United Security Products AD-2000 automatic voice/pager dialer User manual
The AD-2000 automatic voice/pager dialer is a versatile and easy-to-program device that provides reliable emergency notification 24 hours a day. It operates with all alarm systems and is ideal as a stand-alone dialer. The dialer allows you to program up to 8 telephone and/or pager numbers, including numeric pagers, voice pagers, and cellular phones. It allows you to record up to 51 seconds of custom outgoing messages, including identification messages and alerts, to be delivered during an emergency, for example, to contact police or fire department.
Automatic Voic elPager Di ale r Sys tem wi th Ver i f i c a tion Not just the next generation...it's --t!-f the next millennium ! -,f-n l1l ll-.i2 l ,E United SecuritY Producls, r-\ t lnc. R lsll l-./: E ffi tr Er @: @ tr /|.E-ETTg.CT AutomaticVoice/PagerDialer Versatile * Full-featured * Easy to Program 2-way Listenin Verification O p e r a t e sw i t h a l l a l a r m s y s t e m s I d e a l s t a n d - a l o n ed i a l e r P r o v i d e sr e l i a b l e e m e r g e n c yn o t i f i c a t i o n2 4 h o u r s a d a y THIS PACKAGE CONTAINS: I ea.MODEL AD-2000 1 ea.PHONE CABLE 1 ea.INSTRUCTION MANUAL 4 ea.lK RESISTORS Section Packagecontents. PanelDisplays..... InstallationHookups:Alarm Panel. InstallationHookups:StandAlone Programmingthe Dialer Overview. Numbers. ProgrammingPhone/Pager ProgrammingAuxiliary Information Programming/Recording OGMs. ProgrammingChannels. TestingYour System OperatingYour System AdditionalFeatures. ProgrammingExample. SampleProgramPlanner. Blank ProgramPlanner. Specifications..... Dialer Accessories Important Information Page number .. 3 4 5 6 7-II 1 8 9 10 10-11 II 12 12 13 13 14 15 15 16 EASY PROGRAMMINC WITH PROMPT LCD DISPLAY EASY TOUCH KEYPAD SLIDING KEYPAD COVER @ @ @ @ 18 0 0 2 2 715 9 2 Unlted SecurltY Product's,lnc. MICROPHONE -\ TO RECORI) VOICE MESSAGE @ @ @ ilril mr tr4l, @ MODE - PLAYBACK SPEAKER FOR OGM AND z_'IVAY VOICE VERIFICATION PROGRAM TEST OPERATE OFF RECORDVOICE PAUSE DIGIT (2SIDIGIT) A D - 2 O O O F R O N TV I E W 12V AUX OUT A D _ 2 O O OB A C K V I E W B R E A K _ O F FP A N E L FOR WIRINGINPUT+ v TEL I 2VDC Lruor,ro,, ACCESS ON BACK A D - 2 O O OT O P V I E W Alarm Panel A L A R M C O N T R O LP A N E L W I T H D R Y C O N T A C TO U T P U T S r--r r\--l ) /n\ \-'i AD-zooo REAR vrEw TERMINAL ACCESS /G\ tq>t vv /i t<>l -NOTE: AUX AI"ARM OUTPUT RATTNG I2VDCI0.3A MAX AUX PANEL .l TNCOMTNG PHONE N.O. or N.C. DRY CONTACTS (MOMENTARY or CONTINUOUS ACTIVATION) LINE IIINTF SEIZURE HOOKUP rN HousE (""'" PHONE LINE,] D R Y C O N T A C TA L A R M P A N T L I N T T R F A C E ALARM CO\TROL PANEL WITH V O L T A G ET R I G G E R O U T P U T S R E A RV I E W AD_zOOO TERMINALACCESS @ _NOTE: AUX ALARM OUTPUT RATTNGI2VDC/0.3A MAX AUX PANEL )L MOM TRIG: ISEC III\ CONT TRIG: l0MI\ TI MIN +5VDC MAX +zBVDT' TNCOMTNG l PHONE LINE !Une IN*_HOT]SE I SrtzunE HooKUp puoNr lrxp J INSTALL 1K RESISTORS (SUPPLIED) IF TRIGGER VOLTAGE IS APPLIED THROUGH RELAY CONTACT V O L T A G IT R I G G E R A L A R MP A N E LI N T E R F A C E StandAlone OPTIONALACCESSORIES AC-l: AC/DC ADAPTORFOR USE IYITH PP_ 1 OPTIONAL LINE INPUT ( T E L E P H O N E ,F A X , E T C . ) D I S C O N N E C T SW H E N DIALER ACTIVATES AC-1P: AC/DC ADAPTOR PACK (RECHARGEABLE) PP-1: PO1TER TEL LINE IN P O W E R& T T L I P H O N EL I N E I N T E R F A C E *OPTIONAL ll*l"JtL"ot tl ll >r lt lttl \l--1 \.-J : To TEL WALL.IACK \fl \,J o 1 2OVAC 60Hz MODEL AC-2 rzvDc / o.5A A rA !7 AD-zOOO REAR VIEW T E R M I N A LA C C E S S A T'' @ NOTE: AUX ALARM OUTPUT RATING 12VDc,/0.3A MAX s-120 SIREN [.nt l N P t l T S :l " , o SENSOR D O O R& r v l N D O w ''"" C O N T A C TTSE. M P) ^ , , . S E N S o R SE, r c . 