Silicon Graphics FDDIXPress FDDI Administrator’s Guide

Silicon Graphics FDDIXPress FDDI Administrator’s Guide

Below you will find brief information for FDDI FDDIXPress. This document provides you with all the information you need to configure, test, and monitor your FDDI network connection. This guide contains detailed instructions for performing all the basic FDDI station and ring administration tasks. The guide has been designed to be accessible for beginners familiar with IRIX and networking as well as experienced IRIX network administrators.


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FDDI FDDIXPress Administrator's Guide | Manualzz


Administrator’s Guide

Document Number 007-0813-060


Written by Carlin Otto and Susan Thomas

Illustrated by Carlin Otto

Production by Kirsten Johnson

Engineering contributions by Paul Reilly, Vernon Schryver, Premkumar Thoppae, and Jong Kim

Special acknowledgement to Wendy Ferguson, whose FDDI documentation provided inspiration and a starting point.

St Peter’s Basilica image courtesy of ENEL SpA and InfoByte SpA. Disk Thrower image courtesy of Xavier Berenguer, Animatica

© 1996, Silicon Graphics, Inc.— All Rights Reserved

The contents of this document may not be copied or duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of Silicon Graphics, Inc.


Use, duplication, or disclosure of the technical data contained in this document by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subdivision (c) (1) (ii) of the

Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 52.227-7013 and/or in similar or successor clauses in the FAR, or in the DOD or NASA FAR

Supplement. Unpublished rights reserved under the Copyright Laws of the United

States. Contractor/manufacturer is Silicon Graphics, Inc., 2011 N. Shoreline Blvd.,

Mountain View, CA 94043-1389.

Silicon Graphics, the Silicon Graphics logo, and IRIX are registered trademarks and

Onyx, CHALLENGE, Crimson, FDDIXPress, FDDIVisualyzer, Indigo, Indy, and

Indigo 2 are trademarks of Silicon Graphics, Inc. ST is a registered trademark of AT&T.

UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries, licensed exclusively through X/Open Company, Ltd.

FDDIXPress™ Administrator’s Guide

Document Number 007-0813-060

Table of Contents


List of Figures


List of Tables




Audience xii

Typographical Conventions xii

Additional Reading xiii

IRIX Operating System Manuals xiii

Networking Manuals xiii

FDDI Station and Ring Management Manuals xiii

ANSI and ISO Documents for FDDI xiv

Product Support xv

Introducing FDDI


FDDI Features 1

FDDI Standard 2

Physical Layer Medium Dependent Protocol 5

Physical Layer Protocol 5

Media Access Control Protocol 5

Station Management Protocol 6

FDDI Ring 6

FDDI Devices 8

Dual Attach Station 9

Single Attach Station 10

Concentrators 10

Optical Bypass Switch 11


Table of Contents



How FDDI Works 12

Operational Ring 12

Fixing a Broken Ring 12

Optical Bypass Switch 14

Transmitting and Receiving on the Ring 15

Multiprotocol Networking With FDDI 15

Configuring FDDIXPress Software


FDDIXPress Package 17

Installing FDDIXPress 17

Number Assignment to Interfaces 18

Overview 18

Number Assignment for CHALLENGE M 19

Number Assignment for CHALLENGE and Onyx 19

Number Assignment for Octane, Origin200, Origin 2000, and O



Default Configurations 22

Quick and Easy Configuration Instructions 24

FDDI as the Primary Interface and Ethernet as Secondary 24

FDDI as the Secondary Interface and Ethernet as Primary 25

FDDI as the Only Network Interface 27

Complete and Complex Configuration Information 28

Prepare for Configuration 29

Network Connection Names and IP Addresses 31

Configure the Station’s Network Interfaces 33

Build Configuration Changes Into the System 40

Install the FDDI Board 41

Configure the Environment for User Friendliness and Safety

(Optional) 42

Verifying the FDDI Connection 47

Managing Your FDDI Station and Ring


Station Management Commands 51

Verifying the Connection to a Station 53

Listing the Stations on the Ring 54



Displaying SMT Information for a Remote Station 55

Display the SMT Version 55

Display a Station’s Configuration Information 56

Recognizing Faults on the FDDI Ring 57

Monitoring a Station’s FDDI Status 60

Display Kernel and SMT Daemon Statistics 63

Display SMT Information (MIB) 65

Displaying and Configuring Network Interface Information 67

Display the Configuration 67

Change the Configuration 69

Verifying a Station’s PCM Functionality 71

Removing a Station From the FDDI Ring 72

Temporarily Disable Any Station’s FDDI Interface 73

Remove a Device Attached to a Concentrator 73

Removing a DAS That Has an Optical Bypass Switch 74

Remove a DAS Without an Optical Bypass Switch 76

Removing FDDIXPress 78



General Advice 79

Checking Physical Connections 80

Recognition of Board by Software 80

Check Cables and Connectors 83

Cable Lengths 86

Status Indicators and Symptoms 87

Link-Level Errors 87

Token Count Not Incrementing 87

Too Many Claims or Beacons 88

Ring Is Wrapped 88

High Rate of Packet Loss 90

Cannot Communicate With Other Stations 90

Current Neighbor’s Address Is Zero 93

Ring Is Not Wrapped and Token Count Increments But smtping

Does Not Work 93

System Does Not Load Miniroot or Boot From the Network 94

Table of Contents


Table of Contents





Error Messages


How Messages Are Listed 95

SMT Error Messages 97 xpi Driver Error Messages 149 ipg Driver Error Messages 157 rns Driver Error Messages 161

smtstat Reports


MAC Status Report 169

Port Status Report 174

Ring Management Status Report 181

Configuration Information Report 185

Neighbor Information Report 189

SMT Information Report 192

Configuring the SMT Daemon and the

FDDIXPress Driver


Configuring the SMT Daemon 197

Station Section 199

Board Sections 205

MAC Parameters 207

PHY Parameters 212

Configuring the FDDIXPress Driver 218

Man Pages





List of Figures

Figure 3-3

Figure 3-4

Figure 3-5

Figure 3-6

Figure 3-7

Figure 3-8

Figure 3-9

Figure 4-1

Figure 4-2

Figure 4-3

Figure A-1

Figure 1-1

Figure 1-2

Figure 1-3

Figure 1-4

Figure 1-5

Figure 1-6

Figure 1-7

Figure 1-8

Figure 1-9

Figure 1-10

Figure 2-1

Figure 2-2

Figure 2-3

Figure 2-4

Figure 3-1

Figure 3-2

FDDI as Related to the OSI Model 3

FDDI Components of FDDIXPress and an FDDI Board 4

Simple Token Ring 7

A Basic FDDI Ring 8

Connection of DAS Ports to Primary and Secondary Rings 9

FDDI Ring With Concentrators 11

Wrapping the Ring 13

Connection of DAS Ports at Points Where Ring Is Wrapped 13

A Fragmented Ring 14

FDDI With an Ethernet Network 16

Displaying Available Interfaces With netstat -in 34

Screen Display for /usr/etc/netstat -ia Command 44

Displaying Broadcast Address 45

An Example of the hinv Display 48 smtping Display 53 smtring Display 54

Ring Created From smtring Display 55 smtinfo -c Display 56

Fault Isolation and Ring Wrap 58

Fragmented Ring 59 smtstat Display 60 smtstat -s Display: General Report Format 66 smtconfig Display 68

Cable-to-Cable Connections 84

Correct Cable Connections 84

Direction Indicators With Media Interface Connector 85

Error Message Format in the /var/adm/SYSLOG File 96


List of Figures

Figure A-2

Figure A-3

Figure B-1

Figure B-2

Figure B-3

Figure B-4

Figure B-5

Figure B-6

Figure C-1

Figure C-2

Figure C-3

Figure C-4

Figure C-5

Figure C-6

Figure Gl-1

Figure Gl-2

Figure Gl-3

Figure Gl-4

Figure Gl-5

Figure Gl-6

Information Not Included in Alphabetized List of xpi Messages 150

Information Not Included in Alphabetized List of rns Messages 161

MAC Status Report 169

Port Status Report (for a Dual Ring DAS) 174

Ring Management Status Report 181

Configuration Information Report 185

Neighbor Information Report 189

SMT Information Report 192

Outline of smtd.conf File 198 smtd.conf: Station Section 199

Station ID 202 smtd.conf: Board Sections 206 smtd.conf: MAC Parameters 208 smtd.conf: PHY Parameters 213

Canonical Order 222

FDDI Order 226

FDDI Frame 227

FDDI Token 238

Tree Topology 239

Wrap 240


List of Tables

Table 1-1

Table 2-1

Table 2-2

Table 2-3

Table 2-4

Table 3-1

Table 3-2

Table 3-3

Table 3-4

Table A-1

Table B-1

Table B-2

Table B-3

Table B-4

Table B-5

Table B-6

Table B-7

Table B-8

Table B-9

Table B-10

Table B-11

Table B-12

Table B-13

Table B-14

Table B-15

Table B-16

FDDI versus Ethernet and Token Ring 1

Number Assignment for FDDIXPress Network Interfaces 18

Number Assignments for Network Interfaces on CHALLENGE and Onyx Platforms 20

Default Network Interface Configuration 22

Default Network Interface Parameters 23

FDDIXPress (SMT) Commands 52

Information Displayed by smtinfo -c 57 smtstat Report Fields 61 smtstat -v Kernel Statistics 63

Reason Codes Used in Error Messages 120 smtstat Report Field 168

MAC Status, Left Column 170

MAC Status, Right Column 172

Port Status, Left Column 175

Port Status, Right Column 178

Port Status, Bottom Section 179

Ring Management Status, Left Column 182

Ring Management Status, Right Column 183

Ring Management Status, Bottom Section 184

Configuration Information, Top Section 186

Configuration Information, Bottom Left Column 187

Configuration Information, Bottom Right Column 188

Neighbor Information, Top Section 190

Neighbor Information, Bottom Section 191

SMT Information Status, Left Column 193

SMT Information Status, Right Column 195


List of Tables

Table C-1

Table C-2

Table C-3

Table C-4

Table D-1

Table Gl-1

Table Gl-2

smtd.conf: Station Parameter Defaults 200 smtd.conf: MAC Parameter Defaults 209 smtd.conf: PHY Parameter Defaults 214

CMT Capability Flags 218

FDDIXPress Man Pages 219

Maximum Networks and Hosts Possible for IP Addresses 230

Internet Address Ranges 230



FDDIXPress ™ connects Silicon Graphics ® computers to FDDI networks.

This FDDIXPress Administrator’s Guide is your guide to configuring, testing, and monitoring your FDDI network connection. This guide has been written so you can perform all the basic FDDI station and ring administration tasks, whether you are a newcomer to IRIX™ and networking, or a seasoned IRIX network administrator.

This guide describes the administrative user interface to a Silicon Graphics’ computer’s

FDDI connection; the guide can be used with any Silicon Graphics’ FDDI board and driver.

This guide tells you how to

• configure your FDDI station (Chapter 2)

• verify that the FDDI connection is working (Chapter 2)

• monitor and maintain your station’s FDDI connection (Chapter 3)

• monitor and maintain your FDDI ring (Chapter 3)

• resolve problems (Chapter 4 and Appendix A)

In addition, this guide contains a chapter describing how FDDI works and a glossary defining FDDI terms.




This guide has been written for the person who keeps the FDDI network connection on a station working. This person might be an experienced network administrator or a novice. The format in this guide is task-oriented and assumes no prior knowledge of

FDDI or network administration. This guide provides all the information you need to maintain a single FDDIXPress station’s connection to the FDDI ring.


This guide is not an in-depth network administration guide; it does not provide information for planning, managing, and maintaining an FDDI network. The product

FDDIVisualyzer™ is designed for this purpose.

Typographical Conventions

This guide uses the following typographical conventions:

Fixed-width type

Indicates system output, such as responses to commands that you see on the screen. Code samples, onscreen text, error messages, and file contents also appear in this font.

Bold fixed-width type

Indicates user input, including keyboard keys (printing and nonprinting), and literals supplied by the user in examples.


Designates book titles, command and utility names, filenames, and filename suffixes. Indicates generic, place-holding variable names and variables to be supplied by the user.

[ ]


Encloses optional command arguments.

Denotes omitted material or indicates that the preceding optional items may appear more than once in succession.



Additional Reading

This section lists reference material for the IRIX operating system, networking, and


IRIX Operating System Manuals

The following documents are available from Silicon Graphics, Inc.:

IRIX Admin guide set a set of guides intended for administrators of the IRIX operating system and accessible through the online viewer IRIS Insight

IRIX Admin: Selected Reference Pages

an item in the optional IRIX Admin guide set

IRIS Software Installation and Licensing

an item in the optional IRIX Admin guide set

Networking Manuals

The following documents are available from Silicon Graphics, Inc.:

IRIX Admin: Networking and Mail

an item in the optional IRIX Admin guide set

ONC3/NFS Administration Guide

NIS Administration Guide

NetVisualyzer User’s Guide

FDDI Station and Ring Management Manuals

The following document is available from Silicon Graphics, Inc.:

FDDIVisualyzer User’s Guide



ANSI and ISO Documents for FDDI

The following documents are available from the American National Standards Institute:

• PHY:

ANSI FDDI Physical Layer (PHY)

X3.148:1988; ISO 9314-1: 1989;

Information Processing Systems—Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI)—Part 1:

Token Ring Physical Layer Protocol (PHY)

• MAC:

ANSI FDDI Media Access Control (MAC)

X3.139:1987; ISO 9314-2: 1989;

Information Processing Systems—Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI)—Part 2:

Token Ring Media Access Control (MAC)

• PMD:

ANSI FDDI Physical Medium Dependent (PMD)

X3.166:1990; ISO 9314-3: 1990;

Information Processing Systems—Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI)—Part 3:

Token Ring Physical Layer Medium Dependent (PMD)

• SMT:

ANSI FDDI Station Management (SMT)

X3T9.5/revision 6.2 dated 18 May 1990. (The SMT version listed here is a draft that, at the time this document went to print, had not been approved as a standard. When you order the ANSI SMT document, a newer revision may be available. The older version is not available once it has been replaced by a new one.)

To order ANSI documents, contact

American National Standards Institute

11 West 42nd Street

New York, NY 10036

Telephone: (212) 642-4900

Fax: (212) 302-1286

Telex: 42 42 96 ANSI UI



Product Support

Silicon Graphics, Inc., provides a comprehensive product support and maintenance program for its products. If you are in North America and would like support for your

Silicon Graphics supported products, contact the Technical Assistance Center at

1-800-800-4SGI. If you are outside North America, contact the Silicon Graphics subsidiary or authorized distributor in your country.


Chapter 1


Introducing FDDI

This chapter introduces the basic concepts of the FDDI protocol. After reading this chapter, you will know how FDDI works and be familiar with the most common FDDI terms.

FDDI Features

Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) is a local area network (LAN) communications protocol that is based on a basic token ring architecture. It is fast, reliable, and manageable. It is emerging as the standard alternative to slower protocols like Ethernet and 802.5 token ring. Table 1-1 compares FDDI with Ethernet (the built-in communications medium offered on Silicon Graphics workstations and servers) and token ring 802.5.

Table 1-1


FDDI versus Ethernet and Token Ring

FDDI Ethernet

100 Mbps 10 Mbps

Token Ring


4 or 16 Mbps Maximum physical transmission speed

Maximum packet size 4500 bytes 1518 bytes

Typical maximum length of

LAN cable

100 kilometers

(200 km wrapped)

2 kilometers

< 2.5 kilometers

500 meters

4500 bytes for 4

18,000 for 16

< 42 kilometers

300 meters Typical max. length between nodes

Maximum number of nodes per LAN

500 1024 255


Chapter 1: Introducing FDDI

FDDI Standard

FDDI is an international standard. It has been approved and accepted by the two major standards committees: American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and International

Standards Organization (ISO).

The FDDI components of FDDIXPress and the accompanying FDDI board conform to the

ANSI and ISO FDDI standards. The specific FDDI components (and the ANSI and ISO standards on which they are based) are listed below:

• physical layer medium dependent sublayer (PMD)

ANSI X3.166-1990 and ISO 9314-3:1990

• physical layer protocol sublayer (PHY)

ANSI X3.148-1988 and ISO 9314-1:1989

• media access control sublayer (MAC)

ANSI X3.139-1987 and ISO 9314-2:1989

• station management module (SMT)

ANSI X3T9.5/84-49, Revision 6.2, May 18, 1990

Figure 1-1 shows how the FDDI components correspond to ISO’s seven-layer Open

Systems Interconnection (OSI) reference model.


FDDI Standard

Examples from the UNIX Environment

Layer 7:


Layer 6:


rcp, rlogin, ftp network library routines

Layer 5:


Layer 4:




Layer 3:


IP logical link control (LLC)

Layer 2:

Data Link

Layer 1:


media access control (MAC)* physical layer (PHY)* physical medium dependent (PMD)*

Legend: Items marked with an asterisk are FDDI components.

station management


Figure 1-1

FDDI as Related to the OSI Model

The OSI model defines a hierarchical structure for organizing the different functions

(services) of telecommunications systems. In theory, each layer is completely independent, so changes to one layer have no effect on other layers. Standard interfaces are defined for communication between the adjacent layers. As Figure 1-1 shows, the

FDDI standard occupies the two lowest layers—the entire physical layer and a portion of the data link layer—just as Ethernet and token ring do.

The physical layer defines the electrical, mechanical, and logical characteristics for transmitting bits across the physical medium. Examples of physical media include twisted pair, coaxial, and fiber optic cable. Dual ring FDDI specifies fiber optic cable as the physical medium.

The data link layer specifies the way a node (for example, the FDDIXPress board) accesses the underlying physical medium and how it formats data for transmission.

FDDI specifies formatting data into frames, using a special set of symbols and following


Chapter 1: Introducing FDDI a special set of rules. The MAC sublayer within the data link layer specifies the physical address (MAC address) used for uniquely identifying FDDI nodes.

Functionally, FDDI is similar to the 802.5 token ring and Ethernet standards, as summarized below:

• Like Ethernet and 802.5 token ring, FDDI uses the interface to the logical link control (LLC) sublayer of the data link layer, so switching from Ethernet to FDDI does not affect the higher layers. Layer 3 and 4 software (for example,

TCP-UDP/IP) works over FDDI just as it does over Ethernet or token ring.

• Like Ethernet and 802.5 token ring, FDDI uses frames to deliver data between stations.

• Like 802.5 token ring (but unlike Ethernet), FDDI prevents collisions on its physical medium (cable) by passing a token; at any specific instant, only the station with the token may transmit onto the ring.

The subsections that follow describe each of the FDDI components. Figure 1-2 illustrates one possible configuration of these FDDI components.







Primary Ring

SMT code

Dual-attachment see Figure 1-5 for details of port and ring attachments

Station’s address

Figure 1-2

FDDI Components of FDDIXPress and an FDDI Board


FDDI Standard

Physical Layer Medium Dependent Protocol

The physical layer medium dependent protocol (PMD) defines the lowest FDDI protocol; it occupies the lower sublayer of the physical layer. PMD specifies the requirements for the cable (for example, fiber optic), the transmitter and receiver, the media interface connectors (MIC), and the optional optical bypass switch. PMD functionality is contained within a chip on the FDDI board.

Physical Layer Protocol

The physical layer protocol (PHY) defines the upper sublayer of the physical layer. It establishes the connection between the PMD and MAC. In addition, the PHY provides encoding and decoding of data and control symbols. The PHY synchronizes incoming and outgoing code-bit clocks. This functionality is contained inside a chip on the FDDI board.

Media Access Control Protocol

The media access control protocol (MAC) schedules and performs data transfer on the

FDDI cable. The MAC is the FDDI component that contains the FDDI connection’s identity, commonly referred to as a MAC address.

When a MAC begins to receive a block of information (a frame) from the FDDI cable, it checks the destination address field of the frame to see if the address is one of its own addresses. If the address matches one of its own addresses, the MAC simultaneously repeats the frame onto the physical medium and copies the frame into its local memory.

While repeating the frame, the MAC modifies the frame’s status to indicate that the frame has been seen and received. The modified frame continues along the ring until it reaches the original transmitting station, which interprets the modified frame as an acknowledgment. This functionality is handled by a chip on the FDDI board.


Chapter 1: Introducing FDDI

Station Management Protocol

The station management protocol (SMT) monitors and controls all FDDI activity on its station. SMT manages processes in the various FDDI layers (PMD, PHY, and MAC) at the station level and ensures the correct operation of the station on the ring. (See “FDDI

Ring” for a description of the FDDI ring.) SMT’s responsibilities include overseeing station insertion and removal from the ring, initializing the station to conform with the current ring status, and identifying, isolating, and recovering from faults on the ring.

An FDDIXPress station’s SMT functionality is distributed. Some of it is contained within a software module that includes the SMT daemon (smtd) and a special database file called the management information base (MIB); some functionality is located within chips on the FDDI board.

The MIB resides in the local memory on each FDDI station. This database maintains statistical and operational information used to manage the ring.

Control within an FDDI ring is distributed among the SMT entities of all the stations on that ring; control is not handled by a master station. SMT entities communicate with each other to manage the administration of addressing, allocation of network bandwidth, and configuration and control of the ring. Some of these SMT parameters are site-configurable. For FDDIXPress, the SMT configuration file is /etc/fddi/smtd.conf.

For more information about the SMT daemon, see the smtd(1M) man page.


An FDDI ring is a length of cable laid out in a closed loop. Current standards require that the ring cable be fiber optic cable. An optical signal (light) passes through the cable

(around the ring) and returns to its point of origin. Whenever a station is connected to the ring, it is physically inserted into the ring so that the optical signal passes through the station (illustrated in Figure 1-3). Stations on the ring are referred to as upstream or downstream in relation to each other. The downstream neighbor station is the first station to see a transmitting station’s transmission. In Figure 1-3, station A is station C’s downstream neighbor and station B’s upstream neighbor.


FDDI Standard

Station A upstream from B downstream from C

Single Ring

Station B

Station C upstream from A downstream from B

Figure 1-3

Simple Token Ring

The FDDI dual ring (or trunk ring) has two separate loops (rings). One ring is called the primary ring and the other is the secondary ring, as illustrated in Figure 1-4. Most sites use the secondary ring as a backup ring. The light signal within each loop of a dual ring travels in the opposite direction from the signal in the other ring; in FDDI jargon this is referred to as counter-rotating. Because the signal travels in different directions, upstream and downstream neighbors are opposite on each ring. In Figure 1-5, where station 2 is station 1’s downstream neighbor on the primary ring, station 2 is the upstream neighbor on the secondary ring.


Chapter 1: Introducing FDDI

Primary Ring





Figure 1-4

A Basic FDDI Ring

The cabling for FDDI is available in a number of forms. Multimode (62.5 micron) fiber optic cable was the first transmission medium (cable) defined for FDDI. Recently, the use of single-mode (50-micron) fiber optic cable was approved. Copper cable has also been approved, for use only between concentrators and stations.

FDDI Devices

In addition to the FDDI components, the FDDI standard defines the types of devices that can be connected to the ring. These devices include (but are not limited to) the following:

• stations

– DAS: dual attach station (usually attaches directly to FDDI dual ring)

– SAS: single attach station (attaches to the FDDI ring through a concentrator)

• concentrators

– DAC: dual attach concentrator (usually attaches directly to the FDDI dual ring)

– SAC: single attach concentrator (attaches to the FDDI ring through another concentrator)

• optical bypass switch


FDDI Devices

Dual Attach Station

A dual attach station (DAS) has two ports (A and B). A DAS can be connected to the dual ring or to a concentrator.

When connected to the dual ring, each port connects to both the primary ring and the secondary ring (as shown in Figure 1-5). This dual connection is known in FDDI jargon as “connecting to the dual ring.” The station’s SMT ensures that the station can continue to transmit and receive data even when the primary ring experiences a break. (A break in the ring occurs when the signal cannot make a complete trip around the ring; this can be caused by a station failing or by a faulty cable.)

When connected to a concentrator, the two ports can each be connected to one of the concentrator’s M ports. A DAS station can behave as a single attach station (SAS) if configured to do so, in which case only one of its ports is connected to the concentrator and the other port is not used.


As illustrated in Figure 1-5, for DAS connections to the dual ring, port A must always be connected to port B of the downstream station, while port B connects to port

A of the upstream station.







Station 1




Station 2



Figure 1-5

Connection of DAS Ports to Primary and Secondary Rings


Chapter 1: Introducing FDDI

Single Attach Station

A single attach station (SAS) has a single slave (S) port that attaches to the ring through a master (M) port on a concentrator. The concentrator routes the signal from the functioning ring through every SAS connected to that concentrator.


A concentrator allows many single-attachment FDDI devices to obtain their connection to the FDDI ring through one device—the concentrator. Concentrators have one or more master ports (M), each of which accepts a connection from one single-attachment device.

The FDDI standard defines two types of concentrators: dual-attachment and single-attachment. A dual attach concentrator (DAC) has two ports (A and B), each of which connects to both the primary and secondary rings, just like the DAS. A single attach concentrator (SAC) connects to an FDDI ring through another concentrator, in the same manner as an SAS. Figure 1-6 illustrates the use of concentrators on an FDDI ring.


FDDI Devices





Primary Ring






Figure 1-6

FDDI Ring With Concentrators

Optical Bypass Switch

An optical bypass switch (OBS) is an optional device that can be attached between a dual ring and a DAS or DAC. The OBS allows a dual-attachment device to become dysfunctional without wrapping the ring.


Chapter 1: Introducing FDDI

How FDDI Works

The FDDI local area network consists of two or more stations or nodes connected serially by fiber optic cables to form a closed loop, the ring. Each FDDI local area network has two rings: a primary ring and a secondary ring. Figure 1-6 and Figure 1-10 show common FDDI ring configurations. The secondary ring is usually configured as a backup ring.

Operational Ring

An optical signal (light), encoded to represent data, is beamed into the cable by a transmitting station. The signal travels through the cable and is read by each station on the ring, until it returns to the original sender. As long as the signal can make a complete trip around the loop, the ring is operational. When a break or fault occurs in the ring, the signal cannot complete the loop. Situations that break the ring include, among other things, a missing or damaged cable, a loose connection, and a dysfunctional station.

Fixing a Broken Ring

The optical signal travels in opposite directions in each ring. This design makes closure of a broken primary ring feasible. When the SMT module within a station notices that the primary ring is broken, it connects the secondary ring to the primary one to complete the loop. This action bypasses (cuts out) the faulty section, as illustrated in Figure 1-7. In

FDDI jargon, fixing a broken primary ring in this manner is called “wrapping the ring.”

The original two rings are joined to form a single loop (ring). Notice that the ring must wrap in two locations to complete the loop. In this condition, transmission proceeds without interruption for all the stations on the functioning portion of the ring.


How FDDI Works





break wrap

Figure 1-7

Wrapping the Ring

When a ring wraps, two stations change their internal optical signal paths. Instead of the signal passing through both port A and port B (as illustrated in Figure 1-5), it is received and transmitted through a single port (either A or B). Figure 1-8 illustrates the altered optical signal paths. The two stations that make this change are located at the ends of the functional portion of the primary ring.



One of these unused ports may be dysfunctional, or there may be a dysfunctional station between the two ports.





Station 1




Station X



Figure 1-8

Connection of DAS Ports at Points Where Ring Is Wrapped


Chapter 1: Introducing FDDI

If more than one fault occurs on the FDDI ring, the ring may become fragmented, as shown in Figure 1-9. In this condition, communication continues among the stations within each fragment, but communication is not possible with stations located on a different fragment.

FDDI management tools such as smtstat and smtring (or the graphical product,

FDDIVisualyzer) can be used to identify problems with the ring.


wrap break


break wrap

Figure 1-9

A Fragmented Ring

Optical Bypass Switch

FDDI defines an optional device that allows a DAS to become dysfunctional without wrapping the ring. This device is called an optical bypass switch (OBS). The optical bypass switch is connected between a station’s two ports and the dual ring.

Without an optical bypass switch, when a DAS becomes dysfunctional, the signal going around the ring cannot continue past the dysfunctional station; stations downstream from this station do not receive any signal. The ring is broken, which causes an automatic wrap.

When an optical bypass switch is present in this situation, it maintains an intact loop by simply routing the signal through the switch, bypassing the dysfunctional station as if it were not attached to the ring. The SMT modules of neighboring stations will notice that they have acquired different neighbors, but they will continue to communicate without the disruption caused by a wrapped ring.


How FDDI Works

Transmitting and Receiving on the Ring

A station on a ring gains access to transmit information onto that ring by capturing the ring’s token. Only one token is allowed on each ring. Various controls are built into FDDI to limit or specify the length of time the token can be held. Once a station captures the token, it can transmit data onto the network. When the station finishes transmitting, or its time expires, it places the token back onto the ring, thus allowing the next station the opportunity to capture it. When a station does not have anything to transmit, it does not capture the token.

Once a frame is transmitted onto the ring, it moves around the ring in the following manner: Each station reads the frame and transmits it back onto the ring. If a station makes a local copy of the frame, it indicates this action by altering various bits in the copy that it retransmits onto the ring. As frames pass around the ring, the transmitting station recognizes the return of its own data and determines if reception has been successful and error free by checking the changed bits in the frame. Each station is responsible for removing (stripping) all the data that it placed on the ring.

Multiprotocol Networking With FDDI

You can use FDDI as a standalone network, or you can incorporate it into an existing internetwork. When incorporating FDDI with an existing network, it is standard practice to use FDDI as the backbone and the slower networks (Ethernet or token ring) as subnetworks. This involves using a router (for example, an FDDI-to-Ethernet router) that is connected to both the non-FDDI network and the FDDI ring. The router allows information (packets) to flow between the two networks even though they use different protocols. Figure 1-10 shows FDDI with an Ethernet network; the ring illustrated has five dual-attachment nodes, one of which is a concentrator. A Silicon Graphics workstation or server that has two network interfaces automatically and by default performs as a router.


Chapter 1: Introducing FDDI







Ethernet Network














DAS = dual−attachment station

SAS = single−attachment station

DAC = dual−attachment concentrator

= not in use

= in use

Figure 1-10

FDDI With an Ethernet Network


Chapter 2


Configuring FDDIXPress Software

This chapter explains how to configure your new FDDI station. You can also use these instructions to reconfigure an already functioning station.

The section “Quick and Easy Configuration Instructions” provides step-by-step instructions for a basic, nonpersonalized configuration.

FDDIXPress Package

FDDIXPress is a software option to accompany your Silicon Graphics computer’s FDDI board. FDDIXPress software includes a driver for the FDDI board, an FDDI SMT module

(including software to maintain its management information database [MIB]), and some utilities (SMT commands).

Depending on the specific release, FDDIXPress software may be shipped with the FDDI board or with your computer’s operating system; the FDDIXPress release notes and the

FDDI Board’s Installation Guide or Installation Instructions provide details.

Installing FDDIXPress

The step-by-step instructions for installing FDDIXPress software are located in your

FDDIXPress release notes. General instructions for installing Silicon Graphics software are included in the IRIX Admin: Software Installation and Licensing and on the inst(1M) man page.

After installing the software, follow the steps in either “Quick and Easy Configuration

Instructions” or “Complete and Complex Configuration Information” to configure the new FDDI station.


Chapter 2: Configuring FDDIXPress Software

Number Assignment to Interfaces

This section describes how identification numbers (for example, xpi0, xpi3) are assigned to the FDDIXPress network interfaces.


The number assignment for network interfaces varies, depending on the hardware platform. Table 2-1 summarizes some of the implemented schemes.O

Table 2-1

Number Assignment for FDDIXPress Network Interfaces

Hardware Platform




Indy ™



Onyx ™


Octane, Origin200, Origin

2000, and O 2


Interface Name

Number Assignment Scheme

ipg0 - ipg3 xpi0 xpi0

Network interface number matches a jumper setting on each board. Jumper setting 0 has network interface ipg0.

Always xpi0 for a single FDDI connection.

Network interface number depends on the order in which FDDIXPress boards are found during startup. See “Number Assignment for

CHALLENGE M” for details.

xpi0 xpi0

Always xpi0 for a single FDDI connection.

Always xpi0 for a single FDDI connection.

xpi0, xpi1, xpi# Network interface number depends on the order in which FDDIXPress boards are found during startup. See “Number Assignment for

CHALLENGE and Onyx” for details.

xpi0, xpi1, xpi# Same scheme used for CHALLENGE L and XL.

rns0, rns1, rns#

Network interface number is automatically assigned at system startup. Numbering depends on the interface numbers currently in the

ioconfig.conf file. See “Number Assignment for

Octane, Origin200, Origin 2000, and O2” on page 21.


Number Assignment to Interfaces

Number Assignment for CHALLENGE M

During startup of a CHALLENGE M workstation, the operating system searches for

FDDIXPress boards starting at the topmost GIO Bus slot. The network interfaces are subsequently assigned to the FDDI connections in the order they were located: the first board is assigned xpi0 and the second is assigned xpi1.

Number Assignment for CHALLENGE and Onyx

During startup of a CHALLENGE L, CHALLENGE XL, or Onyx system, the operating system searches for FDDIXPress mezzanine boards attached to system IO4 boards in the order shown below. When it locates a board, it adds the board to its hardware inventory.


Main IO4 board, lower mezzanine position (adapter 5)

2. Main IO4 board, upper mezzanine position (adapter 6)

3. Second IO4 board, lower mezzanine position (adapter 5)

4. Second IO4 board, upper mezzanine position (adapter 6)

The order continues as established above. You can display the contents of the hardware inventory with the hinv command, as shown below. The FDDIXPress boards are listed in the order in which they were found.

% /sbin/hinv



: slot #, adapter #, xpi#-xpi#


: slot #, adapter #, xpi#-xpi#


The driver then uses the information summarized in Table 2-2 to assign network interface numbers to the FDDIXPress mezzanine boards in the hardware inventory. For each FDDIXPress mezzanine board, the operating system assigns two consecutive numbers.


Numbering for FDDIXPress boards installed in VME slots is controlled by jumpers on the board.


Chapter 2: Configuring FDDIXPress Software

Table 2-2

Number Assignments for Network Interfaces on CHALLENGE and

Onyx Platforms

Order In Which Boards Are


Network Interfaces

Serviced by

FDDIXPress Board

First FDDIXPress board xpi0 and xpi1

Second FDDIXPress board xpi2 and xpi3

Mapping IO Panel Plate Labels to Network


Daughter Card Interface

bottom top bottom top xpi1 xpi0 xpi3 xpi2

And so on

The network interface names and numbers cannot be changed or configured. The naming/numbering scheme is embedded in the software.

The last two columns of Table 2-2 summarize how to match the labelling on the IO panel plates to the network interfaces (that is, the connections at the daughter cards on the

FDDIXPress mezzanine boards). The bottom daughter card of each installed FDDIXPress board is assigned the first number within the assigned pair of numbers (for example, xpi0 or xpi2); the top daughter card, is assigned the higher number of the pair (for example,

xpi1 or xpi3).

This method of assigning numbers has the following consequences that should be considered when FDDIXPress boards are added, removed, or moved:

• When additional FDDIXPress boards are installed, the network interfaces on

FDDIXPress boards downstream from the new board become dysfunctional. For example, if a second FDDIXPress board is added upstream from the first

FDDIXPress board, network interfaces xpi0 and xpi1 are assigned to the new board during the next powerup and, unless the software has been reconfigured, the IP network addresses do not match the cables that are attached to the ports.

To fix this, the cables attached to the panel plates for the original board must be moved to the panel plates for the new board. Or, alternatively, the netif.options file must be edited so that the lines for the interfaces on the original board reflect the new numbers (for example,



name=xpi0 is changed to




, and if


name=xpi1 is changed to






Number Assignment to Interfaces

• When FDDIXPress boards are removed, moved, or are not found by the operating system during startup, the interfaces that used to be serviced by the missing board are assigned to the next downstream FDDIXPress board, so all downstream network interfaces become dysfunctional. For example, if the first FDDIXPress board is not found during a powerup, its network interfaces (xpi0 and xpi1) are assigned to the next board. This shifting of network interfaces affects all boards downstream from the missing board. The networks physically attached to the ports no longer match the assigned IP addresses.

To remedy this problem, the cables attached to the panel plates for each board can be moved to the next downstream board. Or, alternatively, the netif.options file can be edited so that the lines for the FDDIXPress interfaces reflect the new numbers

(for example,



name=xpi2 is changed to




, and if


name=xpi3 is changed to





Number Assignment for Octane, Origin200, Origin 2000, and O


These workstations are PCI bus-based systems and their interface numbering scheme is automatically determined at system startup by the ioconfig utility (see ioconfig(1M)).

