SNAPPER LTD Series 0 lawn tractor Service Manual
Below you will find brief information for lawn tractor LTD Series 0. This manual covers the SNAPPER LTD Series Lawn Tractors & Mower Attachments and includes information on operating, routine service, troubleshooting, cutter units, transmission & drive systems, front axle & steering repair, and electrical components. It also covers safety precautions and maintenance schedules for the tractor and mower attachments.
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Service Manual for — LTD SERIESO LAWN TRACTORS & MOWER ATTACHMENTS SNAPPER POWER EQUIPMENT E/I |euáva (IR 8/90) MANUAL #07218 McDonough, GA. 30253 U.S.A +. Ш Company INTRODUCTION > This manual covers the SNAPPER LTD Series Lawn Tractors & Mower Attachments. "TOOL REQUIREMENTS:. The normal complement of U.S. Standard tools found in most repair shops are all that will normally be needed to repair SNAPPER Lawn Tractors. Several special tools are available to aid in pulling wheel hubs and drive dis¢s. Refer to the parts manuals for these tools and for correct replacement parts for the particular model series being repaired. CONTENTS: This manual contains six sections. The first section covers some of the routine operational service and adjustment information as found in the operator's manual which accompanies each unit. This information is repeated here for general reference only. Refer to the appropriate Operator's Manual for specific details. The sections are listed below. TABLE OF CONTENTS Section | - OPERATION 8 ROUTINE SERVICE............................ 2.0 erre rene nero erereeos .4-18 INTRODUCTIÓN.......... en... ener ere er ecen eee rernerenreer recen ore enero ecarrre reee ranrenereceneareeo 4 NOMENCLATURE..................... steerer estes teeters sere sate saress ease sense anes sens saes 4 BEFORE OPERATINC:.................. enero reee ener recrea eee enereereieereee rear reeento. 5 STOPPING.…..….……rccisrrssresrcaseseensensrssacesrererereseenseranennaenanersecen mena seen srenn caen Bon rraee sa se care canea canne nas a rennes 5 PRE-START CHECK LIST......................e.eeerereecer e Deeecre nee ERBE eran reee cree 5 STARTING 8 OPERATING........................ieieei rene ere ere cercare cerrar raeLes 6 TO START MOTION... seers ener ner reee enerereraeererce o reee errar 6 TO STOP MOTIÓN.........e..e..neenmneenaneo nen encen icono enecaca cen ooeeneeea rre rene reno reee recen renacere rar neeeeeeo 6 TO SET PARKING BRAKE........................ EEE e ercer reee ee eee 6 TO ROLL MACHINE.....................reinnn nee earn erronea re ere cere ore enececarerereeeerereeeerecer ene eees 6 TO ADJUST OPERATOR'S SEA Terre estes IR e ee e eee Dee 6-7 TO OPERATE MOWER....................e... 2.00 eee ne reire erecto reee e eee 7 TO ADJUST CUTTING e DD ee e eee ere re nereceee nene enranenn sente 7 TO START MOWER BLADE....................... ercer ere reee ee e eee eee oros 7 TO BE ABLE TO GET OFF MOWER AND LEAVE ENGINE RUNNING............... eee eee, 7 DRAINING ENGINE OIL....................... NE 8 MAINTENANCE 8 LUBRICATION SCHEDULE.................ervrcceceren ne ee PT 8 END OF EACH SEASON (OR EVERY 100 HOURS).....……………rcerrearerscecerncrncesecanreneenereane serres 9 FUEL SYSTEM SERVIC Besserer rer eects eee re erre reee seen. 9 BATTERY SERVICE...................mreccemmnes pencacacaroneuoeono sano e rueneecacacenca rar enrereacacos rooorareionarerene nenes ......9 BATTERY CHARGING................2.. 00m e eee eee esse e eee es sete eee eases. 10 TO ADJUST TIRE PRESSURE.....................eneneeenenn RR De Dee ce 10 DRIVEN DISC SERVICE....................e.ecererenem e eee eee ee eee eee nena 10 WHEEL BRAKE TEST 8 READJUSTMENT................e.eeereve ie Dei Dee 10 MOWER DRIVE BELT ADJUSTMENT (33") ere DDR OR DR e es 10-11 MOWER DRIVE BELT ADJUSTMENT (41'3................... 20000 reee re De e ener 11 MOWER DRIVE BELT SERVICE (33")......:..............eemmi ne enero erre erre racer 11-12 MOWER DRIVE BELT SERVICE (41")........................ een e eee aaa ees 12 MOWER SERVICE 8: ADJUSTMENTS....................m 0 nee ee e eee cree 12 BLADE BRAKE ADJUSTMENT..................emeennicne e es errr cree 12-13 CUTTING BLADE SERVICE...................e.eeemrnee mee ee errar ree ener rene ire nee 13 REMOVING 8 INSTALLING MOWER..............eenrceennen eri re reeren ee eee eee 13-14 HOOD REMOVAL................meneeneoneon encarece e ease sees e esses eset ee sent one. 14 ADJUSTING STEERING......…………cosseessereserensenrernsrrasren sera nrenrensarensenan seen sente cesner rame recense rare rae san aan 14 LEVELING MOWER (33"3.........................eeeecmecere reee re er eee rre ree ere ener eee 15 LEVELING MOWER (41").......….………vrorrrererrerrenrrerrenrarencestensensasere ne rrrnena sera pen peste te race ca nee cernes 16 DRIVE BELT SERVICE …..…..…..………erresrenierncenensrererrarenrensessenserasnnen camera nena see car enea eee eee 17-18 TRACTION LOSS ADJUSTMENT .......…….….crrercrarerensecrerrrensensrn are neanrensersees area era eee eee 18 Section II - TROUBLESHOOTING........................ e... e ee e eee ree ene Dee 19-21 TROUBLESHOOTING CHART.................... e. ere0rri cz DR RD De Deere ere nereceee ene 19-20 MOWING GUIDE..................erencenn nee ree een ee r rn Rare ere er erre ene nreree cercana ceo recererareeees 20 == eects teeta eee atest eee e terete eee 20 BEL TS. reee ecenrenenenenenee neon rie rene eerroerereerene een vere eee erre recenreneeL erre reeeareae reee ene eeeAs 20 BLADE TO GROUND...............emn.cenceeiiecre enero er eee erre rear reee eee erre er redr eee ceros 21 TIRES o.oo eee teeta steer eee eee ates sates esses esos senses 21 TROUBLESHOOTING CUTTING PROBLEMS MOWING GUIDE....................e.evemi 21 i + Section l= CUTTER UNITS... sn sss 22-25 ~ INTRODUCTIÓN......e....ererccccraceseeorsacoo caer coracon reee receceaeoceceeorocecce. eorereneraaeorenoarenreroene e rereceoee 22-24 BRAKE BAND REPLACEMENT...............ecorccccceres PEER EEE EEE EEE 24 CUTTING BLADE(S) .…...….…..….…..…sesecsernaneassancencnns Peel enecenebeonearanrooraarr a rareconere en rrreneo core enereeceoreeemes 24 AIR LIFTERS................e.eicczcoorerrce occ eoeereececacaceecene er eeecere rece rrecaceee eran eeeanaccevenanrenenenecarrerececenees 24 BLADE STRAIGHTNESS CHECK...............e.erereseececocceneoonococacerienreveeenvecocece no eerere er rarer cocer. 24-25 PROCEDURE FOR STRAIGHTENING BLADE...............eeeosrcccocccoororeorenearzcocecceneenes Kerr EE RER EEEE REES 25 BLADE 8: SPINDLE ALIGNMENT..............eeecnccccoccececcencacneraveoeorenaaaeceneconeneneranacecones barsscsecsnnanenae cena 0e 25 Section IV - TRANSMISSION 8 DRIVE SYSTEM.................e..eeeeeerrsrcccoccccceorooorrrarancaconocovtcarnarenee ree reneeee e 26-38 INTRODUCTION... …crrrrrrsnsrener area naanrerenerasanaa cran an sanencara sa one rerereeeccerer o rrrecerc ene earercenereneee 26-27 ADJUSTING SHIFT DETENT.. neraronooeraaaao eee areNeavevenerearerrecouceneaecenerrnareracearenancantatecenaveeencecenmene 28-29 DRIVE DISC REPLACEMENT ...............eeeercccccccoccreriecerccucarsacunancercareooeeoranaaaceemenerera ooo carre ooo 29 DRIVE DISC REMOVAL..................e.esrecerscercecreceocococeceecenereacarereeoerra re aoceneaoce rete rece recrean. 29-30 DRIVEN DISC REPLACEMENT................eereccerceooorecceceeicacarareeonoeeeeeeecocerererentecenernerenooeoranceaee 30-31 TRANSMISSION SHIFTER-.DISASSEMBLY ................ccemneoo TO eneecencarenareconee. 31-32 DIFFERENTIAL DISASSEMBLY 8 REPAIR........................eeccccrorceocceroecosrerereecconeocterrenene no reree.e 32-38 PRIMARY CHAIN CASE DISASSEMBLY PROCEDURE..............e.e..seccccoomeeiiii Di EEE 38 Section V - FRONT AXLE 8: STEERING REPAIR............................e=eeemeeiercereeieecocer e nece eee eee. 39-44 INTRODUCTIÓN................ececicecioccoo enero ne cccen ear aceneeter ren recaeecaceeoen eee. eneceooorenvecenenceronreveneaceee men. 39 FRONT WHEEL & BEARING REPLACEMENT..................eeossccccccerecerececeoocrrereneaceccenvenerrer narran 40 SPINDLE 8: BEARING REPLACEMENT..........eee.e.nmeveeucceoceceen—. euerececcoceoororeneenecere Te verercacereenT reee. 40 STEERING SHAFT & SECTOR ASSEMBLY ............... eneneaneonecorecace ene eeen eee cierren reee 41-43 TIE ROD 8 BALL JOINT REPLACEMENT................escococcorcorerenceeernee eeoococariacecerecoceretceacaeea reee. 44 DRAG LINK REPLACEMENT 8 ADJUSTMENT.................erecrreeiericecereer erre e nee De 44 FRONT AXLE REPLACEMENT........ ereeroreroarecareneronaoarorecenene O ‚....44 Section VI - ELECTRICAL ..............eeconerconercirrer eee eee e race e eee e eee ene oo onercencararecenrerereencavarene 45-50 INTRODUCTION...........e....eeccccccececereceeorrenareare ever ereaeiecornenearoenenaaeaeeceavceverrraneaeececocer er rrenceceneranACeOe 45 PRELIMINARY CHECKS................eeocrceonecaracccercorarcececencencacenvonerenaeeeoconarereraneceaeaeocarereneneccanrereteceee e 46 ENGINE FAILS TO START ...................rececerccccocereracenenorveca eeeeocoveneroreareaaarereeoeerer rare. penceoonenevon. 46 GROUNDING OF THE ELECTRICAL SYSTEM U reeeeeeereseeeeeeenenenehnnnnnenernseeneseesr meer ees 46 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM COM PONENT eevereeeeeernrna, ERREREERRRREEEEERRRARRAEEREBRREREERLKARRERRRARUNEUREEERREKETEM 47-49 BATTERY.......... eoeorrenorancen ooo ooteceooraccoeoorcenenene eeeenoooreoarereeneocrnverenocereccenenorcanreeee pnccenonraroooconeneaneme. 49-51 | SAFETY FIRST! Most major service procedures on the SNAPPER LTD Serles Lawn Tractors & Mower Attachments require that the tractor be stood on its rear bumpers for extended periods of time. This being the case, it is ¡imperative that the following SAFETY PRECAUTIONS be adhered to: FUEL TANK: DRAIN FUEL FROM TANK, CLOSE FUEL SHUT-OFF VALVE(S) & CLOSE VENT ÓN FUEL FILLER CAP BY TURNING CLOCKWISE. SPARK PLUG: DISCONNECT SPARK PLUG WIRE. BATTERY: TURN IGNITION KEYSWITCH "OFF" AND REMOVE KEY. DISCONNECT POSITIVE (+) CABLE FIRST, THEN NEGATIVE (-) CABLE FROM BATTERY. REMOVE BATTERY AND STORE IN A PLACE THAT IS COOL, DRY AND WELL VENTILATED. Aways wear SAFETY GLASSES when compressing or extending springs, or when using a hammer and drift pin to remove locking collars, drive disc or other components. Use SAFETY GLASSES when pressing | bearings IN or OUT. Always wear PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling sharpened blades. Ee © Copyright 1990 by SNAPPER POWER EQUIPMENT. Printed in United States of America. All rights reserved. Reproduction or use, without express ~ permission, of editorial or pictorial content, in any manner is prohibited. | 3, i i ñ comino meme > F A E . Lo 5 $ 5 Е $ 3 E > | —— IMPLEMENT SEAT ADJUSTMENT —— LIFT LEVER KNOB (Not Shown) FT LEVER RELEASE BUTTON GROUND In не CONTROL PANEL SPEED TTT Ч 7 —— (SEE FIGURE 2) CER UD KK FUEL TANK & BATTERY No DE (UNDER HOOD) \ KIT == = | Le CLUTCH/BRAKE PEDAL St = LL (NOT SHOWN) Le. — TILTING MOWER Wn = HOOD ) REAR TIRES = A X iD (10 PSI) | EZ > т NN ZN | SL 6 > E Za Ä = A ENGINE COMPONENTS NOT SHOWN: e AIR CLEANER e MUFFLER e SPARK PLUG DEFLECTOR | e FUEL FILTER CHUTE FRONT TIRES MOWER —— (12 PSI) DECK MUFFLER DECK ROLLER — HEAT SHIELD — BLADE BRAKE ADJUSTMENT FIGURE 1 INTRODUCTION NOMENCLATURE This manual has been prepared for the operators of the SNAPPER LTD Series LAWN TRACTOR. Its purpose, aside from recommending operating and routine service requirements, is to promote safety through the use of accepted operating practices. READ, UNDERSTAND AND FOLLOW the safety precautions on page messages on the tractor and attachments before oper- . ating the machine. 