1"" [cH4 t"o*t' S T A N D - A L O N EI N T E R F A C E Overview Please study this sectionthoroughly before beginningto program the dialer, referring to the SampleProgram Planneron page 13. Then, selectfrom among the optionsfor eachfeature,listing each choice in pencil on the blank ProgramPlanneron page 14. Once the dialer is correctly programmed,list eachchoice in ink. One copy of the Plannershouldbe kept by the installer;one copy shouldremain with the end user. A look At The Keypad \ [ :- :_ 'l '' , - ) ' .- .t ri4 ilr @_r t[.)Lqr[-e] LIj ild |-#-l iltlta't@ CALLOUT FOR NUMERALS: Pressthesekeysto entertelephone numbersandotherprogramming informationas specifiedin this manual.A maximumof 50 digitscanbe input in eachphone/pager location. CALLOUT FOR P: Pressthiskey to programin a pause.Each"P" providesa 2-second pause. CALLOUT FOR R: Pressthis key to recordthe combinationof identificationand directionaloutgoing (OGMs).Thetotalelapsed messages OGM timecannotexceed 5l seconds. CALLOUT FOR M: Pressthiskey to changetheModeof thedialer,in sequence: PROGRAMTESTOPERATEOFF. Once the unit has beenprogrammed,removing power or placing the dialer in the OFF mode will not affect the programming. Uniled Saeurity Pr'orluets, -.d-5. lrlc' tr tr:tr E tr tr mffi.tr mmitr' @;tr tr AIT-f,TTtrTT Automatic Voice/Pager Dialer First Time Installation to Initialize Dialer Follow Ste I &2. STEP 1 Apply powerro theunit. TheLCD will read: NOT PROGRAMMED PRESSKEYPAD#1 STEP ! Pressl. TheLCD will changero read: USPAD2OOO X.X tften..PROGRAM: NUMBERS then: SELECT:l-8 O(DONE) Programming TelephoneAnd/Or Pager Numbers You are now ready to begin programmingthe dialer. All programming can be input before connectingthe dialer to a telephoneline. Check the unit's LCD as you program numbers in the dialer to ensure accuracy. Please complete all programming instructions before attempting to operate the unit. Press"*" to storethe sequence. Example: To storenumeric pagernumber 555-1212,a 4-second Pauseand code 3456: Press Before programming your dialer to call the police, fire department or 9-l-l directly, you must check with these agenciesfor their approva.. STEP38 - TELEPHONENUMBERS A maximum of 50 digits (including pauses)can be programmed in at eachlocation. *PROGRAM: NUMBERS SELECT:1-8 r(YES) 2(NO ) O(DONE) +This prompt will apper after a number has been programmed and this section has been exited. STEP I Press location number l-8 to program the first number. This can be any location l-8. You do not have to program locations in sequence.For example, you can program numbers in locations 3 and 5. When you are done programming all the desired telephone and/or pager numbers, press "Ot'to exit this section. The LCD will read: PAGER I(YES) 2(NO) STEP 2 Press"1" if you wish to program in a numeric pager number (step 3A). Press "2" if you wish to program in a telephonenumber (step 3B), cellular phone numer (step 3B), or a voice pager(step3C). STEP 3A. NUMERICPAGERS NOTE: WHEN PROGRAMMING NUMERIC PAGERS, YOU MUST P R O G R A MI N O N E O R M O R E P A U S E S .E A C H ' P " P R O V I D E SA 2 SECONDPAUSE. BEFOREPROGRAMMINGIN A PAGER.CALL THE NUMBERTO DETERMINETHE NUMBER OF 2-SECONDPAUSESTO BE PROGRAMMEDIN, I f y o u p r e s s e d" l " t o p r o g r a m i n a n u m e r i c p a g e r . . . Press the digits of the pager to be called. The numbers will appear on the LCD, as will the following key designations. Press "P" one or more times in accordance with the number of seconds needed to accommodate the pager. (Remember, each "P" provides a 2-second pause). Press the digits ofthe numeric pager code. NOTE: SOME PACER SERVICES REQUIRE A "#" SIGN FOR SEPARATIONOF THE NUMERIC CODE OR AT THE END OF THE NUMERICCODE FORPROPERTRANSMISSION. r-El @@[ Lll@ttl]@l@[F][-Eri [tl i@{@] @ If you pressed"2" and wish to