Yamaha MDR-10 Owner's manual
Yamaha MDR-10 is a Music Disk Recorder developed exclusively for the Yamaha Electone, EL-40. It's designed to help you record your performances, offering features like:
Detailed Performance Recording: Captures not only the notes you play but also the selected voices, rhythms, and adjustments to front panel controls, expression pedals, footswitches, and knee levers, reproducing your performance exactly as you played it.
Separate Part Recording: Allows you to record different parts of your performance separately, building up a song part by part.
Registration and Bulk Data Recording: Records not only performance data but also registrations (saved combinations of Electone settings) and bulk data (other Electone settings), making it easy to recall your customized settings later.
YAMAHA YAMAHA MUSIC DISK RECORDER MDR-10 for EL-40 ELECTONE OWNER'S MANUAL BEDIENUNGSANLEITUNG MANUEL DE L'UTILISATEUR MANUAL DEL PROPIETARIO CAUTION Caution The power-supply cord of the EL-40 Electone should be unplugged from the outlet before mounting MDR-10 onto it. Vorsicht Ehe der MDR-10 in die EL-40 Electone eingebaut wird, mup unbedingt das Netzkabel aus der Netzsteckdose gezogen werden. Attention N'oubliez pas de debrancher le cordon d'alimentation de l'Electone EL-40 avant de procéder a l'installation du MDR-10. Atencion Antes de colocar el MDR-10 en el Electone EL-40, es imprescindible desenchufar el cable de alimentacion del tomacorriente en la pared. MDR-10 Music Disk Recorder The Music Disk Recorder, MDR-10, is exclusively for use with the Yamaha Electone, EL-40. MDR-10 Music Disk Recorder Der Music Disk Recorder MDR-10 ist ausschlieBlich zur Verwendung mit der Yamaha Electone EL-40 bestimmt. MDR-10 Music Disk Recorder Le Music Disk Recorder, MDR-10, a été exclusivement congu pour I'Elec- tone EL-40. Grabadora de Discos Musicales MDR-10 La Grabadora de Discos Musicales MDR-10 es para uso exclusivo con el Electone Yamaha EL-40. | POWER RECORD PLAY O O e, O O О О o O UPPER LOWER PEDAL CONTROL UPPER LOWER PEDAL CONTROL SHIFT (e SONG FROM TO SONG DEL. REPEAT — SONG COPY — o O O Q O PAUSE STOP PLAY SONG SELECT RECORD CUSTOM PLAY ©) (=) @ MP] (o) MUSIC DISK RECORDER - TEMPO + FORMAT The Music Disk Recorder, MDR-10, was developed exclusively for the Yamaha Electone, EL-40 [Contents] The MDR-10 consists of two parts: the Panel Unit and the FDD Unit as shown below. FDD Unit Panel Unit 7-5 [Caution] Do not touch the exposed printed circuit board, as electrical Blank Disk problems may result. Mounting the MDR-10 Music Disk Recorder onto your EL-40 Electone. 1 Unscrew the 4 screws located in the holes under the right side of the keyboard, as shown in the illustration. р Make sure that EL-40's Power switch is off before mounting. 7 Short Screws Long Screws > Remove the side cover by pulling it out. Side cover Upper cover Take off the upper cover as shown in the illustration. — 1 NT = NW \ “И A. à > и Y 7 = x Xe | os В Ва DÁ Panel Unit Mount the Panel Unit onto the upper section by pressing from above. Jb ==) Insert the FDD Unit as shown in the illustration. Push it back firmly into the Electone until the surface is flush. (This connects the FDD Unit to the Electone.) FDD Unit Do not touch the exposed printed circuit board. Do not insert the FDD upside down. | 6 Secure the two units by replacing the screws removed in Step 1. | Da “ Short Screws Long Screws Table of Contents Using Disks With the Music Disk Recorder .........................e.eeome. ] Making a Recording ....................e.eeeeeier ire reee ere ene. 3 Outline of M.D.R. Operation.......................cevererere eee 5 Separately Recording the Parts of a Song ....................ee.ereceeercaneos 5 Recording Registrations (and Bulk Data)...................................... 8 Recalling Recorded Registrations (and Bulk Data)......................... 9 Replacing Registrations...........................e nice e ere ee 9 Normal Playback...........................e.ieiirrec e ecaceeeenereriee eee reeeeece. 10 Playback of Selected Parts .........................eererccrecoorereece e e eee. 11 Repeated PlayDacK …..……..….…srrressercrersoreressenrerennacererrecrrraansrcernee 12 Other FUNCtIONS ………….……..…..………seressrcscercrerersrserrenerennararrnrreanscanerenne 13 Custom PlAY ….….......………ressscerercarsensrerrererenaarancecarananren care crnrasanse 13 PAUSE .…...……....…rrrccesraccrrsnrscsancerasteresaarerenenceranserenaeceenaceneancecannnees 13 Fast Forward and Fast Reverse. EEE 13 Changing the Tempo ..........................+0ri0ceeerrer e e 14 Song Copy...................eereiirreee eee enero reee eeereoo creeo. 14 Song Delete........................0 mr. rer er ee ee eee eee eceererece 15 Checking the Remaining Memory ......................esvscecerrme... 16 Copy Protect.......................e..srecnee e ercer re ere eeeecenee. 16 Registration Menus (Optional)..............................00miee me... 16 Voice Disks (Optional)...........................iecereni nena cree. 16 Messages on the MDR LED Display rer 18 TroOublesNOOLING …….