Psion Workabout Programming Guide
Below you will find brief information for Workabout Workabout. The Workabout is a ruggedized handheld computer designed for use in a variety of demanding environments. It features a powerful processor, a bright and clear screen, and a durable keyboard. The Workabout comes with various expansion modules and communications ports, which allow it to be used for applications like data collection, inventory management, and field service. It includes a comprehensive software development kit (SDK) for developers to create custom applications for the Workabout.
SIBO 'C' Software Development Kit
Version 2.30
March 1, 1999
(C) Copyright Psion PLC 1991-98
All rights reserved. This manual and the programs referred to herein are copyrighted works of Psion PLC,
London, England. Reproduction in whole or in part, including utilization in machines capable of reproduction or retrieval, without express written permission of Psion PLC, is prohibited. Reverse engineering is also prohibited.
The information in this document is subject to change without notice.
Psion and the Psion logo are registered trademarks, and Psion, Psion MC, Psion HC, Psion Series 3, Psion
Series 3a, Psion Series 3a, Psion Siena and Psion Workabout are trademarks of Psion PLC.
TopSpeed is a registered trademark of Clarion Software Corporation. IBM, IBM XT and IBM AT are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corp. Microsoft and MS-DOS are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Apple and Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Computer
Inc. VAX and VMS are registered trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. Brief is a registered trademark of Underware Inc. Psion PLC acknowledges that some other names referred to are registered trademarks.
1 Introduction to the Workabout ................................................................................................ 1-1
Switching on and off ................................................................................................ 1-1
Switching on for the first time .................................................................................. 1-1
Startup SSD ............................................................................................................. 1-2
The basic hardware ......................................................................................................... 1-2
Processor .................................................................................................................. 1-3
Internal memory....................................................................................................... 1-3
Solid state disks (SSDs)............................................................................................ 1-3
Expansion modules .................................................................................................. 1-3
Communications ports.............................................................................................. 1-4
The Holster .............................................................................................................. 1-4
The Workabout Docking Station (Cradle) ................................................................ 1-4
Power supply............................................................................................................ 1-4
The fuse ................................................................................................................... 1-6
Caution regarding lithium batteries .......................................................................... 1-6
Screen ...................................................................................................................... 1-6
Keyboard.................................................................................................................. 1-7
Buzzer...................................................................................................................... 1-8
The basic software........................................................................................................... 1-8
Versions of the Workabout software......................................................................... 1-8
ROM components..................................................................................................... 1-9
Command Processor ................................................................................................. 1-9
System Screen and PIM applications ........................................................................ 1-9
Resetting the Workabout................................................................................................. 1-10
Soft reset .................................................................................................................. 1-10
Hard reset................................................................................................................. 1-10
Cold reset ................................................................................................................. 1-10
What happens after a reset........................................................................................ 1-10
Customising the Workabout ............................................................................................ 1-10
Hardware customisation ........................................................................................... 1-10
Software customisation............................................................................................. 1-11
Connecting to other computers........................................................................................ 1-11
Hardware connection................................................................................................ 1-11
Software connection ................................................................................................. 1-11
2 Writing Software for the Workabout...................................................................................... 2-1
Basic programming choices............................................................................................. 2-1
Standard C (CLIB) or Psion C (PLIB) ...................................................................... 2-1
Writing the user interface......................................................................................... 2-2
Synchronous or asynchronous processing ................................................................. 2-2
Customisation options ..................................................................................................... 2-3
Replacing the Startup Shell ...................................................................................... 2-3
Replacing the Command Processor........................................................................... 2-4
Replacing the System Screen .................................................................................... 2-4
Adding System Screen applications .......................................................................... 2-4
Supplying an autoexec file........................................................................................ 2-5
Programming guidelines ................................................................................................. 2-6
Some consequences of not running under the System Screen .................................... 2-6
Data integrity ........................................................................................................... 2-6
Add-files .................................................................................................................. 2-7
No access to WLD: or ALM: .................................................................................... 2-7
Programming examples................................................................................................... 2-8
The Tables application ............................................................................................. 2-8
The Lcdtest application ............................................................................................ 2-10
Workabout specific environment variables ...................................................................... 2-10
S$SVER................................................................................................................... 2-10
C$P@ ...................................................................................................................... 2-10
C$PA to C$PZ.......................................................................................................... 2-11
C$P£ ........................................................................................................................ 2-11
C$P$ ........................................................................................................................ 2-11
Error! Not a valid heading level in TOC entry on page 1
Command Processor menus...................................................................................... 3-1
Font sizes and zoom settings .................................................................................... 3-2
Batch file processing ................................................................................................ 3-3
Launching programs ................................................................................................ 3-3
Synchronous and asynchronous programs................................................................. 3-4
Terminating programs.............................................................................................. 3-4
The command line editor.......................................................................................... 3-5
Pausing the screen display........................................................................................ 3-6
Running multiple System Interfaces ......................................................................... 3-6
Files and directories ........................................................................................................ 3-6
File In Use error messages........................................................................................ 3-6
Default path and current directory ............................................................................ 3-6
Specifying file names as command parameters ......................................................... 3-7
Specifying paths as command parameters................................................................. 3-7
Wildcards................................................................................................................. 3-8
The requirements of generality ................................................................................. 3-8
Alphabetical listing ......................................................................................................... 3-8
Notation ................................................................................................................... 3-8
Set or clear file attributes (ATTRIB)......................................................................... 3-9
Run the calculator application (CALC)..................................................................... 3-9
Call a batch file from inside another batch file (CALL) ............................................ 3-9
Display or alter current directory (CD) ..................................................................... 3-10
Change directory (CHDIR)....................................................................................... 3-10
Clear the screen (CLS) ............................................................................................. 3-10
Run the communications application (COMMS) ...................................................... 3-10
Copy file(s) (COPY) ................................................................................................. 3-11
Run the database application (DATA) ...................................................................... 3-11
Display date (DATE)................................................................................................ 3-12
Delete file(s) (DEL).................................................................................................. 3-12
Full directory listing (DIR) ....................................................................................... 3-12
Display message, set or display echo mode (ECHO) ................................................. 3-13
Run the program, script or batch file editor (EDIT) .................................................. 3-13
Delete file(s) (ERASE) ............................................................................................. 3-14
Display error state (ERRLEVEL) ............................................................................. 3-14
Terminate the Command Processor (EXIT) .............................................................. 3-14
List open files (FILES) ............................................................................................. 3-14
Run a command for the files in a set (FOR) .............................................................. 3-15
Format and re-label local volume (FORMAT) .......................................................... 3-15
Jump to label in batch file (GOTO)........................................................................... 3-15
List commands or get help (HELP)........................................................................... 3-15
Run command conditionally (IF) .............................................................................. 3-16
Kill a process (KILL) ............................................................................................... 3-16
Add/alter disk volume label (LABEL) ...................................................................... 3-16
Start Link program (LINK) ...................................................................................... 3-17
List logical device drivers (LLDEV) ......................................................................... 3-17
List physical device drivers (LPDEV)....................................................................... 3-18
List processes (LPROC)............................................................................................ 3-18
List segments (LSEG) .............................................................................................. 3-19
Make directory (MD)................................................................................................ 3-20
Display free memory (MEM).................................................................................... 3-20
Make directory (MKDIR) ......................................................................................... 3-20
Suspend batch file processing (PAUSE).................................................................... 3-20
Terminate current batch file (QUIT)......................................................................... 3-20
Remove directory (RD)............................................................................................. 3-21
Get the cause of the last system shutdown (REASON) .............................................. 3-21
Comment (remark) in batch file (REM).................................................................... 3-21
Rename file(s) (REN) ............................................................................................... 3-22
Remove directory (RMDIR)...................................................................................... 3-22
Display, set or delete environment variable (SET) .................................................... 3-22
Alter system settings (SETDEF)
............................................................ 3-23
Run the spreadsheet application Sh3 (SHEET) ......................................................... 3-24
Shift batch file parameters (SHIFT).......................................................................... 3-24
Start a process asynchronously (START).................................................................. 3-25
Stop a process (STOP).............................................................................................. 3-25
Display current time (TIME) .................................................................................... 3-25
Type a text file (TYPE) ............................................................................................ 3-26
Display software version numbers (VER) ................................................................. 3-26
Display the disk volume label etc (VOL) .................................................................. 3-26
Wait for a process to complete (WAIT) .................................................................... 3-26
Error! Not a valid heading level in TOC entry on page 1
Psion Workabout Technical Specification ....................................................................... A-1
Psion Workabout RS232 / RS232 TTL Interface Module - Technical Specification ......... A-3
Psion Workabout RS232 / Barcode Interface Module - Technical Specification............... A-4
Conversion of an HC barcode reader for Workabout connection ............................... A-5
Psion Workabout Vehicle Interface Cradle (VIC) - Technical Specification .................... A-5
3 port and vehicle power option................................................................................ A-6
1 port and vehicle power option................................................................................ A-7
VIC Mounting bracket.............................................................................................. A-8
Vehicle power input connector ................................................................................. A-8
Conventional 9-pin RS232 serial ports ..................................................................... A-9
Extended 15-way RS232 serial port .......................................................................... A-9
Psion LIF Connector ................................................................................................ A-9
Psion Workabout Docking Station - Technical Specification ........................................... A-10
Introduction ............................................................................................................. A-10
Variants ................................................................................................................... A-10
Identification ............................................................................................................ A-10
Docking Station Unit................................................................................................ A-10
Main features ........................................................................................................... A-10
Status indicators....................................................................................................... A-11
Battery charging....................................................................................................... A-11
Battery Status LED conditions.................................................................................. A-11
Charging both battery packs ..................................................................................... A-11
Battery Fast Charging conditions.............................................................................. A-12
Disharging prior to charging & capacity measurement ............................................. A-12
Charging times......................................................................................................... A-12
Charging times......................................................................................................... A-12
Charging limitations ................................................................................................ A-12
LIF Mounting Kit..................................................................................................... A-12
Workabout Holster with Socket Housing .................................................................. A-12
Workabout Docking Station ..................................................................................... A-13
12V 1 amp unregulated Power Supply...................................................................... A-13
Appendix B - Differences between the HC Command Processor, the Workabout Command
Processor and MS-DOS .............................................................................................................. B-1
Introduction .................................................................................................................... B-1
About this appendix ................................................................................................. B-1
Help ......................................................................................................................... B-1
Commands ............................................................................................................... B-1
File and directory names........................................................................................... B-2
Wildcards................................................................................................................. B-2
Batch files ................................................................................................................ B-2
Default directory structure ........................................................................................ B-2
Launching programs ................................................................................................ B-2
Memory resident programs....................................................................................... B-3
Alphabetical listing ......................................................................................................... B-3
Append directories to current data path (APPEND; MS-DOS).................................. B-3
Set or clear file attributes (ATTRIB{UTE}).............................................................. B-3
Set time to auto-switch-off (AUTO; HC)................................................................... B-4
Set backlight time-out (BACKLIGHT; HC) .............................................................. B-4
Backup files (BACKUP; MS-DOS) .......................................................................... B-4
Start battery check program (BATCHK; HC)............................................................ B-4
Specify battery type (BATTERY; HC) ...................................................................... B-5
Control extended CTRL-C checking (BREAK; MS-DOS) ........................................ B-5
Run the calculator application (CALC)..................................................................... B-5
Call a batch file from inside another batch file (CALL) ............................................ B-5
Display or alter current directory (CD) ..................................................................... B-6
Display or change character set (CHCP; MS-DOS)................................................... B-6
Display or alter current directory (CHDIR)............................................................... B-6
Check or fix disk (CHKDSK; MS-DOS)................................................................... B-7
Prompt user for choice (CHOICE; MS-DOS)............................................................ B-7
Change directory (CLS)............................................................................................ B-7
Start another command processor instance (COMMAND; MS-DOS) ....................... B-7
Run the communications application (COMMS) ...................................................... B-8
Compare two files (COMP; MS-DOS)...................................................................... B-8
Set language file (CONFIG; HC).............................................................................. B-8
Copy file(s) (COPY) ................................................................................................. B-8
Set country (COUNTRY; MS-DOS) ......................................................................... B-9
Change terminal device (CTTY; MS-DOS) .............................................................. B-9
Brief directory listing (D; HC).................................................................................. B-9
Run the database application (DATA) ...................................................................... B-9
Display date [and time] (DATE)............................................................................... B-10
Compress a disk (DBLSPACE; MS-DOS) ................................................................ B-10
Start the debug program (DEBUG; MS-DOS) .......................................................... B-11
Optimise files on a disk (DEFRAG; MS-DOS) ......................................................... B-11
Delete file(s) (DEL[ETE]) ........................................................................................ B-11
Delete a directory, subdirectories and files (DELTREE; MS-DOS) ........................... B-12
List devices (DEVICE; HC)...................................................................................... B-12
Full directory listing (DIR) ....................................................................................... B-12
Compare two floppy disks (DISKCOMP; MS-DOS) ................................................. B-13
Copy a floppy disk (DISKCOPY; MS-DOS) ............................................................. B-13
Load/start DOSKEY program (DOSKEY; MS-DOS) ............................................... B-13
Load DOSSHELL graphical interface (DOSSHELL; MS-DOS)................................ B-13
Display message, set or display echo mode (ECHO) ................................................. B-14
Run file editor (EDIT) .............................................................................................. B-14
Enable expanded memory (EMM386; MS-DOS) ...................................................... B-14
Display or set environment variable (ENV; HC) ....................................................... B-14
Delete file(s) (ERASE) ............................................................................................. B-15
Display error level (ERRLEVEL) ............................................................................. B-15
Error level value (ERRORLEVEL)........................................................................... B-15
Exit level (EXIT)...................................................................................................... B-16
Expand a compressed file (EXPAND; MS-DOS)...................................................... B-16
Get summary Help on command syntax (FASTHELP; MS-DOS) ............................. B-16
Start FASTOPEN program (DOSKEY; MS-DOS).................................................... B-17
Compare two files (FC; MS-DOS) ............................................................................ B-17
Specify number of file control blocks (FCBS; MS-DOS)........................................... B-17
Partition a hard disk (FDISK; MS-DOS) .................................................................. B-17
List open files/Specify number of files accessible (FILES) ........................................ B-18
Find a text string in a file or files (FIND; MS-DOS)................................................. B-18
Run a command for the files in a set (FOR) .............................................................. B-18
Format device (FORMAT) ....................................................................................... B-18
Display free memory (FREE; HC) ............................................................................ B-19
Jump to label in batch file (GOTO) .......................................................................... B-19
Load program to allow printing of colour screen (GRAPHICS; MS-DOS) ................ B-19
List commands or get help (HELP)........................................................................... B-19
Run command conditionally (IF) .............................................................................. B-20
Install memory resident program (INSTALL; MS-DOS) .......................................... B-20
Connect two computers to share resources (INTERLNK; MS-DOS) ......................... B-20
Start the Interlink server (INTERSVR; MS-DOS) .................................................... B-20
Configure keyboard for language (KEYB; MS-DOS)................................................ B-21
Kill a process (KILL) ............................................................................................... B-21
Add/alter disk volume label (LABEL) ...................................................................... B-21
List device drivers (LDEV; HC) ............................................................................... B-21
Load program into upper memory (LH; MS-DOS).................................................... B-22
List logical device drivers (LLDEV)......................................................................... B-22
Load and run program above first 64K block (LOADFIX; MS-DOS) ....................... B-22
Load program into upper memory (LOADHIGH; MS-DOS)..................................... B-22
Configure low battery warnings (LOWBAT; HC)..................................................... B-23
List physical device drivers (LPDEV)....................................................................... B-23
List processes (LPROC)............................................................................................ B-23
List segments (LSEG) .............................................................................................. B-23
Display time/date of mastering (MASTER; HC) ....................................................... B-24
Make directory (MD)................................................................................................ B-24
Display free memory (MEM).................................................................................... B-24
Optimise computer's memory (MEMMAKER; MS-DOS)......................................... B-24
Set startup menu colours (MENUCOLOR; MS-DOS)............................................... B-25
Set startup menu item and timeout (MENUDEFAULT; (MS-DOS) .......................... B-25
Define startup menu item (MENUITEM; MS-DOS) ................................................. B-25
Make directory (MKDIR) ......................................................................................... B-25
Configure system devices (MODE; MS-DOS) .......................................................... B-26
Display output one screenful at a time (MORE; MS-DOS) ....................................... B-26
Move file(s) (MOVE; MS-DOS)............................................................................... B-26
Scan for viruses (MSAV; MS-DOS) ......................................................................... B-26
Run backup program (MSBACKUP; MS-DOS)........................................................ B-27
Provide CD-ROM access (MSCDEX; MS-DOS) ...................................................... B-27
Provide technical details (MSD; MS-DOS)............................................................... B-27
Load country-specific information (NLSFUNC; MS-DOS) ....................................... B-27
Control whether the Notifier appears (NOTIFY; HC) ............................................... B-27
Start with Num Lock on/off (NUMLOCK; MS-DOS) ............................................... B-28
Enable off-key handling (OFFENABLE; HC)........................................................... B-28
Specify search path for executable files (PATH; MS-DOS) ....................................... B-28
Suspend batch file processing (PAUSE).................................................................... B-28
Power saving set/display/on/off (POWER; MS-DOS) ............................................... B-29
Print text file in background (PRINT; MS-DOS) ...................................................... B-29
Change command prompt (PROMPT; MS-DOS) ..................................................... B-29
Run QBasic language (QBASIC; MS-DOS) ............................................................. B-29
Exit current batch file only (QUIT)........................................................................... B-29
Remove directory (RD)............................................................................................. B-30
Get the cause of the last system shutdown (REASON) .............................................. B-30
Comment (remark) in batch file (REM).................................................................... B-30
Rename file(s) (REN) ............................................................................................... B-30
Replace file(s) (REPLACE; MS-DOS)...................................................................... B-31
Restore file(s) (RESTORE; MS-DOS) ...................................................................... B-31
Resume a suspended process (RESUME; HC) .......................................................... B-31
Remove directory (RMDIR)...................................................................................... B-31
Analyse/repair disk(s) (SCANDISK; MS-DOS)........................................................ B-31
Set default path/environment variables (SET)........................................................... B-32
Set date and time (SETDATE; HC) .......................................................................... B-32
Alter system settings (SETDEF)............................................................................... B-32
Report MS-DOS version or display/update version table (SETVER; MS-DOS)......... B-33
Install file sharing and locking (SHARE; MS-DOS) ................................................. B-33
Specify command interpreter (SHELL; MS-DOS) .................................................... B-33
Shift batch file parameters (SHIFT).......................................................................... B-33
Setup/configure disk cache/buffering (SMARTDRV; MS-DOS) ............................... B-34
Read, sort and write data (SORT; MS-DOS)............................................................. B-34
Start a process asynchronously (START).................................................................. B-34
Stop a process (STOP).............................................................................................. B-34
Specify startup menu item as a submenu (SUBMENU; MS-DOS)............................. B-35
Associate path with drive letter (SUBST; MS-DOS) ................................................. B-35
Suspend a process (SUSPEND; HC) ......................................................................... B-35
Make a startup disk (SYS; MS-DOS) ....................................................................... B-35
Terminate a process (TERMINATE; HC)................................................................. B-35
Display/(set) time (TIME) ........................................................................................ B-36
Display directory graphically (TREE; MS-DOS) ...................................................... B-36
Type a text file (TYPE) ............................................................................................ B-36
Restore deleted files (UNDELETE; MS-DOS) .......................................................... B-36
Restore a formatted disk (UNFORMAT; MS-DOS) .................................................. B-37
Display software version numbers (VERSION)......................................................... B-37
Turn disk write verification on/off (VERIFY; MS-DOS)........................................... B-37
Display the disk volume label etc (VOL) .................................................................. B-37
Continuously check for viruses (VSAFE; MS-DOS) ................................................. B-38
Wait for a process to complete (WAIT)..................................................................... B-38
Configure Notifier appearance (WNOTIFY; HC)...................................................... B-38
Copy directories, subdirectories and files (XCOPY; MS-DOS) ................................. B-38
Appendix C - Differences between the Series 3a System Screen and the Workabout System Screen and Command Processor Menus ................................................................................................ C-1
Introduction .................................................................................................................... C-1
About this appendix ................................................................................................ C-1
Hotkeys ........................................................................................................................... C-2
Psion-A, Assign button/Set auto switch off times...................................................... C-2
Psion-B/Shift-Ctrl-B, Battery info............................................................................. C-2
Shift-Psion-D, Dialling............................................................................................. C-2
Shift-Psion-E, Evaluate format ................................................................................. C-2
Psion-F, Format disk/Time and date format .............................................................. C-2
Shift-Psion-F, Number formats/Time and date format............................................... C-3
Psion-G, Create new group....................................................................................... C-3
Psion-K, Disc info/Toggle keyboard ......................................................................... C-3
Shift-Psion-N, Give 'Normal' system screen.............................................................. C-3
Shift-Psion-M, Give 'Memory' system screen ............................................................ C-3
Psion-O, Auto switch off .......................................................................................... C-3
Psion-P, Set owner information ................................................................................ C-4
Psion-S, Set the sound .............................................................................................. C-4
Time:Psion-S/Shift-Psion-S, Set summer time.......................................................... C-4
Psion-T, Set file attributes/Set time and date............................................................. C-4
Psion-U, Usage monitor/Update lists ........................................................................ C-4
Psion-V, About Series 3a/Versions ........................................................................... C-4
Shift-Psion-V, About application .............................................................................. C-5
Psion-W, Password/Toggle wrap .............................................................................. C-5
Psion-X, Exit............................................................................................................ C-5
Psion-Y, Printer ....................................................................................................... C-5
Psion-Space/Psion-Diamond, Caps lock on/off.......................................................... C-5
Psion-Tab/Shift-Psion-Tab, Display full path in file-related dialogs.......................... C-5
Psion-Y, Printer ....................................................................................................... C-6
Psion-Y, Printer ....................................................................................................... C-6
Psion-Y, Printer ....................................................................................................... C-6
Psion-Y, Printer ....................................................................................................... C-6
Switch task............................................................................................................... C-7
Menus ............................................................................................................................. C-7
File menu ................................................................................................................. C-7
Disk menu................................................................................................................ C-7
Apps menu ............................................................................................................... C-7
Info menu................................................................................................................. C-8
Control menu ........................................................................................................... C-8
Special menu............................................................................................................ C-10
'Diamond' menu ....................................................................................................... C-11
Time menu ............................................................................................................... C-11
The Workabout has been designed to be integrated into any computer system and to meet any application requirement: assisting with the making of deliveries, taking of orders, collecting or distributing information, servicing equipment, and so on.
Every element of the hardware is configurable, from the plug-in megabyte-sized Solid State Disks, to the internal expansion slot for peripheral devices such as a serial port expansion card.
Equally important is the multi-tasking operating system with full graphics and windowing capability.
Applications can make productive use of the various fonts and emphases available, and can even display and manipulate diagrams, maps, and pictures. The result: software applications that are highly informative and intuitive to use, and which consequently improve operator acceptance and efficiency.
The multi-tasking facilities - unique to the Psion ranges of handheld and pocket computers - significantly shorten software development times and greatly simplify otherwise complex issues ranging from the simultaneous monitoring of several peripherals through to sophisticated process control applications.
Additionally the Workabout has built-in programming tools for easy application development. These include both a Command Processor and a graphic user interface (the System Screen), a sophisticated program editor and translator, and communications software.
Switching on and off
The Workabout can be switched on by means of the yellow On/Esc key, or off by means of the light grey
Off key near the top left corner of its front face.
There is no need to "exit" programs before switching the Workabout off. When the Workabout is next switched on, all current programs continue from their previous state. The contents of the internal RAM memory is preserved throughout the period of being switched off, without any significant current being drawn in the meantime.
Switching on for the first time
Note that when a Workabout is switched on for the first time (or following a reset), it will go into the
Startup Shell. This will normally run any autoexec file that is found on a Startup SSD that is found on any local drive. If such a file is not found, the Startup Shell displays the Psion logo with a copyright message, followed by a startup message, as in the following illustration:
To select a system interface for development purposes, just press the Menu key. The Startup Shell's
Special menu is then displayed.
The Special menu presents three options:
Selecting the Command processor option starts the Command Processor. The Workabout in due course presents an
prompt to indicate that its Command Processor is ready to receive commands, and that the current drive is M: (internal). See the Workabout Command Processor chapter for further details
Selecting the System screen option starts the System Screen, displaying a set of icons that represent the built-in example PIM applications. The description of the use of these applications is beyond the scope of this manual. For information on how to create applications that run from the System Screen, see the Programming the Workabout chapter (which relies on information contained in the
Series 3/3a Programming Guide).
Selecting the Restart shell option runs the Startup Shell again. The machine then repeats the sequence of operations described above. This is only of use if you want to run a customised Startup
Startup SSD
A Startup SSD must contain a file with the file name autoexec. This may be a batch file, with a file name extension of .btf, or it may be an executable program file with a file name extension of .img, .app, .opo or
.opa. If this is what is required, and you have a Startup SSD to hand, (it is not provided by Psion), insert the Startup SSD and press Enter as instructed.
If you have copied an autoexec file to M: this will be run on startup, without displaying the startup message described earlier.
The basic hardware
The Workabout is a member of the SIBO family of machines. This architecture is designed to minimise the size, weight and power consumption of the computer. In relation to the Workabout, the key components of the architecture are:
A sophisticated power management system that selectively powers subsystems under software control.
Solid State Disks (SSDs) that provide fast low-power silicon-based mass storage with no moving parts.
A synchronous serial interface for Psion peripherals running at high speed, and for communications at 19,200 Baud.
A 16 bit NEC V30H processor, (essentially compatible with 8086 class).
Hardware protection of the system from aberrant processes (address trapping of out-of-range writes and a watch-dog timer on interrupts being disabled).
Real-time clock.
ROM-resident system software.
Graphics LCD display.
See the Introduction chapter of the PLIB Reference manual for further information about SIBO computers and the EPOC operating system that they all use.
All aspects of the hardware of the Workabout have been designed with the following goals in mind:
Data security.
Ease of use.
Long battery life.
Standards compliance.
The Workabout uses an industry standard 80C86-compatible 16-bit processor, the NEC V30H, running at a clock rate of 7.68MHz.
The Workabout also contains a number of proprietary custom chips called ASICs, which are responsible for many of its more exclusive features. The principal ASIC chips are described in more detail in the
Hardware Reference manual.
Internal memory
The amount of internal RAM memory on a Workabout varies from model to model. There are two basic models, with either 256KB or 1MB.
All models have 1MB internal masked ROM.
Solid state disks (SSDs)
The standard Workabout has two solid state disk drives, which are the equivalent of disk drives on a PC.
To access them, open the top cover by pressing down the catch to the left side of the Workabout's screen.
The drawer then slides out of the machine. SSDs can be inserted into the disk drives in the top right and the bottom right of the drawer.
SSDs should be inserted with their upper faces (displaying large writing) uppermost. If you try to insert them upside down, by accident, you will find they don't fit properly into their slots - so there is no risk of any untoward damage, (unless you try to force them).
The SSD drive at the top of the Workabout drawer is drive A:, and that at the bottom is drive B:.
See the SIBO Computers Programmers Reference manual for further details regarding SSDs.
Expansion slots
There is an expansion slot inside the bottom end of the Workabout. This can contain a wide variety of interface devices. Possibilities include:
RS232/RS232 TTL serial interface.
RS232/Barcode reader interface (for a wand or CCD/Laser scanner).
Sockets for the ports of these modules, (where fitted), are mounted as standard at the top end of the machine, above the screen . One socket may optionally be located on the left of the bottom end of the casing, below the keyboard.
These are factory fitted options, and it is not possible for the expansion module or port sockets to be exchanged "in the field". Retro-fitting of expansion modules and sockets is possible, however. Contact
Psion for further details.
For further details of these modules refer to the Technical Specifications appendix of this manual.
Communications ports
On the Workabout, the port names (e.g. TTY:A) depend on both the position that the port is located on the machine and the way that the port is being used (e.g. RS232 or TTL):
Port location
Bottom right (LIF)
Top left
Bottom left / top right
Port type
Inverted TTL
Note: future hardware options may be available with different port assignments and positions.
The Holster
A plastic holster is available for storing the Workabout when it is not being used. It can be mounted on any convenient vertical surface.
The holster incorporates positive latching to ensure that the Workabout is held reliably. A hand recess guarantees easy insertion and removal. It may be mounted in any suitable position.