At system startup, ioconfig inventories the FDDIXPress boards in the system and tries to match them with the devices found in the /etc/ioconfig.conf file. If ioconfig detects a new board, it assigns the next number available for that class (in this case, rns).

For example, upon initial startup after adding two FDDIXPress boards, the first board is labeled rns0 and the second board is rns1. These numbers remain during subsequent system reboots and even if the boards are moved. If a board is moved, it receives the next available number (rns2, for example) unless you edit the /etc/ioconfig.conf file and remove the initial entry.


Chapter 2: Configuring FDDIXPress Software

Default Configurations

If the only configuration task you perform is adding entries to the /etc/hosts file, the system automatically configures all network interfaces with the default configuration described in this section. The defaults for ordering and naming network connections is summarized in Table 2-3. The default settings for operational parameters are summarized in Table 2-4.

Table 2-3

IP address

Default Network Interface Configuration

Default Configuration Interface

primary interface

interface selected

network connection name assigned

FDDI (for example, ipg0 or xpi0)

Same as the hostname defined in the /etc/sys_id file.

The IP address in /etc/hosts file that is associated with the station’s hostname.

secondary interface

interface selected

network connection name assigned

IP address

Built-in Ethernet (for example, ec0 or et0) gate-hostname

The IP address in /etc/hosts file that is associated with the name “gate-hostname.”

The default configuration for FDDI will not succeed if the /etc/hosts file does not contain an entry with the station’s hostname paired with an FDDI network IP address. The name in the /etc/hosts file must match the name displayed when the hostname command is invoked from a shell window, as shown:

% /usr/bsd/hostname

If the line in the /etc/hosts file with the station’s hostname has an non-FDDI IP address (for example, an IP address for an Ethernet network), the configuration process will complete, but neither the FDDI nor Ethernet connection will function.

For this station to be a router/gateway, it must have two network interfaces. For example, if the station is to perform as an Ethernet-to-FDDI router, it must have an

Ethernet interface in addition to the FDDI interface. A station with two network interfaces, by default, functions as a router.


Default Configurations

The network interfaces are configured with default operational parameter settings, as summarized in Table 2-4.

Table 2-4


netmask broadcast address route metric arp debug

Default Network Interface Parameters

Default Description

No subnet.

(That is, the bits in the standard network portion of the Internet address are set to 1; the bits in the standard host portion of the

Internet address are set to 0. For class B addresses, 0xFFFF0000. For class C, 0xFFFFFF00.)

32-bit value used to create two or more subnetworks from a single Internet address, by increasing the number of bits used as the network portion and decreasing the number of bits used as the host portion. When creating the mask, assign 1 to each network bit and 0 to each host bit.

For the Internet address family, the host portion of the IP address is set to 1s. (For class B addresses,

x.x.255.255. For class C addresses,


Address used by this interface for contacting all stations on the local area network.


Address Resolution Protocol is enabled and used by the interface.


Hop count value advertised by the routing daemon (routed) to other routers. Higher numbers make the route less desirable and less likely to be selected as a route. Settings range from 0 (most favorable) to 16 (least favorable, infinite).

Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) translates IP addresses to link-layer

(hardware) addresses.

When this parameter is disabled, interface does not use ARP.

When debugging is enabled, a wider variety of error messages are displayed when errors occur.

If the configuration described in this section fits your needs, you do not need to perform any of the configuration tasks. Skip to “Install the FDDI Board” on page 41. Otherwise, follow the instructions in one or more of the sections in this chapter to change the configuration to suite your needs.


Chapter 2: Configuring FDDIXPress Software

Quick and Easy Configuration Instructions

To configure your FDDI station quickly, follow the step-by-step instructions in the appropriate example:

• “FDDI as the Primary Interface and Ethernet as Secondary” on page 24

• “FDDI as the Secondary Interface and Ethernet as Primary” on page 25

• “FDDI as the Only Network Interface” on page 27

FDDI as the Primary Interface and Ethernet as Secondary

The configuration described here contains no special items, just the most basic functionality.

If your site uses an NIS service, the changes described in this section must also be made to the database on the NIS server .


Open a shell window.

2. Log on as superuser:

% /sbin/su



3. Determine your station’s hostname:

# /usr/bsd/hostname

4. Open the /etc/hosts file:

# /usr/sbin/jot /etc/hosts

5. Find the line containing your station’s hostname.

If the file does not contain a line for your hostname, follow the instructions in

“Complete and Complex Configuration Information” on page 28,

6. Copy the line and place the copy immediately below the original.

7. Return to the original line and change the address (numbers on the left) to the IP address for the FDDI network.


Quick and Easy Configuration Instructions

8. On the new line, change each instance of the hostname to gate-hostname.

For example, the lines for a station with a hostname of mickey, residing in a domain of, would look like this:

x.x.x.x mickey #FDDI primary

x.x.x.x gate-mickey #Ether secondary

Each x represents one, two, or three decimal digits.

9. Do not change the address on the new line. This is your original Ethernet IP address and will continue to be used.

10. Save and close the file.

11. You are now ready to install the FDDI board. Follow the instructions in the board’s installation guide or installation instructions.

If the board is already installed, type the following commands to build your changes into the operating system:

# /etc/autoconfig

Automatically rebuild the operating system (y/n)? y

# /etc/reboot

FDDI as the Secondary Interface and Ethernet as Primary

The configuration described here contains no special items, just the most basic functionality. This configuration makes it possible for a Silicon Graphics system to load the miniroot over the primary Ethernet network (or boot from the network).


Open a shell window.

2. Log on as superuser:

% /sbin/su




3. Determine your station’s hostname:

# /usr/bsd/hostname

4. Open the /etc/hosts file:

# /usr/sbin/jot /etc/hosts


Chapter 2: Configuring FDDIXPress Software

5. Find the line containing your station’s hostname.

If the file does not contain a line for your hostname, follow the instructions in

“Complete and Complex Configuration Information” on page 28.

6. Copy the line and place the copy immediately below the original.

7. On this new line, change the IP address (all the numbers on the left) to the FDDI IP address.

8. Also on the new line, change each instance of the hostname to fddi-hostname.

For example, the lines for a station with a hostname of mickey, residing in a domain of, would look like this:

x.x.x.x mickey #Ether primary

x.x.x.x fddi-mickey #FDDI secondary

Each x represents one, two, or three decimal digits.

9. Save and close the file.

If your site uses an NIS service, the changes described above must also be made to the database on the NIS server.

10. Determine the name of your primary Ethernet interface with the command shown below. Some common examples include ec0, et0, enp0, ep0.

# /usr/etc/netstat -i

11. Determine the name of your FDDI interface. This information is in the FDDIXPress release notes. Common names include xpi0 and ipg0.

12. Open the /etc/config/netif.options file:

# /usr/sbin/jot /etc/config/netif.options

13. Find this line:

: if1name=

Change it as shown below. Be sure to remove the colon and leading space.




Quick and Easy Configuration Instructions

14. Find this line:

: if2name=

Change it as shown below. Be sure to remove the colon and leading space.



15. Find this line:

: if2addr=gate-$HOSTNAME

Change it as shown below. Be sure to remove the colon and leading space.


16. Save and close the file.

17. You are now ready to install the FDDI board. Follow the instructions in the board’s installation guide or installation instructions.

If the board is already installed, type the following commands to build your changes into the operating system:

# /etc/autoconfig

Automatically rebuild the operating system (y/n)? y

# /etc/reboot

FDDI as the Only Network Interface

The configuration described here contains no special items, just the most basic functionality.


Open a shell window.

2. Log on as superuser:

% /sbin/su




3. Determine your station’s hostname:

# /usr/bsd/hostname


Chapter 2: Configuring FDDIXPress Software

4. Open the /etc/hosts file:

# /usr/sbin/jot /etc/hosts

5. Find the line containing your station’s hostname.

If the file does not contain a line for your hostname, follow the instructions in

“Complete and Complex Configuration Information” on page 28.

6. Change the address (numbers on the left) to the IP address for the FDDI network.

For example, the line for a station with a hostname of mickey, residing in a domain of, would look like this:

x.x.x.x mickey #FDDI primary

Each x represents one to three decimal digits.

7. Save and close the file.

If your site uses an NIS service, the changes described above must also be made to the database on the NIS server.

8. You are now ready to install the FDDI board. Follow the instructions in the board’s installation guide or installation instructions.

If the board is already installed, type the following commands to build your changes into the operating system:

# /etc/autoconfig

Automatically rebuild the operating system (y/n)? y

# /etc/reboot

Complete and Complex Configuration Information

This section describes configurations and configuration issues not covered by “Quick and Easy Configuration Instructions.” The configuration instructions in this section are more complex and complete. This section explains when and why you need to configure an FDDI station, in addition to how to do it.

The following is an overview of the procedure for installing and configuring

FDDIXPress. For a new FDDI station, the tasks must be performed in the order listed.

Each task is divided into detailed steps and described in the referenced section.


Complete and Complex Configuration Information


Prepare for configuration, as described in “Prepare for Configuration” on page 29.

2. Perform the required configuration tasks:

Ensure your station’s network connection names and IP addresses are in the

/etc/hosts file, as described in “Network Connection Names and IP Addresses” on page 31.

Verify and, if necessary, modify the /etc/config/netif.options file as described in

“Configure the Station’s Network Interfaces” on page 33.

If necessary, create or modify the /etc/config/ifconfig-#.options file, as described in

“Changing Settings for the Operational Parameters” on page 38.

3. Perform the FDDI board installation, as described in “Install the FDDI Board” on page 41.

4. Optionally, make your environment user friendly, as described in “Configure the

Environment for User Friendliness and Safety (Optional)” on page 42.

5. Check that the FDDI connection is functional, as described in “Verifying the FDDI

Connection” on page 47.

Prepare for Configuration

Before starting the installation, collect the necessary information and perform housekeeping so the installation goes smoothly.


If your computer has not been networked before, follow the instructions in the

Personal System Administration Guide to set up your system as a networked workstation. These tasks include assigning your system a hostname, a network connection name, an IP address, as well as enabling TCP/IP.

2. If the FDDIXPress software has not been installed, do so now.

3. Determine the number of networks to which your station will be connected after

FDDIXPress is installed. For example, if your station is currently connected to an

Ethernet network, will the station continue to use the Ethernet connection in addition to the FDDI connection?

4. If the station will have more than one network connection, decide which will be the primary network. The primary network interface should be the one where all or most of your station’s network services or clients reside.


The network you select as primary experiences the heaviest usage. It is recommended that FDDI be the primary network connection. However, for systems that need to boot over the network, Ethernet must be primary.


Chapter 2: Configuring FDDIXPress Software

5. For each network connection, select a network connection name and IP address.

The network connection name of the primary network connection must be the same as the system’s hostname. You can display your system’s hostname by using the

hostname command within a shell window:

% /usr/bsd/hostname

You can display the current IP address associated with the network connection name hostname by typing one of the following commands in a shell window:

% /sbin/grep



% /usr/bin/ypmatch



The names you create for non-primary network interfaces can be anything you want. To facilitate recognition, the names usually include both the hostname and an indication of the protocol (for example, fddi-mars or fddi2-mars).

6. Determine if any of your station’s network interfaces require special configuration for any of the following items: subnetwork mask (netmask), broadcast address, route metric, or use of Address Resolution Protocol.

The default configuration settings for these operational parameters are listed in

Table 2-4, in “Default Configurations.” In most cases, the defaults are the desired settings.

If any of these operational parameters needs special configuration, the network administrator must create an /etc/config/ifconfig-#.options file, where the pound sign

(#) matches the network interface’s order in the netif.options file. Once these files are created, you can proceed with the configuration.

7. For sites using an NIS server:

The network administrator needs to update the site’s hosts and ethers databases to include the correct information about this station. The hosts database should be updated to include all the station’s network connection names and IP addresses before you restart the system after installing the board. The ethers database can be updated only after the board has been installed.

8. You are ready to start configuring. Follow the instructions in “Network Connection

Names and IP Addresses.”


Complete and Complex Configuration Information

Network Connection Names and IP Addresses

Your FDDI station must have a network connection name 1 and IP address for each FDDI network interface. It may also need network connection names and IP addresses for other network interfaces (for example, Ethernet).

This section provides instructions for entering your network connection names and IP addresses into the local /etc/hosts file.

If your site uses an NIS service, the changes described in this section must also be made to the NIS server’s database.


Open a shell window.

2. Log on as superuser:

% /sbin/su




3. Use your favorite editor (for example, jot or vi) to open the /etc/hosts file. For example, the command line below opens the /etc/hosts file for editing:

# /usr/sbin/jot /etc/hosts

4. Locate the line containing the network connection name that you selected for your

FDDI connection. If you do not find an entry for this name, search for the FDDI IP address. If you do not find either, skip to step 6. If you find the FDDI name or address, continue.

Searching for all instances of the station’s hostname will usually identify all the network connection names for the system. You can display the system’s hostname with the /usr/bsd/hostname command.

5. Verify that the IP address and the name are correct for the FDDI connection. (Make sure the IP address is not the Ethernet address.) If the name and address are correct, skip to step 7, otherwise continue.

1 The network connection name is a name entered in the /etc/hosts file. This name is paired with an IP address. Each network interface must have one network connection name that is unique to the domain and one globally unique IP address.


Chapter 2: Configuring FDDIXPress Software

6. If the line is not correct or is missing, edit the file so that there is a line containing the

IP address and network connection name for the FDDI network interface.

A typical format for an entry in /etc/hosts file is as shown:

IPaddress fullnetworkconnectionname aliases

For example, a portion of an /etc/hosts file might look like this, where the host goofy has two entries and mickey has one: mickey goofy fddi-goofy

7. If your station will be using more than one network connection, for each one (in addition to FDDI), verify that the name and IP address are the correct.

8. Save and close the file.

9. Decide if the following statements are true for your system, then choose the relevant substep, below:

• In the /etc/hosts file, the FDDI IP address is assigned to the station’s hostname

• The Ethernet IP address to the entry gate

• FDDI is the primary network interface

• The station has no more than two network interfaces

If all the statements are true, you do not need to perform any other configuration tasks. If the FDDI board is not installed, install it now. Otherwise, if the board is installed, use these commands to build your changes into the operating system:

% /sbin/su



# /etc/autoconfig

Automatically rebuild the operating system (y/n)? y

# /etc/reboot

If any of the statements are false, you need to configure the network interface(s).

Follow the instructions in the next section, “Configure the Station’s Network


For more information about the /etc/hosts file, see the hosts(4) man page and IRIX Admin:

Networking and Mail.


Complete and Complex Configuration Information

Configure the Station’s Network Interfaces

This section explains how to configure your station’s network interface (or interfaces). If you do not perform any of the procedures in this section, the system configures the station with the default settings described in “Default Configurations” on page 22.

This section contains the following subsections:

• “Making FDDI the Secondary Network Interface” on page 33

• “Changing the Ethernet’s Name” on page 37

• “Configuring Multiple FDDI Interfaces” on page 38

• “Changing Settings for the Operational Parameters” on page 38

• “Disabling Forwarding and Routing” on page 39

Making FDDI the Secondary Network Interface

To make FDDI the secondary network interface, edit the /etc/config/netif.options file as explained in this procedure. This allows a Silicon Graphics workstation or server to boot from the primary Ethernet network.


Determine the names of your system’s network interfaces.

If you are installing the FDDI board for the first time, the FDDIXPress release notes indicate the name of the FDDI network interface for your system (for example, ipg# or xpi#).

Other interface names can be displayed with the netstat command.

Open a shell window and use the /usr/etc/netstat -in command to list the currently available network interfaces, as demonstrated in Figure 2-1. If an

FDDI connection is operating, its name is listed. The names you see may be different than those shown in Figure 2-1.


Chapter 2: Configuring FDDIXPress Software

an Ethernet interface an FDDI interface

Name Mtu Network Address Ipkts

Ierrs Opkts Oerrs Coll xpi0 4500 195.41.72


0 0 0 0 ec0 1500 195.41.75

2546732 5158 231251 0 10338 lo0 32880 127

7990697 0 7990697 0 0

Figure 2-1

Displaying Available Interfaces With netstat -in

2. Open the /etc/config/netif.options file with your favorite editor.

3. Change the following lines

: if1name=

: if1addr=$HOSTNAME

: if2name=

: if2addr=gate-$HOSTNAME to if1name=

name of interface you want to be primary

: if1addr=$HOSTNAME if2name=



Do not alter the line containing

: if1addr

4. Remove the colons and leading spaces.

For example: if1name=ec0

: if1addr=$HOSTNAME if2name=xpi0 if2addr=fddi-$HOSTNAME

5. If you do not want to use the network connection name shown above

(fddi-hostname), you may replace the name with one of your own choice.

Make sure the name or name format you enter corresponds to an entry in the

/etc/hosts file.

6. If this is your final configuration change, go to the subsection “Build Configuration

Changes Into the System” to finish.


Complete and Complex Configuration Information

Example 2-1

FDDI as Primary Interface Configuration

A workstation named minnie has an FDDI interface, xpi0, and an Ethernet interface, ec0.

If the netif.options file is not altered, the default configuration is: xpi0 is assigned the IP address corresponding to minnie, and ec0 is assigned the IP address for gate-minnie. If there is no entry in /etc/hosts for gate-minnie, the secondary interface is not configured.

For example, minnie’s /etc/hosts file contains this information: minnie gate-minnie

The unaltered /etc/config/netif.options file contains this information:

: if1name=

: if1addr=$HOSTNAME

: if2name=

: if2addr=gate-$HOSTNAME

This is the resulting configuration:

minnie ( is configured as the primary FDDI interface.

gate-minnie ( is configured as the secondary Ethernet interface.

Example 2-2

FDDI as Secondary Interface Configuration

To make the Ethernet (ec0) interface primary and the FDDI (xpi0) secondary for the system described in Example 2-1, you need to change the lines in the netif.options file to the following: if1name=ec0

: if1addr=$HOSTNAME if2name=xpi0

: if2addr=gate-$HOSTNAME

This is the result:

minnie ( is configured as the primary Ethernet interface.

gate-minnie ( is configured as the secondary FDDI interface.

Example 2-3

Changing the Secondary FDDI Interface Name

To change the FDDI secondary interface name to fddi-minnie for the system described in

Example 2-1 and Example 2-2, the /etc/hosts file and the /etc/config/netif.options file need to be altered.


Chapter 2: Configuring FDDIXPress Software

The /etc/config/netif.options file must have the following entries: if1name=ec0

: if1addr=$HOSTNAME if2name=xpi0 if2addr=fddi-$HOSTNAME

The /etc/hosts file must have the following entries: minnie fddi-minnie

Explanation of Network Configuration Process

During system startup and anytime it is invoked specifically, the shell command file

/etc/init.d/network configures and initializes the network interfaces and software. Some of the script’s procedures are accomplished by calling other utilities and reading configuration files. Some of the tasks the /etc/init.d/network command file performs are:

• Determines the station’s hostname. This information is defined in the /etc/sys_id file.

• Determines the network hardware and interfaces available in the operating system.

This information can be viewed with the hinv command.

• Determines the ordering for the network interfaces. This information is defined in the /etc/config/netif.options file. If the netif.options file has not been altered, the default ordering is configured (explained in “Default Configurations” on page 22 and defined within the network script).

• Determines the network connection name for each network interface. This information is defined by the

if#addr lines in the /etc/config/netif.options file. If the

netif.options file has not been altered, the default names (explained in “Default

Configurations” and defined in the network script) are used.

• Determines the IP address for each interface by looking up each network connection name in the /etc/hosts file.

• Determines the settings for each network interface’s operational parameters. This information is defined in the /etc/config/ifconfig-#.options. If an ifconfig-#.options file does not exist for the interface, the default settings are assigned (described in

“Default Configurations”).


Complete and Complex Configuration Information

• Configures the number of network interfaces specified by the if_ num variable in the network script.

• Starts (enables) each successfully configured interface.

The results of the network script’s configuration can be viewed with the /usr/etc/netstat -i and /usr/etc/ifconfig commands.

Changing the Ethernet’s Name

Ethernet is automatically configured as the secondary network interface. It is assigned a network connection name of gate-hostname. This section provides instructions for changing the name used for the Ethernet network connection.

If a station does not have a second entry in the /etc/hosts file, the system does not configure a second network interface.

To configure Ethernet with a different /etc/hosts entry (for example, ether-hostname), follow these instructions:


Log on as superuser and open the /etc/config/netif.options file with your favorite editor.

2. Change the following line:

: if2addr=gate-$HOSTNAME to if2addr=


or if2addr=



3. Save and close the file.

4. Use one of the following commands to verify that the name you have entered in the

netif.options file exists in the /etc/hosts file or hosts database. If the name does not exist, follow the instructions in “Network Connection Names and IP Addresses” on page 31 to modify the /etc/hosts file.

% /sbin/grep



% /usr/bin/ypmatch



name is either the new name or newname-hostname.

5. If this is your final configuration change, go to the subsection “Build Configuration

Changes Into the System” on page 40 to finish.


Chapter 2: Configuring FDDIXPress Software

Configuring Multiple FDDI Interfaces

There is no default configuration for FDDI network interfaces other than the first one. If a system has two or more FDDI connections, you need to add a pair of lines to the

/etc/config/netif.options file for each additional FDDI network interface and possibly change the if_num variable in the /etc/init.d/network file.

The following lines are an example of netif.options entries for a system with three FDDI connections and one Ethernet. The lines for the first and second network interfaces have not been edited, so the default configuration for a primary FDDI and secondary Ethernet are automatically configured.

: if1name=

: if1addr=

: if2name=

: if2addr= if3name=xpi1 if3addr=fddi2-goofy if4name=xpi2 if4addr=fddi3-goofy

The network connection names (for example, fddi3-goofy) must exist in the /etc/hosts file.

The following is a single line in a network file that has been altered to configure twelve network interfaces: if_num=12

Changing Settings for the Operational Parameters

To change the default settings for operational parameters (summarized in Table 2-4), create or edit the /etc/config/ifconfig-#.options file for the network interface. The pound sign

(#) in the filename must match the number in the netif.options file that was used to configure the network connection. For example, for the netif.options line


, create or edit the file /etc/config-3.options.

The following is an example of the contents of an /etc/config/ifconfig-#.options file. This file enables the IP address resolution protocol, sets a route metric, and specifies a subnetwork mask for the associated network: arp metric 9 netmask 0xFFFFFF80

Complete instructions for configuring operational parameters are provided in the device configuration instructions in IRIX Admin: Networking and Mail.


Complete and Complex Configuration Information

Disabling Forwarding and Routing

By default, the routing daemon (routed) is started and IP forwarding (in the operating system) is enabled whenever a system has two or more network interfaces. This default configuration causes the system to advertise itself as a router to other systems on the networks, maintain tables of routes it knows, and to transfer (that is, route, forward) packets between its networks whenever it encounters packets that need to be routed in order to be delivered.

If your station has two (or more) network interfaces and you do not want the system to transfer or route packets between its networks or to advertise itself as a router, follow the steps in the examples below for the configuration you want.

Example 2-4

Disable Forwarding and Route Advertising

This example disables the capability to forward data from one network to another and advertisement of all routing information. (This configuration does not disable the routing daemon’s maintenance of routing tables, only its advertisement of the routing information.)


Edit the /etc/config/routed.options file so that it contains the characters


This prevents the system from advertising its network connections (routes) or its presence (the host route) on any of the system’s networks.

2. Edit the /var/sysgen/master.d/bsd file so that the line containing int ipforwarding = 1 is changed to

int ipforwarding = 0

. This prevents the system from passing (transferring) any messages between its networks.

3. Go to the subsection “Build Configuration Changes Into the System” on page 40 to finish.

Example 2-5

Disable Route Advertising

This example allows data to be forwarded from one network to another, but prevents the system from advertising its network connections (thus preventing the system from becoming known as a router).


Edit the /etc/config/routed.options file so that it contains the characters


. This causes the system to refrain from all rout advertising; it does not advertise its network connections (routes) and it does not advertise its own presence has a host

(host routes) on its connected networks.

2. Go to the subsection “Build Configuration Changes Into the System” on page 40 to finish.


Chapter 2: Configuring FDDIXPress Software

Example 2-6

Disable Route Advertising Except For the Primary Interface

This example allows data to be forwarded from one network to another and prevents the system from advertising its network connections (thus preventing the system from becoming known as a router). However, it allows the system to advertise its own presence as a host on the network attached as its primary network interface.


Edit the /etc/config/routed.options file so that it contains the characters


. This causes the system to advertise (on all its connected networks) its presence as a host

(the host route) on its primary network, but prevents the system from advertising its network connections and other host routes.

2. Go to the subsection “Build Configuration Changes Into the System” on page 40 to finish.

For more information, see the routed(1M) and chkconfig(1M) man pages and the comments in the /var/sysgen/master.d/bsd file.

Build Configuration Changes Into the System

To build your network interface or driver configuration changes into the operating system, follow the procedure that is appropriate:

• If the FDDI board has not been installed, do not rebuild the operating system now.

Instead, follow the instructions in the FDDI board’s installation guide or installation instructions to install the board.

• If the FDDI board is installed, rebuild the operating system, and reboot to start using the new operating system with these commands:

% /sbin/su



# /etc/autoconfig

Automatically rebuild the operating system (y/n)? y

# /etc/reboot


Complete and Complex Configuration Information

Install the FDDI Board

The FDDIXPress board should be installed after the FDDIXPress software has been installed and configured. The instructions for installing an FDDI board are described in the board’s installation guide or installation instructions.

The following is an overview of the procedure for installing the FDDIXPress product

(software and hardware). The steps must be performed in the order shown.


Install the FDDIXPress software.

2. Perform these required configuration tasks:

Update your station’s name(s) and IP address(es) in the /etc/hosts file.

Instructions are provided in “Network Connection Names and IP Addresses” on page 31.

Configure the network interface(s). Instructions are provided in “Configure the

Station’s Network Interfaces” on page 33.

3. Install the FDDI board. Follow the instructions in the board’s installation guide or installation instructions.

Installation of the board includes the following three steps. The FDDI connection will not function if you do not finish your installation with these steps:

Restart the system.



to the prompt

Automatically rebuild the operating system


Reboot the system.

4. (Optional) When you finish installing the board, continue with “Configure the

Environment for User Friendliness and Safety (Optional)” to make your station’s environment user friendly and safe.

5. Verify the FDDI connection. Instructions are provided in “Verifying the FDDI

Connection” on page 47.


Chapter 2: Configuring FDDIXPress Software

Configure the Environment for User Friendliness and Safety


This section describes how to make your environment user friendly and safe. All procedures in this section are optional.

Four actions are recommended:

• Set the path variable to include the SMT commands.

• Create backup copies of important FDDIXPress files.

• For sites without an NIS service: Create an /etc/ethers file so that names can be used with SMT commands instead of MAC addresses.

• For sites with an NIS service: Create local copies of the ethers and hosts databases.

Setting the Path to the SMT Commands (Optional)

To invoke the SMT commands from any directory, the system must know where the commands reside. This section shows how to configure your environment so that the

SMT commands are always available, regardless of the directory you are currently logged into.

If you do not configure the path, you must type the complete path to the directory where the SMT commands reside each time you invoke an SMT command.


Find the path to the SMT commands by reading any of the SMT command man pages. For example, enter the command:

% /usr/bin/man smtring

In the display that appears in your shell window, the text under the heading

SYNOPSIS indicates the path. Make note of the path; it is everything up to, but not including, the command name. In the following display, /usr/etc/ is the path:

NAME smtring - examines the state of FDDI ring


/usr/etc/smtring [-adn] [-i interval] . . .


Complete and Complex Configuration Information

2. Open your .login file (or .cshrc file) with your favorite editor. For example, type a command line like this:

% /usr/sbin/jot /usr/people/



3. Locate the line that sets the path variable. The line looks like this: set path=(. ~/bin /usr/bsd /usr/sbin /usr/lib /etc)

4. At the end of the path variable’s last line, but before the closing parenthesis, add the new path. For example, if you were editing the example .login (or .cshrc) file, it should look like this example: set path=(. ~/bin /usr/bsd /usr/sbin /usr/lib /etc /usr/etc)

Setting Up the ethers File (Optional)

The FDDIXPress SMT commands use MAC (physical) addresses to contact other FDDI stations on the ring. If you want to use the commands with names, instead of MAC addresses, your system must have access to an ethers database. (The ethers database maps physical addresses—MAC and Ethernet addresses—to network connection names.) Your station can obtain ethers database information from the site’s Network

Information Service (NIS) or from a local /etc/ethers file.


If any of your station’s networks uses an NIS server, this procedure must be done at the NIS server, not on the local station.

Edit the /etc/ethers file so it lists this station’s MAC address and those of all the other stations on the FDDI ring:


Open a shell window and log on as superuser.

2. Use the /usr/etc/netstat -ia command to determine the MAC address of your station’s

FDDI board and the name of the FDDI interface. Be sure to find the MAC address for the FDDI board (for example, the MAC address listed under xpi0 or ipg0), not the Ethernet board (for example, ec0). In a default configuration, FDDI is the first interface listed. The MAC address is the number displayed in hexadecimal format, as shown in Figure 2-2.


Chapter 2: Configuring FDDIXPress Software

Name Mtu Network Address xpi0 4500 N1 mickey.disney

pmap-mcast allhosts-mcast ec0 1500 N2

Ipkts Ierrs

0 0







0a:00:fc:04:a9:9 gate-mickey.disney 2546732 5158 231251 0 10338 pmap-mcast allhosts-mcast

0a:00:f6:06:34:ff lo0 32880 loopback localhost 7990697 0 7990697 0 0 allhosts-mcast

FDDI network connection name

FDDI network interface name

FDDI MAC address

Figure 2-2

Screen Display for /usr/etc/netstat -ia Command

3. Open the /etc/ethers file with your favorite editor.

4. Add a line to the /etc/ethers file that specifies the FDDI board’s MAC address and the station’s FDDI network connection name. In the /etc/ethers file, use the format displayed with the /usr/etc/netstat command for the MAC address and network connection name:

x:x:x:x:x:x networkconnectionname



x:x:x:x:x:x is the 48-bit, hexadecimal MAC address of each network interface board.

Each x represents one byte and can be a hexadecimal numeral from 0 to ff. The

networkconnectionname corresponds to the name in the /etc/hosts file that is paired with the FDDI IP address. Comments start after the # character and are optional.

5. In another shell window, determine the broadcast address for your network by using the following command. The broadcast address is the sequence of digits displayed in the location illustrated in Figure 2-3.

% /usr/etc/smtconfig



Complete and Complex Configuration Information xpi0: flags=863<UP,BROADCAST,NOTRAILERS,RUNNING,MULTICAST>

inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast

Broadcast address

Figure 2-3

Displaying Broadcast Address

6. Using the broadcast address from step 5, make each station on the ring provide its

MAC address and network connection name:

% /usr/etc/ping -r -c 10


7. Display the gathered information:

% /usr/etc/arp -a

8. Copy all the displayed MAC addresses and host names into your /etc/ethers file. Be sure to use the proper format as explained above and shown in Example 2-7.

Example 2-7

Sample ethers File

In this example, a station with a hostname of goofy, shows first a portion of an arp display, and second a corresponding portion of the /etc/ethers file. goofy has two network interfaces and has been configured with the default configurations. Note that the arp display does not list goofy’s information.

The arp display: ( at a:0:69:6:34:ff ( at a:0:69:2:4:45 ( at a:0:69:2:15:ff

The /etc/ethers file: a:0:69:da:5c:f goofy# local FDDI MAC addr

2:c:1f:1:e2:88 gate-goofy# local Ethernet addr a:0:69:6:34:ff mickey# an FDDI remote station a:0:69:2:4:45 donald# an FDDI remote station a:0:69:2:15:ff minnie# an FDDI remote station

The above addresses can also be in this format:

0a:00:69:da:5c:0f goofy

02:0c:1f:01:e2:88 gate-goofy


Chapter 2: Configuring FDDIXPress Software

For more information, see the ethers(4), ping(1M), and arp(1M) man pages. For more information about the role of the /etc/ethers file, see IRIX Admin: Networking and Mail. For information about NIS, see the NIS Administration Guide and man pages.

Some of the FDDIXPress tools and commands (such as smtping and smtstat) depend on the /etc/ethers file (either local or on the NIS server) to know stations by their network connection names instead of by their MAC addresses. The /etc/ethers file maps MAC addresses to network connection names. You need to enter each FDDI station into the ethers database. (The file /etc/ethers is the ethers database.) If you do not update this database, FDDIXPress commands know stations only by their MAC addresses, in hexadecimal numerical format and Ethernet order, as defined in the Glossary.

The stations listed by arp -a are stations that your station has communicated with in the last few minutes. You can add entries to the arp display by invoking ping


or ping



If your site uses a Network Information Service (NIS) server, you may want to keep local

(backup) copies of the ethers and hosts files for use when the NIS server is unavailable.

(The local copies are not used as long as NIS is available.) For example, an NIS server could become unavailable when the FDDI ring wraps. If you decide to keep local backup copies, remember to update them when changes are made.

Type the following command lines to make local copies of /etc/hosts and /etc/ethers files, including the changes the network administrator has made to the database:

% /sbin/su



# /usr/bin/ypcat hosts > /etc/hosts

# /usr/bin/ypcat ethers > /etc/ethers

Do not perform this step until you are certain the network administrator has made all the changes pertaining to your station.


Verifying the FDDI Connection

Backing Up SMT Files (Optional)

Files can become corrupted. It is a wise practice to keep backup copies of important files.

To create backup copies of two FDDIXPress files that the SMT module (daemon) uses frequently, follow this procedure.


Go to the fddi directory:

% cd /etc/fddi

2. Become superuser:

% /sbin/su




3. Make backup copies of the smtd.conf and smtd.mib files:

# /sbin/cp smtd.conf smtd.conf.orig

# /sbin/cp smtd.mib smtd.mib.orig

Performing this step can save you from reinstalling the FDDIXPress software if either file becomes corrupted or is deleted.

Verifying the FDDI Connection

To verify that the station’s FDDI connection is working, follow the steps in this section.

Many of these steps use the smtstat -s command to view key items from the SMT information database. For details on how to use the smtstat command, see “Display SMT

Information (MIB)” on page 65. If any of the following tests fail, see Chapter 4 for troubleshooting ideas.


Open a shell window.

2. Type the following command to verify that the FDDI board is recognized by the system software:

% /sbin/hinv

The hinv display, shown in Figure 2-4, lists all the hardware known to the system.

An FDDI controller must display in the list. If an FDDI controller is not listed, refer to “Recognition of Board by Software” on page 80.


Chapter 2: Configuring FDDIXPress Software

1 33 MHZ IP12 Processors

FPU: MIPS R2010A/R3010 VLSI Floating Point Chip Revision: 4.0

CPU: MIPS R2000A/R3000 Processor Chip Revision: 3.0

On-board serial ports: 2

Data cache size:32 Kbytes

Instruction cache size:32 Kbytes

Main memory size:16 Mbytes

I/O board, slot F: IO3

Integral Ethernet: ec0, version 1

XPI FDDI controller: xpi0, firmware version 1, DAS

Disk drive: unit 1 on SCSI controller 0

Integral SCSI controller 0: Version WD33C93A, revision 9

Iris Audio Processor, rev 3

Graphics board: LG1

FDDI board

Figure 2-4

Network interface name

An Example of the hinv Display

3. List all network interfaces on the system. An FDDIXPress interface, such as ipg# or

xpi#, must be listed.

% /usr/etc/netstat -in

If the listing does not include an FDDI network interface, the FDDIXPress software may not have been installed, may not be configured, or may not be built into the operating system. Fix the problem before continuing.

4. Invoke the report display for the first FDDIXPress interface:

% /usr/etc/smtstat -I



If an error message displays, look up the error message in Appendix A for troubleshooting instructions.

5. Verify that the FDDI board sees the ring’s token.



to view the MAC (#1) report.



to reset the counters and start accumulating. The accumulating total displays every second.

Look at the “MAC state” field. It should display



Watch the “tokens” field for 15 seconds. The number should increment rapidly.

If the “tokens” field does not increment, refer to “Token Count Not

Incrementing” on page 87.


Verifying the FDDI Connection

6. Verify that the ports are working.



to view the Port (#2) report.

For a dual ring DAS, the following fields should have the statuses shown:

Port B Port A neighbor A B


PC withhold NONE NONE conn state ACTIVE ACTIVE tx line state THRU THRU rcv line state ILS ILS



entry indicates that the ring is wrapped at this port. This may be due to an illegal port connection or it may indicate a fault on the ring. If the


is on port B, the fault domain starts somewhere upstream from this station; if the


is on port A, the fault is downstream.


