Baxi Ecogen 24/1.0 gas fired wall mounted condensing boiler User’s Operating Instructions & Important Warranty Information
Below you will find brief information for gas fired wall mounted condensing boiler Ecogen 24/1.0. This Ecogen 24/1.0 boiler is designed to provide heat and hot water for your home, incorporating a Stirling engine that can generate up to 1.0kW of electrical power, which can be fed back into the grid. You can adjust the settings for both heating and hot water times and temperatures using the programmable operating unit, which can be either mounted on the appliance or used as a remote unit. Be sure to contact your electricity provider and inform them that you have installed this appliance, as this is a legal requirement.
User’s Operating Instructions &
Important Warranty Information
Ecogen 24/1.0
Gas Fired Wall Mounted Condensing Boiler and Power Generator
Please keep these instructions in a safe place.
If you move house, please hand them over to the next occupier.
© Baxi Heating UK Ltd 2010
Natural Gas
Baxi Ecogen 24
o 41 075 60
This appliance contains a small scale embedded generator (SSEG).
Both the District Network Operator and the Electricity Provider must be informed, this is a legal requirement - see section 12.3.
This appliance contains a pressure vessel filled with Helium to 23 bar.
Do not strike, drop, drill or puncture the vessel.
Do not unbolt any of the covers or flanges.
The vessel contains no user serviceable parts.
Dispose of safely.
If the DHW cylinder has been fitted with a control sensor instead of a thermostat for increased efficiency, the control will recognise this and automatically initiate an anti-legionella function. In this case the user should be aware that once a week the
DHW set point is overridden and the cylinder is heated to 65° C for 10 minutes.
The default time for this action is monday 8am every week.
If the set point has been reduced to say 40° C for safety reasons, the users must bear in mind that the temperature around this time may be much hotter than usual.
The time of the function may be altered or the action disabled.
The Benchmark Scheme
Baxi Heating UK Ltd is a licensed member of the Benchmark Scheme which aims to improve the standards of installation and commissioning of domestic heating and hot water systems in the UK and to encourage regular servicing to optimise safety, efficiency and performance.
Benchmark is managed and promoted by the Heating and Hotwater Industry
Council. For more information visit
© Baxi Heating UK Ltd 2010 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in any retrieval system of any nature (including in any database), in each case whether electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner, except for permitted fair dealing under
Copyrights, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
Applications for the copyright owner’s permission to reproduce or make other use of any part of this publication should be made, giving details of the proposed use, to the following address:
The Company Secretary, Baxi Heating UK Ltd, The Wyvern Business Park,
Stanier Way, Derby, DE21 6BF.
Full acknowledgement of author and source must be given.
WARNING: Any person who does any unauthorised act in relation to a copyright work may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages.
Boiler Controls - see opposite page for Operating Quick Reference Guide
Quick Reference Guide
The Programmers
Setting the Time
Setting the Central Heating Times
Setting the DHW Times
Mode Selection/Temp Adjustment
Contents of Other Functions
Resetting the Boiler
Error Codes
Care of the boiler
© Baxi Heating UK Ltd 2010
1.0 Quick Reference Guide
Easy Menu
Programmable Operator Unit (POU)
24 hour time bar for central heating and domestic hot water - shows active programme times
- Default 6am - 9am, 11am - 12pm & 15pm - 22pm
04. November 2008 08:50
Menu Button
The Easy menu button
Commonly required functions are available more quickly via the easy menu button. To access, press the easy menu button and scroll through confirm your selection by pressing the dial button.
Commonly required functions are shown in order below: -
1. Standby/operation - the on/off switch - in the off mode frost protection for the appliance is active: displays when in standby.
2. Hot water boost - The domestic hot water is heated to the required temperature once.
3. Central heating mode CH1 - easy access to change the operating mode see Section 7.1
4. Room temperature CH1 - The central heating setpoint temperature can be altered permanently.
5. Hot water mode - easy access to change the operating mode see Section 7.4
6. Hot water temp setpoint - The hot water setpoint temperature can be altered permanently as long as a tank sensor is fitted. If no sensor is fitted --- appears.
Dial Knob (Turn /Push Select)
Display Descriptions
Text 1
Text 2
Text 3
Burner in Operation 1 - Engine 2 - Supplementary
Heating to the Room temperature Set Point
Heating to the Reduced Set Point
Central Heating Times Active
DHW Time Active
Combustion Check Function Active
Holiday Function Active
Manual Overide
Time Switch Function Active
Communication between POU & PCB Control Established
POU Programmed as Room Unit
Error Message
Standby - Appliance ON/OFF
Outdoor Sensor Connected
System / Appliance Attention Required
Maintenance / Special Mode
Change Battery (only if radio control fitted)
Display showing all available segments
© Baxi Heating UK Ltd 2010
© Baxi Heating UK Ltd 2010
Wall Cradle (Accessory)
2.0 Introduction
1. The appliance incorporates a Stirling engine which is capable of generating between 0.4 – 1.0 kW of electrical power depending on the running conditions of the heating system. High return temperatures especially above 65°C will reduce the power generation.
It is therefore in the interests of the householder to ensure that the central heating system is maintained and working as efficiently as possible. Balance the radiators in the central heating system so that there is suitable drop in temperature across each radiator. 20°C is optimum for new systems but some older radiators originally installed with non condensing appliances may only manage 11°C.
2. The use of a programmable room unit incorporating a room sensors (as apposed to a room thermostat) will also improve the power generation.
3. If the return temperature to the appliance gets too hot the engine burner will switch off to protect the engine – in this case the supplementary burner will light on its own until the return temperature has cooled sufficiently and the engine burner will be enabled again.