The Workabout Docking Station may also be fitted with the holster and the LIF Converter, (this combination is also known as a cradle).
The Work about Docking Station (Cradle)
The Psion Workabout Docking Station (Cradle) has been designed to satisfy requirements for:
Secure mounting for the Workabout.
"Hands-free" operation.
Battery recharge.
Mounting an additional Psion HC type expansion module, such as a printer or modem.
The holster on the Workabout Docking Station (where fitted) is as described above.
A separate battery pack slot is provided to allow a stand-alone battery pack to be recharged. The
Workabout Docking Station also supports a fast recharge facility for the Workabout rechargeable battery pack in the charger slot.
There is a LIF Converter on the Docking Station Cradle, for data exchange and external power to the
Workabout. It is designed to be connected directly to a Workabout. The high reliability contacts of the
LIF connector automatically engage when the Workabout is placed in the Docking Station cradle - no user-made connections are required. Alternatively an external power only LIF plug on a flying lead is supplied with the holsterless version of the Docking Station.
Data may be exchanged at up to 19,200 Baud.
Power supply
The Workabout can be powered using a rechargeable nickel-cadmium battery pack, standard AA batteries, or an optional mains adapter.
The Workabout will not switch on if there is no power source, or if the batteries are too low. Power is needed to operate the Workabout and to maintain the data stored in internal memory. The storage of data on SSDs, however, does not rely on the main power source.
LIF converter
Connect this end to
Workabout LIF socket
3Link lead connector
Mains adaptor connector
At the bottom of the machine to the right, below the keyboard, is a socket for a LIF converter. To power the Workabout from a mains supply, plug the cable from the mains adapter into the LIF converter and then plug the LIF converter into this socket. The green power indicator light (near the Del key) will come on. This light indicates that the Workabout is being powered by an external source - even if the
Workabout itself is not switched on.
The Workabout is also supplied with a small round lithium battery. This is the backup battery. It is essential because it keeps the internal memory secure in the absence of the main power source, for example, while the main batteries are being changed. It should be fitted before the main batteries, but note that the Workabout can not be run using only the backup battery.
To see where to fit the backup battery, release the drawer at the top of the Workabout by pressing down the drawer eject button to the left of the screen (as for SSDs) until it clicks. Pull out the drawer to reveal the backup battery cover in the top of the drawer, towards the left hand side.
The backup battery should last for approximately one year, provided the Workabout does not spend long periods with no other power supply. It is recommended that a new backup battery is fitted yearly. If the
Workabout is left powered only by the backup battery, the battery will preserve the internal memory for approximately five days.
To fit a new backup battery, slide back the backup battery cover and remove the old battery. Insert the new battery so that the positive side of the battery faces left (towards the outer edge of the drawer). Slide back the backup battery cover.
The main batteries are also stored in the drawer of the Workabout, next to the two SSD drives. The main battery recess may contain a rechargeable battery cartridge pack. Do not attempt to disassemble a
rechargeable battery pack.
A new set of alkaline batteries should last for about 80 hours of continuous use. A fully recharged battery pack should last for between 30 and 35 hours. Using the backlight (where fitted), or attached peripherals, will increase power consumption considerably. If left unused, a battery pack will slowly lose its charge over a period of approximately six months.
To remove the rechargeable battery pack or batteries, switch the machine off and release the drawer using the drawer eject button to the left of the screen (as for the backup battery), pull the drawer out until the main battery compartment is revealed, then push and lift any battery pack or AA batteries from the top of the drawer. To fit the rechargeable battery pack or batteries back into the Workabout, slide into place, (left end first). Ensure that good connections have been made between the battery terminals and the contacts inside the battery recess, and close the drawer. The machine can now be switched on.
The nickel-cadmium batteries in the battery pack can be recharged in three ways:
Trickle recharge by a Workabout Mains Adaptor (via a LIF converter).
Trickle recharge by a Workabout Docking Station.
Fast recharge by a Workabout Docking Station, provided they are "fast charge" batteries.
A second battery pack can be inserted in the Workabout Docking Station at the same time.
The Workabout automatically displays a warning message, when switched on, if either the main or backup battery is low. Independently of this, there is a battery information dialog available from any application. This is accessed by pressing the Shift-Ctrl-B key combination. It displays the state of the main and backup batteries, and whether the batteries are alkaline or rechargeable, or whether an external power supply is being used. For correct information ensure that the drawer is securely closed.
When the main battery is low, the Workabout may have enough power to display the screen and accept input from the keyboard, but not enough to write to Flash SSD or access expansion devices. The
Workabout will turn off if an operation is attempted for which it does not have enough power. New batteries should be fitted, (or the existing batteries recharged), before the operation is tried again.
In order to save power, the Workabout will, by default, switch itself off automatically, if left alone for five minutes. The "auto-switch-off" time can be changed to another value, if desired, or the Workabout set so that it does not auto-switch-off at all.
The fuse
The drawer of the Workabout contains a fuse (in the bottom of the battery compartment). This is to generally protect the circuitry of the machine if too much current is being drawn through the batteries. If the computer will not switch on, or has suddenly stopped working, it could be that a fault has caused the fuse to blow. It may be possible to see the melted wire inside the fuse through its glass tube. If the fuse has blown you should contact your Psion service centre.
Note that, if the fuse blows, the backup battery will still preserve the memory of the machine. Furthermore the Workabout can still be powered from a mains adaptor via a LIF Converter.
Caution regarding lithium batteries
Note that there is a risk of explosion if lithium batteries are fitted incorrectly. Be sure that the backup battery is fitted so that the face of the battery containing the plus symbol is the one towards the outer edge of the machine. This is the flatter of the two faces.
A Lithium battery should be replaced only with one of the same or equivalent type as the one supplied by
Psion. Used lithium batteries should be disposed of according to the manufacturer's instructions. Always tape over the terminals before disposal.
The normal Workabout screen is a retardation film LCD, 62.4mm (2.45 inches) wide by 30mm
(1.18 inches) high, displaying 240 pixels horizontally and 100 pixels vertically. The pixel dimensions are 0.27mm by 0.23mm, with a pitch of 0.30mm by 0.26mm.
In the default (proportional) font, the screen displays seven lines, each with around 24 characters. If fewer characters are required to be displayed, a larger font can be used, to achieve a more striking screen image,
(and vice versa).
Changing the font is only one example of the graphics support supplied by the resident software.
By default, the screen is illuminated by reflected light, using, (as throughout the Workabout), state-of-the-art technology. In case additional lighting is required, some variants (e.g. the 1MKB variant) are provided with a factory-fitted backlight. A backlight may also be retro-fitted to any model. This backlight can be switched on or off whenever the user requires, (bearing in mind that there is an inevitable additional drain on the batteries whenever the backlight is used).
The switch for the backlight has a symbol on it. In addition, the Workabout can be configured to switch off the backlight automatically once a given time period has elapsed.
Screen contrast may be adjusted using the contrast key, which has a symbol on it. Pressing this key on its own makes the background darker. Pressing Shift-Contrast makes the screen background lighter. In both cases the operation cycles round when the adjustment reaches the end of its range.
The keyboard features positive travel rubber keys with durable legends.
Two keyboard layouts are available, depending on how the Workabout is to be used:
The standard full alphanumeric keyboard (57 keys).
The alphanumeric keyboard can be augmented with special characters used in Scandinavian and
Western European countries. These characters can be printed on the key surround as a factory fitted option, (above and to the right of the relevant keys). The extra characters are accessed via the Psion modifier key once the "Special keyboard" has been selected. Note that the following diagram shows these characters, but that they are not present on the key surround of a standard machine.
The following special keys are present:
Switches the Workabout on, and functions as an Escape key, (used to clear a line of input or cancel an entry).
Switches the Workabout off.
The use of this is under application control, i.e. it is not used by any core system code. It may be acted upon by the foreground process, or by any process that captures the keypress including the Command Processor and System Screen. Used to bring up a set of menus. In the Startup Shell it brings up the Special menu that allows you to choose a system interface, or to restart the shell.
Switches the backlight on and off, (where fitted).
Controls the contrast of the LCD display.
Del Used to edit typing, and to delete items of various kinds, database records, for example.
Enter Terminates a line of input, exits a dialog, etc.
An extra modifier key (analogous to Alt on a PC), recognisable by its familiar "cup and saucer" Psion logo.
There are also several special keypress combinations:
Shift-Esc The "Help" hotkey combination. The use of this is under application control, i.e. it is not used by any core system code. It may be acted upon by the foreground process, or by any process that captures the keypress including the Command Processor and
System Screen. It is used to bring up a Help menu. It appears to any application exactly like the Help key on a Psion Series 3a.
Ctrl-Esc The "Help index" hotkey combination. It is used to bring up a Help index. It appears to any application exactly like the Ctrl-Help key combination on a Psion Series 3a.
The "Task" hotkey combination. It allows switching between tasks.
Psion-Space The "Caps lock" key combination. This is used to switch between normal and "Caps lock" modes. In normal operations lower case characters are the default, with upper case only when the Shift key is held down. In "Caps lock" mode, upper case characters are the default and lower case characters are obtained by holding down the
Shift key.
Psion-Left The "Home" key combination. The use of this is under application control.
Psion-Right The "End" key combination. The use of this is under application control.
Psion-Up The "Page Up" key combination. The use of this is under application control.
Psion-Down The "Page Down" key combination. The use of this is under application control.
Shift-Ctrl-B The "Battery" hotkey combination. It displays battery information: main battery state and type, backup battery state and whether external power is present. It is available at all times regardless of what application is running, (it is implemented in the Startup
Shell). Note: for correct information the drawer must be securely closed.
The Workabout contains a piezo buzzer for beeps, key clicks, etc.
The basic software
The software running on a Workabout at any one time is a mixture of:
ROM resident core software (the "operating system").
ROM resident utilities, such as the MS-DOS like Command Processor, OPL program editor and the LINK communications software.
ROM resident PIM application software, (the System Screen, database, calculator, spreadsheet and/or communications terminal emulator).
Application software, from an SSD or internal memory.
Library software, again from an SSD or internal memory.
Versions of the Work
about software
To see which version of ROM software is contained in any Workabout, enter ver
at the
prompt in the
Command Processor. The Workabout ROM version number is given, plus a separate version number for the EPOC operating system, and another one for the Workabout System Interface.
ROM components
In addition to those files in the ROM that are common to all SIBO computers, there are several that are unique (or specifically adapted) to the Workabout. These include:
The Startup Shell, that displays the Psion logo when the machine is first switched on, or after a reset. It runs any autoexec file, and gives the battery information window.
The Command Processor, as described in detail in a separate chapter.
The System Screen, as described in detail in a separate chapter.
This file holds all the language-dependent text strings used by the operating system, as well as the standard keyboard layout information. It is used in preference to sys$ when you select the Standard keyboard option from the Command Processor's Control menu, or enter setdef /k0
This file holds all the language-dependent text strings used by the operating system, as well as the special keyboard layout information. It is used in preference to sys$ctry.cfo when you select the Special keyboard option from the Command Processor's Control menu, or enter setdef /k1
Provides the facilities needed to enable programs written in OPL to be run.
Provides the facilities needed to enable Psion Series 3 type OPL programs to be run on the Workabout.
The ROM also contains a number of built-in fonts (*.fon files). The Workabout fonts are identical to those used in the Series 3a and are described in the Text fonts section of the Introduction chapter of the Window
Server Reference manual.
To obtain a listing of all the files in the ROM, enter dir rom::
at the
> prompt
of the Command
Processor. Note, however, that no file corresponding to EPOC itself appears in this listing. EPOC is the kernel of the operating system, and not a file in rom::
Note: The ROM contains the file sys$soak.img. This is a soak test program that is intended for Psion use only. Since this program erases everything in memory, it should not be run.
Command Processor
This application is included in the ROM for the benefit of program developers. It provides a DOS-like command line interface.
In addition to the familiar DOS commands there are several commands peculiar to the Workabout. Some provide information, such as
. Others invoke features of the Workabout which are beyond the scope of DOS, such as
which runs processes asynchronously.
This application can also run batch files. It is invoked transparently by the Startup Shell to run
autoexec.btf if required.
See the Workabout Command Processor chapter for further details.
System Screen and PIM applications
The System Screen application is included in the Workabout ROM as an example of a GUI application. It is very similar to the Series 3a System Screen.
It provides much of the same functionality as the Command Processor, the major difference being that there is no batch file handling.
Modified versions of the Series 3a personal information management (PIM) applications Data (database),
Calc (calculator) and Comms (communications), and of the Series 3 Sheet (spreadsheet) are included by way of examples of the machine's potential. Most of the modifications concern the size of dialog boxes, in that a smaller dialog box font is used when the applications run on a Workabout.
Details of the use of the System Screen and the PIM applications are beyond the scope of this SDK. An introduction to their use may be found in the Workabout User Guide that is available with Workabout machines.
Resetting the Work about
It is rarely necessary to reset the Workabout. Even a serious bug in the application being developed is unlikely to cause the entire Workabout system to hang. For example, any illegal attempt by an application to write to data outside its own data segment will cause the operating system to terminate the application in a so-called panic. The same thing happens if an application leaves interrupts disabled for too long. In some instances of software failure, however, a reset may prove necessary.
To avoid the possibility of losing any data used by an application, terminate all applications and save any important data to an SSD or a PC before performing a reset.
Note: There are two holes at the top and bottom centre of the keyboard on the Workabout. Neither of these is for a recessed reset switch.
Soft reset
To perform a soft reset, press Psion-Ctrl-Del, (equivalent to Alt-Ctrl-Del on a PC, or pressing the reset switch on a Psion HC or Series 3/3a). You will hear a short warning buzz. The Workabout then turns off, abandoning all programs running at the time, without saving any data currently in use by them. The files in the internal memory (M:) will not be lost, however.
Hard reset
If, unusually, all the internal memory (including environment variables) is to be erased too, keep the Shift key held down while resetting the machine, i.e. press Psion-Shift-Ctrl-Del. You will hear a short warning buzz. This is known as a hard reset. It is essentially equivalent to using:
• the reset switch on a PC
• the reset switch with the ON/OFF key held down on a Psion HC
• the reset switch with the ON/Esc key held down on a Series 3
• the reset switch with the right-hand Shift key held down on a Series 3a.
Cold reset
If neither a soft nor a hard reset work, remove all power and wait a few minutes before restoring power.
The machine must then be switched back on. You will hear a short warning buzz. This is called a cold reset and will, like a hard reset, also erase the contents of all internal memory.
What happens after a reset
Following a hard or soft reset, or the temporary removal of all power, the Workabout displays the Psion logo and startup message, as if switched on for the first time.
Customising the Workabout
This section describes some of the many ways a Workabout can be customised, to make it ideally suited to some particular set of needs.
Hardware customisation
A backlight for the screen may be retro-fitted to any model if required.
Simple measures of hardware customisation include alterations to the labels and branding of the
Workabout, changes to the colour scheme and new keyboard legends. The machine may also be fitted with a lockable battery/SSD drawer. More extensive hardware customisation, such as altering the keyboard layout, are possible.
These measures of customisation are beyond the scope of this manual, which focuses instead on software
customisation. Contact your distributor if you wish to investigate the possibilities of hardware customisation.
Software customisation
The Workabout is designed to facilitate software customisation. Although (unlike the HC) the contents of the ROM can not be reprogrammed, there are a number of ways in which the Workabout can run custom application software. These include:
• supplying an autoexec file,
• replacing the Startup Shell,
• replacing the Command Processor,
• replacing the System Screen,
• adding further applications to those that run under the System Screen.
Only the first of these techniques is recommended as a standard way of customising a Workabout.
Nevertheless, the others are techniques that can be used if there is a particular reason for doing so. They are described in the Programming the Workabout chapter.
Connecting to other computers
This section describes standard serial connections between a Workabout and another computer, such as a
PC or Apple Macintosh. The discussion is limited to describing connection to a PC, but similar considerations apply to connecting with other types of computer.
Any connection between two computers involves a hardware connection and a software connection.
Hardware connection
Depending on the connectors fitted to the Workabout, a standard serial connection can be accomplished in either of two ways:
• a standard serial cable connecting a Workabout RS232 socket (where fitted) to a serial port on the other computer.
• a Psion 3Link serial cable connecting a Workabout, via a LIF converter, to a serial port on the other computer.
Note: In order for the Workabout to recognise the presence or absence of the 3Link cable, the LIF
Converter must be disconnected from the Workabout before attaching or removing the cable.
Modern PCs have 9-pin sockets on serial ports; older ones have 25-pin sockets. It is common for PCs to have two serial ports, designated COM1 and COM2. If you only have one serial port on your PC, it will be
Some Psion communications software running on the PC recognises other serial port designations, such as
COM3 or COM4. However, to ensure that communications will work in all cases, you should ideally connect the PC end of the cable to COM1 or, if that port is not available, to COM2.
In either case the Workabout could be connected to the other computer via a modem and a suitable telephone line connection. The Psion 3Link serial cable is supplied with all the necessary software, and the accompanying documentation explains its use.
A Workabout connected to a modem may be used with the Psion 3Fax SSD software (but note that the
Workabout is not compatible with the Psion 3Fax modem).
Software connection
Communications software must be running on both machines that are connected via a serial cable.
The Workabout contains Link software that, in addition to allowing the transfer of serial data, provides access to the filing system of the attached PC, provided that is also running suitable communications software. The Link software can be started on the Workabout either by use of the Command Processor's link command, or by selecting the Remote link option of the System Screen's Special menu. The Link software is described in the NCP and Link chapter of the I/O Devices Reference manual.
The software on the PC should be Mclink, RCom (Remote Communications), or any other communications software intended for communicating with a Psion computer. The Mclink software is supplied with this SDK and is described in the Mclink, Mcprint and Slink chapter of the Additional
System Information manual. RCom (Remote Communications) software is supplied with the Psion 3Link cable and is described in the accompanying documentation.
At the time of writing, either of two high level languages - C or OPL - may be used to develop application software for the Workabout, although further languages are likely to appear in the future.
The use of OPL is described in the OPL Software Development Kit: this manual, not unnaturally, concentrates on development in C.
Basic programming choices
Standard C (CLIB) or Psion C (PLIB)
As with all SIBO machines, a significant proportion of C code that has already written for other target computers can be transferred almost straightaway to run on a Workabout. The availability of the CLIB standard C library means that all that is required is to recompile and re-link the code.
To take a very simple example, the program simple.c
#include <stdio.h> int main(void)
puts("Hello world");
} together with a project file
#system epoc img
#model small jpi
#compile simple.c
#link simple will run on a Workabout without any difficulty whatsoever (see the chapter Building an Application in the
General Programming Manual for further discussion of TopSpeed .pr project files and their usage).
However, it is recommended that Workabout developers rewrite the above program to use the Psionspecific PLIB library, as follows:
#include <p_std.h>
#include <p_sys.h> int main(void)
p_puts("Hello world");
WORKABOUT PROGRAMMERS REFERENCE with the project file changed to:
#system epoc img
#set epocinit=iplib
#model small jpi
#compile simple.c
#link simple
The relative merits of CLIB and PLIB are described in the Building an Application chapter of the General
Programming Manual and the Introduction chapter of the PLIB Reference manual, and will not be further discussed here.
Since the use of PLIB functions is essential for accessing many of the built-in software features - the enhanced graphics facilities of the Window Server, for example - the remainder of this chapter is biased towards PLIB.
Writing the user interface
A SIBO interface can be written in one of the following ways:
Using console service functions such as
, p_getl
, and p_puts
(or their CLIB equivalents). These functions can only produce simple row and column text-based output, but can be extremely useful when debugging an application.
Using functions in the Window Server library with the contents of each window backed up with a bitmap. This method is capable of producing a high quality graphical display, but can be expensive in terms of memory usage.
Using functions in the Window Server library with the contents of each window explicitly redrawn. This method is also capable of creating a high quality graphical display. Furthermore, it is more efficient than the use of bitmap backups, both in terms of memory usage and speed of drawing.
If following either of the last two of these options, you have a further choice of approaches as follows:
Make direct use of PLIB and Window Server library functions only. This approach gives you the freedom to implement any form of user interface. However, development of any but a simple interface may require a significantly increased programming effort compared with the following two approaches.
Combine PLIB and Window Server calls with the HWIF library. This approach to application development, which uses standard C programming techniques, is described in the Programming
in Hwif manual. It provides access, with some restrictions, to the elements of the built-in user interface that is used for the applications that run under the System Screen.
Use object oriented programming techniques, combining PLIB and Window Server calls with use of the built-in OLIB, FORM, HWIM and XADD libraries. This approach (referred to in this SDK as HWIM programming) allows full access to the elements of the built-in user interface, at the cost of an increased learning curve. See the Object Oriented Programming Guide for a description of the relevant techniques.
These three approaches can, to some extent, be combined. It is, for example, permissible for programs developed predominantly using either of the first two approaches to make object oriented accesses to the
OLIB library, which does not have any dependency on the choice of user interface.
Synchronous or asynchronous processing
There is a class of programs in which all input to a program comes via the keyboard. These programs can be schematised as follows:
Whilst waiting for a key from the keyboard, the program "hangs", i.e. it is unresponsive to other sources of input. In this case the hanging of the program does not matter, as there are no other sources of input.
The call
makes what is known as a synchronous read for a key; it is synchronous because it does not return until the keypress it is waiting for has been delivered: the return of the call making the request is automatically synchronised with the delivery of the keypress.
Consider another example of synchronous i/o. In this case, a program that is printing data might be structured (at least in part) as follows:
This program loop terminates when there is nothing left to print. Now the process of sending a line of data to the printer might take some time. Furthermore, the printer's buffer could be full, in which case the program would have to wait for the buffer to empty a bit before being able to transmit the next line for printing. If the call
is implemented synchronously, the program will "hang" in this call until the data had been transmitted to the printer. In this state, the program is, again, unresponsive to other sources of input.
A printing program could, and should, allow the user to terminate the printing while it is in progress by simply pressing a predefined key. This means that the program must remain responsive to keypresses even while data is waiting to be sent to the printer. Such a modification requires the synchronous call
to become asynchronous.
The software on all SIBO machines has been explicitly designed to address these issues. For all but the simplest of programs the concept of asynchronous events is central to successful programming on the
Workabout, and application developers are strongly urged to face up to this issue squarely, from the beginning. Example programs in the Fundamental Programming Guidelines chapter of the General
Programming Manual cover the necessary concepts in a thorough yet straightforward manner.
Customisation options
The Workabout is designed to facilitate software customisation. Although (unlike the HC) the contents of the ROM can not be reprogrammed, there are a number of ways in which the Workabout can run custom application software. These include:
• replacing the Startup Shell,
• replacing the Command Processor,
• replacing the System Screen,
• adding further applications to those that run under the System Screen,
• supplying an autoexec file.
Only the last of these techniques is recommended as a standard way of customising a Workabout.
Nevertheless, the others are techniques that can be used if there is a particular reason for doing so.
Replacing the Startup Shell
When the Workabout is first switched on (or following a reset), the Window Server sys$wsrv.img looks for and runs a program called sys$shll.img. It looks for this program in the root directory of all local drives, scanning them in alphabetical order, and finally in the ROM. Note that this is not the same search order as is used to locate program files that are executed from the Command Processor.
The Window Server also looks for a program of this name, along the same path, whenever the Startup
Shell terminates - either normally or abnormally - so as never to leave the Workabout without a version of
sys$shll.img running on it.
The program started in this way is called the Startup Shell. The built-in version is the program that, on start-up, looks for and runs any autoexec file or, if no such file is found, presents the Psion logo.
The Startup Shell program in the ROM can clearly be replaced by one on an SSD. There is, however, only a very small RAM overhead involved in having the standard Workabout Startup Shell installed and, unless an application needs as much available RAM as possible, there is little advantage in replacing it. It may be of interest to note that this technique is, in fact, used by Psion during factory testing.
During development and initial testing, a replacement Startup Shell should be given another name, such as workshll.img, and only renamed to sys$shll.img when you are sure that it is free of serious bugs.
If a replacement Startup Shell is on an SSD, you can revert to the built-in version simply by removing the
SSD and performing a soft reset. This will preserve any data in the machine's RAM. With a replacement startup shell on the M: internal drive, the only way to revert to the built-in Startup Shell is to perform a hard reset, or to remove all power from the machine - including the backup battery. This will also erase any other data held in RAM.
Replacing the Command Processor
The ROM Command Processor is provided for development work, supporting a rich variety of file management, task management, system configuration, and batch file processing commands. However, this functionality brings its own cost in RAM consumption that may well be undesirable for a Workabout running application software. For this reason the Command Processor is not loaded into RAM when the
Workabout is first switched on.
The Startup Shell on the Workabout, sys$shll.img, looks for a program called sys$cmdp.img if the
Command processor menu option is selected from the System Interface selection dialog, or if the
Command Processor needs to be loaded to execute a batch file. In either case it looks for the file in the root directory and then the \img directory of drive A:, and then in each of the other local drives
(including M:). The drives are scanned in alphabetical order. If the file is not found in any local drive, the search concludes by looking in the ROM. The Command Processor program in the ROM can thus be over-ridden by one in any local drive. (Note that the search order is not the same as that used to locate program files that are executed from the Command Processor.)
If a replacement Command Processor is on an SSD, you can revert to the built-in version simply by removing the SSD at a time when the Command Processor is not running. If the replacement is on the M: internal drive, reverting to the built-in version may be less easy. If the replacement Command Processor allows you to exit, you can do so and then rename or delete it from, say, the System Screen. Otherwise, the only option may be to perform a hard reset.
One possible use of a custom Command Processor file is to discourage "hackers". Minimal custom System
Interfaces could be provided on the same SSD as the autoexec file, and could even be copied automatically onto the internal drive. These custom System Interfaces would merely notify the user that their chosen option was not allowed and return them to their application program or to the Startup Shell.
Replacing the System Screen
The built-in System Screen and the applications that run under it are provided mainly to illustrate some of the possibilities for custom applications, but they may also be useful for development work.
The Startup Shell on the Workabout, sys$shll.img, looks for a program called sys$gsys.img if the System
screen menu option is selected from the System Interface selection dialog. It looks for the file in the root directory and then the \img directory of drive A:, and then in each of the other local drives (including M:).
The drives are scanned in alphabetical order. If the file is not found in any local drive, the search concludes by looking in the ROM. The System Screen program in the ROM can thus be over-ridden by one in any local drive. (Note that the search order is not the same as that used to locate program files that are executed from the Command Processor.)
If a replacement System Screen is on an SSD, you can revert to the built-in version simply by removing the SSD at a time when the System Screen is not running. If the replacement is on the M: internal drive, reverting to the built-in version may be less easy. If the replacement System Screen allows you to exit, you can do so and then rename or delete it from, say, the Command Processor. Otherwise, the only option may be to perform a hard reset.
As with the Command Processor, one possible use of a custom System Screen file is to discourage
"hackers". Minimal custom System Interfaces could be provided on the same SSD as the autoexec file, and could even be copied automatically onto the internal drive. These custom System Interfaces would merely notify the user that their chosen option was not allowed and return them to their application program or to the Startup Shell.
Adding System Screen applications
Strictly speaking, this technique should not be termed customisation, but is included for the sake of completeness.
It is not a viable option for the vast majority of end-user machines, but can be a useful aid to development work. The following types of file, copied to any local drive, can be run under the System Screen:
• application programs, written in C, with a .app extension and located in a \app directory (directly installable from the Install option of the System Screen's Apps menu)
• image files, written in C, with a .img extension and located in a \img directory (run from the
RunImg icon that can be installed by means of the Install standard option of the System Screen's
Apps menu)
• translated OPL applications, with a .opa extension and located in a \opa directory (directly installable from the Install option of the System Screen's Apps menu)
• translated OPL programs, with a .opo extension and located in a \opo directory (run from the
RunOpl icon that can be installed by means of the Install standard option of the System Screen's
Apps menu)
Any such program written for the Series 3 will run without modification on the Workabout.
In principle, Series 3a programs should also run on the Workabout. In practice, Series 3a programs may need some degree of modification to ensure, for example, that any dialogs and command menus will fit on the Workabout's screen.
See the Series 3/3a Programming Guide for information on writing applications to run under the System
Supplying an autoexec file
Most end-user machines will run customised application software via the built-in autoexec mechanism, by which the Startup Shell will search for and run a file with the file name autoexec and an extension that is one of: .img, .app, .opo, .opa, or .btf.
