ADE adeVital Pressure BPM1401 Operating instructions
ADE BPM 1401: Your reliable companion for accurate blood pressure monitoring. With Bluetooth connectivity and app integration, you can effortlessly track and manage your blood pressure measurements. The device provides precise readings of systolic and diastolic blood pressure, along with pulse rate, and irregular heartbeat detection. It features a user-friendly interface with a large LCD display for clear visibility. Store up to 60 measurements on the device and enjoy unlimited storage when paired with the adeVital app.
Bloo od pre essu ure monito m or with Blueto tooth and d data manag gement in linked li app Opera ating Instructio ons BPM 14 401 ad deVitaal Pressurre Sub bject to technic cal changes ass a result of prroduct improve ements. Ope erating Manua al_BPM1401_E EN_131210_R REV001 Thank you for purchasing this Blood Pressure Monitor with app from the adeVital product range. All the products in the innovative adeVital range – body analyser scales, blood pressure monitor and activity meter – have Bluetooth functionality to transfer data to the adeVital app. The straightforward interface of the free-todownload app allows you to check your progress easily and clearly and ensures your health data is always available and up-to-date. Table of Contents SAFETY I NFORMATION AND OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS………………………………………….. 3 SAFETY INFORMATION .......................................................................................................................3 INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE ....................................................................................................................4 FEATURES AND COMPONENTS……………………………………………………………………. 4 FEATURES........................................................................................................................................4 THE LCD DISPLAY ............................................................................................................................5 BLOOD PRESSURE MONITOR COMPONENTS .........................................................................................6 CONTENTS OF THE PACKAGE…………………………………………………………………….. 7 FIRST USE…………………………………………………………………………………………7 HOW TO INSTALL THE BATTERIES ........................................................................................................7 EXTERNAL POWER SUPPLY .................................................................................................................8 INSTALLING THE ADEVITAL APP AND CONNECTING ................................................................................8 MONITORING FOR BLUETOOTH MEASUREMENT DEVICES ........................................................................8 BLOOD PRESSURE MONITOR SETTINGS……………………………………………………….… 9 STARTING MEASUREMENT………………………………………………………………………. 11 PUTTING ON THE SLEEVE .................................................................................................................11 STARTING MEASUREMENT ................................................................................................................12 ACCESS SAVED MEASUREMENTS ......................................................................................................12 MEASUREMENT TIPS .......................................................................................................................13 DATA TRANSFER .............................................................................................................................14 ERROR MESSAGES AND TROUBLESHOOTING……………………………………………………. 14 ERROR MESSAGES ..........................................................................................................................14 DURING DATA TRANSFER .................................................................................................................15 DEVICE CARE…………………………………………………………………….………………15 CE DECLARATION OF C ONFORMITY……………………………………………………….……. 16 WARRANTY……………………………………………………………………………………...17 DISPOSAL………………………………………………………………………………………. 17 LEGAL INFORMATION OBLIGATION REGARDING THE DISPOSAL OF BATTERIES ..........................................17 DISPOSAL OF OLD ELECTRICAL DEVICES.............................................................................................17 ABOUT BLOOD PRESSURE………………………………………………………………………. 17 SYSTOLIC/DIASTOLIC BLOOD PRESSURE ............................................................................................17 STANDARD BLOOD PRESSURE CLASSIFICATION ...................................................................................18 IRREGULAR HEARTBEAT ...................................................................................................................18 TECHNICAL DATA……………………………………………………………………………….. 19 2 AVAILABLE ACCESSO ORIES ............................ .....................................................................................20 0 EMC INF ORMATION…………… … …………… …………… …………… …………… …………… ……….. 