4. The electricity generated in this manner if not consumed directly by the user is fed back into the grid. Arrangements can be made with the electricity provider to compensate the householder by way of a feedin tariff. See section 13.3.
5. It is your responsibility to contact your electricity supplier and inform them that you have installed a Baxi Ecogen which will generate electricity. This is a legal requirement.
6. Operation and control is similar to a domestic boiler and is fully automatic.
7. All interactions with the appliance are either through the removable
Programmable Operator Unit (POU) on the front of the appliance or on a remote wall cradle.
Important Notes
1. Read and follow these instructions thoroughly before switching on and operating this appliance. These instructions must be followed and warning labels must be adhered to.
2. As with any domestic boiler, flammable materials MUST NOT be placed near this appliance and materials emitting flammable vapours must not be stored in the same room.
Do not position a kettle or toaster directly below the appliance.
3. The appliance MUST NOT be tampered with, abused or any sealed components adjusted as this may result in a hazardous situation.
4. Please note that because of the high efficiency of the appliance, condensate (water) is produced from the flue gases. A condensate
‘plume’ (water vapour) may also be seen coming out of the flue.
Gas Connection
5. Your Baxi Ecogen appliance has been installed by a Gas Safe registered installer– this is both good safe working practice and complies with the current gas safety regulations.
Electrical Connection
6. Your Baxi Ecogen appliance has been installed in accordance with the Installation Instructions, this means that:
The appliance has been earthed.
The electricity supply to the appliance is 230V ~ 50Hz.
7. Connection to the electricity supply has been made in a way that allows complete isolation of the electricity supply from the appliance.
The isolation switch is located in an accessible position within your installation.
8. It is a legal requirement that both the District Network Operator
(DNO) and the electricity provider are informed of the installation of this appliance - see section 13.3.
NOTE: In the event of a power failure the appliance will turn off automatically and will not restart for at least 3 minutes after the power supply has been restored.
Reset Button
5 LED Unit
© Baxi Heating UK Ltd 2010
Wall Cradle (Accessory)
3.0 The Programmers
Getting Started
1. Ensure that both gas and electricity are turned on to the appliance.
2. The Gas Safe registered installer will have set-up the appliance to a programme of your choice and it should be providing heat and hot water in line with your requirements. These can be altered via the wall-mounted room unit or the programmer on the product fascia, both of which are shown in this section. Section 4.0 and 5.0
detail how the timings and settings for your heating and hot water can be changed.
Programmable Operator Unit (POU)
1. This is located at the base of the appliance on the front cover. It displays important information about how the appliance is working and allows you to alter settings to configure the operation to your requirements.
2. It can be removed from the appliance to act as a programmable room unit (PRU) when mounted in a wall cradle accessory. This then becomes a temperature sensor and programmer.
3. If your Ecogen appliance has been installed using the existing room temperature and time controls the installer should have made sure that the appliance programs for the central heating and domestic hot water are set to 24hr operation – see sections 7.1
and 7.3 - choose ‘On’ in both cases.
4. Refer to the instructions for the existing programmers for setting the timed periods and the room temperatures. The programmable operating unit will display the boiler flow temperature and any errors see section 9 onwards.
POU as a Programmable Room Unit (PRU)
1. The Room Unit Wall Cradle accessory is available in two formats. a) Hard Wired i.e fixed to a wall, the screen illuminates upon operation.
b) Radio Frequency, cradle mounted and portable, with no permanent screen illumination.
2. The Radio Frequency unit is powered by three AA batteries located in the rear of the unit behind a slide down panel. If battery power is depleted a warning symbols appears on the display screen, replace the batteries.
3. The operation of both Radio Frequency and hard wired units is identical.
5 LED Unit
1. The 5 LED Unit is fitted when the POU is removed and gives basic information about the state of the appliance:-
1st Green Mains On
2nd Green Communication Status
1st Yellow Engine Burner On
2nd Yellow Supplementary Burner On
Red Fault Present
2. The Reset Button may be used to reset User Errors - see
Section 11.0.
04. November 2008 08:50
The basic display is shown.
If the basic display is not showing, press the MENU button. until the basic display is shown
Menu Button
Dial Knob
04. November 2008 08:50
Display Screen
Press the MENU button.
4.0 Setting the Time
Time Setting
The time, day, date and year can be adjusted using the
POU/PRU as shown below.
Set time and date
Turn the Dial Knob clockwise to highlight ‘Set Time and
Press the Dial Knob and the hour number flashes. Turn
Dial to the required hour.
Set time and date
Operator section
Set time and date
Hours / minutes 11:07
Press the Dial Knob to select .
Set time and date
Hours / minutes 09:07
Press the Dial Knob and the minute number flashes. Turn
Dial to the required minute.
Press the Dial Knob.
Set time and date
Hours / minutes 11:30
Turn the Dial Knob clockwise until Day / month is shown.
Press the Dial Knob and the month number flashes. Turn
Dial to the required month.
Set time and date
Day / month 05:06
Press the Dial Knob and the day number flashes. Turn Dial to the required day. Press the
Dial Knob.
Set time and date
Day / month 03:06
Turn the Dial Knob clockwise until Year is shown. Press the
Dial Knob and the year number flashes. Turn Dial to the required year.
Set time and date
Year 2008
Press the Dial Knob. Time setting is now complete.
Set time and date
Year 2009
Press the MENU button twice to return to normal display screen.
03. June 2009 11:30
© Baxi Heating UK Ltd 2010
5.0 Setting the Central Heating Times
04. November 2008 08:50
Menu Button
Dial Knob
Display Screen
Programming the Central Heating Times
The programmar enables control of up to three periods a day, seven days a week.
