Haier EK-Series HSU109VHGG, HSU218VHGW split-system air conditioner Service manual
Below you will find brief information for EK-Series HSU109VHG-G, EK-Series HSU218VHG-W. This manual provides information about the installation, operation, and maintenance of these split-system air conditioners.
EK-Series HSU109VHG-G HSU218VHG-W This service information is designed for experienced repair technicians only and is not designed for use by the general public. It does not contain warnings or cautions to advise non-technical individuals of potential dangers in attempting to service a product. Products powered by electricity should be serviced or repaired only by experienced professional technicians. Any attempt to service or repair the product or products dealt with in this service information by anyone else could result in serious injury or death ©2013 (Qingdao Haier Air Conditioner General corp.,Ltd) All right reserved .Unauthorized copying and distribution is a violation of law Table of Contents Contents 1.Introduction-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 2.List of fuctions---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 3.Specifications ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 4.Printed Circuit Board Connector Wiring Diagram-----------------------------------------------------------------9 5.Funcitions and Control---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14 5.1 Main functions and control specification of indoor unit --------------------------------------------------------14 5.2 The control system of outdoor unit -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------22 5.3 Value of termistor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------22 6. Service Diagnosis -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------41 6.1 Caution for Diagnosis-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------41 6.2 Problem Symptoms and Measures-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------41 6.3 Error Codes and Description indoor display--------------------------------------------------------------------------42 6.3.1 Thermistor or Related Abnormality-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------43 6.3.2 EEPROM abnormal------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------44 6.3.3Indoor AC fan motor malfunction----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------45 6.3.4 Outdoor DC fan motor fault---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------46 6.3.5 IPM protection-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------47 6.3.6 Over-current of the compressor---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------48 6.3.7 The communication fault between IPM and outdoor PCB -----------------------------------------------------49 6.3.8 Power Supply Over or under voltage fault--------------------------------------------------------------------------50 6.3.9 Overheat Protection For Discharge Temperature-----------------------------------------------------------------51 6.3.10 The communication fault between indoor and outdoor----------------------------------------------------------52 6.3.11 Loss of synchronism detection---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------54 6.3.12 High work-intense protection-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------55 7.exponent-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------56 8. Installation manual of room Air conditioner------------------------------------------------------------------------------63 9.Removal Procedure----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------71 10.Wiring Diagrams-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 92 Domestic Air Conditioner Introduction 1. Introduction 1.1 Safety Cautions Be sure to read the following safety cautions before conducting repair work. The caution items are classified into “Warning” and “Caution”. The “Warning” items are especially important since they can lead to death or serious injury if they are not followed closely. The “Caution” items can also lead to serious accidents under some conditions if they are not followed. Therefore, be sure to observe all the safety caution items described below. About the pictograms This symbol indicates an item for which caution must be exercised. The pictogram shows the item to which attention must be paid. This symbol indicates a prohibited action. The prohibited item or action is shown inside or near the symbol. This symbol indicates an action that must be taken, or an instruction. The instruction is shown inside or near the symbol. After the repair work is complete, be sure to conduct a test operation to ensure that the equipment operates normally, and explain the cautions for operating the product to the customer. 1.1.1 Caution in Repair Warning Be sure to disconnect the power cable plug from the plug socket before disassembling the equipment for a repair. Working on the equipment that is connected to a power supply can cause an electrical shook. If it is necessary to supply power to the equipment to conduct the repair or inspecting the circuits, do not touch any electrically charged sections of the equipment. If the refrigerant gas discharges during the repair work, do not touch the discharging refrigerant gas.The refrigerant gas can cause frostbite. When disconnecting the suction or discharge pipe of the compressor at the welded section, release the refrigerant gas completely at a well-ventilated place first. If there is a gas remaining inside the compressor, the refrigerant gas or refrigerating machine oil discharges when the pipe is disconnected, and it can cause injury. If the refrigerant gas leaks during the repair work, ventilate the area. The refrigerant gas can generate toxic gases when it contacts flames. The step-up capacitor supplies high-voltage electricity to the electrical components of the outdoor unit. Be sure to discharge the capacitor completely before conducting repair work.A charged capacitor can cause an electrical shock. Do not start or stop the air conditioner operation by plugging or unplugging the power cable plug. Plugging or unplugging the power cable plug to operate the equipment can cause an electrical shock or fire. 1 Domestic Air Conditioner Introduction Warning Do not repair the electrical components with wet hands. Working on the equipment with wet hands can cause an electrical shock. Do not clean the air conditioner by splashing water. Washing the unit with water can cause an electrical shock. Be sure to provide the grounding when repairing the equipment in a humid or wet place, to avoid electrical shocks. Be sure to turn off the power switch and unplug the power cable when cleaning the equipment. The internal fan rotates at a high speed, and cause injury. Do not tilt the unit when removing it. The water inside the unit can spill and wet the furniture and floor. Be sure to check that the refrigerating cycle section has cooled down sufficiently before conducting repair work. Working on the unit when the refrigerating cycle section is hot can cause burns. Use the welder in a well-ventilated place. Using the welder in an enclosed room can cause oxygen deficiency. 1.1.2 Cautions Regarding Products after Repair Warning Be sure to use parts listed in the service parts list of the applicable model and appropriate tools to conduct repair work. Never attempt to modify the equipment. The use of inappropriate parts or tools can cause an electrical shock, excessive heat generation or fire. When relocating the equipment, make sure that the new installation site has sufficient strength to withstand the weight of the equipment. If the installation site does not have sufficient strength and if the installation work is not conducted securely, the equipment can fall and cause injury. Be sure to install the product correctly by using the provided standard installation frame. For Incorrect use of the installation frame and improper installation can cause the equipment to fall, resulting in injury. integral units only Be sure to install the product securely in the installation frame mounted on a window frame. If the unit is not securely mounted, it can fall and cause injury. 2 For integral units only Domestic Air Conditioner Introduction Warning Be sure to use an exclusive power circuit for the equipment, and follow the technical standards related to the electrical equipment, the internal wiring regulations and the instruction manual for installation when conducting electrical work. Insufficient power circuit capacity and improper electrical work can cause an electrical shock or fire. Be sure to use the specified cable to connect between the indoor and outdoor units. Make the connections securely and route the cable properly so that there is no force pulling the cable at the connection terminals. Improper connections can cause excessive heat generation or fire. When connecting the cable between the indoor and outdoor units, make sure that the terminal cover does not lift off or dismount because of the cable. If the cover is not mounted properly, the terminal connection section can cause an electrical shock, excessive heat generation or fire. Do not damage or modify the power cable. Damaged or modified power cable can cause an electrical shock or fire. Placing heavy items on the power cable, and heating or pulling the power cable can damage the cable. Do not mix air or gas other than the specified refrigerant (R-410A / R22) in the refrigerant system. If air enters the refrigerating system, an excessively high pressure results, causing equipment damage and injury. If the refrigerant gas leaks, be sure to locate the leak and repair it before charging the refrigerant. After charging refrigerant, make sure that there is no refrigerant leak. If the leak cannot be located and the repair work must be stopped, be sure to perform pump-down and close the service valve, to prevent the refrigerant gas from leaking into the room. The refrigerant gas itself is harmless, but it can generate toxic gases when it contacts flames, such as fan and other heaters, stoves and ranges. When replacing the coin battery in the remote controller, be sure to disposed of the old battery to prevent children from swallowing it. If a child swallows the coin battery, see a doctor immediately. 3 Domestic Air Conditioner Introduction Caution Installation of a leakage breaker is necessary in some cases depending on the conditions of the installation site, to prevent electrical shocks. Do not install the equipment in a place where there is a possibility of combustible gas leaks. If a combustible gas leaks and remains around the unit, it can cause a fire. Be sure to install the packing and seal on the installation frame properly. If the packing and seal are not installed properly, water can enter the room and wet the furniture and floor. For integral units only 1.1.3 Inspection after Repair Warning Check to make sure that the power cable plug is not dirty or loose, then insert the plug into a power outlet all the way. If the plug has dust or loose connection, it can cause an electrical shock or fire. If the power cable and lead wires have scratches or deteriorated, be sure to replace them. Damaged cable and wires can cause an electrical shock, excessive heat generation or fire. Warning Do not use a joined power cable or extension cable, or share the same power outlet with other electrical appliances, since it can cause an electrical shock, excessive heat generation or fire. 4 Introduction Caution Check to see if the parts and wires are mounted and connected properly, and if the connections at the soldered or crimped terminals are secure. Improper installation and connections can cause excessive heat generation, fire or an electrical shock. If the installation platform or frame has corroded, replace it. Corroded installation platform or frame can cause the unit to fall, resulting in injury. Check the grounding, and repair it if the equipment is not properly grounded. Improper grounding can cause an electrical shock. Be sure to measure the insulation resistance after the repair, and make sure that the resistance is 1 M ohm or higher. Faulty insulation can cause an electrical shock. Be sure to check the drainage of the indoor unit after the repair. Faulty drainage can cause the water to enter the room and wet the furniture and floor. 5 Domestic Air Conditioner 2 List of fuctions Functions Category Y/N Child lock Avoid the child's wrong operation on the remote controller Y 3D air flow The 3D airflow is able to deliver the airflow horizontally and vertically. Y 24Hour timer Use the timer function to set on,or off,or from on to off,or from off to on Y Auto restart Automatic return to previous operation conditions after sudden power blackout Y Easy clean design The panel is easy to wash and the airflow vents can be detached easily Y With twin-blade technology ,the airflow can be adjusted not to blow directly Y Anti-mold filter Catches most small particles and remove unpleasant odors effectively. Y Sleep mode The setting temprature and the indoor noise can be adjusted to a more comfortable level when you set the "sleep mode"during night sleep Y 4 Fan setting Slect the fan speed LO,MED,HI,AUTO Y Adjust the last fixed operation mode automatically. Y Quick cooling or heating Y Lower noise operation condition Y Intelligent air Auto mode Power mode Soft mode RCD module RCD module can strongly degrade formaldehyde that caused by the chemical products. optional Super NanoQuqa Super Nano-Quqa can ionize water molecules into nanometer water ion, which can be easily absorbed by skin. optional Note: Y: Holding Functions N : No Functions 6 3 Specifications H S U 1 0 9 V H G -G M odel H S U 2 1 8 V H G -W 9+9 C o o lin g H e a tin g Kw 4 .8 5 .5 B tu /h 16380 18770 C a p a c ity R a te d (M in .-M a x .) M o is tu re R e m o va l 3 .1 7 (s in g le ) P IN T /h R u n n in g C u rre n t(R a te d ) A 7 .7 7 .5 P o w e r C o n s u m p tio n R a te d (M in .-M a x ) W 1560 1550 P o w e r F a c to r % 96 96 B T U /(H *W ) 1 0 .5 1 2 .1 E E R /C O P P ip in g C o n n e c tio n s L iq u id IN ¶ G as IN ¶ D ra in IN ¶ H e a t In s u la tio n B o th L iq u id a n d G a s P ip e s M a x .In te ru n it P ip in g L e n g th IN 984 M a x .In te ru n it H e ig h t D iffe re n c e IN 591 C h a rg e le s s IN 787 H S U 1 0 9 V H G -G In d o o r U n it F ro n t P a n e l C o lo r A ir F lo w R a te (c o o lin g /h e a tin g ) W h ite CFM H 2 6 5 /2 9 3 M 2 3 7 /2 6 5 L 1 7 7 /2 0 5 C ro s s F lo w F a n T yp e Fan M o to r O u tp u t W 20 Speed S te p s 4 S te p s ,S lie n t,A u to R ig h t, L e ft, H o rizo n ta l, D o w n w a rd A ir D ire c tio n C o n tro l R e m o va b le /W a s h a b le /M ild e w P ro o f A ir F ilte r R u n n in g C u rre n t(R a te d ) A 0 .1 5 P o w e r C o n s u m p tio n R a te d W 33 T e m p e ra tu re C o n tro l M ic ro c o m p u te r C o n tro l D im e n s io n s (H *W *D ) IN 1 0 .4 *3 1 .3 *7 .4 P a c k a g e d D im e n s io n s (H *W *D ) IN 1 4 .2 *3 4 .3 *1 2 .0 W e ig h t Ib s 2 0 .9 G ro s s W e ig h t Ib s 2 5 .3 H /M /L dBA 4 2 /3 7 /3 2 H dBA 52 O p e ra tio n S o u n d (c o o lin g /h e a tin g S o u n d P o w e r(c o o lin g /h e a tin g ) 7 H S U 2 1 8 V H G -W O u td o o r U n it 9+9 C a s in g C o lo r W h ite C o m p re s s o r T yp e ro ta ry C o m p re s s o r M odel SN B130FG YM 2 M o to r O u tp u t 900 W M odel FV50S R e frig e ra n to il C h a rg e 0 .5 L R 410A M odel R e frig e ra n t C h a rg e 3 .1 Ib s 3 A ir F lo w R a te (H /L ) (c o o lin g /h e a tin g ) m /m in 4 8 .3 c fm 1 7 0 4 .9 9 T yp e P ro p e lle r Fan W 41 R u n n in g C u rre n t(R a te d )(c o o lin g /h e a tin g ) A 7 .7 /7 .5 P o w e r C o n s u m p tio n R a te d (c o o lin g /h e a tin g ) W 1 5 6 0 /1 5 5 0 P o w e r F a c to r(c o o lin g /h e a tin g ) % 98 S ta rtin g C u rre n t (c o o lin g /h e a tin g ) A 8 D im e n s io n s (W *D *H ) IN 3 1 .9 *1 1 .3 *2 7 .1 P a c k a g e d D im e n s io n s (W *D *H ) IN 3 7 .4 *1 6 .0 *2 9 .3 W e ig h t Ib s 9 5 .7 G ro s s W e ig h t Ib s 1 0 2 .3 H /M /L dBA 53 H dBA 63 M o to r O u tp u t O p e ra tio n S o u n d (c o o lin g /h e a tin g S o u n d P o w e r(c o o lin g /h e a tin g ) Conversion Formulate Heating Indoor:95 0 FDB/71 0 FDB 0 0 Indoor:73 0 FDB 0 3413 196.85 IN 0 Outdoor:121 FDB/85 FDB Outdoor:31 FDB/28 FDB 8 Connector wring diagram 4.Printed Circuit Board Connector Wiring Diagram indoor unit Connectors PCB(1) (Control PCB) 1) CN9ʙCN27 Connector for fan motor and feedback 2) CN1 Connector for heat exchanger thermistor and Room temperature thermistor 3) CN11 Connector for UP&DOWN STEP motor 4) CON2 Connector for power N wire 5) CON1 Connector for power L 6) CN30ʙCN31 Connector transformer 7) CN32 Connector for display board 8) CON6ʙCON8 Connector for ions generator 9) CON7 Connector for communicate between the indoor board and the outdoor board 10) CN36 Connector for long-range control 11) CN34 Connector for Net Module 12) CN20 Connector for room card Note: Other designations PCB(1) (Indoor Control PCB) 1) SW1 Connector for Forced operation ON / OFF switch 2) SW2 1 Select remote code A or B,2 Select 25 or 35 ,3 Select room card able or disable 3) RV1 Varistor0 4) FUSE1 Fuse 3.15A/250VAC Domestic Air Conditioner Connector wring diagram PCB(1) CN1 SW1 CN27 CN11 CN32 CN26 CN20 CON1 CN36 CON2 CON6 CN30 CON8 CN34 CON7 CN31 SW2 Domestic Air Conditioner Connector wiring diagram Outdoor unit Connectors PCB(1) (Control PCB) 1) CN1,CN2 Connector for power N and L 2) CN3 Connector for ground 3) CN23 Connector for DC POWER 15Vand 5V to the module board 4) CN9,CN10 Connector for CN2,CN1 on the module board 5) CN22 Connector for fan motor 6) CN11 Connector for four way valve coil 7) CN17,CN18,CN19,CN20,CN21 Connector for thermistors 8)CN24 Connector for communicate between the control board and the module board 9) CN28,CN25 Connector to P and N of the module board 10) CN36 Connector for communicate between indoor and outdoor unit 11) CN15,CN16 Connector for electric expansion valves PCB(2) (module PCB) CN10 Connector for the DC power 5V and 15V form the control PCB CN11 Connector for communicate between the control board and the module board P( CN8), N(CN9) Connector for CN27,CN25 on the control board LI (CN3),LO(CN4) Connector for reactor AC_L(CN1),AC_N(CN2) Connector for CN10,CN9 on the control board CN5(U), CN6(V), CN7(W) connector for the compressor Note: Other Designations PCB(1) (Control PCB) 1) FUSE 1, Fuse (25A,250VAC) 2)LED 1 keep light representative normal ,if keep flash interval representative trouble Alarm 3)RV1,RV2,RV3 Varistor 11 Domestic air conditioner Connector wiring diagram PCB(1) CN9 CN36 CN10 CN23 12 CN24 CN3 CN25 CN28 Domestic air conditioner Connector wiring diagram CN11 CN6 CN8 CN5 CN9 CN10 CN7 CN3 CN1 CN2 CN4 PCB(2) 13 Domestic air conditioner Functions and control 5.Funcitions and Control 5.1 Main functions and control specification 5.1.1 Automatic operation When the running mode is turned to automation after starting the system, the system will first determine the running mode according to the current room temperature and then will run according to the determined mode. Tr in the following selection conditions means room temperature, Ts means setting temperature, Tp means temperature of indoor coil pipe Tr≥23ć Choose Cooling Mode Tr˘23ć Choose Heating Mode After turning to the automation mode, the running mode can be switched between cooling mode, fan mode and heating mode according to the change of the indoor ambient temperature. But the automatic conversion between cooling mode and heating mode must be conducted after 15 minutes. 