PC drive, 70FD Sanyo Wavy, 3" drive, 738 SVI User guide
The Sanyo Wavy 70FD is a personal computer that can be used to connect a PC drive. This guide provides instructions on how to connect a PC drive to the Sanyo Wavy 70FD and a 3” drive to the SVI 738. The guide also includes information on how to configure the drive, troubleshoot common problems and make the whole adaptation.
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How to connect a PC drive to a Sanyo Wavy
(Spanish and english version)
External connection of 3" drive to SVI 738
Converted to PDF by HansO, 2003
Ivan (Ivisoft)
How to connect a PC drive to a Sanyo Wavy (english version)
PC 5,25/3,5" Sanyo Wavy 70FD NAME
2 --------------- NC --------- RESERVED
4 --------------- NC --------- RESERVED
6 --------------- NC -- /DRIVE SELECT 3
8 --------------- 8 ----------- /INDEX
10 --------------- 10 -- /DRIVE SELECT 0
12 --------------- 12 -- /DRIVE SELECT 1
14 --------------- NC -- /DRIVE SELECT 2
16 --------------- 16 -------- /MOTOR ON
18 --------------- 18 -------- DIRECTION
20 --------------- 20 ------------ /STEP
22 --------------- 22 ------- WRITE DATA
24 --------------- 24 ------ /WRITE GATE
26 --------------- 26 --------- /TRACK 0
28 --------------- 28 --- /WRITE PROTECT
30 --------------- 30 -------- READ DATA
32 --------------- 32 ----- /SIDE SELECT
34 --------------- 34 ------------ READY
Conector alimentacion (lee mas abajo):
1 ---- ? ---- +5V ---- RED
2 ---- ? ---- GND -- BLACK
3 ---- ? ---- GND -- BLACK
4 ---- ? --- +12V - YELLOW
NOTA que los pines impares de la disketera de PC 3,5" son masas (GND).
Los pines 2,4,6,14 no se usan en la disketera de PC 720K. En MSX, los pines 6,14
son las señales DRIVE SELECT 3 y 2.
El el cable del Wavy, los pines 1,2,3,4,5,6,14,29,31,33 no estan conectados.
Los pines 7,9,11 son +5V.
Dejalos sin conectar a la disketera. Para tomar la alimentacion de ellos, usa un conector de alimentacion y conecta el pin 1 (cable
rojo) a uno de ellos.
Los pines 2,3 (ground) los puedes conectar a cualquier pin impar (el 13 esta bien para esto).
Ya que el conector del Wavy no entrega +12 voltios, tendras que decidir que hacer: Conecta la disketera sin +12V y prueba si funciona (Algunas no usan los 12 voltios) o tomar los +12V de algun sitio en la placa, direcamente de la fuenta de alimentacion o del pin 48 del conector de cartucho. Usa un voltimetro para asegurarte que hay +12V donde estes conectado. Siempre desenchufa tu MSX antes de soldar.
Ten en cuenta que una disketera de PC normalmente, viene configurada como secundaria (disk select 1). Si quieres que funcione como primaria y no tiene jumpers, solo tienes que intercambiar los cables 10 y 12 o conectar el 10 al pin 12 y dejar el pin 10 sin conectar.
Como hacer la adaptacion completa
Coge un cable plano de 34 pines. Asegurate de que los cables 10-16 no esten retorcidos.
Si es asi, mejor desarma el cable y ponlos bien.
El cable 1 es rojo o azul.
Los cambios los haremos en un uno de los extremos.
En el otro, que conecta al MSX, no haremos ningun cambio.
- Corta a un centimetro o dos del conector los siguientes cables:
- Pela el cable 15 a la misma distancia (puedes cortarlo y soldarlo luego si quieres).
- Une los pines que has cortado
(1,3,5,7,9,11,29,31,33) al 13 o al 27, en el lado corto.
- Coge un cable de alimentacion y suelda el pin 1 (rojo) a cualquiera de los cables
7,9 u 11, del lado largo.
