Roland SH 101 Synthesizer Owner's Manual
Below you will find brief information for Synthesizer SH 101. The SH 101 is a monophonic synthesizer with a 32-key keyboard, a built-in sequencer, and automatic arpeggio function. The SH-101 can be used to create a variety of sounds from basic to complex, including a variety of waveforms, pulse width modulation, and filter options.
=Roland EREEAEEEEREFr EE. "JO вв ЛХ. Ха), OWNER'S MANUAL SH-101 BSH, ENEEEEECNAT, © ESTREMECE И Аи эта, VCOMEHDERECA ML, 27 - AS LF, Sof THERES T5520, TTRZ/—2-EFH—, 1VC087 SE ABER SEXI 7 TECOSIERENTEA 5—7 ME. 29— E CBE RE LLE CEE HALA =k PILETA, ESHELF (DENT TEST — - ЭРА ЛВ. LT CONEA A — |+ ЖД, TA SCRE (Эл, AL wir VHC) CDESÉTETSECRRTE LAS CV GATEAU 1061), AMBOO ANITA BOC ACTES, CE — НЗ) ®/\&- BET. BSOEBERETI aL -33 wT hye Se TT EURE HSE, BRHSHITORNRTORE / + DECO IA HMS SROL В, VEA TY FEE HAL CER CHE, EEC DEMORIER ELOY 9 LT И eE ИОН НЫ СВО тол, ВЕООТЯ ООН Fa ML LES ОДНЕ Я EL TEL, 2 The Roland SH-101 Synthesizer offers vari- ous functions for more effective and exible performance & well as excellent synthesizing ability. Uncompromisad sound can be obtained by mixing a waveform from the VCOI À or Mill, Noise and the signal from the SUB Oscillator. The built-in seguencor allows automatic playing of up to 100 steps. The Automatic Arpeggio function allows automatic: playing simply by pressing à chord, Transposition to any key 15 possible by the Tramposé function, The Pórtamento Mode selector switch includes he AUTO position, In this mada a portamento effect is produced only whit you are playing in a legato manner. Provided with Output/Inpgaut jacks foe CVS GATE and External Clock Input, more integral connections with other devices ane made possible, [1/1 Ces AC & Battery powered system la adopted. * This compact and light weight synthe sizer can hang on your shoulder and be comfortably played, simply by attaching strap buttons and a Roland Modulation Grip [optional]. lt is necessary for you to understand the function of the controls and selectors of the SH-101 parfectly to fully enjoy the advantages of the unit. Some setting ex- amples are shown in this manual to make it easier lor you fo master how to operate the SH-101, but remember you ang the one who creates the sounds, Please find out your own setting and new ways of playing. Eiern mn PA VCOMP6) Y: (PB) EV aL (PA) = @ FEA Diese a IE #a-2v{+5e2H)>— MÉNAGER BAT 57 3>H0—5—(P13) : | | Г rr EER rer rer sr ra af 5 VCF(PE) VCA(PSO) ID JIFL-—9—(P10) й | r | KPD SP ES LD Feines FD BERCOVWT-BEEROLOE-PH $ TIL - HE emer PAD PANAM) DP ECO Le Je jr || PE ae po Ее « AS erm iia, Pa Modulation Grip. . ........... . P40 Power Supply/Battery Replacement . P41 SampleSounds . . ............. Pa Sound Synthesis Memo нов ветвь, P52 Specifications EEHBER / Connections 4 AC a ay — AFLA Nov AH-10 BOSS : PSA-100 we BREA IDL TRE AC Adapter LTFELL BOSS - PSA series Stereo Headphones RH-10 “Adpust the volume bal with the VOLUME knob af the SH. 101 Pics Refer to P37. Refer to P39, Effect Units (Refer to P34.) III, OUTPUT lewd PRTORCERL ET. ES «РА. = + « Keyboard AMP, «+ PA Mixer ПН y E EE EEE EE EE (НН ННЦ : A? AA ATL "EERE e Audio System a Recorder "joo оо Во о ро © CER Important Notes BEC OUT E DA, RETO. ACTI? 0! ПСВ ЖАН LEY, ЩО СЕН НЕС, ЖК ООН НО, (Piss) SACPITI—ERATIASE, DTN AOBOSS PSA-100€ 2081 FAL1, ПАС 75 ALLES, ER CHELLES TERRE ET SO ESSOET, RE, BNET MOVE. СВ ПОМНЯ и С, ЕЕ MOVIL TEA, OTI IT -MBMRERA TC, TF A FER CLT FEL. BEER, KLETT CAMEO, ERREUR OT IT EL стал, NET COLES, AELUIES HORE Lm E ACTO PY (PSA- 120, 7200, 240) & THE FEL, Power Supply « Thé 5H-101 adopts AC & Battery pow- ered system, # Use only the BOSS PSA senes (FSA- 120, 220 & 240) for AC operation, # Do not turn the Power switch on, bé fore connecting the AC Adaptor to the SH 101, Location = Operating the SH-101 near a neon or fluorescent lamp may ¿ouse noist intér- ferance. If so, change the angle of the SH-101. = Avoid using the SH-101 in excessive heat or humidity or where it may be affected by direct sunlight or dust, Cleaning a Use a soft cloth and clean only with a neutral detergent. Do not wee solvants such as paint thinner, киа = GÉEMHECCTA UV RITES 5. HEBEN OT, GREE ACFZLY DEE, CMA DEA UAT TEBA, PTE НО НРУ) X FL DEFEAT AA DAS TP в ВН FEL, FE E AEREO IE, Ле DELETE ES, Of RETR ME 4 E, ВОЛОСКЕ, NL — MODERN TT RES a: * The Latigres may bréak gut of the