Grizzly G0453, G0454 planer Manual
The Grizzly G0453 and G0454 are 15" and 20" mobile planers that remove material from the surface of natural wood fiber stock to make the workpiece flat. The planer uses a rotating cutterhead with adjustable knives to shave material from the workpiece as it is fed into the machine. The depth of cut is controlled by the operator, and the workpiece is fed through the machine at a controlled rate. The G0453 and G0454 are designed to handle a variety of wood sizes and thicknesses. They are also equipped with dust collection ports to help keep the work area clean.
READ THIS FIRST Model G0453/G0454 ***IMPORTANT UPDATE*** For Machines Mfg. Since August, 2012 and Owner's Manual Printed May, 2011 The following changes were recently made to these machines since the owner's manual was printed: Cdl8H6XZgi^[^ZYidbZZi8H6''#',&#'"&%VcYJA.-,",i]hiVcYVgYh# 8]Vc\ZYi]Zbdidgcdb^cVakdaiV\ZheZXh[gdb''%Kid')%K# 6YYZYVeaj\idi]ZedlZgXdgY# I]^hYdXjbZciegdk^YZhgZaZkVcijeYViZhidedgi^dchd[i]ZdlcZghbVcjVai]Vicdadc\ZgVeeanVcYVYY^" i^dcVa ^c[dgbVi^dc gZfj^gZY Wn 8H6·Vh^YZ [gdb i]^h ^c[dgbVi^dc! Vaa di]Zg XdciZci ^c i]Z dlcZgh bVcjVa Veea^ZhVcYBJHIWZgZVYVcYjcYZghiddY[dgndjgdlchV[Zin#IMPORTANT: Keep this update with the owner's manual for future reference. For questions or help, contact our Tech Support at (570) 546-9663 or [email protected]. Changed Specifications Electrical EdlZgGZfj^gZbZci######################################################################################')%K!H^c\aZ"E]VhZ!+%=o 8^gXj^iH^oZ<%)*(##########################################################################################################################'%6 8^gXj^iH^oZ<%)*)##########################################################################################################################(%6 >cXajYZYEaj\IneZ<%)*(#################################################################################################C:B6+"'% >cXajYZYEaj\IneZ<%)*)###############################################################################################C:B6A+"(% Motor KdaiV\Z############################################################################################################################################')%K 6beh<%)*(###################################################################################################################################&*6 6beh<%)*)###################################################################################################################################&.6 Operation Info 8jiiZg]ZVYHeZZY################################################################################################################## )-%%GEB 8DENG><=I?JAN!'%&'7N<G>OOAN>C9JHIG>6A!>C8# WARNING: NO PORTION OF THIS MANUAL MAY BE REPRODUCED IN ANY SHAPE OR FORM WITHOUT THE WRITTEN APPROVAL OF GRIZZLY INDUSTRIAL, INC. 7A&*&+.EG>CI:9>C8=>C6 New/Revised G0453 Parts )(%6"& )(%6"' New/Revised G0454 Parts )(%6"+ )'."& )'.") )(%6"* )'."' )(%6") )(%6", )(%6"- )(%6". )(%6"&% )'.", )'."* )'."- )'.". )(%6 )'."+ )'."&% )'. &&.K' &')K' &''K' &&,K' REF PART # DESCRIPTION 117V2 119V2 430A 430A-1 430A-2 430A-4 430A-5 430A-6 430A-7 430A-8 430A-9 430A-10 P0453117V2 P0453119V2 P0453430A P0453430A-1 P0453430A-2 P0453430A-4 P0453430A-5 P0453430A-6 P6205ZZ P6203ZZ P0453430A-9 P0453430A-10 MACHINE ID LABEL CSA V2.08.12 POWER CORD 12G 3W 72" 6-20P V2.08.12 MOTOR 3HP 240V 1-PH V2.03.08 MOTOR FAN COVER V2.03.08 MOTOR FAN V2.03.08 R CAPACITOR 20M 400V V2.03.08 S CAPACITOR 200M 250V V2.03.08 JUNCTION BOX V2.03.08 BALL BEARING 6205ZZ BALL BEARING 6203ZZ CENTRIFUGAL SWITCH 16MM 3450 CONTACT PLATE16MM "'" REF PART # DESCRIPTION 122V2 124V2 429 429-1 429-2 429-4 429-5 429-6 429-7 429-8 429-9 429-10 P0454122V2 P0454124V2 P0454429 P0454429-1 P0454429-2 P0454429-4 P0454429-5 P0454429-6 P6206ZZ P6204ZZ P0454429-9 P0454429-10 MACHINE ID LABEL CSA V2.08.12 POWER CORD 12G 3W 72" L6-30P V2.08.12 MOTOR 5HP 240V 1-PH MOTOR FAN COVER MOTOR FAN S CAPACITOR 300M 250V R CAPACITOR 60M 450V MOTOR WIRING JUNCTION BOX BALL BEARING 6206ZZ BALL BEARING 6204ZZ CENTRIFUGAL SWITCH 19MM 3450 CONTACT PLATE 19MM <%)*($<%)*)JeYViZB[\#H^cXZ-$&' SECTION 1: SAFETY For Your Own Safety, Read Instruction Manual Before Operating this Machine The purpose of safety symbols is to attract your attention to possible hazardous conditions. This manual uses a series of symbols and signal words intended to convey the level of importance of the safety messages. The progression of symbols is described below. Remember that safety messages by themselves do not eliminate danger and are not a substitute for proper accident prevention measures. Always use common sense and good judgement. Indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, WILL result in death or serious injury. Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, COULD result in death or serious injury. Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, MAY result in minor or moderate injury. It may also be used to alert against unsafe practices. NOTICE This symbol is used to alert the user to useful information about proper operation of the machine. Safety Instructions for Machinery OWNER’S MANUAL. GZVY VcY jcYZghiVcY i]^h dlcZg»hbVcjVa7:;DG:jh^c\bVX]^cZ# TRAINED OPERATORS ONLY.JcigV^cZYdeZg" Vidgh ]VkZ V ]^\]Zg g^h` d[ WZ^c\ ]jgi dg `^aaZY# Dcan Vaadl igV^cZY$hjeZgk^hZY eZdeaZ id jhZ i]^h bVX]^cZ# L]Zc bVX]^cZ ^h cdi WZ^c\ jhZY! Y^h" XdccZXi edlZg! gZbdkZ hl^iX] `Znh! dg adX`"dji bVX]^cZidegZkZcijcVji]dg^oZYjhZ·ZheZX^Vaan VgdjcYX]^aYgZc#BV`Zldg`h]de`^Yegdd[ DANGEROUS ENVIRONMENTS. 9d cdi jhZ bVX]^cZgn^cVgZVhi]ViVgZlZi!XajiiZgZY!dg]VkZ eddga^\]i^c\#DeZgVi^c\bVX]^cZgn^ci]ZhZVgZVh \gZVian^cXgZVhZhi]Zg^h`d[VXX^YZcihVcY^c_jgn# MENTAL ALERTNESS REQUIRED. ;jaa bZciVa VaZgicZhh^hgZfj^gZY[dghV[ZdeZgVi^dcd[bVX]^c" Zgn#CZkZgdeZgViZjcYZgi]Z^c[ajZcXZd[Ygj\hdg VaXd]da!l]Zci^gZY!dgl]ZcY^higVXiZY# <%)*($<%)*)JeYViZB[\#H^cXZ-$&' ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT INJURY RISKS.Ndj XVcWZh]dX`ZY!WjgcZY!dg`^aaZYWnidjX]^c\a^kZ ZaZXig^XVa XdbedcZcih dg ^begdeZgan \gdjcYZY bVX]^cZgn#IdgZYjXZi]^hg^h`!dcanVaadlfjVa^[^ZY hZgk^XZ eZghdccZa id Yd ZaZXig^XVa ^chiVaaVi^dc dg gZeV^gldg`!VcYValVnhY^hXdccZXiedlZgWZ[dgZ VXXZhh^c\dgZmedh^c\ZaZXig^XVaZfj^ebZci# DISCONNECT POWER FIRST. 6alVnh Y^hXdc" cZXibVX]^cZ[gdbedlZghjeean7:;DG:bV`^c\ VY_jhibZcih!X]Vc\^c\idda^c\!dghZgk^X^c\bVX]^cZ# I]^hegZkZcihVc^c_jgng^h`[gdbjc^ciZcYZYhiVgije dgXdciVXil^i]a^kZZaZXig^XVaXdbedcZcih# EYE PROTECTION.6alVnhlZVg6CH>"VeegdkZY hV[Zin\aVhhZhdgV[VXZh]^ZaYl]ZcdeZgVi^c\dg dWhZgk^c\ bVX]^cZgn id gZYjXZ i]Z g^h` d[ ZnZ ^c_jgndgWa^cYcZhh[gdb[an^c\eVgi^XaZh#:kZgnYVn ZnZ\aVhhZhVgZcdiVeegdkZYhV[Zin\aVhhZh# "(" WEARING PROPER APPAREL. 