Anodyne Electronics Manufacturing AA12S Series Compact Audio Controller Installation and Operation Manual
The AEM AA12S Series Compact Audio Controller offers a range of features to enhance your audio experience, including a 4-place stereo voice-activated intercom, selectable transmit capability for the pilot and co-pilot on 3 COM radios and a PA, and a variety of audio inputs for music, navigation, and ADF/DME.
SPECIAL NOTICE This product is now licensed to Anodyne Electronics Manufacturing (AEM) from Northern Airborne Technology (NAT). AEM is responsible for all matters related to this product, including sales, support and repair services. Please note the transition to convert product manuals and supporting documentation is an ongoing process and is being addressed on an ‘as needed’ basis. All references to NAT product part numbers (and associated images) are equivalent to AEM product part numbers. Contact info: Anodyne Electronics Manufacturing Corp. #15-1925 Kirschner Road Kelowna B.C. Canada V1Y 4N7 Email: [email protected] Toll Free: 1-888-763-1088 Phone: 1-250-763-1088 Fax: 1-250-763-1089 SM69 AA12S Series Compact Audio Controller INSTALLATION AND OPERATION MANUAL Rev: 2.00 April 14, 2012 Anodyne Electronics Manufacturing Corp. 15-1925 Kirschner Road Kelowna, BC, Canada. V1Y 4N7 Telephone (250) 763-1088 Facsimile (250) 763-1089 Website: © 2012 Anodyne Electronics Manufacturing Corp. (AEM), All Rights Reserved CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY TO ANODYNE ELECTRONICS MANUFACTURING CORP. AA12S Series Compact Audio Controller SM69 Installation and Operation Manual COPYRIGHT STATEMENT © 2012 Anodyne Electronics Manufacturing Corp. (AEM), All Rights Reserved This publication is the property of AEM and is protected by Canadian copyright laws. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means including electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of AEM. Installation and Operation Manual Page ii ENG-FORM: 820-0100.DOTX CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY TO ANODYNE ELECTRONICS MANUFACTURING CORP. AA12S Series Compact Audio Controller SM69 Installation and Operation Manual Prepared By: Checked By: Tony Pearson Designer Apr 14, 2012 Approved By: Tom Betzelt Product Support Manager May 28, 2012 Loen Clement Designer May 24/12 The status of this installation and operation manual is controlled by issue shown on the title page. The status of each section is controlled by revision shown in the footer of each page. All revisions affecting sections of this manual have been incorporated into the latest issue. ISSUE/REVISION RECORD Manual Issue Number Section Revision Number Revision Description Issue Date 4.01 Section 1 Rev: 1.00 Section 2 Rev: 1.00 Section 3 Rev: 1.00 Update to current templates. Nov 7, 2008 AEM MANUAL REVISIONS Section Revisions Number Revision Description Date All 2.00 Updated template April 14, 2012 Installation and Operation Manual Page iii ENG-FORM: 820-0100.DOTX CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY TO ANODYNE ELECTRONICS MANUFACTURING CORP. AA12S Series Compact Audio Controller SM69 Installation and Operation Manual Table of Contents Section Title 1.0 Description 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.4.1 1.4.2 1.4.3 1.5 Introduction Purpose of Equipment Design Features Specifications Electrical Specifications Physical Specifications Environmental Specifications Unit Nomenclature 2.0 Installation 2.1 2.2 2.2.1 2.3 2.4 2.4.1 2.4.2 2.4.3 2.4.4 2.5 2.5.1 2.5.2 2.6 2.7 Introduction Unpacking and Inspection Warranty Continued Airworthiness Installation Procedures Warnings Cautions Cabling and Wiring Post-Installation Checks Adjustments and Connections Left Side Adjustments Right Side Adjustments Accessories Required But Not Supplied Installation Drawings 3.0 Operation 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.3.1 3.3.2 3.3.3 3.3.4 3.3.5 Introduction General Information Controls and Indicators Radio Selection Intercom PILOT ISO / NORM Modes Entertainment Audio Automatic Fail-safe Installation and Operation Manual Page 