Kidde KN-COPP-3 carbon monoxide alarm User's Guide

Below you will find brief information for carbon monoxide alarm KN-COPP-3. The Kidde KN-COPP-3 is a digital carbon monoxide alarm that features peak level memory. It is designed to detect carbon monoxide from any source of improper or malfunctioning appliances. This alarm is not a substitute for smoke alarms. The unit provides a continuous digital display of carbon monoxide levels in ppm (parts per million). It also features a 9V battery backup for power outages. It has a Test/Reset button to test the unit weekly and reset the alarm after it has sounded. It also features a Peak Level button to view the highest CO level recorded by the alarm since it was last cleared or unplugged.

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Kidde KN-COPP-3 Carbon Monoxide Alarm User's Guide | Manualzz




Key features

  • Digital display
  • Peak Level memory
  • Test/Reset button
  • 9V Battery backup
  • Alarm sounder

Frequently asked questions

You should test your alarm once a week by pressing the Test/Reset button.

Unplug the alarm immediately and return it for warranty exchange.

Your Kidde CO alarm should be mounted in or near bedrooms and living areas. It is recommended that you install a Kidde CO alarm on each level of a multi-level home.

User questions


Michael K.

How to install a 9V battery?
Open the back door, snap the battery connector onto the battery, place the battery in the compartment, and replace the back door. The alarm will briefly sound to indicate power. Suitable batteries include Energizer 522, Duracell MN 1604, or Ultralife lithium power cell model U9VL (for extended life).

Robert W.

What does the display show during a carbon monoxide alarm test?
The display shows three eights (...), then a number (usually around 200), followed by an audible signal. After the signal, it shows three eights again before returning to normal CO monitoring.
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