LG DV 3781 DVD player Инструкция по эксплуатации
Below you will find brief information for DVD player DV 3781. The DV 3781 is a DVD player that can play various formats, including DVD, Video CD, CD, MP3, and WMA. This user-friendly device features a wide range of functions, including playback control, repeat, random, zoom, and more. You will also find information on connecting the DVD player to your TV and other devices.
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Dolby Ë ‰‚ÓÈÌÓ D fl‚Îfl˛ÚÒfl ÚÓ‚‡Ì˚ÏË Á͇̇ÏË ÙËÏ˚ Dolby Laboratories. ëÂÍÂÚÌ˚ ÌÂÔÛ·ÎËÍÛÂÏ˚ ‡·ÓÚ˚. Ä‚ÚÓÒÍÓ ԇ‚Ó ÙËÏ˚ Dolby Laboratories 1992 - 1997. ÇÒ ԇ‚‡ Á‡˘Ë˘ÂÌ˚. DTS Ë DTS Digital Out fl‚Îfl˛ÚÒfl ÚÓ„Ó‚˚ÏË Ï‡Í‡ÏË ÙËÏ˚ Digital Theater Systems, Inc. 26 DV7811EM_HA3RML_ENG DVD PLAYER OWNER’S MANUAL MODEL : DV3781 Before connecting, operating or adjusting this product, please read this instruction booklet carefully and completely. Internet Address:http://www.lg.ru »ÌÙÓχˆËÓÌ̇ˇ ÒÎÛÊ·‡ LG Electronics (095)742-77-77 Safety Precautions CAUTION RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK DO NOT OPEN CAUTION: TO REDUCE THE RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK DO NOT REMOVE COVER (OR BACK) NO USER-SERVICEABLE PARTS INSIDE REFER SERVICING TO QUALIFIED SERVICE PERSONNEL. This lightning flash with arrowhead symbol within an equilateral triangle is intended to alert the user to the presence of uninsulated dangerous voltage within the product’s enclosure that may be of sufficient magnitude to constitute a risk of electric shock to persons. The exclamation point within an equilateral triangle is intended to alert the user to the presence of important operating and maintenance (servicing) instructions in the literature accompanying the product. WARNING: TO REDUCE THE RISK OF FIRE OR ELECTRIC SHOCK, DO NOT EXPOSE THIS PRODUCT TO RAIN OR MOISTURE. WARNING: Do not install this equipment in a confined space such as a book case or similar unit. CAUTION: This Digital Video Disc Player employs a Laser System. To ensure proper use of this product, please read this owner’s manual carefully and retain for future reference should the unit require maintenance, contact an authorized service location (see service procedure). Use of controls, adjustments, or the performance of procedures other than those specified herein may result in hazardous radiation exposure. To prevent direct exposure to laser beam, do not try to open the enclosure. Visible laser radiation when open. DO NOT STARE INTO BEAM. CAUTION: The apparatus should not be exposed to water (dripping or splashing) and no objects filled with liquids, such as vases, should be placed on the apparatus. 2 NOTES ON COPYRIGHTS: It is forbidden by law to copy, broadcast, show, broadcast via cable, play in public, or rent copyrighted material without permission. This product features the copy protection function developed by Macrovision. Copy protection signals are recorded on some discs. When recording and playing the pictures of these discs on a VCR, picture noise will appear. This product incorporates copyright protection technology that is protected by method claims of certain U.S. patents and other intellectual property rights owned by Macrovision Corporation and other rights owners. Use of this copyright protection technology must be authorized by Macrovision Corporation, and is intended for home and other limited viewing uses only unless otherwise authorized by Macrovision Corporation. Reverse engineering or disassembly is prohibited. SERIAL NUMBER: The serial number is found on the back of this unit. This number is unique to this unit and not available to others. You should record requested information here and retain this guide as a permanent record of your purchase. Model No. ___________________________________ Serial No. ___________________________________ Introduction Safety Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Before Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5 Playable Discs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Notes on Discs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 About Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Front Panel and Display Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Remote Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Rear Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Preparation Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-10 Connecting to a TV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Connecting to Optional Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Before Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-14 General Explanation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 On-Screen Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Initial Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-14 Initial Settings General Operation. . . . . . . . . 12 Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Picture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Sound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Others . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Parental Control. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Operation Operation with DVD and Video CD. . . . . . . . . . 15-17 Playing a DVD and Video CD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 General Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Moving to another TITLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Moving to another CHAPTER/TRACK . . . . . 15 Search. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Still Picture and Frame-by-Frame Playback . 16 Slow Motion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Random . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Repeat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Repeat A-B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Time Search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 3D Surround . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Zoom. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Marker Search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Special DVD Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Title Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Disc Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Camera Angle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Changing the Audio Language . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Changing the Audio Channel . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Subtitle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Operation with Audio CD and MP3/WMA Disc . . 18 Playing an Audio CD and MP3/WMA Disc . . . . . 18 Notes on MP3/WMA Recordings . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Pause . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Moving to another Track . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Repeat Track/ All/ Off . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Search. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Random . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Repeat A-B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 3D Surround . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Changing the Audio Channel . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Operation with JPEG Disc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Viewing a JPEG disc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Moving to another File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Still Picture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 To flip the picture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 To rotate picture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Notes on JPEG Recordings . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Programmed Playback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Programmed Playback with Audio CD and MP3/WMA Disc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Programmed Playback with Video CD . . . . . . . . 21 Repeat Programmed Tracks . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Erasing a Track from Program List . . . . . . . . 21 Erasing the Complete Program List . . . . . . . 21 Additional Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Last Condition Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Screen Saver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 System Select . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Controlling the TV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Reference Troubleshooting . . . Language Code List Country Code List . . Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 24 25 26 About the symbols for instructions Indicates hazards likely to cause harm to the unit itself or other material damage. Indicates special operating features of this unit. Indicates tips and hints for making the task easier. 3 INTRODUCTION Table of Contents Before Use Playable Discs Disc-related terms Title (DVD only) The main film content or accompanying feature content or additional feature content, or music album. Each title is assigned a title reference number enabling you to locate it easily. DVD (8 cm / 12 cm disc) Video CD (VCD) (8 cm / 12 cm disc) Audio CD (8 cm / 12 cm disc) In addition, this unit can play a DVD-R, DVD±RW, Kodak PICTURE CD, SVCD, and CD-R or CD-RW that contains audio titles, MP3, WMA or JPEG files. Notes – Depending on the conditions of the recording equipment or the CD-R/RW (or DVD-R/±RW) disc itself, some CD-R/RW (or DVD-R/±RW) discs cannot be played on the unit. – Do not attach any seal or label to either side (the labeled side or the recorded side) of a disc. – Do not use irregularly shaped CDs (e.g., heart-shaped or octagonal). It may result in malfunctions. Notes on DVDs and Video CDs Some playback operations of DVDs and Video CDs may be intentionally fixed by software manufacturers. As this unit plays DVDs and Video CDs according to disc content designed by the software manufacturer, some playback features of the unit may not be available or other functions may be added. Refer also to the instructions supplied with the DVDs and Video CDs. Some DVDs made for business purposes may not be played on the unit. Regional code of the DVD player and DVDs This DVD player is designed and manufactured for playback of region “5” encoded DVD software. The region code on the labels of some DVD discs indicates which type of player can play those discs. This unit can play only DVD discs labeled “5” or “ALL”. If you try to play any other discs, the message “Check Regional Code” will appear on the TV screen. Some DVD discs may not have a region code label even though their playback is prohibited by area limits. 5 4 Chapter (DVD only) Sections of a picture or a musical piece that are smaller than titles. A title is composed of one or several chapters. Each chapter is assigned a chapter number, enabling you to locate the chapter you want. Depending on the disc, chapters may not be recorded. Track (Video CD and audio CD only) Sections of a picture or a musical piece on a video CD or an audio CD. Each track is assigned a track number, enabling you to locate the track you want. Scene On a video CD with PBC (Playback control) functions, moving pictures and still pictures are divided into sections called “Scenes”. Each scene is displayed in the menu screen and assigned a scene number, enabling you to locate the scene you want. A scene is composed of one or several tracks. Types of video CDs There are two types of video CDs: Video CDs equipped with PBC (Version 2.0) PBC (Playback control) functions allow you to interact with the system via menus, search functions, or other typical computer-like operations. Moreover, still pictures of high resolution can be played if they are included in the disc. Video CDs not equipped with PBC (Version 1.1) Operated in the same way as audio CDs, these discs allow playback of video pictures as well as sound, but they are not equipped with PBC. Before Use (Continued) Handling the unit When shipping the unit The original shipping carton and packing materials come in handy. For maximum protection, re-pack the unit as it was originally packed at the factory. When setting up the unit The picture and sound of a nearby TV, VCR, or radio may be distorted during playback. In this case, position the unit away from the TV, VCR, or radio, or turn off the unit after removing the disc. Storing discs After playing, store the disc in its case. Do not expose the disc to direct sunlight or sources of heat, or leave it in a parked car exposed to direct sunlight, as there may be a considerable temperature increase inside the car. Cleaning discs Fingerprints and dust on the disc can cause poor picture quality and sound distortion. Before playing, clean the disc with a clean cloth. Wipe the disc from the center out. To keep the exterior surfaces clean Do not use volatile liquids, such as insecticide spray, near the unit. Do not leave rubber or plastic products in contact with the unit for a long period of time. They will leave marks on the surface. Cleaning the unit To clean the cabinet Use a soft, dry cloth. If the surfaces are extremely dirty, use a soft cloth lightly moistened with a mild detergent solution. Do not use strong solvents such as alcohol, benzine, or thinner, as these might damage the surface of the unit. To obtain a clear picture The DVD player is a high-tech, precision device. If the optical pick-up lens and disc drive parts are dirty or worn, the picture quality will be poor. Regular inspection and maintenance are recommended after every 1,000 hours of use. (This depends on the operating environment.) For details, please contact your nearest dealer. Notes on Discs Handling discs Do not touch the playback side of the disc. Hold the disc by the edges so that fingerprints will not get on the surface. Do not stick paper or tape on the disc. Do not use strong solvents such as alcohol, benzine, thinner, commercially available cleaners, or anti-static spray intended for older vinyl records. About Symbols About the symbol display “ ” may appear on the TV screen during operation. This icon means the function explained in this owner’s manual is not available on that specific DVD video disc. About the disc symbols for instructions A section whose title has one of the following symbol is applicable only to the disc represented by the symbol. DVD DVD VCD2.0 Video CDs with the PBC (playback control) function. VCD1.1 Video CDs without the PBC (playback control) function. CD Audio CDs. MP3 MP3 disc. WMA WMA disc. JPEG JPEG disc. 5 INTRODUCTION Precautions Front Panel and Display Window POWER Switches the player ON and OFF. PLAY ( 2 ) Starts playback. PAUSE ( ; ) Pause playback temporarily/ press repeatedly for frame-by-frame playback. Power indicator Lights green when the DVD player is turned on. STOP ( 9 ) Stops playback. Reverse Skip/Scan ( Q / S ) Go to beginning of current chapter/track or to PREVIOUS chapter/track. Press and hold for two seconds for a fast reverse search. Forward Skip/Scan ( T / R ) Go to NEXT chapter/track. Press and hold for two seconds for a fast forward search. OPEN/CLOSE ( / ) Opens or closes the disc tray. Display window Shows the current status of the player. Disc Tray Insert a disc here. ANGLE active Remote Sensor Point the DVD Player remote control here. TITLE Indicates current title number CHP/TRK Indicates current chapter or track number DVD DVD inserted Indicates total playing time/elapsed time CD Audio CD inserted VCD Video CD inserted PROG. Programmed playback active MP3 MP3 or WMA disc inserted RANDOM RANDOM playback active Indicates current player function: Playback, Pause, etc. MP3 VCD 6 Indicates repeat mode CD DVD TITLE CHP/TRK PROG. RANDOM ALL A B Remote Control OPEN/CLOSE Opens and closes the disc tray. POWER Switches DVD Player ON and OFF. DVD Selects operational mode of remote control to DVD. This button is not available. POWER DVD SOUND/MUTE DISPLAY RETURN SELECT VOL SLOW ( , / . ) • Reverse/ Forward slow playback. STOP ( 9 ) • Stops playback. TV AV VOL ENTER MENU TITLE PR./CH PAUSE/STEP SKIP/SCAN SLOW STOP PLAY SKIP/SCAN MENU Accesses menu on a DVD disc. PAUSE/STEP ( ; ) • Pauses playback temporarily/ press repeatedly for frame-by-frame playback. TV PR./CH DISPLAY Accesses On-Screen display. 1 2 3 4 (left/right/up/down) - Selects an item in the menu. - Selects channel of TV and changes volume of TV. OPEN/CLOSE TV Selects operational mode of remote control to TV. RETURN/TV AV - Removes the setup menu. - Displays the menu of a video CD with PBC. - Selects AUX A/V input channel of TV. SELECT/ENTER Acknowledges menu selection. TITLE Displays the discs Title menu, if available. PROGRAM CLEAR AUDIO SUBTITLE ANGLE SETUP REPEAT A-B RANDOM ZOOM MARKER SEARCH • Forward SKIP/SCAN ( T ) Search forward*/ go to next chapter or track. H) • PLAY (H Starts playback. • Reverse SKIP/SCAN ( S ) Search backward*/ go to beginning of current chapter or track or go to previous chapter or track. 