There are 3 time programs preinstalled to aid reprogramming:-
Time program 1 is the default with 3 time periods - Mon-Sun,
6-9, 11-12 and 15-22.
Time program 2 has two time switch periods - Mon-Sun, 6-9 and 15-22.
Time program 3 has one time switch period 6-22.
‘Preselection’ regimes are: Mon-Sun (Default) Mon-Fri and Sat-Sun or each day individually.
If there are two heating circuits with two PRU’s each room/floor must be programmed using the respective PRU. Choose the relevant heating circuit at STEP 3.
When programming individual days, the opportunity to copy one day to another is offered (screen 529). Lastly screen 536 enables a reset to the default values as given above.
The basic display is shown.
If the basic display is not showing, press the MENU button. until the basic display is shown 04. November 2008 08:50
Turn the Dial Knob clockwise to highlight ‘Time central heating
Operator section
Time central heating CH1
Time hot water
Press the Dial Knob and the day / days regime flashes.
Turn Dial to the required day or days Mon-Sun, Mon-Fri,
Mon, Tue, Wed,
Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun
Press Dial to select.
Press the Dial Knob and the time program regime flashes.
Turn Dial to the ‘Time setting
1’. Press Dial to select and the screen goes back to STEP 6.
Time cental heating CH1
Select days
Mon - Sun
Set to
Time central heating CH1
Mon - Sun
Time setting 1
Press the MENU button.
Press the Dial Knob to select .
Turn the Dial Knob one click clockwise.
Turn the Dial Knob one click clockwise.
Set time and date
Time central heating CH1
Select days
Mon - Sun
Time central heating CH1
Mon - Sun
Select default timings?
Time central heating CH1
Mon - Sun: 1st Time ON
© Baxi Heating UK Ltd 2010
Easy Menu
04. November 2008 08:50
Menu Button
Dial Knob
Display Screen
5.0 Setting the Central Heating Times
Programming the Central Heating Times (cont)
Press the Dial Knob and the
‘1st Time ON’ time will flash.
Turn the Dial Knob to the required time. Press Dial to select.
Time central heating CH1
Mon - Sun: 1st Time ON
Turn the Dial Knob one click clockwise and then press the
Dial Knob. The ‘1st Time OFF’ time will flash. Turn the Dial to
STEP 10 the required time. Press the
Dial to select.
Time central heating CH1
Mon - Sun: 1st Time OFF
Turn the Dial Knob one click clockwise.
Time central heating CH1
Mon - Sun: 2nd Time ON
Press the Dial Knob and the
‘2nd Time ON’ time will flash.
Turn the Dial Knob to the required time. Press Dial to select.
Time central heating CH1
Mon - Sun: 2nd Time ON
If --:-- appears when adjusting the ON/OFF Time it is because the ON is the same as OFF. If this is selected the
Time period will disappear. A new Time period can be introduced by starting from 24.00 and winding backwards.
Turn the Dial Knob one click clockwise and then press the
Dial Knob. The ‘2nd Time OFF’ time will flash. Turn the Dial to the required time. Press the
Dial to select.
Time central heating CH1
Mon - Sun: 2nd Time OFF
Turn the Dial Knob one click clockwise.
Time central heating CH1
Mon - Sun: 3rd Time ON
Press the Dial Knob and the
‘3rd Time ON’ time will flash.
Turn the Dial Knob to the required time. Press Dial to select.
Time central heating CH1
Mon - Sun: 3rd Time ON
Turn the Dial Knob one click clockwise and then press the
Dial Knob. The ‘3rd Time OFF’ time will flash. Turn the Dial to
STEP 16 the required time. Press the
Dial to select.
Time central heating CH1
Mon - Sun: 3rd Time OFF
© Baxi Heating UK Ltd 2010
6.0 Setting the DHW Times
04. November 2008 08:50
Menu Button
Dial Knob
Display Screen
Programming the Domestic Hot Water Times
The programmar enables control of up to three periods a day, seven days a week.
There are 3 time programs preinstalled to aid reprogramming:-
Time program 1 is the default with 3 time periods - Mon-Sun,
6-9, 11-12 and 15-22.
Time program 2 has two time switch periods - Mon-Sun, 6-9 and 15-22.
Time program 3 has one time switch period 6-22.
‘Preselection’ regimes are: Mon-Sun (Default) Mon-Fri and
Sat-Sun or each day individually.
If there are two heating circuits with two PRU’s each room/floor must be programmed using the respective PRU. Choose the relevant heating circuit at STEP 3.
When programming individual days, the opportunity to copy one day to another is offered (screen 529). Lastly screen 536 enables a reset to the default values as given above.
1. The basic display is shown.
If the basic display is not showing, press the MENU button.
04. November 2008 08:50
Press the MENU button.
Set time and date
Turn the Dial Knob clockwise to highlight ‘Time hot water’.
Press the Dial Knob to select .
Time central heating CH1
Time hot water
Holidays heating CH1
Press the Dial Knob and the day / days regime flashes.
Turn Dial to the required day or days Mon-Sun, Mon-Fri,
Mon, Tue, Wed,
Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun
Press Dial to select.
Press the Dial Knob and the time program regime flashes.
Turn Dial to the ‘Time setting
1’. Press Dial to select and the screen goes back to STEP 6.
Set to
Time hot water
Select days
Mon - Sun
Time hot water
Mon - Sun
Time setting 1
Turn the Dial Knob one click clockwise.
Turn the Dial Knob one click clockwise.
Time hot water
Select days
Mon - Sun
Time hot water
Mon - Sun
Select default timings?
Time hot water
Mon - Sun: 1st Time ON
© Baxi Heating UK Ltd 2010
Easy Menu
04. November 2008 08:50
Menu Button
Dial Knob
Display Screen
6.0 Setting the DHW Times
Programming the Domestic Hot Water Times (cont)
Press the Dial Knob and the
‘1st Time ON’ time will flash.