- Suelda los pines 2,3 del conector de alimentacion a cualquiera de los pines impares, en el lado del conector (lado corto).
- Opcionalmente, puedes tomar +12 voltios del pin 48 del conector de cartucho.
A continuacion, segun el tipo de disketera que vayas a conectar, tendras que hacer el siguiente cambio:
- Si la disktera funciona como secundaria (B:), tendras que cruzar los cables 10 y 12
Si no estas seguro de que tipo de disketera vas a usar, puedes hacer lo siguiente:
- Necesitas 3 pines, y un jumper.
- Corta el cable 10 a unos 2 centimetros.
- Suelda el pin central al cable 10, en el lado del MSX (lado largo)
- Suelda uno de los otros pines al cable 12 del lado del conector (lado corto).
- Suelda al otro pin el cable 10 del lado del conector (lado corto).
Ahora puedes situar el jumper en una posicion u otra, para seleccionar el numero de la
unidad (primaria o secundaria).
Si la disketera funciona bien, pero al leer los discos no salen mas que errores y los
discos no arrancan, puedes quitar el cable 34 de la disketera (dejalo desconectado de la
disketera) y conectarlo a masa (cable impar).
Tambien puedes hacer lo siguiente:
- Desconecta el cable 34 de la disketera.
- Suelda 3 pines de la siguiente forma:
- pin 34 MSX (a un lado)
- pin 34 DRIVE (centro)
- GND (a un lado)
How to connect a PC drive to a Sanyo Wavy (english version)
PC 5,25/3,5" Sanyo Wavy 70FD NAME
2 --------------- NC --------- RESERVED
4 --------------- NC --------- RESERVED
6 --------------- NC -- /DRIVE SELECT 3
8 --------------- 8 ----------- /INDEX
10 --------------- 10 -- /DRIVE SELECT 0
12 --------------- 12 -- /DRIVE SELECT 1
14 --------------- NC -- /DRIVE SELECT 2
16 --------------- 16 -------- /MOTOR ON
18 --------------- 18 -------- DIRECTION
20 --------------- 20 ------------ /STEP
22 --------------- 22 ------- WRITE DATA
24 --------------- 24 ------ /WRITE GATE
26 --------------- 26 --------- /TRACK 0
28 --------------- 28 --- /WRITE PROTECT
30 --------------- 30 -------- READ DATA
32 --------------- 32 ----- /SIDE SELECT
34 --------------- 34 ------------ READY
Power connector (see below):
1 ---- ? ---- +5V ---- RED
2 ---- ? ---- GND -- BLACK
3 ---- ? ---- GND -- BLACK
4 ---- ? --- +12V - YELLOW
NOTICE that odd pins on PC drive are ground (GND).
Pins 2,4,6,14 are not used on PC 720K drive. MSX uses pins 6,14 for DRIVE SELECT 3 and 2.
Wavy does not use pins 1,2,3,4,5,6,14,29,31,33 and pins 7,9,11 are +5V.
Leave them disconnected from drive. To get power from them, get a power connector and connect pin 1 (red cable) to one of them.
Pins 2,3 (GND) have to be connected to any odd pin (i.e. 13)
As Wavy board does not deliver +12V, you have to decide what to do:
Connect drive without +12V and try to make it work (some drives does not need +12V) or get +12V somewhere in the board, directly from power suply or from pin 48 in cartdrige connector. Use a voltimeter to make sure you connecto to +12V. Always disconnect your MSX from power outlet before soldering.
Bear in mind that a drive for PC comes "de-facto" configured as SECONDARY (disk select 1).
If you want it to work as PRIMARY and haven't got any jumper, you will have to swap cables 10 and 12 or connect pin 10 (from
MSX) to 12 (drive)
How to make the whole adaption
Have a 34 pin cable. Be sure that cables 10-16 are not crossed over. If so, better disarm cable and make them straight.
Cable 1 is red or blue.
Changes have to be done only in one edge. In the other, the one for
MSX, no changes are needed.
- Cut down following cables near drive connector (1 or 2 centimeters far is enough)
- Peel off cable 15 (or cut it and solder later if you want).
