ANTHONY Model 100 100F, 100NT, 100PR, Pass-Thru 125, 127, 130 door Service and Installation Manual
Below you will find brief information for door Model 100 100F, door Model 100 100NT, door Model 100 100PR, door Pass-Thru 125, door Pass-Thru 127 and door Pass-Thru 130. These models are part of a range of refrigerator doors and frames designed for use in commercial settings. The manual includes instructions for installation, service and replacement of various components.
ANTHONY Service and Installation Manual Models 100F, 100NT & 100PR (Including Pass-Thru Models 125/127/130) October 1993 ANTHONY MANUFACTURING CO., INC. 12812 Arroyo St., San Fernando, CA 91342 (800) 772-0900 Table of Contents PAGE Model 100 Non-Reversible Door & Frame Schematics (Prior to 1983) earn sronscamenveranssencarsencrnceencenene 4 Model 100 Non-Reversible Door Installation (Prior to 1983)... a an a ma a 5 Model 100 Non-Reversible Frame Schematics (Prior to 1987) ia a erent. 6 Model 100 Non-Reversible Door & Frame Parts Placement (Prior to 1987) ericonnnennenannaren earn ener eee seers erases, 7 Model 100PR Reversible Door Parts Placement (1987 to 1991) (Changes 1991 to Present) cneenecennenecanacacoenen een 8 Model 100PR Pre-Wired Reversible Frame Parts Placement... Cannereoeennenan nena oe one enanos I 9 Model 100 & 100PR Standard Net Opening Widths mn aia 10 Model 100 & 100PR Standard Net Opening Heights …………………………lnn lc aa a 11 Frame Installation Instructions Models 100F/100NT/100PR ....................———ecc..c.mmme ni are a a 12 Hold-Open Replacement ................—....e——e.m. een eee nene iaa ea 13 Reversible/Cordless Door 8: Hold-Open Installation …………………………… a ma 14 Reversing Frame Hardware...............—.......—m—.n.ereenm Deere De er ia e 17 Door Reversing Instructions (1987 to 1990) ………………………………………rretennennenmennenennnmnnn=— нь 17 Door Reversing Instructions (1990 to Present) meme = 18 Pass -Thru Installation Instruction & Wiring DiAgram\ ………………………nnenmnmnmenmnnmnnnmnnndtnnÜŒÜT 20 Frame Sill Plastic Protector Installation ……………………………………mnnmnennnnmenmnnmnnnmnnnnçŒÜ = 21 Contact Plate & Contact Plate Retainer Replacement nn na A ae 22 Ordering Replacement DOOTS ……………………………….……………rmeeercerrerrermemmenennennennnnmnnntnnennnennn a a 23 Torquemaster and/or Casting Replacement …………………nnennenennnenmnçsŒŒHT cenenaraneneoaneoneneoneneees 23 Door Gasket REPI@CEMENT ……………………!.….……rvercecrecennennennnnnensnnnmnnnnmenenmnnnnnmnmnnnnnnnnn ны 24 Door Plastic (Cover) REPI@CEMENt …………………………………neneenensennnnnsennsnnnsennnnnennnnnenmnennenen 24 Handle Replacement ..................—. 2er nn rene ooo 24 Side Access Plate Replacement.............——.—————————e———— II E e LN rn 25 Door Female Plug Replacement (1987 to 1991) e earn 25 Door Female Plug Replacement (1991 to Present) nn eo 25 Frame Female Socket REDIACEMENt ……………………………………nnecenernnnmnmenmmnnmnnmnnmnnmennnnnnn ны 26 Door Heater Replacement (1987 to 1991) …………………………nmnnnnnnnnenmnnnmnçs.. 27 Door Heater Replacement (1991 to Present) ……………………nnmnenmnnmmn= 0 28 Hinge Pin Replacement (1987 to 1991) ………………………………ccecceceresennennensennnnnnmnmnnmnnmnnnnçqŒnnŒŒÜ 29 Hinge Pin Replacement (1991 to Present) ………………………emnmnmenmnmnennn = 29 Wiring Instructions, Heated & Non-Heated Glass ree nn ani a 30 Torque Rod Replacement (1987 to 1991) …………………………………nnnnennmnmnmnnnenmennnnnmnnnmnnm aa 31 Torque Rod Replacement (1991 to Present) ……………………………mmmenmnnmemnnnm 31 Front Bumper Bar Field INSLAll@iON ………………………………….……rcceceerrermenmenennnmnnnnmnnnnnnnnnn ны 31 Door Cylinder Lock Replacement or Repair ………………………mmnmmnenenn(KŒÜ 1000 32 ET errar 33 F.O.M. LOCK REtrOfit INSIAÏATION …………………………………eensenmenmnmnnnnenmnnnnnnmnmnnmnnn nn ны 34 Ordering Replacement Frames....................—.————...eeeen ran enana anio 35 Glass Replacement (REGIAZING) …………………...cceersenncenmenmnnnnnnnmnenmnnmnmnmnnnnnnnnn 36 Humastat INSTlIHON PrOCBUUTE ............cueeevreeessssessssseees nen eee нь 38 Frame Heater Wire REDIACEMENt ………………………………….…cceccmerencerrenrerrerreeerrerrerrenreeeeeeeee нон 39 2 10/93 a Table of Contents (continued) PAGE Frame Heater Wiring Diagrams (Low Temp/Normal Temp) Ln rien ei eii 40 Model 100 Shelf Assembly Catalog Size/Shelf Size ..................—....——...... Le ae a e nie da nen e 41 ohelving Installation (Prior to 1984) ......................w........... DD RT e ea eL mier ne annie ee 42 Four-Post Stabilizer Bar Installation ..............—..c.—......... II TD LD e e iaa e nine ear mira 43 Four-Post Shelf System Installation ..................«—... 02... De De ena ae a irme denia 43 Plastic Tag Molding Installation ........................—.————. e ee ae nene e re ere eer erate arenas 44 Model 100PR Low Temp 120 Volt Ballast & Lamp Wiring Diagram Pre-Wired One-LIGNt SYSTEM ecco eee esses eee Tear ira eee eine 45 Model 100PR Ballast Replacement ....................... 2... RR e eee a nea Da Diane ae 46 Lamp Replacement ....................—...—..——emene e Dire a ni ni nea nai Ar er 47 Lamp Socket Replacement ................—...wm meme DD e e ee e Ie naa 47 Recessed Light Socket REplaCEement …………………………………………eennnnmennnnaenmnnnnnmnmnnnnnnn a e ii e 48 Lamp Channel Replacement with Remote Ballast ea e a a Le iL Aia a ea 49 Recessed Lamp Guard Replacement with Remote Ballast A] a aii en Lena ad e 49 Recessed Lamp Replacement ..................... meme e e Tener ara Tea indie ie ene 50 “Boost 8: Buck” Transformer Wiring Diagram …………………………nnnnmnnnnmnnn ILLA aL Tae 50 Frame Junction Box Wiring (Standard Production) …………………………nnnnençen DL LL aL Liar Dear 50 Light FIXtUre PlACEMENt DD Ie e e ae aaa na Li ni enaie a e ii e 51 Model 100-Low Temp 120 Volt Ballast & Lamp Wiring Diagram (1 11] recense 52 Model 100-Low Temp 120 Volt Ballast & Lamp Wiring Diagram (2 Lamp) eee ani nde nene ene 53 Fan Delay Switch Retrofit & Replacement ………………………………mnnennnnmmnnmnnnnnnnnmnnnnn Le ene Te 54 Klix-On (Thermo Disc) Installation .....................———.—... eee ee ee CO eters 54 Ое\у Ро! СПай.......кааненннононнннненннненненнновнненнеоонеоаонононннааноаавоазаноооанноеннаноонзаснаосвононоввооввоннвоооомаввенанннонн aere ea SRS 55 Electrical Information for Model 100PR Low Temp Doors, Frames 8 Light Fixtures E 120 Volts... 56 Heat Load in BTU/Hr for Model 100PR Low Temp Glass, Door Rail, Frame Heaters & LOS cece 58 Heat Load in BTU/Hr for Model 100PR Normal Temp Glass, Door Rail, Frame Heaters & LIGOES wee, 59 Electrical Information for Model 100PR Normal Temp Doors, Frames 8 Light Fixtures E 120 Volts .............. 60 Trouble-Shooting................——.——————— een eee De Tee aan inem near 62 Safety Precautions & Installation Tips ……………………………nenmenmnnmenmnmnnnnnnnn ate an aio 64 Company Policies, Terms of Sale, and Warranty ………………………nnnnnmnmnnmnnnnnnnn ea ee 65 10/93 J Model 100 Door & Frame (Priorto 1983) Drawings and Schematics #32 thru #32d Drawing #32 (Product Prior to 1987) Safety Clip Heater Wire Drawing #32a (Prior to 1984) Plug-in Heating Element U.L. Approved Magnetic Gasket Sheif Clip Flourescent Light Fixture 90" Door Stop ay a ARLE SLO EEE ое 11/4" Tag Molding— Choice of Gold or Silver Finish Rear Shelf Standard Leg-Leveller 2-Pane Hermeticaily Seales Glass Drawing #32b (Prior to 1983) | qo-— 1/8" Torque Ww Toque Adj. i od Set Pin = = | / 1/46” Torque 16" Torque Adj. Pin Rod Set Pin Drawing #32c Model 100-100F (Prior to 1983) Wire Raceway Net Cooler Opening Heights JUMBO, GIANT 8 KING GIANT 73” ___ WIDE TRACK 79" KING SIZE 6 KING JUMBO 67" STANDARO SIZE 54" Drawing #32d | (‹ / = 5 Cooler Floor Joining Two Frame Sections _ (Gasket Magnetic | 10/93 Doorinstallation Instructions Model 100 (Priorto 1983) (MustrationsE1 Thrutt3) — Door Installation 1. Insert top of door into top hinge pin "A". Safety Precaution: Snap ring must be used on every door. Place snap ring on top hinge pin after installation of every door. 2. Lift up door and insert torque shaft “B” into socket “C”. Using 2 long pins adjust torque to desired tension and set with 1 short pin. Both long and short pins are provided. Note: Do not over-adjust door as this will cause door to slam. 3. Connect 90-degree door stop arm “D” to slide block on frame. Secure with screw provided. 