Schwinn® IC Bikes
IC Elite, IC Pro, IC Evolution, IC Evolution SR
=, Service Manual
Nautilus? Bowflex® Schwinn® Fitness Pearl lzumi® StairMaster” Universal” Nautilus Institute”
a brand of ANAUTILUS }
PN001-7145 (08/2007)
Table of Contents
Итромап! 5айету ММа ги! ($ = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = жж не -4
Recommended Tools and Lubes-----------................>————_——.> -5
Веафто Фе Зета! Мите! - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = нонононононононононон о -Б
Basic Troubleshooting ------------------------------=-----=-------------- -7
Replacement Part instructions = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = нож = 11
Ргеуеп!аНме Ма!иепапсе - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =онокононокононон о 12
Important Contact Numbers --------------------------------------------- 14
Service Manual
Important Safety Warnings
This icon means a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
Failure to follow these precautions can cause damage to the Schwinn® IC Bike series, serious injury to users and
bystanders, and can also compromise the effectiveness of your exercise program.
Before using this equipment, obey the following warnings:
0 Read and understand the complete Owner's Manual.
Read and understand all Warnings on this machine.
1. Keep children away from this machine and / or supervise them closely if they are near the machine or present during its operation.
This machine is not suitable as a children’s toy. There is a natural tendency for children to want to play on exercise equipment and
parents and other in charge of children should be aware of their respective responsibilites. Moving parts that may appear to present
obvious hazards to adults may not appear to do so to children.
2. Consult a physician prior to commencing an exercise program. If, at any time, you feel faint or dizzy, or expenence pain, stop and
consult your physician.
3. Inspect this machine for loose parts or signs of wear. Pay special attention to the Seat, Pedals, and Crank Arms. Do not use if found in
this condition; contact Gopher Customer Service. 1-800-533-0446
4. Setup and operate this exercise machine on a solid level surface.
5. This machine contains moving parts. Use Caution. Do not wear loose clothing or jewelry.
6. This machine is designed for a User's Weight Limit of 300 pounds (136) kilograms. Do not use if you are over this weight.
1. Setup the machine so that there is a free area of 19.7 inches { 0.5 m) on all sides of the machine. keep third parties out of this
area when the machine is in use.
8. Operate the machine in the manner described in this manual. It can be hazardous to over-exert yourself dunng exercise
9. Make sure that all positional adjustment devices are securely engaged.
Service Manual
Recommended Tools and Lubes
We recommend the following tools and lubes to properly assemble, maintain and repair all Schwinn® Indoor Cycling bikes.
Torque wrench w/ 8mm Allen Key socket: used to tighten the
crank bolts of crank arms to 480 Ibf/in.
Pedal wrench: Has 15mm and 9/16” wrench to tighten and loosen
Crank puller: needed to take off nght and left crank arms.
ISIS Insert Plug for Crank Puller, M12 x 1.0
Bottom bracket tool for 1515 Overdrive BB. used to take out bottom
bracket from frame.
Adjustable wrench: used to tighten or loosen the pop pin
assembly from frame.
17mm wrench: used to adjust the inside axle nuts closest to the
flywheel bearings.
15mm wrench: used to loosen the outside axle nut on each side
of the flywheel bearings.
14mm wrench: used to tighten the nuts of the seat bracket.
13mm wrench: needed during assembly for the front and back
stabilizers nuts and bolts.
11mm wrench: used to tighten the larger bolt of the brake
10mm wrench: used to adjust chain tensioner bolts during chain
tightening, transport wheel nut and bolt and front nut of the
resistance assembly when centenng brake pads.
Bmm wrench: goes to the smaller resistance knob nylon nut
(older models) and smaller brake assembly bolt.
Imm wrench: used to loosen guide rod nut when replacing
guide rod springs.
Bmm Allen wrench: used to tighten the bolts on Evolution
4mm Allen wrench: used to loosen the bolt of the brake pads
and the Allen chain guard screws (newer models).
Imm Allen wrench: used for the screws of the water bottle
Smart Release™ adjusting tool: high quality tool specifically
designed for use with the new adjustable Smart Release™
mechanism. (SR Models only).
Service Manual
Schwinn® Fit-Tech Silicone Spray: recommended for the
hrake pads and all moving parts (e.g., handle bar post, seat
post & slide, pop-pins, resistance knob etc.)
Schwinn® Equipment Polish: recommended on a damp cloth
when wiping down the frame after use.
Schwinn® Citrus Chain Wax: recommend to lubricate
the chain through the rear hole in the chain guard as the
flywheel is rotating.
Schwinn™ Quick Shot: recommended for the threads of
stabilizer bolts and pedals before tightening to crank arms.