program in a telephonenumber.. . Press the digits of the number to be dialed. For long-distance numbers,first press "l" followed by the area code and then the number.The number will appearon the LCD. Press"*" to storethe sequence. Example: Store telephonenumber I -800-555-I 2 I 2 : Press: l@:C@iltrlai!i.i?r @@l(o-j U i@l E) REMEMBER/NOTE: Before programming your dialer to call the police, fire department 0r 9-1-1 directly, you must check with these agencies for their approval. STEP3C -VOICE PAGERS If you pressed"2" and wish to program in a voice pager... Pressthe digits of the pagerto be called. Press "P" one or more times in accordancewith the number of secondsneededto accommodatethe pager. (Remember each "P" provides a 2-secondpause). Press"*" to store the sequence.The number will appearon the LCD. Example: To storevoice pager 555-1212and a 4-secondpause: Press: tOtt4jtOLEI [r.litebll STEP 4 Repeatsteps1-3fbr eachnumberto be programmed in eachlocation.Selectanyof 8 locationnumbersin Step1 (SELECT:1-8)for eachnumberto beprogrammed. STEP 5 When you are done programming all desired telephone and/or pager numbers, press tt0tt to exit this section. NOTE: IF YOU ENTER THE WRONG CHOICE, PRESS "M" KEY REPEATEDLY AND RETURN TO THE *PROGRAM MODE", THEN SELECT THE SECTION TO CHANGE C'T'' ACCEPT SECTION, "2'' FOR NEXT SECTION).THEN ENTER CORRECT INFORMATION, Programming Auxiliary Information The dialeris presetat the factoryto typicaltelephoneline (TLINE), PBX, DialingAttemptsandMessage Repeatoptions.lf you chooseto acceptthe following defaultprompts,simply press"2" to scrollto the next section.If your phone system requires dialing a digit to get an outside line or dial tone, similar to PBX, then turn PBX on and enter digit to program. PRESETS T-LINE................TONE PBX......................OFF A T T E M P T S. ..... . . . . . . . . . . 2 MESSAGE.... ..........2 follow thesesteps. To changethepresets, T-LINE TheLCD will display: PROGRAM: T-LINE I(YES) 2(NO) Press"l " to programT-LINE. Press"2" to scrollto thenextsection. PROGRAM: T-LINE I(TONE) 2(PULSE) Press"1" for TONE.Press"2" for PULSE. StructuringYour OutgoingMessages The AD-2000 dialer was designed with optimum versatility and functionality in mind. Nowhere is this more apparentthan in the matrix of outgoing messages(OGMs). The user's ability to "mix and match" OGMs allows complete system customization and provides ultimate efficiency. Total OGM time is 51 seconds. A beginning identification (ID) messageof up to l5 secondscan be programmed in (options #4, #6, and #8). Your ID message should clearly state your name, address and other pertinent emergencyinformation. Typically, each OGM will have a specific purpose.For instance, OGM I can alert the person notified to contact the fire department while OGM 2 can alerl the person to contact the police department. Typically the dialer is programmed to notify family, friends or another responsibleparty. Before programming your dialer to call the police, fire departmentor 9-l-l directly, you must check with theseagenciesfor their approval. TheLCD willdisplay: PBX TheLCD will display: OPTION #l OPTION #2 PROGRAM: PBX l(ON) 2(OFF) Stepl: Press"1" fbr ON. Press"2" for OFF. theLCD will display: Step2: If "1" is entered, PROGRAM: PBX ENTER PBX NUMBER EnterPBX number( | dieit). OPTION #3 OPTION #4 OPTION #5 ATTEMPTS ATTEMPTSrefersto the numberof timesthe dialerwill call each designatednumber.Both successfuland unsuccessful (busyor no answer)call areconsidered attempts. PROGRAM: ATTEMPTS ENTER 1-9 to the numberof Step 1: Pressthe digit (l-9) corresponding timesyou wishthedialerto call eachnumber. TheLCD will display: MESSAGE MESSAGErefersto the numberof timeseachmessase will be number. deliveredto eachdesignated TheLCD will display: OPTION #6 OPTION #7 OPTION #8 No OGM. Select this option if you do not wish to record any outgoing messages. I OGM. Select this option if you wish to record one OGM, which may be as long as 5l seconds. 