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Building Networks for People Wireless Controller CLI Reference Guide DWC-2000 Ver. 1.0 Business Wireless Solution CLI Reference Guide DWC-2000 Wireless Controller Version 1.0 D-Link. Copyright © 2014 Contents Contents .......................................................................................................................... 1 1.0 Introduction............................................................................................................ 6 2.0 Configuration commands under branch WLAN ................................................... 35 2.1 wlan ap_management manual configure <macaddr> ......................................................35 2.2 wlan ap_management ap_database add <macaddr> ......................................................36 2.3 wlan ap_management ap_database edit <macaddr> ......................................................36 2.4 wlan ap_management ap_database delete <macaddr>...................................................38 2.5 wlan ap_management rf_management configure ............................................................38 2.6 wlan ap_management poll_list configure .........................................................................39 2.7 wlan ap_management poll_list delete_ip_address <ipaddr> ............................................39 2.8 wlan ap_management poll_list delete_vlan_list <id> .......................................................39 2.9 wlan ap_management poll_list discovery configure .........................................................40 2.10 wlan ap_management oui_database add ......................................................................40 2.11 wlan ap_management oui_database delete <ouival> ....................................................40 2.12 wlan ap_profile add <profileid> ......................................................................................40 2.13 wlan ap_profile edit <profileid> ......................................................................................41 2.14 wlan ap_profile delete <profileid> ..................................................................................41 2.15 wlan ap_profile copy <sourceprofileid> <destprofileid> ..................................................41 2.16 wlan ap_profile radio configure <profileid> <radio> ........................................................41 2.17 wlan ap_profile QoS configure <profileid> <radio> ........................................................42 2.18 wlan network configure <networkid> ..............................................................................43 2.19 wlan network delete <networkId>...................................................................................46 2.20 wlan ap_profile ssid configure <profileid> <radio> .........................................................46 2.21 wlan ap_profile apply <profileid>....................................................................................46 2.22 wlan captivePortal ssid configure <ssid> .......................................................................46 2.23 wlan client add <macaddr> ............................................................................................47 2.24 wlan client edit <macaddr> ............................................................................................47 2.25 wlan client delete <macaddr> ........................................................................................47 2.26 wlan peer_controller configure .......................................................................................48 2.27 wlan peer_controller push_configuration <ipaddr>.........................................................48 2.28 wlan wids_security ap configure ....................................................................................49 1 2.29 wlan wids_security client configure ................................................................................50 2.30 wlan wlan_global_setting ap_validation configure ..........................................................51 2.31 wlan wlan_global_setting radius_server configure .........................................................51 2.32 wlan wlan_global_setting country configure ...................................................................52 2.33 wlan wlan_global_setting wireless_switch <enable> ......................................................52 3.0 Configuration commands under branch LICENSE ......................................... 52 3.1 license list ........................................................................................................................52 3.2 license activate <activationKey> ......................................................................................52 4.0 Configuration commands under branch SYSTEM ......................................... 52 4.1 system NT-Domain-Settings ............................................................................................52 4.2 system RADIUS_Settings ................................................................................................53 4.3 system LDAP_Settings ....................................................................................................53 4.4 system POP3_Settings POP3_Server_Configuration ......................................................54 4.5 system POP3_Settings POP3_Trusted_CA.....................................................................55 4.6 system logging ipv4 configure..........................................................................................55 4.7 system logging facility configure <facility> .......................................................................56 4.8 system logging remote configure .....................................................................................56 4.9 system logging ipv6 configure..........................................................................................60 4.10 system Radius-Settings .................................................................................................60 4.11 system remote_management https configure ................................................................62 4.12 system remote_management telnet configure ...............................................................62 4.13 system snmp trap configure <agent_ip> ........................................................................63 4.14 system snmp trap delete <agent_ip> .............................................................................63 4.15 system snmp users configure <user> ............................................................................63 4.16 system snmp sys configure............................................................................................64 4.17 system snmp access add ..............................................................................................64 4.18 system snmp access edit <rowid> .................................................................................65 4.19 system snmp access delete <rowid> .............................................................................66 4.20 system time configure ....................................................................................................66 4.21 system traffic_meter configure .......................................................................................67 4.22 system usb usb1 configure ............................................................................................67 4.23 system usb usb2 configure ............................................................................................68 4.24 system group add ..........................................................................................................68 4.25 system group edit <row_id> ...........................................................................................69 2 4.26 system group delete <row_id> .......................................................................................69 4.27 system users add ..........................................................................................................69 4.28 system users edit <row_id> ...........................................................................................70 4.29 system users delete <row_id> .......................................................................................70 4.30 system group groupaccesscontrol configure <group_id> ...............................................70 4.31 system group access_control_browser add ...................................................................71 4.32 system group access_control_browser delete <row_id> ................................................71 4.33 system group access_control_ip add .............................................................................71 4.34 system group access_control_ip delete <row_id> ..........................................................72 5.0 Configuration commands under branch UTIL ................................................ 72 5.1 util system_check ping <ip_address> ..............................................................................72 5.2 util system_check dns_lookup <dns> ..............................................................................72 5.3 util system_check traceroute <ip_address> .....................................................................72 5.4 util system_check capturePackets start <interface> ........................................................72 5.5 util system_check capturePackets download <fileName> <ipAddr>.................................73 5.6 util schedule-reboot <enable_reboot>..............................................................................73 5.7 util usb_test <ipAddr> <fileName> ...................................................................................73 5.8 util backup_configuration <fileName> <ipAddr> ...............................................................73 5.9 util restore_configuration <IpAddr> <FileName> ..............................................................73 5.10 util firmware_upgrade <IpAddr> <FileName> ................................................................73 6.0 Configuration commands under branch QOS ................................................ 73 6.1 qos lan status ..................................................................................................................74 6.2 qos lan enable .................................................................................................................75 6.3 qos lan disable ................................................................................................................76 6.4 qos lan trustmode cos enable <lanPort> ..........................................................................77 6.5 qos lan trustmode dscp enable <lanPort> ........................................................................78 6.6 qos lan cos-map configure <cosValue> <priorityQueue> .................................................79 6.7 qos lan dscp-map configure <dscpValue> <priorityQueue> .............................................80 6.8 qos lan cos-to-dscp-remarking enable .............................................................................82 6.9 qos lan cos-to-dscp-remarking disable ............................................................................83 6.10 qos lan cos-to-dscp-remarking status ............................................................................84 6.11 qos lan cos-to-dscp-remarking configure <cosValue> <dscpValue> ..............................85 6.12 qos lan queue scheduling-algo set <sched-algo> ..........................................................86 7.0 Configuration commands under branch NET ...................................................... 87 3 7.1 net bandwidth profile enable <enable> ............................................................................87 7.2 net bandwidth profile add.................................................................................................87 7.3 net bandwidth profile edit <row_id> .................................................................................88 7.4 net bandwidth profile delete <row_id> .............................................................................88 7.5 net bandwidth traffic_selector add ...................................................................................89 7.6 net bandwidth traffic_selector edit <row_id> ....................................................................89 7.7 net bandwidth traffic_selector delete <row_id> ................................................................90 7.8 net lan dhcp reserved_ip configure <mac_address>........................................................90 7.9 net lan dhcp reserved_ip delete <mac_address>.............................................................90 7.10 net ethernet configure <interface_name> ......................................................................91 7.11 net lan ipv4 configure.....................................................................................................91 7.12 net lan default_route configure ......................................................................................94 7.13 net lan ipv6 configure.....................................................................................................94 7.14 net lan ipv6 pool configure <ipv6PoolStartAddr> ...........................................................95 7.15 net lan ipv6 pool delete <ipv6PoolStartAddr> ................................................................96 7.16 net mode configure ........................................................................................................96 7.17 net port management configure <portName> ................................................................96 7.18 net radvd configure ........................................................................................................97 7.19 net radvd pool add .........................................................................................................98 7.20 net radvd pool edit <row_id>..........................................................................................98 7.21 net radvd pool delete <row_id>......................................................................................99 7.22 net routing dynamic configure ........................................................................................99 7.23 net routing static ipv4 configure <name> .....................................................................101 7.24 net routing static ipv6 configure <name> .....................................................................102 7.25 net routing static ipv4 delete <name> ..........................................................................103 7.26 net routing static ipv6 delete <name> ..........................................................................103 7.27 net captivePortal billing_profile add .............................................................................103 7.28 net captivePortal billing_profile edit <row_id> ..............................................................105 7.29 net captivePortal billing_profile delete <row_id> ..........................................................108 7.30 net port-vlan edit <portname> ......................................................................................108 7.31 net vlan-membership edit <port> .................................................................................108 7.32 net multiVlan subnet edit <vlanID> ..............................................................................108 7.33 net vlan config add <vlan_id> ......................................................................................110 7.34 net vlan config edit <vlan_Id> ......................................................................................110 4 7.35 net vlan config delete <VlanId> ....................................................................................111 5 1.0 Introduction The command “show Radius-Settings ?” at the CLI prompt, gives a description of all the show commands in the branch Radius-Settings , these are as follows: Display radius configuration. A RADIUS server maintains a database of user accounts used in larger environments. If a RADIUS server already exists, it can be used for authenticating users that want to connect to the wireless network provided by this device. When multiple RADIUS servers are configured they are accessed in the same order as in the table. If first RADIUS server is not accessible, then system tries to contact the next RADIUS server. Configured Radius Servers This show table displays the list of all configured RADIUS 1 Radius- servers. If the optional argument ServerIP is Settings specified, detailed configuration of the RADIUS server is displayed. Server IP: IP address of RADIUS authentication server Server Port: RADIUS authentication server port to send the RADIUS messages. Timeout: The time (in seconds) the device waits for a response from the RADIUS server Retries: The number of tries the router will make to the RADIUS server before giving up. Secret: RADIUS server secret. This field is only displayed if the argument ServerIP is specified. The command “show wlan ?” at the CLI prompt, gives a description of all the show commands in the branch wlan , these are as follows: 1 show wlan ap_management 2 show wlan ap_management channel_plan 3 show wlan ap_management power_plan 4 show wlan ap_management oui 6 Display the parameters related to ap management. Display the configured channel plan parameters. Display the configured power plan parameters. Local OUI Database Entries. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Display AP and peer show wlan ap_management discovery controllerdiscovery parameters. Display the configured show wlan ap_management channel_plan status <radio> channel plan parameters. Display the show wlan ap_management channel_plan history <radio> channel plan history. Display the show wlan ap_management channel_plan proposed channel proposed <radio> adjustments. Display the show wlan ap_management power_plan status configured power plan parameters. Display the show wlan ap_management power_plan proposed proposed power adjustments. Display Local OUI show wlan ap_management oui database Database. Display Discovery show wlan ap_management discovery status parameters. Display IP Poll show wlan ap_management discovery ip_list discovery list. Display VLAN ID show wlan ap_management discovery vlan_list discovery list. Display Local OUI show wlan ap_management oui status <ouival> Database for a ouival. Display AP show wlan ap_conf configuration and status. Display AP show wlan ap_conf capability hardware capability. Display AP configuration and show wlan ap_conf macaddr status for specific AP. Display AP show wlan ap_conf database configuration and status. show wlan network Display network 7 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 configuration parameters. Display AP code download show wlan ap_conf download configuration and status. Display network show wlan network status configuration parameters. Display network configuration show wlan network networkid <id> parameters for specific network. Display AP association and show wlan ap_conf failure_status authentication failure status. Display WS stored show wlan ap_conf image_availability AP image information. Display AP profile show wlan ap_conf profile parameters. Display AP show wlan ap_conf provisioning_status Provisioning parameteres. Display Radio show wlan ap_conf radio_status configuration. Display WS show wlan ap_conf rf-scan_status managed APs RF Scan data. Display WS show wlan ap_conf status managed AP status parameters. Display AP show wlan ap_conf capability status hardware capability. Display AP image show wlan ap_conf capability image_table capability table. Display AP show wlan ap_conf capability hardware hardware<hw_dwl8600|hw_dwl3600|hw_dwl6600> <radio> capability for specific hardware. Display AP show wlan ap_conf database status configuration and status. 