands together and 2. Connect one end of 0 3 1/2" piece of block wi 'e to 5 (S 1). (S2). (v) Fig. 2. Connect one end of a 3" piece of grey wire to S 1 G- 12 (S 1). This strip the outer insulation back 3/4" to S lC- 4 (S2). Twist the two leads together. 25 (vfFi9. 2. Connect one end of a 5 1/2" piece of brown wire to S 1 E- 3 (S 1) and one end of a 5 1/2" piece of white wire to SlF- 5 (S2). Twist the two leads tog/ether. and one end of a 4 1/2" piece of blue wire 24. ( v) Fig. 2. Connect one end of a 4 1/2" piece of green wire to S 1C- 2 (S 1) together. . 23. (~/Fig. 2. Connect one end of a 5" piece of grey wire to SlD- 3 (Sl) and one end of a 5" piece of yellow wire to SlE-4 (Sl). Twist the two leads 22. ( Twist the shield strands together. Strip back the inner insulation 1/4" . end of t~e cable does not get connected until later. other end of the same piece of cable, I, 3" piece of brown wire to SlF- 8 (SI). 21. ( Fig. 2. On one of a 4" piece of single conductor shielded cable, strip the outer insulated back 1/2" . Twist the shield strands together and cut off. Strip back the inner insulation 1/4" and connect to SlG-6(Sl). On the 2. Connect one end of a fig. 2. Connectoneendofa5" pieceofbrownwiretoS1D- 7(S1). 20. ('Fig. 19. . Jhis end of the cable does not get cable, strip the outer insulating back 1/2" . On one end of a 4 1/2" piece of single conductor shielded Twist the shield strands together and cut off: Strip back the inner insulation 1/4" and connect to S18- 5 (Sl). On the other end of the same piece of shielded cable, strip back the outer insulation3/4" ; Twist the shield strands together. Strip back the inner insulation connected until later. 1/4" of grey wire to S 18- 11 a 2" piece of black wire to S 1 H- l1 Connect one end of a 2 1/2" piece 2. Fig. 2. - 2. Connect one end of 18. V) Fig. 17. td IF; g. 10. iJ rg. from the end 9feuch of the inner conductors. This end of the cable does not get conne ~'d unti I later. On the other end of the same piece of shielded cable, strip the outer Insulation back 3/4" . Twht the shield strands together. Strip back the insulation 1/4" 16. ~. Strip and cover with a 1" piece of thick spaghetti. Cut the orange and red leads to 3/4" and the brown lead to 1" . Strip the insulation back 1/4" from this end of each of these leads. Connect the orange lead to S IH-I0 (S 1), the red lead to SlH- 9(S1), the brown lead to SlH-7(S2)and the shield strands toS1H- ll (C). This en of the cable does not get connected unti I later. the red lead to 3/4" and the orange lead to I" . cover with a 1 1/4" piece of thick spaghetti. Cut the brown lead to 1 1/4" back the insulation 1/4" from the end of each of these leads. Connect the brown lead to SlB-6 (S2), the red lead to S 1 B-8 (S 1), the orange lead to S 18- 9 (S 1) and the twisted shield strands to S lA- 10 (C). On the other end of the same piece of shielded cable, strip the outer insulation back 3/4" . Twist the shield strands together. Strip k the in,ulaHon 1/4" fwm the end af each af the inne, conduct"". piece of 3 conductor shielded cable. Twist . ~ /) (ii) CJI J) ~ (37 R22 R25 R24 Fig. TBI5 XV4 R23 XV3 XV1 XV2 J1234 J567 I' R31 R30 R33 R32 XIl TB16 =$= ~g. 3. Mount from the top of the chassis. Use two #4- S4, as shown. Slide potentiometer, R30, as shown. Slide the locating lug on the potentiometer into the small hole 3/8 hex nut. 3/S lockwasher and one (stock# JS04S) 6. (L.) Fig. 3. Mount the dual 250KQ level control potentiometer, R24, R25, Mount the dual concentric bass control Use one 3/8 lockwasher and one 3/S hex nut. 3/8 remove the fuseholder mounted in step 10, on lIon this. page (page 7C), remount the fuseon page 3C. This time , tighten the nut but do the next step, not tighten too much or holder will crack. Next, continue with step 120n this page (page 7C), and follow the normal sequence of steps. holder as indicated in step 10 page 3C. After completing step NOTE: Before Use one 3/S 10ckwClsher and one 3/8 hex nut. 10. (\ .) Fig. 3. Mount the two post terminal strip, TB 16, as shown. Use one #6- 32 screw, one #6 lockwasher and one #6- 32 hex nut. locating lug on the switch into the small hole adjacent to the mounting hole. 9. ( ) Fig. 3. Mount the input selector switch, Sl, as shown. Slide the Use one 3/S lockwasher and one the mounting hole. hex nut. ig. 3. Mount the function selector switch, S2, as shown. SI ide ~ex nut (stock# 18045). locati g lug on the switch into the small hole adjacent to the 8. ( one 3 7. Fig. 3. Mount the dual 750KQ focus control potentiometer, R22, R23 into the small hole adjacent to the mounting hole. Use one 3/SIockwasher and (stock# )SO46) jacent to the mounting hole. as shown. Slide the locating lug on the potentiometer into the small hole ad- adjacent to the mounting hole. Use one R31 , 5. (01 Fig. 3. washer aJld one 3/S hex nut (stock# lS047). one 3/Slock- the locating lug on the poten- tiometer into the small hole adj acent to the mounting hole. Use on-off switch, R32, R33, with shield support, XV4, from the top of the chassis. Use two #4-40 screws, two #4 lockwashers and two #4- 40 hex nuts. Note mounting direction in figure 6. Un~erone of the lockwashers, under the chassis, mount IJ two post right termi ":~1 strip, TB 15. 4. ('1 Fig. 3. Mount the dual concentric treble control potentiometer with lockwashers and two #4- 40 hex nuts on each. Note mounting direction~igure 6. 3. (" Fig. 3. Similar to the above, mount the 9 pin miniature tube socket screws, two~ #4 shielet--- support , XVl and XV3, and two #4-40 hex nuts. . Note mounting direction In figure 6. 2. (\ ~ Jig. 3. Similar to the above, mount the 9pin miniature tube so cketwith two #4- 40 screws, two #4 lockwashers, the 9 pin miniature tube socket with shield support, TOP OF CHASSIS ASSEMBLY XV2, from the top of the chassis. Use 1. ( (\y the chassis (see (V) Fig. 3. On the output transformer , T2, cut the black, brown, green, nearest the power transformer mounted in step 11. Push 7'Fig. 8. all leads from hole " under the cable clamp Solder the tab without a hole to screws, screws, four #6 lockwashers and four #6- 32 4, as shown. hex nuts. Use a hex nuts. Use a three hole in U ator between the input strip and the input bracket. 