1-1 1-1 1-1 1-2 1-2 1-5 1-5 1-5 2-1 2-1 2-1 2-1 2-1 2-1 2-2 2-2 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-4 2-4 2-4 3-1 3-1 3-1 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4 3-4 Page iv ENG-FORM: 820-0100.DOTX CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY TO ANODYNE ELECTRONICS MANUFACTURING CORP. AA12S Series Compact Audio Controller SM69 Installation and Operation Manual Section 1.0 Description 1.1 Introduction Information in this section consists of product description, design features and specifications for the AA12S Series Compact Audio Controller. All derivative product information shall be contained in the applicable manual supplement, which may be obtained from AEM as required. Review all notes, warnings and cautions. 1.2 Purpose of Equipment The AA12S is a compact Dzus-mounted audio controller with an integral 4-place stereo voice-activated intercom. It provides intercom capabilities for the pilot, co-pilot and two passengers (PAX). The AA12S accepts stereo music inputs from either portable or fixed entertainment systems to produce high quality stereo headset output. Radio functions include selectable transmit capability for pilot and co-pilot on 3 COM radios and a PA. Receive audio selections include COM1, COM2, COM3, MKR, NAV, ADF, and DME. 1.3 Design Features All four mics have individual VOX gating. Each gate may also be activated with the corresponding ICS keyline. ICS muting is automatic during radio transmission. The unit is supplied to suit a standard AEM bi-directional ICS audio TIE line for multi-unit interface (configuration dependent). The crew and PAX are always connected except in the case of Pilot ISO mode, when the pilot is disconnected from the ICS tie line. If required, one or more receiver audio inputs may be configured at the factory prior to ordering as an unswitched Direct Audio input. A new part number may be assigned. Contact AEM Product Support for further information. The following audio levels can be adjusted at the time of installation, or during service by an approved dealer, using individual level trimpots. -ICS Balance -ICS Bass level -Music Balance -Music Bass level April 14, 2012 Rev: 2.00 -Music Mute level -RX Balance -RX volume level -Sidetone level Page 1-1 ENG-FORM: 800-0100.DOTX CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY TO ANODYNE ELECTRONICS MANUFACTURING CORP. AA12S Series Compact Audio Controller SM69 Installation and Operation Manual 1.4 Specifications 1.4.1 Electrical Specifications Power Supply Linear regulator with reverse and over voltage protection. Input voltage: 11-30 Vdc operating. 30.3 Vdc (maximum) 13.8 Vdc or 27.5 Vdc @ 600 mA (nominal, one input for both) 11.0 Vdc (minimum) Lighting Voltage AA12S-001 AA12S-004 27.5 Vdc @ 200 mA max. 13.5 Vdc @ 400 mA max. Note: The AA12S is not designed to operate under emergency electrical system conditions for 14 Vdc operation. Input Signals Microphone Quantity Rated level Impedance Circuitry type 4 (Pilot, Copilot, 2 Passengers). 250 mVrms nominal (125 to 500 mVrms) 150 Ohm r10 % Unbalanced TX Keyline Quantity Rated level 2 (Pilot, Copilot). Ground activates keyline, 20 mA source current ICS Keyline Quantity Rated level 4 (Pilot, Copilot, 2 Passengers). Ground activates keyline, 1 mA source current Receive Audio Quantity Rated level Impedance Circuitry type April 14, 2012 Rev: 2.00 7 (3 COM, 4 NAV). 2.5 Vrms nominal (1.3 to 5.0 Vrms) 1 kOhm r10 % (1 to 3 kOhm for sidetone) Unbalanced Page 1-2 ENG-FORM: 800-0100.DOTX CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY TO ANODYNE ELECTRONICS MANUFACTURING CORP. AA12S Series Compact Audio Controller SM69 Installation and Operation Manual Music Inputs Quantity Rated level Impedance Circuitry type 2 (left channel, right channel) 1.4 Vrms nominal (850 mVrms to 2.4 Vrms) 11 kOhm r10 % unbalanced Bi-directional Signals ICS TIE Channel Quantity: Rated level: Impedance: Circuitry type: 1 340 mVrms nominal (170 to 680 mVrms) 2 kOhm r10 % unbalanced Quantity 4 (Pilot, Copilot, 2 Passengers) Rated level >5.5 Vrms (>100 mW, RX and ICS and music) >0.7 