Battery Housing by a Strong shock given in tra- sit. Please be sume 10 a the cover ol the Battery Housing with tapes if moving the SH-101 vaihout removing the bai- amas Functions for Sound Synthesizing 24 VCO The VCO is he Voltage Controlled Oscil: three types of waveforms which are the (Voltage Controlled Oscillator| lator that controls the pitch, and creates sound source of the synthesizer, УСО = (1) RANGE selector knob This is to change the pitch of the VCO in exact ong octave steps from 2° 10 167 (27, “Pulse Wave When the top and bottom portions of the SQUaré wove are unequal, the result o what 4, E, 161. B' & the standard, and whan the knob is set to 8°, the lowest C note corresponds 10 the Middle C of the piano Keyboard. (Transposé : M (2) PWM Mode selector switch When this switch is sat to MAN, the pulsa width can be controlled with the PWM Slider (3) . When it is set to LFO or ENV, the intensity of the modulation is con trolled with the same slider (3) , Le. the puiss width is controlled by the corre sponding signal from the ЦРО ог the Envelope Generator, 3) PWM » Pulse Width Modulation knob (4) MOD = Modulation Depth knob When the Modulator signal Es control- ling tha pitch of the YCO, this knob adjusts the amount of the signal (depth of the modulation). How it affects the depth of the modulation varies depending on the waveforms of the MODULATOR. is called a pulse wave. The harmonac com tent of the pula wave wall depend greatly on the width of the pulses. It 15 possible to modulate, or change the pulse width by means of the LFO or the Envelopes Gener- Bator. «ЛА алина Тонг в There are 2 types of waveforms from the VCO( M] and À |} which are sent to the SOURCE MIXER and mixed at amy por tion vou like. <Other Sound Sources * SUB Oscillator This is the VCO's subordinate Oscillator which generates the output signal one octave or two lower than the YCOs The output waveform of this Oscillator is Pulse Wave a NOISE 25 Waveform Description Harmonic Contant AN Saw Tooth | fundamental The sawtooth wave contains a lundarmantal sing wave and ite integral harmonic sine wèves a! & fixed ratio. The Kal cf gach harmonic is os shown on the right. When content is 1, the content of mth harmonic ES A, F 2 3 4 § 6 7 8 JUU Square The square wave Contains a fundamental sine wave and its ood numbered harmonics at a fixed ratio, Thé level of gach harmonic is the same as sawtooth wave: the content of mth harmonic is 1/0 except that there are no even numbered harmonics. JUL Pulse | depanding on With pulse weve, the har- monic content greatly varies tha pulse width, 11 (a characterized by a lack of the ath harmonic saris whan the puise width it 1/5. The example on the lefa lacks 3rd, Grh, and Sth harmonics because the pulse width is 1/3 (339), PULSE WIDTH at 33% (1/3) FO mA 45 78 F 2 Pulse Width P Manual PWM PWM MODE SWITCH (2) +МАМ PULSE WIDTH (3) +Determáns the Pulse width В РММ Бу СРО PWM MODE SWITCH (2) + LFO PULSE WIDTH MODULATION (3) + Adjusts the intensity of modulation, В РАМ by ENV PAM MODE SWITCH (2) + ENV PULSE WIDTH MODULATION (3) + Adjusts the intensity of modulation, LFO SIGNAL OUTPUT а FORM Env SIGNAL FOAM я 1. 26 SOURCE MIXER The SOURCE MIXER mixes the МСО various proportions, before sending them (Ml oë À ), SUB Oscillator, and Moise in to the VCF. SOURCE MIXER (1) MI Level knob (2) SUB Oscillaror Waveform selector witch @) 1 Level knob This selects the pitch range and the waveform of the SUB Oscillator, (3) SUB Oscillator level knob (5) Noise Level knob VCF The VCF is used 10 alter the tone color of low frequencies and blocks high frequen. (Voltage Controlled Filter) the SOURCE MIXER output by cutting or boosting harmonics in that sound, The VCF iz a LOW PASS filter which parres FI E (E) FREQ » Cutoff Frequency knob This knob determines the Cutoff Point of the VF, In 115 highest postor, the sound will pass unchanged. As you lower the knob, the iIreguencies in the hagher pitch range vall be cut, thereby the sound fades cui in its Lowest position. (7) RES « Resonance knob This knob is 10 emphasize the frequency at the point ser with the Cutoff Frequency . AS you raise the knob, certain hasmon- ics are boosted and sound will be more unusual, more electronic in natura. IF sai- ting the Resonance knob to the high posi- ton and move the Cutoff Frequency knob, vou can obtain a type of sound that is impossible to be produced