Order Number MAC0401005C1
MC-V414 00
Vacuum Cleaner
Specifications are subject to change without notice for further improvement.
© 2004 PANASONIC CONSUMER ELEC TRONICS COMPANY, DIVISION OF MAT SUSHITA ELECTRIC CORPORATION OF AMERICA. All rights reserved. Unauthorized copying and distribution is a violation of law.
MC-V414 00 2
Wiring Diagram
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MC-V414 00
For general servicing, it is necessary to eliminate pinching of any wire during reassembly. After servicing any electrical compo nent or electrical enclosure, the unit should be reassembled and checked for dielectric breakdown or current leakage.
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MC-V414 00 5
MC-V414 00
Parts List (Body) 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Ref. No.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Part No.
AC78KCHTZV07 AC60KBRSZU01 AC94EAPNZY02 AMC-1CTCE23 AC02LBJAZ000 AC40AYUZV00 AC39AAJFZV00 AC01EAMMZ000 AC01EAMMZV07 AC03EAMMZV07 AXTN4+16BFY AC60KCHTZV07 AXTN4+16BFY AXWG6E115Y AMC01C-V00U AC74SUSZ00 AC16CUSZ00 AC69KJMZV06 AC70KAGZZR00 AC68KJMZV06 AC95BCHTZV07 AMP21B-170 AMC73B-V00 AC03FAFVZ000 AC92FAWRZ00 AMC02F-E00 AC26FCHTZ000 AC38GARTZ000 AC99WBDNZ000 AC37GTEZ0U AC37KBVWZ000 AC43ABRSZ000 AC41KCHFZU03 AC34PVO2V06 AC74KBFEZ000 AC37KBYDZ000 AXTN4+16BFY AC06BCHTZV07 AC07BCHTZV07 AC14BCHFZV07 AC64BBFEZV07 AC95KBRSZ000 AC95KBFEZ000 AC42KCHTZBUU AC78NZAZ000 Part Name & Description Dust Compartment Dust Cover Power Cord Wire Connector Rear Cover Packing Body Packing, Left Body Packing, Right On/Off Switch ON/Off Button Switch Cover Screw, Switch Cover Suction Inlet Screw, Body Washer (Wheel) Wheel Stopper (Wheel) Shaft, Roller Protector Protector Spring Protector Cover Handle Assembly Nut, Handle Screw, Handle Motor Support, Rubber (Rear) Motor, Fan Motor Support, Rubber (Front) Motor Cap Lead Wire, Motor Lead Wire Assembly Wire Cord Filter, Exhaust (Foam) Frame, Filter Cover, Filter Hose Packing, Dust Secondary Filter Screw, Handle Handle Cover A Handle Cover B Handle Lid Handle Filter Unit Valve Grommet Screw, Handle Plastic Holder
Remove zero "0" Remove 2 zero's "00"
1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Quantity 1 1 1 6 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 Remarks Includes Items C-6 & C-7 Packing Shipped 10 per package Shipped 10 per package Shipped 10 per package
Nozzle Housing
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MC-V414 00 7
MC-V414 00
Parts List (
Nozzle Housing)
Ref. No.
1 2 3 4 5 6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Part No.
AC01ACHTZU03 AC21H2XZU03 AMC25S-V00 AC10A2VZV07 AMC81A-V00 AMC43A-2V0 AMC58A-2V0 AMC47A-2V0U AXTN4+16BFY AC28SJPZ00 AC91AARFZ00 AC27AADGZ00 AC07ZADFZ00 AMC11S-2V0W AC70NYUZ00 AMC68N-V30K AMC51A-2V0 AMC74S-Z100G AC74AAAEZ00 AXTN4+28BFY AMC68A-V30 AMC82A-2V00 AMC39A-2V0 AMC74A-2V0 AC84RBZDZ000 Part Name & Description Nozzle Housing Window Shaft (Plastic) Furniture Guard Packing (Nozzle) Frame Spring (Pedal) Pedal Screw (Frame) Belt Lower Plate Assembly Lower Plate Warning Label Belt Cover (Rear) Stop Latch Spring Latch Pedal Shaft Spacer Packing (Lower Plate Front) Screw (Spacer) Screw (Nozzle) Agitator Holder Packing (Lower Plate Sides) Packing (Lower Plate Back) Agitator Unit
Change the 5 to "S"
Quantity 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 Remarks
Packing Material
Exploded View
MC-V414 00
Parts List Ref. No.
1 2 Part No.
AC61ZCHTZOOO ACO1ZCHTZOOO Part Name & Description Packaging Assembly Operating Instructions Quantity 1 1 Remarks Includes 1 and items a-g
MC-V414 00
Lower Plate
1. Place handle in low position.
2. Turn the vacuum cleaner over exposing the underside.
Release the lower plate by pressing the two (2) latches that secure it inward.
3. Separate the lower plate from the vacuum.
Agitator Assembly
1. The brushes are not replaceable separately. When the brushes need replacing, the agitator assembly will have to be replaced.
2. Carefully lift up on the agitator assembly until it clear both sides of the nozzle housing.
1. Close the rear belt cover.
3. Hook the front of the lower plate into the slots on the front of the nozzle housing. Press the lower plate down into place.
