Viavi RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
The RANAdvisor TrueSite application lets you simulate typical test scenarios and collect data for analysis and playback, while the E6474A software provides tools you need to perform detailed analysis and post-processing.
RANAdvisor TrueSite
Android™ Version, Release
User’s Guide
E6474-90135 RANAdvisor TrueSite
Android™ Version
User’s Guide
E6474-90135 RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
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E6474-90135 RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
1 Getting Started 1
2 Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Application 3
Starting the TrueSite Application 3
Configuring General Settings 10
Configuring the GPS Settings 11
Configuring the Outdoor Map 15
Configuring the Record Parameters 22
Configuring Replay Settings 27
Configuring Forcing Settings 27
Configuring Wi-Fi Measurements 36
Configuring the Battery Monitor Settings 37
Configuring Parameters to Display on the RF Measurements Screen
Configuring and Displaying Charts in the RF Measurement Screen 40
Configuring Parameters to Display on the Map 41
Creating, Editing, or Deleting a Theme 43
Working with the Test Sequencer 45
Launching the Test Sequencer 46
Working with the Drag and Drop Editor 50
Configuring Sequencer Tests 55
Configuring the Applications Test 83
Remote Control of TrueSite Devices
Remote Control Using the TrueSite SMS Controller 98
Remote Control Using Predefined SMS Messages 98
RANAdvisor TrueSite Application v
Local Wireless Control using Bluetooth 101
Add Photo and Video Markers During Indoor Collection 104
Generic Controller Recommended Specification 106
Installing RANAdvisor TrueSite 106
Starting the Application on a Generic Controller 106
Configuring the Indoor Map 107
Configuring the Outdoor Map 107
Viewing the Software Version 108
3 Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Matrix Controller 109
About the RANAdvisor TrueSite Matrix Controller 109
Starting the RANAdvisor TrueSite Matrix Controller 111
Collecting Data with a Pre-Configured Setup
How to Start and Stop Recording 117
Synchronizing Sequencer Tests with Benchmarking Mode 119
Navigating using Point to Location 121
Navigating using Waypoint method 123
Detecting a Macro Handover 125
Detecting a Sector or Antenna Fault 126
Detecting Zone Overshooting 128
Performing an iBwave Survey 131
Interacting with an Indoor Map
Performing A Test in an Outdoor Environment 133
Setting Up and Configuring the System 135
Setting Up Master/Slave Devices 135
Configuring Auto-Connection to Devices 137
RANAdvisor Handheld Application
Configuring Benchmarking Mode 137
Configuring a Cellsite Group 138
Defining Color and Line Width for Waypoints on an Indoor Map 138
Configuring Macro Ingress and Handover detection 138
Configuring Zone Overshooting Categories 139
Configuring the Slave Devices for Detecting a Sector Fault 139
Configuring Data Transfer at the End of a Job 139
Importing an Indoor Map using an iBwave file 140
Creating a non-iBwave Mapset 140
Using Outdoor Maps of the Surrounding area 141
Configuring Sequencer Tests 143
Creating a Phone Configuration 144
Deleting a Phone Configuration 145
Applying a Phone Configuration 145
Configuring the Storage Location for the Recorded Data files 146
Creating a Configuration Group 146
Connecting and Configuring a DRT Receiver 147
Connecting and Configuring an IBflex Receiver 154
Selecting Events for Display 162
Exporting/Importing Receiver Configuration 163
Exporting/Importing a Phone Configuration 163
Exporting/Importing a Configuration Group 164
4 Playing Back Your Data 167
To replay data on the phone 167
Getting data from the phone 167
Playing Back Data Using the E6474A Wireless Network Optimization
Import and Play Back Logged Handheld Data 168
Click and Sync data display 170
RANAdvisor TrueSite Application vii
5 Using the StrataSync Service 171
Asset and Configuration Management 171
Managing StrataSync using TrueSite
StrataSync Synchronization 173
Registering a Device with the StrataSync Server 176
Uploading Files from a Device to the StrataSync Server 176
Automatic Uploading of the AHD, DLF, or CSV Files to the StrataSync
Downloading the Configuration Files from the StrataSync Server to the Device 177
Downloading the Data Files from the StrataSync Server to the PC 181
Deploying a Floating License to Multiple devices 183
Deploying Multiple Floating Licenses to a Single Device 185
Revoking a Floating License from Multiple Devices 187
Revoking Multiple Licenses from a Single Device 189
Using TrueSite to Check out and Return Floating Licenses 189
6 Post Processing RANAdvisor TrueSite Log Files 193
Compatibility with Gladiator 193
Compatibility with Windcatcher
Playback In the E6474A Optimization Software
Exporting to CSV or EXCEL Formats 194
Automated Handling of AHD files 195
Adding Support for later versions of RANAdvisor TrueSite in
7 Support Information 197
Licensing of the application 197
Updating the Installed Application using the StrataSync Server 204
Updating the Installed Application Manually
RANAdvisor Handheld Application
Prerequisites for LG Devices 209
Prerequisites for HTC Devices 209
Prerequisites for Samsung Devices 209
Installing RANAdvisor TrueSite application on HTC and Samsung Device 210
Configuring the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 SM-N900T for the
Configuring the LG G2 VS980 for the VoLTE
Terms and Conditions of Usage 213
RANAdvisor TrueSite Application ix
x RANAdvisor Handheld Application
Getting Started
Getting Started
To perform data collection, you need an Android™ OS test mobile with the RANAdvisor
TrueSite application installed. The phone supports multiple technologies and the application lets you simulate typical test scenarios.
Refer to the Android™ phone user’s guide for detailed information on how to use your phone.
After you have collected data, it can be transferred to a laptop computer running the
RANAdvisor E6474A software. This software lets you import the collected data and then provides the tools you need to perform detailed analysis and post-processing.
Test Engineer (You)
Data Transfer (USB, FTP, etc.)
E6474A Software
Your Laptop
Figure 1 System overview
Your device requires the RANAdvisor TrueSite Pro or LITE software and an associated license.
Phones purchased from Viavi already have the software installed. For information about
updating your TrueSite application and managing licenses, see “Using the StrataSync
Service" on page 171. If you cannot see the application or are having trouble using it, please
contact Viavi ( “Technical Assistance" on page 197).
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide 1
Getting Started
Using the installed and licensed application constitutes acceptance of the terms and conditions of usage. Refer to
Usage" on page 213 for more information.
In some cases, a network phone software upgrade can interfere with the operation of the RANAdvisor TrueSite. This will be apparent if there are no network parameters displayed on the screen. Where possible, decline software updates, and in cases where it is forced by your operator, contact Viavi support, and a new RANAdvisor TrueSite version will be provided to recover the functionality.
2 RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Application
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite
After you have installed the application on your phone, you can start monitoring and collecting measurement data. This chapter explains how to setup and configure your phone and then how to collect measurement data for analysis and playback.
Starting the TrueSite Application
The application has already been installed on your phone. To start the application follow this procedure.
Go to Apps.
Navigate to the RANAdvisor TrueSite icon and open it.
When the start-up screen has displayed, the application opens a default Home screen that contains icons for RANAdvisor TrueSite application. You can go to the desired feature screen by tapping the feature icon. To view additional application features, tap + button at the top of the screen.
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
Figure 2 TrueSite Home screen
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Application
When you tap the + button, the application displays a menu of additional features. A short tap on any feature will add that feature to the Home screen. On the Home screen, tap the icon to launch the feature. .
Figure 3 Add items to the Home screen
To rearrange the icons on the Home screen, simply drag and drop the icons to the desired location.
To remove a feature from the Home screen, press and hold the icon and then drag it toward the red trash can at the bottom of the screen. Drop the icon on the trash can when the red bar appears. The removed feature can be added again at a later time from the Add item menu.
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Application
Figure 4 Remove items from the Home screen
Navigation Tips
To navigate around the application, you can use the standard touch screen movements and the menu buttons. The following describes some of the features of the navigation options.
Working in Portrait Mode
When holding the phone vertically in Portrait mode, the RF Measurement screen displays a long list of measurements grouped by technology. You can flick scroll up and down this list.
Selecting the menu key displays the settings and other application menu options.
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide 5
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Application
Figure 5 Android™ phone held vertically showing default measurement screen
Working in Landscape Mode
When holding the phone horizontally in Landscape mode, the RF Measurement screen displays the default measurement views for each technology. Flick scrolling to the left or right changes the technology measurement views. Flick scrolling up or down changes the view within the technology.
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Application
Figure 6 Android™ phone held horizontally showing default GSM screen
By ‘pinching’ the screen the quick navigation menu is displayed. Simply click on the
measurement view you want to jump to. Refer to Figure 7
Figure 7 Quick access to measurement menu for a GSM/WCDMA Handheld
Note that quick access to measurement menus differs for each device. See
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide 7
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Application
Figure 8 Quick access to measurements menu for an LTE-Only Handheld Device
Figure 9 Quick access to measurements menu for a GSM/WCDMA/LTE Handheld
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Application
Figure 10 Quick access to measurements menu for a CDMA/EVDO/LTE Handheld
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide 9
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Application
Configuring the Settings
TrueSite Settings are accessed from the Home screen.
Figure 11 Settings menu
Saving the Settings
Select this option to save the configuration settings such as General, GPS, Indoor,
Outdoor, Record, Replay, Cellsite data, Wi-Fi, and Battery in an XML format after navigating to a desired folder. This is not applicable for Forcing.
Loading the Settings
Select this option to load the configuration settings after navigating to a desired folder.
Configuring General Settings
Tap Settings on the application Home screen and tap General.
Enable Auto Start to have the application start automatically when the phone is powered on.
Note: You should not start the application manually once you configured Auto Start.
After the boot up, you may encounter a slight delay for the application to start automatically.
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Application
Enable Auto Record to have the RANAdvisor TrueSite application start recording whenever the application is started (manually or automatically). If you select this option, you cannot customize the recording file name before the start of the recording.
Enable Auto Repeat to have the phone repeat any configured test sequences. When the
Auto Repeat is Enabled, the test sequence will run for the number of cycles defined and an AHD file will be generated for each cycle.
You must not turn on the Auto Repeat option if the Auto Send option (in the Record settings) or the Auto Send test in the Test Sequencer is enabled.
If you enable Auto Repeat, you cannot customize the recording file name before the start of the recording.
Enable Keep Application Displayed to keep the application power on.
You can remotely control RANAdvisor TrueSite, by enabling Automation Control Mode.
To remotely control RANAdvisor TrueSite via SMS or TrueSite SMS Controller, see
“Remote Control of TrueSite Devices" on page 97. To configure master and slave
devices using Bluetooth, see
“Local Wireless Control using Bluetooth" on page 101
Configuring the GPS Settings
This setting defines how often you want the application to poll the GPS network.
Run RANAdvisor TrueSite.
Click the Settings icon in the application Home screen.
From the Settings screen, tap GPS.
Configure the Log Rate in seconds. The default value is 5 seconds.
Configuring the Indoor Map
This feature is used to configure your indoor test environment. This setting is disabled if you have the Controller enabled. To configure this feature:
Run RANAdvisor TrueSite.
Click the Settings icon in the application Home screen.
From the Settings screen, tap Indoor.
Click Map file - image/tab/RANPlan. Select a file type to load the tab/image file from the device storage: Tab File, RANPlan File (tab file in non-Earth format), Image File, or
.ibwc file (iBwave).
The tab file contains the geo-coordinate settings and the location of the image file.
When you load a tab file, make sure the image file is in the folder specified in the tab file settings.
TrueSite imports all the floor plans and antennas included in an iBwave map. When loading an .ibwc file, first select the file name, then select a building, and then select the floor. When the map is loaded, transmitters for the floor are displayed on the indoor map.
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide 11
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Application
The file on the device storage must contain the project.xml file, tab files, and corresponding image files.
When loading a RANPlan map for a floor that has a corresponding cellsite database, the cellsite database is automatically loaded and the cellsites are displayed on the indoor map.
If you selected Tab, RANPlan, or .ibwc file, skip to step 8. If you selected Image file, continue with steps 6 and 7 below.
Click Geo Reference Mode and select Manual to enter Bottom left Altitude, Bottom left longitude, map width, map length, elevation, and bearing settings manually.
To read the coordinates using GPS:
Click Geo Reference Mode and select Use GPS. The application displays the map.
Select a position on the map and click Read GPS to display latitude, longitude and elevation of the current position.
Click Use GPS to use these GPS coordinates. You will receive a prompt to select second position using GPS or manual method.
Click Use GPS and select another position on the map.
After selecting the position, click Read GPS. The application displays the latitude and longitude of the second position.
To select this coordinates, click Use GPS. Based on these two positions, the width, depth, elevation, latitude and longitude will be automatically calculated by the application.
Configure settings such as color scheme, width, and line color:
Path Color Scheme - Click this option to select Solid Line or Signal Strength for the indoor route. If you select Signal Strength, the application uses the default theme, which can be customized. See
“Creating, Editing, or Deleting a Theme" on page 43
for details.
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Application
For LTE, the default parameter for the theme is LTE Serving and Neighbor
Parameter Serving RSRP(dBm). The colors at different levels are as below:
-180 >= ServingRSRP<= -120 Black
-120 > ServingRSRP<= -105 Red
-105 > ServingRSRP<= -95 Orange
-95> ServingRSRP<= -85 Yellow
-85 > ServingRSRP<= -70 Blue
-70 > ServingRSRP<= -40 Green
For WCDMA: the default parameter for the theme is UMTS Rx Power
-129 >= RxPower <= -102 Black
-102 >= RxPower < -94 Red
-94 >= RxPower < -90 Orange
-90 >= RxPower < -84 Yellow
-84 >= RxPower < -74 Blue
-74 >= RxPower < -11 Green
For GSM: RXLEV (Full)
-120 >= RXLEV(Full) <= -102 Black
-102 >= RXLEV(Full)< -94 Red
-94 >= RXLEV(Full)< -90 Orange
-90 >= RXLEV(Full)< -84 Yellow
-84 >= RXLEV(Full)< -74 Blue
-74 >= RXLEV(Full)< -11 Green
For CDMA: CDMA Signal Quality Rx Power
-128 >= RxPower <= -120 Black
-120 >= RxPower < -90 Red
-90 >= RxPower < -60 Orange
-60 >= RxPower < -30 Yellow
-30 >= RxPower < 0 Blue
0 >= RxPower < 10 Green
For EVDO: EVDO Serving site parameter Rx0 Power
-127 >= Rx0Power <= -120 Black
-120 >= Rx0Power < -90 Red
-90 >= Rx0Power < -60 Orange
-60 >= Rx0Power < -30 Yellow
-30 >= Rx0Power < 0 Blue
0 >= Rx0Power < 25 Green
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide 13
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Application
Path Display Color - If you selected Solid Line, this option is enabled. You can select a color of your choice: Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Purple, Black.
Path Display Width - Select this option to change the width. Scroll the button to adjust the width and press OK. Max:20, Min: 2.
Crosshair Color - Select a color for the pointer to plot a real time location on the map as you travel: Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Purple, Black.
After configuring the map settings, configure the Indoor Entry Mode using Point to
location method or Use a way point file method. The way point navigation provides a way to navigate on predefined path by creating a way point file for the map first. Using the way point file, you can navigate on the defined path. Point to location method enables you to plot a real time location on the map as you travel.
f you select way point file method, click Way Point File-Tab and load the way point file from the FTA > WayPointFile folder.
If you want to create your own way point file, select Create/Edit a Way Point List.
You will receive a prompt to create new point or edit an existing one.
Click Create New. This will take you to the Indoor map view where you can create a way point file.
Select Add to add a way point at the location you tapped, Remove to delete the last way point you added, Save to save the way points in the tab file, and Cancel to exit from the current screen.
To edit a way point list, from the Indoor settings, select Create/Edit Way Point List.
You will receive a prompt to create new way point or edit an existing one.
Click Edit Existing. This displays Waypointfile folder.
Select a waypoint file that you want to edit. This displays Indoor map view where you can edit a way point file.
Select Add to add a new point after clicking at the desired location. Select Insert
Before to add a new way point before the selected way point. Select Insert After, to
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Application
add a new way point after the selected way point. Select Remove to delete a way point number. Select Reset to clear the way points from the map. Select Save to save the way points in the tab file. Select Cancel to exit from the screen.
After configuring the way point, click OK to view the way point navigation on the Indoor map.
If you select Indoor Entry Mode as Point to location, click the OK button at the bottom.
If you chose an image file and entered the coordinates manually or through GPS, the application will prompt you to enter a tab file name and will create a tab file in the device storage > FTA > TabFiles > <filename> directory.
After the configuration, from the Indoor map, select your current location using I am Here button. As you travel, a line is drawn between your current location and previous location.
Configuring the Outdoor Map
This feature loads the Google map and points to the current GPS location. To configure the outdoor map settings:
Run RANAdvisor TrueSite.
Tap Settings from the Home screen.
From the Settings screen, tap Outdoor.
Configure the following parameters:
Outdoor - Select this option to enable the Outdoor map.
Path Color Scheme - Click this option to select Solid Line or Signal Strength. If you select Signal Strength, the application uses the default theme, which can be
customized. See “Creating, Editing, or Deleting a Theme" on page 43 for details.
For LTE, the default parameter for the theme is LTE Serving and Neighbor
Parameter Serving RSRP(dBm). The colors at different levels are as below:
-180 >= ServingRSRP<= -120 Black
-120 > ServingRSRP<= -105 Red
-105 > ServingRSRP<= -95 Orange
-95> ServingRSRP<= -85 Yellow
-85 > ServingRSRP<= -70 Blue
-70 > ServingRSRP<= -40 Green
For WCDMA: the default parameter for the theme is UMTS Rx Power
-129 >= RxPower <= -102 Black
-102 >= RxPower < -94 Red
-94 >= RxPower < -90 Orange
-90 >= RxPower < -84 Yellow
-84 >= RxPower < -74 Blue
-74 >= RxPower < -11 Green
For GSM: RXLEV (Full)
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide 15
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Application
-120 >= RXLEV(Full) <= -102 Black
-102 >= RXLEV(Full)< -94 Red
-94 >= RXLEV(Full)< -90 Orange
-90 >= RXLEV(Full)< -84 Yellow
-84 >= RXLEV(Full)< -74 Blue
-74 >= RXLEV(Full)< -11 Green
For CDMA: CDMA Signal Quality Rx Power
-128 >= RxPower <= -120 Black
-120 >= RxPower < -90 Red
-90 >= RxPower < -60 Orange
-60 >= RxPower < -30 Yellow
-30 >= RxPower < 0 Blue
0 >= RxPower < 10 Green
For EVDO: EVDO Serving site parameter Rx0 Power
-127 >= Rx0Power <= -120 Black
-120 >= Rx0Power < -90 Red
-90 >= Rx0Power < -60 Orange
-60 >= Rx0Power < -30 Yellow
-30 >= Rx0Power < 0 Blue
0 >= Rx0Power < 25 Green
Path Display Color - If you selected Solid Line, this option is enabled. You can select a color of your choice.
Path Display Width - Select this option to change the width. Scroll the button to adjust the width and press OK.
Outdoor Layer - Select to enable or disable the outdoor layers. To add layers, you must navigate to the outdoor map.
To navigate the Outdoor map, tap Outdoor from the TrueSite Home screen.
Note: Before using Outdoor map, update the latest Google map on the device.
The Outdoor map has three icons at the top to assist with navigation:
Select Map or Satellite view
Move to options
Move to the current location pinpoints your location on the map (if you have scrolled away, for example)
Search for a location lets you enter a location to go to
Move to cellsite database goes to the cellsite location. This option is visible only when an active cellsite database is selected in the settings.
Add a layer, as described in Step 7 below.
16 RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Application
For loading a KML layer, the outdoor map has an Add Layer icon at the top right of the screen. You can add multiple layers but at a time you can enable max 3 layers. There is a My location icon on the Map screen (second from top and right) and an icon to change the maps from the map view to the satellite view. The layer will contain a text tag.
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide 17
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Application
Perform the following steps to add a map layer. Note: You must copy a KML file to the device storage FTA directory before you create a map layer.
Click the Add Layer icon on the Outdoor map. You will see the Outdoor Layer
List screen.
Tap Add Layer at the bottom.
Select a KML file from the device storage FTA directory.
18 RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Application
2 d
Enter a outdoor layer name and click OK.
Select the KML file from the Outdoor Layer List and click the back button to go to the outdoor map.
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide 19
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Application
Perform the following steps to create a drive route using the Google Earth.
Download and install the Google Earth application on your PC.
Open Google Earth.
Under Get Directions, enter a starting location and an ending location.
Click the Get Directions button.
20 RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Application
2 e
Select Save route to My Places.
Under Places, right click Route and select Save Place As.
Enter a file name and select file type as KML.
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide 21
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Application
Configuring the Record Parameters
This setting is used to define how data is logged.
Run RANAdvisor TrueSite.
Tap Settings from the Home screen.
From the Settings screen, tap Record.
Configure the following parameters:
File Save Type - Tap File Save Type and select the recording to be saved either in
AHD or DLF formats. The AHD file can be played back in E6474A. The DLF file can be played back in a QualComm diagnostic tool, such as QXDM, QCAT.
AHD Save Location - Tap the AHD Save Location and select a location in the device memory or external SD card to save the AHD file.
DLF Save Location - Tap the DLF Save Location and select a location in the device memory or external SD card to save the DLF file.
Create Status History Log - Select this option to create a CSV file that contains the
Test Sequencer Status History in the device storage. You can set the location from the
CSV Save Location shown below.
CSV Save Location - Enter the location to save a CSV file on the device storage. The default location is device storage > FTA > Records > CSV directory
Save Mode - Tap Save Mode to save the recording using one of the following options:
OFF - Application does not save the recording
Timed - Application saves the recordings at pre-defined time intervals with a variance of ± 3%. For example, if the time interval selected is 10 mins, the application may save the recording for 9 minutes and 40 seconds.
Continuous - Application saves the recordings in a single AHD/DLF file.
Apply File Naming Options - Select a name format to save the recording file. You will see 2 options:
Starting Text- If you select this option, the application will create a recording file with a pre-defined name defined in the Prefix Text. By default, this option is enabled.
Prefix Text - You can enter a prefix text to identify the recording file. The default value is VIAVI_TrueSite.
22 RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Application
Custom Name Format - If you select this option, the application will prompt you enter a custom name for the recording file each time you start the recording. In order to define a custom name format, you must first create a schema XML file as shown below and copy it to the device storage. For your reference, see
SampleFileNameSchema.xml in the device storage FTA directory. In this schema, the following fields are added as shown in the below figure.
You can edit the default values of <Site_Name>, <PCI_Value>, and
<Type_Name> fields and add additional field/values by typing <Site_Name>
SiteNameExample </Site_Name>, <PCI_Value>123</PCI_Value>,
When you select Custom Name Format, you will see the following fields:
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide 23
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Application
Select Name Format File Location to load a Name Format schema file from the device storage. When you select the schema file, SiteName, PCI, and Type will be enabled. You can select a desired value for these fields.
GUID/TAB/INDOOR File Name - Select this option to append the GUID of the
Indoor floor plan or tab or image file name to the recording file name. This option will work in the indoor collection mode only. By default, this option is enabled.
Date Time Insertion - Select this option to append the date and time to the recording file name in the format defined below. By default, this option is enabled.
Date Time Format - This option is enabled when you select Date Time Insertion.
You can choose any one of the formats: date and time or date or only time.
Time Format - This option is enabled when you select Date Time Insertion. You can select LOCAL which is the time displayed on the device or you can select the
UTC time zone.
Unique ID - Select this option to append the IMEI, MEID, or serial number to the recording file name. By default, this option is enabled.
Note: The unique ID will be always appended to the recording file name when you run the application in the master/slave mode.
Allow user to Edit File Name - Select this option if you want to edit the file name before the recording starts. This option is not available if you select Auto Start or
Auto Record settings. By default, this option is disabled.
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Application
Post Text - This option allows you to determine when to reset the recording file counter. This recording file counter is appended to the recording file name. There are 2 choices:
Never Reset - The application will never reset the recording file counter. This is the default value.
Reset Daily - The application will reset the recording file counter daily.
Post Text Digit Reset - This option allows you to manually reset the recording file counter. Select Yes to reset.
Fragment File Suffix - You can define a name to be appended to a file name when you perform an upload operation using the AutoSend test.
Auto Send - Select this option to send the logged data automatically to an HTTPS or
FTP server. Configure the following settings:
Auto Send - Enable Auto Send to upload data files (AHD and DLF) directly from a phone to a HTTPS/FTP server
File Transfer Option - Select File Transfer via FTP or File Transfer via HTTPS.
By default, File Transfer via FTP is enabled.
Configure the following settings if you selected File Transfer via FTP:
IMEI Folder - Enable this option if you want to upload data to a folder with the device IMEI name.
FTP Host Type - Select the host type as IP or DNS.
FTP Server IP Address - Enter the server IP address if you selected host type as IP.
FTP Host Name - Enter the name of the host server. This option is displayed if you selected host type as DNS.
FTP User Name - Enter the user name to log onto the FTP server.
FTP Password - Enter the password to log onto the FTP server.
Server Directory - Enter the directory to be used to upload your data to. It is recommended that you create and use a different directory for each test phone that is collecting data.
Max Transfer Time-out (seconds) - Enter the time allowed before the FTP or
HTTPS transfer will time out and fail. This setting is not applicable for Manual
Flush of Logged Results.
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide 25
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Application
Delete after sending - Enable this option if you want to delete data files from the phone after they have been uploaded to the FTP or HTTPS server.
The data files uploaded are the ones that are stored in the same folder that was defined in the Save location option on the phone. If you have several data files in the saved location and you then enable Auto Send, all files will be uploaded and deleted (if enabled).
If an FTP transfer fails, the data files will remain on your phone. The FTP transfer of the data file happens when recording stops at the end of a test cycle or when you select Stop Recording. If you start recording again before the transfer is complete, the transfer will stop and will reattempt next time the recording is stopped.
Perform the following settings if you selected File Transfer via HTTPS:
HTTPS Server URL - Enter the HTTPS server URL.
HTTPS User Name - Enter the user name to log onto the HTTPS server.
HTTPS Password - Enter the password to log onto the HTTPS server.
Server Directory - Enter the directory to be used to upload your data to. It is recommended that you create and use a different directory for each test phone that is collecting data.
Max Transfer Time-out (seconds) - Enter the time allowed before the HTTPS transfer will time out and fail. The default value is 60 seconds.
Delete after sending - Select Yes if you want to delete data files from the phone after they have been uploaded to the HTTPS server. The default value is No.
Zip File - Select this option to zip the AHD files before uploading. By default this option is disabled.
Select Add other HTTPS Properties to add additional properties. You must configure the property name and value. For example, MIME type used for upload is multipart/form-data.
Start sequencer when Recording starts - The default value is Yes. This option enables you to run the sequencer tests when you perform the recording. When you stop the recording or execution of sequencer tests, the application will stop recording.
If you select No, you can start recording without executing the sequencer tests automatically. While recording, if you start the sequencer tests manually, the application will execute sequencer tests. But if you stop the sequencer test, it will stop both the tests and the recording.
Extra Log Codes - Select this option to capture additional log codes in the AHD file during the recording for LTE and WCDMA networks. You will see two options: LTE and WCDMA or CDMA, depending on the device. You can customize the selection by selecting the arrow button for each of the technologies.
Note: Enabling more than two log codes is not recommended. Additional log codes may negatively affect device performance.
26 RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Application
Configuring Replay Settings
The Replay setting sets the interval for skipping forward or backward through a recorded test sequence file.
To set the skip interval:
Run RANAdvisor TrueSite.
Tap Settings from the Home screen.
From the Settings screen, tap Replay.
Enter the forward/backward interval in minutes.
Click OK.
Configuring Forcing Settings
From the Forcing settings, choose one of the following:
• UARFCN Preference (HTC devices only)
• Frequency Forcing
• Band and RAT Forcing
Devices that support each forcing type are listed in the applicable section below.
Configuring UARFCN Preference
This feature is available on all HTC devices.
Use this feature to set a preferred UARFCN on the phone. To configure UARFCN
Run RANAdvisor TrueSite.
Tap Settings from the Home screen.
From the Settings screen, tap UARFCN Preference.
Tap UARFCN to enter a preferred value.
Click OK.
You must power cycle the phone for the frequency preference to take effect. If the UARFCN is available when the phone powers on, it will be chosen as the frequency to use. If it is not available or if coverage is poor, the phone will perform a normal search and choose the best frequency available.
Configuring Band and RAT Forcing
This feature allows you to lock the device to one or more supporting technologies and frequency bands.
Note: Clear any existing frequency forcing or PCI forcing, and reboot the device before configuring the BAND and RAT forcing.
To configure Band and RAT forcing:
Run RANAdvisor TrueSite.
Tap Settings from the Home screen.
From the Settings screen, tap Forcing and select Band and RAT Forcing.
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide 27
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Application
Select the technology. For example, GSM only or GSM and WCDMA.
Select the available bands from the list. For example, 850, 900 MHz.
After selecting technology and bands, click Apply Forcing.
[Optional] Power cycle the device for the changes to take effect. See below for a list of the devices that require a power cycle.
Launch RANAdvisor TrueSite. You will see the forcing enabled after power cycle.
Band and RAT forcing works on the following devices only:
• Samsung Galaxy SIII GT-I9305
• Samsung Galaxy SIII SGH-I747
• Samsung Galaxy SIII SGH-T999
• Samsung Galaxy S4 GT-I9505
• Samsung Galaxy S4 GT-I9506
• Samsung Galaxy S4 GT-I9507 (GSM and WCDMA bands, RAT forcing)
• Samsung Galaxy S4 SGH-I337
• Samsung Galaxy S4 SCH-I545
• Samsung Galaxy S4 SGH-I257
• Samsung Galaxy S4 SGH-M919
• Samsung Galaxy Note 2 GT-N7105
• Samsung Galaxy Note 3 SM-N900T
• Samsung Galaxy S5 SM-G900A
• Samsung Galaxy S5 SM-G900F
• Samsung Galaxy S5 SM-G900I
• Samsung Galaxy S5 SM-G900P
• Samsung Galaxy S5 SM-G9006V
• Samsung Galaxy S5 SM-G900V (rooted and non-rooted)
• Samsung Galaxy S5 SM-G900W8
• Samsung Galaxy S5 SM-G900R7
• Samsung Galaxy Tab Pro SM-T525
• Samsung Galaxy Tablet SGH-I497
• LG G2 VS980
• LG G4 LG-LS991
• LG G4 LG-VS986
• LG G4 H815
• HTC One M9
The following devices need to be rebooted after applying the Band and RAT forcing:
• Samsung Galaxy SIII SGH-I747
• Samsung Galaxy SIII SGH-T999
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Application
• Samsung Galaxy S4 GT-I9505
• Samsung Galaxy S4 GT-I9507 GT-I9305
• Samsung Galaxy S4 SGH-I337
• Samsung Galaxy S4 SGH-I257
• Samsung Galaxy Note 2 GT-N7105
• Samsung Galaxy Note 3 SM-N900T
• Samsung Galaxy Note Edge 4 SM-N915V
• Samsung Galaxy S5 SM-G9006V
• Samsung Tab Pro SM-T525
• Samsung Galaxy Tablet SGH-I497
shows the forcing limitations on devices that do not require a reboot.
Table 1: Forcing Limitations
(VS980 4G)
“Read” functionality on the
Settings screen
Forcing popup (at
TrueSite launch)
Available Available
Available Available
Available Available
Configuring Frequency Forcing
The Frequency Forcing feature allows you to lock a commercial Qualcomm Chipset device to a desired channel. In UMTS, this ensures the device only uses the specified UARFCN for service. If the UARFCN is not available, the
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide 29
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Application
device will go out of service and remain in that condition until the specified UARFCN is available after which the normal service will be re-established on the specified UARFCN. In
LTE, this ensures the device only camps onto the preferred EARFCN on power up but it may move to other available EARFCNs within the same band, only if the criteria for handover are fulfilled.