2 OGMs. Select this option if you wish to record two OGMs, each of which may be as long as 25.5 seconds. ID plus 2 OGMs. Selectthis option if you wish to record one ID of up to 15 secondsin length, and two OGMs, each of which may be as long as 18 * seconds. 3 OGMs. Select this option if you wish to record three OGMs, each of which may be as long as 17 seconds. ID plus 3 OGMs. Selectthis option if you wish to record one ID of up to 15 secondsin length, and three OGMs, each of which may be as long as 12 x seconds. 4 OGMs. Select this option if you wish to record four OGMs, each of which may be as long as 12.75seconds. ID plus 4 OGMs. Selectthis option if you wish to record one ID of up 15 secondsin length, and four OGMs, each of which may be as long as 9 seconds.x PROGRAM: MESSAGE REPEAT ENTER 1.3 to the numberof Step 1: Pressthe digits (l-3) corresponding to be delivered. timesyou wishthemessage(s) Exunple: OPTION#4: ID plus 2 OGMs. After selectingthe numberof message repeats,the dialer will automatically exitthissection. lf the ID is l0 seconds, then eachOGM can be (51 minus l0 equals4l dividedby 2 equals)20.5seconds in length. *lfyour ID messageis less than l5 seconds in length, the remaining time will be e v e n l vd i v i d e d a m o n g t h e O C M s . Programming And Recording Your Outgoing Messages Programming The Channels The AD-2000 is designed to be adaptable to a complete range of personalizedapplications.Each of the four input channelscan be programmed individually for full system customization. ln addition to setting enable/disable options, entry/exit delays and type of activation (N.O., N.C., & momentaryor continuous),each user can specify which emergency messageswill be delivered and which numberswill be dialed. The first channel activatedwill be the priority channel.Numbers programmedto that channelwill be completedbefore the dialer moveson to the next channel(s). Although comprehensivein scope,the systemis easy to program. Just fbllow thesesimole steos. Follow these steps to program and record your outgoing messages.Skip this portion if you have programmed in only numeric pagers,which rely on coded DTMF messages.As with all AD-2000 programming, the unit need not be connected to a phone line when information is programmedin. Rememberthat "OPT" on the LCD stands for option: "OGM" stands for outgoing message. NOTE: IF YOU ENTER THE WRONG CHOICE, PRESS "M" KEY REPEATEDLY AND RETURN TO THE "PROGRAM MODE", THEN SELECT THE SECTION TO CHANGE C'1" ACCEPT SECTION, *2" FOR NEXT SECTION). THEN ENTER CORRECT INFORMATION. STEP NOTE: IF YOU ENTER THE WRONG CHOICE, PRESS "M" KEY REPEATEDLY AND RETURN TO THE "PROGRAM MODE'" THEN SELECT THE SECTION TO CIIANGE ('T" ACCEPT SECTION, "2" FOR NEXT SECTION). THEN ENTER CORRECT INFORMATION. L Decide which of the eight options you prefer. STEP 2 Before programming in this option, write down all your messages. Time them carefully, changing them if necessary to fit the alotted time frame. Practice saying them, clearly enunciatingeach messagefor maximum clarity in case of an emergency.Keep a final recording script. STBP 3 Programyour option. A) The LCD will read: PROGRAM: OGMS l(YES) 2(NO) B) Press"1" to program your OGMs. Press"2" to scroll to the next section. C) Press "l" to select the option (#l- #8) displayed or press "2" to scroll to the desiredoption. STBP 4 After selectingyour option as explainedabove.record your message. A) The word RECORD will appearin the upper left corner of the LCD, above the instruction: PRESS R. The option selectedwill appearin the upper right corner. For