20 0 SAFETY I NFFORMATION AND OPERATING INSTRRUCTIONS SAFETY INFFORMATION The warnin ng signs and symbols are e important to o ensure you use this prod duct correctlyy and safely and a to prevent injuring yourrself or others. The warn ning signs annd symbols on o the produ uct and in thhese operatin ng instruction ns have the following meanings: Symb bol for “Read d the operatinng instructions!” bol for a Blue etooth-enableed device Symb Symb bol for “Type BF applied p part” (medica al equipment classificationn) Symb bol for “Serial Number” Symb bol for “Direc ct Current” Symb bol for “Manu ufacturer” Only for indoor us se F1 T1A//250V Φ 3.6*10CCC Symb bol for “Prote ection Class I I device” bol for “Meets the require ments of Eurropean Directtives” Symb Symb bol for “Recyycling” – Electtrical products must not be b disposed of with norm mal household d waste e. Please rec cycle the deviice. Please contact your local recyclingg centre or re etailer for tipss on re ecycling. 3 ATTENTION N! Please e read these operating o insttructions careefully before using u the device. This device is only intended i to be b used by AD DULTS AT HOME. This devic ce is not dessigned for non-invasive meeasurement and a monitorin ng of arterial blood pressure. It is not designed for use at exttremities othe er than the up pper arm or fo or functions other o than meeasuring blood d pressure. Do nott confuse selff-monitoring with w self-diag gnosis. You ca an use this de evice to moniitor your bloo od pressure. Start or sttop medical treatment onlyy after consullting your doc ctor. If you are e taking med ication, discu uss with your doctor wh hat would be a suitable tim me to measurre your blood d pressure. Never change your prescrib bed medication witho out your docto or’s agreement. This device is not suitable s for co ontinuously m monitoring bloo od pressure in medical em mergencies orr operations. If the pressure in the sleeve ex xceeds 40 kP Pa (300 mmH Hg), the sleev ve deflates auutomatically. If the sleeve does not deflate when n your blood pressure excceeds 40 kPa a (300 mmHg g), remove thee sleeve from m your upper arm and p press the buttton to stop it inflating. Do no ot use the blo ood pressure monitor nearr to strong electromagnetic fields (E.G. MOBILE TELEP PHONE), particular if using the adap pter. pter and the patient p at the same time. Do not touch the adap d pressure monitor m is not approved ass a category AP or APG device. d It is nnot suitable fo or use in the The blood presence of a flammab ble anaesthetic mixture witth air (or oxyg gen and nitrou us oxide). PLEASE KEEEP THE DEVIC CE OUT OF REA ACH OF CHILDR REN, AS INHALING OR SWALLOWING SMALLL PARTS MAY CAUSE C INJURY OR EVEN D DEATH. Please usse the ACCESS SORIES and attachments a rrecommende ed and appro oved by the M MANUFACTURE ER. If you do not, you m may damage the device an nd may put thhe user/patien nt at risk. PLEASE EN NSURE THAT THE T BLOOD PR RESSURE MONIITOR IS FUNCT TIONING CORRE ECTLY AND IS IN GOOD WOR RKING CONDITION BEFO ORE USE. INSTRUCTIO ONS FOR U S E The ADE a adeVital Preessure BPM1 1401 Blood Pressure Monitor M with app a allows yyou to measu ure your bloo od pressure a and pulse and to save yo our measurem ments autom matically. The blood pressuure monitor has a life of at least 3 yea ars. The measurements provided by th he BPM1401 have the sa ave value as results provvided by a trrained medic cal specialist u using a sleevve and stethoscope. These ope erating instru uctions conta ain important information about safety y and how too care for yo our device an nd provide ste ep-by-step in nstructions on n how to usee the product. Please rea ad the full ope erating instructions carefuully before usiing the produ uct. FEATURES AND COMPO ONENTS FEATURES User devic ce memory fo or 60 x 1 mea asurements/m managementt of all measurement resullts is unlimited in the app Reliable an nd rapid data a transfer to the adeVital aapp via Blueto ooth Accurate m measurement of blood pre essure data ((systolic and diastolic valu ues) on the up pper arm Measurem ment of pulse frequency Heartbeat irregularity in ndicator (arrhyythmia warni ng) Measurem ment while infflating Oscillomettric method, i.e. i measuring the pulse o oscillations off the blood flo ow Classification of measu ured values as s using preseet values from m the World Health H Organnization (WHO O)* Date and ttime display 4 Auto switc choff Battery levvel indicator THE LCD D DISPLAY SYMBOL D DESCRIPTI ION EXPLANATTION Retrieve da ata/setup buttton Access saved s measu urements Setup bu utton to adjus st the time User 1 Start me easurement fo or user 1 and d automatically transfer the e results Program mming button User 2 Start me easurement fo or user 2 and d automatically transfer the e results Button to o connect to the app Systolic blo ood pressure e Top bloo od pressure value v Diastolic blood pressure e Bottom blood b pressu ure value Pulse Pulse be eats/minute ction Pulse detec Shows your y heartbea at when it is d detected Data readyy for transfer Measure ement data ha as been saveed on the devvice Data transffer Data tran nsfer in progrress Average Average of the last th hree measureements minder Impact rem a shocks cause c