0-9 number buttons Selects numbered items in a menu. * Press and hold button for about two seconds. AUDIO • Selects an audio language (DVD) or an audio channel (CD). PROGRAM Enters to the program edit mode or exits from that. SUBTITLE • Selects a subtitle language. CLEAR Removes a track number on the program list or a mark on the MARKER SEARCH menu. ANGLE • Selects a DVD camera angle if available • REPEAT Repeat chapter, track, title, all. SETUP • Accesses or removes setup menu. • A-B Repeat sequence. MARKER • Marks any point during playback. • RANDOM Plays tracks in random order. SEARCH • Displays MARKER SEARCH menu. • ZOOM Enlarges video image. Remote control battery installation AAA Point the remote control at the remote sensor and press the buttons. Distance: About 23 ft (7 m) from the front of the remote sensor. Angle: About 30° in each direction of the front of the remote sensor. AAA Remote Control Operation Range Detach the battery cover on the rear of the remote control, and insert two R03 (size AAA) batteries with and aligned correctly. Caution Do not mix old and new batteries. Never mix different types of batteries (standard, alkaline, etc.). 7 INTRODUCTION SOUND/MUTE - Selects 3D SURROUND during disc playback. - Turns off TV sound. Rear Panel COAXIAL (Digital audio out jack) Connect to digital (coaxial) audio equipment. AC Power Cord Plug into the power source. AUDIO OUT (Left/Right) Connect to an amplifier, receiver, or stereo system. VIDEO OUT Connect to a TV with video inputs. TO TV (SCART) Jack Connect to a TV with SCART jack. Do not touch the inner pins of the jacks on the rear panel. Electrostatic discharge may cause permanent damage to the unit. 8 Connections Tips Depending on your TV and other equipment you wish to connect, there are various ways you could connect the player. Use only one of the connections described below. Please refer to the manuals of your TV, VCR, Stereo System or other devices as necessary to make the best connections. For better sound reproduction, connect the player’s AUDIO OUT jacks to the audio in jacks of your amplifier, receiver, stereo or audio/video equipment. See “Connecting to Optional Equipment” on page 10. Rear of TV SCART INPUT VIDEO INPUT AUDIO INPUT R A PREPARATION L V T Caution – Make sure the DVD Player is connected directly to the TV. Tune the TV to the correct video input channel. – Do not connect the DVD Player’s AUDIO OUT jack to the phono in jack (record deck) of your audio system. – Do not connect your DVD Player via your VCR. The DVD image could be distorted by the copy protection system. Connecting to a TV Make one of the following connections, depending on the capabilities of your existing equipment. Rear of DVD player Video connection the VIDEO OUT jack on the DVD Player to 1 Connect the video in jack on the TV using the video cable (V). the Left and Right AUDIO OUT jacks of 2 Connect the DVD Player to the audio left/right in jacks on the TV (A) using the audio cables. S-Video connection 1 Connect the S-VIDEO OUT jack on the DVD Player to the S-Video in jack on the TV using the S-Video cable (S). the Left and Right AUDIO OUT jacks of 2 Connect the DVD Player to the audio left/right in jacks on the TV (A) using the audio cables. SCART connection Connect the TO TV scart jack on the DVD Player to the corresponding in jacks on the TV using the scart cable (T). 9 Connections (Continued) Connecting to Optional Equipment Rear of DVD player Connecting to an amplifier equipped with two channel analog stereo or Dolby Pro Logic ll/ Pro Logic Connect the Left and Right AUDIO OUT jacks on the DVD Player to the audio left and right in jacks on your amplifier, receiver, or stereo system, using the audio cables (A). Connecting to an amplifier equipped with two channel digital stereo (PCM) or to an Audio/ Video receiver equipped with a multi-channel decoder (Dolby Digital™, MPEG 2, or DTS) 1 Connect one of the DVD Player’s DIGITAL AUDIO OUT jacks (COAXIAL X) to the corresponding in jack on your amplifier. Use an optional digital (coaxial X) audio cable. will need to activate the player’s digital output. 2 You (See “Digital Audio Output” on page 13). Digital Multi-channel sound A digital multi-channel connection provides the best sound quality. For this you need a multi-channel Audio/Video receiver that supports one or more of the audio formats supported by your DVD Player (MPEG 2, Dolby Digital and DTS). Check the receiver manual and the logos on the front of the receiver. Caution: Due to the DTS Licensing agreement, the digital output will be in DTS digital out when DTS audio stream is selected. Notes – If the audio format of the digital output does not match the capabilities of your receiver, the receiver will produce a strong, distorted sound or no sound at all. – Six Channel Digital Surround Sound via digital connection can only be obtained if your receiver is equipped with a Digital Multi-channel decoder. – To see the audio format of the current DVD in the onscreen display, press AUDIO. 10 X A COAXIAL DIGITAL INPUT Amplifier (Receiver) R L AUDIO INPUT Before Operation 1/2 2 to change the setting of an item. 3 Press The number buttons can be also be used for setting numbers (e.g., title number). For some functions, press SELECT/ENTER to execute the setting. Temporary Feedback Field Icons General Explanation This manual gives basic instructions for operating the DVD Player. Some DVDs require specific operation or allow only limited operation during playback. When this occurs, the symbol appears on the TV screen, indicating that the operation is not permitted by the DVD Player or is not available on the disc. TITLE On-Screen Display CHAPT Repeat Chapter TRACK Repeat Track (non-PBC Video CDs only) ALL Repeat All Tracks (non-PBC Video CDs only) A B Repeat A-B OFF Repeat Off Resume play from this point General playback status can be displayed on the TV screen. Some items can be changed on the menu. Action prohibited or not available On-screen display operation Press DISPLAY during playback. 1 3/4 4 to select an item. 2 Press The selected item will be highlighted. Repeat Title Notes Some discs may not provide all of the features on the on-screen display example shown below. If no button is pressed for 10 seconds, the on-screen display disappears. DVD Items 4 to select desired item) Function (Press 3/4 Selection Method 1 /3 Shows the current title number and total number of titles, and skips to the desired title number. 1 / 2, or Numbers, SELECT/ENTER 1 /12 Shows the current chapter number and total number of chapters, and skips to the desired chapter number. 1 / 2, or Numbers, SELECT/ENTER Shows the elapsed playing time, and searches the point by the elapsed time directly. Numbers, SELECT/ENTER Title Number Chapter Number Time search 0:20:09 Audio language and Digital Audio Output mode Subtitle language 1 ENG D 5.1 CH ABC Angle 1 /1 Sound VCD2.0 OFF NORM. 1 / 2, or SUBTILE Shows the current angle number and total number of angles, and changes the angle number. 1 / 2, or ANGLE Shows the current sound mode, and changes the setting. 1 / 2, or SOUND 1 / 2, or AUDIO VCD1.1 Items Track Number 1 /4 Time 0:20:09 Audio Channel STER. Sound Shows the current audio soundtrack language, encoding method, and channel number, and changes the setting. Shows the current subtitles language, and changes the setting. NORM. 4 to select desired item) Function (Press 3/4 Selection Method Shows the current track number, total number of tracks and PBC On mode, and skip to the desired track number. 1 / 2, or Numbers, SELECT/ENTER Shows the elapsed playing time (Display only) – Shows the audio channel, and changes the audio channel. 1 / 2, or AUDIO Shows the current sound mode, and changes the setting. 1 / 2, or SOUND 11 PREPARATION Caution: Before using the remote control, press the DVD or TV button to select the device to be operated. Before Operation (Continued) Initial Settings Menu Language You can set your own Personal Preferences on the player. Select a language for the setup menu. This is the menu you see when you press SETUP. Disc Audio Initial Settings General Operation 1 Disc Subtitle Russian English Disc Menu Rating Press SETUP. The setup menu appears. Country Code TV Aspect Menu Language Disc Audio Original Progressive Scan Disc Subtitle Russian Disc Menu English Digital Audio Output 5.1 Speaker Setup Rating French Others Country Code German TV Aspect Spanish Menu Language Progressive Scan Italian Digital Audio Output 5.1 Speaker Setup Hungarian Polish Other — — — — Others 3/4 4 to select the desired item. 2 Press The screen will show the current setting for the selected item, as well as alternate setting(s). the desired item is selected, press 2, then 3 While 3/4 4 to select the desired setting. SELECT/ENTER to confirm your selection. 