Vrms (TX sidetone, adjustable) 1.5 Vrms nominal (Pilot ISO mode) >0.2 Vrms (Automatic failsafe mode) Impedance Circuitry type 300 Ohm r10 % transformer, unbalanced Quantity Rated level Impedance Circuitry type 4 (COM1, COM2, COM3 and PA) 250 mVrms r10 % 150 Ohm nominal direct throughline via relay Quantity Rated level Circuitry type 3 1 A grounded relay contact Output Signals Phones Mic Keyline April 14, 2012 Rev: 2.00 Page 1-3 ENG-FORM: 800-0100.DOTX CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY TO ANODYNE ELECTRONICS MANUFACTURING CORP. AA12S Series Compact Audio Controller SM69 Installation and Operation Manual Audio Performance As per RTCA DO-170 Product Classification: 1a except where noted *Manufacturers Specification Rated Output Power **Exceeds DO-170 requirement 100 mW min. into 300 : Audio frequency Response Distortion d3dB down from 350 - 6000 Hz d3dB down from 350 - 3000 Hz d3dB down from 350 - 3000 Hz d3dB down from 300 - 15000 Hz (Music Bass control at mid setting) d 10%, d3 % typical (350 to 6000 Hz) Input crosstalk Output crosstalk Mic crosstalk -37 dB max.* -55 dB max. <200 uVrms* Receive Intercom ICS Tie Music Input Audio noise: -60 dB max** Output Regulation d3 dB variance (350 to 6000 Hz) Audio Communication Loud & Clear ICS Volume controls t35 dB*, 40 dB nominal Music Volume controls t35 dB*, 40 dB nominal Receive Input impedance 1 k: r10 % Mic Input impedance 150 : r10 % Music Input impedance 11 k: r10 % ICS Tie Line 2 k: r10 % April 14, 2012 Rev: 2.00 Page 1-4 ENG-FORM: 800-0100.DOTX CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY TO ANODYNE ELECTRONICS MANUFACTURING CORP. AA12S Series Compact Audio Controller SM69 Installation and Operation Manual 1.4.2 1.4.3 Physical Specifications Height 1.15” (29.2 mm) max. Depth 5.80” (147.3 mm) max., behind panel Width 4.95” (125.7 mm) max, behind panel Weight 1.2 lbs (0.50 kg) Mounting Dzus rail, four fasteners, 5.366” horizontal spacing, vertical spacing Faceplate Lighted panel is laser-engraved acrylic edge lit with blue-white backlighting. Material/Finish Brushed aluminum with conversion coating Connectors One 25-pin female D-min connector with jackposts One 44-pin male high-density D-min connector with jackposts and 0.750” Environmental Specifications Temperature: -20q C. to +55q C Altitude 50,000 feet Shock 6g/11ms, 20g/11ms Qualification of the AA12S Series Compact Audio Controller was completed in accordance with DO-160D Env. Cat. [(A1)(D1)X]BXB[(SMB)(UF)]XXXXXXZBAXXXMXXXX 1.5 Unit Nomenclature Variants of the AA12S series Compact Audio Controllers are identified as follows: AA12S-002 Same as AA12S-001 with Faceplate changes (ADF becomes ADF/MKR, DME/MKR becomes TRFC) AA12S-004 Same as AA12S-001 with 14 Vdc lighting AA12S-005 Same as AA12S-004 with custom faceplate (ADF becomes ADF/MKR, DME/MKR becomes TRFC). End of Section 1.0 April 14, 2012 Rev: 2.00 Page 1-5 ENG-FORM: 800-0100.DOTX CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY TO ANODYNE ELECTRONICS MANUFACTURING CORP. AA12S Series Compact Audio Controller SM69 Installation and Operation Manual Section 2.0 Installation 2.1 Introduction Information in this section consists of unpacking and inspection procedures, installation procedures, postinstallation checks and installation drawings for the AA12S Series Compact Audio Controller. Review all notes, warnings and cautions. 2.2 Unpacking and Inspection Unpack the equipment carefully. Inspect the unit visually for damage due to shipping and report all such claims immediately to the carrier involved. Check that all items listed below are present before proceeding and report any shortage immediately to your supplier: - AA12S Series Compact Audio Controller - Product Information Card - Certificate of Conformity or Release Certification 2.2.1 Warranty All Anodyne Electronics Manufacturing Corp. (AEM) products are warranted for 2 years. See the website for complete details. 2.3 Continued Airworthiness Maintenance of the AA12S Series Compact Audio Controller is ‘on condition’ only. Periodic maintenance of this product is not required. 