5.1.2 Cooling operation mode Temperature control range: 16ć---30ć Temperature difference: r1ć * Control features: When Tr˄input airflow˅>Ts˄set temperature˅ć, the compressor will be opened, the indoor fan will operate at the set speed and the mode signal will be sent to the outdoor system. When Tr˄input airflow˅ Ts˄set temperature˅ć, the compressor will be opened, the indoor fan will operate at the set speed and the mode signal will be sent to the outdoor system. The system will keep the original status if Tr= Ts. Airflow speed control: (temperature difference 1ć) Automatic: When Tr≤Ts+3ć, high speed. When Ts+1ć≤Tr<Ts+3ć, medium speed When Tr<Ts+1ć, low speed When the sensor is off, low speed When the airflow speed has no delay from the high to low switching, the speed should be delayed for 3 minutes (remain at high speed for 3 minutes.) before the next switch. Manus: When the system is operating, you can set the high, medium or low speed manually. (When the sensor is on or off, the system will change the speed 2 seconds after receiving the signal.) *Airgate location control: the location for the airgate can be set according to your needs. *Defrosting function: preventing the frosting on the indoor heat exchanger (when cooling or dehumidifying). When the compressor works continuously for 1/6 minutes (adaptable in EEPROM) and the temperature of the indoor coils has been below zero centigrade for 10 seconds, the compressor will be stopped and the malfunction will be recorded in the malfunction list. The indoor system will continue to run. When the temperature of the indoor coil is raised to 7ć, the compressor will be restarted again (the requirement of 3 minutes’ delay should be satisfied.) * timing system on/off function. * Dormant control function. 14 Domestic Air Conditioner Functions and control 5.1.3 Dehumidifying mode. * temperature control range: 16---30ć * temperature difference: r1ć Control feature: send the dehumidifying signal to the outdoor system. When Tr>Ts+2ć, the compressor will be turned on, the indoor fan will operate at the set speed. When Tr is between the Ts and Ts+2ć, the outdoor system will operate at the high dehumidifying frequency for 10 minutes and then at the low dehumidifying mode for six minutes. The indoor fan will operate at low speed. When Tr< Ts, the outsystem will be stopped, the indoor fan will be stopped for 3 minutes and then turned to the low speed option. All the frequency converses have a f1ć difference. * Wind speed control: Automatic: When Tr≥ Ts+ 5ć, high speed. When Ts+3ćdTr< Ts+5ć, medium speed. When Ts+2ćdTr< Ts+3ć, low speed. When Tr<Ts+2ć, light speed. If the outdoor fan stopped, the indoor fan will be paused for 3 minutes. If the outdoor fan stopped for more than 3 minutes and the outdoor system still operates, the system will be changed into light speed mode. When the airflow speed has no delay from the high to low switching, the speed should be delayed for 3 minutes (remain at high speed for 3 minutes.) before the next switch. Manual: When the sensor is off or Tr< Ts+3ć, the manual operation can not be made. (obligatory automatic operation.) *Airgate location control: the location for the airgate can be set according to your needs. *Defrosting function: preventing the frosting on the indoor heat exchanger (when cooling or dehumidifying). When the compressor works continuously for 1/6 minutes (adaptable in EEPROM) and the temperature of the indoor coils has been below zero centigrade for 10 seconds, the compressor will be stopped and the malfunction will be recorded in the malfunction list. The indoor system will continue to run. When the temperature of the indoor coil is raised to 7ć, the compressor will be restarted again (the requirement of 3 minutes’ delay should be satisfied.) * Coil protection (synchronic overheating protection) are installed for the four directions latch malfunctions when dehumidifying. * Timing system on/off function. * Dormant control function. 5.1.4 Heating operation mode. * temperature control range: 16---30ć * temperature difference: r1ć * control feature: the temperature compensation is automatically added and the system will send the heating signals to the outdoor system. If TrdTs, the outdoor compressor is turned on, the indoor fan will be at the cold air proof mode. If Tr>Ts+, the outdoor system is turned off, the indoor fan will be at the heat residue sending mode. If Tr<Ts+, the outdoor system will be turned on again, the indoor fan will be at the cold air proof mode. 15 Domestic Air Conditioner Functions and control *Indoor fan control manual control: You can choose high, medium, low and automatic speed control. Automatic: When Tr<Ts, high speed. When Ts≤Tr≤Ts+2ć, medium speed. When Tr> Ts+2ć, low speed. When the airflow speed has no delay from the high to low switching, the speed should be delayed for 3 minutes (remain at high speed for 3 minutes.) before the next switch. *Airgate location control: the location for the airgate can be set according to your needs. Coldair proof operation 1. The indoor operation within 4 minutes after the start up is as the following diagram, the air speed can be raised only after the speed has reached a certain level. Set speed Heat start temp 1 Low speed Keep the high Heat start temp 2 speed. The fan Light speed doesn’t stop Heat start temp 3 Fan/off Heat start temp 4 Fan/off 2. 4 minutes after the start up of the indoor fan, the light airflow and the low airflow will be turned to the set speed airflow. 3. In the cold air proof operation, the fan won’t stop after the start up. 4. During the cold air proof operation, the indoor system will continuously send ‘indoor high speed’ signals to the outdoor system. * Residue heat sending. The indoor fan will send the residue heat at a low speed for 12 seconds. If other conditions are satisfied, when the compressor stops, the indoor system will operate at a light speed. The indoor fan will stop when the coil temperature is below the ‘heat start temp 4’. * Defrosting. When the system receives the defrosting signal from outdoors, the indoor fan will stop and the indoor temperature display won’t change. At the time, any indoor coil malfunctions will be neglected. When the outdoor defrosting finishes, the coil malfunction will still be neglected until the compressor has been started up for 30 seconds. The indoor temperature display will not change and the system operates at the cold air proof mode. * Automatic heating temperature compensation: when the system enters the heating mode, the temperature compensation (4) will be added. When the status is switched off, the compensation will be erased. 5.1.5 Strength operation The system enters the mode after receiving the ‘strength signal’. Send strength operation signal to the outdoor system. The mode change finishes the strength operation. Entering ‘mute’, you can have normal operation or signal control such as timing to finish the strength operation. 16 Domestic Air Conditioner Functions and control When the system is at the automatic option with the strength/ mute function, if the system enters the cooling mode, the cooling strength/ mute function will be offered; if the system enters the heating mode, then the heating strength/ mute function will be offered; if the system enters the airflow mode, there will be no strength/ mute function. 5.1.6 Mute operation The system enters the mode after receiving the ‘mute signal’. a. Mute heating: the airflow speed is slight, the system sends the mute signal to the outdoor system. b. mute cooling: the airflow speed is slight, the system sends the mute signal to the outdoor system. When the compressor operates, the airflow speed is mute speed. EEPROM is adaptable. Mute operation can not work under the dehumidifying and airflow-sending operation. 5.1.7 Air refreshing After receiving the signal from the remote control, (HV series: the background light of the ‘health’ logo is green. HS series: the ‘health’ indicator will be lighted). If the fan operates, the Nano-Aqua operates to realize the ions sending function. If the indoor fan stops, the Nano-Aqua is turned off. When the Nano-Aqua is turned off, if the air refreshing system is turned on, the Nano-Aqua will be turned on when the fan operates. 5.1.8 Timing You can set 24 hours’ on/off timing accordingly. After the setting, the timing indicator will be lightened. Also, the light will be turning off after the timing is finished. The followings are several timing methods. 1.system /on timing: The timing indicator will be lightened and the indoor system is under the waiting mode. The light will be turned off when the timing is finished and the rest of the system will operate under a normal condition. The timing starts since the last reception of the timing signal. 2.system /off timing: When the system is turned on, the timing indicator is lightened, the rest of the system will operated under a normal condition. When set time comes, the indicator light will be turned off and the system will be turned off. If you have set the dormant functions, the order of your settings will be operated according to the timing settings. 3 .system /on and off timing: The settings will be completed according to the orders.. 5.1.9 Dormant operation The dormant timing is an eight hours unadaptable one. The timing signs are shown on the V series board. (RC series show the dormant signal, the timing light is lighted on the 6 lights board). 2.1 Under the cooling/ dehumidifying operation, after the setting of the dormant operation, the set temperature will be raised for 1 centigrade after 1 hour’s operation and will be raised for 1 centigrade 1 hour later. The system will keep this status for 6 hours and then close. 2.2 Under the heating mode, after the setting of the dormant operation, the setting temperature will fall 2 centigrade after 1 hour’s operation and will fall 2 centigrade 1 hour later. 3 hours after the preceding 17 Domestic Air Conditioner Functions and control operations, the set temperature will be raised for 1 centigrade and the system will keep this status for 3 hours and then close down. 2.3 During the dormant time, except the change of the system mode or a new press on the dormant setting keys, the timing of the 8 hours dormancy will take the first timing as the start time, any presses on other keys will not affect the original timing. 2.4 Indoor fan control under the dormant operation. If the indoor fan is at the high speed before the dormant operation setting, the speed will be turned to medium after the setting. If the fan is at the medium speed before the dormant setting, the speed will be turned to low after the setting. If the fan is at the low speed before the dormant setting, the speed will not change. 5.1.10 Urgent on/off input Press the urgency button the buzzer will ring. The system will enter the automatic mode if you don’t press the button for more than 5 seconds. Under the system off mode, if you press the urgency key for 5 to 10 seconds, the system will start the test operation. Under the system off mode, if you press the urgency key for 10 to 15 seconds, the display screen will show the resume of the last malfunction. If the system is under operation, the press on the urgency key will stop it. Under the system off mode, the display screen will show automatic running sign. Under the system off mode, the system will not receive the remote control signal if the press on the urgency key doesn’t last for 15 seconds or if the key is loosened. Urgency operation: If you press the urgency key for less than 5 seconds, the buzzer will ring when you press the on/off key. The system will enter the urgency operation when the urgency key is loosened. The urgency operation is fully automatic. Test operation. The inlet temperature sensor doesn’t work, the indoor fan and the indoor air direction board motor works synchronically. High speed airflow, cooling, outdoor system on, etc, will send the ambient temperature 30 centigrade and coil temperature 16 centigrade information to the outdoor system. Test operation The defrost protection of the evaporator doesn’t work. The temperature control doesn’t work. The test operation will be finished in 30 minutes. The test operation can be stopped by the relative commands from the remote control. 5.1.11 Low load protection control In order to prevent the frosting of the indoor heat interaction device, the outdoor system will be stopped if the indoor heat interaction temperature is below zero centigrade for 5 minutes, but the fan will continue to operate. The outdoor system will be started again when the heat interaction temperature is above 7 centigrade and the system has been stopped for 3 minutes. The malfunction will be stored in the malfunction resume and will not be revealed. 5.1.12 High load protection control 18 Domestic Air Conditioner Functions and control The outdoor system will be stopped if the coil temperature is above 65ć for 2 minutes. The indoor fan will be controlled by the thermostat. The outdoor system can be restarted when the coil temperature is below 42ć and the system has been stopped for 3 minutes. The malfunction will be stored in the malfunction resume and will not be revealed. 5.1.13 Abnormal operation of indoor system When the outdoor system operates, if the indoor system operation differs from the outdoor system, the abnormal operation malfunction will be reported. 10s after the report, the indoor system will be closed. Outdoor system mode Indoor system mode conflicts cooling heating yes cooling cooling no cooling airflow no heating heating no heating airflow yes heating cooling yes 5.1.14 Malfunction list resume. Nothing is presented if there is no code list. The malfunction display will automatically finish in 10 seconds. The remote control only receives the signals for stop. According to the signals, the malfunction resume presentation finishes. The resume restores after the power supply restores. 5.1.15 Abnormality confirmation approaches 1. indoor temperature sensor abnormality: Under the operation, the normal temperature ranges from 120 degree to -30 degree. When the temperature goes beyond this range, the abnormality can be confirmed. If the temperature goes back into the range, the system will automatically resume. 2 .indoor heat interaction sensor abnormality: Under the operation, the normal temperature ranges from 120 degree to -30 degree. When the temperature goes beyond this range, the abnormality can be confirmed. If the temperature goes back into the range, the system will automatically resume. 3 .indoor malfunction: Out door malfunction: When the indoor system receives the outdoor malfunction codes, it will store the code into E2 for the malfunction list resume. The indoor system will continue to operate according to the original status, the malfunction code will not be revealed or processed. 4. transmission abnormality: If the indoor system can’t receive the outdoor system for 8 minutes, the communication abnormality can be confirmed and reported and the outdoor system will be stopped. 19 Domestic Air Conditioner Functions and control 5.1.16 Single indoor system operation * Enter condition: First, set the high speed airflow and 30 centigrade set temperature, then press the dormant keys for 6 times within 7 seconds, the system will feedback with 6 rings. * After the system enters the separate indoor system operation mode, the indoor system will operate according to the set mode and neglect the communication signals of the outdoor system. However, it has to send signals to the outdoor system. * Quitting condition: This mode can be quitted after receiving the quitting signal from the remote control or urgency system. The indoor system thus can quit the single operation mode. 5.1.17 Power cut compensation * Entering condition: Press dormant button 10 times within 7 second, the buzzer will ring 4 times and the present system status will be stored into the EEPROM of the indoor system. * After entering the power cut compensation mode, the processing of the indoor system should be as the followings: Remote control urgency signal: operate according to the remote control and the urgent conditions, the present status will be stored into the EEPROM of the indoor system. * Quitting conditions: Press dormant button 10 times within 7 seconds and the buzzer will ring twice. 5.1.18 Fixed frequency operation 1. Fixed cooling: a. under G code condition: high speed cooling, set 16ć, press temperature ‘-‘ key and the set key at the same time. The system will enter the fixed frequency operation after the buzzer rings twice. b. The proceeding programs are as the follows: Entering the fixed frequency operation, you can set the fixed strength location 1 and send the cooling signal to the outdoor system. Meanwhile, you can fix the indoor system at high speed mode, the location of the airflow direction board can be switched to the maximal position. c. Quitting condition: The fixed frequency cooling can be quitted after receiving the remote signal, and the system will enter the remote setting status. 2. Fixed heating: a. under G code condition: high speed heating, set 30ć, press temperature ‘+‘ key and the set key at the same time. The system will enter the fixed frequency operation after the buzzer rings twice. b. The proceeding programs are as the follows: Entering the fixed frequency operation, you can set the fixed strength location 1 and send the heating signal to the outdoor system. Meanwhile, you can fix the indoor system at high speed mode, the location of the airflow direction board can be switched to the maximal position. c. Quitting condition: The fixed frequency heating can be quitted after receiving the remote signal, and the system will enter the remote setting status. 