4. Fasten the lower plate by pushing the two (2) latches out ward.
5. NOTE: For general servicing, it is necessary to eliminate pinching of any wire during reassembly. After servicing any electrical component or enclosure, the unit should be reassembled and checked for dielectric breakdown or current leakage.
3. Remove the belt from the motor shaft by sliding it off between the end of the shaft and the nozzle housing.
1. Place the belt around the motor shaft.
Belt Replacement
1. Follow the removal instructions outlined in the AGITATOR ASSEMBLY REMOVAL/INSTALLATION section.
1. Place the new belt around the motor shaft and follow the installation instructions in the AGITATOR ASSEMBLY REMOVAL/INSTALLTION section.
2. Place the belt around the agitator pulley on the agitator assembly.
3. Reassemble the new agitator assembly back into the noz zle housing by placing the side opposite the belt partially into the slot. The small tabs should be aligned with the nozzle. This will hold the agitator in place and leave both hands free to place enough tension on the belt to allow that side of the agitator to return to the nozzle housing slot.
4. Rotate the agitator assembly by hand to insure nothing rubs and to check for correct assembly.
5. Replace lower plate.
MC-V414 00
Nozzle Housing Replacement
1. Remove the lower plate as outlined in the LOWER PLATE REMOVAL/INSTALLATION section.
2. Remove the belt and agitator assembly as outlined in the respective sections.
3. Remove the nozzle hose by pulling up on the hose to remove it from the nozzle housing. Pull the nozzle hose out of the back of the nozzle housing.
1. Install the nozzle packing, if not already in place, window and handle release assembly in the new nozzle housing.
2. Fit the nozzle around the motor shaft side first, and rotate it into place on the dust container as illustrated.
4. Insert a flat blade screwdriver between the nozzle hous ing and the plastic shaft. Pry out the plastic shaft as illus trated.
3. Slide the plastic shaft through the nozzle housing and into the dust container. Make sure that the slot on the bottom of the plastic shaft is down and seated onto the projec tion.
5. Remove the nozzle housing as illustrated.
6. Remove the nozzle packing, window and handle release assembly.
4. Reassemble the nozzle hose by inserting it into the noz zle housing. Push the nozzle hose down into the slot in the nozzle housing. Make sure that the tab on the hose supporter is inserted into the slot.
5. Install the belt, agitator assembly, and the lower plate according to the respective instructions.
MC-V414 00
Power Cord Replacement
1. Remove the seven (7) screws that secure the dust cover and remove the dust cover.
On / Off Switch
1. Remove the nozzle cover, agitator assembly, belt and nozzle base.
2. Remove the seven (7) screws that secure the dust cover and remove the dust cover.
3. To replace the on-off switch, remove the plastic insert that is mounted over the motor shaft. Lift the motor up and out of the dust compartment. Take care to note the position of the wires so they can be properly tucked when replacing the motor.
4. Remove the screw that secures the switch cover and remove the switch cover. Remove the two (2) wire con nectors, disconnect the switch lead wires and slide the wires out of the back of the unit.
2. Remove the two (2) wire connectors, disconnect the wires and pull the cord from the back of the unit.
1. Insert the new cord into the dust container and wrap around the strain relief as shown above.
2. Rewire per the wiring diagram and secure using the two (2) wire connectors that were removed earlier.
3. Route all wiring according to the wire management draw ing shown earlier in this manual.
4. Install the dust cover by first ensuring all wiring are routed correctly so that no wires may be pinched during assembly.
NOTE: For general servicing, it is necessary to eliminate pinch ing of any wire during reassembly. After servicing any electrical component or electrical enclosure, the unit should be reassem bled and checked for dielectric breakdown or current leakage.
1. For installation of a new on-off switch, insert the lead wires through the opening in the back of the dust con tainer and rewire per the wiring diagram. Secure the wires using the two (2) wire connectors that were removed ear lier. Snap the new switch into the proper slots in the dust container.
2. Reassemble the switch cover and the screw that secures it. Reassemble the motor by following the installation instructions in the MOTOR REPLACEMENT section.
Reassemble the plastic insert.
Motor Replacement
1. Remove the seven (7) screws that secure the dust cover and remove the dust cover.
2. Remove the motor protector located inside the dust com partment by pushing in on the two retaining tabs. Do one side at a time while pushing out on the motor protector from inside the dust compartment.
3. Once the motor protector has been removed it can be dis assembled for replacement of parts.
MC-V414 00
Carbon Brush Replacement
1. Complete brush change on one side before starting on the other side. There are two (2) brushes located on the motor as identified. Remove the brush assembly by using a Phillips head screwdriver to remove the screw that holds the brush holder onto the motor.
1. Reinstall the motor protector into the dust compartment by aligning the two tabs under the top flange with the slots in the dust compartment by applying pressure from the back of the vacuum until it snaps into place.
2. Install the dust cover by first ensuring all wiring is routed correctly so that no wires may be pinched during assem bly.
NOTE: For general servicing, it is necessary to eliminate pinch ing of any wire during reassembly. After servicing any electrical component or electrical enclosure, the unit should be reassem bled and checked for dielectric breakdown or current leakage.
NOTE: Do not drop screws into the motor.
1. Place new brush assembly on the motor.
2. Make sure that the amp terminal on the bottom of the brush assembly is inserted into the receptacle on the motor.
3. Replace the Phillips screw that was removed.
4. Repeat steps 1-3 for the other brush assembly.