inaccuurate measure ements Knocks and Low batterry The batteries are wea ak and must be replaced Unit o measuremeent Blood prressure unit of Current tim me Month, day d (hour, min nute) Deflation The sleeve is deflating g eartbeat Irregular he ead the furthe er informationn on page 16 6 Please re Bluetooth connection c Connectts the BPM14 401 to the acctive app 5 BLOOD PRESSURE MONITOR COMPONENTTS The following componen nts are parts of o the devicee or are alread dy built into th he device: Softt sleeve: 22 – 32 cm BPM M1401, houssing made fro om ABS plasttic Rep peater Air ttube Pum mp Valvve 128 8 mm x 50 mm blue LCD display with w white backgrround light Con nnection poin nt for the mains adapter Batttery comparttment S Sleeve Aiir tube Housiing Displaay last meas-- Connnection point for mains power User 1 / Programm ming button User 2 / Bluetooth h connection button Displaay Batteery compartm ment 6 CONTENTSS OF THE PACKAGE BPM M1401 blood pressure monitorr 4x AAA A 1.5 V alkali batteries Sleeve (type e BF applied part) (AC2 2232-02) Instrucctions FIRST USE Remove all tthe compone ents from the e packaging aand remove the t protective e film from thee components. Keep the pa ackaging for storage s and to t return the product, if ne ecessary. Th his device must m not be used u by indivviduals (including childre en) with limitted physical, sensory or me ental abilities, or who are a lacking nnecessary experience e and a understaanding, unle ess they are e su pervised by another individual respo onsible for th heir safety or o have beenn instructed in the use of the e device. It should s be en nsured that cchildren do not n play with h the device.. HOW TO INS STALL THE BA ATTERIES Open the e battery com mpartment co over on the baack of the BPM140 01. Place the e batteries (4 x 1.5 V AAA A) into the batttery compartmentt observing th he polarity markings. Close the e battery com mpartment co over. ATTTENTION! REPLACEE THE BATTER RIES UNDER THE T FOLLOWI NG CIRCUMS STANCES: is displayed on the e LCD displaay. The LCD display beco omes weakerr. The LCD display doess not light up when you sw witch on the blood b pressu ure monitor. Used battteries should d be dispose ed of as hazzardous wastte. Do NOT dispose of thhem as norm mal waste. Please ob bserve local regulations r an nd recycling information when w disposin ng of used baatteries. Battery life: Apprrox. 44 days Battery capa acity: 600 mAH. At a ra ate of three b ure measurem ments per daay, 35 s per measuremen nt, blood pressu 20 s to display th he results an d 10 s for da ata transfer. The power cconsumption is 400 mA fo or meassurements, 50 5 mA to dissplay measurrements and d 50 mA (add ditionally) for data transfe er. The switched s off device requirres 35 μA. Remove the e batteries if the device will not be used d for a longerr period of tim me. Used batteries may leak.. 7 EXTERNAL P POWER SUPP PLY 100-240 V~ ~, 50-60 Hz, 400 mA (o only with m mains adapte er UE08WCP-0 060100SPA! / Not provided!) Disconnect the mains adapter a cable e from the bllood pressure monitor whe mains. en you want to t disconnec ct it from the m Note: The connec ction point forr the mains adapter a is on the right side ce. Do not pla ace anything in the way tto ensure tha at of the devic dapter cable can be disco onnected eassily. the mains ad Mains adapter INSTALLING THE ADEVITA AL APP AND CONNECTING G Mobile or p portable devic ces with Blue etooth functiionality as pe er the BLE Technical T Sp pecifications and a the Bloo od Pressure Prrofile (BLP) protocol from the internatio onal Bluetoo oth SIG organ nisation can receive your personal da ata via modern Bluetooth 4.0 0 technologyy. The adeVital app is available ffrom the App p Store. You can c search foor the app in the Store and install it on yo our iPhone. Free ad deVital app download Clear p presentation and a tracking of all data annd values MONITORING G FOR BLUET TOOTH MEAS SUREMENT DE EVICES Displayys the date fo or all recorded d values Displayys systolic and diastolic re eading and puulse rate Pulse frrequency Create line charts fo or various tim me intervals Graph or table view w Easy da ata delivery via v the integra ated email funnction, Faceb book and Tw witter Simply insta all our specially developed d app and co onnect your blood b pressu ure monitor too your mobile e and portab ble devices. You u will then be e able to use the extensivee evaluation options o in the e adeVital app p. The e app to con nnect the blood pressurre monitor iss only availa able for iPod d touch (5th generation), iPh one 4S, iPho one 5, iPhon ne 5s, iPad 3 3, iPad Air, iPad mini and d newer verssions. mpatibility with w Bluetooth 4.0 is requuired. Com ATTENTION! BLLUETOOTH MO ODULE N O.: NRF8 8001 RAADIO-FREQUEN NCY RANGE: 2402 2 MHz to 2480 MHz OU UTPUT POWER R RANGE: 0 dBm m SU UPPLY VOLTAG GE: 3.3 V TR RANSMISSION RANGE: 10 m 8 Actiivate Bluetoo oth and start the t app. Makke sure that Bluetooth B and d the adeVitaal app are run nning so tthat you can connect the devices. PREESS AND HOLD D THE “U SER 2” BUTTON TO O START THE LINKING L PRO OCESS. The symbol and a symbol s appeaar alternatelyy on the LCD disp play and indic cate that the linking proceess is running. The symbol iss displayed on o the LCD diisplay when the t connection iss established. If the con nnection fails,, is displayed d on tthe LCD disp play. BLOOD PR ESSURE MO ONITOR SETT TINGS Please set the time and date before using u the blo ood pressure monitor for the first time, so that all re ecorded measave a correct timestamp. (defaults: datte: 2012-01-01; time: 00:00; unit of m measurement: mm Hg) urements ha Th e blood presssure monitor switches s off aautomatically in setup mode e 60 secondss after the lastt input. 