The Startup Shell first searches for a file with the name autoexec.img in the root directory and then in a
\img subdirectory of drive A: The search for this file continues in all other local drives, taken in alphabetic order, that is, in B:, C: (if it is present) and M:. The Startup Shell does not look for autoexec.img in the
If such a file is not found, the Startup Shell searches for other autoexec files in the following order:
• an file in the root directory and a \app subdirectory
• an autoexec.opo file in the root directory and a \opo subdirectory
• an autoexec.opa file in the root directory and a \app subdirectory
• an autoexec.btf file in the root directory and a \btf subdirectory
In each case all local drives are searched in alphabetic order, as described for the search for autoexec.img.
If an autoexec file is written in OPL (that is, it has an extension of either .opo or .opa) its execution requires the OPL runtime software provided by the file sys$prgo.img. The search for this file looks in the root and \img directories of all local drives (again in alphabetic order) and finally in the ROM. This search order allows the built-in sys$prgo.img to be replaced, if required.
If the autoexec file is a batch file (that is, with extension .btf) the Startup Shell will need to locate and run the Command Processor, whose file name is sys$cmdp.img, to interpret the batch file. The search for this file looks in the root and \img directories of all local drives (again in alphabetic order) and finally in the
ROM. This search order allows the built-in sys$cmdp.img to be replaced, if required.
No command line parameters are passed to any autoexec file that is run by means of this mechanism. In practice, many .app or .img application programs may require command line data, such as the name of a data file to open. In such a case, the solution is to use a short autoexec.btf batch file that starts the main application program, passing it such command line data as may be needed.
A further use for such an auxiliary autoexec batch file is to provide a convenient way to make any necessary alterations to the default machine settings before running an application. The following example batch file autoexec.btf illustrates both of these uses:
REM Set 24 hour clock and Summer Time ON
SETDEF /t24 /ts+
REM Run the MY_APP.IMG program, passing two command line parameters
START my_app my_file my_param
Note that the program is started asynchronously, by means of the
command. The advantage of doing this is that execution of the batch file continues to its termination once the program has been started. On termination of the batch file, the Command Processor will automatically be unloaded, thereby releasing as much memory as possible for use by the main program.
An autoexec.btf batch file must not require any intervention from the user. It must not, for example, contain any
commands. Any other command that may require confirmation from the user, such as
, must be used in the form (e.g.
) that requires no such confirmation.
See the Workabout Command Processor chapter for further information about writing batch files and using Command Processor commands.
Programming guidelines
Because of the close similarity between their operating systems and the built-in software libraries, programming for the Workabout is very similar to programming for the Series 3 and Series 3a. The information in this section concentrates largely on the more significant differences. Although of interest to all Workabout developers, some of the topics will be of particular significance to those who are already familiar with developing applications for the Series 3 and/or Series 3a.
As has been mentioned earlier, programs written for the Series 3 or the Series 3a can, in principle, be run without modification on the Workabout, whether they are written using CLIB, PLIB, the HWIF library or the HWIM object oriented user interface. In practice, Series 3a programs may need some modification because of the smaller screen size on the Workabout. In HWIF or HWIM programs, menu bars, pull-down menus and dialogs may all need to be reorganised to occupy less space. Note, however, that the
Workabout permits dialogs to be displayed in a small font (this is supported for both HWIF and HWIM programming) and this may eliminate the need to otherwise modify the dialog contents.
One further point that may cause unexpected behaviour in an application transferred from, say, the
Series 3 is the presence of additional keys, such as the Backlight key, on the Workabout keyboard. It is worth a careful check of the list of special keys, given in the Events chapter of the Window Server
Reference manual, for differences in the various keypresses that are passed to an application running on different machines.
Some consequences of not running under the System Screen
All application software on the Series 3 and Series 3a is run from the System Screen (see the Series 3/3a
Programming Guide) whereas on the Workabout it is not. With the possible exception of software used during the development process, Workabout application software is normally run by means of the autoexec mechanism, either directly or via an autoexec.btf batch file, as described earlier in this chapter.
In this respect, programming for the Workabout has much in common with programming for the HC (but with the additional possibilities arising from the availability of grey when writing to the display and of the graphical user interface services provided by the built-in object libraries).
Workabout applications that do not run under the System Screen have no need for the icon and shell data files that are built into each Series 3/3a application (usually with a .app extension) that can be directly installed under the System Screen. These files contain information specifically for the use of the System
Screen, when installing and launching the application. See the Add-files section later in this chapter for more information on the files that may be built into a Workabout application.
Applications that are not run under the System Screen obviously will not receive System Screen messages.
One of the uses of such messages is to inform a Series 3/3a file-based application, while it is running, to open or create a different file. By default on the Workabout, information about which file to use can only be passed on start-up of the application, in the command line.
In an HWIM application, command line processing is provided by the am_init
method of the application's instance of (a subclass of)
. This processing is based on the assumption that the data in the command line is of the form supplied by the System Screen - as described in the Series 3/3a Programming
Guide. If the application uses a different format for command line data, it will have to supply its own code to process that data. As for all applications running under EPOC, the command line data - with a leading count byte - is pointed to by the magic static
Data integrity
Compared with those written for some other SIBO machines, a Workabout application is likely to be more critically dependent on access to data, stored either in RAM or in files.
Failure to access or to write data because the battery is too exhausted is likely to be disastrous if the user is away from a source of replacement power source. To some extent, this problem can be avoided by establishing a policy of regular battery replacement. In addition, the system software performs battery status checks each time the machine is switched on and will give the appropriate warning message if either the main or backup batteries need replacing.
In some cases it may, however, be worth considering building regular battery status checks into the application software and giving the user application-specific warnings. Comprehensive information on battery status can be found by use of the PLIB functions, such as p_supply
and p_supplyinfo
, that are described in the Power supply section of the General System Services chapter of the PLIB Reference manual.
Another potential source of problems is if a user opens the drawer, say, to change an SSD or to replace the batteries, and does not subsequently close it. In such a case, not only is the data on the SSDs inaccessible, but the Workabout is then susceptible to the ingress of dirt and moisture. If such a situation is possible, and is of concern, the application should make explicit checks at appropriate intervals.
It is not possible to check for an open drawer by means of a call to the PLIB function p_locchg
, since
EPOC only registers the change that is reported by this function at the time that the drawer is subsequently closed. Suitable methods of detecting an open drawer would be to attempt to access an SSD file that is known to exist, or to call p_dinfo
for drives A: and/or B:.
Any executable that is built to run on the Workabout may have up to four additional files, known as
add-files, embedded within it. These files are combined with the main file by emake.exe, at the time the
.img file is created. The inclusion of these files is controlled by the presence or absence of an add-file list
(.afl) file with the same name as the .img file that is being created. See the Building an Application chapter in the General Programming Manual for further general information about add-files.
The add-file list (.afl) file is a plain text file, containing a list of up to four files that are to be embedded in the executable. An application that is to run under the system screen will generally have three embedded files: an icon, a resource file and a shell data file. Consider, for example, such an application, named (by convention, a .img file containing add-files is renamed to have a .app extension). An appropriate add-file list file would be named and could have the following content: myapp.pic
The first and last of these three files are used by the System Screen when installing and running the application. In Series 3 and Series 3a applications, the icon may also be displayed in an application's status window, but the Workabout status window, however, never displays an application's icon. For further details of the icon and shell data files, see the Series 3/3a Programming Guide.
In principle, the four possible add-files may be used for any application-specific purpose. An application for the Workabout will, in general, not be run from the System Screen and will therefore not need to contain embedded icon and shell data files. The application may, however, need to use a resource file and, although not mandatory, it is recommended that this file be embedded in the application.
If the application contains an embedded resource file, and if the resource file is accessed via the OLIB
class, then the resource file must be embedded as the second add-file. This will almost certainly be the case for any application developed with the aid of the HWIM library. Such an application must have a resource file and will normally take advantage of the option for the
application manager automatically to create an instance of
. If there is no need for any other embedded files, a dummy file, preferably of zero length, must be created and included as the first embedded file, to ensure that the resource file occupies the second slot.
No access to WLD: or ALM:
The services required by the
device driver are supplied by the World application that is built into the
Series 3 and Series 3a ROMs, but is not present on the Workabout.
Similarly, it is the Time application on the Series 3 and Series 3a that provides the services required by the
device driver. Again, this application is not supplied on the Workabout.
In consequence, any application using either of these device drivers will fail if run on the Workabout.
Programming examples
The vast majority of the examples that are supplied with this SDK are suitable for use on the Workabout.
The Console examples (that is, those that use only the simple PLIB I/O functions for writing to the screen) are largely machine-independent and will run without modification. Most of the example applications that use either the HWIF or HWIM libraries will also run on the Workabout, unless they depend on, say, the wider screen of the Series 3a, or make use of facilities (such as the Series 3a's additional sound services) that are not available on the Workabout.
The \sibosdk\wkdemo directory that can be installed from the Optional disk contains two examples, one written using HWIF and the other being an object oriented HWIM application.
The Tables application
The HWIF example is a modified version of the Tables program that is described in the Worked Examples
in Hwif chapter of the Programming in Hwif manual. The unmodified version of Tables will, of course, run on the Workabout in compatibility mode, using a 240 x 80 region, centred vertically.
Amongst other things, the Workabout version illustrates the modest number of changes that are, in general, necessary to convert a 'standard' Hwif application into one that is customised for running on the
Workabout. Since the Tables program is described in some detail in the Programming in Hwif manual, the description here will concentrate on the changes that have been made.
Apart from the project file,, the entire source of the Workabout version of the application is contained in the single file tables.c. The application does not use a resource file and, if it is not run from the System Screen, it needs neither an icon (.pic) file nor a shell data (.shd) file. The Workabout version therefore does not need the add-file list, nor any of the files that it lists. Note that, in the original
HWIF version, the file tables.rsc is a zero-length dummy file, whose sole purpose is to ensure that
tables.shd is added in the third add-files slot.
The first modification is to switch out of Series 3 compatibility mode by setting the value of the variable
to a non-zero value:
GLREF_D UWORD _UseFullScreen;
In consequence, the application will occupy all 100 lines of the screen and the height of the main window, in
, is changed from 80 to 100 pixels. Note that the use of a status window is maintained. This avoids changing the width of the window, which would otherwise introduce a large number of trivial changes to the code in terms of the horizontal positioning of the window contents. The status window on the Workabout does not show an application's icon, even if one is built into the application. When first started, the application has the appearance as shown below.
The vertical positioning of all the window's content is adjusted, not only because of the increased height of the window, but also because by default the Workabout uses an 11 point font (with font ID
) whereas an 8 point font (with font ID
) is used when running in Series 3 compatibility mode. The larger font is also needed when creating the edit box, in
, that is used to receive the answer, as illustrated below.
The code to create all but one of the dialogs of the original HWIF version remains unchanged, although their appearance changes since they make use of grey in the dialog border. The following illustration shows the Limits dialog.
The dialog presented by selecting the Mode option, which selects whether to present tests on a particular multiplication table, or on all tables, is just too wide to be displayed in the normal font. This dialog is therefore set to use a smaller font:
GLREF_D UWORD _SmallFontDialog;
INT j;
TEXT buf[20];
if (uOpenDialog("Mode"))
The resulting appearance of the dialog is as follows:
The application can be built in the normal way, by typing: make tables
The easiest way of running it is to copy tables.img into a \img directory on the Workabout and then, from the Workabout's Command processor, typing: tables
The Lcdtest application
The Lcdtest example is an HWIM application, using the object oriented techniques that are described in the Object Oriented Programming Guide.
The application was written to test drawing to the Workabout's screen. It displays a variety of patterns, occupying every pixel. When first started, the application presents the display shown below.
The numeric keys, from 1 to 6 inclusive, switch to alternative display patterns, and pressing the 0 key inverts the current display pattern.
The application has a small menu bar, with Control and Special menus. The Special menu offers an Exit option and the Control menu has options to test the backlight (assuming that it is fitted) and to test sound output.
The dialog presented by selecting the Sound option is shown below.
The Lcdtest application is built by typing: make lcdtest
Note that, since this application has a resource file that is read by means of an instance of the OLIB
class, the resource file is built into the application, in the second add-file slot. This requires an add-file list,, to be supplied, with contents: dummy.pic
The file dummy.pic is of zero length, and is used to ensure that the (Huffman compressed) resource file is built into the second add-file slot.
Work about specific environment variables
The following environment variables are used only on Workabout machines.
Contains a text string representing the Workabout System Screen version number, for example, “1.00F”.
This environment variable is set when exiting from the Workabout command processor. It contains a single ASCII character representing the current drive, with a default value of ‘M’.
C$PA to C$PZ
The environment variable
may be set when exiting from the Workabout command processor, to contain a text string representing the current path on drive A. It is not set if the drive A path is to the root directory.
Similar environment variables may be set for all other possible drives -
This environment variable contains the parameters used by Link when accessed from the Workabout
System Screen and/or Command Processor.
This environment variable is set following selection of the keyboard from the Command Processor or the
System Screen. It contains a single byte whose binary value is either 0 (Standard keyboard selected) or 1
(Special keyboard selected).
The Workabout Command Processor System Interface is started by selecting the "Command processor" option from the Startup Shell's command menu.
Commands can then be entered by typing at the Command Processor, in response to a
prompt. Instead of commands being entered one at a time, batch files can be invoked, to run a series of commands consecutively - or simply to cut down on typing. For example, typing: xbat is shorthand for invoking all the commands stored in the file xbat.btf. Note that batch files must have the extension of .btf.
The Workabout Command Processor provides an DOS-like utility for functions that can be executed from a command line. In addition to the familiar DOS commands there are several commands peculiar to the
Workabout. Some provide information, such as
, which lists the memory segments used by a process.
Others invoke features of the Workabout which are beyond the scope of DOS, such as
, which runs processes asynchronously. The range of functionality covered includes file and SSD management, program management, information requests, and Workabout configuration.
Although use of the Workabout Command Processor is similar to the way you would use the DOS command line, there are several important differences. For example:
Relative paths, such as
, are not supported and the
wildcard in a file name is handled in a slightly different way from the way it is handled in DOS.
In the Workabout Command Processor, environment variable names are case-sensitive. In addition, the content of an environment variable is not restricted to text, and may include binary data.
The differences are explained in the later sections of this chapter.
Two features are available in the Workabout Command Processor, but not in the DOS command line.
A small set of menu options can be accessed by pressing the Menu key. These are described in the
Command Processor menus section of this chapter.
At the command line prompt, pressing Shift-Esc brings up a Help menu; pressing Ctrl-Shift-Esc brings up a Help index.
Command Processor menus
If the Menu key is pressed at any time when using the Workabout Command Processor, then a menu bar with three menus is presented. The options in these menus are mainly concerned with setting parameters and states that have a global effect. For the default machine settings, see the
command in the
Alphabetical listing section, later in this chapter.
Each menu option may be accessed using an accelerator key combination that is shown in the menu, adjacent to the corresponding option. The available options and their corresponding accelerators are listed below.
3 - 1
Time menu
Time and date
Summer time
[Psion-T] Set the system time and date, (see Formats)
[Shift-Psion-S] Set summer time On or Off
[Psion-F] Set date to be displayed in one of three formats:
Day month year
Year month day
Month day year
Set the date separator to any non-alphanumeric character.
Set the time format to either am-pm or 24 hour.
Set the time separator to any non-alphanumeric character.
Set the "start of week" day to any day of the week from
Monday to Sunday. The default is Monday.
Control menu
Auto switch off
Special keyboard
Set all sounds to be On or Off.
Set beeps to be Loud, Quiet or Off.
Set keyclicks to be Loud, Quiet or Off.
Set auto switch off of the machine to Yes or No or "If no external power".
Set the auto switch off time of the machine to any whole number of minutes between one and thirty.
Set auto switch off of the backlight to Yes or No.
Set the auto switch off time of the backlight to any whole number of minutes between one and ten.
Set the backlight key as Disabled or Enabled.
Switch between "Special keyboard selected" and "Standard keyboard selected". There is no dialog.
Special menu
Remote link
Wrap on
Set remote link On or Off
Set the baud rate to one of 300, 600,1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 or
Set the communications port to A, B or C.
Set any extra parameters required.
Switch between "Wrap is on" and "Wrap is off". When Wrap is on, displayed text does not disappear off the edge of the screen, but continues on the next line. There is no dialog.
Increase the character font size.
Decrease the character font size.
Zoom in
Zoom out
[Psion-X] Exit
Font sizes and zoom settings
Return to the Startup Shell (Psion logo)
The Workabout can display characters in many fonts. The command Processor uses five different font sizes. The use of Zoom in and Zoom out increases or decreases font size, (see above). Zooming in (from a larger to a smaller font) will re-display some of the information that scrolls off the top of the screen in a larger font size.
3 - 2
The five different zoom settings give the following number of characters per line and lines of text on the screen:
Font size
Number of lines
Characters per line
16 5 18
Batch file processing
Batch files are plain text files, containing a sequence of Command Processor commands, each on a separate line. By default, EPOC batch files have extension .btf. They are normally expected to be stored in a \btf directory.
To invoke the batch file with name backup.btf, just type
backup at the
prompt in the Command
Processor. Batch files are always run synchronously. This means that while the batch file is executing, the user cannot task back to the Command Processor and continue to issue other commands. No additional commands can be typed into the Command Processor until any batch files it is executing have completed.
If necessary, the full path of the batch file should be given too. Thus: loc::b:\batch\backup or rem::c:\workabt\devp\restore.bat
The extension needs to be supplied only in cases where it differs from .btf. Note that loc:: specifies the local filing system (the default) and rem:: specifies the remote filing system.
If the batch file name is preceded by start
(see Launching programs below) it will still be run synchronously; thus: start loc::b:\batch\backup is exactly the same as: loc::b:\batch\backup
Batch files can also call other batch files, and so on, up to eight levels deep.
If more complex functionality is required, a program should be written, to replace the batch file.
Launching programs
As well as running batch files, the Command Processor can be used to launch programs - either EPOC executables (typically with extension .img or .app) OPL programs (with extension .opo) or OPL applications (with extension .opa).
Like batch files, these other programs are run simply by typing their name.
Typing the line dojob has in fact the following effect:
The Command Processor checks for an internal command with the name
. If such a command is found, it is executed.
If no such command exists, the Command Processor looks for a file dojob.img in the ROM, and then in a \img directory on each of the local drives. If such a file is found it is executed.
If no such .img file exists, the Command Processor looks for a file in the ROM, and then in a \app directory on each of the local drives. If such a file is found it is executed.
3 - 3
If no such .app file exists, the Command Processor looks for a file dojob.opo in the ROM, and then in a \opo directory on each of the local drives. If such a file is found it is executed.
If no such .opo file exists, the Command Processor looks for a file dojob.opa in the ROM, and then in a \app directory on each of the local drives. If such a file is found it is executed.
If no such .opa file exists, the Command Processor looks for a file dojob.btf in the ROM, and then in a \btf directory on each of the local drives. If such a file is found it is executed.
In all cases, the local drives are searched in the order A:, B:, C:, M:.
Note that, for example, a file dojob.img will be found in preference to a file dojob.btf. To ensure that a file with a specific extension is run, enter the extension explicitly, for example: dojob.btf
A program may be run from a directory other than the standard directory for a file of that type, provided the directory is specified explicitly, for example:
will execute the first dojob.img file that is found in a \mydir\ directory in one of the local drives (the drives are searched in the same order as is given above).
In general, any drive, path and/or extension that is included in the command will confine the search appropriately.
Additional command line parameters can be passed to a program. For example, b: will execute, passing it a command line containing the string
Synchronous and asynchronous programs
In contrast to batch files, which are always run synchronously (see above), programs can be run either synchronously or, exploiting the multi-tasking capabilities of the Workabout, asynchronously.
By default, a program is launched synchronously, if its name is entered on its own. This means that while the program is executing, the user cannot task back to the Command Processor and continue to issue other commands.
To run a program asynchronously, prefix the program name with the keyword
. This means that while the program is executing, the user can task back to the Command Processor and continue to issue other commands.
When the program is started, it will by default (assuming that it has some form of user interface) take over the foreground screen. To access the Command Processor, or indeed any other tasks that may be running on the Workabout at the time, press Psion-Tab, ("Switch task"), as many times as is required. Every time
Psion-Tab is pressed, a different program cycles into foreground.
Note that there is no need to quit the foreground program in order to start another - start a new program by pressing the Psion-Tab key combination until you get into the Command Processor, then type the name of the program at the command line, (with or without the preceding
, as required).
However, users should avoid starting up new programs unnecessarily - since each additional program reduces the processing time, memory and other resources available for the programs already running.
Terminating programs
Many programs contain mechanisms within themselves for the user to terminate them. For example, they may contain an Exit command.
Alternatively, programs can be killed from the Command Processor, using either the
KILL commands. As is explained in the alphabetical listing below,
should be used in preference to
KILL whenever possible. The relevant menu options should be used to stop the built-in Psion applications.
Note that if a program is run synchronously, it is not possible to terminate it by tasking to the Command
Processor that launched it - since that Command Processor is inaccessible until the program terminates.
The Psion-Shift-Ctrl-K keypress combination kills the current foreground process. In extreme circumstances, recourse to resetting the Workabout may be required.
3 - 4
When a program launched from the Command Processor terminates, either normally or abnormally, the
Startup Shell reports this fact to the user.
The command line editor
Up to 32 previous commands can be reviewed by means of the Up and Down cursor keys at the command line. Any previous command displayed in this way can be edited before being issued again.
To clear the command line at any time, press Esc.
As would be expected, each individual command is entered to the Workabout by pressing Enter after typing its name. The command name can never be abbreviated. The names of the built-in commands and their parameters are not case sensitive. Parameters to user-developed applications. however, may be case sensitive.
Certain other keys and key combinations also have special effects in the command line editor, (or when a batch file is running).
Terminates a line of input.
Del on its own deletes the character preceding the cursor, or any highlighted text (see below).
Move the cursor left or right along the line being edited.
Recall previous commands. The up and down arrow keys move backwards and forwards respectively through the last 32 commands (maximum) that were issued.
Esc Esc on its own deletes the entire line.
This keypress also breaks out of a batch file or a long listing, and will cancel a
There are also several special keypress combinations:
Deletes the following character, (if no text is highlighted).
Deletes from the cursor to the start of the line, (if no text is highlighted).
Deletes from the cursor to the end of the line, (if no text is highlighted).
Moves the cursor left, highlighting (in reverse video) all characters passed.
If the Shift key is kept depressed and Right is then pressed the text will be unhighlighted again as the cursor passes.
Moves the cursor right, highlighting (in reverse video) all characters passed. If the Shift key is kept depressed and Left is then pressed the text will be unhighlighted again as the cursor passes.
Highlights (in reverse video) the current word.
Psion-Shift-Ctrl-Right Highlights (in reverse video) the current line.
This is somewhat pointless when editing batch files, since all you can then do is delete the line (which is more easily done by simply pressing Esc). It is supplied for the benefit of user-developed applications, which have access to the same editor.
Moves the cursor to the beginning of the current word being edited, or of the preceding word if already in that position.
Moves the cursor to the beginning of the next word to the right, or to the end of the line if already on the last word.
Moves the cursor to the beginning of the line being edited.
Moves the cursor to the end of the line being edited.
Recalls last command issued.
Recalls earliest recallable command.
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The "Help" hotkey combination. It brings up the Command Processor Help menu.
The "Help index" hotkey combination. It is used to bring up a general Help index.
The "Task" hotkey combination. It allows switching between the
Command Processor and other tasks, (if any).
The "Break" hotkey combination cancels a WAIT command. It has the same effect as pressing Esc.
Ctrl-S The "Pause" hotkey combination. Pauses a batch file or a long listing.
Pausing the screen display
All commands automatically pause when a screenful of information has been displayed. In all cases, pressing Enter resumes the display. The Esc key can usually be used to terminate the command listing.
Commands do not pause when being executed within a batch file.
Running multiple System Interfaces
It is not possible to run an additional copy of the Command Processor. If this is attempted by entering at the command line prompt of the Command Processor: start sys$cmdp a "File already exists" dialog will appear.
It is, however, possible to run the System Screen at the same time as the Command Processor. To do this enter at the command line prompt of the Command Processor: start sys$gsys
The Task key combination (Psion-Tab) can then be used to switch between the two system interfaces, (and any other tasks that are also running).
Only one copy of the System Screen may be started - if one is already running a "File already exists" dialog will appear. It is not possible to install the Command Processor in, or to start the Command
Processor from, the System Screen.
Files and directories
File In Use error messages
If any Workabout application has a file open, no other application is allowed to alter that file in any way.
For this reason, some file commands may unexpectedly fail, when issued from the Command Processor.
For example, it is impossible to make a complete copy of all the files in a directory if any one (or more) of these files is in use by another application. Commands to delete or rename such a file will likewise report an error.
Default path and current directory
Unlike MS-DOS, in which there is always a current logged directory for each different drive (and so there are as many current directories as there are drives), in EPOC there is only one current directory for each running process. Indeed, instead of referring to a current directory, it is preferable to refer to the current
path, since the drive is included too (and the filing system).
Unlike on the Psion HC, there is no single command to set the default path on the Workabout. The drive letter followed by a colon should be used to set the current drive in the Command Processor or in batch files, and the
command to change the current directory.
Note that if the current path is a:\work\, the effect of typing cd b:\play
is the same in the Workabout
Command Processor as in MS-DOS, but is limited to local drives.
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However, in EPOC, there is a different current path for each current application. Changing the path in one application does not alter the path in another application. This may be regarded as a significant improvement over MS-DOS, where the currently logged directories in the command processor are often annoyingly altered by running (synchronously!) another process. By the time the second process has terminated, the MS-DOS command processor may have been logged to a different drive and a different directory.
Note that any changes to the path of the Command Processor inside a batch file will continue to have effect after the termination of the batch file, since no new process is run up just by virtue of a batch file being executed.
Specifying file names as command parameters
In all, a full file specification is regarded as having five parts:
A filing system (e.g. loc:: or rem::).
A drive or device (e.g. b:).
A path (e.g. \ or \accounts\jan\).
A filename (e.g. job).
An extension (e.g. .img).
Frequently, it is possible to omit part of the full specification of the path of a file, when giving a filename as a parameter to a command in the Command Processor. Any missing parts of the filename will be filled in from the current path. In the Alphabetical listing below filespec
implies a full file specification as listed above, filename
means the name of the file only.
For example, if the current path is m:\img\, the command attrib job.img -r
operates on the file with full specification m:\img\job.img. However, the command att b:\backup\job.img
operates, naturally enough, on the file b:\backup\job.img - regardless of the current path.
If the current directory on b: is \img\, the command attrib b:job.img
operates on a file b:\img\job.img
(if one exists) - not on any file job.img in the root directory of b:. The reason for this is that the filename
b:job.img is interpreted as having only the three parts:
• a drive (b:)
• a basic name (job)
• an extension (.img).
Since the path component is missing, this is taken from the current path for the drive.
To specify a file job.img on the root directory of b:, type: b:\job.img
including the crucial
character that indicates the path.
Specifying paths as command parameters
Just as it is often possible to omit part of the full specification of the path of a file, when giving a filename as a parameter to a command in the Command Processor, so also is it often possible to omit part of the full specification of a path (or directory name), when issuing a command such as cd
, md
, or rd
that expects a directory name as a parameter. Any missing parts of the directory name will be filled in from the current path.
Thus if the current drive is m: and the current path is \img\, the command md tools
is equivalent to md m:\img\tools
. Likewise cd tools
is equivalent to cd m:\img\tools
and rd tools
is equivalent to rd m:\img\tools
When specifying a path, a trailing backslash can generally be used to clarify that a name is a directory rather than a file.
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As in DOS, the wildcards
may be used in the file name and/or the extension components of a file specification, where
represents any single character and
represents zero or more characters.
The use of
differs from its use in DOS in that, on the Workabout, it is possible to use, for example: a*b.* to select all files whose file name starts with a
and ends with b
. In DOS, a*b.*
has the same effect as a*.*
The requirements of generality
Evidently, although some of the syntax of commands such as md
and rd
is similar to that of corresponding commands in DOS, in other aspects the requirements of the Workabout Command Processor syntax for these functions may be found more restrictive than in DOS.
In fact, the extra restrictions stem from a central design feature of the EPOC operating system - the requirement for applications to be able directly to address files on a remote computer, where the remote filing system may well be other than DOS. Alternative remote filing systems that need to be borne in mind, as well as just DOS, include Unix, Vax VMS, and the Apple Macintosh operating system.