Table 2: List of Devices supporting EARFCN/UARFCN Forcing
Samsung Galaxy SII LTE GTI-9210;
Samsung Galaxy SIII LTE SGH-I747;
Samsung Galaxy SIII GT I9305;
Samsung Galaxy S4 GT-I9505, GT-I9506,
GT-I337, SGH-M919;
Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini SGH-I257;
Samsung Galaxy Note 2 N7105;
Samsung Galaxy Note 3 SM-N900T;
Samsung Galaxy S5 SM-G900I, SM-G900F,
SM-G9006V, SM-G900A, SM-G900W8;
Samsung Tab Pro Tablet SM-T525;
Samsung Galaxy Tablet SGH-I497
LG Optimus G E971;
LG G4 LS991, LG-VS986, LG G4 H815
Samsung Galaxy SIII SGH-T999
Samsung Galaxy SIII LTE SCH-I535;
Samsung Galaxy SIII SCH-L710, SPH-L710;
Samsung Galaxy S4 SPH-L720T,
SPH-L720, SCH-I545, SCH-R970X;
LG G2 VS980;
Samsung Galaxy S5 SM-G900R4,
SM-G900P, SM-G900V, SM-G900R7;
Samsung Galaxy S6 SM-G920P
Preference support
UARFCN Forcing support
In order to configure the device to use this locking functionality, the steps described below are required before data collection is started. A power cycle of the device is mandatory to set the locking mode and must be performed each time the channel is locked or unlocked.
Configuring UARFCN Forcing
Run RANAdvisor TrueSite.
Tap Settings from the Home screen.
From the Settings screen, tap Forcing.
30 RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Application
Select the technology as WCDMA.
Enter the UARFCN value to lock the device.
Note: There is a validation check by RANAdvisor TrueSite to ensure that the UARFCN value falls within the frequency band.
Power cycle the device for the changes to take effect.
Launch RANAdvisor TrueSite. You will see forcing enabled after power cycle.
Click Continue. The device will remain in the forced UARFCN.
Configuring EARFCN Forcing
Run RANAdvisor TrueSite.
Tap Settings from the Home screen.
From the Settings screen, tap Forcing.
Select the technology as LTE.
Enter the EARFCN value to lock the device.
Note: There is a validation check by RANAdvisor TrueSite to ensure that the EARFCN value falls within the frequency band.
Power cycle the device for the changes to take effect.
Launch RANAdvisor TrueSite. You will see forcing enabled after power cycle.
Click Continue. The device will remain in the forced EARFCN.
Configuring PCI Forcing
The Physical Cell Identity (PCI) forcing allows you to configure the device to remain indefinitely on one LTE physical cell. The forcing can only be done when the device is not locked to EARFCN. This feature is supported on the following devices:
• Samsung Galaxy S4 GT-I9506
• Samsung Galaxy Note 3 SM-N900T
• Samsung Galaxy S5 SM-G900I
• Samsung Galaxy S5 SM-G900F
• Samsung Galaxy S5 SM-G9006V
• Samsung Galaxy S5 SM-G900A
• Samsung Galaxy S5 SM-G900W8
• LG G4 LS991
• LG G4 VS986
• LG G4 H815
Note: The PCI forcing on Samsung Galaxy S5 devices performs a preference PCI forcing. If the PCI is available, the device will chose that PCI otherwise the phone will perform a normal search and chose the best available PCI.
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide 31
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Application
Perform the following steps to configure PCI forcing:
Run RANAdvisor TrueSite.
Tap Settings from the Home screen.
From the Settings screen, tap Forcing.
Select PCI Forcing.
Enter an EARFCN value and a corresponding PCI value. The PCI value ranges from 0 to
Select Apply Forcing.
Power cycle the device for the changes to take effect.
Launch RANAdvisor TrueSite. You will see the forcing enabled after power cycle.
Click Continue. The device will remain in the forced PCI value.
Configuring Cellsite Data
This feature shows serving and active cells for different technologies by configuring the cellsite database in the device. During the recording, if any cell matches with primary and secondary key defined in the cellsite database, then the cell name is updated in the portrait mode and a line is drawn from current location to a serving cell or one of the active cells in
Outdoor/Indoor map. The sector arc will be highlighted to indicate it as a serving sector.
To configure cellsite database, go to Settings > Cellsite Data, enable the technology you want to activate and select the cellsite database XML file from the device storage. Ensure that you have put the cellsite database XML file in FTA > Cellsite Database folder on the device. You can create a cellsite database XML file using the Cellsite Importer utility in the
E6474A application or you can create your own cellsite database XML file in the following format as shown below.
Note: You must ensure that you use the same cellsite database for recording and replay.
During the data collection, the application searches the cellsite database using a primary and a secondary identifier to determine the serving sector.
The application uses the primary identifier to search for a cellsite and if there is only a single match then no further search will be performed. If there is more than one match, the application will use the secondary identifier to resolve the cellsite.
If multiple entries are found for the primary and secondary identifier, the cellsite that is located at a distance less than or equal to the range defined will be selected.
Primary Identifier
Secondary Identifier
32 RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Application
Primary Identifier
Secondary Identifier
Starting with TrueSite 1.39, Azimuth and Sector width are available for each sector in the database. Azimuth has valid values from 0 to 359, in degrees, and defines the angle of the arc. Sector width has valid values from 1 to 360, in degrees, and defines the width of the arc.
In case the azimuth and/or sector width values are missing, an OMNI sector will be displayed at that cellsite location.
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Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Application
Sectors are displayed in a pie chart, with the point at the sector geolocation.
When a serving cell changes, a line is drawn on the map from the current waypoint to the serving cell site (if available in the cellsites database) to show which cells are currently serving the phone.
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Application
After configuring the XML file, you can define the Cellsite Range Unit as Km or miles and specify the maximum valid distance range when looking for the serving cell. The application looks for only those cells which fall within the range and if there is more than one cell with the same primary and secondary key, then the first cell which is closest to the current location is reported.
The cellsite database may have thousands of cellsites, which may not be needed at all times. As the cellsites are geographically apart, the application will load cellsites within the 5 kms range from the user location. You can define Maximum Sectors Displayed Per
Technology which allows only a small number of sectors to be loaded. The default value is
2000. Max: 5000 and Min: 100.
You can define the cellsite color to be displayed on the map for different technologies.
Default Color
Optional Color
Sector Color
Dark Turquoise
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide 35
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Application
Several technologies may be present at the same site location. For the combination of LTE,
GSM, and UMTS, the outer layer of the cellsite will be GSM, the middle layer UMTS, and the innermost layer will be LTE. For the combination of LTE, CDMA, and EVDO, the outer layer of the cellsite will be CDMA, the middle layer EVDO, and the innermost layer will be LTE.
Configuring Wi-Fi Measurements
If you are using the device for the first time, you must enable the Wi-Fi network as described below:
From the device Home screen, press the Menu button on your device, select Settings.
Enable the Wi-Fi networks available in your surroundings.
When you start RANAdvisor TrueSite, the application will detect the Wi-Fi access points and display the connected and the detected Wi-Fi access points.
To view Wi-Fi parameters and access points:
Run RANAdvisor TrueSite.
Click the + button at the top of the Home screen.
From the Add item screen, tap Wi-Fi Screen to add it to the Home screen.
On the Home screen, tap the Wi-Fi Screen icon to display the Wi-Fi parameters. Scroll down to see the detected Wi-Fi access points.
Wi-Fi measurements are also visible by swiping across the screen in portrait mode between the Measurement parameters, Sequencer and Wi-Fi screens.
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Application
Figure 12 Wi-Fi Parameters
NOTE: If you have setup the device to remember the Wi-Fi access points, for example the
Wi-Fi in your office, RANAdvisor will automatically select that Wi-Fi network when available even if you have you turned off the Wi-Fi from your device. This will cause any data testing to be carried out over the Wi-Fi network and not the cellular network. To prevent this, you need to 'forget' the saved Wi-Fi configurations.
To switch to a different network:
Exit RANAdvisor TrueSite application.
Go to the device Home screen.
Press the Menu button on your device.
Tap Settings > Wi-Fi and choose a different network.
To disable logging of Wi-Fi measurements:
Run RANAdvisor TrueSite.
Tap Settings from the Home screen.
From the Settings screen, tap Wi-Fi.
Uncheck Wi-Fi Measurement.
Configuring the Battery Monitor Settings
This feature displays the battery status - charging or non-charging mode and the level of battery power remaining. To view the battery status, go to the RF Measurement screen >
General Parameters.
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide 37
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Application
To configure the settings:
Run RANAdvisor TrueSite.
Tap Settings from the Home screen.
Select Battery.
Enable Battery Status to view it in the RF Measurement screen.
Enter the logging interval in seconds. Max:3600 seconds and Min: 1 second. The default value is 5 seconds.
Test Me Now
Test Me Now runs a single iteration of the following tests sequentially: Voice, Ping, Internet
Connection, Downlink and Uplink data rates. You can accept or change the default settings for Voice, Ping and HTTP. You will need to configure an FTP server with permissions to upload files.
To modify the settings:
Tap Test Me Now from the application Home screen. This displays the Test Me Now
Mode screen.
From the context menu, select Settings.
Tap the displayed options to modify the settings for Voice, Ping, HTTP, Indoor, Record, and GNG Thresholds, which are the Go/No Go thresholds for the FTP uplink and downlink throughput per technology.
After configuring the test settings, tap the device Back button.
After configuring the settings, tap the Test Me Now button to verify that the device is able to make a voice call, connect to Internet and perform a data transfer. The test displays the status of the voice test, Internet connection test, downlink data rate and uplink data rate.
To perform an indoor data collection:
Tap Test Me Now from the application Home screen. This displays the Test Me Now
Mode screen.
From the context menu, select Indoor.
Configure the indoor settings and tap OK.
Tap the Test Me Now button to perform the voice and data tests. A red/green/yellow marker will indicate the status of the test and the result of each test will be displayed on the Main Go-NoGo screen. Green indicates all tests have passed, Red indicates at least one test has failed and Yellow indicates the test in progress.
Note: The Voice test is not supported on the VoLTE network.
Working with RF Measurements
The RF Measurements screen shows general parameters and parameters related to different technologies like GSM, EDGE/EGPRS, CDMA/EVDO, UMTS, LTE, and LTE-A (for
LTE-A supported devices).
38 RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Application
The RF Measurements can be customized to suit your needs and available technologies.
You can choose the measurements to display from a comprehensive list of RF parameters,
The selected parameters are shown in the RF Measurements screen, Map Overlay, and
Line Charts. RF measurements that were previously available only in landscape mode can now also be viewed in portrait mode on the RF Measurement screen.
RF parameters are reset on technology handover and signal loss.
Viewing RF Parameters
To launch this feature:
Run RANAdvisor TrueSite.
Tap RF Measurements from the Home screen.
Configuring Parameters to Display on the RF Measurements Screen
To configure the parameters to display on the RF Measurement screen:
Run RANAdvisor TrueSite.
Click the + button at the top of the Home screen.
From the Add item screen, tap Customization to add it to the Home screen.
Tap Customization from the Home screen and choose RF Measurements and Charts to display a list of parameters available on this device.
Select the parameters you wish to view. Tap the arrow button to customize the measurements to view for each selected parameter. Select All/De-select All is available from the context menu.
Your changes are auto-saved to the active file when you exit.
To save a configuration as a new .xml file on the device:
Tap Save Set in the context menu.
Type the file name of the configuration, and then tap Save.
The saved configuration files can be edited using Microsoft Excel.
To load a previously saved configuration:
Tap Load Set in the context menu.
Select a file from the list to load it.
To view the parameters:
• Tap RF Measurement from the TrueSite Home screen.
eMBMS Measurements.
You can select the following Evolved Multimedia Broadcast
Multicast Service (eMBMS) measurements to display on the RF Measurements screen:
• LTE eMBMS Active Bearer List Information
• LTE ML1 eMBMS Config Parameters
• LTE ML1 PMCH Results Parameters
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide 39
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Application
• LTE ML1 PMCH Decode Parameters
• LTE ML1 eMBMS Whitened Matrices
• LTE MAC eMBMS Statistics
• LTE RLC eMBMS Statistics
• LTE eMBMS OOS Warning Indicator
You will need a TrueSite eMBMS Measurement Fixed Software License or TrueSite eMBMS
Measurement Floating Software License to activate this feature.
eMBMS measurements are supported on the following devices:
• Samsung Galaxy S5 SM-G900V
• Samsung Galaxy Note Edge 4 SM-N915V
Configuring and Displaying Charts in the RF Measurement Screen
This section describes how to configure and display charts in the RF Measurement screen in portrait mode. To learn how to define new thresholds for the RF parameters on the bar
charts, see “Threshold Customization" on page 41.
To configure and display charts:
Click the + button at the top of the TrueSite Home screen.
From the Add item screen, tap Customization to add it to the Home screen.
On the Home screen, tap the Customization icon.
Choose the operation as RF Measurements and Charts. Tap the Charts Parameters tab to display a list of available charts. You can select the default charts from the list, create a new chart, or load an existing chart from the device storage. At maximum of four charts can be displayed on the RF Measurement screen.
To create a new chart, click Create New from the context menu, enter a chart name, and then click OK.
Select one or more Technologies and the corresponding parameters and click Save. You can select up to four parameters to be displayed on a chart. To display the test statistics values for sequencer tests in the RF Measurements screen, select Test Statistics and the desired test outputs. You cannot combine Test Statistics with any other technology.
The following options are available from the Choose Option menu that appears when you select a chart:
To view the chart settings, tap a chart name and then tap View.
To edit the chart parameters, tap a chart name and tap Edit to select the parameters.
You can save the chart with a different name using the Save As button.
To delete a chart, tap a chart name and click Delete.
To load an existing chart from the device storage, click Load from context menu and then select the .xml file from the list.
40 RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Application
To display and edit charts from the RF Measurement screen:
Select a chart(s) from the Chart Parameters list, and click the device Back button to go to the TrueSite Home screen.
From the Home screen, tap RF Measurement to view the chart.
To return to the Chart Parameters customization screen, press and hold the chart in the
RF Measurement screen.
Tap the chart name and click Edit to customize the parameters.
Configuring Parameters to Display on the Map
You can define which parameters you want to display on the indoor or outdoor map during the data collection. In order to define the parameters, go to the application Home Screen, tap Customization and choose the operation as Map Display Parameters.
To configure the parameters to display on the maps:
Run RANAdvisor TrueSite.
Click the + button at the top of the Home screen.
From the Add item screen, tap Customization to add it to the Home screen.
Tap Customization from the Home screen and choose Map Display Parameters to display a list of parameters available on this device.
Customize the parameters to be displayed on the map using the arrow button. You can select up to 16 parameters.
Your changes are auto-saved to the active file when you exit.
To save a map parameters as a new .xml file on the device:
Tap Save Set in the context menu.
Type the file name, and then tap Save.
To load a previously saved configuration:
Tap Load Set in the context menu.
Select a file from the list to load it.
To view the parameters on a map:
• Go to the Indoor or Outdoor map and click the arrow control to view or hide the parameters.
Threshold Customization
This feature allows you to define new thresholds for the RF parameters on the bar charts.When you tap on any bar chart, it will change to the line chart mode and display the current value of the parameter.
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide 41
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Application
Using the FTA_Full_Thresholds.xml file or the Bar Charts Theme feature, you may choose to change the thresholds for all or a subset of parameters or use the default values.
The inverted color can be applied using the Theme and not by editing the
FTA_Full_Thresholds.xml file. The Threshold 1 and Threshold 2 values are used to apply the color scheme for a parameter.
FTA_Full_Thresholds.xml can be found on the device storage in the /FTA/Thresholds folder.
A copy is also provided in the Installation folder for each release after downloading on your
PC. This file can be modified and copied to the phone to modify the settings.
NOTE: This is not editable on the phone directly.
You can change the parameter thresholds in the xml file using MS Excel. Open the file in MS
Excel, choose to open 'As an XML table' and allow Excel to create a Schema based on the source if prompted. You need to change only TH1 and TH2, not MIN and MAX. If MIN and
MAX, are changed it will not have any effect because the default MIN and MAX will be loaded.
For indicators such as RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indication) where a high value is better than a low value, TH1 is the threshold at which the bar changes from Red to Yellow.
TH2 is the threshold at which the bar changes from Yellow to Green.
Inverse indications (where a low value is better than a high value), e.g. BLER, the colors are reversed within the application, so TH1 is where Green changes to Yellow and TH2 is where
Yellow Changes to Red.
When the RANAdvisor TrueSite application is started, it will load the parameters -TH1 and
TH2 from the FTA_Full_Thresholds.xml file.
To perform threshold customization using Themes, select the Theme icon from the Add item screen. You can create, edit, and delete themes. When a theme is applied, it will change the display of parameters.
To create a theme:
Click the + button at the top of the TrueSite Home screen.
From the Add item screen, tap Theme to add it to the Home screen.
On the Home screen, tap the Theme icon.
Select Bar Charts Theme.
Click Create Bar Charts Theme.
Enter a theme name and a description for the theme.
Click OK.
Configure the parameter Threshold 1/Threshold 2 values, select Inverted Color if required and click OK.
Click Save to save the settings or click Save and Apply to save and apply themes to the parameters.
42 RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Application
To view or delete a theme:
From the TrueSite Home screen, tap Theme.
Select Bar Charts Theme.
Tap on a theme name on Bar Charts Theme.
To view a theme, click View.
To delete a theme, Click Delete.
Note: You cannot delete a theme if it is currently applied to the parameters. In order to delete a theme, you must ensure a different theme is applied to the parameters.
To edit a theme:
From the TrueSite Home screen, tap Theme.
Select Bar Charts Theme.
Tap on a theme name.
Click Edit.
Configure the threshold settings for the parameter.
Click Save to save the settings or click Save and Apply to save and apply themes to the parameters.
Creating, Editing, or Deleting a Theme
This feature allows you to choose one signal strength parameter for each technology - LTE,
EVDO, CDMA, WCDMA, GSM as applicable for the device. You can configure thresholds for the selected parameters. When a theme is applied, the signal strength is drawn on
Indoor and Outdoor screens (during drive test) as per the theme parameter and thresholds.
The signal strength is drawn on Indoor/Outdoor screen at the time of recording and during replay based on the theme applied at that time.
You can create, edit, and delete themes. When a theme is applied, it will change the display of signal strength in the Indoor and Outdoor screens.
To create a theme:
If the Theme icon is not on the Home screen, click the + button at the top of the TrueSite
Home screen. From the Add item screen, tap Theme to add it to the Home screen.
On the Home screen, tap the Theme icon.
Select one of the following:
Bar Charts Theme - The parameters will be displayed as bar charts.
Mapping Theme - The parameters will be displayed on the indoor/outdoor map depending on the signal strength.
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide 43
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Application
If you selected Bar Charts Theme:
Click Create Bar Charts Theme to create a new bar chart theme.
Enter a theme name and description for the theme.
Click OK.
Select the parameters and configure the threshold settings for the parameters.
Click Save to save the settings or click Save and Apply to save and apply theme to the parameters.
If you selected Mapping Theme:
Click Create Mapping Theme to create a new mapping theme.
Enter a theme name and description for the theme.
Click OK.
Select the parameters and configure the threshold settings for the parameters.
Click Save to save the settings or click Save and Apply to save and apply theme to the parameters.
To view or delete a theme:
From the TrueSite Home screen, tap Theme.
Select one of the following:
• Bar Charts Theme
Mapping Theme.
Tap on a theme name and select View to view the theme.
To delete a theme, tap on a theme name and select Delete.
Note: You cannot delete a theme if it is currently applied to the parameters. In order to delete a theme, you must ensure a different theme is applied to the parameters.
To edit a theme:
From the TrueSite Home screen, tap Theme.
Select one of the following:
Bar Charts Theme
• Mapping Theme
Tap on a theme name.
Click Edit.
Select the parameters highlighted in the yellow bar and configure the threshold settings for the parameter.
Click Save to save the settings or click Save and Apply to save and apply themes to the parameters.
44 RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Application
Viewing the Protocol Decoder
RANAdvisor TrueSite decodes CDMA/EVDO/GSM/UMTS/LTE RRC/NAS protocol messages and displays each message with the actual Timestamp, protocol layer -
RRC/NAS, message direction - UL or DL for RRC and NAS and FWD/REV for
CDMA/EVDO, and description for the protocol layer. You can select a different colors for each protocol layer.
To view the Protocol screen, do one of the following:
• Click the + button at the top of the TrueSite Home screen. From the Add item screen, tap
Protocol Decoder to add it to the Home screen. On the Home screen, tap the Protocol
Decoder icon.
• Swipe left/right from the RF Measurement screen in portrait mode.
Tap the Technology button at the top of the screen and select the applicable technologies:
CDMA, EVDO, GSM/UMTS NAS, GSM/UMTS RRC, LTE NAS, LTE RRC. You can select one or more options from the list to view the decoded messages. The screen displays first level protocol information directly, and when you click any message, the details of the decoded messages will be shown.
Working with the Test Sequencer
The Test Sequencer is a powerful, graphical editor that enables you to create and run test sequences that simulate the mobile user exercising various applications on the device. You can create simple serial sequences of tests, create parallel tests to be run at the same time, or even create parallel threads of series sequences. If you want to execute the test in series, add the tests in the first column. If you want the tests to run concurrently, add the tests in a single row. The drag and drop editor makes it easy to move tests around within the
sequence (see “Working with the Drag and Drop Editor" on page 50).
When you start a sequencer test, the application runs the tests based on the configured test settings. You can easily distinguish the status of the tests (running, completed, ready to run) based on the color of the test tile as shown in
Table 3: Test Sequencer Color Codes
Color Description
Test is enabled but not running
Test is added but not enabled
Test is currently running
Test is running; at least one test cycle failed
Test is complete; at least one test cycle failed
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide 45
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Table 3: Test Sequencer Color Codes
Test is complete; at least one test cycle passed OR the test has stopped before the first cycle completed
Figure 13 on page 46 shows an example of a test status display.
Figure 13 Test status displayed in different colors
Launching the Test Sequencer
To launch the Test Sequencer:
Run RANAdvisor TrueSite.
From the application Home screen, tap Test Sequencer, or from the RF measurements screen (portrait mode), swipe to the left or right to view the Test Sequencer screen.
46 RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Application
Click the blue bar labeled Tap here to Create or Load a Test Sequence.
From the list of options, select Create to create a test sequence file, or select Load to load a test sequence file from the device storage /FTA/Sequencer directory.
If you select Create or Edit an existing test sequence file, you will be prompted to enter a
Name and Description of the sequencer file.
[Optional] After entering the name and description, click Additional Settings to configure the options described in
Table 4 on page 47. When you are finished, click OK.
Create a test sequence as described in “Creating a Test Sequence" on page 49..
Table 4: Test Sequencer Additional Settings
Setting Description
The LIBPCAP option is enabled only if the phone is rooted. If you enable LIBPCAP, RANAdvisor TrueSite will record the application layer protocol messages in the background and save them in the /FTA/PCAP directory.
You can play back the captured pcap file using a Network
Protocol Analyzer tool such as Wireshark.
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Table 4: Test Sequencer Additional Settings
Start Recording when
Sequencer Starts
Loop Test Sequence
Modify Extra Log Code
If you are using the iPERF test, you can enable the Viavi
iPERF or Default iPERF options. If the Viavi iPERF option is selected, three more directions will be enabled in the direction property of the iPERF test: Downlink,
Sequential and Concurrent in addition to Uplink. You must install the Viavi iPERF controller and configure it in the server. For the details on how to install and configure
Viavi iPERF controller, refer to the E6474A Online Help.
The iPERF options are not supported on non-rooted devices.
Starts recording when the Test Sequencer starts. The default value is Yes. This setting is specific to a test sequence file; it is not a global setting.
Repeats the tests indefinitely until they are manually stopped. Results are stored in a single AHD file. When the
Test Sequencer loops back to the start, the color of the test tiles revert to white, as at the start of the test. This is a global setting. The default setting is Off.
Captures additional log codes in the AHD file during the testing for LTE and WCDMA networks. You will see two options: LTE and WCDMA or CDMA, depending on the device. You can customize the data to be captured by tapping the arrow button for the technology and selecting some or all of the available log codes. These extra log code settings are applicable only to the individual sequencer test, and take precedence over the log code settings in the Record configuration.
48 RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Application
Monitor CELL ID
Table 4: Test Sequencer Additional Settings
Identifies and monitors the Cell ID for FTP Put, FTP Get,
PING, VOICE, UVOICE, CSFB tests on the Status History screen at the beginning and end of a test cycle. The CELL
ID is logged at the start of the test.
The Cell ID may not be displayed if the device is already camped to a base station when the recording is started. It is displayed only when the device camps to the next base station. To display a Cell ID at all times, add the
RFTOGGLE test at the beginning of the Test Sequencer to force a reconnection with the base station.
• If the Cell ID is the same at the start and end of a test, a PASS status is shown on the Status History screen; otherwise a
FAIL status is shown along with the CELL ID. The results are logged in the AHD and CSV files generated during recording.
• If no CELL ID is available at the start and/or end of a cycle, the message CELLID(0,0):Not Available; Result‐Cannot
Compare is shown.
• If no CELL ID is available at the start of a cycle and but available at the end of a cycle, the message
CELLID(0,0):122345; Result‐Cannot Compare is shown.
See the Notes at the end of this table for additional Cell ID messages.
• For the CSFB test, the application will display the Cell ID at the start of the test in the LTE network. When it switches to other available networks when the voice call is started, the
Cell ID will not be displayed. You will see the message “:Not available; Result – network transition”.
• If you run the FTP test first followed by the voice test on a LTE network and there is a change in the Cell ID, you will see the message “:Not available; Result – network transition”.
• For the CDMA network, at the start of a cycle, the message: CELLID(0,0):Not Available will be shown since the application does not handle CDMA Cell ID.
Creating a Test Sequence
To create a test sequence:
Start the Test Sequencer as described in “Launching the Test Sequencer" on page 46.
Click the TAP TO ADD TEST button to add a test.
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From the Add Test screen, select a test to add. After you select a test, you will see the settings screen for that test, which you can edit to suit your purposes. For details about
the configuration options for each test see “Configuring Sequencer Tests" on page 55.
Press the back button on your device to save the test settings and add the test to the
Test Sequencer screen.
Repeat Steps 2-5 to add additional tests to the sequence.
When you are finished adding tests, do one of the following:
To run the sequencer tests, press the Menu button on your device and select Start
Sequencer. After you select Start Sequencer or if you close RANAdvisor TrueSite, the test sequencer file is saved in the device storage/ FTA/Sequencer directory. To learn how to enable the recording when you start the sequencer tests, see
To save the sequence to run at a later time, tap the blue bar at the top of the screen and then select Save from the Options list.
Working with the Drag and Drop Editor
You can drag and drop tests in the test sequencer editor to easily create and edit test sequences in just the order you need. The screen is dynamically redrawn as you move tiles, so you can instantly see your changes.
• Move tests within a sequence. Press and hold a test tile to drag it to a new position in the test. You can move a test within a series (up and down), or move it along side a test to create a parallel sequence.
• Delete tests from a sequence. Press and hold the test tile and then drag it toward the red trash can at the top of the screen. Drop the test tile on the trash can when the red bar
Figure 14 Drag a test to the trash can to delete it
Figure 15 on page 51 shows the drag and drop editing functions to add tests in series and in
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Application
Figure 15 Drag and drop actions
Running tests in series
To execute the test in series, add the tests in a single
vertical column as shown in the Figure 16 on page 52. After adding the tests, press the
Menu button on your device and select Start Sequencer to execute the sequencer tests. In this example, first the Voice test will run then the CSFB, HTTP, FTP (Put), FTP (Get) and
Ping tests.
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide 51
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Figure 16 Serial Test
Running tests in parallel
To run tests concurrently, first add a test. Next, add a second test and drag it to the right of the first test. Notice that the TAP TO ADD TEST button is now adjacent to the test. Click TAP TO ADD TEST. You can add up to four tests in a single row.
To add more tests in the parallel loop, press and hold a tile in a parallel sequence and move it above or below the existing row. Single parallel tests sequences are indicated by a single horizontal line under the test row; two parallel test sequences are indicated with a double line (see
After adding the tests, press the Menu button on your device and select Start Sequencer to execute the sequencer tests. When you start the sequencer test, all the tests in the first row will run concurrently. After the execution of all the tests in the first row, application will execute all the tests in the second row. This process continues until the end of the parallel test. After execution of tests in parallel sequence, the next test defined in the series or parallel will start running.
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Application
Figure 17 Sample parallel tests: single parallel test sequence (left) and two parallel test sequences (right).
Viewing Test Settings
You can view the settings of any test in a saved sequence without having to open the sequence for editing. You cannot edit the settings from this view, but it is a convenient way to verify the current test settings.
To view test settings:
Tap the blue bar at the top of the Test Sequencer window.
In the Options list, tap Load and select a test.
Tap a test tile to view its settings.
Tap the device back key to return to the Test Sequencer window.
Editing Test Sequences
After executing tests, you can edit the test in the sequence file by tapping the file name in the blue bar. You can also edit a file that was saved previously. When editing a test sequence file, it is advisable to save it with a new name to avoid replay issues with the recorded AHD file logged with a previous sequencer flow.
In Truesite 1.42, the following time saving editing features are included in the test sequencer editor:
• Save a test configuration as a preset
• Append a saved test sequence to the current sequence
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To edit a test sequence:
In the Test Sequencer, tap the blue bar, select Load in the Options list, and select the test to edit.
In the Test Sequencer window, tap the blue bar and select Edit in the Options list.
[Optional] Modify the Test Sequencer Details to distinguish it from the original sequence, and then click OK.
Tap a test tile and do one of the following:
Select Edit to change the test settings. Change the settings and tap the device back button to return to the Sequencer editor.
Select Save test configuration as a preset to reuse within the current sequence or across all test sequences. Reuse across test sequences is limited to FTP Get, FTP
Put, and iPERF. Type the name of the preset test and tap Save.
Make additional edits including editing test settings, deleting tests, adding tests, or
rearranging the tests in the sequence. Table 5 on page 54 lists the editing functions
available in the Test Sequencer.
Tap the blue bar and click Save or Save As to save the modified sequence..
Table 5: Testing Editing Functions
Save As
Append Another
View Description
Delete a test
Saves the test sequence.
Saves the test sequence with a new name. When you edit the existing test sequence file, it is advisable to save it as a new name to avoid replay issues with the recorded AHD files logged with a previous sequencer flow.
Adds an existing, saved test sequence to the end of the current test sequence. This feature lets you use existing test sequences as as building blocks for new tests. Any saved test sequence can be appended to a new test.
Displays the test sequence description.
Press and hold the test tile, and then drag it to the red trash icon at the top of the screen. When a red bar appears, drop the test in the trash to delete it.
54 RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Application
Table 5: Testing Editing Functions
Color Description
Save test configuration as a preset
Save a particular test configuration to reuse within the current sequence or across all test sequences. Reuse across test sequences is limited to FTP Get, FTP Put, and iPERF.
When you add a test that has preset configurations available, you are presented with a list of test configurations that includes the default and any custom presets that you added. Select the desired test configuration from the list to add to the test sequence.
Configuring Sequencer Tests
You can configure the following tests using Test Sequencer. To access these tests, see
“Working with the Test Sequencer" on page 45.
If you are using a Samsung Galaxy SIII device, you must disable auto-updates in the Play
Store settings to avoid interference while running the sequencer tests.
Go to the device apps > Play Store.
Press the device menu, and select Settings.
Select Auto-update apps > Do not auto-update apps.
Auto Send
This test uploads the AHD files from a phone to the configured HTTPS or FTP server. When the Test Sequencer encounters an AutoSend test, it uploads the recorded data from the start or from the point when the last AutoSend test was encountered. The recording will continue thereafter. The fragmented AHD files are created separately from main AHD file.
For example, if there are five auto send tests configured in the test sequence, then six fragmented files will be created. The last fragmented file will contain summary information of all the tests. The last fragmented file and the complete AHD file will be uploaded upon completion of the whole recording.
The fragmented files are uploaded in the following directory:
• On the FTP Server: <configured directory>/<IMSI>/Timestamp_<Recording Start
TimeStamp>/<ADH file name>_<Fragment ID>.AHD
• On the HTTPS server: <root>/<ADH file name>_< Fragment ID >.AHD
On the device: /<Save Location>/ToBeUploaded/>/<AHD file name>_<Fragment
The first test in the Test Sequencer cannot be Auto Send test. The Auto Send test can be added only in series, not in parallel. You cannot add two consecutive Auto Send test.
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide 55
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Note: It is recommended
to add the Wait test (30 seconds to 2 minutes depending on the network throughput) after the Auto Send test in the Test Sequencer to make sure that the upload session is complete before the start of the next upload session.
not to enable the Auto Send option (under the Record setting) if the Auto Send test is added to the Test Sequencer.
Test Settings
• Auto Send - Select this option to enable the test.