9d cdi lZVg Xadi]^c\! 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Dcan jhZ bVX]^cZ [dg ^ih ^ciZcYZYejgedhZVcYcZkZgbV`ZbdY^[^XVi^dch cdi VeegdkZY Wn <g^ooan# BdY^[n^c\ bVX]^cZ dg jh^c\ ^i Y^[[ZgZcian i]Vc ^ciZcYZY bVn gZhjai ^c bVa[jcXi^dcdgbZX]Vc^XVa[V^ajgZi]ViXVcaZVYid hZg^djheZghdcVa^c_jgndgYZVi] AWKWARD POSITIONS. @ZZe egdeZg [ddi^c\ VcYWVaVcXZViVaai^bZhl]ZcdeZgVi^c\bVX]^cZ# 9dcdidkZggZVX]6kd^YVl`lVgY]VcYedh^i^dch i]Vi bV`Z ldg`e^ZXZ Xdcigda Y^[[^Xjai dg ^cXgZVhZ i]Zg^h`d[VXX^YZciVa^c_jgn# FORCING MACHINERY.9dcdi[dgXZbVX]^cZ# >i l^aa Yd i]Z _dW hV[Zg VcY WZiiZg Vi i]Z gViZ [dg l]^X]^ilVhYZh^\cZY# NEVER STAND ON MACHINE. HZg^djh ^c_jgn bVn dXXjg ^[ bVX]^cZ ^h i^eeZY dg ^[ i]Z Xjii^c\ idda^hjc^ciZci^dcVaanXdciVXiZY# STABLE MACHINE. JcZmeZXiZYbdkZbZciYjg" ^c\ deZgVi^dc \gZVian ^cXgZVhZh g^h` d[ ^c_jgn dg adhhd[Xdcigda#7Z[dgZhiVgi^c\!kZg^[nbVX]^cZ^h hiVWaZVcYbdW^aZWVhZ^[jhZY^hadX`ZY# USE RECOMMENDED ACCESSORIES.8dchjai i]^hdlcZg»hbVcjVadgi]ZbVcj[VXijgZg[dggZX" dbbZcYZY VXXZhhdg^Zh# Jh^c\ ^begdeZg VXXZh" hdg^Zhl^aa^cXgZVhZi]Zg^h`d[hZg^djh^c_jgn# UNATTENDED OPERATION. Id gZYjXZ i]Z g^h` d[ VXX^YZciVa ^c_jgn! ijgc bVX]^cZ OFF VcY ZchjgZ Vaa bdk^c\ eVgih XdbeaZiZan hide WZ[dgZ lVa`^c\ VlVn# CZkZg aZVkZ bVX]^cZ gjcc^c\ l]^aZjcViiZcYZY# MAINTAIN WITH CARE.;daadlVaabV^ciZcVcXZ ^chigjXi^dch VcY ajWg^XVi^dc hX]ZYjaZh id `ZZe bVX]^cZ ^c \ddY ldg`^c\ XdcY^i^dc# 6 bVX]^cZ i]Vi ^h ^begdeZgan bV^ciV^cZY XdjaY bVa[jcXi^dc! aZVY^c\idhZg^djheZghdcVa^c_jgndgYZVi]# CHECK DAMAGED PARTS. GZ\jaVgan ^cheZXi bVX]^cZ [dg Vcn XdcY^i^dc i]Vi bVn V[[ZXi hV[Z deZgVi^dc#>bbZY^ViZangZeV^gdggZeaVXZYVbV\ZY dgb^h"VY_jhiZYeVgihWZ[dgZdeZgVi^c\bVX]^cZ# CHILDREN & BYSTANDERS. @ZZeX]^aYgZcVcY WnhiVcYZghViVhV[ZY^hiVcXZ[gdbi]Zldg`VgZV# Hidejh^c\bVX]^cZ^[i]ZnWZXdbZVY^higVXi^dc# MAINTAIN POWER CORDS. L]Zc Y^hXdccZXi" ^c\ XdgY"XdccZXiZY bVX]^cZh [gdb edlZg! \gVW VcYejaai]Zeaj\·CDIi]ZXdgY#Ejaa^c\i]ZXdgY bVn YVbV\Z i]Z l^gZh ^ch^YZ# 9d cdi ]VcYaZ XdgY$eaj\l^i]lZi]VcYh#6kd^YXdgYYVbV\ZWn `ZZe^c\^iVlVn[gdb]ZViZYhjg[VXZh!]^\]igV[[^X VgZVh!]Vgh]X]Zb^XVah!VcYlZi$YVbeadXVi^dch# GUARDS & COVERS.<jVgYhVcYXdkZghgZYjXZ VXX^YZciVa XdciVXi l^i] bdk^c\ eVgih dg [an^c\ YZWg^h# BV`Z hjgZ i]Zn VgZ egdeZgan ^chiVaaZY! jcYVbV\ZY!VcYldg`^c\XdggZXian# EXPERIENCING DIFFICULTIES. >[ Vi Vcn i^bZ ndjZmeZg^ZcXZY^[[^Xjai^ZheZg[dgb^c\i]Z^ciZcY" ZYdeZgVi^dc!hidejh^c\i]ZbVX]^cZ8dciVXidjg IZX]c^XVaHjeedgiVi*,%*)+".++(# ")" <%)*($<%)*)JeYViZB[\#H^cXZ-$&' Additional Safety for Planers PLANER INJURY RISKS. ;Vb^a^Vg^oZ ndjghZa[ l^i] i]Z bV^c ^c_jgn g^h`h VhhdX^ViZY l^i] eaVc" Zgh·ValVnhjhZXdbbdchZchZVcY\ddY_jY\Z" bZci id gZYjXZ ndjg g^h` d[ ^c_jgn# Main injury risks from planers:VbejiVi^dc$aVXZgVi^dch[gdb XdciVXi l^i] i]Z bdk^c\ XjiiZg]ZVY! ZciVc\aZ" bZci$Xgjh]^c\ ^c_jg^Zh [gdb \Zii^c\ XVj\]i ^c bdk^c\ eVgih! Wa^cYcZhh dg ZnZ ^c_jgn [gdb [an^c\ lddY X]^eh! dg ^beVXi ^c_jg^Zh [gdb ldg`e^ZXZ `^X`WVX`# GRAIN DIRECTION. EaVc^c\ VXgdhh i]Z \gV^c ^h ]VgY dc i]Z eaVcZg VcY bVn XVjhZ `^X`WVX`# EaVcZ ^c i]Z hVbZ Y^gZXi^dc dg Vi V ha^\]i Vc\aZ l^i]i]ZlddY\gV^c# KICKBACK.@cdl]dlidgZYjXZi]Zg^h`d[`^X`" WVX` VcY `^X`WVX`"gZaViZY ^c_jg^Zh# ¸@^X`WVX`¹ dXXjghYjg^c\i]ZdeZgVi^dcl]Zci]Zldg`e^ZXZ^h Z_ZXiZY[gdbi]ZbVX]^cZViV]^\]gViZd[heZZY# @^X`WVX`^hXdbbdcanXVjhZYWneddgldg`e^ZXZ hZaZXi^dc!jchV[Z[ZZY^c\iZX]c^fjZh!dg^begdeZg bVX]^cZ hZije$bV^ciZcVcXZ# @^X`WVX` ^c_jg^Zh ine^XVaandXXjgVh[daadlh/&deZgVidg$WnhiVcYZgh VgZ higjX` Wn i]Z ldg`e^ZXZ! gZhjai^c\ ^c ^beVXi ^c_jg^Zh ^#Z#! Wa^cYcZhh! Wgd`Zc WdcZh! Wgj^hZh! YZVi]0'deZgVidg»h]VcYhVgZejaaZY^cidWaVYZ! gZhjai^c\^cVbejiVi^dcdghZkZgZaVXZgVi^dch# LOOKING INSIDE PLANER. LddY X]^eh [an VgdjcY ^ch^YZ i]Z eaVcZg Vi V ]^\] gViZ d[ heZZY Yjg^c\deZgVi^dc#IdVkd^Y^c_jgn[gdb[an^c\bViZ" g^Va!9DCDIadd`^ch^YZeaVcZgYjg^c\deZgVi^dc# REACHING INSIDE PLANER. CZkZg gZbdkZ \jVgYh$XdkZgh dg gZVX] ^ch^YZ i]Z eaVcZg Yjg^c\ deZgVi^dcdgl]^aZXdccZXiZYidedlZg#NdjXdjaY WZ hZg^djhan ^c_jgZY ^[ ndj VXX^YZciVaan idjX] i]Z he^cc^c\ XjiiZg]ZVY dg \Zi ZciVc\aZY ^c bdk^c\ eVgih# >[ V ldg`e^ZXZ WZXdbZh hijX` dg hVlYjhi gZbdkVa ^h cZXZhhVgn! ijgc eaVcZg OFF VcY Y^h" XdccZXiedlZgWZ[dgZXaZVg^c\# DULL/DAMAGED KNIVES/INSERTS. Dcan jhZ h]Vge! jcYVbV\ZY `c^kZh$^chZgih# 9jaa dg YVb" V\ZY`c^kZh$^chZgih^cXgZVhZi]Zg^h`d[`^X`WVX`# INSPECTING STOCK. Id gZYjXZ i]Z g^h` d[ `^X`WVX`^c_jg^ZhdgbVX]^cZYVbV\Z!i]dgdj\]an ^cheZXiVcYegZeVgZi]Zldg`e^ZXZWZ[dgZXjii^c\# KZg^[n ldg`e^ZXZ ^h [gZZ d[ cV^ah! hiVeaZh! addhZ `cdih dg [dgZ^\c bViZg^Va# Ldg`e^ZXZh l^i] b^cdg lVge^c\h]djaYWZ_d^ciZY[^ghidgeaVcZYl^i]i]Z XjeeZYh^YZ[VX^c\i]Z^c[ZZYiVWaZ# PLANING CORRECT MATERIAL. Dcan eaVcZ cVijgVa lddY hidX` l^i] i]^h eaVcZg# 9D CDI eaVcZ B9;! DH7! eanlddY! aVb^cViZh dg di]Zg hnci]Zi^X bViZg^Vah i]Vi XVc WgZV` je ^ch^YZ i]Z eaVcZgVcYWZZ_ZXiZYidlVgYhi]ZdeZgVidg# CUTTING LIMITATIONS. Id gZYjXZ i]Z g^h` d[ `^X`WVX`]VoVgYhdgYVbV\Zidi]ZbVX]^cZ!Yd cdiZmXZZYi]ZbVm^bjbYZei]d[Xjidgb^c^bjb WdVgY aZc\i] VcY i]^X`cZhh [djcY ^c i]Z Data Sheet#Dcan[ZZYdcZWdVgYViVi^bZ# INFEED ROLLER CLEARANCE. I]Z ^c[ZZY gdaaZg^hYZh^\cZYidejaabViZg^Va^cidi]Zhe^cc^c\ XjiiZg]ZVY# Id gZYjXZ i]Z g^h` d[ ZciVc\aZbZci! `ZZe]VcYh!Xadi]^c\!_ZlZagn!VcYadc\]V^gVlVn [gdbi]Z^c[ZZYgdaaZgYjg^c\deZgVi^dc# FEED WORKPIECE PROPERLY. Id gZYjXZ i]Z g^h`d[`^X`WVX`!cZkZghiVgieaVcZgl^i]ldg`e^ZXZ idjX]^c\ XjiiZg]ZVY# 6aadl XjiiZg]ZVY id gZVX] [jaaheZZYWZ[dgZ[ZZY^c\!VcYYdcdiX]Vc\Z[ZZY heZZYYjg^c\Xjii^c\deZgVi^dc# WORKPIECE SUPPORT. Id gZYjXZ i]Z g^h` d[ `^X`WVX`!ValVnhbV`ZhjgZldg`e^ZXZXVcbdkZ XdbeaZiZanVXgdhhiVWaZl^i]djigdX`^c\dgi^ee^c\# JhZVjm^a^VgnhjeedgihiVcYh[dgadc\hidX`# SECURE KNIVES/INSERTS. AddhZ `c^kZh dg ^begdeZgan hZi ^chZgih XVc WZXdbZ YVc\Zgdjh egd_ZXiaZh dg XVjhZ bVX]^cZ YVbV\Z# 6alVnh kZg^[n `c^kZh$^chZgih VgZ hZXjgZ VcY egdeZgan VY_jhiZYWZ[dgZdeZgVi^dc# BODY PLACEMENT.HiVcYiddcZh^YZd[eaVcZg Yjg^c\ i]Z Zci^gZ deZgVi^dc id Vkd^Y \Zii^c\ ]^i ^[ `^X`WVX`dXXjgh# <%)*($<%)*)JeYViZB[\#H^cXZ-$&' "*" SECTION 2: POWER SUPPLY Availability Circuit Information 7Z[dgZ^chiVaa^c\i]ZbVX]^cZ!Xdch^YZgi]ZVkV^a" VW^a^inVcYegdm^b^ind[i]ZgZfj^gZYedlZghjeean X^gXj^i# >[ Vc Zm^hi^c\ X^gXj^i YdZh cdi bZZi i]Z gZfj^gZbZcih[dgi]^hbVX]^cZ!VcZlX^gXj^ibjhi WZ^chiVaaZY#Idb^c^b^oZi]Zg^h`d[ZaZXigdXji^dc! [^gZ! dg Zfj^ebZci YVbV\Z! ^chiVaaVi^dc ldg` VcY ZaZXig^XVal^g^c\bjhiWZYdcZWnVcZaZXig^XVcdg fjVa^[^ZYhZgk^XZeZghdccZa^cVXXdgYVcXZl^i]Vaa Veea^XVWaZXdYZhVcYhiVcYVgYh# 6 edlZg hjeean X^gXj^i ^cXajYZh Vaa ZaZXig^XVa Zfj^ebZciWZilZZci]ZWgZV`ZgWdmdg[jhZeVcZa ^ci]ZWj^aY^c\VcYi]ZbVX]^cZ#I]ZedlZghje" eanX^gXj^ijhZY[dgi]^hbVX]^cZbjhiWZh^oZYid hV[Zan]VcYaZi]Z[jaa"adVYXjggZciYgVlc[gdbi]Z bVX]^cZ [dg Vc ZmiZcYZY eZg^dY d[ i^bZ# >[ i]^h bVX]^cZ ^h XdccZXiZY id V X^gXj^i egdiZXiZY Wn [jhZh!jhZVi^bZYZaVn[jhZbVg`ZY9# Electrocution, fire, or equipment damage may occur if machine is not correctly grounded and connected to the power supply. Full-Load Current Rating I]Z [jaa"adVY XjggZci gVi^c\ ^h i]Z VbeZgV\Z V bVX]^cZYgVlhVi&%%d[i]ZgViZYdjiejiedlZg# Dc bVX]^cZh l^i] bjai^eaZ bdidgh! i]^h ^h i]Z VbeZgV\ZYgVlcWni]ZaVg\Zhibdidgdghjbd[Vaa bdidgh VcY ZaZXig^XVa YZk^XZh i]Vi b^\]i deZgViZ VidcZi^bZYjg^c\cdgbVadeZgVi^dch# Model G0453 ................................................15A Model G0454 ................................................19A I]Z[jaa"adVYXjggZci^hcdii]ZbVm^bjbVbdjci d[Vbehi]Vii]ZbVX]^cZl^aaYgVl#>[i]ZbVX]^cZ ^hdkZgadVYZY!