Auerswald Internet Telephony Adapter Box User manual

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Auerswald Internet Telephony Adapter Box User manual | Manualzz


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Release 150514

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particularly good in

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A deltronik support



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EyeSDN USB -S0 °



Call Recording


2 analoge lijnen

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8 analoge lijnen


1 ISDN S0-bus

2 kanalen



4 ISDN S0-bussen

8 kanalen


° Bij deze toestellen is er een parallel plug aanwezig. U kunt de EyeSDN eenvoudig tussen de draad plaatsten en u spaart een T stekker uit.


1 ISDN E1 poort

30 kanalen

Met dit geavanceerde gespreksopname systeem is het mogelijk om gesprekken zeer betrouwbaar en zonder kwaliteitsverlies op te nemen.

Het EyeSDN apparaat wordt op de USB poort van een PC aangesloten en ieder gesprek wordt in een appart WAVbestand opgeslagen. U kunt de gesprekken herbeluisteren alsook alle details van de gesprekken raadplegen zoals gebruikte telefoonnummers, datum, uur, duur van het gesprek...)

Er zijn diverse redenen om gesprekken op te nemen; bewijskracht, noteren van bestellingen, oplossen van welles nietes toestanden, verbetering van de klantgerichtheid, ondersteuning van schriftelijke notities, training van de medewerkers, steekproefcontrole etc. Gesprekken opnemen is vaak verplicht bij banken en intussen al vrij algemeen bij grote bedrijven. Jawel, het is nu een must om competitief te blijven.

De opname gebeurt geheel automatisch en onopmerkbaar maar evengoed kan men de opname manueel starten of stoppen met een DTMF code, meteen is deze DTMF toon het signaal van “hier wordt opgenomen”. Het gebruik kan men dus helemaal afstemmen op de eigen situatie.

Encryptie is mogelijk zodat alleen bevoegde personen de gesprekken kunnen herbeluisteren.

Aan de naam van de WAV-bestanden ziet men in één oogopslag de details van het gesprek en met de gratis bijgeleverde software kunt u filters toepassen om zodoende een serie gesprekken nog sneller terug te vinden.

q Eenvoudige aansluiting: u hoeft niets te veranderen, EyeSDN kan parallel op de gangbare telefoonlijn worden aangesloten en heeft geen invloed op de bestaande installatie.

q Ondersteunt USB versie 1.1 en

2.0 via een Windows driver.

q Opnamecapaciteit afhankelijk van de Hard Disk.

q De details van de gesprekken worden bijgehouden (datum, uur en duur van het gesprek, nummer van de beller, gebelde nummer, eigen uitgaande nummer, gebruikte lijn...).

q Encryptie is mogelijk.

q De gratis bijgeleverde Windows sofware werkt ook via netwerk.

q Gratis Lifetime Update

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2 innoventif


Beschikbare gegevens met de gratis bijgeleverde software:

- Meerdere EyeSDN apparaten zijn mogelijk op 1 PC. U kunt daarom ieder EyeSDN toestel een andere naam toekennen.

- Aanduiding van dag, datum, tijd tot seconden precies.

-CLIP van de beller (indien vrijgegeven)

Extra funcie bij ISDN lijn

- Bij uitgaande gesprekken de eigen CLIP.

- Het nummer gekozen door de beller of bij uitgaande gesprekken het door u gekozen nummer

- Welk B kanaal gebruikt werd van de ISDN-lijn

- Of het ging om data of om een gesprek

Er zijn 5 modellen beschikbaar

1 EyeSDN-A2 Met de EyeSDN-A2 kunt U 2 analoge lijnen gelijktijdig opnemen.

2 EyeSDN-A8BX Met de EyeSDN-A8BX kunt U 8 analoge lijnen gelijktijdig opnemen.

3 EyeSDN-S0 Met de EyeSDN-S0 kunt U gelijktijdig 2 kanalen van één ISDN lijn opnemen.

4 EyeSDN-4SBX Met de EyeSDN-S0 kunt U gelijktijdig 8 kanalen van in totaal 4 ISDN lijnen opnemen.

5 EyeSDN-E1 Met de EyeSDN-E1 kunt U gelijktijdig 30 kanalen van één ISDN-30PRI opnemen.

Voor alle toestellen gebeurt de aansluiting parallel op de bestaande Analoge, ISDN of PRI bedrading. Aansluiting kan zowel op trunk als op extentie.

Goe om weten:

- Bij aansluiting op een ISDN extentie uitgerust met een systeemtelefoon zullen de gesprekken van deze telefoon heel waarschijnlijk niet opgenomen worden. In deze situatie dient u het

EyeSDN toestel op de trunklijn te plaatsen.

- Een Siemens UP0 Optipoint telefoon met een ISDN uitbreiding geeft het gesprek van de Optipoint niet transparant door aan de IDSN uitbreiding. Opname is dus uitgesloten tenzij men via de trunklijn kan/mag opnemen.

100 uur opname wav.g7100




wav.mpr hq wav.xraw


Disk Gb / 100









Disk Gb / 100









- Windows 2000, XP, Windows

2003 Server

- 40 - 143 MB vrije ruimte op de

harde schijf voor installatie +

extra vrije ruimte voor de


- Processor: min. 500 MHz

- USB aansluiting

- Geluidskaart

- Software om *.WAV bestanden

weer te geven, bijvoorbeeld Windows

- Voldoende HD capaciteit in functie van bijgaande tabel.

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EyeSDN USB -S0 °



Call Recording




- 2 lignes analogues


- 8 lignes analogues


- 1 RNIS bus S0

- 2 canaux


- 4 RNIS bus S0

- 8 canaux

° Dans ces appareils, il ya une prise parallèle présente. Vous pouvez facilement placé le EyeS-

DN entre le fil.

Avec cet enregistreur de conversations avancé, il est possible d’enregistrer des conversations avec une haute fiabilité et sans perte de qualité.

L’appareil EyeSDN se fait accrocher avec la porte USB de l’ordinateur et chaque conversation est séparément gardée dans un fichier WAV. Vous pouvez réécouter les conversations ou bien consulter les détails de la communication. (des numéros de téléphone, date, heure et durée de la conversation,...)

Les cas dans lesquels l’enregistrement de la conversation est demandé, sont nombreux. Par exemple, pour augmenter la force probante, noter des commandes téléphoniques, pour

éviter des disputes mineures, améliorer le service après-vente, comme soutien des notes écrites, comme entraînement des collaborateurs, chez des sondages etc. Enregistrer les conversations est devenu une évidence chez les banques et plusieurs grandes entreprises mais c’est aussi une nécessité pour chaque entreprise qui se respecte.

L’enregistrement se fait d’une manière inaudible, pour que ni vous, ni l’autre partie remarque quelque chose et que vous pourriez travailler tranquillement.

Il est aussi possible d’encrypter les fichiers afin que les conversations ne puissent pas être réécoutées par n’importe qui.

Le nom du fichier WAV est de telle manière que vous voyez les détails de la conversation d’un seul coup d’oeil mais il est aussi possible d’appliquer des filtres avec le logiciel joint pour retrouver une série de conversations encore plus vite.


- 1 RNIS 30PRA

- 30 canaux

q Raccordement simple: vous ne devez rien changer, EyeSDN se fait accrocher en parallèle avec la ligne téléphonique et n’a aucune influence sur votre système actuel.

q Soutient USB version 1.1 et 2.0

par un driver Windows.

q La capacité d’enregistrement dépend de votre disque dur.

q Les détails des conversations sont gardés (dates et heure, durée de la conversation, le numéro de l’appelant, le numéro appelé, propre numéro sortant, ligne utilisée...).

q Possibilité d’encryptions.

q Le logiciel Windows qui est livré gratuitement avec, fonctionne aussi avec des fichiers sur le réseau.


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Données disponibles avec le logiciel gratuit: w Plusieurs appareils EyeSDN peuvent se raccorder sur un ordinateur. Vous pouvez alors donner chaque appareil EyeSDN un autre nom.

w Indication du jour, date, heure, jusqu’à la seconde.

w CLIP de l’appelant (si public)

Fonction supplémentaire avec la ligne RNIS w Le propre CLIP chez les appels sortants.

w Le numéro choisi par l’appelant ou dans le cas de communications sortantes, le numéro choisi par vous même w Quel canal B a été utilisé par la ligne RNIS w Si c’était des données ou une conversation

Il y a 5 modèles disponibles

1 EyeSDN-A2 Avec l’EyeSDN-A2 vous pouvez enregistrer deux lignes analogues en même temps.

2 EyeSDN-A8BX Avec l’EyeSDN-A8BX vous pouvez enregistrer huit lignes analogues en même temps.

3 EyeSDN-S0 Avec l’EyeSDN-S0 vous pouvez enregistrer 2 canaux d’une ligne RNIS en même temps.

4 EyeSDN-4SBX Avec l’EyeSDN-S0 vous pouvez enregistrer 8 canaux d’une ligne RNIS en même temps.

5 EyeSDN-E1Avec l’EyeSDN-E1 vous pouvez enregistrer les 30 canaux d’une RNIS-


Tous les appareils se font raccorder en parallèle avec votre câblage analogue, RNIS ou PRI actuel. Le raccordement peut se faire sur trunc ou sur extension.


Dans la situation d’un raccordement sur une extension RNIS équipée avec un téléphone, les conversations du téléphone de système ne pourront probablement pas être enregistrées. Dans ce cas, vous devez placer l’appareil EyeSDN sur la ligne trunc.

Systèmes compatibles:

· Windows 2000, XP, un serveur

Windows 2003

· 40 - 143 MB de place libre sur votre disque dur pour l’installation + de la place supplémentaire pour les conversations

· Processeur: min. 500 Mhz

· Accordement USB

· Carte sonore

· Un logiciel pour écouter les fichiers *.WAV, par exemple

“Windows MediaPlayer”

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EyeSDN SIP Call Recording

Product Description

EyeSDN SIP is a software solution to record VoiceoverIP telephony calls.

The software allows to operate devices for traditional phone lines (ISDN BRI, ISDN PRI, analogue lines) simultaneously with the VoIP recorder using the same data base and client software.