4 Press Some items require additional steps. SETUP, RETURN, or PLAY to exit the 5 Press setup menu. Picture TV Aspect DVD 4:3 Letterbox: Select when a standard 4:3 TV is connected. Displays theatrical images with masking bars above and below the picture. 4:3 Panscan: Select when a conventional TV set is connected. The video material formatted in the Pan & Scan style is played back in that style (Both sides of the picture are cut off). 16:9 Wide: Select when a 16:9 wide TV is connected. Disc Audio 4:3 Letterbox Disc Subtitle 4:3 Panscan Disc Menu 16:9 Wide Rating Country Code Language Disc Language TV Aspect Menu Language Progressive Scan DVD Digital Audio Output Select a language for the disc’s Menu, Audio, and Subtitle. Original : The original language set for the disc is selected. Other : To select another language, press number buttons to enter the corresponding 4-digit number according to the language code list on page 24. If you enter the wrong language code, press CLEAR. Disc Audio Original Disc Subtitle Russian Disc Menu English Rating French Country Code German TV Aspect Spanish Menu Language Progressive Scan Italian Digital Audio Output 5.1 Speaker Setup Others 12 Polish Hungarian Other — — — — 5.1 Speaker Setup Others Sound Others Digital Audio Output The DRC, Vocal, PBC and Auto Play settings can be changed. 4 to select the desired item and press Press 3/4 SELECT/ENTER. The setting of the selected item is changed between On and Off. Each DVD disc has a variety of audio output options. Set the player’s Digital Audio Output according to the type of audio system you use. DOLBY DIGITAL/PCM: Select “DOLBY DIGITAL/PCM” if you connected the DVD Player’s DIGITAL OUT jack to a Dolby Digital decoder (or an amplifier or other equipment with a Dolby Digital decoder). Disc Audio DRC On Disc Subtitle Vocal On Disc Menu PBC On Rating Auto Play Off Country Code TV Aspect Menu Language Stream/PCM: Select “Stream/PCM” if you connected the DVD Player’s DIGITAL OUT jack to an amplifier or other equipment with a DTS decoder, Dolby Digital decoder or MPEG decoder. PCM: Select when connected to a 2-channel digital stereo amplifier. The DVD player outputs sounds in the PCM 2ch format when you play a DVD video disc recorded on the Dolby Digital, MPEG1, or MPEG2 recording system. Disc Audio DOLBY DIGITAL Disc Subtitle Stream/PCM Disc Menu PCM /PCM Rating Country Code TV Aspect Menu Language Progressive Scan Sample Freq. Progressive Scan Digital Audio Output 5.1 Speaker Setup Others Dynamic Range Control (DRC) With the DVD format, you can hear a program’s soundtrack in the most accurate and realistic presentation possible, thanks to digital audio technology. However, you may wish to compress the dynamic range of the audio output (the difference between the loudest sounds and the quietest ones). Then, you may listen to a movie at a lower volume without losing clarity of sound. Set DRC to On for this effect. 48 KHz 96KHz Digital Audio Output 5.1 Speaker Setup Others Sample Frequency To change the Sample Frequency setting, first select the desired Digital Audio Output as indicated as above. If your receiver or amplifier is NOT capable of handling 96KHz signals, select 48KHz. When this choice is made, this unit will automatically convert any 96KHz signals to 48KHz so your system can decode them. If your receiver or amplifier is capable of handling 96KHz signals, select 96KHz. When this choice is made, this unit will pass each type of signal through without any further processing. Vocal Set Vocal to On only when a multi-channel karaoke DVD is playing. The karaoke channels on the disc will mix into normal stereo sound. PBC Set Playback Control (PBC) to On or Off. On: Video CDs with PBC are played according to the PBC. Off: Video CDs with PBC are played the same way as Audio CDs. Auto Play DVD You can set up the DVD Player so a DVD disc automatically starts playing whenever the DVD is inserted. If Auto Play mode is set to On, this DVD player will search a title that playback time is long most and then play back the title automatically. On: Auto Play function is activated. Off: Auto Play function is not activated. Note The Auto Play function may not work for some DVDs. 13 PREPARATION Before Operation (Continued) Before Operation (Continued) Parental Control Country Code Rating Enter the code of a country/area whose standards were used to rate the DVD video disc, referring to the list (See “Country Code List”, page 25.). DVD Movies on DVDs may contain scenes not suitable for children. Therefore, discs may contain Parental Control information that applies to the complete disc or to certain scenes on the disc. These scenes are rated from 1 to 8, and alternatively, more suitable scenes are available for selection on some discs. Ratings are country-dependent. The Parental Control feature allows you to prevent discs from being played by your children or to have certain discs played with alternative scenes. DVD Disc Audio Disc Subtitle Code Set U E S S Disc Menu Rating Country Code TV Aspect Menu Language Progressive Scan Digital Audio Output 5.1 Speaker Setup Disc Audio 8 Disc Subtitle 7 Disc Menu 6 Rating Country Code 5 TV Aspect Menu Language 3 Progressive Scan 1 Digital Audio Output Unlock 5.1 Speaker Setup Change 4 2 Others “Rating” on the Setup menu using the 1 Select 3/4 4 buttons. 2 While “Rating” is selected, press 2. you have not entered a password yet. 3 When Enter a 4-digit password using the numbered buttons to create a personal 4-digit security password. 4 buttons on Country Code using the 3/4 1 Select the setup menu. 2 While Country Code is selected, press 2. 3 Follow step 3 of “Rating” on left. 4 Select the first character using the 3/44 buttons. the cursor using 2 button and select the 5 Shift 4 buttons. second character using 3/4 Press SELECT/ENTER to confirm your country 6 code selection, then press SETUP to exit the menu. then press SELECT/ENTER. Enter the 4-digit password again and press SELECT/ENTER to verify. When you have already entered a password; Enter a 4-digit password using the numbered buttons to confirm the personal 4-digit security password, then press SELECT/ENTER. Note Confirmation of the 4-digit password is necessary when the code is changed (see “Changing the 4-digit code” below.). If you make a mistake before pressing SELECT/ENTER, press CLEAR and enter 4-digit security password again. 1 Follow Steps 1-2 as shown above to the left (Rating). 2 Enter the old code, then press SELECT/ENTER. 4 buttons then press 3 Select Change using 3/4 SELECT/ENTER. 4 Enter the new 4-digit code, then press SELECT/ENTER. 5 Enter exactly the same code a second time and verify by pressing SELECT/ENTER. 6 Press SETUP to exit the menu. 4 butSelect a rating from 1 to 8 using the 3/4 4 tons. One (1) has the least playback restrictions. Eight (8) has the most playback restrictions. Unlock: If you select Unlock, Parental Control is not active. The disc will play in full. Ratings 1 to 8: Some discs contain scenes not suitable for children. If you set a rating for the player, all disc scenes with the same rating or lower will be played. Higher rated scenes will not be played unless an alternative scene is available on the disc. The alternative must have the same rating or a lower one. If no suitable alternative is found, playback will stop. You must enter the 4-digit password or change the rating level in order to play the disc. 5 Others Press SELECT/ENTER to confirm your rating selection, then press SETUP to exit the menu. 14 Changing the 4-digit code If you forget your 4-digit code If you forget your password, to clear the current password, follow the procedure below. 1 Press SETUP to display the setup menu. 2 Use the Number buttons to enter the 6-digit number “210499”. The 4-digit password is cleared. “P CLr” appears on the display for a moment. 