• Test Name - Enter the test name to identify the test.
See “Configuring the Record Parameters” on page 22 to configure the properties for Auto
Test Results
• Pass - Connection established and then file uploaded successfully.
• Connected - Established a connection to server.
• Failed to authenticate - Unable to login to server. Either username or password is incorrect.
• File not found - The requested file is not present in the client.
• Failed to Connect - Unable to connect to server.
• File uploaded - File uploaded successfully to server.
The Circuit Switched Fall Back (CSFB) test is used to validate that while on an LTE data session, an attempt to make a Voice call will 'Fall Back' to 3G to make the Voice call.
The test starts with an HTTP transfer to initiate a data session. If the session is successful and the sessions are over LTE, then a Voice call is initiated. The test passes only if the data transfer works and it is over LTE and the Voice call works. The setup time of the CSFB call is measured during this test. CSFB inter cycle delay default time is set to 45 seconds. This is the minimum time required to ensure the phone moves back to LTE.
You must extend this time if there are subsequent test failures due to no LTE data transfer.
You cannot add a CSFB test in the parallel sequence. This test is applicable only for the LTE devices.
Test Settings
CSFB - Select this option to enable the test.
Test Name - Enter a test name to identify the test.
• Cycles - Enter the number of times to perform the test.The default value is 10. This value is displayed at the top right of the test in the Test Sequencer screen.
• Inter Cycle Delay (sec) - Enter the delay between two cycles.The default value is 45 seconds.
Call Number - Enter a number to call.
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Application
Email Test
Busy Timeout (sec) - Enter the time to wait for the voice call to start. The default value is
20 seconds.
• Duration (sec) - Enter duration of the call. The default value is 30 seconds. This value is displayed at the bottom right of the test in the Test Sequencer screen.
• Data Mode Option - Select Data Mode HTTP or Data Mode Ping. The default value is
Data Mode HTTP. If the data mode is PING, PING settings will be enabled. See
Test" on page 68 for details. If the data mode is HTTP, HTTP settings will be enabled.
See “HTTP Test" on page 63 for details.
Test Results
• Successful- The Data connection was on LTE and successfully fell back to Circuit
Switch network and the voice call was success.
• No LTE Data - The Data connection was available but not on the LTE network.
• No Data Connection - The Data connection was not available.
• Dropped - The call is connected, picked up and disconnected by either end (caller or callee) before the configured duration.
• Blocked - The Call is connected, disconnected by either end (caller or callee) before being picked up or the Call is not connected until it times out.
The application tests whether the device can send email to itself. During execution, the test sends the selected email size from the default email address back to the same email address.
Note: The email will not be saved in the defined email address.
The RANAdvisor TrueSite waits for a pre-defined timeout period to receive the email. When it receives the email, the application verifies the content. The test passes if the correct email is returned within the timeout period. The test fails if there is no return email or the contents are incorrect. The Email test can run in parallel to itself.
Test Settings
• EMAIL - Select to enable the test.
• Test Name - Enter a test name to identify the test.
Sending Account Settings
• Server Name & Port number - Enter the server name and port number of the sending account.
Receiving Account Settings
• Server Type - Select the server type as IMAPS or POP3 of the receiving account.
• Server Name - Enter the server name of the receiving account.
• Port: Enter the port number of the receiving account.
Other Settings
• User Name - Enter the user name.
• Email ID - Enter the email ID.
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• Password - Enter the password.
• Email size - Enter the email size in KB or MB. For KB, max:10240, min:1. For MB: max:10, min:1. This value is displayed at the bottom right of the test in the Test
Sequencer screen.
• Email unit - Select the option as KB or MB.
Max Timeout - Set the time out in seconds to receive the email. Max: 2147, Min: 1
• No of Trials - Set the number of trials for the test to resend the email when it fails. The default value is 5. Each trial waits for a max timeout period to resend the email.
• Cycle - Set the number of times to perform the email test. The default value is 10. This value is displayed at the top right of the test in the Test Sequencer screen.
• Inter Cycle Delay - Set the delay time between two email tests. The default value is 10 seconds.
Test Results
• Success - The test successfully sends a loop back email to itself.
• Composing & sending - The test creates and sends an email. The total time taken for composing & sending depends on the Email Size.
• Failed to authenticate: Unable to login to server due to incorrect username or password.
• Failed to Connect to Server- Wrong URL host name or unable to connect to the server due to network problem or exception.
• Failed to Create Content - Unable to create Email content.
• Content Not Matched - The contents of the sent and received Email do not match.
• Timeout - After sending an Email, if no Email is received in response within a specified time out period.
This test is available only for CDMA/EVDO devices.
EVDOCH checks the current EVDO channel and compares it with the desired channel. If they are the same, the test exits with a PASS. If not, the phone’s radio is turned off and back on to cause the phone to re-attach to the EVDO network, and the channel is again compared with the desired channel. The hashing algorithm has a random chance to allocate any of the available EVDO channels each time the network is accessed. This process is repeated until they match or the maximum number of tries have been carried out.
Test Settings
• Desired Channel - Enter the channel number to test.This value is displayed at the bottom right of the test in the Test Sequencer screen.
• Times to try - Enter the number of times to search the desired channel number. This value is displayed at the top right of the test in the Test Sequencer screen.
Test Results
• Pass - The desired channel matches to EVDO Serving Site parameter channel.
• Fail - The desired channel does not match to EVDO Serving Site Parameter Channel.
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Application
The Forcing test allows you to lock a commercial Qualcomm Chipset device to a desired band or technology. Starting with TrueSite 1.43, the Forcing test is supported in both the
PRO and LITE versions of the software.
The test is supported on the following Viavi Samsung phones: Samsung Galaxy S4
GT-I9506, SM-G900P, Samsung Galaxy S4 SCH-I545, Samsung Galaxy S4 SGH-M919,
Samsung Galaxy S5 SM-G900A, Samsung Galaxy S5 SM-G900F, Samsung Galaxy S5
SM-G900P, Samsung Galaxy S5 SM-G900I, Samsung Galaxy S5 SM-G900V, LG G2
VS980, Samsung Galaxy S5 SM-G900W8, Samsung Galaxy S5 SM-G900R7, Samsung
Galaxy S5 SM-G9006V.
• If the technology or the band on which it is locked is not available, the device will go out of service and remain in that condition until the specified technology or band is available, after which a normal service will be re-established on the specified device.
The forcing action ensures that the device can support the combination of Band and RAT defined in the test settings. Where there is a mismatch, the common forcing shall be applied. For example, if both the LTE B7 and B28 bands are required and the device supports only the B7 band, then the B7 band shall be forced.
Test Settings
FORCING - Select this option to enable the test.
• Test Name - Enter a name to identify the test. The default is FORCING.
Forcing Mode Type - Select one of the following options:
Clear Forcing -The existing technology/band forcing settings will get cleared from the phone. The letter C is displayed at the top right of the test in the Test Sequencer screen if you select this option.
Single Technology Forcing - Select GSM, WCDMA, LTE, CDMA, EVDO to lock the device to a desired technology. If you select this mode, the letter T is displayed at the top right of the test and the selected technology with the initials (GSM as G, WCDMA as W, LTE as L, CDMA as C, and EVDO as E) is displayed at the bottom of the test in the Test Sequencer screen.
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Band and RAT Forcing - Select a specific band or combination of bands within the technology. If you select this type, the letter B is displayed at the top right of the test and the selected channels with the initials (GSM as G, WCDMA as W, LTE as L, and
CDMA as C) is displayed at the bottom of the test in the Test Sequencer screen.
Frequency Selection (E-ARFCN Forcing Preference) – Select an E-ARFCN channel preference for the phone to use when it is connected to a LTE network, if the specified channel is deployed. This feature is available only on the Samsung Galaxy S5
Table 6: Frequency selection parameters
The radio access technology (LTE, UMTS,
GSM). Currently, only LTE is applicable.
The E-UTRA band in which the E-ARFCN falls.
The bands displayed in the list are dependent on the device model. For example, the Samsung Galaxy S5 SM-G900P shows only the
E-UTRA bands that Sprint has deployed.
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
FTP Test
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Application
Table 6: Frequency selection parameters
Parameter Description
Frequency Channel Number The E-ARFCN number. Only valid E-ARFCN numbers within the specified band are allowed.
Timeout Timeout in seconds. If the phone remains in an out of service state longer than the specified timeout after the test is triggered, the test is marked as failed; otherwise, it is marked as passed.
When a Frequency Selection test is run, it internally triggers a reset to the radio chipset in order to put the configuration into effect without power cycling the device.
The reset causes the phone to lose cellular connectivity and remain in an out of service state for several seconds before the phone re-acquires cellular connectivity.
During this brief period of lost connectivity the RF parameter screen appears empty or stops updating. Updates resume when cellular service is reconnected.
After the test is successfully executed, the phone tries to camp on the specified
E-ARFCN. If the E-ARFCN is available at that moment, the phone will connect to LTE service on that channel. If the E-ARFCN is unavailable, the phone will use any available E-UTRA channel at that location to connect to LTE service.
The Clear Forcing option not only clears any E-ARFCN selection previously set on the device, it also clears any Band and RAT forcing that was configured earlier in the test sequence.
Test Results
• Forcing Applied Successfully - After applying the forcing setting, it may take some time for the forcing to come into effect. The test waits for a period of 20 seconds after applying the settings. During this time period, the test may start using the new settings or it may still be in the waiting phase. You should ensure manually that the forcing settings are applied successfully.
• Forcing Applied Failed - The selected bands are not supported on the device.
• Forcing Partially Applied - Some of the selected bands are not supported on the device.
• Forcing Cleared Success - The existing technology/band forcing settings are successfully cleared from the phone. It does not clear the frequency and the channel forcing settings on the device.
• Forcing Cleared Failed - The existing technology/band forcing settings could not be cleared from the phone.
This test is used for setting up FTP uploads (PUT) or downloads (GET). It is used to define where and how you make an FTP connection.
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Test Settings
FTP - Select this option to enable the test.
• Test Name - Enter the test name to identify the test.
• FTP Host Type - Select the host type as DNS or IP.
If you select host type as DNS, enter the FTP Host Name as web URL.
If you select host type as IP, enter the FTP Host Name as IP address.
• FTP Host Name - Enter the IP address or the host name based on the host type.
• Transfer Mode - Select ASCII to transfer the file in an ASCII format or select Binary to transfer the file in a binary format.
• User Name - Enter the user name of the host.
• Password - Enter the password.
• FTP Buffer Size (bytes) - Enter the buffer size. The default value is 256 bytes.
• Server File to Download - Select the file to receive from the Server. This option is available if you select FTP_GET test.
• Local File to Send - Select a file to transfer from the device. This option is available if you select FTP_PUT test.
Note: If you are using a master and a slave device, the application will check first whether the file to be uploaded is present on the slave device FTA directory. If it is not present, the file will be transferred first to the corresponding slave device FTA directory and then it will be uploaded to the server.
Server Path to Upload - Enter the server path to upload the file. This option is available if you select FTP_PUT test.
Note: The server directory to upload to must already exist on the server. If the directory does not exist on the server, then the FTP UL will fail.
Keep FTP Session Active - This option allows a series of FTP tests (FTP Get and Put) to be carried out within the same FTP session. By default, it is Off. If this option is selected, the session will not close and the FTP connection remains open even after the
FTP test is complete. When the next FTP test executes, it checks if the FTP session is active and not in use. If it is still active, transfer will start immediately.
• Cycles - Enter the number of times to repeat the test. The default value is 10. This value is displayed at the top right of the test in the Test Sequencer screen.
• Max Transfer Timeout (sec) - Enter the time within which the transfer should happen.
The default value is 180 seconds.
• Inter transfer delay (sec) - Enter the delay between two transfers. The default value is
10 seconds.
62 RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Application
Measure Interim Throughput - Select this option to view the intermediate throughput of the FTP test when you run the test. The throughput measurement is logged in the AHD file. You will need to import the recording file into the E6474A application to view the measurement.
Note: You will not be able to view the throughput in the following scenarios:
1. If your measurement interval is larger than the time taken for the test to complete.
2. If your file size is small and your measurement interval is larger than the time taken for the test to complete
3. For the FTP_PUT test, the initial interim throughput will be inaccurate if your buffer size is too large, for example, 1024 bytes.It is recommended to reduce the buffer size for an accurate throughput.
• Measurement Interval (sec) - This option is enabled when you select Measure Interim
Throughput. You can set values from 1 to 60 seconds. The default value is 5 seconds.
Test Results
• Failed to connect - Unable to connect to the server.
• Transfer time out - Unable to upload/download an entire file in the given time period.
• Failed to authenticate - Unable to login to server. Either the user name or password is incorrect.
• Request Failed - Unable to complete the FTP UL/DL due to IO exception or socket exception.
• File not found - The requested file is not present on the server.
• Throughput - The Throughput is calculated at the end when the entire file is uploaded/downloaded. It calculated by the following formula - Total file size (in K bits)/ time taken (in seconds)
• Interim Throughput - displays the real time throughput
• Peak Interim Throughput - Occurs at the end of the test and displays the largest interim throughput value
This test is used for browsing data and for uploading and downloading files to and from a particular HTTP server. You can add the test in series or parallel. The test is successful if the connection is established or the file upload/download operation is completed within the timeout period.
Test Settings
• HTTP - Select this option to enable the HTTP test.
Test Name - Enter a name to identify the test.
Test Mode - Select one of the following:
Web Browse Test - For browsing data through HTTP. The Test Sequencer will display DL at the bottom right of the test.
DL File Transfer - For downloading a file from the HTTP server. The Test Sequencer will display DL at the bottom right of the test.
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UL File Transfer - For uploading a file to the HTTP server. The Test Sequencer will display UL at the bottom right of the test.
HTTP Host Type - This option is enabled if you set the Test Mode as DL File Transfer or UL File Transfer. Select one of the following
DNS - Enter the server host name in the HTTP Host Name field.
IP - Enter the server IP address in the HTTP Host Name field.
• HTTP URL - This option is displayed if you set the Test Mode as Web Browse Test.
Enter a HTTP URL. For example,
• HTTP Host Name - This option is displayed if you set the HTTP Host Type as DNS or IP.
For the DNS, you must enter a proper HTTP server name, for example, It will listen only to the default port 80. For the IP address, you can enter a port number along with the IP address, for example,
Server File to Download - This option is enabled if you set the Test Mode as DL File
Transfer. Specify the server directory where the file is to be downloaded from and the file name. For example, /abc/xyx/test.txt.
Server Path To Upload - This option is enabled if you set the Test Mode as UL File
Transfer. Specify the server directory where you want to upload the file. For example,
• Local File to Transfer - This option is enabled if you set the Test Mode as UL File
Transfer. Tap on the field to upload a file.
Note: If you are using a master and a slave device, the application will check first whether the file to be uploaded is present on the slave device FTA directory. If it is not present, the file will be transferred first to the corresponding slave device FTA directory and then it will be uploaded to the server.
Save Download File: This option is enabled if you set the Test Mode as DL File
Transfer. Specify the path on the device to save the downloaded file.
Server Login Type - This option is enabled if you set the Test Mode as DL File Transfer or UL File Transfer. Select Login Required for authentication otherwise select Open.
• Server Login Username - If the test requires authentication, specify the user name.
• Server Login Password - Specify the password for authentication.
• Cycles: Enter the number of times to perform the test. The default value is 1. This value is displayed at the top right of the test in the Test Sequencer screen.
• Inter Transfer Delay (sec): Enter the delay between two tests in seconds. The default value is 10 seconds.
• Max Transfer Timeout (sec): Enter the timeout period for establishing a HTTP connection or for the file upload/download operation.The default value is 180 seconds.
Test Results
Transfer Result - Pass if the transfer is completed successfully within the allocated time period otherwise Fail.
Transfer Size (In bytes) - The file size in bytes.
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iPerf Test
Transfer Time (In seconds) - The time taken to transfer the file in seconds.
Session Throughput (in Kbps) - Throughput is calculated at the end after the entire file is uploaded/downloaded. It calculated using the following formula - Total file size (in kilobits)/ time taken (in seconds)
• Failed to connect - Unable to connect to the server due to an invalid URL.
• Transfer time out - Unable to complete the HTTP connection in the given time period.
• Request Failed - Unable to execute the HTTP request due to network problem or IO exception.
• Local file does not exist - If the UL file or the folder does not exist on the device.
• Destination Unavailable - If the server host address is not available.
• Authentication Failure - If the authentication fails due to a wrong username or password.
• File Transfer Timeout - If the UL or DL file transfer does not complete in the allocated time period.
The iPERF test is a modern alternative for measuring maximum TCP and UDP bandwidth performance. iPERF can create TCP and UDP data streams and measure the throughput of the network that is carrying them. iPERF allows tuning of various parameters and UDP characteristics. iPERF reports bandwidth, delay jitter, datagram loss. iPERF test has both client and server components and can measure the throughput between the client and server, either unidirectional or bidirectionally. When used for testing UDP capacity, iPERF allows setting of the datagram size and provides results for the datagram throughput and the packet loss.
When used for testing TCP capacity, iPERF measures the throughput of the payload.
In a typical iPERF test, there is a server iPERF and a client iPERF. The server iPERF must be started before the client iPERF, else the test will fail.
Note: The iPERF test is not supported on non-rooted devices.
Follow the below steps to configure iPERF server:
Download the iPERF precompiled binary file from the link:
Open the command prompt and go to the directory where the binary is located.
For configuring the server in TCP mode, execute following command:
To run on default port 5001, type iperf -s
To run on specific port, type iperf -s -p port_number
For configuring the Server in UDP mode, execute the following command:
To run on default port 5001, type iperf -s -u
To run on specific port, type iperf -s -u -p port_number
Test Settings
IPERF - Select to enable the test. By default, the test is enabled.
Test Name - Enter the test name to identify the test.
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• Server Address - Specify a server IP address.
Server Port - Specify the port number upon which the server is listening.
• Test Mode - Select the test mode as TCP or UDP. This value (T or U) is displayed at the bottom right of the test in the Test Sequencer screen along with the direction.
• Direction - The direction is set to Uplink by default and cannot be changed if you have configured Default iPERF under Additional Settings while creating the Test Sequencer file. If you have configured Viavi iPERF, you can configure the direction as Uplink,
Downlink, Sequential or Concurrent. For information on how to configure the iPERF, see
Table 4 , “Test Sequencer Additional Settings,” on page 47. These values (U,D, UD)
are displayed at the bottom right of the test, beside the Test Mode in the Test Sequencer screen.
• Bandwidth format - Select the format as bps or Bps or kbps or KBps or Mbps or MBps or Gbps or GBps.
Note: Lowercase ‘b’ indicates bits and uppercase ‘B’ indicates bytes.
• Time To Transmit (sec) - Enter the time to transmit in seconds. The default value is 10 seconds.
• Report Interval (sec) - Set the interval time in seconds between periodic reports. If this is zero, no periodic reports are printed. The default value is 10 seconds.
• Buffer Length (bytes) - Enter the length of buffers to read or write. This is the Datagram
Size in UDP tests. The default length is 8192 bytes.
• Window Size - Set the socket buffer size. The default value is 10.
• TCP Maximum Segment Size - Set the maximum segment size for TCP. The default value is 40.
• TCP No Delay - Set the TCP no delay option, disabling Nagle’s algorithm. By default it is enabled.
• UDP Bandwidth (bps) - Specify the UDP Bandwidth.
• Buffer To Transmit - Enter the number of buffers to transmit. iPERF then transmits the buffer of specific length, the specified number of times, irrespective of time it takes to transmit. The default value is 10.
• Input Filename - Specify the filename from which the data will be transmitted by iPERF for monitoring the network performance.
• Parallel Client Thread - Enter the number of parallel client threads to run. The default value is 1.
• Time-to-live - Enter the time-to-live in seconds for outgoing multicast packets. This is essentially the number of router hops to go through and is also used for scoping. The default value is 1.
• IPV6 - Enable or disable IPV6. By default it is disabled.
• Inter Cycle Delay - Enter the delay in seconds between the transfers. Max: 2147 and
Min: 1.
Cycles - Set the number of times to perform the test. The default value is 10. This value is displayed at the top right of the test in the Test Sequencer screen.
66 RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
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Call Test
• Extra Settings - Specify if any other parameter needs to be included in the iPERF test apart from the ones already specified.
Test Results
• Destination Host Unreachable - When destination is not reachable due to some network problem.
• Unknown Host - When the IP address specified is not valid.
• Unknown Error - General error in Iperf test.
• Iperf Server Not Responding - After waiting for a valid amount of time, the server did not give any valid result to the client.
• No Data port Available - Error returned by the controller in case of Viavi Iperf, when no data port was found available to run Iperf exe.
• Session ID Invalid - Error returned by the controller in case of Viavi Iperf, when the session ID received by the controller was Invalid.
• Session ID Already Started - Error returned by the controller in case of Viavi Iperf, when the session ID received by the controller in start test request has already been started.
• Iperf exe not working - When the Iperf command cannot be executed on the Iperf exe.
• Iperf Internal Error - The error returned by the controller in case of Viavi Iperf, when there is anything wrong with the Iperf test with the controller.
• Invalid Param in Command Msg - The error returned by the controller in case of Viavi
Iperf, when the parameters received in the request are not as expected.
• General Error - The error returned by the controller in case of Viavi Iperf, when some general error is encountered at the Controller.
• Controller Error - In case some unknown error code is returned by the controller.
• Inactivity Timeout - When the server stops giving result or hangs unexpectedly, we wait for some specific amount of time, which stops the session and returns this error.
• Iperf exe not present - The Iperf executable is not present at the location as expected.
• IP Address mismatch - When the Client IP address returned by the controller is different than the actual IP address of the Client, this error is shown.
Mobile Terminated is used to test the incoming voice calls. The test waits for the incoming calls and auto answers them. The test passes if the expected number of calls are received within the time out period. The test will disconnect all the calls if it receives more than one call at the same time and will be marked as failed. To accept only the desired incoming numbers, you must configure the setting. If you enter the number as 6393, then all the incoming calls that has this sequence at the end e.g. 82086393, 98766393 will be accepted, the rest that does not contain this sequence, e.g. 63938756, will be rejected. You can setup the Mobile Terminated Call test in parallel with all other sequencer tests except Voice, Video,
EVDOCH, and itself.
Test Settings
• MT - Select this option to enable the test.
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MMS Test
Ping Test
Incoming Number - Enter the phone number of the caller. If you keep this field empty, the test will accept all numbers.
Test duration (min)- Enter the time duration within which all calls must be received.
Number of calls expected - Enter the total number of calls expected to be received.
This value is displayed at the top right/bottom right of the test in the Test Sequencer screen.
Test Results
• Passed - The test is able to Auto-answer the configured number of calls within the configured time period.
• Test Timeout -The test is not able to auto-answer the configured number of calls within the timeout period.
• Multiple Incoming Calls - More than one call is received by the device at the same time.
• Network Unavailable - No network is available on the device
The application tests whether the device can send the MMS back to itself. The test waits for a maximum time out period to receive the MMS. On reception, it verifies the contents. The test is passed if the correct MMS is returned within the time out period. The test fails if it does not receive the MMS or the contents are incorrect or any error occurs. The MMS test is currently supported only on HTC devices. You can add two MMS test in series but you cannot two MMS test in parallel.
Test Settings
Enter Your Phone number - Enter the phone number of the device being tested. On some phones, the number will be automatically displayed.
• Cycles - Set the number of times you want the device to send the MMS to itself. Min: 1 and Max:32000. This value is displayed at the top right of the test in the Test Sequencer screen.
• Inter Cycle Delay - Set the delay time between two MMS in seconds. Max:2147 and
• Max Transfer Timeout (seconds) - Set the time out in seconds for receiving the MMS.
Max: 2147, Min:1. This value is displayed at the bottom right of the test in the Test
Sequencer screen.
• MMS Size - Select the size of file from the list.
Test Results
• SUCCESS - MMS is sent and received successfully, the sent and received content matches.
• MMS Connection Time Out - Timeout happens before the MMS is sent and received.
• MMS Content Not Matched - MMS is sent and received but the contents do not match.
This test is used for setting up Ping transactions. Use Ping Test to define the connections you want to make and how often to make those connections.
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Test Settings
• PING - Select this option to enable the test.
• PING Host Type - Select the host type as DNS or IP. If you select DNS, you must input the host name below as a Web URL. If you select IP, you must input the host name as IP address.
• PING Host Name - Enter the web URL or IP address depending on the host type.
Payload (bytes) - Select to change the size of ICMP messages. The default value is 32 bytes. Max value is 65507, Min is 0. This value is displayed at the bottom of the test in the Test Sequencer screen.
Interval bw successive pings (ms) - Select to change the duration between two ICMP messages. The default value is 200 ms. Maximum 5000 ms, Min 200 ms.
Time to Run (ms) - Enter the maximum time in milliseconds for the ping command to run for one cycle. The default value is 5000 ms. Max: 60000, Min: 5000
• Inter Cycle Delay (sec): Enter the delay between two cycles. The default value is 10 seconds.
• Cycles - Select the number of times to perform the test.The default value is 10. Max
32000, Min 1. This value is displayed at the top of the test in the Test Sequencer screen.
Test Results
• Success - The host is accessible within the specified time frame.
• Destination Host Unreachable - No Internet Connection is available.
• Unknown Host - The hostname could not be resolved.
• Request Timeout - Ping is not received within the given time frame.
• Loss% - If you have configured Time to Run as 5000 ms and Interval between
successive pings as 1000 ms, it means approximately 5 ICMP messages should come in this cycle, but sometimes network does not send 5 ICMP messages, instead only 4 are sent due to which there is a loss of 20%.
• RTT - The Round Trip Time of a cycle is calculated by finding the average of all the RTT received till now for that cycle.
• TTL - The Time to Live of one cycle is calculated by finding the average of all the TTL received till now for that cycle.
The packet data protocol context is a data structure present on both the serving GPRS support node (SGSN) and the gateway GPRS support node (GGSN) which contains the subscriber's session information when the subscriber has an active session. When a mobile wants to use GPRS, it must first attach and then activate a PDP context. This allocates a
PDP context data structure in the SGSN that the subscriber is currently visiting and the
GGSN serving the subscriber's access point. The PDPACT test is used to activate/deactivate PDP context after a period of time, depending on the mode of the test.
This test works only on the GSM/UMTS/CDMA networks. The PDPACT test cannot be added in parallel.
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Note: You must put the Wait test (2-5 seconds) in between the PDPACT tests. Due to network conditions, the test may fail if you do not put a wait test in between the PDPACT test
(deactivate) and PDPACT test (activate).
Test settings:
• PDPACT TEST: Select Enable or Disable to activate or deactivate the test.
• Test Name: Enter a test name to identify the test.
• Mode: Select any of the three modes. The default mode is Deactivate/Activate.
Activate - Select to activate PDP context. This setting will be displayed as A in the
Test Sequencer screen.
Deactivate - Select to deactivate PDP context. This setting will be displayed as D in the Test Sequencer screen.
Deactivate/Activate - Select to deactivate PDP context first and then activate. This setting will be displayed as D/A in the Test Sequencer screen.
• Reactivation after (sec): Set how long to keep the mobile data OFF, Max: 3600, Min: 1 second. This is valid when you select the Mode as Deactivate/Activate.
Test Results:
• Test request fail. [Airplane Mode On] - The PDP Context cannot be requested as the
Airplane Mode is On.
• Test request fail. [Wi-Fi Connected] - The PDP Context cannot be requested as Wi-Fi is connected.
• Fail - PDP Context already exists - Trying to activate the PDP Context but the PDP
Context already exists.
• Fail - The PDP Context doesn't exist - Trying to deactivate the PDP Context but the
PDP Context doesn't exist.
• PDP Context Activated - A new PDP Context is established successfully.
• PDP Context Deactivated - The PDP Context is deactivated successfully.
• Fail - Network/SIM error - The PDP Context Activation/Deactivation requested could not be completed due to network error or SIM card error. A network error can also occur if the device does not get a response for the corresponding request.
Test (Airline
This test will turn on the airline mode by disabling connectivity for voice and data, Wi-Fi,
Bluetooth and location based services during recording for a predefined time before performing the next test in the sequence.
• You cannot add an RFTOGGLE test in parallel. Any test immediately following the RF
Toggle test may fail if it is not separated by a Wait Test
• The RFToggle test is not supported on non-rooted devices.
Test Settings:
RFTOGGLE - Select this option to enable the RF Toggle test.
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Speed test
Test Name - Enter a test name to identify the test.The default name is RFTOGL.
• Airline Mode ON Time (sec) - Enter a value in seconds to turn on the airline mode. The default value is 5 seconds. Max: 60, Min: 1. This setting is displayed at the bottom right of the test in the Test Sequencer screen.
• Inter Cycle Delay (Sec) - Set the delay in seconds between two cycles of the RFToggle test. The default value is 10 seconds. Max: 60, Min: 10.
• Cycles - Enter the number of times to perform the test. The default value is 1. Max:
32,000, Min: 1. This setting is displayed in the upper right corner of the test in the Test
Sequencer screen.
Test Results
• Success - The Airline mode remains On for the configured duration.
• Fail - The Airline Mode fails to turn on during the configured time period or fails to turn off at the end of the test.
• Airline Mode On - The Airline Mode is turned on during the test duration.
• Airline Mode Off - The Airline Mode is turned off at the end of the test.
The test provides the user IP details, name of the server, ping (latency) response, download and upload rates. You can request the test results in the form of an image (certificate) from the OOKLA server which can be saved in the array format in the AHD file.
Test Settings
Speed - Select to enable the test.
• Test Name - Enter a test name to identify the test. The default name is Speed.
• Test Mode - Select one of the following:
Automatic - Select this option to allow the application to automatically select the server for the Speed test. This option is displayed as A at the bottom right of the test in the Test Sequencer screen.
Manual - Select this option to manually select a server for the Speed test. This option is displayed as M at the bottom right of the test in the Test Sequencer screen.
• Add Image to AHD - Select this option to add the test results from the OOKLA server, in the form of an image to the AHD file.
• Cycle - Enter the number of times you want to perform the Speed test. The default value is 1. Max: 32000. This value is displayed at the top right of the test in the Test Sequencer screen.
• Inter Cycle Delay(Sec) - Set the delay between the two Speed tests.
• Max Transfer Timeout(Sec) - Enter the time within which the Speed test should happen.
The default value is 300 seconds.
Test Results
User IP - The user’s IP address where the test is performed.
• Server- The name of the server, country, and the city where the server is located.
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SMS test
• Latency in milli seconds - The time it takes for a message to travel from the user’s device to the server.
Download rate in Mbps - The download data rate from the server to the user’s device.
• Upload rate in Mbps - The upload data rate from the user’s device to the server.
• Certificate/Image with test results -The certificate is generated as per the Time zone set in the OOKLA server and it is not dependent on the location where the Speed test is performed.
Note: From TrueSite 1.39 onwards, the SMS test is replaced by the
all devices with the Android version 4.2 or above.
The application tests whether the device can send SMS to itself.
The test waits a pre-defined time to receive the SMS. When the SMS is received, the test verifies the contents. The test passes if it receives the correct SMS before the time out period. The test fails if it does not receive the SMS or the contents are not correct or any error occurs. You can add two SMS tests in series but you cannot add two SMS tests in parallel.
Test Settings
Enter Your Phone number - Enter the phone number of the device being tested. On some phones, the number will be automatically displayed.
• Cycles - Set the number of times you want the device to send the SMS to itself. Min: 1 and Max: 32000. This value is displayed at the top right of the test in the Test Sequencer screen.
• Inter Cycle Delay - Set the delay time between two SMS. Max: 2147 sec and Min: 10 sec
• Timeout (sec) - Set the time out in seconds for receiving the SMS. Max: 2147, Min:1.
This value is displayed at the bottom right of the test in the Test Sequencer screen.
• Enter SMS message - Type the message to be sent. The SMS will be sent to itself.
Test Results
• SMS Sent - The SMS is already sent.
• SMS failed to send - Failed in sending SMS due to following reasons.
Failed because service is currently unavailable
Radio was explicitly turned off
No Packet Data Unit (PDU) provided
• Timeout - After sending SMS, if no SMS is received in response within a specified time out period.
• SMS Content Not Matched - The contents of the sent and received SMS do not match.
• SMS Received - SMS is received and SMS contents match. This signifies successful completion of SMS test cycle.
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This test is used to determine if the device is registered on a specified technology, for example, LTE, GSM, or WCDMA. The test passes if the technology is found before the timeout period, otherwise it fails. The test can be added in parallel.