4. Reverse instructions to remove door. Caution: Before removing door, extract torque set pin and safety snap ring with a pair of pliers. Door Handle Replacement 1. To remove handle, insert 5/32" Allen wrench through back side of door frame. Handle Screws are contained in door frame. Torque Rod Replacement 1. Door does not have to be disassembled to replace torque rod. Drive tapered shaft of torque rod from door as shown. 2. lo replace new torque rod, align torque shaft with key way in door. Tapered shaft must be driven flush with bottom of door. 10/93 5 Model 100 Frame (Priorto 1987) > Drawing #31_ Models 100, 100F, 100NT Drawing #46 Frame Schematic Stainless Screw Mullion Contact Plate Heater |" +! О Frame Perimeter SO Contact Plate - Heater Drawing #47 Frame End View Raceway Raceway Clip Drawing #44 Contact Plate 7 | and Heater Replacement aa Frame biz» A | | ! ! Pra | , | | , Contact Plate Sy ||! E Contact Plate \ 1 Retainer i 1 | | кс Gasket - Door Cover Door Rail 6 10/93 NOTE: Casting and pin style Torque Rod can easily be updated (converted) to Torquemaster and hex head Torque Rod.Remove phillips-head screw from torque casting and lift Model 100 Door & Frame (Priorto 1987) casting out of frame. Replace with Torguemaster. Remove pin style torque rod from door and replace with hex head torque rod. No. Description No. Description No. Description No. Description 1 Heater Wire 2 Door Rail 3 Door Plastic 4 Gasket 5 Corner Screw 6 Handle / Handle Screw 8 Female Plug 9 Hinge Pin 10 Pin Holder 11 Pin Cover 12 Safety Snap Ring 13 S.J. Cord 14 Camel Back Hinge 15 Camel Back Washer 16 Pin Holder 17 Hold-Open 18 Door Stop 19 Slide Bumper 20 Nut & Bolt 21 Sliding Block 22 Block Screw 23 107 Arm 24 Heater Wire 25 Torque Rod 26 Torquemaster 27 Camel Back Pin 10/93 Model 100PR Door (Reversible-1987 to Present) (3) (4) GO) OO Changes: 1991 to Present 1. Hinge Rail is Hollow 2. Use #17 Hinge Pin, Replaces #9. J. Delete #10 Receptacle. 4. Use # 18 Torque Rod, Replaces #12. 5. Single Hinge Side Access Hole in Center of Hinge Rail only. Delete #11. No. Description No. Description No. Description 1 Corner Piece 7 (Gasket 13 Cap 2 Corner Screw 8 Camel Back 14 Access Tube 3 Glazing Channel 9 Hinge Pin 15 Handle 4 Heater Wire 10 Receptacle 16 Handle Screw 5 Door Rail 11 Cover 17 Hinge Pin 6 Plastic 12 Torque Rod 18 Torque Rod 8 10/93 DE) e $? ” p Model 100PR Frame (Pre-Wired Reversible) ый e (18) (5) D No. Description No. Description No. Description No. Description 1 Hold-Open 6 Installation Hole 13 Single Station 18 Pre-Wired Ballast (10/15/86 To 10/90) 7 Installation Screw Receptacle Mullion 2 Hold-Open (10/90) 8 Top Lamp Socket 14 Single Station 19 Vertical Contact Plate 3 Double Station Socket 9 Bottom Lamp Socket Socket 20 Horizontal Contact Plate 4 Double Station Receptacle 5 Frame Receptacle 10 Light Bulb 11 Torquemaster 12 Junction Box 15 End Raceway Cover 16 Raceway Cover 17 Raceway 21 Contact Plate Retainer 22 Pre-Wired Ballast 23 Contact Plate Mullion 10/93 Model 100/100PR Standard Frame Net Opening Widths T4 + WF —! + FPA ME WIDTH 24" DOOR (CATALOG SIZE) 23-3/,5" ACTUAL DOOR WIDTH A 5 6 D TWO-DOOR FRAME i ] EN DLESS FINISHED FRAME 48-5/5" 72-33” 96-1/” 1 19-7/5" | В 1 MULLION | NET OPENING FULL FINISHED FRAME , , , FLANGE | NETOPENING | | “8-78 | 72-98” | 96-38” | 120-% FLANGED FRAME 26” DOOR (CATALOG SIZE) 26-3/” ACTUAL DOOR WIDTH A B С D ENDLESS FINISHED FRAME 55-11," 82-3/, 6 109-1/5” 136-1/, 6” MULLION | NET OPENING | THREE-DOOR FRAME FULL FINISHED FRAME „1 H 7 + 1 3 # „5 + FLANGE | NET OPENING 95/a | 827he' | 10954" | 136% — С | 30” DOOR (CATALOG SIZE) 29-71" ACTUAL DOOR WIDTH A B С D ENDLESS { FINISHED FRAME 62” | 92-706" | 122-7" | 153-57," MULLION | NET OPENING 6 8 $Phe FULL FINISHED FRAME | >. loo a и of FLANGE | NET OPENING Sexe” | 9-he" | 123-8" | 153-s FOUR-DOOR FRAME Pp D | FIVE-DOOR FRAME 10 10/93 ) 10/93 Standard Frame Net Opening Heights Model 100/100PR Ac HEIGHT CATALOG DOOR HEIGHT 75" 73" 67" 63” FINISHED FRAME 74-136" 72-136 66-13/;¢" 64-946" NET OPENING HEIGHT 75" 73" 67” 64-34" DOOR CATALOG CATALOG SIZE WIDTH HEIGHT 24" 26" 30" 75" 73" 67" 63” ACTUAL SIZE 23-36" | 26%" | 29-76" | 73-145" | 71-15" | 65-146" | 62-196" H Frame Installation Instructions Models 100F/100NT/100PR (Drawings #1 &#2) 1. Read instructions completely before installing frames. Openings must conform to net openings listed in Price Book or other. Check size of finished frame to net opening. Do not force frame into tight opening. Check net opening for plumb and square, as shown. Sill must be level left to right and front to back. a. Jambs, header and sill should be wood for a secure installation. b. Anthony door frame needs a sill of at least 1-1/2" for proper installation. Set frame in net opening. For safety, partially install wood screws in top of frame. Do not tighten. Torquemaster (silver rectangular box) goes at bottom of frame. Hinge pin to top of frame. Check frame for square, as shown. Shim as necessary. Ensure that shims are placed as close to installation holes as possible. When shimming is necessary, shim top and bottom and/or left end of frame and right end of frame to maintain square of frame in net opening. Drawing #1 Frame Installation / } AN Case Structure | Frame Rear View Caulking „” / Plumb Square Caulking Case Structure Rear Front Cross Section Drawing #2 Pass-Thru Cross section (With/Without Threshold) qo y Frame h H + ‘ Torquemaster в. Anchor | Threshold fol AL Screw 2 Required 12 10/93 Frame Installation Instructions Models 100F/100NT/100PR (Continued) 8. From the inside of case, caulk all four sides of frame, between frame and net opening, as shown in drawing #1 on page 12. 9. Starting with frame sill, install mounting screws and tighten. Next do sides then top. (Do not over-tighten top screws as this will bow frame.) 10. From inside the case, re-check caulking. Hold-Open Replacement 1. Hold-Open Prior to 1987 (Drawing # 25) a. To remove, insert flat-head screwdriver into shoulder screw on frame white slide block and remove. Go to back of door and remove locking washer and solid rivet. This procedure will remove 10" door stop arm. To remove white block inside slide channel, remove end Phillips-head screw and slide block outside of channel. To remove fork, remove two Phillips-head screws. To remove complete hold-open assembly, remove back of frame raceway for access to screws that hold hold-open channel to frame, and remove screws. b. Reverse instructions to replace. 2. Hold-Open 1987 to 1990 (Drawing #19) a. Open the door and lock into hold-open position. Using a flat-head screwdriver, release the door stop and hold-open frame attachment from slide channel as shown. b. Remove door stop and hold-open device from door as shown. 10/93 Drawing #25 Hold-Open (Prior to 1987) Hold-Open Aluminum Channel Solid Rivit N Forked Hold-0 | Camel Back pen ’ > Y | | & | Mi: „© 4 | — E TS Nylon Washer / / | Shoulder Internal " Screw Lock Washer 107 Strap ET Drawing #19 Hold-Open Instructions Complete Assembly Frame | Box Housing > Clip Solid Bar Hold-Open Hinge View B Camel Back 13 Hold-Open Replacement (Continued) 3. Hold-Open 1990 to Present (Drawing #28) a. Remove shoulder screws from both b. ends of slide stop arm with a flat-head screwdriver. Reverse instructions to replace. Retrofit Hold-Open to Update Doors From 1987 to 1990 (Drawing #28) d. Remove existing hold-open (See 1 & 2 above for instructions). Using a 1/4" drill, enlarge hole for holding open hinge of door. Insert rectangular nut provided into hoid-open hinge on frame as shown. Mount new hold-open, as shown, with shoulder screws provided. Thin metal slide goes toward top of frame. Do not over-tighten screws. (Hand tighten with hand driver only.) Drawing #28 New Hold-Open \ | Shoulder Screws Hold-Open o 14 10/93 Reversible / Cordless Door & Hold-Open Installation (Mustration +t3) 1. Align door with torque rod and insert into the Torquemaster socket at base of door. 2. Engage door with hinge pin plug inserted into hinge pin plug receptacle at top of frame. 