by any other musical instrument. At ts highest level, salf-cacillation will begin lat the Cutoff Point]. cies, and the Cutoff Point is controlled by the voltage, (В) ЕМУ = ENV Depth knob When Cuta!f Point of the YCF ls contral- led by tha output signal from the Envelope Ganerator, this knob adjusts the depth of the modulation. You can change the Cut- off Point of the VCF in each note with tha ADSH pattern previously set. So the tone color of each note can be changed quite drastically. (E) MOD » Modulation Depth knob When the Cutoff Pot of the WCF is controlled by the output signal from the Modulator, this knob = used to adjust the intensity of the modulation. How it works varies depending on the waveform of the Modulator VCF (cont'd) (O KYBD « Key Follow knob When the Cutoff Paint of the VCF в con rolled by the EYBD CV (Keyboard Control Voltage), this knob adjusts the imensity of the modulation. It prevents any inconsistency in the harmonic content caused by pitch alteration. Consequently this Enc 15 usually set to ihe maximum on such a long keyboard, but can be sat to WOU Taste, Cutoff Frequency 4 | JU UY ANA Зы — Frequency (Hal Resonance Level (dB) | JUU VN | | | Frequency Hz) | Level (dB) Ÿ A Л 1 — \ МИ № \ | |, “Frequency (Hz) | Level (da) + = yr yu 1 Frequency Hz} VCA This is to control the volume (amplitude) AT) Selector switch for the control signal [orga Catral he Amplifier) of the sound, and is normally controlled by the output voltage from the Envelope Generator, This switch enables you to select whether to control the VCA by the signal from the Envelope Generator of by the Gate signal, 28 note. This output voltage is generated wharever you press a key, ENV {E Gönner] This generates the Control Voltage applied to the YCF and the VCA, thereby control ling the volume and the tone color of gach 5 44 (I) A (Attack time) knob This sats the time required for the voltage to reach its maximum from the moment the kéy & pressed down. (2) D (Decsy time) knob This determines the time required for the voltage to drop from the maximurn to the sustain level. When the sustain level is high, the envelope curve does not change by а! justing the Decay Time, MEN Sl @ 5 Sustain level) knob This knob determines the Sustain Level to which the voltage falls at the end of the Decay Time, (4) R (Release time) knob This sets the time needed hor the voltage to reach zero. (5) Gate/Trigger selector switeh This switch lets you choose GATE + TRIG, GATE or LFO. « The varation of each knob, Time {sack * In the figure shown above, the positions of the knobs are not meant to be exactly cormect, 30 the knob position does not necessarily cor: Анк Tire ; 44 Ja Decay Tims end пения Тат respond wath the time and the voltage. 29 * Setting of ADSR and Envelope Curve. "5 Aman all of the ADSA sliders aro set at 0”, tha waveform «ill be an extrémeby short Pulte wave, and only a short “click” is heard, Please be careful. Gate/Tngger selector switch With this switch in the GATE position, a New nolé you are pressing does not have à complété ervvelope shape, unless усн пе the previoushy prisssd key before pressing a new key, Therefore, non-legato manner will bé required to alter the tone color and the volume of each new note, If you press more than two keys sim tameciusly, the lower key will be selected according to loyer note priority”. When this switch is set to the GATE + TRIG position, each new key you press will have a complete emelope shape, vin i you play m gato manner, 50, vou can alter the tong color and the volume of each new note whether you play in non-egato ar not. И YOU press more than two Keys at tha same Lime, the Rast kay is sodected ac cording 10 “last note priority”. When this salecior switch is sét to tha LEO position, (he érmvélape cured will répéait ai thé same raté (fréquencyl as the LFO rate in the MODULATOR, The emenlope curéé stops repoatng as soon as YOU rtlegst thó key, Also, thé LFOs output waveform will always start from its héad, thérétoré, vou never fail to obtain a natural beginning of the sound. IT You press more than two keys simul- tareously, The lower key vill bo selected according to "lower note priority”. Hin GATE mode Press a kay f Press the next key. Min GATE + TRIG mode Press a key. + Press the next kay. Hin LFO mods MODULATOR Functions for Playing Tha MODULATOR, which consists of the СРО (Low Frequency Oscillator) and