TracFone ZTE Quartz Quartz phone User guide
Below you will find brief information for phone ZTE Quartz. This document will help you get started with your new phone and guide you through the basic functions and settings for making calls, sending text messages, taking pictures, and using the internet.
START HERE ® CREATE AN ACCOUNT Create an account at to maximize your TracFone experience. Benefits Include: • TracFone Programs • Offers • Promotions • And much more... PLEASE READ THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SERVICE IN THE SERVICES GUIDE IN THIS PACKAGE (or at BEFORE ACTIVATING YOUR PHONE OR ANY SERVICE PLANS. LOCATE THE ACTIVATION CARD INSIDE YOUR PACKAGE FIRST 1. ACTIVATE YOUR SERVICE Go to or call 1-800-867-7183 to Activate your service. Be ready to provide the following: • Service Plan PIN. You may also purchase one during Activation using a credit or debit card. • Serial Number or MEID DEC for this device (shown below) Once you receive confirmation that the service has been Activated, follow the instructions below to complete your Activation. KEEP YOUR SERVICE ACTIVE Add Airtime BEFORE your Service End Date to keep y service active. Enroll in a Plan: Enroll in one of our Value Plans at Tra by using a credit or debit card and we will add your Service Days automatically. This service includes pre reminders, payment receipts and credit card expirat 2. PROGRAM YOUR PHONE 1. Call *22890 from your phone. Make sure to include the * (star) key. 2. If the Activation is successful, you will receive a confirmation message. 3. Make a test call to complete the Activation process. 4. If you do not receive a successful confirmation message, wait a few minutes and call *22890 again. Buy an Airtime Card: There are several ways to buy an • Go to or call 1-800-867-7183 • Shop at local retailers (find store locations at TracF Add an Airtime Card: There are several ways to add card directly from your phone: • Download the TracFone My Account App and sele Add Card option. Standard data rates may apply. O • Go to and select Add Airtime. Or • Call 1-800-867-7183. • If you transfer your number from a different company. Provide the accurate: • ACTIVE phone number to transfer • Current Service Account Number, Name and Address • Current Service Account Password or PIN • Alternate contact phone number ® To help you keep track of your Minutes, Text, and Data balances, and to view your Service End Date, download* the free TracFone My Account app from Google Play. If you have a QR reader installed in your phone, you can scan the QR code shown here to download* the My Account app to your phone. Questions? Visit or call 1-800-867-7183 *Standard data rates may apply. ® SERVICES GUIDE For more information and the latest Terms and Conditions of Service, visit PLEASE RECYCLE Printed in the U.S.A. QUAG-TFZ797C THANK YOU FOR BUYING A TRACFONE! YOU MADE THE RIGHT CHOICE. 1. HEADSET JACK 2. CHARGER/USB DOCK 3. BACK Press to go back to the previous screen, menu or option. 1 4. HOME Press to access the Home screen. Long press to open Google Search. Press twice to open the recently-used applications window. 5. VOLUME 5 6. PWR /LOCK To turn your phone ON, press and hold until your screen lights up. To turn your phone OFF, press and hold to open the phone options menu. Tap Power off and then tap OK. 6 7. APPLICATIONS 8. MENU Press to access menu options from any screen or application. 2 7 3 8 4 For an interactive tutorial of your phone, please visit Hold your cursor over Support. Select Learn About Your Phone, then click on the phone model. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. GET STARTED 1.1 What’s in Your Package 1.2 Activate Your TracFone 1.3 Set up Your TracFone Account 2.ABOUT YOUR TRACFONE SERVICE 2.1 Keep Your Service Active 2.2 Service Plans 2.3 Know Your Service Enrollment Options 3.HOW TO USE YOUR TRACFONE 3.1 Unlock Your Screen 3.2 Find Your Serial Number 3.3 Find Your Phone Number 3.4 Make and Receive Calls 3.5 Make International Calls 3.6 Set Up Your Google™ Account 3.7 Set Up Your Voicemail 3.8 Send Text Messages 3.9 Set Up Your Bluetooth® 3.10 Take and Share Your Pictures 3.11 Personalize With Ringtones and More 3.12 Manage Applications 3.13 Use the Mobile Internet Services 3.14 Security Settings 3.15 Additional Features and Apps 3.16 Tips 1. GET STARTED HEALTH AND SAFETY INFORMATION 06/2015 1.1 WHAT’S IN YOUR PACKAGE 1.2 ACTIVATE YOUR TRACFONE 1.3 SET UP YOUR TRACFONE ACCOUNT 1.1 WHAT’S IN YOUR PACKAGE TRACFONE 1.2 ACTIVATE YOUR TRACFONE BACK COVER . Locate your ACTIVATION CARD A and follow the instructions on the card. CHARGER/ USB CABLE If you are a current TracFone customer it’s easy to transfer your service to another TracFone. To transfer your service, go to, then select the Activate Phone tab and select Activate/Reactivate. To keep your existing phone number, select Transfer my number and service from one TracFone to another and follow the instructions. You will need the information on the red Activation Card in your package to continue the Activation process. For additional help, call the TracFone Customer Care Center at 1-800-867-7183. START HERE 1. ACTIVATE YOUR SERVICE Go to or call 1-800-867-7183 to Activate your service. Be ready to provide the following: • Service Plan PIN. You may also purchase one during Activation using a credit or debit card. • Serial Number or MEID DEC for this device (shown below) ® C. To Activate go to or call 1-800-867-7183 from another phone. You will need a TracFone Service Plan or a credit or debit card to complete your activation. START HERE PLEASE READ THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SERVICE IN THE SERVICES GUIDE IN THIS PACKAGE (or at BEFORE ACTIVATING YOUR PHONE OR ANY SERVICE PLANS. 1. ACTIVATE YOUR SERVICE Go to or call 1-800-867-7183 to Activate your service. Be ready to provide the following: • Service Plan PIN. You may also purchase one during Activation using a credit or debit card. • Serial Number or MEID DEC for this device (shown below) ® ® START HERE ® PLEASE READ THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SERVICE IN THE SERVICES GUIDE IN THIS PACKAGE (or at BEFORE ACTIVATING YOUR PHONE OR ANY SERVICE PLANS. LOCATE THE ACTIVATION CARD CREATE AN ACCOUNT INSIDE YOUR PACKAGE FIRST Create an account at to maximize 1. ACTIVATE YOUR SERVICE Go to or call 1-800-867-7183 to Activate your service. Be ready to provide the following: • Service Plan PIN. You may also purchase one during Activation using a credit or debit card. • Serial Number or MEID DEC for this device (shown below) • If you transfer your number from a different company. Provide the accurate: • ACTIVE phone number to transfer • Current Service Account Number, Name and Address • Current Service Account Password or PIN • Alternate contact phone number your TracFone experience. Benefits Include: • TracFone Programs • Offers • Promotions • And much more... ® Once you receive confirmation that the service has been Activated, follow the instructions below to complete your Activation. ® 2. PROGRAM YOUR PHONE 1. Call *22890 from your phone. Make sure to include the * (star) key. 2. If the Activation is successful, you will receive a confirmation message. 