3 Enter a new code as shown above to the left (Rating). Operation with DVD and Video CD Playback Setup DVD VCD2.0 VCD1.1 Turn on the TV and select the video input source connected to the DVD player. Audio system: Turn on the audio system and select the input source connected to the DVD player. General Features Note Unless stated otherwise, all operations described use the remote control. Some features may also be available on the Setup menu. Moving to another TITLE DVD Press OPEN/CLOSE to open the disc tray. 1 your chosen disc in the tray, with the 2 Load playback side down. OPEN/CLOSE to close the tray. 3 Press READING appears on the TV screen, and playback starts automatically. If playback does not start, press PLAY. In some cases, the disc menu might appear instead. If a menu screen is displayed The menu screen may be displayed first after loading a DVD or Video CD which offer a menu. DVD Use the 1 234 buttons to select the title/chapter you want to view, then press SELECT/ENTER to start playback. Press TITLE or MENU to return to the menu screen. VCD2.0 Use the number buttons to select the track you want to view. Press RETURN to return to the menu screen. Menu setting and the exact operating procedures for using the menu may differ depending on the disc. Follow the instructions on the each menu screen. You also may set PBC to Off under setup. See page 13. Notes – If Parental Control is set and the disc is not within the Rating settings (not authorized), the 4-digit code must be entered and/or the disc must be authorized (see “Parental Control”, on page 14). – DVDs may have a region code. Your player will not play discs that have a region code different from your player. The region code for this player is 5 (five). 1 /3 When a disc has more than one title, you can move to another title as follows: Press DISPLAY, then press the appropriate numbered button (0-9) to select a title number. Moving to another CHAPTER/TRACK DVD VCD1.1 1 /12 1 /3 When a title on a disc has more than one chapter or a disc has more than one track, you can move to another chapter/track as follows: Press SKIP/SCAN . or > briefly during playback to select the next chapter/track or to return to the beginning of the current chapter/track. Press . twice briefly to step back to the previous chapter/track. To go directly to any chapter during DVD playback, 4 to select the press DISPLAY. Then, press 3/4 chapter/track icon. Then, enter the chapter/track number using the numbered buttons (0-9). Note For two-digit numbers, press the numbered buttons (0-9)in rapid succession. Search DVD VCD2.0 VCD1.1 1 Press and hold SKIP/SCAN . or > for about two seconds during playback. The player will now go into SEARCH mode. 2 Press and hold SKIP/SCAN . or > repeatedly to select the required speed: mX2, mX4, mX16, mX100 (backward) or MX2, MX4, MX16, MX100 (forward). With a Video CD, the Search speed changes: mX2, mX4, mX8, (backward) or MX2, MX4, MX8, (forward). 3 To exit SEARCH mode, press PLAY. 15 OPERATION Playing a DVD and Video CD Operation with DVD and Video CD General Features (continued) Video CDs - Repeat Track/All/Off 1 To repeat the track currently playing, press REPEAT. Still Picture and Frame-by-frame playback DVD VCD2.0 VCD1.1 1 Press PAUSE/STEP during playback. The player will now go into PAUSE mode. 2 You can advance the picture frame-by-frame by pressing PAUSE/STEP repeatedly on the remote control. Slow Motion DVD VCD2.0 VCD1.1 1 Press SLOW t or T during playback. The player will enter SLOW mode. 2 Use the SLOW t or T to select the required speed: t 1/16, t 1/8, t 1/4 or t 1/2 (backward), or T 1/16, T 1/8, T 1/4 or T 1/2 (forward). 3 To exit slow motion mode, press PLAY. Note Slow motion playback in reverse is not applicable for Video CD. Random VCD2.0 Karaoke DVD VCD1.1 The Repeat Track icon appears on the TV screen. 2 To repeat the disc currently playing, press REPEAT a second time. The Repeat All icon appears on the TV screen. 3 To exit Repeat mode, press REPEAT a third time. The Repeat Off icon appears on the TV screen. Note On a Video CD with PBC, you must set PBC to Off on the setup menu to use the Repeat function. See page 13. Repeat A-B A * A B DVD VCD2.0 VCD1.1 OFF To repeat a sequence in a title: 1 Press A-B at your chosen starting point. “ A * ” appears briefly on the TV screen. 2 Press A-B again at your chosen end point. “A B” appears briefly on the TV screen, and the repeat sequence begins (“AsB” appears the display window). 3 To cancel the sequence, press A-B. 1 Press RANDOM during playback or in stop mode. The unit automatically begins Random Playback and “RANDOM” appears on the display window. Time Search 2 To return to normal playback, press RANDOM until “RANDOM” disappears on the display window. The Time Search function allows you to start playing at any chosen time on the disc. Tips By pressing SKIP/SCAN > during Random playback, the unit selects another title (track) and resumes Random playback. Note This function only works with DVD Karaoke discs and video CD without PBC. On a Video CD with PBC, you must set PBC to Off on the setup menu to use the Random function. See page 13. Repeat CHAPT DVD TITLE VCD2.0 TRACK VCD1.1 ALL OFF DVD Video Discs - Repeat Chapter/Title/Off 1 To repeat the currently playing chapter, press REPEAT. The Repeat Chapter icon appears on the TV screen. 2 To repeat the title currently playing, press REPEAT a second time. The Repeat Title icon appears on the TV screen. 3 To exit Repeat mode, press REPEAT a third time. The Repeat Off icon appears on the TV screen. DVD 0:20:09 -:--:-- 1 Press DISPLAY during playback. The on-screen display appears on the screen. The Time Search box shows the elapsed playing time of the current disc. 4 to select the Time 2 Within 10 seconds, press 3/4 Search icon in the on-screen display. The “-:--:--” appears in the Time Search box. 3 Within 10 seconds, use the number buttons to enter the required start time. Enter hours, minutes, and seconds from left to right in the box. If you enter the wrong numbers, press CLEAR to remove the numbers you entered. Then enter the correct numbers. 4 Within 10 seconds, press SELECT/ENTER to confirm the start time. Playback starts from the selected time on the disc. If you enter an invalid time, playback will continue from the current point. 3D Surround NORM. DVD VCD2.0 VCD1.1 3D SUR This unit can produce a 3D Surround effect, which simulates multi-channel audio playback from two conventional stereo speakers, instead of the five or more speakers normally required to listen to multichannel audio from a home theater system. 1 Press SOUND to select “3D SUR” during playback. 2 To turn off the 3D Surround effect, press SOUND again to select “NORM”. 16 Operation with DVD and Video CD General Features (continued) DVD VCD2.0 VCD1.1 The Zoom function allows you to enlarge the video image and to move through the enlarged image. 1 Press ZOOM during playback or still playback to activate the Zoom function. If you press ZOOM repeatedly, the magnification level increases up to six steps. 2 Use the 1 234 buttons to move through the zoomed picture. 3 Press CLEAR to resume normal playback or return to the paused image. Note The zoom function may not work for some DVDs. Marker Search 1/9 DVD DVD VCD2.0 Checking the contents of DVD Video discs: Menus DVDs may offer menus that allow you to access special features. To use the disc menu, press MENU. Then, press the appropriate number button to select an option. Or, use the 1 234 buttons to highlight your selection, then press SELECT/ENTER. Title Menu DVD 1 Press TITLE. If the current title has a menu, the menu will appear on the screen. Otherwise, the disc menu may appear. 2 The menu can list camera angles, spoken language and subtitle options, and chapters for the title. 3 To remove the title menu, press TITLE again. VCD1.1 MARKER SEARCH Disc Menu DVD 1 Press MENU. You can start playback from a memorized point. Up to nine points can be memorized. To enter a mark, follow these steps. 1 During disc playback, press MARKER when playback reaches the spot that you want to memorize. The Marker icon will appear on the TV screen briefly. 2 Repeat step 1 to enter up to nine Marker points on a disc. The disc menu is displayed. 2 To remove the disc menu, press MENU again. Camera Angle The MARKER SEARCH menu will appear on the screen. 2 Within 10 seconds, press 1/2 to select a Marker number that you want to recall. 3 Press SELECT/ENTER. Playback will start from the Marked scene. 