Panasonic RQV207 MP3 Player User manual
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Panasonic Stereo Radio Cassette Player RQ-V207 Operating Instructions Before connecting, operating or adjusting this pro- uct, please read these Instructions completery, Plasse save this manual. [P] PC] ee o SpE i Ena are ar НЫ В РЕ о i = a A off tha gai iz not used fora Jong period of ime or is used only from an AC power source, remove all fhe batteries te prevent patential-damage due Lo possible Battery leakage. # Avoid ueing or placing this unit near sources of heal. Dao not leave E inan automobile exposed io direct sunlight for a long period of time with tha doors and windowe closed, a3 this may deform the cabins! When mal in Use, disgofrect ihe AC adaplor rom (Ra AC powerokmet a Da not Lae rechargeable typs batlories Cassette compartment cover: if thé catch i in the posiléon shown in the Tue 5), he East competbranl cover dossnt use. IF {his cecurs, slide OPEN 40 Mal tha catch (3) is in he position show an the figure © Ian attempt ls made lo coso tie cover lorcibly, The-com pariment cover may get bent oul of shape. Cassette tapes Improper tape storage Yiu can damage tape it yeu ators i in the following ways ain higthempéerstuce à high humedity arpa ein astróng magnetic fleid (near à speaker. on top 6 à TV, otic. | win direct sung Cassstie tapes excecding 100 minutes These tapes are hardy for therr long playback anct rocond- ng tie bul Be careful abou repeatedly eicoping and atari fig, rewinding and fest forwarding [Bese apes in shor intervals as they are hin tend fo stretch and may become entangles miheseck mechamen. = Do nil play your headphones or earphanes at = nigh vol- Lites, Haaring experi avise against Sorin exlerider play. N you -expenence e inglhg in your Bars, Tediice volume 4 desconfinue uso, Do not vse while operating e molordzed vehicie. I} may create a traffic hazard and ia Megalin mam areas, You should 13e extreme caution dr lemporatily éscomirue Use lA potenially hazardous situations The seräl number of this product can Da found Inside of the battery compartment, Figase Note tivem in he space provided Ele and keep as @ permanant record of yúur purchaza lo ald identification in né avant of fief. MODEL NUMBER _____ АбНУЗОТ SERIAL NUMBER Liser memo: DATE OF PURCHASE DEALER NAME — DEALER ADDRESS TELEFHONE NUMBER Meteushita Coneumor Electronics Company, Division of Matsushita Electric Corporation of America One Panasonic Way Secaugus, Mew Jersey 07084 Panasonic Sales Company, Division al Matsushita Electric of Puerta Alta, Inc. PEC] Ave. 65 de infarmtaria, Km 8.5 San Gabriel Industrial Perk, Carolina, Puena Heco C0585 Matsushita Electric of Canada Limited 5770 Amber Drive, Mississauga, Onlanio Law 273 RQTTO187-F Printed in Talvian FD206F0 Evan if your headphones of earphones 1s an open-air type designed 18 lel you hear oulskde sounds, don't um up the volume so-high thal you can't hear what's around vost, Sound can be decaiving. Cher lime your Reailng “comfort leve adapts to higher volumes of scund, 50 «hat séunde "normal can actually De pwd and harmful io your Rearing. Guard against fis by seting your aquipmentata safe lav! BEFORE your hesarng adapls. To astabiish à =sfe level: eStart your volumes control ala low eating, e Sicwly Inrease Me sound until you car Aer M commibrt- abhy and claarly, and witheut distortion. Once you hive established a cominitable sound level: “Set {ha dial and ‘gave d thers. Maintenance H Head care Ta arsure good sound quality fac tape aperation. be sure lo clean the head affer approximatety every 10 ours 61 Use, Caan | wilh a cotton swab dampened with o la voor! [1 nat bing meatal artioles or magnetic materia such as 3 £crowadriver near ihe head assembry Colon swab His recommended thal the head assembly be demagne- tizad H distorbor or podr Soi guealily persisls afar clan: ing the heads. Comagistiza Mem using a demagnstzer avallanle from an audio store. EU Main unit Chen db with a cloth, dampanad Ina mid solution of soap ame wake [xr mat clears tha cahingt with banzing of thinner. Avil necesa mier, Ave spray asfosal iype ¿iaaner. Some cisaners contain corrosivo ¿Memicals Thai may cgues miermeil damage and cabmat deférmalon, Product Service I Da mot atlempt t0 remove ho comerte; or replete ue yaursall, Pater servicing ta qualifies personne: aly. EB Product information For product service; produc informatian or ASSISTANCA vih product operabon, reterto the serecenter РОСТУ e Ae Sana À — ‘Ш Ш | Ey A Stereo hesdphones (HFEV7CEP-H51 Balt ofp (AKOTDOG2-K) (Only for U.S.A.) To onder accessories call MSC Accessory Dept, 