Turn the Dial Knob to the required time. Press Dial to select.
Time hot water
Mon - Sun: 1st Time ON
Turn the Dial Knob one click clockwise and then press the
Dial Knob. The ‘1st Time OFF’ time will flash. Turn the Dial
STEP 10 to the required time. Press the
Dial to select.
Time hot water
Mon - Sun: 1st Time OFF
Turn the Dial Knob one click clockwise.
Time hot water
Mon - Sun: 2nd Time ON
Press the Dial Knob and the
‘2nd Time ON’ time will flash.
Turn the Dial Knob to the required time. Press Dial to select.
Time hot water
Mon - Sun: 2nd Time ON
If --:-- appears when adjusting the ON/OFF Time it is because the ON is the same as OFF. If this is selected the
Time period will disappear. A new Time period can be introduced by starting from 24.00 and winding backwards.
Turn the Dial Knob one click clockwise and then press the
Dial Knob. The ‘2nd Time OFF’ time will flash. Turn the Dial to the required time. Press the
Dial to select.
Time hot water
Mon - Sun: 2nd Time OFF
Turn the Dial Knob one click clockwise.
Time hot water
Mon - Sun: 3rd Time ON
Press the Dial Knob and the
‘3rd Time ON’ time will flash.
Turn the Dial Knob to the required time. Press Dial to select.
Time hot water
Mon - Sun: 3rd Time ON
Turn the Dial Knob one click clockwise and then press the
Dial Knob. The ‘3rd Time OFF’ time will flash. Turn the Dial to
STEP 16 the required time. Press the
Dial to select.
Time hot water
Mon - Sun: 3rd Time OFF
© Baxi Heating UK Ltd 2010
04. November 2008 08:50
Easy Menu
Menu Button
Dial Knob
The basic display is shown.
If the basic display is not showing, press the MENU button. until the basic display is shown 04. November 2008 08:50
Press the MENU button.
Set time and date
Turn the Dial Knob clockwise to highlight ‘Temps / mode CH1’.
Holidays heating CH1
Temps / mode CH1
Temps / mode hot water
STEP 4 - For this example choose Comfort
Press the Dial Knob twice and then turn the Dial Knob to the required space heating mode i.e.
On or Timed or Reduced or
Protection. Press the Dial Knob to select.
Temps / mode CH1
Operating mode
Turn the Dial Knob until ‘Room temperature CH1’ is displayed.
Press the Dial Knob and the °C will flash, turn the Dial to set the required °C and then press the
Dial Knob to select..
Temps / mode CH1
Room temperature CH1
18.0 °C
The Process for setting the
Reduced setpoint is the same.
When STEP 4 is reached choose Reduced and then continue with STEP 5 but turn
Dial to ‘Reduced setpoint’.
Temps / mode CH1
Reduced setpoint
10.0 °C
© Baxi Heating UK Ltd 2010
7.0 Mode Selection/Temp Adjustment
Selecting the Cental Heating Mode
1. There are 4 central heating modes: -
On - heating operates to keep the dwelling at the comfort set point chosen by the householder continuously ie. 24hr/day,
Timed initially set at 20°C.
- heating operates to keep the dwelling at the comfort set point chosen by the householder according to the
Protection programme times, initially set at 20°C
(min 10°C - max 35°C).
- heating operates to keep the dwelling at the reduced set point chosen by the householder continuously, initially set at
5°C (min 5°C - max 20°C).
- heating operates to keep the dwelling above 5°C continuously.
2. The central heating mode can be set using either the POU on the appliance or the room unit PRU.
3. To select the mode required: - from the main screen press the menu button.
4. Turn Dial to ‘Temps / mode CH1’.
Press dial to select and scroll between: - Protection – Timed –
Reduced – On, press dial to select.
Further Information
1. The user must be aware that in the automatic mode the programmer is not inactive in between the programmed times, the frost protection/reduced temperature period is constantly in the background and will cause the appliance to come on if the room temperature falls below the reduced temperature setpoint (5° default) or 5°C during frost protection.
NOTE: Adjustment of the room temperature during these periods will result in a temporary change to the reduced temperature setting until the next comfort period is activated.
2. The central heating may be switched on at any time by increasing the room temperature setpoint to a greater value than the indicated room temperature whether in or out of a programmed period. This setpoint change will remain active until the next programmed comfort period when the setpoint will revert to the permanent comfort setpoint.
7.0 Mode Selection/Temp Adjustment
04. November 2008 08:50
Temporary room setpoint
STEP 1 - Turn the Dial Knob and the temperature will appear. Turn the Dial Knob again and whilst flashing keep turning the dial to display the required temperature.
Temporary room setpoint
Valve Confirmed
STEP 2 - Press the Dial Knob to select.
Selecting the Domestic Hot Water (DHW) mode
Easy Menu
Menu Button
Dial Knob
DOMESTIC HOT WATER MODE STEP 1 - Press the MENU button and then turn the Dial Knob clockwise to highlight ‘Domestic hot water’.
1. There are 2 DHW modes: -
Off - heating operates to keep the domestic
(Protection) hot water cylinder above 8°C continuously.
- heating operates to keep the domestic hot water at the comfort set point chosen by the householder according to the programme times, initially set at 65°C.
2. The DHW mode can be set using either the POU on the appliance or the PRU.
Temps / mode CH1
Temps / mode hot water
Diagnostics engine
STEP 2 - Press the Dial
Knob to select .
Temps / mode hot water
Operating mode
STEP 3 - Press the Dial Knob again and the On Off mode will flash. While flashing turn the Dial to toggle between
On and Off. Press Dial to select.