^il^aaYgVlVYY^i^dcVaVbehWZndcY i]Z[jaa"adVYgVi^c\# >[i]ZbVX]^cZ^hdkZgadVYZY[dgVhj[[^X^ZciaZc\i] d[i^bZ!YVbV\Z!dkZg]ZVi^c\!dg[^gZbVngZhjai· ZheZX^Vaan ^[ XdccZXiZY id Vc jcYZgh^oZY X^gXj^i# Id gZYjXZ i]Z g^h` d[ i]ZhZ ]VoVgYh! Vkd^Y dkZg" adVY^c\ i]Z bVX]^cZ Yjg^c\ deZgVi^dc VcY bV`Z hjgZ^i^hXdccZXiZYidVedlZghjeeanX^gXj^ii]Vi bZZihi]ZgZfj^gZbZcih^ci]Z[daadl^c\hZXi^dc# "+" For your own safety and protection of property, consult an electrician if you are unsure about wiring practices or electrical codes in your area. Note: The circuit requirements listed in this manual apply to a dedicated circuit—where only one machine will be running at a time. If this machine will be connected to a shared circuit where multiple machines will be running at the same time, consult a qualified electrician to ensure that the circuit is properly sized for safe operation. Grounding Requirements I]^h bVX]^cZ BJHI WZ \gdjcYZY# >c i]Z ZkZci d[XZgiV^cbVa[jcXi^dchdgWgZV`Ydlch!\gdjcY^c\ gZYjXZh i]Z g^h` d[ ZaZXig^X h]dX` Wn egdk^Y^c\ V eVi]d[aZVhigZh^hiVcXZ[dgZaZXig^XXjggZci# >begdeZgXdccZXi^dcd[i]ZZfj^ebZci"\gdjcY^c\ l^gZ XVc gZhjai ^c V g^h` d[ ZaZXig^X h]dX`# I]Z l^gZ l^i] \gZZc ^chjaVi^dc l^i] dg l^i]dji nZaadl hig^eZh^hi]ZZfj^ebZci"\gdjcY^c\l^gZ#>[gZeV^g dggZeaVXZbZcid[i]ZedlZgXdgYdgeaj\^hcZX" ZhhVgn!YdcdiXdccZXii]ZZfj^ebZci"\gdjcY^c\ l^gZidVa^kZXjggZciXVggn^c\iZgb^cVa# 8]ZX` l^i] V fjVa^[^ZY ZaZXig^X^Vc dg hZgk^XZ eZg" hdccZa^[ndjYdcdijcYZghiVcYi]ZhZ\gdjcY^c\ gZfj^gZbZcih!dg^[ndjVgZ^cYdjWiVWdjil]Zi]Zg i]Z idda ^h egdeZgan \gdjcYZY# >[ ndj ZkZg cdi^XZ i]Vi V XdgY dg eaj\ ^h YVbV\ZY dg ldgc! Y^hXdc" cZXi^i[gdbedlZg!VcY^bbZY^ViZangZeaVXZ^il^i] VcZldcZ# <%)*($<%)*)JeYViZB[\#H^cXZ-$&' Circuit Requirements for G0454 Serious injury could occur if you connect the machine to power before completing the setup process. DO NOT connect to power until instructed later in this manual. Circuit Requirements for G0453 Nominal Voltage ........................................240V Cycle ..........................................................60 Hz Phase ........................................... Single-Phase Circuit Rating ...............................................20A Plug/Receptacle ............................. NEMA 6-20 I]^hbVX]^cZ^hZfj^eeZYl^i]VedlZgXdgYi]Vi ]VhVcZfj^ebZci"\gdjcY^c\l^gZVcYV\gdjcY" ^c\ eaj\ h^b^aVg id i]Z [^\jgZ WZadl# I]Z eaj\ bjhidcanWZ^chZgiZY^cidVbViX]^c\gZXZeiVXaZ djiaZii]Vi^hegdeZgan^chiVaaZYVcY\gdjcYZY^c VXXdgYVcXZl^i]VaaadXVaXdYZhVcYdgY^cVcXZh# GROUNDED 6-20 RECEPTACLE 8jggZci8Vggn^c\Egdc\h Nominal Voltage ........................................240V Cycle ..........................................................60 Hz Phase ........................................... Single-Phase Circuit Rating ...............................................30A Plug/Receptacle ...........................NEMA L6-30 I]^hbVX]^cZ^hZfj^eeZYl^i]VedlZgXdgYi]Vi ]VhVcZfj^ebZci"\gdjcY^c\l^gZVcYV\gdjcY" ^c\ eaj\ h^b^aVg id i]Z [^\jgZ WZadl# I]Z eaj\ bjhidcanWZ^chZgiZY^cidVbViX]^c\gZXZeiVXaZ djiaZii]Vi^hegdeZgan^chiVaaZYVcY\gdjcYZY^c VXXdgYVcXZl^i]VaaadXVaXdYZhVcYdgY^cVcXZh# L6-30 GROUNDED LOCKING RECEPTACLE <gdjcY^c\Egdc\ ^h=dd`ZY L6-30 LOCKING PLUG 8jggZci8Vggn^c\Egdc\h Figure 2. Ine^XVaA+"(%eaj\VcYgZXZeiVXaZ# Extension Cords 6-20 PLUG <gdjcY^c\Egdc\ Figure 1. Ine^XVa+"'%eaj\VcYgZXZeiVXaZ# LZ Yd cdi gZXdbbZcY jh^c\ Vc ZmiZch^dc XdgY l^i] i]^h bVX]^cZ# >[ ndj bjhi jhZ Vc ZmiZch^dc XdgY!dcanjhZ^i^[VWhdajiZancZXZhhVgnVcYdcan dcViZbedgVgnWVh^h# :miZch^dc XdgYh XVjhZ kdaiV\Z Ygde! l]^X] bVn YVbV\ZZaZXig^XVaXdbedcZcihVcYh]dgiZcbdidg a^[Z#KdaiV\ZYgde^cXgZVhZhVhi]ZZmiZch^dcXdgY h^oZ\Zihadc\ZgVcYi]Z\Vj\Zh^oZ\ZihhbVaaZg ]^\]Zg\Vj\ZcjbWZgh^cY^XViZhbVaaZgh^oZh# 6cnZmiZch^dcXdgYjhZYl^i]i]^hbVX]^cZbjhi XdciV^c V \gdjcY l^gZ! bViX] i]Z gZfj^gZY eaj\ VcY gZXZeiVXaZ! VcY bZZi i]Z [daadl^c\ gZfj^gZ" bZcih/ No adapter should be used with the required plug. If the plug does not fit the available receptacle, or the machine must be reconnected for use on a different type of circuit, the reconnection must be made by a qualified electrician and comply with all local codes and ordinances. <%)*($<%)*)JeYViZB[\#H^cXZ-$&' Minimum Gauge Size ...........................14 AWG Maximum Length (Shorter is Better).......50 ft. "," G0453 Wiring Diagram Magnetic ON/OFF Switch 6' CD&( 6& *A( (A' &A& Contactor NHD 09D 220V &, <gcY ON &- CD&) )I' 'I& +I( 6' &, &&. ' '& % OFF .- 'I& The motor wiring shown here is current at the time of printing, but it may not match your machine. Always use the wiring diagram inside the motor junction box. OL Relay NHD BTH-21 .+ ., )I' .* +I( Ground < Hot 240 VAC Hot <gcY 6-20 Plug HiVgi8VeVX^idg '%%B;9'*%K68 Gjc8VeVX^idg '%B;9)%%K68 "-" 240 VAC 240V MOTOR <%)*($<%)*)JeYViZB[\#H^cXZ-$&' G0454 Wiring Diagram Magnetic ON/OFF Switch 6' CD&( 6& *A( (A' &A& Contactor NHD 35D 220V &, <gcY ON &- CD&) )I' 'I& +I( 6' OFF (' (% '+ ' .- 'I& The motor wiring shown here is current at the time of printing, but it may not match your machine. Always use the wiring diagram inside the motor junction box. OL Relay NHD BTH-25 .+ ., )I' .