WRAP entry on a DAS connected to a concentrator is functioning normally. If the ring is wrapped, refer to “Ring Is Wrapped” on page 88.

For an SAS, the following fields should have the statuses shown:

Port S neighbor M


PC withhold NONE conn state ACTIVE tx line state THRU rcv line state ILS





entry on the transmit line state indicates the connection at this station is faulty. This may be due to an illegal port connection or it may indicate a faulty cable or connection. Follow the instructions in “Check Cables and

Connectors” on page 83 to correct the connection.

7. Verify that the optical signal is being received without errors.

Continue viewing the Port (#2) report.



to view the totals accumulated since the last reboot.

Look at the “Link errors: short-term” field. The number should be 9 or greater.

If the short-term link error value is less than 9, refer to “Link-Level Errors” on page 87.


Chapter 2: Configuring FDDIXPress Software

8. Verify that there are no beacon or claim errors.



to view the Ring Mgt (#3) report.




Monitor the “Claims received” and “Beacons received” areas for 1 minute. The values should be close to zero for a ring functioning normally. If you observe an increase of two or more beacons or claims, wait a few minutes and repeat your observations two more times.

If you consistently see more than two additional claims or beacons during your monitoring periods, refer to “Too Many Claims or Beacons” on page 88.

9. Verify upstream and downstream neighbors:



to view the Neighbors (#5) report.

In the bottom section of the display, verify that a nonzero address is listed for upstream and downstream neighbor stations. Ignore the “old” listings. If one or both of the neighbors are listed with an address of zero, refer to “Current

Neighbor’s Address Is Zero” on page 93.

Take note of the names or MAC addresses for the upstream and downstream neighbors. You will use these in a subsequent step. If the screen display lists

MAC addresses only with no names, the /etc/ethers database has not been set up.

The /etc/ethers database is an optional configuration task explained in “Setting

Up the ethers File (Optional)” on page 43.

10. Type


to quit the report display.

11. Verify that this station can communicate with other stations on the ring.

Type one of the following commands for each of the station’s neighbors:

% /usr/etc/smtping -c 10



% /usr/etc/smtping -c 10


Names and MAC addresses of other stations on your FDDI ring are listed in the

/etc/ethers file or ethers database.

Verify that the message in the next-to-last line of the smtping display indicates less than 10 percent packet loss. If smtping does not elicit a response from a station, see “Cannot Communicate With Other Stations” on page 90 for troubleshooting instructions.

If the ring is losing packets at a rate over 10 percent, see “High Rate of Packet

Loss” on page 90.


Chapter 3


Managing Your FDDI Station and Ring

This chapter describes how to manage your station’s connection to the FDDI ring.

Specifically, the following topics are covered:

• “Verifying the Connection to a Station” on page 53

• “Listing the Stations on the Ring” on page 54

• “Displaying SMT Information for a Remote Station” on page 55

• “Recognizing Faults on the FDDI Ring” on page 57

• “Monitoring a Station’s FDDI Status” on page 60

• “Displaying and Configuring Network Interface Information” on page 67

• “Verifying a Station’s PCM Functionality” on page 71

• “Removing a Station From the FDDI Ring” on page 72

If you are the FDDI ring’s network administrator, you need to devise a way to keep track of the stations on your FDDI ring to ensure that they are operational and that the network traffic is flowing freely. How do you determine whether a particular station is on the ring or whether the ring has wrapped? How do you find out what, if anything, is wrong with a station? This chapter provides some of the information you need to answer these questions.

Station Management Commands

FDDIXPress provides station management (SMT) commands (listed in Table 3-1) for managing and monitoring both the FDDI ring and the FDDI connections at each station.

You execute these commands from a shell window.

FDDIXPress includes a graphical tool for maintaining FDDI rings: FDDIVisualyzer. This application displays a color-coded graphical representation of the FDDI ring, thus allowing you to see the ring status and view all the station statuses. Unlike the SMT


Chapter 3: Managing Your FDDI Station and Ring commands that work best for monitoring a single station, FDDIVisualyzer provides complete ring status at a single glance.

You can use the SMT commands to verify that a station is reachable on the ring, to list all the stations on the ring, to monitor the status of a particular station’s FDDI connection, and so forth. Table 3-1 lists the SMT commands.

Something the SMT commands do not do for you is maintain a list of all the stations that are supposed to be on the ring. In general, SMT information is always current, so only the currently operating stations can be listed and contacted. However, at times, it is convenient to have a list of all the stations that should be functioning on a particular ring.

This is a task the network administrator for the FDDI ring should do.

The SMT commands are specialized versions of the IRIX networking commands. For example, a few of the SMT commands that are similar to the networking commands include smtstat (like netstat), smtping (like ping), and smtconfig (like ifconfig). Be sure to use the SMT commands for the FDDI connections; use the standard network commands for the Ethernet connections. See Appendix D for the man pages for the SMT commands.

Table 3-1



Remote station or local station

FDDIXPress (SMT) Commands


smtring smtinfo


Lists all the functioning stations on the ring.

Shows SMT information for one station on the ring.

Local station (only)


Verifies that a particular station on the ring can be reached.

Proves that the local station’s FDDI connection is functional.


Configures or displays local station’s FDDI interface parameters. Superuser access is required to (re)configure.


Sets FDDI PCM line states for debugging local station’s

FDDI connection. Intended for use by FDDI experts only.

Superuser access required.


Shows SMT statistics and information for local station; displays selected contents of MIB, organized into six different reports.


Verifying the Connection to a Station

Verifying the Connection to a Station

To see if a station is on the FDDI ring:

% /usr/etc/smtping –I


-c 2


host is a name in the /etc/ethers file or a MAC address, and fddiinterface is the network interface (for example, ipg0, ipg1, and so on, or xpi0, xpi1, and so on).

This command sends a request for a response (analogous to an RSVP). The previous request is sent twice (

–c 2

) to a host (either a MAC address or a name defined in

/etc/ethers) on the specified FDDI network connection. As the host receives each request, it responds by sending some data. If host is not responding for any reason, smtping will time out, and the screen display indicates the problem with the message

... 0 packets received, 100% packet loss


When a station is on the ring and responds, you see a display similar to Figure 3-1.

SMTPING goofy -- 8 data bytes

68 bytes from 0a:00:1b:04:00:07: xid=0 time=10 ms

68 bytes from 0a:00:1b:04:00:07: xid=1 time=10 ms

---- goofy SMTPING Statistics ----

2 packets transmitted, 2 packets received, 0% packet loss round-trip (ms) min/avg/max = 10/10/10

Figure 3-1

smtping Display

For additional information about smtping and its options, see smtping(1M).


Chapter 3: Managing Your FDDI Station and Ring

Listing the Stations on the Ring

To list all the functioning stations on the FDDI ring, use the smtring command:

% /usr/etc/smtring

smtring broadcasts to all the stations and concentrators on the ring, waits 60 seconds to collect all responses, and then lists the responding stations in logical order. The local station is at the top of the list (unless a specific host has been specified in the command line). Each line shows three items of information, described from left to right:

• the station ID for the station listed on the right (under the label

MAC Address


• the station’s upstream neighbor

• the station’s name (or, if the ethers database is not maintained, the MAC address in canonical order)

Figure 3-2 shows an example of responses. In this example, the smtring command has been invoked from a station named goofy whose MAC address is a:0:1b:4:0:7 and whose upstream neighbor is mickey. From this listing you can construct a ring, as shown in

Figure 3-3.

Logical FDDI Ring Dump(4 nodes)

Station ID





Upstream Nbr

MAC Address





Figure 3-2

smtring Display

In Figure 3-2, goofy’s station ID is the default one created by the FDDIXPress SMT daemon from the MAC address.


Displaying SMT Information for a Remote Station fddi-goofy

Unused secondary ring gate-minnie

Figure 3-3

Ring Created From smtring Display

You can use the –I option to smtring if you have more than one FDDI controller board installed (for example, xpi0 and xpi1) and want to examine the state of the second board’s ring. To do this, use:

% /usr/etc/smtring -I


Displaying SMT Information for a Remote Station

With the smtinfo command, you can see SMT information for a specified remote host, including station configuration and operation information and supported SMT versions.

Display the SMT Version

To display the SMT version for a remote host (for example, 0a:00:1b:04:00:07 or goofy), use:

% /usr/etc/smtinfo


host is a name in the /etc/ethers file or a MAC address.

The output looks like the following line and shows the host goofy is currently using SMT version 2, and can communicate with stations using SMT versions 1 or 2.

goofy uses SMT version 2 (supported versions: 1-2)


Chapter 3: Managing Your FDDI Station and Ring

Display a Station’s Configuration Information

To see station configuration information for a remote host (for example, 0a:00:1b:04:00:07 or goofy), use:

% /usr/etc/smtinfo -c


host is a name in the /etc/ethers file or a MAC address.

An example of smtinfo -c output is shown in Figure 3-4 and the information is explained in Table 3-2.

Msg Timestamp:

Station Dscrpt:

Supported Vers:

Station States:

Station Policy:

MAC3 Nbrs:

Path Descriptors:


1 MAC, 0 masters, 2 nonmaster STATION v1-v1, opvers=1 topology=ROOTSTA, dupa=0 conf=NONE, conn=REJECT(MM) una=0a:00:1b:05:62:c4, dna=0a:00:1b:d6:b5:10 port1: pc=B state=ACTIVE pc_nbr=A remotemac=0 conn_rid=2 port2: pc=A state=ACTIVE pc_nbr=B remotemac=1 conn_rid=3 mac3: addr=0a:00:1b:04:00:07 conn_rid=1

Figure 3-4

smtinfo -c Display


Recognizing Faults on the FDDI Ring

Table 3-2


Msg Timestamp

Station Dscrpt

Supported Vers

Station States

MAC3 Nbrs

Information Displayed by smtinfo -c

Path Descriptors


This information is not useable.

Description of the station

SMT versions supported and currently used

Station’s states.

dupa=0 indicates that there are no duplicate MAC addresses.

ROOTSTA indicates that the station is connected to a dual ring, not a concentrator.

Upstream (una) and downstream (dna) neighbor addresses.

Descriptions of the port or ports and the interface’s MAC address in canonical order.

If the host has an additional FDDI board installed and you want to see configuration information about that interface (for example, ipg1), use:

% /usr/etc/smtinfo -c -I

interfacename host

For more information about smtinfo, see smtinfo(1).

Recognizing Faults on the FDDI Ring

The network administrator for an FDDI ring needs to monitor the ring and recognize faults when they occur. One type of fault, for example, occurs when a station on the network goes down. The SMT modules within the FDDI stations isolate the fault and wrap to the secondary ring. If an optical bypass switch is installed on the dysfunctional station, the switch causes the ring to bypass the station and no wraps occur. The network continues to function. Figure 3-5 shows an example of wrapped ring when one station goes down.


Chapter 3: Managing Your FDDI Station and Ring











wrap on port A wrap on port B










Figure 3-5

not in use in use

Fault Isolation and Ring Wrap

As you can see in Figure 3-5, when one station experiences an error, only that station is out of the loop. It is also possible for one port on one station to malfunction (as illustrated by fault 1 in Figure 3-6), in which case the ring wraps, but no station is out of the loop.

Traffic on the network continues as usual. Notice that when a station fails (both ports are off the ring), the wraps do not occur on the faulty port, but on its two neighbor ports.


Recognizing Faults on the FDDI Ring




If two or more stations go down, the network may become fragmented into a number of smaller loops, and users may not be able to access stations that have become isolated onto a different loop. It is important to locate the faults and make the necessary repairs as quickly as possible. Figure 3-6 shows a fragmented network with two stations down.






wrap on port A wrap on port B







Figure 3-6

Fragmented Ring not in use in use





Chapter 3: Managing Your FDDI Station and Ring

How do you know there is a fault on the ring? One way is to use smtping at each station to verify that each one responds. Another way is to use smtring to create a complete list, then verify that all known stations appear on the list. The easiest method is to use the

FDDIVisualyzer product, which graphically indicates faults on the ring. In all of these instances, an up-to-date, complete list of all stations that are physically attached to the ring is vital. The network administrator should maintain this list. In many cases, once a station fails, it is not possible to communicate with it remotely over the ring. Its failure is deduced from its absence or lack of response. To debug the faulty station, log on to that station through a second network connection or at the station.

You can log on to any station and use smtstat to display status information about that station’s FDDI interfaces. This command does not access a station remotely; rather, it displays information about the local host, even when the host is not functioning on the ring. A step-by-step verification process is described in “Verifying the FDDI

Connection” on page 47.

Monitoring a Station’s FDDI Status

You can display and monitor the status of a station’s FDDI connection by logging on to the station and entering the following command:

% /usr/etc/smtstat

The smtstat report is shown in Figure 3-7 and a listing of its columns follows. Table 3-3 explains the entries for the columns in more detail.

SM_DAS: Station ID=00-00-50-00-d8-20-00-e0 SMT Version 1 (1-1)

Name Address MAC port nbr PCM tls rls flags ipg0 0a:00:1b:04:00:07 ACT B






For a DAS

SM_SAS: Station ID=00-00-50-00-d8-20-88-40 SMT Version 1 (1-1)

Name Address MAC port nbr PCM tls rls flags xpi0 0a:00:1b:04:11:02 ACT S M ACTIVE THRU ILS <LS,RC,JOIN,THRU,RNGOP>

For an SAS

Figure 3-7

smtstat Display


Monitoring a Station’s FDDI Status

In the DAS display, the first line contains the following information:

• the type of station (


is a single MAC, dual-attachment station)

• the SMT station ID

• supported SMT versions

The second line contains column headings while subsequent lines display the information:

• Name: names of FDDI interfaces (for example, ipg0, xpi0)

• Address: MAC address (in canonical order) associated with each interface

• MAC: status of the MAC (for example,


for active is normal)

• port: ports present for each MAC

• nbr: port on neighbor station to which each local port is connected (A-to-B, B-to-A, and S-to-M are normal)

• PCM: status of each port’s physical connection management (PCM) where

ACTIVE is normal

• tls: transmit line state for each port (


is normal)

• rls: receive line state for each port (


is normal)

• flags: flags for each port (










, and


are normal)

By monitoring SMT status, you can see the connection state, transmitting and receiving line states, and the flags indicating the ring state. In the smtstat display shown in

Figure 3-7, the primary ring is operating (


), its transmit line is working (


), its receive line is idle (


), and the secondary ring is functional (






) but not operating. If the ring were wrapped at this station, you would see a



Table 3-3


MAC smtstat Report Fields

Possible Entries





MAC status active connect

MAC could not be read by software


Chapter 3: Managing Your FDDI Station and Ring

Table 3-3 (continued)


smtstat Report Fields

Possible Entries

port nbr

PCM tls, rls flags






same as port













local port connection type receive on SAS, or receive for primary ring and transmit for secondary ring on DAS transmit on SAS, or transmit for primary ring and receive for secondary ring on DAS master slave no connection neighbor port connection type physical connection management state active connected joined transmit and receive line states active line state idle line state quiet line state halt line state master line state through connection (the ring is working at this station) port is wrapped, which can mean that the ring is wrapped at this station, or (for a DAS board attached to a concentrator) that the port is wrapped to support an SAS connection special flags associated with station’s ports line state desirable


Monitoring a Station’s FDDI Status

Table 3-3 (continued)


smtstat Report Fields

Possible Entries








ring connected; neighbor sending symbols ring joined; neighbor handshaking finished.

ring in operation optical bypass switch in use undesirable SMT connection



WAT illegal SMT connection withhold Port A as a back-up link withhold Port A in Tree mode

Display Kernel and SMT Daemon Statistics

By using the –v (verbose) option with smtstat, you can display additional statistics, including the following:

• Physical connection management (PCM) status.

• A log showing line states for PHY0 (usually port B).

• Kernel statistics, described in Table 3-4. These statistics are reset to zero each time the system is booted. Of the kernel statistics, only the following items normally have steadily increasing values: frame_ct





, and tok_ct


Table 3-4


Left column frame_ct

A-bit rngop tkerr smtstat -v Kernel Statistics


Frames seen

Address-recognized bits seen

Times ring transitioned from nonoperational to operational

Duplicate tokens seen


Chapter 3: Managing Your FDDI Station and Ring

Table 3-4 (continued)


error rx_ovf

Middle column tok_ct

C-bit rngbroke clm trtexp tvxexp myclm mybec eovf tx_under flsh tot_junk loclm otrbec noise err_ct abort junk_void shorterr buf_ovf

Right column smtstat -v Kernel Statistics


Times valid-transmission-timer (TVX) expired

Station’s own claims seen

Station’s own beacons seen

Elasticity buffer overflows experienced

Transmit FIFO underflows experienced

Frames flushed

Frames discarded

Errors detected by MAC

Receive FIFO overflows experienced

Tokens seen

Frame-copied bits seen

Times ring has become nonoperational.

Claims seen

Times token-rotation-timer (TRT) expired

Claims seen that were lower than this station’s

Other stations’ beacons

Noise events from PMD and PHY

Frames seen with bad checksums (CRCs)

Frames aborted

Badly formatted void frames

Frames seen that were too short

Buffer overflows experienced


Monitoring a Station’s FDDI Status

Table 3-4 (continued)


E-bit multda bec tkiss hiclm dup_mac xmtabt lost_ct miss junk_bec longerr smtstat -v Kernel Statistics


Error-detected bits seen

Frames seen with station’s address and A bit already set

Beacons seen

Tokens issued

Claims seen that were higher than mine

Times duplicate MAC addresses detected

Transmission aborts experienced

Badly formatted frames seen

Frames seen but unable to copy

Badly formatted beacons seen

Frames seen that were too long

Using –vv (extra verbose) displays even more information, including SMT daemon

(smtd) statistics. The report displays

• additional station information

• physical connection management (PCM) status

• line state log for PHY0 (usually port B)

• MAC statistics and configuration information (referred to as a MAC dump)

• PHY1 (usually port A) configuration information

Display SMT Information (MIB)

To monitor continually the FDDI activity of a configured interface on the local system, use:

% /usr/etc/smtstat –s -I


fddiinterface is the interface (for example, ipg0, ipg1, xpi0, xpi3).


Chapter 3: Managing Your FDDI Station and Ring

The output of this command produces the following six smtstat reports.

• MAC status

• port status

• ring management status

• configuration information

• neighbor information

• miscellaneous SMT information

This output requires a shell window or a terminal at least 80 columns wide by 24 lines high. When the window is too small, the display is not usable. Make your display area at least this size before invoking the command.

The reports are viewed one at a time. The top of each report displays the report name, date, and time. At the bottom of each report is a menu line listing all the available reports, as shown in Figure 3-8.

5: Neighbor Information -- Mar 24 15:46:19

(all the Neighbor report information)

1:MAC 2:Port 3:Ring Mgt 4:Config Mgt 5:Neighbors 6:SMT DZR:Mode

Menu Line

Figure 3-8

smtstat -s Display: General Report Format


Displaying and Configuring Network Interface Information

The following user interface allows you to manipulate the reports:

• To display a different report, type the report’s number. The numbers are displayed in the menu line on the bottom of the screen. For example, to view the SMT report, type



• To quit, type q or



• To refresh the screen, type



• To change the time interval for the report statistics display, press one of the these keys: r

Each second, shows totals accumulated since last reboot.

d z

Resets fields to zero every second, and each second shows totals accumulated within that last second.

Resets fields to zero when z is pressed, and every second displays the accumulating totals.

For a description of all the fields in each report, see Appendix B, “smtstat Reports.” For a complete definition of each field, refer to the ANSI standard entitled ANSI FDDI Station

Management (SMT). For information about command usage, refer to the smtstat(1M) man page.

Displaying and Configuring Network Interface Information

As network administrator, you may need to display or temporarily alter a station’s network interface parameters. The command smtconfig allows you to do this.

Display the Configuration

To display the current configuration of the FDDI interface, follow these steps:


Use smtstat to determine the name of the FDDI network interface(s) on your station.

The FDDI interface name is listed under the column heading


. Examples: ipg0,


2. Use smtconfig with the name of the interface discovered in the first step:

% /usr/etc/smtconfig



Chapter 3: Managing Your FDDI Station and Ring

Sample output from smtconfig is shown in Figure 3-9. A description of the fields follows, starting with the first item on the left of the top line and moving right.


inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast

Figure 3-9

smtconfig Display

• First line:

– The interface name.

– Flags that are enabled, with the following meanings:










The network interface is enabled and should be functioning. When


is displayed,


should also be displayed.

A broadcast address is set.

Debugging is enabled.

The link layer encapsulation does not use trailers.

The driver is running and should be functional. This flag and UP should always appear together.

The Address Resolution Protocol is not enabled.

A multicast address is set.

The driver is generating checksums for transmitted packets.

An optical bypass switch is present.

• Second line:

– The address family configured for this interface

: inet

is the default.

– The address assigned to this network interface: The default is the IP address associated with the hostname in the /etc/hosts file.

– The network mask ( netmask

) used for the IP subnetwork: The default is a value that, when applied, implements no mask.

– The address used for broadcasting to all stations on the ring: The default is an IP address where the host portion is all ones.


Displaying and Configuring Network Interface Information

Change the Configuration

As superuser, you can enable and disable the FDDI interface or (re)configure the FDDI interface parameters manually using the smtconfig(1M) command. Most of the time, it is not necessary to set interface parameters manually using smtconfig because FDDI is configured automatically with default settings (as described in Table 2-3) when the system is started or rebooted.


Changes made with smtconfig are not saved; at reboot they return to their default settings (or the /etc/config/ifconfig-#.options and /etc/config/netif.options files). To change the configuration so the changes survive rebooting, follow the instructions in Chapter 2 or in

IRIX Admin: Networking and Mail.

To change the configuration of a network interface, perform the following steps:


Become superuser:

% /sbin/su




2. Use smtstat to determine the name of the FDDI network interface(s) on your station.

The FDDI interface name is listed under the column heading


. Examples of

FDDI interfaces include ipg0, ipg1, xpi0, xpi3.

3. Use smtconfig with one of the following formats.

Superuser can use the smtconfig command to change the FDDI operational parameters listed below, in much the same manner as ifconfig. For information about the creation and purpose of these parameters, refer to IRIX Admin: Networking

and Mail.

• Enable or disable the interface:

# /usr/etc/smtconfig



# /usr/etc/smtconfig



• Set a network mask value for an IP subnetwork:

# /usr/etc/smtconfig




• Change the address used for broadcasting:

# /usr/etc/smtconfig





Chapter 3: Managing Your FDDI Station and Ring

• Enable or disable driver debugging messages:

# /usr/etc/smtconfig



# /usr/etc/smtconfig



• Enable or disable Address Resolution Protocol. ARP is enabled when there is no flag about ARP:

# /usr/etc/smtconfig



# /usr/etc/smtconfig



• Set the routing metric used by the route daemon (routed):

# /usr/etc/smtconfig




• Change the IP address for this interface:

# /usr/etc/smtconfig



• Select a different interface to be the primary network interface for this station:

# /usr/etc/smtconfig




This section describes some scenarios in which the different smtconfig command options can be used.

• Before performing computer maintenance work that will require rebooting a station, disable the FDDI network interface, xpi0, with the command:

# /usr/etc/smtconfig xpi0 down

• On a router with an FDDI interface named ipg0, you want to decrease the number of packets going through the station enroute to other networks. One way to do this is by advertising the route as less favorable. Use this command:

# /usr/etc/smtconfig ipg0 metric 5

For information about creating netmasks, route metrics, broadcast addresses, and IP addresses, or about altering network interface configurations, see “Changing Settings for the Operational Parameters” in Chapter 2, the smtconfig(1M) man page, or IRIX Admin:

Networking and Mail.


Verifying a Station’s PCM Functionality

Verifying a Station’s PCM Functionality

The smtmaint command allows you, as superuser, to set the Physical Connection

Management (PCM) line state for each PHY on a station’s FDDI board. An SAS has one

PHY (PHY0); a DAS has two PHYs (in most cases, PHY0 for port B and PHY1 for port A).

Use smtmaint judiciously and only if you are an FDDI expert. Setting a line state can make the ring nonfunctional.

You can set these six line states:

QLS PHY sends a continuous stream of Quiet symbols so the transceiver emits no signal.



PHY sends a continuous stream of Idle symbols; this is a normal condition between transmissions.

PHY sends a continuous stream of Halt symbols; this forces a break in the ring.




PHY sends a continuous stream of alternating Halt and Quiet symbols; this is used to propagate a trace along the ring.

PHY functions normally; it is Active and incorporated into the ring.

PHY enters PC_TRACE state (trace function) attempting to recover the ring from a stuck beacon condition.

To change a line state, follow these steps:


Become superuser:

% /sbin/su




2. Use smtstat to discover the name of the FDDI network interface on your station. The

FDDI interface name is listed under the column heading


. Examples of FDDI interfaces include ipg0, ipg1, xpi0.

3. Use this command to change the line state:

# /usr/etc/smtmaint

interfacename 0or1 linestate

0or1 identifies the PHY (port) and linestate is one of the line states listed above (for example, ALS, -t, or ILS).


Chapter 3: Managing Your FDDI Station and Ring

Removing a Station From the FDDI Ring

When an FDDI station is removed from the ring, the SMT modules reconfigure the ring.

If the removal is done in a way that makes it impossible for the optical signal to complete its loop around the ring, the ring wraps. Generally, it is best to avoid wrapped rings for long periods. The procedures described in this section describe how to avoid or minimize a wrapped ring when removing a station from the ring.

The situations listed below constitute taking an FDDI station off the ring; any of these has the potential to cause the FDDI ring to wrap (sometimes for a very short period of time).

• Rebooting a system, which includes any of the following: invoking the reboot or init commands, pressing the station’s reboot button, and crashing the station’s system.

A crash usually results in an automatic reboot.

• Hanging the station’s system (usually due to software failures).

• Shutting down the station’s system, which includes using any of the following commands: shutdown, reboot, halt, init 0.

• Removing power from the station by pressing the power switch or disconnecting the power cable.

• Disconnecting the station’s FDDI cables.

• Disabling the FDDI network interface, which includes invoking any of the following commands with the down or stop option: smtconfig, ifconfig,


• Removing an optical bypass switch from a station.

The procedure for safely removing a station from the ring differs, depending on three factors:

• whether the removal is temporary or permanent

• whether the station is directly attached to the dual ring (DAS) or is attached to a concentrator (SAS or dual-homed DAS)

• whether an optical bypass switch is present or not (applies only to a DAS attached directly to the dual ring)


Removing a Station From the FDDI Ring

Temporarily Disable Any Station’s FDDI Interface

To temporarily disable any FDDI interface for a short period of time, use the smtconfig command described in “Change the Configuration” on page 69.

If the station is a DAS, is not attached to a concentrator, and does not have an optical bypass switch, the ring will wrap when the FDDI network interface is disabled.

However, this is usually not a problem for a short period of time.

Remove a Device Attached to a Concentrator

Four types of devices can be attached to concentrators: single-attachment stations and concentrators (SAS and SAC) and dual-homed, dual-attachment devices (DAS and

DAC). It is simple to remove any of these from the ring. Because the concentrator maintains the integrity of the ring, it is not important whether the station will be out of the ring for a long or short period of time. You need only decide whether the removal is temporary or permanent.

Temporarily Removing a Device

To temporarily remove a device attached to the ring through a concentrator, perform the following steps:


Become superuser and shut down the system. As soon as you do this, the station is out of the ring. The command lines below are one way of doing this:

% /sbin/su



# /etc/shutdown

2. You can now perform system maintenance or physically disconnect the station from ring (actually, from the concentrator). The concentrator will maintain the integrity of the ring. However, since the station’s identity as an FDDI station remains in the system files, the station should be returned to the ring at some point. When reinserted into the ring, the station does not have to be reconnected at the same location.


Chapter 3: Managing Your FDDI Station and Ring

Permanently Removing a Device

To permanently remove a concentrator-attached device from the ring, do the following:


Become superuser and disable the FDDI interface using these commands:

% /sbin/su



# /usr/etc/smtconfig



2. Edit the files described in “Complete and Complex Configuration Information” on page 28 to remove or comment out the lines referring to this station. One or more of the following files may need to be edited: /etc/hosts, /etc/ethers, /etc/config/netif.options.

3. Shut down the system using the shutdown or halt command.

4. Power off the station by pressing its power switch.

5. Disconnect the FDDI cable(s).

6. At this point, you can move the workstation or server. If you ever decide to reinsert this station into this ring, you will need to reconfigure it.

Removing a DAS That Has an Optical Bypass Switch

Removing a DAS that has an optical bypass switch is simple. Because the optical bypass switch maintains the integrity of the ring, it is not important whether the station is out of the ring for a long or short period of time. You need only decide whether the removal is temporary or permanent.

As long as you leave the optical bypass switch in place and move only the station, the ring will not wrap.


Removing a Station From the FDDI Ring

Temporarily Removing a DAS

To temporarily take a DAS with an optical bypass switch out of its ring follow these steps.


Become superuser and shut down the system. For example:

% /sbin/su



# /etc/shutdown

2. Disconnect the optical bypass switch’s DC power cable from the FDDI board.

3. If you need to, power off the station by pressing the station’s power switch, and disconnect the station’s FDDI cable(s). Do not disconnect the connections between the ring and the optical bypass switch.

4. You can now perform system maintenance or physically disconnect the station from ring. The optical bypass switch maintains the integrity of the ring. However, since the station’s identity as an FDDI station remains in the system files, the station should be returned to the ring at some point. When reinserted into the ring, the station does not have to be reconnected at the same location.

Permanently Removing a DAS

To permanently remove a DAS with an optical bypass switch from the ring, perform the steps below:


Become superuser and disable the FDDI interface with these commands:

% /sbin/su



# /usr/etc/smtconfig



2. Edit the configuration files to remove or comment out the lines referring to this station. One or more of the following files may need to be edited: /etc/hosts,

/etc/ethers, /etc/config/netif.options.

3. Shut down the system using the shutdown or halt command.

4. Power off the station by pressing its power switch.

5. Disconnect the optical bypass switch’s DC power cable from the FDDI board.

6. Disconnect the FDDI board’s cables from the optical bypass switch.

7. At this point, you can move the workstation or server. If you ever want to insert this station into this ring, you need to reconfigure the station. Another station can be attached to the optical bypass switch at any time.


Chapter 3: Managing Your FDDI Station and Ring

Remove a DAS Without an Optical Bypass Switch

Removing a DAS that does not have an optical bypass switch always disrupts the ring; removal of a station causes the ring to wrap in configurations where the secondary ring is a backup. There is no way to avoid this; hence, your primary concern is the length of time the ring will be disrupted. After you remove the station, you need to do one of the following as soon as possible to reestablish the integrity of the ring:

• Insert the same or another station at the location.

• Insert an optical bypass switch at the location.

• Patch the ring (for example, by inserting a barrel connector or section of fiber optic cable at the location).

Temporarily Removing a DAS

To temporarily remove a DAS without an optical bypass switch from its ring, follow the instructions below.


This procedure causes the ring to wrap.


Become superuser and shut down the system. For example:

% /sbin/su



# /etc/shutdown

2. Power off the station by pressing the station’s power switch, and disconnect the station’s FDDI cable(s).

3. As soon as possible, do something to reestablish the ring’s integrity. A list of possible actions is provided at the beginning of this section.

4. You can now perform system maintenance or physically move the station. Since the removed station’s identity as an FDDI station remains in the system files, the station should be returned to the ring at some point. When reinserted into the ring, the station does not have to be reconnected at the same location.


Removing a Station From the FDDI Ring

Permanently Removing a DAS

To permanently remove a DAS station without an optical bypass switch from the ring, follow the instructions below.


The ring will wrap as soon as you disable the FDDI interface.


Become superuser:

% /sbin/su




2. Edit the configuration files to remove or comment out the lines referring to this station. One or more of the following files may need to be edited: /etc/hosts,

/etc/ethers, /etc/config/netif.options.

3. Disable the FDDI interface:

# /usr/etc/smtconfig



4. Shut down the system using the shutdown or halt command.

5. Power off the station by pressing its power switch.

6. Disconnect the station’s FDDI cable(s).

7. As soon as possible, do something to reestablish the ring’s integrity. A list of possible actions is provided in the beginning of this section.

8. At this point, you can move the workstation or server. If you want to reinsert this station into this ring, you will need to reconfigure the station.

For more information, see the smtconfig(1M), halt(1M), and shutdown(1M) man pages or ”Change the Configuration” in this chapter.


Chapter 3: Managing Your FDDI Station and Ring

Removing FDDIXPress

To permanently remove an FDDIXPress board and software from a station, follow the steps below:


Use inst to remove the FDDIXPress software:

# /usr/sbin/inst


Inst> remove FDDIXPress


Inst> quit

2. Follow the set of instructions in “Removing a Station From the FDDI Ring” on page 72 that is appropriate for your configuration.

3. Once the power is off, remove the board.

The board’s installation guide or installation instructions provides hardware details that are useful for removing the board.

4. When the FDDI board has been removed, press the power switch to turn the system on.

5. Answer the questions on the terminal to restart the system.

6. Answer yes to the prompt to rebuild the operating system. This step removes the

FDDI driver from the operating system (kernel).

Automatically reconfigure the operating system (y or n)? y

7. Reboot the system to start using the new operating system.


Chapter 4



This chapter describes what to do when your FDDI network connection has problems.

The chapter describes the following topics:

• “General Advice” on page 79

• “Checking Physical Connections” on page 80

• “Status Indicators and Symptoms” on page 87

General Advice

When you experience difficulty with the FDDI network connection at a particular station, you can:


Check the physical connections at the station as detailed in “Checking Physical


2. Search or read the /var/adm/SYSLOG file and console window for error messages. If you find any FDDI driver or SMT messages, read about them in Appendix A.

3. Use the SMT commands (or FDDIVisualyzer) to identify problematic status indicators, and if you find any, read about them in “Status Indicators and

Symptoms” on page 87.

The following sections will help you with each of these suggested steps.


Chapter 4: Troubleshooting

Checking Physical Connections

Check each of the following, using the step-by-step instructions:

• “Recognition of Board by Software” on page 80

• “Check Cables and Connectors” on page 83

• “Cable Lengths” on page 86

Recognition of Board by Software

Complete inability to access the FDDI ring may indicate that the board and software are not communicating. Follow the instructions below to figure out why.


In a shell window, type this command:

% /sbin/hinv

When a board is listed by hinv,, this does not mean that the board and driver are functional; it means that the operating system was able to recognize the board. For an explanation of the hinv screen display, see “Verifying the FDDI Connection” on page 47 or the hinv(1M) man page.

2. If hinv displays an entry for the FDDI hardware, the operating system is recognizing the board. The problem may be bad cable connections or improperly configured software. First, follow one of the sets of instructions below, then (if necessary) follow the instructions in “Check Cables and Connectors.”

If hinv does not display an entry for the FDDI hardware, the operating system did not find the FDDI board the last time the station was booted. The problem may be an incompatible operating system, or a loose or dysfunctional board. First, follow the instructions below to verify the board, then follow the instructions in “FDDI

Connection Has Not Been Functional Since Last Boot” on page 81.

Verify the Board

Verify that the LEDs on the FDDI board indicate that the board is receiving power. If the

LEDs indicate that there is no power to the FDDI board or that the board is not operational, follow the instructions in the board’s hardware manual to troubleshoot the problem. It is possible that the board is not seated firmly into its connection to the system, or that the board is dysfunctional.

If you reinstall the board, take extra precautions to seat the FDDI board firmly.


Checking Physical Connections

FDDI Connection Has Not Been Functional Since Last Boot

If the FDDI connection has not been working since the last time the station was booted or if this is an initial installation of an FDDI product, one or more of the following could be occurring:

• The operating system installed on the station is not compatible with the FDDI board installed.

• The operating system has not been rebuilt to include the driver for the board.

• The network interface for the board has not been configured properly.

Follow the instructions below to determine the cause of the problem:


Verify that the installed IRIX operating system (oeo1) and FDDIXPress software are the correct versions by doing the following:

Determine the correct versions. The FDDIXPress release notes indicate the correct IRIX and FDDIXPress versions for your FDDI board.

Use the versions command (shown below) to display the installed release identifications (versions). If the version is not correct, install the correct version.

Then invoke hinv.

% /usr/sbin/versions eoe1 eoe1


Execution Only Environment 1,


% /usr/sbin/versions FDDIXPress






2. Use the netstat command, as shown below, to display the currently configured network interfaces. If the FDDI interface is not displayed, continue to the next step.