3. To select the mode required: - from the main screen press the menu button, scroll down to ‘Domestic hot water’.
4. Press dial to select, select Operating mode by pressing the dial again, scroll between : - Off and On and select by pressing the dial.
Adjusting the Room temperature set point
1. From the main screen - turn the dial until the desired temperature is displayed, press the dial to confirm.
2. If the temperature is being adjusted from the appliance connected to two heating circuits, the heating circuit must be chosen first.
3. Between the programmed times there is a minimum setback or reduced temperature which is set to 5°C (see Section 7.1
STEPS 1 to 6). This may be permanently changed to set a higher minimum temperature ie. 10°C or temporarily changed by turning the dial knob between a programmed period and selecting the desired temperature. This facility may be used to heat the house outside the programmed periods.
4. The reduced temperature setting will revert to the permanently stored value at the beginning of the next programmed period.
Adjusting the DHW Tank Temperature
1. If the tank is fitted with a tank sensor to measure the temperature, the setpoint temperature may be adjusted using the
POU/PRU as follows:-
Press the easy menu button
Turn the dial knob to highlight ‘ Hot water temp setpoint’.
Press the dial knob to select.
Turn the dial knob to change the temperature to the desired temperature.
Press the dial knob to confirm.
The maximum setpoint temperature is 65°C
The main screen will return after a short while, otherwise press the menu button to return immediately.
© Baxi Heating UK Ltd 2010
Easy Menu
04. November 2008 08:50
Menu Button
Dial Knob
STEP 1 - Press the MENU button.
Time hot water
Holidays heating CH1
Temps / mode CH1
STEP 2 - Turn the Dial Knob to highlight
‘Holidays heating CH1’ and press the Dial to select the start period.
Holidays heating CH1
Day / month - -.- -
STEP 4 - Turn the Dial Knob to highlight
‘End’ and press the Dial. The Day/month starts flashing, turn the Dial to required month and day as in STEP 3 to end the holiday period.
7.0 Mode Selection/Temp Adjustment
Holiday mode
1. Holiday - When the holiday mode is activated the
‘protection’ mode is activated for the selected period see section 7.1
2. The Holiday mode is activated by using the menu button scroll down to ‘Holiday heating CH1’, press the dial
3. Press again to set the month scroll and select – (the display will start at 01,01) set the day scroll and select. Scroll again to
‘Operating’ level, scroll between - protection and reduced select the mode required
Programme Lock
Holidays heating CH1
Day / month - -.- -
STEP 3 - Press the Dial Knob and the
Day/month starts flashing, turn the Dial to required month and press Dial to select and then repeat to select the day.
1. There is a programme lock function available to stop the programmer being either tampered with or accidentally altered.
2. After the programme lock has been activate, only the temporary setpoints, comfort, reduced temperature or the functions via the easy menu such as standby/operation or HW push are available for change by the user.
3. To activate the programme lock: a) Press the menu button to access ‘info’, then scroll and press to choose ‘operator section’, scroll to the programme lock option, press and scroll from ‘off’ to ‘on’. Confirm by pressing the dial knob.
b) Accessing programme lines is now still possible but when attempting to alter any parameters the screen will show
‘programme locked’.
4. To remove the programme lock: a) To temporarily unlock the programmer press the menu button to access ‘info’ then press and hold the easy menu and dial button until ‘programme temporarily unlocked’ appears. b) In this state any alterations can be made until returning to the standard screen when the programming lock is activated again. c) To remove the programme lock permanently: - whilst temporarily unlocked, access the programme lock screen as described above, and press and scroll from ‘on’ to ‘off’. Confirm by pressing the dial button.
© Baxi Heating UK Ltd 2010
© Baxi Heating UK Ltd 2010
8.0 Contents of Other Functions
Selecting Information
The following information is also available by pressing the menu button and selecting ‘information’ by pressing the Dial Knob, any error is displayed first then : -
1. Room temperature – ?C (PRU only).
2. Boiler temperature – ?C.
3. State burner – 1+2 (1=engine, 2= supplementary burner on).
4. Power – Watts.
5. Energy to date – kWh.
6. Head temp actual value (of the Stirling engine) – ?C.
7. Room temperature min (PRU only)
8. Room temperature max PRU only)
9. Hot water temp 1 (set point if tank sensor fitted) – ?C.
10. State Hot Water
11. State heating circuit CH1
12. Telephone customer service
Selecting Set time and date
The following information is also available by pressing the menu button and selecting ‘Set time and date’ by pressing the Dial
1. Hours / minutes
2. Day / month
3. Year
Selecting Operator section
The following information is also available by pressing the menu button and selecting ‘Operator section’ by pressing the Dial Knob,
1. Change language
2. Programme lock – Off/On.
Selecting Time central heating CH1
The following information is also available by pressing the menu button and selecting ‘Time central heating CH1’ by pressing the
Dial Knob,
1. Select days
2. Mon-Sun,Mon-Fri,Sat-Sun,Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri,Sat,Sun
3. Select default timings – programmes 1/2/3
4.1st Time ON -- hrs/mins
5.1st Time OFF -- hrs/mins
5. 2nd Time ON -- hrs/mins
6. 2nd Time OFF -- hrs/mins
7. 3rd Time ON -- hrs/mins
8. 3rd Time OFF -- hrs/mins
9. Copy to -
© Baxi Heating UK Ltd 2010
8.0 Contents of Other Functions
Selecting Time hot water
The following information is also available by pressing the menu button and selecting ‘Time hot water’ by pressing the Dial
1. Select days
2. Mon-Sun,Mon-Fri,Sat-Sun,Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri,Sat,Sun.
3. Select default timings – programmes 1/2/3
4.1st Time ON -- hrs/mins
5.1st Time OFF -- hrs/mins
6. 2nd Time ON -- hrs/mins
7. 2nd Time OFF -- hrs/mins
8. 3rd Time ON -- hrs/mins
9. 3rd Time OFF -- hrs/mins
10. Copy to -
Selecting Holidays heating CH1
The following information is also available by pressing the menu button and selecting ‘Holidays heating CH1’ by pressing the
Dial Knob.