3. Make a test call to complete the Activation process. 4. If you do not receive a successful confirmation message, wait a few minutes and call *22890 again. KEEP YOUR SERVICE ACTIVE Add Airtime BEFORE your Service End Date to keep your service active. Enroll in a Plan: Enroll in one of our Value Plans at by using a credit or debit card and we will add your Minutes and Service Days automatically. This service includes pre-charge reminders, payment receipts and credit card expiration alerts. SERVICES GUIDE Buy an Airtime Card: There are several ways to buy an airtime card: • Go to or call 1-800-867-7183 • Shop at local retailers (find store locations at Add an Airtime Card: There are several ways to add an Airtime card directly from your phone: • Download the TracFone My Account App and select the Add Card option. Standard data rates may apply. Or • Go to and select Add Airtime. Or • Call 1-800-867-7183. • If you transfer your number from a different company. Provide the accurate: • ACTIVE phone number to transfer • Current Service Account Number, Name and Address • Current Service Account Password or PIN • Alternate contact phone number ® D.To complete the Activation process, you MUST call *22890 from your TracFone, wait for the confirmation message, and then make a call. SERVICES GUIDE For more information and the To and helpConditions you keep track of your Minutes, Text, and latest Terms and to view your Service End Date, of Service,Data visitbalances, Questions? RECYCLE Visit orPLEASE call 1-800-867-7183 Printed in the U.S.A. download* the free TracFone My Account app from Google Play. If you have a QR reader installed in your phone, you can scan the QR code shown here to download* the My Account app to your phone. QUAG-TFZ797C *Standard data rates may apply. Once you receiv Activated, follo your Activation 2. PROGRAM YOU 1. Call *22890 f * (star) key. 2. If the Activat confirmation 3. Make a test c 4. If you do not wait a few mi • If you transfer your number from a different company. Provide the accurate: • ACTIVE phone number to transfer • Current Service Account Number, Name and Address • Current Service Account Password or PIN • Alternate contact phone number B. This Card has the Serial Number you need to Activate your phone. ACTIVATION CARD ® PLEASE READ THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SERVICE IN THE SERVICES GUIDE IN THIS PACKAGE (or at BEFORE ACTIVATING YOUR PHONE OR ANY SERVICE PLANS. Visit Tr 1.3 SET UP YOUR TRACFONE ACCOUNT A. Set up My Account My Account can be created upon activation of your phone at This is where you will create and update your personal profile information, update credit/billing information, view your Service End Date, and more. My Account is the best place to: • See TracFone Programs • Access Special Offers and Promotions • Buy or Add a Service Plan • Enroll in Monthly Value Plans • Check Balance/Service End Date • Update Personal Profile and Manage Credit Card Info • Get International Calling Information • View TracFone Support Forum • View FAQs B. TracFone My Account App TracFone provides easy options to help you keep track of your Minutes, Text, and Data balances, as well as to view your Service End Date. Simply download* the free TracFone My Account app from Google Play™. If you have a QR reader application installed in your phone, you can also scan the QR code shown here to download* the TracFone My Account app directly to your phone. *Standard Data rates may apply. 2. ABOUT YOUR TRACFONE SERVICE 2.1 KEEP YOUR SERVICE ACTIVE 2.2 SERVICE PLANS 2.3 KNOW YOUR SERVICE ENROLLMENT OPTIONS 2.1 KEEP YOUR SERVICE ACTIVE 2.2SERVICE PLANS IMPORTANT To keep your Service Active, you must refill your Service Plan BEFORE your Service Date. W !End e e ice W ! ice W ! W ! ic vE Airtime/Airtime/ Data-OnlyNE OK SerN K Servic NE OKat SerNv E OKat Serv t Refill Card Refill Card Card LO Great LOO ea LOe Gre LOe Gre Gr e m m me am a a Sa S S S TracFone Airtime Plans add Minutes and Service Days to your phone. To find your Service End Date, go to our website at and log into your Account or you can call our Customer Care Center at 1-800-867-7183. this this this this this card adds card adds card adds card adds card adds DATA ONLY 90 DAY 90 DAY SERVICESERVICE PLAN (no PLAN service days) 1200 Year 1200 Year 300M B for web Data-OnlyNEW K!ServicEe W K! ervice t N O tS Card LOO ea O rea Gr W NE W NE NO CONTRACTS NO CONTRACTS NO CONTRACTS NO BILLS NO BILLS NO BILLS NO FEES NO FEES NO FEES NO SURPRISES NO SURPRISES NO SURPRISES for talk, text for talk, text DO EVERYTHING for Android™-powered DO EVERYTHING DO EVERYTHING forweb talk, text forweb talk, phones text only & & FOR LESS™FOR LESS™FOR LESS™ & web & web see back panelsee forback PIN number panelsee for back PIN number panel for PIN number card has no value purchased and scanned carduntil has no value andpurchased scanned and scanned carduntil has purchased no value until this this this this this card adds card adds card adds card adds card adds me Sa DATA ONLY 90 DAY 90 DAY SERVICESERVICE PLAN (noPLAN service days) 1450 Year 750 MB 1450 Year L G me Sa W NE this this this card adds card adds card adds DATA ONLY SERVICESERVICE PLAN (no PLAN service days) 1Year 1Year 2 GB NO CONTRACTS NO CONTRACTS NO CONTRACTS NO BILLS NO BILLSNO BILLS NO FEES NO FEES NO FEES NO SURPRISES NO SURPRISES NO SURPRISES VISIT TRACFONE.COM NO BILLS DO EVERYTHING DO EVERYTHING NO FEES FOR THE LATEST SERVICE PLANS NO SURPRISES FOR LESSFOR LESS AND SPECIAL for web OFFERS for talk, text for talk, fortext Android™-powered DO EVERYTHING DO EVERYTHING DO EVERYTHING forweb talk, text forweb talk, textonly phones & & ™ LESS™ FOR FOR LESS™FOR LESS & web & web for talk, text for talk, fortext Android™-powered DO EVERYTHING DO EVERYTHING DO EVERYTHING & web & webphones only ™ FOR LESS™FOR LESS FOR LESS™ for web see back panelsee