3. Push door into top frame with thumb until hinge pin plug snaps into place. 4. Hold-Open Instructions: (1987 to 1990) a. See Drawing #19. b. Hook door stop and hold-open device into came! back side of door. Note: Change is for hook to be installed coming up from the underside of the camel back hinge. С. Slide hold-open bar with spring clip through box on frame until clip snaps into place. 5. Hold-Open Instructions: (1990 to Present) a. See Drawing #28. b. Insert rectangular nut provided into hold-open hinge on frame, as shown. Note: On hold-opens starting March 1990, the nut is affixed to hold-open arm. c. With shoulder screws provided mount new hold-open as shown. Tighten screws. d. Do not use power tools for installation or removal. e. Install thin metal slide towards top of frame. 10/93 llustration 43 (Steps 1 Thru 6) 15 Drawing #19 Hold-Open Instructions Complete Assembly View B Frame Camel Back Box Housing View A Solid Bar Hold-Open Hinge Reversible/Cordless Door & Hold-Open Installation (Continued) 6. Adjust closing force by turning the screw on the front of the Torquemaster with a flat-head screw driver. Turn counter-clockwise to tighten, clockwise to loosen. Do not aver-adjust as this will cause door to slam. 7. If necessary to square door in frame opening, turn end screw on Torquemaster (marked SAG ADJ), with a flat-head screwdriver. Drawing #28 Box Housing New Hold-Open | == Shoulder Screws Shouider Screw Hold-Open Hinge * 16 10/93 rat Reversing Frame Hardware (1987 to Present) 1. Remove Torquemaster by turning center screw counter-clockwise, as shown in Illustration £5. 2. Remove black cover plate with a flat- head screwdriver and insert into old Torquemaster hole. Replace and re- install Torquemaster in new position. 3. Insert black safety cover plate into opposite side hinge pin hole. DoorReversing Instructions (1987 to 1990) (Illustration 44) 1, Release tension on Torguemaster by turning front screw clockwise. 2. Hold-Opens: a. (1987 to 1990): Open door and lock into hold-open position. Using a flat- head screwdriver, release the door stop and hold-open frame attachment from slide channel as shown. D. (1990 to Present): Remove shoulder screw from camel back hinge on back of door. (Drawing #28) 3. Remove door stop and hold-open device from door as shown. 4. Remove hinge pin plug from frame by inserting needle-nose pliers into hinge pin plug 1/8" hole as shown. Compress and pull hinge pin plug away from frame. 5. Lift door out of Torquemaster. Lean door on its side against a stable surface. 6. Remove hinge pin plug access cover from hinged side of door. 10/93 Illustration #5 Reversing Frame Hardware (Steps 1 Thru 3) Hlustration #4 Reversible Door Instructions (Steps 1 Thru 9) 17 Door Reversing Instructions (Continued) 7. Disengage safety snap from female plug, remove male plug from door, and insert in opposite end of door. 8. Remove torque rod by sliding it out bottom of door, and insert in opposite end of door. 9. Carefully replace hinge pin plug access covers. 10. Do not use power tools for installation or removal. 11. See Drawings #4, #19 & #28. Door Reversing Instructions (1990 to Present) (Drawing #5) 1. Reversing Door Hardware: a. Remove cover plate from center hinge side of door. b. Disconnect hinge pin connectors from door heater and/or glass heater connectors. c. Pull hinge pin out through top of door. d. Remove torque rod from bottom of door; pull rod down and out. e. Inserttorque rod in opposite end of door. f. Insert hinge pin in opposite end of door. g. Plug in hinge pin connectors to door heaters and/or glass heaters. Drawing #19 Hold-Open Instructions (1987 to 1990) Complete Assembly Frame Box Housing View A Pa Clip Solid Bar Hold-Open Hinge View B Camel Back Drawing #28 (1990 to Present) Box Housing New Hold-Open \ pet Shouider Screw Shoulder Screws Hold-Open Hinge * Drawing #5 Door Quick Disconnect And Reversing Illustration. rT START 11/91 REQ GRN-WHT | / SANT 2 HINGE PIN i . i à BLK-WHT GLASS Г] t LEADS | DOOR 1» WHT | A BLK | | A { | ) A GAN - НУР _ a HANDLE | ~~ COVER PLATE | SEE WIRE DIAGRAM —” W_lY GLASS Ш HH >> | > ~ ToRQUE || ' ROD Section A—A || Тур Hollow Door Rail 4 (Model 101 Shown) 18 10/93 Door Reversing Instructions (1991 to Present) (Continued) 2. 10/93 Wiring Instructions (1991 to Present) Heated & Non-Heated Glass (Drawing #5) Heated Glass— a. Connect Black or Red lead wire from hinge pin to Black lead wire from glass, and Red or Black lead wire from door heater b. Connect White heater lead wire from hinge pin to glass and door White lead wire. с. Connect Green/Yellow to ground. Non-Heated Glass— a. Connect Black or Red lead wire from hinge pin to Black or Red door heater lead. b. Connect White lead wire from hinge pin to White door heater lead. с. Connect Green/Yellow to ground. Replace hinge side cover plate. Re-install door. Drawing #5 Door Quick Disconnect And Reversing Illustration. RED-GRN-WHT START 11/91 RED-GRN-WHT \ / REQ GRN-WHT em HINGE PIN ] | i d BLK-WHT GLASS [o] WHT som, LEADS \ | DOOR вк № | > WHT GRN ha A и J A À. A ГД GAN a LU an | | | HANDLE {4 ~~ COVER PLATE | SEE WIRE DIAGRAM y GLASS — | SSS ~ TORQUE || ! : ROD | Section A—A | | Typ Hollow Door Rail 4 (Model 101 Shown) 19 Pass-Thru Installation (Hustration #8, Drawings #9 & #9a) 1. When threshold is desired, drill and lag on pre-drilled mounting holes only. 2. Install door. Refer to previous instructions on installation. 3. With door in closed position, adjust vinyl floor wiper seal to fit flush with the floor or slab, and screw into place. 4. Forno threshold, pass-thru frames are equipped with a base plate and a floor anchor bolt. Pass-Thru Models: Model 125: Top 1/3 glass - bottom 2/3 solid panel. Model 127: All glass with Roll-A-Way unit. Моде! 130: All glass or all solid panel. 5. Pass-Thru Frame Wiring Diagram: a. Drawing #9, with threshold. b. Drawing #9a, without threshold. Drawing #9 (With Threshold) | | un Heater Wire | | | | | | illustration #8 (1 Thru 4) | TE White Lead Wire AH With Threshold ESO UNO | A+ Without Threshold : vant b Wiper Seal Anchor, Without Threshold Drawing #9a (Without Threshold) 9 9 — — — ——— | | | | | | | | | | | | Black Lead Wire | | | | | | | | $ | o 10/93 Frame Sill Plastic Protector Installation (Drawing #1) 1. Set metal protector on sill inside of case, between clear opening of frame, with curved edge over bottom sill plastic. 2. Install protector on sill into pre-drilled holes with the 3 provided #10 X 1" Phillips screws. Drawing #1 Frame Guard Install Frame Guard To Sill With (3) No. 10 x 1” Hi-Lo F. H. Phillips Screws Provided. Sill 10/93 - 21 Contact Plate and Contact Plate Retainer Replacement (Figure #43, Drawing #48) 1. Remove door. Follow reversing the door instructions to remove the door. To remove contact plate and contact plate retainer, insert flat-head screwdriver under side back edge of black plastic retainer and gently pull up to unsnap retainer from mullion and perimeter of frame. Remove contact plate. Frame heaters are now exposed. To replace, lay contact plate flat on frame rail, insert top front leg edge of retainer between the contact plate and the mullion. Snap retainer on back edge of mullion and perimeter of frame. Repeat these instructions for complete frame. Model 100FR & 100PR contact plates for pre-wired ballast frames are 3-7/16" wide: Model 100R contact plates for non- pre-wired frames are 2-1/2" wide. All replacement parts are the same for Mode! 100R & 100FR, except the width of the mullion contact plate and the lights on the Models 100FR and 100PR, which are pre-wired. Mullion Front & Retainer Drawing #48 (Model 100R Shown), Schematic Of End And Center Figure #43 Mullion (1987 to Present) (Model 100FR Is Same Except Mullion And Mullion Contact Plate.) (Model 101 Is Same, Except Mullion Cover.) (Drawing #59 Page 14) 22 ( Foam (Optional) .. + a * +. m. =" “he e > E: `. + RI va 7 Heat Barrier Recessed Light Channel Frame Mullion Screwdriver Contact Plate Contact Plate Retainer Recessed Light Channel Retainer 10/93 Ordering Replacement Doors (Drawing#62) 1. 9. 