Thus if the Workabout is connected to an Apple Macintosh computer, the following could be entered at the command line: dir rem::hd40:Workdevp:stock
Accordingly, the Workabout Command Processor does not simply approach filenames and path specifications in terms of prescence or absence of backslashes. For example, were the Command Processor to insert a backslash at the end of the above command, "on behalf of the user", this would, most decidedly,
not be what the user intended. Instead, the approach is much more general, in terms of the five part breakdown of filename specifications discussed two sections previously.
It should be noted that Psion computers allow the use, for example, of the "
" character in filenames, which is not allowed in MS-DOS for instance. For portability between filing systems and applications on different manufacturers machines it is recommended that only letters and numbers are used in filenames.
At the very least filenames should be restricted to the MS-DOS naming convention. The allowed characters in an MS-DOS filename are:
A-Z a-z 0-9 $ % ' - @ { } ~ ` ! # ( ) &
MS-DOS filenames are case insensitive, (upper and lower case letters are treated the same).
Different DOS versions handle accented characters differently. It is recommended that accented characters are not used in filenames.
Filenames that are keywords, the names of ports or device drivers, etc. on the Workabout or any remote system, should also be avoided, e.g. COM1, LPT2, etc.
Similarly, the Workabout provides only limited support for the syntax of "double dot" (for the parent directory) and "single dot" (for the current directory).
This extra discipline has its occasional drawbacks. However, the advantages that it brings with it are an important part of the vital inter-connectable feature of the Workabout.
Alphabetical listing
This list of commands uses the following syntax:
COMMAND supplied-parameter [optional-parameter | optional-parameter] or:
COMMAND [optional-parameter] {supplied-parameter | supplied-parameter}
Items shown in square brackets ( [ ] ) are optional. To include optional information, type only the information within the brackets. Do not type the square brackets themselves.
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The use of the vertical bar ( | ) symbol between parameters means that one parameter OR the other parameter can be used, (but not both). Type only one parameter. Do not type the vertical bar itself.
If there are alternatives but one or other must be included, the options are enclosed in curly brackets ( { }
), if required for clarity. Type only one parameter. Do not type the curly brackets themselves.
Shortened versions of commands are not available. In the above (generalised) example,
would not be an acceptable shortened form of
. The Workabout Command Processor thus differs from the Psion
HC Command Processor which does allow command abbreviations.
Commands can be typed in any combination of lower and upper case. For example, except where clearly stated to the contrary below, variants such as echo on
and echo ON
are completely equivalent.
A command keyword must be separated from any following parameter by at least one space character.
Default values may be assumed if some options are not supplied. Default values of particular commands are given in the individual command descriptions which follow.
The following list actually contains entries that are not really commands of the Command Processor, in the strict sense, but are just the name of a program in the ROM, for example
. However, this distinction may seem irrelevant to the user, and so, for convenience, these commands are listed as well.
DOS calls these external commands.
ATTRIB Set or clear file attributes
ATTRIB [system::][drive:][path]filename[.extension] [+a|-a] [+s|-s] [+h|-h] [+r|-r]
Set or reset the archived ( a
), system ( s
), hidden ( h
) and/or read-only ( r
) attributes of a file.
For example, attrib -a +s list.dat
clears the archived attribute and sets the system attribute of list.dat, without altering its hidden or read-only attributes.
For each of h
, s
, a
, and r
, a prefix of
clears the corresponding attribute, and a prefix of
sets it. The four attributes can be specified in any order, and any combination of the four bits can be set or cleared at once.
Omitting all four is pointless: nothing will happen.
command accepts a file specification containing wildcards.
Note that the
command includes the attributes of files as part of its display.
CALC Run the calculator application
Run the Calculator application, Calc.
If preceded by
, Calc will be run asynchronously.
Help on using the Calculator application is available by pressing Shift-Esc.
For full information on using the Calculator application, see the Workabout User Guide.
CALL Call a batch file from inside another batch file
[CALL ][system::][drive:][path]batchfile[.extension] [batch-parameters]
Calls a batch file from inside another batch file.
Omitting the
command and just using the file specification "chains" the named batch file, and does not return to the current batch file on completion.
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CD Display or alter current directory
CD [system::][drive:][path]
Change to a different path, or (if path
is omitted) displays the current path. Note that system::
can only be loc::
For example, to change the current directory from \work\product\ to \work\admin\, type: cd \work\admin\
To move to a directory below the current one, only the path from the current directory needs to be entered.
So to change from \work\admin\ to \work\admin\forms\, the following command could be used: cd forms\
The trailing backslash in the above commands can be omitted. Thus cd forms
instead of cd forms\ will do the same thing.
CD [drive:]\ to change to the root directory of a drive, or of the current drive if drive:
is omitted.
For example, type: cd b:\ to change to the root directory of b:.
Typing cd b:
changes nothing and just displays the current path for b:.
To change drive use: drive:
CHDIR Change directory
CHDIR [system::][drive:][path]
Changes to a different path, or (if path
is omitted) displays the current path. This command is exactly the same as
Clear the screen CLS
Clear the screen, leaving the
prompt in the top left corner.
COMMS Run the communications application
[START] COMMS [system::][drive:][path][filename[.extension]]
Run the communications application, Comms.
If preceded by
, Comms will be run asynchronously.
If no file specification is provided, and the current drive is m:, (and comms.sco does not already exist), a dialog is presented asking:
Create "M:\SCO\COMMS.SCO"?
If 'Y' is then pressed the file m:\sco\comms.sco will be created, along with a file m:\scr\comms.scr, for later use. Note that files with the extension .scr are editable communications scripts files, and files with the extension .sco are translated communications script files. The user is then presented with the terminal emulation screen.
Otherwise, if comms.sco does already exist, then no dialog is presented. Note that it does not matter whether comms.scr exists or not.
If any system, drive or path is provided, but no filename, the comms.sco file will be placed in the specified location. The default directory for translated communications script files (extension .sco) is \sco\, and it is recommended that this is where all files of this type are kept. Note that the default directory for untranslated (editable) communications script files (extension .scr) is \scr\, and keeping all files of this type in their directory is also recommended.
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If a filename is given, a .sco file and a .scr file of that name will be created (as above) depending on whether they currently exist or not.
An extension to the filename may be provided that differs from sco, but this is not recommended, since it would make identification of the file type difficult.
Help on using the Communications application is available by pressing Shift-Esc.
For general information on using the Communications application, see the Workabout User Guide, and for full details refer to the Psion Series 3 3Link (RS232) manual.
COPY source_filespec destination_filespec [/s] [/y]
Copy file(s)
Copy one or more files or directories, possibly changing their names in the process.
If the
flag is used then all subdirectories of a specified source directory will also be copied.
switch allows overwriting without confirmation.
Any part of the target filename that is not specified, (for example, the extension), and which cannot be filled in from corresponding parts in the current drive and path, is taken from the corresponding part of the first pathname.
If the destination filename is that of an existing file, then that file will be overwritten. Unless
is specified, a "File exists" dialog appears, requesting confirmation, before the file is overwritten.
The wildcards
can be used to copy multiple files.
For example: copy fred.* a:\jim.* copies all files with a file name of fred, but any extension, from the current directory into the root of a:\, renaming them, without altering the extension in the process.
As a possibly surprising example, if the current drive is m: and the current path is \, the command copy a:\file.lis file.old
has the effect of copying the named file to m:\file.old.
The names of the source files are listed on the screen as they are copied.
A file cannot be copied onto itself. If an attempt is made to do this, the
command quits, and an error message such as the following is displayed:
Copy failed : 0 files
DATA Run the database application
[START] DATA [system::][drive:][path][filename[.extension]]
Run the database application, Data.
If preceded by
, Data will be run asynchronously.
If no file specification is provided, and the current drive is m:, (and data,dbf does not already exist), a dialog is presented asking:
Create "M:\DAT\DATA.DBF"?
Otherwise, if data.dbf does already exist, then it will be presented directly for editing.
If any system, drive or path is provided, but no filename, the data.dbf file will be placed in, (or retrieved from), the specified location. The default directory is \dat\, and it is recommended that this is where all database files are kept.
If a filename is given, a .dbf file of that name will be created (as above) and/or presented for editing depending on whether it currently exists or not.
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An extension to the filename may be provided that differs from .dbf, but this is not recommended, since it would make identification of the file type difficult.
For general information on using the Database application, see the Workabout User Guide.
This application may be useful for quickly looking at or manipulating OPL data files. There are, however, certain restrictions and differences that must be borne in mind. See the Database files chapter of the SIBO
OPL Technical Reference manual for further details.
Help on using the Database application is available by pressing Shift-Esc.
DATE Display date
Display the current date in the default format, or that specified by the most recent
or menu command.
The default display format is: dd/mm/yy
For example
will be displayed if the current system date is 12 October 1995.
If the day of the month or the month number itself has only a single digit, a leading zero is displayed. The first day of January 1996 is displayed as:
Use the Time and Date option on the Time menu to change the date.
Use the
command or the Formats option of the Time menu to change the format in which the date is displayed.
DEL Delete file(s)
DEL [system::][drive:][path]filespec [/s] [/y]
Delete the specified file or files.
If the
flag is used, all subdirectories and the files in them are deleted.
If the
flag is used, no confirmation is asked for. This is intended for use in batch files
To delete more than one file at a time, the wildcards
can be used. Alternatively, the following deletes all files in the directory temp (in the current path): del temp\
The trailing backslash may be omitted, in which case a dialog is presented: "Delete all files in directory?".
The Y key should then be pressed to carry out the deletion.
As files are deleted, the names of the files deleted are listed on the screen.
command is exactly the same as
. See also the command
, which deletes directories.
DIR Full directory listing
DIR [system::][drive:][path][filespec] [/s] [/b]
List all the specified files in a directory, together with their sizes, the time and date of their last modification, and their attributes.
The listing pauses automatically after each screen of information, prompting the user to press enter to continue.
The wildcards
can be used in the file specification.
/s flag causes all subdirectories to be listed as well.
flag causes bare (filenames only) output to be displayed.
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ECHO [[text]|[ON | OFF]]
Display message, set or display echo mode
Display the message
, or set the echo mode in batch files, or display the current echo mode.
For example: echo Processing echo on echo off
Displays the message
Processing on the next line of the screen.
Switches the echo mode in batch files to ON
Switches the echo mode in batch files to OFF
Displays the current echo mode in batch files, e.g.:
Echo is OFF or
Echo is ON
EDIT [system::][drive:][path]filename[.extension]
Run the text editor
Run the text editor program.
The three different editors for batch files, OPL programs and communications scripts are implemented as aliases of the Word application.
A filename must be given (no default names are provided).
If no extension is given then an alias of Word that behaves as a batch file editor is started, and the extension defaults to .btf. In this instance there are no Translate and Run menu options available, since they are not relevant.
If the filename is given an extension of .opl then the Word alias behaves as an OPL program editor. If the filename is given an extension of .scr then it behaves as a communications script editor. In both these instances, Translate and Run menu options are available (translation is different for .scr and .opl files).
If a path is not given then \btf\, \opl\ or \scr\ is assumed as the directory for a batch file (.btf) an OPL program (.opl) or a communications script (.scr) respectively.
If any other extension is given for the filename and no path is specified then the file will be put in a \btf\ directory.
If you supply a partial path, the Command Processor will try to use the results of your last
command on the relevant drive.
If a filename is not supplied, the error message "Too few parameters" is displayed.
If a filename is given, but no extension:
If a file called filename.btf does not already exist, then a dialog is presented, asking:
If Y is then pressed the editor will display a blank file of name filename.btf, ready for editing.
If a file called filename.btf does already exist, then no dialog is presented, and the existing file
filename.btf is presented for re-editing.
Similar dialogs and messages are presented for files with .scr and .opl extensions.
When saved, or the editor is exited, files are stored in the specified directory.
command starts an alias of the Word application. When
) is used the process started will appear in an
listing as an instance of Word. As well as using
EDIT directly from the Command Processor or from a batch file, aliases of Word can be started from one of the editor icons in the System Screen.
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The first time that
is used to run the batch file editor, the program editor or the communications script editor, a \wdr\ directory will be created (if it does not already exist). This directory is used for the storage of printer drivers and template files. Furthermore, the first time the program editor is used the default template default.o is stored in this directory.
Help on using the Editors is available by pressing Shift-Esc. All the editors function in the same way.
For further information on the various editors see the Workabout User Guide. There is more information on the Communications Script Editor in the Psion Series 3 3Link (RS232) manual.
ERASE [system::][drive:][path]filespec [/s] [/y]
Delete the specified file or files.
Delete file(s)
If the
flag is used, all subdirectories and the files in them are deleted.
If the
flag is used, no confirmation is asked for. This is intended for use in batch files.
To delete more than one file at a time, the wildcards
can be used. Alternatively, the following deletes all files in the directory temp (in the current path): erase temp\
The trailing backslash may be omitted, in which case a dialog is presented: "Delete all files in directory?".
The Y key should then be pressed to carry out the deletion.
As files are deleted, the names of the files deleted are listed on the screen.
The command
is exactly the same as
. See also the command
, which deletes directories.
Display error state
Display the error state, which may be
, e.g.:
Errorlevel is FALSE
It reports whether the last command or process to finish left
set as
. This may be useful when debugging batch files.
Terminate the Command Processor
Present a dialog offering options to terminate the Command Processor or cancel the command.
On confirmation of an
command typed directly into the Command Processor (or of the selection of the Exit option from the Special menu) the Command Processor is terminated. If there is no other task running on the machine, the Workabout will then automatically re-launch the Startup Shell process, as explained in the chapter Introduction to the Workabout. If one or more other tasks are running, the machine will switch tasks to whichever running application was last used.
If the
command is executed from a (nested) batch file, all levels of batch processing are terminated immediately and the confirmation dialog presented. On confirming the
command, the Command
Processor terminates in the same way as when
is typed directly into the Command Processor.
FILES [system::][drive:]
List open files
List all open files on the specified drive. For each file the full file specification, the program using the file and its process number are given.
If the drive is not specified, open files on the current drive are listed.
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FOR Run a command for the files in a set
FOR %variable IN (set) DO command [parameters]
Run a command for each file in a specified set of files.
The replaceable parameter
is used by the
command to hold the name of each file as it is being processed.
The set of files is specified by set
. The wildcards
can be used. The parentheses are always required.
The command to carry out for each file in the set is specified by command
. The parameters or switches for the specified command are given by parameters
, if the command needs any.
To use the
command in a batch file, specify
instead of
For example, to asynchronously run all application files in the a:\app\ directory: for %f in (a:\app\*.app) do start %f
From within a batch file, this same sequence of operations would be performed by the line: for %%f in (a:\app\*.app) do start %%f
FORMAT [drive:][volname]
Format and re-label local volume
Format a local volume i.e. a RAM or Flash SSD in drive A: or B:, or the internal drive M:RAMDRIVE.
It also renames the volume with the optional volname
The command detects the type of SSD and places the appropriate format information onto the disk. This information differs for Flash and RAM SSDs.
For example, format a:
will format the SSD in drive A: .
The command, format b:data
will format the SSD in drive B:, giving it the volume name "DATA".
If drive:
is omitted, a dialog appears asking if you want to format M:RAMDRIVE.
Note that, once the format command is started, no warning is given before the formatting takes place.
The mere fact that there are read-only files on an SSD or the internal drive will not prevent the it from being formatted. However, if an SSD has the write-protection switch set, it will not be possible to format it.
FORMAT command will fail if there is no SSD in the specified drive. In this case, the
request will fail with the error message
"Format failed. Not ready"
Another reason for
being disallowed for a disk would be if there are any open files on it. In this case, the
request will fail with the error message "File or device in use".
If an SSD needs to be to be given a volume name at a later date, then the
command may be used. To find the current volume name, use the
GOTO label
Jump to the label label
in a batch file.
Jump to label in batch file
HELP [command]
List commands or get help
List the available commands, or supply help on a specific command.
Press Shift-Off for access to the Help System, or Ctrl-Off for the Help Index.
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IF Run command conditionally
IF [NOT] {ERRORLEVEL | string1==string2 | EXIST filespec} command [command_parameters]
Conditionally run a command or executable file, depending on one of three possible specified conditions.
The value of
., for example:
Note that
can only be
. The DOS syntax:
is not supported
Whether two strings ( string1
and string2
) are equivalent, for example
IF ?%1==? DEL *.tmp
Whether a specified file exists, for example:
IF EXIST a:\img\tmp.img DEL a:\img\tmp.img
KILL procname [/y]
Kill a process
Kill the first process found to match the specification in procname
. Note that this is intended for
emergency use only.
If the
flag is used, no confirmation is asked for. This is intended for use in batch files, but should be used with extreme caution.
To kill a specified instance of a number of running tasks, all with the same name, the exact process name must be found out and used. For example: kill job.$09 or kill job.$14
If there are no processes matching the specification, a notifier stating:
Unknown process "Procname" will be presented. Use the
command to give the full process names of all current processes.
A confirmation dialog is presented if a process matching the specification is found, reminding the user that
is for emergency use only:
Kill "Procname"
(Emergency only)
should only be used as a last resort, as it does not allow the process to tidy up before exiting. This is a problem with the Link application, for example, which starts a number of sub-processes that will not be shut down if Link is stopped with
. To shut down a process,
should normally be used in preference to
command is designed for use with badly behaved (perhaps partially developed) user-written programs. Built in Psion applications should be stopped using the options available from their menus, from the System Screen or by use of the
LABEL Add/alter disk volume name
LABEL [drive:][volname]
Label the volume in the specified drive
with the label volname
If the drive is omitted then the current local volume (i.e. an SSD in the current drive, A: or B:; or the internal ramdrive M:), will be re-labelled with the label volname
3 - 16
If the name volname
is omitted then a "Delete label" dialog will appear (unless the volume in the specified drive
, or current drive, has no label).
For example: label a:backup
Will re-label the SSD in drive A: as "backup".
If the command label
a: is now used then the dialog 'Delete label "A:BACKUP" ' will be displayed.
Pressing Y then deletes the label, pressing N or Esc abandons the command.
LINK [-b<baud>] [-p<port>]
Start Link program
Starts the Link communication software on the Workabout. It is always run asynchronously, so
is never needed.
If no parameters are supplied, the Link software is started with the default settings, or those used on the last occasion that Link was started, whether by means of the
command or via the dialogs available in the System Screen and Command Processor menus.
The value of baud
sets the baud rate. Possible values range from
inclusive - for a full list of intermediate values, see the Serial Port chapter of the I/O Devices Reference manual. In the absence of the baud
command line parameter, the baud rate defaults to
The only time it is necessary to specify port
is if there are serial expansion devices in the Workabout.
means to use the expansion RS232 port, (port A)
means to use the LIF socket (LIF Converter with attached 3Link inserted) as an RS232 serial port (port C)
Otherwise, if port
is not specified, the Link software simply uses the first available port in alphabetical order.
Other parameters are also possible, but are omitted from the present description. See the chapter Mclink,
Mcprint, and Slink in the Additional System Information manual. Just typing link
should suffice in the majority of cases.
To terminate the Link software at some later stage, type: stop link
A Yes/No dialog will be presented asking:
Stop "Link"?
should then be pressed to stop Link.
To discover whether or not Link software is running, type lproc link
. Note, however, that if the link command is issued while Link is already running, no harm will be done.
See the section Connecting to other computers in the chapter Introduction to the Workabout, for more details.
LLDEV [device_spec]
List logical device drivers
List all logical device drivers that match the supplied specification. The list includes all ROM-resident logical device drivers, as well as external ones that are currently loaded.
If device_spec
is omitted, all existing logical device drivers are listed.
For example, entering lldev con
3 - 17
Logical devices matching: con
CON (unlimited units)
Matches found 1
The value given for units
is the number of channels that the corresponding logical device driver can support. For the console device (
) an unlimited number of channels can be opened.
LPDEV [device_spec]
List physical device drivers
List all physical device drivers that match the supplied specification. The list includes all ROM-resident physical device drivers, as well as external ones that are currently loaded.
If device_spec
is omitted, all existing physical device drivers are listed.
For example, entering lpdev fsy displays:
Physical devices matching: fsy
Matches found 3 listing the three ROM-resident filing system device (fsy) drivers - for rem::, loc::, and rom::.
LPROC [process_spec]
List information about all specified processes. The information listed is:
The full process name (in the form procname.$07).
The size, in bytes, of the process data segment (given in hexadecimal).
The current state of the process.
The total number of matches found is then displayed.
If process_spec
is omitted, information is listed for all current processes.
List processes
Possible values of the state of the process are:
The process is currently receiving CPU time.
The process has some events ready to process, as soon as the CPU is given to the process by the multi-tasking scheduler.
The process is "sleeping" (e.g. as a result of calling
with a positive parameter).
The process has been suspended.
The process is waiting for some event to happen.
Additionally, the text
will be displayed if the process is waiting to be suspended.
3 - 18
For example, entering lproc
may produce the display:
Processes matching: *
SYS$FSRV.$03 1320 SEM
Matches found 6
As a further example, entering lproc sys$shll
may produce the display
Processes matching: sys$shll
Matches found 1
One common use of the lproc
command is to check whether Link software is currently running: lproc link
For a process that is an alias of another program, using
START procname
(or just procname
on its own) will start a process that appears to
LPROC as an instance of the base process. For example, all text or program editors are aliases of the Word application. In consequence, processes started with
all appear as instances of Word in an
Note also that Sheet is the user-visible name of the Sh3 process. Thus, a process started with
SHEET will appear as an instance of Sh3 in the
LSEG List segments
LSEG [process_spec]
List all memory segments currently in use by the specified process(es).
If process_spec
is omitted, the listing will include the memory segments used by all currently running processes.
The information listed about each memory segment is:
Its segment address.
Its size in paragraphs (one paragraph is sixteen bytes).
Its access count.
Values are displayed in hexadecimal.
The total number of matches found is then displayed.
At the end the display, the total size in paragraphs of all the free segments is given (this gives the same value, when converted into kilobytes, as the
For example, entering lseg
may produce the display:
Segments matching: *
SYS$NULL.$01 046E 0030 01
SYS$MANG.$02 049E 00DA 01
SYS$WSRV.LDD 0578 00E3 01
SYS$FSRV.$03 065B 01B7 01
SYS$WSRV.$04 0812 0560 01
SYS$SHLL.$05 0D72 014C 01
SYS$CMDP.$06 0EBE 04BC 01
Matches found 7
Total free segments = 6CF0
For a process that is an alias of another program, using
START procname
(or just procname
on its own) will start a process that appears to
LSEG as an instance of the base process. For example, all text or program editors are aliases of the Word application. In consequence, processes started with
all appear as instances of Word in an
Note also that Sheet is the user-visible name of the Sh3 process. Thus, a process started with
SHEET will appear as an instance of Sh3 in the
3 - 19
MD [drive:]path
Make directory
Make a directory.
A directory will be created as a subdirectory of the current directory, unless a different path is explicitly specified.
It is possible to omit the trailing backslash from the path
The following commands both create a directory named \work\ in the root directory of the current drive: md \work\ md \work
The command
(which is identical) is also available.
Display free memory
Display the amount of free RAM, in kilobytes, that is available to programs.
Note that this, in general, exceeds the amount of bytes free in m:, as reported by a
command. The discrepancy is because some parts of internal memory are reserved for code and data segments; not all of it can be allocated to the contents of m:.
MKDIR Make directory
MKDIR [drive:]path
Make a directory.
A directory will be created as a subdirectory of the current directory, unless a different path is explicitly specified.
It is possible to omit the trailing backslash from the path specification.
The following commands both create a directory named \work\ in the root directory of the current drive: mkdir \work\ mkdir \work
The command
(which is identical) is also available.
PAUSE [text]
Suspend batch file processing.
Suspend batch file processing
The message text
is displayed (if supplied).
The prompt
Press Enter to continue...
is always shown.
When Enter is pressed batch file processing continues by executing the next line of the current batch file.
QUIT Terminate current batch file
Terminate the current batch file. If batch files are nested, batch processing will continue at the line following that which contains the call to the batch file that executed
The command has no effect if typed directly into the Command Processor.
3 - 20
RD Remove directory
RD [drive:]path [/y]
Delete a directory, including any files in it (and subdirectories).
If the
flag is used, no confirmation is asked for. This is intended for use in batch files.
Note that, in contrast to MS-DOS, there is no requirement to delete all the files in a directory before removing the directory.
In another difference from MS-DOS, it is perfectly possible, in the Workabout Command Processor, to remove the directory where the current path is. All that will happen is that subsequent commands such as dir
may fail until such time as the current path is changed.
As files and directories are deleted, their names are listed on the screen.
The rd
command does not accept a wildcard specification.
The identical command
is also supported.
Get the cause of the last system shutdown
Display a numeric code indicating the cause of the last system shutdown, as follows:
The system started up for the first time (or after a period during which all power had been removed, including the Lithium back-up battery).
The hardware forced a shut-down because the main battery voltage became too low. This should not happen because the system software receives a non-maskable interrupt if the voltage drops below a certain threshold (but not low enough for the hardware to force a shut-down). This interrupt code automatically switches the hardware off. However, if the clean-up takes too long (because of a poorly designed device driver, for example) the hardware will force the machine off before the interrupt completes - in which case
REASON returns
. The environment variables and the contents of
are preserved.
The user pressed Psion-Ctrl-Del to perform a soft reset. The environment variables and the contents of
will have been preserved.
This reason is also given if the system was reset because a serious fault occurred while executing code in the operating system kernel. This could result from: a bug in the operating system or a system process; a program bug that managed to overcome the operating system's defences a hardware problem such as a RAM fault.
The environment variables and the contents of
will be preserved (unless the system detects a memory corruption).
The user pressed Shift-Psion-Ctrl-Del to perform a hard reset. The environment variables and the contents of
will have been cleared.
For example, if the machine has previously lost all power, entering reason
will return:
Reset code: 0
REM Comment (remark) in batch file
REM [text]
Comment (remark) in batch file. Note that
must be followed by a space.
The text
characters become a comment in the batch file.
Any text on a line preceded by
becomes a comment that is not executed when the batch file is run.
This is useful for temporarily removing a command line, for example, when debugging a batch file.
3 - 21
REN Rename file(s)
REN [system::][drive:][path]filespec filename
Change the name of a file or files.
The command renames all files matching filespec
- which can include wildcards.
For example, the command: ren work.* play.* changes the names of all files called work in the current directory (regardless of extension) to play, with the extension being preserved across the rename.
As files are renamed, they are listed on the screen.
Because it is not possible to rename files from one directory to another, the command fails if any path specified with filename
(explicitly or implicitly) differs from that of filespec
It is not possible to rename a file to have the same name as a file that already exists.
RMDIR Remove directory
RMDIR [drive:]path [/y]
Delete a directory, including any files in it (and subdirectories).
If the
flag is used, no confirmation is asked for. This is intended for use in batch files.
Note that, in contrast to MS-DOS, there is no requirement to delete all the files in a directory before removing the directory.
In another difference from MS-DOS, it is perfectly possible, in the Workabout Command Processor, to remove the directory to which the current path is set. All that will happen is that subsequent commands such as dir
may fail until such time as the current path is changed.
As files and directories are deleted, their names are listed on the screen.
The rmdir
command does not accept a wildcard specification.
The identical command
is also supported.
SET Display, set or delete environment variable
SET [[var[=[value]]]|[varspec]]
Display or set the value of an environment variable, or delete the variable.
With no parameters, the values of all current environment variables are displayed.
If the environment variable var
is given, but without any trailing equals (
) sign, the value of the environment variable is displayed.
If the equals sign (
) is present, followed by a value, the environment variable var
is set to the specified value
If the equals sign is present, but value
is omitted, the environment variable var
is deleted.
If the environment variable specification varspec
is given, the values of all environment variables matching the specification are listed.
For example: set last
Displays the value of environment variable last
set last=34 set last= set $WS*
Sets the value of last
to the string
, creating it if it did not previously exist.
Deletes the environment variable last
Displays the values of all environment variables whose names start with
Values are displayed inside square brackets. The list pauses when the screen is full.
3 - 22
Note that environment names and values are both case dependent. Thus the environment variables group and
would be distinct.
The value (and, indeed, the name) of an environment variable may contain binary data. When displaying the content of an environment variable, non-printable byte values are displayed as
, for example. There is, however, no mechanism for setting binary values from the Command Processor.
SETDEF Alter system settings
SETDEF [AMnn][ABnn][DDMY | DMDY | DYMD][K0 | K1][S+ | S-][T12 | T24]
Alter system settings, (which are otherwise set by menu options).
command on its own does nothing - it must be followed by at least one parameter.