19. (\ ) Fig. 3. Mount the cable clamp on the upper left hand corner of the front apron~ s shown. Use one #8- 32 screw , one HSlockwasherand one #S- 32 hex nut. four #6- 31 screws, four #6 lockwasher and four #6- 32 four hole il'1sulator between the input strip and the input bracket. IS. ( 1/ Fig. 3. Mount the three terminal input strip, J5, , 7, as shown. Use Use fdJr #6- 32 17. (\ )/Fig. 3. Mount the four terminal input strip, J 1, two #6 lockwashers and two #6- 32 hex nuts. Follow arrows to mounting holes. pilot li 9~f has been lined up with the hole in the front chassis apron. Fig. 3. Mount the input bracket as shown. Use two #6- 32 16. (\V washer an~ one #6- 32 hex nut. Tighten the mounting screw and nut after the Screw the assembly to the chassis as shown using one #6- 32 screw, one #6 lock- Insert the pilot light, 11, into the pilot light assembly, XI1. at its slot. 15. ~,~ Fi~. 3. the cha~r.is the tabs e?,cessively or they will shear off. under the chassi~ in the direction shown in figure S. Tighten all nuts except the one h91ding the clamp on the top side of the chassis. (u.y 14. Fig. 3. Mount the electrolytic can capacitor, C37, as shown. In figure 6. note the direction of the half moon, square and triangle near lugs to determine direction of mounting. Insert the mounting tabs into the slots in the chassis and twist the tabs somewhat less than a quarter turn. DO NOT twist not tighten this screw yet. Run the shield. Under the nut without the lockwasher, mount the cable clamp. On the top of the chassis, mount a cable clamp under one of the screw heads. Do . Use four #S- 32 screws, three . Push the other leads through hole " #S lockwashers and four #S- 32 hex nuts. Under two of the lockwashers, mount Fig. 3. On output transformer, T3, cut the orange, yellow, red and green leads to 6" . Cut the brown lead to 5" . Cut the blue and brownyellow leads to 4" . Push the red, blue and brown- yellow leads through hole 13. ing. Se the other leads through the hole " . Use four #S- 32 screws, one #S lockwasher, two #S ground lugs, and one cable clamp. Secure each with a #Shex nut. SI ide all leads from hole " Y" under the cable clamp before tighten,.. leads through hole " Z" orange and yellow lead to 4" . Cut the blue, red and brown- yellow lead to 3" Mount the output transformer as shown. Push the red, blue and brown-yellow 12. hex nuts on three of the screws. On the fourth screw, use one #S grounding lug and one #S- 32 hex nut. figure 6). Use three #8 lockwashers and three #S- 32 Position so that the green and yellow leads face the center of 11. (\.fi Fig. 3. On the power transformer, 11, cut both green leads, the redyellow lead and the white lead to 2 1/2" ; both yellow leads to 3 1/2" ; both red leads and both black leads to 5 1/2" . Mount the power transformer as shown. Top Shield R32 iii 0 eOe eOe ~ICJ~ R33 eOe eOe eOe eOe ffi 10\ 0 0 Fig. 4 TOP OF CHASSIS WIRING ()('\)/ brown to Jl, 1 (Sl) CY orange to Jl, 2, 3, 3 (Sl) yellow to Jl, 2, 3, black wire from Jl, 2, 3, (V) 6range to J5, 6, 7- 5 (Sl) (originating at S switch, S3. and 51 E- 3 respectively) along the chassis as shown. Push leads tt,rough hole S" in the front panel between the two rotary switches and behind the slide 7. (\ ,,) Fig. 4. Run the twisted white and brown leads two rotary switches and behind the sl ide switch)' S3. Push the twisted green and blue leads (originating at S lCand S lC- 4 respectively) through the hole " S" in the front panel between the 4. 2 (S 1) 3 (S 1) connected as outer shield from the three conductor cable from (S2). The three leads from the cable are (,-1 brown to J5, 6 6, 7- 4 lJ/red to J5, 6, 7- 6. tJf Fig. follows: F to J5, Fig. 4. Connect the wafer S 1 5. 4 (S2) to 6 (S2) to 5 (Sl) 7 (Sl) Fig. 4. Connect a 1 1/2" piece of bare wire covered with a I" piece 4;"2 (Sl). Fig. 4. Connect a 1" piece of 4 (C). of spaghetti from J5, 6, 7- 4 (C) to J5, 6, 7- 1 (S 1). 4. 2, 3 3. () J 1, 2. ("') Fig. 4. Connect a 1" piece of black wire from J 1 (\:) red to J1, 2, (if (v) 1. Fig. 4. Run the four conductor cable from switch wafer, SlD and the three conductor cable from switch wafer, S 1 F along the top of the chassis. Run these under the cable clamp mounted on the output transformer, T3, and tighten this screw. Connect the outer shield from the four conductor cable to Jl, 2, 3, 6 (C).; The four leads from the cable are connected as follows: ~/ Cut all leads on two 6. to R24- 4 (Sl). (Sl). (S 1). Twist the two leads clamp, as Push' unsoldered end through hole " V" to the bottom of the chassis. 4. Connect a l" lS. (0Fig. 4. Connect a 2" piece of grey wire fromS2B- 10 (S 1) to S2B-4(S2). (S2). toR32- S (C). 4 1/2" piece of black wire to R32- S piece ofbarewirefromR33- 7(Sl) 17. (0 Fig. 4. Connect one end of a Push the pther end through hole " Uti 16. ( shown. together. Run along the front of the chassis and under the cable and one end of a 16" piece of brown wire to XI1- 2 15. (\/) Fig. 4. Connect one end of a 17" piece of yellow wire to XI1- 1 (S1) 14. (J),Fig. 4. Connect a 3" piece of grey wirefromR22- 5(Sl) 13. (\) fig. 4. Connect a 3" piece of yellow wire from R23- 2(Sl)to R25- 1 ) Fig. 4. Connect a 3 1/2" piece of yellow wire from S2B- 7 (S 1) to Fig. 4. Connect a 2" pieceofgreywirefromS2B- 4(C)toR22- 4(Sl). R23- 3 (S 1). 12. ( 11. (\)/ and the grey all the remaining loose leads from input selector switch, Sl through the rectangular hole below the switch. 10. (l(Fig. 4. Push lead from)he pair to S2B- 2 (S2). leads originating at SlE- 4 and SlD- 3 respectively) to S2A- S(S2) Connect one resistor from 9. ( ) Fig. 4. Connect the yellow lead (from the twisted yellow and grey R70 and R71 , to 1/2" . SKQ (blue, grey, red, silver) resistors, S2B- 2 (C) to S2B- 3 (S 1) and the second resistor from S2B- 9 (S 1) to S2A- S (C). S. '(v) ' Fig. 4. ~. ... R32 PCl R33 Fig. 5 TB16 10" piece of grey wire to the swi~ch l)which is mounted on the rear of the dual treble control potentiometers. Connect one end of a 14" piece of black wire to S4- 10 (S 1). Twist the two leads together and push the unsoldered end through hole " V" to the bottom of the connections made previously for PC #3 to R30- 2 (C) and lead #2 to R30- 1 Fig. 5. 1. ( 5. 5. of brown wire to R33- 6 (C). (C). (C) 5. Connect one end of a 5 1/2" piece of green wire to TB 16- Push the other end through hole " T" to the bottom of the chassis. 5. (v) Fig. 4. (Ii Fig. 5. Cut both leads on a . 0012mfd (1. 2K or 1200mmf) disc capacitor, C19)' to 1/211 . Connect from R31- 2 (S2) to R31- 3 (S2). and conflect to TB 16- 1 112 #3 and #6 On the printed circuit plate)' Pel , cut leads 111 to 1/2" . Cut leads #5 and #7 to 2" . Cutdead #4 to 1 1/2" . Connect lead *6 to R31- 3 (C), lead #3 to R31- 2 (C) and lead #2 to R31- 1 (S1). Cover leads piece of spaghetti. Connect lead #1 to R33- 6 (S2) #1 and #7 each with a 1 3/4" 117 to R33- 4 (S2). Cover lead #4 with a 1 1/4" piece of spaghetti and lead piece of spaghetti 3/4" and connect to R33- 5 (Sl). Cover lead #5 with a 1 3. (v) Fig. I e li T II . Connect one end of a 711 piece Push the other end through ho 2. (\J Fig. 116 on printed circuit plate PC2, to 111 cut leads and #7 to 2 1/4" and #7 each with 1other end through hole " (S2). (S2). Push this end of the cable through hole " U" to the bottom of the chassis. On the other end of the same piece of cable, strip the outer insulation back 3/4" . Twist the shield strands together. Strip the inner insulation back 1/4- piece of single conductor shielded cable. Twist the shield strands together and 1/4" Connect this end to R32- 1 (S2). cut off. Strip the inner insulation back one end of a 5" U" to the bottom of the chassis. 