1-BO0-332-5368. Attaching the belt clip E Connecting the headphones Plug the included stereo headphones into the ( ack; Belt chp E To prevent unwanted operation (included) You cannot activate front pane! buttons when the HOLD switch is set io "ON" (Hold siste). Before using ary of the front pans! buttons, move the HOLD éwioh 10 "OFF" to release the hold stale. When the unit iz in the hold state, the display shows To remove "Pr", Ss => For your reference: = Since tha hold luretion does not Affeet 16 Kids panel But Attaching clip 16 10пв; сазвейе ispes operations are avallsbie during ihe your bell hold state. E. Po Pr о =: a e e E 3 me E o E. Before reguesting sarvice for this unil. check the char below for à possible cause of thie problem jou ae eapédiencng. Some simple checks or à minor adjus{ment En your part may efminate the problerm and restore praper operation. you gre in doubt: about some of the check poinis: or il ihe remedies indicated Inîhe chari do not-soive Ihe probéern, refer fo Io eirectar of Authorized Service Ceniers [enciosed with thés unit) to locale à corvenkett service penter, or conault your dealer lor instructions. (In ELSA. consult MSC Authorized Servicenters for detailed instructions or call 1-800-545-2672 forthe address of an aulhorrad fatlory servicenter.] Problem Checkpoint Remedy No operations. Have He batlories beer inslalkod with their | Install them with their potarities (5, 25) Ш polares (E. 23) reversed? aligned property. Ma sounds. ls the hestinhones plug connected 10 the Plug the headphones plug nic the jack MESE doss noi headphones вск? function, a. No sounds during the ls tha RADIO OMNICEF switch on? Press FADIO ONMGÉF to switch off the tapi payback. : rata. = | No radio 2 SPAMS. _ la The hold switch sat to HOLE" | Palesse fhe hid state Fladio frequency range: Frequency range РМ; Bra 1079 MHr [Нонна (0.2 MHZ steps) [Cro matal]: a0 — FEO Hi 67 5—108.0 MHz Tape speed: 4.8 cm/e (17 ips) (0.1 MAZO 6 Mkz stops) Jacke: AM: wd = 1710 kHz [10 kHz steps) Ppt; OC IN; ay 529-4611 #Hz (© kHz slaps) Output: HEADPHONES Powar ragquirermant: Dimensions (Wx HX Df 118.3% BOLA Em Battery: DC SV [Two A тета. (ls E (Ré Ré) hatteres] Weight: 194476: B07. without mE) HO usa recharyeable tynz batenes. batteries AC: ОСЛЫ 3 М мА ostinnal Note: Penssanic AC édaptor Specifications are subjeci 16 changé withoul nificé НР-АСЗА Welghtand dimensions ars aporosimates. THE FOLLOWING PHRASES ARE APPLIED ONLY FOR U.S.A; CAUTION: This equipment has teen tested and found to comply wilh the limes Tor a Class B digital device, pursuant in Part 15 of the FCC Rutas Thess [mils arg designed to provide ráasonable probectibrs agetidot Natu ¡mederenco |; a residential mstallation This equéament genersiss; lsss and can radiate rads Irequency energy and, faa installed and used in accordance with Me instructions, may cause hermiul iterferencs lo ratio communicalons However, there is mo guarantees thal interferance y not occurin a partiular instáfigiion. NT ihis equipment does catiss Rarmiul intaderencs 19 radar television reception, whigh can be datammned by: turming He equipment off ard Gn, The user & endbiiraged fo try 16 correat hig intarferenoe by Gre of He Fallow rg maasiires as Feanan or relocate the receiving antenna elrcradas He separátion helwoér ne eguipment and receive «Согласна еда религ ап Guiigrona circuit diffesgnt irom НА а ИАС the receiver ie -ponneciad e Consult ne dealer oran experienced rado! TY technicia: for Help. FCC Notice: Thiz eyalóm comptes with new Par 15, except for ihe radio reoalvar, whith comprigs with aid Par 15; Sunpar C of the FCC Aulas, Operation is subject to ihe following two condiona: (7) This device may noi couse Fetmiful intedorsnes, ard (2) 1s devine mist acca any interference received. including interterence ihal may calza undesirabis operation. The rado receiver 5 not subject to above nem (2) Any unauthonzed changes or medificabons [à ¡his equipment waidd vold tha user's authority lo. operate this device Power Sources aa DC IN 3V co = 3 \ Dry cell batteries El Insert 2 AA size (R6/LR6 or equivalent, not in- cluded) batteries. Batteries installed with incorrect polarities may leak and damage this unit. Replace with fresh batteries of the same kind, observing polarity. When the batteries are weak The OPR/BATT indicator will turn off one by one. OPA/BATT 222 OPA/ÆATT сес OPR/BATT 900 This unit will turn off to protect the memorized contents. When replacing the batteries, manage it within 30 seconds, or the memorized contents will be cancelled. Listening to the Radio AC power operation Ej Connect only Panasonic AC