2 of this manual and all safety nate un $ CEET ra POCA CD A The nomenclature drawing above (Figure 1) shows the essential parts of the SNAPPER LTD Series LAWN TRACTOR. lt is recommended that all operators of this equipment become thoroughly familiar with the controls, parts and operation of this machine before operating. Specific details involving the engine are found in the separate engine owner's manual. Study these manuals before operating and keep both handy for future reference. gros . $ © 8 x $ 5 h Ë EATON EEE AAA сне CHARMAN EE MOIR ANATOLE ñ $ ERR — Section |- OPERATION 8 ROUTINESERVICE $ BEFORE OPERATING: BLADE CONTROL Be thoroughly familiar with all controls and how to use LEVER them before operating your mower. Know beforehand how to stop the engine, wheel drive and mower blade in preparation for possible emergencies. STOPPING ENGINE: STOP ENGINE by turning the KEYSWITCH to = "OFF". See Figure 2. CI "ON" va - ОЫ ый FIGURE 4 PRE-START CHECK LIST Make the following checks and perform the service as required before each start up. e CHECK TIRES and add air as needed to bring THROTTLE > — KEYSWITCH pressure to 12 psi in front and 10 psi in rear tires. a | e CHECK GUARDS, DEFLECTORS 8 COVERS to FIGURE 2 make sure all are in place and securely tightened. e HECK BLADE CONTROL to insure it works freely. WHEEL DRIVE: STOP FORWARD MOTION of mower © insure NW y | № by pushing Clutch/Brake pedal all the way down. See OFF to stop blade”. moved manually from ON to Figure 3. о CLEAN EXTERIOR SURFACES of cutting deck and TT | - engine of any accumulation of dirt, grass, oil, etc. | Keep engine air intake screens and cooling fins | clear at all times. / * RE-ADJUST SEAT as needed to most comfortable | © | / position. (Refer to Pages 5 & 6, Figure 8) о CHECK ENGINE OIL and add oil as needed to bring CLUTCH/BRAKE J / level up to (but not over) the full mark. (Refer to PEDAL | A engine manual for oil specifications). К / ADD FUEL to tank after pushing the mower outside | where fumes can be dissipated. Make sure cap is tightened after refueling. (Refer to engine manual for fuel specifications). See Figure 5. \ Nd KEEP RED BOOT OVER - POSITIVE TERMINAL PARKING BRAKE LEVER > FIGURE 3 MOWER BLADE: STOP MOWER BLADE by pushing BLADE CONTROL lever downward to "OFF". See Figure 4. - Section | - OPERATI ON & ROUT N E SERVICE — ——- Los bn STARTING & OPERATING ENGINE: START ENGINE as follows: 1. PUSH BLADE CONTROL LEVER downward to "OFF" position (Fig. 4) and fully depress the CLUTCH/BRAKE pedal (Fig. 7), so that Safety Interlock System will allow engine to start. 2. CHOKE ENGINE for cold starting by moving THROTTLE CONTROL to "CHOKE" position. (Little or no choking will be needed when restarting a warm engine). Refer to Figure 2. NOTE THE SEAT INTERLOCK FUNCTIONS TO SHUT OFF THE ENGINE IN THE EVENT THE OPERA- TOR VACATES THE SEAT WITH THE TRACTION DRIVE ENGAGED AND/OR THE MOWER BLADE ENGAGED. IN THE EVENT OF AN INTERLOCK MALFUNCTION, DO NOT OPERATE THE TRAC- TOR UNTIL THE CONDITION IS CORRECTED. SPEED ‘SELECTOR SHIFTER RIGHT SIDE SHOWN ta — | 3. Insert key in ENGINE IGNITION switch, turn key to "START" position to crank engine and hold until engine starts then release. NOTE LIMIT CRANKING INTERVALS TO FIVE SECONDS DURATION TO PREVENT OVERHEATING OF STARTING MOTOR AND/OR DEPLETION OF BATTERY ENERGY. NORMALLY, FIVE SECONDS IS SUFFICIENT CRANKING TIME FOR STARTING. IF THIS TIME IS EXCEEDED, LOCATE AND COR- ‘RECT CAUSE OF STARTING PROBLEM. 4. WARM-UP ENGINE momentarily, then move the THROTTLE CONTROL downward out of CHOKE position until engine runs smoothly. Set desired speed. Best cutting and bagging performance is obtained with engine at or near top speed. TO START MOTION After the engine has been started and is running smoothly, proceed as follows to start forward or rearward motion. 1. With CLUTCH/BRAKE pedal depressed, shift SPEED SELECTOR to 1 for forward or R for reverse and release pedal. (For comfort and safety, always shift back to 1 before starting forward). See Figure 6. CAUTION AVOID UPHILL STARTS. IF MACHINE IS STOPPED GOING UP SLOPE, PUSH BLADE CONTROL LEVER DOWNWARD TO "OFF" POSITION AND BACK SLOWLY DOWN SLOPE. IF UPHILL START MUST BE MADE, PUSH BLADE CONTROL LEVER DOWNWARD TO "OFF" AND SET THROTTLE AT HALF SPEED. FIGURE 6 TO STOP MOTION Push CLUTCH/BRAKE PEDAL all the way down to stop forward or rearward motion. TO SET PARKING BRAKE Depress CLUTCH/BRAKE PEDAL. Pull PARKING BRAKE LEVER "UP" while releasing pedal. See Figure 7. /, | UP. ~ BRAKE | PULL PARKING DEPRESSED J BRAKE LEVER FIGURE 7 Push CLUTCH/BRAKE PEDAL down to release PARK- ING BRAKE. TO ROLL MACHINE Shift SPEED SELECTOR to "N" position or hold CLUTCH/BRAKE PEDAL half down. TO ADJUST OPERATOR'S SEAT FORE & AFT ADJUSTMENT: With machine - 8 oped, Ioogen the ADJUSTING KNOB on seat ———|- — - s e cti ion | = О P E R ATI o N & R O U т № Е S E R \/ | С Е — = ee mes comes == mes ‘support "Sit in operators seat and, while depressing the CLUTCH/BRAKE PEDAL, slide the seat forward or rearward to the most comfortable position, then lock in position by tightening ADJUSTING KNOB. See Figure 8. SEAT \ Г ’ 8 Wr SEAT SWITCH ADJUSTING KNOB FIGURE 8 TO OPERATE MOWER During transport or for clearance through gates it may become necessary to raise the DISCHARGE DE- FLECTOR. Reinstall the wing nuts on the studs when the DEFLECTOR is raised so they will not be lost. Be sure to lower the DEFLECTOR and clamp it securely down with the wing nuts before mowing. See Figure 9. 7 DEFLECTOR FIGURE 9 TO ADJUST CUTTING HEIGHT The cutting height can be changed to any one of nine - positions by raising or lowering the cutting deck attach- + . ment with the IMPLEMENT LIFT LEVER as shownin__ Figure 10. : PO у = | enon 8 8 5 $ a = Zona ESS виттой/ то REPOSITION | LOWEST ———- CUT — SNAP; NINE POSITION 1 TO 4 INCH CUT pe > \ IMPLEMENT A FIGURE 10 To suit mowing conditions, experiment by increasing engine speed and/or decreasing driving speed until smoothest cut is obtained without Placing engine under heavy strain. TO START MOWER BLADE START MOWER BLADE by pulling BLADE CONTROL LEVER "UP" to "ON". See Figure 10A. FREE ren FIGURE 10A TO BE ABLE TO GET OFF MOWER AND LEAVE ENGINE RUNNING: 1. Push BRAKE all way down. 2. Set PARKING BRAKE. 3. Push BLADE CONTROL LEVER downward to "OFF" position. Refer to Figure 10A. aviva MMA ASSET NON NE _ Section | - OPERATION 8: ROUTINE SERVICE To retain the quality of your tractor, use Genuine SNAPPER Replacement Parts only. Contact your local SNAPPER Dealer for parts and service assistance. For the correct part or information for your particular mower, always mention model and serial number. We reco- mmend returning the tractor to an authorized SNAPPER Dealer on a yearly basis for inspection and addition of any new devices which might upgrade the safety of your mower. For the nearest SNAPPER Dealer, check the yellow pages under the heading LAWN MOWERS. For engine parts and service, look for the engine manufact- urer's dealers under the heading ENGINES-gasoline. DRAINING ENGINE OIL NOTE RAISE HOOD. IT MAY BE MORE CONVEN- IENT TO REMOVE HOOD FOR EASIER ACCESS WHEN FILLING WITH OIL. SEE "HOOD REMOVAL", PAGE 12. ND — Disconnect spark plug wire. Fashion an oil drain trough from metal or cardboard as shown in Figure 11. 1” G- BEND UP 90° AT CENTER | | 4 TO 6 INCHES —————— FIGURE 11 3. Loosen oil drain plug. Place trough under plug. Place a flat container (2 gt. Min. Capacity) beneath end of oil drain trough. NOTE TO ACHIEVE PROPER OIL DRAINAGE, IT MAY BE NECESSARY TO PLACE BLOCKS UNDER LEFT WHEELS OF MOWER. 4. Loosen oil till cap and remove oil drain plug. Allow engine oil to drain completely. See Figure 12. | | 8. REMOVE «a OIL PLUG OIL DRAIN TROUGH | LOOSEN OIL FILL CAP | FIGURE 12 À 5. Reinstall oil plug, remove fill cap and refill crankcase with oil. Reter to the Engine Owner's Manual for . engine oil specifications. ns CY # SAAS ma patates MAINTENANCE & LUBRICATION SCHEDULE Refer to the Engine Owner's Manual for service speci- fications on the engine itself. The following applies primarily to the tractor and optional mower attachments. Clean fittings before greasing. FIRST 5 HOURS (NEW UNIT) » ENGINE: Change oil in crankcase. Refer to Engine Owner's Manual, and Draining Engine Qil on this page. e TRACTOR: Check all fasteners and retighten as needed. EVERY 25 OPERATING HOURS « FRONT WHEEL BEARINGS: Lubricate bear- ings through the fitting on hub of front wheels. See Figure 13. BEARING FITTING FIGURE 13 * REAR LEFT AXLE BEARING: Lubricate through fitting with 2 shots of bearing grease. Right hand bearing is lubricated by transmission. о FRONT AXLE PIVOT & SPINDLE BUSHINGS: Lubricate the center pivot fitting on underside of the front axie and each spindle fitting located on rear of front axle (toward operator). See Figure 14. (Continued on next page) ST FRONT AXLE NÉ de PIVOT FITTING — SPINDLE BUSHING > FITTING FIGURE 14 “ Section | - OPERATION & ROU о CHANGE OIL IN ENGINE CRANKCASE with oil of weight and grade specified in Engine Owner's Manual. e ENGINE AIR CLEANER: Refer to Engine Own- er's Manual for details. END OF EACH SEASON (OR EVERY 100 HOURS) о TRANSMISSION DIFFERENTIAL: Remove rear panel or fender seat pan to gain access to differential. See Figure 15. e TO REMOVE REAR PANEL: 1. Remove six (6) screws. 2. Remove REAR PANEL. о TO REMOVE FENDER SEAT PAN: Remove shift handle knob. Disconnect wires to seat switch. Remove four (4) top screws. Remove two (2) lower fender screws. Remove FENDER SEAT PAN from mower. — aan REMOVE FOUR TOP SCREWS REMOVE TWO LOWER FENDER SCREWS FENDER SEAT PAN FIGURE 15 * Remove CHECK PLUG on inside of unit shown in Figure 16 to check level of oil. Add SNAPPER "O" grease as needed thru upper fill hole to bring the level up to the lower edge of the CHECK PLUG HOLE, Reinstall NEW plugs after servicing. * CHAIN CASE: Remove plug and check. If dry, add one ounce of SNAPPER "0" grease - do not overfill. Total capacity must not exceed 2 ounces. | $ $ i * KA . $ » „IN DS PLUG CORRECT LUBE LEVEL FIGURE 16 « MOWER ATTACHMENT SPINDLE(S): Lubricate fitting for BLADE SPINDLE BEARINGS with two shots only of bearing grease once each year. SERVICE Engine air cleaner element and spark plug. e SERVICE FUEL FILTER as instructed below. FUEL SYSTEM SERVICE Check the in-line fuel filter at frequent intervals and replace before the screen becomes clogged with sedi- ment. Make sure the replacement is correctly installed with IN marking toward the tank and OUT toward the engine. Check the fuel system components fre- quently and replace any parts showing worn spots or cracks. See Figure 17. (y TOWARD ENGINE > FIGURE 17 BATTERY SERVICE Check the battery once each month. Remove the caps and add distilled water as necessary to bring the level of the electrolyte up to about 3/32" over plates in each cell. DO NOT FILL TO THE RINGS. Carefully reinstall battery caps. In freezing weather, charge the battery after adding water to thoroughly mix the water in the electolyte. Keep the terminals and straps clean and tight and make sure the red boot (shown in figure 5) remains in position over the positive terminals. Always TOWARD FUEL TANK . disconnect negative (-) terminal first and reconnect last! :..... Section | - OPERATION & ROUTINE SERVICE BATTERY CHARGING The engine is equipped with a flywheel alternator to charge the battery. If the tractor is not run regularly, connect the battery to a charger monthly to maintain the specific gravity at 1.250 or higher. if this reading falls below 1.175, the battery liquid may freeze when temp- eratures drop to around zero degrees F. To charge, connect per instructions furnished with charger. if time allows, slow charge at 1 amp for ten hours or as an alternate, fast charge at 3 amps for four hours. Observe all precautions while charging. TO ADJUST TIRE PRESSURE Check tire pressure at frequent intervals. A low tire on one side causes uneven mowing. Pressure in front tires should be maintained at 12 psi while rear tire pressure should be 10 psi. DRIVEN DISC SERVICE If the drive does not engage after extended use, t may be that the driven disc is excessively worn and is not contacting the drive disc. The driven disc must be replaced if the rubber is worn down to 1/18" above the metal. Replace the rubber driven disc when excessively worn or unevenly worn. To replace, remove the rear cover plate, shift the drive into neutral, remove the four nuts from the hub, remove the old disc and replace it with new disc (see Figure 18). Refer to Page 15 for TRACTION LOSS ADJUSTMENT procedure. DRIVEN DISC FIGURE 18 WHEEL BRAKE TEST & READJUSTMENT 1. Test the wheel braking action at frequent intervals to insure proper stopping in the event of poss- ible emergencies. Normally, the mower should stop from top forward speed within approximately three feet after the CLUTCH/BRAKE pedal has been fully depressed. 