11. (.1)- Fig. 5. Strip the outer insulation back 1/2" on Push th 10. (0 lig. 5. Connect one end of a 4" pieceof yellow wire to R32- 3 16- 1 a . 0012mfd (1. 2K or 1200mmf) disc capaciConnect from R30- 3 (S2) to R30- 2 (S2). Connect one end of an 8" piece of grey wire to TB Push the/other end through hole " T" to the bottom of the chassis. 9. (v) Fig. 5. tor, C20, to 1/2" . 8. ('YFig. 5. Cut both leads on a 2" piece of spaghetti. Connect lead#7toR32- 1(C)and lead #lto R32- 3(C). Cover lead #4 with a 1 1/2" piece of spaghetti and connect to R32- 2 (Sl). Cover I jbd #5 with a 1" piece of spaghetti and connect to TB 16- 2 (S2). Cover leads #1 Connect lead #6 to R30- 3 (C), lead (S 1). lead #5 to 1 1/4" and lead #4 to 1 3/4" . the same printed circuit plate Pe2, 1/2" . On Fig. 5. Cut the leads #2 #3 and rear sectjon of the dual concentric potentiometer, with the printed circuit plate, !1t2, as follows: drawing. shown 7. 1 are not The wiring of the front potentiometers and the printed circuit plate Pe 1 , has now been completed. Referring to the set below the main drawing, wire the the chassis. We now wire the circuit using the first printed plate, PCl, using the upper in this drawing to avoid confusion. is shown dotted in. All shown dotted in. Below this drawing, the second plate, PC2 is mounted and wired in the circuit with its associated connections. In this drawing, the front potentiometer , R31 wired in first, with the associated connections. The rear potentiometer is To keep the drawings clear and simple, the first plate, PC 1 is mounted and potentiometers R30 and R32 mounted on the rear of the front potentiometers. S4- 9 circuit plate, PC 1 gets connected to the potentiometers, R31 and R33 nearest the front apron. The other printed circuit plate, Pe2 gets connected to the (S 6. (IA Fig. 5. Connect one end of a Two printed circuit plates are soldered to the dual potentiometers. One printed Strip the outer insulation back 1/2" on one end of a 811 piece of single conductor shielded cable. Twist the shield strands together and cut off. Strip the inner insulation back 1/4" , Connect this end to R33- 4 (C). On the other end of the same piece of cable, strip the outer insulation back ... 3/4" . Twist the shield strands together. Strip the inner insulation back 1/4" Push this end of the cable through hole " T" to the bottom of the chassis. ... XV12 TB6 XVll ;:; TB 10 XV5 XV7 R64 -$- TB7 LCD XI1 J16 TB9 TB8 XV3 TB21 J 1415 TB4 XV6 XV8 TBll TB1 TB3 TB19 TB20 XV4 TB2 TB 18 TB5 T B'l5 XV10 J8910 ,I TB 12 XV1 C:37 TB 14 XV9 TB17 XV2 TB13 Fig. 6 J1112. J. I. 6. F'om n, connect one g'oon leod to (C). the powe' t,on,ro,mer, (C) and the other green lead to R64- 3 (\!) Fig. . 6. Connect one end of a 4 1/2" piece of brown wire to XV7- (C) and the other ~I brown and yellow wires from hole " iFf,. 6. Connect 0 1/2" p; ec. 01 b"'e w; ,. 11. J) Fig. 6. Connect" one end of a 5" piece of yellow wi ~e to XVlO-4 (S2) and one end of a 6" piece of yellow wire to XVS-4 (S2). Twist the wires and run along the chassis as shown. ,Connect the other end of the brown wire to XVI0- 9 (C) and the other end of the yellow wire to XVI0- 4 (C). (S2) "om XV3-4 (52) to XV3-5 (5 I), 10. (1 Fig. 6. Connect one end of a 6" piece of brown wire to XVS- 5 9. ( and one end of a 5 1/2" piece of brown wire to XV5- 9 (S3). Twist the two wires and run along the chassis as shown. Connect the other end of the yellow toiX~3- 4(C) and the other end of the brown wire to XV3- 9 (S1). wire (S2) piece of bare wire from XV5-4 (S3) to XV5- 5 (C). S. (\)! Fig. 6. Connect one end of a 4" piece of yellow wire to XV5- 5 7. ( ~itg. 6. Connect a 1/2" yellow lepd to XV5-4 (C). chassis as shown. Connect the brown lead to XV5-9 (C) and the Fig. 6. Run the twisted pair of along the 6. .... (S2) ~nd one end of a 31 : piece of yellow wire to XV7- 4 (S2). Twist the leads together. ,Connect the other end of the yellow wire to XV5-4 (C) and the other end of the brown wire (running along the chassis as shown) to XV5- 9 (C). 5. gether. Connect the other end of the yellow wire to XVS- 4 end of the brown wire to XVS-5 (C). 4. , ('-/ Fig. 6. Connect one end of a 5" piece of yellow wire to R64~ (S3) and one end of a 5" piece of brown wire to R64- l (S3). Twist the wires to- Connect t~e other end of the yellow wire to XV7-4 (C) arid the other end of the broWj/wire to XV7-5 (C). and one endofa 4" piece of brown wire to R64- 1(C). Twist the wireslogether. 6. Connect one end of a 4" piece of yellow wire to R64- 3 (C) Fig. 6. Fold the 3. ( /Fi9. 2. pot grounding lug over terminal #2 on R64. Solder this lug to this terminal R64- 2 (S1). R64- l BELOW CHASSIS WIRING -;- (C) "i Fig. 6. Connect one end of a 7" piece of yellow wire to XV9- 4 (S3) (Sl). Connect one end of a 4 1/2" piece of brown wire to XV6- 9 (S2) 4 (C) 6. Connect a 1/2" piece of bare wire from XV4 4 (S3) to XV4- 5(Sl). 6. From the power transformer, Tl, twist the yellow leads and lead to XV11- 5 (S2). run along the chassis as shown. Connect one lead to XV11- 4 (S2) and the other 21. (\~ Fig. one of the yellow wires toXVl1-4 (C) and the other end of the remaining yellow wire to XV11- 4 (C) and one end of a second 3 1/2" piece of yellow wire to XV12-5 (Sl). Twist the wires and run along the chassis as shown. Connect the other end of 5 (C). 20. ('1) Fig. 6. Connect one end of one 3 1/2" piece of yellow wire to XV12 (~/i9' lS. (\)iFig. 6 Connect a 1/211 piece of bare wire from XVl-4 (S2) to XVl- 5(S 1). and run along the chassis as shown. Connect the other end of the brown wire to XVl- 9 (S 1) and the other end of the ye Ilow wi re to XVl- 4 (C) 9 (S2). Twist the wires a 2 1/2" piece of yellow wire to XV4~9. 6. Connect one end ofbrown wire to XV4- and one end of a 5 1/2" piece of 17. ( and one end of a 3" piece of yellow wire to XV6- 5 (S2). Twist the wires and run along the chassis as shown. Connect the oth~r end of the yellow wire to XV4-4 (C) and the other end of the brown wire to XV4- 9(C). 16. UJ Fig. 6 15. (0 Fig. 6 Connect a 1/211 piece of bare wire from XV6- 4(S2) to XV6- 5(C). 