instance, if you selectedoption #2, the LCD will read: RECORD OGMI PRESS R B) Speak6-12 inches away from the microphone.Referring to your script and speakingin a normal voice, press and hold R (the word RECORDING will be displayed),releasingthe key after you have completed enunciating your messages. The word DONE will appear on the LCD when the maximum allotted time has beenreached. C) The LCD will read: PLAY OGM(S) 1(YES) 2(NO) Press"1" to play back your recording D) The LCD will read: ACCEPT 1(YES) 2(NO) Press" l " to acceptthe recordedOGM(s). Press"2" if you wish to re-recordthe messages,beginningwith Step 4. Changing The OGMs After your system is up and operating,you may changeone or more of the recorded OGMs and/or choose a completely diff'erent option. To do so, simply scroll to the programming sectionon your display: PROGRAM: OGMS l(YES) 2(NO) Selectthe option, then begin again from Step 3 above to record your new message(s). STEP 1 ttre LCI will read: PROGRAM: CHANNELS 1(YES)2(NO) Press"1" to beginprogramming thechannels. STEP 2 TheLCD will read: SELECT: l-4 O(DONE) Enterthechannelyou wishto program(1-4). Enable/Disable STEP 3 tne r-Cn will read: CH X: ENABLE I(YES) 2(NO) ("CH )C'beingthechannelselected) Press"l" to enablethechannel.Press"2" to disablethechannel. Exit/Entry Delays Capable of programming up to a maximum of 3 minutes and 20 secondseach. STEP 4 The LCo will read: CH X: EXIT DELAY 1(YES) 2(NO) Proceedwith A) if you wish to program an exit delay. Proceedwith B) if you do not. A) To programexit delay, press"1". The LCD will read: ENTER 0-199THEN PRESS * Enter the digits correspondingto the number of secondsyou wish to install. (For example, press "l20" then press "*", if you wish to install a 120-secondexit delay). B) Ifyou do not wish to program an exit delay, press"2". STEP 5 ttre LCO will read: CH X: ENTRY DELAY 1(YES) 2(NO) Proceedwith A) if you wish to program an entry delay. Proceedwith B) if you do not. A) To program an entry delay, press"1". The LCD will read: ENTER 0-199 THEN PRESS * "l" Press to program a delay. Then enter the digits correspondingto the number of secondsyou wish to install. (For example,press"90" then press"*", if you wish to install a 90-seconddelay). B) If you do not wish to program an entry delay, press"2". 10 B) Normally Open/I.{ormally Closed STEP 6 rne Lco will read: CHX: N.O./i.{.C. 1(N.O.) 2(N.C.) A) B) Continue the above procedure for each of the up to eight phone/pagernumbers programmed in. STEP 9 ttre LCO will read: CHX: OGMX I(YES) 2(NO) ("OGM X'being the OGM recordedin OGM options#2 - #8) A) Press "l" to deliver OGM X when the channel is activated. Press"2" if you do not wish this OGM to be delivered. B) Continue the above procedurefor each Channel/OGM.If you have programmed in and recorded an ID message as one of your OGM options,this ID will be deliveredto all channels.It will not appearin the Channeldisplay. NOTE: ID AND OGM(S)WILL ONLY BE DELIVERED TO TELEPHONE NUMBERS, NUMBERS, CELLULAR ANDVOICEPAGERS. Press"1" to selecta normally open channel. Press"2" to selecta normally closedchannel. Momentary/Continuous Activation STEP 7 rne Lco will read: CH X: MOIWCONT I(MOM)2(CONT) A) Press"1" to selecta momentarytrigger. B) Press"2" to selectcontinuousactivation. Numbers Dialed/Outgoing Messages Completing The Programming Following thesestepsallows you to choosewhich OGM(s) will be deliveredand which numberswill be dialed for eachchannel. NOTE: Dialer LCD will only show programmed numbers and OGM options. Once you have programmed in all dialing and OGM options for eachchannel,the LCD will read: ACCEPT 1(YES) 2(NO) STEP 10 Press "1" to accept the Channel programming. Press "2" to re-program or to revert to previously programmed setting. STEP 8 rne I-co will read: CHX: DIAL#X 