The product does not include any hardware for capturing ethernet frames but can be configured to support various capturing schemes.

The solution offers state of the art call management and real time monitoring functions (line status display, discreete listening, manual recording control) in the same way as the EyeSDN USB products for traditional phone lines.

Please see the software data sheet for details. A number of codecs (G.711, GSM, MP3, G.729a) are available for interoperability on a wide range of SIP trunks.

Fax recovery works for both T.30 over G.711 passthrough mode and T.38.


Customers who are interested in using the EyeSDN

SIP recorder can download the EyeSDN USB software from

After installation the configuration tool can be used to display the ethernet MAC addresses of the network interface cards in the PC. Please request a timelimited demo license by sending an email stating the desired channel count and the MAC address of the capture interface to [email protected]

. Use the license file to create a SIP device. Once satisfied with the solution a permanent license can be ordered.

Use Cases

Call Recording is important for a number of industries and service providers.

• Financial institutions need to provide prove for any orders placed or any contracts closed during a phone call.

• Professionals providing consulting services in legal matters or health care may be liable for miscounselling and a recording of the phone call could help to document the conversation.

• Call centres may need to demonstrate to their clients that the quality of their customer communication is indeed high.

• Operators of emergency phone numbers (police, fire brigade, ambulance) are legally required to record any emergency calls.

• Taxi operators or pizza delivery services may find it useful to document their calls for later reference.

• Phone system maintenance and installation personnel can use the device to find any faults quickly.


The legal requirements for call recording are different in each country. Please seek legal advice to implement call recording in a lawful way.

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Number of channels

Audio codecs

Video codecs

DTMF methods

Fax modes



SIP/SDP max. 128

G.711, GSM, MP3, G.726,


TBD inband,

RTP telephony events,

SIP info application/dtmf,

SIP info application/dtmfrelay

T.30 via G.711 passthrough,


not supported

EyeSDN SIP Call Recording

• From shared media (hub / WLAN)

• On VoIP system host

• From monitoring port of ethernet switch

• Machine in the middle

Computer Requirements



Windows® 2000,

Windows® XP,

Windows Server® 2003,

Windows Vista®,

Windows Server® 2008,

Windows 7®,

Windows Server® 2008 R2,

Windows 8 (32 and 64 bit)

Windows 8.1 (32 and 64 bit)

Disk Space


Disk Space

(Call recordings)

30 MB (excluding .Net runtime)

60 ... 960 KB/minute per channel and call

• Hubbing out

• Passive ethernet tap

• Trace port of VoIP system


● Licenses available from 1 until ∞ Channels

● Demo license for free

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SMS Control

● SMS Control (master)

● GSM Modem q Antenne

● Null Modem kabel

● Voeding SMS Control

● Voeding Modem

● Download q Software (Windows) q Gebruiksaanwijzing q Lifetime Update

● Optie q Noodstroomvoeding q RS232 kabel eu Q om

SMS Control

Zend 672 SMS berichten naar 160 targets.

Stuurt 2 relays met 32 aangemelde GSMs.

Dit toestel laat toe SMS’s te verzenden afhankelijk van (21) ingangen hun toestand en werkt via het GSM net. Het is eveneens mogelijk 2 uitgangen te schakelen met Clip of met SMS.

Om de unit te vervangen is het niet nodig de draden los te schroeven omdat ze ingeplugd zijn. Het toestel is uitgerust met

21 optisch geïsoleerde ingangen en 2 uitgangen. De uitgangen zijn relais die een continu vermogen kunnen schakelen van

250Vac max. 6A als open/sluit contact. De verbinding met de

GSM-Modem gebeurt met een subD9 Null-Modem-kabel.

Een algemene lijst bevat tot 160 target nummers. Voor iedere ingang en uitgang zijn er tot 32 (targets of toegelaten) nummers selecteerbaar. Per ingang zijn er 2 uitgaande SMS berichten mogelijk, één voor “actief” (logische 1) de andere voor

“niet actief” (logische 0). Er is tevens een speciale SMS als

“aanvaard”. De maximum tekst lengte is 45 karakters + een header / SMS. Om de uitgang te schakelen (aan/uit relais) zijn er meerdere mogelijkheden, open, sluit, toggel (open en sluit alternatief), impuls (sluit voor een specifieke tijd), CLIP (sluit en open zoals geconfigureerd).

Afhankelijk van de configuratie zal een SMS vetrekken als een input een trigger krijgt. De stand van de uitgang relais kan enkel gewijzigd worden door toegelaten nummers met een

SMS of met Clip.

q 21 Ingangen: ieder getriggerd “niet actief” door 0V of “actief” door 9...24V AC/DC, virtueel triggeren is eveneens mogelijk door een speciefieke SMS naar het toestel te zenden.

q Naar keuze éénmalig zenden of sequentieel zenden met regelbarte tijdsinterval - tot een ACK (acknowledge) SMS toekomt.

q Met een “acknowledge” (aanvaarding) SMS kan men het sequentieel verzenden stoppen en dan meteen ook een “acknowledge” SMS naar de ingeschreven targets verzenden.

q 2 Uitgangen open/sluit max. 250Vac max. 6A.

q Totaal 160 targets (GSM nummers).

q Per ingang is er: 1 SMS tekst voor “actief”, 1 SMS tekst voor “niet-actief”, 1 SMS voor “aanvaard” (acknowledge).

q Bij sequentieel verzenden kan men de tijd instellen.

q Max. 32 targets per ingang/uitgang.

q Max. 45 karakters per SMS + de header (bvb de bedrijfsnaam).

q Uitgang open/sluit/toggel/puls met een inkomende

SMS of met Clip.

q Max. 32 nummers kunnen een uitgang aansturen.

q Ingeplugde, meteen ook schroefbare connectoren.

q Provider selectie voor grensgebieden.

q Software update levenslang vrij.

q Windows (xp,2000, 7) configuratie software.

q RS232 aansluiting voor Modem en voor PC.

q Werkt na configuratie onafhankelijk van PC.

q Eenvoudig te configureren en te installeren.

q Afstands (remote) configuratie mogelijk.

q Opties: In tijd schaalbare noodstroomvoeding (UPS) met bliksembeveiliging en een slave unit°. met 21 ingangen en 2 uitgangen.


Resultaat van Duits Belgische samenwerking

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SMS Control


Tuinbedrijf: de temperatuur in serre 16 bereikt de gevarenzone, de zaakvoerder ontvangt een SMS “temp 16 laag”. Hij kan op afstand de verwarming aanschakelen en krijgt een SMS

“verwarming aan” en even later “temp 16 ok”

Vleesbedrijf: koelgroep 12 is uitgevallen, 3 targets ontvangen het bericht, wie kan langsgaan blaast de oproep af.

Brandweer: Commandant ter plaatse of centrale kunnen de beschikbare bouwkranen opvorderen met 1 SMS en zij kunnen de vordering afblazen als bvb de vierde aankomt.

Politie: Er worden 3 speurhonden gevraagd voor zone 4. De derde ter plaatse kan de oproep opheffen en zo de anderen hun rust teruggeven.

Civiele bescherming: Oproep voor chemieramp in “havengebied” of overstroming in zone


Burgemeester: Van thuis uit alle manschappen laten aantreden met één (1) eenvoudig SMS bericht, op dezelfde manier kan hij ze terug vrij geven.

Elektriciteitscentrale: De juiste specialisten opgeroepen voor een specifiek probleem op een specifieke plaats.

Gasramp: Alle interventievoertuigen krijgen een SMS en later een 2 de SMS als het probleem effectief is opgelost.

Strooidiensten: Een dispatcher zet de mensen in paraatheid, kan de paraatheid afblazen of de wagens effectief laten uitrukken.

Rusthuis of Thuisverpleging: Bewoner 33 vraagt hulp, de regio verpleegkundigen krijgen bij herhaling de oproep binnen tot er iemand langs gaat en de oproep afblaast.

Kapsalon/Brasserie: 19 studenten vernemen dat er om 14uur 2 hulpjes mogen aantreden, de eerste 2 (die willen/kunnen) zenden een SMS “ik kom”. De 17 anderen zijn te laat.

Dorpswacht: Een van de 159 bewoners kan per SMS een gevaar melden. Tot 159 bewoners en de politie krijgen de boodschap.

En vele andere toepassingen: …

9 eu Q om

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SMS Control

● SMS Control (master)

● GSM Modem q Antenna

● Null Modem cable

● Power suply SMS Control

● Power suply Modem

● Download q Software (Windows) q User Manual EN +DE q Lifetime updates

● Optional q UPS q RS232 Cable




SMS Control

Send 672 SMS messages to 160 targets.

Control 2 relays with 32 authorized GSMs each.

This unit allows to send SMS’s depending (21) input states and is working via the GSM-net. It is also possible to control (2) outputs by Clip or SMS’s. To replace the unit it is not necessary to unscrew the terminals because the are also plugged.

The SMS Control is equipped with 21 optical isolated inputs and

2 additional outputs. The outputs are relays which can drive a current up to 250Vac max. 6A continously as open/close contact. The unit is connected to the GSM-Module with a subD9


A common list contains up to 160 SMS target numbers. For each input and output there are up to 32 (targets or authorized) numbers selectable. For each input there are 2 outgoing

SMS texts possible, one for active (logic 1) the other for deactive (logic 0). There is also a special SMS text as acknowledge receipt. The maximum text length is 50 characters / sms. To control the output (on/off relay) there are several possibilties: open, close, toggle (open and closes alternatingly), impulse

(close for the specific duration time), CLIP (close or open as configured)

Depending on the configuration, the SMS’s will be sent if an input becomes a trigger. The output state could only be changed by authorized numbers with a SMS or by Clip.

· 21 Inputs: each tiggered “non-active” by

0V or “active” by 9...24V AC/DC also useful as virtual inputs.

· User choice Y/N sequential mode. (=outgoing SMS(s) after trigger).

· Inputs could be active or non-active triggered with an incoming SMS. (virtual trigger)

· With a acknowledge SMS there is a possibility to stop the sequential output mode.

· 2 Outputs open/close max. 250Vac max.


· Total 160 targets numbers.

· Pro input there is: 1 SMS text for “active”,

1 SMS text for “non-active”.

· Adjustable sequence frequency.