1. Start – Day / month
2. End – Day / month
Selecting Temps / mode CH1
The following information is also available by pressing the menu button and selecting ‘Temps / mode CH1’ by pressing the Dial
1. Operating mode – Protection/Timed/Reduced/On
2. Comfort set point -- ?C.
3. Reduced set point -- ?C.
4. Optimum start control max – mins.
Selecting Temps / mode hot water
The following information is also available by pressing the menu button and selecting ‘Temps / mode hot water’ by pressing the
Dial Knob.
1. Operating mode - Off / On
2. Hot water temp setpoint – ?C.
3. Legionella function – Off / Periodically / Fixed weekday
4. Legionella funct periodically - 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
5. Legionella funct weekday -
6. Legionella funct time -- hrs/mins.
7. Release HW charging – No restrictions / Eng bu only.
Service/Special operation
1. Time since maintenance - -- months
2. Telephone customer service
Selecting Diagnostics engine
The following information is also available by pressing the menu button and selecting ‘Diagnostics engine’ by pressing the Dial
1. Power – W
2. Energy to date – kWh
3. Energy since reset - kWh
4. Reset energy counter - no / yes
Easy Menu
04. November 2008 08:50
Dial Knob
© Baxi Heating UK Ltd 2010
20:Boiler sensor 1
04. November 2008 08:50
Light Flashes
Light Flashes
Light Out
Reset Type
164:Flow press switch HC
To reset - Press the Dial
Knob and the Yes / No mode will appear. While flashing turn the Dial to toggle between Yes and No. Select
Yes and press the Dial Knob to select.
157: Boiler flow thermostat
Reset ?
157: Boiler flow thermostat
Reset ?
266:Fan Fault
9.0 Resetting the Boiler
Exceptional conditions
1. In exceptional cases, the display will show an error screen see diagram opposite.
2. With the following information: -
An error number a short description of the error
The display may or may not show a flashing spanner, a flame crossed out or both depending on whether the unit is on the appliance or the wall.
3. Pressing the menu button will return the POU to the standard display which will now show the following symbol E which indicates that an error or fault has occurred in the appliance.
After 1 minute the display will automatically revert to the error screen.
4. Press the menu button twice to revert to the error display immediately. A list of error codes is shown in section 10.1. This list contains both user reset and automatic rest codes. Automatic codes are given here as they are capable of clearing automatically and do not necessarily indicate that a service visit is required.
Automatic reset
1. If a flashing spanner is shown on the POU the error may reset once the condition has cleared. Many of these automatic reset errors are connected with temperature sensors of both the system and the appliance and once the appliance has cooled it may restart. If the problem persists where the same error code is repeatedly displayed or the error will not clear you should call for a service engineer.
User reset
1. A user reset can only be carried out on the appliance POU not on a PRU.
2. To perform a user reset:a) on the 5 LED unit, press the reset button at the bottom of the unit, after a few seconds the red flashing LED will go out.
b) on the POU reset appears, press the dial knob twice, after a few seconds the error symbol should disappear.
3. The error will clear and the appliance will restart if there is a demand for heat as long as the error condition has cleared. The user error codes give an indication of possible problems which the user may be able to rectify such as accidental isolation of either the gas supply (error 261and 262) or the central heating circuit, pump problems etc (error 275 and 276).
4. If the error returns the fault condition is still present.
Service reset
When a flashing spanner is accompanied by a crossed out flame symbol on the appliance, a fault has occurred which requires the presence of a service engineer. When ringing the Heateam
Service Department to request a service engineer please quote the error code and accompanying message.
see also section 17.3 in the Installation and service manual.
5mm Min
450mm Min
For Servicing
60mm Min
10.0 Clearances
300mm Min
For your Safety
1. This appliance must have been installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and the regulations in force.
2. Any modification that may interfere with the normal operation of the appliance without express written permission from the manufacturer or his agent could invalidate the appliance warranty. In GB this could also infringe the Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations.
GB - Heating Industry definition meaning England, Scotland,
Wales, Northern Ireland, Isle of Man and the Channel Isles
3. Your boiler must not be operated without the casing correctly fitted.
4. Do not interfere with any sealed components on this boiler.
5. Take note of any warning labels on your boiler.
6. Your boiler should have the following minimum clearances for Safety and Maintenance :-
200mm Min
Left side
Right Side
- 200mm
- 200mm
- 5mm
- 60mm
- 5mm (In Operation)
- 450mm (For Servicing)
7. If your boiler is installed in a compartment, do not use it for storage purposes. Do not obstruct any purpose provided ventilation openings.
8. Flammable materials must not be stored in close proximity to your boiler.
9. Avoid skin contact when your boiler is in operation, as some surfaces may get hot e.g. pipework.
10. Ensure that the flue terminal, outside the house, does not become damaged or obstructed, particularly by foliage.
11. It is important that the condensate drain system is not blocked, modified or damaged in any way as this would affect the operation of your boiler. Your installer should have insulated any exposed pipework.
5mm Min
In Operation
© Baxi Heating UK Ltd 2010
In the table below: - PCB = Main Control Board, BCU = Burner Control Unit.