forback PIN number panel for PIN number see back panel for PIN number card has no value purchased andpurchased scanned carduntil has no value until scanned card has no value until and purchased and scanned Keep your Service Active with a variety of Airtime Plan cards and Monthly Plans. Choose the option that best fits your needs. You can change or add plans at any time without penalties or fees. NO CONTRACTS ™ ™ see back panel for PIN number card has no value until purchased and scanned Your phone will only work with TracFone Wireless Service Plans for cellular phones. You can purchase the plan that best fits your needs at: • Participating retailers nationwide • • Customer Care Center 1-800-867-7183 2.3KNOW YOUR SERVICE ENROLLMENT OPTIONS A. Monthly Airtime Plans TracFone offers the same conveniences as contract plans, but without the contract! Choose the Airtime Plan that works best for you: Individual Plan Family Value Plan TracFone Service Protection Plan Enroll your TracFone in an Airtime Plan and enjoy these benefits: Automatically receive Minutes and Service Days on your TracFone every month. Airtime Plans start at $9.99/month. No contracts or cancellation fees. B. Where To Enroll In order to enroll in a Monthly Airtime Plan you must have a valid credit or debit card. To enroll: Go to OR Call us at 1-800-867-7183 3. HOW TO USE YOUR TRACFONE 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 UNLOCK YOUR SCREEN FIND YOUR SERIAL NUMBER FIND YOUR PHONE NUMBER MAKE AND RECEIVE CALLS MAKE INTERNATIONAL CALLS SET UP YOUR GOOGLE™ ACCOUNT SET UP YOUR VOICEMAIL SEND TEXT MESSAGES SET UP YOUR BLUETOOTH® TAKE AND SHARE YOUR PICTURES PERSONALIZE WITH RINGTONES AND MORE MANAGE APPLICATIONS USE THE MOBILE INTERNET SERVICES SECURITY SETTINGS ADDITIONAL FEATURES AND APPS TIPS 3.1 UNLOCK YOUR SCREEN 3.3 FIND YOUR PHONE NUMBER To unlock your screen, long press anywhere on the screen. If the screen is dark, simply press PWR/LOCK to enable it. 1. Press the HOME key. 2. Press the MENU key. 3. Tap System settings. 4. Slide your finger upwards along the screen to access additional options. Tap About phone. 5. Tap Status. Your phone number will appear under My phone number. 6. To return to the main screen, press the HOME key. 3.2 FIND YOUR SERIAL NUMBER 3.4MAKE AND RECEIVE CALLS 1. Press the HOME key. 2. Press the MENU key. 3. Tap System settings. 4. Slide your finger upwards along the screen to access additional options. Tap About phone. 5. Tap Status and locate the row that says MEID(D). The number series in the field is your phone’s Serial Number. 6. To return to the main screen, press the HOME key. Make a Call 1. Press the HOME key. 2. Tap the Phone icon at the bottom of the screen. If the dialpad does not appear on the screen, tap the Phone tab located at the upper part of the screen. 3. Enter the phone number you wish to call, including the 3-digit area code. Entering a 1 before the area code may be necessary in some areas. To place the call, tap the Phone icon at the bottom of the screen. 4. To end the call, tap the Phone icon. Receive a Call 1. To answer an incoming call, slide the Phone icon to the right. 2. To end the call, tap the Phone icon. See inside front cover for help locating your phone keys. 3.5 MAKE INTERNATIONAL CALLS You can call over 100 international destinations from your TracFone at no additional cost. Please wait 2 business days after your TracFone is Activated to make international calls. A.From your TracFone, dial 1-800-706-3839. If you are in Alaska, Hawaii and the U.S. Virgin Islands please dial 1-305-938-5673. We suggest that you add these numbers to your contacts for easy dialing. B.Select your language: 1 for English, 2 for Spanish. Listen to dialing instructions. After selecting a language, dialing instructions can be interrupted at any time and you can skip to step C. C.Dial 011 + Country Code + City Code + Telephone Number. For calls to the Bahamas, Bermuda, Canada and Dominican Republic just dial 1 + City Code + Telephone Number. AVAILABLE INTERNATIONAL DESTINATIONS Calls to cellular phones are not included unless the word “Cellular” is specifically listed next to the country name. Numbers in parentheses indicate the Country Code. Albania - Tirana (355) Andorra (376) Argentina (54) Australia (61) Austria (43) Bahamas - Cellular (1) Bahamas (1) Bangladesh - Cellular (880) Bangladesh - Chittagong (880) Bangladesh - Dhaka (880) Bangladesh - Sylhet (880) Belgium (32) Bermuda - Cellular (1) Bermuda (1) Bolivia - La Paz (591) Bolivia - Santa Cruz (591) Brazil (55) Brunei - Cellular (673) Brunei (673) Bulgaria (359) Canada - Cellular (1) Canada (1) Chile (56) China - Cellular (86) China (86) Colombia - Cellular (57) Colombia (57) Costa Rica (506) Croatia (385) Cyprus - Cellular (357) Cyprus (357) Czech Republic (420) Denmark (45) Dominican Republic (1) Estonia (372) Finland (358) France (33) French Antilles (596) French Guiana - Cellular (594) French Guiana (594) Georgia (995) Germany (49) Gibraltar (350) Greece (30) Guadeloupe (590) Guatemala - Telgua (502) Hong Kong - Cellular (852) Hong Kong (852) Hungary (36) Iceland (354) India - Cellular (91) India (91) Indonesia - Cellular (62) Indonesia - Jakarta (62) Indonesia - Surabaya (62) Iraq - Baghdad (964) Ireland (353) Israel (972) Italy (39) Japan (81) Jordan (962) Kazakhstan (7) Kenya - Nairobi (254) Lithuania (370) Luxembourg - Cellular (352) Luxembourg (352) Macao - Cellular (853) Macao (853) Malaysia - Cellular (60) Malaysia (60) Malta (356) Mexico (52) Monaco (377) Netherlands (31) New Zealand (64) Norway (47) Panama (507) Paraguay (595) Peru (51) Poland (48) Portugal (351) Romania (40) Russia - Cellular (7) Russia (7) San Marino - Cellular (378) San Marino (378) Saudi Arabia - Riyadh (966) Singapore - Cellular (65) Singapore (65) Slovakia (421) Slovenia (386) South Korea - Cellular (82) South Korea (82) Spain (34) Sweden (46) Switzerland (41) Taiwan - Cellular (886) Taiwan (886) Thailand (66) Turkey (90) United Kingdom (44) Uzbekistan (7) Venezuela (58) Vietnam - Ho Chi Minh (84) Zambia (260) Note: Please wait to be connected; DO NOT press any other key on your TracFone or your call might be disconnected. D. TracFone Frequent Numbers Service With TracFone, making international calls is really easy! Our Frequent Numbers Service offers you up to ten U.S. 800 numbers, which you can link to your most frequently dialed international numbers in any of our available international destinations (with this service, you do not need to follow steps A, B and C from section 3.5). Just