10. Specify outside dimensions of door, measuring to nearest 1/16". With or without heaters? Hinge swing left or right? Specify Model: Cooler or Freezer? Specify finish. Specify any custom items in the original order. Specify date of original order and/or Anthony confirmation/invoice number. (Original manufacture date is stamped on metal spacer bar between panes of glass, as drawing indicates.) With or without locks? Specify voltage. Pass-Thru Models 125, 127,130: Specify with or without threshold. Torquemaster and/or Casting Replacement (Drawing #45) 1. 10/93 Since 1983, the Torquemaster has been used on all standard production doors. To remove, insert flat-head screwdriver into top center cut-out in Torquemaster and turn screw 1/8" turn. If necessary, insert small flat- head screwdriver between edge of Torquemaster and frame, and gently pry'up. Reverse instructions to replace. Prior to 1983: Remove single Phillips-head screw on back side of casting. Pull casting up to remove. Torquemaster and casting holes are the same, and interchangeable with the torque rod. Drawing #62 (All Swing Door Models) Replacement Doors Date \ |: Ал | В AUGUST — | 1 L / | Bottom Door Rail Drawing #45 Torquemaster And Access Hole Cover Replacement 23 Door Gasket Replacement (Figure #6, Drawing #16) 1. Remove old gasket by starting in corner, gently pulling gasket away from plastic. To replace gasket, remove top and bottom door plastic, slide gasket up both sides of door. Slide top and bottom plastic onto gasket, then replace top and bottom plastic on door rail. Tuck in corners of gasket with flat-head screwdriver. Door Plastic {Cover) Replacement (Figure #6b) 1. Starting in corner, gently pulf rubber gasket away from door plastic. With gasket removed, insert flat-head screwdriver under outside edge of plastic and gently pry up. At either end of plastic, run screwdriver the complete length and width of door rail. With outside edge of - plastic released, push plastic towards glass to remove. To replace, insert inside edge of plastic (closest to glass) into inside door rail groove. Snap outside edge of plastic over outside edge of door rail. Door Handle Replacement (Drawing #35) 1. Remove plastic hole plug from back of door plastic; Insert 5/32" Allen wrench into access holes and remove screws. Reverse instructions to replace handle. Handle screws are contained in door frames. A Drawing #16 “EP Door Gasket / Figure #6b Drawing #35 Pop Tube ZT ai Door [Sg 24 10/93 SideAccess Plate Replacement (Drawings #11 &#15) 1. 1987 to 1991: To remove, insert flat-head screwdriver under top side of access plate and pull up to remove. à. 1991 to Present: To remove, insert flat-head screwdriver under edge of center side access plate and lift up. 3. To replace, snap plate(s) into door extrusion. Door Female Plug Replacement (1987 to 1991) (Drawings #11 &#34) 1. Gently insert flat-head screwdriver under edge of top side access plate and pull up to remove. 2. Unsnap hinge pin from female receptacle. 3. Female plug is installed with additional lead wire. Pull female plug out through side — access hole and cut Black, White & Green lead wires. 4. Reverse instructions to replace new female receptacle. Re-wire Black to Black, White to White and Green to ground. Door Female Plug Replacement (1991 to Present) (Drawing #5) 1. Remove center side access plate. 2. Unplug hinge pin from heater wire leads. 3. Pull molded hinge pin through top of door. 4. Reverse instructions to replace new female plug. 10/93 Drawing #11 Hinge Pin And Cover Plate. Access Plate Heater Wire Ne Drawing #5 LAN Camel Drawing #15 Hinge Pin Removal. De To Remove, Insert Regular Screwdriver Here Door Cover N Back Receptacle ON X Glass И ии Na \ * Heater Access Hole or Contact NN ==. « Lead Wire Heater—Black, White (>= Receptacle—Black, White, Green _— Glass—Black, White | RED-GRN-WHT RED-GRN-WHT \ | START 11/91 / RED-GRN-WHT HINGE PIN e i d BLK-WHT GLASS LEADS WHT BLK DOOR =] Section A—A Typ. Hollow Door Rail d (Model 101 Shown) > == re | Г t Le > free. | Ga) — > En с) Ц COVER PLATE `` XI > <> U Г ГП / | SEE WIRE DIAGRAM ROD — TORQUE | Г 25 Frame Female Socket Replacement (Drawings #51 & #52) 1. Frame female plug is removed through front side of frame. 2. Insert small Phillips-head screwdriver into round access hole in face of female plug, and remove screw. For double station socket replacement, remove two screws out through front. 3. Female plug has extra length wire leads in raceway for easy replacement. 4. Pull plug out front and cut lead wires: Black, White, and Green/Yellow. 5. Reverse instructions to re-wire: Black to Black, White to White and Green/Yellow to ground. и Drawing #52 (Model 100R, 100FR, 101) (1987 To Present). Single ; . Station Single Station ; Wire Leads Guide Black-White-Green / 8 Single Station Socket | — Frame Access Hole Contact Plate Retainer Contact Plate Single Station Socket Drawing #51 Double Station Socket, (Model 100R, 100FR, 101) (1989). Contact Contact Plate Plate Retainer ~~—___ Socket SA Double Station Socket Wire Leads—2-Reds, 2-Whites, 2-Greens 26 10/93 Door Heater Replacement (1991 to Present) (Drawing#5) 1. Remove door plastic. 2. Remove center side access plate. 3. To remove heater, unplug solid lead wires: Black, White, and Green/Yellow. 4. If glass is heated, unplug Black and White solid wires from glass. 5. Heater wire lies in track on the back outside edge of door. Pull heater out. 6. Reverse instructions to replace. Plug in Black or Red lead wire from hinge pin to Black or Red lead wire from heater, White lead wire from hinge pin to White heater lead, and Green/Yellow lead from hinge pin to ground. If glass is heated, plug in Black and White lead wires coming off heater loom to Black and White lead wires from glass. 7. Replace side access plate. 8. Replace door plastic. Drawing #5 Door Quick-Disconnect And Reversing illustration RED-GRN-WHT START 11/91 / RED-GAN-WHT RED-GAN-WHT | HINGE PIN | | i d BLK-WHT GLASS ol WHT AM id LEADS \ DOOR BLK ~ > WHT GAN | AU SEK || 8 A { | | А GAN А - Ir - _ | A HANDLE 4] > COVER PLATE | SEE WIRE DIAGRAM | GLASS — 7 DD > TORQUE Me ROD | Section A—A | | Typ. Hollow Door Rail | (Model 101 Shown) 28 10/93 na? Hinge Pin Replacement (1987 to 1991) (Drawings #11, #15 & #35) 1. 2. Remove top access plate. Unsnap female receptacle from hinge pin and remove hinge pin through door rail. Reverse instructions to replace. Hinge Pin Replacement (1991 to Present) (Drawing #5) 1. 2. 10/93 Remove center hinge side access plate. Unplug Black or Red lead wire from hinge pin from Black solid heater wire lead. Unplug White lead wire from hinge pin from White solid heater wire lead. Unplug Green/Yellow (ground) lead wire. If glass is heated, unplug Black and White lead wire on heater loom from Black and White lead wire from glass. Pull hinge pin out through top of door. Reverse instructions to replace. Drawing #11 Hinge Pin And Cover Plate Le Drawing #15 Hinge Pin Removal A T 7 > 0 A Hinge 5 Pin ~~ | Access Plate `] 9 Lead Wires Heater—Black, White Receptacie—Black, White, Green Glass— Black, White Door Heater Torque Rod Tip — N BE | Fe Torque — * Rod v "= Nr Drawing #35 Mode! 100R, 100FR (1987-1991) Door Cut-away and Handle Replacement } | To Remove Door Cover Insert Regular Screwdriver Here. Drawing #5 Door Quick Disconnect And Reversing illustration. x Glass ` * Heater Access Hole x AA; Ty rf x Door Cover \ Gaske | — —— TX Mag t RED-GRN-WHT / RED-GAN-WHT RED-GRN-WHT \ I START 11/91 HINGE PIN DOOR | À BLK-WHT WHT GLASS \ [0 ~ BLK LEADS | BLK | L» WHT BLK GRN WHT | can à _ 4 ~~ COVER PLATE A | | | - A HANDLE + ho 1 Section A—A TYP HOLLOW DOOR RAIL MODEL 101 SHOWN = | 29 Wiring Instructions, Heated & Non- Heated Glass (1991 to Present) (Drawing #5) 1. Heated Glass: Connect Black or Red lead wire from hinge pin to black lead wire from glass, and Red or black lead from door heater. Connect White heater lead from hinge pin to glass White lead wire. Connect Green/Yellow to ground. Non-Heated Glass: Connect Black or Red lead wire from hinge pin to Black or Red door heater lead. Connect White lead from hinge pin to White door heater lead. Connect Green/Yellow to ground. Replace hinge side cover plate. Re-install door. Drawing #5 Door Quick-Disconnect And Reversing Illustration RED-GRN-WHT i A BLK-WHT GLASS N Г. | DOOR START 11/91 | >» WHT WHT A [ВК Lo COVER PLATE "om A “Ll SEE WIRE DIAGRAM a] [o / Li Section A—A Typ. Hollow Door Rail (Model 101 Shown) To Fe 30 10/93 > Torque Rod Replacement (1987 to 1991) (Figure #7c) 1. To remove torque rod, use flat-head screwdriver. Catch edge of torque rod shaft, and tap rod down and out through bottom of door. To replace, slide end of rod up hinge rail then insert square shaft of torque rod into square hole in door rail. Tap into place. Note: Torque rod has no tip. Torque Rod Replacement (1991 to Present) (Drawing #5) 1. To remove torque rod, use flat-head screwdriver. Catch edge of torque rod shaft with screwdriver, then tap rod down and out through door. To replace, slide end of rod up hinge rail, then insert square shaft of torque rod into square hole in door rail. Tap into place. Note: Torque rod has no tip. Front Bumper Bar Field Installation (Drawing #31) 1. 