1. When th he blood pressure monito or has switchhed off, presss and hold d the “User 1”” button to se et the time annd date. 9 2. The hourrs and minute es are shown n on the disp play with flash hing hour digits. Adjust th he hour by pressing the ing) chan nges to buttonn, (morn n- a 12 hourss. (afternoon) after he SET butto on to switch h to minutess and set th he 3. Press th minute u using the button. Holding dow wn the button fa ast forwards through t the minutes. m 4. Repeat ssteps 2 and 3 to confirm the t [MONTH AAND DAY]. 5. Press the e SET button n to confirm the [Day] annd to switch to t year (the e year with fla ash). 6. Hold dow wn the button until the correcct year is dissplayed. T The numberss are in a loo op so that it returns to [1]. Press th he SET buttton again to o confirm th e [YEAR] an nd switch au utomatically to t the UNIT OF O M EASUREM MENT . [ NIT OF MEASUUREMENT]. 7. Repeat stteps 2 and 3 too confirm the [U [mmHg] [kPaa] 10 STARTING MEASUREMENT PUTTING ON N THE SLEEVE E 1. Connect the air tube e connector for f the sleevee to the tube e connection point on the left sid de of the blo ood pressure e monitor. ound your up pper arm (seee picture on n 2. Place the sleeve aro right). E that the sleeve iis 2 to 3 cm m 3. Fasten tthe sleeve. Ensure above yo our elbow. When th he sleeve is closed arou und your upp per arm, you u should o only be able to t push one finger betweeen the sleeve e and yourr arm. posture: 4. Correct p Expose yyour arm or only wear clo ose-fitting clo othing for the e measure ement. Sit comfo ortably and re elaxed on a chair. c The middle of the sleeve should be at the ssame level ass your hea art. Your legss should be relaxed r and your y feet poinnt outwards. Your palm m should be facing upwards. 11 STARTING M MEASUREMENT After correc ctly positionin ng the sleeve e, press the “User 1” (or “User 2”) button to swittch on the blood b pressure monitor. The e measureme ent is then pe erformed auto omatically. 1. LCD D display 2. Automatic zeroing omatic inflatio on and meas surement. 3. Auto ng and savinng results th hat are trans4. Displayin ferred au utomatically tto the adeVital data man nagementt system. Thee symbol flashes. User 1” (or “U User 2”) to sw witch off the blood pressu ure monitor. Otherwise, tthe blood pre essure monito or 5. Press “U switchess off automatiically 1 minutte after the laast action. A A. Once the entire meas surement haas finished, press anoth her button too start the measuremen nt again with the blood pressure p monnitor. B B. A maximum of 60 reco orded sets o of measurem ment results for user 1 aand user 2 can c be save ed on the devvice and the number is uunlimited in the adeVital app. ACCESS SA AVED MEASUR REMENTS 1. Once the e blood presssure monitor is switched o off, press the e “Search” bu utton to open n saved meassurements. T The blood pre essure monito or displays thhe average of the last three e measureme ents. 12 2. Press the e “Search” bu utton again to o browse thee records. Up p to 60 record ds are saved for each useer ID. Measure ement date an nd time and shown s altern ately. 3. Press the e “User 1” orr “User 2” buttton to switchh between users. NO RECORD FOR USER 2 4. Press “U User 1” (or “User 2”) to switch off the b lood pressure monitor. Ottherwise, thee blood press sure monitor switchess off automatiically 1 minutte after the laast action. MEASUREM MENT TIPS MEASUREMEENTS MAY BE INACCURATE UNDER U THE FO OLLOWING CIR RCUMSTANCES S, WHICH SHO OULD BE AVOID DED: Measurements straight aafter tea, cofffee or smok-ing Within 1 hou ur of eating and/or a drinkin ng Within 20 minutes of a ba ath er If you are talking or movinng your finge In a veryy cold room If you neeed the toilet 13 health DATA TRAN NSFER 01 and your iPhone havee connected successfully, the measure rement data is transferred d If the BPM140 utomatically via v Bluetooth to your iPho one when the e app is open. au Th he symb bol is hidden once the datta has been transferred successfully. s You can then check your pe ersonal health data on your iPhone. If data transferr fails, the symbol is nnot hidden. The queued measurement m t data is temp porarily saved d on n the blood pressure p mon nitor and is traansferred to your iPhone after the next xt measureme ent. ATTTENTION! Interfere ence is posssible near to devices withh the with nearby electrica al devices. sym mbol. The blo ood pressuree monitor ma ay interfere This pro oduct must be b connected d to a Bluetoo oth device at 2.4 GHz to transfer t data.. How ca an I reduce any possible in nterference? 