2.4 Installation Procedures 2.4.1 Warnings WARNING: High volume settings can cause hearing damage. Set the headset volume control to the minimum volume setting prior to conducting tests, and slowly increase the headset volume to a comfortable listening level. April 14, 2012 Rev: 2.00 Page 2-1 ENG-FORM: 805-0100.DOTX CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY TO ANODYNE ELECTRONICS MANUFACTURING CORP. AA12S Series Compact Audio Controller SM69 Installation and Operation Manual 2.4.2 Cautions CAUTION: The shielding and routing of the MIC and ICS TIE LINES used in the AA12S installation is very critical and poor performance of the aircraft audio system will result if these issues are not handled properly. The operation of the VOX intercom can be severely degraded by the quality and type or mix of microphones used in the aircraft. If one user has a 'hot' microphone, it will increase the electrical signal to the VOX circuit and the VOX SQUELCH will have to be set to quiet this microphone. The other microphones may not be able to generate enough electrical energy to overcome this VOX SQUELCH setting, and will break up or not be heard at all. 2.4.3 Cabling and Wiring All wire shall be selected in accordance with the original aircraft manufacturer's Maintenance Instructions or AC43.13-1B Change 1, Paragraphs 11-76 through 11-78. Unshielded wire types shall qualify to MIL-W-22759 as specified in AC43.13-1B Change 1, Paragraphs 11-85, 11-86, and listed in Table 11-11. For shielded wire applications, use Tefzel MIL-C-27500 shielded wire with solder sleeves (for shield terminations) to make the most compact and easily terminated interconnect. Follow the connector map in Section 2.7 as required. Coaxial cable shall be selected in accordance with MIL-C-17 unless otherwise specified. Do not use coax cable with PVC insulation. Teflon dielectric cable is encouraged at or above VHF frequencies or where cable runs exceed 8 feet. Note that at VHF frequencies, cables losses due to long cable runs and tight bends may reduce the ERP (Effective Radiated Power) by greater than 50%. Allow 3" from the end of the shielded wiring to the shield termination to allow the connector hood to be easily installed. Reference the interconnect drawing in Section 2.7 for shield termination details. Note that the hood is a "clamshell" hood, and is installed after the wiring is complete. Aircraft harnessing shall permit the unit to be removed from the panel for easy access to all side adjustments. Do NOT mount the unit until all adjustments have been performed. Maintain wire segregation and route wiring in accordance with the original aircraft manufacturers Maintenance Instructions. Coaxial cables shall be routed separately from existing wire bundles in the aircraft to minimize electromagnetic coupling effects. Unless otherwise noted, all wiring shall be a minimum of 24 AWG, except power and ground lines, which shall be a minimum of 22 AWG. Reference the Interconnect drawing for additional specifications. Check that the ground connection is clean and well secured, and that it shares no path with any electrically noisy aircraft accessories such as blowers, turn and bank instruments or similar loads. Power to this unit must be supplied from a separate circuit breaker or fuse (fast blow), and not attached to any other circuit breaker without additional protection. Verify that the selected circuit breaker size and wire gauge are adequate for the installation using the techniques specified in AC43.13-1B Change 1, Paragraphs 11-47 through 11-51 and 11-66 through 11-69. April 14, 2012 Rev: 2.00 Page 2-2 ENG-FORM: 805-0100.DOTX CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY TO ANODYNE ELECTRONICS MANUFACTURING CORP. AA12S Series Compact Audio Controller SM69 Installation and Operation Manual 2.4.4 Post-Installation Checks Voltage/Resistance Checks Do not attach the AA12S until the following conditions are met. Check the following: a) Check P101, pin <1> for avionics buss voltage. b) Check P101, pin <16> for continuity to ground (less than 0.5 ). c) Check P101, pins <9>, <10>, <11> and <12> for continuity to ground when the relevant switch is closed. d) Check P301, pin <5> for avionics lighting buss voltage relative to ground (with lighting on). e) Check P301 pin <17> for continuity to ground. Power On Checks Power up the aircraft’s systems and confirm normal operation of all functions of the AA12S. Refer to Section 3 (Operation) for specific operational details. a) Install the AA12S and power up the aircraft’s systems. Turn on the radios and accessories required for the system. b) Check for correct radio audio and adjust for an acceptable level. c) Perform all installed functions, and check the ICS and TX functions for all users. Refer to Section 3 (Operation) for specific operational details. Note: Significantly different headsets may have different microphone characteristics. Upon satisfactory completion of all performance checks, make all required log book entries, electrical load, weight and balance amendments and other documentation as required by your local regulatory agency before releasing the aircraft for service. 2.5 Adjustments and Connections The unit is shipped from the factory with all internal adjustments set to the normal test levels. Once installed in the aircraft, it may be desirable to change some of these settings to best suit the local operating environment. The internal adjustments are located along the sides of the unit. 2.5.1 ICS BAL R Left Side Adjustments ICS BASS MUSIC MUTE L April 14, 2012 Rev: 2.00 The adjustments found on the left side of the unit are: - ICS BAL R/L, which controls the ICS Balance - ICS BASS, which controls the ICS bass level - MUSIC MUTE, which controls the Music mute level. Page 2-3 ENG-FORM: 805-0100.DOTX CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY TO ANODYNE ELECTRONICS MANUFACTURING CORP. AA12S Series Compact Audio Controller SM69 Installation and Operation Manual 2.5.2 RX BAL R Right Side Adjustments RX VOL L 2.6 TX S/T MUSIC MUSIC BASS BAL R L The adjustments found on the left side of the unit are: - RX BAL R/L, which controls the RX Balance - RX VOL, which controls the RX volume level - MUSIC BASS, which controls the Music Bass level - MUSIC BAL R/L, which controls the Music balance. - TX S/T, which controls the sidetone level Accessories Required But Not Supplied Installation kit p/n AA12S-IKC (crimp) is required to complete the installation. The kit consists of one 44-Pin D-min Female Crimp Kit (AEM Part No. D44SL-IKC) and one 25-Pin D-min Male Crimp Kit (AEM Part No. D25PL-IKC). D44SL-IKC consists of Quantity 1 44 1* 1* 1 Description D-min 44 Socket Housing Mini D Crimp Socket Jack Screw Set Lock Clip Set 25 Pin Connector Hood AEM Part No. 20-20-044 20-26-703 20-27-002 20-27-004 20-29-026 Description D-min 25 Socket Housing MS Crimp Pin Jack Screw Set Lock Clip Set 25 Pin Connector Hood AEM Part No. 20-11-025 20-26-891 20-27-002 20-27-004 20-29-026 D25PL-IKC consists of Quantity 1 25 1* 1* 1 * Use as required. 2.7 Installation Drawings DOCUMENT AA12S-001 AA12S\001\403-0 AA12S\001\405-0 AA12S\001\905-0 AA12S\001\922-0 AA12S-004 AA12S\004\403-0 AA12S\004\405-0 REV. DESCRIPTION TYPE SERIAL NO. 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 Compact Stereo Audio Controller Compact Stereo Audio Controller Compact Stereo Audio Controller Compact Stereo Audio Controller Interconnect Connector Map Faceplate Mechanical Installation All All All All 1.00 1.00 Compact Stereo Audio Controller Compact Stereo Audio Controller Interconnect Connector Map All All Section 2.0 ends following the above documents April 14, 2012 Rev: 2.00 Page 2-4 ENG-FORM: 805-0100.DOTX CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY TO ANODYNE ELECTRONICS MANUFACTURING CORP. R L R L MUSIC MUSIC BASS BAL MUSIC MUTE RX VOL ICS BASS RX BAL L ICS BAL R TX S/T AA12S Series Compact Audio Controller SM69 Installation and Operation Manual Section 3.0 Operation 3.1 Introduction Information in this section consists of functional and operational procedures for the AA12S Series Compact Audio Controller. 