SYLVANIA SRCD745MP3 Micro Hifi System Instruction manual
Below you will find brief information for Micro Hifi System SRCD745MP3. The SRCD745MP3 offers a comprehensive audio experience with features like AM/FM Radio, CD/MP3 playback and a Clock function with a sleep timer. You can enjoy music from multiple sources, including your CD collection, MP3 discs, and favorite radio stations. The unit comes with a remote control for easy operation and allows you to program a sequence of tracks to play.
1 WA RNING S TO P re ven t fire or sh ock h azard , do no t use this plug w ith an exte n sion cord , recep ta cle o r add o th er o utlet unle ss the b la des ca n be can be fully in serted to preven t blad e e xposu re . To preven t fire or shock h azard , d o no t e xpo se this ap pliance to rain o r m o istu re. W AR N IN G SRCD745MP3 T h e l ig h tn i n g fla s h w ith a r r o w h e a d s y m b o l ,w ith in a n e q u il a t e r a l t r ia n g le is i n t e n te d to a l e r t t h e u s e r to t h e p r e s e n c e o f u n in s u l a te d ' d a n g e r o u s v o lt a g e ' w it h in t h e p r o d u c t 's e n c lo s u r e t h a t m a y b e o f s u ffic ie n t m a g n it u d e to c o n s tit u te a r is k o f e le c tr i c s h o c k to p e r s o ns. C A U TIO N : T O R E D U C E T H E T h e e x c la m a tio n p o in t w ith in R IS K O F E L E C T R IC S H O C K a n e q u ila te r a l tr ia n g le is in t - DO NOT REM OVE COVER ( e n d e d t o a le r t t h e u s e r to th e O R B A C K ) , N O U S E R S E R V- p r e s e n c e o f i m p o r ta n t o p e r a - IC E A B L E P A R T S IN S I D E R - tin g a n d m a in te n a n c e ( s e r v i - E F E R S E RV IC ING TO Q U A - c in g ) in s tr u c t i o n s i n th e lite r - L I F I E D S E R V IC E P E R S O N - a t u r e a c c o m p a n y - in g th e a p - NEL p l ic a n c e IM PO RTANT S AFE TY INSTRU CTIO NS 1 R ead th ese in struction . 2 ke ep th ese in stru ction s. 3 he ed all w arn in gs. 4 Fo llow a ll instruction s. 5 D o no t u se th is p ro du ct ne ar w ater(sw im m ing poo l, be ach, lake e tc.). 6 C le an only w ith a dry clo th . 7 D o no t b lo ck a ny of the ven tilation ope nin gs.In stall in accord ance w ith th e m a nu facturer's instru ctio ns . 8 D o no t insta ll ne ar an y heat source s such as ra diato rs, h ea t registe rs . S toves or o th er ap pa ratus (in clud in g am plifiers)that p rodu ce h eat. 9 D o no t d efea t the safety p urpose of th e po larized o r g rou nd ing-type plug , A p olarize d plug h as tw o blad es w ith on e w ider tha n th e o th er. A grou nd in g typ e plug h as tw o bla de s an d a third gro un ding pro ng. Th e w id e blade or the th ird p ro ng is pro vide d fo r you r safety. If th e pro vid ed p lu g does n ot fit in to yo u r o utlet, con sult a n ele ctricia n fo r replacem e nt of th e o bso lete outle t. 1 0 P ro tect the pow e r cord from being w alked on or pin che d pa rticula rly at re ceptacle s a nd th e po int w he re the y exit from th e ste re o. INSTRUCTION MANUAL 11 O nly u se atta ch m en ts/accessories specified by the m a nu factu re r. 1 2 U np lug this ap pa ra tus during lightn ing storm s o r w hen u nuse d for lo ng p eriod s of tim e 1 3 R efer a ll servicing to q ua lifie d service p ersonn el. S ervicin g is re qu ire d w hen th e system h as bee n da m a ged in any w a y, su ch a s a dam age d pow er-sup ply cord or p lu g . H a s be en e xpo se d to rain or m o istu re ,d oes no t o pe rate no rm ally , o r h as b een dro pp ed. 1 4 Th is a pp lian ce sh ou ld no t b e exp osed to d rip ping w ater or sp la shin g w ater an d o b je cts filled w ith w ater, su ch as vases, shou ld not be pla ce d on this u nit -1- RCD745MP3 2 Micro Hifi System with Compact Disc/MP3 Player, Digital PLL AM/FM-stereo radio and Remote Control. LOCATION OF CONTROLS INSTRUCTION MANUAL Please read this instruction manual carefully and familiarize yourself with your new HiFi System before using it for the first time. Please retain this manual for future reference. TABLE OF CONTENTS • • • • • • • • • Location and Controls .............................................................................. 