2. To adjust the braking action: Loosen Locknut and adjust the cable housing toward the rear of the mower to increase cable tension. See Figure 19. 10 IMPLEMENT LIFT CONTROL. Là |; TO CLUTCH/BRAKE PEDAL PARKING BRAKE it CONTROL ROD SHORTEN FITTING TO INCREASE CABLE TENSION. LENGTHEN TO DECREASE. _ REAR LIFT ARM 3. CAUTION MOWER I$ NOT INTENDED TO BE $TOOD ON END! PRIMARY CHAIN CASE BRAKE RETURN SPRING NOTE: MOWER DECK SHOWN REMOVED POR CLANTY FIGURE 19 After adjusting, put the Speed Selecting lever in sixth (6th) position. Depress the CLUTCH/BRAKE pedal slowly as you roll the mower. There should be a place where the CLUTCH is disengaged and the brakes not yet applied, allowing the machine to roll. This should occur in the first half of the pedal travel. 4. Retest braking action as described in Step 1. MOWER DRIVE BELT ADJUSTMENT (33") Normadly, within the first few hours of operation, the MOWER DRIVE BELT will seat into the pulleys and be- come slack. To regain correct belt tension, follow steps 1 thru 5. 1. 2. 3. Lower MOWER DECK to lowest position. Push BLADE CONTROL lever downward to "OFF" Remove BLADE CABLE spring from hole in BRAKE ARM. Reattach spring in next hole forward. See Figure 20. (Continued on next Page) Section | - OPERATION & ROUTINE SERVICE — FIQURE 20 4. Remove ROD ENDS from CRANK ARM and IDLER ARM. 5. INCREASE belt tension by turning ROD ENDS "OUT". DECREASE tension by running ROD ENDS "IN". — 6. Re-attach ROD ENDS and BLADE CABLE SPRING. me PULLEY ) el LK (( | TENSIÓN BLADE CABLE SPRING NOTE WHEN INSTALLING BLADE CABLE SPRING, MAKE SURE SPRING IS ATTACHED IN FORWARD HOLE OF ARM (REFER TO FIGURE 20). 7. Pull BLADE CONTROL lever up to "ON" position, then check belt tension. 8. If beh is still too slack, readjust ROD ENDS as outlined above. MOWER DRIVE BELT ADJUSTMENT (41") Normally, within the first few hours of operation, the MOWER DRIVE BELT will seat imo the pulleys and be- come slack. To regain correct bei tension, follow steps 1thru 5. 1. Lower MOWER DECK to lowest position. 2. Push BLADE CONTROL lever downward to "OFF" position. 3. Remove BLADE CABLE spring from hole in BRAKE ARM. Reattach spring in next hole forward. See Figure 20A. | FIGURE 20A 4. Puli BLADE CONTROL lever up to "ON" position, then check belt tension. 5. If Delt is still too slack, move spring to another hole until tension is correct. MOWER DRIVE BELT SERVICE (33") To install or replace the MOWER DRIVE BELT, follow steps 1 thru 4. 1. Lower MOWER DECK to lowest position. 2. Loosen pulley screw on IDLER PULLEY until BELT RETAINER can be moved away from belt. See Figure 21. DAVE BOLT : € ur RETAINER ce Section | - OPERATION 8 ROUTINE SERVICE 3. 4. Remove old belt from between BELT RETAINER and PULLEY and from mower. install new DRIVE BELT in reverse order. Adjust as required. * MOWER DRIVE BELT SERVICE (41") To install or replace the MOWER DRIVE BELT, follow steps 1 thru 9. 1. 2. 3. Lower MOWER DECK 10 lowest positio Loosen screw on siotted side of bek covers and _ swing covers away from pulleys. Loosen pulley screw on stationary IDLER PULLEY until BELT RETAINER can be moved away from belt. Loosen pulley screw on BRAKE ARM IDLER PULLEY until belt can be removed from between BELT RETAINER and PULLEY. Remove old belt. Route new belt around pulleys as shown in Figure 21A. r~ OUTSIDE PULLEY ~— PULLEY — BELT COVER | SCHW — OUTSIDE | | | PULLEY DRAKE ANN IDLER PULLEY ) retaining screws. $ outeDE PULLEY DELTCOVER — Da \_ STATIONARY \\\ IDLER PULLEY / / / LOOSEN schEW | ours | AND SWING DELT PULLEY COVER OUT OF WAY FIGURE 21A 7. Retighten BRAKE ARM IDLER PULLEY screw. 8. Readjust BELT RETAINER on stationary IDLER ~ PULLEY, then retighten pulley screw. 9. Reinstall belt covers on outside pulieys. Tighten 12 "MOWER SERVICE & ADJUSTMENTS Keep the topside of the mower free of grass cuttings. Buildup of clippings could cause belt problems and also might present potential fire hazard especially when dry. if uneven cutting is noted, check the tire pressure first as this is the most common cause. If tire pressure is correct and uneven cutting persists, move the tractor to a flat level surface, such as a garage floor, and check the deck level. (See "LEVELING MOWER", Page 15-16). To prolong the life and efficiency of your mower, keep the underside of deck clean and free of accumulated grass clippings by washing it down with a hose and/or scraping with a wire brush and scraper. Make sure this is done at the end of the cutting season before placing the mower in storage. BLADE BRAKE ADJUSTMENT The BLADE BRAKE assembly is designed to stop blade rotation within 3 seconds after the BLADE CONTROL lever has been pushed downward to "OFF". Should the blades not stop within 3 seconds, the BLADE BRAKE must be adjusted as follows: | 1. Lower deck to lowest position. 2. Push BLADE CONTROL lever doward to "OFF" position. 3. Loosen retaining nut on R.H. OUTSIDE PULLEY BELT COVER and swing cover out of way. 4. Inspect BRAKE BAND closely in order to determine approximate amount of adjustment required. 5. Tighten BRAKE BAND by loosening jam nut and turning T-nut, on end of eyebolt, clockwise 1 to 2 turns, or until brake band tightens. Make sure flanged lip on T-nut is positioned vertically to fit over top edge of anchor. See Figure 22 22. hy | 7 N = NUT EYE-BOLT FIGURE 22 NOTE MAKE SURE THAT BRAKE BAND DOES NOT DRAG AFTER ADJUSTMENT. (Continued on next Page) 6. After adjusting BLADE BRAKE, start mower, ~ engage blade and then disengage blade to check stopping time. Readjust it necessary. CUTTING BLADE SERVICE Check at frequent intervals to make sure the blade is securely tightened and that it is in good condition. Replace blade if badly chipped, bent, out of balance, or as soon as notch starts wearing in the tip between the flat surface and upturned lift as depicted in Figure 23. This type wear pattern occurs more rapidly under sandy soil conditions. CAUTION NEVER OPERATE THE MOWER WITH BLADE WORN TO THE EXTENT SHOWN IN VIEW C AS THE TIP COULD FLY OFF CAUSING PERSONAL INJURY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE. CUTTING EDGE WORN C-DANGEROUS CONDITION! DO NOT USE ON MOWER! A DANGER FIGURE 23 Sharpen blade when the cutting edges become dull if the blade is in otherwise good condition. When dull, the grass cut ends will be ragged and usually turn brown soon after mowing. For best results, remove the blade and sharpen it on a grinding wheel at an angle of 22 to 28 degrees. The cutting surface should extend in about 2 1/2" from the tips. Check the blade after sharpening to determine that it is still balanced. It will cause excessive vibration if unbalanced. See Figure 24. FIGURE 24 *PLUS OR MINUS 3 DEGREES CAUTION AVOID CUTTING YOURSELF ON CUTTING | - BLADE! PROTECT YOUR HANDS FROM CUTS WHILE HANDLING BLADE. Install sharpened or replacement blade with compo- nents in same sequence as removed. Make sure that the turned-up rims in the center of blade fit over the edges of the blade drive hub when installing. Do not substitute any components here. Tighten the blade retaining capscrew to 20-30 foot pounds torque value. See Figure 25. — #1-01% < 21" BLADE > æ (2 - REQ'D) #9-0824 CAPSCREW TORQUE CAPSCREW 20 to 30 A. ibs. FIGURE 25 REMOVING & INSTALLING MOWER The mower is attached to the tractor and leveled at the factory. If the mower is to be removed for cutting blade service, or to install another attachment, be sure that the mower settings remain unchanged. TO REMOVE MOWER: 1. Lower deck to lowest position. 2. Remove hairpin from LIFT BRACKET CABLE clevis pin. See Figure 26. FIGURE 26 hed rere BOE 3. Rémove hairpins and washers from REAR LIFT | ARM CHAINS. See Figure 27. \ CONTROL ROD REAR LIFT LIFT ARM STRAIGH] up ES OUR a \ LIFT Фи < 7 1 CHAINS FIGURE 29 ) | ) ADJUSTING STEERING (REAR) XI If steering develops excessive free-play, then the eccen- XI tric steering bolt must be adjusted. Proceed as follows: FIGURE 27 1. Working from the left side of the tractor, use a 7/16" e ДН wrench to loosen nut on top of carriage bolt. See 4. Remove hairpins and clevis pins from FRONT LIFT Figure 30. ARMS. See Figure 28. 2. Push eccentric clockwise (towards R.H. side of В tractor) until free-play in steering wheel is minimized. 3. Retighten nut. LOOSEN NUT HAIRPIN FRONT LIFT ARM > FIGURE 28 5. After deck has been lowered to ground, turn tractor's front wheels to the left and slide the mower out from the right side. Reverse steps 1 thru 5 to reinstall mower. HOOD REMOVAL To service engine (changing oil, spark plug, etc.). It is , recommended that the hood be removed. Hood re- moval is as follows: 1. With hood in closed position, unhook latches at bottom rear of hood. 2. Disconnect headlight wire at lower left front of hood. п, 3. With hood level, lift straight up to clear pivot pins at front front. See Figure 29. | 4. Remove hood and lay aside until maintenance is mt | completed. Reinstall hood in reverse order... . 14 _ _— EERE NAA aa Section | - OPERATION & ROUTINE SERVICE LEVELING 33” MOWER a With the blade sharpened and properly aligned, a level _ (4) If required, adjust side-to-side level of mower deck will insure a clean, even cut. The mower ” mower deck by loosening SHOULDER should be checked for level as follows: SCREW on side of lift arm ECCENTRIC 1. Check the air pressure in the tires and correct BOLT. See Figure 31. | pressure as needed (12 psi front and 20 psi rear (5) Turnthe ECCENTRIC BOLT “UP” or tires). “DOWN” to level deck within 1/8" side- 2. Move the tractor to a smooth, flat and level area to-side. such as garage floor. (6) When deckis level, tighten SHOULDER 3. Move the lift lever to #5 notch. SCREW. A. SIDE TO SIDE LEVEL ADJUSTMENT (7) Re-attach CHAINS to REAR LIFT ARMS. (1) Place a piece of angle iron under center (8) It either CHAIN is slack, adjust EYEBOLT of deck. See Figure 31. _ until both CHAINS have equal tension. (2) Pull the pins and remove the CHAINS "Recheck deck level. See Figure 31. from the REAR LIFT ARMS. (3) Measure distance between the floor B. FRONT TO REAR LEVEL ADJUSTMENT and outside center edges of the deck. (1) Measure distance between the floor and the front and rear edges of the mower deck. NOTE Measurements should be the same or 1/8" A DECK IS CONSIDERED LEVEL IF MEASURE- lower at the rear. MENTS ARE WITHIN 1/8" FROM SIDE-TO-SIDE. (2) Adjust chain EYEBOLTS the same number of turns to raise or lower rear of deck. Adjust until deck is properly leveled. и > ~ HAIRPIN SHOULDER CE № 7 SCREW < т ECCENTRIC FRONT LIFT ARMS WASHER CHAIN EYEBOLT ADJUSTING NUTS ANGLE IRON PLACED UNDER CENTER REAR OF DECK В x = = 2 ä i 5 “Section I- OPERATION & ROUTINE SERVICE LEVELING 41” MOWER a With the blades sharpened and properly aligned, a level Place a 3" high block under the exact center of the 6 mower deck will insure a clean, even cut. The mower rear lip of the deck. should be checked for level as follows: 7. Pull the pins and remove the chains from the rear lift 1. Check the air pressure in the tires and correct arms. - pressure as needed (12 psi front and 10 psi rear 8. Turn the outside blades perpendicular to the tractor tires). frame. 