3.2 General Information The AA12S is a compact Dzus-mounted audio controller with an integral 4-place stereo voice-activated intercom. It provides intercom capabilities for the pilot, copilot and two passengers (PAX). The AA12S accepts stereo music inputs from either portable or fixed entertainment systems to produce high quality stereo headset output. VOX/TX Annumnciator RX Select Switches TX Select Switch Radio functions include selectable transmit capability for pilot and copilot on 3 COM radios and a PA. Receive audio selections include COM1, COM2, COM3, MKR, NAV, ADF, and DME. 3.3 Controls and Indicators 3.3.1 Radio Selection Receive The AA12S is typically configured to select the RX audio from three transceivers and up to four additional receivers. The RX Select switches are white double-throw centre-off switches. Receiver audio can be selected by setting the appropriate RX select switch to the down position. Transceiver audio can either be selected by setting the appropriate RX select switch to the up position, or as a function of the TX select switch. The transceiver that is selected by the TX select switch is also automatically selected for receive. Receive/sidetone audio for the selected COM is automatically provided. When a switch is in the centre-off position, no transceiver/receiver audio is selected. April 14, 2012 Rev: 2.00 Page 3-1 ENG-FORM: 806-0100.DOTX CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY TO ANODYNE ELECTRONICS MANUFACTURING CORP. AA12S Series Compact Audio Controller SM69 Installation and Operation Manual Transmit The TX select switch is a 4-position rotary control that provides radio selection for up to three transceivers and a PA. By selecting the desired transceiver and pressing the external TX PTT switch, the AA12S is activated for transmit operation, connecting the respective mic to the selected transceiver. The transceiver that is selected by the TX select switch is also automatically selected for receive. The front panel annunciator will illuminate green to indicate transmit operation (see section TX selections are available only to the pilot and copilot. Activation of either TX PTT input connects the user’s MIC to the selected COM, and activates the output PTT to the selected COM. When PTT is pressed, all audio except the sidetone of the selected COM and NAV inputs is removed from the headphone of the particular PTT user. The sidetone of the active COM is provided from the COM radio. The PA position provides PA mic audio and PA keyline to an external amplifier (e.g. AA21, AA23, PA250) for use as either a Loudhailer or Passenger Address system. A priority transmission feature allows the pilot to override the co-pilot. VOX/TX Annunciator The VOX/TX Annunciator is a bicolour LED that indicates the intercom status. During VOX activity, the annunciator LED is illuminated red. If TX is keyed with no ICS or sidetone, the annunciator LED is illuminated green. If TX is keyed with mic or sidetone, the combination of red and green will cause the LED to appear amber. Note: 3.3.2 If the LED is still illuminated green after transmission is concluded, this indicates a possible stuck mic. Intercom ICS VOL/VOX Squelch Control VOX/TX Annunciator The VOX and ICS VOL control is a fluted concentric knob, with the ICS volume on the centre knob, and the VOX control on the outer knob. April 14, 2012 Rev: 2.00 Page 3-2 ENG-FORM: 806-0100.DOTX CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY TO ANODYNE ELECTRONICS MANUFACTURING CORP. AA12S Series Compact Audio Controller SM69 Installation and Operation Manual VOX Control The VOX control is used to set the level of audio required to activate the microphones. The AA12S provides three modes of intercom operation, selected by the position of the VOX control. LIVE ICS When the VOX control is positioned fully counter-clockwise (ccw), all mics will be live, and any sound picked up by the microphone(s) will be processed by the ICS system KEYED ICS When the VOX control is positioned fully clockwise (cw), the intercom will be in a keyedonly mode. VOX ICS When the VOX control is positioned between fully cw and fully ccw, the intercom is in VOX mode. To establish the VOX threshold, rotate the control ccw until the LED turns red, and then rotate the control cw until the LED goes dark. Continue turning the control cw until the desired voice sensitivity is set. ICS Volume Control The ICS VOL control, which has a line to mark rotational position, is at minimum volume when fully ccw. As the knob is rotated cw, the ICS volume for crew and PAX increases. The ICS is muted during transmit operations. 