5.1.19 Test program 20 Domestic Air Conditioner Functions and control First, connect the test program terminal on the mainboard. Then connect the system to the power circuit. The test program will operate as follows. HV series display: The buzzer rings for one time—the signal will be sent to outdoor system for 0.5 second— the violet is sent for 0.5-- the background light turns to white—the back ground light turns to white—the background light turns to white—the background light is fully lighted for 0.5 second—LED screen lights for 0.5 second— the step-in motor fully output for 0.5 second—then the motor doesn’t output for 0.5 second—the motor fully output again for 0.5 second. The test program finishes. 5.1.20 Time cutting function: Connect the test program terminal on the mainboard after connecting the system to the power circuit. The CPU of the main control will be 60 times faster. 21 Domestic Air Conditioner Functions and control 5.2 . The control system of outdoor unit 5 2.1 The operation frequency of outdoor unit and its control The operation frequency control of compressor The operation frequency scope of compressor Mode Minimun operation frequency Maximun operation frequency Heating 20Hz 120Hz Refrigeration 20 Hz 80Hz The starting of compressor When the compressor is started for the first time, it must be kept under the conditions of 58Hz,88Hz for one minute (the overheating protection of the outdoor unit air-blowing temperature, immediately decrease the frequency when the compressor is overflowing and releasing the pressure) then it can be operated towards the target frequency. When the machine runs normally, there’s no such process. After starting the compressor for operation, the compressor should run according to the calculated frequency, and every determined frequency for protection should be prior to the calculated frequency. The speeds of increasing or decreasing the frequency of the compressor The speed of increasing or decreasing the frequency rapidly 1 -----------1HZ/second The speed of increasing or decreasing the frequency slowly 2 -----------1HZ/10seconds The calculation of the compressor’s frequency 1 The minimum/maximum frequency limitation is the maximum operation frequency of the A While refrigerating: IN is the minimum operation frequency of the compressor. compressor; is the maximum operation frequency of the compressor; B While heating: IN is the minimum operation frequency of the compressor. The frequency limitation which is affected by the environment temperature. 1 Heating mode: 22 Domestic air conditioner Functions and control Serial No. Temperature scope Frequency limitation 1 Wh_c<-12 Max_hz8 120 HZ 2 Wh_c<-8 Max_hz7 120HZ 3 Wh_c<-2 Max_h z4 120 HZ 4 Wh_c<5 Max_hz5 120HZ 5 Wh_c<12 Max_hz1 100HZ 6 Wh_c<18 Max_hz2 56 HZ 7 Wh_c> 18 Max_hz6 44 HZ Remarks: the above are the maximum frequency limitations of the complete appliance which are affected by the environment, and they have nothing to do with the ability of the indoor unit. Refrigeration/dehumidification mode:: Serial No. Temperature scope Frequency limitation 1 Wh_c<16 Max_hz1 26 HZ 2 Wh_c<24 Max_hz2 40 HZ 3 Wh_c<32 Max_hz3 58 HZ 4 Wh_c<44 Max_hz4 80 HZ 5 Wh_c>44 Max_hz5 40 HZ Remarks: the above are not only the maximum frequency limitations of the complete appliance which are affected by the environment, but also the maximum ability limitation of the system. When the starting ability is not the maximum, its maximum frequency limitation is calculated by the following equations: The frequency limitation which is affected by the temperature and under the condition of actual ability the actural running system ability*the maximum frequency which is limited by the temperature and under the condition of maximum ability/the maximum designing ability of the system T= Ti*Pi / Pi ( Ti=|Tst_i-Tnh_i the indoor environment temperature| ;Pi i the ability of the indoor unit) Refrigeration/dehumidification: T The percentage of the rated frequency P 1 2 3 50% 70% 100% 120% <1 1 2 3 70% 100% 130% <1 >=4 140% Heating mode T The percentage of the rated frequency P 50% >=4 180% K= Ki/the number of running machines The indoor set airflow speed Breeze Low Medium High Strong Quiet Healthy airflow The percentage of the rated frequency Ki 70 80% 90% 100% 120% 70% 70% 23 Domestic air conditioner Functions and control The calculation of the actual output frequency: when there is no healthy airflow: F =F-ED-* P K K healthy airflow When the healthy airflow has been set: F =F-ED-* P K airflow speed When refrigerating, it is needed to satisfy IN < F< When heating, it is needed to satisfy IN r< F< r 5.2.2 The outdoor fan control (exchange fan) When the fan is changed among every airflow speed (including stop blowing), in order to avoid the airflow speed from skipping frequently, it must be kept under each mode for over 30 seconds, and then it can be changed to another mode (when refrigerating, the time is changed to 15 seconds). The outdoor fan control when refrigerating or dehumidifying After the compressor is started for 5 seconds, the outdoor fan is started at the medium speed at first, after 30 seconds,it begins to control the airflow speed according to the temperature conditions of the outdoor environment. The temperature of the outdoor air Ta The temperature of the outdoor coil Te Ta 30 High 26 Ta<30 Keeping the speed 24 Ta<26 Medium 23 Ta<24 Keeping the speed 5 Ta<23 Ta<5 Low 15 Te Low 15 >Te Stop The outdoor fan control when heating The temperature of the outdoor air Ta Airflow speed Ta 22 Low 19 Ta<22 Keeping the speed 16 Ta<22 Medium 14 Ta<16 Keeping the speed Ta<14 5.2.3 Airflow speed High The control of the outdoor electronic expansion valve When starting the compressor: the opening size of the valve must be guaranteed to have entered into the standard opening size, and then the compressor can be started. When refrigeration is in vain (the machine is shut down or is in the state of retrograde operation), the opening size of the expansion valve of the indoor unit is 5 steps; When heating is in vain, the opening size of the expansion valve of the indoor unit is 55 steps; 24 Domestic air conditioner Functions and control When the outdoor unit is shut down, the valve is opened completely for 2 minutes, and then begin initialization. The scope of refrigerationg valve 90-----480 steps The scope of heating valve 80-----480 steps SHa. The valves are adjusted according to the degree of superheat SHa 5.2.4 Four way control For the details of defrosting four-way valve control, see the defrosting process. Four way working in other ways: Under the mode of heating, open the four-way valve, when the compressor is not started or changed to non-heating mode, make sure the compressor is stoped for 2 minutes, and then close the four-way valve. 5.2.5 Protection function TTC high temperature-preventing protection Once the machine is started, it can run TTC overheating protection of air-blowing, but air-blowing sensor malfunction must alarm after 4 minutes during which the compressor is started (during the course of self-detection, there’s no such limitation) Sensor detection methods: 100 times (one cycle of procedure run is one time, and about 5ms, detection method for each time: continuously sampling for 8 times, then order them and take the mean value of the middle 2 values), take the mean value. TTC Abnormal stop 110 Decreasing the frequency rapidly 1HZ/second 100 Decreasing the frequency slowly (1HZ/10seconds) 98 The frequency doesn’t change. 93 Increasing the frequency (1HZ/10second) 90 Increasing the frequency 1HZ/1second TTC>=110 lasts for 20 seconds. Overheating protection of air-blowing, alarm malfunction to the indoor, others don’t last. TC high temperature-preventing control of the indoor heating unit Tpg_indoor is the highest value of the effective indoor unit (start it and it is in accord with the running state). The indoor heat exchanger sensor tests the temperature of the indoor heat exchanger. If the temperature is higher than 55 , decrease the rotate speed of the compressor and do the high temperature-preventing protection of the indoor heat exchanger; if the temperature of the indoor heat exchanger is lower than 47 , recover to the normal control. 25 Domestic air conditioner Functions and control TC Fgh_t1 2 N 59 Fgh_t2 2 Fgh_t3 2 Fgh_t4 2 Fgh_t5 2 Normal The compressor stops Fgh_t1 65 Decreasing the frequency rapidly Fgh_t2 P Decreasing the frequency slowly Fgh_t3 55 Q Prohibiting increasing the frequency Fgh_t4 51 R Increasing slowly Fgh_t5 47 N Decreasing at the speed of 1HZ/1 second P Decreasing at the speed of 1Hz/10 seconds Q Continue to keep the last-time instruction cycle R Increasing at the speed of 1Hz/10seconds Remarks: the outdoor unit The control of preventing the overcurrent of the compressor During the starting process of the compressor, if the curren of the compressor is greater than 17A for 3 seconds, stop the compressor and alarm, after 3 minutes, start it again, if such state appears 3 times in 20 minutes, stop the compressor and alarm, and confirm the malfunction. Then continue to run it only after the the power is off. During the starting process of the compressor, if the AC current is greater than 12A, the frequency of the compressor decreases at the speed of 1HZ/second. During the starting process of the compressor, if the AC current is greater than 10A, the frequency of the compressor decreases at the speed of 0.1HZ/second. During the starting process of the compressor, if the AC current is greater than 9A, the frequency of the compressor increases at the prohibited speed. During the starting process of the compressor, if the AC current is greater than 8A, the frequency of the compressor increases at the speed of no faster than 0.1HZ/second. The protection function of AC current: During the starting process of the compressor, if the AC current is greater than 15A, the frequency of the compressor decreases at the speed of 1HZ/second. During the starting process of the compressor, if the AC current is greater than 13A, the frequency of the compressor decreases at the speed of 0.1HZ/second. During the starting process of the compressor, if the AC current is greater than 11A, the frequency of the compressor increases at the prohibited speed. During the starting process of the compressor, if the AC current is greater than 10A, the frequency of the compressor increases at the speed of no faster than 0.1HZ/second. Remarks: when the outdoor temperature is high, there’s compensation for AC current protection. When the outdoor environment temperature is higher than 40 , AC current protection value decreases by 10AD When the outdoor environment temperature is higher than 46 ,AC current protection value decreases by 15AD 26 Domestic air conditioner Functions and control When the outdoor environment temperature is higher than 50 ,AC current protection value decreases by 20AD Antifreezing protection of the indoor heat exchanger When refrigerating/heating, prevent freezing. Tpg_indoor is the minimum value of the effective indoor unit (start it and it is in accord with the running state). 11 //ice_temp_3+5 9 ce_temp_3+3 ice_temp_3 ice_temp_2 ice_temp_1 Increasing slowly 8 //ice_temp_3+2 Keeping the frequency 6 Decreasing slowly Decreasing rapidly ice_temp_1 Stop 6 5 3 0 When Tpg_indoor ice_temp_1 , the frequency of the compressor decreases at the speed of 1HZ/1second. When Tpg_indoor ice_temp_2 , the frequency of the compressor decreases at the speed of 1HZ/10seconds. When Tpg_indoor begins to rise again, and ice_temp_2 =Tpg_indoor = ice_temp_3 , the frequency of thecompressor doesn’t change. When ice_temp_3 Tpg_indoor ice_temp_3+3 , the frequency of the compressor increases at the speed of 1HZ/10seconds. For example, Tpg_indoor<= 0 last for 2 minutes, and then the outdoor unit will stop, and report underload malfunction, but don’t send malfunction report to the indoor. The compressor stops for more than 3 minutes, Tpg_indoor> ice_temp_3+2 , the compressor recovers. The frequency limitation of modification rate In the field which is controlled by high frequency, if the modification rate is not high enough, the control-driven chip will enter into weak magnetic control, this will help to relieve the problem of modification rate. If during the course of weak magnetic control, the modification rate is still not high enough, enter into the control of decreasing frequency until the alarm of modification rate is relieved. Temperature protection of the outdoor refrigerating coil When the defrosting temperature and the sensor’s temperature are higher than 65 , the frequency of the compressor decreases 1hz/10seconds. Keep the frequency until it decreases to the lowest frequency. When the temperatures are lower than 65 and higher than 60 , keep the frequency of the compressor. When the temperatures are lower than 60 , relieve the defrosting temperature protection. Malfunction display and malfunction handling a) For the complete appliance’s malfunctions Annex 2 If there’s malfunction with the outdoor unit, the light of the outdoor unit will flash and its frequency is 1HZ, the number of times is according to the table, when a round of flashing is finished, the 27 Domestic air conditioner Functions and control light shoud be off for 5 seconds. b) For the units’ malfunctins Annex 1 If there’s malfunction with the units, this will not affect the run of the complete appliance, but this can be displayed by the malfunction light, the light flashing frequency is 0.5HZ, the number of times is according to the malfunction table of the indoor units. When a round of flashing is finished, the light shoud be off for 10 seconds. Then report according to the order : unit A unit B unit C unit D, that is, if there’s malfunction with several units, then just report the indoor unit with the highest priority level. Among the unit malfunctions, the priority level of the communication malfunction is the highest, for others, that appears first will have the priority. Remarks: in 3 minutes when the compressor stops, the units’ malfunctions are not displayed; the complete appliance’s malfunctions are prior to the units’ malfunctions. Annex 1 Malfunction codes of the whole unit Remarks: under the mode of refrigeration, the malfunctions of each unit’s thin pipe temperature sensor are not reported, under the mode of heating, the malfunctions of each unit’s thick pipe temperature sensor are not reported. F12 1 Outdoor F1 2 The protection of IPM F22 3 Overcurrent F3 4 Communication fault between the IPM and outdoor PCB F19 6 Power voltage is too high or low F4 8 Overheat protection for exhaust temperature F21 10 Frost-removing temperature sensor failure F6 12 Ambient temperature sensor failure F25 13 Exhaust temperature sensor failure E7 15 Communication fault between indoor and outdoor units F11 18 deviate from the normal ---- 19 Loop E9 21 High work-intense protection --- 24 Overcurrent of the compressor --- 25 Overcurrent protection for single-phase of the compressor ---- 36 The socket protect of EEPROM error protection of AC electricity for the outdoor model for the compressor the station detect error 28 Domestic air conditioner Functions and control 5.3 Value of thermistor Indoor unit Room sensor and Pipe Sensor DŽ R77 F=10KΩ± 3%; B77DŽ F/122DŽ F=3700K±3%; DŽ Tolerance( F ) Temp.((DŽ F)) Max.(KΩ) Normal(KΩ) Min.(KΩ) -22 165.217 147.9497 132.3678 -3.492 3.15 -20.2 155.5754 139.56 125.0806 -3.474 3.132 -18.4 146.5609 131.7022 118.2434 -3.438 3.114 -16.6 138.1285 124.3392 111.8256 -3.402 3.078 -14.8 130.2371 117.4366 105.7989 -3.366 3.06 -13 122.8484 110.9627 100.1367 -3.33 3.042 -11.2 115.9272 104.8882 94.8149 -3.294 3.006 -9.4 109.441 99.1858 89.8106 -3.258 2.988 -7.6 103.3598 93.8305 85.1031 -3.24 2.952 -5.8 97.6556 88.7989 80.6728 -3.204 2.934 -4 92.3028 84.0695 76.5017 -3.168 2.916 -2.2 87.2775 79.6222 72.5729 -3.132 2.88 -0.4 82.5577 75.4384 68.871 -3.096 2.862 1.4 78.123 71.501 65.3815 -3.06 2.826 3.2 73.9543 67.7939 62.0907 -3.024 2.79 5 70.0342 64.3023 58.9863 -2.988 2.772 6.8 66.3463 61.0123 56.0565 -2.952 2.736 8.6 62.8755 57.911 53.2905 -2.916 2.718 10.4 59.6076 54.9866 50.6781 -2.88 2.682 12.2 56.5296 52.2278 48.2099 -2.844 2.646 14 53.6294 49.6244 45.8771 -2.808 2.628 15.8 50.8956 47.1666 43.6714 -2.772 2.592 17.6 48.3178 44.8454 41.5851 -2.718 2.556 19.4 45.886 42.6525 39.6112 -2.682 2.52 21.2 43.5912 40.58 37.7429 -2.646 2.502 23 41.4249 38.6207 35.9739 -2.61 2.466 24.8 39.3792 36.7676 34.2983 -2.574 2.43 26.6 37.4465 35.0144 32.7108 -2.538 2.394 28.4 35.6202 33.3552 31.2062 -2.484 2.358 30.2 33.8936 31.7844 29.7796 -2.448 2.322 32 32.2608 30.2968 28.4267 -2.412 2.304 33.8 30.7162 28.8875 27.1431 -2.376 2.268 35.6 29.2545 27.5519 25.925 -2.322 2.232 37.4 27.8708 26.2858 24.7686 -2.286 2.196 39.2 26.5605 25.0851 23.6704 -2.25 2.16 41 25.3193 23.9462 22.6273 -2.214 2.124 29 Domestic Air Conditioner Functions and control 42.8 24.1432 22.8656 21.6361 -2.16 2.088 44.6 23.0284 21.8398 20.6939 -2.124 2.052 46.4 21.9714 20.8659 19.7982 -2.07 2.016 48.2 20.9688 19.9409 18.9463 -2.034 1.962 50 20.0176 19.0621 18.1358 -1.998 1.926 51.8 19.1149 18.227 17.3646 -1.944 1.89 53.6 18.258 17.4331 16.6305 -1.908 1.854 55.4 17.4442 16.6782 15.9315 -1.854 1.818 57.2 16.6711 15.9601 15.2657 -1.818 1.782 59 15.9366 15.277 14.6315 -1.764 1.728 60.8 15.2385 14.6268 14.0271 -1.728 1.692 62.6 14.5748 14.0079 13.451 -1.674 1.656 64.4 13.9436 13.4185 12.9017 -1.638 1.62 66.2 13.3431 12.8572 12.3778 -1.584 1.566 68 12.7718 12.3223 11.878 -1.548 1.53 69.8 12.228 11.8126 11.4011 -1.494 1.494 71.6 11.7102 11.3267 10.9459 -1.458 1.44 73.4 11.2172 10.8634 10.5114 -1.404 1.404 75.2 10.7475 10.4216 10.0964 -1.35 1.35 77 10.3 10 9.7 -1.35 1.35 78.8 9.8975 9.5974 9.298 -1.368 1.368 80.6 9.5129 9.2132 8.9148 -1.44 1.44 82.4 9.1454 8.8465 8.5496 -1.512 1.494 84.2 8.7942 8.4964 8.2013 -1.566 1.548 86 8.4583 8.1621 7.8691 -1.638 1.62 87.8 8.1371 7.8428 7.5522 -1.71 1.674 89.6 7.8299 7.5377 7.2498 -1.764 1.746 91.4 7.5359 7.2461 6.9611 -1.836 1.8 93.2 7.2546 6.9673 6.6854 -1.908 1.872 95 6.9852 6.7008 6.4222 -1.98 1.926 96.8 6.7273 6.4459 6.1707 -2.034 1.998 98.6 6.4803 6.2021 5.9304 -2.106 2.052 100.4 6.2437 5.9687 5.7007 -2.178 2.124 102.2 6.017 5.7454 5.4812 -2.25 2.196 104 5.7997 5.5316 5.2712 -2.322 2.25 105.8 5.5914 5.3269 5.0704 -2.394 2.322 107.6 5.3916 5.1308 4.8783 -2.466 2.394 109.4 5.2001 4.943 4.6944 -2.538 2.448 111.2 5.0163 4.763 4.5185 -2.61 2.52 113 4.84 4.5905 4.35 -2.682 2.592 114.8 4.6708 4.4252 4.1887 -2.754 2.646 116.6 4.5083 4.2666 4.0342 -2.826 2.718 118.4 4.3524 4.1145 3.8862 -2.898 2.79 30 Domestic Air Conditioner Functions and control 120.2 4.2026 3.9686 3.7443 -2.97 2.862 122 4.0588 3.8287 3.6084 -3.06 2.916 123.8 3.9206 3.6943 3.478 -3.132 2.988 125.6 3.7878 3.5654 3.3531 -3.204 3.06 127.4 3.6601 3.4416 3.2332 -3.276 3.132 129.2 3.5374 3.3227 3.1183 -3.366 3.204 131 3.4195 3.2085 3.0079 -3.438 3.276 132.8 3.306 3.0989 2.9021 -3.51 3.33 134.6 3.1969 2.9935 2.8005 -3.6 3.402 136.4 3.0919 2.8922 2.7029 -3.672 3.474 138.2 2.9909 2.7948 2.6092 -3.744 3.546 140 2.8936 2.7012 2.5193 -3.834 3.618 141.8 2.8 2.6112 2.4328 -3.906 3.69 143.6 2.7099 2.5246 2.3498 -3.996 3.762 145.4 2.6232 2.4413 2.27 -4.068 3.834 147.2 2.5396 2.3611 2.1932 -4.158 3.906 149 2.4591 2.284 2.1195 -4.248 3.978 150.8 2.3815 2.2098 2.0486 -4.32 4.05 152.6 2.3068 2.1383 1.9803 -4.41 4.122 154.4 2.2347 2.0695 1.9147 -4.482 4.212 156.2 2.1652 2.0032 1.8516 -4.572 4.284 158 2.0983 1.9393 1.7908 -4.662 4.356 159.8 2.0337 1.8778 1.7324 -4.734 4.428 161.6 1.9714 1.8186 1.6761 -4.824 4.5 163.4 1.9113 1.7614 1.6219 -4.914 4.572 165.2 1.8533 1.7064 1.5697 -5.004 4.644 167 1.7974 1.6533 1.5194 -5.094 4.734 168.8 1.7434 1.6021 1.471 -5.184 4.806 170.6 1.6913 1.5528 1.4243 -5.256 4.878 172.4 1.6409 1.5051 1.3794 -5.346 4.95 174.2 1.5923 1.4592 1.336 -5.436 5.04 176 1.5454 1.4149 1.2942 -5.526 5.112 177.8 1.5 1.3721 1.254 -5.616 5.184 179.6 1.4562 1.3308 1.2151 -5.706 5.274 181.4 1.4139 1.291 1.1776 -5.796 5.346 183.2 1.373 1.2525 1.1415 -5.886 5.418 185 1.3335 1.2153 1.1066 -5.976 5.508 186.8 1.2953 1.1794 1.073 -6.084 5.58 188.6 1.2583 1.1448 1.0405 -6.174 5.67 190.4 1.2226 1.1113 1.0092 -6.264 5.742 192.2 1.188 1.0789 0.9789 -6.354 5.832 194 1.1546 1.0476 0.9497 -6.444 5.904 195.8 1.1223 1.0174 0.9215 -6.552 5.994 31 Domestic Air Conditioner Functions and control 197.6 1.091 0.9882 0.8942 -6.642 6.066 199.4 1.0607 0.9599 0.8679 -6.732 6.156 201.2 1.0314 0.9326 0.8424 -6.84 6.228 203 1.003 0.9061 0.8179 -6.93 6.318 204.8 0.9756 0.8806 0.7941 -7.02 6.39 206.6 0.949 0.8558 0.7711 -7.128 6.48 208.4 0.9232 0.8319 0.7489 -7.218 6.552 210.2 0.8983 0.8088 0.7275 -7.326 6.642 212 0.8741 0.7863 0.7067 -7.416 6.732 213.8 0.8507 0.7646 0.6867 -7.524 6.804 215.6 0.8281 0.7436 0.6672 -7.614 6.894 217.4 0.8061 0.7233 0.6484 -7.722 6.984 219.2 0.7848 0.7036 0.6303 -7.812 7.056 221 0.7641 0.6845 0.6127 -7.92 7.146 222.8 0.7441 0.6661 0.5957 -8.028 7.236 224.6 0.7247 0.6482 0.5792 -8.118 7.326 226.4 0.7059 0.6308 0.5632 -8.226 7.416 228.2 0.6877 0.614 0.5478 -8.334 7.488 230 0.67 0.5977 0.5328 -8.442 7.578 231.8 0.6528 0.582 0.5183 -8.532 7.668 233.6 0.6361 0.5667 0.5043 -8.64 7.758 235.4 0.62 0.5518 0.4907 -8.748 7.848 237.2 0.6043 0.5374 0.4775 -8.856 7.938 239 0.5891 0.5235 0.4648 -8.964 8.01 240.8 0.5743 0.51 0.4524 -9.072 8.1 242.6 0.56 0.4968 0.4404 -9.18 8.19 244.4 0.546 0.4841 0.4288 -9.288 8.28 246.2 0.5325 0.4717 0.4175 -9.396 8.37 248 0.5194 0.4597 0.4066 -9.504 8.46 Outdoor unit Ambient Sensor, Defrost Sensor, Pipe sensor DŽ R77 F =10KΩ ± 3% B77DŽ F /122DŽ F =3700K±3%; Tolerance(DŽ F) Temp.