3 Remote Control .......................................................................................... 4 Connecting to Power ................................................................................ 5 Power Supply ............................................................................................. 5 Headphones ............................................................................................... 6 Tuner Operation ......................................................................................... 6 Compact Disc/MP3 Operation ................................................................. 8 Clock Function ........................................................................................... 11 • Special Functions ...................................................................................... 13 Important ................................................................................................................ 13 • Specifications ........................................................................................................ 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 -2- STANDBY/ON Button HEADPHONE JACK VOLUME (+/-) Button STOP Button TUNING UP/CD SKIP Button MUTE Button 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 TUNING DOWN/CD SKIP Button PLAY/PAUSE & CD/MP3 Button REMOTE Sensor LCD Display P.EQ Button RANDOM/M-DOWN Button TIMER Button TUNER/BAND Button REPEAT/M-UP Button MEMORY/PROGRAM Button CD Compartment OPEN/CLOSE Button CD Compartment flap Rear Panel 19 FM ANTENNA 20 AM ANTENNA 21 SPEAKER terminals R / L 22 AC POWER Cord -3- REMOTE CONTROL CONNECTING TO POWER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 CAUTION Do not plug the power cord into an AC wall outlet until all connections have been made. Be sure to make the correct connections, paying attention to the left and right speakers. Plug in the cables securely; loose connections will result in unsatisfactory sound reproduction or cause noise problems. STANDBY/ON Button CD /MP3 Button TUN/BAND Button P.EQ Button MEM/PROG Button SLEEP Button RANDOM/MEM-DN Button MUTE Button TRACK/TUNING Button TRACK/TUNING Button - VOLUME Button + VOLUME Button PLAY/PAUSE Button STOP Button REPEAT/MUM-UP Button TIMER Button CLOCK Button 1. Speaker Jacks - Connect the left and right speakers to these ternimals. 2. AC Cord - Plug into a conveniently located 120V AC, 60Hz outlet. SPEAKER CONNECTION 1. Place the speakers in convenient locations on either side of the unit. Usually a distance of five to eight feet between speakers provides the best stereo effect, but this may vary depending on the size and acoustics of the room. 2. Locate the Speaker Terminals on the rear of the unit and connect the left speaker to the jack marked L and the right speaker to the jack marked R. PREPARATION BEFORE USE (Batt. not included) 1. Remove the battery cover from the back of the remote control unit. 2. Insert two "AAA" size batteries. Insert the batteries with the + and - terminals matching the indication inside the battery compartment. 3. Replace the cover. BATTERY REPLACEMENT When the remote control operation becomes unstable or the distance from which remote control is possible becomes shorter, replace the batteries with new ones. USING THE REMOTE CONTROL UNIT • To use remote control unit, point it at the remote sensor and press the button gently and frimly. Remote control is possible within about 5m (approx. 16FT). However, since the remote control range is less when the unit is used at an angle, use directly in front of the remote sensor, as far as possible. • Do not expose the remote sensor to strong light (direct sunlight or artificial lighting) and make sure that there are no obstacles between the remote sensor and the remote control unit. • The remote control also incorporates a stand-by facility. Please note, this does not turn the unit off. -4- CAUTION Only connect the speakers which are supplied with the unit. The use of any other or additional speakers may cause damage to the unit. Never operate the unit without the speakers connected. SAFETY