14. ()) Jig. 6. Connect a 1/2" piece of bare wire from XV2-4 (S2) to XV2- 5 and one end of a 7" piece of brown wire to XV9- 5 (S3). Twist the wires and run along t~e chassis as shown. Connect the other end of the yellow wire to XV2-4 (YJ and the other end of the brown wire to XV2- 9 (S 1). 13. along the chassis as shown. Connect the other end of the yellow wire to XV6- 4(C) and the ojher end of the brown wire to XV6- 9 (C). Twist the wires and run Fig. 6. Conne!=t one end of a 4" piece of yellow wire to XV9- 4 and one end of a 5" piece of brown wire toXV9- 5(C). 12. (\..... XV9- 4 (C) and the other end of the brown wire to XV9- 5 (C). and one end of a 5" piece of brown wire to XVI0- 5 (S2). Twist the wires and run along the chassIs as shown. Connect the other end of the yellow wire to (// / XVll C38 Jl6 -$- Fig. 7 TB8 XV3 TB18 XV9 XV7 TB5 R62 XV1O -$- 1. Fig. 7. From the power transformer, Tl, connect the red- yellow and (IJ) Fig. 7. From the power transformer , Tl, twist the two red leads and d lead to XVll- 7 (C). F,g. 7. Run the piece of spaghetti. Connect one lead to XF1- 1 (S2) C40, to V) Fig. 7. 1). Connect the 350Q, 10 watt resistor , R63, from TB6- 1 (C) Tl, to the black lead (near- 14. (\ hi9' 7. Connect a 6" piece of orange wire from TB6- 2 (S3) to XV7- 9(C). will be connected later. positive (+) lead on the 30mfd electrolytic capacitor . Cover with a 1 1/4" piece of spaghetti and connectto XV12- 7. Cut the 1/2" (C) to Connect a 3" piece of red wire fromXV12- 4 (S3) to TB6- 1 (C). Connect a 1/2" piece of bare wire from XV12- 3 3 (S2). The other lead C39, to 1 13. ('\./Fig. 12. (,0 Fig. 7. 11. (d Fig. 7. XV12- 4 (C). to TB6- 2 (C). Connect the negative lead to ground lug " B" (S 1) on XV12. 10. (V) Fig. 7. Cut both leads on the 30mfd electrolytic capacitor, C38, to 1 1/2" . Cover the positIve (+) lead with 1 1/4" plece of spaghetti and connect spaghetti. 2 (C). Cut both leads to , 1 1/4" and cover 'each with a 1' 1 piece (S to TB6- 9. (, XF1- Tl, connect Connett remaining black lead on power transformer, Fig. 7. . From the power transformer est ground lug " ) to J16- 2 (C). 7. ( running near ground lug " and the other lead to ground lug "A" (S3). Be careful not to burn the leads 3/4" Cut both leads on a . 03mfd molded capacitor, (C). Fig. 7. and coverE!och with a 6( lead to J16-:- 1 5. twisted pair of grey and black leads from hole " along the chassis as shown. Connect the grey lead to XFl- l (C) and the black (,i 4. (" ) Fig. 7. Connect a 1 " piece of bare wire fromXVl2- 1 (Sl)toXV12- 7(S2) 3. (' -(Fig. 7. Connect 01" pieceofbarewirefromXVl1- 1 (Sl)toXV11- 7(S2). other re run along the chassis as shown. Connect one red lead to XV12- 7 (C) and the 2. white I "ads to ground lug "A" (C) at the power transformer. /) 7. Connect a 6" piece of orange wire fromXVa- 9 (Sl) to TB5- 1 (C). (C). 3/4" Fig. 7. ConneCt a 4 1/2" piece of orange wire from TB5- 2 (C) to (S2). R62, to yellow wire from hole " U" (C). to TB8- 1 (C). (S 1). Twist the shield strands together. J14, 15- 1 Connect the shield to (Sl) and the inner conductor to J14, 15- 2 (Sl). Strip the insulation on the inner conductor back 1/4" cable, strip the outer insulation back 1/2" . TB7- 1 (C) and the inner conduCtor to TB7- 2 (C). On the other end of the same Strip back the outer insulation 3/4" from one end of a 8" Twist the shield strands together. Strip the insulation on the inner conductor back 1/4" . Connect the shield to Fig. 7. outer shield from the single conductor shielded ) to TB7- 1 (C) and the inner conductor of the some cable piece of single conductor shielded cable. ('0.1 cable (from hole " to TB7- 2 JC). 30. (C) Fig. 7. Connect a 3 1/2" piece of black wire from TB7- 1 (C) to TB8- 2 (C). Connect the 29. (\J Fig. 7. Connect the (V) 27. (vi/Fig. 7. to TB7- 1 the green wire from hole li T" to XV3- 2 Connect the black wire from hole " U" 7. Connect Fig. 7. 26. (;) , Fig. 28. Connect a 3 1/2" piece of yellow wire from XV10- 3 Connect a 3 1/2" piece of yellow wire from XV8- 3 (C) to Connect from TB5- 1 (S3) to TB5- 2 (S2). Fig. 7. Connect an 81/2" piece of red wire from TB5- 3 (C) to TB6- 1 (S4). 25. (....)' 24. r) to XV9 3 (C). 23. (\)lFig. XV7- 3 (C). 22. ~/) Fig. 7. resistor, 21. (~i9 7. Cut both leads on a 4. 7KQ (yellow, violet, red , silver) 2 watt TB 18- 2 20. (1/1 19. (yYFig. 7. Connect a 1" pieceof bare wire from TB5- 1 (C) to XVlO- 9 18. (\.J Fig. 7. Connect a 3" piece of orange wire from XVI0- 9(C) to XV9- 9(S2). 17. (\,YFig. 16. (w) Fig. 7. Connect a 7" piece of orange wire from XV7- 9 (S2) to XV9- 9 (C). 15. (trFig. 7. Connect a 3/4" piece of bare wire from TB6- 1 (C) to XV11- 3 (S 1). R25 TB8 TB21 XV7 R57 C29 TB1 J 14 1 5 -$- Fig. 8 B15 XV4 C37 TB18 TB19 XV9 R56 C30 XV10 TB2 -$- (d) Fig. 8. Cut the negative (-) lead on the 30mfd electrolytic capacitor, (C), the green lead to TB1- 3 U) Fig. 8. Connect a 3 1/2" piece of green wire from XVI 0- 8 (C) to Fig. 8. Cut both leads on a 1650, 5 watt resistor)' R56, to 3/4" (C)r Fig. 8. From the output transformer, T3, connect the yellow lead to the green lead to TB2- 3 (S 1), the brown lead to TB2- 2 (S 1), the (~f (\1 (J) and the inner conductor to TB21- 2 (C). Fig. 8. Connect a 3 1/2" piece of orange wire from TB9-2 (C) 12. (~ Fig. 8. Strip back the outer insulation 3/4" from one end of an 8" TB18- 2 (C). 11. (C). Connect the outer shield from the single conductor cable ) to TB21- 1(C) Fig. 8. (from ho le li 10. Connect" 2 1/2" piece "Iced wi'e from TB9- 3 (C) to TB 11-1 Fig. S. Connect the brown lead from hole " T" to TB11- 2 (C). 9. (J) Fi ./;. 8. I/ black lead to TB2- 1 (C), the red lead to TB5-3 (S3), the blue lead to XV9(Sl), t~e brown- yellow lead toXV10- 7(Sl)and the orange lead to TB2- 5 (S1). TB2-4 7. Cover one lead with a 1/2" piece of spaghetti and connect XV9-3 (S2). Connect the other lead to ground lug " E" (Sl) at XVI0. Dress resistor away from surrounding wires. ;::; 6. (\. 5. . Fig. 8. Cut all leads on two 50mfd , 25V, electrolytic capacitors, C29, and C30, to 1" . Cover the positive (+) leads on both capacitors with a 3/4" piece of spaghetti. Connect the positive lead of one capacitor toXV10(S2) and the negative (-) lead to ground lug " C" (Sl) at XV9. Connect the positive (+) lead of the second capacitor to XV8- 3 (52) and the negative (-) lead to ground lug " D" (Sl) at XV7. T8 19- 1 (C). 4. XV8- 6 (C). 3. (V) Fig. 8. Connect a 3 1/2" piece of green wire from XV7- 6 (C) to (S1), the brown lead to TBl- 2 (Sl), the black lead to TB 1- 1 (C), the red lead to TB5- 3 (C), the blue lead to XV7- 7 (S H, the bro ym- yellow lead to XV8- 7 (Sl), and the orange lead to TBl- 5 (Sl). TBl-4 2. ,,) Fig. 8. From the output transformer, T2, connect the yellow lead to C39, tol 1/4" . Connect to TBI0- 1 (C). 