Phonak Nucleus Freedom, Freedom, ESPrit 3G, SPrint, Spectra 22, 22, Auria, Harmony, Platinum BTE, PSP, CII BTE, Clarion S-series, 1.2, TEMPO+, OPUS1, Digi SP'K, SP, Digisonic BTE, Baha Classic, Compact, Cordelle, Divino FM System User manual

Below you will find brief information for FM System Nucleus Freedom, FM System ESPrit 3G, FM System ESPrit, FM System SPrint, FM System Spectra 22, FM System Auria, FM System Platinum BTE, FM System PSP. This information will help you understand the features and capabilities of this FM system. The FM system is designed to improve the signal-to-noise ratio and thus the user’s ability to understand speech in noise. The system consists of a transmitter with a microphone and a receiver, which picks up the signal via radio waves directly from the transmitter. You can use it to improve your ability to hear in challenging listening environments, such as classrooms, public places, or noisy restaurants. It may also be useful for listening to TV, radio or computer. The system is easy to use and includes a variety of features, such as automatic frequency synchronization and programming.

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FM System Nucleus Freedom, ESPrit 3G, ESPrit, SPrint, Spectra 22, Auria, Platinum BTE, PSP User Manual | Manualzz




Key Features

  • Improved signal-to-noise ratio
  • Better speech understanding in noisy environments
  • Universal FM use with all compatible speech processors
  • Direct Frequency Synchronization (DFS)
  • Automatic Frequency Synchronization (AFS)
  • Frequency flexibility
  • Programmable
  • Easy to use
  • Variety of features

Frequently Answers and Questions

What is an FM system?

An FM system is a wireless system that uses radio waves to transmit sound from a transmitter to a receiver. This can help to improve the signal-to-noise ratio and make it easier to understand speech in noisy environments.

What are the benefits of using an FM system with a cochlear implant?

Using an FM system with a cochlear implant can significantly improve speech recognition in noise. The FM system can provide a clearer and louder signal from the speaker, making it easier to hear in noisy environments.

How do I fit my FM system to my cochlear implant?

The fitting process for an FM system with a cochlear implant will vary depending on the type of cochlear implant and the FM system. However, in general, the process involves connecting the FM receiver to the cochlear implant speech processor and adjusting the settings for optimal performance.

What are some tips for using my FM system effectively?

Some tips for using your FM system effectively include: ensure the transmitter is within close proximity to the speaker, make sure the FM receiver is properly connected to the speech processor, adjust the volume and sensitivity settings as needed, and take advantage of the various features available on your FM system.
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