10/93 Order door guards 1" smaller than actual door width. Specify finish (Gold/Silver). Anthony provides pre-drilled screw holes in bar. Customer must drill a #30 or 1/8" hole in door rail 13/16" from each side of door rail. Screws for mounting bar are self-tapping. Screws are not to exceed 3/8" in length. Mount bar at desired height to protect door glass. Figure #7c Drawing #5 Door Quick Disconnect And Reversing Illustration RED-GRN-WHT ROD Section A—A TYP HOLLOW DOOR RAIL MODEL 101 SHOWN COVER PLAT SEE WIRE DIAGRAM — TORQUE pg” START 11/91 REQ GRN WHT \ / RED-GRN-WHT HINGE PIN | i à BLK-WHT GLASS ol WATS 2 Feu DN | DOOR BLK > WHT ' GRN ha A as || á A { | А — HAL. T a TT = —A4 Е | N ет 7 \ Drawing #31 | Door Width : — I — 13/18” - Each side Door Guard Bumper Bar 31 Door Cylinder Lock Replacement or Repair (Drawing #67) 1. lflockarm is bent or damaged, remove door plastic from back of door. 2. Insert Allen wrench in lock access hole and remove screw. 3. Pull washers out, then lock arm, and replace. 4. If cylinder lock is defective, follow Instruction #2 above. Insert key into lock and pull lock out through front of door. 5. Reverse instructions to replace. Drawing #67 Cylinder Lock Instructions pee JE Mal X0eg @ == | мэм орк | и Cylinder Lock x Rail À СЖ OS To Remove Door Door Cover Cover. insert Regular Screwdriver Here. 32 10/93 P.O.M. Lock Installation (Drawings #65, #66, #66a & #67) 1. 10. 11. 10/93 Remove dummy plug from hinge pin access plate on top of frame on handle side of door (Drawing #65). The P.O.M. Lock (Drawings #66 and #66a) Inserts into hinge pin access plate (Drawing #67) as shown. Insert key into PO.M. Lock square Key hole, turn key counter-clockwise to lock as arrow indicates in Drawing #67. Remove key. To remove P.O.M. Lock, insert key into Square hole and turn the key clockwise. Note: Key will turn opposite direction of the arrow. To remove lock, pull lock straight out. Replace dummy plug. Lock only side that inserts into hinge pin access plate. With the front of the P.O.M. Lock ‘facing you, the lock on your right side is for left hinged doors and the lock on your left side is for right hinged doors. The PO.M. Lock is manufactured to install in frame on top of handle rail side of door. For retrofitting the PO.M. Lock on existing doors in the field, contact Anthony Customer Service or the local Sales Representative in your area for information and instructions. Drawing #66 AT 33 Drawing #65 7 9 o 7 — 1 Dummy Plug PO.M. Lock Hinge Hinge Right Left Drawing #66a Frame Drawing #67 Lock Retainer P.O.M. Lock Retrofit Installation 1. To install the retrofit retainer, measure in 1-1/2" from the edge of door (handle side) and mark frame above the door (Drawing #70). Place template provided on frame, as ¡llustrated, with the right edge of the template on the mark you made on the frame (Drawing #71). Mark the frame through the 5 holes on the template with a pencil. Remove template and center punch the marks on the frame. Drill the 4 outboard holes with a 11/64" drill, the center hole with a 5/8" drill, and deburr holes. Place retrofit retainer bracket over the holes with the rectangular notch out. Use #10-32 x 5/16" screws provided and mount retainer bracket to frame. Insert PO.M. Lock into access plate and turn key as arrow shows to lock (Drawings #66 and #669). Remove key. To remove PO.M. Lock, insert key into square lock hole and turn the key clockwise (opposite the direction the arrow points). Drawing #71 Frame N. Template Drawing #66a Drawing #70 A й Template Frame 1% - A N L ) PA _\ "E 1 TT PO.M. Lock Lock Access Holes > = LOCKED == À 34 Face Or Front 10/93 Ordering Replacement Frames (Drawing #63) 1. Specify outside point-to-point dimensions of Drawing #83 (All Swing Door Models) frame. Measure to nearest 1/16", ~~ Replacement Frames 2. Specify date of original manufacture and /or Anthony confirmation/invoice number. (Original manufacture date is stamped on metal spacer bar between panes of glass in doors.) il pl I + H 3. Specify Cooler or Freezer. Point-to-Point [| Jig! Ÿ Hh 4. Specify door size width and height. 5. Specify finish (smooth/serrated, | gold/silver/black, etc.). | SLI —-—-— == \ I “th oo | 4 6. With or without heaters? Point-to-Point 7. With or without lights? 8. Specify any custom items on original order. 9. Pass-Thru Models 125, 127, 130: Specify with or without threshold. 10/93 39 Glass Replacement (Reglazing) (Illustration #61) 1. To remove torque rod from door, drive Nlustration #61 (Steps 1 Thru 8) tapered shaft of torque rod from door, as shown in Step 1. 2. Starting at corner of door, remove gasket and plastic from all four sides of door, as shown in Step 2. 3. For Models prior to 1987, unscrew “SJ” cord retainer to expose heating element wires. For models after 1987, remove top or center access plate. Unsnap hinge pin from female socket and remove, or unplug hinge pin lead wires to remove hinge pin. Note: If heated glass is used, cut Black & White lead wires to glass. Remove heating element from door, as shown in Step 3. 4. Using a square-head or clutch-head driver, remove screws on both side rails only, as illustrated. Remove top and bottom door rails first, as shown in Step 4. 5. Drive rails from glass using mallet and block, always starting at corner of door, as shown in Step 5. 6. - Once rails have been removed from glass, re-insert new friction-fit glazing channel on new glass and drive rails onto glass, as shown in Step 6. /. After both long rails have been affixed to glass, re-insert friction-fit glazing channel on top and bottom, and tighten miters with square-head or clutch-head driver, as shown in Step 7. 0. When all four door rails have been affixed to glass, measure diagonally to make sure door is in square, as shown in Step 8. 36 10/93 Glass Replacement (Reglazing) (continued) 9. After replacing the glass unit, and door rails are in square, re-insert heating element wires in door rail channels and repeat process. Replace gasket and retainer strips. For other door models, plastic replacement only may be necess ary. Glazing Channel 10. To re-install torque rod, align torque shaft with key way in door, and drive tapered shaft flush with bottom of door rail. On different door models, torque rods may vary. Some (5) (=) will have no tip, but the installation is the same. Insert rod through bottom of door rail. Square Head Clutch Head Note: If heated glass is used, when Screw Screw disassembling door, cut Black and White lead wires to glass. When re-building door, pull glass heater leads out through heater access hole before assembling top or side door rail. Re-connect Black & White glass leads to Black & White heater leads. On newer models, re-connect hinge pin to heater receptacle or heater lead wires. 10/93 37 Humastat Installation Procedure 1. Install Humastat Power Junction Box before refrigerator door power wiring, on the inside wall of refrigerator. (See Figure #1) 2. Remove wiring compartment covers by removing four sheet metal screws. 