((DŽ F )) Max.(KΩ) Normal(KΩ) Min.(KΩ) -22 165.217 147.9497 132.3678 -3.492 3.15 -20.2 155.5754 139.56 125.0806 -3.474 3.132 -18.4 146.5609 131.7022 118.2434 -3.438 3.114 -16.6 138.1285 124.3392 111.8256 -3.402 3.078 -14.8 130.2371 117.4366 105.7989 -3.366 3.06 -13 122.8484 110.9627 100.1367 -3.33 3.042 -11.2 115.9272 104.8882 94.8149 -3.294 3.006 -9.4 109.441 99.1858 89.8106 -3.258 2.988 32 Domestic Air Conditioner Functions and control -7.6 103.3598 93.8305 85.1031 -3.24 2.952 -5.8 97.6556 88.7989 80.6728 -3.204 2.934 -4 92.3028 84.0695 76.5017 -3.168 2.916 -2.2 87.2775 79.6222 72.5729 -3.132 2.88 -0.4 82.5577 75.4384 68.871 -3.096 2.862 1.4 78.123 71.501 65.3815 -3.06 2.826 3.2 73.9543 67.7939 62.0907 -3.024 2.79 5 70.0342 64.3023 58.9863 -2.988 2.772 6.8 66.3463 61.0123 56.0565 -2.952 2.736 8.6 62.8755 57.911 53.2905 -2.916 2.718 10.4 59.6076 54.9866 50.6781 -2.88 2.682 12.2 56.5296 52.2278 48.2099 -2.844 2.646 14 53.6294 49.6244 45.8771 -2.808 2.628 15.8 50.8956 47.1666 43.6714 -2.772 2.592 17.6 48.3178 44.8454 41.5851 -2.718 2.556 19.4 45.886 42.6525 39.6112 -2.682 2.52 21.2 43.5912 40.58 37.7429 -2.646 2.502 23 41.4249 38.6207 35.9739 -2.61 2.466 24.8 39.3792 36.7676 34.2983 -2.574 2.43 26.6 37.4465 35.0144 32.7108 -2.538 2.394 28.4 35.6202 33.3552 31.2062 -2.484 2.358 30.2 33.8936 31.7844 29.7796 -2.448 2.322 32 32.2608 30.2968 28.4267 -2.412 2.304 33.8 30.7162 28.8875 27.1431 -2.376 2.268 35.6 29.2545 27.5519 25.925 -2.322 2.232 37.4 27.8708 26.2858 24.7686 -2.286 2.196 39.2 26.5605 25.0851 23.6704 -2.25 2.16 41 25.3193 23.9462 22.6273 -2.214 2.124 42.8 24.1432 22.8656 21.6361 -2.16 2.088 44.6 23.0284 21.8398 20.6939 -2.124 2.052 46.4 21.9714 20.8659 19.7982 -2.07 2.016 48.2 20.9688 19.9409 18.9463 -2.034 1.962 50 20.0176 19.0621 18.1358 -1.998 1.926 51.8 19.1149 18.227 17.3646 -1.944 1.89 53.6 18.258 17.4331 16.6305 -1.908 1.854 55.4 17.4442 16.6782 15.9315 -1.854 1.818 57.2 16.6711 15.9601 15.2657 -1.818 1.782 59 15.9366 15.277 14.6315 -1.764 1.728 60.8 15.2385 14.6268 14.0271 -1.728 1.692 62.6 14.5748 14.0079 13.451 -1.674 1.656 64.4 13.9436 13.4185 12.9017 -1.638 1.62 66.2 13.3431 12.8572 12.3778 -1.584 1.566 68 12.7718 12.3223 11.878 -1.548 1.53 33 Domestic Air Conditioner Functions and control 69.8 12.228 11.8126 11.4011 -1.494 1.494 71.6 11.7102 11.3267 10.9459 -1.458 1.44 73.4 11.2172 10.8634 10.5114 -1.404 1.404 75.2 10.7475 10.4216 10.0964 -1.35 1.35 77 10.3 10 9.7 -1.35 1.35 78.8 9.8975 9.5974 9.298 -1.368 1.368 80.6 9.5129 9.2132 8.9148 -1.44 1.44 82.4 9.1454 8.8465 8.5496 -1.512 1.494 84.2 8.7942 8.4964 8.2013 -1.566 1.548 86 8.4583 8.1621 7.8691 -1.638 1.62 87.8 8.1371 7.8428 7.5522 -1.71 1.674 89.6 7.8299 7.5377 7.2498 -1.764 1.746 91.4 7.5359 7.2461 6.9611 -1.836 1.8 93.2 7.2546 6.9673 6.6854 -1.908 1.872 95 6.9852 6.7008 6.4222 -1.98 1.926 96.8 6.7273 6.4459 6.1707 -2.034 1.998 98.6 6.4803 6.2021 5.9304 -2.106 2.052 100.4 6.2437 5.9687 5.7007 -2.178 2.124 102.2 6.017 5.7454 5.4812 -2.25 2.196 104 5.7997 5.5316 5.2712 -2.322 2.25 105.8 5.5914 5.3269 5.0704 -2.394 2.322 107.6 5.3916 5.1308 4.8783 -2.466 2.394 109.4 5.2001 4.943 4.6944 -2.538 2.448 111.2 5.0163 4.763 4.5185 -2.61 2.52 113 4.84 4.5905 4.35 -2.682 2.592 114.8 4.6708 4.4252 4.1887 -2.754 2.646 116.6 4.5083 4.2666 4.0342 -2.826 2.718 118.4 4.3524 4.1145 3.8862 -2.898 2.79 120.2 4.2026 3.9686 3.7443 -2.97 2.862 122 4.0588 3.8287 3.6084 -3.06 2.916 123.8 3.9206 3.6943 3.478 -3.132 2.988 125.6 3.7878 3.5654 3.3531 -3.204 3.06 127.4 3.6601 3.4416 3.2332 -3.276 3.132 129.2 3.5374 3.3227 3.1183 -3.366 3.204 131 3.4195 3.2085 3.0079 -3.438 3.276 132.8 3.306 3.0989 2.9021 -3.51 3.33 134.6 3.1969 2.9935 2.8005 -3.6 3.402 136.4 3.0919 2.8922 2.7029 -3.672 3.474 138.2 2.9909 2.7948 2.6092 -3.744 3.546 140 2.8936 2.7012 2.5193 -3.834 3.618 141.8 2.8 2.6112 2.4328 -3.906 3.69 143.6 2.7099 2.5246 2.3498 -3.996 3.762 145.4 2.6232 2.4413 2.27 -4.068 3.834 34 Domestic Air Conditioner Functions and control 147.2 2.5396 2.3611 2.1932 -4.158 3.906 149 2.4591 2.284 2.1195 -4.248 3.978 150.8 2.3815 2.2098 2.0486 -4.32 4.05 152.6 2.3068 2.1383 1.9803 -4.41 4.122 154.4 2.2347 2.0695 1.9147 -4.482 4.212 156.2 2.1652 2.0032 1.8516 -4.572 4.284 158 2.0983 1.9393 1.7908 -4.662 4.356 159.8 2.0337 1.8778 1.7324 -4.734 4.428 161.6 1.9714 1.8186 1.6761 -4.824 4.5 163.4 1.9113 1.7614 1.6219 -4.914 4.572 165.2 1.8533 1.7064 1.5697 -5.004 4.644 167 1.7974 1.6533 1.5194 -5.094 4.734 168.8 1.7434 1.6021 1.471 -5.184 4.806 170.6 1.6913 1.5528 1.4243 -5.256 4.878 172.4 1.6409 1.5051 1.3794 -5.346 4.95 174.2 1.5923 1.4592 1.336 -5.436 5.04 176 1.5454 1.4149 1.2942 -5.526 5.112 177.8 1.5 1.3721 1.254 -5.616 5.184 179.6 1.4562 1.3308 1.2151 -5.706 5.274 181.4 1.4139 1.291 1.1776 -5.796 5.346 183.2 1.373 1.2525 1.1415 -5.886 5.418 185 1.3335 1.2153 1.1066 -5.976 5.508 186.8 1.2953 1.1794 1.073 -6.084 5.58 188.6 1.2583 1.1448 1.0405 -6.174 5.67 190.4 1.2226 1.1113 1.0092 -6.264 5.742 192.2 1.188 1.0789 0.9789 -6.354 5.832 194 1.1546 1.0476 0.9497 -6.444 5.904 195.8 1.1223 1.0174 0.9215 -6.552 5.994 197.6 1.091 0.9882 0.8942 -6.642 6.066 199.4 1.0607 0.9599 0.8679 -6.732 6.156 201.2 1.0314 0.9326 0.8424 -6.84 6.228 203 1.003 0.9061 0.8179 -6.93 6.318 204.8 0.9756 0.8806 0.7941 -7.02 6.39 206.6 0.949 0.8558 0.7711 -7.128 6.48 208.4 0.9232 0.8319 0.7489 -7.218 6.552 210.2 0.8983 0.8088 0.7275 -7.326 6.642 212 0.8741 0.7863 0.7067 -7.416 6.732 213.8 0.8507 0.7646 0.6867 -7.524 6.804 215.6 0.8281 0.7436 0.6672 -7.614 6.894 217.4 0.8061 0.7233 0.6484 -7.722 6.984 219.2 0.7848 0.7036 0.6303 -7.812 7.056 221 0.7641 0.6845 0.6127 -7.92 7.146 222.8 0.7441 0.6661 0.5957 -8.028 7.236 35 Domestic Air Conditioner Functions and control 224.6 0.7247 0.6482 0.5792 -8.118 7.326 226.4 0.7059 0.6308 0.5632 -8.226 7.416 228.2 0.6877 0.614 0.5478 -8.334 7.488 230 0.67 0.5977 0.5328 -8.442 7.578 231.8 0.6528 0.582 0.5183 -8.532 7.668 233.6 0.6361 0.5667 0.5043 -8.64 7.758 235.4 0.62 0.5518 0.4907 -8.748 7.848 237.2 0.6043 0.5374 0.4775 -8.856 7.938 239 0.5891 0.5235 0.4648 -8.964 8.01 240.8 0.5743 0.51 0.4524 -9.072 8.1 242.6 0.56 0.4968 0.4404 -9.18 8.19 244.4 0.546 0.4841 0.4288 -9.288 8.28 246.2 0.5325 0.4717 0.4175 -9.396 8.37 248 0.5194 0.4597 0.4066 -9.504 8.46 Discharge Sensor DŽ R176 F =50K Ω±3% B77 DŽ F/176DŽ F=4450K± 3% Temp.(( DŽ F)) Max.(KΩ) Normal(KΩ) Min.(KΩ) -22 14646.0505 12061.7438 9924.4999 -5.328 4.41 -20.2 13654.1707 11267.873 9290.2526 -5.31 4.392 -18.4 12735.8378 10531.3695 8700.6388 -5.274 4.392 -16.6 11885.1336 9847.724 8152.2338 -5.256 4.374 -14.8 11096.6531 9212.8101 7641.8972 -5.238 4.356 -13 10365.4565 8622.8491 7166.7474 -5.22 4.356 -11.2 9687.027 8074.3787 6724.1389 -5.184 4.338 -9.4 9057.2314 7564.2244 6311.6413 -5.166 4.338 -7.6 8472.2852 7089.4741 5927.0206 -5.148 4.32 -5.8 7928.7217 6647.4547 5568.2222 -5.112 4.302 -4 7423.3626 6235.7109 5233.3554 -5.094 4.302 -2.2 6953.293 5851.9864 4920.6791 -5.076 4.284 -0.4 6515.8375 5494.2064 4628.5894 -5.04 4.266 1.4 6108.5393 5160.4621 4355.6078 -5.022 4.266 3.2 5729.1413 4848.9963 4100.3708 -4.986 4.248 5 5375.5683 4558.1906 3861.6201 -4.968 4.23 6.8 5045.9114 4286.5535 3638.1938 -4.95 4.212 8.6 4738.4141 4032.7098 3429.0191 -4.914 4.212 10.4 4451.4586 3795.391 3233.1039 -4.896 4.194 12.2 4183.5548 3573.426 3049.5312 -4.86 4.176 14 3933.3289 3365.7336 2877.4527 -4.842 4.158 15.8 3699.5139 3171.3148 2716.0828 -4.806 4.14 17.6 3480.9407 2989.246 2564.6945 -4.788 4.122 36 Tolerance(DŽ F) Domestic Air Conditioner Functions and control 19.4 3276.5302 2818.6731 2422.6139 -4.752 4.104 21.2 3085.2854 2658.8058 2289.2164 -4.734 4.104 23 2906.2851 2508.9126 2163.923 -4.698 4.086 24.8 2738.6777 2368.3158 2046.1961 -4.68 4.068 26.6 2581.6752 2236.3876 1935.5371 -4.644 4.05 28.4 2434.5487 2112.5459 1831.4826 -4.608 4.032 30.2 2296.623 1996.2509 1733.6024 -4.59 4.014 32 2167.273 1887.0018 1641.4966 -4.554 3.996 33.8 2045.9191 1784.3336 1554.7931 -4.536 3.978 35.6 1932.0242 1687.8144 1473.146 -4.5 3.96 37.4 1825.0899 1597.0431 1396.2333 -4.464 3.942 39.2 1724.654 1511.6468 1323.7551 -4.446 3.906 41 1630.287 1431.2787 1255.4324 -4.41 3.888 42.8 1541.5904 1355.6163 1191.0048 -4.374 3.87 44.6 1458.1938 1284.3593 1130.2298 -4.338 3.852 46.4 1379.7528 1217.2282 1072.8813 -4.32 3.834 48.2 1305.9472 1153.9626 1018.7481 -4.284 3.816 50 1236.4792 1094.32 967.6334 -4.248 3.798 51.8 1171.0715 1038.0743 919.3533 -4.23 3.762 53.6 1109.4661 985.0146 873.7359 -4.194 3.744 55.4 1051.4226 934.944 830.621 -4.158 3.726 57.2 996.7169 887.6792 789.8583 -4.122 3.708 59 945.1404 843.0486 751.3077 -4.086 3.672 60.8 896.4981 800.8922 714.838 -4.068 3.654 62.6 850.6086 761.0603 680.3265 -4.032 3.636 64.4 807.3024 723.4134 647.658 -3.996 3.6 66.2 766.4212 687.8205 616.7252 -3.96 3.582 68 727.8172 654.1596 587.4271 -3.924 3.564 69.8 691.3524 622.3161 559.6694 -3.888 3.528 71.6 656.8979 592.1831 533.3634 -3.852 3.51 73.4 624.3328 563.6604 508.4261 -3.816 3.474 75.2 593.5446 536.654 484.7796 -3.78 3.456 77 564.4275 511.076 462.351 -3.762 3.42 78.8 536.9865 486.9352 441.1516 -3.726 3.402 80.6 511.0105 464.05 421.0258 -3.69 3.366 82.4 486.4151 442.3499 401.9146 -3.654 3.348 84.2 463.1208 421.7683 383.7626 -3.618 3.312 86 441.0535 402.243 366.5175 -3.582 3.294 87.8 420.1431 383.7151 350.1301 -3.546 3.258 89.6 400.3242 366.1295 334.5542 -3.51 3.24 91.4 381.535 349.4341 319.746 -3.474 3.204 93.2 363.7176 333.5801 305.6645 -3.42 3.168 95 346.8176 318.5216 292.2709 -3.384 3.15 37 Domestic Air Conditioner Functions and control 96.8 330.7839 304.2151 279.5286 -3.348 3.114 98.6 315.5682 290.6199 267.4031 -3.312 3.078 100.4 301.1254 277.6976 255.862 -3.276 3.06 102.2 287.4128 265.4119 244.8745 -3.24 3.024 104 274.3905 253.7288 234.4118 -3.204 2.988 105.8 262.0206 242.6161 224.4465 -3.168 2.952 107.6 250.2676 232.0436 214.9529 -3.132 2.934 109.4 239.0983 221.9825 205.9065 -3.078 2.898 111.2 228.4809 212.406 197.2844 -3.042 2.862 113 218.386 203.2887 189.0648 -3.006 2.826 114.8 208.7855 194.6066 181.2273 -2.97 2.79 116.6 199.6531 186.3369 173.7524 -2.934 2.772 118.4 190.9639 178.4584 166.6217 -2.88 2.736 120.2 182.6945 170.9508 159.8181 -2.844 2.7 122 174.8228 163.7951 153.3249 -2.808 2.664 123.8 167.328 156.9733 147.1268 -2.754 2.628 125.6 160.1904 150.4683 141.209 -2.718 2.592 127.4 153.3914 144.2641 135.5577 -2.682 2.556 129.2 146.9136 138.3454 130.1598 -2.646 2.52 131 140.7403 132.698 125.0027 -2.592 2.484 132.8 134.8559 127.3081 120.0746 -2.556 2.448 134.6 129.2457 122.163 115.3645 -2.52 2.412 136.4 123.8956 117.2504 110.8618 -2.466 2.376 138.2 118.7926 112.5589 106.5564 -2.43 2.34 140 113.9241 108.0776 102.4388 -2.376 2.304 141.8 109.2784 103.7961 98.5 -2.34 2.268 143.6 104.8443 99.7046 94.7315 -2.304 2.214 145.4 100.6112 95.7939 91.1253 -2.25 2.178 147.2 96.5692 92.0553 87.6735 -2.214 2.142 149 92.7088 88.4805 84.369 -2.16 2.106 150.8 89.0211 85.0614 81.2048 -2.124 2.07 152.6 85.4976 81.7908 78.1744 -2.07 2.016 154.4 82.1303 78.6615 75.2715 -2.034 1.98 156.2 78.9116 75.6668 72.4902 -1.98 1.944 158 75.8343 72.8004 69.8249 -1.944 1.908 159.8 72.8916 70.0561 67.2703 -1.89 1.854 161.6 70.077 67.4283 64.8213 -1.854 1.818 163.4 67.3844 64.9115 62.4731 -1.8 1.782 165.2 64.808 62.5006 60.2211 -1.764 1.728 167 62.3423 60.1906 58.0609 -1.71 1.692 168.8 59.9821 57.977 55.9885 -1.656 1.656 170.6 57.7223 55.8552 53.9998 -1.62 1.602 172.4 55.5583 53.821 52.0912 -1.566 1.566 38 Domestic Air Conditioner Functions and control 174.2 53.4856 51.8706 50.2591 -1.53 1.512 176 51.5 50 48.5 -1.53 1.512 177.8 49.7063 48.2057 46.7083 -1.53 1.53 179.6 47.9835 46.4842 44.9911 -1.602 1.602 181.4 46.3286 44.8323 43.3452 -1.674 1.656 183.2 44.7385 43.2468 41.7672 -1.728 1.71 185 43.2105 41.7248 40.254 -1.8 1.782 186.8 41.7386 40.2604 38.7996 -1.854 1.836 188.6 40.3241 38.8545 37.4048 -1.926 1.908 190.4 38.9643 37.5045 36.0668 -1.998 1.962 192.2 37.6569 36.2078 34.7831 -2.052 2.034 194 36.3996 34.9622 33.5513 -2.124 2.088 195.8 35.1903 33.7653 32.3689 -2.196 2.142 197.6 34.0269 32.6151 31.2338 -2.268 2.214 199.4 32.9075 31.5096 30.1438 -2.34 2.286 201.2 31.8302 30.4467 29.097 -2.394 2.34 203 30.7933 29.4246 28.0915 -2.466 2.412 204.8 29.795 28.4417 27.1254 -2.538 2.466 206.6 28.8337 27.4961 26.197 -2.61 2.538 208.4 27.9078 26.5864 25.3048 -2.682 2.592 210.2 27.016 25.711 24.447 -2.754 2.664 212 26.1569 24.8685 23.6222 -2.826 2.736 213.8 25.329 24.0574 22.8291 -2.898 2.79 215.6 24.5311 23.2765 22.0662 -2.97 2.862 217.4 23.762 22.5245 21.3323 -3.042 2.934 219.2 23.0205 21.8002 20.6261 -3.114 2.988 221 22.3055 21.1025 19.9465 -3.186 3.06 222.8 21.6159 20.4303 19.2924 -3.258 3.132 224.6 20.9508 19.7825 18.6626 -3.33 3.186 226.4 20.3091 19.1582 18.0563 -3.402 3.258 228.2 19.6899 18.5564 17.4723 -3.474 3.33 230 19.0924 17.9761 16.9098 -3.564 3.402 231.8 18.5157 17.4166 16.368 -3.636 3.474 233.6 17.959 16.8769 15.8458 -3.708 3.528 235.4 17.4214 16.3564 15.3427 -3.78 3.6 237.2 16.9023 15.8542 14.8577 -3.87 3.672 239 16.401 15.3696 14.3902 -3.942 3.744 240.8 15.9167 14.902 13.9394 -4.014 3.816 242.6 15.4489 14.4506 13.5047 -4.086 3.888 244.4 14.9968 14.0149 13.0855 -4.176 3.942 246.2 14.5599 13.5942 12.6811 -4.248 4.014 248 14.1376 13.1879 12.2909 -4.338 4.086 249.8 13.7294 12.7955 11.9144 -4.41 4.158 39 Domestic Air Conditioner Functions and control 251.6 13.3347 12.4165 11.551 -4.5 4.23 253.4 12.9531 12.0503 11.2003 -4.572 4.302 255.2 12.584 11.6965 10.8617 -4.644 4.374 257 12.227 11.3545 10.5348 -4.734 4.446 258.8 11.8817 11.024 10.2191 -4.824 4.518 260.6 11.5475 10.7046 9.9142 -4.896 4.59 262.4 11.2242 10.3957 9.6197 -4.986 4.662 264.2 10.9112 10.097 9.3352 -5.058 4.734 266 10.6084 9.8082 9.0602 -5.148 4.806 267.8 10.3151 9.5288 8.7945 -5.238 4.878 269.6 10.0312 9.2586 8.5378 -5.31 4.95 271.4 9.7563 8.9971 8.2895 -5.4 5.04 273.2 9.4901 8.7441 8.0495 -5.49 5.112 275 9.2322 8.4993 7.8175 -5.562 5.184 276.8 8.9824 8.2623 7.5931 -5.652 5.256 278.6 8.7404 8.0329 7.376 -5.742 5.328 280.4 8.5059 7.8108 7.166 -5.832 5.4 282.2 8.2787 7.5958 6.9629 -5.922 5.472 284 8.0584 7.3875 6.7664 -5.994 5.562 40 Domestic Air Conditioner Service diagnosis 6. Service Diagnosis 6.1 Caution for Diagnosis The operation lamp flashes when any of the following errors is detected. 1. When a protection device of the indoor or outdoor unit is activated or when the thermistor malfunctions, disabling equipment operation. 2. When a signal transmission error occurs between the indoor and outdoor units. In either case, conduct the diagnostic procedure described in the following pages. 6.2 Problem Symptoms and Measures SymptRm Check Item Details of Measure None of the units operates Check the power supply. Check the indoor PCB Check to make sure that the rated voltage is supplied. Check to make sure that the indoor PCB is broken Operation Check the power supply. A power failure of 2 to 10 cycles can stop air conditioner sometimes stops. operation. Check for faulty operation of the electronic Equipment operates but does expansion valve. not cool, or does not heat (only for heat pump) Diagnosis by service port Set the units to cooling operation, and compare the temperatures of the liquid side connection pipes of the connection section among rooms to check the opening and closing operation of the electronic expansion valves of the individual units. Check for insufficient gas. pressure and operating current. Large operating noise and vibrations Check the installation condition. Check to make sure that the required spaces for installation (specified in the Technical Guide, etc.) are provided. 41 Domestic Air Conditioner Service diagnosis 6.3 Error Codes and Description indoor display Code indication Indoor displaying panel code indication Indoor and Outdoor Indoor Malfunction Outdoor Page (LED1 flash times) Communication fault between indoor and E7 15 E1 -- Room temperature sensor failure Page .43 E2 -- Heat-exchange sensor failure Page .43 E4 -- Indoor EEPROM error Page . 44 E14 -- Indoor fan motor malfunction Page . 45 F12 1 Outdoor EEPROM error Page .52 F1 2 The protection of IPM Page .47 F22 3 F3 4 F19 6 F4 8 F8 9 F21 Outdoor Malfunction Reference fault description outdoor units Overcurrent protection of AC electricity for the outdoor model Communication fault between the IPM and outdoor PCB Power voltage is too high or low Overheat protection Page .52 Page .48 Page.49 Page . 50 for Discharge temperature Page .51 Outdoor DC fan motor fault Page .46 10 Defrost temperature sensor failure Page .43 F7 11 Suction temperature sensor failure Page .43 F6 12 Ambient temperature sensor failure Page .43 F25 13 Discharge temperature sensor failure Page .43 F11 18 deviate from the normal for the compressor Page .54 F28 19 Loop of the station detect error Page . 