adaptor RP-AC31 (op- tional). If you disconnect the AC adaptor unit from the AC power outlet, the memorized contents for the radio will be cleared. Tape Playback 1 © Forward side CrOz"* NOR \_ {ETD TAPE Normal, metal and high position (chrome) tapes can be used. CrO: (MTL): Metal and high position (chrome) type NOR: Normal type Follow steps 1—4. Play will be continued, looping forward and reverse side, until STOP is pressed. H To stop playback Press STOP, To fast forward and rewind Press one of the FAST buttons. The tape will rapidly move in the direction of the arrow, dd: Fast forward for the forward side DD: Rewind for the forward side | J ==] STOP DIR OONR/ FM SENS O N/ LOCAL. OFF?" / DX 4 ||) TAPE TUNING ) A — ~ Ys Of a ООО | © — A “FM/AM = MODE с > | TUNING \ Memory buttons (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) HD ON OFF HOLD Se LLL, a Ba = = Мн > UN Follow steps 1-5. When pressing s FM/AM to select the band, release the button within 2 seconds. @ To stop the radio Press RADIO ON/OFF. To obtain good reception To playback the tape with Dolby NR Set DO NR selector to ON. Dolby noise reduction manufactured under li- cense from Dolby Laboratories Licensing Cor- poration. “DOLBY” and the double-D symbol OO are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories Licensing Corporation. To change the tape direction Press DIR to select the playback side. Notes: ¢ Do not open the cassette compartment cover dur- ing tape operation. Between functions (during play, fast forward or rewind), always press STOP first to avoid jam- ming the tape. oe When the tape reaches the end after fast forward or rewind, press STOP to release the FAST but- ton. e |f you press RADIO ON/OFF to switch on the radio during tape operation, the button will not be re- leased even though the motor has stopped. In this case, press STOP to release the button, B How to receive FM broadcasts clearly Normally set the FM SENS selector to “DX. When the FM reception is impaired, or there is interfer- ence from a powerful station, set the selector to “LOCAL”. e This selector does not function for AM reception. HB Antennas FM: Since the headphones cord serves as the FM an- tenna, be sure to use it extended, not coiled. AM: The built-in ferrite core AM antenna is directional. Turn the unit to obtain optimum reception. ® Ве sure to have the set in a horizontal position. E When tuning into a station The TUNING indicator will illuminate. If it is an FM stereo broadcast, “STEREO” will be shown on the display. Preset tuning Total 20 stations can be stored. You can store each station separately as follows. MODE 1: FM: 1, 2, 3, 4,5 AM: 1, 2, 3, 4,5 MODE 2: FM: 1, 2, 3, 4,5 АМ: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 We recommend that you use MODE 1 for daily, and MODE 2 for travel. @ Mode selecting Press and hold «= MODE for more than 2 seconds. or is shown on the display. For your reference: You can store the stations and change the allocation setting on each MODE1 and MODEZ2 individually, E Memory presetting 1. Tune in the station to be stored. 2. Press and hold one of the memory buttons (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) for about 2 seconds. 3 beeps can be heard. E Memory tuner operation Press one of the memory buttons (1, 2, 3, 4, 5). e Release the button within 2 seconds. Memory channel MO || When using overseas In order to accommodate the allocation in different coun- tries, this unit has provided the tuning frequency in many increments. Every time the following procedure is performed, the alloca- tion setting changes in turn as follows. FM 0.2 MHz, AM 10 kHz {original setting) | FM 0.1 MHz, AM 10 kHz J FM 0.05 MHz, AM 9 kHz E How to adjust the allocation settings Before operation, switch on the radio and select the mode (MODE1 or MODE2). 1. Press and hold both TUNING buttons (+ and —). 2. While the TUNING buttons are pressed, press and hold æ MODE about 2 seconds. The changed allocation settings (FM and then AM} will appear onthe display. Note: The memory for the each mode in which the steps were switched is cleared. | De = Changing the Tone N XBS Boosts the low frequency range. elf the sound distortion occurs, turn down the YMSS volume. VMSS Boosts the low frequency range. Also, the vibration of the earpieces of the included headphones makes sound vigorous. Raising the volume level makes the VMSS effect intensify. . e VMSS does not function for AM reception. e VMSS may not effective according to the source. elf you experience a ringing or discomtort in your ear while listening in VMSS mode, reduce volume or turn the VMSS mode OFF.