1 /1 If the disc contains scenes recorded at different camera angles, you can change to a different camera angle during playback. Press ANGLE repeatedly during playback to select a desired angle. The number of the current angle appears on the display. To Recall a Marked Scene 1 During disc playback, press SEARCH. DVD Changing the Audio Language DVD 1 ENG D 5.1 CH Press AUDIO repeatedly during playback to hear a different audio language or audio track. Changing the Audio Channel VCD2.0 VCD1.1 4 To remove the MARKER SEARCH menu, press SEARCH. Press AUDIO repeatedly during playback to hear a different audio channel (STER., LEFT or RIGHT). To clear a Marked Scene Subtitles 1 During disc playback, press SEARCH. The MARKER SEARCH menu will appear on the screen. 2 Press 1/2 to select the Marker number that you want to erase. 3 Press CLEAR. The Marker number will be erased from the list. DVD ABC 1 ENG Press SUBTITLE repeatedly during playback to see the different subtitle languages. If Note appears, the feature is not available on the disc. 4 Repeat steps 2 and 3 to erase additional Marker numbers. 5 To remove the MARKER SEARCH menu, press SEARCH. 17 OPERATION Zoom Special DVD Features Operation with Audio CD and MP3/WMA Disc Playing an Audio CD and MP3/WMA Disc CD MP3 About MP3 WMA The DVD Player can play MP3/WMA formatted recordings on CD-ROM, CD-R or CD-RW discs. Before playing MP3/WMA recordings, read the notes on MP3/WMA Recordings on right. 1 Insert a disc and close the tray. Audio CD; Audio CD menu appears on the TV screen go to step 3. MP3/WMA disc; The MP3/WMA-JPEG choice menu appears on the TV screen. Go to step 2 MP3 WMA JPEG Press RETURN to move to the MP3/WMA-JPEG choice menu. Program Folder1 Folder2 Folder3 Folder4 Folder5 Folder6 Folder7 Folder8 00:00 Clear All OFF 3/4 4 to select a folder, and SELECT/ENTER. 3 Press A list of files in the folder appears. 3/4 4 to select a track then press PLAY or 4 Press SELECT/ENTER. Playback starts. During playback, the current track’s elapsed playing time will appear on the display window and menu. Playback will stop at the end of the disc. Press TITLE to move to the next page. Press MENU to move to the previous page. Program CD Program MP3 WMA TRACK01 TRACK02 TRACK03 TRACK04 TRACK05 TRACK06 TRACK07 Clear All TRACK08 0: 56: 18 STER. NORM. Audio CD menu TRACK TRACK TRACK TRACK TRACK TRACK TRACK TRACK 1.mp3 2.mp3 3.mp3 4.mp3 5.mp3 6.mp3 7.mp3 8.mp3 00:00 Clear All 1 An MP3 file is audio data compressed by using the MPEG1 audio layer-3 file-coding scheme. We call files that have the “.mp3” file extension “MP3 files”. The player can not read an MP3 file that has a file extension other than “.mp3”. About WMA(Window Media Audio) An WMA file is a Microsoft audio compression technology. WMA(Windows Media Audio) offers double the audio compression of the MP3 format. 1. Sampling Frequency / only at 44.1 kHz (MP3), 22.05-44.1 kHz (WMA) 2. Bit rate / within 32-320 kbps (MP3), 32-128 kbps (WMA) 3. CD-R physical format should be “ISO 9660” 4. If you record MP3/WMA files using the software which cannot create a FILE SYSTEM, for example “Direct-CD” etc., it is impossible to playback MP3/WMA files. We recommend that you use “EasyCD Creator”, which creates an ISO9660 file system. 5. A single session disc requires MP3/WMA files in the first track. If there is no MP3/WMA file in the 1st track, it cannot playback MP3/WMA files. If you wish to playback MP3/WMA files, format all the data in the disc or use a new one. 6. File names should be named using 8 letters or less and must incorporate “.mp3” or “.wma” extension e.g. “********.MP3” or “********.WMA”. 7. Do not use special letters such as “/ : * ? “ < > ” etc. 8. Total number of files on the disc should be less than 650. This DVD player requires discs/recordings to meet certain technical standards in order to achieve optimal playback quality. Pre-recorded DVDs are automatically set to these standards. There are many different types of recordable disc formats (including CD-R containing MP3 or WMA files). That require certain pre-existing conditions (see above) to insure compatible playback. OFF MP3/WMA menu Tip If you are in a file list and want to return to the Folder list, use the 34 to highlight and press SELECT/ENTER to return to the previous menu screen. 5 To stop playback at any other time, press STOP. 18 MP3/WMA Disc compatibility with this player is limited as follows: 3/4 4 to select the MP3/WMA then press 2 Press SELECT/ENTER. The MP3/WMA menu appears on the TV screen. MP3 WMA Notes on MP3/WMA Recordings Customers should also note that permission is required in order to download MP3/WMA files and music from the Internet. Our company has no right to grant such permission. Permission should always be sought from the copyright owner. Operation with Audio and MP3/WMA Disc (Continued) CD MP3 Repeat A-B WMA 1 Press PAUSE/STEP during playback. 2 To return to playback, press PLAY or press PAUSE/STEP again. CD To repeat a sequence. 1 During disc playback, press A-B at your chosen starting point. The Repeat icon and “A * ” appears on the menu screen. Moving to another Track CD MP3 WMA Press SKIP/SCAN . or > briefly during playback to go to the next track or to return to the beginning of the current track. Press SKIP/SCAN . twice briefly to step back to the previous track. In case of audio CD, to go directly to any track, enter the track number using the numbered buttons (0-9) during playback. Repeat Track/All/Off CD MP3 WMA 1 To repeat the track currently playing, press REPEAT. The Repeat icon and “TRACK” appears on the menu screen. 2 To repeat all tracks on a disc, press REPEAT a second time. 2 Press A-B again at your chosen end point. The Repeat icon and “A B” appears on the menu screen, and the sequence begins to play repeatedly. 3 To exit the sequence and return to normal play, press A-B again. The Repeat icon and “OFF” appears on the menu screen. 3D Surround CD This unit can produce a 3D Surround effect, which simulates multi-channel audio playback from two conventional stereo speakers, instead of the five or more speakers normally required to listen to multi-channel audio from a home theater system. 1 Press SOUND to select “3D SUR” during playback. 2 To turn off the 3D Surround effect, press SOUND again to select “NORM.”. The Repeat icon and “ALL” appears on the menu screen. Changing the Audio Channel 3 To cancel Repeat mode, press REPEAT a third time. The Repeat icon and “OFF” appears on the menu screen. Search CD MP3 CD Press AUDIO repeatedly during playback to hear a different audio channel (STER., LEFT, or RIGHT). WMA 1 Press and hold SKIP/SCAN . or > for about two seconds during playback. The player will now go into SEARCH mode. 2 Press and hold SKIP/SCAN . or > repeatedly to select the required speed: mX2, mX4, mX8 (backward) or MX2, MX4, MX8 (forward). Search speed and direction are indicated on the menu screen. 3 To exit SEARCH mode, press PLAY. Random CD MP3 WMA 1 Press RANDOM during playback or when playback is stopped. The unit automatically begins Random Playback and RANDOM or “RAND.” appears on the display window and menu screen. 2 To return to normal playback, press RANDOM repeatedly until RANDOM or “RAND.” disappears on the display window and menu screen. 19 OPERATION Pause Operation with JPEG Disc Viewing a JPEG disc viewing at any other time, press STOP. 5 ToThestop JPEG menu appears. JPEG This DVD Player can play discs with JPEG files and Kodak picture CD. Before playing JPEG recordings, read the notes on JPEG Recordings on right. Insert a disc and close the tray. The MP3/WMA-JPEG choice menu appears on the TV screen. 