1. cable~ Twist the shield the 1650, ("~t (Sl). Dress away from Fig. 8. Connect a 3 1/2" piece of black wire from TB8- 2 (C) to Fig. 8. Connect a 3 1/2" piece of black wire from TBll- 3 (C) to froM 1811-1 (C)lo TBI8-3 (C). Fig. 8. Connect a 3 1/2" piece of orange wire from TB18- 2 (C) to Fig. 8. Connect a 1" piece of bare wire to the dual concentric pots XV3- 7 (S 1). 25. (\J) Fig. 8. Connect \l/ a 1 3/4" piece of green wire from R25- 2 (51) to 24. (\J fig. 8. Connect a 2" piece of black wire from R25- 3(S2) to TB11- 3 (C). in the rectangular hole at the middle-front of the chassis. Connect from R24(Sl) to R25::- 3 (C). 23. C37-A (0). 22. ("' r 21. ( ) Fig. 8. Connect a 3" piece of red wire fromTB18- 3 (C) to TB15- 1 (C). piece of red wire from TB18- 3(C) to C37-B (C). 3 1/2" p;aca "hod whoa a 4 1/211 fg. 8. Connect" F)g. 8. Connecta 4" piece of orange wirefromTB10- 2(C)toTB9- 2(C). 20. ('vi Fig. 8. Connect 19. ~~ 18. 17. (\i)/Fig. 8. Connect the grey lead from hole " T" to XV4-2 (Sl). ground lug n G" (C). 16. 15. (, /) Fig. 8. Connect a 3" ieceofblackwirefromTB21- 1 (C)toTBl1- 3(C). TB21-1 (C). 14. the surrou,nding wires. lug R 5 watt resistor, R57, to 1 1/2" Connect this lead to XV7- 3 (S2). Cut the ot~er lead to 1/2" and connect to ground and cover with a 1 1/4" piece of spaghetti. 13. (le ) Fig. 8. Cut one lead on shield to J14, 15- 4 (51) and the inner conductor to J14, 15- 3 (Sl). back 1/4" . Connect the Twist the shield strands to- gether. Strip the insulation on the inner conductor same cable, strip the outer insulation back 1/2" . TB21- 1 (C) and the inner conductor to strands together. Connect the shield to TB21-2 (C). On the other end of the Strip the insulation on the inner conductor back 1/4" . piece of single conductor shielded // C17 (21 R39 -I' '/' .., \. --:\ TB20 ~" -c . Io -1:: I' fi' ~ 5"""""" ?J", l1'\~ ~ ~,L\. ~:::- ~i.l: "it".-. (9FJ 2 - c~ 0 "';' ~~ !:51$ I 4- \ ~~~~~ , ", 'Ut ,'~ ,,1 "dJ:;!L. ff: ~U t"' ,\1 t! Q: --'c l"r' 7. - R. ) ~ i- " d2; ~dOl , o- ~~c~ c- ~:i \..' ~ ~ Hi' -V I.~L; 7.""""" 'Ii -"". -I- Y\ -~:,r v:' (1?r C 1 i~ts:~ "t\ i1); ~I ----.U /h rtO1 p= IIJ/i) I!iJI!J. 1!iJ/fiJ l!f\!HJ :w~u;r Fig. 9 r---. E38 :--i (24 C26 R40 (36 C28 R46 R24 (18 (22 I----. r44 R42 i\O\ 110\ nO! 0~ 1Wl!' --(L ~ w b-Y ~\'\. ) J ' AJ/i) -'tot., ",:""", ~,'~J~ f~~~~i" ) f 0 '" ' \;J ; ~ z~ R50 R52 R54 (32 R58 :H:;~ _ C34 ~'E! ~ ~. """~------'\ -$- ~~C""e--- "-\'J--. r ~~. ~~,; Wl'-' ~ ~ 0 ~ o~"1 Lj1rdIif~ TB3 TB2 ...)- u 12 ' I ~~) ~r' ,gJ( "!'O0\"'i!t 1,./ H~ 0 ~o~ ~- I-!t' ~v.," ' R41k \ ~ ' C23 R43 R47 ,.0 1Y:' r- 1'. i- !. " TB4 TBl ' ..;;. ~"'--:~ ~?; .~ W""Y ~;J ~O!!'" ""-~ t---. ~l--- S ~?' I~ ~ S ~ II'~ij ,I ,p'rr ' ~ '~ - .-,,:... /j, n- ~/'\ ~I 10 :k~ I ~) ~\ ((I) C27 R45 (33 (35 (25 R49 R51 R53 R48 R55 (31 R59 , ~ ~ #"" j..""" , / - ~' ,~~!\" €)~\:y ( '" ,~; ~.'.' ~~ (( ' ..:~~ '"..~. ~, ...".. "~, ----------..--g=~",'~",.~~'~~. .~--- ,~~ ~,"('/( :,\ ~ .., -~)'-,~~: ~: ~ ~~~ ~~) , ~"", "= ..... ... ~~ ....... ~~. ', ' " ,,,~--~~. "'~ ~- ~~. '-. ~"'" .~. ~ -'"g"~-','""~,~" :~...~ ~, ~ ~~ '~'"- 9. (vi Fig. disc capacitors, C31 and piece of spaghetti. ,or) (S3) to 184 (S3). Each lead is to be covered with a 1/2" to XV8- 2(Sl). XV8-6 resistor from XV7-8(C)toXV7- 2 (Sl). ConXV1Q;.. 2 (S 1) Connect R52 from XV9- 8 (C) to Conne~t R53 Connect R55 from Connect a 3" piece of grey wire from TB20- 2 (C) toXV9- 8 (S2). 13. Fig 9. Cut (S3). Connect C36 from XV6- 3(C) to TB19-1 (S3). all leads on the two 100KO (brown, black, yellow)' gold) from XY6-1 (C) to TB20- 2 12. (\; Fig. 9. Cut all leads on the four. 025mfd (25K or 25, OOOmmf) disc capac itors, C33, C34, C35, and C36, to 3/4" . Connect C33 from XV5- 1 (C) to XV7- 8 (S3). Connect C35 from XV5- 3 (C) to XV7-6 (S3). Connect C34 resistors, R49 and R51 to 3/4" . Connect R49 from TB Connect R51 from XV7- 6 (C) to ground lug " I" (C). (C). yellow; silver) 10- 1 (C) to XV7-8 (C). 11. (t)lFig. 9. Cutall leads on the two 330KO(orange, orange, (C) to TB20- 2 (C). to 1/2" . Connect R50 from TB 19- 2 (C) to TB 19- 1 Connect R~8 from TB20- 1 resistors, R48 and R50 10; (fI) Fig. 9. Cut all leads on the two 330KO (orange, orange, yellow, silver) 9. ~./) ~ig. 9.. nect R54 from XV10- 8 (S2) to XV9- 2 (S 1). Connect R41 from TB9- 1 (C) to 1B9- 2 (C). Connect R40 from TB18- 1 (C) to TB18- 2 (C). -0 (S. 2) ... res istors, R40, R41, R52; R53, R54, and R55, to 1/2" . 8. (\;1 Fig. 9. Cut all leads. on the six 10KQ (brown, black, orange, silver) piece qf spaghetti. and R59 from 1B 1-4 19. (,,~ Fig. 9. Cut a 1/1 piece of bare wire from XV6- 2(S1) to XV6- 6 (S3). (S3). 9. Connect a 3/4" piece of bare wire from TB21- 2 (C) to XV6- 7(Sl). to TBl1- 2(S2). Connect C21 shown and push all capacitors flat against the chassis. Dress the leads as from XV3- 1 (C)to TB7- 2 (S4). Connect C22 from XV4- 1 (C) to TB21- 2 (C). nectC18 from XV4- 6(C) 24. (\/~i9' 9. Cut all leads on four. 1 mfd (brown, black, yellow, yellow) molded capacitors, C17 C18, C21 and C22, to 3/4" . Cover each lead with a 1/2" piece of spaghetti. Connect C17 from XV3-9 (C) to TB8- 1 (S2). Con- 23. ,("J (S5). 9. Connectal1/4" pieceofbarewirefromTB7- 2(C)toS5- 1(S1). 22. (,.1 Fig. 9. Connect a pI pieceofbarewirefromXV5- 2 (Sl) to XV5- 6 21. (\) Fig. 20. (' )'Fig. (C) to TB 18-1 (S2). XV5-6(C) to TB9- 2 two 150mmf disc capacitors, C23and C24, . (C) to TB9- 1 (S2). Connect C24 from XV6Fig. 9. Cut all leads on to 1" . Connect C23 from XV5- 6 from Fig. 9. Cut all ' leads on two 470KO (yellow, violet, yellow, silver) resistors, R38 and R39, to 3/4" . Connect R39 Connect R38 from XV6- 6 (C) to TB18- 2 (S5). 18. (C). (S3) nect R42ifrom XV6-8 (S2) to TB21- 1 17. (\')'j:ig. 9. Cut all leads on two 1. 8KO (brown, grey, red, gold) 5% resistors, R42 and R43, to 3/4" . Connect R43 fromXV5- 8(S2) to TB7- 1 (S5). Con- Fi.g. 9. Cut all leads on the two 22KO (red, red, orange, gold) 5% 7. (\ resistors, R58 and R59, to 3/4" . Connect R58 from TB2-4 (S3) to TB3- 1 a I" piece of bare wire frQm TB2- 1 (Sl). 6. ( ) / Fig. 9. Connect lug II H;' (S3) to TB 19- 2 (S3). 16. (\# ) Fig. 9. Cut all leads on the two 225mmf disc capacitors, C26 and C27, to 1" . Connect C27 from XV5- 3 (S3) to ground lug " I" (53). Connect C26 from XV6- 1 (53) to TB20- 1 (S2). from XV6- 3 the two 225mmf disc capacitors, C25 and (S3) to TBI0- l (S3). Connect C28 Connect C25 from XV5- 1 Fig. 9. Cut all leads on C28 to 3/4" . 15. 14. ( Fig. 9. Cut all leads on the two 100KO (brown, black, yellow, gold) 5% resistors, R44 and R47" to 3/4" . Connect R47 from XV5- 3 (C) to ground lug " 1" (C). Connect R44 from XV6- 1(C) to TB9- 2 (C). 