8 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Display AP configuration and show wlan ap_conf database macaddr <macaddr> status for specific AP. Display AP profile show wlan ap_conf profile status parameters. Display AP profile show wlan ap_conf profile radio radio parameters. Display AP profile show wlan ap_conf profile radio status <id> <radio> radio parameters. Display supported and enabled show wlan ap_conf profile radio auto_eligible <id> <radio> channels for AP profile radio parameters. Display supported MCS indices for show wlan ap_conf profile radio mcs_indices <id> <radio> the AP profile radio. Display QoS show wlan ap_conf profile radio qos <id> <radio> parameters for the AP profile radio. Display advertised and supported show wlan ap_conf profile radio rates <id> <radio> rates for AP profile. Display TSPEC show wlan ap_conf profile radio tspec <id> <radio> parameters for the AP profile radio. Display AP profile show wlan ap_conf profile radio vap <id> <radio> VAP parameters. Display AP profile show wlan ap_conf profile profileid <profileid> parameters for specific profile. Display L2 show wlan ap_conf macaddr Distributed Tunnel dist_tunnel_statistics <macaddr> statistics for AP. Display L2 show wlan ap_conf macaddr Distributed Tunnel dist_tunnel_status <macaddr> status for AP. Display WS managed AP show wlan ap_conf macaddr failure_status <macaddr> failure status parameters. show wlan ap_conf macaddr Display AP 9 provisioning_status <macaddr> 50 show wlan ap_conf macaddr radio_status <macaddr> 51 show wlan ap_conf macaddr rf_scan_rogue_classification<macaddr> 52 show wlan ap_conf macaddr rf_scan_status <macaddr> 53 show wlan ap_conf macaddr rf_scan_triangulation <macaddr> 54 show wlan ap_conf macaddr statistics <macaddr> 55 show wlan ap_conf macaddr status <macaddr> 56 show wlan ap_conf macaddr tspec_statistics <macaddr> 57 show wlan ap_conf macaddr tspec_status <macaddr> 58 show wlan client 59 show wlan known_client 60 show wlan client adhoc 61 show wlan client detected-client 62 show wlan client rrm 10 Provisioning status parameters. Display WS managed AP radio status parameters. Display the WIDS AP rogue classification test results. Display RF Scan AP status parameters. Display signal triangulation status. Display WS managed AP statistics. Display WS managed AP status parameters. Display WS managed AP TSPEC statistics. Display WS managed AP TSPEC status. Display AP associated client configuration and status. Display the wireless Known Client(s). Display Ad Hoc network information. Display detected client’s information. Display Radio Resource Measurement (RRM) information. 63 show wlan client summary 64 show wlan client adhoc status 65 show wlan client rrm status 66 show wlan client status 67 show wlan client detected-client preauth-history 68 show wlan client detected-client roam-history 69 show wlan client detected-client status 70 show wlan client macaddr 71 show wlan client macaddr detected_client 72 show wlan client macaddr adhoc <macaddr> 73 show wlan client macaddr client-qos 74 show wlan client macaddr client-qos radius <macaddr> 75 show wlan client macaddr client-qos status <macaddr> 76 show wlan client macaddr detected_client preauth11 Display associated client summary parameters. Display WS detected clients on an ad-hoc network. Show associated client Radio Resource Measurement status parameters. Display associated client status parameters. Display detected client pre-auth history status. Display detected client roam history status. Display detected client status parameters. Show associated client MAC address for specific client. Display associated detected clients information. Display Ad Hoc network information. Display associated client QoS information. Display associated client QoS RADIUS configuration. Display associated client QoS status parameters. Display detected history<macaddr> 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 client pre-auth history status. Display detected show wlan client macaddr detected_client roamclient roam history history <macaddr> status Display the WIDS show wlan client macaddr detected_client rogueClient rogue classification<macaddr> classification test results. Display detected show wlan client macaddr detected_client client status status <macaddr> parameters. Display detected show wlan client macaddr detected_client client signal triangulation <macaddr> triangulation status. Display associated client L2 show wlan client macaddr dist-tunnel <macaddr> Distributed Tunnel information. Display status parameters of show wlan client macaddr neighbor_ap <macaddr> neighbor AP seen by client Display Radio Resource show wlan client macaddr rrm <macaddr> Measurement (RRM) information. Display WS show wlan client macaddr statistics status <macaddr> managed AP client statistics. Display WS show wlan client macaddr statistics managed AP client statistics. Display client show wlan client macaddr statistics association <macaddr> association statistics. Display session show wlan client macaddr statistics session <macaddr> statistics. Display associated show wlan client macaddr status <macaddr> client status parameters. Display WS show wlan client macaddr tspec_statistics <macaddr> managed AP 12 client TSPEC statistics. Display associated 90 show wlan client macaddr tspec_status <macaddr> client TSPEC status parameters. Display status for peer wireless 91 show wlan peer_switch controllers and configuration push. Display status for 92 show wlan peer_switch configuration configuration push. Display status for 93 show wlan peer_switch peer_controller peer wireless controllers. Display status for 94 show wlan peer_switch peer_controller status peer wireless controllers. Display configuration for show wlan peer_switch peer_controller 95 peer controller configuration_status configuration push groups. Display status for peer controller 96 show wlan peer_switch peer_controller configure_status configuration push. Display status for peer wireless 97 show wlan peer_switch peer_controller ip controller for an IP. Display status for 98 show wlan peer_switch peer_controller ap_status peer controller managed APs. Display status for 99 show wlan peer_switch peer_controller ip status <ipaddr> peer controller . Display status for show wlan peer_switch peer_controller ip peer 100 ap_status <ipaddr> controllermanaged APs. Display status for show wlan peer_switch peer_controller ip peer controller 101 configure_status <ipaddr> configuration push. 13 102 show wlan peer_switch configuration receive_status 103 show wlan peer_switch configuration request_status 104 show wlan wids_security 105 show wlan wids_security client 106 show wlan wids_security ap 107 show wlan wids_security de_authentication 108 show wlan wids_security rogue_test_descriptions 109 show wlan multicast 110 show wlan multicast txrate <radio> 111 show wlan rates <radio> 112 show wlan ssid 113 show wlan ssid status <ssid> 114 show wlan ssid client_status 115 show wlan switch 14 Display status for configuration received from a peer controller. Display status for a peer controller configuration push request. Display the wireless WIDS security settings. Display the WIDS Client security configuration. Display the WIDS AP security configuration. Display the AP deauthentication attack status. Display the WIDS AP rogue classification test descriptions. Display the valid multicast transmit rates. Display the valid multicast transmit rates. Display the valid rates. Display client network association information. Display AP associated client configuration and status. Display AP associated client configuration and status. Display controller 116 show wlan switch ipaddr 117 show wlan switch certificate_request_status 118 show wlan switch client_status 119 show wlan switch local 120 show wlan switch local client_status 121 show wlan switch local statistics 122 show wlan switch local status 123 show wlan switch local tspec_statistics 124 show wlan switch local tspec_status 125 show wlan switch ipaddr client_status <ipaddr> 126 show wlan switch ipaddr statistics <ipaddr> 127 show wlan switch ipaddr status <ipaddr> 128 show wlan switch ipaddr tspec_statistics <ipaddr> 129 show wlan switch ipaddr tspec_status <ipaddr> 15 status information. Display controller status information for an IP address. Display the controller certificate request information. Display controller to associated client status parameters. Display Local wireless controller status parameters. Display AP associated client configuration and status. Display wireless controller Statistics. Display wireless controller status parameters Display wireless controller TSPEC statistics Display wireless controller TSPEC status parameters. Display AP associated client configuration and status. Display wireless controller Statistics. Display wireless controller status parameters. Display wireless controller TSPEC statistics. Display wireless 130 show wlan switch provision_status 131 show wlan rrm 132 show wlan rrm channel_load 133 show wlan rrm neighbors 134 show wlan rrm neighbors status 135 show wlan rrm neighbors ap_status <macaddr> 136 show wlan rrm channel_load current_request 137 show wlan rrm channel_load history_status 138 show wlan rrm channel_load history_detail 139 show wlan rrm channel_load request_data 140 show wlan device_location 141 show wlan device_location status 142 show wlan device_location ap 143 show wlan device_location ap macaadr <macaddr> 16 controller TSPEC status parameters. Display the controller provisioning information. Display radio resource measurement (RRM) controller data. Display channel load information. Display neighbor information. Display neighbor information. Display RRM information for a managed AP. Show the current channel load request, if any. Display channel load report history information. Display information for every known report. Show data to use for new channel load requests. Display all device location parameters. Display all device location parameters. Display all AP Triangulation Location Table parameteres. Display all Triangulation Location Table parameters for an AP. Display all Triangulation 144 show wlan device_location ap triangulation Location Table parameters. Display Triangulation Location status 145 show wlan device_location ap triangulation status_all parameters for all device entries in the triangulation table database. Display Triangulation Location status parameters for 146 show wlan device_location ap triangulation status_located located device entries in the triangulation table database. Display device 147 show wlan device_location building location building parameters. Enter a valid 148 show wlan device_location building number <1-8> Building number. Display device 149 show wlan device_location building status location building parameters. Display device 150 show wlan device_location building floor_ap_status location AP parameters. Display device 151 show wlan device_location building floor_status location building floor parameters. Display all Triangulation 152 show wlan device_location client Location Table parameters. Display all Triangulation 153 show wlan device_location client triangulation Location Table parameters. 154 show wlan device_location client triangulation status_all Display 17 Triangulation Location status parameters for all device entries in the triangulation table database. Display Triangulation Location status show wlan device_location client triangulation parameters for 155 status_located located device entries in the triangulation table database. Display all Triangulation Location Table 156 show wlan device_location client macaadr <macaadr> parameters for specific MAC Address. Display Ondemand location 157 show wlan device_location floor_status search floor status. Display Ondemand location 158 show wlan device_location global_status search global status. 159 show wlan device_location floor_status building <building> Building Number. Floor number to show wlan device_location floor_status 160 search for the building_floor <building><floor> device. Display Ondemand location 161 show wlan device_location floor_status all search floor status. The command “show LDAP-Settings ?” at the CLI prompt, gives a description of all the show commands in the branch LDAP-Settings , these are as follows: 1 show LDAP-Settings Display LDAP configuration. 18 The command “show POP3-Settings ?” at the CLI prompt, gives a description of all the show commands in the branch POP3-Settings , these are as follows: 1 show POP3-Settings Display POP3 configuration. The command “show POP3-Trusted-CA ?” at the CLI prompt, gives a description of all the show commands in the branch POP3-Trusted-CA , these are as follows: 1 show POP3-Trusted-CA Display POP3 Trusted Certificates. The command “show system ?” at the CLI prompt, gives a description of all the show commands in the branch system , these are as follows: Display Logging Configuration. 2 show system logging remote . Display remote logging 3 show system logging remote setup configuration. 4 show system logging facility . show system logging facility Display logging facility 5 setup <facility> configuration. 6 show system logging ipv4 . Display logging 7 show system logging ipv4 setup configuration. 8 show system logging ipv6 . Display ipv6 logs 9 show system logging ipv6 setup configuration. Display Remote show system 10 management remote_management configuration. Display remote show system 11 management over remote_management setup https configuration. Display SNMP 12 show system snmp <agentIP> configuration. 13 show system status Display system status. Displays the resources 14 show system dashboard being used in the system currently. Display TimeZone 15 show system time Configuration. 1 show system logging 19 16 show system time setup 17 show system traffic_meter 18 show system traffic_meter setup 19 show system usb 20 show system users 21 show system group 22 show system group specific <row_id> 23 show system group all 24 show system users all 25 show system users specific <row_id> 26 show system group groupaccesscontrol <group_id> show system group access_control_browser show system group 28 access_control_ip 27 29 show system firmwareVersion Display Timezone and NTP configuration. Display traffic meter configuration. Display traffic meter configuration. Display USB Configuration. System group display mode. System user display mode. Display information for given group. Display all groups on system. Display all users on system. Display information for given user. Displays Group Access Control configuration for the selected group. Displays Access Control browsers list. Displays Access Control ips list. Display the firmware Version. The command “show pop3-serverCheck ?” at the CLI prompt, gives a description of all the show commands in the branch pop3-serverCheck , these are as follows: 1 show pop3-serverCheck Display status of Pop3 servers. The command “show Radius-serverCheck ?” at the CLI prompt, gives a description of all the show commands in the branch Radius-serverCheck , these are as follows: 1 show Radius-serverCheck Display status of Radius servers. The command “show security ?” at the CLI prompt, gives a description of all the show commands in the branch security , these are as follows: 20 show security advanced_network show security 2 advanced_network igmp show advanced firewall attack checks. 1 Display igmp configuration. The command “show ldap-serverCheck ?” at the CLI prompt, gives a description of all the show commands in the branch ldap-serverCheck , these are as follows: 1 show ldap-serverCheck Display status of Ldap servers. The command “show net ?” at the CLI prompt, gives a description of all the show commands in the branch net , these are as follows: 1 show net bandwidth 2 show net bandwidth profile show net bandwidth profile 3 setup show net bandwidth 4 traffic_selector show net bandwidth 5 traffic_selector setup 6 show net lan dhcp 7 show net lan dhcp reserved_ip show net lan dhcp reserved_ip 8 setup show net lan dhcp 9 leased_clients show net lan dhcp 10 leased_clients list 11 show net ethernet 12 show net lan 13 show net lan ipv4 14 show net lan ipv4 setup 15 show net lan ipv6 16 show net lan ipv6 setup 17 show net statistics <interface> 18 show net mode 19 show net mode setup 20 show net port 21 show net port management 22 show net port management 21 . . Show list of Available Bandwidth Profile(s). . Show list of Available Traffic Selector(s). . . Show list of DHCP Reserved Addresses. . Show list of Available DHCP Leased Clients. Show Ethernet interfaces. . . Show LAN Configuration. . Show LAN Configuration. Show Interface Statistics. . Display IP MODE configuration. . . Display port management setup 23 show net radvd configuration. . Display RADVD 24 show net radvd setup configuration. Show dynamic routing 25 show net routing dynamic setup. Show dynamic routing 26 show net routing dynamic setup Setup. 27 show net routing Displays routing setup. 28 show net routing static . 29 show net routing static ipv4 . show net routing static ipv4 Show all the configured 30 setup IPV4 routes. 31 show net routing static ipv6 . show net routing static ipv6 Show all the configured 32 setup IPV6 routes. 33 show net captivePortal show net captivePortal 34 billing_profile <row_id> show net captivePortal 35 all_billing_profile 36 show net vlan 37 show net vlan configuration 38 show net multivlan show vlan server status. 39 show net multivlan subnet show vlan server status. show net multivlan subnet Display vlan server 40 status status. 41 show net port-vlan show Port vlan status. 42 show net port-vlan status Display Port vlan status. The command “wlan ?” at the CLI prompt, gives a description of all the configuration commands in the branch wlan , these are as follows: 1 wlan ap_management 2 wlan ap_management manual 3 wlan ap_management ap_database 4 wlan ap_management rf_management 22 AP Management. Request administrative commands/actions for managed access points. Enter AP Database configuration mode. Configure power plan and channel 5 wlan ap_management poll_list 6 wlan ap_management poll_list discovery 7 wlan ap_management oui_database 8 wlan ap_management manual configure <macaddr> 9 wlan ap_management ap_database add <macaddr> 10 wlan ap_management ap_database edit <macaddr> 11 wlan ap_management ap_database delete <macaddr> 12 wlan ap_management rf_management configure 13 wlan ap_management poll_list configure 14 wlan ap_management poll_list delete_ip_address <ipaddr> 15 wlan ap_management poll_list delete_vlan_list <id> 16 wlan ap_management poll_list discovery configure 23 plan related parameters. Configure IP address to poll,VLAN ID for L2 discovery or specific discovery method. Configure specific discovery method. Configure Local OUI Database. wlan ap_management manual configuration mode. wlan apmanagement apdatabase configuration mode. wlan apmanagement apdatabase configuration mode. wlan apmanagement apdatabase delete an mac-address. wlan apmanagement rfmanagement configuration mode. wlan apmanagement polllist configuration mode. wlan apmanagement apdatabase configuration mode. wlan apmanagement polllist delete an vlanid. wlan apmanagement poll- list configuration mode. wlan apwlan ap_management oui_database management oui17 add database configuration mode. wlan apwlan ap_management oui_database management ap18 delete <ouival> database delete an oui value. Enter the AP Profile 19 wlan ap_profile configuration mode. Enter Network 20 wlan network configuration mode. AP Profile QoS 21 wlan ap_profile QoS configuration. AP Profile Radio 22 wlan ap_profile radio configuration. AP Profile Ssid 23 wlan ap_profile ssid configuration. wlan ap_profile 24 wlan ap_profile add <profileid> configuration mode. wlan ap_profile 25 wlan ap_profile edit <profileid> configuration mode. 26 wlan ap_profile delete <profileid> Delete a AP Profile. Copy an existing wlan ap_profile 27 AP profile to a new copy <sourceprofileid> <destprofileid> AP profile. wlan ap_profile wlan ap_profile radio 28 radio configuration configure <profileid> <radio> mode. wlan ap_profile wlan ap_profile QoS 29 QoS configuration configure <profileid> <radio> mode. wlan network 30 wlan network configure <networkid> configuration mode. Delete a network 31 wlan network delete <networkId> Profile. wlan ap_profile ssid 32 Ssid for AP Profile. configure <profileid> <radio> 33 wlan ap_profile apply <profileid> Apply a AP Profile. Captive Portal 34 wlan captivePortal Configuration Changes. 