* +I( Hot Ground G 240 VAC Hot <gcY HiVgi8VeVX^idg (%%B;9'*%K68 Gjc8VeVX^idg +%B;9)*%K68 <%)*($<%)*)JeYViZB[\#H^cXZ-$&' L6-30 Plug 240V MOTOR "." Buy Direct and Save with Grizzly ® – Trusted, Proven and a Great Value! ~Since 1983~ Visit Our Website Today For Current Specials! ORDER 24 HOURS A DAY! 1-800-523-4777 MODEL G0453/G0454 15" & 20" MOBILE PLANERS OWNER'S MANUAL Model G0454 Shown COPYRIGHT © MAY, 2005 BY GRIZZLY INDUSTRIAL, INC., REVISED NOVEMBER, 2012 (TS) WARNING: NO PORTION OF THIS MANUAL MAY BE REPRODUCED IN ANY SHAPE OR FORM WITHOUT THE WRITTEN APPROVAL OF GRIZZLY INDUSTRIAL, INC. (FOR MODELS MANUFACTURED SINCE 3/08) #TR7246 PRINTED IN CHINA This manual provides critical safety instructions on the proper setup, operation, maintenance, and service of this machine/tool. Save this document, refer to it often, and use it to instruct other operators. Failure to read, understand and follow the instructions in this manual may result in fire or serious personal injury—including amputation, electrocution, or death. The owner of this machine/tool is solely responsible for its safe use. This responsibility includes but is not limited to proper installation in a safe environment, personnel training and usage authorization, proper inspection and maintenance, manual availability and comprehension, application of safety devices, cutting/sanding/grinding tool integrity, and the usage of personal protective equipment. The manufacturer will not be held liable for injury or property damage from negligence, improper training, machine modifications or misuse. Some dust created by power sanding, sawing, grinding, drilling, and other construction activities contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm. Some examples of these chemicals are: • • • Lead from lead-based paints. Crystalline silica from bricks, cement and other masonry products. Arsenic and chromium from chemically-treated lumber. Your risk from these exposures varies, depending on how often you do this type of work. To reduce your exposure to these chemicals: Work in a well ventilated area, and work with approved safety equipment, such as those dust masks that are specially designed to filter out microscopic particles. Table of Contents INTRODUCTION................................................ 2 Manual Accuracy............................................ 2 Contact Info.................................................... 2 Machine Description....................................... 2 Identification.................................................... 3 Internal Components...................................... 4 G0453 Machine Data Sheet........................... 5 G0454 Machine Data Sheet........................... 7 SECTION 1: SAFETY........................................ 9 Safety Instructions for Machinery................... 9 Additional Safety Instructions for Planers..... 11 SECTION 2: POWER SUPPLY....................... 12 SECTION 3: SETUP........................................ 14 Needed for Setup.......................................... 14 Unpacking..................................................... 14 Inventory....................................................... 15 Cleanup......................................................... 16 Site Considerations....................................... 17 Lifting & Moving Base Unit........................... 18 Assembly...................................................... 18 Dust Collection.............................................. 21 Check Gearbox Oil....................................... 21 Test Run....................................................... 21 Re-Tension V-Belts....................................... 22 Recommended Adjustments......................... 22 SECTION 4: OPERATIONS............................ 23 Operation Overview...................................... 23 Planing Tips.................................................. 24 Workpiece Inspection................................... 24 Wood Hardness............................................ 25 Feed Rate..................................................... 25 Depth of Cut.................................................. 26 Bed Roller Height.......................................... 26 SECTION 5: ACCESSORIES.......................... 28 SECTION 6: MAINTENANCE.......................... 30 Schedule....................................................... 30 Cleaning & Protecting................................... 30 Lubrication.................................................... 31 SECTION 7: SERVICE.................................... 33 Troubleshooting............................................ 33 Setting/Replacing Knives.............................. 36 V-Belt Tensioning/Replacement................... 37 Table Height Chain Tension......................... 39 Feed Rollers, Chip Breaker & Pressure Bar Heights.......................................................... 40 Roller Spring Tension................................... 43 Positioning Chip Deflector............................ 43 Scale Calibration........................................... 44 Anti-Kickback Fingers................................... 44 Pulley Alignment........................................... 45 SECTION 8: WIRING....................................... 46 Wiring Safety Instructions............................. 46 G0453 Wiring Diagram................................. 47 G0454 Wiring Diagram................................. 48 SECTION 9: PARTS........................................ 49 G0453 Headstock......................................... 49 G0453 Table................................................. 51 G0453 Columns............................................ 52 G0453 Cabinet Stand................................... 53 G0453 Gearbox............................................ 55 G0453 Label Placement............................... 56 G0454 Headstock......................................... 57 G0454 Table................................................. 60 G0454 Columns............................................ 61 G0454 Cabinet Stand................................... 62 G0454 Gearbox............................................ 64 G0454 Label Placement............................... 65 WARRANTY AND RETURNS......................... 69 INTRODUCTION Manual Accuracy Contact Info We are proud to provide a high-quality owner’s manual with your new machine! We stand behind our machines! If you have questions or need help, contact us with the information below. Before contacting, make sure you get the serial number and manufacture date from the machine ID label. This will help us help you faster. We made every effort to be exact with the instructions, specifications, drawings, and photographs in this manual. Sometimes we make mistakes, but our policy of continuous improvement also means that sometimes the machine you receive is slightly different than shown in the manual. If you find this to be the case, and the difference between the manual and machine leaves you confused or unsure about something, check our website for an updated version. We post current manuals and manual updates for free on our website at Alternatively, you can call our Technical Support for help. Before calling, make sure you write down the Manufacture Date and Serial Number from the machine ID label (see below). This information is required for us to provide proper tech support, and it helps us determine if updated documentation is available for your machine. Grizzly Technical Support 1815 