2. Move the tractor to a smooth, flat and level area such 9. Loosen nuts on eccentric bolt and pivot bolt and as garage floor. level the deck side to side by turning the eccentric 3. Move the lift lever to #5 notch. adjusting bolt. The distance from floor to each blade 4. Place a 2 x 4" block on edge under the front lip of tip should be within 1/8" of each other. the deck in the exact center between the front lift 10. Loosen the jam nuts and adjust both rear lift chain arms. eyebolts so that the top link of the chain just slides 5. Loosen the jam nut on the front lift cable and adjust over the rear arm pins. Tighten jam nuts. Reinstall until the front lip of the deck rests on the 2 x 4 block the flat washers and hairpins. Recheck level. and the cable is tight. Tighten the cable jam nut and remove the block. See Figure 31. — FRONT LIFT CABLE Nu PIVOT BOLT — MOWER DRIVE REAR LIFT ARM — BELT (CONNECTED TO . MOWER FRAME) AE TE OUTER PULLEY — (ple O BELT GUARDS DRIVE PULLEY ECCENTRIC BOLT (©) LIFT CHAIN — = FRONT LIFT ARM FRONT LIFT CABLE 2" x 4" WOODEN BLOCK (STAND ON EDGE) CS >. NO MOWER DECK CENTER OF REAR NS DECK LIP 3" HIGH WOODEN BLOCK | LEADING BLADE EYE BOLT JAM NUT —— CHUTE DEFLECTOR FIGURE 31 ‘ Section 1- OPERATION & ROUTINE SERVICE _ DRIVE BELT SERVICE To remove and replace the DRIVE BELT, follow steps 1 thru 11. 1. Raise mower hood and disconnect spark plug wire. 2. Lower MOWER DECK to lowest position 3. Remove REAR COVER PLATE. See Figure 32. REMOVE SIX (6) RETAINING SCREWS REAR COVER PLATE FIGURE 32 4. Depress CLUTCH/BRAKE PEDAL and lock into position by pulling PARKING BRAKE LEVER "UP". 5. Shift SPEED SELECTOR to 6th position. NOTE ALTHOUGH IT IS POSSIBLE TO REMOVE AND REPLACE THE DRIVE BELT WITH THE MOWER DECK ATTACHED, IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT ~ THE DECK BE REMOVED TO MAKE BELT IN- STALLATION EASIER. SEE "REMOVING & INSTALLING MOWER", PAGES 11 & 12. 6. Disconnect IDLER SPRING. See Figure 33. ©) | IDLER SPRING FIGURE 33 i | CAUTION - THE IDLER SPRING IS UNDER TENSION. TO AVOID INJURY, USE CARE WHEN DISCON- NECTING SPRING FROM FRAME. 7. Remove hairpin from front of CONTROL ROD then lower CONTROL ROD. See Figure 34. e CONTROL CRANK _X < NA \ 7 7 vu 7 = a I _ , 7 N TL Tx 7 \ \\ CONTROL mo Y N \ | FIGURE 34 NOTE IF REMOVING/REPLACING DRIVE BELT WITH DECK ATTACHED, THEN REMOVE MOWER BELT FROM FRONT DRIVE PULLEY AT THIS TIME. 8. Remove DRIVE BELT from engine pulley by rotating MOWER DRIVE PULLEY and holding down on DRIVE BELT at same time. Allow belt to remain on hub between pulleys at this time. See Figure 35. MOWER DRIVE PULLEY — TRACTION DRIVE PULLEY ==7 - NOTE > BRAKE/CLUTCH MUST BE DEPRESSED AND LOCKED. SHIFTER MUST BE IN 6th POSITION. ROLL BELT "OFF" | WHILE ROTATING PULLEY FIGURE 35 ; i a. 9. Working at the rear of the mower, rotate the DRIVE | DISC while holding down on the DRIVE BELT until belt is clear of disc. See Figure 36. С = p= nes = ROLL BELT "OFF" = = WHILE ROTATING | Г „ий я 1 | yd [= DRIVE DISC | TRACTION LOSS ADJUSTMENT It the rubber on the driven disc ring wears enough to cause loss of traction, readjust the yoke stop (see Figure 37) to restore good contact. With engine "OFF" and drive shifted into "NEUTRAL", loosen the jamnuts and turn the bolt clockwise about 2 turns. Check to see that rubber ring turns freely in the center or "NEUTRAL" groove - turn bolt in more if needed to achieve this, then secure bolt by tightening both jamnuts. FIGURE 36 10. Remove DRIVE BELT from front pulley. 11. Install DRIVE BELT in reverse order of above. CAUTION MAKE SURE THE BELT BEING INSTALLED Y 4 o ou _ | + й я и” “ие a a и ld Nr - Г NN va | N TURN SCREW \. CLOCKWISE mr YOKE - - ~~ NEUTRAL IS ABOVE REAR LIFT ARM. A GROOVE REAR COVER PLATE (SHOWN IN PHANTOM) FIGURE 37 KEYSWITCH B 12V GROUND LIGHT —— ATTERY CABLE - SWITCH qa FIGURE 38 SCHEMATIC WIRING DIAGRAM | | CABLE ENGINE —— (Solenoid to Battery) KILL WIRE > [ ——— SOLENOID A > Ч as N % = TO HEAD LIGHTS CS = - CABLE (Solenoid to Starter) TO CLUTCH SWITCH ALTERNATOR SWITCH “ ] _ _ _ o aB i —_ Section || - "TROUBLESHOOTING REFERENCES PROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSE | PROBABLE SOLUTION 2.1 Engine will not start Transmission interlock prevents starting la. Shift into NEU/PARK and attempt to start | Section VI, 6.1-6.2 | | Cutter interlock prevents starting a. Shift cutter into OUT position Section VI, 6.1 Throttle Control not in starting position |c. Move to CHOKE or START Section |, P. 5-6 | Section VI, 6.1 Fuel Related d. Tank empty, vent cap closed, fue! Section |, P. 5 shut-off valve closed Ignition Related starting problems e. Spark plug lead loose or disconnected ENGINE from plug. Faulty spark plug or faulty MANUAL electronic ignition. Replace. Interlock switches f. Check for disconnected wires. Section VI, 6.3 Check continuity of each switch. Check ignition switch. Battery too weak to start engine 19. Charge battery Section VI, 6.5 ; Test Battéry. 7.5 Amp Fuse defective. h. Replace Fuse. Section VI, 6.4, C. 2.2 Engine stall after Throttle control left in full choke a. Move to run position Section 1, P. 5 & 6 running . Fuel Shut-off valve on b. Open Valve Section |, P. 5,6 & 9 - tank outlet closed Fuel Tank run dry, fuel line or filter c. Unclog line or refill tank OWNER'S MANUAL blocked Engine speed set too slow for starting |d. Adjust throttle to increase speed OWNER'S MANUAL conditions | Engine carburetor problems e. Readjust carburetor main fuel setting ENGINE & | to specifications in engine manual OWNER'S MANUAL Engine air cleaner clogged causing over{f. Service air clearner OWNER'S MANUAL rich mixture | Interlock switch faulty and A shuting off g. Test switch and replace if necessary Section VI, 6.4, F. engine 2.3 Grease leaking from Cup insert plugs faulty a. Replace with new plugs Section IV, 4.11, B. chain case | Case overfilled, leaking grease b. Drain all grease and add 2 ozs. of OWNER'S MANUAL SNAPPER 0 grease. Paint drain hole not closed c. Tap tab closed with a hammer and apply sealer Case Housing screws loose or missing |d. Replace missing screws and/or tighten all Screws Case gasket broken or faulty e. Replace gasket Section IV, 4.11, B. 24 Grease leaking from Cup insert plugs faulty a. Replace with new plug Section IV, INTRODUCTION differential Drain hole not closed b. Tap tab closed with hammer and/or apply — sealer Case housing screws loose or missing |c. Replace missing screws and/or tighten all screws Fender gasket faulty and not sealing d. Replace gasket Section IV properly Oil seal leaking e. Replace oil seal Section IV 25 Excessive noise and/ — . Clutch brake chattering against metal a. Check clutch brake mtg. bolt to insure Section IV, 4.2, E. or vibration when in rim of driven disc producing rattling tightness drive | sound Wheel bearings dry, producing dragging |b. Lubricate with grease Section |, P. 8 sound . Driven disc with missing pieces of rubber |c. Replace disc Section IV, 4.5 . producing thumping sounds and speed surging Drive disc will produce roaring sound d. Replace drive disc if warped. See engine | Section IV, 4.4 when warped or out of alignment due to service manual if crankshaft is bent bent crankshaft | Rough gears in transmission may cause |e. Check to see if gears | need replacement | Section |, P. 8 excessive noise or lubrication Section IV, 4.7, E. &F. 19 ~ Section Il - TROUBLESHOOTING PROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSE | PROBABLE SOLUTION REFERENCES 2.6 Excessive noise and/or vibration with blade engaged Blade tips striking rolled lips of deck Drive beit improperly tensioned causing slapping of inside spans in idler pulley area. a. Straighten blade and/or align spindle > Correct tension. Replace if beit is excessively worn Section Hi, 3.5-3.7 Section |, P. 10-12 side to side cut Deck level uneven causing improper eut Drive belt slippage causing poor cut Speed improper for conditions c. Make necessary adjustments d. Make necessary adjustments to correct tension or replace e. Increase engine speed and/or lower ground speed to suit conditions Spindle bearings dry or worn out c. Lubricate with grease or replace Section |, P. 8 Air lifters improperly installed d. install properly Section III, 3.4 Blade unbalanced or pulley halves e. Balance blade and/or repair pulley Section Ill, 3.4 separated causing vibration and noise | 2.7 Mows Improperly Blade dull producing ragged, brown cut | a. Sharpen blade or replace if Section IH, 3.5 edges on grass necessary Uneven tire pressure causing uneven b. Inflate tires to specifications Section !, P.10 Section 1, P. 15816 Section 1, P. 10-12 Section |, P. 5 OWNER'S MANUAL 2.8 Will not pull In gear or slips when clutch is release Drive disc rubber badly worn or improper clearance causing poor or no contact, Clutch/brake cable too tight causes declutching when pedal is released Shift detent out of adjustment - not completely in gear Clutch spring disconnected, broken or missing Lift yoke sticking or groove worn in slot Axle Bolt sheared Whee! hub weld broken Input shaft key sheared on input shaft to driven disc Chain case or differential components damaged a. Replace disc or readjust clutch link guide E b. Reposition ferrules on cable in in order to adjust С. Readjust detent d. Replace or reconnect spring e. Lubricate friction points, replace worn yoke f. Replace with new tapered bolt g. Replace hub Replace key ji. Requires overhaul Section IV, 4.4 84.5 | Section IV, 4.2 Section IV, 4.2 Section IV, 4.1 & 4.2 Section IV, 4.1 Section IV, 4.7, E. Section №, 4.7, Е. Section 1V, 4.7 & 4.8 MOWING GUIDE 2.9 ENGINE ENGINE H.P. ENGINE RPM SLOW RPM CAUSE(S) 12 3400 1. Chute Clogging 2. Overloaded Engine 3. Generally Poor Performance. ‘A. Refer to Engine Owners Manual 2.10 BLADE 2.11 BELTS A. Keep blade(s) in top condition for maximum performance and Safety. Refer to Section NI, 3.6 thru 3.11 for proper maintenance and adjustments to blade(s). 20 A. Make certain belts are always properly ad- justed and maintained in top running condition. Replace belts as necessary. Refer to Section lll, 3.1 thru 3.3 for proper belt tension, adjustment and replacement. Section Il - TROUBLESHOOTING 2. 12, BLADE TO GROUND - A. In order to maintain the best cut possible, maintain blades and belts as described above. Also, maintain proper deck level. ‘Refer to Section lll, 3.7 for proper deck | adjustments. 