24 35 wlan captivePortal Ssid 36 wlan captivePortal ssid configure <ssid> 37 wlan captivePortal ssid show 38 wlan client 39 wlan client add <macaddr> 40 wlan client edit <macaddr> 41 wlan client delete <macaddr> 42 wlan peer_controller 43 wlan peer_controller configure 44 wlan peer_controller push_configuration <ipaddr> 45 wlan wids_security 46 wlan wids_security ap 47 wlan wids_security client 48 wlan wids_security ap configure 49 wlan wids_security client configure 50 wlan wlan_global_setting wlan wlan_global_setting ap_validation 52 wlan wlan_global_setting 51 25 SSID configure. Configure a SSID to associate to captive Portal. Show the ssid. Configure known client parameters. wlan client configuration mode. wlan client configuration mode. wlan client configuration mode. Configure peer controller configuration push groups. wlan peer_controller configuration mode. Start the configuration push for one peer controllers. Configure the WIDS security parameters. Configure the WIDS security parameters for AP. Configure WIDS Client Security Parameters. wlan wids_security ap configuration mode. wlan wids_security client configuration mode. Wireless Global Configuration. Configure the AP validation method. RADIUS related radius_server 53 wlan wlan_global_setting country wlan wlan_global_setting ap_validation configure wlan wlan_global_setting 55 radius_server configure wlan wlan_global_setting country 56 configure wlan wlan_global_setting 57 wireless_switch <enable> 54 parameters. country code for the wireless network. wlan ap_validation configuration mode. wlan radius_server configuration mode. wlan country configuration mode. Enable/Disable the wireless controller. The command “license ?” at the CLI prompt, gives a description of all the configuration commands in the branch license , these are as follows: 1 license list license 2 activate <activationKey> List license on the device activate a license on the device. The command “system ?” at the CLI prompt, gives a description of all the configuration commands in the branch system, these are as follows: 1 system POP3_Settings 2 system NT-Domain-Settings 4 system LDAP_Settings system POP3_Settings POP3_Server_Configuration system POP3_Settings 6 POP3_Trusted_CA 7 system logging 5 8 system logging ipv4 9 system logging facility 10 system logging remote 11 system logging ipv6 12 system logging ipv4 configure 26 System POP3 configuration commands. Configure NT-Domain Settings Configure LDAP Settings Configure POP3 Server Upload POP3 trusted Certificates . System logging configuration. System log Facility configuration. System remoteLogging configuration. System ipv6 logs configuration. System logging configuration mode. system logging facility System logging facility 13 configure <facility> configuration mode. System remote Logging 14 system logging remote configure configuration mode. System ipv6 logs 15 system logging ipv6 configure configuration mode. Configure Radius16 system Radius-Settings Settings. 17 system remote_management Remote Mgmt Setup. system remote_management Remote Mgmt Setup 18 https for https. Configure remote system remote_management 19 management support https configure for https. Configure remote system remote_management 20 management support telnet configure for telnet. System SNMP 21 system snmp configuration. System SNMP trap 22 system snmp trap configuration. System SNMP system 23 system snmp sys configuration. System SNMP Access 24 system snmp access Configuration. System SNMP v3 User 25 system snmp users Configuration. system snmp trap SNMP trap 26 configure <agent_ip> configuration mode. system snmp trap Delete a SNMP trap 27 delete <agent_ip> configuration. system snmp users SNMP v3 User list 28 configure <user> configuration changes. SNMP system 29 system snmp sys configure configuration mode. SNMP access 30 system snmp access add configuration mode. SNMP configuration 31 system snmp access edit <rowid> mode. system snmp access SNMP access 32 delete <rowid> configuration mode. System time 33 system time configuration mode. 27 System time configuration mode. Traffic meter 35 system traffic_meter Configuration setup. Traffic meter 36 system traffic_meter configure configuration mode. 37 system usb USB Configuration. 38 system usb usb1 USB1 Configuration. 39 system usb usb1 configure USB1 Configuration. 40 system usb usb2 USB2 Configuration. 41 system usb usb2 configure USB2 Configuration. System user 42 system users configuration commands. System group 43 system group configuration commands. System groups add. 44 system group add mode. System groups edit 45 system group edit <row_id> mode. System groups delete 46 system group delete <row_id> mode. System users add 47 system users add mode. System users edit 48 system users edit <row_id> mode. System users delete 49 system users delete <row_id> mode. 50 system group groupaccesscontrol Group access control. system group groupaccesscontrol Group access control 51 configure <group_id> configuration. List of browsers for system group 52 which login policies can access_control_browser be applied. Add a browser to system group 53 Access Control access_control_browser add browsers list. system group Delete a browser from 54 access_control_browser Access Control delete <row_id> browsers list. List of ips for which 55 system group access_control_ip login policies can be applied. 34 system time configure 28 system group access_control_ip add system group access_control_ip 57 delete <row_id> 56 Add an ip to Access Control ips list. Delete an ip from Access Control ips list. The command “util ?” at the CLI prompt, gives a description of all the configuration commands in the branch util , these are as follows: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Revert to factory util restore-factory-defaults default settings. System check util system_check options. Ping an util system_check ping <ip_address> Internet Address. To retrieve the IP address of a Web, FTP, util system_check dns_lookup <dns> Mail or any other Server on the Internet. Display all the routers present util system_check traceroute <ip_address> between the destination IP address and this router. Display IPV4 util system_check Routing display_IPV4_routingtable Table. Allows you to capture all packets that util system_check capturePackets pass through the selected interface. Start the util system_check capturePackets packet start <interface> capture. util system_check capturePackets Display 29 avail_interfaces available interfaces for packet capture. Stop the 10 util system_check capturePackets stop packet capture. Download the util system_check capturePackets packet 11 download <fileName> <ipAddr> capture to the host machine. Reboot the 12 util reboot system. Reboot the 13 util schedule-reboot <enable_reboot> system. To test the 14 util usb_test <ipAddr> <fileName> USB. Download the backup util 15 configuration backup_configuration <fileName> <ipAddr> file to the host machine. util To restore the 16 restore_configuration <IpAddr> <FileName> configuraton. util To upgrade 17 firmware_upgrade <IpAddr> <FileName> the firmware. The command “qos ?” at the CLI prompt, gives a description of all the configuration commands in the branch qos , these are as follows: 1 qos lan 2 qos lan trustmode 3 qos lan trustmode cos 4 qos lan trustmode dscp 5 qos lan cos-to-dscp-remarking 6 qos lan queue 30 Configure qos parameters for lan. Trustmode configuration in the controller. Configure cos based QoS on lan. Configure dscp based QoS on lan. Enable cos-todscp-remarking. Queue scheduling and management configuration. Configures the 7 qos lan cos-map cos-map for the controller port. Configures the 8 qos lan dscp-map cos-map for the controller port. lan queue 9 qos lan queue management management configuration. lan queue scheduling 10 qos lan queue scheduling-algo algorithm configuration. Display status of 11 qos lan status lan QoS. Enable QoS on 12 qos lan enable LAN. Disable QoS on 13 qos lan disable LAN. Show the 14 qos lan trustmode show trustmode on the controller. Configures CoS LAN, QoS has 15 qos lan trustmode cos enable <lanPort> to be enabled first. Configures DSCP on LAN, 16 qos lan trustmode dscp enable <lanPort> QoS has to be enabled first. qos lan cos-map Configure cos 17 configure <cosValue> <priorityQueue> map for qos. Show the cos18 qos lan cos-map show map for qos. Display dscp 19 qos lan dscp-map show priority mapping on controller. Configure qos lan dscp-map 20 DSCP map for configure <dscpValue> <priorityQueue> qos. Enables cos-to21 qos lan cos-to-dscp-remarking enable dscp remarking. 31 22 qos lan cos-to-dscp-remarking disable 23 qos lan cos-to-dscp-remarking status 24 qos lan cos-to-dscp-remarking configure <cosValue> <dscpValue> 25 qos lan queue management show 26 qos lan queue scheduling-algo set <sched-algo> 27 qos lan queue scheduling-algo show Disables cos-todscp remarking. Display status of cos-to-dscpremarking. Configures costo-dscp remarking. Queue management configuration show. Set the queue scheduling algorithm on the LAN. Show the queue scheduling algorithm on the LAN. The command “net ?” at the CLI prompt, gives a description of all the configuration commands in the branch net , these are as follows: 1 net bandwidth 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 . It gives options to net bandwidth profile add/edit/delete a bandwidth profile. It allows you to net bandwidth profile enable/disable enable <enable> bandwidth profiles. It allows you to add a net bandwidth profile add bandwidth profile. net bandwidth profile It allows you to edit a edit <row_id> bandwidth profile. net bandwidth profile It allows to you delete a delete <row_id> bandwidth profile. It gives you options to add/edit/delete a traffic net bandwidth traffic_selector selector for a bandwidth profile. It allows you to add a net bandwidth traffic_selector add traffic selector for a bandwidth profile. net bandwidth traffic_selector It allows you to edit a 32 edit <row_id> 10 net bandwidth traffic_selector delete <row_id> 11 net lan dhcp 12 net lan dhcp reserved_ip net lan dhcp reserved_ip configure <mac_address> net lan dhcp reserved_ip 14 delete <mac_address> 15 net ethernet net ethernet 16 configure <interface_name> 17 net lan 13 18 net lan default_route 19 net lan ipv4 20 net lan ipv4 configure 21 net lan default_route configure 22 net lan ipv6 23 net lan ipv6 configure 24 net lan ipv6 pool net lan ipv6 pool 25 configure <ipv6PoolStartAddr> net lan ipv6 pool 26 delete <ipv6PoolStartAddr> 27 net mode 28 net mode configure 29 net port 30 net port management 31 net port management configure <portName> 32 net radvd 33 traffic selector for a bandwidth profile. It allows you to delete a traffic selector for a bandwidth profile. DHCP setup. DHCP Reserved IPs setup. DHCP Reserved IPs add/edit mode. Delete a specific reserved ip entry. Ethernet configuration. Ethernet configuration mode. LAN setup. Default Route for LAN/VLAN configuration page. . IPv4 LAN configuration mode. Default Route on LAN/VLAN configuration mode. . IPv6 LAN configuration mode. . IPv6 LAN configuration add/edit mode. IPv6 LAN configuration delete. IP Mode Setup IP Mode configuration mode. . Port management configuration setup. Port management configuration mode. RADVD configuration setup. 33 net radvd pool 34 net radvd configure 35 net radvd pool add 36 net radvd pool edit <row_id> 37 net radvd pool delete <row_id> 38 net routing dynamic 39 net routing dynamic configure 40 net routing 41 net routing static 42 net routing static ipv4 43 net routing static ipv6 net routing static ipv4 configure <name> net routing static ipv6 45 configure <name> net routing static ipv4 46 delete <name> net routing static ipv6 47 delete <name> 44 RADVD configuration setup. RADVD configuration mode. RADVD Pool configuration mode. RADVD Pool configuration mode. RADVD pool configuration mode. Configure the routes dynamically. Configure the routes dynamically. Configure routing mode, static and dynamic route(s). Configure the routes. Configure the routes. Configure the IPV6 routes. Add new static routes. Add new IPV6 static routes. Delete a specific route. 48 net routing static ipv4 deleteAll 49 net routing static ipv6 deleteAll 50 net captivePortal 51 net captivePortal billing_profile net captivePortal billing_profile 52 add net captivePortal billing_profile 53 edit <row_id> net captivePortal billing_profile 54 delete <row_id> 55 net port-vlan 34 Delete a specific IPV6 route. Delete all the configured routes. Delete all the configured IPV6 routes. Captive Portal Configuration Changes. Billing Profile. Add a billing profile. Edit a billing profile. Delete a Billing Profile. Port vlan. vlan port name range 14. 57 net vlan-membership vlan-membership. Net vlan membership 58 net vlan-membership edit <port> for the port. Multivlan server 59 net multivlan configure. Multivlan Server 60 net multivlan subnet configure. net multiVlan subnet Multivlan server edit 61 edit <vlanID> mode. vlan Configuration 62 net vlan Changes. 63 net vlan config vlan configuration . 64 net vlan config add <vlan_id> Add a vlan. 65 net vlan config edit <vlan_Id> Edit a configured vlan. 66 net vlan config delete <VlanId> Delete a vlan. Enable vlan. 67 net vlan config enable configuration. Disable vlan 68 net vlan config disable configuration. 56 net port-vlan edit <portname> 2.0 Configuration commands under branch WLAN 2.1 wlan ap_management manual configure <macaddr> S.No Command Name Description 1 <macaddr> 2 save 3 cancel 4 exit 5 radio 6 channel 7 power Type and Description wlan ap_management MAC address manual configuration mode. AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF where each part is in the range 00-FF Save ap management configuration changes. Roll back ap management configuration changes. Save ap management configuration changes and current mode. Configure radio on a managed access points. Wireless radio interface Configure managed access points channel value. Unsigned integer Enter the transmit power. 35 Range of power percentage 8 9 10 11 12 Enable/Disable debugging on Managed AP. Enter the admin password debug passwd for the AP (the default is admin. debug Enter the admin password passwd_confirm again. debug Enable/Disable debugging enable_debug on Managed AP. debug reset Reset a WS managed AP. String String Boolean choice Boolean choice 2.2 wlan ap_management ap_database add <macaddr> S.No Command Name Description 1 <macaddr> 2 save 3 cancel 4 exit 5 mode 6 location 7 password 8 profileid <1-16> 9 ssid 10 channel 11 wds_mode 12 security_mode 13 wired-mode Type and Description wlan ap-management apdatabase configuration mode. MAC address AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF where each part is in the range 00FF Save ap-database configuration changes. Roll back ap-database configuration changes. Save ap-database configuration changes and current mode. Configure the AP Managed mode. AP mode Configure the AP location description. String Configure the AP Authentication Password. String Set the AP Profile ID to use for configuration. AP Profile ID Configure the stand-alone AP expected SSID. String Configure the stand-alone AP expected channel. Unsigned integer Configure the stand-alone Stand-alone AP expected WDS AP expected WDS mode. mode Configure the stand-alone AP expected security Stand Alone AP Security mode mode. Configure the stand-alone 36 14 15 16 17 18 19 AP expected wired network Stand-alone AP expected wired mode. network mode Configure fixed radio radio1-802.11a/n channel/power settings. radio2Configure fixed radio 802.11b/g/n channel/power settings. radio1-802.11a/n Configure a fixed channel channel for the radio. Unsigned integer radio1-802.11a/n Configure a fixed transmit power power for the radio. Range of power percentage radio2Configure a fixed channel 802.11b/g/n for the radio. Unsigned integer channel radio2Configure a fixed transmit 802.11b/g/n power for the radio. Range of power percentage power 2.3 wlan ap_management ap_database edit <macaddr> S.No Command Name Description 1 <macaddr> 2 save 3 cancel 4 exit 5 mode 6 location 7 password 8 profileid <1-16> 9 ssid 10 channel 11 wds_mode Type and Description wlan ap-management apdatabase configuration mode. MAC address AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF where each part is in the range 00FF Save ap-database configuration changes. Roll back ap-database configuration changes. Save ap-database configuration changes and current mode. Configure the AP Managed mode AP mode Configure the AP location description. String Configure the AP Authentication Password. String Set the AP Profile ID to use for configuration. AP Profile ID Configure the stand-alone AP expected SSID. String Configure the stand-alone AP expected channel. Unsigned integer Configure the stand-alone AP expected WDS mode. Stand-alone AP expected WDS 37 mode 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Configure the stand-alone security_mode AP expected security Stand Alone AP Security Mode mode. Configure the stand-alone wired-mode AP expected wired network Stand-alone AP expected wired mode. network mode Configure fixed radio radio1-802.11a/n channel/power settings. radio2Configure fixed radio 802.11b/g/n channel/power settings. radio1-802.11a/n Configure a fixed channel channel for the radio. Unsigned integer radio1-802.11a/n Configure a fixed transmit power power for the radio. Range of power percentage radio2Configure a fixed channel 802.11b/g/n for the radio. Unsigned integer channel radio2Configure a fixed transmit 802.11b/g/n power for the radio. range of power percentage power 2.4 wlan ap_management ap_database delete <macaddr> S.No Command Name Description Type and Description 1 <macaddr> wlan ap-management apdatabase delete an macaddress MAC address AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF where each part is in the range 00-FF 2.5 wlan ap_management rf_management configure S.No Command Name Description 1 save 2 cancel 3 exit 4 5 channel_plan power_plan Save rf management configuration changes. Roll back configuration changes. Save rf management configuration changes and current mode. Configure the channel plan parameters. Configure the power plan parameters. 6 channel_plan plan Specify radio frequency band. 7 channel_plan mode Set the mode of channel plan assignment. 38 Type and Description Radio frequency Band Channel Plan Mode 8 channel_plan history_depth <0-10> Configure the number of the channel algorithm iterations that WS remembers. 9 channel_plan interval <6-24> Configure the interval for applying and computing channel adjustments. 10 channel_plan time Configure the scheduled time for applying and computing channel adjustments. 11 power_plan interval <15- Configure the interval for applying and 1440> computing channel adjustments. 12 power_plan mode Unsigned integer Unsigned integer String Set the mode of power plan assignment. Unsigned integer Mode of Power Plan 2.6 wlan ap_management poll_list configure S.No Command Name 1 save 2 cancel 3 exit 4 vlan 5 ip_address Description Type and Description Save poll list configuration changes. Roll back poll list configuration changes. Save poll list configuration changes and current mode. Configure a VLAN ID for L2 discovery. vlan id possible values Configure IP address to poll. IP address AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part is in the range 0-255 2.7 wlan ap_management poll_list delete_ip_address <ipaddr> S.No 1 Command Name Description Type and Description <ipaddr> wlan ap-management apdatabase configuration mode. IP address AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part is in the range 0-255 2.8 wlan ap_management poll_list delete_vlan_list <id> S.No Command Name Description Type and Description 1 <id> wlan ap-management poll-list delete an vlanid. 