W. Battlefield Springfield, MO 65807 Phone: (570) 546-9663 Email: [email protected] We want your feedback on this manual. What did you like about it? Where could it be improved? Please take a few minutes to give us feedback. Grizzly Documentation Manager P.O. Box 2069 Bellingham, WA 98227-2069 Email: [email protected] Machine Description The Model G0453/G0454 Planer is designed to remove material in precise increments from the surface of natural wood fiber stock to make the workpiece flat. Manufacture Date Serial Number -2- Once the depth of cut is set, the workpiece is placed on the table and moved into the infeed roller, which pulls the workpiece under the rotating cutterhead where the material is removed. After the workpiece is completely free from the outfeed roller, the depth of cut is increased and the workpiece is passed through the planer again. This process continues until the workpiece is flat and of the correct thickness. G0453/G0454 (Mfg. Since 3/08) Identification Return Rollers Magnetic ON/OFF Switch Table Height Handwheel Gearbox Rear Extension Wing Feed Rate Control Knob V-Belt Cover Bed Rollers Front Extension Wing Table Locks Lifting Bar (1 of 4) Cabinet Access Panel Locking Foot Pedal Figure 1. General identification. G0453/G0454 (Mfg. Since 3/08) -3- Internal Components D C A F E B G Workpiece H I H Figure 2. Workpiece path and major planing components (side cutaway view). A. Anti-Kickback Fingers: Provide additional safety for the operator. B. Serrated Infeed Roller: Pulls the workpiece toward the cutterhead. C.Chip Breaker: Breaks off chips created by the cutterhead to prevent tear out and diverts the chips to the dust port. D. Chip Deflector: Directs chips into the dust hood. E.Cutterhead: Holds the knives that remove material from the workpiece. F. Pressure Bar: Stabilizes the workpiece as it leaves the cutterhead and assists in deflecting wood particles toward the dust hood (G0454 only). G. Outfeed Rollers: Pulls the workpiece through the planer. H. Table Rollers: Provide upward pressure on the workpiece enabling the feed rollers to pull the workpiece along. I. Planer Table: Provides a smooth and level path for the workpiece as it moves through the planer. Like all machinery there is potential danger when operating this machine. Accidents are frequently caused by lack of familiarity or failure to pay attention. Use this machine with respect and caution to decrease the risk of operator injury. If normal safety precautions are overlooked or ignored, serious personal injury may occur. -4- G0453/G0454 (Mfg. Since 3/08) G0453 Machine Data Sheet MACHINE DATA SHEET Customer Service #: (570) 546-9663 · To Order Call: (800) 523-4777 · Fax #: (800) 438-5901 MODEL G0453 15" PLANER data sheet Product Dimensions: Weight.............................................................................................................................................................. 655 lbs. Width (side-to-side) x Depth (front-to-back) x Height............................................................... 32-1/2 x 42 x 45-7/8 in. Footprint (Length x Width)..................................................................................................................... 22-1/2 x 22 in. Shipping Dimensions: Type.......................................................................................................................................................... Wood Crate Content........................................................................................................................................................... Machine Weight.............................................................................................................................................................. 675 lbs. Length x Width x Height....................................................................................................................... 30 x 31 x 47 in. Must Ship Upright................................................................................................................................................... Yes Electrical: Power Requirement........................................................................................................... 240V, Single-Phase, 60 Hz Prewired Voltage.................................................................................................................................................. 240V Full-Load Current Rating........................................................................................................................................ 15A Minimum Circuit Size.............................................................................................................................................. 20A Connection Type....................................................................................................................................... Cord & Plug Power Cord Included.............................................................................................................................................. Yes Power Cord Length................................................................................................................................................. 5 ft. Power Cord Gauge......................................................................................................................................... 12 AWG Plug Included........................................................................................................................................................... No Recommended Plug Type..................................................................................................................................... 6-20 Switch Type.................................................................................................... Magnetic Switch w/Overload Protection Motors: Main Type................................................................................................................. TEFC Capacitor-Start Induction Horsepower................................................................................................................................................ 3 HP Phase............................................................................................................................................ Single-Phase Amps............................................................................................................................................................ 15A Speed................................................................................................................................................ 