2.13 TIRES A. Even if the blade(s), belts and deck are in x top running condition, uneven cutting can - be caused from tires not being inflated properly. Refer to Section 1, 1.1., A for proper tire pressures. Always replace tires with the correct size and height tire. Consult Parts Manual. NOTE Under some grass conditions, the front lip of a HV deck will prevent the blade from having good access to grass. As the mower moves forward, the grass is pushed down by front lip of deck. The direction of rotation of blade causes the blade to be traveling with the/ grain of grass -on L.H. side of deck and against grass on R.H. side. See Figure 2.1. This causes cut to be somewhat ragged on L.H. side of:mower. Lowering rear of deck approximately — 3/8" lower than front will eliminate this problem. TROUBLESHOOTING CUTTING PROBLEMS | MOWING GUIDE "BLADE DIRECTION OF ROTATION. ~~. (TOP VIEW OF MOWER) DIRECTION OF TRAVEL —_— a REASON FOR STREAKING ON LEFT-HAND SIDE — tl LH. BLADE TIP на ‘FIGURE 2.1 „2 ‘Section Ill - CUTTER UNITS This section covers procedures for the adjustment, dis- Both Cutter Decks have spindle brakes designed to stop assembly and repair of those Cutter Deck components blade rotation within 3 seconds after the BLADE used on the SNAPPER LT12D Serles 33" and 41" CONTROL lever has been pushed downward to “OFF”. LAWN TRACTORS. To Keep the spindle brakes functioning properly, they must be periodically adjusted. Refer to adjustment These Cutter Deck components include the drive belts, procedures later in this section. See Figures 3.1 and 3.2. spindles, brakes lift arms and rail assemblies for both the single blade and two blade Cutter Units. BLADE ——— - IDLER- r— LIFT BRACKET CABLE — SPINDLE ASSEMBLY - ASSEMBLY DRIVE BELT — LIFT ARM CASTER ENGAGEMENT CABLE +—— CHUTE . DEFLECTOR CASTER | ECCENTRIC BOLT 33" DECK — LEAN © FIGURE 3.1 22 Section Ill - CUTTER UNITS -—— LIFT BRACKET CABLE CHAIN | © LIFT ARM ASSEMBLY IDLER — | ASSEMBLIES BLADE - - SPINDLE ASSEMBLIES LUFT EYE BOLT +b MOWING DECK | | : - REAR EYE BOLT |; CASTER - NEEL ОО CHUTE a DEFLECTOR LIFT o CHAIN | FIGURE 3.2 23 Section Ш - CUTTER UNITS 31 a Information covering service and adjustments for - both Cutter Decks (single € twin blade) is found in Section | of this manual. The following information is covered: ол E. Remove cotter pin, 1/4" washer, and clevis pin from eyebolt. Remove brake band from brake drum. Install new brake band and reassemble in OMMOoOOwW» 3.2 MOWER DRIVE BELT ADJUSTMENT MOWER DRIVE BELT SERVICE MOWER SERVICE & ADJUSTMENTS BLADE BRAKE ADJUSTMENT CUTTING BLADE SERVICE REMOVING & INSTALLING MOWER LEVELING MOWER (1) SIDE TO SIDE LEVEL ADJUSTMENT (2) FRONT TO REAR LEVEL ADJUSTMENT DRIVE BELT SERVICE _ 3.3 3.4 (Removal & Replacement) BRAKE BAND REPLACEMENT Replace Brake Band if BLADE STOP cannot be adjusted to stop blade within 3 seconds. A. 90 NOTE: 33" BRAKE BAND SHOWN "WASHER reverse order. Adjust brake band to stop blade within 3 seconds. CUTTING BLADE(S) See Section | of this manual for information concerning sharpening and balancing of blade(s). AIR LIFTERS Air lifters are designed for use on mowers to increase their vacuuming efficiency when using grass catchers. A. Install air lifters on INSIDE TOP flange of blade with 5/16" screws, lockwashers and huts. See Figure 3.4. B. Torque huts to 20-25 Ft. Lbs. Remove spark plug wire and lower deck to lowest position. Loosen pulley screw on IDLER PULLEY until BELT RETAINER can be moved enough to allow belt removal. Remove belt from SPINDLE PULLEY. Remove jam-nut and SPINDLE PULLEY. See Figure 3.3. DRIVE BELT 5/16" 5/16" NUT ~LOCKWASHER AIR LIFTER L— BLADE INSIDE TOP FLANGE | SPINDLE PULLEY a NUT T-NUT _ EYE-BOLT "FIGURE 3.4 3.5 BLADE STRAIGHTNESS CHECK Check sharpened or replacement blade(s) for straightness as follows: A. Mark one blade tip “A” and the other tip “B”. B. Select one point on deck lip and mark as reference. C. Turn blade tip “A” to reference mark and measure distance between deck lip and blade. See Figure 3.5. WASHER COTTER KEY BELT GUIDE IDLER PULLEY | A DECK LIP BLADE MEASURE | | — DISTANCE 24 FIGURE 3.5 ‘Section Ill - CUTTER UNITS —D. Turn blade tip “B” to same reference point = and measure distance as above. © SPINDLE SPINDLE HEX FLANGE E. The blade is straight if both measurements BRACE LOCK BOLTS are within 1/16" of each other. | BLADE- au Е. If blade tip measurements differ more than | 1/16", straighten blade as follows: 33" DECK SHOWN. 3.6 PROCEDURE FOR STRAIGHTENING BLADE A. SINGLE BLADE (33" MODEL) 1. ‘Loosen jam-huts on top of adjustable “blade holder. | 2. Adjust jack screws “IN” or “OUT” | FIGURE 3.6 until blade tips are within correct | - | tolerance. 2. Hold blade, shift spindle sideways 3. Tighten jam-nuts. : > until both blade tips are the same distance from the deck lips: 180 В. TWIN BLADE (41" MODEL) degrees across from each other. 1. If one blade (or both) on the 41" 3. Rotate blade and check alignment TWIN BLADE Model exceeds | front to rear and side to side. | the 1/16" measurement differential, 4. Secure spindle hex flange lock bolts then replacement of the Blade may when alignment is corrected. | be required, a 2. Check BLADE and SPINDLE ALIGN- MENT, 3.7, before replacing Blade. 3.7 BLADE & SPINDLE ALIGNMENT (After Insuring Blade Straightness) A. With mower on level ground, rotate blade 360 degrees and measure the tip-to-lip clearance at four equal points around the deck. B. If tip-to-lip measurements vary more than 1/8", spindle is misaligned. NOTE THE SPINDLE HOUSING HAS OVERSIZED HOLES FOR ALIGNMENT PURPOSES. THESE HOLES WILL NOT NECESSARILY BE CENTERED WHEN CORRECT ALIGN- MENT 1S ATTAINED. NOTE BEFORE ATTEMPTING TO ALIGN SPINDLE, MAKE CERTAIN TOLERANCE RING IS PROPERLY ALIGNED IN SPINDLE HOUSING GROOVE (ON 33" DECKS). C. PROCEDURE FOR MAKING BLADE PARALLEL IN DECK 1. Loosen nuts on the three spindle hex flange lock bolts. See Figure 3.6. Section IV - TRANSMISSION & DRIVE SYSTEM INTRODUCTION This section covers procedures for the disassembly and It should be noted that the Smooth Start Clutch (SSC) repair of those traction drive components used on the | is used on ALL LT Series LAWN TRACTORS. SNAPPER LT Series LAWN TRACTORS. | 1990 models feature a reverse assist spring mechanism which eliminates the shift link spring found on earlier These drive components include the belt-driven drive models. Earlier models of the LT Serles may be disc, driven disc, primary chain case, (transmission) axles converted with the LT12D Reverse Assist Spring and differential. They transmit engine power thru the Kit #61000. See Figures 4.1 and 4.2 for component belt-driven disc to the driven disc, which in turn powers breakdown. the primary chain case, differential and axles (transmission). PINION ¿— PINION GEAR HEX DRIVE TUBE — SPACER SHORT AXLE +] | © . - PINION SPACER HEX INSERT A WASHER x SPECIAL LOCK BOLTS | | THRUST WASHER "LH. AXLE BEARING - THRUST WASHER. 1 . SPACER OIL SEAL BOOT CONE WASHER | "О". RING FLANGE > NUT > LONG AXLE i (INCLUDES GEAR) — SPROCKET | GEAR CONE WASHER "O" RING. BOOT CLAMP L.H. TRANSMISSION | , $ SUPPORT OIL FILL & CHECK PLUG TRANSMISSION —— CASE IDLER BOLT GASKET ‘DUST COVER FIGURE 4.1 _. 26 Section IV - TRANSMISSION & DRIVE SYSTEM HUB <= — SPROCKET —— CASE ‘+ OIL FILL/CHECK PLUG — #10-24 X 5/8" ' DRIVEN DISC © DRIVEN -— THRUST - WASHER : PLATE — BELLEVILLE = WASHER : 5/8"-18 / 1° À of LOCK NUT >< - . “д Un PRIMARY —. >>. | CO "CLUTCH BALL Sao | BUSHING DS 5/16"-24 BALL ee ss ~ HEX FLANGE LOCK NUT BEARING | >> "O"RING >. _ ss D SPROCKET ss. WOODRUFF > | KEY ~~ — "0" RING | BALL x BEARING Jd ` NL BELLEVILLE WASHER - SELF TAPPING SCREW NEEDLE — _ (Л. BEARING CASE COVER > GASKET | > NYLON THRUST — WASHER _ | HUB & SPROCKET | NYLON — "CHAIN CASE THRUST COVER WASHER NEEDLE — BEARING FIGURE 4.2 27: Section IV - TRANSMISSION & DRIVE SYSTEM ADJUSTMENTS 41° YOKE ADJUSTMENT ~ The most noticeable symptom that the yoke needs adjusting is when the tractor shows a loss of pulling. power in all gears. ‚В. Loosen Carriage Bolt (A) holding Shift Lever and Shift Lever Adjuster together. See Figure 4.5. As the driven disc (rubber) wears, the yoke must move farther "up" before the disc engages. At some point during wear, the yoke will hit the adjustable stop before the driven disc engages the drive disc. © When this occurs, the yoke must be adjusted. A. Depress Clutch Pedal and shift Transmission Lever to NEUTRAL. Refer to Figure 4.3. B. Place hand (palm up) under disc and, without lifting, turn the disc. Now, lift disc up and attempt to rotate it. If = ©) A Ad namas - ‘BOLT (A) C. the yoke is properly adjusted, the disc will not rotate against the drive disc. NX | D. If the driven disc does rotate, run the adjust- J SHIFT LEVER ing carriage bolt “UP until disc will not rotate. shirt = ADJUSTER i See Figure 4.3. | В HEX JAM . LINK = rd U ве > > < <> > > = = = = FIGURE 4. > C. Move slotted Shift Lever yr Adjuster until Transmission is in NEUTRAL position in Shifter Detent as shown in Figure 4.6. ADJUSTING CARRIAGE BOLT. PRIMARY - CLUTCH BALL NEUTRAL | POSITION "YOKE | — FIGURE 4.3 4.2 ADJUSTING SHIFT DETENT DRIVE DISC .—4 A. Depress Clutch Pedal and move Transmission TRANSMISSION SHIFTER . SHIFT Shifter until Primary Clutch Ball is in NEUTRAL DETENT position in yoke. See Figure 4.4. L—— YOKE 4 RIGHT SIDE SHOWN PRIMARY — CLUTCH BALL — FIGURE 4.6 NEUTRAL POSITION FIGURE 4.4 4.3 —D. Check to make sure Primary Clutch Ball is still in NEUTRAL position in yoke. E. Tighten Carriage Bolt holding Shift Lever and Shift Lever Adjuster together. F. Test unit for proper shifting. Readjust if necessary. DRIVE DISC REPLACEMENT Roaring sounds could be caused by a warped Drive Disc Assembly. Use a dial indicator to check for variance in the surface. If the surface varies more than .020", replace the Drive Disc Assembly (See 4.4, DRIVE DISC REMOVAL, for procedure). NOTE EXCESSIVE RUN-OUT CAN CAUSE PREMATURE YOKE WEAR. 4.4 DRIVE DISC REMOVAL (ALSO FOLLOW THIS PROCEDURE FOR DRIVE DISC BEARING REPLACEMENT) A. Remove Shift Handle by driving out Roll Pin. See Figure 4.7. SHIFT HANDLE ROLL PIN TRANSMISSION — SHIFTER (LEVER) FIGURE 4.7 B. Remove Rear Cover. C. Disconnect wires to seat switch and remove Rear Fender from tractor. See Figure 4.8. ‘Section IV - TRANSMISSION & DRIVE SYSTEM | REMOVE FOUR — REMOVE SIX (6) “TOP FENDER SCREWS \—- REMOVE TWO (2) LOWER FENDER SCREWS REAR COVER ZN FIGURE 4.8 yoke as shown in Figure 4.9. D. Unhook Tension Spring from R.H. side of SPRING FIGURE 4.10 29. Lt TENSION AS SPRING re N i PRIMARY | CLUTCH BALL AD - YOKE — DRIVE FIGURE 4.9 E. Remove Hairpin and washer, and slide Reverse-Assist spring off post. See Figure 4.10. EY —— WASHER REVERSE-ASSIST Section IV - TRANSMISSION & DRIVE SYSTEM ‚В. Remove Cotter Pin, Washer and slide Clutch — ` Rod out of Yoke Arm Bushing. Note position of Yoke Arm Bushing Flange. Refer to Figure 4.11. CLUTCH ROD FLANGE BUSHING WASHER FIGURE 4.11 G. Loosen R.H. Transmission Support, then re- move four self-tapping screws holding Drive Disc Support to R.H. & L.H. Transmission Supports. Q à / SELF —- hn TAPPING e SCREWS si "> a \ DRIVE DISC SUPPORT “SELF | TAPPING SCREWS BRACKET YOKE PIVOT (RH) BRACKET (CH) FIGURE 4.12 H. Move Drive Disc Support Assembly to the rear until Primary Clutch Ball Bushing is free of the Chain Case Shaft. "I. Withdraw Drive Disc Support Assembly from tractor. J. Remove Yoke and Yoke Pivot Brackets from Drive Disc Support. . NOTE REMOVE PRIMARY CLUTCH BALL BY ROTATING BALL UNTIL HOLE IS FACING UP OR DOWN. WITHDRAW BALL FROM YOKE . AL K. Remove Drive Disc by removing locknut bearings and spacer. Refer to Figure 4.10. L. Inspect Drive Disc and bearings for wear or other damage. Replace if required. 4.5 DRIVEN DISC REPLACEMENT If the tractor does not move, or travels erratically when the Transmission is shifted into DRIVE, and the Clutch Pedal is released, the first thing to check for is a worn Driven Disc. Poor contact between the Drive Disc and Driven Disc may be caused by a worn yoke lift structure or an excess- ively worn Driven Disc. Replace the disc if the rubber is worn down to within 1/32" to 1/16" of the metal surface, or if it is badly chunked. See Figure 4.13. NOTE GREASE OR OIL ON THE SURFACE OF THE DISCS WILL ALSO CAUSE SLIPPAGE. KEEP THE SURFACES CLEAN! RUBBER DRIVEN — DISC (SECTION) DRIVEN DISC "ASSEMBLY FIGURE 4.13 REPLACE" THE DRIVEN DISC AS FOLLOWS: ° А. Use a 1/2" socket wrench to remove the four ~ retaining hex flange lock nuts. Turn nuts counterclockwise to remove. Use #3-2392 SPECIAL SMOOTH CLUTCH TOOL to hold the Driven Disc to prevent its turning while removing or installing retaining nuts. See Figure 4.14. TURN COUNTER . CLOCKWISE #3-2392 TOOL TO HOLD DRIVEN DISC FIGURE 4.14 B. When installing a new Driven Disc on SMOOTH CLUTCH, make certain that fiber washer is centered over boss hub on center of Driven Disc Hub. See Figure 4.15. — DISC - HUB DRIVEN DISC (RUBBER) FIBER THRUST WASHER PLATE BOSS "FLANGE LOCK u A FIGURE 4.15 Section IV - TRANSMISSION & DRIVE SYSTEM © “FLOAT” AROUND BOSS ON CENTER NOTE IF THE FIBER WASHER 1S NOT FREE TO OF DRIVEN DISC HUB, IT CAN CAUSE BINDING OF THE SMOOTH CLUTCH. CAUTION! IF THE DRIVEN DISC IS REMOVED FROM THE CHAIN CASE SPROCKET SHAFT FOR ANY REASON, THE LOCKING NUT MUST BE TORQUED TO 70 FT. LBS. 4.6 - DURING INSTALLATION. TRANSMISSION SHIFTER DISASSEMBLY ‘CAUTION! THE SHIFTER IS SPRING-LOADED. REMOVE WITH CARE TO AVOID POSSIBLE INJURY A. Compress the Shift Detent Spring with a “C” clamp, vise grip pliers or other safe, suitable means. B. Remove the Cotter Pin and Clevis Pin from the Shifter Arm. See Figure 4.16. “TRANSMISSION SHIFTER - CLEVIS * PIN | COMPRESS SHIFT DETENT SPRING | FIGURE 4.16 | Section