54 F2 24 Overcurrent of the compressor Page .48 F23 25 Overcurrent protection for single-phase of the compressor 42 Page .48 Domestic Air Conditioner Service diagnosis 6.3.1 Thermistor or Related Abnormality Indoor Display E1: Room temperature sensor failure E2: Heat-exchange sensor failure Outdoor display LED1 flash 10 times˖Defrost temperature sensor failure LED1 flash 11 times˖Suction temperature sensor failure LED1 flash 12 times˖Ambient temperature sensor failure LED1 flash 13 times˖Discharge temperature sensor failure Method of Malfunction Detection Malfunction Decision Conditions The temperatures detected by the thermistors are used to determine thermistor errors When the thermistor input is more than 4.92V or less than 0.08V during compressor operation. z Note: The values vary slightly in some models Supposed Causes ■ Faulty connector connection ■ Faulty thermistor ■ Faulty PCB Troubleshooting * Caution Be sure to turn off power switch before connect or disconnect connector, or else parts damage may be occurred. Check the connector connection. NO Correct the connection Is it normal? Yes Thermistor resistance check NO Replace the thermistor Is it normal? Yes Replace the indoor unit PCB Thermistor resistance check method: Remove the connector of the thermistor on the PCB, and measure the resistance of thermistor using tester.The relationship between normal temperature and resistance is shown in the value of indoor thermistor. 43 Domestic Air Conditioner Service diagnosis 6.3.2 EEPROM abnormal Indoor Display E4: Indoor EEPROM error Indoor display F12: Outdoor EEPROM error; Outdoor LED1 flash 1 times Method of The Data detected by the EEPROM are used to determine MCU Malfunction Detection Malfunction When the data of EEPROM is error or the EEPROM is damaged Decision Conditions Supposed ■ Faulty EEPROM data Causes ■ Faulty EEPROM ■ Faulty PCB Troubleshooting * Caution Be sure to turn off power switch before connect or disconnect connector, or parts damage may be occurred. Replace the indoor or outdoor mainboard. 44 Domestic Air Conditioner Service diagnosis 6.3.3 Indoor AC fan motor malfunction Indoor Display Method of Malfunction Detection Malfunction Decision Conditions E14 The rotation speed detected by the Hall IC during fan motor operation is used to determine abnormal fan motor operation when the detected rotation feedback signal don’t received in 2 minutes ■ Operation halt due to breaking of wire inside the fan motor. ■ Fan motor overheat protection ■ Operation halt due to breaking of the fan motor lead wires ■ Detection error due to faulty indoor unit PCB * Caution Be sure to turn off power switch before connect or disconnect connector, or else Troubleshooting Supposed Causes parts damage may be occurred. Pull out the terminals on the indoor 1R Check whether terminals mainboard and reinsert them. on indoor pcb is well ? <HV Electrify the machine again and turn it on in the cooling operation, Measure voltage between the positions 1and 3 of Terminal CN5 on the indoor PCB the voltage is about 90-220vac 12 Yes Measure whether there is voltage pulse (0-5VDC) <HV check whether motor can run between the positions middle wire and black wire when turn on the unit of Terminal CN2 on the indoor PCB Is it ok? 12 12 <HV the indoor motor is damaged and need replace the indoor pcb is damaged and need replace 45 Domestic Air Conditioner Service diagnosis 6.3.4 Outdoor DC fan motor fault Outdoor display LED1 flash 9 times Method of DC fan motor is detected by checking the fan running condition and so on Malfunction Detection Malfunction when the data of EEPROM is error or the EEPROM is damaged Decision Conditions Supposed Causes Ƶ DC fan motor protection dues to the DC fan motor faulty Ƶ DC fan motor protection dues to faulty PCB Troubleshooting * Caution Be sure to turn off power switch before connect or disconnect connector, or parts damage may be occurred. Check whether Terminal on the outdoor mainboard is well inserted. NO Reinsert the terminals Is it normal? Yes Electrify the machine again and turn it NO on in the Cool state with the remote controller. check whether motor can run˛ Measure the voltage between 1 and 3 of the terminal of fan motor on the mainboard about DC310V, Measure Yes the voltage between 3 and 4 of the terminal about DC15V. Measure the voltage between 5 and 3 of the Measure the voltage between 3 and 6 of terminal about 1-6v. the terminal about 0-5v. Yes Is it normal? Is it normal? Yes N0 N0 the motor of the outdoor unit is damaged and The mainboard of the outdoor unit is needs replacing. damaged and needs replacing 46 Domestic Air Conditioner Service diagnosis 6.3.5 IPM protection Outdoor display: Method of Malfunction Detection LED1 flash 2 times IPM protection is detected by checking the compressor running condition and so on Malfunction Decision Conditions ■ The system leads to IPM protection due to over current ■ The compressor faulty leads to IPM protection ■ circuit component of IPM is broken and led to IPM protection Supposed Causes ■ IPM protection dues to the compressor faulty ■ IPM protection dues to faulty PCB of IPM module ■ Compressor wiring disconnected * Caution Be sure to turn off power switch before connect or disconnect connector, Troubleshooting or else parts damage may be occurred. Electrify the machine again and turn it on <(6 with the remote controller,If malfunctions IPM Module is damaged and are reported before or upon the compressor needs replacing. being started up, Malfunction unsolved 12 The compressor is started normally, but malfunctions are reported after it has run for some time. 1ǃThe system may have been over or under charged with gas, which can be judged through the pressure of the measuring system. 2ǃThe shaft of compressor is seized and the compressor needs replacing. 47 Domestic Air Conditioner Service diagnosis 6.3.6 Over-current of the compressor Outdoor Display: LED1 flash 3 or 24 or 25 times Method of Malfunction Detection The current of the compressor is too high Malfunction Decision Conditions when the IPM Module is damaged or the compressor is damaged. power supply voltage is too low or too high Supposed Causes Troubleshooting ■ Faulty IPM Module ■ Faulty compressor ■ Faulty power supply * Caution Be sure to turn off power switch before connect or disconnect connector, or parts damage may be occurred. Electrify the machine again and turn it on YES with the remote controller, If malfunctions IPM Module is damaged and are reported before or upon the compressor needs replacing. being started up, NO The compressor is started normally, but Yes malfunctions are reported after it has Repair the power supply run for some time. Check the power supply is too low or too high NO NO The system may have been over or under charged with gas, which can be judged through the pressure of the measuring system. 48 Domestic Air Conditioner Service diagnosis 6.3.7 The communication fault between IPM and outdoor PCB Outdoor display: LED1 flash 4 times Method of Malfunction Detection Communication is detected by checking the IPM module and the outdoor PCB Malfunction Decision Conditions ■ The outdoor PCB broken leads to communication fault ■ The IPM module broken leads to communication fault Supposed Causes ■ The outdoor PCB is broken ■ The IPM module is broken ■ Communication wiring disconnected Troubleshooting * Caution Be sure to turn off power switch before connect or disconnect connector, else parts damage may be occurred. or 1) Check whether Terminal CN23 and CN24 on the outdoor mainboard CN10 and CN11 on IPM module 2) Check whether the connected wire between IPM and outdoor NO 1) Pull out and reinsert the terminals. 2) Replace connected wire Are they good? Malfunction unsolved YES Electrify the machine again and turn it on, Check whether the voltage between YES 1 and 2 of Terminal CN23 is about DC5V, Replace the outdoor IPM module Check whether the voltage between2 with a new one. and 3 of Terminal CN23 is about DC15V, NO Replace the outdoor mainboard with a new one 49 Domestic Air Conditioner Service diagnosis 6.3.8 Power Supply Over or under voltage fault Outdoor display: LED1 flash 6 times The power supply is over voltage Method of Malfunction Detection An abnormal voltage rise or fall is detected by checking the specified voltage detection circuit. Malfunction Decision Conditions An voltage signal is fed from the voltage detection circuit to the microcomputer Supposed Causes ■ Supply voltage not as specified ■ the IPM module is broken ■ the outdoor PCB is broken Troubleshooting * Caution Be sure to turn off power switch before connect or disconnect connector, or else parts damage may be occurred. Electrify the machine again and turn it on with the remote controller. Check whether the compressor is started normally Yes Is it ok? Maybe there is some disturbance No Yes Test the outdoor power supply Change the IPM module (+310VDC) with a multimeter. check whether the power is >150 V or <390V? NO Yes Change the IPM module ~230 is ok? NO This question may be caused by the power. Repair the power supply. 50 Domestic Air Conditioner Service diagnosis 6.3.9 Overheat Protection For Discharge Temperature Outdoor display: LED1 flash 8 times Method of Malfunction Detection Malfunction Decision Conditions Supposed Causes Troubleshooting The Discharge temperature control is checked with the temperature being detected by the Discharge pipe thermistor when the compressor discharge temperature is above 110ć ■ Electronic expansion valve defective ■ Faulty thermistor ■ Faulty PCB * Caution Be sure to turn off power switch before connect or disconnect connector, or else parts damage may be occurred. Electrify the machine again and turn it on with the remote controller, then measure the temperature at the exhaust temperature sensor of the compressor on the outdoor unit 1) The cryogen may have been leaked during YES The temperature exceeds 110 ć installation, or there may be leakage in the piping system. shortly after the 2) There may be other causes to make the exhaust machine starts up? temperature too high. NO Malfunctions occur after running for some time even though the measured temperature is below 110ć. Pull out the exhaust sensor and measure its resistance at standard temperatures according to the resistance-temperature table YES The results The sensor is damaged. Replace the sensor deviate with a new one. much? NO The outdoor mainboard is damaged and needs be replaced 51 Domestic Air Conditioner Service diagnosis 6.3.10 The communication fault between indoor and outdoor Indoor display outdoor display E7 LED1 flash 15 times Communication is detected by checking the indoor PCB and the outdoor PCB. Method of Malfunction Detection ■ The outdoor PCB broken leads to communication fault. ■ The indoor PCB broken leads to communication fault. Malfunction Decision Conditions Supposed Causes ■ ■ ■ ■ Troubleshooting Communication wiring disconnected. The indoor PCB is broken. The outdoor PCB is broken. The Module PCB is broken. * Caution Be sure to turn off power switch before connect or disconnect connector, or else parts damage may be occurred. Restart the a/c and it Yes The outdoor mainboard needs dehumidification. becomes normally. NO If starting up normally, but NO The outdoor mainboard needs malfunction occurs again after a dedust. while YES Check whether the linking cable No 1. Reconnect the linking cable; between the indoor and outdoor is well 2. Replace the linking cable with new connected or whether its core wires are one. well insulated. Yes ˄A˅ 52 Domestic Air Conditioner Service diagnosis ˄A˅ Check the indoor mainboard. Yes Measure the voltage between Jumpers 3 and 4 of IC1 on the indoor mainboard with a No multimeter. Test the outdoor power supply (230VAC and +310VDC) with a multimeter. If the voltage is of a constant value of 0V DCto5V DC If 230VAC is available but 310DC not, the power module is damaged, replace it with a new one. YES If both 230VAC and 310DC are NO The indoor mainboard is damaged; replace available, measure it with a new one. +12V(from7805) is available. The outdoor mainboard is damaged; Replace them with a new one. YES Measure the AC voltage between positions 1 If the value is constant at about 30V, the and 3 on the terminal of outdoor unit with a indoor mainboard is damaged, replace it with multimeter. a new one. If the value varies between 0 and 80 VAC, The outdoor mainboard is damaged; replace the outdoor mainboard is damaged, replace it it with a new one. with a new one. 53 Domestic Air Conditioner NO Service diagnosis 6.3.11 Loss of synchronism detection Inverter side current detection is abnormal Outdoor Display LED1 flash 18 times LED1 flash 19 times Method of Malfunction Detection The position of the compressor rotor can not detected normally Malfunction Decision Conditions Supposed Causes Troubleshooting when the wiring of compressor is wrong or the connection is poor; or the compressor is damaged Ƶ Faulty The wiring of compressor Ƶ Faulty compressor Ƶ Faulty PCB * Caution Be sure to turn off power switch before connect or disconnect connector, or parts damage may be occurred. NO Within 3 minutes after the machine is supplied with power and turned on with the remote controller, check whether the compressor can start up 1. The wiring of compressor is incorrect or the connection is poor; 2. The compressor is damaged YES At first, the compressor start up ,soon the compressor stopped with the LED1 on the outdoor PCB blinks˄1Hz˅19/18 times YES IPM Module is damaged and needs replacing. Malfunction unsolved the Maybe there is some disturbance 54 Malfunctions exist also, the compressor is damaged replace a new one Domestic Air Conditioner Service diagnosis 6.3.12 High work-intense protection Outdoor display LED1 flash 21 times Method of Malfunction Detection High work-intense control is activated in the heating mode if the temperature being sensed by the heat exchanger thermistor exceeds the limit. Malfunction Decision Conditions Activated when the temperature being sensed by the heat exchanger rises above 65ć twices in 30 minutes. Ƶ Ƶ Ƶ Ƶ Supposed Causes Troubleshooting Faulty electronic expansion valve Dirty heat exchanger Faulty heat-exchange sensor Insufficient gas * Caution Be sure to turn off power switch before connect or disconnect connector, else parts damage may be occurred. or Electrify the machine again and turn it on with the remote controller, check whether the wind temperature is below 65ć YES The malfunction is reported after the machine has run for some time? 1 ǃ Check room temperature and pipe temperature sensor. 2ǃthe temperature monitoring circuit of the indoor mainboard NO YES The indoor unit blows poorly due to blocked filters or poor condition of the fan? 1) Clean the filters 2) Reinstall the fan. NO Use some tools to measure the pressure of systemˈ 55 Domestic Air Conditioner Exponent 7.Exponent Parts and Functions Remote Control Indoor Unit 1 Air Purifying Filter Inlet 6 2 (inside) 7 3 4 Front Cover 5 8 9 Outlet 18 10 (adjust left and right air flow) 19 20 Horizontal louver Display Emergency Switch (adjust up and board 12 down air flow Don’t adjust it manually) 21 13 22 14 23 15 The unit pictured above is for reference only. Your product may appear different. 24 16 25 17 1. Mode display Display board 1 Operation mode 2 3 4 5 AUTO COOL DRY HEAT FAN Remote controller 2. Signal sending display 3. SWING display 4. FAN SPEED display 4 TIMER ON display 1 Signal receiver hole TIMER OFF display 2 ON/OFF display SLEEP display 3 Ambient temp.display Note to the Auto restart function: When receiving the remote control signal, display the set temperature will be shown in the display. The room temperature is displayed and this room temperature is only for reference. LO MED Display circulated AUTO HI 5. LOCK display 6. TIMER OFF display TIMER ON display 7.TEMP display 8.Additional functions display Press the sleep button ten times in five seconds and enter the function after hearing four sounds. Press the sleep button ten times within five seconds and leave this function after hearing two sounds. Operation mode QUITE SLEEP HEALTH POWER 5 COOL\HEAT\DRY\ AUTO display Used to lock buttons and LCD display. 17. LIGHT button 11 Vertical louvers 9. QUIET button 10. HEAT button 11. COOL button 12. AUTO button 13. FAN button 14. TIMER button 15. HEALTH button 16. LOCK button Remote controller Control the lightening and extinguishing of the indoor LED display board. 18. POWER ON/OFF button 19. DRY button 20. TEMP button 21. SWING button 22. HOUR button 23. EXTRA FUNCTION button Function:Fan Mode— Healthy airflow upwarder — Healthy airflow downwarder— Reset the healthy airflow position — Right & left airflow setting— A-B yard— 10℃ low temperature heating— Sleep Mode— Electrical Heating— Refresh Air— Power — Fahrenheit/Celsius mode shift on unit and remote Remark:A-B yard, Right & left airflow setting, 10℃ low temperature heating, Electrical Heating, Refresh Air functions are not available for this mini split series. 24.CANCEL/CONFIRM button Function: Setting and cancel to the timer and other additional functions. 25. RESET button If the remote is not functioning properly, use a pen point or similar object to depress the button to reset the remote Healthy function is not available for some units. Outdoor Unit Inserting the Battery 4 4 1 Remove the battery cover; 2 Insert the batteries as illustrated. 2 AAA batteries. 3 Be sure battery polarity is correct + -. Then put on the cover again. Note: OUTLET INLET The distance from the remote to the receiver should be less than 23 feet (7 meters) with no obstructions. Fluorescent lights or cordless telephones will reduce the range of the remote. If the display is dim the remote batteries may need to be replaced. Remote malfunctions can sometimes be corrected by removing the batteries for a few minutes and then replacing them. CONNECTING PIPING AND ELECTRICAL WIRING DRAIN HOSE The unit pictured above is for reference only. Your product may appear different. Hint: Remove the batteries if the unit won't be in use for a long period. If there is any display after taking-out the batteries, just press reset key. 56 Domestic Air Conditioner Exponent Operation Basic Operation Emergency Operation and Test Operation Emergency Operation: Remote controller Use this operation only when the remote controller is defective or lost, and with function of emergency running, air conditoner can run automatically in few seconds. When the emergency operation switch is pressed, the unit beeps once, which starts the operation. When power switch is turned on for the first time and emergency operation starts, the unit will run automatically in the following modes: Beep Room Designated Timer Fan Operation temperature temperature mode speed mode Press ON/OFF on the remote controller, unit starts. 