1. The d distance betw ween the bloo od pressure m monitor and the t Bluetooth h device shouuld be as low w as possible (between 1 m and 10 m). There T should be no obstacles blocking g the Bluetoooth connectio on between e monitor and d the Bluetoo oth device. the blood pressure 2. Otherr electronic devices d (partic cularly devicees with Bluettooth transfe er/transmitter)) must be ke ept at least away from the e blood press sure monitor to avoid interference. 1ma ERROR MEESSAGES AN ND TROUBLE ESHOOTING This section n contains a list of error messages m annd frequently asked questtions for prob blems that may m occur with your blood pressure mo onitor. If the device d is not working as expected, please check tthis list beforre you send in or repair. the device fo ERROR MESSSAGES Problem m No power Low batteryy Symptom Please che eck mpty. Baatteries are em The display d is weak w or Baatteries are no ot does not light up. insstalled correc ctly. n the on diisplay Thhe batteries are a weeak. 14 S Solution Insta all new batterries. Insta all batteries ccorrectly. all new batterries. Insta Problem m Symptom Please chec ck Soolution E 1 is displayed d Thhe sleeve is not tig ght enough. Refastten the sleevee and repeat the measu urement. E 2 is displayed d Thhe sleeve is to oo tig ght. Refastten the sleevee and repeat the measu urement. Relax for a momennt and then re epeat the measu urement. E 3 is displayed d Movem ment can affeect the measurement. Relax for a momennt and then re epeat the measu urement. E 10 or Error messa age E 11 iss displayed E 20 or E 21 iss displayed Relax for a momennt hen repeat thee measureme ent. and th Eexx iss displayed Please e repeat the m measurement. If the proble em persists, p please contac ct your dealer or our custoomer service. Contact information and insstructions for returning your product p are p provided in the Warranty section. A ccalibration errror haas occurred. DURING DAT ATA TRANSFER Erro or Data Transffer failed. Description Soluution B Bluetooth is OFF. O Turn Bluetoo oth ON via “S Settings >> Ge eneral >> Bluetooth”. T app is OFF The O (not runniing). Tap the app p symbol to sta tart the app. Outside the maximum O m Bluuetooth r range. Place your iPhone closeer to the deviice. DEVICE CAARE Please follow w these instru uctions to ca are for your deevice: Put the device in a dry place and avo oid direct sun light erge the devicce in water Do not subme 15 Avvoid exposing the device to dusty envvironments an nd variations in temperatuure Avoid shakin ng or knockin ng the device e h the sleeve Do not wash Remove dirt with a lightly dampened cloth Cleaning: C Before use T Take the entirre device ou t of its stora age bag. Use e a soft clothh to remove dirt from the e b blood pressurre monitor. C lean the sleeve with some e alcohol befoore attaching g it. After use W Wipe off the device d with a soft cloth. Disinfect the e sleeve with some alcoh hol. Place the e entire device in the storagee bag. PLEAASE ALWAYS DISINFECT D THE E SLEEVE BEFO ORE YOU USE IT FOR A DIFFERENT PATIEN NT . Plea ase note that ONLY THE MA ANUFACTURER R’ S SERVICE TECHNICIANS are a permittedd to replace parts. p Old sensors may resultt in inaccuratte measurem ments. Loose electrodes may m prevent tthe blood pre essure monito or switching o on. Proper carre has a majo or influence on o the life of yyour blood prressure monitor. Do not usse aggressive e detergent, abrasives o or other chem micals to wip pe dirt off thhe device. Th his can causse discoloura ation, malfunc ction and dam mage to the d device. Do not disa assemble or modify the de evice. In the eevent of problems with the e device, pleaase contact se ervice partnerr. CE DECLAARATION OF C ONFORMITTY T This productt is manufacttured accord ding to harm monised European standaards. It comp plies with the e p provisions of the following g EC Directivees: E EMC Directivve 2004/108//EC R R&TTE Directive 99/5/EC M MDD Directivve 93/42/EEC C 16 WARRANTYY ADE agreess to rectify an ny material orr manufacturiing defects by b offering fre ee repair or reeplacement, for a period of 3 years from m the purcha ase date (exc cluding wearinng parts and d batteries). At A the time oof purchase, please get th he retailer to fill in and stamp the guaran ntee card. In ccase of a wa arranty claim, please returnn the blood pressure p mon nitor to your re etailer including guarantee e card and sttating the rea ason for the claim. c ADE E GmbH & Co. C Ham mmer Steinda amm 27 – 29, 22089 Ham mburg, Germa any DISPOSAL LEGAL INFO ORMATION OB BLIGATION REGARDING T THE DISPOSA AL OF BATTER RIES Do not disp pose of batteries in domes stic waste. A As a consumer, you are le egally requireed to return used u batterie es. You may retturn your use ed batteries to t public colllection pointss in your com mmunity or too any retailer that sells ba atteries of the same type. Note: ollowing symbols are used d on batteries: The fo Li = Battery co ontains lithium m Al = Battery co ontains alkali Mn = Battery co ontains mang ganese CR (Li); AA ((Al, Mn); AAA A (Al, Mn) DISPOSAL O OF OLD ELEC CTRICAL DEV VICES T The symbol on o the