Latitude E6330 | OptiPlex 9010 | Latitude E6430 ATG | P 2212H | Latitude E5530 | Professional P2412H-HF | P 2312H | Latitude E5430 | OptiPlex 9020 | OptiPlex 9020 USFF | Latitude E6530 | PC | Latitude E6230 | Important information | Dell,, P,, Studio Hybrid, OptiPlex 990, 9010, 9010, 9020, 9020 USFF, Latitude E4200, E6420, E6230, E6330, E6430, E6530, E6430 ATG, E5430, E5530,, XPS 13, XPS, Inspiron 13z, Mobile Precision, G 2210, G 2410, P 2412H, P 1913, P 1913S, P 2212, P 2012H White paper
Latitude E6330 | OptiPlex 9010 | Latitude E6430 ATG | P 2212H | Latitude E5530 | Professional P2412H-HF | P 2312H | Latitude E5430 | OptiPlex 9020 | OptiPlex 9020 USFF | Latitude E6530 | PC | Latitude E6230 | Important information | Dell,, P,, Studio Hybrid, OptiPlex 990, 9010, 9010, 9020, 9020 USFF, Latitude E4200, E6420, E6230, E6330, E6430, E6530, E6430 ATG, E5430, E5530,, XPS 13, XPS, Inspiron 13z, Mobile Precision, G 2210, G 2410, P 2412H, P 1913, P 1913S, P 2212, P 2012H White paper
Below you will find brief information for Studio Hybrid, Latitude E4200, G 2210, G 2410, P2412H, OptiPlex 990, Latitude E6420, OptiPlex 9010, Professional P2412H-HF. Dell is committed to reducing and eliminating the use of certain chemicals in its products. This white paper outlines Dell's milestones in proactively reducing and/or eliminating sensitive chemicals, such as BFRs, CFRs, and PVC.
Delll Milestones in Proactiveely Reducing and/or Elim
minating Senssitive
Cheemicals: BFR
ped first Blue Angel-certifiied PCs and ddisplays (prohhibiting all PB
brominated biphenyls), PB
BDEs (polybroominated dipphenyl ethers)) and short-chhain
ped first TCO--certified PCss and displayss (prohibitingg all (PBBs), ((PBDEs), andd
short--chain paraffin
bited the use of all PBBs and
a PBDEs (inncluding decaabromodipheenyl ether
(DecaaBDE)) in all Dell products.
bited the use of PVC (poly
yvinyl chloridde) in all mechhanical parts to less than 225
Led High
Density Packaging Usser Group (H
HDPUG) indusstry consortiuum
projecct to explore the
t health and
d safety impaccts of halogenn-free (Brominated/chlorinnated
flamee retardants (B
BFR/CFR) and polyvinyl cchloride (PVC
C)) circuit boaard laminate
Eliminated all halo
ogenated flam
me retardants ((BFRs and CF
FRs) in
op, laptop and
d server chasssis plastic parrts weighing m
more than 25
Eliminated all halo
ogenated flam
me retardants ((BFRs and CF
FRs) from thee
nal case and chassis
plasticcs of all Dell--branded prodducts.
ped first Blue Angel-certifiied printers w
with BFR/CFR
R-free chassiss
plasticc parts (excep
pt high-tempeerature fuser aassembly on llaser
Actively participatted in the US EPA Designn for Environm
ment project ““Flame Retarrdants
in Prin
nted Circuit Boards
Partneership” to undderstand the eenvironmental and human
h attributes off selected flam
me retardants used in printeed circuit boaards, includinng
nol A (TBBPA
menced the In
nternational Electronics
Maanufacturing Initiative (iN
NEMI) and High
Densiity Packaging
g User Group (HDPUG) prrograms to deevelop furtherr understandinng of
techniical and practtical aspects of
o halogen-freee electronic m
Impleemented BFR//CFR/PVC sccoring criteriaa into quarterlly business
ws with supplliers. Supplierrs risk havingg their overalll scores
reduced during Dell quarterly bu
usiness review
ws for not off
CFR/PVC-freee products.