The allowed parameters are given below.
Auto-switchoff the machine after nn
minutes of inactivity. Range 01 to 30. Values outside this range will not give an error, but the setting will not be changed.
Auto-switchoff the backlight after nn
minutes of use. Range 01 to 10. Values outside this range will not give an error, but the setting will not be changed.
Date format DD/MM/YY. Note that the separator (/) can be changed via the menus.
Date format MM/DD/YY.
Date format YY/MM/DD.
Set start of week to n
, where 0 is Monday, 1 is Tuesday etc.
Select standard keyboard.
Select special keyboard.
Sound on.
Sound off.
Time format am-pm. Note that the separator (:) can be changed via the menus.
Time format 24 hour.
Summer time on.
Summer time off.
Sound settings for beeps and key clicks, zoom and text wrap on the screen are not configurable using
The default machine settings are:
Auto-switchoff the machine after 5 minutes of inactivity.
Auto-switchoff the backlight after 10 minutes of use.
Date format DD/MM/YY.
The "start of week" default is Monday.
Standard keyboard, (unless the machine has been factory-configured for the special keyboard).
All sound is on.
Beeps are loud.
Key clicks are loud.
Time format am-pm. The separator is a colon (:).
Summer time off.
3 - 23
Zoom is on setting 3 (see table for zoom settings in the Font sizes and zoom settings subsection earlier in this chapter).
Wrap is off.
SHEET Run the spreadsheet application Sh3
[START] {SHEET|SH3} [system::][drive:][path][filename[.extension]]
Runs the spreadsheet application Sh3. Sheet is an alias for Sh3.
If preceded by
, Sh3 will be run asynchronously.
If no file specification is provided, and the current drive is m:, (and sheet.spr does not already exist), a dialog is presented asking:
Create "M:\SPR\SHEET.SPR"?
Otherwise, if sheet.spr does already exist, then it will be presented directly for editing.
If any system, drive or path is provided, but no filename, the sheet.spr file will be placed in, (or retrieved from), the specified location. The default directory is \spr\, and it is recommended that this is where all spreadsheet files are kept.
If a filename is given, a .spr file of that name will be created (as above) and/or presented for editing depending on whether it currently exists or not.
An extension to the filename may be provided that differs from .spr, but this is not recommended, since it would make identification of the file type difficult.
Help on using the Spreadsheet application is available by pressing Shift-Esc.
For further information on using the Spreadsheet application, see the Workabout User Guide.
SHIFT Shift batch file parameters
SHIFT procname
Shift the replaceable parameters of a batch file one position to the left. Thus
%8 etc.
The command
alters the values of the replaceable parameters
inclusive by copying each parameter into the one prior to it. Thus the value of
is copied to
, the value of
is copied to
, and so on. This can be used to help write a batch file that does the same operation on an unspecified number of parameters.
command can also be used to construct a batch file that will accept more than 9 parameters (in addition to the name of the executable). If more than 9 such parameters are specified on the command line, those that appear after the ninth (
) can be moved one at a time into
by repeated use of
There is no reverse
command. Once the
command has been carried out, the value of
that existed before the shift is not recoverable.
The following batch file,
, shows how to use the
command with any number of parameters. It deletes a list of files from a specific directory. The parameters are the directory name followed by any number of filenames.
3 - 24
ECHO off
REM PSIDEL.BTF deletes any number of files from a given directory.
REM The command uses the following syntax: psidel dir file1 file2 ...
SET fromdir=%1
IF "%1"=="" GOTO end
DEL %fromdir%\%1 /y
GOTO getfile
SET fromdir=
ECHO All done
START Start a process asynchronously
START procname
Launch the given process and return immediately.
Starts the first process found matching the specification in procname
, (asynchronously).
For a process that is an alias of another program, using
will start a process that appears to
LDEV as an instance of the base process. For example: all text and program editors are aliases of the Word application. Using
will start an instance of Word. It will thus appear in an
LSEG listing as an instance of Word. Using
is banned artificially.
On the other hand,
will start an instance of the Sh3 application. Be aware that a process started with
cannot, however, be stopped with
. The user-visible name Sheet is only used to start an instance of the sh3.img program running.
STOP Stop a process
STOP procname [/y]
Terminate the named process or processes matching the specification in procname
Processes are sent a termination message.
If the
flag is used, no confirmation is asked for. This is intended for use in batch files.
To stop a specified instance of a number of running tasks, all with the same name, the exact process name must be found out and used. For example: stop job.$09
or stop job.$14
For most applications, the effect of being stopped is identical to being killed, (see the
command). The application is interrupted immediately, with no chance being provided for data to be saved to file or to environment variables. However, an application can make use of the PLIB function p_onterminate
to elect to receive an inter-process message instead of being summarily terminated. For further details, see the descriptions of p_pterminate
and p_onterminate
in the Error Handling chapter of the PLIB
Reference manual.
command is designed for use with user-developed programs during the development process.
Fully developed (and built-in Psion) applications would normally be stopped using the options available from their menus or from the System Screen.
TIME Display current time
Display the current time, in the default format, or the format specified by the most recent
or menu command.
The default display format is: hh:mm:ss[am|pm]
3 - 25
For example
will be displayed if the current system time is fifteen seconds after half past nine in the morning.
Use the Time and Date option on the Time menu to change the time.
Use the
command or the Formats option of the Time menu to change the format in which the time is displayed.
Type a text file TYPE
TYPE filename
Print a text or batch file to the screen.
The display pauses itself automatically after each screen full of text.
VER Display software version numbers
Display the Workabout ROM version number, the date and time that the ROM was mastered, the (EPOC)
Operating System version number, the Shell version number and the (Text) System Interface version number.
VOL Display the disk volume label etc
VOL [drive:]
Display information about the disk volume on the current or specified drive.
This information includes the volume label, media type, free space in bytes and the total space in bytes.
For RAM SSDs, the battery state is also given.
To change the volume name use the
command. The label on a volume may also be changed when the volume is formatted using the
WAIT Wait for a process to terminate
WAIT [procname]
Suspend the Command Processor until the (named) process terminates.
If a process name procname
is supplied, the message:
Waiting for "procname" is displayed and the Command Processor becomes non-interactive until such time as another process terminates.
If no process name is given " any process
" is substituted for " procname
" and (for example) the message:
Waiting for "any process" is displayed.
To break out of this mode, press
. A Yes/No dialog is displayed, headed:
Stop waiting for "procname"
is pressed then a notifier stating:
Waiting for "procname" is displayed, but if
is pressed then the waiting stops.
3 - 26
Commonly, this command will be used inside batch files in the following general pattern:
<launch program asynchronously>
<some processing>
commands can be used to determine what processes are running.
will only wait for processes started by the Command Processor (unlike
which hit anything with a matching name). Neither the
nor the
command can be used to determine how a process was started.
For a process that is an alias of another program, using
WAIT basename
will wait for a process that appears to
LDEV as an instance of the base process ( basename
). For example: all text and program editors are aliases of the Word application. Using
will wait for an instance of Word. Using
WAIT WORD is banned artificially.
In contrast,
can be used to wait for the termination of an instance of the Sh3 application that was started with
. Be aware that a process started with
cannot, however, be waited for with
: you must use
3 - 27
3 - 28
Psion Work about Technical Specification
Physical characteristics
Size 180mm x 90mm x 35mm.
Weight 325g (including battery pack).
Backlit (optional).
240 x 100 pixel LCD.
Size 62.4mm x 30mm (2.45" x 1.18").
Pixel pitch 0.30mm x 0.26mm
Pixel size 0.27mm x 0.23mm.
Piezo buzzer.
Power supply
Nickel-Cadmium rechargeable battery pack, or 2 x AA alkaline batteries.
3V Lithium CR1620 battery.
A Series 3 mains adaptor can be used in conjunction with the LIF Converter unit for main power supply and trickle charging, (see Expansion below).
Vehicle power adaptor (24v & 12v cigarette lighter sockets), from Jan/Feb 1997.
Psion Workabout Docking Station.
Built in 1MB Masked ROM (for OS) and 256KB RAM or 1MB RAM.
Two SSD drives allow extra storage space on Flash/RAM SSDs, up to 8MB.
System information
Operating system
NEC V30 running at 7.68MHz.
XMODEM, YMODEM (and ZMODEM, except in early models), giving compatibility with most computer communications software.
Full script language with sample scripts allows automated log-on to electronic mail and other systems, and control of modems.
One internal expansion card can be installed.
Currently an RS232/RS232 TTL serial interface and an RS232/barcode reader interface expansion module are available. These must be factory fitted.
A combined external power supply connector and fast serial link connector
LIF Converter unit is available. This plugs into the standard LIF socket
External peripherals (such as a modems, printers or barcode readers) can be plugged into any suitable socket (where fitted).
Operating temperatures -20ºC to 60ºC..
Storage temperatures -25ºC to 80ºC.
Operating humidity
0% to 90% non-condensing.
FCC Part 15 Class B; CE Mark, E-Mark
1m onto concrete on any face
IP54 (dust proof & splash proof; some models).
Serial Numbers
The following numbering system has been devised to cover all variants of Workabout. The code is 10
Digit Alphanumeric:
G denotes that the product is a Workabout
can be A to Z and denotes the body colour and expansion variant:
Letter Body Variant
TTL + RS232
Barcode + RS232
E Yellow TTL + RS232
F Yellow Barcode + RS232
can be A to Z and denotes memory configuration:
can be 1 to 9 and denotes year of manufacture:
Digit Year
1 1993
can be 01 to 52 and denote the Week of manufacture:
Digits Week
01 Starts first of Year at Monday 7a.m.
52 Last Week of December
can be 0000 to 9999 and is the unique numeric identifier for each PCB built in a week, giving
10,000 permutations each week.
Serial numbers prior to GXCXX310NM
The RS232 port on both Barcode and TTL options uses a Maxim chip to perform the RS232 level conversion. This chip has a power saving feature which means that it will only power up when it detects
RS232 signal levels on any of the inputs. This can cause a problem interfacing to devices which also incorporate the same Maxim chip, since neither device will power up. The Ericsson Mobidem incorporates this device and therefore earlier models of the Workabout had difficulty communicating with a Mobidem. A modification to the Barcode and TTL PCBs, disabling the power save feature, was introduced into production from serial number GXCXX310NM onwards.
Psion Workabout RS232 / RS232 TTL Interface Module
- Technical Specification
This peripheral module provides:
An RS232 (IBM PC/AT type) interface at 12V (EIA-232) levels. Connector: 9 way D-type male.
A TTL level RS232 interface at 5V CMOS levels together with a 5V power output at up to 200mA current drive capability. Connector: 9 way D-type female.
The board can be operated at up to 19,200 Baud rate.
The physical arrangement of the board and connectors inside the Workabout is shown below:
(0 to 5V)
(+/- 12v)
Flexi cable
Torson 26 way connector
(connects the main board to the peripheral module)
26 way flexi connector
View from the front of the machine
RS232 (AT)
(+/- 12v)
(Connector) or RS232 TTL
The Workabout can communicate to the RS232 interface or the RS232 TTL interface, but cannot talk to both at the same time.
The connectors at the top of the machine are in the default positions.
The D-type connector for RS232 may be fitted at the bottom, if required.
The bottom RS232 connector and the top RS232 connector cannot both be fitted.
The D-type connector for RS232 TTL may be fitted at the bottom, if required.
The bottom RS232 TTL connector and the top RS232 TTL connector cannot both be fitted.
The various input and output signals of the connectors are shown in the table below.
Pin number RS232 TTL interface RS232 interface
5 n/c
CTS n/c
CTS n/c
Note: Under normal conditions the signal levels into the TTL port should not exceed 5.5V DC.
Connected devices should be designed or specified to guarantee this is not exceeded. Under fault or transient conditions 6V DC should not be exceeded.
Psion Work about RS232 / Barcode Interface Module
- Technical Specification
This peripheral module provides:
An RS232 (IBM PC/AT type) interface at 12V levels. Connector: 9 way D-type male.
A barcode wand interface, together with a 5V power output with up to 200mA current drive capability. Connector: 9 way D-type male (with click lock when mounted at the top of the machine, without click lock when mounted at the bottom)
A Hewlett Packard microcontroller HBCR-1612 is used to read and decode the barcode external input, and then transmit the data as RS232 signals at up to 9,600 Baud.
The physical arrangement of the board and connectors inside the Workabout is shown below:
(+/- 12v)
Flexi cable
Torson 26 way connector
(connects the main board to the peripheral module)
26 way flexi connector
View from the front of the machine
The Workabout can communicate to the RS232 interface or the barcode interface, but cannot talk to both at the same time.
The connectors at the top of the machine are in the default positions.
The barcode connector may be fitted at the bottom, if required. The bottom barcode connector and the top barcode connector cannot both be fitted.
The RS232 connector may be fitted at the bottom, if required. The bottom RS232 connector and the top RS232 connector cannot both be fitted.
The various input and output signals of the connectors are shown in the table below:
Pin number
RS232 interface
CTS n/c
Barcode interface
TXD n/c n/c
Conversion of an HC barcode reader for Work
The details of the wiring changes needed to change the connector on a barcode reader from a six pin minidin for an HC to a 9 way D type for a Workabout are given below. These are the wires coming from the barcode reader itself to the connector that plugged into the HC.
The wires connected to the six way minidin pins as below left need to be reconnected to the 9 way D type pins as below right. The signal directions given are from the HC/Workabout point of view.
Old 6 way minidin
3 exon enable switch
4 TXD (barcode data)
5 VCCEXT (barcode power supply)
New 9 way D type
input 5 output input input output
DTR not connected
TXD (barcode data) input output input
VCCEXT (barcode power supply) output
6 GND (ground)
Important notes
7 or 8 GND (ground)
The software control for pin 2 on the old 6 way connector was never implemented, therefore extra program code may be required to implement the DTR function on the equivalent pin 6 in the new 9 way connector.
Some barcode readers do not have all of the pins on the 6 way connected to anything, and some have wires that are not connected to any of the pins in the connector. Only make existing connections as above.
Any wires or pins unconnected should remain unconnected in the 9 way connector.
Workabout Vehicle Interface Cradle (VIC)
- Technical Specification
The Workabout Vehicle Interface Cradle (WVIC) is a peripheral for the Workabout that provides extra
RS232 communications facilities for the Workabout, as well as being capable of providing both operating power and internal Ni-Cd battery charging current when supplied from either the main vehicle supply (at
+12V) or an auxiliary 10V regulated supply (via the Extended 15-way RS232 port). The interface between the Workabout and the Cradle is through the standard Psion LIF connector in the base of the Workabout.
The Workabout is held in place by the standard holster. The WVIC may be dashboard mounted with an optional mounting bracket which allows the unit to be angled for ease of use.
Physical & Environmental
Temperature Range:
Serial Communications
140mm (H) x 92mm (W) x 62mm (D)
Operation: 0° C to 50° C
EN5022, E marked
The RS232 serial ports (one or three depending on variant) allow connection to a wide range of devices such as radio modem, GPS unit, printer, or input from vehicle information/management systems.
Simultaneous connection to several such devices is possible with the three port variant.
Build options
Two build options are available as standard products with either one or three RS232 ports and vehicle power input. The D-type connectors have screw locks. A total of four build variants are available:
Vehicle Cradle build variants
Power input details
Number of Ports 12V vehicle power connector Regulated 10V input via 15 way D type
1 RS232 Port (15 way D-type)
3 RS232 Ports (1 x 15 way
D-type, 2 x 9 way D-type)
Note that the 10V power input versions must be built to order.
Power supply
Note that the unit accepts a 12v DC vehicle supply, and is not suitable for connection to 24v. In the case of a 24v or 36v vehicle, the power to the unit has to be taken from the vehicle’s 12v rail, or a suitable
DC/DC convertor or dropper/regulator has to be used.
The WVIC supplies enough current to charge a NiCd battery pack and run everything on the Workabout simultaneously, e.g. writing SSDs, backlight, powering port devices. The Workabout will not start draining the batteries as well as using power from the WVIC provided the supply is at least 11v DC.
Current consumption figures for a 3 port 12V WVIC are as follows (all figs in mA):
Configuration Typical Maximum Notes
WVIC only
WVIC + Workabout (off), no batteries
WVIC + Workabout (off) + rechargeable pack 112
WVIC + Workabout (on) + rechargeable pack 120
155 Application dependent as above with VIC ports enabled and unloaded as above with ports all loaded
* * Depends on what is connected
Additional current for backlight 44 50
For peripherals connected to the Workabout, current consumption will depend on what the peripheral is.
For a 10V DC powered WVIC, 10mA should be deducted from the typical values, and 15mA should be deducted from the maximum values.
3 port and vehicle power input option
This variant of the WVIC (Psion part number 2800-0024) incorporates the following features:-
Power input from the vehicle
Surge suppression and regulation of the vehicle 12v supply to 10v DC
Vehicle ignition switch sensing for Workabout wake up. Power down of the Workabout is available under application control.
Conversion of Psion Fast Serial to RS232
Trickle charge of the Workabout Ni-Cd rechargeable battery pack
2 RS232 ports - 9 way D-type with screw locks; 1 RS232 port - 15 way D-type with screw locks
Port F
Port I
Port C
Vehicle power input
1 port and vehicle power option
This variant of the WVIC (Psion part number 2800-0028) incorporates the following features:-
Power input from the vehicle
Surge suppression and regulation of the vehicle 12v supply to 10v DC
Vehicle ignition switch sensing for Workabout wake up. Power down of the Workabout is available under application control.
Conversion of Psion Fast Serial to RS232
Trickle charge of the Workabout Ni-Cd rechargeable battery pack pack
1 RS232 port - 15 way D-type with screw locks
Port C
Vehicle power input
Mounting bracket
A mounting bracket (Psion Part number 2400-0082) is available for mounting both options of the Vehicle
Vehicle power input connector
Connector housing
Pin 3, vehicle -ve, ground
Pin 2, vehicle ignition signal, 12v dc
Pin 1, vehicle +ve, 12v dc
Pin Number
Vehicle power in
Switched 12V in
Main ground.
The function of each pin is:
Main 12V DC input from the vehicle power supply is internally surge suppressed, and regulated to provide a 10V rail which then powers the Workabout connected to the LIF. This
10V rail is also used to drive a constant current source which supplies 83mA (nom.) to the
BAT connection of the Workabout LIF socket, and hence to the internal Ni-Cd pack in a
Switched 12V in is used to provide a wake-up signal to the Workabout. When this signal goes high, the Workabout will receive a high level on its EXON line in the LIF connector.
This connection is optional - see Extended 15-way RS232 serial port details.
GND is the main ground return line for the vehicle power supply.
Conventional 9-pin RS232 serial ports
The unit has two 9-way D-type connectors (female), which provide the same RS232 signals to the outside worlds as are normally found on the RS232 connector of a Workabout RS232 expansion interface, with the addition of a further pin, described below. The connections are:
Pin Number
RX (data in)
TX (data out)
RI (but see below)
The RI function is not directly supported by the serial port drivers on the Workabout; the state of the RI line can be read by the serial port driver on bit PA4 of the ASIC5.
These ports are accessed by the Workabout as standard serial devices, and are referred to as ports I and F.
Port F is the closest of the two to the top of the unit when installed, and port I is that closest to the end of the unit holding the Workabout LIF connector.
Extended 15-way RS232 serial port
The unit has a further 15-way D-type connector at its bottom edge (adjacent to the 12V vehicle power connector). This provides the same functionality as the other two RS232 connectors (addressed as port C), as well as some extended functions, which are described below. The connections are:
Pin Number
RX (data in)
TX (data out)
External WakeUp (see below)
Vin (see below)
Pin Number Function
RI (see below)
The RI function is not directly supported by the serial port drivers on the Workabout; the state of the RI line can be read by the serial port driver on bit PA4 of the ASIC5.
Pin 6, External WakeUp, is internally connected to pin 2 of the external 12V power connector, and can be used in the same manner to cause the Workabout to turn on when a voltage is presented on this pin. It can also be wired, in the users cable, to pin 8 (the DSR line) to provide a wake-up on reception of a DSR signal - this is the normal arrangement for Psion products with external wake-up signals. It follows that a connection from pin 6 to pin 8 should not be made at the same time as a connection to pin 2 of the external 12V input connector- this would result in the Workabout receiving wake up events at the wrong time, and could result in damage to the equipment connected to this port (though not to the VIC itself).
Vin expects a 250mA, 10V, 10% regulated positive DC voltage , and can be used to power the VIC and
Workabout, as well as supplying charging current to the internal Ni-Cd pack. Internal circuitry allows for both this supply and the 12V vehicle supply to be present at the same time, although only one of them is necessary.
Psion LIF Connector
The Psion LIF connector details are covered in Appendix A - Technical Specifications of the HC
Programmers Reference manual.
Psion Work about Docking Station
- Technical Specification
The Workabout Docking Station is designed to provide a multi-function mounting point for the Psion
Workabout corporate hand held computer, (referred to in this technical specification as the computer).
The Docking Station has the following features:
Battery management, including fast charge of batteries (fast model)
Small footprint
Reliable connection between the Psion and the docking station using the LIF connector
Option for in-vehicle use
FCC, static and safety approval
A total of four build options available:
Workabout fast charge
Workabout trickle charge
Note: Both the above variants are also available with vehicle support circuitry on board.
This gives a total of 4 possible build variants.
PCB number and revision marked on PCB is common for all variants.
The main visual differences that distinguish The Workabout fast charger from the HC fast charger are:
Workabout fast charger:
HC fast charger:
2 pin 1.3mm DC jack fitted
4 pin bulky power supply socket fitted
Docking Station Unit
Main features
The Docking Station Unit has the following features:
Fast charging of the computer internal battery pack, (fast model).
Spare battery pack fast charging.
Stable desktop mounting.
Accepts some of the HC expansion modules which communicate via the Psion Fast Serial (PFS) protocol. These are accessible by any Workabout computer inserted into the Docking Station. See the table Psion HC build variant and accessories matrix at the end of Appendix A - Technical
Specifications in the HC Programmers Reference manual for details.
Data transfer from the computer, (with the appropriate expansion module and software driver).
Simultaneous battery charging and data transfer, (if the Psion is not monitoring battery status).
Wall mounting and bulk head fitting designed in.
The battery compartment is factory configured to accept as standard the Workabout rechargeable battery pack.
Status indicators
There are several LEDs on the front of the charger unit to indicate the following:
Communications/data transfer
Yellow during data transfer
Power status-On/Off
Green when charger is connected to mains power
Main computer battery charging status (Fast model only, see Battery Status LED conditions)
Spare battery charging status (Fast model only, see Battery Status LED conditions)
Battery charging
The Docking Station has two charging modes:
Software controlled. See the Cradle and Docking Station chapter in the I/O Devices Reference manual.
If both the computer and the spare battery are fitted when the docking station is connected to mains power, charging priority will go to the spare battery. If the docking station is already connected to mains power , charging priority will go to whichever battery was plugged in first.
The computer main battery can be discharged before charging commences. This feature is controlled from the computer.
Note that the Slow Charge variant of the Docking station does not have a Battery Status LED. This is because it has only one status - charging.
Battery Status LED conditions
LED indication Battery status
Flashing red Preparation for fast charging (two seconds) or
Battery condition outside specified range - trickle charging or
For the battery pack inside the Psion: discharging under software control or
Steady red
Steady green
Flashing red/green
Waiting or
For the battery pack inside the Psion: discharging under software control, while the spare is fast charging
Charging both battery packs
If a spare battery is inserted into the Docking Station whilst a battery pack inside the Psion is being charged, charging of the spare pack will begin after the internal battery pack has been charged.
If a Psion computer is inserted into the Docking Station whilst a spare battery pack is being charged, charging of the battery inside the Psion will begin after the spare pack has been charged.
If both the Psion and the spare battery pack are inserted into the Docking Station at the same time, (or both are in the Docking Station prior to it being connected to the mains), the packs will not be charged simultaneously. In the case of the Fast Charge variant of the Docking Station their respective LEDs will flash red for about two seconds, until the charger decides which to battery pack to charge. The LED for the one charging then comes on red, and the other one's LED starts flashing red/green as it is waiting to be charged. For both Docking station variants the spare battery pack will normally be charged first.
Battery Fast Charging conditions
The Fast Charge variant of the Docking Station can Fast Charge in the following conditions:
Within the temperature range: 5 to 45
Voltage of the battery pack: 1.8 to 3.8V DC for the Workabout.
If the battery pack temperature or voltage is outside the specified range, the charger trickle charges until the condition is within the allowable range, after which it will fast charge. A new or fully discharged battery pack (that has been left on for a long time) may have a voltage below the minimum for Fast
If the battery temperature is within the allowable range and the battery status LED continues to flash red it is likely that the battery pack is faulty.
Discharging prior to charging & capacity measurement
The Psion's internal battery pack may be discharged, under software control, prior to charging. This is not possible with the spare battery pack.
It is possible to charge the spare battery pack whilst discharging the main battery pack in the Psion.
Software controlled discharging of the battery pack leaves the voltage above the allowable minimum for subsequent Fast Charging.
Charging will automatically commence after the battery is discharged.
Under software control it is also possible to measure the actual capacity or the remaining capacity of the battery pack inside the Psion computer. The discharging current for the Workabout charger is
Fast Charging times
A fully discharged battery pack takes approximately one hour to Fast Charge to 90-95% of its maximum capacity. If left in the Docking Station after this time it will be "topped-up" to its maximum capacity after a further two hours.
Slow Charging times
A fully discharged battery pack takes approximately 14 to 16 hours to Slow Charge to 100% of its maximum capacity.
Charging limitations
The Fast Charge and Slow Charge facilities only support the main Computer battery, not the battery of any attached peripheral. The HC Printer however, contains its own Quick Charge circuitry and may charge simultaneously under software control.
LIF Mounting Kit
The LIF mounting kit allows a LIF connector on the end of a cable to be fitted to a holster.
The holster itself is a plastic moulding into which the computer can be inserted. This incorporates a positive latching mechanism which holds the computer securely in place. The holster does not include any electronics.
The Clip cover and the 2 short screws that are fitted as standard to the LIF connector will need to be replaced with the blank cover and the 2 long screws supplied with the kit.
Work about Holster with Socket Housing
The kit for the Workabout Computer consists of:-
HC holster
LIF connector support
LIF connector blank front cover
2 screws - type K2.2 x 12 mm CSK ( not shown)
Docking Station
This is a Fast Charger with serial data communication capabilities supplied with a factory fitted
Workabout holster, also known as a Workabout Docking Station. The cable from the hardware board to the LIF connector is protected by an over-moulded rubber grommet.
A 12v 1 amp unregulated power supply is supplied with the docking station.
Workabout Docking Station : UK Part
Number 1801-0001-01
Note: Euro part number 1801-0004-01, US part number 1801-0005-01
12V 1 amp unregulated Power Supply : UK Part Number 2300-0197-01
Note: Euro part number 2300-0210-01, US part number 2300-0211-01
About this appendix
This appendix compares the Psion HC Command Processor commands with the commands of the
Workabout Command Processor and the MS-DOS Command Processor. It is provided for two purposes:
So that developers may easily convert batch programs written for the Psion HC into batch programs that will run on the Workabout.
So that developers familiar with writing MS-DOS batch programs may easily find the similarities and differences relating to writing batch programs for the Psion HC and the Workabout.
It is not the purpose of this appendix to give the full syntax of MS-DOS commands, and
may be used to indicate an incomplete syntax statement, (refer to your MS-DOS manual or MS-DOS Help).
Furthermore MS-DOS is available in many versions. At the time of writing the current version was 6.2.
Commands that are only for use in MS-DOS config.sys files have not been included if they have no relevance to Psion machines.
Help about commands, (and other features of the machine), is not available from the system on the Psion
HC, but is on the Workabout. Help is also available in current versions of MS-DOS.
Shortened versions of commands are not available on the Workabout (or in MS-DOS). For example,
COM is not an acceptable shortened form of
. The Workabout Command Processor thus differs from the Psion HC Command Processor which does allow command abbreviations. Where the full length HC command is longer than the Workabout command the extra HC characters are enclosed in braces, {}, in the heading. Optional characters for an HC command are enclosed in square brackets, [], in the syntax statement.
B - 1
File and directory names
Psion computers allow the use, for example, of the "
" character in filenames, which is not allowed in
MS-DOS, (see the
On the Workabout a trailing backslash can generally be used to clarify that a name is a directory rather than a file, whereas on an HC, (as in DOS), a parsing error may occur. For example, if the current drive is
m: and the current directory is \img\ the command: md tools\ will successfully create a directory on the Workabout, but not on the HC.