3.3.3 PILOT ISO / NORM Modes Pilot Isolate Switch The PILOT ISO/NORM control is a red, two-position toggle switch that allows selection of either NORM (Normal) or PILOT ISO (Pilot Isolate). In NORM mode (default) everyone on the system can talk to each other, listen to music, and hear all selected radio audio. The PILOT ISO mode separates the pilot from the intercom network, allowing confidential radio communications without interference from the copilot or passenger intercom or music, while maintaining complete control of all the radio functions of the audio panel. The copilot and passengers retain normal intercom and music functions. Note: In PILOT ISO mode, the receive/sidetone levels may require adjustment at the audio source. April 14, 2012 Rev: 2.00 Page 3-3 ENG-FORM: 806-0100.DOTX CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY TO ANODYNE ELECTRONICS MANUFACTURING CORP. AA12S Series Compact Audio Controller SM69 Installation and Operation Manual 3.3.4 Entertainment Audio The AA12S accepts stereo music input from portable entertainment units, CD players or other integrated on-board systems. The stereo output delivers music to stereo, or standard monaural, general aviation headsets (installation dependent). Music muting occurs during any radio or intercom activity. 3.3.5 Automatic Fail-safe In the event of a power failure, automatic fail-safe operation will be activated. This routes the pilot’s phones, mic audio, and mic PTT directly to the COM radio selected by the position of the TX rotary selector switch, and selected audio inputs. Copilot and passengers will have no ICS, music, or receive functions. In the unlikely event of an AA12S circuit failure that results in a communication failure, the automatic failsafe mode can be enabled by pulling the AA12S circuit breaker. Notes: 1) In Automatic Fail-Safe mode, the receive/sidetone levels may require adjustment at the audio source. 2) The pilot should confirm that all aspects of Automatic Fail-Safe operation are working before accepting the aircraft into service. End of Section 3.0 April 14, 2012 Rev: 2.00 Page 3-4 ENG-FORM: 806-0100.DOTX CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY TO ANODYNE ELECTRONICS MANUFACTURING CORP. ">
Key features
- 4-place stereo intercom
- stereo music input
- selectable transmit for pilot and copilot
- receive audio from 3 COM radios and 4 NAV receivers
- Pilot ISO/NORM mode
- automatic fail-safe operation
- Dzus mounted
Frequently asked questions
The AA12S Series Compact Audio Controller provides intercom capabilities for the pilot, copilot, and two passengers. It also allows for listening to music from portable or fixed entertainment systems and provides radio functions, including selectable transmit for the pilot and copilot on 3 COM radios and a PA. It also includes receive audio selections for COM1, COM2, COM3, MKR, NAV, ADF, and DME.
The PILOT ISO/NORM mode allows the pilot to isolate themselves from the intercom network, allowing for confidential radio communications without interference from the copilot or passenger intercom or music while maintaining control of all the radio functions of the audio panel. The copilot and passengers retain normal intercom and music functions.
In the event of a power failure, automatic fail-safe operation will be activated. This routes the pilot's phones, mic audio, and mic PTT directly to the COM radio selected by the TX rotary selector switch and selected audio inputs. The copilot and passengers will have no ICS, music, or receive functions. This mode can also be enabled manually by pulling the AA12S circuit breaker.