3450 RPM Power Transfer ..................................................................................................................... Triple V-Belt Drive Bearings........................................................................................................ Sealed & Permanently Lubricated Main Specifications: Main Specifications Planer Size................................................................................................................................................ 15 in. Max. Cut Width.......................................................................................................................................... 15 in. Min. Stock Length........................................................................................................................................ 8 in. Min. Stock Thickness.............................................................................................................................. 3/16 in. Max. Stock Thickness.................................................................................................................................. 8 in. Number of Cuts Per Inch.......................................................................................................................... 63, 42 Number of Cuts Per Minute..................................................................................................................... 15,000 Cutterhead Speed............................................................................................................................. 4800 RPM Planing Feed Rate........................................................................................................................... 16, 30 FPM Max. Cut Depth Planing Full Width......................................................................................................... 3/32 in. Max. Cut Depth Planing 6-Inch Wide Board............................................................................................. 1/8 in. Model G0453 The information contained herein is deemed accurate as of 5/15/2017 and represents our most recent product specifications. Due to our ongoing improvement efforts, this information may not accurately describe items previously purchased. G0453/G0454 (Mfg. Since 3/08) PAGE 1 OF 3 -5- Cutterhead Info Cutterhead Type...................................................................................................................................... 3 Knife Cutterhead Diameter .................................................................................................................................. 3 in. Number of Knives............................................................................................................................................. 3 Knife Type................................................................................................................... HSS, Single-Sided, Solid Knife Size Length....................................................................................................................................... 15 in. Knife Size Width.......................................................................................................................................... 1 in. Knife Size Thickness................................................................................................................................ 1/8 in. Knife Adjustment............................................................................................................................ Jack Screws Table Info Table/Headstock Movement........................................................................................................................ 8 in. Table Bed Size Length.............................................................................................................................. 20 in. Table Bed Size Width................................................................................................................................ 15 in. Table Bed Size Thickness..................................................................................................................... 1-3/4 in. Number of Bed Rollers..................................................................................................................................... 2 Floor-to-Table Height......................................................................................................................... 27 – 35 in. Roller Ext. Table Size Length.................................................................................................................... 42 in. Roller Ext. Table Size Width...................................................................................................................... 15 in. Roller Ext. Table Size Thickness........................................................................................................... 1-3/4 in. Construction Table....................................................................................................................... Precision-Ground Cast Iron Body..................................................................................................................................................... Cast Iron Stand.......................................................................................................................................................... Steel Cutterhead Assembly................................................................................................................................. Steel Infeed Roller................................................................................................................................ Serrated Steel Outfeed Roller........................................................................................................................................ Knurled Paint Type/Finish....................................................................................................................... Powder Coated Other Table/Headstock Locks................................................................................................................................ Yes Measurement Scale....................................................................................................................... Inch & Metric Number of Dust Ports....................................................................................................................................... 