…..…....….………rorsenserssesrerencrcrenrrrennecerancerannacrrnan ces 18 MDR-10 Music Disk Recorder The MDR-10 Music Disk Recorder is a sophisticated recording device that lets you record your performances. It works like a cassette tape recorder, but it records performance data instead of sounds. The MDR-10 not only records the notes you play; it also remembers the voices and rhythms you select, the front panel controls you change, as well as all expression pedal, footswitch and knee lever positions, to reproduce your performance exactly as you play it. Moreover, you can separately record different parts of your performance, building up a song part by part. Using Disks With the Music Disk Recorder The M.D.R. records all your performance data to disks. A blank disk has been included with your MDR-10 for you to record your performances. Inserting the disk: Put the included disk, face up, into the disk slot under Note: Either double-sided double- the M.D.R. density (2DD) or double-sided high- density (2HD) 3.5-inch microfloppy disks can be used with the M.D.R. LED lights briefly when disk is inserted. р ‹ || | Note: When you wish to record to a disk, make sure the disk's Write - |___— Write-Protect tab Protect tab is set to OFF. Set it to ON when you wish to protect valuable data from being accidentally erased. Write-Protect ON Write-Protect OFF Ejecting the disk: To remove the disk, press the EJECT button next to the disk slot. Formatting a Disk Before recording a performance to your blank disk, the disk must first be formatted. | To format a disk: 1. Put the disk label facing up into the disk drive. UPPER LOWER PEDAL CONROL URbER LOWER — PEDAL CONTROL эт | | 5055-5768 G REPEAT — SONG cor NIE, и SONG DEL. 2. Press the STOP button. Fart] [Fort] re o Ta stop PLAY SONG NES = RO [С )) MUSIC DISK RECORDER “TEMPO + FORMAT 3. While holding down the SHIFT button, press the = LOVER = contro, ues voŸen pen, = FORMAT button. sone ow == | — = Ho This step puts the format operation on stand-by, > e.) - indicated by the dashes in the M.D.R. display and the De sor ev concern PEC CUSTOM PLAY flashing LED above the FORMAT button. @ © © & <<) В) В MUSIC DISK RECCRDER Note: If you format a disk that con- tains previously recorded data, all data on the disk will be erased. To avoid inadvertently formatting a disk after this step, press the STOP button. 4 Press the FORM AT button again to begin format- UPPER LOWER PEDAL cono UPPER LOWER — PEDAL CONTROL ser ” FROM SONG DEL. The LED above the FORMAT button stays lit. The ee CE, number "160" appears in the M.D.R. display and pase stop ph cusT PLAY counts down to "001" as the disk is being formatted. 0] [=] © Е [>>] [m] - TEMPO + FORMAT When formatting is completed, operation returns to MUSIC DISK RECORDER the original STOP status. RECORD PLAY ———— UPPER LOWER PEDAL CONTROL UPPER LOWER PEDAL (am) SHIFT SONG FROM TO SONG DEL. REPEAT — SONG COPY— o о (a) a PLAY SONG => ВЕСОВ р CUSTOM PLAY MUSIC DISK RECORDER - TEMPO + FORMAT Making a Recording Recording with the Music Disk Recorder is as easy as using a tape recorder. In this section, you'll learn how to record your first complete performance with the Music Disk Recorder. | To record a song: 1. Set the desired registrations on the Electone. Make all the Electone settings necessary for the song you will record. This means entering the all registra- tions you will need for the entire performance in the Registration Memory. Make sure also to select the registration that you will use at the beginning of the song. 2. Put a formatted disk into the disk slot. RECORD ep В LOWER aL coa U $e Mea pa co TROL SIT 3. Use the SONG SELECT (<<, »») buttons to select OJ Е О) [С SONG DEL. REPEAT ona COPY — the song number for recording. Up to 40 songs can be stored on a disk. When a disk 1s De sf ev first inserted, song number 01 is automatically selected. an] [=] [>] MUSIC DISK RECORDER - TEMPO + FORMAT Note: If the disk has songs already re- corded to it, use the SONG SELECT buttons to search for a song number that has not yet been recorded to. 4 Press the RECORD button. UPPER Sen CONTROL UPPER EA CONTROL SHIFT The RECORD lamp lights up and the PLAY lamps [= | LIL DUO I REPEAT SONG COPY begins blinking, indicating that the Music Disk Recorder is ready to record. oo с® = ., w — TEM FORMAT MUSIC DISK RECORDER ? >. Press the PLAY button. PER L gg AL CONTROL UPPER Sin pda CONTROL SFT The PLAY lamp lights up and small bars flash across J (1000000 | [ | the M.D.R. display from left to right, indicating that REPEAT E Sons corr— SONG DEL. the recorder 1s being set up. o o ° || ° o STOP PLAY CUSTOM PLAY 0) E [О] [а] MUSIC DISK RECORDER - TEMPO + FORMAT Note: In this step, the registrations andother settings on the Electone are recorded — before the recording of any performance data. 6. After numbers appear in the display of the Re- corder, begin playing. Once the setup operation in step #5 is complete, a number will appear on the recorder display indicating that you can begin recording your performance. The number also indicates the amount of memory left on the disk. If you make a mistake during recording: Press the PLAY button while the recorder is still run- ning... This stops the recording and returns you to the start- ing point of the song. The letters "rE" (retry) appear on the left side of the M.D.R. display and the PLAY and CUSTOM PLAY LEDs start flashing, indicat- ing that you can re-record the song. ..then press PLAY again to begin re-recording the song. Re-recording starts from the beginning of the song and replaces the previously recorded performance with the newly recorded performance. 