UR = User Reset, AR = Automatic Reset, ARP = Automatic Reset after Power Down
NOTE: An automatic reset is only done if the fault condition has cleared.
11.0 Error Codes
List of Error Codes
Error code: Display Description
10: Outside sensor
20: Boiler flow sensor
40: Boiler return sensor
50: DHW tank sensor
60: Room sensor 1
65: Room sensor 2
83: BSB short-circuit
84: BSB address collision
Fault outside temp sensor1
Fault boiler flow temp sensor
Fault return temp sensor boiler
Fault DHW1 sensor
Fault room temp sensor HC1
Fault room temp sensor HC2
Boiler system bus short-circuit
More then 1 room units are assigned to the same HC
85: Radio communication
91: Data loss in EEPROM
92: Device electronics error
Assign one of them to HC2 or assign QAA7x not as room unit
Communication to radio device interrupted
Failure in Class B-SW: Irreparable data loss in EEPROM
RAM failure, HBC processor register failure, blocking chain
95: Time of day invalid
96: Minor SW failure
97: SW or HW failure
127: Legionella temperature
157: Boiler Flow Overheat stat
158: Condensate
164: Flow
257: Pack sensor
258: Pack over- temp
259: CJC sensor undefined (toggling), safety chain discrepancy.
Reset: Press Service Reset within 20 seconds after Power up
The real time clock unit detected corrupted time of day.
Failure in Class B-SW: Stack overflow or program sequence failure
Failure in EGC-SW which causes non-volatile lock.
Legionella temperature not achieved within 48 hours
Boiler flow overheat thermostat / safety chain open
Condensate switch of safety chain opened
Low flow or faulty flow switch
Fault pack temp sensor
Internal ambient temperature to high
Fault cold junction compensation sensor
261: Loss of Engine flame No flame after five ignition tries in Engine
262: Loss of Supplementary flame No flame after five ignition tries in Supplementary
263: Engine BCU failure Multiple communication request of Engine Burner Control Unit unsuccessful.
264: Supp. BCU failure
265: BCU failure
270: excessive temp. diff.
274: Dry fire protection
278: Max Temp Rise
1) Failure caused by BCU
2) BCU Communication Timeout on Main Control Board
Multiple communication request of Supp. Burner Control Unit unsuccessful.
1) Failure caused by BCU
2) BCU Communication Timeout on Main Control Board
Not supported in Main Control Board
Excessive max temperature difference across the heat exchanger during 5 minutes or excessive limit temperature difference.
If temperature difference fell below (threshold - switching differential boiler): automatic reset
- when the maximum setting was exceeded immediately
- when the limit value was exceeded after 10 minutes
Flow switch did not close within 4 minutes
Maximum flow temperature rise exceeded, automatic reset after
10 minutes
Lockout/Reset action
Eng Sup
AR 10’
AR 10’
• After 10 minutes or after down power (ARP)
+ Will clear message if 65°C is achieved - does not inhibit appliance on.
© Baxi Heating UK Ltd 2010
UR = User Reset, AR = Automatic Reset, ARP = Automatic Reset after Power Down
NOTE: An automatic reset is only done if the fault condition has cleared.
11.0 Error Codes
List of Error Codes (cont)
Error code: Display Description
280 : Engine dome overtemp
282: G83/ENS/G1M
285: Alternator Short
287: Eng head under temp
298: False flame engine
299: False flame supplementary
300: Eng head under temp
301: Eng head over temp
302: Eng head thermocouple
303: Control thermocouple
304: Limit thermocouple
309: Power fail detection
310: Power monitor comm.
311: EGC comm. failure
421: Eng bu exc temp diff h’ex
422: BCU Eng bu inconsistent
423: BCU Supp bu inconsistent
424: Rep. loss of flame Eng bu
425: Rep. loss of flame Supp bu
Engine dome overtemp has operated
G83/ENS module has detected an unhealthy mains condition
Power monitor IC has detected a short-circuit condition
Engine head temperature thermocouple measurement below
103 degrees C when the CX relay is energised
Ionisation probe of engine burner detected false flame
Ionisation probe of supplementary burner detected false flame
Engine head control temperature less than 150 degrees C when
CX relay is energised
Engine head control temperature greater than 540 degrees C
Magnitude of the difference between the engine head control and limit thermocouples is greater than 100 degrees C
Engine head control thermocouple failure
Engine head limit thermocouple failure
Power failure to fan detected 24v dc supply
No data received from the power meter IC in the last 10 seconds or the power monitor failed to register with the EGC microcontroller within 10 seconds of power up
Communication timeout or communication failure
Engine burner excessive temperature difference across the heat exchanger
Transmitted state of the engine burner BCU isn’t consistent
Transmitted state of the supplementary burner BCU isn’t consistent
Repeated loss of flame engine burner repeated loss of flame supplementary burner
Lockout/reset action
Eng Sup
This is a shortened list of the error codes, which will be displayed on the Programmer or on the room unit. If more than one error is active, the one with the higher priority or the one that appeared first will be displayed.
Error codes 157,274,261,262 and 300 can be reset by the user by pressing the user reset button for 2 seconds, turning the dial to alter the flashing NO to a YES and then pressing the OK button. After a few seconds the error should clear enabling a restart of the appliance. Errors 261 and 262 may indicate a problem with the gas supply.
Errors 157,164,274 and 300 may indicate a problem with the central heating water fill or pump. If the problem persists contact the installer with the error code.
Error 158 indicates a possible blockage in the condense drain.
Error codes 10 through to 99 (except 97) are linked to installation and commissioning of your system and as such you should contact your installer to complete commissioning.
Error codes that are shown as automatic reset will disappear once the fault has cleared. The appliance will restart if there is a demand except in the case of errors 263 and 264 when the appliance must be switched off and on again to enable a restart.
