KMC Controls CTC-1600 CTC-1611, CTC-1612 Pneumatic Thermostat Installation Guide

The CTC-1600 CTC-1611 and CTC-1600 CTC-1612 are pneumatic thermostats designed for controlling heating and cooling systems in residential and commercial buildings. These thermostats are factory calibrated and easy to install, with a variety of mounting options for both electrical boxes and hollow walls. The thermostats use 3/32" ID Tygothane tubing for all connections and require an in-line, 14.4 scim, restrictor Tee. They are designed for dependable, long-term reliability and performance.

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KMC Controls CTC-1600 CTC-1611 and CTC-1600 CTC-1612 Installation Guide | Manualzz




Key features

  • Factory Calibrated
  • Direct and Reverse Acting
  • Multiple Mounting Options
  • Easy to Install
  • Long-Term Reliability

Frequently asked questions

Attach the backplate to the box with two screws, level the box, fit the aluminum plate into the recess, pass the tubing through the access hole, make connections, and mount the thermostat to the backplate with two screws.

Use the template provided to make a cutout, loosely mount the bracket to the thermostat, make connections, insert the bracket diagonally through the wall, center the thermostat, and tighten the screws.

The thermostats use 3/32" ID Tygothane tubing (HFO-0028) for all connections.

All CTC-1600 series thermostats are factory set for a 3° F throttling range.
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