7. When you finish playing, press the STOP button. When the STOP button is pressed, both the RECORD and PLAY lamps go out, and recording is stopped. 8. To hear your newly recorded performance, press the PLAY button. Playback will begin after a couple of seconds. e CORD UPDER oVen PEDA CONTR PER WER оды CONTR L de gognéoes =) SONG SONG DEL. REPEAT NG "Te © PAUSE STOP PLAY sl ИЕ = [С )) MUSIC DISK RECORDER а ее) + FORMAT Note: The short time it takes to setup for recording is recorded as well, causing a short pause before playback of the song. e ECORD E Pen LOWER PEDAL CONTROL Eo R LOWER al Bar Sa cole SET gégnéaen 0) SONG DEL. REPEAT — SONG corv— a pe o o e e (on) STOP PLAY 50 = = с Y MUSIC DISK RECORDER 7 TEMPO + FORMAT RECORD PLAY o . ® PPER LOWER PEDAL CONTROL a A LOWER PEDAL CONTROL al FROM SONG DEL. REPEAT — SONG COPY eel 10 MUSIC DISK RECORDER TEMPO + FORMAT Note: When the available memory reaches "008" or less, the numbers begin flashing to warn you. If this happens, stop recording before the display reaches "000." Note: For more information on play- back and other playback-related functions, see the Normal Playback section below. Outline of M.D.R. Operation Though the M.D.R. is as easy to operate as a cassette tape recorder, it is far more versatile. Since it records all Electone settings and control movements as well as the notes you play as digital data, it allows you much more flexibility and control than even the most sophisticated tape recorder. Basically, the M.D.R. independ- ently records the following three types of data: 1) Registration data (including Bulk data) All registrations stored to the Registration Memory numbered buttons as well as the registration currently set to the panel, are recorded at the beginning of a song, before the actual recording of your performance. Bulk data is also saved to the song with the Registration data. > 2) Performance data The M.D.R. records your performance on the keyboards and pedalboard of the Electone exactly as you play it, even recording the strength at which you play the keys and how hard you press them down while playing. The various types of performance data — Upper, Lower, Pedal and Lead — are recorded to independent "tracks," so that you can change any one of them without affecting the others. 3) Control data All changes you make on the Electone during your performance are recorded in real time. These include reg- istration changes (excepting those made from the LCD display), and the use of the expression pedal, footswitches and knee lever. Note: The data created by other Electones is not compatible with the EL-40. Separately Recording the Parts of a Song You can also record the parts of your performance independently; for example, first recording the chords and bass to the song (using the Lower and Pedal parts), and after that recording the melody. This function also lets you record keyboard percussion and performance control data, such as registration changes and expression pedal operation, separately from the other parts of the song. Torecord parts separately: 1 ‚Setup the Music Disk Recorder for recording, as vou did in the section Making a Recording above. The first steps in recording parts separately are the same as for normal recording: 1) Memorize all the registrations needed for your performance to the Registration Memory numbered buttons, and set the registration that will be used at the beginning of the song. 2) Insert a formatted disk. 3) Select the song number to which you will record your performance. 4) Press the RECORD button. 