If the interface is displayed, but the configuration is incorrect, follow the instructions in “Configure the Station’s Network Interfaces” on page 33 to reconfigure it.

% /usr/etc/netstat -ina

3. Verify the FDDI entries in the /etc/config/netif.options file. For example, the network interface may be misspelled.

4. Use /etc/autoconfig to rebuild the operating system to include the FDDIXPress driver.

Then, reboot the system to start using the new operating system. Finally, invoke

netstat -ina again. If the FDDI interface is still missing, contact the Silicon Graphics

Technical Assistance Center.


Chapter 4: Troubleshooting

FDDI Connection Has Been Functional In the Recent Past

If new software (operating system, FDDIXPress, or another network communications software) has been installed since the FDDI connection was last functional, the problem is probably incompatible software. Verify that the software you last installed supports the FDDI board installed in the station.

If the FDDI connection has been functional after the last new software was installed, the problem is probably the board. The board may have become loosened from its connection to the system or it may be dysfunctional.

Follow these steps to resolve the problem:


Verify that the LEDs on the FDDI board indicate that the board is receiving power. If the LEDs indicate that there is no power to the FDDI board or that the board is dysfunctional, follow the instructions in the board’s hardware manual to troubleshoot the problem. Otherwise, continue.

2. Ensure that the system is using the operating system that was built most recently.

Use the /etc/autoconfig command to rebuild the operating system, then reboot to start using it. During the reboot, begin step 3.

3. Watch the messages on the terminal during restart to verify that each network interface is configured correctly. The messages should look similar to these examples:

Configuring xpi0 as mickey

Configuring ec0 as gate-mickey

If the FDDI driver is not mentioned on the terminal during startup, there is a problem with the software. Continue to step 4.

If a startup terminal message indicates that the hardware is missing, as in the following example, start again at the beginning of “Recognition of Board by

Software” on page 80.

xpi0: missing


Checking Physical Connections

4. Use the netstat command to display the currently configured network interfaces. If the interface is displayed, but the configuration is incorrect, follow the instructions in section “Configure the Station’s Network Interfaces” on page 33 to reconfigure it.

% /usr/etc/netstat -in

The /etc/config/netif.options file may have an incorrect entry (for example, a misspelled network interface); verify all file contents carefully.

If the FDDI interface does not display, it is possible the board or software is dysfunctional. Contact the Silicon Graphics Technical Assistance Center.

Check Cables and Connectors

A wrap on an A or B port, a high level of link-layer errors, or a stagnant token count can indicate a faulty cable, a loose or damaged connection, or a dirty cable end. The problematic cable or connection can be found at or near the station where the error is occurring.


At each cable connection, along the entire length of the ring where there is a problem, verify two things:

• Each connection is tight. Many connectors must snap or click together to be tight.

(Remember to verify the connections at each station’s I/O panel.)

• Each connection is correct.

– For cable-to-cable connections, the labels on the two cable connections must pair as a valid (V) connection, as summarized in Figure 4-1, where U indicates that the connection is undesirable, invalid indicates that it is invalid, and V indicates it is valid. Figure 4-2 illustrates valid connections for a typical ring.


Chapter 4: Troubleshooting























V invalid

Figure 4-1

Cable-to-Cable Connections

– For cable-to-station connections, the labels on the connectors must match (for example, A-to-A or red-to-red, not B-to-A or red-to-blue). (Remember to verify the connections at each station’s I/O panel. The cable’s label must match the port where it is connected.)













Figure 4-2



Correct Cable Connections







Checking Physical Connections

Dirty Fiber End

The ends of fiber optic cable can become dirty and interfere with the transmission of the optical signal. Common pollutants are oil (from being touched by human fingers) and dust (from being left uncapped).


Do not touch the ends of fiber optic cable. Do not leave the fiber optic cable uncapped when it is not connected. The cap prevents dust and other pollutants from collecting on the exposed fiber optic material.

• Gently clean cable ends with 96% isopropyl alcohol and a non-lint producing soft material, or an alcohol-wipe product.

Faulty Cable

Fiber optic cable can become damaged if excessively bent (or coiled), twisted, or sharply struck. Replace suspect cables with functional cables.

When no replacement cable is available, use a small, powerful flashlight (as described in the bulleted steps below) to verify that the light signal passes through the cable. This test identifies broken or incorrectly built cables, but cannot identify borderline conditions.


Identify the direction that light travels within each optical fiber line of the suspect cable. (FDDI MIC connectors and cable contain two optical fibers.)

Fiber optic material is designed somewhat like a funnel. Light travels in only one direction: from the wide end to the narrow end. Some cable manufacturers label each fiber with arrows. Some cables have connectors constructed so that the input end of each fiber is indicated by the connector’s cover; the wider portion of the cover (the funnel’s mouth) indicates the input end, as shown in Figure 4-3.



Figure 4-3




Connector with two fibers

Direction Indicators With Media Interface Connector


Chapter 4: Troubleshooting

2. Shine the flashlight into one of the inputs. Verify that the light is visible and bright at the output end of that line. If the light is not visible or is dim, the cable is faulty.

Replace it.

If the light is visible when shone in the opposite direction, the cable has been built improperly. Replace it.

3. Repeat step 2 for the other input line.


Special equipment is needed to accurately measure whether the optical signal is full strength. The flashlight test cannot tell if the signal is partially obstructed.Visible

light at the other end of the cable does not guarantee that the cable is fully functional.

Cable Lengths

An increasing bit-error rate may indicate that power is being lost because the cable is too long.

Cable Between Stations

A typical manufacturer’s maximum length of cable between DAS stations is 2 kilometers

(approximately 1.24 miles) for regular fiber optic cable, but can be much longer (for example, 10 km) for newer low-loss fiber optic cable. Length is measured from the FDDI connector on the I/O panel of one station to the FDDI connection on the I/O panel of a neighbor station. This length is not the distance between the two stations; it is the length of the cable lying between two stations. Coils of cable lying in the closets, floors, or ceilings of buildings can quickly add up to this maximum, so beware.

Total Length of Ring Cable

A typical manufacturer’s maximum length of cable allowed for one ring is 100 kilometers

(approximately 62 miles). The total ring cable length is calculated by summing all the between-station lengths (as described in the paragraph above).



Special equipment is needed to measure the amount of power loss on a fiber optic


Status Indicators and Symptoms

Status Indicators and Symptoms

This section contains some common symptoms and smtstat status indicators accompanied by descriptions of what they may indicate and what you can do to remedy the problem.

Link-Level Errors

A high rate of link-layer errors can indicate a cable problem very close to or on the local station. Follow the instructions for verifying and cleaning cable connections.

Token Count Not Incrementing

When the token count is not incrementing, the FDDI board is not seeing the light signals on the ring (neither port is functioning or there may be a problem with the ring).


This symptom may indicate that the FDDI network interface has been turned off.

When this is the case, the Port Status report indicates that the MAC is


. Verify that the FDDI cables are connected, then use smtconfig to stop and restart the FDDI network interface.

If the problem persists, proceed to step 2.

2. Use the smtstat -s Port Status report to check the status of the receive line states.

If the report shows


, the problem is probably one of the neighbor stations or the ring. Verify that each neighbor station is functioning properly.

If the report indicates


, the problem is probably local to this station. The problem may be loose or damaged connectors, faulty cabling, or incorrectly connected ports. Follow the instructions in “Checking Physical Connections” on page 80 for all cabling between the station’s I/O panel and the ring.

Be especially careful to verify that the ends of the fiber optic cable at the I/O panel have not been damaged.


Chapter 4: Troubleshooting

Too Many Claims or Beacons

When claims or beacons increment rapidly for more than a few seconds, a station on the ring is malfunctioning or inserting itself. When the symptom persists for more than 5 minutes or is observed on three consecutive occasions (when you are certain no new stations are being added), follow these steps to locate the dysfunctional station, then remove it from the ring. This procedure can be very time consuming. A malfunctioning station is sometimes difficult to locate.


Locate a patch for the ring. The following items can be used to patch a ring: an optical bypass switch, a fiber optic barrel connector, or an extra length of your ring’s fiber optic cabling with appropriate connectors.

2. Physically disconnect one station from the ring.

3. Insert the patch into the ring (to fill the gap where the station was).

4. Wait two or three minutes. During this time, the stations remaining on the ring rearrange themselves.

5. Go to another station. Check if the problem has been remedied.

6. If the problem no longer manifests, you know that all the remaining stations are functioning properly. Do not return the dysfunctional station to the ring until it has been fixed.

If the problem still exists, go to step 7.

7. Reinsert the disconnected station. Repeat steps 2–6.

Ring Is Wrapped

When the ring is wrapped, follow these instructions:


At each dual ring DAS, use the smtstat -s Port Status report to verify that neither port’s transmit line state is in



The transmit lines for a two-port FDDI board that is connected to a concentrator normally indicate


. This is normal and not a problem.


Status Indicators and Symptoms

2. When you locate a


, look at the Port Status report’s flags to verify that the

WRAP is not caused by an undesirable (


) or illegal connection



). If you identify a problematic connection, follow the instructions in

“Check Cables and Connectors” on page 83 to remedy the problem. Otherwise, proceed to step 3.

3. When you locate two dual ring DASes, each with one of its ports in


, you have identified the boundaries of the functioning and nonfunctioning sections of the ring. The fault can be found somewhere between the two stations: downstream from the station whose port A is wrapped and upstream from the station whose port B is wrapped.

4. Follow the instructions in “Checking Physical Connections” on page 80 for the connectors and cables within the identified fault domain. If the problem persists, proceed to step 5.

5. Starting with either of the boundary stations, perform these steps to determine whether the fault is caused by the operating system or SMT module within one of the stations located along the fault domain.

Locate a patch for the ring. The following items can be used to patch a ring: an optical bypass switch, a fiber optic barrel connector, or an extra length of your ring’s fiber optic cabling with appropriate connectors.

Disconnect the station from the ring.

Patch the ring.

Connect the station’s A connector (port) to its B connector (port) with a length of fiber optic cable.

Use the smtstat -s MAC Status report to verify that the station’s token count increments rapidly. An incrementing token indicates that the station is functioning properly.

If the token increments rapidly, reconnect the station to the ring and repeat this procedure on the next station within the fault domain.

If you locate a dysfunctional station, do not reinsert it into the ring until it is fixed.


Chapter 4: Troubleshooting

High Rate of Packet Loss

If the packet loss is 100%, go to “Cannot Communicate With Other Stations” on page 90.

Otherwise, perform these steps:


If the high packet loss is displayed by the ping command, not by smtping , check any routers connected to the ring for overloading.

Use /usr/etc/netstat -ina (or FDDIVisualyzer) at each station to identify all the stations on the ring that are routers. A router has two or more MAC addresses, two or more network addresses, and the routing daemon (routed) is running and is not configured with the -q and -h options. (The routing daemon is configured by the

/etc/config/routed and /etc/config/routed.options files.)

2. If the high packet loss is indicated by both ping and smtping, use smtstat -s (or

FDDIVisualyzer) to locate additional symptoms.

High packet loss when using the -f option or the -i option with a short interval does not necessarily indicate a problem. It is normal for ping and smtping to place echo request packets onto the send queue faster than they can be processed, resulting in a perceived loss of packets. In these instances, the packets are lost within the initiating host, not on the network.

Cannot Communicate With Other Stations

If smtping or ping do not elicit a response, identify the appropriate subsection below and follow the instructions.

Neither ping Nor smtping Works


If neither smtping nor ping elicits responses from any station, the /etc/hosts and

/etc/config/netif.options files may not have been set up properly. For example, the files may be configuring the FDDI network interface with the Ethernet IP address. Verify that the IP (inet) addresses for all network interfaces are correct. To display the currently configured IP addresses for FDDI and Ethernet network interfaces:

% /usr/etc/netstat -in

If the IP addresses are correct, proceed to step 2. If the addresses are not correct, follow the instructions in Chapter 2 to reconfigure FDDIXPress.


Status Indicators and Symptoms

2. If the IP addresses are correct, the station may not be connected to any of its networks. At each of the station’s neighbors, use smtstat -s to find a wrapped FDDI ring. If both neighbors indicate a


, follow the instructions in “Checking

Physical Connections” on page 80 to reconnect this station to the ring.

3. If the problem persists, identify other problems, as described in “Verifying the

FDDI Connection” on page 47.

ping Works But smtping Does Not

If smtping does not elicit a response from a particular station but ping does, any of the following may be the problem:

• The MAC address for the station may be incorrect.

• The station may be off the FDDI ring.

• The ring may be wrapped so that the two stations are on different fragments.

In the last two cases, the ping response is arriving over another connection, not the FDDI connection in question, and the success of the ping indicates that the station is reachable through a router.

The smtping command uses physical (MAC) addresses, not IP addresses, so it can communicate only with stations on the same physical medium (that is, local area network). For example, a station with an IP address of (where the network portion is 223.62.4) cannot smtping a station residing on a network with the address

223.62.5; however, it can contact address (assuming that no subnetworks have been created). You can verify the IP address of the other station with one of these command lines:

% /usr/bin/ypmatch



% /sbin/grep




Use ping with the -r option and the IP address (not the host name) to verify that the station is being reached over the FDDI network (not through a router or another network connection). Make sure that the network portion of the IP address matches the FDDI network (not that of another network). If the station answers, continue. If the station does not answer, follow the instructions in “Neither ping Nor smtping

Works” on page 90.

% /usr/etc/ping -r



Chapter 4: Troubleshooting

2. Verify the MAC address for the station you are trying to contact. You can obtain a station’s MAC address with smtstat at that station’s terminal. Then, use smtping with the MAC address (not the hostname) and specify the FDDI interface. If the station answers, the station’s MAC address in the /etc/ethers file may be incorrect. If the problem persists, continue with step 3.

% /usr/etc/smtping -I

fddiinterface ##











3. Use smtstat -s at each station on the ring to verify the ports that indicate a



ping Does Not Work But smtping Does

If smtping works but ping does not, it is possible that the /etc/hosts file has not been set up properly. For example, the station may have both an FDDI and an Ethernet cable connected but the network connection names and IP addresses in the /etc/hosts or

/etc/config/netif.options files are mismatched.


Display the currently configured IP ( inet

) address for each network interface:

% /usr/etc/netstat -ina

Verify that the displayed addresses correctly match the connected networks. If everything is correct, proceed to step 2. If any IP addresses is not correct, follow the instructions in “Network Connection Names and IP Addresses” on page 31 to reconfigure FDDIXPress.

2. Again invoke smtping using the MAC address for the station (not the hostname) and specify the FDDI interface. If the station answers, continue. If the station does not answer, follow the instructions in “Neither ping Nor smtping Works” on page 90.

% /usr/etc/smtping -I

fddiinterface ##











3. Use ping with the -r option and the station’s IP address (not the hostname) to verify that the station is being reached over the FDDI network in question (not through a router or another network connection). Make sure that the network portion of the IP address matches the network address (from the netstat display) for the fddiinterface used in the smtping command above. If the station answers, all is well. If the station does not answer, go to step 4.

% /usr/etc/ping -r


4. Disable then re-enable the FDDI interface, then repeat steps 1-3:

% /usr/etc/smtconfig



% /usr/etc/smtconfig




Status Indicators and Symptoms

Current Neighbor’s Address Is Zero

When both current neighbor addresses are zero, the station is not seeing a signal from any other station on the ring. This condition is normal if the station is the only station on the ring. This condition is not normal and indicates a wrapped ring when the site’s configuration is a multistation dual ring with one ring as a backup. The zero addresses indicate that the station is located within a fault domain (a nonfunctional section of the ring). Follow the instructions in “Ring Is Wrapped” on page 88.

When one of the current neighbor addresses is zero, the station is not seeing any signal from that neighbor’s direction (which is either upstream or downstream). A dual ring configuration with one ring as a backup wraps when this occurs. You can see this wrap by using the smtstat -s reports at this station. Follow the instructions in “Ring Is

Wrapped” on page 88. The zero address indicates the direction you should start looking for the fault. Be sure to start your search at the nonwrapped port on this station’s I/O panel. The wrapped port is a functional port.

Ring Is Not Wrapped and Token Count Increments But smtping Does

Not Work

If the ring is not wrapped, smtping does not work with any station, and smtstat -s indicates that the token count increments normally, there is probably something wrong with the station’s software.

To resolve this problem, follow this procedure:


Verify that the problem is not caused by your station’s configuration.

Use smtping with a valid MAC address. To determine all valid MAC addresses, use smtring.

If smtping works with the MAC addresses, but does not work with station names, the ethers database (the /etc/ethers file, local or on an NIS server) is incorrectly set up. Follow the instructions in “Setting Up the ethers File

(Optional)” on page 43 to set up an ethers database.

2. If smtping does not work with MAC addresses, use these commands to disable and reenable the software and board:

% /sbin/su



# /usr/etc/smtconfig


down up


Chapter 4: Troubleshooting

3. Verify the FDDI connection again.

4. If the problem is still present, reinstall your station’s software (following the instructions in the release notes) and reconfigure it (following the instructions in

Chapter 2, “Configuring FDDIXPress Software” of this manual).

5. If the problem is still present, contact the Silicon Graphics Technical Assistance


System Does Not Load Miniroot or Boot From the Network

Silicon Graphics workstations and servers are capable of loading a small-sized version of the operating system (the miniroot) and booting themselves over the network; however, they are capable of doing this only over Ethernet local area networks (they cannot boot over FDDI networks) that are configured as the primary network interface.

If your system is unable to load the miniroot (or boot over the network), verify that its primary network interface is an Ethernet connection by following these instructions:


Restart the system from the System Maintenance menu. Do not rebuild the operating system during this restart.

2. Log on and open a shell window.

3. Use these commands to display the ordering of the network interfaces:

% /usr/etc/netstat -i

<primary interface>

<secondary interface>


4. If the primary interface is an Ethernet (for example, ec0, et0, enp#), the Ethernet network connection may be dysfunctional. See IRIX Admin: Networking and Mail for information about Ethernet network connections.

If the primary interface is not an Ethernet, go to step 5.

5. Configure an Ethernet connection as the primary interface, following the instructions in “FDDI as the Secondary Interface and Ethernet as Primary” on page 25.

6. Reboot the system. When the system is up and running, it should be capable of loading the miniroot over the network and booting from it.


Appendix A


Error Messages

This appendix contains an alphabetical list of all the error messages that can be displayed by FDDIXPress drivers, SMT commands, and the SMT module. The error messages are divided into three sections:

• “SMT Error Messages” on page 97

• “xpi Driver Error Messages” on page 149

• “ipg Driver Error Messages” on page 157

• “rns Driver Error Messages” on page 161

The error messages in this appendix are those that are unique to FDDIXPress. Standard system error messages, even when caused by the FDDIXPress code, are not included.

How Messages Are Listed

With each error message is a discussion of the problems that may cause the message. The list contains only messages that indicate an error or problem; it does not contain informational messages that occur during normal operation.

Messages are alphabetized according to the following rules:

• Each message is alphabetized by the numerals (0–9) and letters (a–z) of the message’s text. Numerals precede letters. Capitalization makes no difference.

(Figure A-1 illustrates the text of an error message.)


Appendix A: Error Messages

• Nonletters (for example, - or %) and blank spaces are shown in the text of the message, but are ignored in alphabetization. For example, the message

sm_open appears between

smnet and



• When an error message includes an item that the software specifies differently for each instance of the message (a variable), this item is displayed in italic font and labeled with a generic name (for example,


). The generic names are skipped for alphabetization purposes. For example, the error message

goofy not responding is located among the “n” listings as


not responding


Common generic names used in this listing include
















, and




If you cannot find an error message in the listing, identify potential fill-in words, then look up the message without those words.

• The creator of each message is listed, in angled brackets, below the text of the message: (





FDDIXPress error messages created by the SMT daemon (smtd) and the SMT commands are written into the file /var/adm/SYSLOG or displayed at the terminal; some messages appear in both places. Within the SYSLOG file, each message is preceded by the date, time, hostname, the name of the process that created the message, and its process ID number, as illustrated in Figure A-1. Only the text of the error message is included in the alphabetic list that follows.

May 10 05:12:03 goofy smtd[58]: Unknown Frame, FC=2

Date and time

Figure A-1

Host Creator Text of error message

Error Message Format in the /var/adm/SYSLOG File


SMT Error Messages

SMT Error Messages

A<->A twist detected


A twist in the fiber was detected. The software was expecting an A-to-B connection. Follow the instructions in the section “Checking Physical

Connections” in Chapter 4 to fix the cable or connection problem.

A general error occurred


The SMT daemon has encountered a problem with its MIB information.

This may indicate that the MIB file (/etc/fddi/smtd.mib) is corrupted. Make a new copy from the backup, then use smtconfig to stop and restart the network interface. This also can indicate that the requesting SMT module has requested invalid MIB information.




The SMT daemon was attempting to send an announce frame, but found that the frame control (FC) value, which was created by another module of the software, is not supported.


.#: arm failed


While attempting to configure and bring up the SMT daemon, the software was unable to set a new interrupt level in the operating system for the network interface indicated.

Bad access type (


): On line



An ACCESS entry in the MIB file (/etc/fddi/smtd.mib) contains a type of access (token) not recognized by the software. The problem is on the line of the file indicated. Make a new copy of the file from a backup copy, then use smtconfig to stop and restart the network interface.

Bad CONF_SIF frame type(


) received


An illegal Configuration SIF frame was received; the frame was not of a known type (for example,






Appendix A: Error Messages

Bad echo frame type(


) received


An illegal ECF (ECHO) frame was received; the frame was not of a known type (for example,





Bad FC=




An FDDI frame was received with an illegal FC (frame control) value in the header. The illegal two-symbol (2-byte) FC value is indicated in the message as a hexadecimal number.

Bad format for OBJECT TYPE (


): On line



An object (token) in the MIB file (/etc/fddi/smtd.mib) was an unrecognized type. The problem is on the line of the file indicated. Make a new copy of the file from a backup copy, then use smtconfig to stop and restart the network interface.

Bad format (


): On line



When reading the MIB file (/etc/fddi/smtd.mib), a formatting entry was not found when expected. Instead, token was encountered. The problem is on the line of the file indicated. Make a new copy of the file from a backup copy, then use smtconfig to stop and restart the network interface.

bad header


This is a minor internal error not requiring any action on your part. An invalid packet header was detected.


-- BAD





The SMT software could not parse an entry in a frame received from the station indicated (remotehost). The illegal entry was of the type and length indicated. This indicates an incompatibility between the two stations. You may want to report this problem to the Silicon Graphics

Technical Assistance Center.


SMT Error Messages

Bad object identifier: On line



When reading the MIB file (/etc/fddi/smtd.mib), an entry (object) on the line of the file indicated could not be properly identified. Make a new copy of the file from a backup copy, then use smtconfig to stop and restart the network interface.

Bad operator: On line



An unrecognized entry was found in the MIB file (/etc/fddi/smtd.mib) on the line indicated. Make a new copy of the file from a backup copy, then use smtconfig to stop and restart the network interface.

Bad OP SIF frame type(


) received


An illegal Operation SIF frame was received; the frame was not of a known type (for example,





BAD parameter type=





As the SMT daemon was processing a packet, it encountered an unknown parameter of the type and length indicated. The invalid parameter was skipped; the rest of the packet was processed.

bad parse of community


This is a minor internal error not requiring any intervention. An invalid field was found in the header of a received packet.

Bad parse of object id: On line



A NULL object identifier was encountered unexpectedly in the MIB file

(/etc/fddi/smtd.mib) on the line of the file indicated. Make a new copy of the file from a backup copy, then use smtconfig to stop and restart the network interface.


Appendix A: Error Messages

Bad parse of object type: On line



A NULL object type was encountered unexpectedly in the MIB file

(/etc/fddi/smtd.mib). The problem is on the line of the file indicated. Make a new copy of the file from a backup copy, then use smtconfig to stop and restart the network interface.

bad parse of version


This is a minor internal error not requiring any intervention. An invalid version was found in the header of a received packet.

bad phy/mac count

The number of PHYs and MACs defined in the file /etc/fddi/smtd.conf is invalid. For example, four PHYs cannot be defined for one MAC. See

Appendix B for descriptions of valid entries for this file.

Bad status (


): On line



An unrecognized type of status (token) was encountered in the MIB file

(/etc/fddi/smtd.mib) on the line of the file indicated. Make a new copy of the file from a backup copy, then use smtconfig to stop and restart the network interface.

Bad syntax (


): On line



An entry (token) in the MIB file (/etc/fddi/smtd.mib) could not be parsed

(understood) and is probably improperly put together. The problem is on the line of the file indicated. Make a new copy of the file from a backup copy, then use smtconfig to stop and restart the network interface.

bad una


A received packet contained a missing or malformed upstream neighbor address field. If the message occurs frequently, check the stations upstream.


SMT Error Messages bad una purged


A received packet contained a missing or malformed field and was discarded. The problematic field contained the address of the upstream neighbor ( una

). The frame has been discarded.


: bad value


The netmask option of the smtconfig command failed. The entry is not a legal IP address represented in standard format (decimal, dot notation).

See dotted decimal notation in the Glossary. A zero address ( is not legal.

B<->B twist detected


A twist in the fiber was detected. The software was expecting an A-to-B connection. Follow the instructions in the section “Checking Physical

Connections” in Chapter 4 to fix the cable or connection problem.


<smtinfo>, <smtd>, <smtping>, <smtd>

When attempting to set up a reception socket, the bind system or library call failed. During a boot or restart of the network interface, this condition is common and does not indicate a malfunction. However, if the message occurs frequently during normal operation, it indicates a problem with the operating system. For example, it may be overloaded.

bind port(




When attempting to set up a transmission socket to the indicated network interface, the bind system call failed. During a boot or restart of the network interface, this condition is common and does not indicate a malfunction. However, if the message occurs frequently during normal operation, it indicates a problem with the operating system. For example, it may be overloaded.


Appendix A: Error Messages buildheader


This is a minor internal error not requiring any intervention. An error was detected when attempting to create a packet header.



This is a minor internal error not requiring any intervention. An error was detected when attempting to create an SMT packet.



This is a minor internal error not requiring any intervention. An error was detected when attempting to build an SMT packet.

build una failed


The SMT software was unable to build the upstream neighbor’s address from the response frame received. This error probably indicates an incompatibility between the two machines. This error is not serious; however, you may want to report the problem to the Silicon Graphics

Technical Assistance Center.

Can't find variable name in this MIB


The SMT daemon has encountered a problem with the MIB. This message probably indicates an incompatibility within the different

FDDIXPress software files and modules. For example, the SMT daemon and the FDDI driver were started at different times. Use the smtconfig command to stop then restart the FDDI network interface (which also starts the SMT daemon).

This can also indicate that the MIB file (/etc/fddi/smtd.mib) is corrupted.

Make a new copy from the backup, then use smtconfig to stop and restart the network interface. In rare circumstances, this can indicate that the requesting SMT has requested invalid MIB information.


SMT Error Messages

Can't get response from daemon

<smtconfig>, <smtping>, <smtring>, <smtstat>

When attempting to start, the command could not contact the SMT daemon (smtd), indicating that the SMT daemon probably is not running. Use smtconfig to stop and restart the network interface (which restarts the SMT daemon).

Can’t get smtd version

<smtinfo>, <smtping>, <smtring>, <smtstat>

The version of the SMT daemon cannot be determined. This may indicate that the FDDI interface is disabled or that the SMT daemon was stopped then restarted manually. Use smtconfig to stop and restart the network interface.

can't open



While configuring itself, the SMT daemon was unable to open the file

/etc/fddi/smtd.conf. This may indicate that the file is missing. Verify its presence in the /etc/fddi directory. If the file does exist, it may be corrupted. Make a new copy of it from your backup copy.

conf: bad entry:



A problem was encountered during configuration of the SMT daemon and FDDI network interface. The field name displayed in the message was found in the file /etc/fddi/smtd.conf, but is not recognized by the configuration software. See Appendix B for descriptions of proper formatting for this file.

conf: bad format:



A problem was encountered during configuration of the SMT daemon and FDDI network interface. An entry in the file /etc/fddi/smtd.conf is formatted improperly or the file is missing a required entry at the line indicated. See Appendix B for descriptions of proper formatting for this file.


Appendix A: Error Messages

Examples of formatting errors include the following:

• forgetting to terminate each station section with ENDSTATION

• forgetting to terminate each MAC section with ENDMAC

• forgetting to terminate each PHY section with ENDPHY

• allowing an uncommented entry to contain less than three items: the field’s name, an equal sign (=), and a value conf: bad mac addr:



A problem was encountered during configuration of the SMT daemon and FDDI network interface. The value entered for the MAC address

( addr

) in the file /etc/fddi/smtd.conf is not a valid entry. See Appendix B for descriptions of valid entries for this file.

conf: bad MAC entry: name not set


A problem was encountered during configuration of the SMT daemon and FDDI network interface. The line containing the name of the network interface was missing from one of the MAC sections in the file

/etc/fddi/smtd.conf. See Appendix B for descriptions of required entries for this file.

conf: bad phy_ct=:



A problem was encountered during configuration of the SMT daemon and FDDI network interface. The number of PHYs specified ( phy_ct field) in the file /etc/fddi/smtd.conf is not a valid entry. See Appendix B for descriptions of valid entries for this file.

conf: bad sid:



A problem was encountered during configuration of the SMT daemon and FDDI network interface. The value entered in the file

/etc/fddi/smtd.conf for StationID is not a valid entry. See Appendix B for descriptions of valid entries for this file.


SMT Error Messages conf: bad SRF address:



A problem was encountered during configuration of the SMT daemon and FDDI network interface. The value entered for the SRF multicast address ( sr_mid

) in the file /etc/fddi/smtd.conf is not a valid entry. See

Appendix B for descriptions of valid entries for this file.

conf: bad station entry:



A problem was encountered during configuration of the SMT daemon and FDDI network interface. Some undefined problem has been encountered within a station section in the file /etc/fddi/smtd.conf. The text indicated in the message identifies the item in the file that could not be processed. See Appendix B for descriptions of valid entries for this file.


: config missing


While configuring itself with the file /usr/etc/smtd.conf, the SMT daemon did not find a required configuration parameter for the MAC specified in the message. See Appendix B for details about this configuration file.

conf: ignored 3rd phy for



During configuration of the SMT daemon and FDDI network interface, a value for a nonexistent third PHY was detected in the file

/etc/fddi/smtd.conf. The entry has been ignored. Processing has continued.

conf: primary missing for



During configuration of the SMT daemon and FDDI network interface, a problem was encountered. The primary path for the MAC (network interface) indicated was not found. This could indicate that the PHY sections for that MAC and/or the phy_ct

field have been set improperly in the file /etc/fddi/smtd.conf. See Appendix B for descriptions of valid entries for this file.


Appendix A: Error Messages conf: secondary missing for



A problem was encountered during configuration of the SMT daemon and FDDI network interface. The secondary path for the MAC (network interface) indicated was not found. This could indicate that the PHY sections for this MAC and/or the phy_ct

field have been set improperly in the file /etc/fddi/smtd.conf. See Appendix B for descriptions of valid entries for this file.

conf: user data too long


A problem was encountered during configuration of the SMT daemon and FDDI network interface. The value entered as user data

( user_data

) in the file /etc/fddi/smtd.conf contains too many characters.

See Appendix B for descriptions of valid entries for this file.

couldn't bind remotesocket


A bind system call failed. This indicates a problem with the operating system.

couldn't get fdditree


The SMT daemon could not read the MIB file (/etc/fddi/smtd.mib). This could indicate that the file is missing. Verify its presence. This message could also indicate that the file is corrupted. Make a new copy of it from a backup, then use smtconfig to stop and restart the network interface.

couldn't get hostent


The gethostbyname system call failed for localhost

. This could indicate that the localhost

information about the local station (the station where smtd was invoked) is missing from the local /etc/hosts file. Verify that the following line exists in the /etc/hosts file: localhost localhost.x.x.x loghost

The alternate format is this:

127.1 localhost localhost.x.x.x loghost


contains the station’s domain information.


SMT Error Messages couldn't get hostname


When attempting to set up a reception socket, the gethostname system call failed. This may indicate a problem with the operating system. For example, it may be overloaded. This may indicate that the station specified on the smtring command line was not found in the hosts database (either the local /etc/hosts file or the NIS server).

couldn't get localport


The SMT daemon was unable to obtain a local communication port. This indicates a problem with the operating system.

couldn't get remotesocket


A socket system call failed. This indicates a problem with the operating system.

couldn't get socket name


A getsockname system call failed. This indicates a problem with the operating system.

couldn't open remote SNMP session


The SMT daemon could not open a session with an SNMP module. This may indicate that the SNMP daemon is not running. This may also indicate that the file descriptor obtained for the port is invalid.

couldn't open SNMP session


The SMT daemon could not obtain a communication channel (session).

This indicates a problem with FDDIXPress software. Reboot the system.

If the problem persists, reinstall the software shipped with your FDDI board.


Appendix A: Error Messages

Denied REQUEST: bad version



The SMT daemon was attempting to respond to an FDDI request frame; however, it discovered that the received frame was encoded in an unsupported version of the SMT protocol. Use the “SMT Information” report of the smtstat -s command to discover the range of supported versions on this station.



The number of duplicate response frames was excessive. This indicates a problem at the remote station, except when the smtping command has been invoked with a broadcast address (ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff), in which case duplicate frames are normal.

Encapsulation Routing


A setsockopt system or library call failed. This indicates a problem with the operating system. For example, it may be overloaded.


interfacename PHYindex


actionname errormessage


The specified action (actionname) caused an error as detailed in the text of errormessage for the interface and PHY indicated. This indicates something wrong with the SMT software. Reboot the system. If the problem continues, reinstall the software that was shipped with the

FDDI board. If the problem persists, call the Silicon Graphics Technical

Assistance Center.

Error building packet

The SNMP daemon could not build an SMT packet as requested (for example, the size may be too large). The requested packet was not sent.

Error in config file: can't decode section delimiter:



While configuring itself, the SMT daemon could not parse (understand) the section delimiter (as indicated in the message) in the file

/usr/etc/smtd.conf. See Appendix B for details about this configuration file.


SMT Error Messages

Error in config file: too many stations defined: max=



While configuring itself, the SMT daemon found too many stations defined in the file /usr/etc/smtd.conf. The maximum number of stations allowed is defined in the message. See Appendix B for details about this configuration file.

Error in config file: unknown section delimiter:



While configuring itself, the SMT daemon could not parse (understand) the section delimiter (as indicated in the message) in the file

/usr/etc/smtd.conf. See Appendix B for details about this configuration file.

Error: smt



actionname errormessage


The specified action (actionname) caused an error as detailed in the text of errormessage for the interface and PHY indicated. This indicates something wrong with the SMT software. Reboot the system. If the problem continues, reinstall the software that was shipped with the

FDDI board. If the problem persists, call the Silicon Graphics Technical

Assistance Center.

event 0x


tlvget failed


It was not possible to parse and build the SMT event identified by the hexadecimal numeral.

fatal path rid mismatch


The SMT daemon found an inconsistency in the MAC, PHY, and path configurations ( rid

= resource identification, a software variable). Use

smtconfig to stop, then restart the network interface (and the SMT daemon) so that it can rebuild its information. If the problem persists, the MIB file may be corrupted; create a new /etc/fddi/smtd.mib file from a backup copy, then use smtconfig to stop and restart the network interface.


Appendix A: Error Messages frame too large: len =



An illegal FDDI frame was received. The frame had too many bits.

fs_reg: socket


A socket system or library call failed. This may indicate a problem with the operating system.



The gethostbyname system or library call failed for one of the stations.

This could indicate that the station’s network connection name has not been added to the hosts database (NIS service or local /etc/hosts file), or that the station’s IP address is invalid. This error could indicate a problem with the NIS server. For example, it may be overloaded or not currently functional.

get localhost failed


When attempting to set up a reception socket, the gethostbyname system call failed for localhost

. This could indicate that localhost information about the local station (the station where smtping was invoked) is missing from the local /etc/hosts file. Verify that one of the following lines exists in the /etc/hosts file: localhost localhost.x.x.x loghost

The alternate format is as follows:

127.1 localhost localhost.x.x.x loghost

x.x.x contains the station’s domain information.



A getsockname system or library call failed. This indicates a problem with the operating system. For example, it may be overloaded.