39 Unsigned integer 2.9 wlan ap_management poll_list discovery configure S.No Command Name 1 save 2 cancel 3 exit 4 discovery discovery enable_L2/VLAN discovery enable_L3/IP 5 6 Type and Description Description Save poll-list discovery configuration changes. Roll back poll-list discovery configuration changes. Save poll-list discovery configuration changes and current mode. Enable/Disable specific discovery method. Enable/Disable the discovery of APs and peer controllers using L2 multicast frames. Boolean choice Enable/Disable the discovery of APs and peer controllers using IP polling method. Boolean choice 2.10 wlan ap_management oui_database add 1 Command Name save 2 cancel 3 exit 4 value Configure Local OUI Database. 5 description Configure Local OUI Database. S.No Type and Description Description Save oui database configuration changes. Roll back oui database configuration changes. Save discovery oui database changes and current mode. String String 2.11 wlan ap_management oui_database delete <ouival> S.No Command Name Description Type and Description 1 <ouival> wlan ap-management ap-database delete an oui value. String 2.12 wlan ap_profile add <profileid> S.No Command Name Description Type and Description 1 <profileid> wlan ap_profile configuration mode. 2 save 3 exit 4 5 cancel profile_name Save AP Profile settings. Save AP Profile settings and exit current mode. Roll back AP Profile settings changes. Configure a name for the AP Profile. 40 AP Profile ID String 6 hardware_type Configure hardware type. 7 vlanid Configure the wired network detection vlan vlan id possible id. values AP Hardware Types 2.13 wlan ap_profile edit <profileid> S.No Command Name Description Type and Description 1 <profileid> wlan ap_profile configuration mode. 2 save 3 exit 4 cancel Save AP Profile settings. Save AP Profile settings and exit current mode. Roll back AP Profile settings changes. 5 profile_name Configure a name for the AP Profile. 6 hardware_type Configure hardware type. 7 vlanid Configure the wired network detection vlan vlan id possible id. values AP Profile ID String AP Hardware Types 2.14 wlan ap_profile delete <profileid> S.No Command Name 1 <profileid> Description Delete a AP Profile. Type and Description AP Profile ID 2.15 wlan ap_profile copy <sourceprofileid> <destprofileid> S.No Command Name 1 Description <sourceprofileid> <destprofileid> Type and Description Copy an existing AP profile to AP Profile ID a new AP profile. AP Profile ID 2.16 wlan ap_profile radio configure <profileid> <radio> S.No Command Name Type and Description Description 1 <profileid> <radio> wlan ap_profile radio configuration mode. 2 3 save exit Save AP profile radio settings. Save AP profile radio settings and exit 41 AP Profile ID wireless radio interface current mode. Roll back AP profile radio settings changes. Configure the physical mode for the radio interface. Enable/Disable the radio operational mode. 4 cancel 5 mode 6 enable 7 state_isolation Enable/Disable Station Isolation. 8 rts_threshold Configure the RTS threshold. 9 enable_load_balancing Enable load balancing parameters for the radio. 10 load_utilization Configure the percentage utilization. 11 maximum_clients Configure the maximum number of simultaneous client associations allowed. 12 rf_scan_otherchannels Enable/Disable scan of other channels. 13 rf_scan_sentry Set the scan mode to sentry. 14 dtm_period Configure the DTIM period. 15 beacon_interval Configure the beacon interval. 16 automatic_channel Enable/Disable the Automatic Power Save Delivery mode for the radio. 17 automatic_power Enable/Disable auto power adjustment. 18 initial_power Configure a default power setting for the radio. 19 rate Configure data rates for the radio. 20 rate basic Configure basic client rates. 21 rate supported Configure supported client rates. 22 channel_auto_eligble Enable/Disable channel auto-eligibility for client connections. Boolean choice Boolean choice Unsigned integer Boolean choice Range of power percentage Unsigned integer Boolean choice Boolean choice Unsigned integer Unsigned integer Boolean choice Boolean choice Range of power percentage Unsigned integer Unsigned integer Unsigned integer 2.17 wlan ap_profile QoS configure <profileid> <radio> S.No Command Name Description Type and 42 Description 1 <profileid> <radio> wlan ap_profile QoS configuration mode 2 3 save exit 4 cancel 5 enable_wmm_mode Enable/Disable WMM mode. 6 edca 7 edca_queue 8 aifs 9 cwmin 10 cwmax 11 max_burst AP Profile ID wireless radio interface Save AP profile QoS configuration. Save and exit current mode. Roll back AP Profile QoS settings changes. Select between AP EDCA parameters or Station EDCA parameters to Configure. Select which EDCA queue to configure(background, best-effort, video, voice) Configure the Arbitration Inter-frame Spacing time. Configure the upper limit of the range from which the initial random backoff wait time is determined. Configure the upper limit for the doubling of the random backoff value. Configure the maximum burst duration. Boolean choice AP EDCA parameters or Station EDCA parameters EDCA Parameters Unsigned integer Unsigned integer Unsigned integer Unsigned integer 2.18 wlan network configure <networkid> S.No Command Name 1 <networkid> 2 save 3 exit 4 cancel 5 ssid 6 hide_ssid 7 ignore_broadcast Description Type and Description wlan network configuration mode. WLAN Network ID Save Network settings. Save Network settings and exit current mode. Roll back Network settings changes. Configure the SSID for the network. String Enable/Disable hiding the SSID for the network. Boolean choice Enable/Disable deny broadcast 43 mode for the network. 8 security-mode Configure security mode for network. 9 10 wpa2 wpa2 key-caching Configure WPA2. wpa2 options for network. 11 wpa2 key-caching holdtime wpa2 key holdtime for network. 12 wpa2 pre-auth wpa2 pre-authentication for network. 13 wpa2 pre-auth set wpa type for network. 14 wpa2 pre-auth limit 15 dot1x 16 dot1x bcast-key-refresh-rate wpa2 refresh rate for network. 17 dot1x session-key-refreshrate wpa2 session key refresh rate for network. 18 wpa Configure WPA. 19 wpa cipher wpa type for network. 20 wpa key wpa type for network 21 wpa key value wpa type for network. 22 wpa key enc-value wpa type for network. 23 wpa version wpa type for network. 24 wep 25 wep auth 26 wep key 27 wep key index Configure WEP. wep type authentication for network. Configure WEP key related parameters. Configure WEP key related Boolean choice 802.11 Security Types WPA2 key caching hold-time [0-Default value] WPA2 preauthentication wpa2 pre-authentication limit for WPA2 prenetwork. authentication limit [0-Default value] wpa2 refresh rate for network. 44 WPA2 broadcast key refresh rate [0Default value] WPA2 session key refresh rate [0 Disable] WPA Cipher Types String String WPA version Types Static WEP Type parameters. Configure WEP key related parameters. 28 wep key index tx 29 wep key index value 30 wep key index enc 31 wep key type 32 wep key length 33 wep tx-key Configure the WEP transfer key WEP key index type index. (1-4) 34 vlan Configure the default VLAN ID. 35 mac_authentication Configure client MAC authentication parameters. 36 redirect_mode 37 redirect_url 38 arp_suppression 39 dist_tunnel 40 radius_parm 41 radius_parm accounting 42 radius_parm server_name 43 44 45 radius_parm server_name auth radius_parm server_name acct radius_parm use_network_configuration Configure WEP key related parameters. Configure WEP key related parameters. Configure WEP key related parameters. Configure WEP key related parameters. WEP key index type (1-4) String String Static WEP Type WEP key length Unsigned integer Wireless network mac authentication type Configure the redirect mode for Network redirect the network. mode Configure the HTTP redirect URL for the network. String Enable/Disable Wireless ARP Suppression for the network. Boolean choice Enable/Disable distributed tunneling mode for the network. Boolean choice Configure RADIUS related parameters. Enable/Disable RADIUS accounting function. Boolean choice Configure Authentication/Accounting RADIUS Server Name. Configure Authentication RADIUS Server Name. String Configure Accounting RADIUS Server Name. String Enable/Disable override of Network RADIUS configuration. Boolean choice 45 2.19 wlan network delete <networkId> S.No Command Name 1 Description <networkId> Type and Description Delete a network Profile WLAN Network ID 2.20 wlan ap_profile ssid configure <profileid> <radio> Type and Description S.No Command Name Description AP Profile ID wireless radio interface 1 <profileid> <radio> Ssid for AP Profile. 2 save 3 exit 4 cancel Save AP profile ssid settings. Save AP profile ssid settings and exit current mode. Roll back AP profile ssid settings changes. 5 vap Configure the SSID for the network. 6 enable Enable/Disable the VAP operational mode. 7 networkid Configure the SSID for the network. WLAN VAP ID Boolean choice WLAN Network ID 2.21 wlan ap_profile apply <profileid> S.No Command Name <profileid> 1 Description Apply a AP Profile. Type and Description AP Profile ID 2.22 wlan captivePortal ssid configure <ssid> S.No Command Name Description Type and Description Configure a SSID to associate to <ssid> 1 captive Portal. String Save captive portal SSID 2 save configuration changes. Save captive portal SSID changes 3 exit and exit current mode. 4 cancel Roll back configuration changes. 5 showCP-profiles Available captive portal profiles. 6 accessType Access Type for the SSID to be configure. 7 permanent-user Access Type is Permanent User. 8 permanent-user auth-mode Authentication-server for user. 46 Captive Portal Type for SSID Authentication Type for Captive Portal user 9 10 11 12 permanent-user auth-type permanent-user CP-profile temporary-user temporary-user CP-profile Authentication-type for user. Captive portal profile for user. Radius Authentication type Captive Portal Profile ID Access Type is Temporary User. Captive portal profile for user. Captive Portal Profile ID 2.23 wlan client add <macaddr> S.No Command Name Description 1 <macaddr> wlan client configuration mode. 2 save 3 cancel 4 exit 5 name 6 action Type and Description MAC address AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF where each part is in the range 00-FF Save client configuration changes. Roll back client configuration changes. Save client configuration changes and current mode. Configure a Known Client name. String Configure a Known Client authentication action. Known Client Authentication Action 2.24 wlan client edit <macaddr> S.No Command Name Description 1 <macaddr> wlan client configuration mode. 2 save 3 cancel 4 exit 5 name 6 action Type and Description MAC address AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF where each part is in the range 00-FF Save client configuration changes. Roll back client configuration changes. Save client configuration changes and current mode. Configure a Known Client name. String Configure a Known Client authentication action. Known Client Authentication Action 2.25 wlan client delete <macaddr> S.No Command Name Description Type and Description 47 1 <macaddr> wlan client MAC address AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF where configuration mode. each part is in the range 00-FF 2.26 wlan peer_controller configure S.No Command Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Type and Description Description Save peer controller configuration changes. Roll back peer controller configuration cancel changes. Save peer controller configuration exit changes and current mode. Enable/Disable global configuration push enable_global to peer controllers. Enable/Disable discovery configuration enable_discovery push to peer controllers. Enable/Disable channel and power enable_channel/power configuration push to peer controllers. Enable/Disable AP database enable_ap_database configuration push to peer controllers. Enable/Disable device location enable_device_location configuration push to peer controllers. Enable/Disable AP profile and network enable_ap_profile configuration push to peer controllers. Enable/Disable known client enable_known_client configuration push to peer controllers. Enable/Disable Captive Portal enable_captive_portal configuration push to peer controllers. Enable/Disable RADIUS client enable_radius_client configuration push to peer controllers. Enable/Disable QoS ACL configuration enable_QoS_acl push to peer controllers. Enable/Disable QoS DiffServ enable_QoS_diffserv configuration push to peer controllers. Enable/Disable wds group configuration enable_wds_group push to peer controllers. save Boolean choice Boolean choice Boolean choice Boolean choice Boolean choice Boolean choice Boolean choice Boolean choice Boolean choice Boolean choice Boolean choice Boolean choice 2.27 wlan peer_controller push_configuration <ipaddr> S.No Command Name Description 1 <ipaddr> Start the configuration push IP address AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where for one peer controllers. each part is in the range 0-255 Type and Description 48 2.28 wlan wids_security ap configure Type and Description S.No Command Name Description 1 save 2 exit 3 cancel Save Wids Security settings. Save Configurable wids security settings and exit current mode. Roll back Configurable wids security settings changes. 4 admin_config_rogue Enable Rogue reporting for admin configured Rogue AP's. 5 ap_chan_illegal Enable or disable Rogue reporting for AP's is operating on an illegal Boolean channel. choice 6 ap_de_auth_attack Enable or disable the AP deauthentication attack. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Enable or disable Rogue reporting for fakeman_ap_chan_invalid fake managed AP's detected with an invalid channel. Enable or disable Rogue reporting for fakeman_ap_managed_ssid fake managed AP's detected with a managed SSID. Boolean choice Boolean choice Boolean choice Boolean choice Enable or disable Rogue reporting for Boolean APs detected with no SSID. choice Enable or disable Rogue reporting for managed_ap_ssid_invalid managed AP's detected with an Boolean invalid SSID. choice Enable or disable Rogue reporting for managed_ssid_secu_bad AP's detected with managed SSID's Boolean and an invalid security configuration. choice Enable or disable Rogue reporting for standalone_cfg_invalid standalone AP's operating with Boolean unexpected configuration. choice Enable or disable Rogue reporting for unknown_ap_managed_ssid unknown AP's detected with a Boolean managed SSID. choice fakeman_ap_no_ssid 14 unmanaged_ap_wired Enable or disable Rogue reporting for Boolean unmanaged AP's on a wired network choice 15 rogue_det_trap_interval Configure the Rogue detected trap interval. 16 wired_detection_interval Configure the wired network detection 49 Unsigned integer interval. 17 wds_device_unexpected Unsigned integer Enable or disable Rogue reporting for detection of unexpected WDS Boolean devices. choice 2.29 wlan wids_security client configure Type and Description S.No Command Name Description 1 save 2 exit 3 cancel 4 auth_with_unknown_ap 5 configured_auth_rate 6 configured_deauth_rate 7 configured_probe_rate 8 known_client_database 9 max_auth_failure 10 oui_database 11 threat_mitigation Save wids client settings. Save wids client settings and exit current mode. Roll back wids client settings changes. Enable or Disable the Known Client is authenticated with Boolean choice unknown AP test. Enable or Disable the configured rate of 802.11 Auth Requests Boolean choice test. Enable or Disable the configured rate of 802.11 Deauth Requests Boolean choice test. Enable or Disable the configured rate of 802.11 Probe Requests Boolean choice test. Enable or Disable the client present in Known DB Test Boolean choice Enable or Disable the Maximum number of Authentication Boolean choice Failures test. Enable or Disable the client present in OUI DB Test. Boolean choice Enable or Disable Client Threat Mitigation. Boolean choice 12 known_db_location Configure the Known Client database location. 13 known_db_radius_server_name Configure the Known Client database server name. 14 rogue_det_trap_interval Set the Rogue Detection Trap Interval. 15 threshold_interval_deauth Configure the De-Authentication Requests Threshold Interval. Unsigned 50 wireless ap validation type String Unsigned integer integer 16 threshold_value_deauth Configure the De-Authentication Unsigned Requests Threshold Value. integer 17 threshold_value_auth Configure the Authentication Requests Threshold Value. 18 threshold_interval_probe Configure the Probe Requests Threshold Value. 19 threshold_value_probe Configure the Probe Requests Threshold Value. 20 threshold_auth_failure Configure the Authentication Failures Threshold Value. Unsigned integer Unsigned integer Unsigned integer Unsigned integer 2.30 wlan wlan_global_setting ap_validation configure 1 2 Command Name save cancel 3 exit 4 validation 5 authentication Enable/Disable AP authentication mode. S.No Type and Description Description Save ap validation configuration changes. Roll back ap validation configuration changes. Save ap validation configuration changes and current mode. Use local AP database or configured RADIUS wireless ap server to validate discovered APs. validation type Boolean choice 2.31 wlan wlan_global_setting radius_server configure S.No Command Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 Description Type and Description Save radius server configuration changes. Roll back radius server cancel configuration changes. Save radius server configuration exit changes and current mode. Configure Authentication RADIUS authentication_server_name Server Name. String Configure Accounting RADIUS accounting_server_name Server Name. String Enable/Disable RADIUS accounting accounting_enable function. Boolean choice save 51 2.32 wlan wlan_global_setting country configure 1 2 Command Name save cancel 3 exit 4 country S.No Type and Description Description Save country configuration changes. Roll back country configuration changes. Save country configuration changes and current mode. Enter a country code. Country Code 2.33 wlan wlan_global_setting wireless_controller <enable> S.No Command Name Description 1 3.0 <enable> Type and Description Enable/Disable the wireless controller. Boolean choice Configuration commands under branch LICENSE 3.1 license list S.No Command Name Description Type and Description 1 list List all licenses configured on the device. 2 activate Activate a license on the device. 3.2 license activate <activationKey> S.No Command Name 1 <activationKey> 2 list 3 activate 4.0 Description Type and Description Activate a license on the Invalid Activation Key, please enter device. key with length of 25 characters. List all licenses configured on the device. Activate a license on the device. Configuration commands under branch SYSTEM 4.1 system NT-Domain-Settings S.No Command Name 1 save 2 exit 3 cancel Description Type and Description Save NT Domain configuration changes. Save NT Domain configuration changes and exit. Roll back configuration changes. 52 4 Authentication_Server_1 5 Authentication_Server_2 6 Authentication_Server_3 7 workgroup 8 second_workgroup 9 third_workgroup 10 timeout 11 retries 12 serverCheck Set primary server IP IP address AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD address. where each part is in the range 0255 Set second alternative IP address AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD server IP address. where each part is in the range 0255 Set third alternative server IP address. Set NT Domain Workgroup. Set second alternative Workgroup. Set Third alternative Workgroup. Set NT Domain server connection timeout. Set NT Domain server connection retry attempts. Check the reachability of configured servers. IP address AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part is in the range 0255 String String String Unsigned integer Unsigned integer 4.2 system RADIUS_Settings NULL 4.3 system LDAP_Settings S.No Command Name 1 save 2 exit 3 cancel 4 Authentication_Server_1 5 Description Save LDAP configuration changes. Save LDAP configuration changes and exit. Roll back configuration changes. Type and Description Set primary server IP IP address AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD address. where each part is in the range 0255 Authentication_Server_2 Set second 53 alternative server IP IP address AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD address. where each part is in the range 0255 6 Authentication_Server_3 Set third alternative server IP address. 