· Max. 32 Targets pro Input/Output.

· Max. 50 Characters pro SMS.

· Output open/close or toggle via incomming

SMS or via Clip.

· Max. 32 authorized numbers for output control.

· Plugged terminals with screw.

· Specific network select useful in border areas.

· Software upgrade and general improvements lifelong for free.

· Windows configuration software.

· RS232 connection for Modem and for PC.

· Works - after configuration - independently from PC

· Easy to configure and to install

· Emergency Power (UPS) in option


German & Belgian cooperation

10 eu Q om

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SMS Control

Technical Data

Power supply:



Temperature range:

Storing temperature:



Number Inputs:

Input voltage:

Input Impedance

Number Outputs:

Output current:


Virtual Trigger Input:

Acknowledge Inputs:

GSM Modem:




9V …. 24V DC

270x210x40 Keep in practice 50mm extra upside + downside for wiring and connections

0°C ... +50°C

-20°C ... +80°C

20 % - 80 % not condensated


0 Volt = logic 0 = Deactive

9V...24V AC/DC = logic 1 = Active

24V DC 3.7Kohm +/- 10%

9V DC 5.3Kohm +/- 10%

2 Open/Close contact

6A at 250V AC continously

21 trigered via SMS

21 trigered via SMS depends SIM, Provider and Modem

Matrix GSM Modem Simado GDT11

Antenna Mounted 115x170x29


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11 eu Q om

Analogue Interface

1 until 4 buttons

4 contacts + 6 optional

Dialog 20x

Dialog 201

Dialog 202

Dialog 203

Dialog 204

Doorphone Dialog

Surface Mounting

If your PBX system has no Parlophone port but you want to use a door terminal, choose the Dialog 200. It is connected directly to one of your system's analog subscriber ports using a 2-wire cable, and it works almost like a telephone: at a push of the doorbell button, an (internal/external) number is automatically dialled.

The housing fits into any local situation due to its slim construction. This makes a laborious in-wall installation obsolete.

The weather protection cover for the door terminal systems

Dialog 20x will be mounted behind the door terminal itself. It protects the terminal against direct effects of the weather like snow and rain. The used material is also natural anodized Aluminium (see picture).

In addition, the weather protection cover can be used to cover holes in the wall which are too big. With additional drill-holes you can cover e.g. an already existing flush-mount module support of an older door terminal.

Optional q Operation on an analog subscriber port of a PBX q Telephone numbers and basic functions can be programmed via an extension telephone q Two levels of sensitivity for noisy and quiet environments q Excellent speech audibility, frequency-optimised amplifier electronics q Integrated switching contact for door opener, doorbell or light

(doorbell transformer required) q Additional switching possibilities with a/b Switching Modules q Modern slim-line housing with exclusive design and ompact construction with only 16 mm height q 1–4 door bell buttons (Dialog 201,

202, 203, 204) q Shatter-proof name plate covers with full-face, white background illumination with maintenance-free

LED technology, without additional power supply q Weather protection covering available as option a/b switching module

● Until 6 contacts on a/b line

Dimensions: w x h x d

Dialog: 104x153x16

Weather Protection Small: 136x188x39

Weather Protection Large: 136x229x47 e in


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Dialog Universal


Analogue Interface until 4 buttons

4 contacts + 6 optional

Doorphone Universal Plus

Flush Mounting

You already have an integrated panel in your front door or a high-class letter box system with bell buttons and preparation for an intercom system? What about modern door phone technology which you can connect easily to your telephone system?

The Auerswald Universal plus is the perfect solution.

The microphone can be mounted/pasted separately.The housing fits into (nearly) every environment. With ten universal eyelets you will always find a possibility for a safe mounting. Or fasten the housing simply with the huge glue on pad behind the front plate of your door bell system. The microphone has an own little housing which can be mounted separately – just as you like it and optimised for the existing mounting conditions.

Four door buttons and one door opener relay can be connected directly. Via a two-wire cable it will be connected directly to an analog port of your telephone system and acts similar to a telephone: by pushing one of the bell buttons a predefined internal or external number will be called automatically.

Dialog Universal Plus

q Universal door phone system for the integration into existing door phone and letter box systems q Operation on an analog subscriber port of a PBX system q Two levels of sensitivity for noisy and quiet environments, eg. for use in a workshop q Speaker loudness adjustable q Programming of the numbers and basic functions via telephone q 1–4 door bell buttons, optionally useable as light key q Switching contact for door opener, doorbell or light q (doorbell transformer required) q Additional switching possibilities with a/b Switching Modules q Remote communication and switching, eg. via mobile phone q Letter signalling (switching contact in the letter box required) q Automatic door opening, eg. during the surgery time q Stop ringing after door opening

(door contact required) q Door opening directly with door bell button q Room monitoring, with dialling a call number q Operation as intercom device, control via door bell button

Optional a/b switching module

● Until 6 contacts on a/b line

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Auerswald a/b Audiobox

PA message via telephoneline

Adapter for the link-up of a public address system (PA) with an analogue port of a PBX system.

● Adapter for announcements via the PBX system

● Ideal for e.g. waiting rooms, supermarkets or shopping malls

● Acoustic notification of the announcement possible

● Simple connection of nearly every PBX system to public address systems (PA)

● Operation and feeding via the analogue port of a PBX system from Auerswald or other manufacturers

● Programming of the functions via telephone (DTMF)

● Switching contact for e.g. change over of the announcement area of the PA system

● Additional switching possibilities using up to 6 optional a/b switching modules

● LED status display

With the a/b Audiobox you can link public address systems easily and fast to nearly every PBX system. For this purpose simply connect the box between the analogue port of a PBX system and the amplifier input e.g. of a PA system. If the a/b Audiobox will be called it will accept the call automatically and establish a connection to the connected public address system. The integrated switching relay can be used for the selection of the announcement area of the Pa system. On demand a notification can be made prior to the announcement.

The a/b Audiobox is suitable for amplifieres and PA systems with A.F. input (300 mVeff / 600 Ohm).

Technical data

● Supply connection: analogue port of PBX

● Operating voltage out of the analogue port: 16–60 V DC

● Loop current, depending on the operation mode: <1 mA (standby) / 20–60 mA (announcement)

● Power consumption: approx. 60 mW (standby)

● Dial mode: DTMF

● Audio output: output level max. 300 mV eff , internal resistance 600 Ohm

● Contact load of the switching relay: max. 30 V / 1 A

● Housing: plastic, 2 parts

● Dimensions: Ø 95 mm x 33 mm

● Weight: approx. 90 g

● Security: CE

● Safety class: IP 20


Scope of supply

● a/b Audiobox

● Connection cable RJ-11/RJ-11 (approx. 3 m long)

● Adapter TAE-F/RJ-11

● Short Commissioning Instructions (German / English)

● Operation manual (PDF file, German) on CD

● Mounting material (screws and dowels) a/b switching module

● Until 6 contacts on a/b line

Order information

● Name: a/b Audiobox

● Article number: AUE-113

> More INFO


Auerswald Up0 / S0 Adapter

UP0/S0 Adapter

Technical Data:

● Input: 1 RJ socket (6P), alternatively 2 screw terminals for connection to the UP0 port

● Output: 2 parallel RJ45 jacks (8P), terminated, as S0 port,

(Type of connection depends on the U P0 port), EURO-ISDN (DSS-1)

● Supply voltage: 40 V + 5% / -15% (directly from the UP0 port)

● The power consumption: max. 2.5 W

● Device on the S0 port: max.2 devices recommended (Max. 8 ISDN devices, of which a maximum of 2 powered devices, eg different ISDN telephones)

● Power supply: from the UP0 port (max 42 V, 100 mA min.).

● Range: depending on the UP0 port (max 1000 m.)

● Housing: ABS, 2 part

● Dimensions: ø 95 x 33 mm

● Weight: 100 g

● Operating Environment: Inside, 0 ° C to + 40 ° C

> More INFO


Simbox GFX11

PSTN q Quad Band q 1 GSM kanaal q 1 FXS Poort q Antenne en voeding inbegrepen

Analoog - 1 FXS Poort

Matrix SIMADO GFX11 is a gateway to interface

GSM and Plain Old Telephone System (POTS) networks. On the GSM side, it supports quad-band operation allowing it to work with any GSM network.

On the POTS side, the FXS port can be connected to any existing PBX. Incoming calls on the GSM port are routed to the FXS port to reach the operator or any extension of the PBX. For outgoing calls, the

PBX users continue dialing the numbers as if dialing on the normal trunk (CO) lines. Thus, the existing

PBX users can avail the low tariff of GSM networks by connecting SIMADO GFX11 with the PBX without changing their existing infrastructure. In addition,

Matrix SIMADO GFX11 can also be used in a standalone mode.






Enkele toepassingen in functie van gebruikte randapparatuur:




Vaste Telefoon in een werfkeet/beursstand/vakantie woning

Deurtelefoon aan een parkpoort

Alternatief voor een klassieke telefoonlijn

Reservelijn of tijdelijke- aansluiting

Alternatief voor PSTN abbonnement

Lifttelefoon & Noodoproep

Public Adress of omgeving afluisteren

Contact sturing

> More INFO


Compact 3000


Compact 3000


Compact 3000


Full Hybride PABX's

Up to 10 ports

Lots of convenience – low costs.

With its new COMpact 3000 series for home office, small businesses and private homes, Auerswald shows that a small PBX system can be both versatile and powerful. The installation of a COMpact 3000 is a child’s play to begin with. Clearly arranged and easy to access plugs allow a quick and simple installation and set-up of the system via Plug & Phone whereas the individual configuration is made easily using the web interface on a computer.

A small system for all your demands.

Even in their basic configuration, four analog extensions, one system telephone directory for up to 400 entries, a central voicemail and fax system with an automatic notification function via e-mail, RSS feed and call are impressive. The integrated CTI support allowing you to call your clients, customers or friends directly out of Microsoft OutLook, the connection possibility for USB printer, SD card or USB memory stick are included as well as a LAN port for the integration into an existing network. The state-of-the-art PCB design and smart energy management function ensure its power consumption is always kept at a minimum – protecting our environment and saving you money!