SMH (Sample & Hold}, sends tive signal control- ling the VCO and VCF. Also, Noise can bo selected to modulate the VCO and VCF, The LFO also provides the output Aide form of “v which controls the VCO and VCF- by using the BENDER in the Con- troller Section. (1) WAVEFORM selector switch This is fo select the output signal of the MODULATOR. +4 and MU are the out- put waveforms from the LFO, These modulats the МСО and VCF producing vibrato and trill (VCO), or growed (WCF), If choosing the RANDOM (output signal of S/H], the control voltage arbitrarily changing will be generated and applied ty the VCO or WCF to produce the Random Mote or the Random Filter. When the Noise position is selected, the noise will Work ss à control signal and à fast changing modulation will be obtained, (Noise Modu- bation) (@ LFO/CLE RATE This knob determines the rate (frequency) of the LFO and S/H. * EXT CLOCK + Rafer to P 38. keyboard The SH-101 has 32 keys and 2% octaves, but can be played as a 55 key keyboard {as shown below) by using the TRANS- POSE switch. When the Range of the YCO is set to 8° and the TRANSPOSE s#itch to NORMAL, the lowest Do (С! corresponds to thé Middie C of à piano keyboard. Ma EF kr: = = = | i él HE BHT, ; Ter RTE rites лана 14 вне a EE 11 1 i i ! 1 I 1 ! PEE | po: POr EL 2" {Key Transposs function) ER OR a a = I I i 1 1 = = у т E NE Hi | i I i mm am mm e отн Л = ¡Tramos L' Middle C | Keyboard of the 3H-101 Controllers PORTARENTO — (Te | wi Da SE TREE 8— сво —® : | cs = {1} VOLUME knob (2) PORTAMENTO Time knob Portamento is a slide from one pitch to another, This PORTAMENTO knob deter: mines the time reguired to changé pitéhes when différent keys are pressed, (3) Portamento Mede selector switch There are three positions to be selected dependa of your réquirémsant, OFF : When the Portamento Mode switch & set to this position, the porta rman to effect is not available at all. ON With the Portamento Mode switch in this position, the portamento effect is always obtained. AUTO: Tha Portamanto effect & obtained only when you are playing in a legato manner (ie. relesssng the bey before pressing the next key). Therefore, you can tum on or off the portamento effect depending how you play the keyboard, ® hen an Arpoggío is being played, the portamento affect does not work. {4} TRANSPOSE switch This switch is used to transpose the sound range one octave upper and lower. The Keyboerd Follow correspondingly changes one Octave upper and lever. * When thé built-in sequencer ls operat- ing, this TRANSPOSE switch does not wrk, (5) VCO Bend Sens knob This slider knob sets the maximum effect of the BENDER when it & controlling the pitch of the VCO, (Max. + 1200 cents) (8) VCF Bend Sens knob This slider knob sets the maximum effect of the BENDER, when it is controlling the pitch of the VCF, (7) LFO MOD « Modulation Depth knob if the BEMDER lever is being pushed back, LFO % output contrels the VCO [vibrato affect) or VCF [growl effect]. This knob controls the depth of the effect. (6) BENDER lever 32 Arpeggio The Automatic Arpeggio is available, sim- P How to obtain Automatic Árpeggio ply by pressing a chord, Press amy one of the UP, USD, DOWN buttons (the indicator lights up). then press a chord, and Arpeggio patterns will a La = ba played, LI 10 * An Aut lé Arpeogio 56 ava = = Cat is 10 15 avslable only MEE when you press a chord, When you press a single tone in non-legaro manner, it a 2 © will prove a normal playing. Thus, you can obisin either an autc-arpeggio ora normal playing depending how you play the key board, (D) UF button # How to cancel the Automatic Arpeggio U&D button Press the button again, and the SH-101 DOWN button will return 10 à normal playing condition. These buttons are to determine the Arpeg: gio pattern, * LFO/CLK RATE This knob determines the tempo of an Arpeggio, # (EXT CLOCE) Rofer to P, 38 “Notes * If you fail 10 press each key of the ® How an Arpeggio is played variés de chord a1 precisely the same moment, Dending on which position the GATES tha first pattern of the Arpeggio may TRIG selector switch of the Ervelope prove imperfect, Generator is set fo, a An Arpéggio can only play while the keys are being held down, unless the HOLD button is pressed, Press Do, Mi and Sol. GATE —Do Mi So Mi пу & D mode | сек JM ENV à ^^^ ENV in GATE + TRIG mode | * *In this case, set the ENV in GATE mode — —m—m———m Attack