2. Select operation mode No AUTO HEAT Beep-Beep do not use it in the normal operation. button Every time the button is pressed, temp.setting increase 1oC / 2 o F, if kept depressed, it will increase rapidly Every time the button is pressed, temp.setting decrease 1oC / 2 o F, if kept depressed, it will decrease rapidly Select a desired temperature. Continue to press the test operation switch for more than 5 seconds.After you hear two beeps, release your finger from the switch: the cooling operation starts with the air flow speed "HI". Under this operation mode,the fan motor of indoor unit will run in high speed. Air Flow Direction Adjustment 4.Fan speed selection 1.Status display of air flow Press FAN button. For each press, fan speed changes as follows: Remote controller: COOL/DRY: A U T O MED HI HEAT: AUTO Initial state The air conditioner will be running at the speed shown in the display. When FAN is set to AUTO, the air conditioner automatically adjusts the fan speed according to room temperature. AUTO Below 23ą/73ȯ23ą/ 73ȯ Use this switch in the test operation when the room temperature is below 16ą/ 60ȯ, Remote Controller COOL Test ope ration switch is the same as emergency switch. 3.Select temp.setting Operation Mode AUTO Test Operation: COOL button:Cooling mode HEAT button: Heating mode DRY button: Dehumidify mode LOW No During emergency operation it is impossible to change the settings of temp. and fan speed,It is also not possible to operate in Timer or Dry mode. 1. Unit start Press Above 23ą/73ȯ26ą/ 79ȯ 2.Left and right air flow adjustment(manual) Move the vertical louver by a knob on air conditioner to adjust left and right direction to achieve stereoscopic air flow as the figure below. Note Under the mode of auto operation, air conditioner will automatically select Cool or Heat operation according to room temperature. When FAN is set to AUTO the air conditioner automatically adjusts the fan speed according to room temperature. Cautions: When adjusting the louver by hand,turn off the unit. When humidity is high,condensate water might occur at air outlet if all vertical louvers are adjusted to left or right. It is advisable not to keep horizontal louver at downward position for a long time in COOL or DRY mode ,otherwise, condensate water might occur. Note: When restarting the unit after it has been turned off, the unit will keep the swing position before it stops working. COOL DRY In DRY mode , when room temperature is 2 o C/4 o F degrees less than the temperature set point, the unit will run intermittently at LOW speed regardless of FAN setting. HEAT In HEAT mode, warm air will blow out after a short period of the time due to cold-draft prevention function. When FAN is set to AUTO, the air conditioner automatically adjusts the fan speed according to room temperature. FAN In FAN operation mode , the unit will not operate in COOL or HEAT mode but only in FAN mode, AUTO is not available in FAN mode. And temp. setting is disabled. In FAN mode, sleep operation is not available. stereoscopic air flow 57 Domestic Air Conditioner Exponent Operation Sleep Operation 3. In AUTO mode If the unit is running cooling, the sleep mode will follow the function as in cool mode, while follow as in heat mode. Press button to enter additional options, cycle the display to , will flash. And then press enter for sleep function. 4. In FAN mode It has no SLEEP function. 5.Fan Speed in Sleep Mode When the unit is set to sleep mode, the fan speed will be set to low speed and it cannot be changed. Note Operation Mode 1. In COOL,DRY mode 1 hour after SLEEP mode starts,temp.will become 1OC/2 O F higher than temp.setting.After another 1 hour,temp.rises by 1OC / 2 O F futher. The unit will run for an additional 6 hours then stops Temp. is higher than temp.setting so that room temperature won’t be too low for your sleep. When TIMER function is set, the sleep function can’t be set up .After the sleep function is set up, if user set up TIMER function, the sleep function will be cancelled; the machine will be in the state of timing-on. Power/Quiet Operation (1) Power Operation SLEEP operation starts When you need rapid heating or cooling, you can use this function. SLEEP operation stops Approx.6hrs Rises 1OC/ 2 OF 1 hr Unit stop , will flash,and then press ,enter to (2) Quiet Operation In COOL, DRY mode You can use this function when silence is needed for rest or reading.Press QUIET button, the remote controller will show , and then achieve to the quiet function. To cancel this 2. In HEAT mode 1 hour after SLEEP mode starts,temp will become 2 OC / 4 O F lower than temp.setting.After another 1 hour,temp decrease by 2 O C / 4 O F futher.After more another 3 hours, temp. rises by 1 O C / 2 O F futher.The unit will run for an additional 3 hours then stops.Temp.is lower than temp. setting so that room temperature won’t be too high for your sleep. Temp.setting function, press the QUIET button. Note Running the unit in QUIET mode for a long period may cause the room temperature to not reach the set Unit stop temperature. If this occurs, cancel QUITE mode and set Decreases 2OC/ 4 O F 1 hr display to different option. Temp.setting 1 hr button to enter additional options, cycle the power function. To cancel this function, please select a Rises 1OC/ 2 O F 1 hr Press the fan speed to a higher setting. Decreases 2OC/ 4 O F 3 hrs 3 hrs SLEEP operation starts Rises 1OC/ 2 O F SLEEP operation stops In HEAT mode 58 Domestic Air Conditioner Exponent Operation Timer On/Off On-Off Operation Healthy Airflow Operation 1.After unit starts, select your desired operation mode. 1.Press to start Setting for comfortable conditions. 2.Press TIMER button to change TIMER mode. Every time the button is pressed, display changes as follows: Remote controller: 2.The setting of healthy airflow function Press BLANK 0.5h 0.5h 0.5h TIMER ON TIMER OFF TIMER ON-OFF button continuously, the louvers location will cycle between 0.5h TIMER OFF-ON the following three locations, to choose the swing location Then select your desired TIMER mode (TIMER ON or TIMER OFF or TIMER ON-OFF). " "or " "will flash. 3.Press / button to enter additional options,Press this what you want, then Healthy airflow upwarder button to confirm. Healthy airflow downwarder Present position button to set time. Press the button for each time, setting time in the first 12 hours increased by 0.5 hour every time, after 12 hours,increased by 1 hour every time. Press the button for each time, setting time in the first 12 hours decreased by 0.5 hour every time, after 12 hours,decreased by 1 hour every time. 3.To cancel of the healthy airflow function Press button to enter additional options,Press this button continuously, the louvers location will cycle between the three locations again, then button to cancel. It can be adjusted within 24 hours. 4.Confirm timer setting Notice: Do not direct the horizontal louver by hand. This After adjusting the time,press button and confirm the time the ON or OFF button will not flash any more. may cause the louver to run incorrectly and not match the display. If the louver is not running correctly, stop the unit for a minute and then restart and adjust remote controller. 5.Cancel timer setting Press the timer button until the time display eliminated. Note: 1.After setting the healthy airflow function, the position louver is fixed. Hints: After replacing batteries or a power failure happens, time setting should be reset. According to the Time setting sequence of TIMER ON or TIMER OFF, either Start-Stop or Stop-Start can be achieved. 59 2.In heating, it is better to select the mode. 3.In cooling, it is better to select the mode. 4.In cooling and dry, using the air conditioner for a long time under the high air humidity, condensate water may occur at the grille . Domestic Air Conditioner Exponent Maintenance For Smart Use of The Air Conditioner Setting of proper room temperature Remote Controller Do not block the air inlet or outlet Indoor Body Proper temperature wipe the air conditioner by using a soft and dry cloth.For serious stains, use a neutral detergent diluted with water.Wring the water out of the cloth before wiping,then wipe off the detergent completely. Do not usewater,wipe the controller with a dry cloth.Do not use glass cleaner or chemical cloth. Do not use the following for cleaning Use the timer effectively Close doors and windows during operation Gasoline,benzine, thinner or cleanser may damage the coating of the unit. Hot water over 40 O C(104O F) may cause discoloring or deformation. Air Filter cleaning During cooling operation prevent the penetration of direct sunlight with curtain or blind Open the inlet grille by pulling it upward. Remove the filter. Push up the filter's center tab slightly until it is released from the stopper, and remove the filter downward. Clean the filter. Use the louvers effectively If the unit is not to be used for a long time, turn off the power supply main switch. Use a vacuum cleaner to remove dust, or wash the filter with water.After washing, dry the filter completely in the shade. Attach the filter. Attach the filter correctly so that the "FRONT" indication is facing to the front.Make sure that the filter is completely fixed behind the stopper.If the right and left filters are not attached correctly, that may cause defects. OFF Once every two weeks Close the inlet grille. Replacement of Air Purifying Filter 1.Open the lnlet Grille 4.Attach the standard air filter Prop up the inlet grille by using a small device named grille-support which located in the right side of the indoor unit. (Necessary installation) ATTENTION: The white side of the photocatalyst air purifying filter face outside,and the black side face the unit The green side of the bacteria-killing medium air purifying filter face outside,and the white side face the unit. 2.Detach the standard air filter Slide the knob slightly upward to release the filter, then withdraw it. 5.Close the Inlet Grille Close the Grille surely NOTE: Detach old Air Purifying Filter The photocatalyst air purifying filter will be solarized in fixed time. In normal family, it will be solarized every 6 months. The bacteria-killing medium air purifying filter will be used for a long time,no need for replacement. But in the period of using them ,you should remove the dust frequently by using vacuum cleaner or flaping them lightly,otherwise , its performance will be affected. 3.Attach Air Purifying Filter Put air purifying filter appliances into the right and left filter frames. Please keep the bacteria-killing medium air purifying filter in the cool and dry conditions avoid long time directly sunshine when you stop using it,or its ability of sterilization will be reduced. 60 Domestic Air Conditioner Exponent Cautions WARNING Please call Sales/Service Shop for the Installation. Do not attempt to install the air conditioner by yourself because improper works may cause electric shock, fire, water leakage. WARNING When abnormality such as burnt-small found, immediately stop the operation button and contact sales shop. Check proper installation of the drainage securely Use an exclusive power source with a circuit breaker STRICT ENFORCEMENT OFF Connect power supply cord to the outlet completely STRICT ENFORCEMENT Use the proper voltage STRICT STRICT ENFORCEMENT ENFORCEMENT Take care not to damage Do not use power supply the power supply cord. cord in a bundle. PROHIBITION PROHIBITION PROHIBITION Do not start or stop the operation by disconnecting the power supply cord and so on. 1.Do not use power supply cord extended or connected in halfway 2.Do not install in the place where there is any possibility of inflammable gas leakage around the unit. 3.Do not get the unit exposed to vapor or oil steam. PROHIBITION Do not insert objects into the air inlet or outlet. Do not channel the air flow directly at people, especially at infants or the aged. PROHIBITION Do not try to repair or reconstruct by yourself. Connect the earth cable. earthing PROHIBITION CAUTION Do not use for the purpose of storage of food, art work, precise equipment, breeding, or cultivation. PROHIBITION Do not install the unit near a fireplace or other heating apparatus. Take fresh air occasionally especially when gas appliance is running at the same time. STRICT ENFORCEMENT Check good condition of the installation stand PROHIBITION Do not place animals or plants in the direct path of the air flow Do not operate the switch with wet hand. PROHIBITION Do not pour water onto the unit for cleaning PROHIBITION PROHIBITION Do not place any objects on or climb on the unit. PROHIBITION PROHIBITION 61 Do not place flower vase or water containers on the top of the unit. PROHIBITION Domestic Air Conditioner Exponent Trouble shooting Cautions Before asking for service, check the following first. Phenomenon The system does not restart immediately. Noise is heard Normal Performance inspection Smells are generated. Mist or steam are blown out. Do not obstruct or cover the ventilation grille of the air conditoner.Do not put fingers or any other things into the inlet/outlet and swing louver. Do not allow children to play with the air conditioner.In no case should children be allowed to sit on the outdoor unit. Cause or check points When unit is stopped, it won't restart immediately until 3 minutes have elapsed to protect the system. When the electric plug is pulled out and reinserted, the protection circuit will work for 3 minutes to protect the air conditioner. During unit operation or at stop, a swishing or gurgling noise may be heard.At first 2-3 minutes after unit start, this noise is more noticeable. (This noise is generated by refrigerant flowing in the system.) During unit operation, a cracking noise may be heard.This noise is generated by the casing expanding or shrinking because of temperature changes. Should there be a big noise from air flow in unit operation, air filter may be too dirty. This is because the system circulates smells from the interior air such as the smell of furniture, paint, cigarettes. Specifications The refrigerating circuit is leak-proof. The machine is adaptive in following situation 1.Applicable ambient temperature range: Indoor Cooling Maximum:D.B/W.B 32oC/23oC Minimum:D.B/W.B 21oC/15oC Maximum:D.B/W.B 46oC/26oC 18oC Maximum:D.B 27oC Minimum: D.B 15oC Outdoor Minimum: D.B Indoor Heating Outdoor Maximum:D.B/W.B 24oC/18oC Minimum:D.B/W.B - 7 oC/-8oC o o Outdoor Maximum:D.B/W.B 24 C/18 C (INVERTER) Minimum:D.B -15oC 2. If the power supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer or its service agent or a similar qualified person. 3.If the fuse of indoor unit on PC board is broken,please change it with the type of T. 3.15A/ 250V. If the fuse of outdoor unit is broken,change it with the type of T.25A/250V During COOL or DRY operation, indoor unit may blow out mist. This is due to the sudden cooling of indoor air. 4. The wiring method should be in line with the local wiring standard. 5. After installation, the power plug should be easily reached. In dry mode, fan speed can’t be changed. In DRY mode, when room temperature becomes lower than temp. setting+2 oC,unit will run intermittently at LOW speed regardless of FAN setting. 6. The waste battery should be disposed properly. 7. The appliance is not intended for use by young children or infirm persons without supervision. 8. Young children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance. Is power plug inserted? Is there a power failure? Is fuse blownout? Multiple check Poor cooling 9. Please employ the proper power plug, which fit into the power supply cord. Is the air filter dirty? Normally it should be cleaned every 15 days. Are there any obstacles before inlet and outlet? Is temperature set correctly? Are there some doors or windows left open? Is there any direct sunlight through the window during the cooling operation?(Use curtain) Are there too much heat sources or too many people in the room during cooling operation? 10. The power plug and connecting cable must have acquired the local attestation. 11.In order to protect the units,please turn off the A/C first, and at least 30 seconds later, cutting off the power. 62 Domestic Air Conditioner Installation 8.Installation Indoor Unit Installaion Necessary Tools for Installation ƽ Driver ƽ Nipper ƽ Hacksaw ƽ Hole core drill ƽ Spanner(17,19 and 26mm) ƽ Gas leakage detector or soap-and-water solution ƽ Torque wrench (17mm,22mm,26mm) ƽ Pipe cutter ƽ Flaring tool ƽ Knife ƽ Measuring tape ƽ Reamer Power Source ƽ Before inserting power into receptacle, check the voltage without fail. ƽ The power supply is the same as the corresponding nameplate. ƽ Install an exclusive branch circuit of the power. ƽ A receptacle shall be set up in a distance where the power cable can be reached.Do not extend the cable by cutting it. Selection of Installation Place Accessory Parts ƽ Place, robust not causing vibration, where the body can be supported sufficiently. ƽ Place, not affected by heat or steam generated in the vicinity, where inlet and outlet of the unit are not disturbed. ƽ Place, possible to drain easily, where piping can be connected with the outdoor unit. Place, where cold air can be spread in a room entirely. ƽ ƽ Place, nearby a power receptacle, with enough space around. ƽ Place where the distance of more than lm from televisions, radios, wireless apparatuses and fluorescent lamps can be left. ƽ In the case of fixing the remote controller on a wall, place where the indoor unit can receive signals when the fluorescent lamps in the room are lightened. Remote controller (1) Drain hose (1) R-03 dry battery (2) Plastic cap (4) Ø4X25 Screw (4) Mounting plate (1) Air purifying filter(Optional) (1) Selection of Pipe FOR 09K 12K FOR 18K FOR 24K Drawing for the installation of indoor units The models adopt HFC free refrigerant R410A Attention must be paid to the rising up of drain hose more than 15 cm Arrangement of piping directions Rear left more than 10cm Rear right Left Right Below more than 10cm The distance between the indoor unit and the floor should be more than 2m. Please be subject to the actual product purchased,the above picture is just for your reference. 63 Domestic Air Conditioner Installation Indoor Unit Installation Fitting of the Mounting Plate and Positioning of the wall Hole When the mounting plate is first fixed 1. Carry out, based on the neighboring pillars or lintels, a proper leveling for the plate to be fixed against the wall, then temporarily fasten the plate with one steel nail. 2. Make sure once more the proper level of the plate, by hanging a thread with a weight from the central top of the plate, then fasten securely the plate with the attachment steel nail. 3. Find the wall hole location A using a measuring tape [ Left・Left-rear piping ] ƽ In case of left side piping, cut away, with a nipper, the lid for left piping. ƽ In case of left-rear piping, bend the pipes according to the piping direction to the mark of hole for left-rear piping which is marked on heat insulation materials. 