When requirements are growing these systems show how big they really are.

Design your own system! If you need two additional analog extensions, an ISDN port for system or ISDN telephones or an

ISDN trunk line, simply expand your COMpact 3000 with a

COMpact 2a/b, COMpact S0 or COMpact ISDN module. And that’s not all: two additional VoIP channels are easily activated with a release code, which you can use flexibly for external internet telephony or for internal IP telephony.

Via your DSL connection you can make worldwide phone calls to other VoIP subscribers for free* or you can use your home network for the connection of an IP convenience phone like our system telephone COMfortel VoIP 2500 AB. The COMpact 3000

VoIP offers 2 VoIP channels already in its basic setup.



Trunk: Analogue + ISDN + VoIP

Extention: Analogue + ISDN + VoIP


Trunk: ISDN + VoIP

Extention: Analogue + ISDN + VoIP


Trunk: ISDN + VoIP

Extention: Analogue + ISDN + VoIP



VoIP e in many

* depending on your provider

> More INFO


On Board CP3000 a/b 1 x POTS

COMpact 3000 Analog

4 x Analog

1 Slot Available

Module 2a/b 2 x Analog



1 x ISDN in/ext or 1 Up0


Voip Release code

2 x VoIP Channel

On Board CP3000 ISDN

COMpact 3000 ISDN

1 x ISDN

1 Slot Available

Module 2a/b



2 x Analog

1 x ISDN in/ext or 1 Up0


Voip Release code

2 x VoIP Channel

4 x Analog

On Board CP3000 Voip

COMpact 3000 VoIP

2 Voip Channel

1 Slot Available

Module 2a/b



2 x Analog

1 x ISDN in/ext or 1 Up0


Voip Release code

2 x VoIP Channel

4 x Analog



Ext. or Int.

1 Column = 1 Channel

> More INFO


COMpact 4000

Hybride PABX


Up to 24 ports


On Board

● 2 S0/Up0, Ext or Int

● 8 FXS

● 4 VoIP

hard run

● 1 VoiceMail (in conjunction with optional USB Memory)

● 2 Module Slots (useful for a modul 2BRI or 2FX0)


Optional Licences:

● +4 Voip (Until max. 8 VoIP channels)

● 20 Voicemail and 20 Faxbox (in conjunction with optional USB Memory)

● Automatic Reception

● LAN Tapi all subscribers

SIP Comfort (Max 20)


● 2 analoge Trunk (Pots)


● 2 switch ISDN-Ports (S0/UP0 intern or extern)

Free Module slots = 2 and the maximum number of specific modules =

● 2 x COMpact 2BRI-Modul - Attention: Max 3 external S0

● 2 x COMpact 2FXO-Modul

● Environmental protection and sustainability

● Building and home automation

● Tap-proof phone calls

● Voicemail solution on board

● Centralized directory, LDAP

● Integration of 3rd party applications

FXS = Foreign eXchange Station (internal a/b-Port)

FXO = Foreign eXchange Office (analoges Trunk / POTS) e in


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> More INFO



COMpact 5000

COMpact 5000R

Hybride PABX


On Board

● 4 VoIP channels intern/extern


hard ru

● 3 VoIP channels + 1 Voicemail channel

● VM (in conjunction with optional USB Memory)


Up to 32 ports

4DSP-Modul (digital signal processor)

● 8 Channels for Voicemail, Fax and VoIP

● 20 Voicemail- und 20 Faxboxen



● 2 switch ISDN-Ports (intern S0/UP0/or extern)


● 2 analoge Trunk (Pots)


● 4 analoge extentions

Optional Licences:

● System activation (via Adeltronik included)

● +8 VoIP Channels for VoIP, Voicemail, Fax

● (in conjunction with 4DSP)

● Automatic Reception

● Hotel function

● Lan Tapi, all subscribers

● 20 Voicemail and 20 Faxbox (in conjunction with 4DSP)

Free Module slots = 5 and maximum number of specific modules =

● COMpact 4DSP-Modul max. 1

● COMpact 2BRI-Modul max. 5 (Max. 3 as external port)

● COMpact 2FXO-Modul max. 3

● COMpact 4FXS-Modul max. 4

● Environmental protection and sustainability

● Building and home automation

● Tap-proof phone calls

● Voicemail solution on board

● Centralized directory, LDAP

● Integration of 3rd party applications

FXS = Foreign eXchange Station (internal a/b-Port)

FXO = Foreign eXchange Office (analoges Trunk / POTS)

> More INFO

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COMmander 6000R



Up to 112 ports

Professional Communication Server for the Information Age!

▪ Future-proof

▪ Configure the fully modular COMmander 6000 according to your needs! Our systems have the right connection technology, whatever your infrastructure.

▪ Mobility

▪ Short distances and more efficient work processes through permanent and extensive availability of your employees.

▪ VoIP integration

▪ Use your existing local data network for telecommunications!

▪ Unified Messaging

▪ Save money by relying on a single, efficient system to manage your existing services such as fax, voicemail and telephony, even with smartphone access via PBX Control.

▪ Unified Communication

▪ Computer-assisted telephony using the Auerswald LAN-TAPI and

▪ CTI applications, e.g. ESTOS ProCall.

▪ ISDN and analogue interfaces

▪ State-of-the-art technology, also for traditional telephony.

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> More INFO


PBX Call Assist

CTI solution for up to

40 PC workstations

45 Day


Standard On Board CP5000

● 4 Kanäle für VoIP intern/extern

Simple installation and commissioning.

Pop-up on call, notified in advance, appropriate response.

Integrated presence management system.

"Federation" between Auerswald PBX Call Assist installations and ProCall version 4.

● Accept call

● Terminate Call

● Reject call

● Hold

● Consultation (flash)

● Transfer

● DTMF tones

● Pick-up (not across locations)

● 3-way conference

● Call divert Toggle

● DND (do not disturb) Toggle

Available for:

COMpact 5010 & 5020 VoIP

COMpact 4000

COMpact 5000 & 5000R

COMmander 6000R

Licenses available in multiples of 5 workstations

CTI server always included, no separate LAN TAPI licenses required e in


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> More INFO


COMfortel 600




Full-Duplex Handsfree

Made to relieve you

Even the entry-level model of our COMfortel range boasts a convenient cross-shaped touch pad for superior menu navigation. Together with the practical feet which let you tilt the casing very effectively, this will relieve you in your daily business – e.g. when used as an extension of your

PBX system. You can even mount it on the wall!

That comes in extremely handy in any industry, be it a hotel or a crafts business.

Serving as an analogue extension, our COMfortel

600 offers many useful functions for superior comfort: once a phone number has been filed in the

(on-board or central) phonebook, the caller’s name will appear on display.

A cristal clear 3-line LC display puts all the vital information perfectly on stage. The same applies to the sound: it’s so clear that dialogue partners seem to move closer – no matter if you’re talking on the receiver, in hands-free mode or via a connected

COMfortel headset.

Although the COMfortel 600 is very happy when hooked to an Auerswald PBX system, there is no problem to connect it (via a/b port) to any other

PBX system … or even directly to an analogue exchange connection.

q Calling number and name display

(CLIP/CNIP) if registered in the local and the central phone book of the PBX q Ringtone, handset and hands-free speaker volume adjustable q Microphone mute q Set-up angle adjustable in 3 steps q 10 programmable abbreviated dialling keys q Power supply via the analogue port, no external power supply or batteries required q 99 phone book entries with name q Desktop and wall mounting


Ger e in many

> More INFO


COMfortel 1200



Life can be so easy...

Looking for a competitively priced phone for your

Auerswald PBX system that offers the same level of comfort as a system phone? Check out the digital system phone COMfortel 1200: the large illuminated display, hands-free function and direct access to the system’s central phonebook show that convenience is the name of the game. Almost every function of your PBX system can be directly controlled via the phone keys – the current status is indicated by an

LED in the respective key.

It’s details such as InterCom with automatic handsfree talking or the central caller list by group which prove highly practical in everyday life. The same applies to the online name search function (backward search) which shows the caller’s name on the display and as part of the call data listed in the PBX system.

And since it automatically recognizes the connection type, the COMfortel 1200 is immediately ready-tooperate on any S0 port or UP0 port of your PBX system.

● Calling number and name display

(CLIP/CNIP) if registered in the central phone book of the PBX or the telephone

● Automatic background illumination

● Automatic detection of S0 or UP0 connection

● Ringtone, handset and hands-free speaker volume adjustable

● Microphone mute

● Set-up angle adjustable in 3 steps

● 10 programmable function keys

● Power-safe mode

● Power supply via system connection; no additional power supply required

● 1600 local telephone number entries

● Telephone lock, emergency calls possible

● Desktop and wall mounting

● Access to the central phonebook of the PBX e in


Ger many

> More INFO


best r unner

COMfortel 1400




Ger e in many


No reserve – hands-on please!

Discover a new dimension of operating convenience:

The COMfortel 1400 features a colourful 3.5” touch display which ensures extremely quick access to all the vital functions. It automatically recognizes whether your PBX system offers an S0 port or a UP0 port which means you can use its multiple talents right away! E.g. the integrated phonebook which accomodates up to 1,600 entries or the ten programmable keys (on two levels) for busy, destination dialling and system functions.

Benefit from superior acoustic properties – no matter if you’re talking or listening to the optional answering machine. The latter operates with uncompressed recordings for perfect audio quality.

The 1400 model proves its worth in numerous functions that are highly practical in your daily business, such as call recording or voice memos. And to customize your phone, you can upload additional ring tones and individual background images.

To find the perfect viewing angle on your desk, simply replug the feet. And if you prefer to mount it on the wall, it will elegantly hide the wall socket. Incoming calls and messages on your voice-mailbox are signalled by an LED that’s visible all-round.