1 MP3 WMA JPEG 2 4 to select the JPEG then press Press 3/4 SELECT/ENTER. The JPEG menu appears on the TV screen. Moving to another File Press SKIP/SCAN . or > once during viewing a picture to advance to the next file or to the previous file. Still Picture 1 Press PAUSE/STEP during slide show. The player will now go into PAUSE mode. 2 To return to the slide show, press PLAY or press PAUSE/STEP again. To flip the picture 4 during showing a picture to flip the Press 3/4 picture horizontally or a vertically. JPEG To rotate picture Folder1 Folder2 Folder3 Press 1/2 during showing a picture to rotate the picture clockwise or counter clockwise. Folder4 Folder5 Folder6 Folder7 Folder8 Slide Speed 3 Off Notes on JPEG Recordings 4 to select a folder, and SELECT/ENTER. Press 3/4 A list of files in the folder appears. Press RETURN to move to the MP3/WMA-JPEG choice menu. Tip If you are in a file list and want to return to the Folder list, use the 34 buttons on the remote to highlight “ ” and press SELECT/ENTER to return to the previous menu screen. Depending upon the size and number of the JPEG files, it could take a long time for the DVD player to read the disc’s contents. If you don’t see an on-screen display after several minutes, some of the files are too big — reduce the resolution of the JPEG files to less than 2 mega pixels and burn another disc. Total number of files and folders on the disc should be less than 650. Some disc may be incompatible due to different recording format or condition of disc. 4 to If you want to view a particular file, press 3/4 4 highlight a file and press SELECT/ENTER or When you are using software such as “Easy CD Creator” to burn the jpeg files into the CD-R, ensure that all the selected files have the “.jpg” extensions when copying into the CD layout. If the files have “.jpe” or “.jpeg” extensions, please rename them as “.jpg” files. File names without “.jpg” extension will not be able to be read by this DVD player. Even though the files are shown as JPEG image files in windows explorer. PLAY. Viewing the file proceeding starts. During viewing a file, press RETURN to move to the previous menu (JPEG menu). Press TITLE to move to the next page. Press MENU to move to the previous page. JPEG Folder1 Picture1.jpg Picture2.jpg Picture3.jpg Picture4.jpg Picture5.jpg Picture6.jpg Picture7.jpg 5/32 1024X768 Slide Speed Off 5/32 1024X768 Picture5.jpg Tip There are three viewing Slide Speed options: Fast, Normal, Slow, and Off. Press 1/2 to highlight the Slide Speed then press 3/4 to select the option you want to use, and press SELECT/ENTER. 20 VCD2.0 CD Programmed Playback with Audio CD and MP3/WMA Disc The Program function enables you to store your favorite tracks from any disc in the player memory. VCD1.1 MP3 WMA Programmed Playback with Video CD Note On a Video CD with PBC, you must set PBC to Off on the setup menu to use the Program function. See page 13. Program can contain 30 tracks. Press PROGRAM during playback or in the stop mode to enter the Program Edit mode. 1 The E mark will appear to the right of the word Program on the right side of the menu screen. 1 Insert Video CD and close the tray. 2 Press PROGRAM while playback is stopped. The VCD Program menu will appear. VCD Program E TRACK 1 TRACK 2 Note Press PROGRAM to exit the Program Edit mode; the E mark will disappear. TRACK 3 TRACK 4 TRACK 5 TRACK 6 TRACK 7 TRACK 8 a track, then press SELECT/ENTER to 2 Select place the selected track on the Program list. step 2 to place additional tracks on the 3 Repeat Program list. Program CD TRACK 1 TRACK 12 TRACK 2 TRACK 8 TRACK 3 TRACK 10 TRACK 4 TRACK 3 E TRACK 5 TRACK 6 TRACK 7 Clear All TRACK 8 0: 56: 18 STER. NORM. Audio CD menu Program MP3 WMA E TRACK 8.mp3 TRACK TRACK TRACK TRACK TRACK TRACK TRACK TRACK 1.mp3 2.mp3 3.mp3 4.mp3 5.mp3 6.mp3 7.mp3 8.mp3 00:00 TRACK 2.mp3 TRACK 4.mp3 TRACK 3.mp3 steps 2-6 of “Programmed Playback with 3 Follow Audio CD and MP3/WMA disc” on left. resume normal playback from programmed 4 Toplayback, press PROGRAM. “PROG.” indicator disappears in the display window. OFF MP3/WMA menu The programmed track you selected last is highlighted on the program list. Repeat Programmed Tracks 6 Press PLAY to start. Playback begins in the order in which you programmed the tracks and “PROG.” appears on the menu screen. Playback stops after all of the tracks on the Program list have played once. To resume normal playback from programmed playback, select a track of CD (or MP3/WMA) list and then press SELECT/ENTER. “PROG.” indicator disappears on the menu screen. To repeat the track currently playing, press REPEAT. The Repeat icon and “TRACK” appears on the menu screen. 4 to select the track you want to start Press 3/4 playing. Press TITLE to move to the next page. Press MENU to move to the previous page. 7 Note Press RETURN or PROGRAM to exit the Program menu. Clear All 3 4 Press 2. 5 Clear All To repeat all tracks on the program list, press REPEAT a second time. The Repeat icon and “ALL” appears on the menu screen. To cancel Repeat mode, press REPEAT a third time. The Repeat icon and “OFF” appears on the menu screen. Erasing a Track from Program List 1 Press PROGRAM during playback (Audio CD and MP3/WMA disc only) or in the stop mode to enter the Program Edit mode. The E mark will appear. 2 Press 2 to move to the Program list. 4 to select the track that you wish to erase 3 Use 3/4 from the Program list. 4 Press CLEAR. The track will be erased from the Program list. Erasing the Complete Program List 1 Follow steps 1-2 of “Erasing a Track from Program List” as above. 4 to select “Clear All”, then press 2 Use 3/4 SELECT/ENTER. The complete Program for the disc will be erased. The programs are also cleared when the disc is removed. 21 OPERATION Programmed Playback Additional Information Last Condition Memory DVD CD VCD1.1 This player memorizes the user settings for the last disc that you have viewed. Settings remain in memory even if you remove the disc from the player or switch off the player. If you load a disc that has its settings memorized, the latest stop position is automatically recalled. Notes – Settings are stored in memory for use any time. – This player does not memorize settings of a disc if you switch off the player before commencing to play it. Screen Saver The screen saver picture appears when you leave the DVD Player in stop mode for about five minutes. After the Screen Saver has been engaged for about five minutes, the DVD Player will automatically turn itself off. System Select You must select the appropriate system mode for your TV system. If NO DISC appears in the display window, press and hold PAUSE on the front panel for more than 5 seconds to be able to select a system (PAL, NTSC, or AUTO). • When the selected system does not coincide with the system of your TV, normal color picture may not be displayed. AUTO: Select when DVD player is connected with Multi system TV. NTSC: Select when DVD player is connected with NTSC-TV. PAL: 22 Select when DVD player is connected with PAL-TV. Controlling the TV Your remote control is capable of operating your DVD player as well as limited functions of LG TV. Follow the instructions below to operate for your LG TV. 1 Before using the remote control, press the DVD or TV button to select the device to be operated. To switch the remote control mode (to operate a different device), be sure to press the DVD or TV button first. ED 1 /2), MUTE and The POWER, PR./CH.( / ), VOL (1 2 TV AV buttons on remote control are used to operate the LG TV. Setting Remote Control Codes for LG TV This remote control supports two remote control codes for LG TV: Code 1 and Code 2. When the unit is shipped from the factory, the remote control is set to Code 1. To set the remote control to Code 2, hold down both the TV button and the number “2” button on the remote control. (If the batteries in the remote control are replaced while the remote control is set to Code 2, the setting will revert to Code 1.) To set the remote control back to Code 1, hold down both the TV button and the number “1” button on the remote control. Note If the remote control does not operate your particular TV, try the other code or use the remote control originally supplied with the LG TV. Due to the variety of codes used by manufacturers, OUR COMPANY cannot guarantee that the remote control will operate every model of LG TV. Troubleshooting Check the following guide for the possible cause of a problem before contacting service. Cause Correction No power. The power cord is disconnected. Plug the power cord into the wall outlet securely. The power is on, but the DVD player does not work. No disc is inserted. Insert a disc. (Check that the DVD or, audio CD indicator in the display window is lit.) No picture. The TV is not set to receive DVD signal output. Select the appropriate video input mode on the TV so the picture from the DVD player appears on the TV screen. The video cable is not connected securely. Connect the video cable securely. The connected TV power is turned off. Turn on the TV. The equipment connected with the audio cable is not set to receive DVD signal output. Select the correct input mode of the audio receiver so you can listen to the sound from the DVD player. The audio cables are not connected securely. Connect the audio cable securely. The power of the equipment connected with the audio cable is turned off. Turn on the equipment connected with the audio cable. The Digital Audio Output is set to the wrong position. Set the Digital Audio Output to the correct position, then turn on the DVD player again by pressing POWER. The playback picture is poor. The disc is dirty. Clean the disc. The DVD player does not start playback. No disc is inserted. Insert a disc. (Check that the DVD, or audio CD indicator in the DVD display is lit.) An unplayable disc is inserted. Insert a playable disc. (Check the disc type, color system, and Regional code.) The disc is placed upside down. Place the disc with the playback side down. The disc is not placed within the guide. Place the disc on the disc tray correctly inside the guide. The disc is dirty. Clean the disc. The Rating level is set. Cancel the Rating function or change the rating level. The remote control is not pointed at the remote sensor of the DVD player. Point the remote control at the remote sensor of the DVD player. The remote control is too far from the DVD player. Operate the remote control within 23 ft (7 m). There is an obstacle in the path of the remote control and the DVD player. Remove the obstacle. The batteries in the remote control are exhausted. Replace the batteries with new ones. No sound. The remote control does not work properly. 