dial any of the ten U.S. 800 numbers that you can program through our website or by calling TracFone, and you will be quickly connected with the international destination you want at no additional cost. Visit our International Long Distance website at or call our Customer Care Center at 1-800-867-7183 to set up this service for free. E. TracFone International Neighbors Service (Available only for Mexico) With our International Neighbors Service, your family and friends living in Mexico can call your TracFone directly without paying for an international long distance call, and your TracFone will deduct the same number of Minutes as if it were a local call. No international long distance charges for anyone! With Active service, TracFone will assign you a Mexican phone number that will be linked to your TracFone for free. Your family and friends can dial this local phone number and you will receive the call on your TracFone here in the U.S. To register for International Neighbors Service, and to assign specific phone numbers, register at TIP: To enjoy this unique service, make sure you keep your service Active. If your Service Days Remaining end and your phone is deactivated, you will lose your Mexican phone number. Should this happen, you can get a new Mexican phone number when you re-activate your TracFone. 3.6SET UP YOUR GOOGLE™ ACCOUNT 3.8SEND TEXT MESSAGES To access Google Play™ as well as other applications on your phone, you will need to add or create a free Google Account (i.e. Gmail Account). 1. Press the HOME key. 2. Tap the Messaging icon. 3. Tap the plus (+) icon located at the bottom of the screen to compose a new message. 4. Enter the contact name or the mobile number of the desired recipient in the To field. If entering the contact, tap the name when it appears. 5. Tap Type message and enter the message you wish to send. 6. When finished, tap the Send icon. 7. To return to the main screen, press the HOME key. 1. Press the HOME key. 2. Slide your finger to the left across the screen. 3. Tap the Gmail icon. Follow the tutorial on your screen to add or create your Google Account. 4. To return to the main screen, press the HOME key. The first Google account that you register to your phone will be your Primary Google account. Once you register a Google Account to your phone, your contacts, calendar entries, and Gmail will sync with your primary Google Account. It can take up to 15 minutes for your phone to sync with the Google server. 3.7SET UP YOUR VOICEMAIL 1. Press the HOME key. 2. Tap the Phone icon at the bottom of the screen. If the dialpad does not appear on the screen, tap the Phone tab located in the upper part of the screen. 3. Press and hold the 1 key for several seconds. Your phone will automatically call Voicemail. Once the call is connected, follow the voicemail prompts. 4. To end the call, tap the Phone icon. 3.9SET UP YOUR BLUETOOTH® To pair your phone with a Bluetooth headset, make sure that both are fully charged. Have your headset within a range of 30 feet from your phone. Make sure your device is ON and in Pairing or Bonding Mode (refer to the user guide of the device you are attempting to pair with). Please remember that you can connect to only one device at a time. 1. Press the HOME key. 2. Press the MENU key. 3. Tap System settings. 4. Tap the ON/OFF button to the right of Bluetooth to turn it ON. 5. Tap Bluetooth. A list of the available devices will appear. 6. Tap the name of the desired device. 7. Follow the prompts on the screen to complete the pairing process. 8. To return to the main screen, press the HOME key. IMPORTANT: If you are prompted for a PIN, please refer to your headset’s user guide. A commonly used PIN for headsets is 0000. Enter the PIN into your phone and follow the prompts to complete the pairing process. 3.10 TAKE AND SHARE YOUR PICTURES Take a Picture 1. Press the HOME key. 2. Tap the Applications icon at the bottom of the screen. 3. Tap the Camera icon. 4. To take a picture, tap the camera icon at the bottom of the screen. The picture will be automatically saved in your Gallery. Front facing camera 1. Press the HOME key. 2. Tap the Camera icon. 3. Tap the front-facing camera icon located at the upper part of the screen. 4. To take a picture, tap the camera icon on your screen. The picture will be automatically saved in your Gallery. 5. To return to the main screen, press the HOME key. Share the Picture 1.Tap the picture thumbnail located at the bottom of the screen. Your phone will display the last image captured. 2. The Share icon will appear at the bottom of your screen. If not, simply tap the screen. Tap the Share icon. All available sharing options will appear on the screen. 3. Tap the Messaging icon. 4. Enter the contact name or the mobile number of the desired recipient in the To field. If entering the contact, tap the name when it appears. 5. To send a message with the image, tap Type message and enter your desired message. 6. When finished, tap MMS. 7. To return to the main screen, press the HOME key. 3.11 PERSONALIZE WITH RINGTONES AND MORE A.Personalize with Ringtones 1. Press the HOME key. 2. Press the MENU key. 3. Tap System settings. 4. Tap Sound. 5. Tap Phone ringtone. 6. Tap the ringtone of your preference to listen to it. Slide your finger along the screen to access additional options. 7. Once you have selected the ringtone you wish to use, tap OK. 8. To return to the main screen, press the HOME key. B. Personalize with Graphics 1. Press the HOME key. 2. Press the MENU key. 3. Tap Wallpaper. 4. Select Home or Lock Screen. 5. Select the folder that contains the image you want to use. 6. Thumbnails of the available images will be displayed. Tap the one you want to use. You may need to size and frame the image. 7. Tap OK or Set wallpaper. 3.12 MANAGE APPLICATIONS C.Download Applications and Content From the main screen, tap the Play Store icon to access Google Play™. Browse thousands of apps, games, music and more. The Play Store With phones powered by Android™, you can access over 1,000,000 free and pay-for apps that are available at the Play Store. To purchase content or an app from the Play Store, you will need a Gmail account and a credit or debit card. The purchases you make are a transaction between you and Google and/or the Application Developer. Customer Care will not be able to provide technical assistance or refunds/credits for your purchases. We suggest that before you purchase any apps, that you look at the reviews about those that you are interested in purchasing. The Play Store may allow app orders to be cancelled within 15 minutes. Please refer to the Play Store website for details. If you receive an error code during the purchase process, visit 1. Press the HOME key. 2. Press the MENU key. 3. Tap System settings. 