SMT Error Messages getsockname failed(



<smtping>, <smtring>

When attempting to set up a reception socket on the local host, the

getsockname system call failed. This indicates a problem with the operating system. For example, it may be overloaded.

gettimeofday failed


The gettimeofday system or library call failed. This indicates a problem with the operating system. For example, it may be overloaded.

init_mib: mibfile = NULL


An internal error was detected when the SMT daemon attempted to initialize the MIB file (/etc/fddi/smtd.mib). This may indicate that the file is corrupted or missing. Create a new MIB file using the command lines below. If you do not have a backup copy (/etc/fddi/smtd.mib.orig) of the

MIB file, reinstall your FDDIXPress software.

% /sbin/su

# cd /etc/fddi

# /bin/cp smtd.mib.orig smtd.mib

# /usr/etc/smtconfig


down up




info missing


While reading the file /usr/etc/smtd.conf to configure itself, the SMT daemon did not find a required configuration parameter for the MAC

(network interface) and PHY indicated in the message. The phy variable will be replaced by the word primary

or secondary

, where primary usually identifies port B and secondary port A. See Appendix B for details about this configuration file.

Invalid device name:


<smtinfo>, <smtping>, <smtring>, <smtstat>

The interface name specified for the SMT command using the -I option was not recognized as an FDDI interface at that station. Verify (with the

netstat -ina command) that the interface name you specified exists on that station and is correctly typed on the command line. You also can use the hinv command to identify the station’s FDDI hardware and its associated network interface.


Appendix A: Error Messages invalid event 0x




The SMT event identified by the hexadecimal numeral is not recognized, so it has been ignored.


: invalid PCM line state


The characters indicated are not valid. They do not correspond to any physical connection (PCM) line state recognizable by smtmaint. Valid line states are limited to the values specified in “Verifying a Station’s

PCM Functionality” on page 71 and on the smtmaint man page.


: invalid PHY index


The decimal number indicated is not a valid entry. The number was entered as the second parameter in the smtmaint command line, corresponding to a PHY. The entry must be a decimal digit of 0 or 1.


is a reserved word: On line



The entry indicated by characters has been improperly used in the MIB file (/etc/fddi/smtd.mib). The problem is on the line of the file indicated.

Make a new copy of the file from a backup copy, then use smtconfig to stop and restart the network interface.

invalid response type:



The responding SMT module sent information of an invalid type. The type, which must be RESPONSE, is specified within one of the fields of the response. This indicates that the responding station is either dysfunctional or not behaving in conformance with the FDDI SMT protocol.


SMT Error Messages ioctl (




During configuration of the SMT daemon and network interface, an ioctl system or library call failed for the indicated requestparameter. This may indicate an invalid configuration parameter (user entry) on the smtconfig command line. The configuration has failed; the parameter has not been changed.

The following requestparameters indicate the invalid user entry:


network interface name


inet (IP or internet) address




broadcast address


make network interface primary


destination address set metric

route metric

This error message may also indicate a problem with the operating system. When the requestparameter is not listed above, this message usually indicates a problem with the operating system.




: ioctl(




An ioctl system or library call with the requestparameter indicated failed.

The call was made for the network interface and PHY indicated. This indicates a problem with the operating system.






This is a serious error condition. The SMT daemon has detected too many link errors occurring at the network interface and PHY indicated.

When this message is displayed, the SMT daemon is not able to reestablish the ring, so the indicated port is not functioning. The problem lies between this station and the upstream neighbor. Follow the instructions in sections “Checking Physical Connections” on page 80 and “Link-Level Errors” on page 87.


Appendix A: Error Messages




: LER alarm =



The Link Error Alarm was activated for the network interface (MAC address) and PHY (digit) specified in the message, indicating that the link error rate (LER) exceeded the alarm threshold. Follow the instructions in the section “Checking Physical Connections” in

Chapter 4 to fix the cable problem.



A gethostbyname system or library call failed when using the localhost parameter. This could indicate that the localhost

information about the local station (the station where smtinfo was invoked) is missing from the local /etc/hosts file. Verify that the one of the following lines exists in the /etc/hosts file: localhost localhost.x.x.x loghost

An alternate format is this:

127.1 localhost localhost.x.x.x loghost


completes the address.

local port


A getsockname system call failed. This indicates a problem with the operating system.

mac dump for



<smtinfo>, <smtping>, <smtring>

An attempt to obtain information from another station failed. This may indicate the SMT daemon on the local machine has failed or the interface is disabled. Use the smtconfig command to stop and restart the FDDI network interface.

Malloc failed


A malloc system or library call failed. This indicates a problem with the operating system when attempting to allocate memory.


SMT Error Messages map_open: mktemp failed


In attempting to update the MIB, a mktemp system or library call failed to create a unique, temporary file. This may indicate that the operating system is overloaded.

map_smt: BAD command



The action (internal software command) specified when this routine was called is not a valid one. Another error message will provide more detail about the problem, including the name of the process that provided the invalid command. This indicates a problem with the SMT software.

Reboot the system. If the problem continues, reinstall the software that was shipped with the FDDI board. If the problem persists, call the

Silicon Graphics Technical Assistance Center.



doesn't exist


The specified variable caused an error. This indicates a problem with the

SMT software. The MIB file may be corrupted. Make a new copy of

/etc/fddi/smtd.mib from your backup copy. Reboot the system. If the problem continues, reinstall the software that was shipped with the

FDDI board. If the problem persists, call the Silicon Graphics Technical

Assistance Center.

map_smt: FDDI interface


not found


The indicated FDDI network interface is not known to the system.

Another error message will provide more detail about the problem, including the name of the process that provided the invalid name. (The

map_smt routine is an internal SMT routine called by many FDDIXPress processes.)


Appendix A: Error Messages map_smt: Invalid action:



The specified action (internal software command) is not a valid one. This indicates something wrong with the SMT software. Reboot the system.

If the problem continues, reinstall the software that was shipped with the FDDI board. If the problem persists, call the Silicon Graphics

Technical Assistance Center.

Mib not initialized. Exiting


An operating system error was detected. The MIB file (/etc/fddi/smtd.mib) could not be initialized. This may indicate that the file is corrupted or missing. Create a new MIB file using the command line below. If you do not have a backup copy (for example, /etc/fddi/smtd.mib.orig) of the MIB file, reinstall your FDDIXPress software.

% /sbin/su

# cd /etc/fddi

# /bin/cp smtd.mib.orig smtd.mib

# /usr/etc/smtconfig


down up

Mib table is bad. Exiting


The MIB file (/etc/fddi/smtd.mib) could not be parsed. Make a new copy of the file from a backup copy, then use smtconfig to stop and restart the network interface.

Missing end of oid: On line



The end of an entry (object) in the MIB file (/etc/fddi/smtd.mib) was missing. The problem was encountered on the line of the file indicated.

Make a new copy of the file from a backup copy, then use smtconfig to stop and restart the network interface.


SMT Error Messages newiphase for




The SMT daemon failed to configure and bring up (get running) the software for the network interface indicated in the message. This indicates that the network interface name is not known to the system.

Use the command below to verify that the driver has been built into the operating system:

% /sbin/grep



FDDIinterface is ipg or xpi (without the final digit). If there are no entries for the FDDI interface (for example, if_ipgintr), use the /etc/autoconfig command to rebuild the operating system, then reboot to start using the new operating system.

If the problem persists, reinstall the software that was shipped with the installed FDDI board, rebuild the operating system, and reboot. If the message continues to be displayed, contact the Silicon Graphics

Technical Assistance Center.

No end to oid: On line



The final entry in a series of an entries for an object in the MIB file

(/etc/fddi/smtd.mib) was missing. The problem was encountered on the line of the file indicated. Make a new copy of the file from a backup copy, then use smtconfig to stop and restart the network interface.

No frame sent successfully during last




A send system or library call has failed to complete successfully during the indicated period of time. This indicates a problem with the operating system.

No response from daemon: timed-out


The SMT daemon has halted or quit. This indicates a problem with the

FDDIXPress software files. Use smtconfig to stop and restart the FDDI network interface. If the problem persists, reboot the system to restart everything. If this does not solve the problem, reinstall the software shipped with your FDDI board. If the message continues to display, contact the Silicon Graphics Technical Assistance Center.


Appendix A: Error Messages

No SMT frames received for




The SMT daemon has not received any SMT protocol frames within the number of seconds indicated, so the SMT daemon has reset the driver.

This message can indicate the ring is totally quiet, which would be normal only when the station was the only one on the ring. It could indicate the station has been isolated onto a ring fragment. Check if any of this station’s ports are wrapped. This message might indicate a problem with the board. Error messages created by the driver will help you identify this condition.

Not a sequence: On line



When reading the MIB file (/etc/fddi/smtd.mib), an ASN.1 entry (object) was encountered, on the line of the file indicated, that was not a

SEQUENCE type. Make a new copy of the file from a backup copy, then use smtconfig to stop and restart the network interface.

No terminating parenthesis (


): On line



When reading the MIB file (/etc/fddi/smtd.mib), the SMT daemon found that a required parenthesis was missing on the line of the file indicated.

Make a new copy of the file from a backup copy, then use smtconfig to stop and restart the network interface.

nt_send: rc=



An attempt to send an NIF request frame failed. The reason for the failure is indicated by the reason code ( rc

). See the

rc entry in this listing for the reasons associated with each code. The SMT daemon software is not functioning correctly. Reboot the system. If this error message continues to be displayed, reinstall the software. If the problem still persists, contact the Silicon Graphics Technical Assistance Center.


SMT Error Messages object identifier too long


An invalid entry was found in the MIB file /etc/fddi/smtd.mib. This may indicate that the file is corrupted. Create a new MIB file and restart the network interface using the command lines below. If you do not have a backup copy (/etc/fddi/smtd.mib.orig) of the MIB file, reinstall your

FDDIXPress software.

% /bin/su



# cd /etc/fddi

# /bin/cp smtd.mib.orig smtd.mib

# /usr/etc/smtconfig


down up





The smtping -p command specified characters that are not hexadecimal.

Use only hexadecimal characters: 0 to 9 and a to f.


% packet loss


The number of response ECHO packets received is less than the number of request ECHO packets sent. The loss is expressed as a percentage: the number of received packets divided by the number sent. Low percentages of packet loss are not usually a problem. The number that constitutes “low” is somewhat subjective. However, when the percentage of lost packets is greater than ten (10%) and when this symptom persists for over an hour, it is a good idea to investigate what is causing the loss. Follow the instructions in “Status Indicators and

Symptoms” on page 87.

packet too short (




As smtping attempted to display the response packet, it discovered that the packet was shorter than the one it had sent. This may indicate that the responding station is creating malformed packets.


Appendix A: Error Messages patterns must be specified as hex digits


The pattern specified on the smtping -p command line contained characters that are not valid hexadecimal characters. The following characters are valid: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, a, A, b, B, c, C, d, D, e, E, f, F, and blank spaces.

Premature end of file: On line



When reading the MIB file (/etc/fddi/smtd.mib), the SMT daemon found that an end-of-file indicator was encountered unexpectedly on the line of the file indicated. Make a new copy of the file from a backup copy, then use smtconfig to stop and restart the network interface.


.#: primary PC_UNKNOWN


When attempting to configure and bring up a new network interface and SMT daemon, the software could not locate a primary PHY for the

MAC. This can indicate a problem with the configuration file

(/etc/fddi/smtd.conf) or with the board. See Appendix B for details about this configuration file. If the problem persists, contact the Silicon

Graphics Technical Assistance Center.


The reason codes ( rc

) are listed in Table A-1 with their hexadecimal and decimal (digit) representations.

Table A-1

Reason Name




Reason Codes Used in Error Messages

Description Hex













Frame class not supported. Supported classes are NIF, SIF, ECF, RAF, ESF, and PMF.

Frame version not supported.




SMT Error Messages

Table A-1 (continued)

Reason Name









Reason Codes Used in Error Messages






















Attempt to change read-only parameter.

Requested parameter is not supported.

No more room or parameter for add or remove.

Out of range.

Authentication failed.

Parameter parsing failed.

Frame too long.

Unrecognized parameter.



An internal error was detected when attempting to initialize the MIB file

(/etc/fddi/smtd.mib). This may indicate that the file is corrupted or missing. Create a new MIB file using the command lines below. If you do not have a backup copy of the MIB file (/etc/fddi/smtd.mib.orig), reinstall your FDDIXPress software.

% /sbin/su

# cd /etc/fddi

# /bin/cp smtd.mib.orig smtd.mib

# /usr/etc/smtconfig


down up

Recv Frame error


An recv system or library call failed during reception of a request frame.

This indicates a problem with the operating system.



A recvfrom system or library call failed. This indicates a problem with the operating system.


Appendix A: Error Messages

REQUEST: Illegal FC=



The SMT daemon was attempting to send a request frame, but found that the frame control (FC) value was for a class that does not allow request frames (for example, RDF).

REQUEST: Unsupported FC=



The SMT daemon was attempting to send a request frame, but found that the frame control (FC) value, which was created by another module of the software, is not supported. For example, RDF requests were not supported in early versions of FDDIXPress.




There is a problem with the FDDI board associated with the network interface indicated. An automatic reset is in progress. If this message appears infrequently, it does not indicate a problem. However, if it occurs frequently, follow the instructions in the section “Checking

Physical Connections” on page 80. If the message continues to display frequently, contact the Silicon Graphics Technical Assistance Center.

resp_map: sendto


The sendto system or library call failed. This may indicate a problem with the operating system.

response from


instead of



The host specified in the smtinfo command line did not respond. Instead, information was obtained from a different host. This may indicate that there are duplicate or switched IP addresses in the hosts database. Verify the IP addresses for station1 and station2 in the /etc/hosts file (either local or on the NIS server).


SMT Error Messages

Response message would have been too large


The SMT daemon has encountered a problem. This probably indicates that the MIB file (/etc/fddi/smtd.mib) is corrupted. Make a new copy from the backup. This can indicate that the requesting SMT module has requested invalid MIB information.

sanity check for

interfacename board#



An invalid value was detected in the file /etc/fddi/smtd.conf. In most cases, another error message will identify the specific problem. See

Appendix B for details about this configuration file.

sanity: unsupported MACtype=


<SMT daemon>

The file /etc/fddi/smtd.conf has an entry in a type

field (PHY section) that is not supported by the network interface being configured by this entry.

The entry may be incorrect, or the network interface being configured with this section of the file may not be the target (intended) interface.

The configuration file must be corrected before the station can function.

See Appendix B for details about this configuration file.



unsupported mac type =


<SMT daemon>

The file /etc/fddi/smtd.conf has a


entry that is not supported by the indicated network interface, which is being configured with this entry. The entry may simply be incorrect, or the network interface being configured with this section of the file may not be the intended one. See

Appendix B for details about this configuration file.

sanity: unsupported station type=


<SMT daemon>

The file /etc/fddi/smtd.conf has an entry in the


field that is not supported by the network interface configured with that station entry. The entry may be incorrect, or the network interface being configured with this section of the file may not be the target (intended) interface. The configuration file must be corrected before the station can function. See Appendix B for details about this configuration file.


Appendix A: Error Messages


.#: secondary PC_UNKNOWN


When attempting to configure and bring up a new network interface and SMT daemon, the software could not locate a secondary PHY for the

MAC. This can indicate a problem with the configuration file

(/etc/fddi/smtd.conf) or with the board. See Appendix B for details about this configuration file. If the problem persists, contact the Silicon

Graphics Technical Assistance Center.



The select system or library call failed. This indicates something wrong with the operating system. For example, it may be overloaded.




When attempting to read the status information files, the select system or library call failed. The system error message will provide more details about the reason for the failure.



A send system call failed. This indicates a problem with the operating system. For example, it may be overloaded.



A sendto system call failed. This indicates a problem with the operating system. For example, it may be overloaded.



bytes not sent


A send system or library call failed. This indicates a problem with the operating system.


SMT Error Messages

Should be ACCESS (


): On line



An expected ACCESS entry was not found in the MIB file

(/etc/fddi/smtd.mib). Instead, the software encountered token. The problem is on the line of the file indicated. Make a new copy of the file from a backup copy, then use smtconfig to disable and reenable the network interface.

Should be STATUS (


): On line



An expected STATUS entry was not found in the MIB file

(/etc/fddi/smtd.mib) on the line of the file indicated. Make a new copy of the file from a backup copy, then use smtconfig to stop and restart the network interface.

sm_conf: oport failed


During SMT startup, a system call to set up (open and bind) a raw socket failed. An additional error message generated by sm_open provides more detail about the reason for the failure.



When the SMT daemon was attempting to add or delete a multicast address, an ioctl system or library call with the




request parameter failed.

sm_open: bind port(






The bind system or library call failed to bind the socket (identification number and name) indicated. This indicates a problem with the operating system. For example, it may be overloaded.

sm_open: socket


The socket system or library call failed to open (obtain) a socket. This indicates a problem with the operating system. For example, it may be overloaded.


Appendix A: Error Messages sm_open: setsockopt (




The setsockopt system or library call failed to set the options for the socket indicated by portID. This indicates a problem with the operating system.

For example, it may be overloaded.

sm_reset: ioctl(~IFF_UP) sm_reset: ioctl(IFF_UP)


During an FDDI board reset, the SMT daemon’s attempt to contact the network interface’s driver failed. Specifically, the ioctl call to the driver with the




request parameter failed. If this message occurs infrequently and if the network interface is functioning within a few minutes of the message appearing, it does not indicate a problem. If this message is displayed frequently or if the network interface does not work, there is probably a problem with the driver.

Try manually restarting all the network interfaces on this station with the command below:

% /bin/su



# /etc/init.d/network stop

# /etc/init.d/network start

Then check if the FDDI connection is working. If it is not working, halt or shut down the system, turn the power off, wait a few minutes, turn the power back on, and restart the system. If this same error message occurs, or if the FDDI connection is not working, reinstall the

FDDIXPress software that was shipped with the installed FDDI board.

If the problem persists, contact the Silicon Graphics Technical Assistance


sm_reset: ioctl(SIOCGIFFLAGS)


During an FDDI board reset, the SMT daemon’s attempt to enable the network interface driver and verify or save the network interface’s flag settings, failed. In other words, the ioctl call with the

SIOCGIFFLAGS request parameter failed. Follow the instructions detailed under the error message sm_reset: ioctl(IFF_UP)



SMT Error Messages sm_reset: socket


While the SMT daemon was attempting to reset itself during an FDDI board reset, a socket system or library call failed. This indicates a problem with the operating system. For example, it may be overloaded. This message does not indicate a problem unless it occurs frequently.

sm_set_macaddr: socket


While the SMT daemon was attempting to associate the network interface with the FDDI board’s MAC address, a socket system call failed.

This indicates a problem with the operating system.

sm_set_macaddr: ioctl(SIOCSIFADDR)


While the SMT daemon was attempting to associate the FDDI board’s

MAC address with a network interface, an ioctl system call with the


request parameter failed. This indicates a problem with the operating system.

smtconfig bind


A bind system or library call failed. This indicates a problem with the operating system. For example, it may be overloaded.

smtconfig: bind


A bind system or library call failed. This indicates a problem with the operating system. For example, it may be overloaded.

smtconfig: cannot turn on


except as root


The effective user ID of the calling process (value returned by the geteuid system call) does not include superuser (root) privileges. Only a superuser can enable a network interface. Become superuser (


) and try again.


Appendix A: Error Messages smtconfig: can't exec smtd


An execl system or library call failed to make a new process for the SMT daemon. This indicates a problem with the operating system.

smtconfig: Command not found.


The path to the directory containing the SMT command has not been defined in the logged-on user’s environment


variable. See

“Configure the Environment for User Friendliness and Safety

(Optional)” on page 42 for details on how to solve this problem. You can also type the full path to the command, as follows:

% /usr/etc/smtconfig


If this command line does not invoke the command, the FDDIXPress software or the command is not installed. Reinstall the FDDIXPress software.



failed to start:



The software was unable to start the indicated network interface for the reasons provided in the standard system message.



: no such interface


The indicated network interface that was entered on the smtconfig command line is not known to the system. Follow the instructions below to resolve the problem:

• Use /usr/etc/netstat -i to list the known, running interfaces.

If the interface you want is listed, try smtconfig again.

If the interface you want is not listed, this indicates that the FDDI driver is not running. It may not be built into the operating system or the board may not be recognized. Proceed to the next step.


SMT Error Messages

• Use the command /usr/sbin/versions FDDIXPress to verify that the software is installed.

If versions does not find FDDIXPress, install the FDDIXPress software, following the instructions in the FDDIXPress release notes, and configure it, following the instructions in Chapter 2.

If FDDIXPress is listed, proceed to the next step.

• Type the /bin/hinv command to verify that the board is installed and recognized.

If the FDDI controller is not listed, follow the instructions in the section “Recognition of Board by Software” on page 80.



: permission denied


The requested smtconfig change (entry) requires that the user have superuser (root) access privileges. Become superuser (enter


). Then try again.

smtconfig: smtd failed:





A process could not be created for starting the SMT daemon. This indicates a problem with the operating system, as detailed in the


smtconfig SIOC_XPI_EXEC


While loading new firmware into the FDDI board’s memory, an ioctl system or library call with the


request parameter failed.

This probably indicates a mismatch between the hardware (FDDI board) and software. Reinstall the software shipped with the installed board. If the problem persists, contact the Silicon Graphics Technical Assistance




While loading new firmware into the FDDI board’s memory, an ioctl system or library call with the


request parameter failed. This indicates a problem with the operating system, but not the

I/O system. The software was unable to load the newer firmware.


Appendix A: Error Messages smtconfig SIOC_XPI_STO


The ioctl system or library call with the


request parameter failed while the SMT daemon was attempting to load firmware onto an FDDI board. This indicates an incompatibility between the operating system and smtconfig. Use /usr/sbin/versions eoe1 to display the operating system’s version (release). Use

/usr/sbin/relnotes FDDIXPress to display the FDDIXPress release notes.

Verify that your operating system is the correct version, as indicated in the release notes.

smtconfig SIOC_XPI_VERS


The ioctl system or library call with the


request parameter failed while the SMT daemon was attempting to verify the firmware on an FDDI board. This probably indicates a mismatch between the hardware (FDDI board) and software. Reinstall the software shipped with the installed board. If the problem persists, contact the Silicon Graphics Technical Assistance Center.

smtconfig socket smtconfig: socket


A socket system or library call failed. This indicates a problem with the operating system. For example, it may be overloaded.

smtconfig: unrecognized interface:



The network interface entered on the smtconfig command line is not known to the system as an FDDI interface. Use /usr/etc/netstat -ina to list the known interfaces or use /bin/hinv to identify the FDDI hardware and its associated FDDI interface, then try again. If the network interface you want to configure is not listed, verify that the board and software are installed, then rebuild the operating system with /etc/autoconfig, and reboot to start using the new operating system.


SMT Error Messages smtconfig: WARNING: Writing



Do not reset the machine


This is not an error message. It is included here because it is an extremely important informational message. When this message is displayed, the software is in the process of loading (writing) new firmware into one of the FDDI board’s chips. Nothing is wrong; however, the computer must not be interrupted until another smtconfig message has been displayed.

smtd: can't fork


The fork system or library call failed. This indicates something wrong with the operating system. For example, it may be overloaded.

smtd dump


An attempt to obtain status from the remote SMT module failed. This may indicate that the SMT daemon on the local system has failed. Use the smtconfig command to stop and restart the network interface. If the problem persists, contact the Silicon Graphics Technical Assistance

Center smtd_fs: frame too large (len=




An illegal FDDI frame was received; the frame had too many bits.

smtd_fs: frame too small (len=




A received FDDI frame was illegally small.





bytes written


A sendto system or library call successfully sent only some of the requested data. The number of bytes sent and the number requested are indicated. This may indicate a problem with the operating system.


Appendix A: Error Messages



An attempt by smtconfig to disable the SMT daemon has failed. Use

/usr/etc/smtconfig interfacename

down to manually disable the interface. If this fails, reinstall the software shipped with the board.

SMT_FS_NIF: unknown type(




An illegal NIF frame was received; the frame was not of a known type

(that is,




, or


). Another FDDI station is transmitting invalid NIF packets.

SMT_FS_RDF: bad length


An RDF response frame was received with an invalid length. Another

FDDI station is transmitting invalid RDF packets.

SMT_FS_RDF: req denied by


, rc=



A response RDF frame was received indicating that one of this station’s request frames has been denied. The station denying the request is indicated with the reason ( rc

) indicated. See the

rc entry in this listing for the reasons associated with each code.

smtinfo: can’t find MAC address for



No MAC address was found for the station specified on the SMT command line. (Verify that the name for the specified station has been typed correctly on the command line.) This error message usually indicates that the station has not been added to the ethers or hosts databases.Verify that the station’s name appears in the local or NIS server’s /etc/hosts and /etc/ethers files. If the name is missing from either file, add it (as explained in “Setting Up the ethers File (Optional)” on page 43). Or, if your network uses the NIS service, have your network administrator add it to the network’s databases.


SMT Error Messages

If you maintain local (backup) copies, be sure to copy the NIS server’s files to the local machine using the command lines below:

% /bin/su



# /usr/bin/ypcat ethers > /etc/ethers

# /usr/bin/ypcat hosts > /etc/hosts smtinfo: Command not found.


The path to the directory containing the SMT command has not been defined in the logged on user’s environment


variable. See

“Configure the Environment for User Friendliness and Safety

(Optional)” on page 42 for details on how to solve this problem. You can also type the full path to the command:

% /usr/etc/smtinfo


station can be the network connection name or the MAC address.

If this command line does not invoke the command, the FDDIXPress software or the command is not installed. Reinstall the FDDIXPress software.

smtinfo: invalid timeout:



The user entered an invalid time-out value. The time-out parameter entered on the smtinfo -t command line must be a value greater than zero. Zero and negative values are not legal.

smtinfo: recv


A recv system or library call failed. This indicates a problem with the operating system. For example, it may be overloaded. This message indicates a problem only if it occurs frequently.

smtinfo: recv socket


A socket system or library call failed. This indicates a problem with the operating system. For example, it may be overloaded. This message indicates a problem only if it occurs frequently.


Appendix A: Error Messages smtinfo register failed


An attempt to obtain information from another station failed. This may indicate an overloaded network or individual station.

smtinfo: sendframe failed


A sendframe system or library call failed. This indicates a problem with the operating system. For example, it may be overloaded. This is a problem only if it occurs frequently.

smtinfo version


doesn’t match daemon’s (




The smtinfo code is a different version from the SMT daemon’s code.

SMT commands must be the same release as the SMT daemon. If the

SMT daemon’s version number has been altered in the /etc/fddi/smtd.conf or /etc/fddi/smtd.mib file, the discrepancy could cause this problem. If you are sure that this is the cause, edit the altered file’s version

setting back to the original.

This message may indicate that different versions of smtd and the SMT command have been installed. To remedy this problem, reinstall the

FDDIXPress software, use /etc/autoconfig to rebuild the operating system with the new driver, then reboot the system.

smtmaint: Command not found


The path to the directory containing the SMT command has not been defined in the logged on user’s environment


variable. See

“Configure the Environment for User Friendliness and Safety

(Optional)” on page 42 for details on how to solve this problem. You can also type the full path to the command:

# /usr/etc/smtmaint #


If this command does not invoke the command, the FDDIXPress software or the command is not installed. Reinstall the FDDIXPress software.


SMT Error Messages

SMT_MAINT: oport failed


When the SMT daemon was called by the smtmaint command, a system call to setup (open and bind) a raw socket failed. An additional error message generated by sm_open provides more detail about the reason for the failure.

smtping: bad preload value


The value entered for the number of preloaded frames on the smtping -l command line is not valid. The preloaded frames must be zero or greater than zero. Negative values are not valid.

smtping: bad timing interval


The value entered for a timing interval on the smtping -i command line is not valid. The timing interval must be greater than zero. Zero and negative values are not valid.

smtping: can’t find MAC address for



No MAC address was found for the station specified on the SMT command line. (Verify that the name has been typed correctly on the command line.) This error message usually indicates that the station has not been added to the ethers or hosts databases.Verify that the station’s network connection name appears in the local or NIS server’s /etc/hosts and /etc/ethers files. If the name is missing from either file, add it (as explained in Chapter 2). Or, if your network uses the NIS service, have your network administrator add it to the network’s databases.

If you maintain local (backup) copies, be sure to copy the NIS server’s files to the local machine using the command lines below:

% /bin/su



# /usr/bin/ypcat ethers > /etc/ethers

# /usr/bin/ypcat hosts > /etc/hosts


Appendix A: Error Messages smtping: Command not found.


The path to the directory containing the SMT command has not been defined in the logged on user’s environment


variable. See

“Configure the Environment for User Friendliness and Safety

(Optional)” on page 42 for details on how to solve this problem. You can also type the full path to the command, as shown in the example below:

% /usr/etc/smtping


station can be the network connection name or the MAC address.

If this command line does not invoke the command, the FDDIXPress software or the command is not installed. Reinstall the FDDIXPress software.

smtping: -d is meaningful only with -x


The smtping command has been invoked with an invalid -d option.

smtping: -f and -i incompatible options


The two smtping command line options -f and -i cannot be used together.

smtping: illegal packet size.


The value entered for setting packet size (in bytes) on the smtping -s command line is not valid. Packet size must be greater than zero. Zero and negative values are illegal.

smtping: packet size too large.


The value entered for setting packet size (in bytes) on the smtping -s command line is not valid. The maximum packet size allowed may vary from release to release, but is generally less than 4436 bytes.

smtping: recv


A recv system call failed. This indicates a problem with the operating system. For example, it may be overloaded. This message indicates a problem only if it occurs frequently.


SMT Error Messages smtping: recv socket


A recvsock system call failed. This indicates a problem with the operating system. For example, it may be overloaded. This message indicates a problem only if it occurs frequently.

smtping register failed


An attempt to obtain information from (open the connection to) another station failed. This may indicate an overloaded network or individual station.

smtping: send socket


A sendsock system call failed. This indicates a problem with the operating system. For example, it may be overloaded. This message indicates a problem only if it occurs frequently.

smtping unregister failed


An attempt to obtain information from (close the connection to) another station failed. This may indicate an overloaded network or individual station.

smtping version %d doesn’t match daemon’s (




The smtping code is a different version from the SMT daemon’s code.

SMT commands must be the same release as the SMT daemon. If the

SMT daemon’s version number has been altered in the /etc/fddi/smtd.conf or /etc/fddi/smtd.mib file, the discrepancy could cause this problem. If you are sure that this is the cause, edit the altered file’s version

setting back to the original. This message may indicate that different versions of smtd and the SMT command have been installed. To remedy this problem, reinstall the FDDIXPress software and reboot the system (to rebuild the operating system with the new driver).


Appendix A: Error Messages smtring bind


The bind system or library call failed when the SMT daemon attempted to set up a reception socket. This indicates a problem with the operating system. For example, it may be overloaded. This message indicates a problem only if it occurs frequently.

smtring: can’t find MAC address for



No MAC address was found for the station specified on the SMT command line. (Verify that the name has been typed correctly on the command line.) This error message usually indicates that the station has not been added to the ethers or hosts databases.Verify that the station’s network connection name appears in the local or NIS server’s /etc/hosts and /etc/ethers files. If the name is missing from either file, add it (as explained in Chapter 2). Or, if your network uses the NIS service, have your network administrator add it to the network’s databases.

If you maintain local (backup) copies, be sure to copy the NIS server’s files to the local machine using these commands:

% /sbin/su



# /usr/bin/ypcat ethers > /etc/ethers

# /usr/bin/ypcat hosts > /etc/hosts smtring: Command not found.


The path to the directory containing the SMT command has not been defined in the logged on user’s environment


variable. See

“Configure the Environment for User Friendliness and Safety

(Optional)” in Chapter 2 for details on how to solve this problem. You can also type the full path to the command, as shown in the example below:

% /usr/etc/smtring

If this command does not invoke the command, the FDDIXPress software or the command is not installed. Reinstall the FDDIXPress software.


SMT Error Messages smtring: invalid interval:



The interval specified on the smtring -i command line was not valid. The value must be a decimal digit greater than zero.

smtring: invalid timeout:



The time-out specified on the smtring -t command line was not valid.

The value must be a decimal digit greater than zero.

smtring: recv


A recv system call failed. This indicates a problem with the operating system. For example, it may be overloaded. This message indicates a problem only if it occurs frequently.

smtring: recv socket


A socket system or library call failed. This indicates a problem with the operating system. For example, it may be overloaded. This message indicates a problem only if it occurs frequently.

smtring register failed


An attempt to obtain information from (open the connection to) another station failed. This may indicate an overloaded network or individual station.

smtring unregister failed


An attempt to obtain information from (close the connection to) another station failed. This may indicate an overloaded network or individual station.

smtring version


doesn’t match daemon’s (




The smtring code is a different version from the SMT daemon’s code.

SMT commands must be the same software release as the SMT daemon.

To remedy this problem, reinstall the FDDIXPress software.


Appendix A: Error Messages smtring: xmit failed


The smtring command was unable to successfully transmit a frame to one particular station (station is not indicated). The reason for this failure will be indicated in a subsequent map_smt error message.

smtstat: Command not found.


The path to the directory containing the SMT command has not been defined in the logged on user’s environment


variable. See

“Configure the Environment for User Friendliness and Safety

(Optional)” on page 42 for details on how to solve this problem. You can also type the full path to the command:

% /usr/etc/smtstat

If this command does not invoke the command, the FDDIXPress software or the command is not installed. Reinstall the FDDIXPress software.

smtstat: mac dump for




While attempting to obtain status information, smtstat could not contact the SMT daemon (smtd), which indicates that the daemon is not running or that the interface is disabled. Use smtconfig to stop then restart the network interface (including the SMT daemon).

smtstat: mac status for






While attempting to obtain status information, smtstat could not contact the SMT daemon (smtd), which indicates that the daemon probably is not running. Use smtconfig to stop then restart the network interface

(including the SMT daemon).

smtstat: NN dump for




While attempting to obtain status information, smtstat could not contact the SMT daemon (smtd), which indicates that the daemon is not running or the interface is disabled. Use smtconfig to stop then restart the network interface (including the SMT daemon).


SMT Error Messages

SMT_STAT: oport failed


A call to set up (open and bind) a raw socket failed while the SMT daemon was updating the MIB. An additional error message generated by sm_open provides more detail about the reason for the failure.

smtstat: port status for






While attempting to obtain status information, smtstat could not contact the SMT daemon (smtd). This indicates that the daemon is not running or the interface is disabled. Use smtconfig to stop then restart the network interface (including the SMT daemon).

smtstat: select:



The select system or library call failed. The text of the standard system error indicates the problem.

smtstat: smt status for failed


While attempting to obtain status information, smtstat could not contact the SMT daemon (smtd), which indicates that the daemon probably is not running. Use smtconfig to stop then restart the network interface

(including the SMT daemon).

smt status failed

<smtinfo>, <smtring>, <smtstat>

An attempt to obtain information from another station’s SMT module failed. This may indicate an overloaded network or individual station.

Another error message, created by sm_map, will provide further details about the reason for the failure.

smtstat version


doesn't match daemon's (




The smtstat code is a different version from the SMT daemon’s code.

SMT commands must be from the same software release as the SMT daemon. To remedy this problem, reinstall the FDDIXPress software.


Appendix A: Error Messages

SMT_TRACE: oport failed


A system call to set up (open and bind) a raw socket failed while the SMT daemon was attempting to trace a stuck beacon condition. An additional error message generated by sm_open provides more detail about the reason for the failure.

SMT_TRAPPORT NUMBER not defined yet


The getservbyname system or library call failed to return a UDP port. This can indicate that something is wrong with the network services database file or the operating system.



An attempt by smtconfig to restart the SMT daemon has failed. Use

/usr/etc/smtconfig interfacename

up to manually start the interface. If this fails, reinstall the software shipped with the board.




The UDP socket (port) for the SMT daemon has an incorrect file descriptor. This indicates an operating system problem.



The socket system or library call failed to open (obtain) a socket. This indicates a problem with the operating system. For example, it may be overloaded.

-- somebody’s printing up packets!


The number of response ECHO packets is greater than the number of request packets sent, meaning that the responding station is creating more than one response to each request or that two stations are responding to each request.


SMT Error Messages

Someone is using my MAC address(




The SMT daemon has detected another station using the same MAC address as this station. This condition will cause serious confusion on the ring. Remove this station from the ring. Do not return it until it has a unique MAC address. This problem can be caused by defining the

MAC address in the SMT daemon configuration file (discussed in

Appendix B) instead of using the MAC address from the hardware.

SRF failed for



There was an unsuccessful attempt to send an announcement Status

Report Frame (SRF) for the network interface indicated in the message.