5 Da | 2. If you wish to, you can select individual parts for recording by pressing the appropriate RECORD buttons in the upper row. (For this example, record LOWER, PEDAL and CONTROL.) UPPER - Selects performance data of the Upper keyboard. LOWER - Selects performance data of the Lower keyboard. PEDAL - Selects performance data of the Ped- alboard. CONTROL - Selects Control functions (e.g., ex- pression pedal and footswitch movements, and regis- tration changes). The LED lamps above the buttons indicate the record status of the parts. This example operation disables recording of the Up- per part. RECORD a o SHIFT SONG FROM TO REPEAT — SONG COPY =— SONG DEL, pe 9 > PAUSE STOP PLAY SONG SELECT RECORD 99) ©) 5) & & (0) MUSIC DISK RECORDER - TEMPO + FORMAT » Е PLAY LEDs above selected parts light. Note: If you want to record any one orallofthese four basic parts (Upper, Lower, Pedal and Control) at the same time, this step is actually unnec- essary. Pressing the RECORD button automatically sets up the M.D.R. to record the above four parts. The Upper, Lower, Pedal and Control performance data will automaticall y be selected when you press the REC- ORD button, butonly those parts that you actually play will be recorded. Later (in step #6 below), you can also record the Upper part without having to select it here in step #2. If you wish to select the Lead and/or Keyboard Per- cussion parts for separate recording: Hold down the SHIFT button and simultaneously press the appropriate button in the top row. The two buttons (indicated in the illustration at right) function as Lead and Keyboard Percussion selectors in the record mode. LEAD —Selects performance data of the Lead voice. K.PERC. — Selects performance data of Keyboard Percussion. (Keyboard Percussion can be recorded and played independent of the Rhythm patterns.) Holding down the SHIFT button in the record condi- tion lets you select these "hidden" functions. The lamps above each button will also change to indicate the status of SHIFT- selected parts. [ Hidden Functions on MDR ] RECORD = PLAY [] 5 Г. m = г (LEAD) KK.PERC.} [KPERC]] ml ; (7 2) 2) @ 5) 9) D) [REM. MEM] [REM. MEM] Note: The Lead and Keyboard Per- cussion parts can be selected for playback in the Play or Record functions by using the buttons in the PLAY section (indicated in the illustration above). 3. Press the PLAY button, and start playing after numbers appear in the display. For this example, play the lower keyboard and ped- alboard. Press the STOP button when you are finished with your performance to stop recording. 4. Now that you've recorded the first parts of your performance, press RECORD to set up recording of the next part. 5 . Press the RECORD button again and switch the parts you recorded in step #2 to Play in the PLAY sec- tion. 6. Press the CUSTOM PLAY button to start record- ing of the new part or parts. Playback of the previously recorded parts starts im- mediately. The CUSTOM PLAY button is used here to record only the parts that have been selected for recording, and play back only those parts that have been selected for playback. Since registration data has already been recorded with the first parts of the song, recording begins immediately. 7 | N PLAY RECORD o © WER PEDAL SER LOWER P TROL SHIFT SONG FROM SONG DEL. REPEAT — SONG cor 17 fo o о (as STOP PLAY 50 MUSIC DISK RECORDER - TEMPO + FORMAT Note: Since the song now contains recorded data of the Lower and Pedal parts (recorded in step#2), small bars ("~~ "Yappear at the leftmost part of M.D.R. display and flash along with the song number, warning you that the selected song number already contains recorded data. RECORD o о o SHIFT SONG FROM TO SONG DEL. REPEAT — SONG COPY-— и ER . o (am) (2) le) & e] MUSIC DISK RECORDER - TEMPO + FORMAT Note: The PLAY buttons in the top row are used and function in exactly the same way as the RECORD but- tons (described above in step #2). Note: If you want to record the Lead and Keyboard Percussion parts sepa- rately, or if you want to re-record any individual parts, you should select those parts here before going to the next step. (See step #2 above.) e. RECORD о WER PEDAL Я ÉPER WEA P Ne L — FROM SONG DEL. REPEAT — SONG EE SATA C MUSIC DISK RECORDER - TEMPO + FORMAT Note: The length of a subsequently recorded part cannot exceed the length of the previously recorded parts. 7 While you listen to the parts being played back, start playing the melody on the Upper keyboard. When the end of the recorded performance is reached, playback is automatically stopped and the STOP status 1s resumed. Recording Registrations (and Bulk Data) You can also record registrations by themselves, without recording a performance. Bulk data, including Regis- tration Memory and Registration Shift settings, and User voices, is also saved in the operation. To record only the registrations: 1 - On the Electone, set the registrations and all other data you wish to record. Note: Songs that already contain recorded data are indicated by small 2 , | bars on the left side of the M.D.R. . Select the song number to which you wish to rec- display ,when the RECORD button ord the registrations. is pressed in the next step.(See page If the selected song number already contains recorded 7.) RECORD PLAY data, select another song number. ие? R OVER PEDAL coNTR E RL WER PEÑA CONTROL er OO Г - OO Г.) SONG 3 . While holding down the RECORD button, press REPEAT М сво SONG DEL. the M(Memory) button on the Registration Memory panel. fo) Tee ES 55] MUSIC DISK RECORDER - TEMPO + FORMAT 1) While holding down RECORD button... 9086080 вв | | | L 2) press M button. Another method for recording registrations, using | only the M.D.R. controls, is also available. 