The built-in programmable digital timer is flexible and easy to setup. You can program up to 7 ON/OFF cycles for any individual day, or for every day of the week.
For instance, it would take one program to set the Powerbox to go on and off once per day, every day of the week.
1. Pop open the door of the Digital Timer with a small screw driver.
2. Ensure the ON/OFF switch at the bottom of the Digital Timer is set to the ON position.
3. Reset the Digital Timer by using a small paperclip to depress the recessed
RESET button (small round hole).
4. The Digital Timer displays the time in 24-hour format by default following a reset. To change to 12-hour format, press the MIN and hOUR buttons simultaneously and briefly (0:00 display = 24-hour format,12:00 display =
12-hour format).
5. Set the time using the hOUR and MIN buttons. If you have selected the 12hour format, ensure that PM appears on the screen when an afternoon time is displayed.
6. Set the day by using the DAy button.
7. Press one of the control buttons or close the Digital Timer door to return to normal operation.
8. You can set up to 7 different programs with the digital timer. However, for a standard routine where the unit comes on and off at the same time every day, you only need to set one program, and select all days of the week. To set a program, you need to enter its start time (ON) and its end time (OFF).
a. Pry the Digital Timer door open using a small screwdriver.
b. Press the PGM button once, and program number 1 (P1) and its On time
(ON) will appear. -:-- will appear instead of the time if the program is not set (inactive).
c. Press the DAy button to select the day to which you want to apply the program. If you want to apply the program to every day of the week, press DAy until all the days are displayed. This will count as only 1 program.
d. Press the hOUR and MIN buttons to set the ON time (time when you want devices to turn ON). If you have selected the 12-hour format, ensure that PM appears on the screen when an afternoon time is displayed.
e. After you have programmed the ON time, press the PGM button briefly to display the OFF time (time when you want the devices to turn OFF).
f. By default, the same DAY(s) you selected for the ON time will be displayed for the OFF time. g. Press the hOUR and MIN buttons to set the OFF time (time when you want devices to turn OFF). If you have selected the 12-hour format, ensure that PM appears on the screen when an afternoon time is displayed.
h. To set another program, repeat steps (b) through (f). Programs that are not set will remain inactive.
i. Press one of the control buttons or close the switch door to return to normal operation.
9. The Digital Timer has 2 operating modes: manual (MAN) and automatic
(AUTO). To switch modes, press and hold the switch door in for 3 seconds.
a. Manual Mode. The Digital Timer operates as a regular switch. Briefly press the switch door in to turn devices On of Off. The mode (MAN) and state (ON or
OFF) are displayed.
b. Automatic Mode. The Digital Timer follows the programmed schedule. The mode (AUTO), state (ON or OFF) and current program number are displayed.
To temporarily override the programmed schedule, briefly press the switch door. The new state (ON or OFF) will flash to show that this state is temporary. The override remains in effect until you press the switch door again or until the beginning of the next program.
10. When using a Flipbox in conjunction with your Powerbox lighting controller, it is recommended to power the ballasts off for 10 minutes during each flip cycle during the time the flip is set to occur. For instance, if your light flip times are 12:00 AM and 12:00 PM, you would program your Powerbox lighting controller’s timer as follows:
Program Powerbox Lighting Controller as follows:
P1 ON Time: 12:05 PM, P1 OFF Time: 11:55 PM
P2 ON Time: 12:05 AM, P2 OFF Time: 11:55 AM
Be sure to set both P1 and P2 for ALL days of the week.
Program the Flipbox timer as follows:
P1 ON Time: 12:00 AM, P1 OFF Time: 12:00 PM.
Be sure to set P1 for ALL days of the week.
BLANK TIMER DISPLAY: Verify there is power to the unit. Ensure the ON/OFF selector switch on the Digital Timer is set to ON. Reset the Digital Timer using a small paperclip.
TIMER DISPLAY HARD TO READ OR APPEARS FADED OUT: Verify that the neutral wire is properly connected at the main panel and at the point where it connects to the Powerbox. If timer display still appears faint, the internal backup battery may need recharging. Leave the unit connected to the main power and make sure the recessed switch at the bottom of the timer is set to the
ON position. Leave the unit on for 90 minutes to give the battery time to fully charge. Check the display again and it should appear normal.
PROGRAMS DO NOT RUN AS EXPECTED: Make sure the Digital Timer is properly programmed. Note that -:-- indicates an inactive program, 00:00 indicates midnight. If the Timer has been configured for 12-hour format, check that PM appears on the left side of the screen when as afternoon time is displayed.
Make sure the timer is in AUTO mode.
CANNOT SWITCH BETWEEN 24-HOUR and 12-HOUR FORMAT: First, press one of the control buttons so that MAN or AUTO appears on the display.
TIMED OUTLETS DON’T WORK / WON’T TURN ON: Check that the main circuit breaker is turned on. Check that the recessed switch under the timer front panel is switched ON. Check that the timer display reads ON. Check the main connection and ensure that all wires are connected properly.
120V hot legs is missing or improperly connected. Turn off the power at the main breaker and check all connections.