1. Insert the drain hose into the dent of heat insulation materials of indoor unit. 2. Insert the indoor/outdoor electric cable from backside of indoor unit, and pull it out on the front side, then connect them. 3. Coat the flaring seal face with refrigerant oil and connect pipes. Cover the connection part with heat insulation materials closely, and make sure fixing with adhesive tape Indoor/outdoor electric cable Heat insulation material B= Ø 70mm Lid for right piping Piping Pipe supporting plate Lid for left piping Drain hose Lid for under piping pipe Fix with adhesive tape 30mm A=145mm ƽ Indoor/outdoor electric cable and drain hose must be bound with efrigerant piping by protecting tape. [ Other direction piping ] ƽ Cut away, with a nipper, the lid for piping according to the piping direction and then bend the pipe according to theposition of wall hole. When bending, be careful not to crash pipes. ƽ Connect beforehand the indoor/outdoor electric cable, and then pull out the connected to the heat insulation of connecting part specially. 35mm B= 70mm A=150mm B= Ø 70mm ƽ Hang surely the unit body onto the upper 30mm A=145mm Fixing the indoor unit body notches of the mounting plate. Move the body from side to side to verify its secure fixing. ƽ In order to fix the body onto the mounting plate,hold up the body aslant from the underside and then put it down perpendicularly. When the mounting plate is fixed side bar and lintel ƽ Fix to side bar and lintel a mounting bar, Which is separately sold, and then fasten the plate to the fixed mounting bar. ƽ Refer to the previous article, “ When the mounting plate is first fixed “, for the position of wall hole. mounting plate Unloading of indoor unit body ƽWhen you unload the indoor unit,please use your hand to arise Making a Hole on the Wall and Fitting the Piping Hole Cover the body to leave agraffe,then lift the bottom of the body outward slightly and lift the unit aslant until it leaves the mounting plate. ƽ Make a hole of 70 mm in diameter, slightly descending to outside the wall ƽ Install piping hole cover and seal it off with putty after installation Wall hole Ø70mm agraffe Indoor side (Section of wall hole) Outdoor side Thickness of wall mounting plate Connecting the indoor/outdoor Electric Cable G Piping hole pipe Installation of the Indoor Unit Removing the wiring cover ƽ Remove terminal cover at right bottom corner of Drawing of pipe indoor unit, then take off wiring cover by removing its screws. [ Rear piping ] ƽ Draw pipes and the drain hose, then fasten them with the adhesive tape 64 Domestic Air Conditioner Installation Correct When connecting the cable after installing the indoor unit 1. Insert from outside the room cable into left side of the wall hole, in which the pipe has already existed. 2. Pull out the cable on the front side, and connect the cable making a loop. Lean ƽ ƽ Damage of flare Crack Partial Too outside On Drainage ƽ Please install the drain hose so as to be downward slope without fail. ƽ Please don’t do the drainage as shown below. When connecting the cable before installing the indoor unit ƽ Insert the cable from the back ƽ Loosen the screws and insert Incorrect side of the unit, then pull it out on the front side. the cable ends fully into terminal block, then tighten the screws. Pull the cable slightly to make sure the cables have been properly inserted and tightened. After the cable connection, never fail to fasten the connected cable with the wiring cover. Less than 5cm It becomes The end is imm- It waves. The gap with the There is the bad high midway. ersed in water. ground is too small. smell from a ditch Indoor unit ƽ Please pour water in the drain pan of the indoor unit, and confirm that drainage is carried out surely to outdoor. ƽ In case that the attached drain hose is in a room, please apply heat insulation to it without fail. To Outdoor unit Note: C ode A nalyze and diagnose T rouble description indic ation Indoor fan m otor F aulty connector c onnection; E1 m alfunc tion F aulty therm istor; H eat-exc hange F aulty P C B ; E2 sensor failure F aulty E E P R O M data; Indoor E E P R O M F aulty E E P R O M ; E4 error F aulty P C B ; When connecting the cable, confirm the terminal number of indoor and outdoor units carefully. If wiring is not correct, proper operation can not be carried out and will cause defect. Model Connecting wiring HSU09VHG(DB)-G HSU12VHG(DB)-G HSU18VHG(DB)-G HSU24VHG(DB)-G HSU109VHG-G 4G0.75mm 2 1. If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer or its service agent or a similar qualified person. The type of connecting wire is H05RN-F or H07RN-F. 2. If the fuse on PC board is broken please change it with the type of T.3.15A/250VAC (Indoor). 3. The wiring method should be in line with the local wiring standard. 4. After installation, the power plug should be easily reached. 5. A breaker should be incorporated into fixed wiring. The breaker should be all-pole switch and the distance between its two contacts should be not less than 3mm. E7 E 14 Power Source Installation ƽThe power source must be exclusively used for air conditioner. ƽ In the case of installing an air conditioner in a moist place, please install an earth leakage breaker. ƽ For installation in other places, use a circuit breaker as far as possible. Cutting and Flaring Work of Piping ƽ Pipe cutting is carried out with a pipe cutter and burs must be removed. ƽ After inserting the flare nut, flaring work is carried out. A Flare tool for R410A Conventional flare tool Clutch-type clutch-type(Rigid-type) Wing-nut type (Imperial-type) 0~0.5mm Flare tooling die 1.0~1.5mm 1.Cut pipe 3.Insert the flare nut On Drainage C om m unic ation fault betw een indoor and outdoor units Indoor unit- outdoor unit signal tra n s m is s io n e rror du e to w irin g error; F aulty P C B ; Indoor fan m otor m alfunc tion O peration halt due to breaking of w ire inside the fan m otor; O peration halt due to breaking of the fan m otor lead w ires; D etection error due to faulty indoor unit P C B ; Check for Installation and Test Run Ƶ Please kindly explain to our customers how to operate through the instruction manual. Check Items for Test Run Put check mark in boxes Gas leak from pipe connecting? Heat insulation of pipe connecting? Are the connecting wirings of indoor and outdoor firmly inserted to the terminal block? Is the connecting wiring of indoor and outdoor firmly fixed? Is drainage securely carried out? Is the earth line securely connected? Is the indoor unit securely fixed? Is power source voltage abided by the code? Is there any noise? Is the lamp normally lighting? Are cooling and heating (when in heat pump) performed normally? Is the operation of room temperature regulator normal? 1.5~2.0mm 2.Remove burs 4.Flare pipe Domestic Air Conditioner Installation Installation Manual of Room Air Conditioner Preparation Necessary Tools for Installation Hammer Torque wrench Nipper (17mm,22mm,26mm) Hacksaw Pipe cutter Hole core drill Flaring tool Spanner wrench(17,19 and 26mm) Gas leakage detector or Knife Measuring tape soap-and-water solution Reamer Selection of Installation Place Indoor Unit - Select a location that is Robust not causing vibration, where the unit can be supported satisfactorily. Not affected by heat or steam generated in the vicinity, and where the inlet and outlet of the unit are not disturbed. Possible to drain easily, and where piping can be connected with the outdoor unit. Where conditioned air can be spread in a room evenly. Place where the distance of more than 3 ft from televisions, radios, wireless apparatuses and uorescent lamps 3 feet or approximately. In the case of xing the remote controller on a wall, place where the indoor unit can receive signals when the uorescent lamps in the room are in use. Power Source Outdoor Unit - Select a location that is tilated. Strong enough base to bear the unit, where vibration and noise are not increased. That is easily accessible for maintenance or service. A distance marked is available as illustrated in the below gure. All wiring to the unit must be in accordance with the National Electric code and local ordinances. Drawing for the installation of indoor and outdoor units The models use HFC free refrigerant R410A Attention must be paid to the downward angle up of drain hose more than 15 cm (6 in.) Optional parts for piping A Non-adhesive tape B Adhesive tape C Saddle (L.S) with screws Connecting electric cable for indoor and outdoor E Drain hose Indoor unit A D more than10cm (4 in.) F Insulating material Indoor unit B more than 10cm (4 in.) G Piping hole cover F Floor xing dimensions of the outdoor unit (Unit:mm / inch) C Z Arrangement of piping directions X more than 20cm (8 in.) Rear left Rear right Left The marks from A to G in the gure are the Part Numbers. The distance between the indoor unit and the oor should be more than 6 ft. X Dimensions(mm/inches) Model HSU218VHG-W Right Below Y x y z 113.5 583 319.5 (4 1/2) (23) (12 5/8) D more than 20cm (8 in.) Fixing of outdoor unit E more than 60cm (24 in.) Fix the unit to concrete or block with bolts (2/5 in.) securely. When tting the unit to wall surface, roof or rooftop, x the unit securely in consideration of earthquake and strong wind. If vibration may affect the house, x the unit by attaching a vibration-proof mat. more than 15cm (6 in.) The above picture is for reference only. Your product may look different. Read this manual before installation Explain the operation of the unit to the user according to this manual NO.0010564641 Domestic Air Conditioner Installation Accessory parts Remote controller (1) Drain hose (1) AAA dry battery (2) Cushion (4) Mounting plate (1) Drain-elbow (1) Making a Hole on the Wall and Fitting the Piping Hole Cover Make a hole of B mm / inches in diameter, slightly descending to outside the wall. Install piping hole cover and seal it off with putty after installation Pitch downward for drainage Wall hole Plastic cap (4) Ø4X25 Screw (4) Pipe supporting plate (1) Indoor side Selection of pipe Model HSU218VHG-W 09k/12k : B= 60mm(2 3/8 inches) 18k/24k : B=70mm(2 3/4 inches) ØBmm (Section of wall hole) Liquid pipe (Ø) Gas pipe (Ø) 6.35mm (1/4 ") 9.52mm (3/8 ") Outdoor side Thickness of wall G Piping hole pipe Installation of the Indoor Unit Drawing of pipe NOTE The thickness of the pipe must be 0.8mm(1/16”) at least. [ Rear piping ] Pull the pipes and the drain hose through, then fasten them with the adhesive tape Indoor unit [ Left・Left-rear piping ] In case of left side piping, cut away, with a nipper, the lid for left piping. In case of left-rear piping, bend the pipes according to the piping direction to the mark of hole for left-rear piping which is marked on insulation materials. Fitting of the Mounting Plate and Locating of the Wall Hole 1. Insert the drain hose into the cavity of heat insulation materials of indoor unit. 2. Insert the indoor/outdoor electric cable from backside of the indoor unit, and pull it out on the front side, then connect them. 3. Coat the aring seal face with refrigerant oil and connect pipes. Cover the tubing connection with insulation materials closely, and with adhesive tape. When the mounting plate is rst xed 1. Carry out, based on the wall studs or lintels, proper leveling for the plate to be xed against the wall, then temporarily fasten the plate with one nail. 2. Assure that the mounting plate is level horizontal and vertical then fasten the plate. Indoor/outdoor electric cable 3. Find the wall hole location A using a measuring tape Insulation material Lid for right piping Piping Pipe supporting plate Drain hose Lid for left piping Lid for under piping pipe Fix with adhesive tape Indoor/outdoor electric cable and drain hose must be bound with refrigerant piping with adhesive. [ Other direction piping ] B = Ø 60mm Cut away, with a nipper, the lid for piping according to the piping direction and then bend the pipe according to theposition of wall hole. When bending, be careful not to crush pipes. (5 11/16 inches) 30mm A = 145mm (1 1/6 inches) (2 3/8 inches) Make sure that the wires connecting the indoor and outdoor units are not covered by the refrigeration piping insulation and are long enough to connect to the terminal block on the indoor unit. Attaching the indoor unit body Hang the indoor unit body onto the upper notches of the mounting plate. Move the unit in all places from side to side to verify its secure xing. In order to x the body onto the mounting plate,hold up the body from the underside and then put it down perpendicularly. mounting plate Removing of indoor unit body When you remove the indoor unit,please use your hand to raise the unit , then lift the bottom of the unit outward slightly and lift the unit until it leaves the mounting plate. agraffe 67 mounting plate Domestic Air Conditioner Installation Outdoor unit Connecting the indoor/outdoor electric Cable Removing the wiring cover Installation of Outdoor Unit Install according to the instructions on the 1st page of this manual Remove terminal cover at right bottom corner of indoor unit, then take off wiring cover by removing its screws. Connection of pipes When bending the interconnect tubing, ensure the radius is at least 1 1/4" to 1 3/4", 30mm to 40mm to ensure against crushing the tubing. Connecting the pipe of gas side rst makes working easier. Ensure the interconnecting tubing is approved for R410A. When connecting the cable after installing the indoor unit 1. Insert the cable from the outside into the unit through the same hole that has the interconnecting tubing. Half union Flare nut 2. Pull out the cable on the front side, and connect the cable making a loop. When connecting the cable before installing the indoor unit Forced fastening without careful centering may damage the threads and cause a leakage of gas. Pipe Diameter( ) Fastening torque Liquid side6.35mm(1/4") 18N.m/13.3Ft.lbs Liquid/Gas side9.52mm(3/8") 42 N.m/30.1Ft.lbs Insert the cord from the back side of the unit, then pull it out on the front side. Spanner Torque wrench Fasten the unit wire harness to the conduit holder using the lock nut. Gas side 12.7mm(1/2") 55N.m/40.6Ft.lbs Gas side 15.88mm(5/8") 60 N.m/44.3Ft.lbs Position the conduit holder to its original state using screw. Ensure that no dirt or debris enters the tubing. The standard tubing length is 25ft/7.6m. If a different length is required, adjust the refrigerant amount by 1/4 oz/ft, 20 g/M for the 9k, 12k and 18k models. For the 24k model, adjust by 1/2 oz/ft, 40 g/M.Before opening the service valves, evacuate the interconnecting tubing and indoor unit. Follow the instruction in section 5 on page 4. Note CAUTION When connecting the cable, con rm the terminal number of indoor and outdoor units carefully. If wiring is not correct, the unit will not operate properly and could cause a defect. Indoor unit Indoor unit B1 B1 B1 Indoor unit A1 B2 Outdoor unit A1 Indoor unit A2 A3 A2 Indoor unit B2 Outdoor unit Indoor unit Outdoor unit B2 Control wiring : Max.Elevation: A1 max =15m/50ft A2 max =15m/50ft A3 max =15m/50ft In case the elevation B is more than 5m, oil trap shoud be installed every 5~7m Max. Length: B1 max = 20m/65ft B2 max = 20m/65ft Indoor unit Outdoor unit 4wire 18AWG² Oil trap B Indoor unit Indoor unit A Control wiring : (B1+B2) max = 30m/100ft In case the pipe total length (B1+B2) is more than 20m/65ft, the refrigerant should be charged, according to 20 g/m. 4wire 18AWG² { 1(L) Cutting and Flaring Work of Piping 2(N) power Indoor unit B Pipe cutting is carried out with a pipe cutter and burs must be removed. After inserting the are nut, aring work is carried out. Outdoor unit HSU218VHG-W A Power cable: Flare tool for R410A Conventional are tool Clutch-type clutch-type(Rigid-type) Wing-nut type (Imperial-type) 0~0.5mm 0~1/51 inch 3 Wire with ground 12AWG 1.5~2.0mm 1/17 ~1/8 inch 1.0~1.5mm 3/76 ~1/17 inch 1.Cut pipe Flare tooling die 2.Remove burs 4.Flare pipe 3.Insert the are nut 1. If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer or its service agen. The type of connecting wire is H05RN-For H07RN-F. 2. If the fuse on PC board is broken please change it with the type of T.3.15A/250VAC (Indoor), T.25A/250VAC (Outdoor), the fuse must be changed by an authorized servicer. C o r re c t 3. The wiring method should confirm to local electrical codes. 4. Use an HVACR circuit breaker or time delay fuse. I nc o r re c t Lean 68 Damage of are Crack Partial Too outside Domestic Air Conditioner Installation Connection Loosen the screws on terminal block and insert the wires fully into terminal block, then tighten the screws. If wiring is not correct, the unit will not operate properly and it could cause a defect in the unit. Fix the cable with a clamp. The power source must be exclusively used for air conditioner. In the case of installing an air conditioner in a moist place, please install an earth leakage breaker.(GFCI) For installation in other places, use an HVACR circuit breaker or time delay fuse. On Drainage Attaching Drain-Elbow Install the drain hose and ensure downward flow. Do not run the drain hose as shown below. If the drain-elbow is used, please attach as shown in figure. (Note: Only for heat pump unit.) 1. Power Source Installation Less than 5cm Purging Method:To use vacuum pump It becomes The end is imm- It waves. The gap with the There is the bad high midway. ersed in water. ground is too small. smell from a ditch Detach the service port’s cap of 3-way valve, and the valve cap for 2-way valve and 3-way valve. Connect the service port to the low side of the gauge manifold and connect the vacuum pump to the center port of the manifold. Pour water in the drain pan of the indoor unit, and con rm that drainage is proper. In case that the attached drain hose is in a room, apply insulation to the hose to prevent condensation. 2. Open the handle on the low side of the gauge manifold and operate vacuum pump. 3. Vacuum the tubing for at least 15 minutes. The vacuum level on the low side gauge should be 29.9 in of Hg, 76 cm of Hg, 0.1 MPa. when vacuuming is complete, close the valve on the manifold and turn off the vacuum pump. The vacuum level should hold for 1-2 minutes. If the vacuum level does not hold, check the flared connections and repeat this step. Refrigerant charge label Contains fluorinated greenhouse gases covered by the Kyoto Protocol 4. Open the 2-way valve 1/4 turn. After 5-6 seconds, close the valve and inspect for leaks with a leak detector or soap solution. 