1. After setting the registrations and selecting the RECORD UPPER L ER PEDAL NTROL UPPER Gen 22 CONTROL SITET song number in steps #1 and #2 above, press the [= [] Г Г OO) [| [|] RECORD button. REPEAT SONG copy— SONG DEL 2. Press the PLAY button to record the registrations, 0 De | Er) . $ then press the STOP button as soon as you see the El E = 1] small bars flash across the M.D.R. display. MUSIC DISK RECORDER TE Fo The small bars that flash across the display indicate da E obio e AE LE o that the M.D.R. is being set up for normal recording; (CS [] m = ООО) 0) [=] pressing the STOP button interrupts this process. The EE FROM cot SONG DEL. bars then flash simultaneously, indicating that only ‚ | --| , registration and other data is being recorded. ed e lo) (2) MUSIC DISK RECORDER - TEMPO + Recalling Recorded Registrations (and Bulk Data) The registrations (and bulk data) recorded to song numbers in the above operation can be loaded back to the Electone by simply selecting the appropriate song number and pressing the PLAY button. When the operation has been completed, the M.D.R. returns to STOP status. The M.D.R. also makes it possible to use more than the 8 Registration Memory registrations in a performance — without having to alter the current panel settings. This would come in handy when performing several songs in succession that use more than 8 registrations. To do this: 1. First record the registrations you need into several song num- bers on the M.D.R. before the performance. (You should also try to record them in the order that you'll use them, if possible.) 2. During the performance, after all 8 registrations from a cer- tain song number have been used, select the next song number and press the PLAY button on the M.D.R. This replaces all 8 registrations in Registration Memory with the new ones from the selected song number. 3. By repeating the above steps, you can run through an entire performance without having to change the panel settings. Replacing Registrations The M.D.R. also lets you change the registrations of an existing song without changing the performance data. The procedure is the same as that of Recording Registrations mentioned in the previous page. Normal Playback You can play back your recorded performance by simply pressing the PLAY button. Registrations and other data will be recalled to the Electone. o (ECORD > PLAY To play back a song: = = ES NTROL UPPER Lo®en pial coro sf ООО O0 REPEAT SONG COPY— 1 Select the number of the song you wish to play back by using the SONG SELECT buttons. [ORE so 5 MUSIC DISK RECORDER - TEMPO + FORMAT If you have recorded the lead part separately: RECORD — a PLAY o o о e . Turn on the Lead (and/or Keyboard Percussion) parts © Sc = = = | Su or play ck by holding own the SHIFT Dom = — = == É and simultaneously pressing the appropriate button [54 in the PLAY section (as shown in the illustration on the right). ©) =) [©] OJ] 2. Press the PLAY button. UPPER en an CONTROL UPPER EA Г = The PLAY lamp lights up and a small bar moves ol E || | [| [| 1 (1 across the display, indicating that the Recorder is resetting registrations on the Electone. pase sp pv som nen CUSTÓN PLAY Ce io) {LT MUSIC DISK RECORDER 7 TEMPO + FORMAT Note: The time required to reset the registrations is the same as the time required during recording. RECORD PLAY 3 Playback of the song begins after the Electone data (Im [wg МЕТ is reset and the song time is shown on the recorder's || Г = | Г [J LJ | | | SONG FROM SONG DEL. . НЕРЕАТ = SONG copy— display. none Playback automatically stops at the end of a song. sip — ey — —soneseEcT | nea CUSTÓN PLAY You can, however, stop playback in the middle of a fa [9] = >] [©] | | [_) - TEMPO + FORMAT song by pressing the STOP button. MUSIC DISK RECORDER — Elapsed time of song Note: Never turn off the power switch or press the EJECT button during playback and recording. 10 Playback of Selected Parts You can also play back selected parts of your recorded performance, while other parts are temporarily turned off. This function is especially useful for playing a single part, such as the melody, over previously recorded ac- companiment parts. To select specific parts for playback: 1 . Select the number of the song to be played back. 2. Set the parts you wish to mute to OFF, by pressing the appropriate PLAY button. The LED of the se- lected part should be off. 3. Select the parts you wish to play back by setting them to ON. 4. Press the PLAY button. First the PLA Y LED lights and the registration and other data are transmitted, then playback of the per- formance starts (excepting the parts that were turned off in step #2). 5 . Now perform your new part or parts over the playback parts. When the end of the recorded performance is reached, playback is automatically stopped and the STOP status is resumed. 11 Repeated Playback This feature allows you to repeatedly play back either all songs on a disk or only one specific song. To repeat playback of a song or songs: 1. Select the song number you wish to play back. If you wish to play back all songs on a disk, this selects the first song that will be played back. The others will follow in order. 