3. Connect heater hot wire to Red wire from control unit. (See wiring diagram) 4. Connect input power hot wire to Black wire from control unit . (See wiring diagram) 9. Connect all White wires, including common side of power line, line load, and control unit White wire. (See wiring diagram) 6. Connect Green Ground wire from control unit to Green Ground wire at frame and to incoming Ground wire (if furnished). (See wiring diagram) 7. Replace the Wiring Compartment Cover with the sheet metal removed in No. 2 above. 8. Install Humastat Sensor on the outside wall of refrigerator above the door frame, within three feet of power junction box . (See Figure #1) a. Drilla 1/4" diameter hole through refrigerator wall directly above the door frame. - 0. Use the wood probe supplied with the sensor to feed the sensor wire through the refrigerator wall. (See Figure #2) C. Apply permagum to back of sensor around wire. Pull the wire through the hole until the Sensor makes close contact with the wall, and secure it to the wall with the screws provided. Also seal probe wire with the permagum on inside of wall. 9. Remove wood probe from sensor connector by holding the body of connector securely and pulling off the probe. 10. Insert the sensor plug into the sensor jack on the outside end of the power junction box. 11. Setthe heater control knob for the lowest value which keeps the door free of undesirable moisture. 12. Redlight indicates when heaters are functioning. Model 100FR Humastat 1. For Low Temperature applications, see sensor Part #F-161. 2. For Normal Temperature applications, see sensor Part #F-1649. 3. Sensor is pre-wired in frame mullion. 38 CONDUIT KNOCK-OUT 2 120 VOLT SUPPLY Patent #3859502 MOUNTING HOLES 3/16" DIAMETER WIRING COMPARTMENT COVER —RED — WHITE WIRING DIAGRAM F-161 Low Temp Sensor (Humastat) NEUTRAL 1058 NORMAL LOWE O HEATER CONTROL о © rr CONTROL PANEL END VIEW SWITCH SHALL REMAIN IN POS. A FOR NORMAL OPERATION HOOK-UP WIRES, &~ MIN. LENGTH FIGURE 4 FIGURE 2 - 7 120 VAC 50/60 Hz 20 AMPERES MAXIMUM 10/93 Frame Heater Wire Replacement (Figures #22, #22a, #22b &#220) 1. Remove door from frame, following previous instructions for door removal. 2. Insert small flat-head screwdriver under back edge of contact plate retainer and lift up 10 remove. 3. Remove contact plate to expose heaters. 4. Seeframe and heater schematics on following page. 5. Cut heater lead wire and pull heater out of track. 6. When ordering replacement heaters, specify which heater needs replacing: top, bottom, end or center mullion. This will vary on your particular frame make-up. 7. Reverse instructions to re-install heater. Figure #22b Figure #22c Figure #22 Figure #22a 10/93 | 39 e. — Heater Wire Layout: Frame Heater Wiring Diagram Model 100PR (Reversible) Low Temp FREEZER 6” || | — | | 3-Door Frame (Typical For 2 Thru 6 Doors) Note: Top heater to be installed Bottom And End — Perimeter — before door sockets are set in place Center Top Supplement— Bottom Supplement Frame Heater Wiring Diagram Model 100PR (Reversible) Normal Temp Heater Wire Layout: | 3-Door Frame Bottom And End — Perimeter (Typical For 2 Thru 6 Doors) And Center COOLER 40 10/93 11/5” Square Post - | Model 100 Shelf Assembly Catalog Size/Shelf Size Shelf Width (See Tab) Post Assembly — 1 Shelf — Front Post | Retainer Bracket — = NE “T" Mullion — Post Bracket Y Rear Of Frame —| = Flange Width Serrated - 15/46” Decorator (Flat Rail)-15/, 8” Shelf Depth 27" {See Tab) Overall Installed Depth 3313/15” f Г = —|— Rear Of Post —— Front Of Shelf — —|—|— Back Of Buib CC) 6” 618" | 77” == + 23/8” Li, tt + Y. Inside Frame Da Post Assembly re 11 =— Shelf TIT End Mullion Post Bracket || | 'H Ш К f H — > — Connection Box “T" Mullion | Ballast Raceway — Connection Box Cover Post Bracket Ballast Raceway Cover > 1a Molding Shelf Tabulation NOTE: For 24” 1- and 2-Door Frames, Catalog Size Shelf Size Use Shelf Size—22 9/,¢” x 27” 24" 235/45" x 27" For 3 Doors or more, 26” 205/15" x 27” Use Shelf Size—23 5/,¢" x 27" 30” 2913/15" x 27" 10/93 41 Shelving Installation Instructions (Priorto 1984) 1. Insert shelf over sawtooth edges on back of front post. 2. Insert clip on back of shelf over back of rear post grooves. 3. Level rear posts. 4. Protector channels must be cut to desired lengths after shelving has been positioned. Protector channels snap over vertical shelf standards, as illustrated in Drawing #52. . For details, refer to the following: 5. See shelf installation instructions, shown in Illustration #53. See front post and front light channel, as shown in Drawing #54. See rear post shown in Drawing #55. See replacement shelving in Drawing #56. See metal tag molding clip and rear shelf clip in Drawing #57. Illustration #53 Drawing #52 -— ||| * || | = | ——————— ' Dil ! | | L-1680 Front& —. Rear Post \ Safety Cover 5) = wi | У - | о | Drawing #55 Drawing #57 ` $-4015 Rear Post w/Adj. Bolt & Bracket (Prior to 4-16-84) Drawing #56 Ey eT ma 26" Deep Shelf (Prior to 4-16-84) 223/4" х 26 — S-4031A 261/2” x 26 — S-4031B 281/2” x 26 — S-4031C 30 x 26 — S-4031D (Specify Tag Gold-Silver) 42 10/93 Four-Post Stabilizer Bar Installation The four-post stabilizer is designed to help support the posts during installation and stabilize the system while in use. | Insert the forked end of stabilizer bar into the elongated holes in post. Install the post stabilizers on the top and bottom of all posts, front to rear before installing shelves. Four-Post Shelving System Installation (After 1984) 1. 10/93 Attach post to inside frame by inserting post Key into frame retaining bracket. - Before installing shelves, adjust all front posts to equal heights with leg leveling bolts at bottom of posts. Insert front of shelf in front post at angle as shown, then position rear shelf posts. Drop rear of shelf down and pull back in slot on rear posts. Continue to add shelves behind each door, spacing for desired product merchandising. — After installing shelves, adjust rear post | leveling bolts to level. The Four-Post Shelving System is now ready for merchandising. Drawing #9 43 Plastic Tag Molding Installation Instructions 1. Tag molding is the exact length of the shelf's upper front bar. Center tag molding on front of shelf. Hook bottom of tag molding under sheif across entire width of shelf. Spread thumbs across tag molding and push up. Snap top corner of tag molding strip onto shelf front. Apply even pressure across top of tag molding as you feed it onto top horizontal bar on shelf front. For replacement tag molding, specify width of shelf when ordering. RYT эВ ЕО Tc И ra ч Eig . ‚ноль Wy A wld AN, Ly 44 10/93 Model 100PR Low Temp 120 Volt Ballast & Lamp Wiring Diagram - Pre-Wired 1-Light System (1987 to Present) (Drawings #58 & #60) Drawing #60 1. Wiring: Ballast has 2 Red wires, ES 2 Blue wires, a Black and White wire. " 0 a. Wire 2 Red wires to 2 Red wires on bottom socket. Neutral b. Wire 2 Blue wires to 2 Blue wires on Black top socket. White c. Black wire goes to HOT, White wire goes to NEUTRAL. 2. Toreplace lamps: Lift amp up and out. Drawing #58 3. Toreplace sockets: Remove bulb, then pull top socket down and out. To replace EOTIOCWO (60°) bottom socket, pull up and out. Extra lead F72ZT10CWHO (72) wire is in the mullion. Pull socket out and cut lead wires.. To replace, re-wire new bottom of socket “D” hole in light channel. Lift up for top socket and push down for bottom socket. To replace lamp, Lift lamp up into top socket, then down into bottom socket. | | | ! | | | = Il |. > socket. To replace socket, insert tab on | 7 | = IL ] | | | 10/93 45 Blue Kulka 4531 Socket Kulka #532 Red Model 100PR Ballast Replacement (Drawing #59) 1. Remove door from frame opening. 2. Insert flat-head screwdriver under back edge of contact plate retainer to remove (Drawing #43). 3. Remove contact plate from mullion. 4. Pull heat barrier from mullion to remove. 5. The ballast has a wiring diagram on its face. To replace ballast, cut lead wires: two Red, two Blue, one Black and one White. Remove Ballast. For replacement ballast, always use ballast number from existing ballast. 