product or its packkaging indica ates that this product musst not be disp posed of with h rregular household waste; instead, it m must be disp posed of at a collection point for the e recycling of e electrical and d electronic equipment. F For further details about recycling, co ontact your lo ocal council, municipal reecycling comp panies or the e sshop where you y bought th he product. B Best regards, A ADE GmbH & Co. ABOUT BLO OOD PRESS URE SYSTOLIC/D DIASTOLIC BLOOD PRESS SURE Systo olic Your blood pressure is at a its maximu um in the cyccle when ers of the hea art contract and pump b blood out the chambe of the heart. This value is referred to as the systo olic pressure. Your b blood pressu ure is at its minimum m in tthe cycle when the c chambers of the heart expand. e This value is referred to a as the diastolic pressure. 17 Blood goes into the artery y Contrac ction Diasttolic Blood comes c from the vein Expan nsion STANDARD BLOOD PRES SSURE CLAS SSIFICATION ATTEENTION! Only a do octor can tell you what your y normal rrange of blood pre essure would d be. Please e consult a d doctor if your bloo od pressure iss outside tha at range. Pleaase note that only a doctor can tell you whether youur blood s level. pressure has reached a dangerous Blood pressure gra rade 3 (severe) Diastolic blood pressure (mmHg) The blood pressure cla assification published p byy the World Health Orga anization (WH HO) and the Internationaal Society of Hypertensio on (ISH) in 199 99 is as follow ws: Blood pressure grrade 2 (moderate) Blood pressure level 1 (mild) Bo orderline High normal blood pressuree Normal blood pressure Optimal blood pressure Systolic bblood pressure (mm mHg) Valu ue Blood pressure (mmHg) Optimal Normal High normal Mild M M Moderate Severe SYS S <120 120-129 130-13 39 140 0-159 1160-179 •180 DIA A <80 80-84 85-89 9 90 0-99 1100-109 •110 IRREGULAR R HEARTBEAT T This blood p pressure mon nitor comes with an intellligent irregula ar heartbeat detector (IHB B). The IHB records r the in ntervals betw ween heartbe eats during every measure rement and determines d th he standard deviation. If the calculate ed deviation is greater or eq qual to 15, the e IHB symbo ol is shown on n the display with the resuult. ATTENTION! The IHB ssymbol indicates that a pulse p irregulaarity in conjun nction with an n irregular heeartbeat has been identified durin ng the measu urement. This is normallyy NOT a cau use for conce ern. Howeverr, if the symbol appears frequentlyy, we recom mmend that you y seek meedical advice e. Please notte that the d device does not replace proper testing of your cardiovascular system, b but can detec ct pulse irregu ularities at ann early stage. VARIATIONS IN BLOOD PREESSURE OVER THE COURSE 1.Your blood pressure varies v during g the day. This d depends in part p on how tightly you atta ach your slee eve and the posip tion you a adopt for me easurement. You should the erefore try to o measure under the same c conditions. 2.Variations in blood pres ssure are gre eater if you are ttaking medica ation. 3.Wait at le east 4-5 min nutes before the next meassurement. OF A DAY IF THE HOSPITA AL / FROM THE DOCTOR AND D AT YOU MEASUR RE YOUR BLOO OOD PRESSUREE AT HOME ON N YOUR OWN, PL PLEASE NOTE THE T FOLLOWIN NG : HOME The sleeve must m be place ed correctly. DIFFERENT B BLOOD PRESS SURE RESULT T AT od pressure varies during g the Your bloo day. Reason ns can includ de the weathe er, emotions, m movement etc c. and, in particular, the ‘whitte coat’ effec ct in the hosp pital or at the docto or’s, which ca an cause high her blood pressure results th han at home. m not be to oo tight or tooo loose. The sleeve must m not be attached a at thhe wrist. The sleeve must n be worrie ed when the ssleeve inflates s. You should not mes before measurement m t You should breathe in deeply 2-3 tim starts. Tip : Leave 4-5 5 minutes be efore the meaasurement to calm down. 18 DIFFERENT B BLOOD PRESS SURE RESULT TS ON EACH ARM Blood prressure can be b measured on both arms, b but the resultts are differen nt on each arm. Y You should th herefore alwayys measure you ur blood presssure on the same arm. TECHNICALL DATA Power sup pply: B Battery opera ated: ali batteries) 6 V (4 x AAA alka M Mains operatted: 0-240 V~, 50--60 Hz,400 mA m (on100 with mains ada apter UE08W WCP-060100S SPA!) ly w Display mo ode: w backgro ound lighting Bluee LCD with white Disp play area: 128 8 mm (L) x 50 0 mm (W) Measurem ment mode: Osccillographic te est method Measurem ment range: Bloo od pressure: 0-40 kpa (0~ ~300 mmHg) Pulsse: (40-19 99) pulse bea ats/minute Precision: Blood prressure: At At (or at ° 5 °C – 40 °C 0 °C – 45 °C ° 5 °C – 40 °C) ° withhin withhin ± 0.4 kP Pa (3 mm Hg) ± 0.7 kP Pa (5 mm Hg); pulse: ±5 % Operating conditions: Tempe erature: 5 °C C – 40 °C Relative humidity: •85 % Air pre essure: 86 – 106 kPa onditions: Storage & transport co Tempe erature: - 20 °C – 60 °C Relative humidity: 10 % - 93 % Air pre essure: 50 – 106 kPa ence of uppe er arm that can c Circumfere be measurred: App prox. 22 – 32 cm Weight: App prox. 385 g (w without batteries) External diimensions: App prox. 120 x 16 60 x 69 mm