Test Settings
TECHCHK - Select this option to enable the test.
Test Name - Enter a test name to identify the test.The default name is TECHCHK.
• Technology - Select the technology as LTE, GSM or WCDMA. This setting is displayed at the bottom right of the test in the Test Sequencer screen.
• Timeout (sec) - Enter the timeout period after which the test fails, in seconds. This setting is displayed at the top right of the test in the Test Sequencer screen.
Test Results
• Success: The device is currently registered on the technology tested as specified in the settings.
• Fail: The device is not registered to the technology as chosen in the settings within the specified time period.
Trace Route
This test runs a trace route on a data connection. This diagnostic utility determines the route taken to a destination by sending Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) echo packets with varying Time-To-Live (TTL) values to the destination. Each router along the path is required to decrement the TTL on a packet by at least 1 before forwarding it, so the TTL is effectively a hop count.
When the TTL on a packet reaches zero, the router is supposed to send back an ICMP Time
Exceeded message to the source system. Trace route determines the route by sending the first echo packet with a TTL of 1 and incrementing the TTL by 1 on each subsequent transmission until the target responds or the maximum TTL is reached.
The route is determined by examining the ICMP Time Exceeded messages sent back by intermediate routers. Notice that some routers silently drop packets with expired time-to-live
(TTLs) and will be invisible to trace route.
The default time out for a trace route action is 1000 milliseconds.
Test Settings
TRACERT Host Type - Select the host type as DNS or IP. If you select the host type as
DNS, you must enter the host name in the below field. If you select host type as IP, you must enter the IP address in the below field.
• TRACERT Host Name - Enter the destination address which can be either a host name or the IP address to trace the route.
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Voice Test
TRACERT Mode Type - Tap to select mode type as Normal or Change. If you select mode type as Normal, the test runs one cycle. If you select mode type as Change, the test will detect if there is any change in the IP route compared to the base line. You must first add TRACERT test as Normal mode before you can add TRACERT test as Change mode. The change mode detects the change in the route. If there is change in the route, the test is failed else it is passed. The Mode Type is displayed at the bottom right of the test in the Test Sequencer screen.
• Timeout (ms) - Set the time out in milli seconds after which the test will stop.
• Max No. of Hops - Set the maximum number of hops, up to 255, that you would like to limit the trace route to. This value is displayed at the top right of the test in the Test
Sequencer screen.
Test Results
• Success - Destination is reachable within the specified number of hops for the normal mode. For change mode, number of hops are same for baseline and child traceroute.
• Destination Host Unreachable - No Internet Connection is available when traceroute mode is normal.
• Unknown Host - The hostname could not be resolved when the trace route mode is
• Unable to Compare - The hostname could not be resolved when the trace route mode is
• IP Route CHANGED - When there is a mismatch in baseline hop and its child hops.
The test is currently supported on the following devices:
Device Support
HTC One M9 Circuit-switched only
LG G2 VS980
LG G4 LS991
LG G4 VS986
LG G4 H815
Samsung Galaxy S4 GT-I9505
Samsung Galaxy S4 GT-I9506
Samsung Galaxy S4 SPH-L720T
(Android Version 4.4.2)
Samsung Galaxy S4 SGH-I257
POLQA, circuit-switched
Circuit-switched only
74 RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Application
Device Support
Circuit-switched only Samsung Galaxy S4 SGH-M919
(Android version 4.3)
Samsung Galaxy Note 3 SM-N900T
(Android Version 4.4.2)
Samsung Galaxy Note Edge 4
SM-N915V (non-rooted)
Circuit-switched only
Mobile originated voice only
Samsung Galaxy S5 SM-G900F
(Android Version 4.4.2)
Samsung Galaxy S5 SM-G900F
(Android Version 5.0)
Samsung Galaxy S5 SM-G900W8
Samsung Galaxy S5 SM-G900P
Samsung Galaxy S5 SM-G900V
Samsung Galaxy S5 SM-G900V
Samsung Galaxy S5 SM-G900I
Samsung Galaxy S5 SM-G900R7
Samsung Galaxy S6 SM-G920P
Circuit-switched only
Circuit-switched only
Circuit-switched only
Circuit-switched only
Mobile originated voice only
Circuit-switched only
Circuit-switched only
Circuit-switched only
Note: Before executing the test, the devices must be rooted and configured to a cellular network.
For some of the devices, the test supports both the circuit switched call
(GSM/UMTS/CDMA) and the packet switched call (VoLTE) for analyzing the call states, as well as the voice quality of the call on the devices that have a POLQA license. The test reports whether the call is VoLTE, CS, or CSFB on the status history screen of the application. The test must run on two devices simultaneously, one in the caller mode and other in the answerer mode. Both the caller and the answerer settings should be same before executing this test. Before making a call to the answering device, add the Wait test with a delay of at least 5 seconds in the Test Sequencer. POLQA measurements will be performed on devices which has a POLQA license and if both devices have POLQA license then the measurement will be displayed on both devices.
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Note: When making a VoLTE call, the MT device will fail to answer a call immediately after a reboot. Wait at least 3 seconds following a reboot to answer a call.
When a call is set up, first the answerer plays back the audio sample, the caller records it and calculates the MOS score. Then the caller plays back the audio sample and the answerer records it and calculates the MOS score. This switching would continue for the entire call duration. After the call duration, the call is disconnected and the call status
(success, blocked, dropped, failure) is displayed.
The test can be added in series and in parallel.
Test Settings
UVoice Test - Select this option to enable the Universal Voice test.
Test Name - Enter a test name to identify the test. The default name is UVOICE.
• Call Mode - Select the mode as Answerer or Caller.
Call Setup Duration (sec) - Enter the duration allowed for the call to connect before marking the call as blocked. The default value is 30 seconds.
Call Duration (sec) - Enter the duration of a call in seconds. The default value is 30 seconds. The maximum duration is 600 seconds (10 minutes). This value is displayed at the bottom right of the test in the Test Sequencer screen.
Wait time for Incoming Calls - Enter the duration in seconds for the answerer to wait for an incoming call. The default value is 60 seconds. If the call is not received within this duration, it will display the status as “No incoming call received”. If the duration is set to zero, the answerer will wait forever to receive the call.
• Answerer number - Enter the answerer call number. This property is not editable if the
Mode is set to Answerer.
Inter Cycle Delay (sec) - Enter the delay between two cycles.The default value is 20
• Cycles - Enter the number of times to repeat the test. This value is displayed on the top right of the test in the Test Sequencer screen.
The following options are available with a POLQA license.
• POLQA Measurements - Select to enable or disable the voice quality measurements.
• Reference Files - Select a Narrow Band or Super Wide Band speech reference file:
POLQA_NB_SHORT (4 seconds)
POLQA_SWB_SHORT (4 seconds)
POLQA_NB (8 seconds)
POLQA_SWB (8 seconds)
Both the answerer and caller should have the same reference file for accurate
POLQA measurements. If a different reference file is selected on the Caller and the
Answerer then the POLQA measurements will have a low score.
• POLQA Autolign Alignment - Select this option to automatically align the input and the reference audio volume level when calculating the MOS score in the POLQA algorithm.
76 RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
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SMS Test
Test Results
• Caller Success: The call was successfully dialled/answered. The call completed its required “Call Duration”.
• Call Dropped: The call was successfully dialled/answered, but did not complete the call duration and was disconnected.
• No Incoming Call Received: The answering device did not receive an incoming call during the stipulated duration (Answering Device only).
• Call Blocked: The call got disconnected before auto-answer could be completed (on the
Caller device only).
The Universal SMS (USMS) test is an enhancement to the previous release
. The test works on the Viavi supported devices with the Android version 4.2 or above. Refer to the
“Supported Device Platform" on page 199 for the list of supported devices.
The USMS test runs on two different devices simultaneously. One device will be set to the sender mode (MO), the receiver number must be configured on this device. The second device will be set to the receiver mode (MT), the sender number must be configured on this
simultaneously on two different devices and the status history will display messages based on the test mode.
The test is considered pass at the sender’s end if it is able to send a SMS successfully within the Max Transfer Timeout/wait time. The result will be displayed at the Status
History. At the receiver’s end, if the Content Match option is selected, the test passes if the expected and the received contents are same. If the Content Match option is not selected, the test passes if the receiver device receives a SMS within the specified wait time.
• If a previous release Test Sequencer that has the SMS test is migrated to 1.39, the
USMS test will be enabled automatically on the devices with the Android version 4.2 or above.
• If a Test Sequencer that has the USMS test is migrated to a previous release, then the
USMS test will function as the SMS test.
• The USMS test should run simultaneously on both the sender and receiver devices.
• Set the Test Mode property to Send To Itself, if there is only device (acting as the MO and MT) running the USMS test.
• If you are running the USMS test on the MO device with other tests, then the MT device should have only the USMS test running.
• In TrueSite 1.40.1, the test was simplified to allow an SMS to be sent from any SMS capable device and detected in receiver (MT) mode.
After both devices complete their cycle, they will have to wait for the remaining max
transfer timeout/wait time + inter cycle delay seconds before starting the next cycle, to maintain the synchronization.
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Test Settings
UNIVERSAL SMS TEST - Select this option to enable the test.
Test Name - Enter a name to identify the test. The default name is USMS.
• Test Mode - Select the mode as:
Send To Itself - This mode will accept a message on the same device using the same
phone number. In this mode, it will work the same as the SMS test . The Test
Sequencer screen will display Itself at the bottom right of the USMS test.
Sender (MO) - This mode will send messages to the configured phone number. The
Test Sequencer screen will display MO at the bottom right of the USMS test.
Receiver (MT) - This mode will receive messages from the configured phone number.
The Test Sequencer screen will display MT at the bottom right of the USMS test.
Your Phone Number - This option is enabled when the Test Mode is Send to Myself.
Enter the device phone number.
• Receiver Phone Number - This option is enabled when the Test Mode is Sender (MO).
Enter the receiver phone number to send SMS.
• Sender Phone Number - This option is enabled when the Test Mode is Receiver (MT).
Enter the sender phone number to receive SMS.
• Cycles - Enter the number of times to repeat the test. The default value is one. This value is displayed at the top right of the test in the Test Sequencer screen.
• Inter Cycle Delay (sec) - Enter the delay between two cycles. The default value is 10 seconds in Send to Myself and Sender (MO) modes. In Receiver (MT) mode, the default inter cycle delay is zero.
• Max Transfer Timeout (sec) - This option will be enabled if the Test Mode is set to
Sender (MO). This setting defines the duration within which the test should send an
• Wait Time - This option will be enabled if Test Mode is set to Receiver (MT). Enter the duration in seconds for the receiver to wait for an incoming SMS. The default value is 30 seconds.
Match Content - If the Match Content option is enabled on both the sender and receiver, it means the receiver will match the content and on the sender side content will be fixed (Enter SMS message field will be non-editable).
• SMS Content - If the Match Content option is not selected, this option will be enabled.
Type the message to be sent. The SMS will be sent to the configured device.
Test results for a sender device:
SMS Start - indicates the start of a test cycle.
SMS Sending - indicates the SMS is being sent.
SMS Sent - indicates the SMS is sent.
Timeout - indicates that the sender is not able to send an SMS within the Maximum
Transfer Timeout duration defined in the test setting. The test will fail and display the
Timeout error message on the Status History.
• SMS Failed To Send - indicates the SMS failed to be sent from the sender device.
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Application
• No Free Space - indicates the device cannot receive SMS due to the shortage of storage space.
SMS End - indicates the end of a test cycle.
Test results for a receiver device:
SMS Start - indicates the start of a test cycle.
SMS Receiving - indicates the SMS is being received.
SMS Received and Passed- indicates the SMS is received within the wait time.
Timeout - indicates the SMS is not received within the Wait Time defined in the test setting. The test is considered failed and displays the Timeout error message.
• SMS Unable To Receive - indicates the SMS not received at the receiver end due to the network coverage issue or the airplane mode is enabled at the receiver end.
SMS Content Not Matched - indicates that the incoming SMS differs from the expected
SMS when the Match Content option is enabled at both the sender and receiver.
• No Free Space - indicates the device cannot receive SMS due to the shortage of storage space.
• SMS End - indicates the end of a test cycle.
Test results for the same sender and receiver device:
SMS Start - indicates the start of a test cycle.
• SMS Sending - indicates the SMS is being sent.
• SMS Receiving - indicates the SMS is being received.
• Timeout - indicates the SMS is not received within the Wait Time defined in the test setting. The test is considered failed and displays the Timeout error message.
• SMS Sent - indicates the SMS is sent.
• SMS Failed To Send - indicates the SMS failed to be sent from the sender device.
SMS Received and Passed - indicates the SMS is received within the wait time.
• SMS Unable To Receive - indicates the SMS not received at the receiver end due to network issues or the airplane mode is enabled on the device.
SMS Content Not Matched - indicates that the incoming SMS differs from the expected
SMS when the Match Content option is enabled at both the sender and receiver.
• No Free Space - indicates the device cannot receive SMS due to the shortage of storage space
• SMS End - indicates the end of a test cycle.
Quality Test
This test can be enabled by using a POLQA Voice MOS Measurement license. For information on how to update the license, see
“Updating Licenses" on page 105. The test is
currently supported on the following devices:
• Samsung Galaxy SIII GT-I9305
• Samsung Galaxy Note 2 N7105
• Samsung Galaxy Note 3 SM-N900T(Android version 4.3)
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide 79
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• LG G4 H815
Before executing the test, the devices must be rooted and configured to a cellular network.
The test works in two modes: Caller and Answerer. Both the caller and answerer settings should be same when executing this test. Before making a call to the answering device, add the Wait test with a delay of at least 5 seconds in the Test Sequencer. During execution, the caller makes a call to the answerer and the answerer replies back by adding a reference file to the audio channel. The caller then records this voice. After the caller has added the reference file, a comparison is performed on the caller side between the original sample and recorded sample to calculate the POLQA measurements. All the measurements are shown in the status history screen.
The Voice Quality Test also supports calling to the Viavi Voice Quality Office unit
(B9990A-440) to make Downlink voice quality measurements.
Note: You cannot add Voice Quality tests in parallel or add it in parallel with a standard
Voice Test.
Test Settings
Voice Quality Test - Select this option to enable the Voice Quality test.
Test Name - Enter a test name to identify the test.
• Mode - Select the mode as Answerer or Caller.
• Reference File - Select a reference speech file. Both the answerer and caller should have same reference file for the accurate POLQA measurements.
• POLQA Measurements - Select this option if you want to view the measurement results.
You have to make the device POLQA enabled by getting license from the vendor for viewing the measurement results.
• AutoLine Align Result - Select On to align the power level of both reference audio and recorded audio at the same level. The default value is On.
• Incoming Call Number - Enter the incoming call number. This property is not editable if the Mode is set to Caller.
• Answerer - Enter the answerer call number. This property is not editable if the Mode is set to Answerer.
• Cycles - Enter the number of times to repeat the test. This value is displayed at the top right of the test in the Test Sequencer screen.
Test Results
• Caller Success: The call successfully went through and the POLQA measurements were received. The POLQA results are shown in the status history screen if the POLQA measurements are enabled in the test settings
• Measurement Failed: The call successfully went through but the POLQA measurements failed.
• Answerer Success: The call was successfully auto-answered.
• Call Blocked: Either the call could not be auto-answered or the call got disconnected before auto-answer could be completed.
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Application
Voice Test
Video Test
Used for setting up the phone to make automatic voice calls (continuous or cycled calls). It lets you set the number to call and how much time to spend on the call and in between calls.
Before making a call to the answering device, add the Wait test with a delay of at least 5 seconds in the Test Sequencer.
Test Settings
Voice Call - Select this option to enable the Voice test.
• Test Name - Enter a test name to identify the test.
Call Number - Enter the receiver’s phone number.
Mode: Select the mode as Cycle Calls or Single Long Call.
Busy Timeout (sec) - Enter the time to wait for the voice call to start. The default value is
20 seconds.
Duration (sec) - Enter the duration of the call. The default value is 30 seconds. This value is displayed at the bottom right of the test in the Test Sequencer screen.
Inter Call Delay (sec) - Enter the delay between calls.The default value is 10 seconds.
Cycles - Enter the number of voice call cycles. The default value is 10. This value is displayed at the top right of the test in the Test Sequencer screen.
Test Results
• Success - The call is connected, picked up and disconnected after the configured duration.
• Dropped - The Call is connected, picked up and disconnected by either party (caller or callee) before the configured duration.
• Blocked - The call is disconnected by either end before (caller or callee) being picked up.
This test allows you to view the video on any available network, including Wi-Fi. You can configure only YouTube videos for use in the test, using the default video or one of your choosing.
The test passes if a single video frame is rendered by the RANAdvisor TrueSite in the sequencer media view. You can set up video tests in series with other sequencer tests.
Test Settings
• VIDEO - Select this option to enable the test.
• Test Name - Enter a test name to identify the test. The default name is VIDEO.
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Wait Test
Wait for
User Test
• Video URL- When you select this field, the application redirects you to a YouTube website. From the YouTube site, select a video and then click the checkmark in the
choose video bar to add it to the test, or click X to return to the Video test configuration screen without selecting a video.
TrueSite checks the selected video for compatibility with the sequencer, and if it is compatible, adds it to the video test configuration. If you select a video in an unsupported format, such as vevo, you will receive the following message, “This video not supported by sequencer.”
• Max Video Duration (sec) - Enter the duration to play the video. If the video is not played even once during this duration, the test fails and “VIDEO Media Error Timeout” status is displayed. This value is displayed at the bottom right of the test in the Test
Sequencer screen.
• Inter cycle delay (sec) - Enter the delay between two cycles.
• Cycles - Enter the number of times to run a single video test. This value is displayed at the top right of the test in the Test Sequencer screen.
Test Results
VIDEO Success: Video completed within the play duration set for video test in the settings.
• VIDEO Stop: Video test stopped as another activity started after the test started.
• VIDEO Media Error IO: Video Test stopped due to media I/O error.
• VIDEO Media Error Malformed: Video Test stopped due to media error.
• VIDEO Media Error Timeout: Video Test stopped due to media error timeout.
• VIDEO Media Error Unsupported: Video Test stopped due to unsupported media.
• VIDEO Unknown Error: Video Test stopped due to unknown media error.
Use this test to set a delay period in the test sequence. This is useful if you have other tests running and you wish to wait for them to complete.
• Wait Enable/Disable - Select this option to enable the test.
• Wait Duration (sec) - Specify the wait time in seconds before the execution of the next test in sequence. The default value is 30 seconds. This value is displayed at the bottom right of the test in the Test Sequencer screen.
This test sends a user-defined text message or a series of prompts to the engineer running the test. When the test is run, the engineer is prompted for a response. The test sequence halts until a response is entered.
82 RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
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During the test the user is presented with the two options described in
. These options will appear on the screen you are viewing while the test is running (Test Sequencer,
RF Measurements, Outdoor map).
Table 7:
Snooze (30)
Pauses the test for 30 seconds to allow the user to complete a task such as going to a specified location, viewing an outdoor map, or checking RF measurements.
When the snooze interval expires, the user has the option to snooze the test again or continue.
The test advances when the user clicks Continue in response to a text message or after entering the requested information at the prompts.
The time of the action and responses to the prompts (text string or button click) are logged in the AHD file. The prompts are also saved in the AHD file as part of the test sequencer configuration.
The Wait for User test can be added only in series, not in parallel.Test messages and user responses are saved to the log file and are visible during replay.
• Enabled - Select this option to enable the test.
• Test Name - Enter a name to identify the test. The default name is USER WAIT.
• Test Mode - Text message or input fields (prompts). The text message is a simple message that requires a button tap to continue. The input fields are user-defined prompts that require a text string as a response. You can add up to five prompts to the test.
• User Message - When running the test in Text Message mode, enter the text message to be displayed on the device when the test is run. The user will click Continue to acknowledge the message and complete the test, or Snooze to pause the test for 30 seconds. After 30 seconds, the message is redisplayed.
• Configure input fields - When running the test in Input Fields mode, you can configure up to five prompts to be displayed during the test. To enable the prompt, check the Use
this prompt checkbox. Next, enter the prompt question. If a response to the prompt is required, enable the checkbox labeled This field is mandatory. Clear the checkbox if a response is optional for continuing with the test.
Configuring the Applications Test
The TrueSite Applications Test (APPTEST) is a sequencer test for third party apps installed on the device, simulating the end user experience. Once configured, the tests run without user intervention, allowing you to see the interactions with the app such as button presses, login events, and screen changes.
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Apps supported in the TrueSite APPTEST are:
• Ookla Speed Test
• Skype
This test requires a TrueSite Applications Test Floating License, which is offered in 1, 3, 6, and 12 month durations. For information on floating licenses, see
“License Management" on page 172.
See the RANAdvisor TrueSite AppTest Quick Start Guide for installation and setup instructions.
• The APPTEST cannot run in parallel with any other test.
• You will need a user account for each of the apps that you plan to test.
• The Applications test is not supported on non-rooted devices.
• In order for automated text entry to work properly, use a third party keyboard such as
SwiftKey instead of the native Samsung keyboard.
• Some third party apps, including Instagram and Facebook, place limits on the amount of data or number of connections or requests allowed in a given time period (for example,
API calls per hour). The Applications Test may fail if these limits are exceeded after repeated iterations of the test. Limits vary from app to app and are subject to change by the app's developers.
The Facebook test includes four tests to check Facebook functions. Each test is configured and executed individually. You can include as many of the test types in your test sequence as you like.
• Valid Login
• Post Status
• Post Image
• Post Video
Test Settings
• Inter cycle delay (sec) - Enter the delay between two cycles. Valid values are 10–60.
The default value is 10.
• Cycles – Enter the number of times to run a single test. Valid values are 1–32000. The default value is 1.
• UserName – Enter a valid Facebook user name.
• Password – Enter a valid Facebook password.
84 RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Application
• Message – Enter a message to post to Facebook. The message is used in the Post
Status, Post Image, and Post Video tests.
• ImageSize – Select an image size to use in the Post Image test: 10KB, 40KB, 100KB, or
Test Results
Facebook test results and a description of how each KPI is calculated is shown in Table 8 .
Error messages are listed in
Table 8: Facebook Test Results
Test Case
Facebook Login
Facebook Post
KPI Message in
Results Report
Reference Point #1
(starting point)
Reference Point #2
(end point)
Time taken to
Launch App
Test start time
Time taken to Login Click Login button
First Facebook screen is displayed
Home screen is displayed
Time taken to
Time taken to
Launch App
Click Login button
Test start time
Time taken to Login Click Login button
Time taken to post status and validate on wall
Time taken to
Validate the login screen
First Facebook screen is displayed
Click Post button
Home screen is displayed
Posted status is displayed on Wall.
Upload progress bar is not displayed.
Click Logout button Validate the login screen
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide 85
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Test Case
Facebook Post
Facebook Post
Table 8: Facebook Test Results
KPI Message in
Results Report
Reference Point #1
(starting point)
Reference Point #2
(end point)
Time taken to
Launch App
Test start time
Time taken to Login Click Login button
Time taken to post image and validate on wall
Click Post Image button
First Facebook screen is displayed
Home screen is displayed
Notification of successful image upload in the notification bar
Time taken to
Time taken to
Launch App
Click Logout button
Test start time
Time taken to Login Click Login button
Login screen is displayed
First Facebook screen is displayed
Home screen is displayed
Time taken to post video and validate on wall
Time taken to
Click the Post
Video button
Notification of successful video upload in the notification bar
Click Logout button Login screen is displayed
Test Type
Valid login
Table 9: Facebook Error Messages
Error Message
Failed to extract input parameters.
Unable to launch and validate application.
Unable to enter the edit text fields.
Unable to validate home screen for Facebook application.
Could not reach Facebook home screen.
86 RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
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Test Type
Facebook post status
Facebook post image
Facebook post video
Table 9: Facebook Error Messages (continued)
Error Message
Unable to post a message.
Unable to verify posted string.
Image can't be created, required input size from given options
(10KB,40KB,100KB or 400KB).
Unable to post image. Please check your network connection.
Unable to post video. Please check your network connection.
The Instagram test includes three tests to check Instagram functions. Each test is configured and executed individually.
• Valid Login
• Post Image
• Post Video
Test Settings
• Inter cycle delay (sec) - Enter the delay between two cycles. Valid values are 10–60.
The default value is 10.
• Cycles – Enter the number of times to run a single test. Valid values are 1–32000. The default value is 1.
• UserName – Enter a valid Instagram user name.
• Password – Enter a valid Instagram password.
Test Results
Instagram test results and a description of how each KPI is calculated is shown in
Error messages are listed in
Table 10: Instagram Test Results
Test Case
Instagram Login
KPI Message in
Results Report
Reference Point #1
(starting point)
Time taken to launch the app
Test start time
Time taken to log in Click Login button
Reference Point #2
(end point)
First Instagram screen is displayed
Home screen is displayed
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide 87
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Test Case
Instagram Post
Instagram Post
Table 10: Instagram Test Results
KPI Message in
Results Report
Time taken to launch the app
Test start time
Time taken to log in Click Login button
Time taken to upload and validate
Time taken to launch the app
Reference Point #1
(starting point)
Click Post Image button
Time taken to log in Click Login button
Time taken to upload and validate
Test start time
Click Post Image button
Reference Point #2
(end point)
First Instagram screen is displayed
Home screen is displayed
Media upload progress bar, or pending text information is not displayed.
First Instagram screen is displayed
Home screen is displayed
Media upload progress bar, or pending text information is not displayed.
Test Type
Valid Login
Table 11: Instagram Test Error Messages
Error Message
Failed to extract Input Parameters
Resource helper not initialized
Login tab not found
Login user entry error
Login user edit text object not found
Login password entry error
Login password edit text object not found
88 RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
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Table 11: Instagram Test Error Messages (continued)
Test Type Error Message
User credentials is null or empty strings
Unable to enter the edit text fields
LoginNextButton not found
Unable to launch...
Login time is -1
Unable to log out
Instagram encountered network error
Post Image / Video Unable to open camera tab
Invalid post type
Media tab photo button object not found
UploadProgressObj object not gone
UploadPendingTextObj object not gone
Media upload failed
Instagram Tab Obj not found
Network or login issues (visible dialog popup window)
Speed Test
The Ookla test runs a speed test with either an auto-selected server or custom configured server. Each type of test is configured and executed individually.
Test Settings
• Inter cycle delay (sec) - Enter the delay between two cycles. Valid values are 10–60.
The default value is 10.
• Cycles – Enter the number of times to run a single test. Valid values are 1–32000. The default value is 1.
• ServerName – Enter the name of a server to use for the Custom Server Test. For the
Auto Select Server Test, the application automatically selects a server.
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Test Results
Ookla test results and a description of how each KPI is calculated is shown in Table 12
Error messages are listed in
Table 12: Ookla Test Results
Test Case
Auto Select Server/
Custom Server
KPI Message in
Results Report
Reference Point #1
(starting point)
Time taken to
Launch App
Test start time
Upload Throughput
Throughput (Mbps)
Ping RTT reported by App
Upload throughput value reported by
Download throughput value reported by App
Reference Point #2
(end point)
First Ookla screen is displayed
Server Location
Server Name
Time taken to complete all tests
Server location
Default / selected server
Click Begin button
Time "Restart Test" is displayed
90 RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
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Skype Test
Table 13: Ookla Test Error Messages
Test Type
Auto Select Server/
Custom Server
Error Message
Unable to launch Ookla app.
Results settings button not found.
Unable to click back on SPEEDTEST tab.
Unable to read result from Ookla application.
Invalid Server, Unable to find server with name <serverName>.
Server list is empty.
Network communication issue.
The Skype test includes two tests to check Skype functions: Video Call Test and Audio Call
Test. Each test is configured and executed individually.
Verify the following settings on the Calling and Receiving phones prior to running a Skype test.
• On the Receiver phone, enable Automatic Answer Calls.
• One the Calling phone, disable Automatic login.
Test Settings
• Inter cycle delay (sec) - Enter the delay between two cycles. Valid values are 10–60.
The default value is 10.
• Cycles – Enter the number of times to run a single test. Valid values are 1–32000. The default value is 1.
• UserName – Enter a valid Skype user name.
• Password – Enter a valid Skype password.
• SkypeName – Enter the Skype name to call.
• CallDuration – Enter the call duration in seconds. The default value is 10,000.
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Test Results
Skype test results and a description of how each KPI is calculated is shown in
Error messages are listed in
Table 14: Skype Test Results
Test Case
KPI Message in
Results Report
Reference Point #1
(starting point)
Skype audio / video call
Time taken to
Launch App
Test start time
Time taken to Login Click the Login button
Click the voice or video call button
Time taken to establish and connect a audio or video call
Time taken to
Click the Sign out button
Reference Point #2
(end point)
First Skype screen is displayed
Display of Home screen
"Calling…" text disappears from the screen
Skype signup/login screen is displayed
Table 15: Skype Error Message
Test Type Error Message
Skype audio / video call
Failed to extract Input Parameters.
Unable to launch and validate application.
Unable to enter the edit text fields.
Unable to sign in, Invalid user credentials.
Unable to make a call.
Unable to validate Call Initiation Success/User not responded.
Twitter Test
The Twitter test includes three tests to check Twitter functions. Each test is configured and executed individually.
• Valid Login
• Post Tweet
• Post Image
92 RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Application
Test Settings
• Inter cycle delay (sec) - Enter the delay between two cycles. Valid values are 10–60.
The default value is 10.
• Cycles – Enter the number of times to run a single test. Valid values are 1–32000. The default value is 1.
• UserName – Enter a valid Twitter user name.
• Password – Enter a valid Twitter password.
• TweetText – Enter the message to post as standalone text or with an image. Maximum length is 140 characters. TweetText is used in the Post Tweet and Post Image tests.
• ImageSize – Select an image size: 10KB, 40KB, 100KB, 400KB.
Test Results
Twitter test results and a description of how each KPI is calculated is shown in
Error messages are listed in
Table 16: Twitter Test Results
Test Case
Twitter Login
KPI Message in
Results Report
Time taken to
Launch App
Time taken to request
Time taken to
Reference Point #1
(starting point)
Reference Point #2
(end point)
Test start time
Click the Login button
First Twitter screen is displayed
Authorization screen is displayed
Click the Allow button
Time taken to Login Click the Login button
Time taken to
Click the Logout button
Home screen
(where users post
Tweets) is displayed
Home screen is displayed
Login screen is displayed
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide 93
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Application
Test Case
Twitter Post Tweet
Table 16: Twitter Test Results
KPI Message in
Results Report
Time taken to
Launch App
Time taken to request
Time taken to
Reference Point #1
(starting point)
Test start time
Click the Login button
Reference Point #2
(end point)
First Twitter screen is displayed
Authorization screen is displayed
Click the Allow button
Time taken to Login Click the Login button
Time taken to
Tweet Post
Click the Tweet button
Time taken to
Click the Logout button
Home screen
(where users post
Tweets) is displayed
Home screen is displayed
Time when tweet posting is confirmed and tweet is displayed on screen
Login screen is displayed
94 RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
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Table 16: Twitter Test Results
Test Case
KPI Message in
Results Report
Twitter Post Image Time taken to
Launch App
Time taken to request
Time taken to
Reference Point #1
(starting point)
Test start time
Click the Login button
Reference Point #2
(end point)
First Twitter screen is displayed
Authorization screen is displayed
Click the Allow button
Time taken to Login Click the Login button
Time taken to
Tweet Image
Click the Tweet button
Time taken to
Click the Logout button
Home screen
(where user post
Tweets) is displayed
Home screen is displayed
Time when tweet posting is confirmed and tweet is displayed on screen
Login screen is displayed
Test Type
Valid Login
Table 17: Twitter Test Error Messages
Error Message
Unable to log in to Twitter app.
Username field not found.
Password field not found.
Twitter login failed.
Unable to reach home screen.
Unable to logout.
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide 95
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Application
Test Type
Post Tweet
Post Image
Table 17: Twitter Test Error Messages (continued)
Error Message
Tweet text is not provided.
Tweet posting failed.
Image can't be created, required input size from given options
(10KB,40KB,100KB or 400KB).
No photos detected. Failing test case.
Unable to select photo.
Tweet posting failed.
The WhatsApp test includes two tests of WhatsApp functions: Post Status and Refresh
Contacts. Each test is configured and executed individually.
Test Settings
• Inter cycle delay (sec) - Enter the delay between two cycles. Valid values are 10–60.
The default value is 10.