2 Hold down the SHIFT button and simultaneously press the SONG REPEAT button. The LEDs above SHIFT and SONG REPEAT light up, and "ALL" appears in the M.D.R. display. To repeatedly playback all songs starting with the selected song: Press the PLAY button at this point (go to step #3 below). To repeatedly playback only the selected song: Again hold down the SHIFT button and simulta- neously press the SONG REPEAT button. "SinG" appears in the M.D.R. display to indicate that a single song will be repeatedly played back. 3. Press the PLAY button to begin playback of the song or songs. Playback will begin from the song selected and repeat indefinitely. To stop playback, press the STOP but- ton. 12 RECORD a 9 R LOWER PEDAL ов Pen WEA PEDAL © NTRoL SHIFT OO О) (© SONG FRO TO SONG DEL. REPEAT — ONG COPY — PAUSE si0p PLAY MUSIC DISK RECORDER - TEMPO + FORMAT AECORD SONG FROM TO SONG DEL, REPEAT = SONG COPY— A ) » Le a, o o e . (on) STOP PLAY e) (6) | MUSIC DISK RECORDER - TÉMPO + FORMAT RECORD o P SONG FROM TO SONG DEL. REPEAT — SONG COPY— PAU STOP PLAY RECÓR (5! © >) [o] MUSIC DISK RECORDER - TEMPO + FORMAT RECORD PLAY (С) СООО С SONG TO SONG DEL. REPEAT — = SONG COPY— E = PLAY al Is RECORD D - TEMPO + FORMAT MUSIC DISK RECORDER Note: Repeated Playback is not possible if a disk contains two types of songs: one with separately re- corded lead voice data and the other without it. Other Functions Custom Play If you want to play back the song without resetting the registrations and other data, press the CUSTOM PLAY button. This displays the song time and starts play- back immediately. | Pause If you want to temporarily stop playback of the song or songs, press the PAUSE button. To resume play- back from the point at which the song was paused, press the PAUSE button again. Fast Forward and Fast Reverse During playback, these buttons function as fast for- ward and fast reverse buttons, much like those of a tape recorder. Press »» to advance to a later point in the song or press << to return to an earlier position. While either of these buttons is held down, playback stops and the song time is advanced or reversed accordingly. Hold down the button until the desired song time is shown. When the button 1s released, playback is paused. To resume playback from the point you've advanced or reversed to, press the PLAY button. 13 о RECORD о 6 PLAY UPPER LOWER PEDAL CONTROL UPPER LOWER PEDAL control ООС SONG FROM TO SONG DEL REPERT -SONG PLAY- o = PAUSE STOP PAY =] SELECT ==) [°] FORMAT MUSIC DISK RECORDER RECORD Q UPPER LOWER __PEDA NTROL UPPER LOWER PEDAL ë FROM TO Ша DEL. REPEAT — SONG COFY— PLAY —m— RECORD PLAY UBER a PEDAL CONTROL En LOWER PEDAL coNTRoL ООО SONG SONG DEL. REPEAT SONG CORY— PA sip PAY — = = = MUSIC DISK RECORDER - TEMPO + FORMAT o SHIFT back speed. Note: Fast Forward and Fast Reverse operate at five times the normal play- Changing the Tempo You can change the tempo of the song as the song is playing on the M.D.R. by holding down the SHIFT button and pressing the TEMPO + or TEMPO — button. (The Tempo dial on the Electone panel cannot be used to change the tempo on the Music Disk Re- corder.) Each press of the button slows down or speeds up the tempo by a small amount. Changing the tempo does not change the pitch of the music. Ta a Cc LIL | Indicates faster tempo J (nn 4 € Rene | Indicates original tempo An y 1 | Indicates slower tempo To restore the original recording tempo of a song, hold down the SHIFT button and simultaneously press both TEMPO buttons. | Song Copy This function lets you copy the data recorded at one song number to another song number. To use the Song Copy function: 1 » Select the song number to be copied with the SONG SELECT buttons. 2. While holding down the SHIFT button, press the SONG COPY FROM button. The song number to be copied from appears at the left of the M.D.R. display. 14 ó RECORD PLAY > о UPPER | R PEDAL CONTROL PER VER PEDAL CONTROL ОО) С] SONG DEL, FROM TO REPEAT — SONG COPY— Te IA (Lu т El E ECT (С | MUSIC DISK RECORDER - TEMPO + FORMAT Note: When tempo is changed, the M.D.R. display indicates the change as a percentage of the original record- ing tempo (100). Values less than 100 indicate a slower tempo; values greater than 100 indicate a faster tempo. RECORD o PLAY ——— PPER LOWER 3 L PER LOWER PEDA oe A L SONG SONG DEL, REPEAT — ono COPY— 4 enn (UL o (a) To) El MUSIC DISK RECORDER - TEMPO + FORMAT Note: Tempo changes remain in ef- fect even through changes in song number. If you have changed the tempo in one song, you should per- form the above step to restore the original tempo before playing an- other song. Turning the power switch off and on again also restores the original tempo. RECORD CWER PEDA PER LOWER PE UPPER L SONG FROM TO SONG DEL. REPEAT — SONG COPY— (a) 1) (>) À 59 о] © MUSIC DISK RECORDER - TEMPO + FORMAT Note: If the specified song number has no recorded data, the M.D.R. automatically searches for and selects the next song that contains recorded data. 3. While holding down the SHIFT button, press the SONG COPY TO button. The M.D.R. automatically searches for an empty song number to copy the data to, and displays that number at the right side of the display. If all song numbers contain recorded data, "FULL" appears on the M.D.R. display. In this case, you should erase one of the songs on the disk by using the Song Delete function (see below). 