Accessorie es: 4xA AAA alkali ba atteries, user instructions Operating mode: Conntinuous operration Protection class: Typee BF applied part Device cla ssification: Batttery operated d: Medical equipment (ME E) device with h internal pow wer supply via a mains adap pter: Class II M ME device IP class: IP22 2 Software vversion: V01 19 AVAILABLE A ACCESSORIE ES Storag ge bag Mains adap pter ADAPTER: Type: A UE08WCP--060100SPA Input: 100-240 V, 50-60 Hz, 400 4 mA Output: 6V 1A (expected liife: 50,000 h)) EMC INFO ORMATION MANUFACTU RER' S DECLARATION – ELEECTROMAGNETTIC EMISSIONS (IEC 60601 1-1-2) The BPM14 401 blood pre essure monito or is intended d to be opera ated in the ele ectromagnetiic environment specified below. The c customer or the user of th he BPM1401 blood presssure monitor should ensurre that it is op perated in such an envvironment. Rad diated emission test Co ompliance Electrom magnetic envvironment (EM ME) – guidanc ce The BPM M1401 blood d pressure monitor uses radio-fre equency enerrgy for internal function only. Therefore, its raadio-frequenc cy emissionss are very y low and aree not likely to cause any interfere ence in nearb by electronic equipment. e Radio-frequency emissio ons in accord dance with C CISPR 11 Group 1 Radio-frequency emissio ons in accord dance with C CISPR 11 Class B Harmonic cu urrent emissions in accord dance with IE EC 61000-3-2 2 Not app plicable Voltage flucttuations/flicke er emissions in accordance with IEC 610 000-3-3 Not app plicable The BPM M1401 blood d pressure monitor is suit-able for use in all esttablishments,, including domestic establishm ments and tho ose directly connectted to the puublic low-volta age power supply network n that supplies buildings used for domestic purposees. MANUFACTU RER' S DECLARATION – ELEECTROMAGNETTIC IMMUNITY (IEC 60601--1-2) The BPM14 401 blood pre essure monito or is intended d to be opera ated in the ele ectromagnetiic environment specified below. The c customer or the user of th he BPM1401 blood presssure monitor should ensurre that it is op perated in such an envvironment. Immunity tesst IEC C 60601 testt level Co ompliance levvel Electro omagnetic ennvironment (E EME) – guidan nce ±6 Electrostatic c dis6 kV contact discharge (ESD D) in ch harge accordance with IEC ±8 8 kV air discharge 61000-4-2 Floor should ±6 6 kV contact disd s be woood, concrete e, or ceramic chaarge tile. If floors f are covvered with syn nthetic mate±8 8 kV air discharge rial, the e relative hum midity should be at least 30 0 %. Electrical fasst transi- ±2 2 kV for mains s ent/burst in accordance with IE EC 61000-4-4 ±2 2 kV for mainss The qu uality of the ssupply voltage should be to the standard of a typical business or hos-pital environment. Surges in ac ccordance with IE EC ±1 kV normal mode volltage The qu uality of the ssupply voltage should be to the standard of a typical business or hos-- or±1 kV conducto co onductor 20 61000-4-5 Voltage dipss, short interruptionss and voltage varia ations on power supp ply in accordance with IEC 61000-4-11 pital environment. 5% UT <5 (>9 95% dip in UT) for 1/2 2 period 40 0% UT (60 0% dip in UT ) for 5 cycles c 70 0% UT (30 0% dip in UT ) for 25 5 cycles <5 The qu 5% UT uality of the ssupply voltage should be (>9 95% dip in UT) for to the standard of a typical business or hos-pital environment. IIf the user of the 1/2 2 period BPM1401 blood prressure monitor requires 0% UT 40 continued operatioon during pow wer mains (60 0% dip in UT ) for interruptions, it is reecommended that the 5 ccycles BPM1401 blood prressure monitor is powwer supply or o ered frrom an uninteerruptible pow 0% UT 70 ery. (30 0% dip in UT ) for a batte 25 5 cycles <5 5% UT 5% UT <5 (>9 95% dip in UT) for 5 s (>9 95% dip in UT) for 5s Power frequ uency A 3 A/m (50/60 Hz) m magnetic field in acco ordance with IEC 610 000-4-8 3A A/m Powerr frequency m magnetic fields s should be at a levels characteristic c c of a typical location in a typical commercial or hospital en nvironment. NOTES: UT iss the AC mains voltage prrior to applicaation of the te est level. MANUFACTU RER' S DECLARATION – ELEECTROMAGNETTIC IMMUNITY (IEC 60601--1-2) The BPM14 401 blood pre essure monito or is intended d to be opera ated in the ele ectromagnetiic environment specified below. The customer or the use er of the BPM M1401 blood pressure mo onitor should ensure that itt is operated in such an environmentt. Immunity tesst IEC C 60601 test level Comp pliance level Electroma agnetic enviroonment (EME E) – guidance e Portable and a mobile R RF communic cations equipmen nt should be uused no clos ser to any parrt of the BPM1401 blood d pressure monitor, m inables, than thhe recommen nded separa-cluding ca tion distan nce calculateed from the equation appropriate to the frequeency of the transmitter. Recommended sepaaration distan nce: Immunity to conducted distu urbances induced by radiofrequency fie elds in accordance with IEC 61000-4 4-6 V 150 kHzz to 3 Vrms 80 MHz 3 Vrm ms Radiated, ra adiofrequency, e electromagnetic c field immunity in accordance with IEC 61000-4-3 3 V/m V 80 MHz to t 2.5 GHz 3 V/m m d = 1.167 7 d = 1.167 7 for 80 