All other error codes indicate a fault condition, which will require the attention of a service engineer.
© Baxi Heating UK Ltd 2010
Test Nipple
Warning !
If you smell gas
Do not operate light switches
Do not operate any electrical equipment
Do not use a telephone in the hazardous area
Extinguish any naked flame and do not smoke
Open windows and doors in the hazardous area
Turn off the gas supply at the meter
Warn any other occupants and vacate the premises
Telephone the National Gas Emergency Service on:-
0800 111 999
Faulty boiler
If it is known or suspected that a fault exists on the boiler, it must not be used until the fault has been corrected by a competent person.
Off Position
Gas Service Cock
On Position
View from under appliance
12.0 Care of the Boiler
Cleaning the Outer case
The painted panels should be wiped with a damp cloth and then dried completely. DO NOT USE ABRASIVE
The appliance MUST be serviced annually by a Baxi authorised engineer.
Condensate drain
The condensate drain, located at the bottom of the appliance, must not be modified or blocked. Blockage will cause the appliance to shut down.
Protection & Precaution
1. The appliance incorporates frost protection for itself only, fitted as standard. If the system has a Programmable Room
Unit mounted in a cradle on a wall then the central heating system will also be protected.
2. In cold weather, if you are going away, turn the appliance off at the time switch ONLY. Leave the mains supply switched
3. If a system frost thermostat has been fitted (your installer will be able to advise you), then to operate correctly and protect your system, the gas and electricity must be left on and the appliance set in the central heating mode.
4. The boiler incorporates an integral pump protection feature which continually monitors the time since the pump last operated. To prevent seizure, the pump will operate for approximately 1 minute if it has not run in the last 24 hours.
Fault Indication
1. If a fault occurs on the boiler an error code may be shown on the facia display.
In an Emergency
If a gas leak occurs or is suspected, the boiler can be isolated at the inlet valves as follows;
1. Using a suitable open ended spanner, turn the square nut on the gas tap through 90° ( 1 /
4 turn) in a clockwise direction to isolate the gas supply at the boiler.
2. Call your Installer or Service Engineer as soon as possible.
© Baxi Heating UK Ltd 2010
© Baxi Heating UK Ltd 2010
13.0 Legislation
Installation, Commissioning, Service & Repair
1. This appliance must be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and the regulations in force. Read the instructions fully before installing or using the appliance.
2. In GB, this must be carried out by a competent person as stated in the Gas Safety (Installation & Use) Regulations.
3. Definition of competence: A person who works for a Gas
Safe registered company and holding current certificates in the relevant ACS modules, is deemed competent.
4. IN IE (Eire), this must be carried out by a competent person as stated in I.S. 813 “Domestic Gas Installations”.
All Gas Safe registered engineers carry an ID card with their licence number and a photograph. You can check your engineer is registered by telephoning
0800 408 5500 or online at
The boiler meets the requirements of Statutory Instrument
“The Boiler (Efficiency) Regulations 1993 No 3083” and is deemed to meet the requirements of Directive 92/42/EEC on the energy efficiency requirements for new hot water boilers fired with liquid or gaseous fuels:-
Type test for purpose of Regulation 5 certified by:
Notified Body 0087.
Product/Production certified by:
Notified Bodies 0086.
For GB/IE only.
13.2 Benchmark Commissioning Checklist
1. Please ensure that the installer has fully completed the
Benchmark Checklist on the inside back pages of the installation instructions supplied with the product and that you have signed it to say that you have received a full and clear explanation of its operation. The installer is legally required to complete a commissioning checklist as a means of complying with the appropriate Building Regulations (England and Wales).
2. All installations must be notified to Local Area Building
Control either directly or through a Competent Persons
Scheme. A Building Regulations Compliance Certificate will then be issued to the customer who should, on receipt, write the Notification Number on the Benchmark Checklist.
3. This product should be serviced regularly to optimise its safety, efficiency and performance. The service engineer should complete the relevant Service Record on the Benchmark
Checklist after each service.
4. The Benchmark Checklist may be required in the event of any warranty work and as supporting documentation relating to home improvements in the optional documents section of the Home Information Pack.
Contact the Electricity Provider
1. Both the District Network Operator (DNO) and your
Electricity Provider need to be informed that an electricity generator has been installed at your address. Usually the installer will inform the DNO. As the householder you should notify the Electricity Provider and arrange for a feed-in tariff to compensate you for the unused electricity that your appliance has generated and fed back into the grid. If your electricity meter does not already register reverse flows then the provider will have to arrange for new metering.
© Baxi Heating UK Ltd 2010
14.0 Notes
14.0 Notes
© Baxi Heating UK Ltd 2010
Please complete the boxes below
Serial Number
Date of Installation
Installer Details (name, address and contact number(s))
Information Label
All descriptions and illustrations provided in this leaflet have been carefully prepared but we reserve the right to make changes and improvements in our products which may affect the accuracy of the information contained in this leaflet. All goods are sold subject to our standard Conditions of Sale which are available on request.
A T r a d i n g D i v i s i o n o f B a x i H e a t i n g U K L t d ( 3 8 7 9 1 5 6 )
A d i v i s i o n o f B a x i G r o u p
Brooks House, Coventry Road, Warwick. CV34 4LL
After Sales Service 0844 871 1525 Technical Enquiries 0844 871 1555
© Baxi Heating UK Ltd 2010
UK Comp N o 5133684 - Iss 02 - 2/10

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Key features
- Generates electricity
- Programmable heating times and temperatures
- Remote operation
- Condensing technology
- Gas-fired
- Wall-mounted
- Stirling engine
- Frost protection
- Holiday mode