● Calling number and name display

(CLIP/CNIP) if registered in the central phone book of the PBX or the telephone

● Automatic detection of S0 or UP0 connection

● Automatic background illumination with adjustable brightness and switch-on time

● Individual background images and ring tones

● Ringtone, handset and hands-free speaker volume adjustable

● Microphone mute

● Set-up angle adjustable in 3 steps

● 10 programmable function keys, 2 levels

● Power-safe mode

● Power supply via system connection; no additional power supply required

● 1600 local telephone number entries

● Telephone lock, emergency calls possible

● Desktop and wall mounting

● Access to the central phonebook of the PBX

● Voicemail functions

● Remote activation and message forwarding

● High-quality recording due to uncompressed recording

● Control via functions keys of the telephone

● Total capacity depends on the used memory

● 1 GB represent approx. 30 h recording capacity)

● Recording and notepad function

● Max. 25 announcments and max. 250 messages

● Call acceptance and announcement dependent on type of call (int./ext./door/group)


Powered via PoE or optional AC adapter for the IP versions!


COMfortel 2600

CT 2600 Up0/ISDN

CT 2600 IP

intense use demands co mfort

CT2600 Black


De COMfortel systeem telefoons bieden intuïtief en maximum gebruikersgemak, gekoppeld aan state of the art design dat aansluit bij elke omgeving, en superieure functionaliteit.

COMfortel 2600 is een revolutionaire ontwikkelingen binnen dit portfolio, voorzien van een touchscreen, controlpad en instelbare inclinatie voor nog meer gebruiksgemak.

Ook deze toestellen stellen zich automatisch in op de aansluiting (S0 of UP0), een innovatieve feature als eerste geïntroduceerd door Auerswald.

COMfortel 2600

● ISDN of IP systeem telefoon

● Grafisch touch display, 65k kleuren

● Lokaal telefoonboek voor 1600 ingaven

● Console mogelijk (max.3)

Geïntegreerde voicemail°

°(met optionele SD/SDHC kaart 8Gig aanbevolen)

● DHSG aansluiting voor draadverbonden of draadloze headsets



The IP version is powered via PoE or optional AC adapter.

CT 2600 Beknopte Gebruiksaanwijzing NL

> More INFO

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COMfortel 3200 IP

COMfortel 3500 IP

CT 3200 Black

CT 3500 Black


Tot op heden was het noodzakelijk om te kiezen, wil ik een SIP of een Systeem telefoon? Met de introductie van de COMfortel 3200 en COMfortel

3500 behoort dit dilemma tot het verleden, daar deze toestellen zich als Systeem telefoon gedragen op een Auerswald centrale en als een standaard SIP toestel te gebruiken zijn. De installatie wizard installeert deze toestellen bijna zelfstandig. De geïntegreerde VPN cliënt legt eenvoudig, en veilig, contact tussen verschillende externe locaties.

Simpelweg perfecte telefoontoestellen.

Comfortel 3500 Demo

> More INFO


COMfortel 3200

● Standaard SIP en IP Systeemtelefoon

● Innovatief 4,3” touch display

● Synchronisatie met o.a. GoogleTM services en

Microsoft Exchange

● Perfecte integratie met IP camera‘s

● Geïntegreerd voicemail systeem

● Meer dan 10.000 telefoonboek gegevens

COMfortel 3500

Identiek aan de COMfortel 3200 met extra:

● 5,0” touch display met 16,7 miljoen kleuren

● Licht en bewegingssensor

● Bluetooth® dongle meegeleverd


Ger e in many


Compatibility: COMfortel on a COMpact or a COMmander and the Firmware versions

Version xx.x or higher

CP1200 CP1400 CP2600 CP1400 CP2600 CP3200 Cp3500

COMpact 3000 series

COMpact 5010 VoIP

COMpact 5020 VoIP














only only only only stand. SIP stand. SIP stand. SIP stand. SIP













COMpact 4000

COMpact 5000/5000R















COMmander 6000 series 6.0B







> More INFO


· C530




· C530H

Handset + Charger

Same as C530 with additional answering machine.

· C 530A

· C 530A Duo

This Phone is my phone, my personal companion

● Large TFT colour display (1,8'', 128x160 pixel, 65k colors)

● Easy to use state of the art designed User Interface

● High quality, ergonomic keypad (metal dome technology)

● Easy handsfree talking in brilliant HSP TM sound quality

● Phonebook for up to 150 names and 3 numbers each

● Easy personalization options (see left)

● Support of Gigaset L410 “handsfree badge

Supports the L410 wearable speakerphone click here to check out the compatibility

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· C530IP

3 Channels


hard ru nner


· C530H

Handset + Charger

● Groot TFT-kleurendisplay van 1,8 inch

● Groot telefoonboek met zoekfunctie voor maximaal 150 contacten

● Lange spreek- en stand-by tijd van respectievelijk 14 en 300 uur

● Stralingsvrije ECO-modus Plus, zendvermogen volledig uit als de telefoon stand-by is.

● Hybride DECT IP-basisstation voor VoIP en een analoge netlijn

● Uitbreidbaar tot 6 VoIP accounts/nummers

● Tot 3 gelijktijdige gesprekken (2 via VoIP + 1 via vaste net)

● Let op! Dit toestel kunt u aansluiten op PoE maar werkt enkel met de bijgeleverde netvoeding.

Supports the L410 wearable speakerphone click here to check out the compatibility



Ger e in many


· C620

· C620 Duo

· C620H




Identical to an C620 (duo) with additional answering machine.

· C620A Duo

The clever family phone

Direct access keys to call protection management features:

● time-based call silencing, anonymous call protect (blocking or silencing) and blacklists

● Direct access key to baby phone with talk-back

● Long talk/ standby time of up to 26/530 hours

The Gigaset C620H cordless phone is equipped to simplify your household routine.

With useful direct access functions and an integrated baby phone it is a practical and user-friendly solution to your day-to-day calling requirements.

Address book up to 250 entries, each with 3 numbers, email address and reminder dates

Brilliant HSP™ sound quality, even when talking hands-free

Illuminated key for easy access to SMS or voice messages on answering machine

Easily expandable by up to 6 handsets

Screensaver display with digital and analogue clock or colour picture slide show

Supports the L410 wearable speakerphone

But, there’s always more!

You probably have better things to do than running after your phone.

That’s why the Gigaset C620 can also be paired with an extra handset, such as the Gigaset C620H, which you can place at a convenient second area within your home.

Simply register the Gigaset C620H to your existing base station and enjoy having another handset whenever you need one.

In fact, the Gigaset C620 supports up to six extra handsets in total.

Supports the L410 wearable speakerphone click here to check out the compatibility



Ger e in many



runn er

· E 630

Protected against:

ü Shock

ü Dust

ü Water




· E630H

Handset + Charger

The robust phone for the tough situations of every day life

● Resistant to shocks, dust- and water-proof IP65

● Easy change between indoor and outdoor via profile key

● Vibra call

● Side key - easy volume control; R-key; comfortable PBX integration

● Support of Gigaset L410 “hands free CLIP”


L410 Wearable Speakerphone

ZX300 Headset

ZX400 Headset click here to check out the compatibility

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· E 500H

Handset + Charger

Happy Senior

!! Recommended to be used with base stations from this catalog.

Purely intuitive.











Large keys for easy handling

Optimal readability on the illuminated, high-contrast display with large font size

Easy volume control via the side key

ECO Mode Plus with no radiation1

4 speed dial keys on handset

Enhanced acoustics and hand-free talking in brilliant sound HSP™ quality

Long talk and standby time of up to 20 and 300 hours, respectively

Hearing aid compatible

Caller ID2 with name and number

Phonebook with space for up to 150 entries click here to check out the compatibility

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hard ru nner

· SL 400





· SL 400H

Handset + Charger

Base Surface mount possible












The essence of perfection

Luxurious materials – genuine metal frame and illuminated metal keypad

Generous colour display with intuitive user interface

Convenient Bluetooth® headset connection

ECO DECT with no radiation1

Address book for up to 500 vCards, synchronisation via Bluetooth® or mini-USB

Chat for hours with a Talk-/Standby time of up to 14h/200h

Intuitive user interface with jumbo font and expert mode

Brilliant sound quality: 4 handsfree settings for personal voice quality experience

Customize with personal caller display pictures, screensaver picture show and ringer melodies


Supports the L410 wearable speakerphone click here to check out the compatibility

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4 Channels


· DX 800A


Enjoy ultimate talent

ü Multiline desktop phone: fixed, IP and ISDN line1

ü Large TFT colour display and exceptional HD sound

ü Up to 4 parallel calls and multiple handsets – up to 6

ü Three answering machines – ideal for SOHOs

ü Works with different1 phone connection types: fixed, IP and ISDN line

ü Large (3,5”) TFT-Colour Display with intuitive user interface

ü Advanced Multiline: up to 4 parallel calls and expandability for up to 6 handsets

ü Exceptional HDSP4 sound (G.722) for internal and external calls

ü 3 Answering machines with long recording time, up to 55 min. in total

ü Link2Mobile via Bluetooth for incoming and outgoing calls

ü Best quality hands-free

ü Large Adressbook for up to 1.000 vCards

ü ECO DECT with No Radiation and different energy saving features (e.g. night mode, switch off DECT) Professional contacts management and search: access to network based private phonebook, Microsoft Outlook3

Synchronization over Gigaset QuickSync Software, online net directory and Yellow Page search4, Auto-look up functionality

ü Supports email notification (subject, header, time & date, begin of message) and Info services (RSS feeds, various news topics, weather forecast, etc.) e in


Ger many click here to check out the compatibility



hard ru nner

· Repeater

New Model 2.0













Increases your freedom.

2 Channels

To double the range range of Gigaset Base Stations.

Increases your mobility.

Guarantees crystal-clear voice quality in a wider area.

Additional (DECT)coverage between base station and handset, theoretical up to 50m indoors and 300m outdoors

Max. 6 repeaters within a base possible.

Max. 2 calls simultaneously per repeater.

Automatic handover from Base station to repeater and conversely.

Not suitable for Gigaset models of the "A" series, partly suitable for models of series "C" and "E".

New 2.0

- Secure DECT connections (encryption) on a few handsets.

New 2.0

- Support of HDSP calls (IP) on a few handsets.