• Cycles – Enter the number of times to run a single test. Valid values are 1–32000. The default value is 1.
• CountryCode – Enter the country code for the destination phone.
• FriendPhone – Enter the recipient’s phone number. The recipients phone number must be in the device’s phone book application.
• Message – Enter a message to post.
Test Results
WhatsApp test results and a description of how each KPI is calculated is shown in Table 18
Error messages are listed in
Table 18: WhatsApp Test Results
Test Case
WhatsApp Post
KPI Message in
Results Report
Time taken to
Launch App
Time taken to deliver message
Reference Point #1
(starting point)
Test start time
Click Send button
Reference Point #2
(end point)
First WhatsApp screen is displayed
Info icon indicates message delivery
96 RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Application
Table 18: WhatsApp Test Results (continued)
Test Case
WhatsApp Refresh
KPI Message in
Results Report
Time taken to
Launch App
Time taken to refresh contacts
Reference Point #1
(starting point)
Test start time
Click Refresh button
Reference Point #2
(end point)
First WhatsApp screen is displayed
Progress bar on the top of the Contacts list screen disappears
Test Type
General Settings
WhatsApp Post
WhatsApp Refresh
Table 19: WhatsApp Test Error Messages
Error Message
Unable to launch WhatsApp app.
Failed to extract Input Parameters.
Unable to launch Phone book app.
Unable to open phone book Contacts tab.
Unable to add contact to phone book.
Added contact is not in sync with WhatsApp.
Message Text not found.
Unable to send WhatsApp message.
Unable to refresh contacts, progress timed out.
Refresh button not found.
Unable to click Refresh button.
Unable to refresh contacts, Network error.
Remote Control of TrueSite Devices
You can use one of the following two methods to remotely control RANAdvisor TrueSite running on a different device.
• TrueSite SMS Controller application
• Predefined SMS messages
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide 97
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Application
Remote Control Using the TrueSite SMS Controller
To remotely control RANAdvisor TrueSite using the TrueSite SMS controller, first install
TrueSite SMS controller on your device as described below.
Installing TrueSite SMS Controller
Navigate to the application installation package directory on your PC and locate the
Connect your phone to the PC.
Copy the SMS_Controller.APK onto the phone at a known location on the device.
Disconnect the phone.
Click SMS_Controller.APK to start the installation.
Note: You need a File Browser such as ES File Explorer on your device to locate the apk file in the device storage.
Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.
To remotely control the RANAdvisor TrueSite using the TrueSite SMS Controller or via SMS, you must configure the Remote Control over SMS setting as described below:
Run RANAdvisor TrueSite.
Select Settings from the Home screen.
From the Settings screen, tap General.
From the Automation Control Options, select Automation Control Mode and enable
Remote Control Over SMS.
Turn On the Remote Control Over SMS
Remote Control Using Predefined SMS Messages
Perform the following steps to remotely control RANAdvisor TrueSite:
If you have not installed the TrueSite SMS Controller, you can directly send SMS to the devices running RANAdvisor TrueSite with the following SMS syntax. However it is recommended to use the TrueSite SMS Controller app to manage the slave devices and to send commands.
a) JDSU FTA;START; message to start the recording.
b) JDSU FTA;STOP; message to stop the recording.
c) JDSU FTA;STATUS REPORT; requests the currents status of the slave device.
d) JDSU FTA;RESPOND;START; requests for a SMS confirmation of the receipt of the command.
e) JDSU FTA;LOAD LOCAL CONFIG file; START loads a new configuration stored locally on the device with a defined file name. The location will be in the FTA folder or in an explicitly defined path and file name. For example, JDSU FTA;LOAD LOCAL CONFIG
START; loads a new configuration file from the FTP server with a defined path and file
98 RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Application
g) JDSU FTA;LOAD LOCAL SEQUENCE file;START loads a new test sequence file from the device storage. For example, JDSU FTA;LOAD LOCAL SEQUENCE
file;START; loads a new test sequencer file from the FTP server. For example, JDSU
If you have installed TrueSite SMS controller app on your device, launch the TrueSite
SMS controller and perform the following steps.
From the TrueSite Controller screen, select the following options:
• Get Response - Select this option to get the status report from the slave devices. If this option is not selected, you will not receive the Control information from the slave device.
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide 99
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Application
• Use Configuration file - Select this option to notify the slave devices to use configuration file - preference.xml file from the local directory of the slave device or from the remote FTP server. Make sure Remote Control Over SMS setting is enabled in the slave configuration file. If the request is to load the configuration file from local directory, then on success, the you will see the report as CONTROL=OK; if Control = WAY POINT NOT SUPPORTED IN INDOOR CONFIG VIA SMS
CONTROLLER, config file loaded have wave point settings,
Control =MAP MISSING IN INDOOR CONFIG, application is in indoor mode and config file does not contain map file
Control = NO CONFIGURATION FILE, specified configuration file not present in local
Control = CONFIG FILE-IO EXP, IO exception in configuration file
Control = EXP IN CONFIG, general exception in configuration file
Control = SOCKET TIME OUT FOR CONFIG, socket time out while downloading
Configuration file
Control = FTP TIMEOUT FOR CONFIG, general FTP time out while downloading
Configuration file
Control = FTP IO EXP FOR CONFIG, IO exception when downloading Configuration file
Control = EXCEPTION FOR CONFIG, other exception while downloading Configuration file
Control = INITIATING DOWNLOAD, initiating connection to FTP server before download if Control = FTP LOGIN FAILED, failed to login on FTP server with provided credentials
Control = SEQUENCER NOT AVAILABLE, test sequencer instance not available on
Control = INVALID COMMAND, if SMS received on TrueSite contains invalid command
100 RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Application
• Use Sequence file - Select this option to notify the slave devices to use the
Sequence.XML file from the local directory of the slave device or from the remote FTP server. If the request is to load the sequence file from local directory, then on success, you will see the report as CONTROL=OK;
Control = NO SEQUENCE FILE, file does not exist in the directory
Control = INVALID SEQUENCE FILE, error during the parsing of sequencer file
Control = IO Exp, IO exception during the loading of file
Control = Empty, file is empty
Control = No Card, SD card is not available
Control = NA, file is not a sequencer.xml file
If the request is to load the sequence file from the remote FTP server, then on success the slave device sends the response as CONTROL=OK;
Control = No, file does not exist in the directory
Control = SOCKET TIME OUT FOR SEQ, socket timeout while downloading sequence file
Control = FTP TIMEOUT FOR SEQ, FTP timeout while downloading sequencer file
Control = FTP IO EXP FOR SEQ, IO exception when downloading a sequencer file
Control = EXCEPTION FOR SEQ, other exception while downloading a sequencer file
Control = Empty, file is empty
Control = No card, SD card is absent
Control = NA, not a Sequencer file
Click Manage to add or delete the device name and mobile number of the slave devices in an international format, for example +6582086393.
Click Start to send an SMS to the slave devices to start recording along with the options listed above. If you click Stop, the application sends an SMS to the slave devices to stop recording.
Click Check Status to monitor the status of the slave devices. Click Get Report to get information such as device name, version, recording status, and monitoring status.
Local Wireless Control using Bluetooth
This feature allows you to configure the devices/tablets as master and slaves using
Bluetooth. The location you enter and the recording you perform are in sync between master and slave devices. This feature is not available on HTC Desire devices. If you have a
TrueSite Indoor Test Manager (Controller) license, you cannot use this feature.
To configure wireless control, you must first enable Bluetooth and pair devices as shown below:
Exit the RANAdvisor TrueSite application.
Go to the device Home screen.
Press the Menu button on your device and select Settings.
From the Settings screen, enable Bluetooth and select Visible to all nearby bluetooth
devices. This setting must be performed on the master and slave devices.
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide 101
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Application
On the master tablet/device, under AVAILABLE DEVICES, select a device you want to pair.
Click OK when you receive a prompt on the master and slave devices.
After configuring the Bluetooth, you can configure a maximum of six devices as slaves that can be controlled by a primary master device. Perform the following steps to configure a slave device:
Run the RANAdvisor TrueSite application.
From the application Home screen, go to Settings > General and select Automation
Control Mode.
From the Automation Control Options, select Local Bluetooth Control. You will receive a prompt to select master or slave.
Select slave.
After configuring the devices as slave, perform the following steps to associate slave device to master device.
Launch RANAdvisor TrueSite from your master device.
From the application Home screen, go to Settings > General and enable Automation
Control Mode.
From the Automation Control Options, select Local Bluetooth Control. You will receive a prompt to select master or slave.
Select master. This displays Paired Devices screen.
From the Paired Devices screen, select the slave devices and click Ok. If you want to pair more devices, select Pair More button. This displays the device Bluetooth settings screen. You can select the devices to pair with the master device.
Note: You must name each device with a unique name to identify the device.
Both the master and slave devices should be charged sufficiently (around more than
15%). Bluetooth may not work on low charge.
Check the Bluetooth pair screen for name of paired devices. The master name should be present on the slave device and the slave name should be present on the master device.
If any slave device name is not present in the master device, then you need to pair them again.
After configuring the master and slave devices, when you start recording on the master device, the message will be communicated to all the slave devices to start recording. When you stop recording, message will be communicated to all slave devices to stop recording.
When you navigate using an Indoor map on the master device by using I am here positions or a Waypoint file, those locations will be communicated to the slave devices to synchronize position logging. The navigation locations will be seen both during recording and when you play back on the slave device.
102 RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Application
Note: When using Indoor navigation, the Indoor Map settings on all devices need to be the same.
Collecting Data
After you have configured the settings, you are ready to start collecting data. At the end of the job you can
Replay the data on your phone (see “Playing Back Your Data" on page 167)
• Upload the log file to an HTTPS or FTP server (see
“Upload the Logged Results" on page 104)
• Upload it to a third party tool for post-processing (
“Post Processing RANAdvisor TrueSite
Start Recording
To start recording:
Click RF Measurement in the application Home screen.
Press the device Menu button and select Start Recording.
An icon (red and blue dot) appears at the top of the application indicating that data is being collected.
If you intend to record GPS position information as you move around outside or drive with the phone, you should first have a GPS fix. Monitor the Satellites Visible and Satellites Tracked values on the Status screen until there is a non-zero value for Satellites Tracked.
Before you perform the recording, ensure that you have sufficient storage space.
To stop recording data (if not configured to do so using the settings), follow this procedure:
• Press the device Menu button and select Stop Recording.
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide 103
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Application
Add Photo and Video Markers During Indoor Collection
During indoor data collection you can take a picture or video with the phone’s camera to save images of an object or area. A marker is geo-located on the Indoor map to indicate that an image is available. The images are saved in the AHD log file, and can be viewed during recording and replay. The time and location of the photo or video are identified in the log file.
To add a photo or video marker to an indoor map:
From a Waypoint or “I Am Here” point, tap the photo or video marker icon.
Take the photo or video image and save it. Videos cannot exceed 30 seconds.
To view the photos and videos during recording and replay, tap a marker on the map.
Upload the Logged Results
This feature allows you to upload the data files - AHD, DLF, PCAP or any other format, using the existing HTTPS or FTP settings. You can view the upload status and configure the
HTTPS and FTP settings from the screen. You can stop the operation any time while it is in progress. This operation cannot be executed while other operations like recording, sequencer running, replay, and auto send are in progress.
Perform the following steps to flush the logged results:
Run RANAdvisor TrueSite.
Click the + button at the top of the TrueSite Home screen.
From the Add item screen, tap Manual Flush to add it to the Home screen.
On the Home screen, tap the Manual Flush icon.
Click Settings to configure a different server than the existing one. For details, see Auto
Send option in
“Configuring the Record Parameters" on page 22.
Select All Files or Pending Files.
Tap AHD, DLF, PCAP, or Other files options.
Select the files you want to upload.
104 RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Application
Click Upload Files. The application will create a status file named
TrueSiteUploadConfig_<Timestamp in milliseconds>.txt automatically. This status file will be uploaded after the selected files are uploaded. The file will contain names of the uploaded files and their total count. For example the sample content will be as below:
AHD files to Process
If the upload got canceled or failed, the status file will go to Pending files/others. The file will get uploaded during the next upload event. A new status file is created for each upload process.
Updating Licenses
You can obtain a fixed license by entering an Unlock Code (license key) or a floating license using the StrataSync server.
If you want a floating license using the StrataSync server, register the device with the
StrataSync server and deploy licenses from the StrataSync server. See “Using the
StrataSync Service" on page 171 for details.
If you want a fixed software license, send the device IMEI/MEID/Unique ID to Viavi to receive the Unlock Code (license key) and enter the license key as shown below.
Launch RANAdvisor TrueSite.
Click the + button at the top of the TrueSite Home screen.
From the Add item screen, tap Licenses to add it to the Home screen.
On the Home screen, tap the Licenses icon.
Enter the license key from Viavi and click Validate.
“Licensing of the application" on page 197 for a list of available TrueSite fixed licenses.
Generic Controller Support
The Generic Controller allows a cut down version of TrueSite to run on a standard Android tablet to allow TrueSite devices to be controlled over Bluetooth centrally from the tablet.
This allows test sequences to be started and stopped at the same time and where indoor navigation is used, the tablet is used a s single navigation device, sending the current position to all connected devices.
During collection, any Map Overlay parameters configured on the individual devices are sent to the tablet for display to allow tracking of the current test and specified RF and Test parameters.
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Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Application
Generic Controller Recommended Specification
• Android OS: 4.4 to 5.1
• Processor Speed: Quad Core 1.9GHz or higher
Installing RANAdvisor TrueSite
Attach the tablet to the PC with the USB Cable (if not already attached).
Go to the device Settings > System > Developer Options > Debugging and enable
USB debugging.
Navigate to the application installation package directory to locate the application executable on your PC (RANAdvisor_TrueSite_Full_Installation_Package_X_YY.exe, where X_YY is the release version, for example 1.42).
Double-click the executable to launch the Installer.
Select the destination folder before selecting FTAInstaller.exe.
Select Enter when prompted at the command prompt. The RANAdvisor TrueSite application installation should complete automatically.
NOTE: If you install the TrueSite application from the .jsdu package (as opposed to the
FTAInstaller.exe) on a generic tablet or non-rooted device, you will see several permission pop-ups during installation. Accept all uninstall and install prompts, and click Done when finished. Do not click Open in response to any post-installation prompts.
Starting the Application on a Generic Controller
You can perform the below steps if you do not have a TrueSite Indoor Test Manager license.
To start the RANAdvisor TrueSite application on your tablet, from the Apps, navigate to the
RANAdvisor TrueSite icon and click the icon. When the start-up screen is displayed, the application opens a default Home screen that contains the Indoor, Outdoor, Settings and
Controller icons. Currently, the tablet supports Indoor Map, Outdoor Map, GPS, and
Wireless Control using Bluetooth. The rest of the features such as Test Me Now, Test
Sequencer, Protocol Decoder, Threshold and Parameter Customization, RF Measurements, and Wireless control using SMS are not supported on the tablet device. The operation to add or remove the feature from the Home screen remains the same as on the other devices.
See “Starting the TrueSite Application” on page 3 to add or remove a feature from the Home
Configuring the GPS Parameter
See “Configuring the GPS Settings” on page 11.
Performing Remote Control Using Bluetooth
This feature allows you to configure the tablet as a master tablet using Bluetooth. To configure wireless control, you must first enable Bluetooth on the master/slave devices and pair master with slave devices:
• From the device Settings screen, enable Bluetooth and select Only visible to paired
devices. You must perform this step on all the devices you want to pair.
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Application
• On the master tablet, under AVAILABLE DEVICES, select a device you want to pair.
• Click OK when you receive a prompt on the master and slave devices.
After enabling the Bluetooth, perform the following steps to connect master/slave device:
Run RANAdvisor TrueSite.
From the application Home screen, go to Settings > General.
Select Local Bluetooth Control from the Automation Control Mode.
By default, a tablet is configured as Master in the Master Slave Mode.
Select Paired Devices, select the slave devices you want to pair and click OK. To pair more devices, select Pair More button. This displays the Bluetooth settings screen. You can select the devices to pair with the master device.
Note: You must name each device with a unique name to identify the device.
Both the master and slave devices should be charged sufficiently (around more than
15%) since Bluetooth may not work on low charge. Check the Bluetooth pair screen for name of paired devices. The master name should be present on the slave device and the slave name should be present on the master device. If any slave device name is not present in the master device, you need to pair them again. After configuring the master and slave devices, when you start recording on the master device, the message will be communicated to all the slave devices to start recording. When you stop recording, a message will be communicated to all slave devices to stop recording. When you navigate using an Indoor map on the master device by using I am here positions or a Waypoint
file, those locations will be communicated to the slave devices to synchronize position logging. The navigation locations will be seen both during recording and when you play back on the slave device.
Configuring the Indoor Map
See “Configuring the Indoor Map” on page 11. While you are in the indoor map, you can
configure the Indoor settings by pressing the device menu option and selecting Indoor
Settings. After you have configured the settings, you will see the Indoor Map. Press the device menu option and select Start Recording to collect the data. If you have configured the slave device to display parameters on the Map, you will see those parameters from the slave devices on the tablet in the Indoor Map.
Configuring the Outdoor Map
See “Configuring the Outdoor Map” on page 15. After you have configured the settings, go
to the application Home screen and tap Outdoor. You will see the Outdoor Map. Press the device menu option and select Start Recording to collect the data. If you have configured the slave device to display parameters on the Map, you will see those parameters from the slave devices on the tablet in the Outdoor Map.
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide 107
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Application
Viewing the Software Version
Launch RANAdvisor TrueSite.
Click the + button at the top of the TrueSite Home screen.
From the Add item screen, tap About to add it to the Home screen.
On the Home screen, tap the About icon.
Viewing the User Manual
Launch RANAdvisor TrueSite.
On the Home screen, tap Help to view the Help topics and TrueSite User’s Guide.
Exiting the application
To exit the TrueSite application, do one of the following:
• From the menu in the upper right (when available), tap Exit.
• Click the back button on the device until you see the option to exit the application.
108 RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Matrix Controller
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite
Matrix Controller
About the RANAdvisor TrueSite Matrix Controller
The RANAdvisor TrueSite Controller helps you to analyze multiple network technologies using a master/slave mode. The master tablet can control and receive measurements from multiple slave devices. The application allows you to connect a master tablet with six slave devices, and one receiver. You may experience a performance degradation if you connect a master tablet to the maximum number of slave devices.
A slave device and the receiver communicate various measurements to the master tablet based on the hardware and technology capabilities.
You must have the appropriate licenses to use RANAdvisor TrueSite. See
Licenses" on page 105 for details.
Key Features
• Ultra-portable
• Tablet control of up to six slave devices and one receiver
• Easy, intuitive user interface
• Identify missing/faulty antennas during collection
• Active and passive measurements
• Fully iBwave/non-iBwave design compatible
Supports iBwave versions 1.1,1.2, 1.3, and 1.4
• Comprehensive technology coverage: LTE, WCDMA, GSM, CDMA, EV-DO
• Quickly deploy and troubleshoot Distributed Antenna Systems
• Faster testing with real-time problem resolution
• Use your own iBwave/non-iBwave design files
• Minimizes repeat data-capture walks by resolving problems as they are found
Supported Tablets/Devices
The RANAdvisor TrueSite Controller supports all generic tablets as the master tablet. See
“Minimum Specifications" on page 111.
The application supports the following devices as a slave device:
• HTC One M9
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide 109
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Matrix Controller
• Samsung Galaxy S II LTE GT-I9210
• Samsung Galaxy S II Skyrocket (SGH-I727)
• Samsung Galaxy S III LTE SGH-I747
• Samsung Galaxy S III LTE SGH-I747M
• Samsung Galaxy S III LTE SCH-I535
• Samsung Galaxy S III GT-I9305
• Samsung Galaxy S III SCH-L710
• Samsung Galaxy S III SPH-L710
• Samsung Galaxy S III SGH-T999
• Samsung Galaxy S III SGH-T999V
• Samsung Galaxy Note II GT-N7105
• Samsung Galaxy Note 3 SM-N900T
• Samsung Galaxy Note Edge 4 SM-N915V
• Samsung Tab Pro Tablet SM-T525
• Samsung Galaxy S4 SPH-L720
• Samsung Galaxy S4 GT-I9505
• Samsung Galaxy S4 GT-I9506
• Samsung Galaxy S4 SGH-I337
• Samsung Galaxy S4 SCH-R970X
• Samsung Galaxy S4 SCH-I545 Dev Edition
• Samsung Galaxy S4 SGH-M919
• Samsung Galaxy S4 SGH-I257
• Samsung Galaxy S5 SM-G900R4
• Samsung Galaxy S5 SM-G900F
• Samsung Galaxy S5 SM-G900A
• Samsung Galaxy S5 SM-G900I
• Samsung Galaxy S5 SM-G900P
• Samsung Galaxy S5 SM-G9006V
• Samsung Galaxy S5 SM-G900F
• Samsung Galaxy S5 SM-G900R7
• Samsung Galaxy S5 SM-G900V
• Samsung Galaxy S6 SM-G920P
• LG G2 Verizon VS980
• LG Optimus G LG-E971
• LG G4 LS991
• LG G4 VS986
• LG G4 H815
110 RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Matrix Controller
TrueSite release 1.40 and later supports the following receivers for monitoring the wireless network:
• DRT4311B Wideband Test receiver (firmware version 1.10.0)
• PCTEL SeeGull IBflex™ Scanning Receiver (firmware version
Minimum Specifications
• Slave devices should have Ice Cream Sandwich Android version (4.0) or above
• Slave devices must be running TrueSite PRO
• The master tablet should have Jelly Bean Android version 4.1.x or above (including Kitkat
4.4.x and Lollipop 5.x)
• The master tablet should have at least 3 GB RAM, more than 2.3 GHz Dual core processor for the Qualcomm Snapdragon chipset or 1.9 GHz Quad core processor for a non-Qualcomm chipset
Starting the RANAdvisor TrueSite Matrix Controller
In order to start the TrueSite Controller, make sure the Controller icon is not grayed out. If it is grayed out, perform the following steps to enable the Controller icon.
Run RANAdvisor TrueSite.
Select Settings from the Home screen.
Select General.
Select Automation Control Mode.
Select Local Bluetooth Control. The tablet will automatically switch to the master mode and launch the Controller application.
Once the Controller icon is enabled, you can launch the Controller from the RANAdvisor
TrueSite Home screen. If the Controller icon is not visible on the Home screen, tap the + button at the top of the screen to add it. The Indoor Measurement icon will be grayed out.
When you launch the Controller application and if the TrueSite receiver license (E5643B-122 option) is present, TrueSite starts the MPS scanner service and you will see a red circle icon on the status bar . The service is stopped only when you exit TrueSite. If the license is not present, the service will not be started and the icon will not be shown on the status bar.
The Controller Main screen has 2 tabs, DEVICES and MAPS. The DEVICES tab helps you to configure the application, view measurements, perform recording, export/import jobs, and more. The MAPS tab helps you to perform an indoor navigation and interact with an indoor map.
In the right hand corner of the screen, you will see the Controller Main menu indicated by .
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide 111
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Matrix Controller
Select the device Menu button if you do not see the above icon.
In some of the Samsung models, you will see the Main menu icon at the bottom left corner of the screen as shown in the figure below.
Under the DEVICES tab, you will see:
• Connected - If you are using the Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 (SGH I497) as the master tablet, you will see the device listed as “This device” under Connected. If you are using a generic tablet, for example Nexus 10, as the master, you will not see it listed under Connected. If you paired slave devices with the master tablet, you will see the slave devices listed under
Bluetooth. After connecting the slave devices with the master tablet, you will see the devices listed under Connected. When you select a device, you will see RF
Measurement, Test Sequencer and Events in the right panel.
If you apply a phone configuration to a device, you will see a green indicator beside the device. See
“Creating a Phone Configuration" on page 144.
• Receiver - Configured receivers are displayed here. When you select the receiver, you will see the receiver information in the right panel.
• Bluetooth - When you select Paired Devices, you will see the devices that are Bluetooth enabled and paired.
In the right panel, you will see the device status such as whether the sim card is inserted or not, the device model, supported technology, and the battery status.
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Matrix Controller
Below the status, you will see the RF Measurement screen that displays parameters from a device you selected. If you swipe left, you will see the Test Sequencer and Events screen.
The Test Sequencer displays the sequencer tests configured for slave devices. The Events screen displays different events such as voice call dropped, and the test started during the recording. You can filter the events based on Category and Severity when you select Filter.
In the MAPS tab, the default view is a world map.
• The compass in the upper right rotates with the map’s orientation to indicate north.
• The slider on the right side of the map (under the compass) sets the range for GPS accuracy.
• The slider on the left side of the map adjusts the transmitter sector radius setting.
• The arrow control on the left side of the map displays the name of the measuring device, which in this example is a Samsung Galaxy S5 G900P named G900P RTR-133. .
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide 113
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Matrix Controller
Click the device name in the blue bar to see a list of parameters as shown below.
Note: You must create a phone configuration along with the measurement parameters and
apply the phone configuration to view the parameters in the MAPS tab. See “Creating a
on page 144 and “Applying a Phone Configuration" on page 145 for
You can import an outdoor map from the OpenStreetMap site and an indoor map from an iBwave file (with or without a transmitter file). Instead of an iBwave file, you can also create a new mapset using image files like jpg, gif, bmp and png. See
Mapset" on page 140 for details.
In the right panel, you will see the following items:
• Layers: When you tap Layers, by default, both Antennas and Events are selected. If you deselect any of the items, it will be hidden from the Indoor map view.
• Antennas: Displays information about all the antennas in a floor plan.
• Events: Displays a list of events such as voice call dropped, photo capture when you perform the recording.
Main Menu
Select to perform the following actions:
• My Jobs - allows you to view a list of available jobs
Do the Job Again - allows you to restart a selected job. If you are using a DRT receiver, you must reconfigure the bands and channels in the Receiver settings screen before you do the job again. For phone devices, you do not need to reconfigure the settings.
Start Replay - allows you to replay a recorded file
Export/Share - allows you to export a job to the device storage
Import - allows you to import a job from the device storage into the application
• Save Job as Configuration Group
• Create a New Job - allows you to define a job and start the recording
• End Current Job - allows you to end the recording
114 RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
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• Start IBWave Survey – allow you to start an iBwave survey in conjunction with the iBwave
Mobile Planner application
• Configuration Settings
Recording Storage - allows you to set a storage location for recorded data and configure automatic upload settings
Test Configurations - allows you to define cellsites, indoor maps, receiver configurations, test sequences, phone configurations, and configuration groups
Outdoor Map - allows you to select an OpenStreet map
Way Path Theme – allows you to set the color and width for waypoints on an indoor map
Zone Overshoot – allows you to change the number of zone overshooting categories and cell power range per category
Others - allows you to enable/disable device connection, data transfer, and theme maps options
Automatic Events - allows you to select/deselect events for display in an indoor map
Operators and Markets - allows you to import and use preselected values for the DRT receiver
• Licenses - allows you to view and configure licenses for RANAdvisor TrueSite, Indoor Test
Manager (Controller) and Receiver
• Help - Displays the Online Help and User’s Manual
• About - Displays the RANAdvisor TrueSite version
• DEVICES tab (with slave device connected to master tablet)
Remove Device - Allows you to disconnect a slave device.
Remove Receiver - Allows you to disconnect a receiver.
• MAPS tab
Choose / Remove Indoor Map - Use these options to select or remove an indoor map.
Load / Remove KML file - Use these options to select or remove map files in KML format.
Use / Clear Planned Route - Use these options to select or remove a planned route you defined.
Collecting Data with a Pre-Configured Setup
Selecting a Job
Go to the device Apps and run RANAdvisor TrueSite on the master tablet.
Select Controller.
Select the Main menu icon.
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Select My Jobs.
From the Jobs screen, select a job from the left panel. After selecting a job, you can perform various operations such as starting the job again, replay, export, saving the job as a configuration group using the Main menu icon.
Selecting a Floor Plan
The TrueSite Controller imports all the floor plans and antennas included in an iBwave map file. If you are using a non-iBwave map file, you must first define the floor plan and configure the cellsite information on the floor plan. See
“Creating a non-iBwave Mapset" on page 140
for details.
Perform the following steps to select a floor plan from an indoor map:
Run RANAdvisor TrueSite on the master tablet.
Select Controller.
Select MAPS
Select the Main menu icon.
Select Choose Indoor Map.
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Select a map from the list. You will see a list of floor plans as shown in the below example.
Select a floor plan from the list. The application will perform geo-referencing if the floor plan is chosen for the first time on the device.
How to Start and Stop Recording
When you start recording on the master tablet, the recording will also start on each slave device that has a phone configuration applied to it. If any existing recording is running on a slave device, it will be stopped and the new recording will start.
When an outdoor job is started from the Controller, the Controller will send the GPS location to the connected slaves in a job and it will be marked on the slave device map. The following
GPS information will be logged in the AHD file: longitude, latitude, speed, bearing, satellite visible and satellite tracked number.
During the recording, data is stored in an AHD format on the respective slave devices. If you are using a Samsung Galaxy Tab (SGH i497) as the master, the recorded data will be stored on the master tablet and on the respective slave devices.
Note: The slave device AHD file will not be stored on the master device.
In TrueSite 1.40 and later you have the option of automatically transferring data files from the slave devices to the master at the end of the job. To learn how to configure this option, see
“Configuring Data Transfer at the End of a Job" on page 139.
For the DRT and IBflex receivers, the recorded measurements will be saved on the master tablet AHD file.
The following items are displayed on the master tablet:
• The RF Measurement screen displaying the requested parameter values
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• The Test Sequencer displaying the current tests and status, number of cycles executed, passed/failed test cycles
• The Events on an Indoor map
Before performing the recording make sure that you manually synchronize the time between master tablet and slave devices. You may also want to enable benchmarking mode to
Perform the following steps to start/stop recording:
Run RANAdvisor TrueSite on the master tablet.
Select Controller.
[Optional] Enable Benchmarking mode on the Controller and configure the benchmarking
mode timeout. See “Configuring Benchmarking Mode" on page 137 for details.
Select a device under Connected. Make sure you have applied phone configuration
settings to the device. See “Applying a Phone Configuration" on page 145 for details. You
will see a green indicator beside the device when a phone configuration is applied.
Import an iBwave/non-iBwave file and select a floor plan. See
“Selecting a Floor Plan" on page 116 for details.
Select the Main menu icon on the top right corner of the screen.
Select Create a New Job.
Enter a name to identify the job.
Select one of the following:
Indoor Mode - For testing in an indoor environment.
Outdoor Mode - For testing in an outdoor environment.
Select Cell Database to import cellsite information for the indoor or outdoor mode. Ensure that you have put the cellsite database XML file on each of the device storage > FTA >
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Matrix Controller
Cellsite Database folder. If you selected the indoor mode, make sure you have the cellsite database for the indoor map. If you selected the outdoor mode, make sure you have the cellsite database for the outdoor map.
Select Use Receiver, if you are using a receiver.
Click Start Recording Now. You will see a recording indicator beside the device .
To stop recording, select the Main menu icon and click End Current Job. The recording will stop on all the slave devices.
For the outdoor mode, the application MAPS tab will display cellsites that fall within the radius of 5 kms. The cellsites will be reloaded when the distance changes. The GPS accuracy will be displayed as a GPS circle; the lower the radius, higher the accuracy.
If a sequencer test completes on one of the slave devices, then the recording will stop on that slave device even before you stop recording on the master tablet.
If a slave device is performing the recording, then on instruction from the master tablet, the recording will stop and then restart.
Synchronizing Sequencer Tests with Benchmarking Mode
TrueSite’s benchmarking mode of operation facilitates comparative testing (benchmarking) between different networks and devices to analyze performance indicators like quality of voice, data speeds, quality, coverage and capacity.
When you have multiple devices running the same test sequence, benchmarking mode keeps the slave devices in lockstep as they progress through the tests in the sequence by ensuring that the tests start on all devices at the same time. The next test in the sequence will not start until all devices have completed the previous test and are ready to start the next.
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When the first device completes a test it sends a “test complete” message to the Controller, which starts a user-configured synchronization timer. The Controller monitors each device for a test complete message or timer expiration. It then issues a Resume command to all devices to begin the next test in the sequence. This continues until all devices have stopped at the end of their sequence, or in the case of a looped sequence, until the user chooses to select Stop from the Controller.
Notifications are sent to the tablet Controller and to the slave devices in the event of a timeout.
• On the Controller, a toast message highlights any device did not complete testing before the synchronization timer expired.