Reading the Serial Number
Find the senal number on the underside of the machine base. Decode the information in the senal number with the below instructions:
AAA= Day of the year manufactured (e.q., 35 = February 4th)
B= Last digit of year manufactured (e.qg., 6 = 2006)
CCCCCC = Unique code for each individual unit.
Serial number tags on newer models also read date of manufacture.
Serial Number
Service Manual
Basic Troubleshooting
Figure 1
Problem: Loud Squealing Sound From the Brake
A. Use a 4mm Allen wrench to remove the bolt and spring from
the brake assembly. {See Figure 1.)
Slide the brake pads out of the assembly.
Rough up the surface with a wire brush if the pads look glossy.
D. Saturate the brake pads with silicone lubricant after they
have been roughed up.
E. Replace the brake pads.
Tighten the bolt and spring to the pads only finger-tight. This
gives the brake pads a longer life.
Figure 2
Problem: Brake Pads are too Tight on Minimum Resistance
Solution: Turn the resistance knob all the way to the right
(maximum resistance) and let it sit for two hours. This
compresses the guide rod springs allowing space
between the pads and the flywheel. (See Figure 2.)
Service Manual
Basic Troubleshooting
Figure 3
Problem: Brake Pads Off Center
A. Use a 10mm wrench to loosen the nylon nut on the front of the bike.
B. Adjust the brake assembly until the brake pads are evenly
spaced from the flywheel.
C. Tighten the nylon nut using moderate torque.
Figure 4
Problem: Chain is too Loose
A. Use a 15mm wrench or socket to loosen each axle nut of the —
flywheel. eT
B. Use a 10mm wrench and turn each chain tensioner bolt 1/4 TENSION
turn to the right.
С. Geton the bike and check for any play in the chain by
rocking back and forth on the pedals.
0. Tighten the axle nuts on the flywheel once the pedals and
the flywheel are moving as one.
NOTE: Make sure that the flywheel aligns with the frame.
Service Manual
Basic Troubleshooting
Problem: Chain Makes a Grinding Sound
Solution: Chain too tight and/or the flywheel out of alignment.
A. Use a 15mm wrench to loosen each axle nut.
B. Adjust the 10mm chain tensioner bolts to align the flywheel
with the frame. Make sure that the chain tensionis adjusted
properly without being too tight.
C. Adjust the chain tension by locating the point where the
chain is tightest during one revolution of the crank,
D. Check the tension. You should be able to move the chain up
and down about 3/8” {in either direction).
E. Lubricate the chain.
Take the bike for a test ride.
Problem: Bike is Wobbling or Uneven While Riding
A. Check the foot levelers on the bottom of the stabilizers.
B. Adjust the levelers and the bike until it is square on the floor,
C. Secure the leveler nuts to prevent them from loosening.
(See Figure 5.)
Service Manual
Basic Troubleshooting
Problem: Crank Arms or Pedals Feel Loose
A. Make sure the pedals are tightly screwed into the crank arms.
[See Figure 6.)
B. Make sure the crank bolts on both crank arms are tight.
C. Make sure the square opening in the crank arms have not been
rounded out. This problem is caused when the bike has been
ridden with loose arms. Replace the crank arm if the sqare taper
shows damage.
D. Make sure the bottom bracket is tight in the frame and bearings
operate smoothly,
Problem: Handlebar or Seat Post is too Tight
A. Clean and lubricate the handlebar/seat post extension tube
and frame sleeves with silicone lube.
B. Iffit remains tight, switch the handlebar or seat post with
one from another bike.
C. Ifthis does not fix the problem order a new sleeve.
Service Manual
Figure 6
Replacing Parts
IC Pro and IC Elite Brake Rod and Knob Replacement
Tools Required:
« #2 Phillips or Flat Head Screwdriver
* 10mm Box Wrench or Small Adjustable Wrench
* Imm Box Wrench or Small Adjustable Wrench
A. Replace the Tension Control Knob
Turn the tension control knob to least resistance.
Use a flat or phillips head screwdriver to remove the
shrouds. (See Figure 7.)
Remove the brake rods from the rod carrier by holding the rod
tightly and lifting up and out of the carrier. {See Figure 8.)
Use a wrench to remove the 10mm nut on the end of the
tension control knob.
Remove the square nut and rod carrier from the tension
control knob.
Remove the tension control knob and replace with the new
longer control knob. (See Figure 9.)
Replace the rod carner, square nut and 10mm nut. Secure
tightly. (See Figure 10.)
B. Replace the Brake Rods
Invert the brake rod and use a wrench to remove the 7mm nut
on the end of the rod.
Remove the rods, springs, and rubber grommets and
replace with new shorter rods, springs and
rubber grommets.