In all, fully specified Psion filenames ( filespec
) are regarded as having five parts:
A filing system (e.g. loc:: or rem::).
A drive or device (e.g. b:).
A path (e.g. \ or \accounts\jan\).
A filename (e.g. job).
An extension (e.g. .img).
In MS-DOS the file specification syntax \\server\ is analogous to the Psion filing system component.
The use of
differs from its use in DOS in that, on the HC and the Workabout, it is possible to use, for example: a*b.* to select all files whose file name starts with a
and ends with b
. In DOS, a*b.*
has the same effect as a*.*
Batch files
Batch files may only be run synchronously on the Workabout, (as in DOS), or on an HC. On the HC preceding the name of the batch file by
is required, but not on the Workabout. In Workabout batch files
suppresses echo, just like in DOS.
On the Workabout batch files must have the extension .btf, (just as DOS batch files must have the extension .bat), but on the HC other extensions (though not advisable) are allowed. The Workabout stores batch files, by default, in a \btf\ directory. The HC has no default directory for batch files, (neither do DOS machines).
On the HC it is not possible to pass parameters to a batch file, but on the Workabout you can pass as many parameters as will fit on the command line, (like DOS). Workabout batch files can also use
constructs, unlike HC batch files, (but like DOS ones).
Default directory structure
On the Workabout there is a fixed default directory structure, into which files with specific extensions are placed. This directory structure is searched automatically for program files if full details are not provided of path and filename extension. The HC does not have a default directory structure, (neither do DOS machines).
Launching programs
The Workabout looks for filenames in the following order of extensions, if no extension is given:
B - 2
The order of searching on the Workabout is described in detail in the chapter The Workabout Command
The HC, on the other hand, looks for filenames in the following order of extensions, if no extension is given:
The order of searching on the HC is described in detail in the chapter The HC Command Shell in the
HC Programmers Reference manual.
DOS machines do not have fixed search orders, and search paths must be specified using the
PATH command.
Memory resident programs
The Workabout (or any other Psion SIBO machine) can have programs running asynchronously in the background, (see the HC Programmers Reference, Series 3 Programmers Reference and Workabout
Programmers Reference manuals). An example of this is the LINK program. In contrast MS-DOS has
Terminate and Stay Resident programs (TSRs) which are installed into memory (usually on boot up) but cannot run until control is passed to them, (MS-DOS is not multi-tasking).
Alphabetical listing
APPEND Append directories to current data path
HC Command Processor
Not supported.
Work about Command Processor
Applications each have their own preferred path for data files. See the Default location of files section of the chapter The Workabout Command Processor in the Workabout Programmers Reference manual.
MS-DOS Command Processor
APPEND <etc>
Enables programs to open data files in specified directories as if the files were in the current directory.
ATTRIB{UTE} Set or clear file attributes
Note that the a
flag on the Workabout or PC is exactly the same as the m
flag on the Psion HC.
HC Command Processor
ATT[RIBUTE] [system::][drive:][path]filename.extension [+h|-h] [+s|-s] [+m|-m] [+r|-r]
Sets or resets the hidden ( h
), system ( s
), modified (m) and/or read-only ( r
) attributes of a file.
A filename must be given. If all four attributes are omitted nothing will happen.
The command does not accept a wild card specification.
Work about Command Processor
ATTRIB [system::][drive:][path][filename][.extension] [+h|-h] [+s|-s] [+a|-a] [+r|-r]
Sets or resets the hidden ( h
), system ( s
), archive ( a
) and/or read-only ( r
) attributes of a file.
If all four attributes are omitted, attrib
displays the existing settings.
If the filename is also omitted then the attributes of all files in the current (or specified) path are displayed.
The command does accept a wild card specification.
B - 3
MS-DOS Command Processor
ATTRIB [drive:][path]filename.extension [+h|-h] [+s|-s] [+a|-a] [+r|-r] [/s]
Sets or resets the hidden ( h
), system ( s
), archive ( a
) and/or read-only ( r
) attributes of a file.
The /s switch processes the current directory and all related subdirectories.
If all four attributes are omitted, attrib
displays the existing settings.
If the filename and attributes are omitted then the attributes of the specified directory only are displayed.
If both path and filename are omitted the attributes of all files in the current directory are displayed.
The command does accept a wild card specification.
HC Command Processor
AUT[O] seconds
Sets the time for auto-switch-off.
Work about Command Processor
Implemented via
MS-DOS Command Processor
Not supported.
Set time to auto-switch-off
HC Command Processor
Set backlight time-out
BACK[LIGHT] [time]
Sets the backlight auto-time-out to time
, or if time
is omitted, displays the current setting (in hexadecimal).
Work about Command Processor
Implemented via
, (or system interface menus).
MS-DOS Command Processor
Some screen savers provide similar functionality.
HC Command Processor
Files are backed up to a PC using MCLINK, RCom or PsiWin.
Work about Command Processor
Files are backed up to a PC using MCLINK, RCom or PsiWin.
MS-DOS Command Processor
BACKUP <etc>
Backs up files from one disk to another, (MS-DOS versions 2.0 to 5.0).
Backup files
HC Command Processor
Start battery check program
BATCHK interval
Starts the program rom::batchk (if found), which monitors the voltages of the main and backup batteries.
Work about Command Processor
Replaced by Shift-Ctrl-B.
MS-DOS Command Processor
Not supported.
B - 4
HC Command Processor
BAT[TERY] type
Specifies which type of main battery is installed.
Work about Command Processor
Replaced by Shift-Ctrl-B.
MS-DOS Command Processor
Not supported.
Specify battery type
BREAK Control extended CTRL-C checking
HC Command Processor
Not supported. This is not relevant to Psion machines.
Work about Command Processor
Not supported. This is not relevant to Psion machines.
MS-DOS Command Processor
Sets or clears extended CTRL-C checking.
External command.
HC Command Processor
Not supported.
Work about Command Processor
Run the Calculator application, Calc.
MS-DOS Command Processor
Not supported, although calculator programs are available.
Run the calculator application
CALL Call a batch file from inside another batch file
Call a batch file from inside another batch file.
HC Command Processor
No command is required. The filename prefixed with an
, is all that is needed.
Psion HC batch files always return to any calling batch file on completion.
Work about Command Processor
[CALL ][system::][drive:][path]batchfile[.extension] [batch-parameters]
Omitting the
command and just using the file specification "chains" the named batch file, and it then does not return to the calling batch file on completion.
MS-DOS Command Processor
[CALL ][drive:][path]batchfile [batch-parameters]
Omitting the
command and just using the file specification "chains" the named batch file, and control then does not return to the calling batch file on completion.
B - 5
CD Display or alter current directory
Changes to a different path, or (if path
is omitted) displays the current path. This is exactly the same as
HC Command Processor
CD [drive:][path]
CD [drive:]\ to change to the root directory of a drive.
The HC maintains one machine-wide path.
Work about Command Processor
CD [drive:][path]
CD [drive:]\ to change to the root directory of a drive.
The Workabout maintains one path per local drive, plus a "current drive". To change drive use: drive:
MS-DOS Command Processor
CD [drive:][path]
CD [..]
to change to the parent directory
CD [drive:]\ to change to the root directory of a drive.
MS-DOS maintains one path per drive, plus a "current drive". To change drive use: drive:
CHCP Display or change character set
HC Command Processor
Not supported.
Work about Command Processor
Psion-K can be used to switch the character set available from the keyboard.
MS-DOS Command Processor
CHCP [nnn]
Displays or changes the active character set.
CHDIR Display or alter current directory
Changes to a different path, or (if path
is omitted) displays the current path. This is exactly the same as
HC Command Processor
command is used instead.
Work about Command Processor
CHDIR [drive:][path]
CHDIR [drive:]\ to change to the root directory of a drive.
The Workabout maintains one path per local drive, plus a "current drive". To change drive use: drive:
MS-DOS Command Processor
CHDIR [drive:][path]
CHDIR [..]
to change to the parent directory
CHDIR [drive:]\ to change to the root directory of a drive.
MS-DOS maintains one path per drive, plus a "current drive". To change drive use: drive:
B - 6
CHKDSK Check or fix disk
HC Command Processor
This is not relevant to HC machines.
Work about Command Processor
The "Disk info" option of the "Info" menu in the System Screen gives information such as: the disk's label, its capacity, the amount of used space and the amount of free space. The
command also returns this information.
MS-DOS Command Processor
CHKDSK <etc>
Checks and displays disk status, or may be used to fix a disk.
HC Command Processor
Not supported.
Work about Command Processor
Not supported.
MS-DOS Command Processor
CHOICE <etc>
Prompt user for choice
Prompts the user to make a choice in batch programs. MS-DOS 6.0 onwards.
Clears the screen, leaving the
prompt and cursor in the top left corner.
HC Command Processor
Not supported.
Work about Command Processor
MS-DOS Command Processor
Clear the screen
COMMAND Start another command processor instance
HC Command Processor
Not supported. See the HC Programmers Reference manual.
Work about Command Processor
Not required, because the Command Processor can start many processes asynchronously.
MS-DOS Command Processor
Starts another instance of the command processor (shell).
B - 7
COMMS Run the communications application
External command.
HC Command Processor
Not available.
Work about Command Processor
[START] COMMS [system::][drive:][path][filename[.extension]]
Run the communications application, Comms.
MS-DOS Command Processor
command does similar things, as do many other proprietary programs.
COMP Compare two files
HC Command Processor
Not available.
Work about Command Processor
Not available.
MS-DOS Command Processor
COMP <etc>
Compares two files and lists the differences between them. External command, up to MS-DOS 5, (c.f.
FC in MS-DOS 6 onwards).
CONFIG Set language file
HC Command Processor
CON[FIG] filename
Changes the language data file to that specified. If filename
is omitted, the effect is to revert to the file
Work about Command Processor
Implemented via the
command, (or the system interface menus).
MS-DOS Command Processor
Not supported. The
command in config.sys does similar things.
COPY Copy file(s)
Copies one or more files, possibly changing their names in the process.
HC Command Processor
COP[Y] source destination
The source
and destination
file specifications can consist of a system and double colon, drive letter and colon, a directory name, a filename, or a combination of these.
Several files cannot be combined into one file by using wildcards.
Work about Command Processor
COPY source destination [/s] [/y]
The source
and destination
file specifications can consist of a system and double colon, drive letter and colon, a directory name, a filename, or a combination of these.
The /s switch allows copying of subdirectories.
The /y switch allows overwriting without confirmation, (as in MS-DOS 6.xx).
Several files cannot be combined into one file by using wildcards.
B - 8
MS-DOS Command Processor
COPY [/Y|/-Y] [/A|/B] source [/A|/B] [+ source [/A|/B] [+...]][destination [/A|/B]] [/V]
The source
and destination
file specifications can consist of a drive letter and colon, a directory name, a filename, or a combination of these.
By using wildcards or the
[+ source [/A|/B] [+...]]
syntax, several files can be combined into one file.
HC Command Processor
Not supported. The
command does similar things.
Work about Command Processor
Not supported. The
command sets which language file to use.
MS-DOS Command Processor
COUNTRY=nnn <etc>
Set country
Sets country-specific conventions in config.sys. Date and time formats are set in the country file.
HC Command Processor
Use the Psion SIBO Debugger, which provides similar functionality.
Work about Command Processor
Use the Psion SIBO Debugger, which provides similar functionality.
MS-DOS Command Processor
Change terminal device
CTTY device
Change terminal device.
HC Command Processor
D [/p] [filespec]
Brief directory listing
Lists specified filenames in a directory, without any additional information except for the total size and the total number of bytes free on the current device.
Work about Command Processor
command has a switch (
) for bare output of filenames only.
MS-DOS Command Processor
command has many switches to format directory listing output.
DATA Run the database application
External command.
HC Command Processor
Not available.
Work about Command Processor
[START] DATA [system::][drive:][path][filename[.extension]]
Run the database application, Data.
MS-DOS Command Processor
Not available, though there are many proprietary programs on the market.
B - 9
HC Command Processor
Displays the current date and time, in the format: day/d[d]/mth/yyyy hh:mm:ss
For example:
Display date [and time]
Thu/12/Oct/1995 16:59:59 will be displayed if the current system date and time is Thursday 12 October 1995, and it is one second before five o'clock in the afternoon.
If the day of the month has only a single digit, no leading zero is displayed. One minute past noon on the first day of January 1996 is displayed as:
Mon/1/Jan/1996 12:01:00
The date must be set with
Work about Command Processor
Displays the current date in the default format, or the format specified by the most recent
or menu command.
The default display format is: dd/mm/yy
For example
will be displayed if the current system date is 12 October 1995.
If the day of the month or the month number itself has only a single digit, a leading zero is displayed. The first day of January 1996 is displayed as:
The date must be set from the menus. See
for displaying the system time.
MS-DOS Command Processor
DATE [mm-dd-yy]
Displays the current date, and prompts for it to be changed. Otherwise sets the date.
HC Command Processor
Not supported. This is not relevant to Psion computers.
Work about Command Processor
Not supported. This is not relevant to Psion computers.
MS-DOS Command Processor
Compresses data on hard or floppy disks.
Compress a disk
B - 10
HC Command Processor
The Psion SIBO debugger offers similar functionality.
Work about Command Processor
The Psion SIBO debugger offers similar functionality.
MS-DOS Command Processor
Starts the debug program to allow debugging of executable files.
Start the debug program
DEFRAG Optimise files on a disk
HC Command Processor
Use the
command in Psion RCom or a "Compress..." option in PsiWin.
Work about Command Processor
Use the
command in Psion RCom or a "Compress..." option in PsiWin.
MS-DOS Command Processor
DEFRAG <etc>
Reorganises files on a disk to optimise disk performance.
Deletes the specified file or files.
HC Command Processor
DEL[ETE] filespec
Work about Command Processor
DEL filespec [/s] [/y] or
Delete file(s)
ERASE filespec [/s] [/y]
If the
flag is used, all subdirectories and files are deleted.
If the
flag is used, no confirmation is asked for. This is intended for use in batch files.
Note that, like in MS-DOS, confirmation is not asked for if a single file is being deleted. Unless
is used, confirmation is always asked for if all files in a directory are being deleted.
MS-DOS Command Processor
DEL filespec [/p] or
ERASE filespec [/p]
If the
flag is used, prompts for confirmation before deleting a specific file.
command is used to delete subdirectories and their files.
B - 11
HC Command Processor
Not available.
Work about Command Processor
Delete a directory, subdirectories and files
DEL filespec /s or
ERASE filespec /s
MS-DOS Command Processor
Deletes a specified directory and all subdirectories and files.
DEVICE List devices
The Psion HC command performs a completely different function to the MS-DOS command.
HC Command Processor
DEV[ICE] [filespec]
Lists all devices ("drives") in the filing system specified by filespec
Work about Command Processor
Re[placed by
MS-DOS Command Processor
Loads a device driver. This is a config.sys command.
DEVICE filespec <etc>
However the
command provides similar functionality.
DIR Full directory listing
Lists all the specified files in a directory, together with their sizes, the time and date of their last modification, and their attributes.
HC Command Processor
DIR [/p] [filespec]
flag causes the display to pause at the end of each screen.
Work about Command Processor
DIR [drive:] [path] [filespec] [/s] [/b]
The listing pauses automatically after each screen of information, prompting the user to press enter to continue, (except in batch files).
/s flag causes all subdirectories to be listed as well.
flag causes bare output to be used, (filenames only).
MS-DOS Command Processor
DIR [drive:] [path] [filespec] <etc>
B - 12
HC Command Processor
Not available.
Work about Command Processor
Not available.
MS-DOS Command Processor
Compares two floppy disks.
HC Command Processor
Not available.
Work about Command Processor
COPY *.* /s
(note that this does not format the target disk).
Also available via a System Screen menu option for SSDs.
MS-DOS Command Processor
Copies a floppy disk. The target disk is formatted first.
HC Command Processor
Not available.
Work about Command Processor
This functionality is built-in.
MS-DOS Command Processor
DOSKEY [<etc>]
Load/start the DOSKEY program.
Compare two floppy disks
Copy a floppy disk
Load/start DOSKEY program
DOSSHELL Load DOSSHELL graphical interface
HC Command Processor
Not available.
Work about Command Processor
Not available. The System Screen carries out similar functions to the MS-DOS Shell.
This may be loaded directly from the Startup Shell, or by entering: start sys$gsys in the Command Processor.
MS-DOS Command Processor
Loads the MS-DOS Shell graphical interface.
B - 13
ECHO Display message, set or display echo mode
Displays the message
, or sets the echo mode in batch files, or displays the current echo mode.
HC Command Processor
Not supported.
Work about Command Processor
ECHO [[text]|[ON | OFF]]
MS-DOS Command Processor
ECHO [[text]|[ON | OFF]]
HC Command Processor
Not supported.
Work about Command Processor
[START] EDIT [system::][drive:][path][filename][.extension]
Run file editor
Runs the Psion file editor, which also translates and runs programs as determined by the source file extension.
MS-DOS Command Processor
EDIT <etc>
Runs the MS-DOS text file editor. This is an external command.
HC Command Processor
This is not relevant to Psion computers.
Work about Command Processor
This is not relevant to Psion computers.
MS-DOS Command Processor
EMM386 <etc>
Enable EMM386 expanded memory.
Enable expanded memory
HC Command Processor
ENV [[var[=[value]]]|[varspec]]
Display, set or delete environment variable
Displays or sets the value of environment variables, or deletes them.
Work about Command Processor
Not supported.
command, which is exactly equivalent, must be used instead.
MS-DOS Command Processor
Not available. The
command is used instead.
B - 14
HC Command Processor
Not supported.
must be used instead.
Work about Command Processor
ERASE [drive:] [path] filespec [/s] [/y]
Deletes the specified file or files.
The command
DEL filespec [/s] [/y]
is exactly the same as
MS-DOS Command Processor
ERASE [drive:] [path] filespec [/p]
Deletes the specified file or files.
The command
DEL filespec [/p]
is exactly the same as
Delete file(s)
Display the error level.
HC Command Processor
Not supported.
Work about Command Processor
Display the error level state (
MS-DOS Command Processor
Not supported.
Display error level
ERRORLEVEL Error level value
is not a command. It is the status of the last command that was executed.
HC Command Processor
Not supported.
Work about Command Processor
Holds the error level value, (it is a Boolean value,
). Unlike DOS, Command Processor commands set
as applicable. The general use of
is in an
Thus, for example, within a batch file, you can test for a directory, as follows:
MS-DOS Command Processor
Holds the error level number (an integer in the range 0 to 255). An example of its use is:
IF [NOT] ERRORLEVEL number command
B - 15
HC Command Processor
Exit level
Exits the Command Shell. May be used to terminate second copies of the Command Shell that are no longer required.
If the
command is typed into the first copy of the Command Shell, the HC will automatically re-launch a shell process, as explained in the Introduction to the HC chapter of the HC User Reference manual.
If the
command is found in a batch file, all that happens is that the batch file is terminated, and control passes back to the previous level of batch file (or to the command line). See the Workabout
Command Processor
Work about Command Processor
Present a dialog offering options to terminate the Command Processor or cancel the command.
On confirmation of an
command typed directly into the Command Processor (or of the selection of the Exit option from the Special menu) the Command Processor is terminated. If there is no other task running on the machine, the Workabout will then automatically bring the Startup Shell process to foreground, as explained in the chapter Introduction to the Workabout. If one or more other tasks are running, the machine will switch tasks to whichever running application was last used.
If the
command is executed from a (nested) batch file, all levels of batch processing are terminated immediately and the confirmation dialog presented. On confirming the
command, the Command
Processor terminates in the same way as when
is typed directly into the Command Processor.
MS-DOS Command Processor
Terminates the Command Processor.
If the
command is found in a batch file, all levels of batch processing are terminated. The Command
Processor terminates in the same way as when
is typed directly into the Command Processor.
HC Command Processor
Not available.
Work about Command Processor
Not available.
MS-DOS Command Processor
EXPAND <etc>
Expand a compressed file.
Expand a compressed file
HC Command Processor
Not available.
Work about Command Processor
Not available. Use
HELP [command]
Get summary Help on command syntax
B - 16
MS-DOS Command Processor
FASTHELP [command] or
[command] /?
Gets summary Help as a listing of (all) command(s) and syntax.
MS-DOS 6 onwards, (it is the same as
in MS-DOS 5)
HC Command Processor
Not available. This is not relevant to Psion computers.
Work about Command Processor
Not available. This is not relevant to Psion computers.
MS-DOS Command Processor
Starts the FASTOPEN program.
Start FASTOPEN program
HC Command Processor
Not available.
Work about Command Processor
Not available.
MS-DOS Command Processor
Compare two files
FC <etc>
Compares two files and lists the differences between them. External command, MS-DOS 6 onwards, (c.f.
in MS-DOS 5).
FCBS Specify number of file control blocks
HC Command Processor
Not available. This is not relevant to SIBO machines.
Work about Command Processor
Not available. This is not relevant to SIBO machines.
MS-DOS Command Processor
FCBS <etc>
Specifies the number of file control blocks (FCBs) that can be open at any one time. Used in config.sys files only.
HC Command Processor
Not available. This is not relevant to SIBO machines.
Work about Command Processor
Not available. This is not relevant to SIBO machines.
MS-DOS Command Processor
Partition a hard disk
FDISK <etc>
Starts the MS-DOS FDISK program to partition a hard disk. This is an external command.
B - 17
FILES List open files/Specify number of files accessible
This command is completely different for MS-DOS and SIBO machines.
HC Command Processor
Not available.
Work about Command Processor
FILES drive:
Returns the names of all open files on the specified drive.
The program using each file, the process number and the full filename including the path are given.
MS-DOS Command Processor
Specifies the number of files MS-DOS can access at one time. Used in config.sys files only.
Some networks provide a functionality similar to the Workabout
HC Command Processor
Not available.
Work about Command Processor
Not supported.
MS-DOS Command Processor
FIND <etc>
Searches for a specified text string in a file or files.
Find a text string in a file or files
FOR Run a command for the files in a set
Run a command for each file in a specified set of files.
HC Command Processor
Not supported.
Work about Command Processor
FOR %[%]variable IN (set) DO command [parameters]
The extra
is needed in batch programs.
MS-DOS Command Processor
FOR %[%]variable IN (set) DO command [parameters]
The extra
is needed in batch programs.
Formats a disk in the specified drive.
The disk may be labelled with a volume name (label), volname
HC Command Processor
FOR[MAT] [drive:][volname]
Work about Command Processor
FORMAT [drive:][volname]
If the label volname
is not specified, any existing label is retained.
Format device
B - 18
MS-DOS Command Processor
FORMAT <etc>
If the label is not specified, any existing label is deleted.
HC Command Processor
Displays the amount of free RAM in kilobytes.
Work about Command Processor
command performs a similar function.
MS-DOS Command Processor
command performs a similar function.
Display free memory
GOTO Jump to label in batch file
Jump to the label label
in a batch file. A label in a batch file occurs at the start of a line (preceded by a colon,
). It is not the same thing as the label mentioned in the
command descriptions.
HC Command Processor
Not supported.
Work about Command Processor
GOTO label
MS-DOS Command Processor
GOTO label
GRAPHICS Load program to allow printing of colour screen
HC Command Processor
Not available. The HC has black and white graphics by default.
Work about Command Processor
Not available. The Workabout has black, grey and white graphics by default.
MS-DOS Command Processor
Loads a program to allow the printing of information displayed on a colour screen. Used in config.sys files only.
List commands or get help HELP
List commands or get help on a specific command.
HC Command Processor
Not supported.
Work about Command Processor
HELP [command]
MS-DOS Command Processor
HELP [command]
B - 19
IF Run command conditionally
A command is run depending on one of three possible specified conditions. See also
HC Command Processor
Not supported.
Work about Command Processor
IF [not] {ERRORLEVEL | string1==string2 | EXIST filespec} command [command_parameters]
The file specification can consist of a system and double colon, drive letter and colon, a directory name, a filename, or a combination of these.
MS-DOS Command Processor
IF [not] {ERRORLEVEL nn| string1==string2 | EXIST [[drive:]path]filename} command
INSTALL Install memory resident program
HC Command Processor
Not supported. SIBO computers are multi-tasking, so can have many programs running at the same time.
in a batch file for a similar effect to MS-DOS
Work about Command Processor
Not supported. SIBO computers are multi-tasking, so can have many programs running at the same time.
Use the
command in a batch file for a similar same effect to MS-DOS
MS-DOS Command Processor
INSTALL [drive:][path]filename [command-parameters]
Installs a memory resident program when MS-DOS is started up. Can only be used in config.sys files.
INTERLNK Connect two computers to share resources
HC Command Processor
and MCLINK or RCom, or PsiWin.
Work about Command Processor
and MCLINK or RCom, or PsiWin.
MS-DOS Command Processor
INTERLNK [client[:]=[server][:]]
Connects two computers using Interlink. MS-DOS 6.0 onwards.
HC Command Processor
and MCLINK or RCom, or PsiWin.
Work about Command Processor
and MCLINK or RCom, or PsiWin.
MS-DOS Command Processor
Starts the Interlink server. MS-DOS 6.0 onwards.
Start the Interlink server
B - 20
KEYB Configure keyboard for language
HC Command Processor
Not supported.
Work about Command Processor
to set the keyboard, (or the system interface menu option).
MS-DOS Command Processor
KEYB <etc>
Configures the keyboard for a particular language.
KILL Kill a process
Kills the first process found matching the specification in procname
. Emergency use only. See
HC Command Processor
KIL[L] procname
Work about Command Processor
KILL procname [/y]
If the
flag is used, no confirmation is asked for. This is intended for use in batch files.
MS-DOS Command Processor
Not supported.
LABEL Add/alter disk volume label
Creates, changes or deletes the label on an SSD/disk in the specified drive
, (using the label name
HC Command Processor
Not supported.
Work about Command Processor
LABEL [drive:][name]
MS-DOS Command Processor
LABEL [drive:][name]
LASTDRIVE Specify maximum number of drives
LDEV List device drivers
Lists all specified logical and physical device drivers.
HC Command Processor
LDEV [device_spec]
Work about Command Processor
There are separate commands to list logical and physical device drivers,
MS-DOS Command Processor
Not supported. The
command provides a similar function.
B - 21
HC Command Processor
Not relevant to SIBO machines.
Work about Command Processor
Not relevant to SIBO machines.
MS-DOS Command Processor
LH <etc>
Load program into upper memory
Load a program into the upper memory area, or into a specified region or regions of upper memory. This is the same as
Lists all specified logical device drivers.
HC Command Processor
command lists both physical and logical device drivers.
Work about Command Processor
LLDEV [device_spec]
List logical device drivers
The list includes all ROM-resident device drivers, as well as external ones that are currently loaded.
MS-DOS Command Processor
Not supported. The
command provides a similar function.
LOADFIX Load and run program above first 64K block
HC Command Processor
Not relevant to SIBO machines.
Work about Command Processor
Not relevant to SIBO machines.
MS-DOS Command Processor
Loads a program into memory above the first 64KB block of conventional memory, and runs it.
HC Command Processor
Not relevant to SIBO machines.
Work about Command Processor
Not relevant to SIBO machines.
MS-DOS Command Processor
Load program into upper memory
Loads a program into the upper memory area, or into a specified region or regions of upper memory. This is the same as
B - 22
HC Command Processor
Configure low battery warnings
LOW[BAT] state
If state
, the HC will check, each time the HC is switched on, for either of the batteries being low.
On detecting a low battery, the HC will issue a warning. This will be in the form of an information message in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen.
If state
, this behaviour will not take place. This is the default.
Work about Command Processor
Not supported. On detecting a low battery when switched on, the Workabout will issue a warning. This will be in the form of an information message in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen. There is no command to switch this behaviour off. Use Shift-Ctrl-B for battery information at any time.
MS-DOS Command Processor
Not supported.
LPDEV List physical device drivers
Lists all specified physical device drivers.
HC Command Processor
Not supported. The
command lists both physical and logical device drivers.
Work about Command Processor
LPDEV [device_spec]
The list includes all ROM-resident device drivers, as well as external ones that are currently loaded.
MS-DOS Command Processor
Not supported. The
command provides a similar function.
LPROC List processes
Lists information about all specified processes.
HC Command Processor
LPR[OC] [process_spec]
Work about Command Processor
LPROC [process_spec]
This command is identical to that on the HC, except that the information is displayed slightly differently,
(e.g. the number of matching processes is given).