With repeater = 2X


B Basestation


B click here to check out the compatibility


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· ZX300

Basic flexibility




High sound quality

Fits into all 2.5 mm jacks

Adjustable ear-loop for optimal comfort

· ZX400 Professional flexibility






Clear sound quality

Fits into 2.5 mm jacks (ZX400)

Adjustable headband

Earpiece can be worn left or right

Easy plug and play setup

· ZX600









Extra flexibility

Perfectly clear sound quality

Supports Bluetooth® 2.0 hands-free and headset profiles

Easy to handle Lightweight at 15 g

Talk time of up to 7 hours Standby time of up to 170 hours

Charges within 2 hours

Standard 10 m Bluetooth® range

Lithium polymer battery

Works with Bluetooth® enabled mobiles

The Gigaset ZX600 is compatible with all Gigaset Bluetooth®-enabled handsets. It’s the headset that brings the flexibility of cordless telephony to a new level of hands-free. You can move freely during conversations while enjoying the perfectly clear sound quality that this headset offers. And, weighing only 15 g, the Gigaset ZX600 is extremely comfortable to wear.

Comfort and convenience

You hardly notice you’re wearing the Gigaset ZX600 while you talk, as it is very lightweight. It is also easy to handle, allowing you to enjoy phoning mobility quickly and trouble-free – within the standard 10 m Bluetooth® range. Perfectly clear sound quality ensures that you won’t miss a second of any call. This accessory supports

Bluetooth® 2.0 hands-free and headset profiles and can be paired with Bluetooth®-enabled mobiles – for even more talking flexibility.

Conversation made to last

While talking on the Gigaset ZX600, you will never worry about the headset’s battery life. With a talk time of up to 7 hours, you can continue conversations for as long as you wish. And with a standby time of up to 170 hours, the headset is ready for use with little recharging necessary. Its lithium polymer battery charges in just 2 hours.

These practical features make the Gigaset ZX600 a reliable Bluetooth® headset.

click here to check out the compatibility





Hands-free clip for cordless phones












Experience the innovation

ü Maximum freedom to do whatever you want around the home while talking on the phone.

Hands-free talking with perfect sound quality.

Intuitive ease of use and easy plug and play.

Simple One-click operation.

Stylisch design.

Talk freely while doing other things.

Simply click onto your clothes.

Clip on and move with more flexibility while you callHands-free talking in perfect sound quality.

One-click call transfer from handset1 or take calls directly on clip

ECO DECT features.

Lightweight (~30g) and conveniently clips on.

Range of 50m indoors and 300m outdoors

Ultimate flexibility

With the Gigaset L410 you never get a stiff neck or an achy ear while talking hands-free. Multitasking while phoning becomes easier than ever. Simply clip the Gigaset L410 to the neckline of your top and begin your favourite home activities while enjoying calls in perfect sound quality. Unlike a headset that rests on your ear or head, the Gigaset L410 is a wearable speakerphone. You forget you’re even wearing it while you freely move and chat.

click here to check out the compatibility

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N300A IP


3 Channels


N300A IP

Smart DECT IP + PSTN basisstation met antwoordapparaat.

Voor een nieuwe dimensie in communicatie - met parallelle gesprekken, uitstekende geluidskwaliteit en onlinefuncties.

De Gigaset N300A IP is een eenvoudig te configureren hybride DECT IP-basisstation voor zowel het vaste telefoonnet als internettelefonie (VoIP). Het toestel is daarnaast ook voorzien van een antwoordapparaat. Het toestel ondersteunt tot 3 parallelle gesprekken, 6 verschillende lijnen en 6 compatibele Gigaset-handsets. Met een maximale opnametijd van 30 minuten zorgt het antwoordapparaat ervoor, dat er geen bericht verloren gaat. En met de HD-geluidskwaliteit met HDSP™¹-technologie klinken internetgesprekken net zo goed als een persoonlijke ontmoeting. De energiebesparende ECO DECT-technologie2 maakt de Gigaset N300A IP tot een milieuvriendelijk basisstation.

Voor uitstekende geluidskwaliteit via het vaste telefoonnet en VoIP-telefonie met een antwoordapparaat is de

Gigaset N300A IP de perfecte keuze.

● Antwoordapparaat met een totale opnametijd van 30 minuten.

● Hybride DECT IP-basisstation voor vaste telefonie en VoIP.

● Multilijnondersteuning voor max. 6 handsets en 3 parallelle gesprekken.

● Energie besparen met1 ECO DECT.

Smart DECT IP + PSTN Base Station with answering machine.

Brings communication to new heights with parallel calls, exceptional sound and online features.

The Gigaset N300A IP is an easy-to-configure hybrid DECT IP base station for both landline and VoIP calls – plus an answering machine. It supports up to 3 parallel calls, 6 different lines, and 6 compatible Gigaset handsets.

With a maximum of 30 minutes of recording time, the answering machine ensures that all messages are received. And HD sound with HDSP™¹ technology means internet calls sound more like face-to-face conversations.

ECO DECT’s energy-saving2 technology makes the Gigaset N300A IP an environmentally-friendly base station.

For high-quality landline and VoIP telephony with an answering machine, the Gigaset N300A IP is the perfect match.

● Answering machine with up to 30 minutes of recording time

● Hybrid DECT IP base station for landline and VoIP calls

● Multi-line for up to 6 handsets and 3 parallel calls

● Energy-saving1 ECO DECT e in


Ger many

Le mode d'emploi existe en anglais et en néerlandais et pas en français. Vente à une personne francophone (pour une utilisation dans la vie privée) est exclue.

click here to check out the compatibility 41


Gigaset PRO


4 Channels




(°WCA) (°°AASS)

hard ru nner











DECT IP base for mobile communication in SMB businesses.

DECT IP base station with up to 6 VoIP accounts

Expandable phone system for up to 6 users: Multiline calling with up to 6 handsets and

4 parallel calls

Combine with a wide range of attractive Gigaset DECT handsets

Excellent HD sound

Extend the installation by up to four N510 IP PRO base stations for roaming or extend the DECT range using Gigaset repeaters

Enhance productivity with online net directory search, corporate directory access and email notification

‘0’-touch configuration with Gigaset PBX. Also compatible with a wide range of established VoIP providers and PBXs.

Roam within the range of up to four N510 IP PRO base stations and optionally extend the DECT coverage using Gigaset repeaters.

Power over Ethernet and power supply.

ECO DECT energy-saving2 click here to check out the compatibility

42 e in


Ger many

Gigaset PRO

30 Channels

Gigaset PRO

N720 DECT IP Multicell System

· N720 IP PRO

· N720 DM PRO

· Seamless handover and roaming

· Up to 100 users / SIP accounts / handsets

· Exceptional HD sound with HDSP™ 1,2

· Up to 30 base stations

Ultimate freedom of movement

Is your company located on several floors or in a large building? With the N720 DECT IP Multicell, you can easily make sure that your people can be reached anywhere. This gives them ultimate freedom of movement whilst ensuring maximum availability for your customers.

Pure convenience

With the N720 DECT IP Multicell system in your office, the connected Gigaset PRO handsets enjoy many features from the telephone system, such as direct search in the corporate directory and HD audio. Furthermore, there are no security issues. The N720DECT IP Multicell system supports digital encryption to ensure secure calls at all times. And when there is more than one office, you will save on hardware costs and no additional licences are needed.

Your provider supports it

There's no need to wonder whether the N720 DECT IP Multicell is compatible with your telephone provider, as standardisation means there is nothing to stand in the way of smooth cooperation between Gigaset and your provider.

Grow along with your business

Plans for expansion? Great! Please don't let us hold you back. The system is expandable.

Simply increase the number of base stations and voilà: up to 100 users, 30 parallel calls, 30 base stations.

Compatible with all Gigaset pro products

As tastes differ and as everyone has different requirements for their handset, your employees can make their own choice. The base station is compatible with all Gigaset PRO products.

click here to check out the compatibility


Gigaset PRO



Meer info (NL)

More info (EN)

Gigaset SL610H PRO

The cordless business handset

● Brilliant, 1.8“ TFT colour display with 7 lines

Gigaset PRO


● Intuitive, icon-based user interface

● Support of the multicell systems with roaming and handover

● Headset connection via Bluetooth® or 2.5 mm jack

● Convenient data exchange via Bluetooth® or mini-USB

Gigaset R630H PRO

Ruggedized to operate under any circumstance

● Dust and waterproof according to IP65 standards with the added benefit of shock resistance

● Support of the multicell systems with roaming and handover

● Choice of Audio profiles and vibration alert

● Rubber surface to ensure the perfect grip

Gigaset S510H PRO

The reliable DECT handset for professional use.

● Brilliant, 1.8“ TFT colour display with 8 lines

● Intuitive, icon-based user interface

● Headset connection via Bluetooth® or 2.5 mm jack

● Convenient data exchange via Bluetooth® or mini-USB

Gigaset S650H PRO

● Audio and HF reception optimized (DECT range)

● Improved Scratch - & disinfectant resistance

● 1,8“ TFT display (as predecessor)

● Vibra alert, Bluetooth, 2,5mm headset chinch

● Easier battery exchange (2xAAA)

● Micro USB at bottom with charging

● Software update over the air SUOTA

● Picture over the air

● Remote reset

● Optional: Charging base

44 e in


Ger many

Gigaset PRO

Gigaset PRO Handsets

One touch oproep

Bluetooth® | Mini-USB | Micro-USB

Automatische terugbel functie in handset

Automatisch gebruik voorkiesnummer

Laatst gebeld ... nummers

Telefoonboek kopiëren naar andere handset: via

DECT | via Bluetooth® | via LAN

Telefoonboek | adresboek | contacten

Standby tijd | gespreks tijd




Audioprofielen: luide omgeving | rustige omgeving

| persoonlijke instellingen

Message waiting indicator key

Herinnering | Alarm

Bereik binnen huis | buiten huis

Range displayed (handset to base station)

Datum weergave | Tijd weergave

Aantal gemiste gesprekken met tijd en datum notatie

NummerWeergave (CLIP) | met foto (Picture CLIP)