7 LDAP_Base_DN Set LDAP Base DN 8 9 Set second Second_LDAP_Base_DN alternative LDAP Base DN Set third alternative Third_LDAP_Base_DN LDAP Base DN 10 LDAPAttribute1 Set LDAP Attribute 1 11 LDAPAttribute2 Set LDAP Attribute 2 12 LDAPAttribute3 Set LDAP Attribute 3 13 LDAPAttribute4 Set LDAP Attribute 4 14 timeout 15 retries 16 serverCheck Set LDAP server connection timeout. Set LDAP server connection retry attempts. Check the reachability of configured servers. IP address AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part is in the range 0255 String String String String String String String Unsigned integer Unsigned integer 4.4 system POP3_Settings POP3_Server_Configuration Type and Description S.No Command Name Description 1 save 2 exit 3 cancel Save POP3 configuration changes. Save POP3 configuration changes and exit. Roll back configuration changes. 4 Authentication_Server_1 Set primary server. 5 Authentication_Server_2 Set secondary server. 6 Authentication_Server_3 Set optional server. 54 String String String 7 Authentication_Port_1 Set port for primary server. 8 Authentication_Port_2 Set port for secondary server. 9 Authentication_Port_3 Set port for optional server. 10 SSL_Enable_1 Enable SSL for primary server. 11 SSL_Enable_2 Enable SSL for secondary server. 12 SSL_Enable_3 Enable SSL for optional server. 13 CA_File_1 CAFILE for primary server. 14 CA_File_2 CAFILE for secondary server. 15 CA_File_3 CAFILE for optional server. 16 serverCheck Check the reachability of configured servers. Port number Port number Port number Boolean choice Boolean choice Boolean choice String String String 4.5 system POP3_Settings POP3_Trusted_CA S.No Command Name Description 1 exit Exit POP3_Trusted_CA. 2 add Add a certificate. 3 delete Delete a certificate. Type and Description String IP address AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part is in the range 0-255 String 4.6 system logging ipv4 configure S.No Command Name 1 save 2 exit 3 cancel 4 unicast_traffic_logs Description Type and Description Save logging configuration changes. Save logging configuration changes and exit current mode. Roll back logging configuration changes. All Unicast Traffic logs Enable/Disable Boolean choice 55 5 broadcast_or_multicast_traffic_logs 6 source_mac_filter_logs 7 bandwidth_limit_logs 8 ftp_logs 9 icmp_invalid_logs 10 icmp_redirect_logs 11 log_invalid_packet All Broadcast/Multicast Traffic logs Enable/Disable Boolean choice Source mac filter logs Enable/Disable Boolean choice Bandwidth Limit logs Enable/Disable Boolean choice FTP logs Enable/Disable Boolean choice Invalid ICMP Packets logs Enable/Disable Boolean choice Redirected ICMP Packets logs Enable/Disable Boolean choice Log invalid packet Enable/Disable Boolean choice 4.7 system logging facility configure <facility> S.No Command Name Description 1 <facility> System logging facility configuration mode. 2 save 3 exit 4 cancel Save log facility configuration changes. Save log facility configuration changes and exit current mode. Roll back log facility configuration changes. 5 Type and Description Logging Facility Type. Logging Facility Set level options. This command can be run Type. level_options_set multiple times in this view to set different Logging Level level options. Options Type. Boolean choice 4.8 system logging remote configure S.No Command Name 1 save 2 exit 3 cancel 4 log_identifier Description Type and Description Save remote logging configuration changes. Save remote logging configuration changes and exit current mode. Roll back remote logging configuration changes. Set the log identifier 56 5 email_logs_enable 6 email_server 7 return_email 8 send_to_email 9 smtp_auth 10 smtp_auth type 11 12 13 14 prefixed to both, e- String mail and Syslog messages. Set whether or not system emails Boolean choice scheduled logs. Set options for emailing of logs. String Set email address SMTP server replies String are sent. Set email address where logs and alerts String will be sent. Set SMTP authentication details. Set SMTP SMTP Authentication authentication types. Types. Set SMTP authentication smtp_auth username username (for plain String and CRAM-MD5 auth). Set SMTP authentication smtp_auth password password (for plain String and CRAM-MD5 auth). Enable/Disable the identd_from_smtp_server_enable identd from smtp Boolean choice server. Set schedule for schedule sending log by email. 15 schedule unit Set schedule unit. 16 schedule day Set schedule day. 17 schedule time Set schedule time. 18 schedule meridiem Set schedule meridiem. 57 Schedule Unit Types. Schedule Day Types. Schedule Time Units Types. Schedule Meridiem Types. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 syslog_server syslog_server server_name1 syslog_server server_name2 syslog_server server_name3 syslog_server server_name4 syslog_server server_name5 syslog_server server_name6 syslog_server server_name7 syslog_server server_name8 syslog_server server_name1 enable syslog server1 server2 server3 server4 server5 server6 server7 server8 Boolean Choice Y/N 29 syslog_server server_name1 name 30 syslog_server server_name1 severity 31 syslog_server server_name1 facility Set Syslog facility. 32 syslog_server server_name2 enable Boolean Choice Y/N 33 syslog_server server_name2 name 34 syslog_server server_name2 severity 35 syslog_server server_name2 facility Set Syslog facility. 36 syslog_server server_name3 enable Boolean Choice Y/N 37 syslog_server server_name3 name Set Syslog server. 38 syslog_server server_name3 severity Set Syslog severity. Set Syslog server. Boolean choice IP address AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part is in the range 0-255 Set Syslog severity. syslog server severity types Set Syslog server. syslog server facility ID types Boolean choice IP address AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part is in the range 0-255 Set Syslog severity. syslog server severity types 58 syslog server facility ID types Boolean choice IP address AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part is in the range 0-255 syslog server severity types 39 syslog_server server_name3 facility Set Syslog facility. 40 syslog_server server_name4 enable Boolean Choice Y/N 41 syslog_server server_name4 name 42 syslog_server server_name4 severity 43 syslog_server server_name4 facility Set Syslog facility. 44 syslog_server server_name5 enable Boolean Choice Y/N 45 syslog_server server_name5 name 46 syslog_server server_name5 severity 47 syslog_server server_name5 facility Set Syslog facility. 48 syslog_server server_name6 enable Boolean Choice Y/N 49 syslog_server server_name6 name 50 syslog_server server_name6 severity 51 syslog_server server_name6 facility Set Syslog facility. 52 syslog_server server_name7 enable Boolean Choice Y/N Set Syslog server. syslog server facility ID types Boolean choice IP address AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part is in the range 0-255 Set Syslog severity. syslog server severity types Set Syslog server. syslog server facility ID types Boolean choice IP address AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part is in the range 0-255 Set Syslog severity. syslog server severity types Set Syslog server. syslog server facility ID types Boolean choice IP address AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part is in the range 0-255 Set Syslog severity. syslog server severity types 59 syslog server facility ID types Boolean choice 53 syslog_server server_name7 name 54 syslog_server server_name7 severity 55 syslog_server server_name7 facility Set Syslog facility. 56 syslog_server server_name8 enable Boolean Choice Y/N 57 syslog_server server_name8 name Set Syslog server. 58 syslog_server server_name8 severity 59 syslog_server server_name8 facility Set Syslog server. IP address AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part is in the range 0-255 Set Syslog severity. syslog server severity types syslog server facility ID types Boolean choice IP address AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part is in the range 0-255 Set Syslog severity. syslog server severity types Set Syslog facility. syslog server facility ID types 4.9 system logging ipv6 configure S.No Command Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Type and Description Description Save ipv6 logging configuration changes. Save ipv6 logging configuration exit changes and exit current mode. Roll back ipv6 logging configuration cancel changes. Enable/Disable logging for the LAN to lan_option_accept_enable option Accept packets Enable/Disable logging for the LAN to lan_option_drop_enable option Dropped packets Enable/Disable logging for the option option_lan_accept_enable to LAN Accept packets Enable/Disable logging for the option option_lan_drop_enable to LAN Dropped packets save Boolean choice Boolean choice Boolean choice Boolean choice 4.10 system Radius-Settings S.No Command Name Description Type and Description 60 Save RADIUS configuration changes. Save RADIUS configuration changes and exit current mode. Roll back configuration changes. 1 save 2 exit 3 cancel 4 primary-radiusserver Set Primary RADIUS server IP address. IP address AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part is in the range 0255 5 secondary-radiusserver Set Secondary RADIUS server IP address. IP address AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part is in the range 0255 6 optional-radiusserver Set Optional RADIUS server IP address. IP address AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part is in the range 0255 primary-serverauthentication-port secondary-serverauthentication-port optional-serverauthentication-port primary-serversecret secondary-serversecret optional-serversecret primary-servertimeout secondary-servertimeout optional-servertimeout primary-serverretries secondary-serverretries optional-serverretries serverCheck Set Primary RADIUS server port. Port number Set Secondary RADIUS server port. Port number Set Optional RADIUS server port. Port number Set Primary RADIUS server secret. String Set Secondary RADIUS server secret. String Set Optional RADIUS server secret. String Set primary server connection timeout. Set secondary server connection timeout. Set optional server connection timeout. Set primary server connection retry attempts. number in range of 1 to 9 Set secondary server connection retry attempts. number in range of 1 to 9 Set optional server connection retry attempts. number in range of 1 to 9 Check the reachability of 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 61 configured servers. 4.11 system remote_management https configure S.No Command Name 1 save 2 exit 3 cancel 4 enable 5 type Description Save access Management changes for https. Save access Management changes for https and exit current mode. Roll back Remote Mgmt changes. Enable/disable remote mgmt over https. Enable/disable remote mgmt over https. Type and Description Boolean choice Unsigned integer 6 from_address Set the starting IP in case of IP address range, and the IP to be allowed AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where access in case of granting each part is in the range 0access to a particular machine 255 7 end_address Set the Ending IP in case of range. 8 port Set the port you want to use for HTTP. Unsigned integer 9 enable_remote_snmp Enable/disable remote snmp. IP address AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part is in the range 0255 Boolean choice 4.12 system remote_management telnet configure S.No Command Name 1 save 2 3 4 5 6 Description Type and Description Save access Management changes for telnet. Save access Management exit changes for telnet and exit current mode. Roll back changes to Remote cancel Mgmt. Enable/disable Remote mgmt enable over telnet. The kind of access you want to type allow. from_address Set the starting IP range, and 62 Boolean choice Unsigned integer allow the IP to grant access to a IP address AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD particular machine. where each part is in the range 0255 7 to_address Set the Ending IP in case of range. IP address AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part is in the range 0255 4.13 system snmp trap configure <agent_ip> S.No Command Name Description 1 <agent_ip> SNMP trap configuration mode. 2 save 3 exit 4 cancel 5 agent 6 snmp_version Snmp Version v1/v2/v3 7 port 8 community Type and Description IP address AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part is in the range 0-255 Save SNMP trap configuration changes. Save SNMP trap configuration changes and exit current mode. Roll back SNMP configuration changes. The IP address of the SNMP agent. IP address AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part is in the range 0-255 String Which SNMP trap port the trap messages will be sent to. Port number The community string to which the agent belongs. Most agents are configured to listen for traps in the String Public community. 4.14 system snmp trap delete <agent_ip> S.No Command Name Description 1 <agent_ip> Delete a SNMP trap configuration. Type and Description IP address AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part is in the range 0-255 4.15 system snmp users configure <user> S.No Command Name 1 <user> Description Type and Description SNMP v3 User list configuration changes. SNMPv3 user list type. 63 Save SNMP trap configuration changes. Save SNMP v3 Users configuration changes and exit current mode. Roll back SNMP v3 Users configuration changes. 2 save 3 exit 4 cancel 5 security_level 6 authentication_algo 7 privacy_algorithm 8 9 Authentication and privacy settings. Security level type for SNMPv3 user list. Choose between MD5 or SHA SNMPv3 user list authentication. authentication algorithm type. DES-56 privacy is available for SNMPv3 user list authentication negotiation. privacy algorithm type. Shared authentication authentication_password password with the SNMPv3 String. user. Shared privacy password with privacy_password the SNMPv3 user. String. 4.16 system snmp sys configure 1 2 Command Name save cancel 3 exit 4 sys-contact Set system contact information. 5 sys-location Set system location information. 6 sys-name Set system name information. S.No Type and Description Description Save SNMP system configuration changes. Roll back SNMP configuration changes. Save SNMP system configuration changes and exit current mode. String. String. String. 4.17 system snmp access add S.No Command Name 1 save 2 exit 3 cancel Description Type and Description Save SNMP access control configuration changes. Save SNMP access configuration changes and exit current mode. Roll back SNMP configuration changes. 64 agent 5 The network mask used to determine the list of allowed SNMP managers. To allow any IP on the network to manage the subnet_mask device, enter For a specific host, enter To allow global access, enter 6 accessType Which SNMP trap port that the trap messages will be sent to. community The community string to which the agent belongs. Most agents are configured to String listen for traps in the Public community. 7 The IP address of the SNMP agent. IP address AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part is in the range 0-255 4 IP address AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part is in the range 0-255 SNMP access type for SNMP community. 4.18 system snmp access edit <rowid> S.No Command Name Description 1 <rowid> SNMP configuration mode. 2 save 3 exit 4 cancel Save SNMP access control configuration changes. Save SNMP access configuration changes and exit current mode. Roll back SNMP configuration changes. 5 agent The IP address of the SNMP agent. 6 The network mask used to determine the list of allowed SNMP managers. To allow any IP on the network to manage the subnet_mask device, enter For a specific host, enter To allow global access, enter 7 accessType 8 community Type and Description Unsigned integer. IP address AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part is in the range 0-255 IP address AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part is in the range 0-255 Which SNMP trap port the trap messages SNMP access type for will be sent to. SNMP community The community string to which the agent belongs. Most agents are configured to String listen for traps in the Public community. 65 4.19 system snmp access delete <rowid> S.No Command Name Description 1 <rowid> Type and Description SNMP access configuration mode. Unsigned integer. 4.20 system time configure S.No Command Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Type and Description Description save Save time configuration changes. Save time configuration changes and exit current mode. cancel Roll back time configuration changes. timezone Timezone. Timezone. Specify whether system automatically auto_daylight adjusts for daylight savings time. Boolean choice. Specify whether to use NTP servers or configure_ntp_servers if user will set the date and time. Boolean choice. Specify whether to use system default use_default_servers NTP servers. Boolean choice. 8 ntp_server1 Set NTP server#1. 9 ntp_server2 Set NTP server#2. 10 ntp_year Set year for the date. 11 ntp_month Set month for the date. Month in the format MM(01-12) 12 ntp_day Set day for the date. Day in the format DD(01-31) 13 ntp_hour Set hour for the date. HH(00-23) using 24 hour clock 14 ntp_minutes Set minutes for the date. Minute in the format MM(00-59) 15 ntp_seconds Set seconds for the date. Second in the format SS(00-59) 16 ntp_sync_interval Set seconds for the date. 66 String. String Year. Unsigned integer. 4.21 system traffic_meter configure S.No Command Name Type and Description Description Save traffic meter configuration changes. Save traffic meter configuration changes and exit current mode. Roll back traffic meter configuration changes. 1 save 2 exit 3 cancel 4 enable Enable/Disable the traffic meter. 5 limit_type Set traffic Limit Type 0(No limit), 1(Download only), 2(Both Directions) 6 monthly_limit Set monthly limit for the traffic meter. 7 increase_limit_enable 8 increase_limit_by 9 counter 10 time_hour Set hours for restart time. HH(00-23) using 24 hour clock 11 time_minute Set minutes for restart time. minute in the format MM(00-59) 12 day_of_month Set day of the month. Calendar day of the month. 13 send_email_report 14 block_type Enable/Disable send email report. Boolean choice. Set block Traffic type 0(block all traffic) 1(block all traffic except email) Block traffic type. 15 send_email_alert Enable/Disable whether you can increase limit of the traffic meter. Set a value for increasing the limit of the traffic meter. Set the traffic counter as either a specific time or restart counter. Enable/Disable send email alert. Boolean choice. Traffic meter types. Unsigned integer. Boolean choice. Unsigned integer. Traffic counter type. Boolean choice. 4.22 system usb usb1 configure 1 Command Name save 2 exit 3 cancel S.No Type and Description Description Save Configurable OPTION settings. Save configurable OPTION settings and exit current mode. Roll back Configurable OPTION settings 67 changes. 4 enable Enable USB1 5 printer_enable Enable printer USB 6 Storage_enable Enable Storage USB 7 usb_type Boolean choice. Boolean choice. Boolean choice. Select the USB type 3G_USB_ADAPTOR/USB_Disc USB device type. 4.23 system usb usb2 configure 1 2 Command Name save exit 3 cancel 4 enable Enable USB2. 5 printer_enable Enable printer. 6 Storage_enable Enable USB2. 7 usb_type S.No Type and Description Description Save USB1 settings. Save USB2 settings and exit current mode. Roll back changes to Configurable OPTION settings. Boolean choice. Boolean choice. Boolean choice. Select the USB type 3G_USB_ADAPTOR/USB_Disc USB device type. 4.24 system group add S.No Command Name Type and Description Description Save system group configuration changes. Save system group configuration changes and exit current mode. Roll back system group configuration changes. 1 save 2 exit 3 cancel 4 groupname 5 description 6 Privilege_Type 7 Privilege_Type Admin Give ADMIN privilege to a group. 