This may indicate a problem with the multicast address ( sr_mid

) defined in the station section of the /etc/fddi/smtd.conf file. See

Appendix B for details about valid entries for this file.

Station info failed


An attempt to obtain information from the station’s SMT module failed.

An error message created by sm_map will provide further details about the reason for the failure.

sub-identifier not found:



A required entry was not found in the MIB file /etc/fddi/smtd.mib. This may indicate that the file is corrupted. Create a new MIB file using the following commands. If you do not have a backup copy

(/etc/fddi/smtd.mib.orig) of the MIB file, reinstall your FDDIXPress software.

% /sbin/su

# cd /etc/fddi

# /bin/cp smtd.mib.orig smtd.mib

# /usr/etc/smtconfig


down up


Appendix A: Error Messages sub-identifier too large:



An invalid entry was found in the MIB file /etc/fddi/smtd.mib. This may indicate that the file is corrupted. Create a new MIB file using the command lines above. If you do not have a backup copy

(/etc/fddi/smtd.mib.orig) of the MIB file, reinstall your FDDIXPress software.



This is a very serious error message. Troubleshooting activity should be started as soon as possible. The SMT daemon has attempted and failed to reset the FDDI board. The FDDI connection on this station is not functioning at all.

• Try restarting all the network interfaces manually with the commands below:

% /bin/su



# /etc/init.d/network stop

# /etc/init.d/network start

• Follow the instructions in Chapter 2 to verify the FDDI connection.

• If the error message reappears or if nothing in Chapter 2 remedies the nonfunctional FDDI network connection, restart the system and write down the messages displayed on the terminal during the system’s restart. Then contact the Silicon Graphics Technical

Assistance Center.

The mib description doesn't seem to be consistent.

Some nodes can't be linked under the 'iso' tree.

these nodes are left:


::= {

parent subID

} (




Some inconsistencies were found while the SMT daemon was attempting to parse (read and understand) the MIB file

(/etc/fddi/smtd.mib). Make a new copy of the file from a backup copy, then use smtconfig to stop and restart the network interface.


SMT Error Messages

The value given has the wrong type or length


The SMT daemon has encountered a problem. This probably indicates that the MIB file (/etc/fddi/smtd.mib) is corrupted. Make a new copy from the backup, then use smtconfig to disable and reenable the network interface. This can indicate that the requesting SMT module has requested invalid MIB information.

This variable is read only


The SMT daemon has encountered a problem. This probably indicates that the MIB file (/etc/fddi/smtd.mib) is corrupted. Make a new copy from the backup, then use smtconfig to disable and reenable the network interface. This can indicate that the requesting SMT module has requested invalid MIB information.

Too large packet:


The SMT daemon received a frame with too many bits, so the frame was not processed. This is a minor error and can be ignored unless it occurs frequently, in which case you should report it to the Silicon Graphics

Technical Assistance Center.






This is a serious error condition. The SMT daemon has detected a stuck beacon on the ring. The beacon was detected at the network interface and PHY indicated. The entire ring is dysfunctional because at least one station is malfunctioning. The best method for locating the dysfunctional station is to remove each station, one at a time, from the ring, and then follow these steps:


Remove one station from the ring and patch the ring.


At any functional station on the ring, use smtstat -s (Ring

Management report, status

field) to monitor the ring status. The field shows


when the beacon is stuck and


when the ring is functioning.


Appendix A: Error Messages


If smtstat indicates that the beacon is stuck, return the removed station to the ring, remove a different station, patch the ring, and monitor the ring status.


The stuck beacon condition disappears when you remove the dysfunctional station.


Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you have identified the dysfunctional station or until all the stations have been tested.



, len=


: suppressed


An error message of the type and length indicated was suppressed so as not to appear in the system log.

Unaligned parameter:


The SMT daemon encountered improperly aligned data in a received frame. The frame was not processed. This message can indicate a minor incompatibility between two stations on the ring.

Unexpected EOF: On line



An unexpected end of file (EOF) occurred on the line of the file indicated when the SMT daemon was reading the MIB file (/etc/fddi/smtd.mib).

Make a new copy of the file from a backup copy, then use smtconfig to stop and restart the FDDI network interface. If you do not have a backup copy of the MIB file, reinstall your FDDIXPress software.

Unexpected FC =


The responding SMT module sent an SMT frame that was not marked with the proper frame control label. Frame control information is specified within one of the fields of the response. This may indicate that the frame was malformed, or it may indicate the responding station is misbehaving.


SMT Error Messages

Unexpected (


): On line



An unexpected entry (token) was encountered when the SMT daemon was reading the MIB file (/etc/fddi/smtd.mib). The problem is on the line of the file indicated. Make a new copy of the file from a backup copy.

Unknown Frame, FC=



An FDDI frame was received with an illegal frame control (FC) value in the header; the received FC value is indicated in the message.

Unknown frame type: 0x



The SMT daemon was attempting to respond to an FDDI request frame; however, it discovered that the received frame was an illegal type.

Usage: usage:

<smtinfo>, <smtping>, <smtconfig>, <smtmaint>

The SMT command has been invoked without the correct number of arguments or parameters. Correct usage for the command is described in lines displayed after this one. Further detail about the command is available by typing:

% /usr/bin/man

commandname station

uses SMT version


(supported versions:






The SMT module on the remote station specified in the smtinfo command line does not support the version of the SMT standard used by the SMT module on this station. The remote SMT module supports only those versions displayed in the message.


Appendix A: Error Messages

Variable has bad type


An invalid entry was found in the MIB file /etc/fddi/smtd.mib. This may indicate that the file is corrupted. Create a new MIB file using the following commands. If you do not have a backup copy

(/etc/fddi/smtd.mib.orig) of the MIB file, reinstall your FDDIXPress software.

% /bin/su

# cd /etc/fddi

# /bin/cp smtd.mib.orig smtd.mib

# /usr/etc/smtconfig


down up version


not supported.


The SMT daemon was attempting to respond to an FDDI request frame; however, it discovered that the received frame indicated that it was encoded in an unsupported version of the SMT protocol.

Warning: This entry is pretty silly: On line



When reading the MIB file (/etc/fddi/smtd.mib), the SMT daemon encountered an entry (object) that was incomplete. The problem is on the line of the file indicated. Make a new copy of the file from a backup copy, then use smtconfig to disable and reenable the network interface.

wrong auth header type


This is a minor internal error not requiring any intervention. An authentication error was detected: invalid packet header type.

wrong data byte


should be


but was



When smtping was processing a response packet, it noticed that a data byte (identified in the error message by its sequence within the packet) was not what was expected. The responding station changed the value to the value indicated in the error message.


xpi Driver Error Messages

Wrong Type (should be




An invalid entry was found in the MIB file /etc/fddi/smtd.mib. This may indicate that the file is corrupted. Create a new MIB file using the following commands. These command lines assume that you have named your backup copy /etc/fddi/smtd.mib.orig. If you do not have a backup copy of the MIB file, reinstall your FDDIXPress software.

% /bin/su



# cd /etc/fddi

# /bin/cp smtd.mib.orig smtd.mib

# /usr/etc/smtconfig FDDinterface down up

You are not superuser


The command was invoked when the user was not logged in as superuser. Before using this command, become superuser.

% /bin/su




You must be superuser.


The logged-on user who invoked smtd does not have superuser privileges. Use the /sbin/su command to log on as superuser.

xpi Driver Error Messages

The error messages described in this section are produced by the xpi driver included in

FDDIXPress 3.6. Other releases may have additional messages, not included here.

The XPI error messages indicate the FDDIXPress board’s location, as illustrated in

Figure A-2. The hardware location information is not included in the alphabetized messages in this section.


Appendix A: Error Messages xpi3 slot 13 adapter 6:

error message

Not included in alphabetized list

Figure A-2

Information Not Included in Alphabetized List of xpi Messages xpi


: bad firmware checksum

The firmware on the board has been corrupted; the driver calculated the checksum for the firmware and the calculation did not match the firmware’s known correct checksum. Use smtconfig to disable then reenable the xpi# interface. If the problem persists, the board may need to be replaced. If so, contact the Silicon Graphics Technical Assistance




: bad firmware version

See the message “ firmware too old or new.” xpi


: bad GIO ID


During probing, the first device on an FDDIXPress mezzanine board responded to the driver with an invalid identification. The indicated

hexnumeral is not a valid identification for a GIO Bus device. This indicates a problem with the board. Contact the Silicon Graphics

Technical Assistance Center.



: bad MAC address


The driver considers the board’s MAC address invalid. The invalid value is displayed in canonical order and in hexadecimal format.

Because of this problem, the driver has disabled the xpi# interface.

Contact the Silicon Graphics Technical Assistance Center.



: bad MAC address checksum

The MAC address, stored within a chip on the board, has become corrupted. Contact the Silicon Graphics Technical Assistance Center.


xpi Driver Error Messages xpi


: bad probe

The driver’s attempt to probe an FDDIXPress mezzanine board failed to retrieve any valid information about the board. This may indicate an incompatibility between the software and the hardware. Use versions to verify that the version of FDDIXPress that is currently installed is the correct version for the installed board. Then, use autoconfig to rebuild the operating system to include the FDDIXPress driver, and reboot the system to start using the new driver. If the problem reoccurs, contact the

Silicon Graphics Technical Assistance Center.



: bad second GIO ID


During probing, the second FDDI device on an FDDIXPress mezzanine board responded to the driver with an invalid identification. The indicated hexnumeral is not a valid identification for a GIO Bus device.

This indicates a problem with the board. Contact the Silicon Graphics

Technical Assistance Center.



: board asleep at linenumber with curaddr not lstaddr

The board is not responding. This does not indicate a serious problem, but should appear very infrequently. Each time this message occurs during normal operation, the driver attempts to reset the board. If the message appears only occasionally and the driver successfully resets the board and it functions, you do not need to do anything. For an

FDDIXPress DAS board installed into an Indigo or Indy workstation, use the SMT Information Report from the smtstat -s command to verify that the board’s “station type” is being identified properly as DAS (not

SAS). If the board is listed as SAS, the daughter card on the FDDIXPress board may be loose.

If the message occurs frequently or if the board does not function after the message has been displayed, it is possible the board is defective.

Contact the Silicon Graphics Technical Assistance Center.


Appendix A: Error Messages xpi


: cannot handle address family

While attempting to send a packet, the driver encountered an unknown address family. The known address families are IP (inet family, which includes TCP and UDP), SDL (supporting the data link provider interface), unspecified (for example, an ARP packet), and raw. Any other address will cause this error message to be displayed. The application that made the transmission request should be altered to use destination addresses for known address families. Nothing is wrong with the

FDDIXPress driver or board.



: ELM programming errors


While checking the status of the FDDIXPress board, the system found a problem with the ELM chip. Contact the Silicon Graphics Technical

Assistance Center.



: extra board

The driver found that too many FDDIXPress mezzanine boards are installed. The extra board has not been initialized and is not operational.

Driver functionality is not affected by this extra board.



: extra board in slot


The driver found that too many FDDIXPress boards are installed in this system. The indicated board has not been initialized and is not operational. Driver functionality is not affected by this extra board.



: failed to allocate interrupt

The driver was unable to program the DANG chip on the FDDIXPress mezzanine board to handle interrupts. Contact the Silicon Graphics

Technical Assistance Center.



: failed to get MAC address

The driver could not read the MAC address from the board. It is possible that the FDDIXPress board is not firmly seated into its option slot on the

CPU board. Follow the instructions to reinstall the board. If this error message continues to be displayed, contact the Silicon Graphics

Technical Assistance Center.


xpi Driver Error Messages xpi


: failed to reset

The driver attempted to reset the board, but the board did not respond.

Use smtconfig to disable then reenable the xpi# interface. If the message appears again, halt or shut down the system, turn off the power, and turn the power back on. If the message continues to be displayed, it is possible that the board is not seated firmly into its connector on the CPU board. Follow the instructions to reinstall the board; verify that the

FDDIXPress board is firmly seated in the option slot connector. If the problem persists, contact the Silicon Graphics Technical Assistance




: failure

The driver has determined that the board is dead. Contact the Silicon

Graphics Technical Assistance Center.





false interrupts

The driver has experienced the indicated number of unaccountable

(false) interrupts. The interrupt count has been reset and the driver is continuing to function as usual. A single occurrence or infrequent display of this message is not a problem. However, if the message is displayed repeatedly, power cycle the system to reset the board. If this does not resolve the problem, contact the Silicon Graphics Technical

Assistance Center.



: firmware too old or new

The driver is not compatible with the firmware on the board. This error message is a problem only in the three situations:

• when the message is displayed every time the system is rebooted

• when the system fails to load (write) new firmware onto the board immediately after it displays this message

You know the system is writing new firmware when it displays the message

Warning: Writing EEPROM. Do not reset the system until finished. ............



Appendix A: Error Messages

• when the message is followed by other error messages

If any of the above three conditions occur, use smtconfig to disable then reenable the xpi# interface. If smtconfig cannot be invoked or if the problem persists, reinstall the FDDIXPress software, invoke the command /etc/autoconfig to rebuild the operating system, then reboot the system. Upon rebuilding the operating system, be sure to answer y

, when prompted with

Automatically reconfigure the operating system (y or n)?

If this error message continues to be displayed, contact the Silicon

Graphics Technical Assistance Center.



: FSI internal error

While checking the status of the FDDIXPress board, the system found and recovered from a problem with the FSI component. Contact the

Silicon Graphics Technical Assistance Center.



: impossible output checksum

While attempting to calculate the checksum for a transmit packet, the driver encountered a protocol for which it does not perform checksumming. There is no malfunction; the packet was transmitted.



: MAC programming error


While checking the status of the FDDIXP board, the system found a problem with the MAC chip. Contact the Silicon Graphics Technical

Assistance Center.



: missing

The operating system (kernel) has been configured with a driver for an

FDDIXPress board, but the board is not responding. The board may have never been installed, it may have been removed, it may be loose from its connection to the system, or it may be dysfunctional.

If the board has not yet been installed, follow the instructions to install it.


xpi Driver Error Messages

If the board has been removed, the driver should be removed from the configured operating system (kernel). Use these commands to rebuild the operating system:

% /sbin/su



# /etc/autoconfig


Automatically reconfigure the operating system (y or n)? y


# /etc/reboot

If the board is installed, it may be loose. Follow the installation instructions to reinstall it. Take extra precautions to seat its connectors firmly. If this error message continues to be displayed, contact the Silicon

Graphics Technical Assistance Center.



: missing first PHY card

The lower daughter card (for example, the hardware servicing xpi0 or

xpi2) on the FDDIXPress mezzanine board did not respond to probing.

Contact the Silicon Graphics Technical Assistance Center.



: missing from slot


The board installed in the indicated slot did not respond to the driver’s probe for information. The board may not be installed, it may not be seated firmly into it connection to the backplane, or it may be dysfunctional. Reinstall the board, taking extra care to seat it firmly. If the problem persists, contact the Silicon Graphics Technical Assistance




: missing second PHY card

The upper daughter card (for example, the hardware servicing xpi1 or

xpi3) on the FDDIXPress mezzanine board did not respond to probing.

Contact the Silicon Graphics Technical Assistance Center.


Appendix A: Error Messages xpi


: no memory

The driver was unable to allocate memory for use by an FDDIXPress

(xpi) interface. This does not indicate a problem with FDDIXPress. A shared system resource is unavailable.



: no memory for frame filter

The driver was unable to allocate memory for use by an FDDIXPress

(xpi) interface. This does not indicate a problem with FDDIXPress. A shared system resource is unavailable.



: no memory for slot


The driver was unable to allocate memory for use by an FDDIXPress

(xpi) interface. This does not indicate a problem with FDDIXPress. A shared system resource is unavailable.



: not an FDDI board in slot


The board that the driver found in the slot indicated is not an

FDDIXPress board.



: present

When resetting the board, the driver found the board. This message is displayed only when the showconfig flag is set during the boot. This message does not indicate any problem.



: second probe failed

The driver’s attempt to probe the second FDDI device (for example, xpi1 or xpi3) on an FDDIXPress mezzanine board failed to retrieve any valid information. This may indicate an incompatibility between the software and the hardware. Use versions to verify that the version of FDDIXPress that is currently installed is the correct version for the installed board.

Then, use autoconfig to rebuild the operating system to include the

FDDIXPress driver, and reboot the system to start using the new driver.

If the problem reoccurs, contact the Silicon Graphics Technical

Assistance Center.


ipg Driver Error Messages

ipg Driver Error Messages

The error messages described in this section are produced by the ipg driver included in

FDDIXPress 3.6. Other releases may have additional messages not found here.



: bad EDT entry

The Equipped Device Table (EDT) entry for the FDDIXPress board is incorrect. This is caused by conflicting or duplicate lines in the file

/usr/sysgen/system. Remove all edits that you have made to this file. Then reboot the system to rebuild the operating system (kernel) and reboot it again to start using the new operating system.



: bad NVRAM contents

During startup, the driver attempted to read the contents of the board’s non-volatile read-only memory (NVRAM) and found it corrupted. The

FDDIXPress board is dysfunctional. Contact the Silicon Graphics

Technical Assistance Center.



: board asleep at




The board is not responding. This does not indicate a serious problem, but should appear very infrequently. Each time this message occurs during normal operation, the driver attempts to reset the board. If the message appears only occasionally and the driver successfully resets the board and it functions, you do not need to do anything. If the message occurs frequently or if the board does not function after the message has been displayed, it is possible the board is defective. Contact the Silicon

Graphics Technical Assistance Center.



: cannot handle address family

While attempting to send a packet, the driver encountered an unknown address family. The known address families are IP ( inet

family, which includes TCP and UDP);, SDL (supporting the data link provider interface); unspecified (for example, an ARP packet); and raw. Any other type of address will cause this error message to be displayed. The application that made the transmission request should be altered to use destination addresses for known address families. Nothing is wrong with the FDDIXPress driver or board.


Appendix A: Error Messages ipg


: download failed with

hexnumeral hexnumeral

While the driver was attempting to start the board, it failed to successfully write into the board’s memory. The board is dysfunctional.

Contact the Silicon Graphics Technical Assistance Center.



: duplicate EDT entry

The Equipped Device Table (EDT) entry for the FDDIXPress board is a duplicate. This is caused by conflicting or duplicate lines in the file

/usr/sysgen/system. Remove all edits that you have made to this file. Then use /etc/autoconfig to rebuild the operating system (kernel), and reboot the system to start running the new operating system.



: failed to get NVRAM

During startup, the driver was unable to read the FDDIXPress board’s memory. The board may be dysfunctional. Contact the Silicon Graphics

Technical Assistance Center.



: failed to reset

The driver attempted to reset the board, but the board did not respond.

Use smtconfig to disable then reenable the ipg# interface. If the message appears again, halt or shut down the system, turn off the power, then turn the power back on. If the message continues to display, it is possible that the board is not seated firmly into its connection. Follow the instructions to reinstall the board; verify that the FDDIXPress board is firmly seated. If the problem persists, contact the Silicon Graphics

Technical Assistance Center.



: firmware failed to start: sig=




When the driver attempted to start the firmware on the board, it failed to start. The board is dysfunctional. Contact the Silicon Graphics

Technical Assistance Center.





During an attempt to communicate with the FDDIXPress board (for synchronization or to process an incoming frame), the driver determined that the board is dysfunctional. Contact the Silicon Graphics

Technical Assistance Center.


ipg Driver Error Messages ipg


: missing

The operating system (kernel) has been configured with a driver for an

FDDIXPress board, but the board is not responding. The board may have never been installed, it may have been removed, it may be loose from its connection to the system, or it may be dysfunctional.

If the board has not yet been installed, follow the instructions to install it.

If the board has been removed, the driver should be removed from the configured operating system (kernel). Use these commands to rebuild the operating system:

% su



# /etc/autoconfig


Automatically reconfigure the operating system (y or n)? y


# /etc/reboot

If the board is installed, it may be loose. Follow the instructions to reinstall it. Take extra precautions to seat its connectors firmly. If this error message continues to be displayed, contact the Silicon Graphics

Technical Assistance Center.



: no interrupt vector

When preparing to reset the FDDIXPress board, the driver did not obtain a necessary piece of information (how to contact the board). The failure was due to a problem with the system or the software (not with the FDDIXPress board). The FDDIXPress software may not be complete or correct; the operating system may have a problem. Reinstall the software that is appropriate for the installed FDDIXPress board. If this does not remedy the problem, contact the Silicon Graphics Technical

Assistance Center.


Appendix A: Error Messages ipg


: PIO map failed

When preparing to reset the board, the driver could not obtain necessary information about the board. The failure was due to a problem with the system or the software (not with the FDDIXPress board). The

FDDIXPress software may not be complete or correct; the operating system may have a problem. Reinstall the software that is appropriate for the installed FDDIXPress board. If this does not remedy the problem, contact the Silicon Graphics Technical Assistance Center.



: present

When resetting the board, the driver found the board. This message is displayed only when the showconfig flag is set during the boot. This message does not indicate any problem.



: stray interrupt

The driver received a message (an interrupt) from the board when it was not expecting one. This occurs when the board and driver are not synchronized with each other. This message does not indicate a problem if the FDDI network interface subsequently becomes functional. If the message appears with each restart of the network interface and if the

FDDI network interface does not become functional, the board is probably dysfunctional. In this situation, contact the Silicon Graphics

Technical Assistance Center.



: unlikely NVRAM MAC address

During startup, the driver read the MAC address from the board’s non-volatile read-only memory (NVRAM) and encountered an address that it believes is incorrect. The NVRAM data is probably corrupted.

This is cause for concern, since an incorrect MAC address can cause serious problems for a local area network. Contact the Silicon Graphics

Technical Assistance Center.


rns Driver Error Messages

rns Driver Error Messages

The error messages described in this section are produced by the rns driver included in

FDDIXPress 6.3. Other releases may have additional messages, not included here.

The rns error messages indicate the location of the FDDIXPress board, as illustrated in

Figure A-3. The bus# identifies the PCI bus where the FDDI card is connected and the

dev# is the PCI device number of the card on the bus.

rns0 bus0 dev3:

error message

Not included in alphabetized list

Figure A-3

Information Not Included in Alphabetized List of rns Messages

The hardware location information is not included in the alphabetized messages in this section.

rns#: bad IFDDI status 0x%x

The FDDIXPress driver has encountered an internal problem. Please contact the Silicon Graphics Technical Assistance Center.

rns#: bad unit number #

There is a problem in the IRIX software. Please contact the Silicon

Graphics Technical Assistance Center.

rns#: CAMEL NP error

The FDDIXPress driver has encountered an internal problem. Please contact the Silicon Graphics Technical Assistance Center.

rns#: cannot handle address family x

There is a problem in the IRIX software. Please contact the Silicon

Graphics Technical Assistance Center.


Appendix A: Error Messages rns#: Can't alloc something

The driver was unable to allocate memory for use by the rns# interface.

This does not indicate a problem with the FDDIXPress driver. A shared system resource is not available.

rns#: Can't get MAC address

The driver could not read the MAC address from the card. It is possible that the FDDIXPress card is not firmly seated into its option slot. Follow the instructions to reinstall the card. If this error message continues to display, contact the Silicon Graphics Technical Assistance Center.

rns#: Can't handle address family

While attempting to send a packet, the driver encountered an unknown address family. The known address families are IP ( inet

family, which includes TCP and UDP); SDL (supporting the data link provider interface); unspecified (for example, an ARP packet); and raw. Any other address causes this error message to display. The application that made the transmission request should be altered to use destination addresses for known address families. Nothing is wrong with the FDDIXPress driver or card.

rns#: Can't initialize card

The driver attempted to reset the card, but the card did not respond. Use

smtconfig to disable then reenable the rns# interface. If the message appears again, halt or shut down the system, turn off the power, and turn the power back on.

If the message continues to display, it is possible that the board is not seated firmly into its option slot. Follow the instructions to reinstall the card. If this error message continues to display, contact the Silicon

Graphics Technical Assistance Center.

rns#: Can't install isr

There is a problem in the IRIX software. Please contact the Silicon

Graphics Technical Assistance Center.

rns#: Corrupted read descriptor ring

The FDDIXPress driver has encountered an internal problem. Please contact the Silicon Graphics Technical Assistance Center.


rns Driver Error Messages rns#: Corrupted write descriptor ring

The FDDIXPress driver has encountered an internal problem. Please contact the Silicon Graphics Technical Assistance Center.

rns#: Extra card

The driver found too many FDDIXPress cards installed in this system.

The indicated card has not been initialized and is not operational. Driver functionality is not affected by this extra card.

rns#: FSI host error

The FDDIXPress driver has encountered an internal problem. Please contact the Silicon Graphics Technical Assistance Center.

rns#: FSI internal error

While checking the status of the FDDIXPress card, the system found and recovered from a problem with the FSI component. Contact the Silicon

Graphics Technical Assistance Center.

rns#: FSI port error

The FDDIXPress driver has encountered an internal problem. Please contact the Silicon Graphics Technical Assistance Center.

rns#: FSI ring error

The FDDIXPress driver has encountered an internal problem. Please contact the Silicon Graphics Technical Assistance Center.

rns#: hwgraph_char_device_add

There is a problem in the IRIX software. Please contact the Silicon

Graphics Technical Assistance Center.

rns#: IFDDI CMR asleep

The FDDIXPress driver has encountered an internal problem. Please contact the Silicon Graphics Technical Assistance Center.

rns#: IFDDI CMR broken

The FDDIXPress driver has encountered an internal problem. Please contact the Silicon Graphics Technical Assistance Center.


Appendix A: Error Messages rns#: IFDDI FCR fetch asleep

The FDDIXPress driver has encountered an internal problem. Please contact the Silicon Graphics Technical Assistance Center.

rns#: IFDDI FCR stor asleep

The FDDIXPress driver has encountered an internal problem. Please contact the Silicon Graphics Technical Assistance Center.

rns#: MAC programming error

The FDDIXPress driver has encountered an internal problem. Please contact the Silicon Graphics Technical Assistance Center.

rns#: MAC address












The system has been started with "showconfig=1" command.

rns#: no memory

There is a problem in the IRIX software. Please contact the Silicon

Graphics Technical Assistance Center.

rns#: no memory for driver

There is a problem in the IRIX software. Please contact the Silicon

Graphics Technical Assistance Center.

rns#: no memory for frame filter

There is a problem in the IRIX software. Please contact the Silicon

Graphics Technical Assistance Center.

rns#: port error type


The FDDIXPress driver has encountered an internal problem. Please contact the Silicon Graphics Technical Assistance Center.

rns#: rings not 4GB aligned at 0x%x

There is a problem in the IRIX software. Please contact the Silicon

Graphics Technical Assistance Center.


rns Driver Error Messages rns#: stray interrupt

The FDDIXPress driver has encountered an internal problem. Please contact the Silicon Graphics Technical Assistance Center.

rns#: wrong vhdl

There is a problem in the IRIX software. Please contact the Silicon

Graphics Technical Assistance Center.


Appendix B


smtstat Reports

This appendix explains the individual reports that /usr/etc/smtstat -s displays on the screen.

For information on the usage of smtstat, see the smtstat(1M) man page.

The smtstat -s command generates the following reports containing SMT information.

Each report is explained in a separate section of this appendix:

• “MAC Status Report” on page 169

• “Port Status Report” on page 174

• “Ring Management Status Report” on page 181

• “Configuration Information Report” on page 185

• “Neighbor Information Report” on page 189

• “SMT Information Report” on page 192

In each section, all the fields contained in the report are described. For each field, the following information is described:

• Field name as displayed in the report. Fields that correspond to variables in the

SMT management information base (MIB) use the MIB variable name.

• Possible entries or range of values for that field.

• Definition of the field and flags. Some items include the official ANSI name (in parentheses) for the item. For example, (fddiMAC72). More information can be obtained by reading the section on MIB structure in the ANSI SMT document.


Appendix B: smtstat Reports

The example in Table B-1 defines a field labeled

PC withhold from an unnamed report.

Table B-1


PC withhold smtstat Report Field







The reason for withholding a port connection.


Normal entry. No connection has been withheld.

Connection was withheld due to illegal port connection:

Port M to Port M.

Connection was withheld for a nonspecified reason.

ANSI FDDI documents are the source for much of the text in this appendix. See

“Additional Reading” on page xiii for information about obtaining these documents.

The following user interface allows you to manipulate the reports:

• To display a different report, type the report’s number. For example, to view the

SMT report, type



• To quit, press q




• To refresh the screen, press



• To change the time interval for which report statistics are displayed, press one of the following keys: r

Each second, shows totals accumulated since last reboot.

d z

Resets fields to zero every second, and each second shows totals accumulated within that last second.

Resets fields to zero when z

is pressed, and every second displays the accumulating totals.


MAC Status Report

MAC Status Report

The MAC Status report monitors the number of packets transmitted and received and the number of frames and tokens. These numbers are continuously updated on the screen.

You can also see the number of address bits (A bits) and copied bits (C bits). These numbers should be almost equal; if they are not, a MAC may have recognized an A bit but was unable to copy it. Figure B-1 shows an example of a MAC Status report.

1: MAC Status for goofy -- Oct 29 10:54:23 D: Delta/second

MAC state packets xmit packets rcvd frames

A bit

C bit void frames total junk tokens issued tokens ring latency ring load token latency t_neg t_max t_min t_req tvx ipg0




















Transmit Errors:



Receive Errors:

E bit rcvd

set E bit

bad CRC,len


others’ miss

no host bufs




small gap

too short

too long

poss dup addr

FIFO overflow

stray tokens


















1:MAC 2:Port 3:Ring Mgt 4:Config Mgt 5:Neighbors 6:SMT DZR:Mode

Figure B-1

MAC Status Report


Appendix B: smtstat Reports

The information on the MAC Status report screen is organized into two columns: the left and the right. Table B-2 explains the left column fields, and Table B-3 describes the right column fields.

Table B-2


MAC state packets xmit packets rcvd frames

A bit

C bit

MAC Status, Left Column













The state of the MAC.

Normal state—transmitting and receiving frames normally.

Hardware off. Normal for initial state. Abnormal once system is configured, rebooted, and SMT daemon is running.

In process of sending claim tokens during ring recovery.

In process of sending beacons after ring recovery failed.

The count of the frames transmitted by this MAC.


The count of the frames successfully received into this station’s buffers by this MAC.


The number of valid frames that have been seen by this

MAC, including those received by this station. This number also includes packets (not addressed to this station and so not received by it) that have passed this MAC on the ring.


The count of frames received into this station’s buffers with the “destination address matched” bit set by a previous station. This bit is set in the frame as it passes a station whose individual address matches the destination address in the frame.

The count of frames received into this station’s buffers with the “frame copied” bit set by a previous station. This bit is set in the frame as it passes a station that copies the frame into the station’s buffers.


MAC Status Report

Table B-2 (continued)


void frames total junk tokens issued tokens token latency ring latency ring load t_neg t_max t_min

MAC Status, Left Column










The count of discarded frames with the void frame control value transferred into this station’s buffers and then discarded. These happen most often when the hardware is in “promiscuous” mode for monitoring by NetLook.

Another source is corruption of frames by noise not detected by the frame check sequence (FCS). Such infrequent problems are detected and fixed by higher layer protocols. (NetLook is described in the NetVisualyzer User’s


This count includes frames received into a station buffer but discarded because they were void frames, “aborted” (that is, truncated before a proper ending), or “flushed” (that is, the station was too busy to realize that a frame was not meant for it before copying the first part of the frame into a buffer).

The number of tokens sent by this station. The station issues a token after every burst of packets it sends (after grabbing the circulating token) and after winning the claim process when restoring the ring.



The total number of times this station has seen a token on this MAC. This count is valuable for determining network load. (fddiMAC74)

The current token rotation time (TRT) in milliseconds.

0-n usec

The minimum token rotation time in microseconds.


The load on the ring, expressed as a percentage.

Negotiated target token rotation time (TTRT) in milliseconds obtained during the claim process.


Maximum TTRT (in milliseconds) supported by this station. (fddiMAC53)

Minimum TTRT (in milliseconds) supported by this station.



Appendix B: smtstat Reports

Table B-2 (continued)


MAC Status, Left Column




t_req tvx



This station’s bid for the TTRT in milliseconds.


The valid transmission timer (TVX) used for ring recovery.

If a valid frame or token is not received within the specified time (in milliseconds), the claim process is started.


Table B-3


Transmit Errors: underflow

MAC Status, Right Column




0-n abort 0-n

The hardware output first-in, first-out buffer underflowed during frame transmission. A large number of these problems indicate a hardware problem.

The line state changed during transmission or the station received a MAC frame (that is, claim or beacon) while the station was transmitting a frame, indicating that the ring is recovering itself.

Receive Errors:

E bit rcvd 0-n set E bit bad CRC, len missed




The number of frames copied into the station’s buffers with the frame status error bit already set by a previous station.

The count of frames with bad CRC or length that caused this station to set the E bit on a frame passing by this station, including those frames copied into the station’s buffers.

The count of frames with bad CRC or length copied into station buffers.

Frames this station should have received, but for some reason the station was too busy to copy the frames into a buffer.


MAC Status Report

Table B-3 (continued)


MAC Status, Right Column




others’ miss no host bufs lost flushed aborted small gap too short too long poss dup addr

FIFO overflow











The count of frames missed by other stations. (This is equal to A bit count minus C bit count.)

This generally counts frames that were received into one set of buffers but discarded because of a lack of buffers at the next stage.

Count of frames dropped by the FORMAC due to, for example, invalid symbols from the PHY. (fddiMAC82)

Count of flushed frames (that is, the system was too busy to realize that a frame was not meant for it before copying the first part of the frame into a buffer).

Count of aborted frames (that is, frames truncated before a proper ending).

Number of times when too small a gap between frames occurred.

Count of frames less than the minimum size.

Count of frames more than the maximum size.

Count of frames addressed to this MAC that have the A bit set. Frames directly addressed to this station that already have the A bit set indicate that some other station has the same MAC address as this station. This may count frames with multicast addresses, and so is not a reliable indication of a duplicate address.

Hardware input first-in, first-out buffer overflow count.

stray tokens


Count of tokens received while in “Transmit Data” or “Issue

Token” states (that is, unexpected tokens). This may indicate a dysfunctional token ring controller somewhere on the ring.


Appendix B: smtstat Reports

Port Status Report

The Port Status report shows the state of the ports (A and B, or S), including various types of errors, such as a wrap. Highlighted ratio or alarm fields indicate a problem with the port. Figure B-2 is an example of port status information for a DAS.

The Port Status report screen information is organized as two main columns (left and right) and a bottom section. Each column has two subcolumns that list entries for each port (B and A, or S). Table B-4 explains the fields for the left column, Table B-5 describes the right column fields, and Table B-6 describes the bottom section fields.

2: Port Status -- Oct 7 18:26:28 D: Delta/second neighbor

PCM state

PC withhold conn state tx line state rcv line state

LCT failures connects

Frame errors:



Port B











Port A










0.000% noise elasticity ovf

Not copied err:



Link errors:





B flags

A flags

# signal bits

B r_val

B t_val

A r_val

A t_val



10 10





Port B Port A

0 0

0 0

0.023% 0.023%

0.000% 0.000%











1:MAC 2:Port 3:Ring Mgt 4:Config Mgt 5:Neighbors 6:SMT DZR:Mode

Figure B-2

Port Status Report (for a Dual Ring DAS)


Port Status Report

Table B-4



PCM state

PC withhold

Port Status, Left Column

Possible Entries Description

A, B, M, ?














The type of the port connector (PC) at the other end of the physical connection. This should be watched to detect twisted cables. Port B’s neighbor type should be A, and vice versa for a DAS, dual-ring. (fddiPORT13)

Current state of the physical connection management

(PCM) state machine. (fddiPORT62


Initial state.

Start of connection.

Localizing stuck beacon condition.

Synchronizing the connection for signaling.

Signaling state.

Sending/receiving signal bits.

Initial state for active connection establishment.

Verifying state for connection establishment.

Normal entry. Connection established and port is incorporated into ring.

Maintenance state.

Optical bypass switch active or just passing frames or tokens.

The reason for withholding a connection. (fddiPORT63


Normal entry.

When an M port is connected to another M port, the connection is withheld.



Appendix B: smtstat Reports

Table B-4 (continued)


conn state tx line state

Port Status, Left Column

Possible Entries Description

Gives a higher-level view of the connect state of the port combining the PCM state and PC withhold values.




Attempting to connect.


















Normal entry for functioning port.

Current transmitted line state.


is normal.

Quiet: absence of activity on the medium.

Halt: forced logical break in activity.

Idle: normal condition between transmissions.



Unknown (invalid).


Cannot determine current state.