4. Slide your finger upwards along the screen and tap Apps. 5. Note the tabs at the top of the screen. To see what apps are currently running, tap the RUNNING tab. 6. Tap the application that you would like to manage and choose what you would like to do. 7. To return to the main screen, press the HOME key. Applications running in the background can drain the battery and slow down the processing speed of your phone. 3.13 USE THE MOBILE INTERNET SERVICES The TracFone Mobile Web allows you access to news, sports, weather, entertainment, and more directly from your phone. To access the TracFone Mobile Web, press the HOME key. Then tap the Internet icon located at the bottom of the screen. Your phone will then connect to the Mobile Web. Access and Data consumption begins when your phone makes a data connection and ends when the data connection terminates. Total Access and Data Consumption Charges will depend on the size of the content and the actual time it takes to download or transmit the content or multimedia message, and to access or view the Information Service. For additional information about Data consumption charges, refer to the latest TracFone Wireless Terms and Conditions of Service at IMPORTANT: After your phone is Active, it may take up to 1 hour to access Mobile Web Services. 3.14 SECURITY SETTINGS 3.15 ADDITIONAL FEATURES AND APPS Set your Screen Lock options There are several security options that will protect your data and limit access to your phone. To set up your preferences: 1. Press the HOME key > MENU key > System settings > Security > Screen lock. Select the Screen Lock that you prefer. 2. Follow the on-screen prompts to set up the security option of your choice. A.Access or Replace a Memory Card Forgot your security setting? If you attempt to unlock your screen with an incorrect pattern more times than what is allowed and have registered your Gmail account to your phone, simply tap on Forgot pattern? once it appears at the bottom of your screen and then sign into your primary Gmail account. This will unlock your screen, but you will need to create a new screen lock. If you are still unable to unlock your screen, please call the Customer Care Center at 1-800-867-7183 to reset your phone. Be aware that this erases all data from the internal memory of your phone and restores the phone to the original factory settings. Once your phone is reset, you can recover your synced information by logging into your primary Gmail account. Your phone accepts a memory card of up to 64GB. To access the card: Locate the memory card compartment 1. Power your phone OFF. 2.Remove the back cover by lifting it using the notch on the bottom edge of the phone. 3. The memory card slot is located at the top of the battery compartment. Insert the card 1. Arrange the memory card so that the gold bars on the card are facing down and gently slide it all the way in. 2. Replace the back cover. 3. Power your phone ON. Remove the card 1. Gently slide the memory card out. We recommend that you have your phone turned OFF. 2. Replace the back cover and power your phone ON. 3.16TIPS B. Your Music Play and Access Your Music Files • You can play a variety of sound files and access music files on your phone. • You can listen to the music stored in your phone via Bluetooth. Transfer Your Music Files To transfer music files to a computer you will need the USB Cable provided with the phone. Refer to your computer’s user guide for instructions on how to transfer content. Your phone does not support DRM protected music files*. C. Apps Full Share: This application offers a wireless solution to sharing media files among devices connected to the same Wi-Fi® network. You can use this application to easily access media content on different devices without having to transfer files. To share media files on your phone: Connect your phone to Wi-Fi > Home key > Applications icon > Full Share > Select your sharing options, including the option to access share files on other devices. Mi-EasyAccess: With Mi-EasyAccess, you can access selected applications right from the lock screen of your phone when the screen is locked, by sliding your finger to the left across the bottom of the screen. To select the applications you can access, press the Home Key > Applications icon > Mi-EasyAccess > Tap + to add an application, or tap the red X sign next to the app to remove it. For additional information about your phone, you can view or download the manufacturer’s manual at *The unauthorized copying of copyrighted materials is contrary to the provisions of the Copyright laws in the United States and in other countries. This device is intended solely for copying non-copyrighted material, material for which you own the copyright, or material which you are legally permitted to copy. If you are uncertain about your right to copy any material, please contact your legal advisor. To access notifications in the Notifications Panel at the top of the screen, slide your finger from the top of the screen and drag the Bar down. All new messages and notifications will be displayed; tap the notification you wish to see for direct access to it. You can also easily access your phone’s Settings by sliding down the Notifications Panel and tapping on the Settings icon located at the upper part of the screen. Your phone has several customizable screens that give you easier access to your most commonly used content and applications. • Slide your finger across the screen in either direction to access the different home screens. • To move an icon to a particular screen, go to the screen where you want the icon to be, tap the Applications icon, then tap and hold the app icon you wish to add until it appears on the desired screen. For increased data speeds, use a secure Wi-Fi® connection where available. Your phone will automatically back up to your Gmail account. In order for your contacts, paid apps, calendar, and Gmail to be restored when you set up an Android phone using the same primary Gmail account: 1. Press the Home key > MENU > System settings > Google. 