8 Privilege_Type sslvpn Give sslvpn privilege to a group. Enter the Group Name here. String. Enter a brief description of a group here. String. Select the privilege type for a group. 68 Boolean choice. Boolean choice. 9 Privilege_Type L2TP Give L2TP privilege to a group. 10 Privilege_Type Pptp Give Pptp privilege to a group. 11 Privilege_Type Xauth Give Xauth privilege to a group. 12 Privilege_Type Guest Give Guest privilege to a group. 13 Privilege_Type RuntimeAuth Give RuntimeAuth privilege to a group. 14 grouptimeOut Enter the time out for a group. 15 SSLVPN_Settings SSLVPN configuration for a group. Boolean choice. Boolean choice. Boolean choice. Boolean choice. Boolean choice. Idle timeout value for user. String Supported authentication type. 4.25 system group edit <row_id> S.No Command Name Description Type and Description 1 <row_id> System group edit mode. 2 save 3 exit 4 cancel Save system group configuration changes. Save system group configuration changes and exit current mode. Roll back system group configuration changes. 5 description Enter a brief description of a group here. Unsigned integer. String. 4.26 system group delete <row_id> S.No Command Name 1 Description Type and Description Delete system group’s mode. <row_id> Unsigned integer 4.27 system users add Type and Description S.No Command Name Description 1 save 2 exit 3 cancel 4 username Save changes to system user configuration. Save changes to system user configuration and exit current mode. Roll back changes to system user configuration. Enter username here. 69 String. 5 FirstName Enter the user's first name here. 6 LastName Enter the user's last name here. 7 password Enter the password here. 8 password_confirm Re-Enter the password here. 9 groupname String. String. String. String. Enter the group name here. String. 4.28 system users edit <row_id> Type and Description S.No Command Name Description 1 <row_id> 2 save 3 exit 4 cancel 5 FirstName Enter the user's first name here. 6 LastName Enter the user's last name here. 7 change_password Change the user's password. Edit mode for system users. Unsigned integer. Save changes to the system user’s configuration. Save changes to the system user’s configuration and exit current mode. Roll back changes to the system user’s configuration. String. String. String. String. String. 4.29 system users delete <row_id> S.No Command Name 1 <row_id> Description Type and Description Delete system user mode. Unsigned integer. 4.30 system group groupaccesscontrol configure <group_id> S.No Command Name 1 <group_id> 2 save 3 exit Description Group access control configuration. Save changes to group access control configuration. Save changes to group 70 Type and Description Unsigned integer. access control configuration and exit current mode. Roll back changes to group access control configuration. 4 cancel 5 deny_login Deny login. Boolean choice. 6 deny_login_Option Deny login option. Boolean choice. 7 allow_login_from_defined_ips Login from IP. Boolean choice. 8 allow_login_from_defined_browsers Login from browser. Boolean choice. 4.31 system group access_control_browser add S.No Command Name Type and Description 1 save 2 exit 3 cancel Roll back configuration changes to the group access control browser. 4 group_id Group id. 5 browser_name Browser name. Description Save configuration changes to the group access control browser. Save configuration changes to the group access control browser and exit current mode. Unsigned integer. Supported browsers. 4.32 system group access_control_browser delete <row_id> S.No Command Name Description Type and Description 1 <row_id> Delete a browser from the Access Control browser list. Unsigned integer. 4.33 system group access_control_ip add S.No Command Name Description 1 save Save changes to group access control IP configuration. Type and Description 71 Save changes to group access control IP configuration and exit current mode. Roll back changes to group access control IP configuration. 2 exit 3 cancel 4 group_id Group ID. 5 address_type Address type. 6 source_address Set the source address. 7 mask_length Unsigned integer. Source address type for users IP policy. Set the source network mask length. IP address AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part is in the range 0255 Number in range of 1 to 32 4.34 system group access_control_ip delete <row_id> S.No Command Name Description Delete an IP from Access Control IPS <row_id> 1 list. 5.0 Type and Description Unsigned integer. Configuration commands under branch UTIL 5.1 util system_check ping <ip_address> S.No Command Name 1 <ip_address> Description Type and Description Ping an Internet Address. String. 5.2 util system_check dns_lookup <dns> S.No Command Name Description Type and Description 1 <dns> Retrieves the IP address of a Web, FTP, Mail or any other Server on the Internet. String. 5.3 util system_check traceroute <ip_address> S.No Command Name Description Type and Description 1 <ip_address> Display all the routers present between the destination IP address and this router. 5.4 util system_check capturePackets start <interface> S.No Command Name Description Type and Description 72 String. 1 <interface> Start the packet Enter “util system_check capturePackets capture. avail_interfaces” command to get the available interfaces for packet capture. 5.5 util system_check capturePackets download <fileName> <ipAddr> S.No Command Name 1 Description Type and Description Download the packet <fileName> <ipAddr> capture to the host machine. String IP address AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part is in the range 0255 5.6 util schedule-reboot <enable_reboot> S.No Command Name 1 Description <enable_reboot> Type and Description Reboot the system. Boolean choice. 5.7 util usb_test <ipAddr> <fileName> S.No Command Name 1 Description <ipAddr> <fileName> Type and Description To test the USB. String. 5.8 util backup_configuration <fileName> <ipAddr> S.No Command Name 1 Description Type and Description Download the backup <fileName> <ipAddr> configuration file to the host machine. String IP address AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part is in the range 0255 5.9 util restore_configuration <IpAddr> <FileName> S.No Command Name 1 <IpAddr> <FileName> Description Type and Description For restoring the configuration. IP address AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part is in the range 0-255 String. 5.10 util firmware_upgrade <IpAddr> <FileName> S.No Command Name 1 6.0 <IpAddr> <FileName> Description Type and Description For upgrading the IP address AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where firmware. each part is in the range 0-255 String. Configuration commands under branch QOS 73 6.1 qos lan status S.No Command Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Description lan status lan enable lan disable Displays the status of LAN QoS. Enables QoS on LAN. Disables QoS on LAN. Configures trust mode configuration lan trustmode for the controller port. Shows the trust mode configuration in lan trustmode status the controller. Configures CoS based QoS for the lan trustmode cos controller port. Configures DSCP based QoS for the lan trustmode dscp controller port. Configures the CoS map for the lan cos-map controller port. Configures trust mode CoS based lan trustmode cos enable QoS on LAN. lan trustmode dscp Configures trust mode as DSCP QoS enable on LAN. lan cos-map show Shows the CoS map for the LAN. lan cos-map configure Configures CoS map for QoS. Configures the DSCP-map for the lan dscp-map controller. Displays DSCP priority mapping on lan dscp-map show controller. lan dscp-map configure Configures DSCP map for QoS. lan cos-to-dscpEnables CoS to DSCP remarking. remarking enable lan cos-to-dscpDisables CoS to DSCP remarking. remarking disable Queue scheduling and management lan queue configuration. LAN queue management lan queue management configuration. lan queue management Shows queue management show configuration. lan queue schedulingConfigures queue scheduling algo algorithm. lan queue schedulingSets the queue scheduling algorithm algo set on the LAN. lan queue schedulingShows the queue scheduling algo show algorithm on the LAN. 74 Type and Description 24 lan cos-to-dscpremarking configure Disables CoS to DSCP remarking. 6.2 qos lan enable S.No Command Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Description lan status lan enable lan disable Displays the status of LAN QoS. Enables QoS on LAN. Disables QoS on LAN. Configures the trust mode lan trustmode configuration in the controller. Shows the trust mode configuration lan trustmode status on the controller. Configures CoS based QoS for a lan trustmode cos controller port. Configures DSCP based QoS for a lan trustmode dscp controller port. Configures a CoS map for the lan cos-map controller port. Configures a trust mode CoS based lan trustmode cos enable QoS for LAN. lan trustmode dscp Configures trust mode as DSCP QoS enable for LAN. lan cos-map show Shows the CoS map for the LAN. lan cos-map configure Configures CoS map for QoS. Configures the DSCP map for a lan dscp-map controller. Displays DSCP priority mapping on a lan dscp-map show controller. lan dscp-map configure Configures DSCP map for QoS. lan cos-to-dscpEnables CoS to DSCP remarking. remarking enable lan cos-to-dscpDisables CoS to DSCP remarking. remarking disable Queue scheduling and management lan queue configuration. LAN queue management lan queue management configuration. lan queue management Shows a queue management show configuration. lan queue schedulingConfigures a queue scheduling algo algorithm. lan queue schedulingSets the queue scheduling algorithm algo set on the LAN. 75 Type and Description 23 24 lan queue schedulingalgo show lan cos-to-dscpremarking configure Shows the queue scheduling algorithm on the LAN. Disables CoS to DSCP remarking. 6.3 qos lan disable S.No Command Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Description lan status lan enable lan disable Displays the status of LAN QoS. Enables QoS on LAN. Disables QoS on LAN. Configures trust mode configuration lan trustmode for the controller. Shows the trust mode configuration on lan trustmode status the controller. Configures CoS based QoS for a lan trustmode cos controller port. Configures DSCP based QoS for a lan trustmode dscp controller port. Configures the CoS map for a lan cos-map controller port. Configures trust mode CoS based lan trustmode cos enable QoS on LAN. lan trustmode dscp Configures trust mode as DSCP QoS enable on LAN. lan cos-map show Shows the CoS map for the LAN. lan cos-map configure Configures CoS map for QoS. Configures a DSCP map for the lan dscp-map controller. Displays DSCP priority mapping on lan dscp-map show the controller. lan dscp-map configure Configures DSCP map for QoS. lan cos-to-dscpEnables CoS to DSCP remarking. remarking enable lan cos-to-dscpDisables CoS to DSCP remarking. remarking disable Queues scheduling and management lan queue configuration. LAN queue management lan queue management configuration. lan queue management Queues management configuration show show. lan queue schedulingConfigures a queue scheduling algo algorithm. 76 Type and Description 22 23 24 lan queue schedulingalgo set lan queue schedulingalgo show lan cos-to-dscpremarking configure Sets the queue scheduling algorithm in the LAN controller. Shows the queue scheduling algorithm in the LAN controller. Disables CoS to DSCP remarking. 6.4 qos lan trustmode cos enable <lanPort> S.No Command Name 1 <lanPort> 2 3 4 lan status lan enable lan disable 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Description Configures CoS LAN, QoS has to be enabled first. Displays the status of LAN QoS. Enables QoS on LAN. Disables QoS on LAN. Configures trust mode configuration lan trustmode for the controller. Shows trust mode configuration in lan trustmode status the controller. Configures CoS based QoS for a lan trustmode cos controller port. Configures DSCP based QoS for a lan trustmode dscp controller port. Configures the CoS map for a lan cos-map controller port. Configures a trust mode CoS lan trustmode cos enable based QoS on LAN. lan trustmode dscp Configures trust mode as DSCP enable QoS on LAN. lan cos-map show Shows the CoS map for LAN. lan cos-map configure Configures CoS map for QoS. Configures the DSCP map for a lan dscp-map controller port. Displays DSCP priority mapping on lan dscp-map show controller. lan dscp-map configure Configures DSCP map for QoS. lan cos-to-dscpEnables CoS to DSCP remarking. remarking enable lan cos-to-dscpDisables CoS to DSCP remarking. remarking disable Queues scheduling and lan queue management configuration. lan queue management LAN queue management 77 Type and Description LAN port on the controller. 21 22 23 24 25 lan queue management show lan queue schedulingalgo lan queue schedulingalgo set lan queue schedulingalgo show lan cos-to-dscpremarking configure configuration. Shows queue management configuration. Configures a queue scheduling algorithm. Sets the queue scheduling algorithm on the LAN. Shows the queue scheduling algorithm on the LAN. Disables CoS to DSCP remarking. 6.5 qos lan trustmode dscp enable <lanPort> S.No Command Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Description Type and Description Configures DSCP on LAN, QoS has Lan Port on the to be enabled first. controller lan status Displays status of LAN QoS. lan enable Enables QoS on LAN. lan disable Disables QoS on LAN. Configures trust mode configuration lan trustmode on the controller. Shows the trust mode configuration lan trustmode status in the controller Configures CoS based QoS on a lan trustmode cos controller port. Configures DSCP based QoS on a lan trustmode dscp controller port. Configures the CoS map on a lan cos-map controller port. Configures trust mode CoS based lan trustmode cos enable QoS on LAN. lan trustmode dscp Configures trust mode as DSCP enable QoS on LAN. lan cos-map show Shows the CoS map for the LAN. lan cos-map configure Configures CoS map for QoS. Configures the DSCP map for LAN lan dscp-map the controller. Displays DSCP priority mapping on lan dscp-map show the controller. lan dscp-map configure Configures a DSCP map for QoS. lan cos-to-dscpEnables COS to DSCP remarking. remarking enable <lanPort> 78 18 lan cos-to-dscpremarking disable 19 lan queue 20 lan queue management 21 22 23 24 25 lan queue management show lan queue schedulingalgo lan queue schedulingalgo set lan queue schedulingalgo show lan cos-to-dscpremarking configure Disables COS to DSCP remarking. Queues scheduling and management configuration. The LAN queue management configuration. Shows the queues management configuration. Configures queue scheduling algorithm. Sets the queue scheduling algorithm on the LAN. Shows the queue scheduling algorithm on the LAN. Disables CoS to DSCP remarking. 6.6 qos lan cos-map configure <cosValue> <priorityQueue> S.No Command Name 1 <cosValue> <priorityQueue> 2 lan status 3 4 lan enable lan disable 5 lan trustmode 6 lan trustmode status 7 lan trustmode cos 8 lan trustmode dscp 9 lan cos-map 10 lan trustmode cos enable 11 lan trustmode dscp enable 12 lan cos-map show Description Configures a CoS map for QoS. Displays the status of LAN QoS. Enables QoS on LAN. Disables QoS on LAN. Configures trust mode configuration on the controller. Shows the trust mode configuration on the controller. Configures CoS based QoS on a controller. Configures DSCP based QoS for a controller port. Configures a CoS map for the controller port. Configures a trust mode CoS based QoS on LAN. Configures trust mode as DSCP QoS on LAN. Shows the CoS map for LAN. 79 Type and Description CoS value to be configured. Priority of the QoS Queue. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 lan cos-map configure Configures CoS map for QoS. Configures a DSCP map for lan dscp-map the controller. Displays DSCP priority lan dscp-map show mapping for the controller. Configures DSCP map for lan dscp-map configure QoS. lan cos-to-dscp-remarking Enables CoS to DSCP enable remarking. lan cos-to-dscp-remarking Disables CoS to DSCP disable remarking. Queues scheduling and lan queue management configuration. LAN queue management lan queue management configuration. Shows queue management lan queue management show configuration. Configures a queue lan queue scheduling-algo scheduling algorithm. Sets the queue scheduling lan queue scheduling-algo set algorithm on the LAN. lan queue scheduling-algo Show the queue scheduling show algorithm on the LAN. lan cos-to-dscp-remarking Disables CoS to DSCP configure remarking. 6.7 qos lan dscp-map configure <dscpValue> <priorityQueue> S.No Command Name 1 <dscpValue> <priorityQueue> 2 lan status 3 4 lan enable lan disable 5 lan trustmode 6 lan trustmode status 7 lan trustmode cos Description Type and Description Configures DSCP map DSCP value to be for QoS. configured based on priority in the QoS queue. Displays status of LAN QoS. Enables QoS on LAN. Disables QoS on LAN. Configures trust mode configuration for the controller. Shows the trust mode configuration on the controller. Configures CoS based QoS for a controller 80 port. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Configures DSCP based QoS for a controller port. Configures the CoS lan cos-map map for a controller port. Configures trust mode lan trustmode cos enable CoS based QoS on LAN. Configures trust mode lan trustmode dscp enable as DSCP QoS on LAN. Shows the CoS map for lan cos-map show LAN. Configures CoS map lan cos-map configure for QoS. Configures the DSCP lan dscp-map map on the controller. Displays DSCP priority lan dscp-map show mapping on the controller. Configures DSCP map lan dscp-map configure for QoS. lan cos-to-dscp-remarking Enables CoS to DSCP. enable Remarking. lan cos-to-dscp-remarking Disables CoS to DSCP disable remarking. Queue scheduling and lan queue management configuration. LAN queue lan queue management management configuration. Shows queue lan queue management show management configuration. Configures queue lan queue scheduling-algo scheduling algorithm. Sets the queue lan queue scheduling-algo set scheduling algorithm for the LAN. lan queue scheduling-algo Shows queue show scheduling algorithm on lan trustmode dscp 81 25 lan cos-to-dscp-remarking configure the LAN. Disables CoS to DSCP remarking. 6.8 qos lan cos-to-dscp-remarking enable S.No Command Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Description lan status lan enable lan disable Displays status of LAN QoS. Enables QoS on LAN. Disables QoS on LAN. Configures trust mode configuration lan trustmode for the controller. Shows trust mode configuration on lan trustmode status the controller. Configures CoS based QoS for a lan trustmode cos controller port. Configures DSCP based QoS for a lan trustmode dscp controller port. Configures a CoS map for a lan cos-map controller port. Configures a trust mode CoS based lan trustmode cos enable QoS on LAN. Configures a trust mode as DSCP lan trustmode dscp enable QoS on LAN. lan cos-map show Shows a CoS map for LAN. lan cos-map configure Configures CoS map for QoS. Configures a DSCP map for the lan dscp-map controller. Displays DSCP priority mapping on lan dscp-map show the controller. lan dscp-map configure Configures a DSCP map for QoS. lan cos-to-dscp-remarking Enables CoS to DSCP remarking. enable lan cos-to-dscp-remarking Disables CoS to DSCP remarking. disable Queues scheduling and lan queue management configuration. LAN queue management lan queue management configuration. lan queue management Shows a queue management show configuration. Configures a queue scheduling lan queue scheduling-algo algorithm. 