IV - TRANSMISSION & DRIVE SYSTEM X C. Release spring tension slowly as Shifter Arm slides out of Shifter Pivot. О. REINSTALLING SHIFTER COMPONENTS To prevent component wear, reassemble all parts EXACTLY as shown in Figure 4.17. Place one Hardened Thrust Washer on the Shifter Arm’s shaft (against Arm) and against the flange on Bushing. The other Hardened Thrust Washer goes between the Shifter and flange of other Bushing. HARDENED + THRUST WASHER | BUSHING PIN FLANGED FIGURE 4.17 CLEVIS Y | FLANGED bi od BUSHING - SHIFTER PIVOT » SHIFT DETENT SPRING \ WASHER 32. HARDENED THRUST 4.7 DIFFERENTIAL DISASSEMBLY & REPAIR The SNAPPER Transmission System contains two fundamental components. The Differential “ Assembly and the Primary Chain Case. The Primary Chain Case Assembly transfers power from the engine through the hex drive tube to the Differential. The Differential Assembly drives the rear wheels of _ the tractor. If the tractor will not pull, elevate the rear wheels and turn both in the same direction and observe Driven Disc. If Disc does not turn, a broken axle bolt, differential gears or broken chain in Differential or Primary Chain Case may be the cause. If the Driven Disc does turn when testing for the no-drive cause, check for the following: A. Yoke set tbo low - Driven Disc not contact- ing Drive Disc. Adjust per instructions in — Section 4.1. | B. Yoke spring missing, broken or disconnect- ed. Reconnect or replace. C. Remove the Driven Disc Hub from Sprocket Shaft and check for sheared key. | D. To check for problems in Primary Chain Case, loosen clamp on one of the boots, slide boot back and observe hex drive tube while turning both rear wheels in same direction. If the tube does not turn, the Primary Chain Case can be eliminated as the site of the no-drive condition. E. Ifthe no-drive condition is caused by a problem in the Differential or Primary Chain Case, overhaul using the following procedures: 1. Elevate tractor in such a manner that the rear wheels can be removed. 2. Using 3/4" socket, remove both rear wheels from hubs. 3. Remove nuts from tapered axle bolts on both drive hubs. Use 1/2" wrench or socket and pliers for re- moval as shown in Figure 4.18. “Section IV - TRANSMISSION & DRIVEN SYSTEM TAPERED AXLE BOLT- RETAINING NUT (USE 1/2" SAE WRENCH OR SOCKET) — FIGURE 4.18 4, Remove tapered axle bolts by tapping with a soft-faced hammer. Pull wheel hubs using SNAPPER #60237 Hub Puller. See Figure 4.19. PULLER FIGURE 4.19 Remove Rear Cover and Rear Fender from tractor. | Remove Drive Disc Support Assembly. (See Instrutions in Section 4.4). Remove hardware securing L.H. Transmission Support to L.H. Extension. See Figure 4.20. L.H. TRANSMISSION SUPPORT - SELF-TAPPING SCREW 3/8" WASHER L.H. EXTENSION y——— "16X1"HEX FLANGE LOCK BOLT FIGURE 4.20 9. Loosen outside boot clamp and slide boot away from L.H. Transmission Support. 10. Remove L.H. Transmission Support (with Differential attached) and place in either a 2" diameter hole drilled in workbench or fabricated 2" x 4" wooden support. See Figure 4.21. ‚| AXLE THROUGH 2" DIA. HOLE | IN WORK TABLE OR BOARD 7 Pa CN 4 | IDLERBOLT | y - | &NUT г e | o y ALIGNING © SCREW & NUT : a LH. | | TRANSMISSION I SUPPORT | FIGURE 4.21 Section IV - TRANSMISSION & DRIVEN SYSTEM 11. Remove the 14 self-tapping screws — на > MET AL HEX securing Transmission Case to L.H. — | THRUST WASHER — Transmission Support. Remove the INSPECT BUSHINGS two nuts from the hex flange aligning IN BOTH ENDS FOR WEAR screws and the hex flange locknut SPROCKET from the idler bolt. Refer to Figure | 4.21. AY TN = i CE MALA 12. Remove Dust Cover. mp Na 13. Remove L.H. Transmission Support A A from Transmission Case. | MN N° 14. While holding the hex drive tube in AIN place, pull the Bull Gear Assembly / N up and out of the way of the hex HEX AA tube. Lay gear assembly aside. DE y < 15. Remove the “O” ring and cone О НЕХ ——” | И N washer from idler bolt. DRIVE ALIN : 1 | 6 м 16. Remove chain, sprocket, eleven EUR tooth gear and spacer from idler bolt. - BUSH AD 17. Remove lower cone washer and “O” + BUSHING A N ring. See Figure 4.22. AT TN "O" RING SECTION VIEW CONE WASHER (UP) | | ; NYLONHEX _° | \ INSERT WASHER SPACER rt - | "FIGURE 4.23 20. Remove nylon hex insert washer. 21. Inspect bronze bushings in both ends of Hex Drive Tube Assembly. Refer to Figure 4.23. 22. Insert the Bull Gear Assembly in the — 2" Xx 4" wooden support. 23. Remove the self-locking capscrews from Differential Plate and discard - GEAR SPROCKET e SPROCKET they cannot be reused. Replace fd RETAINING ; ; 2 RING | | with new #1-2333 capscrews during > ON reassembly. See Figure 4.24. / e ` bo. L “ | De > —— | NOTE: | EEE | | SN | DISCARD USED DIFFERENTIAL ^^ ` | CAPSCREWS- eu o DO NOT Cd i | Na REUSE! lo CONE WASHER vi a (DOWN) | OS yA Nm NV / - "O" RING oa SE A FIGURE 4.22 18. Remove hex drive tube. ODEN 19. Remove hex washer from top end of | hex tube. See Figure 4.23. { Ш i | | : SELF-LOCKING | CAPSCREWS * Co FIGURE 4.24 34 Section IV - TRANSMISSION & DRIVE SYSTEM 24. Remove the Thrust Washer and Differential Plate. See Figure 4.25. DIFFERENTIAL PLATE р — BULL GEAR ASSEMBLY FIGURE 4.25 Remove short axle. Thoroughly clean and carefully inspect each component of the Bull Gear Assembly. Replace any damaged or worn parts. 'F. DIFFERENTIAL REASSEMBLY PROCEDURE 1. 2. 3. Center the Bull Gear over the hole in the 2 x 4 wooden support or workbench. Insert the long axle in the Bull Gear. Install the nylon spacer on the long axle-over the weld. (This spacer establishes proper position of the long and short axles. Replace spacer if damaged or worn). See Figure 4.26. NYLON SPACER "MAKE CERTAIN | NYLON SPACER IS OVER GEAR | | WELD | (REPLACE IF WORN)’ LONG’ a a AXLE FIGURE 4.26 4. Inspect bushing in short axle for wear. lf worn excessively, replace short axle assembly. See Figure 4.27. SEE — INSPECT ~ BUSHINGS à ‘à FOR WEAR (PRE-LUBRICATED) SHORT BUSHING AXLE SHORT AXLE SECTION VIEW FIGURE 4.27 5. Prelubricate short axle bushings with SNAPPER “0” Grease. 6. Install short axle over long axle, insuring that the nylon spacer fits down over the weld of the long axle. See Figure 4.28. SHORT AXLE — NYLON SPACER (FITTED OVER WELD ON LONG AXLE) | FIGURE 4.28 ‘Section IV - TRANSMISSION & DRIVE SYSTEM 7. Prelubricate pinion spaces before installing. 8. Install four twelve-tooth pinion gears and spacers in staggered position - spacer below one gear and above ‘onthe next. See Figure 4.29. NOTE EXTRA TOUGH BULL GEAR ASSEMBLIES UTILIZE EIGHT PINION GEARS & EIGHT SPACERS. SPACER ON TOP … GEAR ON TOP GEAR ON TOP . SPACER ON TOP FIGURE 4.29 NOTE PINION GEARS AND SPACERS MUST BE OPPOSITE (NEXT TO EACH OTHER) AND DIAGONALLY (ACROSS) AFTER INSTALL- ATION IS COMPLETE. | 9, Insert new SNAPPER #12333 capscrews through Differential Plate, Pinion Gears/Spacers, and screw into Bull Gear. See Figure 4.30. E | DIFFERENTIAL PLATE ak DE E | © | J NEW #1-2333 — oy | CAPSCREWS = | N À BULL GEAR | ASSEMBLY | DS PINION GEARS | me = — FIGURE 4.30 E я = - 36 "O" RING И | CAUTION! ~ THE SNAPPER #12333 CAPSCREWS ARE ~~ MISALIGNING THREAD-TYPE LOCKING SCREWS AND INTENDED FOR ONE-TIME USE ONLY! DO NOT RE-USE REMOVED CAPSCREWS! REPLACE WITH NEW, UNUSED SNAPPER #12333 CAPSCREWS ONLY! 10. Alternately tighten capscrews to 16-25 Ft. Lbs. with torque wrench. 11. ‘Remove Bull Gear Assembly from wooden support or bench. 2. Install external tooth lockwasher and flat washer on idler bolt. 13. insert idler bolt into transmission ~ case from outside. Slip “O” ring оп idler bolt from jnside. See Figure 4.31. ~~ NS | N o s NN P FLATWASHER 1 ` ‘EXTERNAL TOOTH \ ; | ! t LOCKWASHER FIGURE 4.31 CASE: Place transmission case on wooden support or bench. Align holes in case and bench support. | Inspect the hex insert washer for wear before installing on hex tube. | Replace if required. (The hex insert washer, being nylon, serves as a bearing surface and also prevents grease from being splashed off the chain into the boot). Also, check the bushings in each end of the hex tube for wear and placement. Replace hex tube assembly if bushings are worn. See Figure 4.32. IDLER BOLT — (INSTALLED FROM QUTSIDE OF CASE) en SPROCKET EEE" и «о Е ый NYLON HEX INSERT WASHER (INSTALL LIP TOWARDS SPROCKET!) "BUSHING * DI77 277777737 'HEX TUBE LEE EEN L BUSHING VIP PITT TE A — “ SECTION VIEW - HEX DRIVE TUBE -- — FIGURE 4.32 16. ‘Install hex drive tube in transmission case and lubricate internally with grease. 17. Reinstall metal thrust washer on sprocket end of hex shaft. See Figure 4.33. ui TOWARD METAL - THRUST WASHER (SPROCKET LUBRICATE BOTH = END) HEX TUBE BUSHINGS WITH SNAPPER "0" GREASE NYLON HEX __ INSERT WASHER НЕХ — DRIVE TUBE FIGURE 4.33 CAUTION! THE THRUST WASHER SHOWN IN FIGURE | 4.32 SERVES AS A BEARING SURFACE BETWEEN THE BULL GEAR ASSEMBLY AND HEX TUBE. OMISSION OF WASHER DURING ASSEMBLY, CAN CAUSE EXCESSIVE WEAR IN THE HEX TUBE AND MAY CAUSE THE SPROCKET TO FALL OFF! 18. Place one cone washer (EDGE DOWN) over “O” ring on idler bolt and press firmly against | Transmission Case. | 19. Assemble spacer, sprocket and ! chain, and install as a unit in case. | (There is not enough clearance to install the chain and sprocket individually). Make sure the hole in the side of the 11-tooth gear is clean - this allows lubrication to reach the bearing race. See Figure 4.34. Section IV - TRANSMISSION & DRIVE SYSTEM MAKE CERTAIN’ LUBRICATION -. "HOLE IS OPEN — | AND CLEAN —, "O" RING - CONE WASHER (EDGE UP - AGAINST "0" RING) “SPACER GEAR/SPROCKET ASSEMBLY 'HEX TUBE - ASSEMBLY 20. 21. 22. "CONE WASHER o (EDGE DOWN | Ç Da AGAINST "0" RING) Ц 1 FIGURE 4.34 Place cone washer (EDGE UP) on idler bolt, then slip “O” ring on bolt and against washer. Thoroughly grease long axle and insert it into hex tube. Reinstall thrust washer over end of short axle (against Differential Plate). This washer serves as a bearing surface between the Bull Gear Assembly and the bearing in the L.H. Transmission Support. Refer to Figure 4.25. BEFORE PROCEEDING FURTHER, LUBRICATE THE OUTSIDE OF THE NOTE SHORT AXLE WITH GREASE. 23. Install new gasket on transmission case. | 24. Align L.H. transmission support against transmission case. 25. Instai! lock nut on idier bolt. DO NOT TIGHTEN. | 26. Insert the two aligning capscrews through end holes from case side. Fit with lock nuts and tighten. 27. Install and tighten eleven self-tapping screws, then tighten idler lock nut to 18-20 Ft. Lbs. with torque wrench. Section IV - TRANSMISSION & DRIVE SYSTEM ~~ Е | NOTE IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT THE IDLER BOLT LOCKNUT BE PROPERLY TIGHTENED. IF LOOSE, THE CHAIN AND SPROCKET ARE THROWN OUT OF ALIGNMENT WHICH COULD RESULT IN UNEVEN WEAR ON THE BULL GEAR AND ELEVEN-TOOTH GEAR, CAUSING MISALIGNMENT OF THE CHAIN AND SPROCKET. THIS CONDITION COULD CAUSE THE CHAIN TO BREAK AND JUMP OFF THE SPROCKET. 28. Install NEW oil fill and oil check plugs in case. | 29. The Differential is now completely rebuilt and ready for reinstallation into the Transmission System. After installing, fill Transmission Case to proper level with SNAPPER “O” Grease. 48 PRIMARY CHAIN CASE DISASSEMBLY PROCEDURE A. CHAIN CASE REMOVAL - 1. Elevate tractor and remove both rear wheels. 2. Remove R.H. drive hub. 3. Remove rear cover and rear fender from tractor. 4, Remove Drive Disc Support Assembly. Remove Yoke and Yoke Pivot Brackets from Support. (See instructions in Section 4.4). | 5. Remove hardware securing R.H. Transmission Support to R.H. extension. - 6. Loosen both boot clamps and slide boot away from R.H. Transmission Support and Primary Chain Case. ‚7. Remove R.H. Transmission Support. 