PRECAUTION Do not allow this unit to be exposed to rain or moisture. Mains Supply: 120V 60Hz - AC only This symbol means that this unit is double insulated. An earth connection is not required. POWER SUPPLY Remove the stereo carefully from the box, retaining the packaging for future use. AC POWER OPERATION Plug the power cord into an AC outlet having 120V, 60Hz only. Connecting this unit to other power sources may damage the unit. NOTES: 1.The AC plug supplied with the unit is polarized to help minimize the possibility of electric shock. If the polarized plug does not fit into a nonpolarized AC outlet, do not file or cut the wide blade; it is the user's resonsibility to have an electrican replace the obsolete outlet. -5- 2.The power cord should be unplugged from the outlet when the unit is not going to be used for a long period of time. • • HEADPHONE • This unit will accept stereo headphones (not included) with a 3.5mm plug and an impedance of 8 ohms or greater. The speakers are automatically disconnected when headphones are connected to the PHONES JACKS (2). AM/FM TUNER OPERATION • Press the STANDBY/ON Button (1) to power the unit. • Press the TUNER/BAND Button (14) on the unit or on the remote control(3) to choose the Tuner mode. • Select the desired frequency band by pressing the TUNER/BAND Button (14/3) again. • Tune to the desired radio station by pressing the TUNING UP or TUNING DOWN BUTTONS (5/9 or 7/10). • To turn off the unit, press the STANDBY/ON Button (1). MANUAL / AUTOMATIC TUNING • To tune a station, press and release the TUNING UP or TUNING DOWN BUTTONS (5/9 or 7/10). • To activate the automatic tuning, press and hold the TUNING UP / DOWN BUTTONS for more than two seconds. The unit will automatically search for the first available broadcast of sufficient signal strength it can receive, and stop there. MEMORIZING PRESET STATIONS You can store up to 50 radio stations into the memory: 30 for FM and 20 for AM . To memorize preset stations: • Press the STANDBY/ON BUTTON (1) on the main unit. • Press the TUNER/BAND Button (14/3) on the unit or on the remote control to choose the Tuner mode. • Select the desired frequency band by pressing the TUNER/BAND Button (14/3) again. The desired band appears on the display. • Tune to the desired station by pressing the TUNING UP or TUNING DOWN BUTTONS (5/9 or 7/10) on the main unit. • Press the MEMORY/PROGRAM BUTTON (16/5). MEMORY will appear in the display and a preset number will also appear on the display. -6- Press the REPEAT/M-UP BUTTON (15/15) or RANDOM/M-DOWN BUTTON (12/7) to select the desired preset station number. Press the MEMORY/PROGRAM BUTTON (16/5) again to memorize the station into the chosen preset number. Repeat the above mentioned steps until all desired presets are programmed. LISTENING TO A PRESET STATION • Press the STANDBY/ON BUTTON (1) on the main unit. • Press the TUNER/BAND Button (14/3) to choose the Tuner mode. • Select the desired frequency band (FM or AM) by pressing the TUNER/BAND Button (14/3) again. • Press the REPEAT/M-UP BUTTON (15/15) or RANDOM/M-DOWN BUTTON (12/7) to select the desired station. ANTENNA • For FM reception there is a built-in FM antenna wire (19) at the rear side of the unit. Move the wire around to obtain the best reception. • For AM there is a Loop antenna (20) at the rear of the unit. You may have to orient the Loop antenna to obtain the best reception. FM & FM-STEREO RECEPTION • When in FM mode and the station is broadscasting in Stereo, “ LCD display. ” appears on the HANDLING COMPACT DISC • To remove a disc from its storage case, press down on the centre of the case and lift the disc out, holding it carefully by the edges. • Fingerprints and dust should be carefully wiped off the disc's recorded surface with a soft cloth. Unlike conventional records, compact discs have no grooves to collect dust and microscopic debris so gently wiping with a soft cloth should remove most particles. Wipe in a straight line from the inside to the outside of the disc. Small dust particles -7- • • • • and light stains will have absolutely no effect on reproduction quality. Never use chemicals such