82 Type and Description 22 23 24 lan queue scheduling-algo Sets the queue scheduling algorithm set on the LAN. lan queue scheduling-algo Shows the queue scheduling show algorithm on the LAN. lan cos-to-dscp-remarking Disables CoS to DSCP remarking. configure 6.9 qos lan cos-to-dscp-remarking disable S.No Command Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Description lan status lan enable lan disable Displays the status of LAN QoS. Enables QoS on LAN. Disables QoS on LAN. Configures trust mode configuration lan trustmode on the controller. Shows trust mode configuration on lan trustmode status the controller. Configures a CoS based QoS on a lan trustmode cos controller port. Configures DSCP based QoS for a lan trustmode dscp controller port. Configures a CoS map for a lan cos-map controller port. Configures a trust mode CoS based lan trustmode cos enable QoS on LAN. Configures trust mode as DSCP lan trustmode dscp enable QoS on LAN. lan cos-map show Shows a CoS map for LAN. lan cos-map configure Configures a CoS map for QoS. Configures a DSCP map for the lan dscp-map controller. Displays DSCP priority mapping on lan dscp-map show the controller. lan dscp-map configure Configures a DSCP map for QoS. lan cos-to-dscp-remarking Enables CoS to DSCP remarking. enable lan cos-to-dscp-remarking Disables CoS to DSCP remarking. disable Queues scheduling and lan queue management configuration. LAN queue management lan queue management configuration. lan queue management Shows the queue management show configuration. 83 Type and Description 21 22 23 24 Configures the queue scheduling algorithm. lan queue scheduling-algo Sets the queue scheduling algorithm set on the LAN. lan queue scheduling-algo Shows the queue scheduling show algorithm on the LAN. lan cos-to-dscp-remarking Disables CoS to DSCP remarking. configure lan queue scheduling-algo 6.10 qos lan cos-to-dscp-remarking status S.No Command Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Description lan status lan enable lan disable Displays the status of LAN QoS. Enables QoS on LAN. Disables QoS on LAN. Configures trust mode configuration lan trustmode on the controller. Shows trust mode configuration on lan trustmode status the controller. Configures a CoS based QoS for the lan trustmode cos controller port. Configures a DSCP based QoS for lan trustmode dscp the controller port. Configures a CoS map for the lan cos-map controller port. Configures a trust mode CoS based lan trustmode cos enable QoS on LAN. Configures trust mode as DSCP lan trustmode dscp enable QoS on LAN. lan cos-map show Shows a CoS map for LAN. lan cos-map configure Configures a CoS map for QoS. Configures a DSCP map for the lan dscp-map controller. Displays DSCP priority mapping for lan dscp-map show the controller. lan dscp-map configure Configures a DSCP map for QoS. lan cos-to-dscp-remarking Enables CoS to DSCP remarking. enable lan cos-to-dscp-remarking Disables CoS to DSCP remarking. disable Queues a scheduling and lan queue management configuration. LAN queue management lan queue management configuration. 84 Type and Description 20 21 22 23 24 lan queue management show Shows a queue management configuration. Configures a queue scheduling lan queue scheduling-algo algorithm. lan queue scheduling-algo Sets a queue scheduling algorithm set on the LAN. lan queue scheduling-algo Shows a queue scheduling algorithm show in the LAN. lan cos-to-dscp-remarking Disables CoS to DSCP remarking. configure 6.11 qos lan cos-to-dscp-remarking configure <cosValue> <dscpValue> S.No Command Name 1 <cosValue> <dscpValue> 2 lan status 3 4 lan enable lan disable 5 lan trustmode 6 lan trustmode status 7 lan trustmode cos 8 lan trustmode dscp 9 lan cos-map 10 lan trustmode cos enable 11 lan trustmode dscp enable 12 lan cos-map show 13 lan cos-map configure 14 lan dscp-map 15 lan dscp-map show Description Configures CoS to DSCP remarking. Displays the status of LAN QoS. Enables QoS on LAN. Disables Qos on LAN. Configures trust mode configuration on the controller. Shows trust mode configuration on the controller. Configures a CoS based QoS on a controller port. Configures a DSCP based QoS on a controller port. Configures a CoS map for the controller port. Configures trust mode CoS based QoS on LAN. Configures trust mode as DSCP QoS on LAN. Shows a CoS map for LAN. Configures a CoS map for QoS. Configures a DSCP map for the controller. Displays DSCP priority mapping for a controller. 85 Type and Description CoS value to be configured. DSCP value to be configured. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Configures a DSCP map for QoS. lan cos-to-dscp-remarking Enables CoS to DSCP enable remarking. lan cos-to-dscp-remarking Disables CoS to DSCP disable remarking. Queue scheduling and lan queue management configuration. LAN queue management lan queue management configuration. Shows the queue management lan queue management show configuration. Configures a queue scheduling lan queue scheduling-algo algorithm. Sets a queue scheduling lan queue scheduling-algo set algorithm for the LAN. lan queue scheduling-algo Shows a queue scheduling show algorithm for the LAN. lan cos-to-dscp-remarking Disables CoS to DSCP configure remarking. lan dscp-map configure 6.12 qos lan queue scheduling-algo set <sched-algo> S.No Command Name 1 <sched-algo> 2 lan status 3 4 lan enable lan disable 5 lan trustmode 6 lan trustmode status 7 lan trustmode cos 8 lan trustmode dscp 9 lan cos-map 10 11 lan trustmode cos enable lan trustmode dscp Description Type and Description Sets a queue scheduling algorithm for the LAN. Selects a QoS Scheduling Algorithm type. Displays the status of LAN QoS. Enables QoS on LAN. Disables QoS on LAN. Configures trust mode configuration on the controller. Shows trust mode configuration on the controller. Configures a CoS based QoS on a controller port. Configures a DSCP based QoS on a controller port. Configures a CoS map for the controller port. Configures a trust mode CoS based QoS on LAN. Configures trust mode as a 86 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 7.0 enable DSCP QoS on LAN. lan cos-map show Shows the CoS map for LAN. lan cos-map configure Configures a CoS map for QoS. Configures a DSCP map for the lan dscp-map controller. Displays DSCP priority lan dscp-map show mapping on a controller. Configures a DSCP map for lan dscp-map configure QoS. lan cos-to-dscpEnables CoS to DSCP remarking enable remarking. lan cos-to-dscpDisables CoS to DSCP remarking disable remarking. Queue scheduling and lan queue management configuration. LAN queue management lan queue management configuration. lan queue management Shows queue management show configuration. lan queue scheduling- Configures a queue scheduling algo algorithm. lan queue scheduling- Sets the queue scheduling algo set algorithm in the LAN. lan queue scheduling- Shows a queue scheduling algo show algorithm in the LAN. lan cos-to-dscpDisables CoS to DSCP remarking configure remarking. Configuration commands under branch NET 7.1 net bandwidth profile enable <enable> S.No Command Name Description Type and Description 1 <enable> It allows you to enable/disable bandwidth profiles. Boolean choice 7.2 net bandwidth profile add S.No Command Name 1 save 2 exit 3 cancel Description Type and Description Saves bandwidth profile configuration changes. Saves bandwidth profile configuration changes and exits current mode. Rolls back bandwidth profile 87 configuration changes. 4 name Unique profile name. 5 type Profile type, priority or rate. 6 priority Priority. 7 minimum_rate Minimum bandwidth provided by user. 8 maximum_rate Maximum bandwidth provided by user. String. Bandwidth profile type. Bandwidth priority type. Minimum bandwidth rate 0Max bandwidth Kbps. Maximum bandwidth rate 100-100000 Kbps. 7.3 net bandwidth profile edit <row_id> S.No Command Name 1 <row_id> 2 save 3 exit 4 cancel 5 name Unique profile name. 6 type Profile type, priority or rate. 7 priority Priority. 8 minimum_rate Minimum bandwidth provided by user. Minimum bandwidth rate 0Max bandwidth Kbps. 9 maximum_rate Description Type and Description It allows you to edit the bandwidth profile. Saves the bandwidth profile configuration changes. Saves the bandwidth profile configuration changes and exits current mode. Rolls back bandwidth profile configuration changes. Unsigned integer. String. Bandwidth profile type. Bandwidth priority type. Maximum bandwidth provided by user. Maximum bandwidth rate 100-100000 Kbps. 7.4 net bandwidth profile delete <row_id> S.No Command Name Description Type and Description 1 <row_id> It allows you to delete a bandwidth profile. 88 Unsigned integer. 7.5 net bandwidth traffic_selector add S.No Command Name 1 save 2 exit 3 cancel 4 profile_name 5 service_name Service name. 6 match_type IP /MAC address. 7 ip_address IP address. 8 mac_address MAC address. 9 port_name Port name. 10 vlan_id Vlan ID. Description Type and Description Saves traffic selector configuration changes. Saves traffic selector configuration changes and exits current mode. Rolls back traffic selector configuration changes. Profile name. String. String. Traffic selector match type. IP address AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part is in the range 0255 MAC address AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF where each part is in the range 00FF Traffic selectors and port types. Unsigned integer. 7.6 net bandwidth traffic_selector edit <row_id> S.No Command Name Description Type and Description It allows you to edit a traffic selector for a bandwidth profile. Saves traffic selector configuration changes. Saves traffic selector configuration changes and exits current mode. Rolls back traffic selector configuration changes. 1 <row_id> 2 save 3 exit 4 cancel 5 profile_name 6 service_name Service name. Profile name. Unsigned integer. String. 89 String. 7 match_type IP /MAC address. 8 ip_address IP address. 9 mac_address MAC address. 10 port_name Port Name. 11 vlan_id Vlan ID. Traffic selector match type. IP address AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part is in the range 0255 MAC address AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF where each part is in the range 00FF Traffic selectors port types. Unsigned integer. 7.7 net bandwidth traffic_selector delete <row_id> S.No Command Name Description Type and Description 1 <row_id> It allows you to delete a traffic selector for a bandwidth profile. Unsigned integer. 7.8 net lan dhcp reserved_ip configure <mac_address> S.No Command Name 1 <mac_address> 2 save 3 exit 4 cancel 5 ip_address Description Type and Description DHCP reserved IPs add/edit MAC address AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF mode. where each part is in the range 00FF Saves DHCP reserved IPs configuration changes. Saves DHCP reserved IPs configuration changes and exits current mode. Rolls back DHCP reserved IPs configuration changes. Sets IP address to be reserved. IP address AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part is in the range 0255 7.9 net lan dhcp reserved_ip delete <mac_address> S.No 1 Command Description Name <mac_address> Deletes a specific Type and Description 90 reserved IP entry. MAC address AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF where each part is in the range 00-FF 7.10 net ethernet configure <interface_name> Type and Description S.No Command Name Description 1 <interface_name> Ethernet configuration mode. 2 save 3 exit 4 cancel Saves Ethernet configuration changes. Saves Ethernet configuration changes and exit current mode. Rolls back configuration changes. 5 vlan-enable Enables/disables VLAN for this interface. 6 native-vlan Enables/disables the native VLAN status. 7 vlanid Set VLAN Id. String. Boolean choice. Boolean choice. Unsigned integer 7.11 net lan ipv4 configure S.No Command Name Description Type and Description Saves LAN configuration changes. Saves LAN configuration changes and exits current mode. Rolls back LAN configuration changes. Configures LAN Settings. 1 save 2 exit 3 cancel 4 static 5 static address 6 static subnet_mask 7 dhcp Sets a system LAN subnet IP address AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD mask. where each part is in the range 0-255 Configures DHCP Settings. 8 dhcp mode Sets DHCP mode. 9 dhcp start_address Sets DHCP server’s start address. Sets system LAN IP address. 91 IP address AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part is in the range 0-255 DHCPv4 modes. IP address AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part is in the range 0-255 10 dhcp end_address Sets DHCP server’s end address. IP address AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part is in the range 0-255 11 dhcp default_gw Sets DHCP default gateway. IP address AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part is in the range 0-255 12 dhcp primary_dns Sets a primary DNS server. 13 dhcp secondary_dns Sets a secondary DNS server. IP address AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part is in the range 0-255 14 dhcp wins_server Sets a WINS Server address. IP address AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part is in the range 0-255 15 dhcp lease_time Sets system lease time. 16 dhcp domain_name Sets the DHCP domain name. 17 dhcp relay_gateway Sets the DHCP relay gateway address. 18 19 dns dns host_name dns host_name mapping dns host_name mapping 1 dns host_name mapping 2 dns host_name mapping 3 dns host_name mapping 4 dns host_name mapping 5 dns host_name mapping 6 Configures DNS settings. Configures DNS settings. Configures DNS host name mapping. Configures DNS host name mapping for the 1st row. Configures DNS host name mapping for the 2nd Row. Configures DNS host name mapping for the 3rd row. Configures DNS host name mapping for the 4th row. Configures DNS host name mapping for the 5th row. Configures DNS host name mapping for the 6th row. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 92 IP address AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part is in the range 0-255 Number in range of 1 to 262800 String. IP address AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part is in the range 0-255 27 28 29 dns host_name mapping 7 dns host_name mapping 8 dns host_name mapping 1 host_name Configures DNS host name mapping for the 7th row. Configures DNS host name mapping for the 8th row. Sets host name. 30 dns host_name Sets host name. mapping 1 ipaddress 31 dns host_name mapping 2 host_name 32 dns host_name Sets host name. mapping 2 ipaddress 33 dns host_name mapping 3 host_name 34 dns host_name Sets host name. mapping 3 ipaddress 35 dns host_name mapping 4 host_name 36 dns host_name Sets host name. mapping 4 ipaddress 37 dns host_name mapping 5 host_name 38 dns host_name Sets host name. mapping 5 ipaddress 39 dns host_name mapping 6 host_name 40 dns host_name Sets host name. mapping 6 ipaddress Sets host name. Sets host name. Sets host name. Sets host name. Sets host name. 93 String. IP address AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part is in the range 0-255 String. IP address AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part is in the range 0-255 String. IP address AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part is in the range 0-255 String. IP address AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part is in the range 0-255 String. IP address AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part is in the range 0-255 String. IP address AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part is in the range 0-255 41 dns host_name mapping 7 host_name 42 dns host_name Sets host name. mapping 7 ipaddress 43 dns host_name mapping 8 host_name 44 dns host_name Sets host name. mapping 8 ipaddress 45 proxy 46 proxy dns_enable Sets host name. Sets host name. Configures the LAN proxies. Enables/Disables a DNS proxy. String. IP address AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part is in the range 0-255 String. IP address AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part is in the range 0-255 Boolean choice. 7.12 net lan default_route configure 1 Command Name save 2 exit 3 cancel 4 gateway 5 enable S.No 6 7 Description Type and Description Saves configuration changes. Saves configuration changes and exits current mode. Rolls back configuration changes. Please enter default route. IP address AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part is in the range 0255 Enables the default route feature on LAN/VLAN. Boolean choice. Enables SNAT in the interface enableSNAT for which a default route can Boolean choice. be entered. dnsServer Please enter resolver IP address. IP address AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part is in the range 0255 7.13 net lan ipv6 configure S.No Command Name Description 1 save Saves LAN Type and Description 94 configuration changes. Saves LAN configuration changes and exits current mode. Rolls back LAN configuration changes. Sets system LAN Settings. Sets system IP address LAN IP abcd:abcd:abcd:abcd:abcd:abcd:abcd:abcd address. where each part is in the range [0-9A-Fa-f:] 2 exit 3 cancel 4 static 5 static address 6 static prefix_value Prefix length. 7 dhcp 8 dhcp server_enable Sets system LAN Settings. Sets DHCPv6 server status. 9 dhcp mode DHCPv6 Mode 10 dhcp domain_name 11 12 Unsigned integer. Boolean choice. DHCPv6 mode. DHCP server domain name. String. Server dhcp preference. server_preference Unsigned integer. number DNS server dhcp dns_type type. DHCPv6 DNS server types. 13 dhcp primary_dns Primary DNS server. IP address abcd:abcd:abcd:abcd:abcd:abcd:abcd:abcd where each part is in the range [0-9A-Fa-f:] 14 dhcp secondary_dns Secondary DNS server. IP address abcd:abcd:abcd:abcd:abcd:abcd:abcd:abcd where each part is in the range [0-9A-Fa-f:] 15 dhcp rebind_time Rebind time. Number in range of 0 to 604800 7.14 net lan ipv6 pool configure <ipv6PoolStartAddr> S.No Command Name 1 Description IPv6 LAN <ipv6PoolStartAddr> configuration Type and Description IP address 95 add/edit mode. abcd:abcd:abcd:abcd:abcd:abcd:abcd:abcd where each part is in the range [0-9A-Fa-f:] Saves LAN configuration changes. Saves LAN configuration changes and exits current mode. Rolls back LAN configuration changes. 2 save 3 exit 4 cancel 5 start_address Sets DHCPv6 IP address start IP abcd:abcd:abcd:abcd:abcd:abcd:abcd:abcd address. where each part is in the range [0-9A-Fa-f:] 6 end_address Sets DHCPv6 IP address end IP abcd:abcd:abcd:abcd:abcd:abcd:abcd:abcd address. where each part is in the range [0-9A-Fa-f:] 7 prefix_value Prefix length. Unsigned integer. 7.15 net lan ipv6 pool delete <ipv6PoolStartAddr> S.No Command Name 1 Description Type and Description Deletes IPv6 IP address <ipv6PoolStartAddr> LAN abcd:abcd:abcd:abcd:abcd:abcd:abcd:abcd configuration. where each part is in the range [0-9A-Fa-f:] 7.16 net mode configure 1 Command Name save 2 exit 3 cancel Saves IP Mode configuration changes. Saves IP Mode configuration changes and exits current mode. Rolls back IP Mode configuration changes. 4 ip_type Selects IPv4 only or IPv4/IPv6 mode. S.No Type and Description Description Selects the IP address type. 7.17 net port management configure <portName> S.No Command Name Description Type and 96 Description 1 <portName> 2 save 3 exit 4 cancel 5 enable Enables/Disables the port status. 6 auto_negotiation_enable Allows the gateway and network to determine the optimal port settings. 7 duplex_mode 8 speed Port management configuration mode. Port name. Saves port management configuration changes. Saves port management configuration changes and exits current mode. Rolls back port management configuration changes. Boolean choice. Boolean choice Choose between Half Duplex and Full Duplex based on the port support. The select the default is Full Duplex for all ports. duplex mode One of three port speeds can be selected: 10 Mbps, 100 Mbps and 1000 Mbps (i.e. 1 select the Gbps). The default setting is 1000 Mbps speed for all ports. 7.18 net radvd configure Type and Description S.No Command Name Description 1 save 2 exit 3 cancel 4 enable 5 mode 6 7 8 9 Saves radvd configuration changes. Saves radvd configuration changes and exits current mode. Rolls back radvd configuration changes. Enables the radvd process to allow stateless auto configuration of the IPv6 LAN network. Boolean choice Selects N to send router advertisements (RA’s) to all interfaces else Y The time in seconds between sending interval unsolicited multicast RA’s. The default is 30 seconds. flags RA Flags. flags Enable to use the administered/stateful managed_enable protocol for address auto configuration. flags When the other flag is selected the host uses other_enable administered/stateful protocol of other (i.e. 97 radvd advertisement mode type. PPPOE idle timeout Type. Boolean choice. Boolean choice. 