Dell Studio
d™ became th
he first BFR/C
CFR/PVC-redduced Dell
op to offer a motherboard
containing BF
FR-free laminnates (CFRs
and PVC are not used in motherrboards to beggin with) per Japan
Electronics Packaging and Circuits Association (JPCA) ES-01-1999, as
well as BFR/CFR/PVC-free chassis plastics.
Dell Latitude™ E4200 laptop became the first Dell laptop to contain a
motherboard using BFR-free laminates and BFR/CFR/PVC-free chassis
plastics. Additionally, the system fan housing and impeller were constructed using BFRfree plastics (CFRs and PVC have never been
used in this application).
Released first completely BFR/CFR/PVC-free products — the G2210 and
G2410 monitors. All components, including printed wiring boards and
packaging, of the G-series monitors were designed to be BFR/CFR/PVC-free , with no
BFR/CFR/PVC-free cables became available in North America, Japan,
Europe, the Middle East and Africa.
Committed that, by the end of 2011, all newly introduced Dell personal
computing products will be BFR-, CFR- and PVC-free1, as the industry
identifies acceptable alternatives that will lower product health and
environmental impacts without compromising product performance.
Proactively eliminating the four chemicals
hexabromocyclododecane (HBCDD), bis (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate
(DEHP), butyl benzyl phthalate (BBP) and dibutylphthalate (DBP) as their restrictions
begin in 2014 under EU REACH. As of
July 1, 2010, all newly designed Dell products are free of these four chemicals.
Transitioned to BFR- and PVC-free components, such as removable media storage
devices, memory, hard disk drives, Notebook LCDs, and Notebook Keyboards in our
End User Computing products.
Transitioned to LED (light-emitting diode) illumination for all new laptop displays,
thereby eliminating the need for mercury in those products.
Introduced multiple mainstream BFR/PVC-Free products, including the OptiPlex 990
SFF and Latitude E6420 systems, which can be configured to be completely free of
BFR/PVC. Also launched the DELL Professional P2412H-HF 24” Monitor with LED,
which is BFR/PVC-Free (including external cables), and is made from environmentally
responsible materials such as arsenic-free, mercury-free LED panel.
Introduced many products with BFR/CFR/PVC-Free features:
- Flat Panel Display Models: P1913, P1913S, P2212, P2012H, P2212H, P2312H, P2412H
- Notebooks Models:
o XPS 13
o Inspiron 13z
o Latitude E6420, E6230, E6330, E6430, E6530, E6430 ATG, E5430, E5530
- Desktop Models: OptiPlex 990 and 9010 SFF
Introduced complete product lines with BFR/CFR/PVC-Free features
- Flat Panel Display: P-Series Display
- Notebooks:
o XPS Series
o Latitude Series2
o Mobile Precision Series
Tablets: XPS Tablets
Desktop: OptiPlex 9020 USFF
Dell has adopted the BFR/CFR/PVC-free definition as set forth in the "iNEMI Position Statement on the Definition of 'Low-Halogen' Electronics
(BFR/CFR/PVC-Free)." Plastic parts contain <1000 ppm (0.1 percent) of bromine (if the Br source is from BFRs) and <1000 ppm (0.1 percent) of chlorine
if the Cl source is from CFRs, PVC or PVC copolymers. All printed circuit board (PCB) and substrate laminates contain bromine/chlorine totaling less than
1,500 ppm (0.15 percent), with maximum chlorine of 900 ppm (0.09 percent) and maximum bromine of 900 ppm (0.09 percent). Service parts after
purchase may not be BFR/CFR/PVC-free. Exclude peripheral accessories.
Exclude Latitude 3XXX Series
BFRs (brominated flame retardants), CFRs (chlorinated flame retardants), and PVC (polyvinyl chloride) are chemicals that have been used in electronic products to improve fire safety. However, these chemicals can have negative environmental and health impacts.
Why is Dell reducing and eliminating these chemicals?
Dell is committed to reducing and eliminating the use of these chemicals in its products because they can pose risks to human health and the environment. Dell is proactively working to identify and implement safer alternatives that do not compromise product performance.
What are some of the alternatives that Dell is using?
Dell is using a variety of alternative materials, such as halogen-free flame retardants, to reduce and eliminate BFRs, CFRs, and PVC in its products. Dell is actively participating in industry consortia and research projects to develop and evaluate these alternatives.