1(YES)2(NO) ("Dial #X" beingthenumberin phone/pager locationI -8) A) Press"l" to dial phone/pager#X to be dialedwhentheselectedchannelis activated. Press"2" if youdo not wishthis numberto be dialed. You are now ready to review your programming and test the system. PRESS "M'' TO EXIT PROGRAMMING MODE. Testyour systembefore an emergenc! occurs. STEP 4 ttre LCO will read: SELECT: 1-4 5(ALL) O(DONE) Selectthe channelyou wish to test ( l -4). Press"5" to test "all" Channels.Once a channel is selected(or "all") the programmed channel information will be displayed on the LCD. Verify data accuracyas the LCD scrollsthrough by comparingthe information displayed with that specified on your Program Planner.Listen to your recordedmessage(s)to ensurethat the correct OGM (if programmed)is delivered.Press"0" to exit testing. Do not neglectto review programmedinformation and verify all elementsof your systemthoroughly before relying on the dialer to deliver the necessaryinfbrmation to the desiredparties accurately and completely. We strongly recommendtesting the system in test mode before connecting to a telephoneline. The test mode tests the stored information, not the full tunctionality of the dialer. To test the full functionality of the dialer, the unit must be testedin the operatemode. In the test mode. the dialer will not make more than one attempt per number dialed or play any OGM more than once. STEP 5 Now connect your dialer to the telephoneline you will be using and test the system again, to determine if it functions correctlyin an actualemergencysituation. NOTE: IF YOU ENTER THE WRONG CHOICE. PRESS"M" KEY REPEATEDLY AND RETURN TO THE'PROGRAM MODE'" THEN SELECT THE SECTION TO CHANGE ('T" ACCEPT SECTION, "2'' FOR NEXT SECTION).THEN ENTER CORRECT INFORMATION. Makesure you notifythe receivingpartyof your intentto call them, and tell them it is iust a test. STEP I Pressthe"M" Modekey until theLCD reads: TEST: T-LINE rffES) 2(NO) " " 2 Press l to display theT-Lineconfiguration. STEP Thedatawill scrollthroughall selections. Press"2" to scrollto thenextsection. STEP 3 tne LCo will read: TEST: CHANNEL(S) 1(YES)2(NO) Press"l" to testchannels. Press"2" to scrollto thenextsection. STEP 6 To test the operationof your entire system,set Mode to OPERATE and proceed as explained in the next section: Operating Your System. Test your system on a regular basis, at least once a week. 11 SampleProgram Planner ADzOOO PROGRAM PLANNER (exclude PBX digit, include numeric pager NAME OF PARTY TO BE REACHED code) 2345674 John Johnson s J456789PP4455 3456789PP5544 John Johnson s Jol^e Joh"sor: house oooo' ire "ode LINE TONE ATTEMPTS PBX PULSE ON OFF NUMBER 1 THROUGH 9 MESSAGE REPEAT 1 THROUGH 3 2 2 BRIEFLY DESCRIBE TYPE OF VOICE MESSAG lD + y o m e i s l v l o r yS m i t h o n d I n e e d h e p . 2 O G M S l D : l r , 4n ID + 3 OGMS OGMl: Co the policedeportment. O G M 2 :C o l l t h e f i r e d e p o r t m e n t . specific outgoing messages(OGMs). Example for Quick Setup Programming Before programming the dialer, study the example shown on this page. This "quick setup" example programs in one telephone number, two numeric pager numbers. two attempts, two repeats,an ID plus two additional OGMs, and channels I and.{. Once you understand the setup. use the blank Program Planner on page l4 to begin programming your dialer. We recommend making several blank copies of the Planner befbre beginning the process.It also is advisableto fill in the Plannerin oencil initiallv. 