10 preference 11 mtu 12 life_time non-address) Auto configuration information. Choose between low/medium/high for the preference associated with this Controller’s radvd preference RADVD process type. This is used in RA’s to ensure all nodes on the network use the same MTU value in the cases where the LAN MTU is not well known. MTU size. The default is 1500. The lifetime in seconds of the route. The default is 3600 seconds. Unsigned integer. 7.19 net radvd pool add 1 Command Name save 2 exit 3 cancel 4 prefix_type Selects the prefix type either as 6to4 or Global/Local/ISATAP. 5 sla_id The SLA ID (Site-Level Aggregation Identifier) in the 6to4 address prefix is set for the interface ID on Unsigned which the advertisements are sent. integer. 6 prefix_address Specifies the IPv6 network address. S.No Type and Description Description Saves the radvd Pool configuration changes. Saves the radvd Pool configuration changes and exits current mode. Rolls back the radvd Pool configuration changes. ipv6 prefix type. String. 7 prefix_length The prefix length variable is a decimal value that indicates the number of contiguous, higher order bits of the address that make up the network portion of the address. 8 prefix_life_time The length of time over which the requesting router Unsigned is allowed to use the prefix. integer. Unsigned integer. 7.20 net radvd pool edit <row_id> S.No Command Name Description Type and Description 1 <row_id> radvd Pool configuration mode. 2 save 3 exit 4 cancel Saves radvd Pool configuration changes. Saves radvd Pool configuration changes and exits current mode. Rolls back radvd Pool configuration changes. 98 Unsigned integer. Allows the prefix type to be selected as either 6to4 ipv6 prefix or Global/Local/ISATAP. type. The SLA ID (Site-Level Aggregation Identifier) in the 6to4 address prefix is set for the interface ID on Unsigned which the advertisements are sent. integer. 5 prefix_type 6 sla_id 7 prefix_address It specifies the IPv6 network address. String. 8 prefix_length The prefix length variable is a decimal value that indicates the number of contiguous, higher order bits of the address that make up the network portion of the address. 9 prefix_life_time The length of time over which the requesting router Unsigned is allowed to use the prefix. integer. Unsigned integer. 7.21 net radvd pool delete <row_id> S.No Command Name 1 <row_id> Description Type and Description radvd pool configuration mode. Unsigned integer. 7.22 net routing dynamic configure S.No Command Name Description 1 save 2 exit 3 cancel 4 direction Saves dynamic route changes. Saves dynamic routes changes and exits current mode. Rolls back RIP configuration changes. RIP direction none, In only, out only, both. 5 version 6 authentication_enable 7 first_key Enables/disables authentication for RIP-2B/2M. First MD5 key. 8 first_key id_number First MD5 key Id. 9 first_key authentication_id First MD5 Authentication key. 10 first_key valid_from First MD5 key not valid before entered date. 11 first_key valid_from month Month in which MD5 authentication key validity starts. Rip version 99 Type and Description RIP direction RIP version Boolean choice. Unsigned integer. String. Month in the format MM(01-12) 12 13 Day in which MD5 authentication Day in the format key validity starts. DD(01-31) Year in which MD5 authentication first_key valid_from year key validity starts. Year. first_key valid_from day 14 first_key valid_from hour Hour in which MD5 authentication HH(00-23) using 24 key validity starts. hour clock 15 first_key valid_from minute Minute in which MD5 authentication key validity starts. 16 first_key valid_from second Second in which MD5 authentication key validity starts. 17 first_key valid_to First MD5 Key is not valid after entered date. 18 first_key valid_to month Month in which MD5 authentication key validity ends. 19 first_key valid_to day 20 first_key valid_to year 21 first_key valid_to hour Hour in which MD5 authentication HH(00-23) using 24 key validity ends. hour clock 22 first_key valid_to minute Minute in which MD5 authentication key validity ends. 23 first_key valid_to second Second in which MD5 authentication key validity ends. 24 second_key Second MD5 key parameters. 25 second_key id_number Second MD5 key ID. 26 second_key authentication_id Second MD5 authentication key. 27 second_key valid_from 28 second_key valid_to 29 second_key valid_from month Minute in the format MM(00-59) Second in the format SS(00-59) Month in the format MM(01-12) Day in which MD5 authentication Day in the format key validity ends. DD(01-31) Year in which MD5 authentication key validity ends. Year. Minute in the format MM(00-59) Second in the format SS(00-59) Unsigned integer. String. Second MD5 key not valid before entered date. Second MD5 key not valid after entered date. Month in which MD5 authentication key validity starts. Month in the format 100 MM(01-12) 30 second_key valid_from day 31 second_key valid_from year 32 second_key valid_from hour Hour in which MD5 authentication HH(00-23) using 24 key validity starts. hour clock 33 second_key valid_from minute Minute in which MD5 authentication key validity starts. 34 second_key valid_from second Second in which MD5 authentication key validity starts. 35 second_key valid_to month Month in which MD5 authentication key validity ends. 36 second_key valid_to day 37 Day in which MD5 authentication Day in the format key validity starts. DD(01-31) Year in which MD5 authentication key validity starts. Year. Minute in the format MM(00-59) Second in the format SS(00-59) Month in the format MM(01-12) Day in which MD5 authentication Day in the format key validity ends. DD(01-31) Year in which MD5 authentication second_key valid_to year key validity ends. Year. 38 second_key valid_to hour Hour in which MD5 authentication HH(00-23) using 24 key validity ends. hour clock 39 second_key valid_to minute Minute in which MD5 authentication key validity ends. 40 second_key valid_to second Second in which MD5 authentication key validity ends. Minute in the format MM(00-59) Second in the format SS(00-59) 7.23 net routing static ipv4 configure <name> S.No Command Name Description Type and Description 1 <name> Adds new static routes. 2 save 3 exit 4 cancel Saves static route changes. Saves static routes changes and exits current mode. Rolls back route configuration changes. 5 destination_address Sets the destination IP. 101 String. IP address AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part is in the range 0-255 6 subnet_mask Sets the subnet for this rule. 7 gateway_address Sets the gateway IP. 8 interface Sets the interface for which the rule applies. 9 metric Sets the metric for this route. 10 private_flag 11 active_flag IP address AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part is in the range 0-255 IP address AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part is in the range 0-255 OPTION interface type. Unsigned integer. Defines whether the route can be shared with other gateways when RIP is Boolean choice. enabled. Defines whether it’s an active route. Boolean choice. 7.24 net routing static ipv6 configure <name> S.No Command Name 1 <name> 2 save 3 exit 4 cancel 5 destination_address 6 prefix 7 gateway_address Description Adds new IPV6 static routes. Saves IPV6 static route changes. Saves IPV6 static route changes and exits current mode. Rolls back IPV6 route configuration changes. Type and Description String. Sets the IPV6 IP address destination IP. abcd:abcd:abcd:abcd:abcd:abcd:abcd:abcd where each part is in the range [0-9A-Fa-f:] Sets the prefix length for this Unsigned integer. rule. Sets the 102 8 interface 9 metric 10 active_flag gateway IPV6. IP address abcd:abcd:abcd:abcd:abcd:abcd:abcd:abcd where each part is in the range [0-9A-Fa-f:] Sets the interface for which the rule Selects the IPV6 interface type. applies. Sets the metric for this route. Unsigned integer. Defines whether it’s an active IPV6 Boolean choice. route. 7.25 net routing static ipv4 delete <name> S.No Command Name 1 <name> Description Type and Description Deletes a specific route. String. 7.26 net routing static ipv6 delete <name> S.No Command Name 1 <name> Description Type and Description Deletes a specific IPV6 route. String. 7.27 net captivePortal billing_profile add S.No Command Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Description Type and Description Saves captive portal billing profile configuration changes. Saves captive portal billing profile exit changes and exits current mode. cancel Rolls back configuration changes. Each profile will be having a profile profile_name name to identify itself. String. This is the description of the profile_description profile. String. Checking this option will allow multiple users to use the same allow_multiple_login captive portal login credentials Boolean created for this profile to login choice. simultaneously. Allows a customized account on frontdesk, checking this option allow_customization_at_frontdesk Boolean enables frontdesk users to give a choice. customized account name for the save 103 8 allow_batch_frontdesk 9 session_timeout 10 alert_customize 11 alert_customize type 12 alert_customize value 13 enable_begin_end_time 14 valid_begin 15 valid_begin start_created 16 valid_begin start_login 17 valid_begin_type 18 valid_begin start_created type 19 valid_begin start_created value captive portal users being created on that profile. Allows batch generation on frontdesk, checking this option enables frontdesk users to Boolean generate a batch of temporary CP choice. users at one click. Idle timeout for CP users generated for this profile. Unsigned integer. Shows alert messages on the login page while the rest of usage time/traffic is under a specified value. The type (Hours/Days/MB/GB) of alert check that you want to specify. Enter a value here in Hours/Days/MB/GB to get an alert Unsigned message when usage time/traffic integer. left reaches the desired limit. Limitations on duration basis. Boolean choice. There are 3 types of limiting user access by duration. Start While Account Created: Activate account when user is created. Start While Account Login: Activate account when the user first logs in using their credentials. Begin From: Activate account from this date. Activates Start While Account Created. Activates Start While Account Login. Selects between: Start While Account Created/Start While Account Login/Begin From Specifies the type (day/hours) of value. Specifies the Start Created Value. The account will expire after this Unsigned 104 20 valid_begin start_login value 21 valid_begin start_login type 22 valid_begin begin_time value. Specifies the Start Login Value. The account will expire after this value. Specifies the type(day/hours) of the value. Begin From. Checking this option enables the frontdesk user to modify duration limits. Checking this option enables the frontdesk user to modify usage limits. Limits the time usage. Limits the traffic usage. 23 allow_modify_duration 24 allow_modify_usage 25 26 max_usage_time max_usage_traffic 27 max_usage_time value 28 max_usage_time enable 29 max_usage_time type 30 max_usage_traffic value Specifies the max traffic usage value. 31 max_usage_traffic enable Maximum traffic users can use before his account expires. 32 max_usage_traffic type Specifies the type(day/hours) of max traffic usage value. Specifies the max time usage value. Maximum time a user can stay logged in before his account expires. Specifies the type (day/hours) of the maximum time usage value. integer. Unsigned integer. String. Boolean choice. Boolean choice. Unsigned integer. Boolean choice. Unsigned integer. Boolean choice. 7.28 net captivePortal billing_profile edit <row_id> S.No Command Name 1 <row_id> 2 save 3 exit 4 cancel Description Edits a billing profile. Saves captive portal billing profile configuration changes. Saves captive portal billing profile changes and exits current mode. Rolls back configuration changes. 105 Type and Description Unsigned integer. 5 6 7 8 9 10 Each profile will be having a profile name to identify itself. String. This is the description of the profile_description profile. String. Checking this option will allow multiple users to use the same allow_multiple_login captive portal login credentials Boolean created for this profile to login choice. simultaneously. Allows a customized account on frontdesk, checking this option enables the frontdesk user to give allow_customization_at_frontdesk Boolean a customized account name to the choice. captive portal users being created on this profile. Allows batch generation on frontdesk, checking this option allow_batch_frontdesk enables frontdesk users to Boolean generate a batch of temporary CP choice. users at one click. profile_name session_timeout Idle timeout for CP users generated for this profile. Shows an alert message on the login page while the rest of usage time/traffic is under a specified value. The type(Hours/Days/MB/GB) of alert check you want to specify. Enters a value here in Hours/Days/MB/GB to get an alert Unsigned message when usage time/traffic integer. left reaches the desired limit. 11 alert_customize 12 alert_customize type 13 alert_customize value 14 enable_begin_end_time Limitations on Duration basis. valid_begin There are 3 ways of limiting user access by duration. Start While Account Created: Activate account when user is created. Start While Account Login: Activate account when user first logs in using their credentials. Begin From: Activate account from this date. 15 Unsigned integer. 106 Boolean choice. Activates Start While Account Created. Activates Start While Account Login. Select between: Start While Account Created, Start While Account Login, Begin From. Specifies the type (day/hours) of value. Specifies the usage period (hours or days) of this account that is activate when the account is created. The account will expire after this period. Specifies the usage period (hours or days) of this account that is activate when the user logs in for the first time. The account will expire after this period. Specifies the type (day/hours) of value. Specifies the account is active from a specific time and date. Checking this option enables frontdesk users to modify duration limits. Checking this option enables frontdesk users to modify usage limits. Limits the time usage. Limits the traffic usage. 16 valid_begin start_created 17 valid_begin start_login 18 valid_begin_type 19 valid_begin start_created type 20 valid_begin start_created value 21 valid_begin start_login value 22 valid_begin start_login type 23 valid_begin begin_time 24 allow_modify_duration 25 allow_modify_usage 26 27 max_usage_time max_usage_traffic 28 max_usage_time value 29 max_usage_time enable 30 max_usage_time type 31 max_usage_traffic value Value specifies the maximum traffic usage. 32 max_usage_traffic enable Maximum traffic users can use before their account expires. Unsigned integer. Unsigned integer. String. Boolean choice. Boolean choice. Value specifies the maximum time Unsigned usage. integer. Maximum time users can stay logged in before the account Boolean expires. choice. Specifies the type (day/hours) of maximum time usage. 107 Unsigned integer. Boolean choice. 33 Specifies the type (day/hours) of max traffic usage value. max_usage_traffic type 7.29 net captivePortal billing_profile delete <row_id> S.No Command Name 1 <row_id> Description Type and Description Deletes a Billing Profile. Unsigned integer. 7.30 net port-vlan edit <portname> S.No Command Name Description 1 <portname> VLAN port name range 1-4. 2 save 3 exit 4 cancel Saves VLAN configuration changes. Saves VLAN changes and exits current mode. Rolls back configuration changes. 5 mode Port VLAN mode. Captive portal profile ID. 6 pvid Port VLAN ID. VLAN ID possible values. Type and Description Captive portal profile ID 7.31 net vlan-membership edit <port> S.No Command Name Description 1 <port> Net VLAN membership for the port. 2 save 3 cancel 4 exit 5 membership membership add membership remove 6 7 Type and Description Captive portal profile ID. Saves VLAN membership configuration changes. Rolls back VLAN membership configuration changes. Saves VLAN membership configuration changes and exits current mode. VLAN membership list on this port. Add VLAN membership on this port. Use a comma to separate VLAN ID values. String. Remove VLAN membership on this port. Use a comma to separate VLAN ID values. String. 7.32 net multiVlan subnet edit <vlanID> S.No Command Name Description Type and Description 108 1 <vlanID> 2 save 3 cancel 4 exit 5 ip-address 6 subnet-mask Add subnet mask for MultiVLAN. 7 dhcp-mode Selects the DHCP Mode. 8 domainname Domain name for VLAN. 9 start-ip Starting IP address of the DHCP mode. 10 end-ip Ending IP of the VLAN. 11 defaultgateway Default gateway for the VLAN. 12 primary-dns Primary DNS for the VLAN. 13 secondarydns Secondary DNS for the VLAN. 14 lease-time Lease time for the VLAN. 15 relaygateway Relay gateway for the VLAN. Multi-VLAN server edit mode. VLAN ID possible values. Saves Multi-VLAN server configuration changes. Rolls back Multi-VLAN server configuration changes. Saves Multi-VLAN server configuration changes and exits current mode. IP of given Multi-VLAN subnet IP address AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD VLAN. where each part is in the range 0255 IP address AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part is in the range 0255 DHCPv4 modes. String. IP address AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part is in the range 0255 IP address AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part is in the range 0255 109 IP address AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part is in the range 0255 IP address AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part is in the range 0255 IP address AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part is in the range 0255 Number in range of 1 to 24. IP address AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part is in the range 0255 16 enable-dnsRelay gateway for the VLAN. proxy Boolean choice. 7.33 net vlan config add <vlan_id> S.No Command Name 1 <vlan_id> 2 save 3 exit 4 cancel 5 vlan-name 6 inter-vlan-routing 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Description Type and Description Add a VLAN. VLAN ID possible values. Saves VLAN configuration changes. Saves VLAN changes and exits current mode. Rolls back configuration changes. Name for VLAN. String. Enables/Disables inter-VLAN Routing. Boolean choice. showCP-profiles Available captive portal profiles. Access type for the SSID to be captive-portal-type configured. Captive portal type for SSID. permanent-user Access type for permanent user. permanent-user auth-mode Authentication server for user. Authentication type for captive portal user. permanent-user Authentication type for user. auth-type Radius authentication type. permanent-user Captive portal profile for user. CP-profile Captive portal profile ID. temporary-user Access type is a temporary user. temporary-user CPCaptive portal profile for user. profile Captive portal profile ID. 7.34 net vlan config edit <vlan_Id> S.No Command Name 1 <vlan_Id> 2 save 3 exit 4 cancel Description Type and Description Edits a configured VLAN. Saves VLAN configuration changes. Saves VLAN changes and exits current mode. Rolls back configuration changes. 110 VLAN ID possible values. 5 vlan-name 6 inter-vlan-routing 7 showCP-profiles 8 captive-portal-type 9 permanent-user 10 permanent-user auth-mode 11 12 13 14 Name for VLAN. String. Enables/disables inter-VLAN routing. Boolean choice. Available captive portal profiles. Access Type for the SSID to be Captive Portal Type for configured. SSID. Access type for permanent user. Authentication server for user. Authentication type for captive portal user. permanent-user Authentication type for user. auth-type Radius authentication type. permanent-user Captive portal profile for user. CP-profile Captive portal profile ID. temporary-user Access type for temporary user. temporary-user CPCaptive portal profile for user. profile Captive portal profile ID. 7.35 net vlan config delete <VlanId> S.No 1 Command Name <VlanId> Description Delete a VLAN. 111 Type and Description VLAN ID possible values