Menuopbouw met tekst | jumbo letters | pictogrammen

S650H yes yes | yes yes

20 yes | yes | -

- | yes | 500

300h | 12h yes yes yes yes | yes | yes yes yes | yes

50m | 300m yes yes | yes

20 yes | yes yes | - | yes

S510H yes yes | yes yes yes

20 yes | yes | -

- | yes | 500

180h | 13h yes

0 yes yes | yes | yes

0 yes | yes

50m | 300m yes yes | yes

20 yes | yes yes | yes | yes

SL610H yes yes | yes yes yes

20 yes | yes | -

- | yes | 500

230h | 15h yes yes yes yes | yes | yes yes yes | yes

50m | 300m yes yes | yes

20 yes | yes yes | yes | yes yes | yes | yes | yes

Display opbouw: pixel | inch | kleuren | lijnen

TFT 128x160 | 1,8 |

65000 | 8

TFT 128x160 | 1\,8

| 65000 | 8

TFT 128x160\,

1\,8''\, 65000\, 8

128 x 160 | 1.8 |

65000 | 6

Display: numeric | alphanumeric | semigraphical | graphical

Info Screensaver | Infoticker

Meertalig menu tot ... talen

Tot 60% minder stroomverbruik


Toets voor nieuwe berichten

Kleur van verlichting

Verlicht klavier

SMS | e-mail | aantal tekens

Up to ... personalized SMS in-boxes

E-mail notificatie


Handsfree bellen | gebruikersvriendelijke handsfree

| geavanceerde handsfree

Headset connection: corded 2,5 mm | Bluetooth®


Aanpasbaar handset volume

Individuele ringtone voor VIP contacten

HSP™ voor briljante geluidskwalliteit

Ringtones | polyphonic | real sounds I downloadbaar

Standaarden: DECT | GAP

Rubuustheid volgens IP65 standaard

Rubberen oppervlak voor perfecte grip

LED: lamp | nieuwe oproep | nieuw bericht

Ondersteuning van single netwerk | multicel netwerk | 3rd party / andere fabrikant

Overal verbinding tijdens het lopen in het pand

(Roaming en handover)

Afmetingen handset (H x W x D in mm)

Afmetingen lader (H x W x D in mm)


- | - | - | yes yes | yes

27 yes yes yes amber yes

612 | yes

4 yes

2 x AAA yes | - | yes yes | yes yes yes yes

7 I 7 I 15 | yes yes | yes



| - | Yes | yes yes | yes, GAP +

- | - | - | yes


26 yes yes, 5-way yes white yes

612 | yes

4 yes


- | - | yes yes | yes | yes yes yes yes

5 | 8 | 9 | yes yes | yes



| - | Yes | yes yes | yes, GAP +

- | - | - | yes yes (only with IP


26 yes yes, 5-way yes amber yes

612 | yes

4 yes

Li-Ion accu

- | - | yes yes | yes | yes yes yes yes

5 | 3 | 15 | yes yes | yes



| - | Yes | yes yes | yes, GAP +

- | - | - | yes yes (only with IP


26 yes yes, 5-way yes amber yes yes | 612 | yes

0 yes


- | yes | yes | yes | yes yes yes

20 | 7 | - | yes | yes yes yes yes | yes | yes yes | yes, GAP + yes, behind N720IP yes, behind N720IP yes, behind N720IP yes, behind N720IP

151 x 49 x 26

40 x 81 x 80 yes







154 x 52 x 30

75 x 74 x 39 yes

R630H yes

- | -

0 yes

20 yes | - | -

- | yes | 200

300h | 14h yes yes yes yes | yes | yes

0 yes | yes

50m | 300m yes yes | yes


45 | Errors are reserved |






Analogue telephone

Top ergonomic design, small factor suitable for reduced environments

Ÿ High quality, ergonomic keypad

Ÿ 10 Speed-dial entries

Ÿ Visual call notification via LED

Ÿ Speed dial, Set, Mute, Recall, Redial and volume keys

Ÿ Plug & Play (unpack, connect the phone and conduct a call)

Ÿ Modern design with convenient form factor

Ÿ Valuable surface and colors

Ÿ Up to date design

Ÿ High quality, ergonomic keypad size

Ÿ Wall mountable

Ÿ All features available without PSU/Battery

Ÿ Additional weight for base stability


Good to know

The white version is particularly effective against MRSA together with the small factor are this appreciated features especially in clinics.

(°WCA) (°°AASS)


Ger man

Tech nolo gy






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Analogue telephone

The standard corded desk phone for straightforward calling

Making and taking calls is simple with the Gigaset DA310. The

4 direct keys let you push a single button to connect to the contact of your choice. Enjoy the convenience of another 10 speed dial numbers enabling further rapid connection options.

The Gigaset DA310 gives you the choice of 3 melodies and volumes to alert you to incoming calls, or alternatively you can turn the ringer off when you want some peace and quiet. To quickly call back the last person you called, simply use the last number redial function to get in contact. If you need an easyto-use corded desk phone, with all the basic features and more, choose the Gigaset DA310.

Simple yet flexible

While remaining straightforward to operate and offering easy installation, the Gigaset DA310 is also versatile. Pabx and

PSTN compatibility allows you to either connect straight to the fixed line network, or use it as part of an internal network of phones within the home or office. The Gigaset DA310 is also wall mountable, meaning you can choose to save on valuable desk space. With a handset cable length that stretches up to two metres and a further two metres of cable from the phone to the socket you have the freedom to move around as you please.

As well as being hearing aid compatible the Gigaset DA310 allows you to prevent the caller from hearing what you are saying by pressing the mute key. The dialling method - tone or pulse - is also adjustable, as is the flash time.

Make life easy for yourself and choose the Gigaset DA310 for your next corded desk phone.

q 4 direct keys for one touch connection q 10 speed dial numbers for quick dialling q Call notification: 3 melodies and volumes as well as ringer off q Last number redial q For Pabx and PSTN operation q Wall mountable q Hearing aid compatible q Pulse dialling, tone dialling, flash time adjustable q Cable length (0.35-2m; 2m) q Easy installation & operation; reduced complexity q Mute key


Ger man

Tech nolo gy






Analogue telephone

The ergonomic phone with an essential feature set

Sound quality

High Sound Quality

Mute Key with melody

Adjustable volume of handset sound (3 levels)

Adjustable ringtone volume settings (3 levels)

Convenience – phoning essentials

20 direct memory keys in 2 layers (second layer protected memory for programmable feature codes).

Notebook function can save current number on name keys

Redialing of the last number (Up to 32 digits)

DTMF, Pulse, Flash (via SET codes)

Telephone lock with direct call (Baby call) with dedicated illuminated key.

Keylock emergency number possible.

External prefixes programmable

Call blocking (3 prefix number groups)

Keypad features

New ergonomic keypad in high quality material

Precise keypad with convenient key size

12 numeric keys plus 6 function keys

Shift, Set, Mute, Recall, Redial and Direct Call keys

Receiving Calls

3 (TBC: Triple–tone or better) ringtones with 3 volume levels

Ringtone output in base

General additional features

Plug & Play (unpack, connect the phone and conduct a call)

Modern design with convenient form factor

Valuable surface and colors

Up to date design language

High quality, ergonomic keypad size

Wall mountable

All features available without PSU/Battery

White q High quality, ergonomic keypad q 20 direct memory keys in 2 layers

(second layer protected memory for programmable feature codes).

q Wall mountable q Shift, Set, Mute, Recall, Redial and

Direct Call keys

Ger man

Tech nolo gy







Handsfree corded phone with phonebook for home and office use

Make and take calls with ease with the Gigaset DA710. The space for up to 100 phonebook entries gives you plenty of room to store all your contacts and the

8 direct dialling keys for 16 numbers lets you call more people at the touch of a button. The Gigaset DA710 is perfect for use in the home or at work.

The Gigaset DA710’s hinged alphanumerical display lets you adjust it to the angle most comfortable for you and allows you to check time, date and call duration at any time. For even more flexible talking either use the handsfree function or attach a RJ9 compatible headset via the headset socket.

You have the choice of 16 melodies and 4 volumes to alert you to incoming calls. Of course you can always turn the ringer off when you don’t want to be disturbed, and be alerted to incoming calls through visual call indication. An added benefit is the VIP call indication which allows you to designate certain contacts as VIPs, and assign them a unique ringtone and visual indication. You can also program the Gigaset DA710 to ring only when a VIP calls.

Need to quickly get in touch with a recently dialled contact? Simply use the last number redial function to get in contact with up to 5 of your last dialled numbers. If you need to go further back, it also stores a list of the last 50 calls. The call blocking function lets you block certain outgoing calls such as costly toll numbers.

Versatile yet uncomplicated

With its 4-way navi key, navigating through the Gigaset DA710’s menu is very straightforward. Setup and installation is also quick and easy. It is Pabx and

PSTN compatible, allowing you to either connect straight to the fixed line network, or use it as part of an internal network of phones within your office or at home. The Gigaset DA710 is wall mountable allowing you to install it wherever you please and power is delivered through the telephone cable, meaning no need for a power supply.

The Gigaset DA710 allows you to prevent the caller from hearing what you are saying by pressing the mute key. You can also select a melody for them to listen to while on mute. For users who have hearing loss, the Gigaset DA710 is hearing aid compatible, ensuring they don’t miss a single decibel.

The Gigaset DA710’s electronic key lock prevents unauthorised dialling.

However, in an emergency the any key alarm function still lets a child, for example, call you while the phone is locked. Just program in a designated number and the any key alarm function will let them contact you on that number.

· 100 phonebook entries

· Hinged alphanumerical display

· 8 direct dialing keys with 2 layers

· Headset socket

· List of the last 50 calls

· 5 entries in last number redial list

· Electronic key lock

· Call blocking function

· VIP call with visual and acoustical indication

· Wall mountable

· Call notification: 16 melodies and 4 volumes; visual call notification

· For Pabx and PSTN operation

· Hearing aid compatible

· Mute with melody

· Multi language User Interface

· Works without access to a power line

· Easy installation & operation

Dedicated Headset

Auerswald COMfortel® Headset

Ger man

Tech nolo gy

Attention: Works only at low a/b line voltage after special menu procedure.




Ares 350

Ares 500

Ares 700

UPS Line Interactive

Dankzij een euQom ARES Line Interactive UPS kunt u gevoelige apparatuur zoals computers, alarmsystemen, telefooncentrales… beschermen tegen alle spannings problemen. Europees ontwerp en fabricatie, alsook onze 50Hz ervaring, vormen uw extra waarborg.

