Oakley 3031 User manual

Below you will find brief information for SuperBassLine 3031. The Oakley 3031, pronounced as 'thirty-thirty-one', is a heavily revised edition of the hugely popular TB3030 project. The new issue is identical to the issue 1 design for the following changes: the area around the power components has been made larger to accommodate heatsinks if used, the number of ground pads has been increased from just one to three, the pitch spacing for the TC resistor has been increased.

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SuperBassLine 3031 User’s Guide | Manualzz




Key features

  • Electronically balanced output
  • Distortion circuit with depth control
  • VCF cut-off frequency controlled by external CV
  • Awesome new discrete sub oscillator
  • Unique CV processor for slide and accent control
  • External audio input to the VCF
  • External logic signals for slide and accent control
  • Overvoltage protection for external CVs and gate
  • Accent Decay
  • VCA decay

Frequently asked questions

The Oakley 3031 offers a completely new 'all discrete' divider and waveshaper, allowing you to choose between triangle or sawtooth waveforms with a front panel switch. This results in a more musical sub bass. Additionally, the Overdrive circuitry has been revised to allow changes in 'overdrive' level without affecting overall volume. The overall output noise has been reduced too.

The balanced output prevents ground loops when connecting to other pieces of equipment, reducing hum problems and ensuring proper operation.

The filter's cut-off frequency can be controlled by an external CV, either from the velocity CV or modulation wheel CV, or any other CV source within the 0V to 10V range.

The CV processor allows an external CV to control slide and accent. This makes it easy to program slides and accents even with simple analog sequencers or midi controllers. It takes some getting used to, but it is a very powerful feature once mastered.

The external audio input can be used for routing a second VCO output, creating thicker basslines, although you can’t hold the output VCA open without repeatedly triggering the unit.

The Accent Decay control allows you to alter the filter decay time when an accent has been triggered, from very short to the same as the VCF DECAY time.
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