- Join cables you cut before (1,3,5,7,9,11,29,31,33) to 13 or 27 on short side (drive).
- Get a power cable and solder pin 1 (red) to 7 or 9 or 11, on long side (MSX).
- Solder power connector pin 2,3 to any odd pin on short side
- As an option, you can get +12 from pin 48 of cartdrige connector.
Next, depending on the drive you are using you will have to make folowing change:
- If your drive works as secondary (B:), you will need to swap cables
10 and 12.
If you are not sure of what kind of drive you are using, you can make the following:
- You will need 3 pins and a jumper.
- Cut cable 10 and 12 (aprox 2 cms from connector).
- Solder center pin to cable 10 on MSX side (long side).
- Solder one edge pin to cable 12 on short side (drive).
- On the other pin, solder cable 10 on short side (drive).
Now you can set jumper to select drive number (primary or secondary)
If the drive work properly but, when a disk is read you only get errors and all disks fail to boot, try to disconnect cable 34 from drive (leave this pin unconnected) and connect it to ground (odd pin). You can also do the next:
- Disconnect cable 34 from drive.
- Solder 3 pins and add a jumper
- pin 34 MSX (one side)
- pin 34 DRIVE (centre)
- GND (other side)
External connection of 3" drive to SVI 738
3" drive PC 5,25/3,5" SVI 3,5" (DB25F) NAME
1 --------------- 7 -------------- 20-25 ------------- GND
2 --------------- 8 -------------- 4 ----------- /INDEX
3 --------------- 9 -------------- 20-25 -------------- GND
4 --------------- 10 -------------- 17 -- /DRIVE SELECT 0
5 --------------- 11 -------------- 20-25 -------------- GND
6 --------------- 12 -------------- 5 -- /DRIVE SELECT 1
7 --------------- 15 -------------- 20-25 -------------- GND
8 --------------- 16 -------------- 18 -------- /MOTOR ON
9 --------------- 17 -------------- 20-25 -------------- GND
10 --------------- 18 -------------- 6 -------- DIRECTION
11 --------------- 19 -------------- 20-25 -------------- GND
12 --------------- 20 -------------- 7 ------------ /STEP
13 --------------- 21 -------------- 20-25 -------------- GND
14 --------------- 22 -------------- 8 ------- WRITE DATA
15 --------------- 23 -------------- 20-25 -------------- GND
16 --------------- 24 -------------- 9 ------ /WRITE GATE
17 --------------- 25 -------------- 20-25 -------------- GND
18 --------------- 26 -------------- 10 --------- /TRACK 0
19 --------------- 27 -------------- 20-25 -------------- GND
20 --------------- 28 -------------- 11 --- /WRITE PROTECT
21 --------------- 29 -------------- 20-25 -------------- GND
22 --------------- 30 -------------- 12 -------- READ DATA
23 --------------- 31 -------------- 20-25 -------------- GND
24 --------------- 32 -------------- 13 ----- /SIDE SELECT
25 --------------- 33 -------------- 20-25 -------------- GND
26 --------------- 34 -------------- 19 ------------ READY
2 -------------- RESERVED (DO NOT USE)
NOTE all odd pins on both 3" and PC 3,5" are GND
You have to be aware of the drive config, that is, if the drive you are using was working as drive A or B. If it is an A drive, it would not work as drive B and, if it is a B drive, may be not work as A drive. If you want 3" drive to work as secondary drive
(configured as A drive), just swap pins 4 and 6, or connect pin 6 where 4 should be and leave 4 disconnected. If it is a B drive and want to act as A drive, swap same pins.
DC Power connector:
1 ---- 4 ---- 1 ---- +12V
2 ---- 3 ---- 20-25 -- GND
3 ---- 2 ---- 20-25 -- GND
4 ---- 1 ---- 2 ----- +5V
Key Features
- Connecting a PC drive to Sanyo Wavy 70FD
- Connecting a 3" drive to SVI 738
- Drive configuration
- Troubleshooting tips