MHz to 800 MHz d = 2.333 3 for 8000 MHz to 2.5 5 GHz where P is s the maximum m output pow wer rating of the transm mitter in watts (W) according to the transmitter manufactureer and d is the e recommended separation s dist stance in metrres (m). Field stren ngths from fixxed RF transmitters as determine ed by an elecctromagnetic site surveya should be e less than thhe compliance e level in each frequency range..b Interference may occuur in the vicinity of equipment m marked with the follow wing symbol: 21 NOTE 1 At 80 MHz and 80 00 MHz, the hhigher freque ency range ap pplies. NOTE 2 This guidance g mayy not apply inn all situationss. Electromag gnetic propaggation is affected by absorption and reflec ction from strructures, obje ects, and peo ople. a b Field stre engths from fixed f transmittters, such ass base station ns for radio (c cellular/ cord dless) telepho ones and land d mobile ra adio, AM and d FM radio brroadcast, and d TV broadca ast cannot be e predicted thheoretically with w accuracyy. To assesss the electro omagnetic environment duue to fixed RF F transmitters s, an electrom magnetic site e survey should b be considered d. If the meas sured field strrength in the location in which w the BPM M1401 blood d pressure monitor iis used excee eds the applicable RF com mpliance leve el above, the BPM1401 b blood pressurre monitor should b be observed to t verify norm mal operation.. If abnormal performance e is observedd, additional measures m may be n necessary, su uch as reorienting or reloccating the BP PM1401 blood pressure m monitor. V/m. Over the frequency ra ange 150 kHzz to 80 MHz,, field strengths should be e less than 3 V mended sepa aration distan nce between portable and d mobile RF communicatio c ons equipme ent and the Recomm ME d device or ME system – forr ME devices or ME system that are no ot life-sustainning – are as follows: f RECOMMEND DED SEPARATIION DISTANCE E BETWEEN PO ORTABLE AND MOBILE RF COMMUNICATIO ONS EQUIPMENT AND THE BPM1401 B BLOOD PRESSURE MONITOR R. The BPM14 401 blood pre essure monito or is intended d for use in an electromag gnetic environnment in whic ch radiated RF disturban nces are con ntrolled. The customers c orr the users off the BPM140 01 blood presssure monito or can help prevent elec ctromagnetic interference by maintaininng a minimum m distance between portaable and mob bile RF communicationss equipment (transmitters) ( and the BPM M1401 blood d pressure mo onitor as recoommended below, b according to th he maximum output powe er of the com mmunicationss equipment. Output pow wer of transm mitter in W Watts (W) Sep paration distaance according to frequen ncy of the traansmitter in metres m (m) 150 kHz to 8 80 MHz 80 MHz to 800 MHz d = 1.167 7 d = 1.167 800 MHzz to 2.5 GHz d = 2.3 333 0.01 0.167 7 0.16 67 0..233 0.1 0.369 9 0.36 69 0..738 1 1.167 7 1.16 67 2..333 10 3.690 0 3.69 90 7..338 100 11.67 7 11.6 67 23 3.33 For transmittters rated at a maximum output poweer not listed above, a the rec commended separation distance d d in metres (m) c can be estima ated using th he equation aapplicable to the t frequency y of the transsmitter, where P is the maximum output power rating of the transmitter inn watts (W) according a to the t transmitteer manufactu urer. NOTE 1 0 MHz, the hhigher frequen ncy range applies. At 80 MHz and 800 NOTE 2 uidance mayy not apply in all situationss. Electromag gnetic propaggation is affec cted by abThis gu sorptio on and reflecttion from struuctures, objects, and people. 22 Guarantee ca ard – 3 years on the blood pressure mo onitor (except wearing w parts and batteries) • Sender • Reason ffor claim • Date of purch hase _________________ urchase to your retaile er. Please return this seection and proof of pu Operating g Manual_BA1400_E EN_131217_REV001 23 Record, m manage an nd analyse e health daata simply and clearly ly with thee new adeV Vital product rangee with Blueetooth func ctionality aand the inte telligent ad deVital appp. This is tod day's heallth monitorring techno nology! 24 ">
Frequently Answers and Questions
What measurements can the BPM1401 take?
Systolic and diastolic blood pressure, pulse frequency, and heartbeat irregularity.
How many measurements can the device store?
The device can store up to 60 measurements for one user.
Can I connect the BPM1401 to my smartphone?
Yes, the BPM1401 can be connected to your smartphone via Bluetooth.
How do I transfer data from the BPM1401 to my smartphone?
The data is transferred automatically to the adeVital app on your smartphone.
What is the classification of measured values?
The measured values are classified according to the World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines.
What is the expected lifespan of the BPM1401?
At least 3 years.
How can I tell if the batteries are low?
The low battery indicator on the display will appear when the batteries are weak.
What is the recommended cuff size?
This information is not provided in the given context.
What is irregular heartbeat?
This information is not provided in the given context.
How can I know if my measurement is accurate?
This information is not provided in the given context.