6. Reverse instructions to replace ballast, heat barrier, contact plate, and contact plate retainer. (Note: When the two Blue wires and the two Red wires are connected to the top and bottom socket, make sure the wiring is one to one. Do not gang wire.) Drawing #59 End View Pre-Wired Ballast Mullion Ballast Mullion : Contact Plate Retainer Kulka Socket — | Heat 7 Barrier Contact 46 Plate 10/93 Lamp Replacement (Drawing#17) 1. Lift lamp up into top plunger socket and then out at bottom to remove. Pull end caps off end of light shield, then remove bulb from shield. To replace bulb, insert new bulb into lamp shield and snap in end caps. To replace lamp, lift bulb up into top plunger socket, then set into bottom socket. Do not install lamps without lamp shield. Lamp Socket Replacement (Drawing#58) 1. 10/93 To replace sockets, remove lamp, then pull top socket down and pull out of “D” hole. To replace bottom socket, pull socket up and out of “D” hole. Extra lead wire is left in the mullion for easy replacement. Pull sockets out, then cut lead wires. Reverse instructions to replace. To re-install sockets, insert top front metal tab into “D” hole, and snap socket up. For bottom socket, insert metal tab into “D” hole and snap socket down to install. Replace lamps. For safety and efficiency, lamps should never be installed without shields. Drawing #17 Top Plunger Drawing #58 ==. m U U Lamps F6OT10CWHO (60”) F7ZT10CWHO (72") Recessed Lamp Replacement (Drawing#17) 1.. Remove light guard per previous instructions. 2. Lift bulb up into top plunger socket, and pull bulb out and down at bottom to remove. 3. To replace bulb, insert bulb into top light socket, and set into bottom socket. 4. Re-install light guard and clips. “Boost & Buck” Transformer Wiring Diagram (Drawing #87) bd Recommended wiring for 110/120 volt applications. Transformer, wired as follows, will increase the 115 volt line voltage by 10% and the applied heat by 20%. Hot to H1-X3. Neutral to H2-X1-X3. Load for heaters X2-X4. Transformer is rated for an 18 amp load. Frame Junction Box Wiring (Standard Production) (Drawing#18) 1. 2. Remove cover. Wires are marked as to application. 1-Black for frame heat. 1-Red for door heat. 1-White, common for Black & Red. 1-Blue for lights. 1-Blue/White common for lights. 1-Green/Yellow for ground. Drawing #17 Top Plunger Drawing #81 To Line Voltage To Load Drawing #18 Junction Box - White Biue Blue/White Black Green/Yellow 50 10/93 Model 100PR Light Fixture Placement Pre-wired lighting uses only 1-light ballasts. Non pre-wired lighting uses 1- or 2-light ballasts. Frame Breakdown—Each Frame With Full Flange: D D D D 1-Door 2-Door 3-Door 4-Door 5-Door UL Example: 6-Door Lineup Of (2 Sets Of 3) Model 100PR With Full Flange: e e e oo e o = Light X = No Light D = Wood Divider 10/93 51 Model 100 —Low Temp 120 Volt Ballast 8: Lamp Wiring Diagram For 1-Light Systems HOT NEUTRAL UNIVERSAL #951-S-TC-P KULKA #530-1 LAMPS FE0T10CW/VHO — (607) F72T10CW/VHO — (727) FI96T10CW/VHO — (967) 1-Lamp Bailast KULKA #530-2 52 10/93 Model 100 —Low Temp 120 Volt Ballast & Lamp Wiring Diagram For 2-Light Systems HOT NEUTRAL WHT YELLOW UNIVERSAL — 960-VLH-TC-P YELLOW YELLOW YELLOW KULKA #530-1 KULKA #530-1 LAMPS LAMPS F40T10CW/VHO (48”) F40T10CW/VHO (48") F60T10CW/VHO (607) F60T10CW/VHO (60%) F72T10CW/VHO (72) F72T10CW/VHO (72%) 2-Lamp Ballast KULKA #530-2 KULKA #530-2 10/93 53 Fan Delay Switch Retrofit & Replacement (Drawing #61) 1. Тит off power to fan delay switch. 2. Remove switch assembly mounting screws. 3. Identify switch leads, and disconnect switch. 4. Remove any permagum residue on raceway. 9. Re-connect new switch and connectors. 6. Turn on power and test switch. /. Turn power off and remount switch assembly. Klix-on (Thermo-Disc) Installation Instructions (Drawing #62) 1. The Klix-on (Thermo-Disc) automatically disconnects power to the anti-sweat heaters in our frames and doors in the event of a power loss in the case. This Will maintain case temperature longer. 2. Wiring Instructions: Wire just like a switch. One lead goes to a line lead (Hot); the other wire to the load side (anti-sweat heaters). 3. Location: The recommended location for this device is somewhere in the return air flue. 54 ATF Drawing #61 Wire { Frame —| — — Magnetic Contact Plate 7 NN Rubber Switch Bellows Assembly Drawing #62 — Klixon 10/93 Dew PointChart NORMAL TEMPERATURE APPLICATIONS CASE TEMPERATURE (F) GLASS ROOM TYPE TEMP (F) 40 35 30 25 20 70 70 66 61 58 53 TWO 75 67 62 59 55 52 PANE : 80 63 60 57 53 50 NHG” 85 60 58 53 50 49 90 58 55 59 49 47 70 74 71 68 65 62 THREE 75 72 68 66 63 60 PANE 80 68 66 63 60 58 NHG” 85 66 64 61 58 56 90 65 62 59 57 54 70 76 —75 70 67 63 TWO PANE 75 75 70 69 66 62 REFL 80 70 68 66 62 59 NHG* 85 68 66 — 63 60 58 90 67 64 — 60 58 56 70 98 92 90 84 80 CPONT 75 95 90 86 84 77 HEATED 80 90 85 81 76 73 GLASS 85 86 80 78 72 69 90 82 78 74 70 66 *N.H.G. = Non Heated Glass 0/0 REL HUMIDITY @ WHICH CONDENSATION FORMS ON GLASS LOW TEMPERATURE APPLICATIONS CASE TEMPERATURE (F) GLASS ROOM TYPE TEMP (F) +5 0 —5 —10 —15 —20 —25 70 90 88 83 81 79 76 73 CP3RLT HEATED 75 85 81 80 78 76 72 70 REFLECTIVE 80 80 80 78 75 7? 70 69 GLASS 85 79 78 77 73 71 68 68 90 78 75 73 71 69 67 65 os REL HUMIDITY @ WHICH CONDENSATION FORMS ON GLASS CALCULATIONS MAKE NO ALLOWANCE FOR AIR LEAKS OR UNUSUAL AIR FLOW PATTERNS WITHIN CASES AND ARE INTENDED TO BE USED AS GUIDELINES ONLY. 10/93 55 Electrical Information for Model 100PR Low Temp Doors, Frames & Light Fixtures Amperages @120 Volts NUMBER OF DOORS: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 STYLE: LOW TEMP DOORS WITH HEATERS, CLEAR PANE 3 HEATED REFLECT IVE GLASS (5.75 W/SQ. FT.) APPLICATION: CASE TEMPERATURE —10°F ; IN-STORE AMBIENT OF 75°F and 68% RELATIVE HUMIDITY 24 x 36 142 2.44 365 480 5.99 7.30 8.45 9.60 10.95 11.98 24 x 67 2.08 3.77 5.58 7.52 9.22 11.16 13.10 15.04 16.74 18.44 24 x 73 2.18 4.03 5.98 7.87 9.78 11.96 13.85 15.74 17.94 19.56 26 x 75 2.24 4.29 6.33 836 10.52 12.66 1469 16.72 18.88 721 ‚04 26 x 36 1,55 2.89 425 5.68 7.14 8.50 9.93 11.36 12.75 14.28 30 x 67 2.37 440 657 859 10.72 13.14 1516 1748 1971 291 44 30x73 2.50 468 685 9.10 11.34 13.70 1595 1820 20.55 22.16 30 x 75 2.59 4.91 7.32 9.66 12.08 1464 16.98 19.32 21.74 24.16 NOTES: 1. All amperages are design amperages subject to the following tolerances: units with rail heaters and heated glass +/—8%. when used within the application parameters with a voltage range of +/— 10%. . When calculating lamp amperage, add 1 lamp number by the appropriate amps per light value. . Design parameters do not make allowances for factors such as air leaks or unusual air flow patterns within . Although the amperages are calculated at 120 volts, all doors are designed to operate without sweating to the number of doors in the line-up and multiply that cases, therefore some sweating may occur when upper limits of temperature or humidity are encountered. об 10/93 Electrical Information for Model 100PR Low Temp Doors, Frames & Light Fixtures Amperages @120 Volts 11 2 8 wu 15 6 1 1 19 gp MPFR 13.25 14.40 1559 16.84 17.97 1920 2041 21.90 2285 23.96 N/A 2062 2256 24.26 26.33 27.66 30.08 31.43 33.48 35.66 36.88 0.85 21.72 23.61 25.52 2764 29.34 3148 3337 3588 37.46 3912 0.85 23.05 25.08 27.37 2940 31.56 33.44 3560 37.89 3992 42.08 0.85 15.61 17.04 1850 19.93 2142 22.72 2431 2550 2697 2856 NA 23.75 25.77 27.90 30.17 32.16 3436 3656 3042 40.93 4288 0.85 25.05 27.3 2954 31.98 34.02 36.40 38.70 4110 4325 4536 085 26.64 28.98 31.40 33.82 3624 38.64 41.06 4356 45.00 4832 0,65 Ce 10/93 57 Heat Load in BTU/Hr for Glass, Door Rail, Frame Heaters & Lights (Per Door with Doors Closed @ 75°F Store Ambient) > MODEL 100PR LOW TEMPERATURE (CLEAR PANE 3 HEAT REFLECTIVE GLASS - CASE TEMP —10°F) # DOORS 24 x 36 24 x 67 24 x75 30 x 36 30 x 67 30 х 75 1 507 787 858 561 920 1016 2 895 1459 1658 1079 1739 1951 3 1343 2189 2487 1618 2609 2926 4 1790 2919 3315 2158 3479 3901 9 2238 3048 4144 2697 4348 4877 NOTE: Add 10-20% to above values depending on door opening frequency. Add 300 BTU/hr for each lamp used. 58 10/93 Heat Load in BTU/Hr for Glass, Door Rail, Frame Heaters & Lights (Per Door with Doors Closed @ 75°F Store Ambient) MODEL 100PR NORMAL TEMPERATURE (2-PANE NON-HEATED GLASS - CASE TEMP 38°F) DOOR SIZE 1 DOOR 2 DOOR 3 DOOR 4 DOOR 9 DOOR 24 x 36 685 1145 - 1605 2065 2525 24 x 67 838 1452 2065 2679 3292 24 x 75 879 1533 2187 2641 3495 26 x 67 867 1509 2151 2792 3434 26 Xx 75 906 1586 2267 2948 3628 30 x 36 769 1314 1858 2403 2947 30 x 67 908 1591 2274 2957 3639 30x75 948 1672 2395 3119 3842 MODEL 100PR NORMAL TEMPERATURE (CP2NT HEATED GLASS - CASE TEMP 31°F) DOOR SIZE 1 DOOR 2 DOOR 3 DOOR 4 DOOR 5 DOOR 24 x 36 745 1265 1/85 2304 2024 24 x 67 945 1666 2386 3107 3827 24 X75 999 1772 a 2546 3319 4093 26 x 67 976 1728 2479 3230 3981 26 x 75 1025 1824 2624 3424 4224 30 x 36 844 1403 2082 2/01 3319 30 x 67 : 1022 1818 2615 3411 4208 30 x 75 1084 1943 2802 3661 4520 NOTE: Add 10-20% to above values depending on door opening frequency. 