as record sprays, antistatic sprays, benzine, or thinners to clean compact discs. These chemicals can irreparably damage the disc's surface. Discs should be returned to their cases after use. This avoids serious scratches that could cause the Laser pickup to skip. Do not expose discs to direct sunlight, high humidity, or high temperatures for extended periods. Long exposure to high temperatures can warp the disc. Do not stick paper or write anything with a ballpoint pen on the label side of the disc. COMPACT DISC/MP3 OPERATION LOADING AND UNLOADING COMPACT DISCS • Press the STANDBY/ON Button (1) to power the unit. • Press the CD/MP3 button on the unit (8) or on the remote(2) to select the CD / MP3 operation. • Open the disc compartment by pressing the CD Open Button (17). • When the disc compartment has opened, remove a disc from its case and place it carefully in the compartment with the label side facing up. Locate smaller, 3'' discs, in the centre depression of the compartment. • Close the disc compartment. When the compartment is fully closed, the disc will start turning automatically. The total number of tracks of the CD will appear on the LCD display. CAUTION • Do not put anything except a compact disc into the compartment. Foreign objects can damage the mechanism. • Keep the disc compartment closed when not in use to prevent dirt and dust from entering the mechanism. • Never place more than one disc into the disc compartment at any time. • If the disc is correctly loaded , the following information will be displayed: Total number of tracks on the disc Total playing time Notes: After the disc compartment is fully closed, the disc information may not appear on the display, This means that the disc is improperly loaded (most likely it is upside down). To check, open the disc compartment again and reload the disc. LISTENING TO COMPACT DISC AND MP3 DISC (CD) Press the CD / MP3 button (8/2) to select the CD / MP3 operation. A) In the CD mode This unit can read CD, CD-R, CD-RW. -8- B) In the MP3 mode This unit can also read as below : 1. It can be reading as " 8 cm " and " Multi Section " of MP3 DISC. 2. It can be "Playback Transfer Rate in 56-256 kbps". LISTENING TO COMPACT DISC (AUDIO CD) Playing The CD 1. If in Tuner mode, press the CD / MP3 button (8/2) to select the CD function, the CD indicator and the elapsed time of all current track number will appear on the display. 2. When putting into the disc, it starts playing the CD from the first track automatically, and the " " indicator will appear on the display. 3. Press the PLAY / PAUSE button again to pause playing the CD, and the" " indicator will appear on the display. 4. To resume playback, press the PLAY / PAUSE button again. 5. To stop playback, press the STOP(4/14) button. Selecting A Different Track During AUDIO CD Play 1. Press the SKIP Button or SKIP Button (5/9 or 7/10), the required track number appears on the display. 2. Press the PLAY / PAUSE button (8/13) on the unit. Starting again with the track that is currently selected. LISTENING TO MP3 DISC (CD) Playing The MP3 1. If in Tuner mode, press the CD / MP3 button (8/2) to select the MP3 mode, the MP3 indicator and the total tracks on the disc will appear on the display. 2. When putting into the disc, it starts playing the MP3 from the first track automatically, and the " " indicator will appear on the display. " indicator 3. Press the PLAY / PAUSE button again to pause playing the MP3 , and the " will appear on the display. 4. To resume playback, press the PLAY / PAUSE button once more again. 5. To stop playback, press the STOP button(4/14). Note: Using the SKIP Button or SKIP Button (5/9 or 7/10) to select the track, when playing the MP3, errors can occur. Switch the unit off for a few seconds, and then turn it on to restart playing the MP3. Selecting A Different File (song) During MP3 Play 1. Press the SKIP Button or SKIP Button (5/9 or 7/10), the required file (song) -9- number appears on the display. 