7 Using a prepared script and speaking six-to-eight inches STEP from the dialer's microphone on the front ofthe unit, press "R" when you are ready to enunciate your l5-second identification message and your two l8-second messages.Dialer automatically prompts to next OGM. Make OGMI a messagetelling the receiving party to call the police department. Make OGM2 a messageto call the fire department. STEP 8 Press"l" to play back all recordedmessages;press"1" again to accept. (NOTE: DIALER LCD WILL ONLY SHOW PROGRAMMED NUMBERS AND OGM OPTIONS). STEP 9 Press"l" to PROGRAM CHANNELS. "l". STEP 1 Press STEP 2 When the LCD reads SELECT l-8, press "1" to install the first phone number in location I press "2" to indicate no pager; then *2345678" press,in sequence,(fictitious) phone number followed by "x" programming process for the sign to store the that number. STEP 5 At the PROGRAM: T-LINE prompt, press "1" to choose tone; press "2" to indicate no PBX; press "2" to program in two dialing attempts per emergency number called; press "2" to program in two messagerepeatsfor each call. STEP l0 Press "1" to program Channel 1. Press "1" to ENABLE. Press "l" then enter "30" then press "x" for a 3O-secondEXIT delay; press "1" then enter "15" then press "x" for a l5-second entry delay. Now press "2" for NORMALLY CLOSED and then "1" for MOMENTARY activation. Press "l" to select phone/pagernumber 1 to be dialed. Press "1" again to select phone/pager number 5 to be dialed. Press "2" to not selectphone/pagernumber 6 to be dialed. Press"1" to select OGM1 to be delivered and press "2" to not select OGM2 to be delivered.Press"1" to acceptthe channelconfiguration. STEP 11 Press "4" to program Channel 4. Press "1" to ENABLE. Press"2" twice to indicate no EXIT or ENTRY delay. Now press "1" for NORMALLY OPEN and the "2" for CONTINUOUS activation. Press "1" to seiect phone/pager number 1 to be dialed. Press "2" to not selectphone/pager5 to be dialed. Press"1" to selectphone/pagernumber 6 to be dialed. Press "2" to not select OGMI to be delivered and press"1" to selectOGM2 to be delivered.Press"l" to acceptthe channel configuration. STEP 6 Press"l" to PROGRAM OGM(S). Press"2" three trmes to Scroll to option #4; press"l" to program in an ID messageand two STEP 12 Press "0" to exit PROGRAM: CHANNELS. Press "M" to exit programming mode. STEP 3 Press"5" to install the secondphone number in location 5; press "1" to indicate numeric pager; then press'in sequence, "3456189PP4455#" followed by the "x" sign. The first seven digits representthe pager number dialed; each P standsfor a 2-secondpause; the next four digits followed by the # sign represent the pager code and the * stores the programming process for that number. Now press "6" to install the third phone number in location 6; press "1" to indicate numeric pager; then press, in sequence, "3456789PP5544#"followed by the "E" sign. STEP 4 Press"0" to exit PROGRAM NUMBERS. 13 Fill out this ProgramPlannerin pencil initially ADzOOOPROGRAM PLANNER .I'ELTJPHON-tJ PAGER YES NO NUMBER (exclude PBX digit, include N UMBER numeric pager - --__l Io"t". NAME OF PARTY TO BE REACI{ED code) I 2 + 5 7 PROGRAM: T_LINE TONE PBX PULSE ON OFF ATTEMPTS 1 THROUGH 9 MESSAGE REPEAT 1 THROUGH 3 NUMBER PROGRAM: OGMs ]N 3 BRIEFLY DESCRIBE TYPE OF VOICE MES NO OGM I OGM 2 OGMs + ID ? OGMS 3 OGMs ID + 3 OGMS 7 OGMS 4 ID + ENABLE YES NO CH 4 OGMS EXIT DELAY(SEC) YES N O o-199 E N T R Y D E L A Y ( S E C} YES N O o-199 ACl'IVA't'ION NO NC I MOM CONT 2 DIAL NUMBER D 3 PLAY OGM 7 B I I 3 4 ADzOOO PROGRAM PLANNER PAGER YES NO NUMBER (exclude TELEPHONE NUMBER PBX digit, include numeric pager l5;t",----------l NAME OF PARTY TO BE REACHED code) I 3 4 5 6 7 PROGRAM: T-LINE TONE PtsX PULSE ON OFF ATTEMPTS THROUGH 9 MESSAGE REPEAT T THROUGH 3 NUMBER PROGRAM: OGMS N I 2 OGM 1 OGM 2 CH BRIEFLY DESCRIBETYPE OF VOICE MESSACE(S S'I'YLE NO OGMS 4 ID + 5 3 2 OGMS 6 lD 7 I 4 OGMs ID + 4 OGMS OGMS + ENABLE YES N O 3 OGMS YES IT DELAY(SEC) NO o-199 ENTRY DELAY( SEC ) YES A Ct l V A l ' t o N NO NC MOM coN'r DIAL NUMBER 4 7 B I 2 3 4 After thoroughlytestingyour system,redo your ProgramPlannerin ink. Onecopy shouldbe kept in a safeplaceby the end user;one copy shouldbe retainedby the installer. 