10/93 59 A 5 | Electrical Information for Model 1 00PR Normal Temp Doors, Frames & Light Fixtures Amperages @120 Volts y NUMBER OF DOORS: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 STYLE: NORMAL TEMP DOORS WITH HEATERS, 2 PANE NON-HEATED GLASS APPLICATION: CASE TEMPERATURE 38%F, HUMIDITY 65% OR-LESS e75% AMBIENT 24 x 36 0.70 1.24 174 231 2.84 3.48 4.05 4.62 5.15 5.68 24 x 67 110 1.89 2.75 359 4.39 5.50 6.34 7.18 7.98 8.78 24 x 75 1.17 2.07 2.95 3.92 4.71 5.90 6.87 7.84 8.63 9.42 26 x 67 1.10 1.98 282 380 4.54 5.64 6.62 7.60 8.34 9.08 26 x 75 1.22 214 3.04 3.97 4.96 6.08 7.01 7.94 8.93 9.92 30 x 36 0.79 141 2.00 366 4.62 4.00 5.06 7.32 8.28 9.24 30 x 67 119 2.05 299 387 48 5.98 6.86 7.74 8.69 9.64 30x75 1.24 2.20 322 411 5.08 6.44 7.33 8.22 9.19 10.16 NUMBER OF DOORS: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 STYLE: NORMAL TEMP DOORS WITH HEATERS, CP2NT HEATED GLASS (5.75 W/SQ.FT) APPLICATION: CASE TEMPERATURE 31°F, HUMIDITY 80% OR LESS @75°F AMBIENT | 24 x 36 1.00 1.83 2.66 347 4.32 5.32 6.13 6.94 7.79 8.64 24 x 67 1.64 3.07 "4.44 5.89 7.16 8.88 10.33 11.78 13.05 14.32 24 x 75 1.79 3.34 4.80 6.26 7.85 9.60 11.06 42.52 14.11 15.70 26 x 67 1.79 3.27 472 6.19 7.74 9.44 1091 12.38 13.93 15.48 26 x 75 1.93 356 5.19 6.75 839 1038 11.94 1350 15.14 16.78 30 x 36 1.18 2.24 3.23 6.18 7.79 6.46 9.41 12.36 13.97 15.58 30 x 67 1.89 344 5.07 655 812 1014 11.62 13.10 1467 16.24 30x75 205 380 55 726 900 11.12 1282 1452 1626 18.00 NOTES: 1. All amperages are design amperages subject to the following tolerances: non-heated glass +/— 5%, heated glass +/—8%. when used within the application parameters with a voltage range of +/— 10%. . Although the amperages are calculated at 120 volts, all doors are designed to operate without sweating . When calculating lamp amperage, add 1 lamp to the number of doors in the line-up and multiply that number by the appropriate amps per light value. . Design parameters do not make allowances for-factors such as air leaks or unusual air flow patterns within cases, therefore some sweating may occur when upper limits of temperature or humidity are encountered. 60 10/93 BEE ni e Doors, Frames & Light Fixtures Electrical Information for Model 100PR Normal Temp Amperages @120 Volts 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ASE 6.36 693 7.46 7.99 852 924 977 1030 10.83 1136 0.46 9.93 10.77 11.57 1237 13.17 1436 1516 15.96 1676 1756 055 10.79 11.76 1255 13.34 14.13 15.68 1647 17.26 18.05 1884 055 10.42 11.40 12.14 12.88 13.62 15.20 1594 1668 1742 1816 055 10.98 11.91 12.90 13.89 1488 15.88 16.87 17.86 18.85 19.84 055 9.32 1098 11.94 12.90 1386 14.64 15.60 1656 1752 1848 0.46 10.73 11.61 12.56 13.51 1446 1548 16.43 17.38 1833 19.28 0.55 11.44 12.33 13.30 14.27 15.24 16.44 1741 18.38 1935 2032 055 AMPS PER 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 MESH 960 10.41 1126 1211 12.96 13.88 1473 1558 1643 17.28 0.46 16.22 1767 1894 2021 2148 2356 24.83 26.10 23737 2864 055 17.32 18.78 20.37 21.96 2355 25.04 2663 28.22 2981 3140 055 1710 18.57 2012 21.67 23.22 2476 26.31 7786 2941 309 055 18.69 20.25 21.89 23.53 25.17 27.00 2864 3028 3192 3356 055 15.59 18.54 20.15 21.76 23.37 2472 26.33 2794 2955 3116 046 18.17 19.65 21.22 22.79 24.36 26.20 27.77 29.34 3091 32.48 055 20.08 21.78 23.52 25.26 2700 29.04 3078 3252 34.26 3600 0.55 61 10/93 Trouble-Shooting 1. Electrical: Low voltage supply (less than 108V on 120V systems) results in significantly lower wattage. Lower wattage will decrease the efficiency of heaters and lamps. A. Glass Condensation: 1. No Power? Check: a. Power supply. D. Relative humidity in room area. C. Hinge pin wiring. d. Case temperature. e. Hinge pin plugged into door female plug. f. Incorrect wiring. 0. 2. Low Voltage? Check: a. Voltage at main-low voltage. b. Energy Management System (Sensor). B. Door & Frame Rail Condensation: 1. No Power? Check: a. Power supply. Relative humidity in room area. Hinge pin wiring. Case temperature. Hinge pin installed in female plug in door. Velocity fans on back of frame. Energy Management System (Sensor). «а — O Ooo 2. Low Voltage? Check: a. Supply voltage-Low voltage. b. Energy Management System (Sensor). 2. Mechanical: A. Door Not Sealing? Check: 1. Magnetic gasket (Replace if necessary). Torquemaster adjustment. Hold-open. Defective frame plastic. Frame or door out of square? Co pO \ B. Door Will Not Close? \ 1. See instructions 2a, 1 through 5, above. - 62 Faulty Energy Management System (Sensor). 10/93 „СК г Mechanical (continued) C. Door Saw-Toothed? 1. Door or frame out of square (Square to 1/16" of net opening). Adjust Torquemaster. Worn hinge pin hole. Case not level. Frame not shimmed properly. OE Го 3. Ballast/Lamps: A. Lamps Will Not Start? Ballast failure. Incorrect ballast. Incorrect wiring. Incorrect bulb. Poor contact between bulb and socket. Case too cold (Lamps will usually light, but they will be very dim). Incorrect socket wiring. No ground. ONE WN B. Lamp Flickering? 1. Incorrect ballast. 3 . Incorrect voltage. 2. Defective bulb. 4. Bulbs without shields. C. Slow-Starting Bulb? 1. Improper wiring. 4. Defective bulbs. 2. Poor lamp and socket connections. ‚©. Incorrect ballast. 3. Voltage too low. 6. Case too cold. D. Short Lamp Life? 1. Incorrect wiring of lamp or ballast. 2. Incorrect socket connection. 3. Incorrect bulbs or ballast. E. Blinking Lamps? 1. Voltage too high. 3. Incorrect socket wiring. 2. Wrong bulbs or ballast. 4. Incorrect number of lamps for ballast. FE Ballast (Humm-Noise)? 1. Defective ballast. 2. Loose ballast can or cover. 3. Ballast mounted incorrectly. 10/93 63 Safety Precautions: 1. Always turn off all power to case, doors and frames before starting work on equipment 2. Always use a qualified electrician for electrical work. 3. Always wear safety glasses when working on equipment. Tips: | 1. Never splice door or frame heater wires. Complete replacement recommended. 2. When installing gaskets and plastics, use a liquid soap. 3. Keep doors and frames clean. 4. For binding gasket or plastic parts, use a food grade silicone. о. Always replace lamp shields when lamps are replaced. 6. Preventive maintenance is the key to door and frame longevity. 64 10/93 A ">

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Key features
- Reversible Door
- Pass-Thru Models
- Contact plate & retainer replacement
- Torquemaster & Casting replacement
- Door Gasket Replacement
- Door Plastic Replacement
- Handle Replacement
- Side Access Plate Replacement
- Door Female Plug Replacement
- Frame Female Socket Replacement
Frequently asked questions
Insert a flat-head screwdriver under the side back edge of the black plastic retainer and gently pull up to unsnap the retainer from the mullion and perimeter of the frame.
Turn the end screw on the Torquemaster (marked SAG ADJ) with a flat-head screwdriver.
Start in a corner, gently pull the gasket away from the plastic. To replace, remove the top and bottom door plastic, slide the gasket up both sides of the door. Slide the top and bottom plastic onto the gasket, and then replace the top and bottom plastic on the door rail. Tuck in the corners of the gasket with a flat-head screwdriver.