2.Select your primary Gmail account and then tap to select the features you would like automatically backed up/synced. Don’t wait until it’s too late to back up your phone! Multimedia and other files will need to be backed up manually. To back up files like your photos and videos, search on Google Play to find the app that fits your needs. A Master or Factory Data Reset erases everything on the internal memory of your phone including the Gmail account access. You should remember your Gmail account’s user name and password before performing a factory reset. After a reset is performed, you can sync your information to your phone again by logging in to your primary Gmail account from your phone. To extend your battery life, follow some of the tips listed below: • Check Running Services and close any unnecessary applications. • Use the Applications feature to end/shutdown applications that are still running in the background. • Turn off Bluetooth® and GPS when not in use. • Turn off automatic application sync. • Set Screen Timeout to the lowest setting (factory default is 30 seconds). • Reduce your data usage. • Reduce use of the Live Wallpapers. • Use the factory charger provided to avoid battery damage. Data Managing Tips Wi-Fi®: Use a secure Wi-Fi connection at home or other locations where it may be available. You can use a Wi-Fi finder app to help you locate available Wi-Fi networks. Connect to Wi-Fi before you stream music, video, and other data heavy content. AUTO UPDATES: Turn off auto updates on your apps or change your settings to update using Wi-Fi only. PHOTOS: Turn off automatic photo uploading or change your settings to upload using Wi-Fi only. EMAIL: Turn off push e-mail or set e-mail accounts to sync every hour or greater. You can also set e-mail accounts to update manually and get email only when you want it. MOBILE WEBSITES: Access the mobile website version of your choice since full websites require more data to view and browse them. BACKGROUND APPS: Turn off Apps running in the background. They constantly use data and can also slow down the processing speed of your phone. USAGE ALERTS: Download a Data Usage App to help you keep track of your data usage. With Android™ version 4.0 and later you can set a mobile data limit reminder. For additional information about your phone, you can view or download the manufacturer’s manual at General Safety HEALTH AND SAFETY INFORMATION Don’t make or receive handheld calls while driving. Never text while driving. Don’t use at gas stations. Keep your phone at least 10mm away from your ear or body while making calls. Your phone may produce a bright or flashing light. Small parts may cause choking. Don’t dispose of your phone in fire. Your phone can produce a loud sound. To prevent possible hearing damage, do not listen at high volume levels for long periods. Avoid contact with anything magnetic. Avoid extreme temperatures. Keep away from pacemakers and other electronic medical devices. Avoid contact with liquids. Keep your phone dry. Turn off when asked to in hospitals and medical facilities. Don’t take your phone apart. Turn off when told to in aircrafts and airports. Only use approved accessories. Turn off when near explosive materials or liquids. Don’t rely on your phone for emergency communications. Radio Frequency (RF) Energy This model phone meets the government’s requirements for exposure to radio waves. This phone is designed and manufactured not to exceed the emission limits for exposure to radio frequency (RF) energy set by the Federal Communications Commission of the U.S. Government: The exposure standard for wireless mobile phones employs a unit of measurement known as the Specific Absorption Rate, or SAR. The SAR limit set by the FCC is 1.6 W/kg.* Tests for SAR are conducted using standard operating positions accepted by the FCC with the phone transmitting at its highest certified power level in all tested frequency bands. Although the SAR is determined at the highest certified power level, the actual SAR level of the phone while operating can be well below the maximum value. This is because the phone is designed to operate at multiple power levels so as to use only the power required to reach the network. In general, the closer you are to a wireless base station antenna, the lower the power output. The highest SAR values for this model phone as reported to the FCC when tested for use at the ear and on the body are: Head: 0.56 W/kg, Body: 1.32 W/kg (Body-worn measurements differ among phone models, depending upon available enhancements and FCC requirements.) While there may be differences between the SAR levels of various phones and at various positions, they all meet the government requirement The FCC has granted an Equipment Authorization for this model phone with all reported SAR levels evaluated as in compliance with the FCC RF exposure guidelines. SAR information on this model phone is on file with the FCC and can be found under the Display Grant section of after searching on FCC ID: SRQ-Z797C. For body-worn operation, this phone has been tested and meets the FCC RF exposure guidelines for use with an accessory that contains no metal and positions the handset a minimum of 0.59 inches (1.5 cm) from the body. Use of other enhancements may not ensure compliance with FCC RF exposure guidelines. If you do not use a body-worn accessory and are not holding the phone at the ear, position the handset a minimum of 0.59 inches (1.5 cm) from your body when the phone is switched on. *In the United States and Canada, the SAR limit for mobile phones used by the public is 1.6 watts/kg (W/kg) averaged over one gram of tissue. The standard incorporates a substantial margin of safety to give additional protection for the public and to account for any variations in measurements. FCC Compliance This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. CAUTION: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturer could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment. NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. • Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. Hearing Aid Compatibility (HAC) Regulations for Mobile Phones In 2003, the FCC adopted rules to make digital wireless telephones compatible with hearing aids and cochlear implants. Although analog wireless phones do not usually cause interference with hearing aids or cochlear implants, digital wireless phones sometimes do because of electromagnetic energy emitted by the phone’s antenna, backlight, or other components. Your phone is compliant with FCC HAC regulations (ANSI C63.19- 2011). While some wireless phones are used near some hearing devices (hearing aids and cochlear implants), users may detect a