Repeat, act as a bypass.

Ready to do CMT signaling.

Normal entry. PHY is connected to the ring.

Ring is wrapped on this port. For a station with two ports where one or both ports are connected to a concentrator, this is normal.

Performing link confidence test.

Link confidence test disabled.

Break state entered.


Port Status Report

Table B-4 (continued)

Port Status, Left Column


rcv line state

LCT failures connects

Frame errors:



Possible Entries Description













Current line state received by this port. ILS is the normal value.

Quiet: used as part of physical connection establishment process. May also indicate absence of a physical connection.


Idle: establish and maintain clock synchronization.


Active: indicates reception of a MAC frame.

Unknown: invalid value.

Noise: indicates noisy physical link.

Cannot determine current state.

Count of total failures of the link confidence test (LCT).

The LCT is used to test a link to determine if the link quality is adequate for ring operation.

Count of times since the link was last functional that port has been through the break state without joining.

Frame errors occur when a frame is lost or is received with errors.

The threshold for frame errors. When the ratio exceeds this value, the ratio field becomes highlighted.


Ration of current frame errors to total received frames; highlighted when ratio exceeds threshold. (fddiMAC96)


Appendix B: smtstat Reports

Table B-5

Port Status, Right Column

Field Possible Entries Description

noise elasticity ovf

Not copied errors:



Link errors:






Count of times when the line state is bad for a while.

The SMT daemon tests the link on which such a “noise event” occurs.

Count of elasticity buffer overflows.

Not copied errors occur when a bit is seen (that is, the

A bit is set) but not copied (that is, the C bit is not set) on a received frame.



The threshold for not copied errors. When the ratio exceeds this value, the ratio

field becomes highlighted. (fddiMAC103)

Current ratio of not copied errors to total received frames; highlighted when ratio exceeds threshold.


Link error values are average link error rates (LER) that range from a high rate of 4 (indicating 10e–4 or one error in every 10 4 bits) to a low of 16 (indicating

10e–16 or one error in every 10 16 bits). This attribute is reported as the absolute value of the base 10 logarithm of the LER estimate value. The LER estimate is expressed as LEM CT/(T




10e6). Since T (time duration) is not specified in the SMT standard, the time duration during which the LER is computed is implementation-specific.


( meaning less than one error in every

10 16 bits)

This is the official error rate value advertised in SMT frames for other stations. It is for the link on the indicated port. (fddiPORT51)


(meaning less than one error in every 10 8 bits)

The link error rate at which a link connection generates an alarm. This field becomes highlighted when the alarm condition is met. (fddiPORT59)


Port Status Report

Table B-5 (continued)




Port Status, Right Column

Possible Entries Description


(meaning less than one error in every 10

7 bits)

The link error rate at which the connection is broken.

The SMT daemon shuts down and tests the link when the link error rate becomes more frequent than this level. (fddiPORT58)


Long-term link error rate estimate based on all errors seen since the last time the link was reset (that is, the

PCM state was BS, for break state). A 4 indicates a high error rate while a 16 indicates a low rate.

Table B-6


Port Status, Bottom Section

Possible Entries

A, B, and S flags:













PCM operational flags (from section of ANSI

SMT document).

Break state: PCM not leaving break state at appropriate time.

A line state has been received since entering current state.

Receive code.

Transmit code.

Transmit delay.

The port is ready to be incorporated in the token path.

If dual attach, don’t wrap when a fault occurs on a single ring.

The PHY is connected to the ring.

Stay in “maint” state.

Withhold Port A as a backup link.

Withhold Port A in Tree mode.


Appendix B: smtstat Reports

Table B-6 (continued)


Port Status, Bottom Section

Possible Entries

# signal bits

A and B r_val:










A, B, M, S





Recently suffered LER cutoff.

Noise Event timer expired, indicating that a “noise event” or burst of many 4-bit symbols was corrupted.

The link is shut down and retested when a noise event occurs.

Ring is operational.

Optical bypass switch present.

Undesirable physical connection such as

A-to-A or B-to-B.

Illegal connection attempted (for example, M-to-M connection).

Trace request.

Indicates one of the following conditions: taking too long with the link turned off after receiving a TRACE request, or too many consecutive failed attempts to complete PC signaling, including the link confidence test.

The number of PCM signal bits received or transmitted in the most recent effort to complete PC signaling. If the most recent PC signaling was successful, then 10 bits will have been sent and received.

(Section 9.6.3 of ANSI SMT document)

Received (set) PCM signal bits.

Type of port.

Current connection is compatible.

Current connection is undesirable.

short medium,long

There is no recent history of excessive link errors.

A rejection occurred, due to link errors.

Many rejections occurred.


Ring Management Status Report

Table B-6 (continued)

Port Status, Bottom Section

Field Possible Entries



The port is being withheld from any connection due to an undesirable connection.

MAC available for LCT

A and B t_val:

Same as for r_val.

Transmitted (set) PCM signal bits.

Ring Management Status Report

The Ring Management Status report shows the status of the ring for an FDDI network interface. An actively growing number of received claims or beacons indicates a problem with the ring, except when a station is being added to the ring. Figure B-3 shows an example of the Ring Management Status report.

3: RMT Status for fddi-sol -- Oct 29 10:55:33 D: Delta/second xpi0 xpi0 ring ok ring up cnt

TRT expires

TVX expires dup MAC cnt started

RMT state

RMT flags:







02/24 16:09:26



Claims received:




Beacons received:


from others

promisc drop

Claim state

Beacon state









1:MAC 2:Port 3:Ring Mgt 4:Config Mgt 5:Neighbors 6:SMT DZR:Mode

Figure B-3

Ring Management Status Report


Appendix B: smtstat Reports

The Ring Management Status report screen information is organized as two columns (left and right) and a bottom section. Table B-7 explains the fields for the left column,

Table B-8 describes the right column fields, and Table B-9 describes the bottom section fields.

Table B-7


ring ok ring up cnt

TRT expires

TVX expires dup MAC cnt started

Ring Management Status, Left Column









date time

Indicates if the ring is in the operational state. This field displays


while tokens and other frames are circulating.

Count of times the ring has entered the operational state from the nonoperational state; number of times the token has been lost. (fddiMAC86)

Count of times that the token rotation timer (TRT) expired, indicating that the token was lost which forces ring recovery.

See the t_neg and t_req values on MAC Status report.

Count of times that the valid transmission timer (TVX) expired. It can expire when there are no valid frames seen on the ring. It means that the ring must be recovered. See the tvx value on MAC Status report. (fddiMAC83)

Number of indications of possible duplicate MAC address.

The date (month/day) and time (hour:minute:second) when the SMT module started functioning.


Ring Management Status Report

Table B-8


Claims received: mine lower higher

Beacons received: mine from others promisc drop

Claim state

Beacon state

Ring Management Status, Right Column












MAC claim frames containing “requested token rotation timer” (RTRT). Claim frames are used during ring recovery.

Count of station’s own claims.

Count of frames with lower values than this station’s. The value is either a lower RTRT value, or if the timer value matches this station’s, a lower address value.

Count of frames with higher values than this station’s. The value is either a higher RTRT value, or if the timer value matches this station’s, a higher address value.

MAC beacon frames are used when there is a serious ring failure, indicating that the claim process failed.

Count of station’s own beacons.

Count of other stations’ beacons.

Count of beacons received but not copied to host memory

(that is, dropped). This can happen when the station is promiscuously receiving (copying into buffers) all frames in order to “snoop” on the fiber while using NetLook.

Number of times this station has entered the claim state, when it will transmit MAC claim frames to recover the ring.

Number of times this station has entered the beacon state, when it will transmit MAC beacon frames to recover the ring.


Appendix B: smtstat Reports

Table B-9


RMT state

Ring Management Status, Bottom Section

Possible Entries










Current state of the Ring Management state machine.


Initial state.

Ring recovery in progress; ring not operational.

Ring is operational.

Ring not operational for a while.

Ring is not operational; this MAC address is likely a duplicate.

Ring operational; however, this MAC address is likely a duplicate.

Stuck beacon (beaconing more than 7 seconds).

Trace in progress.

(Section 10.3.1 of ANSI SMT document)

RMT flags:

network interface name








The port has been incorporated in the token path.

The MAC is available for transmitting and receiving.

Jamming has been initialized.

The ring has not been operational for an extended period.

The MAC is in the beacon state.

The MAC is in the claim state.

Recovery enabled.


Configuration Information Report

Configuration Information Report

The Configuration Information report shows the types of connection paths available and the current paths that pass through the station (the PRiMary and SECondary paths). A

CE (Connection Entity) value of


indicates that both the primary and secondary paths are used and the ring is wrapped. The report also shows whether an optical bypass switch (OBS) is installed; in this case, an OBS is present. Figure B-4 shows an example of configuration information.

4: Configuration Information -- Oct 7 18:26:16 D: Delta/second xpi0 xpi0 path avail path requested



DNA port msloop status


UNKNOWN cur path root concent


FALSE root DNA port root cur path


UNKNOWN undes. conn remote MAC

CE state path request

MAC placemt path avail loop time fotx llc priority

B conn policy

A conn policy

Port B










Port A












PCM target maint line st

TB max break state

Port B




OFF optical bypass present

OB insert max inserted

25 yes insert policy debug level ok


Port A




OFF present

25 yes ok


1:MAC 2:Port 3:Ring Mgt 4:Config Mgt 5:Neighbors 6:SMT DZR:Mode

Figure B-4

Configuration Information Report

The Configuration Information report screen information is organized as a top section

(with two columns), a bottom left column, and a bottom right column. Table B-10 explains the fields for the top section, Table B-11 describes the bottom left column fields, and Table B-12 describes the bottom right column fields.


Appendix B: smtstat Reports

Table B-10


path avail

Configuration Information, Top Section

Possible Entries

path requested cur path root concent

DNA port msloop status root DNA port root cur path




LOC same as above same as above


A, B, M


?, A, B, M



Indicates the paths available.






Indicates the path requested.


Indicates the association of the MAC with a station path.



indicates a root concentrator MAC.


Downstream neighbor port connection type.


Master-slave loop status.


If a root MAC, indicates downstream neighbor port type (? means unknown).


If a root MAC, indicates the current path.



Configuration Information Report

Table B-11


undes. conn remote MAC

CE state path request

MAC placemt path avail loop time fotx llc priority

B and A, or S conn policy

Configuration Information, Bottom Left Column

Possible Entries Description









Local same as path avail

Set to


when an undesirable connection attempt has been made. Indicates that a fiber cable is plugged into the wrong socket. (fddiPORT81)

When set to


, indicates that the remote partner intends to place a MAC in the output token path of this port.


Current connection entity’s (CE) state. (fddiPORT16)

Not inserting.

Inserting on primary.

Inserting on secondary.

Connected to a concentrator.

Connected to a local path.

Indicates the desired path for the port. (fddiPORT17)

0-n same as previous path avail

Indicates MAC whose transmit path exits the station through this port. Values start at “total phy count + 1” if there is MAC. (fddiPORT18)

Indicates the paths available for the M and S ports.






Time (in msec) for the optional MAC local loop to prevent deadlock. (fddiPORT21)

The fiber optic transmitter (cable) class: single-mode or multi-mode. (fddiPORT22)

Link-level control priority.

The port connection policies on this node. (fddiPORT14)


Link confidence test is performed.


Appendix B: smtstat Reports

Table B-11 (continued)


Configuration Information, Bottom Left Column

Possible Entries Description



MAC local loop is made active before connection.

MAC exists.

Table B-12


PCM target maint line st

TB max break state optical bypass

OB insert max inserted debug level

Configuration Information, Bottom Right Column insert policy

Possible Entries Description


Indicates whether CMT is turned on or off.


0-n msec


Specifies the symbol stream to be transmitted when the PCM is in the maintenance state. See smtmaint(1) reference page. (fddiPORT31)

Break time before the Break State flag is set.





, indicates that the PCM state machine is not leaving the break state in an expected time interval and that a problem is suspected.

(fddiPORT33) none, present

Indicates if an optical bypass switch is present.


Maximum optical bypass switch insertion/ deinsertion time for this station.

(fddiATTACHMENT13) yes, no ok


Indicates whether the attachment is currently inserted in the node. (fddiATTACHMENT14)

Indicates that it is all right to insert the port.


Current level of debugging/error message logging by the FDDI kernel.


Neighbor Information Report

Neighbor Information Report

The Neighbor Information report shows information about a station’s upstream and downstream neighbors. It shows whether or not the upstream neighbor address (


) and downstream neighbor address (


) are valid and if addresses are duplicated. In this case, no duplicate addresses are seen. The report also lists the addresses in FDDI order and canonical order. Figure B-5 shows an example of neighbor information for a station called fddi-sol.

5: Neighbors of fddi-sol -- Oct 7 18:26:55 ipg0 state xid


0xfa2 dup addr seen

Upstr is dup

UNA valid

DNA valid dup addr test yes yes


Upstr seen

Dnstr seen ipg0




FDDI Order



00-00-00-00-00-00 ipg0

D:Delta/second no no




Canonical Order




Host name fddi-sol fddi-luna






0a:69:04:08:00:13 mars terra

1:MAC 2:Port 3:Ring Mgt 4:Config Mgt 5:Neighbors 6:SMT DZR:Mode

Figure B-5

Neighbor Information Report

The Neighbor Information report screen information is organized as a top section (with two columns) and a bottom section. Table B-13 explains the fields for the top section, and

Table B-14 describes the bottom section fields.


Appendix B: smtstat Reports

Table B-13


state xid

UNA valid

DNA valid

Upstr is dup next NIF

Upstr seen

Dnstr seen

Neighbor Information, Top Section

Possible Entries

dup addr test dup addr seen




(in hex) yes, no yes, no



FAIL yes, no yes, no time


in 24-hour format


in 24-hour format


Neighbor notification (NN) transmitter state.



Current NN transaction ID.

Upstream neighbor address displayed in neighbor

ID list (in bottom section) is valid.

Downstream neighbor address displayed in neighbor ID list (in bottom section) is valid.

Current status of duplicate address detection.


Test not performed.

No duplicate address detected.

Duplicate address detected.

This MAC has the same address as another MAC on the ring. (fddiMAC112)

Upstream neighbor has reported a duplicate address condition. (fddiMAC113)

The time (hour, minute, second) when the next

Neighbor Information Frame will be sent.

The time (hour, minute, second) when Neighbor

Information Frame (NIF) from upstream neighbor was last seen.

The time (hour, minute, second) when Neighbor

Information Frame (NIF) from downstream neighbor was last seen.


Neighbor Information Report

Table B-14

Neighbor Information, Bottom Section

Possible Entries Field

network interface name

ipg#, xpi#, rns#

FDDI Order






00-00-00-00-00-00 nonzero hex addr


Identifies the network interface for which information is being displayed.

Information about this station.

Information about the current neighbor immediately upstream.

Information about the previous upstream neighbor.

Information about the current neighbor immediately downstream.

Information about the previous downstream neighbor.

MAC address in FDDI order.

No station at this location. For




, this indicates a wrap. For


, this is the default when there has not been a change in neighbors.

MAC address of a station.

Canonical Order

Host name

00:00:00:00:00:00 nonzero hex addr

MAC address in canonical order.

Same description as for FDDI order.

MAC address of a station.

Network connection name from

/etc/ethers file. If ethers file is not available, MAC address is displayed instead of name.


Appendix B: smtstat Reports

SMT Information Report

The SMT Information report displays miscellaneous SMT information not covered in the other reports. It shows the configuration management (CFM) state; if the ring is wrapped, the

CFM state

field will show


. Figure B-6 displays an example of

SMT information.

6: SMT Information -- Oct 7 18:27:09

Station cur version low version high version station type


ECM state

CFM state



ID 00-00-50-96-20-10-00-40





THRU_B hold state rem disconn


OFF topology

Manufacturer data




User data


Silicon Graphics ipg0

SGI FDDI Station Manager v3.6

D: Delta/second

MAC count nonmaster ct master ct path avail config cap config policy conn policy report limit t_notify status report











1:MAC 2:Port 3:Ring Mgt 4:Config Mgt 5:Neighbors 6:SMT DZR:Mode

Figure B-6

SMT Information Report

The SMT Information report screen information is divided into left and right columns.

Table B-15 explains the fields for the left column, and Table B-16 describes the right column fields.


SMT Information Report

Table B-15


Station ID cur version low version high version station type


ECM state

CFM state

SMT Information Status, Left Column

Description Possible


64-bit hex address


0-n hex

0-n hex





0-n hex








Used to uniquely identify an FDDI station. Bottom 48 bits are station’s MAC address in FDDI order. (fddiSMT11)

The version of SMT that is used. (fddiSMT13)

The lowest version of SMT that this station supports.


The highest version of SMT that this station supports.


Identifies the station type.

Single-attachment station.

Single-attachment concentrator.

Single-MAC, dual-attachment station.

Dual-MAC, dual-attachment station.

Current transaction ID.

Current entity coordination management (ECM) state.

ECM controls the optical bypass switch. (fddiSMT41)

Switch is not in bypassed state.

Switch is in bypassed state.

Indicates stuck beacon condition.

Allows time to break connections.

Allows time for switching.

Testing state.

State to confirm both switches have switched.

Current configuration management (CFM) state. CFM performs the interconnection of PHYs and MACs to configure the ports and MACs within a node. (fddiSMT42)


Appendix B: smtstat Reports

Table B-15 (continued)

Field Possible


SMT Information Status, Left Column


hold state










No connections to PHYs.

Frames can be transmitted on MAC attached to port A.

Frames can be transmitted on MAC attached to port B.

Displayed for dual-homed DAS only.

This MAC is operating on secondary ring.

This MAC is operating on primary ring.

Displayed for dual MAC only when it is attached to a concentrator. Both ports are being used.

Current state of the hold function. (fddiSMT43) rem disconn topology








Indicates if the station was remotely disconnected from the network. (fddiSMT44)

Flags indicating station topology conditions. (Section of ANSI SMT document)

Ring is wrapped at this station. For a station with two ports where one or both ports are connected to a concentrator, this is normal.

A-to-A connection detected.

B-to-B connection detected.

Station is on dual ring and not on tree.

Status Report Frames (SRF) reporting is enabled.


SMT Information Report

Table B-16


MAC count nonmaster ct master ct path avail config cap config policy conn policy report limit t_notify

SMT Information Status, Right Column status report

Possible Entries Description




Number of MACs in this station. (fddiSMT21)

Number of nonmaster ports (A, B, or S ports) in this station. (fddiSMT22)

Number of master ports in this node. Nonzero only for concentrators. (fddiSMT23)

Indicates the path types available in the station.






Configuration capabilities of the node. (fddiSMT25)

Supports optional hold function.

Wrap state is forced (for example, for attachment to a concentrator).

Current configuration policies. (fddiSMT26)

Current types of connections that are rejected.


Reject master-master connections.

Limit on the number of Status Report Frames (SRFs) to be queued for transmission after the supported condition becomes inactive or after any supported event has been detected. (fddiSMT28)

0-n seconds

Interval between transmissions of Neighborhood

Information Frames (NIFs) by the Neighbor

Notification protocol. (fddiSMT29)


Indicates whether the node implements the Status

Reporting Protocol. (fddiSMT30)

Manufacturer data:

Manufacturer-defined information. (fddiSMT16)


Appendix B: smtstat Reports

Table B-16 (continued)


OUI data

User data

SMT Information Status, Right Column

Possible Entries Description

24-bit value in hex format

Organization unique identification number in canonical format. This value matches the most significant 3 bytes (24 bits) of the MAC address.



User-defined data. (fddiSMT17)


Appendix C


Configuring the SMT Daemon and the

FDDIXPress Driver

This appendix contains instructions for configuring the SMT daemon and the

FDDIXPress driver with site-specific (nondefault) settings.

Configuring the SMT Daemon

The SMT daemon can be configured for three kinds of parameters: SMT station, MAC, and PHY parameters.


Only FDDI experts should change the SMT daemon configuration. Many of these parameters can have disastrous effects on the FDDI ring. It is relatively easy to make the entire FDDI ring dysfunctional if these parameters are set incorrectly.

The SMT daemon configuration file is /etc/fddi/smtd.conf. The file is organized into two types of sections, as illustrated in Figure C-1 and described below:

• The station section (labeled SMT_STATION ) has one area (labeled station #) for each instance of an FDDI network interface on the station, up to four.

• The numerous FDDI board sections are each labeled with an FDDI interface name

(for example, xpi , rns, or ipg). There is one board section for each type of FDDI board supported by Silicon Graphics. Each type-of-board section has four subareas: one subarea for each instance (network interface) of that type (for example, ipg0,

ipg1, ipg2, ipg3). Each subarea can contain parameters for one MAC and, for each

MAC, one or more PHYs.


Appendix C: Configuring the SMT Daemon and the FDDIXPress Driver

Station Section: station 1 station 2 station 3 station 4

FDDI interface A: interfaceA0



PHY interfaceA1



PHY interfaceA2



PHY interfaceA3





FDDI interface B: interfaceB0



PHY etcetera

One specific, network interface of this type

A second specific, network interface of this type

Station Section

One Type-of-Board Section

Another Type-of-Board Section

Figure C-1

Outline of smtd.conf File


Configuring the SMT Daemon

Station Section

The SMT_STATION section of the smtd.conf looks like Figure C-2. Before any alteration has been made to this file, the station parameters are listed only under the first instance

( station 0

), and they are marked with a pound sign (commented out) indicating that they are not currently used for configuration. When the file looks like this, each FDDI network interface is configured with default station settings, as summarized in

Table C-1.




# station 0



# All station fields are optional.


#StationId = 00-00-01-01-01-01-01-01 # force station id to be

#StationType = 2 # 0=SAS, 1=SAC, 2=SM_DAS, 3=DM_DAS

#srf_on = 1 # SRF reporting, 0=disable, 1=enable

#trace_on = 1 # RMT on/off flag, 0=disable, 1=enable

#reportlimit = 1 # max number of messages transmitted

#pathavail = 3 # 0=unknown, 1=primary, 2=secondary, 3=local

#conf_cap = 2 # 1=holdavail, 2=wrap_ab, 3=both

#conf_policy = 0 # 0=configurationhold

#conn_policy = 32768 # reject MM

#t_notify = 30 # sec for holding reset

#pmf_on = 0 # PMF, 0=disable, 1=enable

#vers_op = 1 # SMT operational version

#sr_mid = 01:80:c2:00:01:10 # SRF multicast address

#user_data = descriptive string # an informative label


# station 1



# station 2



# station 3



Figure C-2

smtd.conf: Station Section


Appendix C: Configuring the SMT Daemon and the FDDIXPress Driver

Once the file has been altered to contain uncommented parameters, the SMT daemon is configured to use those settings with the network interface that corresponds to that station section. The manner in which the smtd.conf sections ( station 0

, station 1

, and so on) are matched to network interfaces is detailed below:

• The network configuration script (/etc/init.d/network) uses the settings located under station 0

to configure the first FDDI network interface it sets up.

You can discover the order in which a station’s network interfaces are configured with the command /usr/etc/netstat -i.

• The script uses the settings under station 1

for the next FDDI network interface it configures, and so on, up to the fourth.

The default settings for station parameters are summarized in Table C-1.

Explanations for changing the settings are listed immediately after the table. Whenever a parameter matches a parameter in one of the FDDI standards, the official FDDI name is shown in parentheses (fddiname).

Table C-1



StationType srf_on trace_on reportlimit pathavail conf_cap conf_policy smtd.conf: Station Parameter Defaults

Default Setting

00-00-MAC address

(in canonical order) read from hardware


Forces SMT StationID to be this value.







Station type:

0=SAS, 1=SAC, 2=SM_DAS, 3=DM_DAS

Status report protocol (SRF) on/off:


Trace function on/off:


Maximum number of status report frames transmitted during a reset.

SMT paths available:


Configuration capabilities:


Configuration policy:



Configuring the SMT Daemon

Table C-1 (continued)


conn_policy t_notify pmf_on vers_op sr_mid user_data smtd.conf: Station Parameter Defaults

Default Setting Description

32768 SMT connection policy:

32768=bit15=reject MM

Seconds for holding reset.


0 Parameter management protocol (PMF) on/off:

0=disable varies SMT operational version.


Status report protocol (SRF) multicast address.

none Text entry available for customer to use.

Instructions for Changing a Station Parameter

To change one or more of the station parameters, follow these steps:


Open the /etc/fddi/smtd.conf file with your favorite editor.

2. Locate the line containing the parameter you want to alter.

3. If you are configuring a second, third, or fourth FDDI interface, copy the entire line into the area associated with the network interface you want to configure.

4. Uncomment the line by removing the leftmost pound sign (


). Do not remove the other pound sign (in the center portion of the line) that marks the parameter’s description.

5. Alter the setting of the parameter.

6. Save the file.

7. Stop, then restart the network interface, with the commands below:

% su



# smtconfig



# smtconfig




Appendix C: Configuring the SMT Daemon and the FDDIXPress Driver

Station Parameter Descriptions



An 8-byte identification number displayed in canonical order. The least significant six bytes must be a universally administered address (that is, the MAC address). The most significant two bytes can be assigned at each site. FDDIXPress (by default) uses the MAC address of the first MAC (MAC0) for the lower six bytes and zeros for the upper two, as illustrated in Figure C-3. The entry is in hexadecimal characters where bytes are separated by colons (for example, 00:01:0a:00:d9:04:00:07).


Site-use MAC address

Figure C-3

Station ID


Identifies the type of device associated with this interface:

0=single-attachment station (SAS)

1=single-attachment concentrator (SAC)

2=single-MAC, dual-attachment station, (SM_DAS)

3=dual-MAC, dual-attachment station (DM_DAS) srf_on


A switch to turn Status Report Frame protocol (SRF) on and off. SRF is used by a station to periodically announce its status (for example, a change in configuration, initiation of a trace event, detection of an illegal connection). This functionality is useful to other

SMTs for maintaining the ring.


1=enable trace_on

A switch to turn Trace capabilities on and off. The trace function is one of the basic FDDI methods for recovering a disfunctional ring.


Configuring the SMT Daemon


1=enable reportlimit

The maximum number of status report frames (SRFs) that can be sent during a board reset. The entry is a decimal digit equal to or greater than 0.



This setting defines the path (or paths) available to the SMT on this station for communicating with other SMTs. Each path consists of a communication route: one media connection, one PHY, and one MAC. The primary and secondary paths usually, but not necessarily, correspond to connections to the primary and secondary rings. The local path is a route by which the SMT can access other SMTs without using the main trunk ring. Each increase in the pathavail

setting adds an additional path; for example, when the setting is 3, primary and secondary paths are available as well as an alternate, local path.

Settings 0-2 are dynamically overidable, but 3 is not. When the entry is 0, 1, or 2, the actual connection to the ring overides the file setting, and the SMT daemon is allowed to use whatever paths are identified. For example, if the entry in the smtd.conf file is 0 but two paths are found, the SMT daemon will have both a primary and secondary path available. The 3 (local) setting cannot be overidden. For example, if the setting is 2, the local path will not be made available, even if the path actually exists.




3=local conf_cap


The configuration capabilities for this MAC. These items apply only to dual-attachment devices; the settings are ignored for single-attachment devices.

1=holdavail (prevents wrapping when a fault occurs)

2=wrap_ab (a dual-homed connection)

3=both conf_policy



Appendix C: Configuring the SMT Daemon and the FDDIXPress Driver

The configuration policy for this MAC. For this configuration to be set up, the selected items must be supported (as set in the conf_cap parameter).

0=configuration hold conn_policy


The connection policy for the MAC. The selections are controlled by a 16-bit register in which each bit controls one policy. One or more of the bits can be set. The entry in the configuration file must be a decimal numeral representing the value of the 16-bit binary sequence with all the desired bits set to one. For example, if you want to set bits 0 and 1

(binary 0000 0000 0000 0011), assign a 3 to conn_policy

. Below are the meanings for each bit when it is set to one: bit 0: reject AA bit 1: reject AB bit 2: reject AS bit 3: reject AM bit 4: reject BA bit 5: reject BB bit 6: reject BS bit 7: reject BM bit 8: reject SA bit 9: reject SB bit 10: reject SS bit 11: reject SM bit 12: reject MA bit 13: reject MB bit 14: reject MS bit 15: reject MM


The most significant bit (bit 15) must always be set.


Configuring the SMT Daemon pmf_on

Switch to turn Parameter Management protocol (PMF) on and off. PMF makes it possible for SMTs to ask for and receive MIB information about other stations on the ring. The protocol also allows SMTs to alter some of the information in other stations’ MIBs.


1=enable vers_op


The SMT version to which this SMT daemon conforms. This entry should not be altered.


Address used for Status Report Frame protocol (SRF) multicast group communication.

The default entry is the address specified in the SMT standard and should not be altered.



User data that, if defined, is included in the SMT Info field of each SMT frame’s header.

The entry can be up to 32 characters (blank spaces are allowed and are counted as characters); quotation marks are not required.

Board Sections

The board sections of the smtd.conf file are labeled with the name of the network interface

(for example, ipg , rns, or xpi) for that type of board. There is one section for each type of

FDDI board supported by Silicon Graphics. Figure C-4 illustrates two type-of-board sections; however, there is no limit to these kinds of sections.

Each type-of-board section contains four specific network interface areas. The file must contain one network interface area for each MAC of that type installed into the station

(for example, xpi0, xpi1, xpi2, xpi3). One MAC parameter and one or more PHY parameters can be placed into each of the specific interface areas.


Appendix C: Configuring the SMT Daemon and the FDDIXPress Driver




- description of this interface.




#Fields which must be present

# name =



{the MAC and PHY information is located here}



name =





name =





name =







- description of this interface.



name =





name =





name =





name =




Figure C-4

smtd.conf: Board Sections


Configuring the SMT Daemon

MAC Parameters

The MAC section of the smtd.conf file looks like Figure C-5. Each MAC section configures one MAC.

Unlike the other sections of this file, the MAC area contains a required line. This line, identified by arrows in Figure C-5, must never be missing and must contain a valid FDDI network interface name.

Before any alteration has occurred, the MAC parameters are listed only once, under the first specific-interface area of the first type-of-board section. All but one of the parameters are marked with a pound sign (commented out), indicating that they are not currently used for configuration. The single, uncommented line ( name=

interfacename) must never be removed or commented out; this line is required. When the file looks like this, the SMT daemon is configured with default settings, as summarized in Table C-2.

When a board has more than one MAC, there can be one MAC section for each MAC. In these configurations, each MAC section must have a unique entry for name=


Explanations for changing the MAC settings are listed immediately after the table.

Whenever a parameter matches a parameter in one of the FDDI standards, the official

FDDI name is shown in parentheses (fddiname).


Appendix C: Configuring the SMT Daemon and the FDDIXPress Driver

This line must not be changed.




- description of this interface.




# Fields which MUST be present.


name =


0 # interface name


# MAC fields which are optional.


#addr = 08:00:69:04:00:df

#maxflops = 1 # max number of poison pill

#fsc = 0 # MAC repeats A/C indicators(bridge only)

#bridge = 0 # transparent bridge(bridge only)

#treq = 165 # MAC claim bid value

#tmax = 165 # 4,125,000 symbol time = 165msec

#tvx = 4 #

#tmax_lobound = 165 #

#tvx_lobound = 4 #

#fr_threshold = 15 # frame err threshold

#fnc_threshold = 15 # frame notcpd threshold

{the PHY information is located here}


These lines must not be removed; interface name must be correct.

Figure C-5


name =





name =



ENDMAC smtd.conf: MAC Parameters


Configuring the SMT Daemon

Table C-2


addr maxflops fsc bridge treq tmax tvx tmax_lobound tvx_lobound fr_threshold fnc_threshold smtd.conf: MAC Parameter Defaults

Default Setting Description

read from hardware MAC address in canonical order








Maximum number of times the board can be reset

Frame Status Capabilities: (set only on bridges):

0=MAC repeats Abit/Cbit indicators.

Bridge type (set only for bridges):

0=transparent bridge

MAC claim bid value:

165 msec=lowest priority

Maximum bid supported:

165 msec=4,125,000 symbol time

Valid transmission timer:

4 msec

Lowest supported value for tmax.




Lowest supported value for tvx.

Frame error threshold:

15 = one error in 10 15 is allowed.

Frames not copied threshold:

15 = one error in 10 15 is allowed.

Instructions for Changing a MAC Parameter

If you wish to change one or more of the MAC parameters, follow these steps:


With your favorite editor, open the /etc/fddi/smtd.conf file.

2. Locate the line containing the MAC parameter you want to alter.

3. Locate the area labeled with the network interface you wish to configure. Be sure to locate the correct type-of-board section (interfacename) as well as the correct specific-interface area (interfacename0, interfacename1, and so on).

The netstat -ina command displays all network interfaces on the station.


Appendix C: Configuring the SMT Daemon and the FDDIXPress Driver

4. Copy the entire line into the area.

5. Uncomment the line by removing the leftmost pound sign (


). Do not remove the other pound sign (in the center portion of the line) that marks the parameter’s description.

6. Alter the setting of the parameter.

7. Save the file.

8. Disable, then enable the network interface, with the commands below:

% su



# smtconfig



. . .

# smtconfig



MAC Parameter Descriptions



The 6-byte MAC address in canonical order. This entry should not be changed because duplicate MAC addresses will cause the ring to malfunction seriously. The entry is in hexadecimal characters with bytes separated by colons.


The maximum number of times the board will be allowed to reset. Once this maximum has been reached, the SMT daemon removes the station from the ring. The entry is a decimal numeral greater than zero.



Frame Status Capabilities determines how the station, functioning as a bridge, handles the A and C bits within frames. This parameter should be set only for a station performing as a bridge.

0=MAC only repeats A-bit and C-bit indicators

1=MAC set Abit on all frames; sets Cbit when forwarding

2=MAC inverts A and C bits bridge



Configuring the SMT Daemon

Indicates how the bridge will function. This parameter should be set only for a station performing as a bridge.

0=transparent bridge, 802.1b

1=source routing bridge, 802.5



Defines the priority (target token rotation time: TTRT) used in the MAC’s claim bids.

Only one or two stations on a ring should have this value altered to a higher priority (for example, to 8).

0= highest priority

165=lowest priority tmax


Maximum token rotation time (TRT) in milliseconds supported by this station. The entry is a decimal digit greater than or equal to 165.



Valid transmission timer in milliseconds. The entry sets the amount of time the station will wait before it initiates a claim process. The time is measured from reception of the last valid frame or token. The entry is a decimal number greater than 2.35.



Lowest supported value for tmax

parameter (above). For FDDIXPress, this entry should be the same as that for tmax




Lowest supported value for tvx

parameter (above). For FDDIXPress, this entry should be the same as the entry for tvx





Appendix C: Configuring the SMT Daemon and the FDDIXPress Driver

Frame error threshold. The entry is the number of frames with errors allowed in every

65,536 frames processed. When the threshold is reached, SMT removes the station from the ring. The entry is a decimal number between 0 and 65536 inclusive, in which no commas are included.



Frames not copied threshold. The entry is the number of uncopied frames allowed in every 65,536 frames seen. When the threshold is reached, SMT removes the station from the ring. The entry is a decimal number between 0 and 65536 inclusive, in which no commas are included.

PHY Parameters

The PHY section of the smtd.conf file looks like Figure C-6. Before any alteration has occurred, the PHY parameters are listed only once, under the first specific-interface area of the first type-of-board section. All the parameters are marked with a pound sign

(commented out), indicating that they are not currently used for configuration. When the file looks like this, the SMT daemon is configured with default settings, as summarized in Table C-3.

If a MAC has two PHYs, there can be two PHY sections (PHY0 and PHY1) for one MAC.

Explanations for changing the PHY settings are listed immediately after the table.

Whenever a parameter matches a parameter in one of the FDDI standards, the official

FDDI name is shown in parentheses (fddiname).


Configuring the SMT Daemon




- description of this interface.



name =



{the MAC information is located here}

# All PHY fields are optional.

# PHY - 0


#type = 2 # 0=SAS, 1=SAC, 2=SM_DAS, 3=DM_DAS

#pctype = 1 # 0=A, 1=B, 2=S, 3=M, 4=UNKNOWN

#ler_cutoff = 7 # Link error rate cutoff

#ler_alarm = 8 # LER alarm

#tb_max = 50 # 50 msec

#debug = 2 # default = set

#ip_pri = 0 # LLC priority

#pcm_tgt = 2 # PCM_CMT

#imax = 25; # 25 msec default

#ipolicy = 1; # attachment insert policy

#fotx = 0; # Fiber-Optic class 0-multi mode

#conn_policy = 5 # LCT|PLACEMENT


# PHY - 1





name =




Figure C-6

smtd.conf: PHY Parameters


Appendix C: Configuring the SMT Daemon and the FDDIXPress Driver

Table C-3


type pctype ler_cutoff ler_alarm tb_max debug ip_pri pcm_tgt imax ipolicy fotx conn_policy smtd.conf: PHY Parameter Defaults

Default Setting Description




25 read from hardware Type of device:

0=SAS, 1=SAC, 2=SM_DAS, 3=DM_DAS.

read from hardware Port type:

0=A, 1=B, 2=S, 3=M, 4=unknown.