5. No gas leakage? Go to step 6. In case of a leak, try tightening the flare connections to fix the leak. If the leak stops, go to step 6. If the leak continues, check the flare connections and repair as needed, then go back to step 3. then proceed step 6. If leak continues, remove the refrigerant used for the leakage check and flare tubes again. Repeat vacuum and leak and if no leakage, proceed to step 6. R410A 1= kg 2 2= kg 1+2= kg 1 F A B C D E 6. Detach the charge hose from the service port, open 2-way valve and 3-way This product contains fluorinated greenhouse gases covered by the Kyoto Protocol. Do not vent into the atmosphere. Refrigerant type:R410A GWP* value:1975 GWP=global warming potential Please fill in with indelible ink, valve completely. 7. To prevent the gas leakage, replace the service port and valve caps. 8. After attaching the caps, check for leakage around the caps. Step 1. Step 2. and Open 2-way valve 3-way valve 2-way valve 3-way valve 2-way valve 3-way valve 2-way valve 3-way valve on the refrigerant charge label supplied with the product. The filled out label must be adhered in the proximity of the product charging port (e.g. onto the inside of the stop value cover). A contains fluorinated greenhouse gases covered by the Kyoto Protocol B factory refrigerant charge of the product: see unit name plate C additional refrigerant amount charged in the field D total refrigerant charge E outdoor unit F refrigerant cylinder and manifold for charging Step 3. Close Step 4. Step 6. 2-way valve 2-way valve 3-way valve 3-way valve O Open 90 Check for Installation and Test Run Step 7. Please kindly explain to our customers how to operate through the instruction manual. 2-way valve 3-way valve 2-way valve 3-way valve Check Items for Test Run Put check mark in boxes Gas leak from interconnecting tubing? Installation is on the interconnecting tubing? Are the connecting wirings of indoor and outdoor rmly inserted to the terminal block? Is the connecting wiring of indoor and outdoor rmly xed? Is drainage securely carried out? Is the ground wire securely connected? Is the indoor unit securely xed? Is power source voltage the local codes? Is there any noise? Are the lights near the unit working normally? Are cooling and heating (when in heat pump) performing normally? Is the operation of room temperature control normal? Valve cap Valve cap Service port cap CAUTION If the refrigerant of the air conditioner leaks, it is necessary to discharge all the refrigerant. Repair the leak, vacuum the unit then charge the liquid refrigerant into air conditioner according to the amount marked on the name plate. Please do not let other cooling medium, except speci ed one (R410A), or air enter into the cooling circulation system. This could cause high pressure and could cause a leak and lead to personal injuries. 69 Domestic Air Conditioner Installation Outdoor Unit 1 2 4 15 5 6 8 110 9 10 11 When the The wiring of compressor is wrong or the connection is poor Suction temperature sensor failure 12 13 15 16 Check if there is leakage in the unit. Lack of refrigerant m 17 18 19 25 25 25 70 15 Removal of procedure 9 71 Domestic air conditioner Removal of procedure Please embed the air filters into the unit along the grooves as installation. Pl ease embed the two hooks on air filter com pletely into the unit during installat ion . 72 Domestic air conditioner Removal of procedure Remocal of front panel until it is on the horizontal position, and then release the pivots on both sides of the unit to remove the front panel. Please close the panels before start the removal procedure of front grille. one side to another to release each axis. 73 Domestic air conditioner Removal of procedure 3 HOOKS three 74 Domestic air conditioner Removal of procedure horizontal flap flap flap flap flap 75 Domestic air conditioner Removal of procedure Remove the swing Moter 2. Remove the vertical blades 1 Every blade go round and round,then move it 76 Domestic air conditioner Removal of procedure 77 Domestic air conditioner Removal of procedure 3 78 Domestic air conditioner Removal of procedure 79 Domestic air conditioner Removal of procedure 80 Domestic air conditioner Removal of procedure Outdoor Unit Removal of Outdoor Panel 81 Domestic air conditioner Removal of procedure 1 Loosen the top panel screws 2 Lift the top panel 82 Domestic air conditioner Removal of procedure Loosen the csrews and pull the panel 83 Domestic air conditione Removal of procedure 2 Pull the wind circle Remove the inlet grill Push the hooks first 84 Domestic air conditioner Removal of procedure 85 Domestic air conditioner Removal of procedure 86 Domestic air conditioner Removal of procedure 2 Loosen the fixing screws and remove the motor 87 Domestic air conditioner Removal of procedure 88 Domestic air conditioner Removal of procedure Loosen the screw and remove the reactor 89 Domestic air conditioner Removal of procedure Loosen the marked screws and pull out the backgurd 90 Domestic air conditioner Removal of procedure 2 3 Loosen the marked screws and remove the stop valves Loosen the marked screws and remove the stop valves bracket 91 Domestic air conditioner Wring diagram 10. Wiring Diagrams INDOOR UNIT 㒓䏃 WUDQVIRUPHU 5 : LRQJHQHUDWRU IDQPRWRU )8 6( $PELHQWWHPSVHQVRU 3LSLQJWHPSVHQVRU HPHUJHQF\VZLWFK louver motor Romm Card VLQJDO UHFHLYHU ERDUG 72287'22581,7 %%ODFN 55HG %5%URZQ %/EOXH ::KLWH <*<HOORZ*UHHQ 92 Domestic Air Conditioner Wring diagram Circuit Diagrams R3 2K 1 2 1 2 TSVC-1 JTP1288LA SW1 ᑨᗹᓔ݇ 1 1 2 Comment: 10K +5V R4 R1 Comment: C5 1K Comment: 0.1uF CN48 2 SW1' SWITCH RST 㞾Ẕ/㓽ᯊ R5 1K C16 0.1uF CHECK/S_TIME 5v 5 +5V 10K 10K 10K 10K 4 3 2 1 IC2 C11 0.1uF A0 VCC A1 TEST A2 SCL VSS SDA IC1 EEPROM 1 2 3 4 AT24C02B 5 R103 6 R102 7 8 R5F212A7SNFA JP2 1 2 TJC8-02 20K 10K +5V 8 7 6 5 2K 2K R30 10K R69 2K 1 2 TJC8-02 +5V R29 10K R33 C2 560Ω C20 SCL SDA 10K 10K 10K 10K 10K 10K 0.1uF BM 25/35 A/B 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF C28 SCL SDA C18 +5V A/B 25/35 BM R42 R49 R52 R32 R60 R65 ROOM PIPE RCK SER SRCK 1K IRQ IRQ DIGH DIGL DIG_MODE COMM_TX COMM_RX R40 CON6 㑶1 10K 10K REMOTE_RX REMOTE_TX IR FK R75 R41 RST MODE 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 R7 R104 +5V +5V 㒓⚻ ݭJP3 P3_3/SSI P3_5/SCL/SSCK P3_4/SDA/SCS P3_7/SSO MODE VCC/AVCC P4_3/XCIN VREF P4_4/XCOUT P0_7/AN0/DA1 RESET VSS/AVSS P4-7/XOUT P0_6/AN1/DA0 VSS/AVSS P0_5/AN2/CLK1 P4_6/XIN P6_1 VCC/AVCC P6_2 P5_4/TRCIOD P0_4/AN3 P5_3/TRCIOC P0_3/AN4 P5_2/TRCIOB P0_2/AN5 P5_1/TRCIOA/TRCTRG P0_1/AN6 P5_0/TRCCLK P0_0/AN7 P2_7/TRDIOD1 P1_0/KI0/AN8 P1_1/KI1/AN9 P2_6/TRDIOC1 P2_5/TRDIOB1 P1_2/KI2/AN10 P2_4/TRDIOA1 P1_3/KI3/AN11 P2_3/TRDIOD0 P3_2/INT2 P3_6/INT1 P2_2/TRDIOC0 P2_1/TRDIOB0 P3_0/TRAO P3_1/TRBO P2_0/TRDIOA0/TRDCLK P1_7/TRAIO/INT1 P6_3/TXD2 P1_6/CLK0 P6_4/RXD2 P1-5/RXD0(TRAIO)/INT1P6_5/(CLK1)/CLK2 P6_7/INT3/RXD1 P1_4/TXD0 P8_6 P6_6/INT2/TXD1 P8_5/TRFO12 P4_5/INT0 P8_4/TRFO11 P6_0/TREO P8_3/TRFO10/TRF1 P8_0/TRFO00 P8_2/TRFO02 P8_1/TRFO01 SW2 TJC8-02 2 1 R2 10K JP1 +5V 2))ծ 21ॕࠄ ݯ ݯ $৲ %৲ ܊దညຕ ူ 3 4 E2 100uF-16V-105ć R77 R78 R45 R44 R89 10K 10K 10K 2 1 B2B-XH-A-R-㑶㡆-ゟᓣ 10K R88 10K 100Ω 100Ω 10K R96 R8 +5V 2SA1037AK P1 R11 10K 10K R54 R85 +5V R63 REMOTE_TX +5V C24 10nF R97 R98 R37 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 IR 2 RCK 3 SER 4 SRCK 5 GG 6 GND 7 5V 8 DIGH 9 DIGL 10 MODE 100Ω 100Ω 100Ω /560Ω +5V 100Ω /560Ω 100Ω /560Ω 100Ω /560Ω 1K R24 1K 1K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 FK C27 0.1uF R92 2K 10K R28 4.7K±1% +5V ᰒ⼎ᵓ0010402241 COM3 COM2 +5V GND SER RCK SRCK IR 乘⬭ CN32'' 乘⬭ GND IR RUN TIM POW +5V O3 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 CN32 1 E7 2 3 100uF-16V-105ć 4 5 6 7 8 +5V R99 4 3 2 1 CN1 1 2 CN20 B2B-XH-A-㓓㡆-ゟᓣ R100 ᠓व 220Ω 1 2 3 4 5 +12V BUZZ1 CN11 R82 D C B A 12V ऩᇐᵓℹ䖯⬉ᴎ +12V CN11' C12 0.1uF R50 2K 2K 2K ᰒ⼎ᵓ0011800184/0033 4.7uF-50V E3 +5V 4.7uF-50V E5 R95 10K R101 10K +12V PKM13EPY-4002 㳖号఼ ⍋ᇨ⾥ᡔ᳝䰤݀ৌ 䆒䅵 ᅝ⋾ ܝൟো +60+5$&5'% ᅵḌ 㨷䞥ⲯ ϧ⫼ো ᡍ ޚ㣗㑾䴦 ⠜ᴀো% 义݅义 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 N8 2SC2412K B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 +12 C15 0.1uF D4 RLS4148 +12V ULN2003A A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 GND IC8 4.7K±1% R25 C7 10nF 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K 892N-1AC-C R27 ⊼˖R16,R17,R18,R21ḍᰒ⼎ᵓ䖯㸠䇗ᭈ R94 CN32' ᰒ⼎ᵓ0011800161 R31 C19 1nF R18 R17 R21 DIG_MODE R53 DIGL R6 DIGH R16 SER RCK SRCK IR ROOM PIPE C3 10nF +5V K2 R70 R72 R76 R79 R80 R81 Ф3ˉ㑶㡆ˉ㑶㡆ˉᬷˉܝ催҂ LED1 USTEP_D USTEP_C USTEP_B USTEP_A BUZZ FLZ 䋳⾏ᄤ 220V_L ⬉⑤N Domestic Air Conditioner 93 R10 10K 10K C13 N1 10nF 2SC2412K CN34 㔥㒰䗮䆃 +5V GND TX RX CON8 ⱑ1 PIPE ROOM C1 0.1uF 10K R38 R83 10K R56 4.7K 4 3 2 1 5267-04A NET_TX NET_RX 5 4 3 2 1 A B C D 12V 2K R23 10K R35 10K HTVSB7.0CA-100 C6 TVS1 . 1 R86 10K 0.1uF ԡ⬉䏃 乘⬭ +5V 2 MODE 3 ⊼˖R85,854.R63,R86Ўᰒ⼎ᵓ䗝ᢽ⬉䰏 +5V R71 10K 4 R74 10K 5 RST 6 FCR8.0MC5(ϝ㛮) R62 7 XT1 8 CN27 R9 51K 9 1M 3 R58 1K 10 PG_BACK 2 BUZZ11 C21 C23 1 USTEP_A 12 Comment: 1nF Comment: 10nF(⫋⠛) B3B-EH-A-ॳ㡆-ゟᓣ USTEP_B 13 R64 USTEP_C PG_OUT 14 USTEP_D 15 4.7K N3 R67 10K 16 R59 N 10K 17 2SC2412K R48 ⬉⑤N R47 10K 18 10K C45 R46 220V_L 10K 19 1.2uF-450V 220V-L 1 FLZ 20 +12V IC7 2 R61 R57 C10 CHECK/S_TIME 8 2 21 3 8 2 PG_OUT 22 47Ω-1W 680Ω 22nF-275VAC 6 CN26 3 R55 10K 23 6 3 L1 ݙ亢ᴎ PG_BACK 24 R3BMF51 25 R51 10K LHB1308-171(171uH-0.8A) NET_RX 26 NET_TX 27 SWITCH +12V 28 29 30 R73 R34 1K 31 REMOTE_RX +5V 32 䖰䗮䆃 2 1 CN36 R43 27Ω 10K N2 2SC2412K R66 1 2 4 3 亢ᴎড作 Wring diagram 1 CON1 L L N CN30 1 2 3 &1 বय़఼ 1 2 . 5 RTB-1.5-2P 0.1uF-275VAC CX1 RV1 TVR14561* 220V_L FUSE1 T3.15A/250VAC ⬉⑤N ~220VAC/50Hz N COMM_TX IRQ IRQ +5V 3 4 IN 2 1 C4 0.1uF E C A R39 10K OUT +5V C17 0.1uF R12 100K-1/4W E4 100uF-50V-105ć R26 CY3 2.2nF-250VAC D12 2K-2W R22 2K-1/4W 0.1uF-50V C8 470uF-16V-105ć E6 IC6 L7805CV(1.5A) HS1 C14 R84 1nF 4.7K R68 +12V R36 D5 E1 A C K TLP421/PS2561 E TLP851/PC851 IC9 K IC4 2200uF-35V-105ć 1N4007 1K 2 1 10K N4 2SC2412K 1N4007 C25 1nF D6 1N4007 1N4007 D8 1N4007 D7 D9 +5V 4 3 R19 10K R13 330Ω N5 SS8050LT1H R20 1K 1N4007 D11 1N4007 R14 47K-3W R15 47K-3W ZD1 1N4746A(18V-1W) COMM 220V_L ⬉⑤N 1 &21 Domestic Air Conditioner 94 1 CON2 COMM_TX 5 COMM_RX . COMM_RX C9 1nF 㞾⬅㒘ড়ϔᢪϔᅸݙ䗮䆃 GND 220V _L Wring diagram Remarks 1.the dotted parts are optional for different unit. 2.The components of main pcb boa rd is fixed facing to the compressor . DON'T TOUCH CAPACITOR, EVEN AFTER PLUG-OFF ( DANGER OF ELECTRIC SHOCK) THE CAPACITOR RETAINS HIGH VOLTA GE EVEN AFTER THE PLUG-OFF.FOR YOUR SAFETY,BE SURE TO WAIT AT L EAST 5 MINUTES.AFTER PLUG OFF AN D USE A TESTER TO CONFIRM THE VOLT AGE BETWEEN CONNECTOR AND (ON MAIN PCB BOARD) IS LESS THAN DC 10V BEFORE START SERVICING OR LED2 EXTINGUISHED. WARNING! DANGER ELECTRIC SHOCK! 1.DON'T TOUCH PCB,EVEN AFTER PLUG-OFF ( DANGER OF ELECTRIC SHOCK ) 2.THE POINTED PARTS ARE HIGH VOLTAGE. DON'T TOUCH THE POINTED PARTS UNTIL THE VOLTAGE IS LESS THAN DC 10V. Remarks: 1.Fault diagnosis by LED1 on outdoor unit PCB. 2.Count times of LED1 flashing to judge the malfunction. 3.The details L E D 1 F L A S H IN G abnorm al refer to the technology LED 1 O N n o rm al notebook abnorm al LED 1 O FF a ccording to tim e s o f L E D 1 fla shing to che ck check the indoo r un it pow er supply fa ult or check the m ain P C B b o a rd 95 DON'T TOUCH CAPACITOR, EVEN AFTER PLUG-OFF ( DANGER OF ELECTRIC SHOCK) THE CAPACITOR RETAINS HIGH VOLTAGE EVEN AFTER THE PLUG-OFF.FOR YOUR SAFETY,BE SURE TO WAIT AT LEAST 5 MINUTES.AFTER PLUG OFF AND USE A TESTER TO CONFIRM THE VOLTAGE BETWEEN CONNECTOR AND (ON MAIN PCB BOARD) IS LESS THAN DC 10V BEFORE START SERVICING OR LED2 EXTINGUISHED. Domestic air conditioner Wring diagram 2XWGRRUXQLWFRQWUROERDUG&LUFXLW'LDJUDPV GND 1K 7 1K R51 6 R52 1K R53 5 4 1K R54 1K 3 R55 2 R56 1K 1 +12V R29 10K R30 1K CN24 5V 3 COM 2 GND 1 J60 R85 1K R84 1K R81 C31 2.2K103/50V E11 47U/25V 10V/0.5W 4 ZD2 3 R82 1K R8 330/1W 1 ZD3 5.1V/0.5W 2 R83 330 1 PC817A 3 330 J45 J55 J21 R77 5.1K/1% 4 3 2 1 10K 1 R45 J35 R44 J36 R50 J37 PC817A 2 IC16 R87 1 1K 1K 1K 10K IC15 1 C22 104/50V +5V CN41 CN40 CN42 J20 R80 1K R79 C18 104/50V C10 102/50V FUCTION TEST 1 2 R57 R34 R33 R32 R31 GND GND GND GND C21 104/50V 1 2 3 4 5 CN34 CN44 TEST/SS +5V IC7 ULN2003 R28 5.1K/1% P1 2SA1037AK C11 102/50V 1K 10K 10K 10K 10K SDA SCL GND VCC 12V 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 GND 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 J26 AT24C04 C17 104/50V R46 R47 R48 R49 +5V LED1 +12V IC8 ULN2003 1K 1K 1K 1K R86 J58 R35 10K 1 1 6 5 A1 4 B1 C1 3 D1 2 1 J33 J34 J32 J31 ERROR C3 +12V 102/100V 1 CX8 104/275V CN22 310V 1 2 0V 3 15V 4 5 6 N1 8050 C8 R16 104/50V 1K/0.5W E5 470U/25V R14 L3 20UH/1A R23 E6 47 100U/16V CY12 222/250VAC CX7 CN37 1 CN38 1 105/275VAC 220 220 CN39 5 M1 IRFUC20 C2 102/100V D6 MUR115\ER106 E4 470U/25V 4 5 15 1 R11 47 NCP1200P100 R20 R27 5.1K/1% IC2 PC817A 1 IC12 4 1K R39 2 1J64 IC11 2 R25 1K IC3 TL431C C5 104/50V 4 R5 1.8K D9 IN4007 3 CN4 CY8 222/250V 1 CY7 222/250V CN5 1 R3 CN36 1 COMA 2 3 4 N 5 2K/2W COMB TLP851/PC851 3 IC10 4 TLP421/PS2561 2K R43 IC9 1 2 1J65 1K R42 2 CX6 CN32 105/275VAC 1 N 1 P CN29 1 E3 CN30 1 P 820U/400V N CN28 1 P E2 CN26 1 N CN27 1 P E1 820U/400V 2 TLP421/PS2561 1 R26 1K CN31 R12 330/1W C6 104/50V 3 3 CN23 1 2 3 +15V E9 47U/25V 4 2/1W C15 102/50V R41 C9 104/50V +5VD 7 GNDDRV 2K R40 E8 100U/16V R13 6 3 Vout 5.1K/1% R24 CS VCC +5V L7805CV Vin 104/50V C7 3 IC4 GND 2 7 1K 32 31 J11 J14 30 +12V 29 28 27 J61 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 R36 2K IC6 5 6 7 R60 8 10K R61 NC 1K +5V 0 VO J46 J54 J18 J17 560 R62 10K FB TXD2 RXD1 12V 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 J24 J25 J23 J22 33NC 34NC J52354052-B J51 J42 8 2 C14 102/50V R38 +5V ˅ 1 1 20K/1% TXD1 47 IC1 ADJ HV R22 1K R21 RXD2 VCC IC14 T600D D11 RLS4148 D7 6 MBR1100 J8 4 C4 103/50V R9 Ё/ GND R92 0 C20 102/50V 10K/1% R59 10K +5V NC NC NC NC NC ഫ䗮䆃TXD0 ഫ䗮䆃RXD0 NC HEAT-EN COOL-EN IC17 TEST-EN R5F212A8SNFA NC NC NC 㝼㚔䯔A2 㝼㚔䯔B2 XT1 4M D8 10 MBR3100\ER302 E7 470U/25V 9 R19 R18 E12 +5V 104/50V 4.7U/16V C13 C12 104/50V CN16 6 5 4 3 2 1 CN15 R15 E22034 T1 3 D5 IN4937\ER106 5.1K/1% +5V J9 J10 J16 J38 J41 J44 J56 4 102/50V C19 10K/1% R58 100K/2W R10 ZD1 IN5948B +12V K1 AC-L AC-N D1 IN4007 IN4007 IN4007 IN4007 NTC1 SCK-4R72 E10 47U/450V CY11 472/1KV CX5 104/275V CN14 CN13 C C 2U/450V C1 K3 R78 SWTEST D2 J3 K2 H A2 B2 C2 D2 J53 1K R88 COM COM L R90 0 16 C2 15 D2 14 13 J47 SCL 12 SDA 11 VCC/AVCC 10 XIN 9 VSS/AVSS 8 XOUT 7 RESET 6 A1 5 B1 4 MODE 3 C1 2 D1 1 104/50V R89 C 12V-5A-892-1CC-C 12V-5A-892-1CC-C C-C 12V-25A-891P-1A-C12V-5A-892H(N)-1AC-C 12V-5A-892H(N)-1A 12V-5A-892H(N)-1A C-C C26 C25 C24 104/50V 104/50V 104/50V 47K/1% 1K R64 L +12V 36 TXD1 37 38 RXD1 4052-A 39NC 40 41 TXD2 42 43 44 4VSS 5 46 VSS 47 4052-B 48 J63 R63R65 20K/1% 20K/1% 20K/1% 20K/1% R67 1K R66 M J12 J15 J27 J30 J40 J43 J57 J59 4052-A CG HW CS XG TC NC NC 乥⥛䇗㡖 䯔ǃ亢ᴎ䇗㡖 VSS/AVSS ⬉⑤ࠊ VREF VCC ッᄤᥦ䖛⏽Ẕ⌟ PTC C28 C27 C30 C29 104/50V104/50V104/50V +5V CN4510K 1K CN33 C16 4 104/50V 1 1 GND 2 R91 3 5V 2 RST J29 +5V 0 2 3 R37 1 10K 4 MODE J28 CN35 FLASH D3 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 MC14052 C23 104/50V R68 AC-L AC-N K5 +12V 1K 4.7U/16V E13 D4 1 PE R71 +5V 472/250V/275V J13 1K R72 CN17 3 2 5V 1 TC 1K R75 CN8 MC14052 R93 IC5 +5V 0 Y0 VDD Y2 X2 Y X1 X J62 Y3 Y1 X0 INH X3 VEE A VSS B R70 1K R69 4.7U/16V E14 R76 20K/1% R74 472/250V/275V 472/250V/275V J66 +5V R73 CN21 20K/1% XG-A 4 5V E18 3 5V 4.7U/16V 2 CG-A E19 1 4.7U/16V CN20 XG-B 4 5V E16 3 5V 4.7U/16V 2 E17 CG-B 1 4.7U/16V CN19 5V 3 E15 2 4.7U/16V 1 HW CN18 2 5V 1 CS IC13 +5V Y0 VDD Y2 X2 Y X1 J49 Y3 X J39 Y1 X0 INH X3 VEE A J48 VSS B 472/250V/275V RXD2 TXD2 RXD1 TXD1 K6 472/250V/275V R7 100/1WCX4 103/275V K4 J1 H CN43 S14K350 RA-362M 400N/PSB400 CX3 225/275V 8MH/20A 472/250V/275V CY5 CY6 CY4 RV3 S14K350 CY3 RV2 SA1 PE CY2 CN3 1 CY1 1 AC-N L2 R2 CX2 1M 225/275V 8MH/20A J4 J2 1 2 3 4 5 L1 R1 RV1 CX1 S14K350 1M 225/275V ST CN12 T25A250VAC COM PTC1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 AC-L CN1 CN11 FUSE1 1 2 3 1 CN2 CN10 AC-LOUT 1 CN9 AC-NOUT 1 CN6 AC-NOUT 1 CN7 AC-LOUT 4 3 820U/400V CN25 1 N LED2 R17 220K/2W POWER 1 R6 1.8K D10 IN4007 CN46 CY10 222/250V CY9 222/250V R4 2K/2W TLP851/PC851 96 Domestic air conditioner Wring diagram Outdoor unit module board Circuit Diagram L 5.2MH/15A 2 CN7 CN8 AC-L CN6 LI 1 3 LO CN1 P D207 FFA30U60DN P 680U/400V*2 C406 104/275V 4 BG1 D25BX60B 10K RS1 CN4 W 1 6 R209 1K 5 HA17393AF 1 R230 7 1 2 3 4 5V R202 6.2K 2 8 IC4 1 3 4 HA1630D06 4.7K R201 1K 6 R203 1K 5 R204 6.2K IC4 7 15V CN10 3 2 1 HA1630D06 C504 100U/25V C017 330 223 R013 C016 472 PC817A C006 474 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11C001 10 104 9 8 7 C015 6 102 5 4 3 2 1 C410 47U/25V IC1 SH7046 D204 LL4148 C005 104 5V IC2 T600D C013 104 471 C009 R014 C014 TR2 MMBT9012/2SA1037AK 102 41 R009 4.7K 42 43 44 45 46 47 R006 100 R005 4.7K C020 48 102 49 C019 50 R017 4.7K 103 51 52 53 54 C028 103 R007 4.7K 55 56 57 CN12 58 RES 59 7 FWP 60 6 TXD 5 RXD 4 MD1 3 5V 2 GND 1 C002 104 474 C008 R018 4.7K PC1 C004 104 4.7K R004 MMBT9013 TR3 R019 4.7K 5V C003 104 4.7K R002 PC817A 5V 4.7K R001 474 C007 330 5V 5V C411 47U/25V C022 103 R008 4.7K 4.7K R003 471 C029 4.7K C011 104 C412 47U/25V 471 C030 R012 D206 24V/1W C023 224 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 C501 100U/16V LL4148 D205 PC2 R015 5V 8 7 6 24C04 5 IC3 R010 5V R016 1K D203 US1M C032 104 D202 US1M C034 104 D201 US1M C036 104 10 HA1630D06 R210 6.8K 15V 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 R213 100 15V 130KR226 130KR227 130KR228 4.22K R229 R205 1K IC6 8 IC5 7 4 HA17393AF C203 104 R207 1K 7 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 4.7K R231 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 IC6 6 223 C205 8 4 HA1630D06 R211 1K C202 104 R206 1K C018 103 W 21 VNO VNC CIN FO 2 5V 3 2 1 CN3 V C413 100U/25V R208 6.8K 3 C201 104 5 VN1 WN VN R212 9.1K 4 2 C204104 IC5 3 UN VNC 5V R224 R011 4.7K 4.7K 3 5 C208 104 2 VP1 R220 82 C207 104 8 6 0.015/5W WP VP UP VWFB VVFB R218 82 R221 140 R222 1.6K R217 R219 R216 10 C502 100U/25V TR1 MMBT9013 CN11 V 22 N R225 20K 5V 1K 1K IC7 8 TLP251 6 3 5 20 VUFB R214 5V 100 15V 330 RS2 N CN5 0.015/5W 5V 2 C012 104 CN2 U R215 CN9 AC-N R223 U 23 PM1 PS21965-AT IC8 C404 SGH40N60UF 474/275V C405 104/275V 24 X1 10M 4.7U/16V C503 D208 5V LL4148 330 97 Domestic air conditioner The end Sincere Forever Haier Group Wang Weipeng Yang Xiaodong Wang Fei +86 532 88935350 W Hongjin ">

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Key features
- DC Inverter Technology
- Cooling, Heating, Dehumidifying, Air Refreshing
- 3D Airflow
- 24-Hour Timer
- Auto Restart
- Easy Clean Design
- Anti-Mold Filter
- Sleep Mode
- 4 Fan Settings
- Quiet Operation
Frequently asked questions
The model numbers are HSU109VHGG and HSU218VHGW.
The key features include DC Inverter Technology, cooling, heating, dehumidifying, air refreshing, 3D airflow, 24-hour timer, auto restart, easy clean design, and anti-mold filter.
This service manual is designed for experienced repair technicians only. It does not contain warnings or cautions for non-technical individuals.
The air refreshing feature uses Nano-Aqua to ionize water molecules into nanometer water ion, which can be easily absorbed by skin. Provides a healthier indoor environment.