WaterFurnace geothermal heating and cooling system Owner's Manual

Below you will find brief information for geothermal heating and cooling system. Geothermal heating and cooling systems are the ultimate heating and cooling technology, providing the best combination of comfort, efficiency, reliability, and safe, clean, quiet operation.

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Geothermal Heating and Cooling System Owner's Manual | Manualzz




Key features

  • Energy Savings
  • Cost Effective
  • Comfort
  • Reliable
  • Quiet
  • Safe & Clean
  • Environmentally Friendly

Frequently asked questions

Geothermal heat pumps utilize some of the same technology found in your home's refrigerator. They are both devices that move heat energy. Your refrigerator removes heat from the food and transfers it to the air in your home. Your geothermal heat pump removes heat energy from the earth to heat your home and removes heat energy from inside your home to cool it.

Closed loops require no regular maintenance. Open loops use water that comes into your home from your well and is circulated through the unit whenever the unit is heating or cooling. Water is discharged into a location like a pond, drainage ditch, field tile, etc. Depending on the water quality, some maintenance is usually required with a well water system.

There are two easy ways to register your unit--1. Register on-line at: www.wfionline.info or 2. Complete the Warranty Registration Card
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