5% resistors, R45 and R46, to 1/2" . Connect R45 from XV5- 1 (C) to TBI0(S2). Connect R46 from XV6- 3 (C) toTB19- 2 (C). ~j (S2) to ground 5. h)Fig. 9. Connect a 1" piece of bare wire from TBl- l (S2) to TB3- 2 (S1). 1/2" (C) and the other capaci- tot, C31, from 1Bl-4 (C) to 184 (C). Each lead is to be covered with a 9. Cut all leads on two 47mmf, 10% Connect C32 from TB2-4 (C) to TB3- 1 (C). Connect a 9" piece of black wire from XV5-8 (C) to T84 (C). 9. Connect a 9" piece of black wire from XV6- 8 (C) to TB3- 1 C32, to 3/4" . 4. 3. ( ) Fig. 2. (1) / Fig. 1. (\)Fig. 9. Connecta21/2" pieceofgreenwirefromR24- 5(Sl)toXV4- 7(Sl). /, ~, ~(~~ ~~ . ' '" ~" ~ -~ . i&L 1:' L/ R28- C 16 T B 8 C1 R29 R IJ:~ 1)(\r:J fro)j ~ rv' V, ~"U" JSl) ~:D J-- .-r . O Ft. ;;;\'1 -r;~:' 00: . ~ . ' .~ - (~ 'y0 \t ~~J ........" o'-- rfJ jjI'( I /JJ ~ 1.11 ~: (OJ, .(.J.J :A -, '0 (01. ~ ft ~ .I F'7. ~ l (f J ~jJ.; , ,c rl (2) t5 ..... / V R12 TB17 TB13 ~o t01 OJ TfOUI.." I \IT r--- Fig. -I.\III ~1f\~ \' I~ ,n.. 0 II ~oilMJol -1IO1no1 "'7' T B 12 R26 ~ 11 B15 JX V1 R36 R34 .... TB14 ~i: ~~jtPs.~ ;J~ ~ C48 ~r,~ L" r . '6J J/ia 13 R !-. fi 0. 'n 0;(~k.... (..4J.. ~ ~ If(~, z~t ~JI - /./-"I7/(tJ'g-r ~ ~~ ... I't , r:::::=-- III ~ ~ cc v:F t. . -.a.,., , i. ,~rh. L I ~iD. .. 1 0 R~9 J f:jJ:J~ =-- it\~ " J~, J ' s:! \ ~Ar3 ,-;';'f',. ' \l...... \0\- t~~ f.' 1$ ~'( ~/~ ~) I' 0 ' 1/ ~ I , r ~ 11 . 1,(9) -r/ J 7~l( 4~ J, /I I' !en~Ji0"' A ,1;j,) ".,\ j T S5 =-~' ':1:-, = ~.. t1fjtj. ' 15.0) ~,'.,\.-.rY'\!, ' ~ 1ICJ' ...... ", I" '""), ~ r.o'~ I ~ I ~~ ~ J~ l"':' ($llili:'~..;r' ~' \ 1'-' . ~-J" 'P I TB R27 8 ~ ~~ '-.t. ~~ '" ~~ -. ..... ~""" ~ 1~ M,'.,~s:! '.1: I""'" ~ C~~-;v')!~I 1I1 XV4 gL~ R35- il;L ~~r ~ -..-!,' ~~ /" ....... JjA~ ~ I' ~ I" R37, TB2 C47..... TB9..... ...... "'"$-. ~ ~~~ \((')) ~~. .~/\"~-::' ,. ~ ", .~ .~ """ ~ """ ~~----=:::::::::: ~~ ~. , "",,, ~/ ~"\, /' ~~... .."",..~ 'j. ~......~ ~ ~""'.~ . ~~ ~\-,.j -~:.:../ -"---\. ,.. .\" ~~ ~€) ~""".~ ,~~~~"---: ~~ !~~ ,(~~~~ ~~~ - -:!.,~~\~~' ., ~ ~-----~~'. ~'~~. ~ ---.. -~~---- ,.' Fig. 10. Cut all Ii' (J) and R37, to 5/8" . 3KQ (orange, orange, red, silver) resis- OOK or 10, OOOmmf) disc capaciConnect C47 from XV3-3 (S2) to TB21- 1 (C). 6. (/) Fig. 10. Cut all leads on two. 01 mfd ('\l 2 (C). Fig. 10. Connect a4'! piece of orange wire fromC37-C (C) to TB15- 2(C). Fig. 10. Connect a 4" pieceo(orange wire from TB17 (C) to C37-C (C). (C). 15. qn 14. ( I) Fig. 10. Connect the shield from the single conductor shielded cable lead from SlD-7 to TB12- 1 (C). black lead from SlA- lO to TB12-2 (C). piece of black wire from TBl4-2 (C) to Fig. 10. Connect the brown Connect the Fig. 10. Connect a 3 1/2" 13. (\);Fig. 10. TB 13- 1 12. ('I~ 11. (\)/P/ig. lO. Connect a 4" piece of orange wire from Ta17 (C) to TB13- 2 (C). 10. Fig. 10. Connect a 4 1/2" piece of black wire from ground lug " G" (C) to TB14- (C). 9. (V) (C) to"' ~12- 8. (,) Fig. 10. Connect a 3 1/2" piece of black wire from ground lug " 7. Connect C48 from XV4- 3 (S2) to ground lug " G" (C), tors, C47 and C48, to 3/4" . (C). Connect R36 from XV4- 3 (C) to ground lug " (C). 96nnect R37 from XV3- 3 (C) to TB21- 1 tors, R3(/ 5. (\~Fi,9. 10. Cut all leads on two 3. (S5). 02mfd (20K or 20, OOOmmf) disc capaciConnect C 15, from XV3-8 (S2) to T88- 2 (S4). Fig. 10. Cutall leads on two. tors, CIS and C 16, to 1/2" . Connect C16 from XV4- 8 (S2) to TBll- 3 4. resistors, R28 and R29, to 1/2" . Connect R28 from XV4- 8 (C) to 1811-3 (C). Connect R29 from XV3- 8 (C) toTB8- 2 (C). 3. (\/) Fig. 10. Cut all leads on two 1. 8KQ (brown, grey, red, silver) 10% R27, Connect R26 from XV4- 6 (S2) to TB15-1 (52). Connect R27 from XV3- 6 (S2) to TB11- 1 (S3). resistors, R26 and to 1/2" . "2~ ('v) Fig. 10. Cut all leads \)n two 150KQ (brown)' green)' yellow, silver) 1. leads on two 100KQ (brown, black,yellow, silver) resistors, R34 and R35, to 1/2" . Connect R34 from XV4- 1 (S2) to TB 18- 3 (S4)! Connect R35 from XV3- 1 (S2) to TB9- 3 (S2). ""' ..""" ! / ---""j, """" """ "'--" ') ) Fig. 10. Connect the grey lead from SIB- II to TB12-4 (C) (C). 9, 10-5 (C). (C) to Jll, 12, 13- 5 (C). with a 1 1/4" I) Fig. 10. Connect a 3" piece of grey wire from TB14-4(C) to XV2- 2 (C). Fig. 10. Connect a 2" piece of grey wire from TB12-4(C) to XVl- 2 (C). 27. (') Fig. 10. Cut all leads on four 200KQ (red, black, yellow, gold) 5% resistors, R5, R6, R11 and R12t05/8" . Connect R5 from C37- C (C) tp XVl- 6(C). Connect R6 from TB13- 2 (52) to XV2- 6(C). Connect R11 from TB15- 2 (S2) to XVl- 1 (G). Connect R12 f~om TB17 (S3) to XV2-1 (C). 26. k) 25. SlH along the chassis as shown. Connect the shield toJl1, 121 13-5 (S2); connect the brown lead toJ11, 12, 13-1 (51); connect the red lead to J11, 12)' 13(S2); apd connect the orange lead to Jll, 12, 13- 4 (St). 24. (\) Fig. 10. Run the three conductor shielded cable from switch wafer ~3. (,I) Fig. 10. Run the three conductor shielded cable from switch wafer S~Balong the chassis as shown. Connect the shield to J8, 9, 1O- 5(S2); connect the brown lead to J8, 9, 10- 1 (Sl), connect the red lead to J8, 9, 10- 3 (S2); ""an~ connect the orange lead to J8, 9, 10- 4 (S 1). 22. (, Fig. 10. Cut all leads on two 100KQ (brown)' black, yellow, silver) resistors, R68 and R69, to 1/2" . Connect R68 from J11, 12, 13- 2 (S2) to Jll, 12, 13- ; (C). Connect R69 from J8, 9, 10- 2 (S2) to J8, 9, 10- 3 (C). piece of spaghetti from Jl1)' 12, 13- 2 21. ( ). /Fig. 10. Connect a 1 1/2" piece of bare wire covered piece of spaghetti from J8, 9, 10-2 (C) to J8, 20. (\,) Fig. 10. Connect a 1 1/2" piece of bare wire covered with a 1 1/4" (C). Connect the black lead from 51H-ll to TB14- 2 19. (\/) Fig. lO. to 1814- 2 (C). Connect the inner conductor to TB 14- 3 (from S 1 G- 6) 18. ("") Fig. 10. Connect the shield from the single conductor shielded cable 17. (,) ~ig. 10. Connect the greylead from SlG-12 to TB14- 4 (C). 16. (. from SlB-5) to TB12- 2 (C). Connect the inner conductor to TB12- 3(C). tI.) tI.) Fig. 11 TB21 R13 TB12 R66 R65 R19 1' Fig. 11. Cut all leads on two 2. this end U) (v) silver) resis 1B12-2 (C),, Con- green , 6 volt electrolytic capacitors Connect R14, (with the shorter leads) fromXV2- 3(S2) to TB13- 1 (C). Connect R13 (with the longer leads) from XVI- 3 (S2) to ground lug " G" (C). Fig. 11. Cut both leads on one 4. 7KQ (yellow, violet, red, silver) re9. 