2. Press the PLAY / PAUSE button (8/13). Starting again with the track that is currently selected. Press 11 the Forward and Reverse Skip Track buttons (5/9 and 7/10) to select the track to be stored in location "1" ( i.e. track 03). Playing The MP3 1. In STOP mode press the MEMORY/PROGRAM (16/5)button to enter the first chapter 2. Then press the SKIP/SEARCH(5/9 or 7/10) once to enter next chapter , 3. If you set off the chapter, then select the tracks you liked, then press PLAY/PAUSE(8/13) button to start. Press the MEMORY/PROGRAM button (16/5). The first program selection is now stored in the program memory. Note: In MP3 mode, the unit can not memory tracks. 01 P -- 03 02 P -- 00 Select the next track to be programmed using the Forward and Reverse Skip Track buttons ( i.e. track 05). REPEAT PLAY 1. When playing the CD / MP3, if you desire to repeat the same track only, press the REPEAT / M-UP button (15/15) once and the " ONE " display will light up. 2. To repeat all disc, press the REPEAT / M-UP button twice and the " " display will light up. 3. To cancel repeat play, press the STOP button (4/14) or press the REPEAT / M-UP button (15/15) until the repeat indicator disappeared. Note : If in "REPEAT ALL" mode, the normal & program playing will also effect in this function. RANDOM PLAY 1. In STOP mode, press the RANDOM (12/7) button once, the "RANDOM" indicator will light up. 2. The disc starts playing automatically, and the tracks will be played randomly. 3. To cancel random play, press the STOP button(4/14) until the random indicator disappears. STOPPING PLAY 1. Press the STOP button(4/14) if you wish to stop play. The disc and total numbers of tracks will now appear on the display. 2. Open the CD door on the unit to remove the CD. PROGRAMMED DISC PLAY It is not possible to enter programs during disc play. Press the Stop button (4) first, then follow the instructions below. Press the MEMORY/PROGRAM button (16/5). The following information will be displayed on the CD Display. 00 P -- 00 - 10 - 02 P -- 05 Press the PLAY/PAUSE button (8/13) to play this stored tracks. Continue entering tracks in this way until all the desired tracks are stored (up to a limit of 99). When the MEMORY/PROGRAM button (16/5) is pressed to store the 99th track, the display will return to the 1st program location. Notes: If the Play/Pause button (8/13) is pressed before the MEMORY/PROGRAM button (16/ 5) is pressed to store a track, that track will not be programmed, and the disc will start playing from the first selected track. Any track can be programmed to play more than once. Listening to Programmed Tracks Press the Play Pause button (8/13). Disc play will start at the beginning of the first programmed track. To Clear The Program Memory Simply press STOP button(4/14) to clear the programmed tracks. CLOCK FUNCTION Adjusting the clock This unit has its own digital clock function in the STANDBY mode. If the unit is disconnected from the mains, you will need to reset the clock. • Press the CLOCK button (17) on the remote control for a second to adjust clock. • The unit will then display the time and the hours will start flashing. • Adjust the hours by pressing the Tuning Up or Down Buttons (5/9 or 7/10). • Press the CLOCK button (17) again, the minutes will start flashing. • Adjust the minutes by pressing the Tuning Up or Down Buttons (5/9 or 7/10). • Press the CLOCK button (17) to store the time. Note: Clock setting can be done in STANDBY Mode only. - 11 - Timer Function 12 1. After adjusting the clock, and in standby mode, press the TIMER button (13/16) "ON" appears on the display. 2. Press the CLOCK button (17) on the remote control, the hours will start flashing, adjust it by pressing the Tuning Up or Down Buttons (5/9 or 7/10). 3. Press the CLOCK button (17) button again, the minutes will start flashing, adjust it by pressing the Tuning Up or Down Buttons (5/9 or 7/10). 4. Press the CLOCK button (17) button once more to set TIMER ON time. 5. After adjusting "TIMER ON", press TIMER button (13/16) , "TIMER OFF" appears on the display and flashing. 6. Repeat the above steps 2 to 3, and then press the CLOCK button (17) once more to set TIMER OFF time. 7. After adjusting "TIMER ON" and "TIMER OFF", press the TIMER button (13/16) "TIMER" appears on the display. 