buzzing, humming, or whining noise. Some hearing devices are more immune than others to this interference noise, and phones also vary in the amount of interference they generate. The wireless telephone industry has developed a rating system for wireless phones to assist hearing device users in finding phones that may be compatible with their hearing devices. Not all phones have been rated. Phones that are rated have the rating on their box or a lable located on the box. Ratings are not guaranteed. Results will vary, depending on the user’s hearing device and hearing loss. If your hearing device happens to be vulnerable to interference, you may not be able to use a rated phone successfully. Trying out the phone with your hearing device is the best way to evaluate it for your personal needs. This phone has been tested and rated for use with hearing aids for some of the wireless technologies that it uses. However, there may be some newer wireless technologies used in this phone that have not been tested yet for use with hearing aids. It is important to try the different features of this phone thoroughly and in different locations, using your hearing aid or cochlear implant, to determine if you hear any interfering noise. Consult your service provider or the manufacturer of this phone for information on hearing aid compatibility. If you have questions about return or exchange policies, consult your service provider or phone retailer. M-Ratings: Phones rated M3 or M4 meet FCC requirements and are likely to generate less interference with hearing devices than phones that are not labeled. M4 is the better/higher of the two ratings. T-Ratings: Phones rated T3 or T4 meet FCC requirements and are likely to be more usable with a hearing device’s telecoil (“T Switch” or “Telephone Switch”) than unrated phones. T4 is the better/higher of the two ratings. (Note that not all hearing devices contain telecoils.) Your Z797C has been tested for hearing aid device compatibility and has an M4/T4 rating. Hearing devices may also be rated. Your hearing device manufacturer or hearing health professional may help you find this rating. For more information about FCC Hearing Aid Compatibility, please go to Distraction Driving Full attention must be given to driving at all times in order to reduce the risk of an accident. Using a phone while driving (even with a hands-free kit) can cause distraction and lead to an accident. You must comply with local laws and regulations restricting the use of wireless devices while driving. Operating Machinery Full attention must be given to operating machinery in order to reduce the risk of an accident. Product Handling General Statement on Handling and Use You alone are responsible for how you use your phone and any consequences of its use. You must always turn off your phone wherever the use of a phone is prohibited. Use of your phone is subject to safety measures designed to protect users and their environment. • Always treat your phone and its accessories with care and keep it in a clean and dust-free place. • Keep the screen and camera lens clean. Unclean screen or camera lens may slow down the phone’s reaction to your operations or lower image quality. • Clean the device and its accessories with a soft material such as cleaning cloth for eyeglass lenses. Do not use alcohol or other corrosive substances for cleaning or allow them to get inside. • Do not expose your phone or its accessories to open flames or lit tobacco products. • Do not expose your phone or its accessories to liquid, moisture or high humidity. • Do not drop, throw or try to bend your phone or its accessories. • Do not paint your phone or its accessories. • D o not attempt to disassemble your phone or its accessories. Only authorized personnel can do so. • Do not expose or use your phone or its accessories in an environment with or that can reach extreme temperatures, minimum - [5] and maximum + [50] degrees Celsius. • Do not place your phone inside or near heating equipment or high-pressure containers, such as water heaters, microwave ovens, or hot cooking utensils. Otherwise, your phone may be damaged. • Please check local regulations for disposal of electronic products. • Do not carry your phone in your back pocket as it could break when you sit down. Small Children Do not leave your phone and its accessories within the reach of small children or allow them to play with it. They could hurt themselves or others, or could accidentally damage the phone. Your phone contains small parts with sharp edges that may cause an injury or may become detached and create a choking hazard. Demagnetization To avoid the risk of demagnetization, do not allow electronic devices or magnetic media to be close to your phone for a long time. Antenna Do not touch the antenna unnecessarily. Normal Use Position When placing or receiving a phone call, hold your phone to your ear, with the bottom towards your mouth. Air Bags Do not place a phone in the area over an air bag or in the air bag deployment area as an air bag inflates with great force and serious injury could result. Store the phone safely before driving your vehicle. Seizures/Blackouts The phone can produce a bright or flashing light. A small percentage of people may be susceptible to blackouts or seizures (even if they have never had one before) when exposed to flashing lights or light patterns such as when playing games or watching video. If you have experienced seizures or blackouts or have a family history of such occurrences, please consult a physician. Repetitive Stress Injuries To minimize the risk of Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) when texting or playing games with your phone: • Do not grip the phone too tightly. • Press the buttons lightly. • Use the special features that are designed to minimize the times of pressing buttons, such as Message Templates and Predictive Text. • Take many breaks to stretch and relax. Emergency Calls This phone, like any wireless phone, operates using radio signals, which cannot guarantee connection in all conditions. Therefore, you must never rely solely on any wireless phone for emergency communications. Loud Noise This phone is capable of producing loud noises, which may damage your hearing. Turn down the volume before using headphones, Bluetooth stereo headsets or other audio devices. Phone Heating Your phone may become warm during charging and during normal use. Electrical Safety Accessories Use only approved accessories. Do not connect with incompatible products