3/4" sistor, R14 to 1/2" and both leadsol1asecond4. ;7KQ r~sistor, R13, to lug " G" (C). Connect the positive (+) end ofC4 to XV2- 3 (C) and the negative ) lea9' to 1B13- 1 (C). C3 and C4 , to 3/4" . Cover ~ach lead with a 1/2" piece of spaghetti. Connect the positive (+) end ofC3 toXVl- 3(C)andthe negative (- )Ieadtoground 8. y) Fig. 11. Cut all leads on two 10mfd 7. Fig. 11. Cut all leadson two. 025 mfd (25K or 25 000 mmf) disc capacitors C7 and CS , to 3/4" . Connect C7 from XVl- l (S2) to TB12- 1 (S3). Connect C~/from XV2- 1 (S2) to 1B14- 1 (C) . 1B 12- 1 (C) to TB 12- 2 (S7). Fig. 11. Cutailleadson two. 0012mfd (1.2KorI200mmf)disc capaci- tors , C41 and C42 to 1/2" . Connect C41 from Connect C42 from TB14- 1 (C) to 1B14- 2 (S8). 6. ~ tors 11. Cut both le€lds on two IMQ (brown black , Rl and R2 , to 1/2" . Connect Rl from 1B12- 3 (S3) to nect R2 from 1B14- 3 (S3) to 1B14-2 (C). 5. (. )Fig. 4. Fig. 11. On two lOKQ (brown, black, orange, silver) resistors, R3 and , cut one lead to 1/2" and the other lead to 3/4" . Connect the 1/2" lead of R3 to XVl- 7 (S1) and the 3/4" lead to TB12- 3 (C). Connect the 1/2" lead of R4 to XV2- 7 (Sl) and the 3/4" lead to TB14- 3 (C). this end of C2 to 1B14-4 (S3). (S2). Cut the other end of both capacitors to 3/4" . Connect of Cl to 1B12-4 (S3) and XV2- 6 3. (\) Fig. 11. Cut the ground end (if the capacitor is so marked with a line) of two. 25 mfd paper capacitors , C 1 and C2 , to 1" (If it is not marked , cut either end to 1" 0 ) Connect this end of C 1 to XVl- 6 (S2) and this end of C2 to 2. 2KQ (red , red , red , silver) resistors , R7 and R8 , to 3/4" and cover each lead with a 1/2" piece of spa~hetti. Connect R7 from XVl- 8 (S2) to 1B12-2 (C). Connect R8 from XV2- 8 (S2) to 1B14-2 (C). the pos;,lve (+) end of C6toXV2- 8 (C) and the negative (- ) end to TB14- 2(C)0 !Fi9. 110 Cut all leads on two 25mfd electrolytic capacitors , C5 and , to 1" and cover each with a 3/4" piece of spaghetti. Connect the positive (+) end of C5 to XVI- 8 (C) and the negative (- ) end to 1B12- 2 (C). Connect 1. (V . Cover IMQ (brown , black , green si Iver) resis- both leads with a 1/2" piece of spaghetti. R61 to 3/4" (S3) to C37C (S4)0 S3)C) to S3- 6 (C). (C) to S3- 3 si Iver) resistor, (C). Connect R20 Connect R65 from S3-2 (S2) to S3- 1 (C). Con (S2) to S3-4 (C). 11. From hole (\,,1 Fig. 1. Push the jig. ~i9. the Fj,Q; 11. Strip back the outer insulation on both ends of a r ~11. Mount the top shiEddasshownininsert on figure 4. Use two #6 IVckwashers and two #6- 32 hex nuts. 21. end to 1B21- (S5). the twisted shield strands to 1B21- 1 (SS) and the inner condu,ctor on the same of sing Twist the shield strands. Strip back the in sulation on the inner conductor on both ends 1/4" . On one end , cut the shi eld strands and connect the inner conductor to S5- 3 (S 1). On the other end , connect 5" piece piece of bare wire fromS5-2(Sl) toXV5- 7(S1). 11. Connect the black lead from SI F- 6 to ground lug " G" (S9). l~nductor cable 1/2" 20. ,,) (S2)0 ll. Connect the ' brown lead from Sl F- S to 1"B14- 1 (S3). one lead to J16- 1 (S2) and the other lead to J16- 2 19. (\rFig. 11. Connect a l" 18. (\ 17. ( line cord through the grommet at the rear of near the fuseholder. 1ie a knot inside the chassis , 3" from the solder lugs. Con ~ect chassis , 16. lead to S3-4 (S2), the blue lead to S3- 3 150 (~i9' " S" connect the white lead to S3- 6 (S2), th~ brown (S2) and the green l,ead to S3- 1 (S2). R65 and R66 to 1/2" . nect R66 ;10m S3- 5 resistors 14. (.!Fig. 1. Cut all leads on two 330KQ (orange , orange , yellow , silver) from R 19 and R20 to 1/2" . Connect R 19 from S3- 2 13. ( ) Fig. 11. Cut all I eads on two 68KQ (blue , grey, orange R60 , to 1/2" . Connect from C37B a 68KQ (blue , grey, orange , silver) resistor . Connect from f:.37- A (S2) to C37- B (C). 12. (\yFig. 11. Cut both leads on tor , 11. ~YFig. 11. Cut both leadso(la22KQ (red , red , orange , silver) 1 watt resis- Connect R9 from XVI- 2 (S2) to ground lug " G" (C).. Connect RIO from XV2(S2) to 1BJ3- 1 (S4). to 3/4" 11. Cut all leads on two tors , R9 and RIO , 10. (,A' Fig. //' ' #8 Pk. O~O ffi'o .~...~o ...~g~. ::. #8- 32 Tinnerman Nut Tinnerman Angle Bracket 000 O~~~\~~: Screw ,::. Chassis Bezel Side Bracket Control Plate #8- 32x3/8 Brown Screw Brown Screw Fig. 12 #6 Pk. #4-40x1/4 Screws When ready for use. brown colored is adequate tightening the screws finally, be sure there or with two #8- 32 x 3/8 brown colored screws, two #8- all controls to the furthest counter-clockwise position. on the shafts with the indicating dots pointing as you. shorter plate. The method is to work the rounded portion of each foot into the interior 8. ( ) Fig. 12. Install the rubber feet in the openings provided in the botiom tom plate fits over the outside of the rear chassis apron. x 3/8uncolored screws. Note that the rear flange on He bot- 12. Mount the bottom plate on the bottom flanges of the sidepieces, using six 8- 32 7. ( ) Fi length of the nuts face up towards #8- 32 - Type J speed nut in place over each of the three holes. The trical Installation " section. 16) Detailed information as to connection of phonographs, tuners, etc., to the amplifier inputs and speaker systems to the ampl ifieroutputs, oswell as a- c line plug connections and' use of the hum adjustment control, is given in the " Elec- 15) If the amplifier is to be mounted in a console , read carefully the " MechanII section of the instructions and follow the procedures outl ined. icol Installation properly wired amplifier, which may not be the case, recheck the wiring for errors or reversed connections and continuity. #8 P. K. - 6. ~ ) Fig. 12. On the bottom flange of each side piece, press a tinnerman nerman speed nut angle brackets, using a discover and remedy the difficulty. As the Trouble Shooting Chart presumes a ating Instructions II and operate all the controls, checking aurally for the results described. If the amplifier does not operate at all or operates incorrectly, use the TROUBLE- SHOOTING chart and the VOLTAGE & RESISTANCE chart this carefully and connect your speakers, phonograph)' and tuners to the ampl ifier in accordance with the instructions given. Then read the section titled " Oper- 14) OPERATIONAL CHECKS ON COMPLETED KITS: In the INSTRUCTION part of this manual you wi II find a section titled " Electrical Installation " . Read at - 5; LEVEL at 0; BASS knobs at - 5; TREBLE knobs at -5. follows: INPUT SELECTOR knob at AUX; a FUNCTION SELECTOR at STEREO; FOCUS Mount the knobs 13. ( ) Fig. 12. Set two angle brackets on the side brackets using four #8 P. K. Ty~e Z screws. Type Z screw for each. 5. ( ) Fig. 12. On the rear edge of the chassis surface, mount the two tin- hex nuts, and two #8 lockwashers. side piece is mounted 4. ( ) Fig. 12. Assemble the left and right side pieces to the chassis. Each. discovered and the condition remedied. resistance values indicated, do not procede to the next step until the cause is 3) If you have a VTVM 12. ( ) Fig. 12. Fasten the perforated cover to the two tinnerman angle . play to slide the perforated cover out. P. K. screws. Before cover. Assemble the bezel to the side pieces with four #6 x 1/4 and sl ide switch shafts, onto the ends of the side pieces and the perforated 11. ( ) Fig. 12. Fit the bezel and control plate over the projecting control the corresponding hole in the bezel), using two each #4- 40 x 1/4brass screws, '410ckwashers and #4 hex nuts to fasten it to the bezel. Press the plastic pilot jewel into place on the control plate. brackets (previously mounted on the rear edge of the chassis surface) and the V3, and V4. 