7 Link error rate cutoff:

7 = one error in 10 7 is allowed.



LER alarm:

8=alarm occurs after errors exceed one in 10 8 .

Break State timer in msec.

2 = highest debug level.

LLC priority.




PCM_CMT is enabled.

Maximum time, in msec, for an Optical bypass switch to insert into ring.

Optical bypass switch insertion policy:

1=don’t insert.

Fiber-optic class:

0=multi mode.

PHY connection policy:

5=LCT and PLACEMENT (also referred to as



Configuring the SMT Daemon

Instructions for Changing a PHY Parameter

To change one or more of the PHY parameters, follow these steps:


Open the /etc/fddi/smtd.conf file with your favorite editor.

2. Locate the line containing the PHY parameter you want to alter.

3. Locate the area labeled with the network interface you want to configure. Be sure to locate the correct type-of-board section (interfacename) as well as the correct specific-interface area (interfacename0, interfacename1, and so on).

The netstat -ina command displays all network interfaces on the station.

4. Locate the correct PHY area (for example,




) within the MAC area.

5. Copy the entire line into the area.

6. Uncomment the line by removing the leftmost pound sign (


). Do not remove the other pound sign (in the center portion of the line) that marks the parameter’s description.

7. Alter the setting of the parameter.

8. Save the file.

9. Disable, then enable the network interface, with the commands below:

% su



# smtconfig



. . .

# smtconfig




Appendix C: Configuring the SMT Daemon and the FDDIXPress Driver

PHY Parameter Descriptions


Type of device.




3=DM_DAS pctype


The entry defines the type of port (PC_TYPE) for this PHY.





4=unknown ler_cutoff


Link error rate cutoff. Expressed as the cutoff’s exponent. For example, 7 means that one error in 10 7 is allowed before the PHY is removed from ring. The entry is a decimal digit ranging from 4 to 15 inclusive.



Link error alarm. Expressed as the exponent of the threshold. For example, 8 means that the alarm occurs after the number of errors exceeds one in 10 8 . The entry is a decimal digit ranging from 4 to 15 inclusive.



Break state timer for optical bypass switches, set in milliseconds. This entry defines the amount of time that an optical bypass switch will be allowed to continue in a break state before the SMT daemon indicates that the switch is stuck in the break state (sets the

BS_Flag) . The entry is a decimal number greater than 30.



Configuring the SMT Daemon

Sets the debugging level, which determines the kinds of error messages displayed by the

SMT daemon.

0=low debug level

2=high debug level ip_pri

Sets the LLC priority. IRIX does not currently support this functionality. The only valid setting is 0.


Defines the behavior of the physical connection management (PCM). The only valid setting is 2, which enables PCM.



Maximum time, in milliseconds, for an optical bypass switch to insert into ring. The entry is a decimal number ranging from 0 to 25 inclusive.



Sets the insertion policy for the optical bypass switch.


1=don’t insert fotx


Fiber optic transmitter class. See fiber optic cable in the Glossary.


1=single mode conn_policy



Appendix C: Configuring the SMT Daemon and the FDDIXPress Driver

Sets the connection policies (CMT capability flags) supported by this PHY. The entry is a decimal numeral from 0 to 6 inclusive.

Table C-4





3=LCT and loop


CMT Capability Flags


No policy.

Link confidence testing enabled.

MAC local loop enabled.

Link confidence and MAC local loop enabled.

MAC is connected to a port (not floating) and is available for link confidence and loop; also referred to as CF_MAC.

5=LCT and placement

6=Loop and placement

Configuring the FDDIXPress Driver

FDDIXPress drivers usually have a few configurable parameters (for example, the size for the maximum transmission unit, MTU). The specific items vary from driver to driver, so they are explained fully within the driver’s configuration file.

Driver configuration files reside in the /var/sysgen/master.d directory. Examples of configuration files include if_xpi for the xpi driver and if_ipg for the ipg driver.

After making changes to a configuration file, the operating system (kernel) must be rebuilt to include a driver with the new parameter settings, then the system must be rebooted. The instructions in “Build Configuration Changes Into the System” on page 40 describe this procedure.


Appendix D


Man Pages

This appendix describes the FDDIXPress man pages. Table D-1 lists and summarizes the functions.

Table D-1

Man Page

fddi(7) smtconfig(1M) smtd(1M) smtinfo(1) smtmaint(1M) smtping(1M) smtring(1M) smtstat(1)

FDDIXPress Man Pages


General information about FDDI controllers.

Configure or display FDDI network interface parameters.

The FDDI Station Management protocol (SMT) daemon.

Collect and display SMT information from any station on the ring.

Set FDDI line state (requires superuser privileges).

Send FDDI ECHO_REQUEST frames to an FDDI station on the ring.

Display a list of stations currently connected to the ring.

Show local station’s SMT status. Can display six different reports.

The man command can be used to display complete information about each command.

For example, to read about smtconfig, use this command:

% man smtconfig



American National Standards Institute (ANSI)

The United States standardization body. ANSI produces documents that describe standards for information systems and input/output interfaces such as FDDI. ANSI is a member of the International Standards Organization (ISO).


See American National Standards Institute.


The weakening or diminishing of signal strength that can result in a loss of data.


The range of frequencies that can be used for transmitting information on a channel, equal to the difference in hertz (Hz) between the highest and the lowest frequencies available on that channel. Bandwidth indicates the transmission capacity of a channel; the larger the bandwidth, the greater the amount of information that can pass through a circuit.

beacon process

A fault isolation process that is initiated after a ring fault occurs and the claim process fails. Stations within the ring send beacon frames to isolate the fault.


The ability of a node to isolate itself optically from the ring while maintaining the integrity of the rest of the ring.

canonical order

In the computer world, the term bit order is analogous to the order for reading a flow of letters in text. Canonical order is somewhat like reading across the page from left to right, but reading each word from right to left. So, the characters

TIME WAR would be read as

“emit raw.” To compare this to a very different ordering, see FDDI order.



In more technical terms, canonical order is a method for representing the 48-bit (6-byte) sequences used for addresses in FDDI. This method considers the first bit transmitted within each byte to be the least significant bit, as illustrated in Figure Gl-1. For example, the sequence <1 followed by 0, 0, 0> is represented as 1 in decimal (not as 8). This is the ordering traditionally used for Ethernet addresses and is bit-swapped within each byte with respect to FDDI ordering. For the bytes themselves, the first transmitted byte is considered to be the most significant byte.

1 0 0

First bit transmitted and received

Last bit transmitted and received for this byte


First byte

Most significant bit for FDDI order

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0

Second byte

Most significant bit for canonical order

Written in hexadecimal:

FDDI order =

Canonical order =

8 0 - 0 E

0 1 : 7 0

First byte

Second byte

Figure Gl-1

Canonical Order

The SMT commands represent each byte of a canonically ordered FDDI address as a hexadecimal value (two hexadecimal characters) separated by a colon (:), for example,

08:00:69:a4:0c:d0. See also FDDI order.


See copper distributed data interface.


See configuration element management.


See configuration management.




The low refractive index material that surrounds the core of an optical cable.

claim process

A process in which stations bid for the right to initialize the ring.


See connection management.


See concentrator.

configuration element management (CEM)

The portion of connection management (CMT) that manages the configuration of a port and, if present, its MAC. There is one instance of this functionality for each port on a station or concentrator.

concentrator (CON)

An FDDI node that has additional ports beyond those required for its own attachment to an FDDI network. These additional ports (type M) are for attaching other FDDI nodes

(including other concentrators) in a tree topology.

configuration management (CFM)

The portion of the station management that manages the configuration of the station’s

MAC and PHY entities.

connection management (CMT)

The portion of the FDDI SMT that manages the operation of the physical layer. CMT functionality is divided into three areas: physical connection management (PCM), configuration element management (CEM), and entity coordination management

(ECM). CMT performs the following:

• monitors the primary and secondary ring

• isolates and wraps around noisy or quiet links

• prevents stations from entering the ring in an illegal topology

• verifies when a faulty link has been fixed and unwraps the ring



connector plug

A device used to terminate an optical signal transmission cable. The connector plug is the male half of an optical signal transmissions cable connection. Plugs connect to receptacles. See also media interface connector, straight tip connector.

connector receptacle

A device used to terminate an optical signal transmission cable. The connector receptacle is the female half of an optical signal transmissions cable connection. Receptacles connect to plugs. See also media interface connector, straight tip connector.

copper distributed data interface

An FDDI-like protocol that uses copper cabling (either shielded or unshielded twisted pair) instead of fiber optic cabling for attaching nodes to concentrators.


The central transmission area of a fiber. The core always has a refractive index higher than that of the cladding. The core acts as a wave guide and confines the signal.


An arrangement in which the light signal within each loop of a dual ring travels in opposite directions.


See destination address.


See dual-attachment station.

decibel (dB)

A standard unit that uses a logarithmic scale for expressing transmission gain or loss and relative power levels.

destination address (DA)

The address of the station to receive the data. Consists of 4 (16-bit address) or 12 (48-bit address) symbols. A physical connection to the ring that performs the conversion from optical to electrical signals, symbol detection and decoding, and error detection and line state detection.



dotted decimal notation

A way of representing a 32-bit (4-byte) Internet address in ASCII. Each byte of the address is represented as a decimal number (ranging in value from 0 to 255). Bytes are separated by a dot (.). For example, See also Internet address.


The direction of an optical signal’s flow within the ring.

dual-attachment station (DAS)

An FDDI station that offers two connections (attachments) to the FDDI ring. The two connections can connect to the primary and secondary rings, or the two can be attached to a concentrator for a dual-homed configuration.

dual-fiber cable

A type of optical fiber cable that has two single-fiber cables enclosed in a jacket of extruded PVC, with a ripcord for pulling back the jacket to access the fibers.


A DAS configuration in which both ports are connected as S-type ports to a concentrator.

Port A is connected to one M-type port and B is connected to a different M-type port on the same or a different concentrator. This configuration provides a backup interface if one port should fail. Synonym: tree connection with redundancy.

dual ring

An FDDI ring configuration with two separate loops (rings) of fiber optic cable. It is common for one loop to be the main (primary) ring and the other to be used as a backup.

In this configuration, the ring can wrap to reestablish communication when there are problems with the primary ring. It is also possible to configure both rings as main (data carrying) networks.


See entity coordination management.

entity coordination management (ECM)

The portion of CMT that manages the media interface to the FDDI network, which includes coordinating the activity of all of the PHYs associated with that physical attachment and controlling the optional optical bypass function within the station. There is only one instance of this functionality on a station or concentrator.



Ethernet order

See canonical order.


See fiber distributed data interface.

FDDI order

In the computer world, the term bit order is analogous to the order for reading the flow of letters across a page of text. FDDI order is somewhat like reading from left to right, as

English speakers normally do. Thus, the characters

TIME WAR would be read as “time war.” To compare FDDI order to a very different ordering, see canonical order.

In more technical terminology, FDDI order is a method for representing the 48-bit

(6-byte) sequences used for addresses in FDDI. This method considers the first transmitted bit within a byte to be the most significant bit, as illustrated in Figure Gl-2. For example, the sequence <1 followed by 0, 0, 0> is represented as 8 decimal. This is FDDI’s native ordering and is bit-swapped within each byte with respect to canonical (or

Ethernet) order. For the bytes themselves, the first transmitted byte is considered to be the most significant byte (the same as for canonical order).

First bit transmitted and received

Last bit transmitted and received for this byte

1 0 0 0

First byte

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0

Second byte

Most significant bit for FDDI order

Written in hexadecimal:

FDDI order =

Canonical order =

Most significant bit for canonical order

8 0 - 0 E

0 1 : 7 0

First byte

Second byte

Figure Gl-2

FDDI Order

The SMT commands represent each byte of an FDDI address in FDDI order as a hexadecimal value (two hexadecimal characters) separated by a dash (-), for example,

10-00-96-25-30-0b. See also canonical order.



fiber distributed data interface (FDDI)

A fiber distributed data interface that is a 100 Mbps standard for fiber optic communications made up of two counter-rotating rings of message traffic.

fiber optic cable

A type of communications cable constructed of material (for example, glass) that allows an optical signal (light) to travel through it. Fiber optic cable currently is available in two types: multimode and single-mode.

The inside diameter, or pipe, of multimode fiber optic cable is big enough so that light

“bounces off the walls” in a number of ways as it proceeds down the fiber. Each of the possible paths is referred to as a mode that takes a slightly different time to travel down the pipe. The existence of the multiple modes causes intersymbol interference.

Single-mode fiber optic cable is narrower than multimode, so the transmitted signal bounces less. Only one mode (straight down the center) maintains its power and is low loss. The other modes quickly dissipate as light moves down the fiber.

The larger, multimode fiber optic cable (typically 62.5 micron internal diameter) is easier to launch a signal into. The interference, rather than the loss of power or spectral purity, limits the distance for a given bit rate, so multimode fibers are most often driven with inexpensive light-emitting diodes (LEDs).

The smaller, single-mode fiber (typically 50 micron internal diameter) is harder to couple power into. However, since there is only one mode, the light can travel much farther without successive bits interfering with each other—or, equivalently, a higher bit rate can be supported at a given distance. To achieve its higher potential, single-mode fiber is usually (but not always) driven with expensive semiconductor lasers rather than LEDs.

fiber optics

A technology whereby signals are transmitted over an optical waveguide medium through the use of light-generating transmitters and light-detecting receivers.


A protocol data unit (PDU) transmitted between cooperating MAC entities on a ring. See

also protocol data unit. The nine fields of the FDDI frame and the number of symbols used by each field are illustrated in Figure Gl-3: I = idle; SD = starting delimiter; FC = frame control; DA = destination MAC address; SA = source MAC address; data = user data; FCS = frame check sequence; ED = ending delimiter; FS = frame status.








4 or 12 4 or 12


Figure Gl-3

FDDI Frame






1 Number of symbols



frame class

Identifies the general function of the frame. SMT defines eight frame classes, listed below:








ESF neighbor information frames status information frames echo frames resource allocation frames request denied frames status report frames parameter management frames extended service frames

frame type

Defines the specific purpose of the frame. SMT frame types are Announcement, Request, and Response. Announcement communicates information; Request asks the targeted

(destination) SMT to provide an answer; Response is the answer to a Request frame. Each

SMT frame class supports one, two, or three frame types.


The number of cycles completed by a signal in 1 second, expressed in hertz (Hz). For example, 5000 cycles per second is expressed as 5000 Hz (or 5 kHz).


A computer that, in addition to doing all the tasks that a router performs, supports conversion (translation) from one network’s protocols to the other’s. For example, an

FDDI/Ethernet gateway converts 4500-byte FDDI packets into 1500-byte Ethernet packets whenever packets originate on the FDDI ring and require routing (forwarding) to a destination on the Ethernet network. See also router.


The user-friendly name assigned to a system. The hostname is specified in the /etc/sys_id file. A system’s hostname can be displayed with the hostname command.



IEEE order

See canonical order.

interchannel isolation

The ability to prevent undesired optical energy from appearing in one signal path as a result of coupling from another signal path, thus eliminating crosstalk.

International Standards Organization (ISO)

The international standardization body; ANSI represents the United States as a member of ISO.

Internet address

Also called IP address. A globally unique 4-byte (32-bit) number used by the Internet

Protocol (IP or TCP/IP) software to identify computers (or more accurately, computers’ network connections). As the well-quoted dictum says: “In the IP world, hosts do not have addresses, network interfaces do.” One computer (host) can have one or more IP addresses; each physical network connection for a host must have at least one unique IP address.

Internet addresses come in a number of classes; the major classes are A, B, and C. All IP addresses have three parts: class identifier, network identifier, and host identifier. The number of bits used to represent each part depends on the address’ class, as described below:

• Class A addresses use one bit (bit 0) for class identification, 7 bits for network identification, and 24 bits for host identification.

• Class B addresses use 2 bits (bits 0 and 1) for class identification, 14 bits for network, and 16 for host.

• Class C addresses use three bits (bits 0 to 2) for class identification, 21 for network, and 8 for host.

The class plus network identification parts are commonly referred to as the “network address,” while the class, network, and host identification parts are referred to as the

“host address.” For example, the network address for a device with an IP (or host) address of is “net 206.2.71.” IP addresses are usually represented in ASCII digits 0 to 9 in dotted decimal notation (for example, Table Gl-1 shows the maximum world-wide number of networks that are possible for IP addresses. Table Gl-1 also shows how many hosts can share any single network address.






Table Gl-1


Maximum Networks and Hosts Possible for IP Addresses

Maximum Number of

Networks Possible World Wide




Maximum Number of Hosts Possible for

Each Network Address




Table Gl-2 summarizes the ranges of valid addresses within these three classes.

Table Gl-2


Internet Address Ranges

Bit Usage Within Address

(each X represents one byte)



Non-Broadcast Valid




classid + netid hostid

Largest Valid



(127.x.x.x is reserved)




classid + netid hostid



X classid + netid hostid

To ensure global uniqueness, network addresses (or blocks of them) are assigned, by the

Network Information Center, to requesting organizations. The network administrator for each organization allocates the individual addresses (host addresses within the assigned blocks) to specific devices. Local network administrators are responsible for ensuring that two devices at the same site do not use the same address. See also dotted decimal notation.



IP address

See Internet address.


See International Standards Organization.


The nondata symbol pair that identifies the start of a frame. See also symbol.

least significant

The item in a sequence that, by its placement within the sequence, makes the least difference in the value. For example, in the decimal number 209, nine is the least significant digit because it represents ones while the other digits represent larger values

(tens and hundreds). See also most significant.

line state

One of several characteristic patterns of bits or symbols transmitted on an FDDI fiber. See

also symbol.


See logical link control.


The amount of traffic on the ring.

logical ring

The set of MACs (for example, FDDI stations) serially connected, thus forming a single ring. An unwrapped, fault-free FDDI ring provides two logical rings.

logical link control (LLC)

Local area network protocols in the lower layers of the OSI model. See also Open Systems



See media access control.



management information base (MIB)

A database of FDDI station and ring information. Each Station Management (SMT) module manages its own MIB; however, in order to manage the ring, SMTs share much of the MIB information with each other. Each MIB object (item of information) has a set of attributes, including read and write permissions. FDDIXPress provides the

/usr/etc/smtstat command to display MIB information.

media access control (MAC)

Local area network protocol functions corresponding to the OSI data link layer (layer 2).

MACs provide the following:

• on transmission, assemble data into a frame with address and error-detection fields

• on reception, disassemble frame, perform address recognition and error detection

• manage data link layer communication

media interface connector (MIC)

A type of connector that provides an interface (connection) between FDDI cables. Each

MIC contains two fiber optic fiber lines: one for transmit and one for receive.


See management information base.


See media interface connector.

MIC receptacle

The fixed or stationary half of an optical signal transmissions cable connection attached to FDDI. Receptacles mate with plugs. See also connector receptacle.

most significant

The item in a sequence that, by its placement within the sequence, makes the most difference in the value. For example, in the decimal number 209, two is the most significant digit because it represents hundreds while the other digits represent smaller values (tens and ones). See also least significant.




A term that refers to the two functioning stations on either side of an FDDI station. A neighbor station is the immediate next station on a logical ring when viewed from the station in question. A neighbor can be either upstream or downstream. See also upstream, downstream, logical ring.

neighborhood information frame (NIF)

The neighborhood information frame is used by a station for periodic announcement of its address and basic station description.

network address

A unique, nonphysical address that identifies a local area network. The format for this address varies depending on the address family (for example, OSI, Internet). For the

Internet (IP or inet) family, the network address is an IP address in which that portion commonly referred to as the netid is followed by a hostid portion of zero. For example, a

Class A address of (dotted decimal notation), a Class B address of

(dotted decimal notation), and a Class C address of are all network addresses.


In some environments, the definition and usage of the term network address is quite different from this definition.

The OSI family’s equivalent to the IP address is the NSAP address as defined in ISO8348, not the SNPA.

network connection name

A user-friendly name associated with a specific network interface. Network connection names are specified in the /etc/hosts file. The network connection name for the primary network interface is the system’s hostname. (See hostname.) By convention, a system’s other network connection names include the system’s hostname. For example, a host by the name of mickey with two network connections might have its FDDI interface associated with the network connection name mickey, while its Ethernet interface is associated with the name gate-mickey.

Network Information Center

The central authority that assigns blocks of Internet Protocol (IP) addresses to worldwide public and private organizations. The current address for this organization is

Government Systems, Inc., Attn: Network Information Center, 14200 Park Meadow

Drive, Suite 200, Chantilly, VA 22021 (at telephone 1-800-365-3642). See also Internet address.




See neighborhood information frame.


A generic term referring to an active device (station or concentrator) on an FDDI ring.

Each node has one (and only one) SMT module managing it. A node can have zero or multiple MACs, PHYs, and PMDs.


A data unit composed of eight ordered bits; octet is a synonym for byte. A pair of data symbols is represented in one octet.

Open Systems Interconnection (OSI)

The OSI model is a standard for computer communications protocols and the implementation of these protocols. The model is a product of International Standards

Organization (ISO) and specifies a seven-layer architecture.

optical bypass switch (OBS)

A device that can be connected between a dual-attachment station and the dual ring. If the station fails, is powered off, or is physically removed, the OBS prevents the ring from wrapping by directing the signal back onto the ring, thus bypassing the station. The station’s two neighbors will notice that their upstream or downstream neighbor has changed, but the signal continues to loop around the ring, so no wrap occurs.


See Open Systems Interconnection.

path test

A self-test performed by an FDDI node’s own CMT to verify that its connection to the ring is performing correctly. The path test is one part of the trace function.

The path test includes the following items:

• verification that the MAC can resolve the beacon and claim process

• loopback verification of the PHY’s functionality

• verification of accessibility of all data paths at the node

• confirmation of the parameters given to the MAC




See physical connection management.


See protocol data unit.


See physical layer protocol.

physical connection management (PCM)

The portion of connection management (CMT) that manages a physical connection between the PHY being managed and another PHY, likely an adjacent (neighbor) station on the ring.

physical layer protocol (PHY)

The layer that performs the clock recovery and serial-to-parallel (receive) or parallel-to-serial (transmit) conversion of data between the transmission medium and the MAC entity.

physical layer medium dependent protocol (PMD)

The medium that specifies the optical-to-electrical conversion mechanism to conform to



See physical layer medium dependent.


The physical location where a computer’s signals pass through to a peripheral device or a communications network medium (cable). In FDDI, there are four types of ports: A, B,

S, and M. Ports A and B are both used for a dual-attachment configuration; port S is used for a single-attachment configuration; M ports are found only on concentrators. Each port has both an incoming (reception) line and an outgoing (transmission) line; however, in some configurations, only one line is in use.

primary ring

The main transmission ring within a dual ring. See also DAS, ring, secondary ring.



protocol data unit (PDU)

The unit of data transfer between communicating peer layer entities. It may contain control information, address information, data, or any combination of the three. The

FDDI PHY PDUs are code groups such as frames and tokens. See also frame.


The action of a station accepting a token, frame, or other symbol sequence from the incoming medium.


An electronic circuit that converts an optical signal to an electric logic signal.


The action of a station in receiving a token or frame from the adjacent upstream station and simultaneously sending it to the adjacent downstream station.


Two or more stations that pass information sequentially through a physical medium

(cable). Each station examines all information on the physical medium, copies information sent to it, and returns the information to the cable where the originating station can read it.

ring management (RMT)

The portion of connection management that monitors the MAC. It provides a trace mechanism to handle beaconing and also detects duplicate addresses on the ring.


See ring management.


A computer that routes (forwards) packets between two or more networks and is capable of discovering (or maintaining) routes to distant network destinations. In the simplest situation, a router with two network connections moves from network 1 to network 2 all of the packets that have been transmitted on network 1, but are destined for a host on network 2, and vice versa. In cases in which the destination host is located on a network to which the router is not physically attached, the router sends the packet to the next router along the route; and that router passes the packet to another router, until the packet can be delivered directly to the specified destination host. In OSI terminology, a router is an Intermediate System supporting network layer forwarding.




See source address.

secondary ring

The backup ring used when a fault occurs on the primary ring. See also primary ring.


See status information frame.

single-attachment station (SAS)

A station that offers a single connection (attachment) to the FDDI network.


See station management.

source address (SA)

The address of the station that sends a frame. The address consists of 4 symbols (16-bit address) or 12 symbols (48-bit address).


An addressable node on an FDDI network capable of transmitting, repeating, and receiving information. A station has exactly one SMT, at least one MAC, at least one PHY, and at least one PMD.

station management (SMT)

One of the FDDI standards. The entity within a station that monitors station activity, exercises overall control of station activity, and manages the FDDI ring. The SMT module controls and manages the station’s processes at the various FDDI layers. It also works cooperatively with other SMT modules to manage the ring. SMT provides services such as fault isolation and recovery for the ring, maintenance of the local station’s MIB, control over station insertion and removal from the ring, and configuration management.

station ID

An 8-byte (64-bit), site-configurable number used by SMT modules to identify and reference FDDI stations. This number is used only for reporting status information. The

FDDIXPress SMT daemon, by default, creates the station ID from the station’s MAC address. The six bytes of the MAC address (in canonical order) occupy the lower six bytes of the station ID and the upper two bytes are set to zero.



status information frame (SIF)

Status information frames are used to request and provide, in response, a station’s configuration and operating information.

straight-tip (ST ® )connector

An optical fiber connector used to join single fibers together.


The smallest signaling element used by the data link layer. The FDDI symbol set consists of 16 data symbols and 8 control symbols. Each symbol corresponds to a specific sequence of 5 bits transmitted by the physical layer on the optic cable that is seen by software as a 4-bit sequence. (The 4-bit to 5-bit conversion, and vice-versa, is done by hardware.)

target token rotation time (TTRT)

The amount of time a station bids in the claim process. The station whose claim indicates that it has the lowest TTRT wins the claim process. This TTRT value is then used by all stations on the network for setting TTRT.


A packet that is the explicit indication of the right to transmit on a shared medium. On a token ring, the token circulates sequentially through the stations on the ring. At any time, it may be held by zero or one station. The format for the FDDI token is illustrated in

Figure Gl-4. The FDDI token has four fields: I = idle; SD = starting delimiter; FC = frame control; ED = ending delimiter. The illustration indicates the number of symbols used for each field.









Figure Gl-4

FDDI Token

Number of symbols

token ring

A set of stations serially connected by a transmission medium (cable) to form a closed loop.



token rotation time (TRT)

The maximum time that a token needs to make a complete circuit around the ring.


An RMT function that attempts to provide ring recovery when there is a stuck

(continuous) beacon condition on the ring. The trace causes all stations and concentrators upstream from the tracing SMT to leave the ring and perform a Path Test. When the stuck device is isolated, the ring is wrapped so as to exclude the stuck device.


The action of a station generating a frame, token, or control sequence and placing it on the medium to the next station.

transmitter (optical)

An opto-electronic circuit that converts an electrical logic signal to an optical signal.


A physical topology consisting of a hierarchy of master-slave connections between a concentrator and other FDDI nodes (including subordinate concentrators) as illustrated by the dotted enclosure in Figure Gl-5.

Dual ring




Figure Gl-5

Tree Topology


See token rotation time.









A physical loop topology, either open or closed, employing two optical fiber signal paths, one in each direction (that is, counter-rotating), forming a sequence of peer connections between FDDI nodes. When the trunk forms a closed loop, it is sometimes called a trunk ring.


See target token rotation time.


Opposite from the direction of the optical signal’s flow within a ring.


A condition in which the primary ring loops to (is connected to) the secondary ring.

Wraps occur when there is a fault on the primary ring, as illustrated in Figure Gl-6. The fault or break in the primary ring prevents the optical signal from completing the loop around the ring, thus stopping all communication. Wrapping reestablishes the loop and allows communication to continue. When a ring is wrapped, one or more ports have been left out of the ring.


Ring break wrap



Figure Gl-6





Address Resolution Protocol


23, 30

American National Standards Institute. See ANSI.




ANSI documents





23, 30

arp command


45, 46


backup copies of SMT files


47 beacon errors


50, 88 booting over network


25, 29, 33, 94 broadcast address how to configure


23, 30 how to display




cable copper


8 fiber optic


3, 5, 6 multimode


8 single-mode


8 cable connections checking


83 cable problems


85 cable-to-cable connections


83 cable-to-station connections


84 checking cable connections



FDDI connection to ring


47, 53 claim errors


50, 88 command descriptions


52 concentrator


8, 10, 11 configuration information report


55, 185 configuration of driver





28-47 network interfaces


28-47 routing functions





197-218 configuration requirements


22 configuration tasks for NIS


30 network administrator


30 optional


29 required


29 connections cable-to-cable


83 station-to-cable


84 undesirable


83 valid


83 customer support








8, 10 daemon statistics





8, 9, 13 data link layer


3, 4 default configuration of network interfaces


22-23 summary


22, 23 diskless


94 documentation


xiii-xiv downstream


6 driver configuration


218 driver error messages ipg


157-160 rns


161-165 xpi


150-156 dual attach concentrator. See DAC.

dual attach station. See DAS.

dysfunctional FDDI board




error message alphabetization rules


95 error message format


96 error message log file


79, 96 error messages



/etc/config/ifconfig-#.options files. See files.

/etc/config/netif.options file. See files.

/etc/ethers file. See files.

/etc/fddi/smtd.conf file. See files.

/etc/hosts file. See files.



1, 3, 4 ethers database


30, 43



fault on the FDDI ring



FDDI cable


6, 8 compared to 802.5 token ring


1 compared to Ethernet


1 description





xiii, xiv features


1 frames


15 how it works


12-16 how to manage



OSI relationship


3 physical address. See MAC address.



6, 7, 8, 9, 12 the standard


2 with Ethernet


15, 16 within OSI layers


2, 3 wrapped ring. See wrapped ring.

FDDI components illustration of


4 list of



FDDI connection verifying it works



FDDI devices concentrators


10 description


8-11 optical bypass switches


11 stations



fddi man page



Fiber Distributed Data Interface. See FDDI.

fiber optic cable damaged


85 description of. See cable.

flashlight test


85 fiber optic care


85 fiber optic problems



files driver configuration file


218 error message file


79, 96






26, 34, 35, 38






39, 40, 90



43, 45, 93



6, 197



22, 24, 25, 28, 31, 32



36, 38 log messages



SMT configuration file





79, 96









218 forwarding packets


39 fragmented ring


14, 59 frames




hinv command


47, 80 hosts database


30 how to configure driver


218 configure FDDI as secondary


33 configure MTU


218 configure routing


39-40 configure SMT daemon


197-218 display broadcast address


44, 45 display hostname


22, 30 display IP address


68 display MAC address


43, 44 display MIB information


65 display network connection name


43 display network interface name


43, 44, 68 display network interface status


65 display SMT information


66 list stations on ring


54 monitor status


60 see a wrap on a port


174 verify FDDI connection


47 verify operating system includes driver




ifconfig-#.options files. See files.

installation of FDDI board


41 of software


17 overview of



International Standards Organization. See ISO.

IP address displaying






See also OSI.

ISO documents




kernel statistics




link-level errors


83, 87, 174



4 log file



Logical Link Control. See LLC.





MAC description


2, 5 documentation


xiv status report



MAC address


4 format for


44 how to display


43, 45

Management Information Base. See MIB.

managing FDDI connection


51 media access control. See MAC.

media interface connector. See MIC.



6, 47



5, 83, 85 miniroot


25, 33, 94 monitor FDDI status



MTU configuration




neighbor address problems


93 neighbor information report



netif.options file. See files.



23, 30



43 network administrator responsibilities


51, 52, 57, 60 network connection name


31, 43 networking documentation



FDDI with other networks


15, 16 network interface configuring (complex)


28-47 configuring (easy)


24-28 configuring (temporary)


69-70 configuring FDDI as secondary


25, 33 displaying configuration of




displaying name of


43, 68 more than one


37, 38 number assignment


18-21 status


65 temporary changes



network script. See files.



24, 26, 28, 30, 31, 43, 46


OBS. See optical bypass switch.

Open Systems Interconnect. See OSI.

operational parameters


38 optical bypass switch


5, 8, 11, 14, 57, 63, 88, 89 optical signal


6, 13, 49

OSI data link layer


3, 4

FDDI relationship


3 physical layer


2, 3, 5 reference model


2, 3 seven-layer model


2, 3


packet loss


90 patching the ring


88, 89

PHY description


2, 5 documentation


xiv physical layer


2, 3, 5 physical layer medium dependent. See PMD.

physical layer protocol. See PHY.

ping command



ping command problems



PMD description


2, 5 documentation









9 description





10 master





10 slave


10 status report


174 port connections


83, 84 ports


9, 10 primary ring


9, 12 problems


79 product support




required configuration tasks


29 ring description of


6, 7, 9, 12 fault


57 fragmented


59 listing stations on


54 patching


88, 89 primary


9, 12 secondary


9, 12 verifying a station


53 wrapped


12, 13, 49, 62, 88 ring fragmented


14 ring management status


181 status report






routed.options file. See files.

route metric


23, 30 router configuration of


22 description of


15 disabling


39 routing


39 configuration of






8, 10



8, 9, 10 secondary ring


9, 12

Silicon Graphics customer support


xv single attach concentrator. See SAC.

single attach station. See SAS.

SMT configuration


6 documentation


xiv information report


192 module


6 standard


2 station information


55 station version


55 status report


66 status reports. See SMT status reports.

SMT commands



smtconfig command



smtconfig man page





6, 96

SMT daemon


6 configuration file


197 configuring



smtd.conf file. See files.

SMT error messages






smtinfo command



smtinfo man page



smtmaint man page



smtping command


50, 53

smtping command problems



smtping man page



smtring command



smtring man page



smtstat command


60, 63, 65

smtstat man page



smtstat reports



SMT status reports commands to control display of



Configuration Information (#4)


185 description of


167-196 how to use


66, 67, 168

MAC (#1)


48, 169

Neighbor Information (#5)



Port (#2)


49, 174

Ring Management (#3)


50, 181

SMT Information (#6)



SMT utilities


51 station

SMT information



SMT version


55 verifying FDDI connection


47 station management commands


51 station management protocol. See SMT.

statistics daemon


63 kernel


63 status monitoring


60 network interface



See also SMT status reports.

subnetwork mask


23, 30



79, 96



technical assistance center


xv token description of


15 verifying


48 token count problems


83, 87 token problems


169 token ring


1, 3, 4 troubleshooting




undesirable connections


83 upstream



/usr/etc/netstat command


43 utilities station management




valid MIC connections



/var/adm/SYSLOG file. See files.

verifying beacon


50 claim



FDDI connection


47-50, 53 optical signal


49 presence of FDDI board


47 presence of token






12, 13 wrapped ring


12, 13, 14, 49, 57, 59, 60, 62, 83, 88, 174

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Key Features

  • Configures FDDI station
  • Verifies FDDI connection
  • Monitors and maintains FDDI station
  • Monitors and maintains FDDI ring
  • Resolves problems
  • Provides an overview of how FDDI works

Frequently Answers and Questions

What is an FDDI network connection?
FDDI stands for Fiber Distributed Data Interface, it is a local area network (LAN) communications protocol that is based on a basic token ring architecture. It is fast, reliable, and manageable. It is emerging as the standard alternative to slower protocols like Ethernet and 802.5 token ring.
How does FDDI work?
An FDDI local area network consists of two or more stations or nodes connected serially by fiber optic cables to form a closed loop, the ring. Each FDDI local area network has two rings: a primary ring and a secondary ring. The secondary ring is usually configured as a backup ring. An optical signal (light), encoded to represent data, is beamed into the cable by a transmitting station. The signal travels through the cable and is read by each station on the ring, until it returns to the original sender. As long as the signal can make a complete trip around the loop, the ring is operational.
What are the different types of FDDI devices?
The FDDI standard defines the types of devices that can be connected to the ring. These devices include stations (DAS: dual attach station and SAS: single attach station), concentrators (DAC: dual attach concentrator and SAC: single attach concentrator), and an optical bypass switch (OBS).

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