14 I PLAY OGM 2 3 4 Care And Precautions LOCATION with the manufacturer's instructions, may cause interference to radio and television reception. It has been type tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class 'B' computing device in accordance with the specifications in Subpart B of FCC Rules and Regulations (as outlined in the Code of Federal Regulation, Tirle 4'7), which are designed to provide reasonable protection againstsuch interferencein a residentialinstallation. Place the dialer on a flat level surface or mount the unit on the wall, away from extremecold or heat,direct sunlight,excessive humidity and away from equipment that generate strong magnetic fields. Avoid placing near large metal objects and areas that produce smoke, dust and mechanical vibrations. CARE User Instructions If this equipment does cause interferenceto radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off, then on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or moreof the following measures: Clean the housing with a soft cloth lightly moistened with water or mild detergentsolution. Never use solvents such as alcohol or thinner. Do not allow liquids to spill into the unit. OPTIONAL BACKUP To ensurecontinuousoperationduring power outages,hookup to a I2VDC backup battery pack is recommended. (PP-l) Available from United SecurityProducts. r r o CAUTION . Do not use the dialer if a gas leak is suspectedor during lightning. Changesor modifications not expressly approvedby United security Products,Inc. could void the user's authority to operatethe equipment. PROBLEMS If liquid or a foreign object penetratesthe unit, disconnectit immediately and contact your installer or other qualified technician. Before calling USP, pleasemake sure... . o o Reorientor relocateradio or television. Increasethe separationbetweenthe equipmentand receiver. Connect the equipment into a different outlet so that the equipment and receiver are on different branch circuits. Consult the dealer or an exoerienced radio/TV technician for help. You have read this manual and understand how to operate the dialer. Your phone line is working. You check out the entire system,including external hookup wiring and sensorsattached. If you still have questions or concerns, call our USP Technical Service Departmentbetween the hours of 7:30 AM and 4:00 PM, PST, Monday through Friday. Federal Communications Commission Radio And Television Interference Statement For A Class 'B' Device This equipment generatesand uses radio frequency energy and ifnot installedand usedproperly, that is, in strict accordance United Security Products Issue date: 4127/98 16 ">
Key Features
- Operates with all alarm systems
- 2-way Listen in Verification
- Ideal stand-alone dialer
- Program up to 8 phone/pager numbers
- Record up to 51 seconds of custom outgoing messages
- Programmable EXIT/ENTRY delays
- Programmable channel activation (N.O./N.C.)
- Programmable channel activation (Momentary/Continuous)
- Testing mode & OPERATE mode
Frequently Answers and Questions
How many numbers can be programmed into the dialer?
The dialer allows you to program up to 8 telephone and/or pager numbers.
What types of numbers can be programmed?
You can program telephone numbers, numeric pagers, voice pagers, and cellular phones.
How long can my outgoing messages be?
You can record up to 51 seconds of custom outgoing messages.
How do I test the dialer?
The dialer has a testing mode. The test mode will not make more than one attempt per number dialed or play any OGM more than once. To test the full functionality of the dialer, the unit must be tested in the operate mode.