Stroomonderbreking, schommelingen, interferenties, secundaire bliksemschade, inductiepieken… het zijn allemaal risico’s die u met een euQom ARES Line Interactive UPS eenvoudig kunt vermijden.

Een euQom ARES Line Interactive UPS neutraliseert zeer effectief alle spanningsproblemen. Stroomonderbrekingen behoren tot het verleden, ook de netspanning wordt gefilterd en via de ingebouwde microprocessor en autotransformator gestabiliseerd.

euQom verbouwt in de ARES Line Interactive UPS enkel de beste componenten, het beste bewijs is de hoogwaardige lead/accid CSB batterij(en). Omdat een volledig metalen behuizing zeer duidelijk zijn nut heeft werd ook daarop niet bespaard.

Bij stroomuitval levert de UPS een benaderde sinus. Met een euQom ARES Line Interactive UPS bent u dus voor de volle

100% vrij van problemen. Defecte voedingen en gegevensverlies behoren werkelijk tot het verleden.

q Line interactive topologie q 350 / 500 / 700 q Piek en RFI onderdrukking q Ares 350 and Ares 500: q 1 x 7.2Ah 13.8V 5 ans lead/accid CSB batterie q Ares 700: q 2 x 7.2Ah 13.8V 5 ans lead/accid CSB batterie q Kwaliteitsvolle batterijen q RS-232 cliënt/server monitoring q Snelle en synchrone transfer q Uiterst betrouwbaar q Uitvoerig getest q Eenvoudig gebruik q Automatisch herstarten na een langdurige stroompanne q Uiterst budgetvriendelijk

Ares 700

14.4 VA /27.6Volt (= double voltage)

Ohm's law

● Double voltage = half current

● Half current saves battery life

Ares 700 is a wise choice for 1 PC.

50 eu Q om

Technische data:


Model: ARES...





Autorestart na langdurige stroompanne en uitgeputte batterijen


CSB GP1272 onderhoudsvrij, Gas-Tight, Sealed, Lead-Acid


12 VDC - 13.8 VDC / 7.2 Ah per eenheid


3 - 5 jaar, afhankelijk van de werkingsomstandigheden / 250 volledige ontladingen

6 - 8 u


Ups Monitor via netwerk - W9X, Me, Nt,2000, Xp, Linux, Netware, Free


Dip Switches

Manuele start bij batterij


Stopcontacten beschikbaar

Switch aan/af

Afmetingen (HxBxL)mm

Nettogewicht (kg)


P.F. 0,6 - VA /


Nominale input voltage

Nominale output stroom

Input voltage bereik


Batterij laag



Batterij hoog


Aan - Batterij uitput voltage







Ja ja










1.3 A





220-240 VAC 50 Hz -3% +5%

170-264 VAC

2.3 A 3.6 A

170-258 of 264 VAC

> 264 V

< 170 V

170 V - 200 V

190 V - 264 V

> 258 V of > 264 V

Maximum 4 msec en in fase met de hoofdvoeding

230 VAC ± 10% zandkasteel benadering van sinusgolf met een frequentie van 50 Hz ± 1 %



Standaard aantal batterijen

Capaciteit van de basisbatterijen


Herlaadtijd tot 80% capaciteit na ontladen tot 50%


Stand alone

Line interactive


D-sub 9 pin



Input protectie

Input stroomprotectie

Output protectie bij batterij werking


Geluidsignaal bij batterij werking


Varistor 280J/4Kv + Emi-Rfi filter

3.15 A 2X4 A


Elektronisch door kortsluiting of overbelasting

Ontladen batterijen, overbelasting, weggevallen hoofdvoeding

Input Line, On Battery, Output Status.

51 eu Q om


Ares 350

Ares 500

Ares 700

q Line interactive topologie q 350 / 500 / 700 q Pics et RFI suppression q Ares 350 and Ares 500: q 1 x 7.2Ah 13.8V 5 ans lead/accid CSB batterie q Ares 700: q 2 x 7.2Ah 13.8V 5 ans lead/accid CSB batterie q RS-232 client/server monitoring q Transfert rapide et synchrone q Extrêmement fiable q Testé en détail q Utilisation simple q Pris économique q Redémarre automatique après un panne de longue durée.

q Extrêmement économique

UPS Line Interactive

Grâce à un euQom ARES Line Interactive UPS vous pouvez protéger tous vos appareils sensibles comme des ordinateurs, des systèmes d'alarme, des centrales de téléphone... contre tous les problèmes de tension. Une création et fabrication

Européenne, tout comme notre expérience avec le 50 Hz, forment la garantie pour un bon fonctionnement.

L'interruption de courant, les fluctuations, les interférences, les dégâts causés par la foudre secondaire, les pics d'induction... ce sont tous des risques que vous pouvez éviter facilement en utilisant un euQom ARES Line Interactive.

Un euQom ARES Line Interactive UPS neutralise très effectivement tous les problèmes de tension. Les interruptions de courant : c’est du passé. La tension du réseau est stabilisée par le microprocesseur et le transformateur automatique.

euQom utilise uniquement les meilleures composantes dans les ARES Line Interactive UPS, la meilleure preuve c’est la batterie lead/accid CSB de haute qualité. Puisqu’un logement entièrement en métallique a clairement prouvé son utilité, on a décidé de ne pas économiser sur cette partie-là non plus. En cas de panne de courant, l’UPS fournit un sinus approché.

Avec un euQom ARES Line Interactive UPS vous êtes libérés pour 100% de tous ces problèmes. Les alimentations défectueuses et la perte de données: c’est véritablement du passé.

Ares 700

14.4 VA /27.6Volt (= double voltage)

Ohm's law

● Double voltage = half current

● Half current saves battery life

Ares 700 is a wise choice for 1 PC.


52 eu Q om

Caractéristiques: Ares

Modèle: ARES...

350 500 700





Autorestart après un panne de longue durée et avec des batteries épuisées

Ups Monitor via LAN - W9X, Me, Nt,2000, Xp, Linux, Netware, Free Bsd

DIP mini interrupteur

Départ manuel en mode de batterie


Prises de courant

On/Off Interrupteur


Poids Net (Kg)


P.F. 0,6 - VA /


Entrée nominale - volt

Sortie nominale - courant

Plage d’entrée volt

Tension du passage

Batterie à vide



Batterie plein


Tension de sortie en mode de batterie


Line interactive


D-sub 9 pin














1.3 A

7 12



220-240Volt-AC 50 Hz -3% +5%

170-264 VAC

2.3 A



3.6 A

170-258 of 264 VAC

> 264 V

< 170 V

170 V - 200 V

190 V - 264 V

> 258 V of > 264 V

4 Msec maximum et en phase avec l'alimentation principale

230 VAC ± 10% château de sable qui approche un sinus avec une fréquence de

50 Hz ± 1 %


Modèle de batterie

Nombre de batteries standard

Capacité batterie standard

Longueur de vie nominal

CSB GP1272 maintenance-free, Gas-Tight, Sealed, Lead-Acid


12 VDC - 13.8 VDC / 7.2 Ah par unité

6 - 8 u


3 - 5 ans, suivant des circonstances de fonctionnement

/ 250 décharges complets

Recharge jusqu’à 80%

Pièces de sécurité

Protection entrée

Protection primaire

Protection de sortie en mode batterie


Signal audible en mode de batteries

Varistor 280J/4Kv + Emi-Rfi filter

3.15 A 2X4 A


Electroniquement à cause de court circuit ou d’une surcharge

Batteries déchargées, une surcharge, alimentation principale disparue

LED La ligne d’entrée, fonctionnement en mode batterie, le statut de sortie

53 eu Q om

ARES Tijdstabel

Table Top

ARES 350

ARES 500

ARES 700






















- Theoretische tijdstabel - aan de praktijk getoetst - uitgedrukt in minuten bij ideale omstandigheden, met nieuwe HQ batterijen en na minimaal 24uur opladen.

- Waarden aangeduid met een “-” teken zijn geen optie, buiten specificatie of niet zinvol.

- Drukfouten en technische veranderingen voorbehouden.

- Het vermogen uitgedrukt in Watt is geldig bij een zuiver resistieve belasting.

- Het vermogen uitgedrukt in VA is geldig met cos.phi 0.6


Een Ares 700 heeft standaard 2 batterijen.

Met een stroomafname van 0,46A bij 220Volt (of 160Va, of 100 Watt) zegt de kruising van de coordinaten dat er bij een stroompanne nog gedurende 63 minuten stroom ter beschikking blijft. De omgekeerde zin is ook geldig, U wenst over 0,46A te beschikken gedurende 63 minuten dan hebt U 1 Ares 700 nodig.

Voor alle veiligheid moet u afronden naar de veilige richting.

Bvb: voor 0,4 A neemt u de kolom 0,46 A.

54 eu Q om

Flash bell a/b

Flash bell a/b

Flash, bell or flash + bell. To connect on an a/b line and powered via 220V AC. Volume

0...100dbA, variable frequency

130x130x45 mm

Phone relay a/b


Mono stable relay.

Connects on an analogue extension. NO relay contact


80x65x36 mm

ARES Replace

Battery 7.2Ah 12V

General purpose leadaccid battery up to 5 years in standby service or more than 260 cycles at 100% discharge in cycle service. Best suited and guaranteed for euQom Ares UPS

Doorphone TRAFO

12V AC

Doorline Trafo

230V/12C AC 1,6A

1.8m cord class: II

Varistor 35V

For Doorphones

Designated for doorphone contacts (anti spark) and input voltage (lightning) protection.

Distribox for 3

Disconnect Mod.


IDC Disconnect

Module (10Pair)


IDC Insertion Tool


Distribox for 5

Disconnect Mod.


UR Splice 0.4-0.9

"gel filled"



UG Splice 0.4-0.9

"gel filled"




Cord & Disconnect


55 eu Q om

Adeltronik bvba

Smisstraat 3D

B-1861 Wolvertem

Tel. : 02 2704444

Fax : 02 2700880

E-mail: info(at)adeltronik(dot)be

| Changes Prohibited | General Sales Conditions Prevail | Errors are reserved |

56 eu Q om


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