1 Dust Port Size.............................................................................................................................................. 4 in. Mobile Base............................................................................................................................................. Built-In Other Specifications: Country of Origin ................................................................................................................................................ China Warranty ........................................................................................................................................................... 1 Year Approximate Assembly & Setup Time ........................................................................................................ 30 Minutes Serial Number Location ....................................................................................................... ID Label on Upper Cover ISO 9001 Factory .................................................................................................................................................... No Certified by a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL) ......................................................................... Yes Model G0453 -6- The information contained herein is deemed accurate as of 5/15/2017 and represents our most recent product specifications. Due to our ongoing improvement efforts, this information may not accurately describe items previously purchased. PAGE 2 OF 3 G0453/G0454 (Mfg. Since 3/08) G0454 Machine Data Sheet MACHINE DATA SHEET Customer Service #: (570) 546-9663 · To Order Call: (800) 523-4777 · Fax #: (800) 438-5901 MODEL G0454 20" PLANER Product Dimensions: Weight.............................................................................................................................................................. 771 lbs. Width (side-to-side) x Depth (front-to-back) x Height........................................................ 39-1/2 x 55-1/2 x 45-7/8 in. Footprint (Length x Width)............................................................................................................... 29-1/2 x 23-1/2 in. Shipping Dimensions: Type.......................................................................................................................................................... Wood Crate Content........................................................................................................................................................... Machine Weight.............................................................................................................................................................. 920 lbs. Length x Width x Height....................................................................................................................... 30 x 39 x 49 in. Must Ship Upright................................................................................................................................................... Yes Electrical: Power Requirement........................................................................................................... 240V, Single-Phase, 60 Hz Prewired Voltage.................................................................................................................................................. 240V Full-Load Current Rating........................................................................................................................................ 19A Minimum Circuit Size.............................................................................................................................................. 30A Connection Type....................................................................................................................................... Cord & Plug Power Cord Included.............................................................................................................................................. Yes Power Cord Length.......................................................................................................................................... 6-1/2 ft. Power Cord Gauge......................................................................................................................................... 12 AWG Plug Included........................................................................................................................................................... No Recommended Plug Type................................................................................................................................... L6-30 Switch Type.................................................................................................... Magnetic Switch w/Overload Protection Motors: Main Type................................................................................................................. TEFC Capacitor-Start Induction Horsepower................................................................................................................................................ 5 HP Phase............................................................................................................................................ Single-Phase Amps............................................................................................................................................................ 19A Speed................................................................................................................................................ 3450 RPM Power Transfer ..................................................................................................................... Triple V-Belt Drive Bearings........................................................................................................ Sealed & Permanently Lubricated Main Specifications: Main Specifications Planer Size................................................................................................................................................ 20 in. Max. Cut Width.......................................................................................................................................... 20 in. Min. Stock Length........................................................................................................................................ 8 in. Min. Stock Thickness.............................................................................................................................. 