MS-DOS Command Processor
Not supported. The
command provides a similar function.
Lists all memory segments currently in use by the specified process(es).
HC Command Processor
LSE[G] [process_spec]
List segments
Work about Command Processor
LSEG [process_spec]
This command is identical to that on the HC, except that the information is displayed slightly differently,
(e.g. the number of matches found is given).
MS-DOS Command Processor
Not supported.
B - 23
HC Command Processor
Display time and date of mastering
Displays the time and date when the ROM was mastered.
Work about Command Processor
Not supported. This command is not relevant since the ROM cannot be reprogrammed. the time and date of mastering is given, however, by the
MS-DOS Command Processor
Not supported.
Make a directory. This command is almost identical on all three types of machine.
HC Command Processor
MD [system::][drive:]path
A trailing backslash can be used in the path
Work about Command Processor
MD [system::][drive:]path
A trailing backslash can be used in the path
MS-DOS Command Processor
MD [drive:]path
A trailing backslash cannot be used in the path
Make directory
HC Command Processor
The identical
command must be used instead.
Work about Command Processor
Display free memory
Displays the amount of free RAM in kilobytes that is available to programs. More detailed information on memory usage is available from the "Memory info" option of the "Info" menu in the System Screen.
MS-DOS Command Processor
MEM <etc>
Displays the amount of free and used RAM in kilobytes, or more specific aspects of memory usage.
Optimise computer's memory MEMMAKER
HC Command Processor
Not supported. Not relevant to SIBO machines.
Work about Command Processor
Not supported. Not relevant to SIBO machines.
MS-DOS Command Processor
Optimises the computer's memory usage.
B - 24
HC Command Processor
Not supported.
Work about Command Processor
The Workabout has a built-in menu system..
MS-DOS Command Processor
Set startup menu colours
Sets the foreground and background colours for the startup menu. Can only be used in config.sys files.
MS-DOS 6.0 onwards.
HC Command Processor
Not supported.
Work about Command Processor
The Workabout has a built-in menu system.
MS-DOS Command Processor
Set startup menu item and timeout
Sets the default highlighted item on the startup menu, and the timeout. Can only be used in config.sys files. MS-DOS 6.0 onwards.
HC Command Processor
Not supported.
Work about Command Processor
The Workabout has a built-in menu system.
MS-DOS Command Processor
Define startup menu item
Defines an item on the startup menu. Can only be used in config.sys files. MS-DOS 6.0 onwards.
Makes a directory.
HC Command Processor
Not supported. The identical
command must be used instead.
Work about Command Processor
MKDIR [drive:]path
A trailing backslash can be used in the path
MS-DOS Command Processor
MKDIR [drive:]path
A trailing backslash cannot be used in the path
Make directory
B - 25
MODE Configure system devices
HC Command Processor
command and Communications Scripts can perform similar functions.
Work about Command Processor
command and Communications Scripts can perform similar functions.
MS-DOS Command Processor
MODE <etc>
Configure system devices.
MORE Display output one screenful at a time
HC Command Processor
The Psion-Left key combination is used to pause output in the Command Processor.
Work about Command Processor
The Workabout Command Processor pauses automatically after each screenful of output, except during batch file execution.
MS-DOS Command Processor
MORE <etc>
Displays output one screenful at a time.
HC Command Processor
A combination of
must be used.
Work about Command Processor
A combination of
must be used.
MS-DOS Command Processor
MOVE <etc>
Moves a file or files to a specified location.
Move file(s)
HC Command Processor
Not supported.
Work about Command Processor
Not supported.
MS-DOS Command Processor
MSAV <etc>
Scans for viruses.
Scan for viruses
B - 26
MSBACKUP Run backup program
HC Command Processor
The MCLINK, RCom and PsiWin programs all include backup and restore facilities.
Work about Command Processor
The MCLINK, RCom and PsiWin programs all include backup and restore facilities.
MS-DOS Command Processor
Runs the Microsoft Backup for MS-DOS program to backup or restore files, (MS-DOS 6.0).
MSCDEX Provide CD-ROM access
HC Command Processor
The MCLINK, RCom and PsiWin programs all include remote file access facilities.
Work about Command Processor
The MCLINK, RCom and PsiWin programs all include remote file access facilities.
MS-DOS Command Processor
MSCDEX <etc>
Provides access to CD-ROM drives.
HC Command Processor
Not supported.
Work about Command Processor
Not supported.
MS-DOS Command Processor
MSD <etc>
Provides technical details about your computer.
Provide technical details
NLSFUNC Load country-specific information
HC Command Processor
The language data file may be changed by using the
Work about Command Processor
The characters available from the keyboard may be changed by defining the keyboard to use via the
MS-DOS Command Processor
Loads country-specific information for national language support (NLS).
NOTIFY Control whether the Notifier appears
HC Command Processor
NOT[IFY] state
Controls whether the Notifier ever appears as a result of a file operation carried out by the Command
Work about Command Processor
A notifier always appears when required.
MS-DOS Command Processor
Not supported.
B - 27
HC Command Processor
Not supported.
Work about Command Processor
Not supported.
MS-DOS Command Processor
Start with Num Lock on/off
Specifies whether the Num Lock key is ON or OFF when the computer starts. Can only be used in
config.sys files.
HC Command Processor
Enable off-key handling
If value
, the Command Shell gives up its capture of the
key, thereby allowing other applications to capture this key to do their own processing of it.
If value
is any non-zero number, the Command Shell attempts to capture the
key again.
Work about Command Processor
The Window Server always captures the Off key.
MS-DOS Command Processor
Not supported.
PATH Specify search path for executable files
HC Command Processor
SIBO computers have built in search routines for executable files.
Work about Command Processor
SIBO computers have built in search routines for executable files.
MS-DOS Command Processor
PATH <etc>
Specifies or displays the search path for executable files.
Suspend batch file processing.
HC Command Processor
Not supported.
Work about Command Processor
PAUSE [text]
Suspend batch file processing
Any associated message may be given in the text
MS-DOS Command Processor
A "Press any key to continue" message is displayed, but a separate
statement is needed to display any other associated message. MS-DOS 5.0 onwards.
B - 28
POWER Power saving set/display/on/off
HC Command Processor
Power saving features are an integral part of SIBO machines. See the
command, etc.
Work about Command Processor
Power saving features are an integral part of SIBO machines. See the
MS-DOS Command Processor
POWER <etc>
Turns power-saving on and off, displays power saving status and sets power saving parameters.
PRINT Print text file in background
HC Command Processor
Other processes (tasks) may print while the Command Processor is being used.
Work about Command Processor
Other processes (tasks) may print while the Command Processor is being used.
MS-DOS Command Processor
PRINT <etc>
Prints a text file as a background activity.
PROMPT Change command prompt
HC Command Processor
Not supported. Restricted screen size limits the practical size for the prompt.
Work about Command Processor
Not supported. Restricted screen size limits the practical size for the prompt.
MS-DOS Command Processor
PROMPT [text]
Changes the appearance of the command prompt.
QBASIC Run QBasic language
HC Command Processor
Not supported.
Work about Command Processor
Not supported. An OPL program editor and translator is provided in the ROM as standard, (see
MS-DOS Command Processor
QBASIC <etc>
Runs the MS-DOS QBasic language interpreter.
QUIT Exit current batch file only
HC Command Processor
Not supported.
Work about Command Processor
Exits the current batch file only.
MS-DOS Command Processor
Not supported. Use
GOTO label
is the last line of the batch file.
B - 29
HC Command Processor
RD [drive:]path
Work about Command Processor
RD [drive:]path [/y]
Remove directory
Deletes a directory, including any files in it (and subdirectories).
If the
flag is used, no confirmation is asked for. This is intended for use in batch files.
MS-DOS Command Processor
RD [drive:]path
Deletes an empty directory only.
REASON Get the cause of the last system shutdown
HC Command Processor
Not supported. A message is, however, displayed automatically on switch-on after a system shutdown.
Work about Command Processor
Returns a code indicating the cause of the last system shutdown.
MS-DOS Command Processor
Not supported
REM Comment (remark) in batch file
Comment (remark) in a batch file.
HC Command Processor
Not supported.
Work about Command Processor
REM [text]
A semicolon (
) cannot be used instead of
MS-DOS Command Processor
REM [text]
A semicolon (
) can be used instead of
in config.sys files, but not batch files.
Rename file(s) REN{AME}
Changes the name of a file or files.
HC Command Processor
REN[AME] [drive:][path]filename1 filename2
Work about Command Processor
REN [drive:][path]filename1 filename2
MS-DOS Command Processor
RENAME [drive:][path]filename1 filename2 or
REN [drive:][path]filename1 filename2
B - 30
HC Command Processor
Not supported.
Work about Command Processor
Not supported.
MS-DOS Command Processor
Replace file(s)
Replaces the files in one directory with those of the same name from another directory.
HC Command Processor
Not supported. Files are restored from a PC using MCLINK, RCom or PsiWin.
Work about Command Processor
Not supported. Files are restored from a PC using MCLINK, RCom or PsiWin.
MS-DOS Command Processor
Restores backed up files from one disk to another, (MS-DOS 2.0 to 5.0).
Restore file(s)
HC Command Processor
RES[UME] procname
Resumes the previously suspended process procname
Work about Command Processor
Not supported.
MS-DOS Command Processor
Not supported.
Resume a suspended process
RMDIR Remove directory
HC Command Processor
Not supported. The
command must be used instead.
Work about Command Processor
RMDIR [drive:]path [/y]
Deletes a directory, including any files in it (and subdirectories).
If the
flag is used, no confirmation is asked for. This is intended for use in batch files.
MS-DOS Command Processor
RMDIR [drive:]path
Deletes an empty directory only.
HC Command Processor
Not supported. Not relevant to SSDs.
Work about Command Processor
Not supported. Not relevant to SSDs.
Analyse/repair disk(s)
B - 31
MS-DOS Command Processor
Runs the Microsoft ScanDisk program to analyse a disk or disks and repair any errors.
SET Set default path/environment variables
This command does completely different things on each machine.
HC Command Processor
SET path
Sets the system-wide default path.
Work about Command Processor
SET [[var[=[value]]]|[varspec]]
Displays or sets the value of, or deletes, environment variables.
Equivalent to
on the HC.
There is no single command to set the default path on the Workabout. The drive letter followed by a colon should be used to set the current drive in the Command Processor or batch files , and the CD command to change the current directory.
MS-DOS Command Processor
SET [var=[string]]
Displays or sets the value of, or deletes, environment variables.
HC Command Processor
SETD[ATE] dd/mm/yy hh:mm:ss
Set date and time
Sets the date and time.
Work about Command Processor
Not supported. Date and time must be set from the menu of the Command Processor or System Screen.
MS-DOS Command Processor
Not supported. Date and time must be set using the
HC Command Processor
Not supported.
Alter system settings
The machine configuration is set using the
commands. The configurability is completely different for the HC.
Work about Command Processor
SETDEF [AMnn] [ABnn] [DDMY | DMDY | DYMD] [Dn] [K0 | K1] [S+ | S-] [T12 | T24] [TS+ | TS-]
Alter system settings, (which are otherwise set by menu options).
MS-DOS Command Processor
Not supported. Date and time formats are set in the country file, using the
B - 32
SETVER Report MS-DOS version or display/update version table
HC Command Processor
Not supported. Not relevant to SIBO machines.
Work about Command Processor
Not supported. Not relevant to SIBO machines.
MS-DOS Command Processor
SETVER <etc>
Displays the MS-DOS version table. Reports a version number (earlier than the installed version) to programs or device drivers. Allows the version table to be updated.
SHARE Install file sharing and locking
HC Command Processor
Built into the EPOC Operating System of all SIBO machines.
Work about Command Processor
Built into the EPOC Operating System of all SIBO machines.
MS-DOS Command Processor
SHARE <etc>
Installs file sharing and locking capabilities on local and/or network drives.
SHELL Specify command interpreter
HC Command Processor
Alternative command processors can be installed on HC machines - see the Customising an HC section of the Introduction to the HC chapter of the HC Programmers Reference manual.
Work about Command Processor
Alternative command processors can be installed on Workabout machines - see the Customising a
Workabout section of the Introduction to the Workabout chapter of the Workabout Programmers
Reference manual.
MS-DOS Command Processor
SHELL <etc>
Specifies the name and location of the command interpreter to use. Can only be used in config.sys files.
SHIFT Shift batch file parameters
Moves the replaceable parameters of a batch file one position to the left. Thus
, etc.
HC Command Processor
Not supported.
Work about Command Processor
MS-DOS Command Processor
B - 33
SMARTDRV Setup/configure disk cache/buffering
HC Command Processor
Not supported. Not relevant to SIBO machines using SSDs and RAMdrives.
Work about Command Processor
Not supported. Not relevant to SIBO machines using SSDs and RAMdrives.
MS-DOS Command Processor
Sets up or configures MS-DOS SMARTDrive which creates a disk cache in extended memory, or performs double buffering.
HC Command Processor
Not supported.
Work about Command Processor
Not supported.
MS-DOS Command Processor
SORT <etc>
Read, sort and write data
Reads input, sorts data and writes output to screen a file or another device.
START Start a process asynchronously
HC Command Processor
Not supported. Processes are started asynchronously by simply entering their name,
(unless preceded by &).
Work about Command Processor
START procname
Launch the given process and return immediately.
Starts the first process found matching the specification in procname
, (asynchronously).
MS-DOS Command Processor
Not supported. MS-DOS is not multitasking.
STOP Stop a process
HC Command Processor
Not supported. This is identical to
on the HC, except that
only stops the first process matching the specification.
Work about Command Processor
STOP procname [/y]
Terminates the named process or processes matching the specification in procname
If the
flag is used, no confirmation is asked for. This is intended for use in batch files.
MS-DOS Command Processor
Not supported.
B - 34
SUBMENU Specify startup menu item as a submenu
HC Command Processor
Not supported.
Work about Command Processor
Not supported. The Workabout has a built-in menu system.
MS-DOS Command Processor
Specifies an item in the startup menu as giving a submenu when selected. Can only be used in config.sys files. MS-DOS 6.0 onwards.
HC Command Processor
Not supported.
Work about Command Processor
Not supported.
MS-DOS Command Processor
SUBST <etc>
Associates a path with a drive letter.
Associate path with drive letter
HC Command Processor
SUS[PEND] procname
Suspends the first process found matching the specification in procname
Work about Command Processor
Not supported.
MS-DOS Command Processor
Not supported.
Suspend a process
SYS Make a startup disk
HC Command Processor
Not relevant to SIBO machines.
Work about Command Processor
Not relevant to SIBO machines.
MS-DOS Command Processor
SYS <etc>
Creates a boot disk containing hidden system files, the command processor, etc.
TERMINATE Terminate a process
HC Command Processor
TER[MINATE] procname
Terminates the first process found matching the specification in procname
Work about Command Processor
Not supported. Replaced by:
STOP procname
B - 35
This is identical to
on the HC, except that all processes matching the specification procname are terminated.
MS-DOS Command Processor
Not supported. MS-DOS is not multitasking.
HC Command Processor
Not supported.
displays both the current system date and time.
Work about Command Processor
Display/(set) time
Displays the current time, in the default format, or that specified by the most recent
or menu command. Time must be set via the menu system.
MS-DOS Command Processor
TIME [hours:[minutes[:seconds[.hundredths]]][A|P]]
Displays the system time or sets your computer's internal clock.
HC Command Processor
Not supported.
Work about Command Processor
Not supported.
MS-DOS Command Processor
TREE <etc>
Displays a directory graphically.
Display directory graphically
Prints a text or batch file to the screen.
HC Command Processor
TY[PE] filename
Type a text file
There is no provision for the display to pause itself automatically. However, the user can pause the display at any time, in the usual way, by pressing
Work about Command Processor
TYPE filename
The display pauses itself automatically after each screen full of text.
MS-DOS Command Processor
TYPE filename
HC Command Processor
Not available.
Work about Command Processor
Not available.
Restore deleted files
B - 36
MS-DOS Command Processor
Restores files previously deleted using the
HC Command Processor
Not available.
Work about Command Processor
Not available.
MS-DOS Command Processor
Restores a disk previously erased by using the
Restore a formatted disk
HC Command Processor
Display software version numbers
Displays the (EPOC) Operating System version number, the (HC) ROM version number, and the
(Command) Shell version number.
Work about Command Processor
Displays the (Workabout) ROM version number, the date and time that the ROM was mastered, the
(EPOC) Operating System version number, the Shell version number and the Command Processor version number.
MS-DOS Command Processor
Displays the MS-DOS version number.
HC Command Processor
Not available.
Work about Command Processor
Not available.
MS-DOS Command Processor
Switches disk write operation verification on or off.
Turn disk write verification on/off
HC Command Processor
Not supported.
Work about Command Processor
VOL [system::][drive:]
Display the disk volume label etc
Displays the system, drive, volume label, media type, free space and total space for the disk volume in the current or specified drive.
B - 37
MS-DOS Command Processor
VOL [drive:]
Displays the volume label and serial number of the disk volume in the current or specified drive.
Continuously check for viruses VSAFE
HC Command Processor
Not available.
Work about Command Processor
Not available.
MS-DOS Command Processor
VSAFE <etc>
Continuously monitors the computer for viruses.
Wait until a process completes.
HC Command Processor
Wait for a process to complete
The process cannot be named.
Work about Command Processor
WAIT [procname]
A process name may be given if required.
Suspends the Command Processor until the applicable process completes.
MS-DOS Command Processor
Not supported. MS-DOS is not multitasking.
HC Command Processor
WNO[TIFY] state
Configures the appearance of the Notifier.
Work about Command Processor
Not available.
MS-DOS Command Processor
Not supported.
Configure Notifier appearance
HC Command Processor
Not available.
Work about Command Processor
MS-DOS Command Processor
XCOPY <etc>
Copy directories, subdirectories and files
Copies directories, their subdirectories and the files in those subdirectories.
B - 38
About this appendix
This appendix compares the Psion Series 3a/3c System Screen with the options of the Workabout System
Screen and the Workabout Command Processor menus. Where relevant related Psion HC and Psion Siena features are also included. It is provided to highlight the differences between the machines so that developers may easily adapt to working with (and designing user interfaces for) the Workabout.
Principal differences centre on: restricted screen size menu names need to be abbreviated less options can be fitted on each menu the analogue clock is too big for the Workabout and Siena Status/Info windows icons are too big for the Workabout status window different keyboard backlight certain keys are not present (Diamond, Icon buttons) not present on the Series 3a or Siena, available on Series 3c variant ports sound the Workabout can have several ports the Series 3a/3c has digital sound recording and playback built in applications the Time and World applications are not present on the Workabout, (Data, Calc,
Sheet, Program, RunOpl, Comms, Script and RunImg applications are present)
C - 1
Note that the Workabout Command Processor is only mentioned where relevant since it has only a small number of menus, menu options and corresponding hotkeys.
When assigning "hotkeys" ("accelerators") to certain key combinations in the applications that you write it is important to note the differences that exist between the Psion HC, the Series 3a/3c, Siena and the
Psion-A Assign button/Set auto switch off times
Psion Series 3a/3c and Siena System Screen
The Psion-A hotkey brings up the 'Assign button to "Icon_button"' dialog, where "Icon_button" is the name above one of the Series 3a/3c icon buttons.
Work about System Screen
There is no "Assign button" option on the 'File' menu. The Psion-A hotkey brings up the "Set auto switch off times" dialog instead.
Psion-B/Shift-Ctrl-B Battery info
Psion Series 3a/3c and Siena System Screen
The Psion-B hotkey brings up the 'Battery info' dialog in the System Screen only.
Work about System Screen
The Psion-B hotkey does nothing. For battery information Shift-Ctrl-B can be used at any time.
Psion Series 3a/3c and Siena System Screen
The Shift-Psion-D hotkey brings up the 'Dial settings' dialog, (not present on the Siena).
Work about System Screen
The Shift-Psion-D hotkey does nothing.
"Evaluate" format Shift-Psion-E
Psion Series 3a/3c and Siena System Screen
The Shift-Psion-E hotkey brings up the 'Set "Evaluate" format' dialog.
Work about System Screen
The Shift-Psion-E hotkey does nothing.
Psion-F Format disk/Time and date format
Psion Series 3a/3c and Siena System Screen
The Psion-F hotkey brings up the 'Format disk' dialog.
Work about System Screen
The Psion-F hotkey brings up the 'Format disk' dialog.
Work about Command Processor
The Psion-F hotkey brings up the 'Set date and time formats' dialog.
C - 2
Shift-Psion-F Number formats/Time and date format
Psion Series 3a/3c and Siena System Screen
The Shift-Psion-F hotkey brings up the 'Set number formats' dialog.
Work about System Screen
The Shift-Psion-F hotkey brings up the 'Set date and time formats' dialog.
Work about Command Processor
The Shift-Psion-F hotkey does nothing.
Psion-G Create new group
Psion Series 3a/3c and Siena System Screen
The Psion-G hotkey brings up the 'Create new group' dialog.
Work about System Screen
The Psion-G hotkey does nothing. New application groups cannot be created on the Workabout.
Psion-K Disc info/Toggle keyboard
Psion Series 3a/3c and Siena System Screen
The Psion-K brings up the 'Disk info' window.
Work about System Screen
The Psion-K brings up the 'Disk info' window.
Work about Command Processor
The Psion-K hotkey toggles between 'Standard keyboard' and 'Special keyboard'. The text for this option in the associated menu changes accordingly.
Shift-Psion-N Give 'Normal' system screen
Psion Series 3a/3c and Siena System Screen
The Shift-Psion-N hotkey switches the System Screen to 'Normal' mode without the 'Memory used' bar at the bottom.
Work about System Screen and Command Processor
Shift-Psion-N does nothing.
Shift-Psion-M Give 'Memory' system screen
Psion Series 3a/3c and Siena System Screen
The Shift-Psion-M hotkey switches the System Screen to 'Memory' mode with the 'Memory used' bar displayed at the bottom.
Work about System Screen and Command Processor
Shift-Psion-M does nothing.
Psion Series 3a/3c and Siena System Screen
The Psion-O hotkey brings up the 'Set auto switch off times' dialog.
Work about System Screen and Command Processor
Psion-O does nothing, (Psion-A is used instead).
Auto switch off
C - 3
Psion Series 3a/3c and Siena System Screen
The Psion-P hotkey brings up the 'Set owner information' dialog.
Work about System Screen
The Psion-P hotkey does nothing.
Set owner information
Psion Series 3a/3c and Siena System Screen
The Psion-S hotkey brings up the 'Set the sound' dialog.
Work about System Screen
The Psion-S hotkey brings up the 'Set the sound' dialog.
Set the sound
The 'Alarm sounds' option is not present because the Workabout does not have digital sound capabilities, unlike the Series 3a/3c.
Time:Psion-S/Shift-Psion-S Set summer time
Psion Series 3a/3c and Siena System Screen
To set the summer time on/off the hotkey is Psion-S within the Time application.
The Shift-Psion-S hotkey does nothing.
Work about System Screen
To set the summer time on/off the hotkey is Shift-Psion-S (there is no Time application).
Work about Command Processor
The Shift-Psion-S hotkey brings up the 'Set summer time' dialog.
Psion-T Set file attributes/Set time and date
Psion Series 3a/3c and Siena System Screen
The Psion-T hotkey brings up the 'Set file attributes' dialog. (Note that the Psion-T hotkey brings up the
'Set time and date' dialog in the Time application.)
Work about System Screen
There is no 'Set file attributes' option on the 'File' menu. The Psion-T hotkey brings up the 'Set time and date' dialog instead.
Work about Command Processor
The Psion-T hotkey brings up the 'Set time and date' dialog.
Psion-U Usage monitor/Update lists
Psion Series 3a/3c and Siena System Screen
The Psion-U hotkey brings up the 'Usage monitor' dialog.
Work about System Screen
The Psion-U hotkey updates the lists of files displayed under each application icon.
Psion-V About Series 3a/3c/Versions
Psion Series 3a/3c and Siena System Screen
The Psion-V hotkey brings up the Series 3a/3c copyright screen, which shows the EPOC O/S version number.
C - 4
Work about System Screen
The Psion-V hotkey brings up the 'Software versions' window, which shows the ROM version number, the date and time the ROM was mastered, and the EPOC O/S version.
Shift-Psion-V About application
Psion Series 3a/3c and Siena System Screen
The Shift-Psion-V hotkey brings up the 'About"Application_name"' window for the currently highlighted application (with the name "Application_name").
Work about System Screen
The Shift-Psion-V hotkey does nothing.
Psion-W Password/Toggle wrap
Psion Series 3a/3c and Siena System Screen
The Psion-W hotkey brings up the 'Set password' dialog.
Work about System Screen
The Psion-W hotkey does nothing. A system password cannot be set on the Workabout.
Work about Command Processor
The Psion-W hotkey toggles between 'Wrap on' and 'Wrap off'. Word wrap is only applicable to the
Workabout's restricted screen within the Command Processor.
Psion-X Exit
Psion Series 3a/3c and Siena System Screen
The Psion-X hotkey does nothing in the System Screen. The system Screen cannot be exited and is always a running process.
Work about System Screen
The Psion-X hotkey brings up the 'Exit System Screen' dialog. The System Screen can be exited, since there is always at least one other process running (the Startup Shell).
Printer Psion-Y
Psion Series 3a/3c and Siena System Screen
The Psion-Y hotkey brings up the 'Printer configuration' window.
Work about System Screen
The Psion-Y hotkey does nothing.
Psion-Diamond/Psion-Space Caps lock on/off
Psion Series 3a/3c and Siena System Screen
The Psion-Diamond hotkey switches Caps Lock on and off.
Work about System Screen and Command Processor
The Psion-Space hotkey switches Caps Lock on and off, (there is no Diamond key). this is actually implemented in the Startup Shell process which runs in the background, so it applies to any application.
Psion-Tab/Shift-Psion-Tab Display full path in file-related dialogs
Psion Series 3a/3c and Siena System Screen
To display the full path in file-related dialogs, Psion-Tab or Shift-Psion-Tab may be pressed.
C - 5
Work about System Screen and Command Processor
To display the full path in file-related dialogs, Shift-Psion-Tab must be pressed.
Psion-Tab is used for task switching - see below.
Psion-+ / Psion-> Make directory
Psion Series 3a/3c System Screen
The Psion-+ hotkey brings up the ‘Make directory’ dialog.
Work about System Screen
The Psion-+ hotkey brings up the ‘Make directory’ dialog.
Siena System Screen
The Psion-> hotkey brings up the ‘Make directory’ dialog, (Psion-+ only available via numeric keypad).
/ Psion-<
Psion Series 3a/3c System Screen
The Psion-- hotkey brings up the ‘Remove directory’ dialog.
Work about System Screen
The Psion-- hotkey brings up the ‘Remove directory’ dialog.
Remove directory
Siena System Screen
The Psion-< hotkey brings up the ‘Remove directory’ dialog, (Psion--, [Psion-Minus], is allocated to
“Remove application”).
/ Psion-
Remove application
Psion Series 3a/3c System Screen
The Psion-/ hotkey brings up the ‘Remove “App” application’ dialog, where “App” is the currently highlighted application.
Work about System Screen
The Psion-/ hotkey brings up the ‘Remove “App” application’ dialog, where “App” is the currently highlighted application.
Siena System Screen
The Psion-- hotkey (Psion-Minus) brings up the ‘Remove “App” application’ dialog, where “App” is the currently highlighted application, (Psion-Fn-D would be too awkward).
Shift-Psion-O Control menu
Psion Series 3a/3c System Screen
Does nothing.
Psion Work about System Screen
Does nothing.
Siena System Screen
The Psion-O hotkey brings up the ‘Control’ menu, (the screen is too narrow to fit this on the main menu bar).
C - 6
Switch task
Psion HC
TASK switches forwards one task.
SHIFT-TASK switches backwards one task.
Psion Series 3a/3c and Siena System Screen
Shift-System (icon button) switches forwards one task.
Shift-Psion-System switches backwards one task.
Psion Work about System Screen and Command Processor
Psion-Tab is used for task switching (forwards only).
On the Series 3a/3c this accelerator is used to display the full path in file-related dialogs..
On the Workabout Shift-Psion-Tab is used to display the full path in file-related dialogs, and does not switch backwards one task.
Some menu options that are present on the Series 3a/3c and Siena System Screen are not present on the
Workabout System Screen, are on a different menu, or have a slightly different functionality.