8. Disconnect the short shift link from the Primary Chain Case. See Figure 4.35. LH. - FENDER | 7 "CROSS-TIE SHORT SHIFT : PRIMARY — LINK CHAIN CASE pn FIGURE 4.35 38. E 9. Disconnect Brake Lever Assembly from rear of Chain Case, then dis- connect Brake Cable Housing from clip on Chain Case. See Figure 4.36. PRIMARY CHAIN CASE SELF-TAPPING SCREW 10. Slide the Primary Chain Case off end of Hex Drive Tube. | CHAIN CASE DISASSEMBLY & REASSEMBLY 1. Disassemble Chain Case as shown in Figure 4.37. Remove 5/8" hex lock nut, cone washer, driven disc hub, woodruff key, and remaining cone washer from the sprocket shaft. a Remove the 10 self-tapping screws to open case for access to internal components. Always thoroughly clean and carefully inspect all internal components. Replace any damaged or worn parts and prelubricate before reassembly. 2. Reassemble the internal and external components in reverse order and always replace the case cover gasket. CONE SPROCKET | | | WASHER SHAFT — [N DIA FIGURE 4.37 > LOCKNUT Section V - FRONT AXLE & STEERING REPAIR This section covers procedures for the removal and These components include the front axle, kingpin replacement of those front axle and steering components assemblies, steering quadrant and steering shaft used on the LT12D Series Lawn Tractor. assemblies and front wheel assemblies. See Figure 5.1. ‘STEERING WHEEL ROLL — PIN - RETAINING RING STEERING - Jr SHAFT | THRUST WASHER — THRUST | A | WASHER SHIM WASHERS + w SECTOR | | a . ASSEMBLY STEERING - =r ADJUSTER SHIM WASHER .— > | т — STEERING oo RETAINING > SUPPORT ADJUSTABLE RING ROD END AXLE PIVOT - SPACER | | ‘DRAG LINK FRONT ADJUSTABLE AXLE SJ ROD END STEERING ARM . THRUST WASHER - GREASE " FRONT WHEEL | N В FITTING “THRUST! Lo ASSEMBLY Co So ~ “FRONT AXLE a ‘WASHER R.H. SPINDLE + CAP SCREW ‘ e | ASSEMBLY 2 le ADJUSTABLE - BALL JOINT a TIE — TUN ROD \L.H. SPINDLE | ASSEMBLY - ond ADJUSTABLE BALL JOINT 39" Section V - FRONT AXLE & STEERING REPAIR 52 SPINDLE & BEARING REPLACEMENT 5.1 FRONT WHEEL & BEARING REPLACEMENT - The LT Lawn Tractors use fully-pneumatic tires - on both front and rear axles. Should rim leakage occur, it is recommended that optional inner tubes be installed. Removal and replacement of front wheels and bearings are as follows: A. Raise and support front end of tractor. CAUTION! THE LT TRACTOR IS NOT DESIGNED TO BE STOOD UP ON ITS REAR END! ‘SPINDLE AIR VALVE = 7 INNER “ WASHER Remove dust cover, cotter pin and flat washer. Slide wheel off front spindle. Inspect Replace as required. |. See Figure 5.2. | EASE FITTING INNER - GR TTIN BEARING FIGURE 5.2 To replace wheel bearings, drive each out ‚ from inside of rim with drift punch. Pack - replacement bearings with grease and lightly tap into position. Inspect inner washer on spindle. Replace if worn. Reinstall wheel and bearing assembly as shown in Figure 5.2. OUTER BEARING ©: FLAT WASHER DUST COVER -40 _ A. Raise and support front end of tractor. ° Remove wheels from spindles. B. Remove spindle assemblies as follows: Drive roll pin out of steering arm and, with drag link attached, remove steering arm from spindle (leaving drag link attached will eliminate need for adjustment during reassembly. ) See Figure 5.3. (1) "FRONT AXLE TIE-ROD ADJUSTABLE - BALL JOINT (2) (4) (5) (6) (7) STEERING ARM THRUST WASHER >! SLÉEVE | BEARINGS y THRUST * WASHER LH. "SPINDLE ASSEMBLY | FIGURE 5.3 Disconnect tie rod from arm of spindle. Remove thrust washer from end of king pin protruding above axle. Slide king pin out of bearings. Inspect bearings at top and bottom. If worn, replace. Inspect lower thrust washer for wear. Replace if required. - Reverse procedure to reinstall spindle assembly. Section V - FRONT AXLE & STEERING REPAIR ADJUSTER 5. 3 STEERING SHAFT & SECTOR ASSEMBLY + Although the steering components seldom need repair, the thrust washers, bearings and shims sometimes wear to a point where replacement is necessary. The following text gives instructions for the disassembly, replacement and reassembly of those components. A. STEERING SHAFT SHIM WASHERS (1) Remove mower deck and place tractor on a work platform high enough to allow access to work underneath. (2) Remove retaining ring and lower shim washer from end of steering shaft. See Figure 5.4. —— STEERING ~ ADJUSTER ARRIAGE BOLT SECTOR — ASSEMBLY | LOWER END ‘OF STEERING SHAFTR\ - LOWER | NSHIM WASHER LOWER END OF - 0; STEERING WN RETAINING > RING | ‘DRAG LINK = FIGURE 5.4 Using a soft metal drift pin and hammer, tap the lower end of steering shaft until it can be pulled clear of the steering adjuster. See Figure 5.5. LOWER END OF | ‘STEERING SHAFT - SOFT METAL: DRIFT PIN Thor 1 | PULL UP ON STEERING | WHEEL UNTIL STEERING | SHAPT CLEARS STEERING | ADJUSTER. FIGURE 5.5 Remove tractor hood.” After steering shaft has been pulled clear of steering adjuster, remove the shim washers from below gear on bottom of shaft. See Figure 5.6. (4) (5) SHIM WASHERS STEERING SHAFT STEERING - - SECTOR ASSEMBLY ADJUSTER STEERING SUPPORT “1 FIGURE 5.6 Check all shim washers for wear. Replace if worn. Reassemble components in reverse - order. If required, the steering adjuster can be removed/replaced by first remov- ing the short carriage bolt and nut, then rotating the steering adjuster until the locking tab is aligned with the notch in the steering support. Lift the steering adjuster out and replace with new part. See Figure 5.7. HOOD REMOVAL To service engine (changing oil, spark plug, etc.). It is recommended that the hood be removed. | “ Hood removal is as follows: 1. With hood in closed position, unhook latches at bottom rear of hood. 2. Disconnect headlight wire at lower left front of hood. 3. With hood level, lift straight up to clear pivot pins at front. See Figure 5.6-A. 4. Remove hood and lay aside until maintenance | is completed. Reinstall hood in reverse order. 41, | STRAIGHT DISCONNECT- LIFT CUP: FIGURE 5.6-A ‘Section V - FRONT AXLE & STEERING REPAIR ROTATE STEERING — ADJUSTER UNTIL | LOCKING TAB ALIGNS WITH NOTCH NUT STEERING SUPPORT REMOVE SHORT a CARRIAGE BOLT STEERING — AND NUT ADJUSTER FIGURE 5.7 B. SECTOR ASSEMBLY BEARING & THRUST WASHERS (1) Remove mower deck and place tractor on a work platform high enough to allow access to work underneath. (2) Remove tractor hood. (3) Loosen carriage bolt on steering adjuster and rotate adjuster to the L.H. side of tractor until steering shaft gear separates from sector teeth. See Figure 5.8. " STEERING - | NOTE SHAFT MAKE CERTAIN ADS STEERING GEAR Ue ZA SEPARATES FROM LOOSEN CARRIAGE y SECTOR TEETH ‚ADJUSTER — 11 Sp a» SECTOR ui ASSEMBLY — ROTATE —————— Zu | STEERING ‘ ‘DRAG LINK ADJUSTER DRAG LINK ALL WAY TO LH. SIDE OF TRACTOR - ~~ | FIGURE 5.8 (4) Disconnect drag link from sector assembly. (5) Remove retaining ring and upper thrust washer from sector assembly. (6) Lift sector assembly off steering support post. See Figure 5.9. RETAINING RING +" UPPER THRUST. WASHER REMOVE BEARING ONLY FOR REPLACEMENT — LOWER THRUST ~~ WASHER - SECTOR DRAG LINK @—— LOCKWASHER '- ha | CAPSCREW POST STEERING SUPPORT FIGURE 5.9 (7) Inspect sector bearing for wear. Replace sector if necessary. (8) Inspect upper and lower thrust washers for wear. Replace if needed. (9) Reassemble components in reverse order. | C. STEERING SHAFT REPLACEMENT (1) Using a drift pin and hammer, drive out the steering wheel roll pin. Remove steering wheel. See Figure 5.10. ‘Section V - FRONT AXLE & STEERING REPAIR shim washer from lower end of steering shaft. (3) Remove steering adjuster carriage bolt and nut. (4) Tap bottom end of steering shaft until it can be pulled clear of steering adjuster. (5) Remove the two (2) shim washers from bottom of steering shatt. (6) Rotate steering adjuster until locking tab aligns with notch in steering support. (7) Lift and remove steering adjuster e from its interlocking position on | | steering support. (8) Withdraw steering shaft down through | notched hole in steering support. (9) Replace steering shaft in reverse | order. D. STEERING SHAFT FLANGE ASSEMBLY (UPPER BEARING) REPLACEMENT - The steering shaft flange assembly (upper bearing) is located underneath the top front of | mt OUT ROLL | | < ZUSE DRIFT PIN PIN FROM SIDE | >» “= AND HAMMER TO SIDE ONLY! a >—7 TO DRIVE OUT 5 "E XX ROLL PIN. FIGURE 5.10 ВЕ (2) Remove retaining ring and lower 1/4 INTERNAL- “TOOTH LOCK ‘WASHERS CONTROL PANEL ar -20x1"La.—— PHILLIPS HD. — 7 SCREWS © STEERING / SHAFT Vd (CH SUPPORT | PEFLANGED ASSEMBLY (UPPER BEARING) q 1/4 - 20 HEX. NUT (3) (4) FIGURE 5.11 ‘Replace bearing if required. Reinstall steering shaft components in reverse order. ADJUSTING STEERING Excessive steering "free-play"” is caused by loose meshing between the teeth on the steering shaft and those on the sector assembly. Proceed as follows: the steering shaft support. Should this bearing - need replacement, proceed as follows: (1) Remove steering wheel and steering shaft. (2) Remove mounting hardware and flanged bearing from the steering shaft support. See Figure 5.11. (1) (2) (3) LOOSEN- Working from the left side of the tractor, use a 7/16" wrench to loosen nut on top of steering adjuster carriage bolt. See Figure 5.11A. Push eccentric clockwise (towards R.H. side of tractor) until free-play in steering wheel is minimized. Retighten nut. ECCENTRIC FIGURE 5.11A Section V - FRONT AXLE & STEERING REPAIR. 5.5 5.6 TIE ROD & BALL JOINT REPLACEMENT (1) Remove part to be replaced (Ball joint(s) or tie rod). (2) Install new tie rod or ball joint(s). (3) Adjust new installation until tires are parallel and facing straight ahead. DRAG LINK REPLACEMENT & ADJUSTMENT A. Disconnect drag link from steering arm and sector assembly. B. Inspect drag link for deformities and rod ends for wear. Replace either if required. C. Assemble and install new parts. Adjust rod ends (in or out) until wheels turn maximum distance in both directions when steering wheel is turned lock-to-lock. FRONT AXLE REPLACEMENT If replacement of the front axle becomes necessary, support mower just rear of the axle, then remove items such as wheels, spindle assemblies, etc. that are to be fitted to new axle. After the axle has been stripped, proceed as follows: A. Remove hood (refer to Figure 5.6-A). B. Remove axle cap screw and spacer and remove axle. See Figure 5.12. A - D > _ ‘ , | + у FRONT | | A ; AXLE CAPSCREW | - RETAINING N NUT , AXLE PIVOT AXLE | SPACER FIGURE 5.12 € Check axle pivot spacer for wear. Replace if worn. D. Install new axle. Complete the assembly with parts previously removed from old axle. Lubricate bearing surfaces through grease fittings. | 44 NOTE PROPERLY RELUBRICATE THOSE AREAS - OF TRACTOR WHICH HAVE BEEN REPAIRED BEFORE UNIT IS PUT BACK INTO OPERATION. Section VI - ELECTRICAL INTRODUCTION This section covers procedures for the testing, removal and repair of those electrical components used on SNAPPER LT12D SERIES LAWN TRACTORS. These electrical components include the keyswitch, solenoid, seat switch, blade engagement switch, clutch & PTO switch, and light switch. See Figure 6.1. KEYSWITCH ——— 'GROUND CABLE 12V — BATTERY ENGINE KILL WIRE 2 I - fo CABLE: ‘(Solenoid to Starter). —T0 ALTERNATOR. , -TOHEAD: A “LIGHTS > 4 рой £2 Da ENGAGEMENT: | SWITCH SOLENOD \_ > to | £ | CABLE — e > (Solenoid to Battery) SEAT О °_ SWITCH — CLUTCH/PTO — SWITCH Section VI - ELECTRICAL 6.1 PRELIMINARY CHECKS A. Be certain ignition switch is in the "RUN" position and the throttle control is in the START position. See Figure 6.2. —F THROTTLE CONTROL|- hw THE * IN THE "START" OR I. "CHOKE" POSITION PLACE KEYSWITCH \ IN THE "RUN" POSITION ; P 6.2 A FH pt Place the blade ‘ engaging lever in the DISENGAGED positio Make certain the Shifter i is in the “NEU” position. Check fuel level in fuel tank, refill with fresh fuel if necessary. Depress clutch and attempt to start the engine. | (1) Starting attempts should not exceed 5 seconds per attempt until engine starts. F. Should engine fail to start, proceed with the following to check for engine or electrical failure. mo 0 ® ENGINE FAILS TO START After following the steps as listed in 6.1 PRELIMIN- ARY CHECKS, and engine insists on not starting, use the following procedures for checking the engine as the problem. A. BRIGGS a : STRATTON ENGINE MODELS | BRIGGS & STRATTON |; JLLUSTRATED | о LL CARBURETOR J LINKAGE pLATE ТА "4 CATE … 1 ¢ —— ет о о о М о N « A DISCONNECT SL a 7 (© WIRE FROM \ = | — FIGURE 6.3 (2) Attempt to start engine. - (8) If engine fails to start, most likely the problem is within the engine. Consult engine repair manual. B. ENGINE STARTS If, after following the steps in paragraph A, the engine starts, the problem is not the engine. Proceed with the following inform- ation for proper checking of the electrical system and components. 