Time and : ! Decay Time fai ENV in LEO mode —f JJ lona me fairly « With the GATE/TAIG selector switch sound, Le. S=0), the sound will quickly sat to the GATE position, if ADSA are ENEE set to generate decay sound (piano-like Arpeggio E Extra Arpeggio & Portamento Arpeggio & Hold functions Whan the Portamento Mode selector switch If you press the Hold button while an 6 3er to he ON positión, the porteamento affect & available, When il E Sot 10 either AUTO ar OFF, it will not work, Arpeggio is being played, it will continue 10 be played even after the keys are nó leased. In this condition, if you press à new chord, @ new Arpeggio pattern will Be played, Arpeagio Hold & Key Transpose Reter to F. 36, Sequencer The SH-101 contains a digital sequencer which can store and play up to 100 steps. When you wish to load the notes, divide the longer time values by the shortest time value {Refer Lo the example shown below]. eg: J = the shortest time value {a step) 4 ¡—ls Fi. —" ii =: = = = = = = JO 63 co | [ e de a EFE 5 ERE = A ACE ho = (1) LOAD button (A) LEGATO button | This works onty in Press this button when you wish 10 store LOAD mece) notes, and press it again to stop storing. Press this bullon when vou wish to store a shar or tig, (2) PLAY button # LFO/CLK RATE Press this button when you wish to play The tempo of the sequencer can be com the stored notes, and press it again to stop trolled by thé LFO/CLE RATE in the playing Modulator section, LOAD mode) Press this button when you ane Storing «Мое» о rests, You can logd into the built-in secuencer only from the keyboard of the SH-101, Loading from any other unit is impossible, Loading Pres the LOAD button (the indicator Long time values, rests and legato playing lights up) and play the keyboard, only the pitches of the notes played will be stored. Mo matter how you play, the time values will tum out the same. How you regard this time value |} 0 or J etc.) 8 entireby up to you, but this should be regarded as the shortest time value, can be also stored. (Meter to the table shown in the next page} Press Ты) LOAD button again when the Loading 14 Completed, “Er a] —— ( PROGRAMMING) —— [al NV 34 Loading (cont'd) <BASIC> — + In this example, a Y note is regarded as the shortest time value (a step). Тгапаров М Mo matter how you play the notes, ? | TOTTI] | ou be wore in he some ия vales = Press the REST button, the shortest 7 adas rest will be memorized, A a Load the first note, then press the nest IH] — E + LI note while holding the LEGATO bution Slar — den, Tha APPLICATION | ih JD — = + IM J Co "лише | … € ДУ Ma Bas Dh The impression of the melody varies de pending which pattern you Chote Also, PY the setting of the Envelope Generator J Sg affects the sound. Select the appropriate pattern god setting according Lo you J J rT taste”, — * This does not apply to the decay sourd P whose sustain level is zero, TY Y ету | Ч ее | av Press the button a5 many times as needed. — Now you have set the length of notes and rests. * This sequences can store up fo 100 * Transpcse function la available vai. Mid steps, bul the shortest time value is TRANSPOSE switch in the Controllers counted as one step, and the longer time Section. Thereby, the total pitch range values Cost more steps. available for storing comes 1o 66 keys, # If all 100 steps are stored, the SH-101 will return to normal playing condi- tion, even If the sequencer Is in LOAD mode, Playing # Press thé PLAY button [the indicator # When storimg slars, remember 10 set the lights up}, the notes stored previously willl be played. Al are played In non legate except for those stored in a legato manner. * When the last note is played, it will go back to the beginning of the piece and be repeated until you press the PLAY button again. Tempo № controlled by using the LFO/CLE RATE knob. GATESMRIG selector swatch in the En- velope Generator to thé GÂTE position before playing. # When the Hold Pedal {Refer to P.29) being used, you can stop thé séquénéé by stepping on the Pedal and rebedsing it, Playing (cont'd) Correcting and Adding {Editing} Sequencer Play & Extra function * In case there are only the shortest time values and no slar, a slightly different type of sequence is available by setting the GATE/TRIG selector switch in the Envelope Generator to the LEO posi- tion. 35 ггг + TRIG mode CLE{LFOM) JA LIUILILE GATE ENV in Fa Puf LFO mode " PLAY START If you wish to correct orfand add some mara to the data vou have stored, nun tve sequencer pust before the part vou want to bang played, press the LOAD button, [Setting thé LFO/CLE Rate to slow makes the opération casier.) Thén start relcading change, and while the very last note № |" Ie same vay 85 usual loading, Last mote ) o o © Data previously loaded Е 1D © Corrected data i i | Load e a Hr “MOTE > When the corrected data are shorier (han the data previously Loaded, there will De Il you start reloading from the beginning, the previous data will be all cancelled he old data still loft and played. immediately {automatically}. This part will be played, Last note © Opel a Pe Тебе. sequencer Play & Key Transpose Refer to P.36 " The BENDER and PORTAMENTO work even while the sequencer 5 opar- ating. Hold Hold & Extra functions Key Transpose + = -+ Refor to P. 39. DP=-2 Arpeggio & Hold Refer to P, 32. 36 You can hold the sound even after the key is released, by pressing the HOLD button (the indicator lights up). The level of tha sound is determined by the Sustain level of the Envelope Generator. Therefore, Hold function is not obtained if the Sus- tain level & zero (Decay sound], The Pedal Switch (DP-2, sold separately) functions like a damper pedal of a plano, Arpeggio, Hold & Key Transpose Refer to “Key Trampose button” shown Ever, = nc F How to transpose While holding the TRANSPOSE button down, press any key except for the lowest C key. If the indicator above lights up, iransposition is completed and the 5SH.101 will now play in the key of the chosen nate, a perfect 5th down a perfect th up МИ normal condition Key Transpose & Extra functions Hold & Key Transpose (Arpeggio, Hold & Key Transpose) The sound, sustained by the HOLD func: tion, can be transposed as well, Also an Ar”megglo playing can be traniposed while 6 & in HOLD mode, Transposition to any key is possible. By wing the appropriate Key, vou can shift the pitch of the entire keyboard, Moreover you can play a piece with many gs and F's in the key of C major (A minor). 1. If you press a key lower than the lowest C, it will be transposed down by the dis- tance in pitch between the pressed key and the ©, ©. 9, If you press the lowest F, it will ba transposed down by a perfect Sth, 2, IF you press a key h igher than the Imwest С. it will be transposed up by the interval between 1he pressed key and С. € q IT you press amy G key, it will ba ansposed up by a perfect Sth. When vou press the two upper Co keys> ill bé transpozed up by an octavo. * How to return to the normal key {С key) while holding the TRANSPOSE button down, press any C note {except for the highest C}, and the indicator will go out and the SH-101 has returned to the normal condition [the key of C), Sequencer Play & Key Transpose You can also transpose the sequence being played by using the TRANSPOSE button. <Note> Transposition Ey this Key Trarspose funec- tion does not apply to the Key Follow in the VCF. Please ba careful when using the WCF Cscillation as a sound source, Connections with Other Units CVIGATE IN & OUT © Lei E Le CV/GATE OUT These are the CV/GÂTE output jacks for the keyboard and the bulll-in sequencer. They are used to control an external synthesizer or to send a signal to an ex- ternal sequencer (14/1 Det}. The Octave transpose and Arpeggio functions are avail- able. [1] SH-101 + External Synthesizer Thé SH-101 can control an external unit such @ the SYSTEM:100M or thé SH-2. ev our TET CV/GÂTE IN This jack Is used to drive the SH-101 [Synthesizer Module) from an external wnit (IVA Oct). The Key Transposa, Portamento and Bender functions of the SH-101 are availabe, Also, you can drive the SH-101 by the keyboard of an external 39m esper, Y F e © © | Cr Cart Cr GiFi — ji — = Дал! == SH-101 [2] SH-101 + Digital Sequencer Wider capacity of saguence rs available Ey using C50-100, 600 or the MC-4 Micro coOmMposer, Instead of the built-in sequencer, * As soon à the external unit В con nected to the CY IN and GATE IN, internal connection of CV and GATE will be automatica" „ut, * Use the PCS4 connection cord (Option all, if you are using the unit provided with % phone jack (e.g, C50-600) OUT | CT C50- 600 * Аз soon 88 the external mit 15 COM- mected to the CY IN and GATE IN, internal connection of CV and GATE will be automatically cut. ЕТО | Cr GATE — И === q 2 "101 * Lhe the