10. ( ) Fig. 12. Mount the the plastic pilot jewel, above and between the focus and bass controls, over control plate on the bezel (locating the hole for Insert the perforated cover into the " rails " VOM, make the following resistance checks before Insert fuse Fl, in fuse holder. 9. ( ) Fig. 12. and slide it forward fully. on the side pieces outside, using a small screwdriver. The flat portion should be the actual resting or contact surface. of the cabinet from the connecting to the a- c line: Check for a cold d-c resistance of at least 1/20hm across the a- c I ine plug; check for a resistance of at least 40 ohms between ground and pins 1 of XVII and XVI2; check for a resistance of at least 200KQbetween pin 30fXVll , XV12and ground. Allow sufficient time for the electrolytic capacitors to be charged by the ohmmeter battery in this last measurement. These measurements constitute a reasonable check of the power supply components and wiring before applying power. If you do not obtain the minimum layout in instruction. tube in each socket. Place a shield over tubes VI, V2, See tube 2) Insert tubes VI through V12 in their sockets. Be sure to insert the cqrrect layout and circuitry). While doing so, check for rosin joints, loose lumps of solder, poor leads dress, and accidental shorts or leakage paths arising from the flowof rosin between contacts (remove with a stiff brush dipped in carbon tetrachloride, being careful not to spring contacts when cleaning switches). schematic wiring diagram in order to become more familiar with the component 1) To catch any wiring errors, it is suggested that the entire wiring be checked point- by- point against the wiring instructions (and preferably also against the ifier will be and wiring of your amplifier. you have completed the following steps your ampl You have now completed the assembly FINAL STEPS ments that are not completed or instruments that are modified will not be ac- strument to our factory where it will be placed in operating condition for $12. plus the cost of parts replaced due to their being damaged in the course of construction. This service policy applies only to completed instruments constructed in accordance with the instructions as stated in the manual. Instru- possible indications that might be helpful. If you are still having difficulty, write to our service department listing all If desired, you may return the in- SERVICE Remove the backings from the two large labels suppl ied and place them on the outside surface of the bottom plate. See figure 4 for placement of small label. turnshipmentwill be made by express collect. tronic Instrument Co. , Inc., 33- 00 Northern Blvd., L. C. 1, New York. ReNote that the carrier cannot be held liable for damages in transit if packing, IN HIS OPINION, is insufficient. cepted for repair. Instruments that show evidence of acid core solder or paste fluxes will be returned not repaired. NOTE: Before returning this unit, be sure all parts are securely mounted. Attach a tag to the instrument, giving your home address and the trouble with the unit. Pack very carefully in a rugged container, using sufficient packing material (cotton, shredded newspaper, or excelsior), to make the unit completely immovable within the container. The origInal shipping carton is satisfactory, providing the original inserts are used or sufficient packing material Is inserted to keep the instrument immovable. Ship by prepaid Railway Express, if possible, to the Elec- #18045 E. 1209 Pin 7 should read 1500 Inco, Long Island City 1, instead of 330KC Electronic Instrument Co., Page 13. va, New York Part supplied may be dual 500KC instead of 750KC. This is a direct replacement. It does not impair the performance of the amplifier in any way. Schematic R22 and R23. Page 16, Symbol #R22, 23 Stock Page 7C, Step 7. Please make the following corrections to your HF81- 2 book: MODEL HF81- 2 ADDENDA
Key Features
- 28 watts output power
- Dual 14 watt amplifiers
- Separate preamps for each channel
- Tone controls
- Input for phono, tape, microphone
- Output for tape recording
- Can be used as two independent amplifiers
- Can be used in a stereo system with an external amplifier
- Horizontal chassis construction
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Frequently Answers and Questions
How many watts of power does the HF-81 provide?
The HF-81 provides 28 watts of continuous power and 56 watts of peak power when both channels are combined.
What types of inputs does the HF-81 have?
The HF-81 has inputs for magnetic phono cartridges, tape heads, microphones, auxiliary sources, AM tuner, FM tuner, and FM multiplex.
How can I connect the HF-81 to an external amplifier?
You can connect the HF-81 to an external amplifier by using the TAPE OUTPUT 2 jack and connecting it to the input of the external amplifier. Ensure that the SERVICE SELECTOR switch on the chassis is set at the COMBINED position for this service.
How can I use the HF-81 for monophonic sources?
You can use the HF-81 for monophonic sources by connecting the source to the AUXILIARY A1 input and leaving the AUXILIARY A2 input unused. Select the MONOPHONIC TUNER, AUX position on the FUNCTION SELECTOR switch.
How do I adjust the hum level?
After checking the amplifier for proper operation, remove all input cables to the amplifier and make the following control settings: INPUT SELECTOR at PHONO, FUNCTION SELECTOR at STEREO, FOCUS control at 0, LEVEL control at 10, both TREBLE controls at -5, both BASS controls at 0. Plug the amplifier into the wall outlet and listen to the hum level. Reverse the prongs on the power plug and choose the orientation with the least hum. Then connect input cables from your tuner, phono cartridge, and tape head one at a time and adjust the power plug orientation for each until you get the lowest possible hum level. Finally, adjust the hum balance control on the chassis for the least hum.