4. Use the SONG SELECT buttons to select a desti- nation song number for copying. Follow this step if you wish to select a different destination song number than the one displayed. The M.D.R. will display only those song numbers that have no data. 5 . Press the RECORD button to execute the Song Copy function. The RECORD LED stops flashing and remains lit, in- dicating that the Song Copy function is 1n process. The M.D.R. display shows the "size" of the song in numbers, and counts down as the data is being copied. When the display shows " 000", the song has been completely copied. Song Delete You can erase a song on disk by performing this function. To use Song Delete: 1 . Use the SONG SELECT buttons to select the num- ber of the song you wish to delete. 2. While holding down the SHIFT button, press the SONG DEL. button. The letters "dL" appear on the left side of the M.D.R. display, next to the selected song number. If you wish to, you can still select a different song number in this step by using the SONG SELECT buttons. 3. Press the RECORD button to execute the Song Delete function. The RECORD LED stops flashing and remains lit, in- dicating that the Song Delete function has begun. When the Song Delete function is completed, the STOP status is automatically resumed. 15 RECORD 8 da UPPER LOWER PEDAL CON L COO WO SONG DEL. 0 REPEAT Leone COPY— a 1 A “Lt c . o о Ea STOP PLAY = bp = 8 Л MUSIC DISK RECORDER - TEMPO + FORMAT RECORD PLAY P Foor ur? Ban cof 4 ER LOWER PEDAL CONTROL UPPER WER FEDAL CONTROL SHIFT JIJI [m] SONG DEL. REPEAT LONG cOPY— RECORD о о SONG FROM TO SONG DEL. REPEAT — SONG COPY— . о o o о (o: STOP PLAY 0) MUSIC DISK RECORDER Q -TEMPO+ FORMAT RECORD LED flashes to indicate that the M.D.R. is ready to delete the song. неее стенные es ra — — Checking the Remaining Memory While playback is stopped, you can check the amount of ó PLAY RECORD о o o o memory available for additional recording. To do this, [= COC DOC] | simultaneously hold down the SHIFT button and the PAUSE button (indicated in the illustration at right as о ‚ ‚ sa REM.MEM.). The maximum amount of memory is 634 for 2DD disks or 1264 for 2HD disks. Copy Protect Some of the Disks available for the Electone are deliberately pro- tected from being copied or erased. If you try to load data from such as "copy-protected" disk to the Electone, a "Protected Disk!" (Pr##) message will appear on the LED display. The data cannot be saved to the disk. | Registration Menus (Optional) The M.D.R. also allows you to select registrations from the optional Registration Menu II disk. For more information on Registration Menus, see page 9 of the EL-60/40 Owner's Manual. Voice Disks (Optional) The M.D.R. also lets you use voices from optional Voice Disks. You can play these voices and save them to User memory for future recall. To select voices from the disk and save them to User memory: 1. Insert the optional Voice Disk into the Disk slot under the Music Disk Recorder. The following display appears, prompting you to select the voice group (Upper, Lower, Lead or Pedal). 2. Press one of the panel voice buttons in the voice section in which you wish to use the new voice. After you've pressed a panel voice button, the Voice Disk's voice name will appear on the LCD. Voice number Voice name 16 [6] >) & >) (0) o 3. Select the desired voice by using the left Data Control buttons. Jumps back ten numbers. Jumps ahead ten numbers. ir fe de “A — Use these to save the voice (see next step). Selects next number. Selects previous number. Pressing the bottom left buttons steps through the voice numbers; pressing the top left buttons jumps ten numbers back or forward. The name of each voice appears on the display with the number. Refer to the list included with your Voice Disk for voice names and numbers. You can audition the voices as you select them by playing them on the appropriate keyboard. 4. To save the selected voice, press one of the right Data Con- trol buttons corresponding to SAVE in the display. The following display showing User voices 1 — 4 appears. >) a> ic 5 e Select the User number to which you wish to save the voice, and press the corresponding Data Contro! button. 6. The following display appears, prompting you for confirma- tion of the operation. Select "OK" to actually save the voice, or "CANCEL" to abort the operation. | These select "OK" I These select "CANCEL" When the voice has been saved, a "completed" message appears. 