Figure 7
Figure 8
Figure 9
10mm NUT
Service Manual
Fiqure 10
Preventative Maintenance
Attention: Any Schwinn® bike that is allowed to operate with torque in excess of the specified values does not qualify for warranty
replacement for the crank arms.
Do NOT torque crank bolts in excess of 360 obf/in. on IC Pro and IC Elite or 420 Ibf/in on Evolution models. Overtightening causees
damage to the crank or the bottom bracket interface.
Daily Maintenance
At the end of each workout:
* Release the brake resistance so that the brake pads do not contact the flywheel,
+ Clean the bike with Schwinn® equipment polish and a clean damp cloth.
* Remove the handlebars from the head tube to allow the handlebar tube and sleeve to dry.
* Release the brake resistance so that the brake pads do not contact the flywheel.
Weekly Maintenance
Inspect the Schwinn® Indoor Cycling bike for lose parts, nuts, bolts, etc. Pay special attention to the brake assembly, seat and
handlebar pop-pins. This will prolong the service life of the product.
Monthly Maintenance
* Check the chain for proper adjustment.
* Move the crank arms back and forth. If there is more than 1/4" movement in the chain before the flywheel turns, tighten the
chain {See page В).
NOTE: Make sure you adjust both sides equally so that the flywheel remains in alignmentwith the frame.
* [Check the crank bolts with a torque wrench. The torque should not exceed 360 Ibf/in for IC PRO and IC ELITE and 420 Ibf/in for
the EVOLUTION models.
* Check that both pedals are secured and properly attached to the crank arms.
NOTE: Only trained personnel should change the pedals. Unqualified people performing this procedure can cause threads to
cross. Crossed threads do not qualify for warranty replacement.
* Make sure handlebar and seat pop-pins are fully tightened and operating smoothly.
Use extreme care when servicing the Schwinn® Indoor eyeling bike with the chain guard removed. If your fingers or other parts of
the the body come into contact with moving parts inside the bike, amputation or other serious injury may occur. Before starting any
maintenance on the chain drive, familiarize yourself with all moving parts. Never leave a Schwinn® bike unattended with the chain
guard removed.
Service Manual
Preventative Maintenance
Adjust the Smart Release™ Mechanism
* Smart Release™ Adjusting tool
* 45 to 50 Ib. dumbell or weight
Attention: Only a mechanic trained to work on Schwinn® IC Figure 11
bicycles should do this procedure. Make adjustments
to the Smart Release™ mechanism only to restore Smart Release” )
the mechanism to factory specifications. Never Adjusting Plate и Те
overtighten. f Рой >
Procedure: | | 8)
1. Ride the bike. This forces the the Smart Release™ mechanism - 3 a-00 € suc I
; , eo E "Ei М к 44 £
to break free. Pedal up to a moderate speed with little or a {ap ge Ch LY
no resistance on the flywheel while applying enough back nl
pressure to the cranks to release the mechanism. Repeat this
several times to ensure that the mechanism is up to operating
temperature and to feel the initial setting.
2. From the front of the bike, insert the Smart Release™ adjusting
tool into the space between the chain guard and the flywheel.
3. Rotate the flywheel until the 7mm diameter hole in the Smart
Release™ adjusting plate 15 visible from the front of the bike.
Figure 12
4. Tighten the resistance mechanism to prevent the flywheel
from rotating.
5. Place a 45 or 50 |b. dumbell or weight on the nght side pedal
{chain guard side) with the crank in the 9 o'clock position.
Note: When properly adjusted, the Smart Release™
mechanism should break free allowing the crank arm
to rotate down under this amount of weight.
6. Insert the Smart Release™ Adjusting Tool so that the bend in
the tool corresponds to the shape of the flywheel. ¡See Figure
1. Insertthe pin of the tool into the hole of the Smart Release"
adjusting plate.
Figure 13
8. Pull the handle of the tool UP toward the top of the flywheel
to increase the release pressure (higher breakaway force)
and DOWN to decrease the release pressure (lower
breakaway force). (See Figure 13.)
9. Hide the bike to test that the factory specified resistance has
been achieved.
Service Manual
C2007, Nautilus, Inc, All rights reserved. Nautilus, the Nautilus Logo, Universal, the Universal Loge, Bowflex, StairM aster, Pearl rami and Nautilus Institute are either registered trademarks
or trademarks of Nautilus, Inc. Schwann is & registarad trademark. All other trademarks ara ownad by their respective companias. Nautilus, Inc., World Headguartars, 16400 SE Nautilus Drive,
Vancouver, WA 08683
( MNautilus® Bowflex* Schwinn* Fitness Pearl Izumi? StairMaster* Universal® Nautilus Institute*
Gopher Customer Service 1-800-533-0446