Samsung Air Conditioner Instruction Manual

Below you will find brief information for Air Conditioner. This manual is essential for understanding how to operate your air conditioner and is especially useful for troubleshooting common problems. The document details different operating modes (Automatic, Cooling, Heating, Dry, and Fan) and provides guidance on selecting the correct settings for each mode. Specific information can be found on setting the correct fan speed, adjusting the temperature, and utilizing additional features like a filter cleaning cycle. The manual includes detailed troubleshooting steps for various errors that may occur during operation. Finally, it provides a comprehensive guide to setting up optional switches and understanding LED displays to aid in diagnosing and resolving any malfunctions.

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Air Conditioner Instruction Manual | Manualzz




Key features

  • Multiple operating modes
  • Fan speed adjustment
  • Temperature control
  • Filter cleaning indicator
  • Hot water heater option
  • External control option
  • Self-diagnosis system
  • LED error display
  • Troubleshooting guidelines
  • Option switch configuration

Frequently asked questions

You can select from Automatic, Cooling, Heating, Dry, and Fan modes by pressing the mode selection button on the wired remote controller.

You can adjust the fan speed to Automatic, Low, Medium, or High using the fan speed adjustment button on the wired remote controller.

Press the temperature adjustment buttons on the wired remote controller to increase or decrease the desired temperature. Possible temperatures are between 16-30°C for heating and 18-30°C for cooling.

The Filter Sign indicator on the wired remote controller will display when it is time to clean the air filter. After cleaning the air filter, press the Filter Reset button to reset the indicator.

The Test button is for your installation specialist and should not be pressed by the user.
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