File menu
Psion Series 3a/3c and Siena System Screen
Copy file Brings up the 'Copy file' dialog, with 'Subdirectories' and 'Modified only' choices
File attributes Brings up the 'Set file attributes' dialog.
Backup files The 'File' choice list allows 'All' or 'Modified since last backup'.
Psion Work about System Screen
Copy file Brings up the 'Copy file' dialog, which does not have 'Subdirectories' and 'Modified only' choices, (restricted screen height).
File attributes
Backup files
Not present.
The 'File' choice list allows 'All' or 'Since last backup', (shortened to fit in window).
Disk menu
Psion Series 3a/3c and Siena System Screen
Default disk Brings up the 'Set default disk' dialog.
Psion Work about System Screen
Default disk Not present (this option is on the 'Control' menu).
Apps menu
Psion Series 3a/3c and Siena System Screen
Assign button Brings up the '"Assign button to "Icon_button"' dialog, where "Icon_button" is the name above one of the Series 3a/3c icon buttons.
Psion Work about System Screen
Assign button Not present (there are no icon buttons on the Workabout).
C - 7
Info menu
The differences are:
Psion Series 3a/3c System Screen
Set owner Brings up the 'Set owner information' dialog.
Disk info
Battery info
Usage monitor
Displays Disk A , Internal disk I and Disk B.
Brings up the 'Battery info' window.
Brings up the 'Usage monitor' dialog.
About Series
Brings up the Psion Series 3a/3c startup screen, giving the Epoc/OS version number and copyright dates.
About application Brings up a window of information about the currently highlighted application.
Versions Not present, (see 'About Series 3a/3c' above).
Psion Work about System Screen
Update lists (In the Series 3a/3c and Siena ‘Set preferences’ dialog)
Disk info Displays Disk A , Internal disk I and Disk B.
Set owner
Battery info
Not present. Owner details cannot be set on the Workabout.
Not present. Battery information is obtained by pressing Shift-Ctrl-B.
Usage monitor
About Series
Not present. There is no usage monitor on the Workabout.
Not present, (see 'Versions' below).
About application Not present.
Versions The 'Software versions' window is presented, giving the ROM version number, date and time of mastering, and the Epoc/OS version number. This, along with the copyright screen in the Startup Shell, replaces the 'About Series 3a/3c' option of the
Series 3a/3c.
Psion Siena System Screen
Set owner Brings up the 'Set owner information' dialog.
Disk info
Battery info
Usage monitor
About Siena
Displays Disk A (external drive) and Internal disk I only.
Brings up the 'Battery info' window.
Brings up the 'Usage monitor' dialog.
Brings up the Psion Siena startup screen, giving the Epoc/OS version number and copyright dates.
About application Brings up a window of information about the currently highlighted application.
Versions Not present, (see 'About Siena’ above).
Control menu
The differences are:
Psion Series 3a/3c System Screen
Sound Brings up the 'Set the sound' dialog, which includes an 'Alarm sounds' choice.
Auto switch off
Brings up the 'Printer configuration' dialog.
Brings up the 'Set auto switch of' dialog - there are no backlight choices for the Series
3a/3c where a backlight not present, (options present for backlit Series 3c variant).
Brings up the 'Dial settings' dialog.
C - 8
"Evaluate" format
Brings up the 'Set "Evaluate" format' dialog.
Number formats Brings up the 'Set number formats' dialog.
Set time and date Not present - set from the Time application.
Time and date format
Status window
Not present - set from the Time application.
Default disk Not present - this option is on the 'Control' menu..
Psion Work about System Screen
The name of this menu is abbreviated to 'Ctrl'.
Brings up the 'Status window display' window - the 'Clock type' can be Digital or
Brings up the 'Set the sound' dialog - there is no 'Alarm sounds' choice, (the
Workabout does not have digital sound capabilities).
Auto switch off
Not present.
Brings up the 'Set auto switch of times' dialog, which has three choices for the backlight.
'Dialling' option Not present.
"Evaluate" format
Not present - moved to the 'Set preferences' option of the 'Special' menu.
Number formats Not present - moved to the 'Set preferences' option of the 'Special' menu..
Set time and date Brings up the 'Set time and date dialog'.
Time and date format
Brings up the 'Set time and date dialog'.
Status window Brings up the 'Status window display' window - there is no 'Clock type' choice (only a
Digital clock is allowed).
Default disk Brings up the 'Set default disk' dialog.
Psion Work about Command Processor
This menu contains 'Sound', 'Auto switch off' and 'Special keyboard' options only. The 'Special keyboard' option is implemented as a choice in the 'Preferences' option of the 'Spec' menu in the Workabout System
Psion Siena System Screen
Accessed from the ‘Special’ menu by using the ‘Control...’ option.
Brings up the 'Set the sound' dialog, which includes an 'Alarm sounds' choice.
Brings up the 'Printer configuration' dialog.
Auto switch off Brings up the 'Set auto switch of' dialog - there are no backlight choices for the Siena
(a backlight is not present).
"Evaluate" format
Not present - the Siena has a piezo buzzer, not a speaker.
Brings up the 'Set "Evaluate" format' dialog.
Number formats Brings up the 'Set number formats' dialog.
Set time and date Not present - set from the Time application.
Time and date format
Not present - set from the Time application.
C - 9
Info window
Default disk
Brings up the 'Info window display' window - there are no 'Clock type' or ‘Disk indicators’ options because the Info window is too narrow, (it is otherwise identical to the Series 3a/3c Status window).
Not present - this option is on the 'Control' menu..
Special menu
The differences are:
Psion Series 3a/3c System Screen
Set preferences Brings up the 'Set preferences' dialog, which includes an 'Update lists' choice.
Password Brings up the 'Set password' dialog.
Remote link /
Brings up the 'Remote link' dialog - there is no 'Port' choice since the Series 3a/3c only has one port. (Note that the option is called Communications on the Series 3c and there is a ‘Power setting’ option, for Low and High Infrared power levels.).
On Series 3c only - to control whether a Tip is displayed when the machine is switched on.
Exit Not present - the system Screen cannot be exited and is always a running process.
Psion Work about System Screen
The name of this menu is abbreviated to 'Spec'.
Set preferences
Brings up the 'Set preferences' dialog, which does not include an ‘Update lists' choice, but has the 'Number formats' and '"Evaluate" format' choices (on the Control menu of the Series 3a/3c and Siena), plus a 'keyboard' choice to swap between
Standard and Special keyboards.
Not present - you cannot set a system password on the Workabout.
Remote link Brings up the 'Remote link' dialog - there is a 'Port' choice since the Workabout can be fitted with several ports. (Note that there is no ‘Power setting’ option, because there is no Infrared communications.)
Create new group Not present - you cannot create groups on the Workabout.
Tips Not present.
Exit Brings up the 'Exit System Screen' dialog. The System Screen can be exited, since there is always at least one other process running (the Startup Shell).
Psion Workabout Command Processor
This menu contains 'Remote link', 'Wrap on/off', 'Zoom in', 'Zoom out' and 'Exit' options only. The 'Wrap on/off' option is not implemented anywhere in the Workabout System Screen menus. Because it toggles word wrap on and off, the text for this option changes from 'Wrap on' to 'Wrap off' accordingly.
Psion Siena System Screen
Brings up the Control menu, (which is not present on the menu bar).
Set preferences
Brings up the 'Set preferences' dialog, which includes an 'Update lists' choice.
Brings up the 'Set password' dialog.
Communications Brings up the ‘Communications' dialog - there is no 'Port' choice since the Siena only has one port. There is a ‘Power setting’ option, for Low and High Infrared power levels. (Note that the option is called ‘Remote link’ on the Series 3a and Workabout.)
To control whether a Tip is displayed when the machine is switched on.
Not present - the system Screen cannot be exited and is always a running process.
C - 10
'Diamond' menu
The differences are:
Psion Series 3a/3c and Siena System Screen
Normal Switches the System Screen to not show the 'Memory used' bar at the bottom.
Memory Switches the System Screen to show the 'Memory used' bar at the bottom.
Psion Work about System Screen
This menu is not present, (there is no Diamond key, and the screen is of restricted height).
Time menu
The differences are:
Psion Series 3a/3c and Siena System Screen
This menu is not present. The 'Time and date', 'Summer times' and 'Formats' options are in the menus for the Time application.
Psion Work about System Screen
This menu is not present. The 'Set time and date' and 'Time and date format' options are in the 'Ctrl' menu. 'Summer time' is incorporated as a choice in the 'Set time and date' dialog.
Psion Work about Command Processor
This menu contains 'Time and date', 'Summer time' and 'Formats' options.
C - 11
C - 12
.btf files
Workabout, 1-2 add files
Workabout, 2-7
APPEND command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-3 applications differences in SIBO systems, C-1
Apps menu
Series 3a/c and Siena System Screen, C-7 asynchronous programs
Workabout, 3-4
Workabout command, 3-9
ATTRIB{UTE} command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-3
AUTO command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-4 autoexec file
Workabout, 2-5 autoexec.btf
Workabout, 1-2 backlight differences in SIBO systems, C-1
BACKLIGHT command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-4
BACKUP command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-4 bar code reader conversion of HC reader for Workabout,
A-5 batch file processing
Workabout, 3-3 batch files command processor - HC - Workabout and
BATCHK command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-4
BATTERY command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-5 battery pack
Workabout docking station slot, 1-4
BREAK command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-5 buzzer
Workabout, 1-8
C$P$ environment variable Workabout, 2-11
C$P@ environment variable Workabout, 2-10
C$P£ environment variable Workabout, 2-11
C$PA to C$PZ environment variable Workabout, 2-11
CALC command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-5
Workabout command, 3-9
CALL command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-5
Workabout command, 3-9
CD command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-6
Workabout command, 3-10
CHCP command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-6
CHDIR command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-6
Workabout command, 3-10
CHKDSK command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-7
CHOICE command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-7 clocks differences in SIBO systems, C-1
CLS command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-7
Workabout command, 3-10 cold reset
Workabout, 1-10
COMMAND command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-7 command line editor
Workabout, 3-5 command processor alphabetic listing Workabout, 3-8 batch files - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS,
B-2 commands - HC - Workabout and MS-
DOS, B-1 differences - HC - Workabout and MS-
DOS, B-1 directories - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS,
B-2 file and directory names - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-2 file name wildcards - HC - Workabout and
MS-DOS, B-2 help - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-1
WORKABOUT PROGRAMMING GUIDE launching programs - HC - Workabout and
MS-DOS, B-2 memory resident programs - HC -
Workabout and MS-DOS, B-3 syntax restrictions Workabout, 3-8
Workabout, 1-2, 1-9, 3-1 command processor menus
Workabout, 3-1 command shell see also command processor, B-1 command syntax
Workabout, 3-8 commands command processor - HC - Workabout and
COMMS command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-8
Workabout command, 3-10 communications ports
Workabout, 1-4
COMP command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-8
CONFIG command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-8 connecting
Workabout, 1-11
Workabout hardware, 1-11
Workabout software, 1-11
Control menu
Series 3a/c System Screen, C-8
Siena System Screen, C-9
Workabout Command Processor, C-9
Workabout System Screen, C-9
COPY command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-8
Workabout command, 3-11
COUNTRY command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-9 cradle docking station Workabout, 1-4
CTTY command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-9 customising
Workabout, 1-10
Workabout hardware, 1-10
Workabout software, 1-11
D command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-9
DATA command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-9
Workabout command, 3-11 data integrity
Workabout, 2-6
DATE command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-10
Workabout command, 3-12
DBLSPACE command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-10
DEBUG command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-11
DEFRAG command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-11
Workabout command, 3-12
DEL[ETE] command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-11
DELTREE command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-12
DEVICE command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-12
Diamond menu
Series 3a/c and Siena System Screen, C-11
DIR command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-12
Workabout command, 3-12 directories command processor - HC - Workabout and
MS-DOS, B-2 directory current
Workabout, 3-6
Disk menu
Series 3a/c and Siena System Screen, C-7
DISKCOMP command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-13
DISKCOPY command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-13 docking station
Workabout, 1-4
Workabout specification, A-10
DOSKEY command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-13
DOSSHELL command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-13
ECHO command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-14
Workabout command, 3-13
EDIT command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-14
Workabout command, 3-13
EMM386 command differences - HC - Workabout
ENV and MS-DOS, B-14 command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-14 environment variable
C$P$ - Workabout, 2-11
C$P@ - Workabout, 2-10
C$P£ - Workabout, 2-11
C$PA to C$PZ - Workabout, 2-11
S$SVER - Workabout, 2-10
Workabout specific, 2-10
ERASE command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-15
Workabout command, 3-14
ERRLEVEL command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-15
Workabout command, 3-14
ERRORLEVEL keyword - command processor, B-15 keyword differences - HC - Workabout and
MS-DOS, B-15 events
Workabout, 2-2
EXIT command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-16
Workabout command, 3-14
EXPAND command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-16 expansion ports
Workabout, 1-3
FASTHELP command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-16
FASTOPEN command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-17
FC command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-17
FCBS command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-17
FDISK command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-17 file and directory names command processor - HC - Workabout and
MS-DOS, B-2 file in use error
Workabout, 3-6
File menu
Series 3a/c and Siena System Screen, C-7 file name wildcards command processor - HC - Workabout and
MS-DOS, B-2 file names
Workabout command line, 3-7 file specification wildcards
Workabout, 3-8
FILES command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-18
Workabout command, 3-14 files and directories
Workabout, 3-6
FIND command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-18 fonts
Workabout, 1-9
Workabout sizes, 3-2 command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-18
Workabout command, 3-15
FORMAT command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-18
Workabout command, 3-15
FREE command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-19 fuse
Workabout, 1-6
GOTO command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-19
Workabout command, 3-15
GRAPHICS command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-19 hard reset
Workabout, 1-10 hardware interrupts
Workabout, 3-21
HC bar code reader conversion to Workabout connector, A-5 help command processor - HC - Workabout and
HELP command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-19
Workabout command, 3-15 hot keys differences in SIBO systems, C-2 icons differences in SIBO systems, C-1
IF command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-20
Workabout command, 3-16
Info menu
Series 3a/c System Screen, C-8
Siena System Screen, C-8
Workabout System Screen, C-8
INSTALL command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-20
INTERLNK command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-20 interrupts hardware
Workabout, 3-21
INTERSVR command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-20 key
Backlight Workabout, 1-7
Contrast Workabout, 1-8
Del Workabout, 1-8
Enter Workabout, 1-8
Menu Workabout, 1-7
Off Workabout, 1-1, 1-7
On/Esc Workabout, 1-1, 1-7
Psion Workabout, 1-8 key combination
Ctrl-Esc Workabout, 1-8
Psion-Down Workabout, 1-8
Psion-Left Workabout, 1-8
Psion-Right Workabout, 1-8
Psion-Space Workabout, 1-8
Psion-Tab Workabout, 1-8
Psion-Up Workabout, 1-8
Shift-Ctrl-B Workabout, 1-8
Shift-Esc Workabout, 1-8 key Psion
Workabout, 1-7
KEYB command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-21 keyboard
Workabout, 1-7 keyboards differences in SIBO systems, C-1 keys special
Workabout, 1-7
Workabout batch file processing, 3-5
Workabout command line editor, 3-5
KILL command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-21
Workabout command, 3-16
LABEL command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-21
Workabout command, 3-16 launching programs command processor - HC - Workabout and
LCD display
Workabout, 1-6
LDEV command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-21
LH command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-22
Workabout command, 3-17 lithium battery
Workabout, 1-6
LLDEV command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-22
Workabout command, 3-17
LOADFIX command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-22
LOADHIGH command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-22
LOWBAT command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-23
LPDEV command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-23
Workabout command, 3-18
LPROC command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-23
Workabout command, 3-18
LSEG command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-23
Workabout command, 3-19
MASTER command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-24
MD command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-24
Workabout command, 3-20
MEM command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-24
Workabout command, 3-20
MEMMAKER command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-24 memory resident programs command processor - HC - Workabout and
MS-DOS, B-3 menu accelerators differences in SIBO systems, C-2 menu names differences in SIBO systems, C-1 menu options differences in SIBO systems, C-1
MENUCOLOR command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-25
MENUDEFAULT command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-25
MENUITEM command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-25
MKDIR command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-25
Workabout command, 3-20
MODE command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-26
MORE command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-26 mounting bracket
VIC (Vehicle Interface Cradle), A-8
MOVE command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-26
MSAV command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-26
MSBACKUP command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-27
MSCDEX command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-27
MSD command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-27
NLSFUNC command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-27
NOTIFY command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-27
NUMLOCK command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-28
OFFENABLE command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-28 opl.dyl
Workabout, 1-9 oplts3.dyl
Workabout, 1-9
Workabout command line, 3-7
PATH command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-28 path default
Workabout, 3-6
PAUSE command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-28
Workabout command, 3-20 pausing screen display
Workabout, 3-6 ports communications Workabout, 1-4 differences in SIBO systems, C-1
Workabout expansion, 1-3
POWER command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-29
PRINT command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-29 processor Workabout
NEC V30H, 1-3 program launching
Workabout, 3-3 programming
Workabout, 2-1 programming choices
Workabout, 2-1 programming examples
Lcdtest Workabout, 2-10
Tables Workabout, 2-8
Workabout, 2-8 programming guidelines
Workabout, 2-6 programs asynchronous
Workabout, 3-4 programs synchronous
Workabout, 3-4 programs terminating
Workabout, 3-4
PROMPT command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-29
Psion-- hotkey
S3a/c, C-6
Siena System Screen, C-6
Workabout System Screen, C-6
Psion key
Workabout, 1-7
Psion-/ hotkey
S3a/c, C-6
Workabout System Screen, C-6
Psion-+ hotkey
S3a/c, C-6
Workabout System Screen, C-6
Psion-< hotkey
Siena System Screen, C-6
Psion-> hotkey
Siena System Screen, C-6
Psion-A hotkey
S3a/c and Siena System Screen, C-2
Workabout System Screen, C-2
Psion-B hotkey
S3a/c and Siena System Screen, C-2
Workabout, 1-10
Psion-Diamond hotkey
S3a/c and Siena System Screen, C-5
Psion-F hotkey
S3a/c and Siena System Screen, C-2
Workabout Command Processor, C-2
Psion-G hotkey
S3a/c and Siena System Screen, C-3
Psion-K hotkey
S3a/c and Siena System Screen, C-3
Workabout Command Processor, C-3
Workabout System Screen, C-3
Psion-O hotkey
S3a/c and Siena System Screen, C-3
Psion-S hotkey
S3a/c and Siena System Screen, C-4
Workabout System Screen, C-4
Workabout, 1-10
Psion-Space hotkey
Workabout System Screen and Command
Processor, C-5
Psion-T hotkey
S3a/c and Siena System Screen, C-4
Workabout Command Processor, C-4
Psion-Tab hotkey
S3a/c and Siena System Screen, C-5
Workabout System Screen and Command
Processor, C-7
Psion-U hotkey
S3a/c and Siena System Screen, C-4
Workabout System Screen, C-4
Psion-V hotkey
S3a/c and Siena System Screen, C-4
Workabout System Screen, C-5
Psion-W hotkey
S3a/c and Siena System Screen, C-5
Workabout Command Processor, C-5
Psion-X hotkey
Workabout System Screen, C-5
Psion-Y hotkey
S3a/c and Siena System Screen, C-5
QBASIC command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-29
QUIT command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-29
Workabout command, 3-20
RD command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-30
Workabout command, 3-21
REASON command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-30
Workabout command, 3-21
REM command differences - HC - Workabout
REN and MS-DOS, B-30
Workabout command, 3-21 command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-30
Workabout command, 3-22
REPLACE command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-31 reset cold
Workabout, 1-10 reset hard
Workabout, 1-10 reset soft
Workabout, 1-10
RESTORE command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-31
RESUME command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-31
RMDIR command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-31
Workabout command, 3-22
ROM components
Workabout, 1-9
RS232 / bar code interface module specification, A-4
RS232 / RS232 TTL interface module specification, A-3 running programs
Workabout, 3-3
S$SVER environment variable Workabout, 2-10
SCANDISK command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-31 screen
Workabout, 1-6 screen display pausing
Workabout, 3-6 serial numbers
Workabout, A-2
Series 3a/c and Workabout
SET system screen differences, C-1 command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-32
Workabout command, 3-22
SETDATE command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-32
SETDEF command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-32
SETVER command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-33
SHARE command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-33
Workabout command, 3-24
SHELL command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-33 shell replacing
Workabout, 2-4
SHIFT command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-33
Workabout command, 3-24
Shift-Psion-D hotkey
S3a/c and Siena System Screen, C-2
Shift-Psion-E hotkey
S3a/c and Siena System Screen, C-2
Shift-Psion-F hotkey
S3a/c and Siena System Screen, C-3
Workabout System Screen, C-3
Shift-Psion-M hotkey
S3a/c and Siena System Screen, C-3
Shift-Psion-N hotkey
S3a/c and Siena System Screen, C-3
Shift-Psion-O hotkey
Siena System Screen, C-6
Shift-Psion-S hotkey
Workabout CommandProcessor, C-4
Workabout System Screen, C-4
Shift-Psion-System hotkey
S3a/c and Siena System Screen, C-7
Shift-Psion-Tab hotkey
S3a/c and Siena System Screen, C-5
Workabout System Screen and Command
Processor, C-6
Shift-Psion-V hotkey
S3a/c and Siena System Screen, C-5
Shift-System hotkey
S3a/c and Siena System Screen, C-7
HC, C-7
SMARTDRV command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-34 soft reset
Workabout, 1-10 software customisation
Workabout, 2-3
SORT command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-34 sound differences in SIBO systems, C-1
Workabout, 1-8
Special menu
Series 3a/c System Screen, C-10
Siena System Screen, C-10
Workabout Command Processor, C-10
Workabout System Screen, C-10 specification technical docking station Workabout, A-10
RS232 / bar code interface module, A-4
RS232 / RS232 TTL interface module, A-3
Vehicle Interface Cradle (VIC), A-5
VIC (1 port and vehicle power option), A-7
VIC (3 port and vehicle power option), A-6
VIC conventional 9-Pin RS232 serial ports,
VIC extended 15-way RS232 serial port,
VIC mounting bracket, A-8
VIC Psion LIF connector, A-9
VIC vehicle power input connector, A-8
Workabout, A-1
SSD drives
Workabout, 1-3
START command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-34
Workabout command, 3-25 start up SSD
Workabout, 1-2 startup shell
Workabout, 1-2, 2-3
STOP command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-34
Workabout command, 3-25
SUBMENU command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-35
SUBST command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-35
SUSPEND command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-35
Switch task key press, C-7 synchronous programs
Workabout, 3-4
SYS command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-35 sys$cmdp.img
Workabout, 1-9, 2-4 sys$ctry.cfo
Workabout, 1-9 sys$
Workabout, 1-9 sys$gsys.cmdp
Workabout, 1-9 sys$gsys.img
Workabout, 2-4 sys$shll.img
Workabout, 1-9, 2-3, 2-4 sys$wsrv.img
Workabout, 2-3 system interfaces multiple
Workabout, 3-6 system screen adding applications Workabout, 2-4 differences Series 3a/c and Workabout, C-1 differences Workabout and Series 3a/c, C-1 replacing Workabout, 2-4
Workabout, 1-2, 1-9
TASK hotkey
HC, C-7
Task switch forwards
Series 3a/c and Siena, C-7
Task switch backwards
HC, C-7
Series 3a/c and Siena System Screen, C-7
Task switch forwards
HC, C-7
Workabout System Screen and Command
Processor, C-7
TERMINATE command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-35
TIME command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-36
Workabout command, 3-25
Time menu
Series 3a/c and Siena System Screen, C-11
Workabout Command Processor, C-11
Workabout System Screen, C-11
TREE command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-36
TYPE command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-36
Workabout command, 3-26
UNDELETE command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-36
UNFORMAT command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-37 user interface
Workabout, 2-2
Vehicle Interface Cradle (VIC)
VER specification, A-5 command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-37
Workabout command, 3-26
VERIFY command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-37
VIC (Vehicle Interface Cradle)
1 port and vehicle power option, A-7
3 port and vehicle power option, A-6 conventional 9-Pin RS232 serial ports, A-9 extended 15-way RS232 serial port, A-9 mounting bracket, A-8
Psion LIF Connector, A-9 specification, A-5
VOL vehicle power input connector, A-8 command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-37
Workabout command, 3-26
VSAFE command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-38
WAIT command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-38
Workabout command, 3-26 wildcards in Workabout file specification, 3-8 window server
Workabout, 2-3
WNOTIFY command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-38
Workabout add files, 2-7 adding system screen applications, 2-4
ALM no access, 2-7 autoexec file, 2-5 autoexec.btf, 1-2 basic hardware, 1-2 basic software, 1-8 batch file processing, 3-3 clock rate, 1-3 cold reset, 1-10 command line editor, 3-5 command processor, 1-2, 1-9, 3-1 command processor menus, 3-1 command syntax, 3-8 command syntax restrictions, 3-8 commands alphabetic listing, 3-8 communications ports, 1-4 connecting, 1-11 connecting hardware, 1-11 connecting software, 1-11 customising, 1-10 customising hardware, 1-10 customising software, 1-11 data integrity, 2-6 directory current, 3-6 docking station (Cradle), 1-4 docking station battery pack slot, 1-4
environment variables - specific, 2-10 events, 2-2 file in use error, 3-6 file names in command line, 3-7 files and directories, 3-6 font sizes, 3-2 fonts, 1-9 fuse, 1-6 hard reset, 1-10 hardware interrupts, 3-21 holster, 1-4 introduction to, 1-1 keyboard, 1-7 keys special, 1-7 lithium battery, 1-6 non system screen applications, 2-6 opl.dyl, 1-9 oplts3.dyl, 1-9 path default, 3-6 path in command line, 3-7 pausing screen display, 3-6 power supplies, 1-4 program launching, 3-3 programming, 2-1 programming choices, 2-1 programming examples, 2-8 programming examples Lcdtest, 2-10 programming examples tables, 2-8 programming guidelines, 2-6 programs asynchronous, 3-4 programs synchronous, 3-4
RAM internal, 1-3
ROM, 1-3
ROM components, 1-9 screen, 1-6 serial numbers, A-2 soft reset, 1-10 software customisation, 2-3 sound, 1-8 specification, A-1
SSDs, 1-3 start up SSD, 1-2 startup shell, 1-2, 2-3 synchronous or asynchronous, 2-2 sys$cmdp.img, 1-9, 2-4 sys$ctry.cfo, 1-9 sys$, 1-9 sys$gsys.cmdp, 1-9 sys$gsys.img, 2-4 sys$shll.img, 1-9, 2-3, 2-4 sys$wsrv.img, 2-3 system interfaces multiple, 3-6 system screen, 1-2, 1-9 terminating programs, 3-4 user interface, 2-2 wildcards in file specification, 3-8
WLD no access, 2-7
Workabout and Series 3a/c system screen differences, C-1
Workabout bar code reader conversion of old HC reader, A-5
Workabout command
CALC, 3-9
CALL, 3-9
CD, 3-10
CHDIR, 3-10
CLS, 3-10
COMMS, 3-10
COPY, 3-11
DATA, 3-11
DATE, 3-12
DEL, 3-12
DIR, 3-12
ECHO, 3-13
EDIT, 3-13
ERASE, 3-14
EXIT, 3-14
FILES, 3-14
FOR, 3-15
FORMAT, 3-15
GOTO, 3-15
HELP, 3-15
IF, 3-16
KILL, 3-16
LABEL, 3-16
LINK, 3-17
LLDEV, 3-17
LPDEV, 3-18
LPROC, 3-18
LSEG, 3-19
MD, 3-20
MEM, 3-20
MKDIR, 3-20
PAUSE, 3-20
QUIT, 3-20
RD, 3-21
REASON, 3-21
REM, 3-21
REN, 3-22
RMDIR, 3-22
SET, 3-22
SHEET, 3-24
SHIFT, 3-24
START, 3-25
STOP, 3-25
TIME, 3-25
TYPE, 3-26
VER, 3-26
VOL, 3-26
WAIT, 3-26
Workabout command processor differences from system screen, C-1
Workabout Docking Station specification, A-10
Workabout processor
NEC V30H, 1-3
Workabout special keys batch file processing, 3-5 command line editor, 3-5
Workabout system screen differences from command processor, C-1
XCOPY command differences - HC - Workabout and MS-DOS, B-38

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Key features
- Ruggedized design
- Powerful processor
- Bright and clear screen
- Durable keyboard
- Expansion modules
- Communications ports
- SIBO 'C' Software Development Kit