AEM 30-5139 Analog Volts Gauge Instructions

Below you will find brief information for Voltmeter Gauge 30-5139. The AEM 30-5139 Voltmeter Gauge is an analog style gauge that measures voltage between 8 volts and 18 volts. It is designed to be used in automotive applications to monitor the voltage of the vehicle's electrical system. The gauge is equipped with a variety of features, including an illuminated status light, an analog output, and adjustable backlight color.

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AEM Voltmeter Gauge 30-5139 Instruction Manual | Manualzz




Key features

  • Analog style gauge
  • Measures voltage between 8 and 18 volts
  • Illuminated status light
  • Adjustable backlight color
  • Analog output
  • Includes bezel and faceplate
  • Easy to install

Frequently asked questions

To change the backlight color, rotate the backlighting switch using a small precision style screwdriver. The backlight switch is accessed through the small hole in the back of the gauge.

The analog output from the AEM Voltmeter gauge is a linear dc voltage signal that varies from 0.5 Vdc at 8Vdc to 4.5 Vdc at 18Vdc over the operating range of the gauge. The signal is used for sending information to a data logger or an engine management system like the AEM EMS or F/IC.

The gauge kit comes with the black bezel and black faceplate installed. However, the kit also comes with a silver bezel and multiple faceplates. Instructions on how to change the faceplate are included in the kit on a separate sheet of paper. To change the bezel, orient the gauge so you are looking at the faceplate. Rotate the bezel counter-clockwise to unscrew it from the gauge cup. The bezel, lens, and rubber spacer are all removable. Reassemble the gauge as shown below in Figure 3. Note: When reassembling the gauge, it may be necessary to apply a light amount of pressure on the lens and spacer to keep the faceplate from rotating when reinstalling the bezel. Do not over tighten the bezel when reassembling the gauge.
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