• On the slave device, a toast message indicates that the Controller did not send a Resume command before the synchronization timer expired.
Operational notes:
• Benchmarking mode is supported on generic tablet controllers and TrueSite Matrix controllers.
• Benchmarking mode requires a minimum of 2 slave devices.
• Bluetooth remote control must be enabled on the Controller and slave devices.
• All slaves devices must run identical test sequences.
• Only serial tests are supported in benchmarking mode.
• When benchmarking mode is enabled on the Controller, all slaves devices operate in benchmarking mode.
• The test sequencer is disabled on measuring tablets when benchmarking mode is enabled.
“Configuring Benchmarking Mode" on page 137 for setup details.
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Navigating using Point to Location
The Point to Location (I am here) method enables you to manually plot a real time location on an indoor map as you perform the recording. Perform the following steps to plot a real time location on a map:
Select a floor plan. See
“Selecting a Floor Plan" on page 116 for details.
Start recording. See “How to Start and Stop Recording" on page 117 for details.
After you start the recording, you will see a marker on the map that indicates your starting point. Click Tap to Mark Waypoint button location.
to mark your current
To move to a new location on the map, long press at a desired position and click Tap to
Mark Waypoint button. You will see a line indicating the path you traversed. You can fine tune your position using the arrow button in the right panel.
See “Defining Color and Line Width for Waypoints on an Indoor Map" on page 138 to set a
color and a line width.
If you want to capture a photo to visualize the problem (for example surrounding area/antenna), select the photo icon on the screen top .
You will see a photo capturing screen. After capturing the picture, save the image and enter a description for the image. The photo capture will be marked as an event and will be indicated by a flag on the map. It will be listed under Events in the right panel. This photo will not be transferred to the slave devices.
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Navigating using GPS
The GPS method allows the application to identify the user location on an indoor map.
In order to enable real-time GPS tracking, you must turn on the GPS support button on an indoor map. After enabling the GPS support button, whenever a strong GPS signal is available, the application will prompt if you want to track your location with the help of GPS. If you select Yes, the application will display the GPS locations and the waypoints will be marked automatically. The manual method of marking waypoints will be disabled.
You can set the GPS reference from 2 meters (more accurate) to 10 meters (less accurate), using the selection bar to have a more accurate GPS reading. You may have to reduce the
GPS reference (i.e. move the slider towards 10) if the receiver could not achieve the desired level.
If an accurate GPS reference is no longer available, the application will prompt you to switch to the manual method of marking waypoints.
Perform the following steps to allow the application to track locations with the GPS receiver:
Select a floor plan. See
“Selecting a Floor Plan" on page 116 for details.
Enable the GPS field from the device notification panel.
Enable the GPS support button on the indoor map.
Start recording. See “How to Start and Stop Recording" on page 117 for details.
If the GPS signal is strong, the application will use the GPS to automatically plot the waypoints otherwise the waypoints will have to marked manually.
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Matrix Controller
Navigating using Waypoint method
The Waypoint method enables you to define a planned route on an indoor map before you start the recording. You must select a floor plan from an indoor map and then define a planned route. Before starting the recording, you must load the planned route from the floor plan. After loading the planned route, start the recording on the master tablet to take indoor measurements.
Perform the following steps to plot a pre-defined path on the map:
Run RANAdvisor TrueSite on the master tablet.
Select Controller.
Select the Main menu icon on the top right corner of the screen.
Select Configuration Settings > Test Configurations > Indoor Maps.
Select an indoor map from the list and a floor plan. The application will perform geo-referencing if the floor plan is loaded for the first time. You will see a Planned Route screen.
To load an existing waypoint file of a different floor, select the Main menu icon > Load
Waypoint File, select a file from the storage > IBWave directory, enter a file name, and click Save. To create a new waypoint file for a planned route, click the + button on the top right corner of the screen. You will see a marker on the map that indicates your current location. Click Mark Waypoint.
To move to a different location, long press on the tablet screen until you see the marker and then click the Mark Waypoint button. You will see a line indicating your planned route.
You can fine tune your position using the arrow button in the right panel.
See “Defining Color and Line Width for Waypoints on an Indoor Map" on page 138 to set a
color and a line width.
After creating your planned route, click the Save icon and enter a name for this planned route.
After defining the planned route, go to the MAPS tab.
Select the Main menu icon on the top right corner of the screen.
Select Choose Indoor Map.
Select an indoor map and choose the floor plan where you defined the planned route. You will receive a prompt, whether you want to use the planned route now. Select Choose One
Now if you intend to use now. If you plan to use later, select the planned route from the
Main menu icon > Use Planned Route.
Select a planned route from the right panel and click Confirm.
After defining the planned route, start the recording. See
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Detecting a Macro Ingress
Macro ingress occurs when outdoor, macro-network signals are received at too high a level compared to the DAS network within a building or venue. TrueSite compares the antenna specifications defined in the iBwave or cell site database file in real time with the measured values during capture and automatically reports any differences. For example, if an internal
LTE antenna should be transmitting on PCI 21, and TrueSite detects that it is transmitting on
PCI 35, it will issue an alert, so you can take remedial action before continuing. You must have a TrueSite Indoor Fault Detection Tools [E5643B-121] license to enable this feature.
When you start the recording, you will see the following details in the MACRO tab:
• Technology: LTE or UMTS
• Categories: Displays different categories from 1 to 5
• Channel: EARFCN or UARFCN based on the Technology
• Code: PCI or SC
• Level: Actual difference measured
Following are the list of Ingress events in the Events tab:
• MACRO_INGRESS_DETECTED: At least one non-serving cell information (for example, technology, channel, cell code) is not found in the indoor cells.
MACRO_INGRESS_DISAPPEARED: The previous ingress disappears, i.e. all the reported information are found in the indoor cells.
• MACRO_INGRESS_POWER_LEVEL_CHANGED: indicates a change in the power level difference between the serving cell and the ingressed cell.
Perform the following steps to detect a macro ingress:
Configure the settings to detect Macro Ingress. See “Configuring Macro Ingress and
Handover detection” on page 138 for details.
Start the recording. See “How to Start and Stop Recording” on page 87 for details.
After you start the recording, you will see a marker on the map that indicates your starting point. Click the Tap to Mark Waypoint button to mark your current location.
When you mark a waypoint inside a detection zone, you must wait for at least 8 seconds before marking the next waypoint. As you move to a new location, if there is an ingress, you will see the related details in the MACRO tab and the EVENTS tab. Click Show
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Summary button in the MACRO tab to view the pie chart report for the duration served in an indoor and outdoor network.
Note: The Macro Ingress results displayed on the pie chart categories might have a variance of 15% compared to the results obtained from the post processing tools.
Detecting a Macro Handover
The Macro handover happens when a device latched with a serving cell in a DAS network, latches to a outdoor, Macro network. You must have a TrueSite Indoor Fault Detection
Tools [E5643B-121] license to use this feature.
When the macro handover happens, a cell site icon with animation will be shown on the map. When you click on this icon, the application will zoom out the map to display the macro cell site, and a line will be drawn from the macro cell site to the user’s last position. Click the
Show Summary button in the MACRO tab to view the pie chart report for the duration served in the DAS and outdoor network. You will see the following list of handover events in the
• MACRO_HANDOVER_APPEARED: The serving cell is not found in the DAS network.
• MACRO_HANDOVER_DISAPPEARED: The previous handover disappears, i.e. the serving cell is found in the DAS network.
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Perform the steps described in
“Detecting a Macro Ingress" on page 124 to detect handover.
Detecting a Sector or Antenna Fault
This feature enables you to monitor various sectors of the antennas. This helps in detecting the status of an antenna for that particular sector. The antennas can be in a good shape, excellent shape, missing state, or sector fault state. You must have a TrueSite Indoor Fault
Detection Tools [E5643B-121] license to enable this feature.
There can be multiple status event for a particular sector of antenna based on the location.
You must get into the detection range of an antenna to start the measurement for that antenna. You should mark more waypoints in a sector and stay longer in a sector to get sufficient data.
The application uses an algorithm to detect the antenna status based on pattern matching between the computed power loss (based on the ITU-R standard) and the reported absolute power from the device. It uses Rank Correlation (-1 to +1) to define the pattern match along with the Received Power from the antenna to establish the status of each antenna. It also uses power received (dBm) from the antenna to establish the status of each antenna.
A Detection Threshold and Minimum Threshold values are used for each technology.
• For WCDMA, the Detection Threshold is -81dBm and the Minimum Threshold is -90dBm.
• For LTE, the Detection Threshold is -99dBm and the Minimum Threshold is -110dBm.
In the case of a sector fault, a flag will be displayed on the map and the details of the condition will also be shown in the list available on the EVENTS tab. The following list of events may be displayed on the EVENTS tab.
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MISSING_ANTENNA - If the device cannot detect any power signal from an antenna, the application defines it as a missing antenna indicated by a red flag marker.
• SECTOR_FAULT - This event is triggered when either of the following conditions occur:
The Rank Correlation value is less than 0.3 and the average Received Power is less than the Detection Threshold value.
When any three values of the Received Power are less than the Minimum Threshold value.
• GOOD_SHAPE - This event is triggered when either of the following conditions occur:
Rank Correlation is between 0.3 and 0.8
Rank Correlation is less than 0.3 but the average Received Power from the device is greater than the Detection Threshold.
• EXCELLENT_WITH_ESTIMATED_ANTENNA_POWER - This event is triggered when both of the following conditions occur:
Rank Correlation is greater than 0.8
The Received Power is greater than the Minimum Threshold
The application shows the following antenna status:
• Grey - indicates there is no status report of any sectors of an antenna.
• Yellow - indicates one or more sectors of an antenna are reported in a good shape, but not all of them has been reported. The status of the remaining sectors remain unknown. There is no report of faulty or missing antenna.
• Red - At least one of the sectors of an antenna is reported missing or faulty.
• Green - All the sectors of an antenna are reported as good or excellent shape.
When the application receives an event about the change in the serving cell, a line will be drawn from the last waypoint to the current serving cell antenna. This line will be drawn when the application receives a cell status report such as good or excellent or faulty. If the application receives a missing antenna event or no status report, then no line will be drawn.
Perform the following steps to view a sector fault on a map:
Select a floor plan. See
“Selecting a Floor Plan" on page 116 for details.
Start the Recording. See “How to Start and Stop Recording” on page 117.
After you start the recording, you will see a marker on the map that indicates your starting point. Click the Tap to Mark Waypoint button to mark your current location.
Between the two waypoints in a sector, you must stay for at least eight seconds. In other words, you must not move quickly.
If there is an antenna in the proximity, the application will start monitoring the antenna
(sectors) and show its coverage area.
As you walk in the coverage area, following cases are possible if you mark way points in the area under monitor:
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If the number of cell reports are not sufficient, the application will display a message stating insufficient data to determine the sector status.
If there is a sector fault, you will see it in the EVENTS tab. On the map, the antenna color will change to red for faulty antennas and green for normal.
If you mark waypoints outside the coverage area, then the application will stop monitoring the antenna.
If you end the recording, the application will stop monitoring all sectors.
Detecting Zone Overshooting
Zone Overshooting occurs when received signals in a DAS sector (or zone) originate from other neighboring zones, and these adjacent-zone signals are within the predefined limits of the primary service signal where the user is located. Any signal detected in a given sector that originated in a different zone is a potential over-shooter.
The TrueSite zone overshooting feature is implemented for LTE and UMTS. Zone overshooting analysis is limited to sectors that originate in the same building. To use this feature you must have a TrueSite Indoor Fault Detection Tools [E5643B-121] license.
You will need an iBwave file of the floor plan. Ensure that the zones are defined properly in the iBwave file, and that the file includes network information such as frequency and PCI. In addition to zone definitions, the iBwave file should include floor plan images, antenna sector and channel information, and geo-coded zone boundaries. The ZoneID in the .ibwc file associates each antenna with the sector number defined during the design. The ZoneID is provided in the .mid file and .mif file contains the coordinates information.
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Each polygon on the map represents a sector that will serve multiple frequencies in different access technologies. Zones are geocoded and used as the sector boundaries.
The zone overshooting tool relies on user-marked waypoints to determine the walk zone.
Therefore it is important to mark a waypoint upon entering a new zone boundary.
Zone overshooting events are generated in real time during the walk. Events are flagged on the map at the location the overshooting is detected, and are displayed on the EVENTS tab.
The detected events are:
• INTER_ZONE_HANDOVER_APPEARED: This event is generated when the UE is handed over to a cell that is not part of the zone in which UE is located.
• INTER_ZONE_HANDOVER_DISAPPEARED: This event is generated when the UE is handed back to a cell that is part of the zone in which UE is located.
• WALKED_ZONE_CHANGED: This event is generated when the user-marked location lies in a different zone than the previous location’s zone. This event is generated even if the newly marked location has no zone information defined whereas the previous location had zone information associated with it.
To view zone overshooting information on the map:
Select a floor plan. See
“Selecting a Floor Plan" on page 116.
(Optional) Configure the zone overshooting categories. See “Configuring Zone
Overshooting Categories" on page 139.
Start the Recording. See “How to Start and Stop Recording" on page 117.
As you perform the walk, you can see overshooting events and charts in real time by tapping the Refresh button on the Zone Overshooting tab. Select a device in the left panel to view the collected data for that device.
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After you stop recording you can view a summary of the overshooting activity, as described below.
Once the job is complete, a summary of the zone overshooting activity in the walked zones for each slave device is displayed on the Controller.
Click the Show Summary button in the MACRO tab to view the zone overshooting activity displayed in pie chart and bar chart formats. These charts will help you identify poorly designed elements on the floor.
The serving pie chart shows the percent of time during the walk the device was served by each zone. This chart is specific to a device, walked zone, technology, and channel.
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The Category bar chart shows the contributions to overshooting by category level. For each category, the chart shows the amount of time each zone overshoots within specific power levels. The total walk duration represents the time spent by the user exclusively in this zone.
The total category duration represents the time an overshooter from this category was present.
When viewing the charts, be aware of the following:
• Replay of the zone overshooting analysis may vary slightly from the original recording.
During replay, the zone overshooting calculations are repeated. Because the results depend on the timestamp of when a sample is sent to the controller from the slave device, even a slight variation in the timestamp can lead to a difference in the final calculation.
• In an LTE network, RSRP measurements are used to determine cell power whereas in an
UMTS network, RSCP measurements are used for the same.
• The current walked zone data is marked with a red boundary. Whenever you tap the Zone
Overshooting tab or the <device> tab, the display will auto scroll to the data for the current walked zone.
Performing an iBwave Survey
This feature allows you to import floor plans automatically from the third-party iBwave Mobile
Planner application to RANAdvisor TrueSite when both applications are running concurrently in the same tablet device. Using the floor plan, TrueSite collects wireless signal strength and throughput measurements. These measurements are then sent in return automatically to the iBwave Mobile Planner application for further analysis after the data survey is completed.
• You must either have a measuring tablet or a generic tablet and slave device.
• If you are using a measuring tablet, it must be camped to one of the supported technologies: LTE, UMTS, CDMA/EVDO (CDMA/EVDO supported in TrueSite 1.43 and later).
• If you are using a generic tablet, the slave device must connected to one of the supported technologies listed above.
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• iBwave Mobile Planner must be installed on the tablet and must have the Propagation license from iBwave. If you are using the IBwave Mobile Planner version 2.2, scaling of the map is required on the Mobile Planner in order for TrueSite to open the IBWC map.
• iBwave survey is only supported on the tablets running TrueSite Controller.
Perform the following steps to collect measurements:
Launch TrueSite > Controller, and go to the MAPS tab.
Press the Home button on the device to go to the device Home screen.
Open the third-party iBwave Mobile Planner application and create a floor plan.
After creating a floor plan, click the Share button to send the floor plan to TrueSite.
TrueSite will import the map to the Configuration Repository. To select the map, go to the
Controller Main menu > Configuration Settings > Test Configurations > Indoor Maps.
Select the imported map from the list and then choose a floor. TrueSite will display it on the
MAPS tab in the Controller.
Tap the Main menu icon and select Start IBWave Survey. After you start the survey, you will see a marker on the map that indicates your starting point.
Note: You can execute either a standard test job or an iBwave survey, but not both together.
Click the Tap to Mark Waypoint button to mark your current location.
To move to a new location on the map, press and hold at a desired position and click the
Tap to Mark Waypoint button. You will see a line indicating the path you traversed. You can fine tune your position using the arrow button in the right panel. As you do the survey, the application will collect LTE, UTMS, or CDMA/EVDO parameters and store them in an iBwave-designated file on the device storage.
To stop the survey, select the Main menu icon > Stop IBWave Survey. When you stop the survey, the file will be sent automatically to the iBwave Mobile Planner application.
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
Interacting with an Indoor Map
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Matrix Controller
After you choose an Indoor Map, you will see antennas, sectors, and Event markers on the indoor map as well on the right panel under the ANTENNAS, EVENTS, and the MACRO tab.
Tap on an antenna inside the map to display the Transmitter ID. Tap on a Transmitter ID to highlight a corresponding antenna inside the map.
When you perform the recording, you will see different events indicated by a flag marker inside the map. These events will be also listed under the EVENTS tab. Tap on an event to view it on the map. If you have captured a photo, it will be listed under the EVENTS tab. The
MACRO tab displays information related to the macro ingress detection.
To hide antennas, sectors, or events from being displayed on a map, tap Layers in the right panel and deselect Antenna, Sector, or Event.
Use the slider on the left side of the indoor map to adjust the antenna coverage with the actual coverage of the physical antenna. The default value is 20 meters.
Performing A Test in an Outdoor Environment
To perform testing in an outdoor environment:
Enable the GPS field from the notification panel on the master tablet. The application will use the GPS to plot the waypoints.
Launch TrueSite and select the Controller > MAPS tab.
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[Optional] To import a KML file:
Copy the KML file on the slave and the master device storage. For example, you can copy the file to the FTA > KML directory.
On the TrueSite Controller > MAPS tab, select the Main Menu icon > Load KML file to load a KML file.
Select the Main menu icon > Create a New Job > Outdoor Mode, for a new job. See
“How to Start and Stop Recording" on page 117 for details. When you load an outdoor
map, the application will display cell sites that fall within the radius of 5 kms.
Replaying Data
When you replay an AHD file on a master tablet, it will display all the events as they occurred in the MAPS tab. If any slave devices are connected to the master, it will also display the recorded measurements, live status of the network connection and the current battery level of a slave device on the DEVICES tab.
Go to the device Apps and run RANAdvisor TrueSite on the master tablet.
Select Controller.
Select the Main menu icon on the top right corner of the screen.
Select My Jobs.
From the Jobs screen, select a job from the left panel.
Select the Main menu icon.
Select Start Replay.
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Setting Up and Configuring the System
If you are using RANAdvisor TrueSite Controller for the first time, you must configure the application before performing the operations such as indoor navigation, recording and running a sequencer test. This section guides you through the configuration process for an indoor map, outdoor map, master/slave devices, and Sequencer Tests.
Setting Up Master/Slave Devices
In order to control the slave devices and receive measurements from these devices, you must enable the Bluetooth setting on both the master tablet and slave devices.
Power on the master tablet and slave devices.
Go to the device Settings on the master tablet and slave devices.
Enable the Bluetooth option on the master and slave devices.
Select Bluetooth and enable Visible to all nearby bluetooth devices on the master tablet and slave devices.
On the master tablet Bluetooth screen, under AVAILABLE DEVICES, select a device you want to pair.
Click Pair/OK when you receive a prompt on the master tablet and slave device Settings screen. After pairing the devices, you will see it listed under Paired Devices on the master tablet.
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Go to the device Apps and launch RANAdvisor TrueSite on the master tablet and slave devices.
From the TrueSite Home screen, go to Settings > General and select Automation
Control Mode.
From the Automation Control Options, select Local Bluetooth Control on the master tablet and slave devices.
By default, you will see the tablet configured as Master. For other devices, you must configure it as Slave.
On the Controller screen of the master tablet, select Paired Devices under Bluetooth,
This displays a list of slave devices with the details such as Bluetooth address, device name, and connection status.
Select a slave device from the list to connect with the master tablet. Make sure the
Bluetooth address and the device name matches with the slave device you are connecting, and TrueSite is running on the slave device.
Click Connect on prompt. When a device is connected with the master, you will see it listed under Connected.
Removing a Slave device
Perform the following steps to remove a slave device from the master:
Run RANAdvisor TrueSite on the master tablet.
Select Controller.
From the DEVICES tab, select a device under Connected.
From the Main menu icon, select Remove Device.
136 RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Matrix Controller
Configuring Auto-Connection to Devices
After initial setup, the Controller will automatically connect to the devices used during the last job performed with the Controller. When you start the Controller, you will see a list of connected devices used during the previous job. You will be prompted to reconnect to the slave devices (phones and receivers) or de-select them.
Auto-connection is enabled by default. To disable the auto-connect feature:
Run RANAdvisor TrueSite on the master tablet.
Select Controller.
Tap the Main menu icon and select Configuration Settings > Others.
Uncheck Automatic Connected Device Mode.
Configuring Benchmarking Mode
Benchmarking mode is supported on generic tablet controllers and TrueSite Matrix controllers. When benchmarking mode is enabled on the Controller, all slaves devices operate in benchmarking mode. The test sequencer is disabled on measuring tablets when benchmarking mode is enabled.
To learn about how benchmarking mode works, see “Synchronizing Sequencer Tests with
Benchmarking Mode" on page 119
To enable benchmarking mode:
Run RANAdvisor TrueSite on the master tablet.
Select Settings > General.
Under Benchmarking mode, check Enabled.
Tap Benchmarking mode timeout. Enter the timeout value in seconds and then tap
Done. The default value is 120 seconds.
Enable Bluetooth remote control on the controller and slave devices. See
Master/Slave Devices" on page 135 for details.
Connect the slave devices. Benchmarking mode requires a minimum of 2 slave devices.
See “How to Start and Stop Recording" on page 117 for details.
Apply a phone configuration to the slave devices. See
“Applying a Phone Configuration" on page 145 for details.
NOTE: All slave devices must run identical test sequences. Only serial tests are supported in benchmarking mode.
From the Controller main menu, select Create a New Job. See “How to Start and Stop
Recording" on page 117 for details.
Start recording to start the test sequences on the slave devices. See
Stop Recording" on page 117 for details.
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Configuring a Cellsite Group
Perform the following steps to configure a cellsite. Ensure that you have put the cellsite database XML file on the device storage > FTA > Cellsite Database folder.
Run RANAdvisor TrueSite on the master tablet.
Select Controller.
Tap the Main menu icon and select Configuration Settings.
Select Test Configurations > Cell Sites.
Click the + icon on the top right corner of the screen.
Enter a cell site group name and click OK.
Select a cellsite database for LTE, UMTS and GSM networks.
Click the Save icon on the top right corner of the screen.
Defining Color and Line Width for Waypoints on an Indoor Map
Run RANAdvisor TrueSite on the master tablet.
Select Controller.
Tap the Main menu icon and select Configuration Settings.
Under General, select Way Path Theme.
Select a color.
Set the line width.
Defining Ingress Category
Perform the following steps to define the maximum and minimum range and the number of categories:
Run RANAdvisor TrueSite on the master tablet.
Select Controller.
Tap the Main menu icon and select Configuration Settings.
Under General, select Macro Ingress.
Tap the Main menu icon and select Redefine.
After defining the upper limit, lower limit and number of categories, click Set.
Adjust the category range using the slider as permitted.
Configuring Macro Ingress and Handover detection
Perform the following steps to detect macro ingress and handover:
[Optional] Define an ingress category. See
“Defining Ingress Category" on page 138 for
details. The variance of the category is about 15 percent.
Create a cellsite group. See “Configuring a Cellsite Group” on page 138 for details.
Configure an indoor map. See “Selecting a Floor Plan" on page 116 for details.
138 RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
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Configuring Zone Overshooting Categories
The default values for the five zone overshooting categories are listed in the table below.
Overshooting Cell Power – Serving Cell Power
Weaker than -10dB
-10 dB to -9 dB
-9 dB to -8 dB
-8 dB to 10 dB
Stronger than 10 dB
To change the number of categories and range per category:
Run RANAdvisor TrueSite on the master tablet.
Select Controller.
Tap the Main menu icon and select Configuration Settings.
Under General, select Zone Overshoot.
Tap the Menu icon in upper right corner and select Redefine.
Select the Upper Limit dB, Lower LImit dB, and Number of Categories, and then tap Set to save your changes.
To return to the default settings, select Reset from the Main menu.
Configuring the Slave Devices for Detecting a Sector Fault
In order to get accurate results, it is recommended to force a slave device to a particular frequency you want to test. See
“Configuring Frequency Forcing" on page 29 for details.
Configuring Data Transfer at the End of a Job
Starting with TrueSite 1.40, you can automatically consolidate all the recorded data for a job on the Controller. At the end of each job you will be asked if you want to save the remote recording to the master. If you answer yes, the files from the slave devices will be copied to the Controller in a new folder when the job is complete.
Note: Data transfer over Bluetooth may take some time. You cannot start a new job until all data has been transferred to the Controller.
To configure automatic data transfer at the end of a job:
Run RANAdvisor TrueSite on the master tablet.
Select Controller.
Tap the Main menu icon and select Configuration Settings > Others.
Enable or disable Data Transfer at the End of a Job.
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Importing an Indoor Map using an iBwave file
To import an indoor map using an iBwave file, first copy an iBwave map file (*.ibwc) to the master tablet \FTA\IBWave directory.
Note: The TrueSite Controller supports iBwave versions 1.1,1.2, 1.3, and 1.4.
Perform the following steps to import an Indoor Map to the master tablet:
Run RANAdvisor TrueSite on the master tablet.
Select Controller.
Tap the Main menu icon and select Configuration Settings.
Select Test Configurations > Indoor Maps.
Tap the import icon on the top right corner of the screen.
Select an iBwave file from the device storage. The application imports all the floor plans and antennas included in the iBwave map file. If included in the .ibwc file, the indoor map will show the delimitations of the polygon zones defined for the floor plan.
Creating a non-iBwave Mapset
To create a mapset using an image file, you must first copy an image file such as GIF, BMP,
JPG or PNG to the device storage or capture a photo.
Perform the following steps to create a mapset of an image file:
Run RANAdvisor TrueSite on the master tablet.
Select Controller.
Tap the Main menu icon and select Configuration Settings.
Select Test Configurations > Indoor Maps.
Select the Main menu icon > Create New Mapset.
Enter a map name and a building name.
Click Save.
Go to the Main menu and select Add a Floor.
Tap the blank screen to load an existing floor image from the device storage or take a photo.
Enter the floor details such as floor name, floor height, a cellsite database and select Tab
File to configure the location of the tab file. The tab file contains pre-defined geo-coordinates of the indoor map. The advantage of using a tab file is that you need not manually enter the geo-coordinates after creating an indoor map. However, it is not mandatory to use a cellsite database and a tab file.
Click the Save icon in the top right corner of the screen.The application will request you to perform geo tagging if no tab file is provided. You may need an internet connection to perform geo tagging. After you perform geo tagging, the application will create a tab file in the device storage > FTA > IndoorPicture > <mapsetname> > mapdata > <GUID of the
140 RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
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Configure the indoor map boundaries by tapping four positions on the indoor map. You will see four different markers at each of these four positions.
Click the Save icon on the top right of the screen.
If you have not selected a floor plan, perform the following steps: Select a map from the list. You will see a list of floor plans. Select a floor plan from the list. The application will perform geo-referencing if the floor plan is chosen for the first time on the device.
Using Outdoor Maps of the Surrounding area
This feature uses a surrounding area (Outdoor) map from the OpenStreetMap site.
There are 2 ways to work with an Outdoor map. Using
• Online streaming option
• Offline option
Using the Online Streaming Option
Note: You must have a continuous internet connection for online streaming.
Perform the following steps to use an online map:
Run RANAdvisor TrueSite on the master tablet.
Select Controller.
Tap the Main menu icon, and select Configuration Settings.
Under General, Select Outdoor Map.
From the Outdoor Map screen, select Use live online map server to use an online map from the OpenStreetMap server.
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Using an Offline Option
If you are using an offline option, you must first download a map package from the OpenStreet
Map server. You must have an internet connection to download a map package. After downloading, you need not have an internet connection.
Perform the following steps to download and use a map package:
Run RANAdvisor TrueSite on the master tablet.
Select Controller.
Tap the Main menu icon, and select Configuration Settings.
Under General, select Outdoor Map.
From the Outdoor Map screen, select Use downloaded map package to download a map package from the OpenStreetMap server.
Select the Download icon from the top right corner of the screen
Select a map package to download.
After the map package is downloaded, its status is shown as “ready.” You can delete the map by tapping the Delete icon.
Go to the MAPS tab to view the map.
Configuring Theme Maps
The Controller theme map displays signal strength plotting from as many as three measuring devices on a single map. An RF parameter from each device is plotted on the Indoor/Outdoor map at the time of recording and during replay. The display reflects the applied theme, which defines current values and configured colors for five threshold values. To differentiate the parameters associated with the devices, each device is assigned a unique geometric shape
(circle, square, or triangle). The threshold values configured on the Master determine the colors shown on the map.
To configure a theme map:
Make sure that the application is running in Master/Slave mode. Connect up to three slaves devices to the Controller. (See
“Setting Up Master/Slave Devices" on page 135.)
Configure the RF parameters for each slave.
Tap Main menu > Configuration Settings > Test Configurations > Phone
Configurations > Default Display Measurements.
Select up to 16 RF parameters.
Enable the Theme Map feature.
Tap Main Menu > Configuration Settings > Others.
Select Enable Theme Map.
(Optional.) Change the default theme map threshold settings.
Tap Main Menu > Configuration Settings > Others > Theme Map Thresholds
Tap an RF parameter to change the thresholds and then tap OK.
142 RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
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Create a job on the Controller.
Tap Main menu > Create A New Job (see “How to Start and Stop Recording" on page 117).
When the job starts recording, the connected slave devices are shown on the Map
Overlay with a list of their configured RF parameters.
For each device, select one of the listed RF parameters. After making your selection, the geometrical shape assigned to the device is displayed next to the device name.
Configuring Sequencer Tests
In order to run the Sequencer Tests on the master/slave devices, you must first define the
Sequencer Tests. After defining the Sequencer Tests, you must add the Sequencer Test to a phone configuration.
Perform the following steps to define the Sequencer Tests on the master/slave device(s):
Run RANAdvisor TrueSite on the master tablet.
Select Controller.
Tap the Main menu icon and select Configuration Settings.
Select Test Configurations > Test Sequences.
If you are creating a Test Sequencer for the first time, click the Sequencer Test bar to create or load a test sequence.
See “Configuring Sequencer Tests” on page 55 to add, edit and delete Sequencer tests.
After configuring the Sequencer tests, tap the Sequencer Test bar to save the configuration. You will see the Sequencer Test name displayed in the left panel.
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To delete a Sequencer Test configuration, tap the Sequencer Test name in the left panel and press for a longer duration. You will see the Delete icon in the top right corner of the screen. Select this icon to delete the sequencer test.
Creating a Phone Configuration
A Phone Configuration helps you to define the results you want to obtain from different devices. You can create multiple phone configurations by selecting different device models, sequencer tests, and maximum 16 measurement parameters to be reported back to the tablet during collection. After defining a phone configuration, you must apply this configuration to a
master/slave device before performing the recording. See “Applying a Phone
Configuration" on page 145 for details.
Perform the following steps to create a phone configuration:
Run RANAdvisor TrueSite on the master tablet.
Select Controller.
Tap the Main menu icon, and select Configuration Settings.
Select Test Configurations > Phone Configuration.
Click the + icon on the top right to define a new phone configuration.
Enter a name to identify the configuration.
Select the supported device models. By default, all the models are selected.
144 RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
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Select the measurements for collection. By default, no measurements are selected. You can choose to save this configuration as an xml file in the device storage by clicking the
Save Set button. You may choose to load a previously saved configuration by using the
Load Set button. The configuration files which are saved on the device are also editable by using MS-Excel. When finished, press OK at the bottom.
Select the Save icon on the top right of the screen to save the configuration.
Deleting a Phone Configuration
Run RANAdvisor TrueSite on the master tablet.
Select Controller.
Tap the Main menu icon, and select Configuration Settings.
Select Test Configurations > Phone Configuration.
Long press on a configuration name in the left panel.
Select the Delete icon on the top right of the screen to delete the phone configuration.