or accessories. Take care not to touch or allow metal objects, such as coins or key rings, to contact or short-circuit the battery terminals. Never puncture the surface of the battery with sharp objects. Connection to a Car Seek professional advice when connecting a phone interface to the vehicle electrical system. Faulty and Damaged Products Do not attempt to disassemble the phone or its accessories. Only qualified personnel can service or repair the phone or its accessories. If your phone (or its accessories) has been submerged in water, punctured, or subjected to a severe fall, do not use it until you have taken it to be checked at an authorized service center. CTIA Requirements • Do not disassemble or open, crush, bend or deform, puncture, or shred. • Do not modify or remanufacture, attempt to insert foreign objects into the battery, immerse or expose to water or other liquids, expose to fire, explosion or other hazard. • Only use the battery for the system for which it is specified. • Only use the battery with a charging system that has been qualified with the system per CTIA Certification Requirements for Battery System Compliance to IEEE 1725. Use of an unqualified battery or charger may present a risk of fire, explosion, leakage, or other hazard. • Do not short-circuit a battery or allow metallic conductive objects to contact battery terminals. • Replace the battery only with another battery that has been qualified with the system per this standard, IEEE-Std-1725. Use of an unqualified battery may present a risk of fire, explosion, leakage or other hazard. • Promptly dispose of used batteries in accordance with local regulations. • Battery usage by children should be supervised. • Avoid dropping the phone or battery. If the phone or battery is dropped, especially on a hard surface, and the user suspects damage, take it to a service center for inspection. • Improper battery use may result in a fire, explosion, or other hazard. • The phone shall only be connected to CTIA certified adapters, products that bear the USB-IF logo or products that have completed the USB-IF compliance program. Radio Frequency Interference General Statement on Interference Care must be taken when using the phone in close proximity to personal medical devices, such as pacemakers and hearing aids. Pacemakers Pacemaker manufacturers recommend that a minimum separation of 15 cm be maintained between a mobile phone and a pacemaker to avoid potential interference with the pacemaker. To achieve this, use the phone on the opposite ear to your pacemaker and do not carry it in a breast pocket. Hearing Aids People with hearing aids or other cochlear implants may experience interfering noises when using wireless devices or when one is nearby. The level of interference will depend on the type of hearing device and the distance from the interference source. Increasing the separation between them may reduce the interference. You may also consult your hearing aid manufacturer to discuss alternatives. Medical Devices Please consult your doctor and the device manufacturer to determine if operation of your phone may interfere with the operation of your medical device. Hospitals Turn off your wireless device when requested to do so in hospitals, clinics or health-care facilities. These requests are designed to prevent possible interference with sensitive medical equipment. Aircraft Turn off your wireless device whenever you are instructed to do so by airport or airline staff. Consult the airline staff about the use of wireless devices onboard the aircraft. If your device offers a ‘flight mode’, this must be enabled prior to boarding an aircraft. Interference in Cars Please note that because of possible interference with electronic equipment, some vehicle manufacturers forbid the use of mobile phones in their vehicles unless a hands-free kit with an external antenna is included in the installation. Explosive Environments Gas Stations and Explosive Atmospheres In locations with potentially explosive atmospheres, obey all posted signs to turn off wireless devices such as your phone or other radio equipment. Areas with potentially explosive atmospheres include fueling areas, below decks on boats, fuel or chemical transfer or storage facilities, areas where the air contains chemicals or particles, such as grain, dust, or metal powders. Blasting Caps and Areas Power off your mobile phone or wireless device when in a blasting area or in areas posted power off “two-way radios” or “electronic devices” to avoid interfering with blasting operations. Specifications Handset specifications are shown in the following table. Operating System Android 4.3 Jelly Bean Technology CDMA Dimensions 6.13” (H) x 3.09” (W) x 0.35” (D) Weight 6.98 oz. (with battery) Display 5.5” Camera Rear 8MP with auto flash, auto focus, auto zoom / Front 1MP Internal memory ROM 8GB eMMC / RAM 1GB Removable memory card Supports up to 64GB SD Card Battery 3400 mAh Continuous idle time Up to 16 days Continuous talk time Up to 18 hours WAP browser version 2.0 HAC M4/T4 Bluetooth BT 4.0 NOTE: The phone’s talk time and idle time are based on ideal working environments. The use of extended backlighting, browser, and network conditions can reduce battery life and talk/idle time. ">

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Key features
- Make and receive calls
- Send and receive text messages
- Take and share pictures
- Use mobile internet services
- Download applications and content
- Set up Bluetooth
- Set up voicemail
- Set up Google accounts
Frequently asked questions
Press the HOME key, then MENU key, then System settings, then slide your finger upwards to access additional options, then tap about phone, then tap status. Your phone number will appear under My phone number.
Go to or call 1-800-867-7183 from another phone. You will need a TracFone Service Plan or a credit or debit card to complete your activation.
You must refill your Service Plan BEFORE your Service End Date.
From your TracFone, dial 1-800-706-3839. If you are in Alaska, Hawaii and the U.S. Virgin Islands please dial 1-305-938-5673. Select your language: 1 for English, 2 for Spanish. Listen to dialing instructions. After selecting a language, dialing instructions can be interrupted at any time and you can skip to step C. Dial 011 + Country Code + City Code + Telephone Number.
Press the HOME key, then MENU key, then System settings, then tap Sound, then tap Phone ringtone, then tap the ringtone of your preference to listen to it, then tap OK.