23 REFERENCE Symptom Language Code List Enter the appropriate code number for the initial settings “Disc Audio”, “Disc Subtitle” and/or “Disc Menu” (See page 12). Code Language Code Language Code Language Code Language 6566 Abkhazian 7074 Fiji 7678 Lingala 8373 Singhalese 6565 Afar 7073 Finnish 7684 Lithuanian 8375 Slovak 6570 Afrikaans 7082 French 7775 Macedonian 8376 Slovenian 8381 Albanian 7089 Frisian 7771 Malagasy 8379 Somali 6577 Ameharic 7176 Galician 7783 Malay 6983 Spanish 6582 Arabic 7565 Georgian 7776 Malayalam 8385 Sudanese 7289 Armenian 6869 German 7784 Maltese 8387 Swahili 6583 Assamese 6976 Greek 7773 Maori 8386 Swedish 6588 Aymara 7576 Greenlandic 7782 Marathi 8476 Tagalog 6590 Azerbaijani 7178 Guarani 7779 Moldavian 8471 Tajik 6665 Bashkir 7185 Gujarati 7778 Mongolian 8465 Tamil 6985 Basque 7265 Hausa 7865 Nauru 8484 Tatar 6678 Bengali; Bangla 7387 Hebrew 7869 Nepali 8469 Telugu 6890 Bhutani 7273 Hindi 7879 Norwegian 8472 Thai 6672 Bihari 7285 Hungarian 7982 Oriya 6679 Tibetan 6682 Breton 7383 Icelandic 8065 Panjabi 8473 Tigrinya 6671 Bulgarian 7378 Indonesian 8083 Pashto, Pushto 8479 Tonga 7789 Burmese 7365 Interlingua 7065 Persian 8482 Turkish 6669 Byelorussian 7165 Irish 8076 Polish 8475 Turkmen 7577 Cambodian 7384 Italian 8084 Portuguese 8487 Twi 6765 Catalan 7465 Japanese 8185 Quechua 8575 Ukrainian 9072 Chinese 7487 Javanese 8277 Rhaeto-Romance 8582 Urdu 6779 Corsican 7578 Kannada 8279 Rumanian 8590 Uzbek 7282 Croatian 7583 Kashmiri 8285 Russian 8673 Vietnamese 6783 Czech 7575 Kazakh 8377 Samoan 8679 Volapük 6865 Danish 7589 Kirghiz 8365 Sanskrit 6789 Welsh 7876 Dutch 7579 Korean 7168 Scots Gaelic 8779 Wolof 6978 English 7585 Kurdish 8382 Serbian 8872 Xhosa 6979 Esperanto 7679 Laothian 8372 Serbo-Croatian 7473 Yiddish 6984 Estonian 7665 Latin 8378 Shona 8979 Yoruba 7079 Faroese 7686 Latvian, Lettish 8368 Sindhi 9085 Zulu 24 Country Code List Code AD AE AF AG AI AL AM AN AO AQ AR AS AT AU AW AZ BA BB BD BE BF BG BH BI BJ BM BN BO BR BS BT BV BW BY BZ CA CC CF CG CH CI CK CL CM CN CO CR CS CU CV CX CY CZ DE DJ DK DM DO DZ EC EE EG EH Country Andorra United Arab Emirates Afghanistan Antigua and Barbuda Anguilla Albania Armenia Netherlands Antilles Angola Antarctica Argentina American Samoa Austria Australia Aruba Azerbaidjan Bosnia-Herzegovina Barbados Bangladesh Belgium Burkina Faso Bulgaria Bahrain Burundi Benin Bermuda Brunei Darussalam Bolivia Brazil Bahamas Bhutan Bouvet Island Botswana Belarus Belize Canada Cocos (Keeling) Islands Central African Republic Congo Switzerland Ivory Coast Cook Islands Chile Cameroon China Colombia Costa Rica Former Czechoslovakia Cuba Cape Verde Christmas Island Cyprus Czech Republic Germany Djibouti Denmark Dominica Dominican Republic Algeria Ecuador Estonia Egypt Western Sahara Code ER ES ET FI FJ FK FM FO FR FX GA GB GD GE GF GH GI GL GM GN GP GQ GR GS GT GU GW GY HK HM HN HR HT HU ID IE IL IN IO IQ IR IS IT JM JO JP KE KG KH KI KM KN KP KR KW KY KZ LA LB Country Eritrea Spain Ethiopia Finland Fiji Falkland Islands Micronesia Faroe Islands France France (European Territory) Gabon Great Britain Grenada Georgia French Guyana Ghana Gibraltar Greenland Gambia Guinea Guadeloupe (French) Equatorial Guinea Greece S. Georgia & S. Sandwich Isls. Guatemala Guam (USA) Guinea Bissau Guyana Hong Kong Heard and McDonald Islands Honduras Croatia Haiti Hungary Indonesia Ireland Israel India British Indian Ocean Territory Iraq Iran Iceland Italy Jamaica Jordan Japan Kenya Kyrgyzstan Cambodia6 Kiribati Comoros Saint Kitts & Nevis Anguilla North Korea South Korea Kuwait Cayman Islands Kazakhstan Laos Lebanon Code LC LI LK LR LS LT LU LV LY MA MC MD MG MH MK ML MM MN MO MP MQ MR MS MT MU MV MW MX MY MZ NA NC NE NF NG NI NL NO NP NR NU NZ OM PA PE PF PG PH PK PL PM PN PR PT PW PY QA RE RO RU RW SA SB Country Saint Lucia Liechtenstein Sri Lanka Liberia Lesotho Lithuania Luxembourg Latvia Libya Morocco Monaco Moldavia Madagascar Marshall Islands Macedonia Mali Myanmar Mongolia Macau Northern Mariana Islands Martinique (French) Mauritania Montserrat Malta Mauritius Maldives Malawi Mexico Malaysia Mozambique Namibia New Caledonia (French) Niger Norfolk Island Nigeria Nicaragua Netherlands Norway Nepal Nauru Niue New Zealand Oman Panama Peru Polynesia (French) Papua New Guinea Philippines Pakistan Poland Saint Pierre and Miquelon Pitcairn Island Puerto Rico Portugal Palau Paraguay Qatar Reunion (French) Romania Russian Federation Rwanda Saudi Arabia Solomon Islands Code SC SD SE SG SH SI SJ SK SL SM SN SO SR ST SU SV SY SZ TC TD TF TG TH TJ TK TM TN TO TP TR TT TV TW TZ UA UG UK UM US UY UZ VA VC VE VG VI VN VU WF WS YE YT YU ZA ZM ZR ZW Country Seychelles Sudan Sweden Singapore Saint Helena Slovenia Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands Slovak Republic Sierra Leone San Marino Senegal Somalia Suriname Saint Tome and Principe Former USSR El Salvador Syria Swaziland Turks and Caicos Islands Chad French Southern Territories Togo Thailand Tadjikistan Tokelau Turkmenistan Tunisia Tonga East Timor Turkey Trinidad and Tobago Tuvalu Taiwan Tanzania Ukraine Uganda United Kingdom USA Minor Outlying Islands United States Uruguay Uzbekistan Vatican City State Saint Vincent & Grenadines Venezuela Virgin Islands (British) Virgin Islands (USA) Vietnam Vanuatu Wallis and Futuna Islands Samoa Yemen Mayotte Yugoslavia South Africa Zambia Zaire Zimbabwe 25 REFERENCE Enter the appropriate code number for the initial setting “Country Code” (See page 14). Specifications General Power requirements AC 110-240V , 50/60 Hz Power consumption 14W Dimensions (approx.) 430 X 48 X 242 mm (w x h x d) Mass (approx.) 2.34 kg Operating temperature 5˚C to 35˚C (41˚F to 95˚F) Operating humidity 5 % to 90 % System Laser Semiconductor laser, wavelength 650 nm Signal system PAL/NTSC Frequency response DVD (PCM 96 kHz): 8 Hz to 44 kHz DVD (PCM 48 kHz): 8 Hz to 22 kHz CD: 8 Hz to 20 kHz Signal-to-noise ratio More than 100dB (ANALOG OUT connectors only) Harmonic distortion Less than 0.008% Dynamic range More than 100 dB (DVD) More than 95 dB (CD) Outputs VIDEO OUT 1 Vp-p 75 Ω, sync negative, RCA jack x 1 / SCART (TO TV) Audio output (digital audio) 0.5 V (p-p), 75 Ω, RCA jack x 1 Audio output (analog audio) 2.0 Vrms (1 KHz, 0 dB), 600 Ω, RCA jack (L, R) x 1 / SCART (TO TV) Accessory Video cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Audio cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Remote control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Batteries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Design and specifications are subject to change without notice. Manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories. Dolby and the double-D symbol are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories. Confidential unpublished works. Copyright 1992-1997 Dolby Laboratories. All rights reserved. DTS and DTS Digital Out are trademarks of Digital Theater Systems, Inc. P/NO : 3834RS0055F 26
Key Features
- Play various formats
- Playback control
- Repeat, random, zoom
- Connect to TV
- Digital Audio Output
- Progressive Scan
- User-friendly interface
Frequently Answers and Questions
What formats can I play on this DVD player?
The DV 3781 DVD player can play DVD, Video CD, CD, MP3, and WMA formats.
How do I connect this DVD player to my TV?
The DV 3781 DVD player can be connected to your TV using the SCART, VIDEO, or S-Video inputs.
What are the different playback options available on the DVD player?
Some of the playback options include playback control, repeat, random, zoom, and more.