17 A MM wR RRR mE НЕЕ НО Ши НЕЕ ШО Messages on the MDR LED display Display Description of the Messages mE | No disk is installed. Install a disk. F ar E The installed disk is not formatted. Format the disk. (See page 2.) я "à E 1) The installed disk is write-protected, so the Record, Song Copy, and Song Delete jobs cannot be performed. Set the disk's Write Protect tab to the OFF position. (See page 1.) 2) If you are using a copy-protected playback-only disk, this message may appear when you attempt the Record, Song Copy, or Song Delete operations. Y LL 1) The disk's memory capacity is full, so the Record or Song Copy operation cannot be performed. Install another formatted disk. 2) Data is atready recorded at all song numbers, so the Song Copy operation cannot be performed. Press the STOP button, then delete any unnecessary songs. E a E м None of the song numbers contain recorded data, so the Song Copy operation cannot be performed. Press the = STOP button. - ан E An error occurred because the disk was removed during recording or playback. Replace the disk, press the STOP button, then start the operation over again. a ‘ E m The installed disk cannot be played back on the M.D.R. Press the STOP button, then insert a compatible disk. L c E ç Recording cannot be performed because too much data was received at once. Press the STOP button. HA The disk is defective and cannot be formatted. Press the STOP button, then insert another disk. E ror An error occurred during the transmission or reception of data. Press the STOP button. 000 In the case of Voice Disk operation, an incompatible Voice Disk has been inserted. Troubleshooting Problem Possible Cause and Solution Recording or playback cannot be performed. 1) Problems in recording or playback may be caused by improper operation of the M.D.R. Refer to the LED Display Messages chart above. 2) The PLAY or RECORD section buttons for selecting parts may be turned off. Turn on the appropriate PLAY or RECORD buttons. A total of 40 songs cannot be recorded. If some song numbers contain a large amount of recorded data, the disk may not have enough available memory left to record the normal maximum of 40 songs. Recording is stopped before the performance is finished, or the Song Copy function cannot be executed. The amount of recorded data on the disk is close to the maximum limit. Either use another disk or delete the data of any unnecessary song number. (See page 15.) In addition to a recorded performance on the Upper and/or Lower keyboards, a performance using a Lead voice cannot be recorded or played back. 1) When recording, you forgot the following operation: press the RECORD button, then hold down the SHIFT button while you press the UPPER button (selecting Lead). 2) During playback, you forgot to set the LEAD PLAY button to on. The Keyboard Percussion part has not been recorded, or plays back a different rhythm from the one recorded. When recording, you forgot the following operation: press the RECORD button, then hold down the SHIFT button while you press the PEDAL button (selecting Keyboard Percussion). Other causes may be involved, so refer to the procedure for recording parts separately. (See page 6.) The rhythm does not start at the beginning of a recording, or stops In the middle of the performance. The M.D.R. 1s designed so that the rhythm cannot be started at the very beginning of a recording. If you wish to use the rhythm, start it after the available memory display appears on the M.D.R. display. The notes of the recording are “stuck” and sound continuously. During playback, you removed the disk by pressing the EJECT button. Whenever you wish to stop playback, always press the STOP button. FLOPPY DISK PRECAUTIONS Floppy disks contain magnetic particles, which are used to store data. Observe the following precautions when handling and storing the disks. * Do not place the disks close to sources of magnetic fields, such as speakers and television sets. * Do not drop the disks, fold them, or apply excessive pressure to them. * Do not open the shutter or touch the surface of the disk itself. * Do not subject the disk to direct sunshine or high or low temperature extremes. 18 Specifications/ Technishe Data/Caractéristiques/ Especificaciones PLAY/RECORD CONTROL STORAGE MEMORY ACCESSORIES DIMENSIONS (W xD x H)/ WEIGHT Upper, Lower, Pedal, Lead, Keyboard Percussion Pause, Stop, Song Select, Song Repeat, Song Delete, Song Copy, From/To, Tempo, Shift, Format, Custom Play; Record Section: Upper, Lower, Pedal, Control; Play Section: Upper, Lower, Pedal, Control 3.5” floppy disk (x1) Either double-sided double density (2DD) or double-sided high density (2HD} 3.5” microfloppy disks can be used. 1,248 Kb (2HD), 626 Kb (2DD) 3.5” floppy disk (x1) Control Panel Unit 155 x 115 x 32 mm (6 48" x 41/2" x 1/4”) 269 в (14 oz.) Disk Drive Unit 114% 239% 38mm {41/27 x9 7/16” x 11/2") 815g (2 Ibs., 10 0z.) YAMAHA YAMAHA CORPORATION Printed in Japan ">

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