8. The system will be switched on automatically at "TIMER ON" order and start playing. And then the unit also will be switched off automatically at "TIMER OFF" . Checking the Timer ON settings • Set the system to the Standby mode by pressing the STANDBY/ON button either on the system or on the remote control. • The time is displayed. • Press the TIMER button (13/16) once. "TIMER" appears on the display. ACTIVATING THE TIMER • Set the system to the Standby mode by pressing the STANDBY/ON button either on the system or on the remote control. • The time is displayed. • • If "TIMER " does not appear on the display, press the TIMER button (13/16). As soon as the adjusted TIMER ON time is reached, the TUNER, CD player will start playing. a specified time. It enables you to listen to the radio, a CD or a cassette prior to falling asleep. The Sleep Timer can be set from 90 to 10 minutes. • Switch on the system by pressing the STANDBY/ON button either on the system or on the remote control. • Select the sound source by pressing the TUNER or CD button on the unit or on the remote control. • Press the SLEEP button (6) on the remote control to set the sleep time. • The word SLEEP and the number 90 appear on the display. • The system will now play for 90 minutes. • To decrease the sleep time in steps of 10 minutes, press and hold SLEEP button until number 10 appears. • After a few seconds, the previous display is shown again (e.g. with Tuner or CD • information). To switch off the system before the SLEEP time has elapsed, press the STANDBY/ON button on the system or the remote control. SPECIAL FUNCTIONS MUTE • Press the Mute button (8) on the remote control to switch off the sound. The "MUTE” indicator will appear. • Press Mute again to restore the sound at the previous level. PRESET EQUALIZER • • SWITCHING OFF THE TIMER FUNCTION COMPLETELY • Press the TIMER button (13/16) until the word TIMER disappears from the display. • The Sleep Timer is a count-down timer for switching the system to a stand-by mode after The TIMER function is now completely switched off. SLEEP TIMER The Quality of the sound can be adjusted to suit the type of music playing ( ROCK, CLASSIC, POP and JAZZ). Simply Press the P.EQ button on Remote Control (11/4) which matches the type of music playing. ATTENTION! THIS PRODUCT IS ALSO ABLE TO REPRODUCE CD-RW DISCS, HOWEVER IT COULD HAPPEN THAT DURING PLAYBACK SOME TYPE OF DISCS CANNOT BE PLAYED PROPERLY. THEREFORE, FULL PLAYABILITY WITH ALL CD-RW DISCS IS NOT GUARANTEED. Since movement of the CD mechanism and the sensitive circuitry may cause interference to a radio tuner nearby switch this unit off while operating other radio devices. 13 - 12 - - 13 - IMPORTANT This product utilizes a laser Danger - Invisible laser radiation when opened and interlock failed or defeated. Avoid direct exposure to the beam. Caution - Use of controls, adjustments, or procedures not listed in this manual may result in hazardous radiation exposure. Concerning Compact Discs Only compact discs identified with this mark can be used with this player. SPECIFICATIONS Power Supply AC: 120V ~ 60Hz Radio Frequency Coverage FM: 87.5 - 108 MHz AM: 530 - 1700 kHz CD Player Pick Up: 3-Beam. Semiconductor Laser Encoding: 16-Bit Linear, 2 x oversampling Design and specifications are subject to change without notice. - 14 - ">

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Key features
- AM/FM Tuner
- CD/MP3 Playback
- Clock Function
- Sleep Timer
- Programmed Disc Play
- Preset Stations
- Remote Control
- Headphone Jack
- Preset Equalizer
Frequently asked questions
Connect the left speaker to the jack marked L and the right speaker to the jack marked R on the rear of the unit.
Press the MEMORY/PROGRAM button on the unit or remote, then select the tracks you want to program using the SKIP buttons. Press the MEMORY/PROGRAM button again to store the track in the program memory. Repeat for each track you want to program.
Press the SLEEP button on the remote control to set the sleep time. The system will play for 90 minutes, and you can decrease the sleep time in steps of 10 minutes by pressing and holding the SLEEP button.