Applying a Phone Configuration
After creating a phone configuration, you must apply the configuration to a master tablet
/slave device before performing the recording. Perform the following steps to apply a configuration to a master tablet/slave device:
Run RANAdvisor TrueSite on the master tablet.
Select Controller.
Select a device under Connected.
Select the Configure icon on the top right of the screen .
Select the folder icon on the top right of the screen .
Select a phone configuration you want to apply from the list.
Click OK when you receive a prompt to apply the configuration. After applying the configuration, you will see a green indicator beside the selected device.
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Repeat steps 3 to 7 for different devices.
Configuring the Storage Location for the Recorded Data files
This configuration is used to set the location, logging frequency and automatic upload settings for the recorded data files. This setting will be applied to the chosen slave devices when you perform the recording.
Run RANAdvisor TrueSite on the master tablet.
Select Controller.
Select the Main menu icon.
Select Configuration Settings.
Under General, select Recording Storage.
Configure the following parameters:
• AHD Save Location - Tap the AHD Save Location and select a location on the device memory or external SD card to save the AHD file.
Save Mode - Tap the Save Mode to save the recording using one of the following options:
OFF - If you select this option, the application does not save the recording.
Timed - If you select this option, the application saves the recordings at the pre-defined time intervals.
Continuous - If you select this option, the application saves the recordings in a single
AHD/DLF file.
• Save Time (min) - This option is enabled if you select Save Mode as Timed. The default value is 30 minutes. The application saves the recorded data for the duration entered here.
Apply File Naming Options - Select a name format to save the recording, for example, prefix text or date/time format. You have the option to choose a custom name format, or append a timestamp, Bluetooth device name, or Unique ID to the filename.
• Auto Send - Select this option to transfer the logged data automatically to HTTPS or FTP
server. For details, see Auto Send property in “Configuring the Record Parameters" on page 22.
Creating a Configuration Group
If you have a large number of phone configurations, indoor maps, or receiver configurations, you can create a configuration group and add the predefined configurations into this group for an easier reference.
Perform the following steps to create a Configuration Group:
Run RANAdvisor TrueSite on the master tablet.
Select Controller.
Select the Main menu icon.
Select Configuration Settings > Test Configurations.
Select Configuration Groups in the right panel.
146 RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
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Press the + button on the top right corner of the screen.
Select a phone configuration, receiver configuration, and an indoor map from the list.
Click the Save icon on the top right corner of the screen.
Enter a name for this configuration group and click OK.
Configuring Receivers
This section describes how to set up the following receivers to work with RANAdvisor
“Connecting and Configuring a DRT Receiver" on page 147
“Connecting and Configuring an IBflex Receiver" on page 154
Connecting and Configuring a DRT Receiver
The RANAdvisor TrueSite supports the DRT4311B Wideband Test receiver for monitoring the wireless network. You will need a Viavi license to use the DRT receiver with the RANAdvisor
TrueSite. See
“Licensing of the application" on page 197 for details. You can connect only one
DRT receiver with the master tablet. You must use two separate RF antennas to capture measurements.
DRT firmware version 1.10 is required for RANAdvisor TrueSite 1.40. If you are using firmware version 1.09 or earlier, upgrade to version 1.10 before connecting the DRT receiver to the TrueSite controller. TrueSite 1.38 can only run on DRT receiver firmware version 1.08.
To check the firmware version, see
Downgrade the DRT Receiver Firmware Version" on page 153.
Before using the DRT receiver with the RANAdvisor TrueSite, you must configure the
Bluetooth connection on the DRT receiver as shown below:
Connect the DRT receiver to your PC by using an USB cable.
Make sure you are able to locate the DRT receiver on the network through the Ping command.
Install the DRT system software from the vendor. Make sure you select all the default options.
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After installing the software, start the application from the Windows Start > Programs >
YuKon4k. You will see the following dialog box.
Go to the Bluetooth tab and select Always Discoverable.
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Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Matrix Controller
Note: Make sure you note the Bluetooth PIN. You will need this PIN to pair the receiver with the master device.
Click Set Unit Bluetooth Configuration.
Remove the USB cable and attach a Bluetooth dongle to the receiver.
Restart the receiver.
The DRT4311B Wideband Test receiver can be paired with the master tablet like any other slave device. When pairing the receiver for first time, you must enter the Bluetooth device PIN
above. See “Setting Up Master/Slave Devices” on page 135 to pair it
with the master tablet. After pairing with the master tablet, configure the receiver for the supported bands, and channels as shown below.
Select the receiver under Receiver in the Controller screen.
Select the Configure icon on the top right of the screen. You will see the following screen.
Click Band Selection Mode. You can choose one of the options either a or b:
Use operator and market configuration - This option allows you to automatically set the configuration based on a market setting. To set this option, you must copy the
Operator and Market configuration file (*.XLS) to the device storage/FTA/Market directory. After copying the file, you must import this file to the TrueSite. Perform the
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide 149
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following steps to import a configuration file: i. Select the Main menu icon > Configuration Settings. ii. From the left panel, select Operators And Markets. iii. Click the Main menu icon and select Import. You will see Import Operator &
Market File screen.
iv. Select an existing operator or a new operator. v. If you selected a new operator option, enter an Operator Name, Technology, and the
Operator and Market file folder location. If you selected an existing operator option, select an existing operator from the list, and edit Technology and the Operator and Market file folder location.
vi. Click Import.
Manually configured band, channels, and user list - This option allows you to manually configure bands, channels, and userlist.
i. Select Manual Band Configuration. ii. Tap + on the top right of the screen.
iii. Select one or more operators, technology as LTE, UMTS, CDMA, or EVDO, the desired bands from the list and click OK.
Note: UMTS and CDMA\EvDO cannot be used together.
iv. Click the Save icon on the top right of the screen.
(Optional) Configure Top N for Each Channel. The default value is 10; Min:1 and Max:32.
This number determines total number of PCI (Physical Cell ID) or SC (Scrambling Code) graphs to be displayed at a time.
Configure the threshold values for LTE, UMTS, CDMA, or EVDO. By default, the threshold value for LTE is -120.0dBM and for UMTS, CDMA, EVDO is -20.0dBM. While monitoring, if the values are lower than these threshold values, the PCI/SC will not be displayed
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Matrix Controller
After configuring the DRT receiver, perform the recording to view the DRT measurements on the master tablet.
To perform the recording using the DRT receiver:
Select Create a New Job from the Main menu icon on the master tablet Controller screen.
Select Use Receiver.
If you selected Use operator and market Configuration in the step 4 above, you must select Operator & Market field in the Create a New Job window. Then select the relevant fields such as region, cluster, market from the Choose Operator & Market screen and click Set.
Click Start Recording Now.
Saving and Applying a DRT Receiver Configuration
Perform the following steps to save a DRT Receiver configuration. After saving the configuration, you must manually apply the configuration to the DRT receiver before performing the recording.
Saving a DRT Receiver Configuration
Run RANAdvisor TrueSite on the master tablet.
Select Controller.
Tap the Main menu icon and select Configuration Settings.
Select Test Configurations > Receiver Configuration.
If there are no existing configurations, click the + icon on the top right of the screen.
Select a band selection mode. You can select Use operator and market configuration or
Manually configured band, channels, and user list.
If you selected Use operator and market configuration, select the relevant fields such as region, cluster, market from the Choose Operator & Market screen and click Set. You will receive a prompt to enter name. Enter a name for this configuration and click Save.
Note: Before selecting Use operator and market configuration, make sure you imported the Operator and Market Configuration file. See
“Configuring Sequencer Tests" on page 143 for importing a Operator and Market Configuration file.
If you selected Manually configured band, channels and user list, select Manual Band
Configuration, tap + on the top right of the screen. Select one or more operators, technology as LTE, UMTS, CDMA, or EVDO, the desired bands from the list and click OK.
After adding the bands, you must add channels for this band. Click Tap to select Channel
under this band. Click the + icon. Enter a EARFCN/UARFCN value based on the technology. Click the Save icon on the top right of the screen. You will receive a prompt to enter name. Enter a name for this configuration and click Save.
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Applying a DRT Receiver configuration
Run RANAdvisor TrueSite.
Select Controller.
Select a receiver under Connected.
Select the Configure icon on the top right of the screen.
Select the folder icon on the top right of the screen.
Select a receiver configuration you want to apply from the list.
Click OK when you receive a prompt to apply the configuration.
After applying the configuration, you can perform the recording. See
Sequencer Tests" on page 143 for how to perform the recording using a DRT receiver.
Receiver Measurements
The following CDMA/EVDO Measurements from the DRT receiver are recorded in the
TrueSite application:
• Pilot Delay
• Peak Pilot Ec/Io
• Aggregate Pilot Ec/Io
• Delay Spread
• Rake Count
The following WCDMA/UMTS Measurements from the DRT receiver are recorded in the
TrueSite application:
• Peak PSCH EcIo
• Peak SSCH EcIo
• Peak CPICH EcIo
• Aggregate CPICH EcIo
• Primary Scrambling Code
• RSSI (dBm)
The following LTE Measurements from the DRT receiver are recorded in the Truesite application:
• SCH Measurements
• RS Measurements
152 RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
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- Carrier RSSI
• Time Offset
• Physical Cell ID
Checking the DRT Receiver Firmware Version
To check the firmware version on your DRT receiver, you must have the Galena DRT
Receiver application installed on the PC.
Connect the DRT receiver to PC using an USB cable.
Run Galena from Start > Programs > DRT43xx > Galena. You will see the DRT receiver version as shown below:
How to Upgrade or Downgrade the DRT Receiver Firmware Version
To upgrade or downgrade to the DRT receiver firmware:
Obtain the appropriate DRT receiver firmware installation package from the DRT vendor.
Unzip the installation package.
Connect the DRT receiver to PC.
Run setup.exe from the installation package and follow the instructions to install the firmware.
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Connecting and Configuring an IBflex Receiver
RANAdvisor TrueSite supports the PCTEL SeeGull IBflex receiver. You will need a Viavi
Once connected and configured, the TrueSite Controller receives measurements from the
IBflex receiver, plots them on a graph, and sends the data to an AHD file for replay.
Measurements for LTE, WCDMA, CDMA, and EVDO technologies are currently supported.
IBflex firmware version is supported in TrueSite release 1.40 and later. To upgrade the
IBflex firmware on your receiver, download the SeeGull Assistant:
Connecting the IBflex Receiver
The TrueSite Controller uses Bluetooth to connect to the IBflex receiver. The SeeGull Connect service, included with the TrueSite installer, is used to detect and pair the IBflex receiver with the TrueSite Controller.
To connect a receiver:
Run RANAdvisor TrueSite on the master tablet.
Select Controller.
From the DEVICES tab, tap IBflex Devices under Bluetooth. The application detects the available IBflex devices and lists them in the right panel.
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Tap on a detected device and click Connect when prompted. After successful connection, the right panel displays a summary of the device, including model number, software versions, and license expiration.
To re-detect eligible devices, tap Refresh List at the bottom of the right panel.
To disconnect a receiver:
From the DEVICES tab, select an IBflex receiver.
Open the Main menu, and tap Disconnect Receiver.
If the receiver is disconnected due to a loss of power or because it moves out of range, the application attempts to reconnect with the device. If the pre-configured timeout is exceeded without successful reconnection, a message indicates that the connection has been lost.
Configuring Scans
Two types of scans can be configured on the IBflex receiver:
• TopN Pilot Scan for WCDMA, CDMA, and EVDO technologies
• Enhanced TopN Signal Scan for LTE
To review the list of available scan configuration parameters, “Scan Configuration
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide 155
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To add and apply a configuration:
On the DEVICES tab, select an IBflex receiver under Receivers.
Select the Configure icon in the top right corner of the screen, and tap Add/Modify
Select the scan type to add.
In the Choose Bands list, select the bands to configure and tap OK.
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Tap on a band to add channels for that band. To add multiple channels, use a comma separated list. If the receiver is connected to the Controller, the screen will be populated with band information from the device. If the receiver is not connected, you can select any of the technologies and bands.
Select a PCTel Channel Style and enter the Channel Number. All channels on a band must be configured with the same channel style. Tap the Add button to add the channel information to the configuration.
Configure the TopN and the Minimum Pilot or Minimum RSSI threshold, depending on the scan type.
Tap Additional Settings to configure other configuration parameters specific to the selected scan type.
Figure 18 TopN Scan Settings
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide 157
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Figure 19 Enhanced TopN Signal Scan Settings
Repeat steps 5-8 for each band. During configuration, you can delete a band or channel by long pressing the item and then tapping the Delete icon.
When you have completed the configuration, tap the Save icon in the upper right corner and then select Apply or Save & Apply. Alternatively, you can tap the check mark icon from the Band or Channel pages to apply the configuration.
After the configuration is applied to the receiver, a graph of the scan data is shown in the right panel.
To modify a configuration:
From the Main menu, select Configuration Settings > Test Configurations > Receiver
Configurations > PCTEL IBflex.
In the left panel, tap the receiver to modify.
Edit the configuration in the right panel.
Tap the Save icon to save your changes.
To delete a configuration:
From the Main menu, select Configuration Settings > Test Configurations > Receiver
Configurations > PCTEL IBflex.
In the left panel, long press the configuration.
Tap the Delete icon to delete the configuration.
Viewing Results on the Graph
After a configuration is applied to a receiver, a graph is shown for the configured technology
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Matrix Controller
To view the graph for a configured receiver:
In the DEVICES screen, tap one of the connected receivers in the Receivers list.
The graph is displayed in a tabbed view in the right panel. Each tab displays a graph for one protocol (LTE, WCDMA, CDMA, EVDO).
(Optional) To filter the values displayed on the graph, tap the slider on the right side of the graph. From the list of metrics and channels used in the current scan, select the data to appear in the graph. You must select at least one channel and metric. For LTE, you also have the option to enable an antenna diversity display.
Preparing the IBflex Receiver for Indoor Scans
To perform indoor scans on CDMA or EVDO bands, the IBflex receiver needs to operate in
Holdover mode. During outdoor use, when a GPS signal is present, CDMA and EVDO technologies use the GPS data for timing information to decode the signals. When using the
IBflex receiver indoors in the absence of any GPS signal, the receiver will continue to accurately decode the pilots and cell IDs for a period of four hours in Holdover mode. To get the best performance of the Holdover option during indoor measurements, PCTEL recommends that the GPS be locked for at least 30 minutes before using the IBflex receiver in an unlocked / holdover mode (with power maintained).
Recording a Job
When you create a job and start recording, the IBflex receiver information, receiver configuration, scan data, and receiver GPS information are logged in the AHD file.
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide 159
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Matrix Controller
To start recording:
Apply a valid configuration to the IBflex receiver (see “Configuring Scans" on page 155).
From the Main menu on the master tablet controller screen, tap Create a New Job.
Enter a name for the job and tap Start Recording Now.
To stop recording, open the Main menu and tap End Current Job.
Scan Configuration Parameters
TopN Pilot Scan Configuration Parameters
• Band List: List of bands for each protocol
• Channel List: List of channel number and channel style/frequency input for each band
• Top N: Can be specified for each band
• Minimum Pilot Threshold: Can be specified for each band
• Pilot Mode: High Dynamic or High Speed
• Data Modes
Enhanced TopN Signal Scan Configuration Parameters
• Protocol: LTE
• Band List: List of bands
• Channel / Frequency List: List of channels for each band, channel number, and channel style/frequency number
• TopN: Number of signals
• Minimum Carrier RSSI Threshold: -120 dBm
• No of Tx Ports: 0, When auto-detected, this field cannot be edited
• No of Rx Ports: 1, cannot be edited
• Cyclic Prefix: When auto-detected, this field cannot be edited
• Data Modes
• Operational Mode: 0 (N/A), 9(RS_RP)
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Matrix Controller
• Measurement Threshold: -150 dBm. When Operational mode is set to 0, this field is not applicable.
Events System
An event is a powerful and flexible way of monitoring and highlighting important actions during the indoor testing. There are different types of events triggered by the application during the
recording. See “Selecting Events for Display" on page 162 to display an event on a map. The
following are the list of different event types:
• RECORDING_START - indicated by a flag marker when you start the recording. You must select this event in the Configuration Settings to display it on a map.
• RECORDING_STOP - indicated by a flag marker when you stop the recording. You must select this event in the Configuration Settings to display it on a map.
• TEST_STARTED - indicated by a flag marker when the Sequencer Test starts. You must select this event in the Configuration Settings to display it on a map.
• TEST_COMPLETED - indicated by a flag marker when a Sequencer Test completes. You must select this event in the Configuration Settings to display it on a map.
• TEST_FAILED - indicated by a flag marker when a Sequencer Test fails. You must select this event in the Configuration Settings to display it on a map.
• TEST_PASSED - indicated by a flag marker when a Sequencer Test passes. You must select this event in the Configuration Settings to display it on a map.
• VOICE_CALL_BLOCKED - indicated by a flag marker when the voice call is blocked. This event is selected by default to display it on a map.
• VOICE_CALL_DROPPED - indicated by a flag marker when the voice call is dropped.
This event is selected by default to display on a map.
• Photo Marker - indicated by a flag marker when you capture photo during indoor navigation. This event is displayed by default on an indoor map.
SECTOR_FAULT - indicated by a flag marker when there is a sector fault. This event is selected by default to display on a map.
MISSING_ANTENNA - indicated by a flag marker when the application cannot detect an antenna. This event is selected by default to display on a map. This event is selected by default to display on a map.
GOOD_SHAPE - See “Detecting a Sector or Antenna Fault" on page 126 for details.
Antenna Fault" on page 126 for details.
• MACRO_INGRESS_DETECTED - indicated by a flag marker when at least one non-serving cell information (for example, technology, channel, cell code) is not found in the indoor cells. This event is displayed by default on an indoor map.
• MACRO_INGRESS_DISAPPEARED: indicated by a flag marker when the previous ingress disappears, i.e. all the reported information are found in the indoor cells.
• MACRO_INGRESS_POWER_LEVEL_CHANGED: indicated by a flag maker when there is a change in the power level difference between the serving cell and the ingressed cell.
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide 161
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Matrix Controller
• MACRO_HANDOVER_APPEARED: indicated by a flag marker when the serving cell is not found in the DAS network.
• MACRO_HANDOVER_DISAPPEARED: indicated by a flag marker when the previous handover disappears, i.e. the serving cell is found in the DAS network.
• INTER_ZONE_HANDOVER_APPEARED: This event is generated when the UE is handed over to a cell that is not part of the zone in which UE is located.
• INTER_ZONE_HANDOVER_DISAPPEARED: This event is generated when the UE is handed back to a cell that is part of the zone in which UE is located.
• WALKED_ZONE_CHANGED: This event is generated when the user-marked location lies in a different zone than the previous location’s zone.
Selecting Events for Display
Run RANAdvisor TrueSite on the master tablet.
Select Controller.
Tap the Main menu icon, and select Configuration Settings.
Under General, select Automatic Events. You will see a list of different event types in the right panel.
Select to display an event on a map.
Click OK.
Viewing Events on a Map
Run RANAdvisor TrueSite on the master tablet.
Select Controller.
Go to the MAPS tab.
162 RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Matrix Controller
When you perform the recording, you will see different events being marked and listed on an indoor map when you plot I am here on the Map. The events are also listed under the
Events tab in the right panel.
Managing Settings and Jobs
This setting allows you to import and export existing receiver configurations, phone configurations, Group configurations, and jobs.
Exporting/Importing Receiver Configuration
Run RANAdvisor TrueSite on the master tablet.
Select the Main menu icon on the top right corner of the screen
Select Configuration Settings > Test Configurations > Receiver Configurations.
To perform an export operation, select a receiver configuration from the left panel for a longer duration until you see the Export option on top right, click the Main menu icon, and choose Export. The configuration will be exported in a zip format to the device storage\
FTA\exported\receiverconfiguration directory.
To perform an import operation, select the Main menu icon and choose Import. The application displays the available configurations in the device storage\FTA\exported\
receiverconfiguration directory. Select a configuration from the list to import.
Exporting/Importing Jobs
Run RANAdvisor TrueSite on the master tablet.
Select the Main menu icon on the top right corner of the screen.
Select My Jobs.
To perform an export operation, select a job from the left panel, click the Main menu icon, and choose Export/Share. The jobs will be exported in a zip format to the device storage \FTA\exported\jobs directory.
To perform an import operation, select the Main menu icon and choose Import. The application displays the available jobs in the device storage \FTA\exported\jobs directory.
Select a job from the list to import.
Exporting/Importing a Phone Configuration
Run RANAdvisor TrueSite on the master tablet.
Select Controller.
Select the Main menu icon on the top right corner of the screen.
Select Configuration Settings.
Select Test Configurations > Phone Configuration. This displays the available phone configurations.
To perform an export operation, select a phone configuration from the left panel and tap for a longer duration. You will see an Export option on the top right corner of the screen. Click
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide 163
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Matrix Controller
Export. The phone configuration will be exported in a zip format to the device storage \FTA\exported\phoneconfiguration directory.
To perform an import operation, select the Main menu icon and choose Import. The application displays the available phone configurations in the device storage \FTA\
exported\phoneconfigurations directory. Select a phone configuration from the list to import.
Exporting/Importing a Configuration Group
Run RANAdvisor TrueSite on the master tablet.
Select Controller.
Select the Main menu icon on the top right corner of the screen.
Select Configuration Settings.
Select Test Configurations > Configuration Groups. This displays available group configurations.
To perform an export operation, select a Configuration Group from the left panel and tap for a longer duration. You will see an Export option on the top right corner of the screen. Click
Export. The Configuration Group will be exported in a zip format to the device storage\
FTA\exported\configgroup directory.
To perform an import operation, select the Main menu icon and choose Import. The application displays available Configuration Groups in the device storage\FTA\exported\
configgroup directory. Select a Configuration Group from the list to import.
Messenger Bag Carry Solution
This section describes the contents of the Viavi Messenger Bag for RANAdvisor TrueSite.
Each order of the E6473B-940 option (Messenger Bag) is shipped with the contents listed in the table below.
Item Description
Messenger Bag
Customized DRT4311B – Miniature test receiver
Tablet (Master Device)
Slave devices
Viavi Part #
164 RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Matrix Controller
The Messenger bag consists of three compartments to accommodate the TrueSite MATRIX solution.
• Device compartment houses mobile devices to be used for data collection. It is designed to securely house up to 6 mobile devices in an upright position.
• Receiver compartment is designed to hold the DRT wireless network receiver and its RF and GPS Antenna or the PCTel iBlex receiver.
• Tablet compartment is designed to hold the 10 inch tablets supported by RANAdvisor
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide 165
Using the RANAdvisor TrueSite Matrix Controller
166 RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
Playing Back Your Data
Playing Back Your Data
This chapter explains how to play back the collected data from your phone.
To replay data on the phone
Before sending the collected data back to the office to be reviewed and analyzed using the
E6474A software, you can replay your data on the phone. AHD files containing VoLTE, eMBMS, and Carrier Aggregation measurements can be replayed on all supported devices, regardless of whether the device has a license for these measurements.
To replay the data:
Run RANAdvisor TrueSite.
Select RF Measurement from the Home screen.
Press the device Menu button.
Select Start Replay.
Select YES when requested to stop data logging.
Locate and select the collected data file.
When playback starts a blue dot appears at the bottom of the screen. During replay, you can pause or playback the recorded file at any point. At the end of replay you are given the choice of playing the data again, fast forward or backward, or choosing another file.
Note: A Test sequence file is associated with the recorded data file (AHD) when you perform recording. If you want to replay the recorded data file on a different handset, you need to place only the AHD file to the device storage. The test sequence file is embedded in this AHD file.
If you are playing back an indoor data collection, the map used during the data collection must be located in the same file location for the replay. The file location of the map used is stored in the data collection file.
Getting data from the phone
To get recorded data from your phone and onto a laptop for playback and analysis, you can use one of the following methods.
USB cable
To transfer the data through a USB cable, perform the following steps:
Ensure the phone is configured to link as a remote hard drive.
Connect the phone to your laptop using the USB cable (supplied with the phone).
On the laptop, locate and copy the recorded data from the phone to your laptop.
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide 167
Playing Back Your Data
To transfer the data using a Bluetooth connection, perform the following steps:
Enable Bluetooth on the phone (refer to the phone handbook for more information)
Establish a connection between the phone and your laptop.
Copy your recorded data from the phone to your laptop.
Remember to disable your Bluetooth connection once you have transferred your files. This will prevent any unexpected data measurements when you next use the phone.
Data card
If you have configured your logged data to be recorded directly onto a data card in the phone, remove the card and copy the files onto your laptop.
HTTPS/FTP Transfer
A useful feature of the application is that it can upload your data files directly from the phone to a known HTTPS/FTP server (accessible by your engineering team). Transfers are only started once you have stopped logging data. To configure HTTPS/FTP transfers after data logging, follow this procedure:
Run RANAdvisor TrueSite.
Select Settings from the Home screen.
From the Settings screen, select Record.
Playing Back Data Using the E6474A Wireless Network Optimization
To play back and analyze your logged data you need to use the E6474A Wireless Network
Optimization Software. E-mail
[email protected]
to get the software.
Details of the installation process and how to use the software are provided in the release notes and the User’s Guide (E6474-90090) which can be found in the documentation library after installation. Select Help > Library and open the E6474-90090 Drive Test User’s guide.
Import and Play Back Logged Handheld Data
After you have installed the E6474A software, follow this procedure to import and play back your logged handheld data. This procedure assumes you have already transferred your logged data onto your laptop (using FTP, Bluetooth, etc.).
Start the E6474A software.
Open the Project Manager (F5) or File > Project Manager.
Select Create Handheld Project to create a new project.
168 RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
Playing Back Your Data
Select the workspaces from the Select Device View Workspaces dialog box. See Figure 20
Note that this dialog box display changes as new workspaces are added.
Figure 20 The Select Device View Workspaces Dialog Box
Select OK.
Name your project and select OK. This opens the handheld project with the workspaces you selected in step 4. The workspaces are available immediately after you create the project. See
Figure 21 Available Workspaces After Creating the Project
Select the import handheld icon from the Project Manager toolbar.
Locate and select a valid handheld data collection file (AHD file extension).
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide 169
Playing Back Your Data
After the data file (or files) has been imported, right-click the selected data and choose Set as
Figure 22 E6474A Project Manager with active imported data
A set of default views will open showing the data to be ready to be played back. Close the Project
Manager window.
To play back your data
With your data loaded and active, use the play back toolbar to control the play back of your data.
Select Play from the toolbar. See
Figure 23 Play back toolbar from the E6474-90135 Software
To add more views and a map, refer to the online help and the E6474A Drive Test User’s Guide.
Click and Sync data display
At any point during data play back, you can double-click on a line chart, map, event or protocol message and the view will synchronize all open views to the data point in time where you clicked.
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
Using the StrataSync Service
Using the StrataSync Service
About StrataSync
StrataSync is a cloud-based service that provides asset management, configuration management, license management, and test data management.
Asset and Configuration Management
Asset and Configuration management lets the StrataSync administrator automatically manage and update all devices over the air in a timely and consistent manner, minimizing manual updates and mistakes. It also allows new configurations, sequencer files, and more to be downloaded to any device. Automatic updates and downloads eliminate the need for technicians to manually update their devices, saving time and money. Ensuring all devices have the same configurations loaded makes comparing results between devices easier and delivers more consistent results during testing.
StrataSync Asset Management enables over-the-air (OTA) uploading and downloading of:
• Device Settings
• Test Sequences
• Indoor Maps
• iBwave IBWC files
• Waypoint Navigation sets
• Display Parameter Customizations
• Map Themes
• Bar Chart Themes
• Display Thresholds
• Custom Charts
• Cellsite Database
• Market Configuration
• Map Display Settings
• Map Layers
• APKs (Applications)
• iPerf files
• Fixed Licenses
• License Configuration files
• Application Test scripts
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Using the StrataSync Service
Test Data Management
StrataSync also enables you to upload and securely store AHD, DLF or CSV files in the cloud.
Result files can be uploaded while a technician is still in the building enabling colleagues for remote post-processing and analysis of the data while the technician gathers data on a different floor or in another area of the building. This remote analysis will help minimize the need to revisit a building as the post-processing engineer can tell the technician on site to perform a retest or to conduct any additional tests before moving to a different building. With
StrataSync, the remote engineer can even load a specific sequence onto the technician’s device for the additional test.
License Management
This feature allows the StrataSync administrators to deploy floating licenses from the server to devices. Multiple floating licenses can be deployed on a single device and a single floating license can be deployed on multiple devices (only one device at a time).
Licenses can be deployed from the StrataSync server for up to 180 days. On the day of expiry, licenses expire at the same time of day they were checked out, rounded up to the next hour.
The StrataSync Administrator can revoke the license before the expiration date.Tampering with the system date and time will invalidate the license.
Floating licenses are offered for some features in durations of 1, 3, 6, and 12 months, as well
as perpetual licenses. See “Licensing of the application" on page 197 for a list of available
license options and part numbers.
Managing StrataSync using TrueSite
This section provides an overview of the StrataSync features using RANAdvisor TrueSite.
To start StrataSync from TrueSite:
Run RANAdvisor TrueSite.
From the Home screen, tap the Strata Sync icon
Home screen.
. You will see the StrataSync
172 RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
Using the StrataSync Service
StrataSync Synchronization
To use the StrataSync services with the device you must first turn on StrataSync synchronization. When StrataSync is ON, you will see two options for synchronizing the device with the StrataSync server.
• The SYNC NOW button in the upper right corner forces a manual sync with the StrataSync server.
• The auto sync function automatically synchronizes the device with the StrataSync server at specified intervals (1-12 hours). This setting determines the sync interval during the current
TrueSite session, following the initial synchronization at startup. The auto-sync clock resets when you exit the application.
Advanced Settings
When you enable the sync with the StrataSync server, the application will display Advanced
Settings. Under Advanced Settings, there are four options: Configurations; Data; Auto
Upload Data Files; and Account ID, Server and Proxy settings.
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide 173
Using the StrataSync Service
• Configurations - This menu allows you to select the configuration files such as device settings, sequencer files, and indoor maps to upload to the StrataSync server.
• Data - This menu allows you to select the AHD, CSV, and DLF files to upload to the
StrataSync server.
174 RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
Using the StrataSync Service
• Auto Upload Data Files - This menu allows you to automatically upload the AHD, DLF, and CSV files after the recording.
• Account ID, Server, and Proxy Settings - This option lets you register the device with the
StrataSync to track your device status, manage software updates, share data and configuration files between devices within the StrataSync Cloud server, and manage your licenses.
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide 175
Using the StrataSync Service
Registering a Device with the StrataSync Server
Perform the following steps to register a device with the StrataSync Server.
Log into the StrataSync server from the PC.
Go to the menu System Settings > Asset Management, select Enable auto-move
assets from Holding Bin into inventory, and click Done.
Run RANAdvisor TrueSite on a device.
Tap the Strata Sync icon.
Turn ON StrataSync synchronization.
Under Advanced Settings, select Account ID, Server and Proxy settings.
Make sure the Account ID already exists.
Enter a Technician ID if you have one. It’s recommended to enter a Tech ID before syncing.
Enter the StrataSync server address. The default address is
[Optional] Select Proxy Settings to add your Proxy Server and Port details.Select
Proxy Login Settings to enter your proxy server Username and Password.
Select License Push from Administration.
Click Sync Now. You will receive the notification Sync successful.
Managing Files
StrataSync can minimize overhead by allowing you to consolidate files in a single location.
You can automatically sync device files to the StrataSync server, as well as download configuration and data files from StrataSync to TrueSite phones and tablets.
Uploading Files from a Device to the StrataSync Server
• If during the file upload, the network is disconnected, you must perform the upload operation again.
• The maximum file size you can upload is 256MB.
Perform the following steps to upload the configuration files such as Test Sequencer, iBwave, and Cellsite Database to the StrataSync server.
Run RANAdvisor TrueSite on a device.
Register the device with the StrataSync Server. See
“Registering a Device with the
StrataSync Server" on page 176 for details.
Go to the StrataSync > Advanced Settings, select the files to upload under the
Configurations and Data menu.
Go back to the StrataSync Home screen and click SYNC NOW to upload the files to the server. You will see the sync status on the device Notification bar.
176 RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
Using the StrataSync Service
Automatic Uploading of the AHD, DLF, or CSV Files to the StrataSync Server
• The maximum file size you can upload is 256MB.
• If you are performing the AUTOSEND test or if you have enabled the Auto Send setting under the Settings > Record menu, the application will not perform the automatic uploading of the AHD, DLF or CSV files to the StrataSync server.