PCS-4 connection cord (Ope tonal), if vou are using the unit pro- widded with 4 phone jack [eg SH-2]. EXT CLK IM * ÁS soon ds you connect a plug to this — jock, internal connections of built-in o clocks are cut. The LFO/CLKE RATE Kah in the MODULATOR section con trols only the rate of he ЦРО. ExT Sum [1] 5H-101 + External Clock If you connect an extemal unit to the CLE * When the external unit © connected to IN jack of tha SH-101, the Arpeggio play- tht EXT CLE IN jack, the Arpeggas ing or builtin sequencer of the SH-101 will RATE Knob on the Front Panel does synchronize with the external unit. not function, * You can enjoy various kimds of Arpes- | go patterns. Rhythm Machine Sequencer, etc. CR-8000.5000 = + = 1 «+ TRIGGER OUT и DR-95::-:-...-.--DBS.CSO" TR-B06.808-------- TRIGGER OUT" TB-303 | perenne GATE OUT CSO-600 | MC =d: occa GATE OUT" MP OUT" * Wide variations. — +rpeggeo Patterns ara available. [2] Applied Connections (of the SH-101) "Ls tha РСЗ (optional), Connect the GATE OUT to EXT CLK allowing random alteration of the tone IN, Set the waveform selector in the color. (Setting the RESONANCE to high MODULATOR to the RANDOM position. level might prove interesting) The random S/H signal modulates the VICF * PCS-4 (sold secaratelw) and the Cutoff Point changes in each note, ve Me HOLD DP-2 — 39 If the Pedal Switch DP-2 (sold separately) is connected to the HOLD pack, you can tum on of off the Hold function by pres sing the Pedal, The Hold function is on, just while the Pedal ls Debng pressed, You can use the Mold button on the Front Panel, too. EFFECTS { « output) An écho chamber 15 most commonly usad of all the effect units, It has such a strong effect that it 15 обет said to be indispans- able when wang synthesizers. Effect units such a a Phase and Flanger have the ability to add umigue changes to tha sound, amd it CTiective to use them with Echo Chamber A Phaser gives an effect which can change the noise to à jet sourd, À Flanger has an effect similar to a Phaser's, but stronger, and con give power lo a synthesizer bass sourd. Use the stereo output (20h) to cian the best affect ; _ | SRE. 555 Echo Chamber RE 201 RE-150 Delay Machine A Digital Delay SDE-2000 Phaser/Flanger Son az. pH Equalizer ald, State Reverb Rx. 100 Ch CE-2, CE-3 oH 5DD-320 Modulation Grip MG-1 (OPTIONAL) This compact and light weight synthe siper SH-101 is designed 10 hang on your shoulders and be played comfortably, just by attaching strap buttons, the strap and the Roland Modulation Grip MG-1 [MGS- 1, optional), = How to fix 1. Firmly attach the MG-1 and tha older to The boom of the SH-101 [veda SC Tes, ee ® 2 Connect the provided plug to the Modulation Grip jack of the SH-101. = How to operate я ALEO MOD SW Bender This Bender has the function of an ordi- Mary Bender, |. €. changes the tone color and the pitch, but works only in upper direction (to higher pitch and brighter tone colar), You can use this Bander lo produce the guitar choking:lika sound. The maxi- mum effect of the Bender is controlled by using the Bend Sens. * Bender lever of the SH:101 works, too. == BENDER LFO Modulation button By pressing this button, you can obtain the same effect as produced by pushing the Bender lever of the SH-101, 18. СРО "wv waveform modulates the VCO (vibrato] and WCF {growl]. By using this button together with the Bender, the Choking Vibrato effect can be produced, The intensity of the modulation is adjusted wath the Moduration Depth knob em the Controllers section of tha SH-101, * The Bender lever of the SH-101 also works Power Supply/Battery Replacement 5 The 5H-101 adopts AC and Battery Power Supply Powered System. De not turn the Power switch on before connecting the AC Adaptor 10 the 3H- 101, Connecting the AC adaptor while the Power is on may couse roubles. Battery powered AC powered operation only operation only | | 000000 Y AC powered operation + Battery back-up Battery Replacement 41 = Be sure to keep the batteries mm the housing even when using an AC adaptor, Then, if the AC adaptor i disconnected, opération immediately changes 10 bat very, allowing the seguencars data to be retgined, When using an AC adaptor, use only the BOSS AC Adaptor FEA 20, 220 or 240 depending on your country’s voltage systérm, I YOU wish o protect the sequencer data after the Power switch is turred off, use 3 batteries. When operating the 5H-101 anty by bat: ériés, usé 6 battéries. Thé séquences data wall be retained, Replace the batteries with a complete sat of new ones when the Battery Check indicator Hashes. If you fail to replace the batteries within one hour, the SH-101 will stop operating properly. The batteries last for approximately 10 hours when using only battery power, [In varies depending on the type of the batteries, how often the wnit i$ used, he.) , Turn the Power switch off. If using an AC adaptor, disconnect the power cord. . Remove the cover from the battery housing and take out the batteries . Replace with nw batieres, Make sura that tha polarity of the bat: tery is correct. Place the three batteries in the front part of the housing. (A). In this case, place to the sides, them in the middle, If using ondy three batteries for retain ing the sequencer memory, put the batteries in the back part of the hous. ing. {Bk 4, Put the cover back to thé housing. If the batteries are changed within one Minute, he memory will hold the SeQUIÉNCE data, IMPORTANT NOTES * Whan the SH-101 & Aot t6 bé used for long periods, remove the batteries to prevent leakage, The indicator flashes at the same rate as Me LFOY/CLE rate, therefore, if the rate 881 oo slow or boo fast, you may fail to notice tha flashing. If using the batteries just for a back-up circuit to protect the memories, battery replacement Es required just once a year, When the SH-101 is operating by bat- tery power, be sure to tum the Power switch off when it is not in use (lo pre vont unnecessary Ansumption of the batteries.) wn Y IV:/—h Sound Synthesis Memo __ 52 preogiey A04ZE e Ко: куб РЯ во у Tere “Ey dy Mal те 1 H HED FOR Ho NI ISI WYHOVYIQ M0078 101-HS e o + 5H-101 * Monophonic Synthesizer Keyboard VCO 32 key, Facale Range selector knob (16°, 8°, 4°, 27 Pula Width Modulation knob {50% ~ min.) PW Mode selector swatch {ENV IIMANUALSL FO] Modulation Depth knob Tuna knob [£50 cant) Source Mixer VCF MI Level knob A1 Level knob SUR Osi Level knob SUB Qeci Waveform selector switch (1 OCT Down MU /2 OCT Down MU 7/2 OCT Down ML] Moise Level knob Cutofl Frequency knob (10Hz ~ 20kHz} Resonance knob (0 ~ Self-Oscillatiori) ENVY Depth knob Modulation Depth knob Key Follow knob (0 ~ 100%} VCA ENV ENV f= GATE J Lsslector switch Attack Time knob (1 5ms ~ dg) Decay Time knob {2ms ~ 10s) Sustain Level knob (0 100%) Release Tima knob [2ms =~ 108) Gate Trigger selector switch (GATE + TRIGAGATE/LFO] Modulator LFO/CLE RATE (0.1Hz ~ 30Hz) Вале Ми всайог Waveform | A / TU /RANDOM/NOISE) selector switch Controller Sequencer [100 steps max.) Volume Knob Portamento Time knob (0) = Es] Portamento Mode selector switch (ALTO/OFF/CN) Transpose switch (LAH) VCO Bend Sans knob VCF Bend Sens knob LFOL MOD knmob Bender lever (with LFO MOD 5) LOAD button and indicator PLAY button and indicator Arpeggio Hold Key Transpose Connection Jacks Power Power Consumption Dimensions Weight Accessory UP button and indicator UE D button and indicator DOWN button snd indicator HOLD button and indicator KEY TRANSPOSE button and indicator Output jack (dem max.) Phones jack (857, STEREO) Gate Quiput jack (OFF - OY. ON 10V at 100k0 load) CW Quiput jack 119/1 OCT, 0,4164 = BV) Gate Input jack (+2 5Y or more) CV Input jack (19/I OCT, 0 Tv] Hold Pedal jack (DP-2) EXT CLE Input jack [+2 BY or mone) DC Input jack (9Y =~ 17V/Adaptor: PSA-120, 220, 2400 Modulation Grip Connection jacks UNE Battery x 6, AC Adapror(PSA-semas) 1 STOWIX 31D) SOMImm / 22 RW) x 120] x JH) in. 4 1Rg/Sib [without batteries) 2.5 m connection cord . BR-2 (UM) x 6 Specifications are subject to change without notice. Options _—__—_ 74 #& Headphones ® AC Adaptor RH-10 PSA-170, 220, 240 ® Pedal Switch * Modulation Grip Set MGS1 ОР-2 Modulation Grip MG-1x 1 Strap æ 1 Holder with a strap button x 1 Screws x * Carying Cosa SC-101 1] Roland Corporation ">

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Key features
- 32-key keyboard
- 2.5 octave range
- Transpose function
- Built-in sequencer
- 100 step storage
- CV/GATE input/output
- External clock input
- Sub oscillator & Noise generators
- Control voltage for VCO and VCF
Frequently asked questions
The SH-101's sequencer can store up to 100 steps.
The CV/GATE input and output allow you to connect the SH-101 to other synthesizers or devices for expanded sound design and control.
Yes, the SH-101 can be powered by batteries or an AC adapter.