6.3 GROUNDING OF THE ELECTRICAL SYSTEM A. Most problems associated with the electrical system is a result of poor grounding between switches, screws and switch plate contact points. Always, before attempting in-depth compo- nent testing, check the ground connections, listed below, of the interlock system for proper contact. Refer to Figure 6.1 for Electrical Grounding Points. GROUNDING CHECK POINTS BATTERY GROUND CABLE KEYSWITCH TO MOUNTING PLATE KEYSWITCH TO ENGINE SEAT SWITCH BLADE ENGAGEMENT SWITCH SOLENOID MOUNTING SCREWS CLUTCH/PTO SWITCH (1) After checking the grounding points, attempt to start engine. If engine fails to start, proceed with the following component testing procedures. Section VI - ELECTRICAL 6. 4 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM COMPONENT TESTING For proper testing of all components of the Electrical System, use an OHM meter in conjunction with the following procedures for proper diagnosis of defective component(s). A. KEYSWITCH TEST The SNAPPER LT12D Series LAWN TRACTORS incorporate a five terminal Key Switch which controls “ON”, “OFF” and “STARTING” of the engine. Should a defective switch be suspected, use the following information for proper testing and diagnosis of the Key Switch. Before testing, be certain of the function of each terminal. See Figure 6.4. A 7 "L' ——] - = "С" | (¡NOTUSED)) | (C:(GREEN WIRE) -) (BLUE WIRE) wo” . м яв (BLACK WIRE) ¿y ME. Son N (YELLOW & RED WIRES), | 8 OC LI Y EX D OK E у) FIGURE 6.4 (a) Terminal B - TO FUSE (b) Terminal S - TO SOLENOID (©) Terminal M - TO CLUTCH & PTO | SWITCH 4 ENGINE GROUND (d) Terminal G - SOLENOID GROUND (e) Terminal E - NOT USED Disconnect the terminal lead from the Key Switch. Connect the Red (+) lead of the tester to the “B” (BATTERY) terminal. Connect the Black (-) lead to the “S” terminal. Turn Key to “ON”, “START” and “OFF” positions. ' The tester should show continuity only in the “START” position. 47 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. With the Red (+) lead connected to the “B” (BATTERY) terminal, connect the Black (-) tester lead to the “M” (MOTOR) terminal. The tester should show no continuity when the Key Switch is in all its positions, “ON”, “START” and “OFF”. Connect the Red (+) lead to the “M” terminal. Connect the Black (-) lead to mounting nut at front of switch plate. There should be continuity only when key is in the “OFF” position. Connect the Black (-) lead to ground. Connect the Red (+) lead to the “B” terminal. There should be NO continuity to any key positions. Move the Red (+) lead from the “B” terminal to the “S” terminal. Meter should NOT show continuity in any key position. THE FOLLOWING TEST WILL DETECT ANY BATTERY CURRENT BLEED TO ENGINE WHICH MAY CAUSE ENGINE COIL AND IG-- NITION DAMAGE. NOTE 17. Connect the Red (+) lead to the “S” — terminal. 18. Connect the Black (-) lead to the “M” terminal. 19. There shouid be NO continuity in any key position. 20. Should the Key Switch fail any of the above tests, it should be considered defective and replaced with new part. B. KEY SWITCH REPLACEMENT 1. Remove terminal lead from Key Switch. 2. Remove Bezel from Key Switch. 3. Remove mounting nut and washer from Key Switch. Replace in reverse order. _5** Figure 6.5. - À N EE J Е 14 — \\7 L— REMOVE NUT & PULL. | \ ¡KEYSWITCH OUT FROM: UNDER DASHBOARD. REMOVE TERMINAL PLUG." ONE, NE pet ve FIGURE 6.5 C. 1. _ Section VI - ELECTRICAL FUSE Should the Key Switch pass all the Key Switch tests, check the in-kne fuse. \. Cl — Es EA J © a Co LBROKEN OR BURNED ELEMENT INDICATES i| B AD FUSE: +) Fn > NM = . “ » 8 Connect OHM meter leads to the solenoid FIGURE 6.6 if the fuse is found to be defective, replace. Should the fuse be in good condition, clean the contacts within the fuse holder and replace fuse. H engine failg to start, move on to the solenoid for testing. SOLENOID TEST The following solenoid tests should be . performed using an OHM meter. Remove BATTERY. Remove the “+” (POSITIVE) battery cable from solenoid. Set OHM meter to highest resistance setting. o BATTERY and STARTER terminals. Install either a new or good battery on mower. Attach the “+” (POSITIVE) cable to the small, push-on terminal on the solenoid. You should hear a “CLICK” and the meter should read "0" (ZERO) resistance- or absolute continuity. defective. Replace with new solenoid. В À LL E. SOLENOID REPLACEMENT 1. Remove BATTERY. 2. Remove all wire connections from the solenoid. See Figure 6.7. SOLENOID, Y E Or \ | ; ED ~+SOLENOID MOUNTING ~ HARDWARE, ONE EACH SIDE "|, « | FIGURE 6.7 3. Remove the two (2) solenoid mounting screws and remove solenoid. 4. Replace with new solenoid. See Figure 6.8 for proper wire connections. — (+) BATTERY + i | ` a A FROM _ la ALTERNATOR ye. Ш {FROM | | (STARTER !z —SOLENOID KE, SWITCH к” ¡KILL WIRE FIGURE 6.8 Section VI - ELECTRICAL SEAT SWITCH TEST & REPLACEMENT Raise seat. Connect leads from OHM meter to terminals on switch. Activate switch by hand and check for continuity. See Figure 6.9. a >» ою н*м ‘WATCH METER & fu & a.” (ACTIVATE SWITCH. 12.1 {10 1% a a En BYHAND | ‘ A с SEAT: — SWITCH: wan a D DISCONNECT — “TERMINAL BLOCK‘ ct & ATTACH OHM * 1, METER LEADS ; FIGURE 6.9 NOTE ON PRE 1990 MODELS THE SEAT SWITCH IS ADJUSTABLE. SEE FIGURE 6.10 FOR PROPER ADJUSTMENT OF PRE 1990 MODELS SEAT SWITCH. | = ———, PES TL pew oa . . mA e a ADJUST UNTIL +. т "ies OBTAINED ee " res В CEN SWITCH ACTIVATING == =. BUTTON . gh # Ë J ' +" LOOSEN, e HARDWARE SE abi Ne (FIGURE 6.10 \ i no continuity is found, replace seat switch. Remove terminal lead block from seat switch. G. CLUTCH/?TO SWITCH TEST 4 REPLACEMENT 1. Remove terminal lead block from Clutch/ PTO switch. | „2. Attach leads from OHM meter to L.H. Terminals on Clutch/PTO switch. 3 Activate switch by hand and check for continuity. 4. If switch is found to be faulty, replace. H BLADE ENGAGEMENT SWITCH TEST & REPLACEMENT 1. Remove terminal lead block from blade ~ engagement switch. 2. Connect leads from OHM meter to L.H. terminals of switch. 3. Activate switch by hand and check for | continuity. 4. if switch is faulty, replace. |. LIGHT SWITCH TEST & REPLACEMENT NOTE IF HEAD LIGHTS ARE NOT FUNCTIONING. FIRST CHECK HEAD LIGHT BULBS AND REPLACE IF NECESSARY. 1. Remove terminal blocks from light switch. 2. Attach leads from OHM meter to terminals on light switch. 3. Place switch in its “ON” position and check for continuity. If found defective, replace light switch. 6.5 BATTERY A. NEW BATTERY ACTIVATION 1. Remove BATTERY from LT12D Series LAWN TRACTOR. CAUTION! NEVER ATTEMPT POURING ELECTROLYTE (ACID) IN A NEW BATTERY WHILE MOUNTED ON THE MOWER. 2. Set Battery on a level surface. 3. Remove Vent Caps from Battery and make certain Vent Holes are open to allow gas to escape while charging Battery. NOTE BATTERY AND ELECTROLYTE (ACID) TEMPERATURE SHOULD BE AT LEAST 70 F. BEFORE FILLING BATTERY CELLS. Section VI - ELECTRICAL 4. Wearing approved rubber gloves and face shieid, fill each CELL of the Battery with 1.2651 .05 specific gravity, battery grade electrolyte (acid). Fil each CELL to 3/16" above CELL PLATES or between full lines on clear batteries. See Figure 6.11. |i. CAL nea e | FILL EACH CELL TO: C *- GC 3/16" ABOVE CELL PLATES 7 ий WITH BATTERY GRADE | VA dre: ELECTROLYTE. E ay A 15 A | oY J —" ут IGURE 6.11; ~ a | WARNING! NEVER OVERFILL BATTERY CELLS! 5. After filling, aliow the BATTERY to set for at least thirty (30) minutes. Check electrolyte (acid) level and refill CELLS to 3/16" above CELL PLATES if necessary. Refer to Figure 6.11. 6. After achieving proper fill level. SLOW CHARGE the Battery at one (1) amp for ten (10) hours, or three (3) amps for four (4) hours. WARNING! ‘WHEN CHARGING BATTERY, THE ELECTRO- LYTE (ACID) PRODUCES HIGHLY EXPLOSIVE HYDROGEN GAS. MAKE CERTAIN THERE ARE NO SPARKS, FIRE OR FLAMES IN THE AREA WHILE BATTERY IS CHARGING! 7. Do not rely on the engine's charging system for the initial charge of BATTERY. | WARNING! NEVER USE BOOST CHARGERS TO CHARGE BATTERY! 8. After proper electrolyte (acid) level and charging have been achieved, inspect BATTERY for leaks. 9. Clean outside of BATTERY and instal! on mower. (a) Using appropriate hardware, securely strap BATTERY into position. 10. Connect the POSITIVE (+) CABLE Ш first to the BATTERY POSITIVE (+) | TERMINAL. - 11. Connect the NEGATIVE (-) CABLE to the BATTERY NEGATIVE (-) TERMINAL. 12. Coat the BATTERY terminals with a - thin coat of petroleum jelly or GP grease to prevent corrosion. 13. Place COVER over the POSITIVE (+) terminal. 14. When removing BATTERY, always remove the NEGATIVE (-) CABLE first, to prevent arcing from accidental grounding while removing the POSITIVE (+ CABLE. 1. Check. ctrolyte (acid) level. ¡If low | istiled water until 3/16" above plates is achieved in each сей. WARNING! DO NOT OVERFILL. OVERFILLING OF BATTERY CELLS CAN LEAD TO ELECTRO- LYTE (ACID) SPILLAGE, CAUSING LOSS OF ELECTRICITY AND/OR SEVER CORROSION OF TERMINALS AND METAL COMPONENTS OF MOWER. 2. Remove BATTERY and clean with a solution of Baking Soda and Water for removal of dirt and corrosion. Refer to Step 14, above, for cable removal. 3. Clean BATTERY TERMINALS and CABLES with wire brush until TERM- INALS, CABLES and MOUNTING BOLTS are shiny. 4. Check the BATTERY VOLTAGE with an OHM meter (VOM) set on DC volts. Place the Red (+) lead of the tester to the POSITIVE (+) terminal and the Black (-) tester lead to the NEGATIVE terminal on the BATTERY. See chart below. Section VI - ELECTRICAL BATTERY VOLTAGE TEST 12 Volt a. BATTERY OK for Cranking Reading System Tests. b. Test BATTERY CABLES for continuity. Less Than a. BATTERY discharged or 12V defective. | Reading b. Perform BATTERY main- - tenance and HYDRO- METER TEST. See Page | 5. Should BATTERY check OK, reinstall according to Steps 9 thru 13 of Part A. 6. if BATTERY check indicates a 5 discharged or defective BATTERY, clean, refill to proper level and recharge or replace with new SNAPPER Dry Charge Battery Kit. pat 10 - Po gl" E cn aE | © 51 NOTES NOTES SAN an $ 5 WOE AMIRI hr SNAPPER SNAPPER POWER EQUIPMENT McDonough, GA., 30253 U.S.A. TA : oe 3 i re SOR WES ASO errs I hE. AGN Wee E mar " EE f ; Le BO: e | V | се a n u a | O | HMA DASA ЛА Алан rare rare . Вы re Ce ee ee vn - В - , £ : .. . Е Ë Ë . LHR sain AU NRO naman ACORN SARA sie LTD SERIES 0 LAWN TRACTORS & MOWER ATTACHMENTS F/I FUGUA INDUSTRIES Company | | — SERVICE MANUAL 407218 (IR 8/90 ISSUE) Printed in U.S.A. =
Key Features
- Operation and routine service
- Troubleshooting and repair
- Cutter unit maintenance
- Transmission and drive system
- Front axle and steering
- Electrical system troubleshooting
- Safety precautions
- Maintenance schedules
Frequently Answers and Questions
What types of attachments are included in this manual?
This manual covers the SNAPPER LTD Series Lawn Tractors & Mower Attachments.
What are the recommended tire pressures for this tractor?
The recommended tire pressure is 12 psi for the front tires and 10 psi for the rear tires.
How often should I service the mower drive belt?
The mower drive belt should be serviced at frequent intervals, especially after the first few hours of operation.
What is the proper procedure for draining the engine oil?
To drain the engine oil, you will need to loosen the oil drain plug and allow the oil to drain completely into a container. Then, refill the crankcase with the correct type and amount of oil as specified in the Engine Owner's Manual.