Launch the TrueSite app on a device.
Configure the StrataSync server settings on the device. See
“Registering a Device with the
StrataSync Server" on page 176 for details.
Go to the Auto Upload Data Files menu on the RANAdvisor TrueSite > StrataSync screen.
Turn ON the AHD/DLF/CSV files to automatically upload the files from the device after the recording.
Downloading the Configuration Files from the StrataSync Server to the Device
Log into the StrataSync Server from the PC.
Select ASSETS > Asset List.
Double click a row to view the device details.
Under Actions in the right corner, select View Configuration. You will see the uploaded files under various Configuration sections as shown below. See the table for mapping.
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide 177
Using the StrataSync Service
Configuration File Types (Client side) Configuration Section
(Server side)
Device Configuration Device Settings (Device Storage\FTA\Exported\Phone
Test Sequences (Device Storage\FTA\Sequencer)
Indoor Maps (Device Storage\FTA\Indoor Pictures) iBwave (Device Storage\FTA\IBWave)
Waypoint Navigation (Device Storage\FTA\WayPointFile)
Display Parameters (Device Storage\FTA\Customization)
Map Themes (Device Storage\FTA\Theme\SignalStrength)
Bar Chart Themes (Device Storage\FTA\Theme\BarCharts)
Display Thresholds (Device Storage\FTA\Thresholds)
Custom Charts (Device Storage\FTA\Theme\Charts)
Cellsite Database (Device Storage\FTA\CellSite Database)
Market Configuration (Device Storage\FTA\Market)
Map Display Settings (Device Storage\FTA\MapCustomization)
Map Layers (*.kml from (Device Storage\FTA)
APK (Device Storage\FTA\APK\.apk files)
Licenses Configuration (Device Storage\FTA\StrataSync\
LicenseOptions) iPerf (Device Storage\FTA\iperf)
Fixed Licenses (Device Storage\FTA\.Licenses)
Application Test Script (Device Storage\FTA\Pac)
Test Configuration
Mapping Configuration
Mapping Configuration
Mapping Configuration
Display Customization
Display Customization
Display Customization
Display Customization
Operator Network
Operator Network
Mapping Configuration
Mapping Configuration
Application Binary
Licenses Configuration
Test Configuration
Fixed Licenses
Application Test Script
178 RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
Using the StrataSync Service
Select the files and from the Actions menu, select Copy to Template.
Click New Template to create a template.
Enter a name and description for the template.
Click Create.
Select ASSETS > Manage Templates > TrueSite.
Double click the template. The application will display as shown in the example below.
Under Template Sections, select a configuration that has a file type displayed in the right section and choose Add. As shown in the example below, since the phone configuration
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide 179
Using the StrataSync Service
displayed at the right section is part of the Device Configuration, select Add from the
Device Configuration.
Under Configuration Artifacts, select the check box beside the file.
Right click on the file and select Deploy.
180 RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
Using the StrataSync Service
Select a device to deploy the template and click Next.
Select Deploy.
Go to the ASSETS > Asset List. You will see the device and the sync status. If the Last
Sync Status is Sync needed, go to the RANAdvisor TrueSite app on the device, tap on the StrataSync icon, and click SYNC NOW. When you refresh the server page, it will display the Sync Status as OK. When the Sync Status is OK, the files will be downloaded to the device. In this example, the Device Settings File is downloaded to the FTA >
exported > phoneconfiguration folder on the device storage.
Downloading the Data Files from the StrataSync Server to the PC
Log into the StrataSync Server from the PC.
Select TEST DATA > Test Data List.
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide 181
Using the StrataSync Service
Select the data file(s) you want to download.
Click on Actions and select Download. The data file(s) you selected will be downloaded to your PC.
Managing Licenses
TrueSite floating licenses are managed using StrataSync, a cloud-based service that you can access from anywhere. StrataSync automatically syncs licenses at regular intervals to refresh
license expiration information (see “StrataSync Synchronization" on page 173). When the
maximum duration is reached the license will be checked in automatically, regardless of licensee action. On the date of expiry, licenses expire at the same time of day that they were checked out, rounded up to the next hour.
182 RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
Using the StrataSync Service
Floating licenses are offered for some features in durations of 1, 3, 6, and 12 months, as well as perpetual licenses. For a complete list of TrueSite fixed and floating licenses, see
“Licensing of the application" on page 197.
Administrators can view their organization’s floating licenses and associated part numbers in
StrataSync. Device users can view the licenses installed on the device and associated expiration dates and times by selecting Licenses from the TrueSite Main menu.
License Check-out Limits
Administrators can control the license check-out duration permitted in their organization by configuring a maximum checkout limit. This is a global setting that is applied to all floating licenses in an organization. Checkout durations for specific licenses deployed to a single device or group of devices can be further restricted, but those durations cannot exceed the upper limit defined for the organization. Licenses can be deployed from the StrataSync server for a maximum of 180 days.
To configure an upper license limit:
Log into the StrataSync Server from the PC.
On the menu bar, click Organizations.
In the Manage Organizations panel, click the Edit icon.
In the Edit Organization dialog, enable Set maximum time for options checkout and enter the number of days.
Click Save.
Deploying a Floating License to Multiple devices
This section describes how to deploy a floating license to multiple devices at a time.
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide 183
Using the StrataSync Service
Perform the following steps to deploy a license to multiple devices:
Register the devices with the StrataSync server. See “Registering a Device with the
StrataSync Server" on page 176 for details. After the device is registered, it will be visible
under ASSETS > Asset List.
Select ASSETS > Manage Asset Options.
To deploy a floating license, right click on a record and select Assign Options.
184 RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
Using the StrataSync Service
Select Assign to assign the license to one or more devices.
Select a return date or Duration for each of the devices. The license can be deployed from
1 to 180 days.
Click Deploy.
Click Confirm to proceed.
To activate the license on the device, perform the following steps:
Launch the RANAdvisor TrueSite app on a device.
Select StrataSync.
Click SYNC NOW. The deployed license will be visible under the Licenses screen in
RANAdvisor TrueSite.
Deploying Multiple Floating Licenses to a Single Device
This section describes how to deploy multiple licenses on a single device.
Register the device with the StrataSync server. See
“Registering a Device with the
StrataSync Server" on page 176 for details. After the device is registered, it will be visible
under Asset List.
Select ASSETS > Asset List.
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide 185
Using the StrataSync Service
Double click the row containing the device. You will see the following screen as an example.
Scroll down to the Floating Software Options.
186 RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
Using the StrataSync Service
Select Manage Floating Options. You will see the following screen.
Select Assign to assign the floating licenses.
Select an Option Return Date or Duration for each of the licenses. The licenses can be deployed from 1 to 180 days.
Click Next and then click Deploy.
To activate the deployed licenses on the device, go to the RANAdvisor TrueSite app, select
StrataSync, and click SYNC NOW. The deployed licenses will be visible under the
RANAdvisor TrueSite Licenses screen.
Revoking a Floating License from Multiple Devices
This section describes how to revoke a floating license from multiple devices at a time.
Perform the following steps to revoke a license from multiple devices:
Log into the StrataSync server.
Select ASSETS > Manage Asset Options.
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide 187
Using the StrataSync Service
To revoke a floating license, right click on a record and select Assign Options.
Uncheck the assigned licenses to revoke the license from one or more devices.
Click Deploy.
Click Confirm when you see the revoke message.
To activate the license revocation, go to the RANAdvisor TrueSite app on each of the device, select StrataSync, and click SYNC NOW.
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
Using the StrataSync Service
Revoking Multiple Licenses from a Single Device
This section describes how to revoke multiple licenses from a single device using the
StrataSync server.
Log in to the StrataSync server.
Go to the ASSETS > Asset List.
Double click the row containing the device.
Scroll down to the Floating Software Options.
Select Manage Floating Options. You will see the following screen.
Uncheck the deployed floating licenses.
Click Next and then click Deploy.
To activate the license revocation, go to the RANAdvisor TrueSite app on the device, select
StrataSync, and click SYNC NOW.
Using TrueSite to Check out and Return Floating Licenses
Before TrueSite can be used to check out and return floating licenses, you will need a StrataSync account. Contact your StrataSync Administrator to obtain a user name and password. Your account will need the following permissions: “API Access” and “Manage
Floating Options.” StrataSync login tokens expire every three months.
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide 189
Using the StrataSync Service
Checking out Floating Licenses
Using the TrueSite application, you can check out floating licenses available on the StrataSync server for different features.
Register the device with the StrataSync server. See
“Registering a Device with the
StrataSync Server" on page 176 for details.
Tap the StrataSync icon.
Go to Advanced Settings > Account ID, Server and Proxy settings.
Under License Mode, select User License Pull, to manually check out or check in licenses.
Click Next. You will see two tabs labeled INSTALLED and NOT INSTALLED. The
INSTALLED tab contains the floating licenses that are checked out, as well as the installed fixed licenses. The NOT INSTALLED tab contains the floating licenses available for check out.
Under NOT INSTALLED, select the licenses to be checked out and click Next.
Select the duration in days.
By default, the Save for auto check out option is selected to allow the application to automatically check out licenses when you launch TrueSite.
Click Check out licenses.
If prompted for authentication, log into the StrataSync server by entering the login credentials, and click Check out licenses.
The application will display the result as success if the checkout is successful. After the licenses are checked out, you can work on the associated features immediately and the floating license status will be displayed on the main license screen.
Checking in Floating Licenses
This feature allows you to return the floating licenses to the StrataSync server. After a license is checked in, you cannot use the feature associated with that license.
Note: The device needs to be registered with the StrataSync server before you check in
licenses. See “Registering a Device with the StrataSync Server" on page 176 for details.
To check in a floating license:
Launch TrueSite.
Tap the StrataSync icon.
Go to Advanced Settings > Account ID, Server and Proxy settings.
Under License Mode, select User License Pull, to manually check in or check out licenses.
Click Next. You will see two tabs labeled INSTALLED and NOT INSTALLED. The
INSTALLED tab contains the floating licenses that are checked out, as well as the installed fixed licenses. The NOT INSTALLED tab contains the floating licenses available for check out.
Under the INSTALLED tab, select the licenses to check in and click Checkin licenses.
190 RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
Using the StrataSync Service
If prompted, log into the StrataSync server by entering the login credentials for authentication, select the licenses to check in, and click Checkin licenses.
The application will display the result as success if the operation is successful. After the licenses are checked in, the associated features are disabled immediately on your device and the license status will be updated on the main license screen.
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide 191
Using the StrataSync Service
192 RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
Post Processing RANAdvisor TrueSite Log Files
Post Processing RANAdvisor
TrueSite Log Files
The RANAdvisor TrueSite solutions logs parametric information in AHD files. There are several ways to view these files and process the contents.
Compatibility with Gladiator
Viavi offers an OEM version of the Gladiator post processing solution that is compatible with the
AHD file format at the point of release. Contact your Viavi sales representative if you require a quote or demonstration of this package.
RANAdvisor TrueSite (.AHD)
1.33, 1.33.1
1.34, 1.34.1
1.35, 1.35.1
1.37, 1.37.1, 1.37.2
1.38, 1.38.1, 1.38.2, 1.38.3
1.40, 1.40.1, 1.40.2, 1.41, 1.42
Gladiator (OEM)
Contact Viavi Support for compatibility information
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide 193
Post Processing RANAdvisor TrueSite Log Files
Compatibility with Windcatcher
Xceed have supported the AHD format natively for some time. Version provides support for
RANAdvisor TrueSite releases up until 1.32. To add support for later releases, please refer to the section
“Adding Support for later versions of RANAdvisor TrueSite in Windcatcher"
RANAdvisor TrueSite (.AHD)
1.33, 1.33.1
1.34, 1.34.1
1.35, 1.35.1
1.37, 1.37.1, 1.37.2
1.38, 1.38.1, 1.38.2, 1.38.3
1.40, 1.40.1, 1.40.2
1.41, 1.42, 1.43
Xceed Windcatcher
Compatibility with ACTIX
ACTIX releases from October 2014 onward support only AOD files. The June 2013 ACTIX release provides support for native AHD processing.
Playback In the E6474A Optimization Software
Section 4 of this Users Guide provides information on how to load AHD files into the Viavi main PC
Optimization application for play back and analysis. Please note the compatibility of recent releases with versions of the E6474A application contained in the Release Notes.
Exporting to CSV or EXCEL Formats
Once AHD files are imported into the E6474A application, the Drive Exporter feature may be used without a license to extract data from the file and export it to a CSV or EXCEL format file for further processing. See the users guide for the E6474A application for further details on this capability.
194 RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
Post Processing RANAdvisor TrueSite Log Files
Converting to AOD format
Each release of the RANAdvisor TrueSite software is downloadable from the Viavi FTP site and comes with a windows application that can be used to manually convert the AHD files to AOD.
These AOD files are in the same format as logged by the E6474A application and can be post processed using any application that supports the Viavi AOD format. This converter application is located in the AHD Converter for TrueSite1.xx
Automated Handling of AHD files
The stand-alone windows converter can be controlled via command line controls to automate the conversion from AHD to AOD. Documentation on this is included in the distribution package. The
Drive Exporter may also be controlled via command line controls to convert from AOD to CSV format. Using the combination of these two tools allows automated conversion as part of a server workflow to manage data at the server prior to processing.
Adding Support for later versions of RANAdvisor TrueSite in
WindCatcher Plus version provides support up to RANAdvisor TrueSite version 1.32. In order to add support for later releases of RANAdvisor TrueSite, such as 1.33, perform the following steps:
In the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\WindCatcher Plus, rename the file
HandheldImporter.DLL to HandheldImporter_current.DLL
Go to Viavi Server or IP of Use the login details provided to access the account. If you do not have access or have mislaid your login details please contact support at [email protected].
Save the HandheldImporter.DLL file from the latest release to the folder C:\Program Files
(x86)\WindCatcher Plus.
Launch WindCatcher Plus as normal.
Note: The above paths are documented for 64-bit OS. If 32-bit OS, the initial path is C:\
Program Files
To use WindCatcher Plus to post-process your AHD files, here is one method to get the AHD files into WindCatcher Plus project:
Place the desired AHD file(s) into a folder on your PC.
Launch WindCatcher Plus and ensure you are licensed for the technology (s) to be post-processed.
From the Home menu, select the Project Manager button.
From the Project Manager menu, select the Scan Folder button.
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide 195
Post Processing RANAdvisor TrueSite Log Files
Choose the folder used in step 1. Once the AHD files are visible in the Data view, just double-click on the AHD files that you want to process:
Once the AHD files have been selected, press the Process All Data button to begin data extract from Viavi’s AHD format into WindCatcher Plus’ data structure. You will see the message window Background Processing Status displayed after the process has been launched.
Once the data processing is finished, press the OK button.
To close Project Manager and prepare to analysis the drive(s), just use the close button found in the upper right corner of Project Manager.
From the Main Menu, use the Open button to select the WindCatcher Plus MS Access file that was created in steps 4-7. In this example, the project Desktop.AHD Files was saved in the same folder as the AHD files. Once the Project is opened, you are in position to begin your
WindCatcher Plus analysis of the Viavi AHD files.
196 RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
Support Information
Support Information
This chapter provides information about the phone and application. It also provides more information on how to get help if you need it.
Technical Assistance
If you require technical assistance, call 1.844.GO VIAVI / 1.844.468.4284.
For the latest TAC information, go to .
Email: [email protected]
Licensing of the application
TrueSite’s flexible licensing scheme lets you choose the licensing options that are right for you. Fixed and floating licenses are available for many features. If you bought a phone and application from Viavi, the application will already be installed and licensed on the phone.
Using the installed and licensed application constitutes acceptance of the terms and conditions of usage. Refer to
“Terms and Conditions of Usage" on page 213
for more information.
With the purchase, you should have received a document that confirms the IMEI number of the phone and your license number. Keep this document in a safe place as you will need this license number if you need to re-install the application.
For fixed licenses, the license number is linked to the IMEI number of the phone, so the application can only be installed and enabled on that specific phone.
Fixed Licenses
The following fixed licenses are available for TrueSite software features.
Table 20: TrueSite Fixed Licenses
TrueSite Pro
Part Number
Supports the complete set of TrueSite features
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide 197
Support Information
TrueSite LITE
Table 20: TrueSite Fixed Licenses (continued)
TrueSite Upgrade LITE to Pro
Part Number
TrueSite Indoor Test Manager
TrueSite Indoor Fault Detection
TrueSite Receiver
TrueSite POLQA Voice Quality
TrueSite VoLTE Measurement E5643B‐150
TrueSite eMBMS Measurement E5643B‐160
Supports Recording and Playback, Test Sequencer (Wait test,
CSFB test, FTP Get and Put tests, Ping test, UVoice test, USMS test, Voice test, and Wait for User test), Main Parameters screen, Cellsite Database, Forcing, Protocol display, Wi‐Fi measurements, Test Me Now mode, and Google maps display for Outdoor. POLQA Voice Quality, eMBMS measurements, VoLTE measurements, and Applications test licenses are supported.
Upgrades an existing TrueSite LITE license to a TrueSite Pro fixed license.
Supports the RANAdvisor TrueSite Controller application
Supports the detection of Macro Ingress, Macro Handover,
Sector Fault, and Zone Overshoot.
Supports the DRT and IBflex receivers
Supports the POLQA Voice MOS measurements
Supports the VoLTE measurements.
Supports the eMBMS measurements
TrueSite Pro
True Site LITE
Indoor Test
Floating Licenses
The following floating licenses are available for TrueSite software features.
Table 21: TrueSite Floating Software Licenses
1 Month
3 Month
6 Month
12 Month
198 RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
Support Information
Indoor Fault
Detection Tools
Application Test
Measurement eMBMS
Table 21: TrueSite Floating Software Licenses (continued)
1 Month
3 Month
6 Month
12 Month
Not available
Not available
Not available
Not available
Not available
Device Name
HTC Evo 4G
HTC One M9
Supported Device Platform
The following devices are supported by RANAdvisor TrueSite application.
Table 22: Kernel and Matching Android Versions
Supported Build
2.8.617.4 CL559710 releasekeys
Preventi on
VoLTE support
Not Available
Not Available
Samsung Gal‐ axy SII LTE
Samsung Gal‐ axy SIII LTE
Samsung Gal‐ axy SIII LTE
Not Available
Not Available
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide 199
Support Information
Samsung Gal‐ axy SIII LTE
Samsung Gal‐ axy S III (GT
Samsung Gal‐ axy SIII
Samsung Gal‐ axy SIII
Samsung Gal‐ axy SIII
Samsung Gal‐ axy SIII
Samsung Gal‐ axy S4
Samsung Gal‐ axy S4
Device Name
Table 22: Kernel and Matching Android Versions
Supported Build
Preventi on
VoLTE support
Samsung Gal‐ axy S4
200 RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
Support Information
Device Name
Samsung Gal‐ axy S4
Table 22: Kernel and Matching Android Versions
Supported Build
Preventi on
VoLTE support
No Rooted
No Yes No Rooted Samsung Gal‐ axy S4
Samsung Gal‐ axy S4
Yes No Rooted
Samsung Gal‐ axy S4 (SCH‐I545
Dev Edition)
Samsung Gal‐ axy S4
Samsung S4
Samsung Gal‐ axy S4 SGH‐I257
Samsung Gal‐ axy S5
NA1H or
CU1ANCE klteuc‐eng 5.0 LRX‐
Hasati test‐keys
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide 201
Support Information
Samsung Gal‐ axy S5
Samsung Gal‐ axy S5
US Cellular
Samsung Gal‐ axy S5
Samsung Gal‐ axy S5
Samsung Gal‐ axy S6
Samsung Gal‐ axy S5
Samsung Gal‐ axy S5 China
Samsung Gal‐ axy S5
Samsung Gal‐ axy S5
Device Name
Samsung Gal‐ axy S5
Table 22: Kernel and Matching Android Versions
Supported Build
Preventi on
VoLTE support
Yes Rooted
202 RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
Support Information
Device Name
Samsung Gal‐ axy Tab Pro 10.1
Table 22: Kernel and Matching Android Versions
Supported Build
Preventi on
VoLTE support
No Rooted
Samsung Gal‐ axy Tablet
Samsung Gal‐ axy Note II
Samsung Gal‐ axy Note 3
Samsung Gal‐ axy Note Edge 4
LG Optimus G
LG G2 Verizon
VS980 4G (Engi‐ neering Build)
LG G4 LG‐LS991 5.1
LG G4 LG‐VS986 5.1
LG G4 H815 6.0
• For the devices which are rooted in the factory, you need not perform rooting again.
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide 203
Support Information
• For some devices, ensure that the build number matches with the ones highlighted in the above table. You can view the build number by selecting the device menu > Settings >
About Device option.
• Some supported devices listed are network specific. For example, Samsung Galaxy Note
3 SM-N900T would need a T-Mobile SIM card and it will run properly only on the T-Mobile network. Certain measurement features might not be available when using other carrier
SIM cards in these network specific devices.
Updating the Installed Application using the StrataSync Server
The cloud-enabled StrataSync service lets you manage and update all your TrueSite devices from a central location. Automatic updates and downloads eliminate the need for technicians to manually update devices using a PC.
TrueSite 1.36 and later supports software updates through StrataSync.
• TrueSite 1.40 and later installs the following third party applications on the device:
Facebook, Skype, Ookla, Twitter, and WhatsApp. If you plan to test these applications with the Applications Test (APPTEST), review the RANAdvisor TrueSite AppTest Test Quick
Start Guide before installing the TrueSite 1.40 software on your device.
• When you are downgrading TrueSite from a higher version to a lower version, first make a backup copy of the FTA folder by renaming it, uninstall the TrueSite related apks (Strata
Sync Service apk, FTA Installer apk, RANAdvisor TrueSite apk, Forcing apk, POLQA apk,
IMS apk, TCPDump Piper Manager apk, TrueSite Controller apk, TrueSite Installer apk,
TrueSiteLogLevelModifier apk) and then install the desired version.
• If you have a release version prior to 1.38, for example, 1.37.2, then in order to upgrade to
1.38 or above versions, first download the TrueSite installer 2.0 apk from the StrataSync server and install the apk. After the installation, upgrade to the desired version.
Perform the following steps to upgrade or downgrade the TrueSite application using the
StrataSync service.
Register the device with StrataSync. See
“Registering a Device with the StrataSync
Server" on page 176 for details.
Log into the StrataSync Server.
204 RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
From the menu bar, select ASSETS > Update Firmware.
Support Information
Select an update method as Online updates.
Select TrueSite from the option Select an asset type to view available online
Click Next.
Select the RANAdvisor TrueSite package and click Next.
Select a device from the list and click Next.
Click Update.
Perform a sync operation on the client device.
On the device Notification, tap on the newer version to accept the updated version. The application will start downloading the newer version.
Note: If you delete the package after it is downloaded, you will not see the notification to download the package.
If you are updating to a newer version from 1.37 or later, perform steps 8 to 10. If you are updating from 1.36 to a newer version, perform steps 11 to 18.
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide 205
Support Information
Click on the downloaded file to install.
Click on the TrueSite_Full_Installation_Package_<version>.jdsu package.
206 RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
From the TrueSite Installer, select Install.
Support Information
If you are updating from 1.36 to a newer version:
Go to the device Settings > Apps (or Application manager > General) > Strata Sync
Service and select Uninstall.
Go to the Apps > My Files > All Files > Download and click on the
TrueSite_Full_Installation_Package_<version>.jdsu package.
From the TrueSite Installer, select Install.
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide 207
Support Information
Go to the device Settings > Apps (or Application manager > General) > TrueSite
Installer and select Uninstall.
Open the Apps > My Files > All Files > FTA folder.
Select TrueSite Installer.apk and click Install.
After the installation, go to the Apps > My Files > All Files > Download folder on the device storage, select the TrueSite_Full_Installation_Package_<version>.jdsu package, and click Install.
If you see the below message, click OK.
We recommend rebooting your device or waiting 10 seconds after the installation is complete before running RANAdvisor TrueSite.
Updating the Installed Application Manually
• When you are downgrading TrueSite from a higher version to a lower version, first make a backup copy of the FTA folder by renaming it and then install the desired version. This is to prevent the application from crashing.
• TrueSite 1.40 installs the following third party applications on the device: Facebook, Skype,
Ookla, Twitter, and WhatsApp. If you plan to test these applications with the Applications
Test (APPTEST), review the RANAdvisor TrueSite AppTest Test Quick Start Guide before installing the TrueSite 1.40 software on your device.
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
Support Information
Prerequisites for LG Devices
For LG devices, the driver must be loaded before the phone is connected to the PC.
Go to the TRUESITE_SETUPFILES/LG drivers directory on your PC.
Run LGUnitedMobileDriver_S4981MAN38AP22_ML_WHQL_Ver_3.8.1.exe
After installing the driver, connect your phone to PC using a USB cable.
If you are running Windows 7, complete the detection of all the drivers by changing the
USB connection type (Charge only, USB tethering, etc.) one by one.
To install the fastboot driver, launch the command prompt on your PC, change the directory to the TrueSite Installation Package where adb.exe is located and type adb reboot
bootloader on the command prompt to change the phone into fastboot mode.
Go to the Device Manager on your PC and look for LG Android device.
Right click on the LG Android device and select Update Driver Software.
Click Browse My Computer.
Browse for TrueSite Installation Package / LG drivers/usb_driver/usb_driver directory and click OK.
Click Next.
You may receive a Windows security warning whether to install this device software. Click
Enable the USB debugging on your LG phone from the device menu button >System
settings->Developer options->USB debugging.
Prerequisites for HTC Devices
For HTC devices, the driver must be loaded before the phone is connected to the PC. The
HTC SYNC drivers may be downloaded from
Prerequisites for Samsung Devices
Samsung devices require that you have Samsung Kies installed on your Windows PC before it can recognize the device.
To install the latest version of Kies software:
Go to
Select Download Kies [Windows].
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide 209
Support Information
Figure 24 Downloading Kies from the Samsung Website
Run the Kies executable.
Select Finish to complete the installation.
Figure 25 Completing Installing Kies
NOTE: You do not have to select Run Samsung Kies after the installation to run the software; you only have to install it on your PC for Windows to recognize your Samsung device.
Installing RANAdvisor TrueSite application on HTC and Samsung Device
Attach the device to the PC with the USB Cable (if not already attached).
Go to Settings > Applications > Development and enable USB debugging.
Navigate to the application installation package directory to locate the application executable (RANAdvisor_Truesite_Full_Installation_Package_<version>.exe) on your
Double-click the executable to launch the Installer.
Select the destination folder before selecting Install.
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
Support Information
The RANAdvisor TrueSite application launches automatically after installation and the initial RANAdvisor TrueSite application screen appears.
Figure 26 Initial RANAdvisor TrueSite Screen After Installation
If you are using a HTC device, put it in charge only mode.
Select Enter when prompted at the command prompt. The RANAdvisor TrueSite application installation should complete automatically.
After the installation, wait for a minute to initialize the application before using the features.
Configuring the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 SM-N900T for the VoLTE
• Root the device. See the RANAdvisor TrueSite Installation Guide for details.
• Install the BusyBox application. See Chapter 2, in the RANAdvisor TrueSite Installation
Guide for details.
Perform the following steps to configure the device for the VoLTE:
• Enable the VoLTE call from the device Settings > More networks > Mobile networks >
Mobile data (Select it).
• Disable the security check from the device Settings > General > Security > Verify apps
(uncheck it).
• Disable the IMS Message Encryption by performing the following steps:
Enter *#467# on the phone keypad to open the VoLTE Configuration Menu.
Go to IMS VoLTE Settings > Bearer Settings > Encryption Algorithm and set to
Reboot the phone.
• Disable the Wi-Fi network from the device Settings > Connections > Wi-Fi.
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide 211
Support Information
• Disable the Wi-Fi Calling option from the device Settings > Connections > More
Networks > Wi-Fi Calling > Off.
Configuring the LG G2 VS980 for the VoLTE
• Root the device. See the RANAdvisor TrueSite Installation Guide for details.
• Install the BusyBox application. See Chapter 2, in the RANAdvisor TrueSite Installation
Guide for details.
Perform the following steps to configure the device for the VoLTE:
• Enable the VoLTE call from the device Settings > Tethering & networks > Mobile
networks > VoLTE call.
• Disable the security check from the device Settings > Security > Verify apps (uncheck it).
• Enable the Developer Options as shown below:
Go to the device Settings > About phone > Software information.
Tap on the Build Number field approximately seven times until you see the message
“Developer enabled”.
Go to the device Settings > Developer options, and enable USB debugging.
• Go to the device Settings > PC connection, and select Ask upon connecting.
• Each time the phone is connected to the PC using an USB cable, you must select the
Ethernet option from the device Settings > General > PC connection > Select USB
connection method > Internet connection.
• When you plug in the device for the first time or start the application, if you see a pop-up dialog Allow USB Debugging?, select Always allow from this computer and click the
OK button.
212 RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
Support Information
Terms and Conditions of Usage
As soon as you start using the application on the phone, you have acknowledged acceptance of the terms and conditions of usage. Contact Viavi if you have any questions.
Viavi Solutions, Inc (“Viavi”) SOFTWARE LICENSE TERMS
Software. “Software” means one or more computer programs in object code format, whether stand-alone or bundled with other products, and related documentation.
License Grant. Viavi grants you a non-exclusive license to use one copy of the Software for internal purposes in accordance with these License Terms and the documentation provided with the Software. Such documentation may include license terms provided by Viavi's third party suppliers, which will apply to the use of the Software and take precedence over these License Terms. In the absence of documentation specifying the applicable license, you may use one copy of the Software on one machine or instrument. If the software is licensed for concurrent or network use, you may not allow more than the maximum number of authorized users to access and use the software concurrently.
License Restrictions. You may make copies or adaptations of the Software only for archival purposes or only when copying or adaptation is an essential step in the authorized use of the Software. You must reproduce all copyright notices in the original Software on all permitted copies or adaptations. You may not copy the Software onto any public or distributed network.
Upgrades. This license does not entitle you to receive upgrades, updates or technical support. Such services may be purchased separately.
Ownership. The Software and all copies thereof are owned and copyrighted by Viavi or its third party suppliers. Viavi and its third party suppliers retain all right, title and interest in the Software. Viavi and its third party suppliers may protect their rights in the Software in the event of any violation of these License Terms.
No Disassembly. You may not disassemble or otherwise modify the Software without written authorization from Viavi, except as permitted by law. Upon request, you will provide Viavi with reasonably detailed information regarding any permitted disassembly or modification.
High Risk Activities. The Software is not specifically designed, manufactured or intended for use in the planning, construction, maintenance or direct operation of a nuclear facility, nor for use in on line control or fail safe operation of aircraft navigation, control or communication systems, weapon systems or direct life support systems.
Transfer. You may transfer the license granted to you here provided that you deliver all copies of the Software to the transferee along with these License Terms and pay any applicable fees to the extent permissible under local laws. The transferee must accept these License Terms as a condition to any transfer. Your license to use the Software will terminate upon transfer.
Termination. Viavi may terminate your license upon notice for breach of these License Terms. Upon termination, you must immediately destroy all copies of the Software.
Export Requirements. If you export, re-export or import Software, technology or technical data licensed hereunder, you assume responsibility for complying with applicable laws and regulations and for obtaining required export and import authorizations. Viavi may terminate this license immediately if you are in violation of any applicable laws or regulations.
U.S. Government Restricted Rights. Software and technical data rights granted to the federal government include only those rights customarily provided to end user customers. Viavi provides this customary commercial license in Software and technical data pursuant to FAR 12.211 (Technical Data) and 12.212 (Computer Software) and, for the Department of
Defense, DFARS 252.227-7015 (Technical Data - Commercial Items) and DFARS 227.7202-3 (Rights in Commercial
Computer Software or Computer Software Documentation).
RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide 213
Support Information
214 RANAdvisor TrueSite User’s Guide
Rev. 1.43.1
Viavi Solutions
North America:
Latin America
1.844.GO VIAVI / 1.844.468.4284
+52 55 5543 6644
+49 7121 862273
+1 512 201 6534
All Other Regions: email [email protected]

Public link updated
The public link to your chat has been updated.
Key features
- Simulate typical test scenarios
- Collect data for analysis and playback
- Support multiple technologies
- Work with RF measurements
- Work with the Test Sequencer
- Remote control using SMS or Bluetooth
- Upload logged results to an HTTPS/FTP server
- Play back logged data on a PC using the E6474A software
- Manage licenses, assets and configurations via StrataSync Service