3/16 in. Max. Stock Thickness.................................................................................................................................. 8 in. Number of Cuts Per Inch........................................................................................................................ 104, 83 Number of Cuts Per Minute..................................................................................................................... 20,000 Cutterhead Speed............................................................................................................................. 4800 RPM Planing Feed Rate........................................................................................................................... 16, 20 FPM Max. Cut Depth Planing Full Width........................................................................................................... 1/8 in. Max. Cut Depth Planing 6-Inch Wide Board............................................................................................. 1/8 in. Model G0454 The information contained herein is deemed accurate as of 5/15/2017 and represents our most recent product specifications. Due to our ongoing improvement efforts, this information may not accurately describe items previously purchased. G0453/G0454 (Mfg. Since 3/08) PAGE 1 OF 3 -7- Cutterhead Info Cutterhead Type...................................................................................................................................... 4 Knife Cutterhead Diameter ............................................................................................................................ 3-1/8 in. Number of Knives............................................................................................................................................. 4 Knife Type................................................................................................................... HSS, Single-Sided, Solid Knife Size Length....................................................................................................................................... 20 in. Knife Size Width.......................................................................................................................................... 1 in. Knife Size Thickness................................................................................................................................ 1/8 in. Knife Adjustment........................................................................................................... Springs or Jack Screws Table Info Table/Headstock Movement........................................................................................................................ 8 in. Table Bed Size Length........................................................................................................................ 25-3/4 in. Table Bed Size Width................................................................................................................................ 20 in. Table Bed Size Thickness..................................................................................................................... 1-3/4 in. Number of Bed Rollers..................................................................................................................................... 2 Floor-to-Table Height............................................................................................................ 26-1/2 – 34-1/2 in. Roller Ext. Table Size Length.............................................................................................................. 55-1/2 in. Roller Ext. Table Size Width...................................................................................................................... 20 in. Roller Ext. Table Size Thickness........................................................................................................... 1-3/4 in. Construction Table....................................................................................................................... Precision-Ground Cast Iron Body..................................................................................................................................................... Cast Iron Stand.......................................................................................................................................................... Steel Cutterhead Assembly................................................................................................................................. Steel Infeed Roller................................................................................................................................ Serrated Steel Outfeed Roller........................................................................................................................................ Knurled Paint Type/Finish....................................................................................................................... Powder Coated Other Table/Headstock Locks................................................................................................................................ Yes Measurement Scale....................................................................................................................... Inch & Metric Number of Dust Ports....................................................................................................................................... 1 Dust Port Size.............................................................................................................................................. 5 in. Mobile Base............................................................................................................................................. Built-In Other Specifications: Country of Origin ................................................................................................................................................ China Warranty ........................................................................................................................................................... 1 Year Approximate Assembly & Setup Time ........................................................................................................ 30 Minutes Serial Number Location ....................................................................................................... ID Label on Upper Cover Sound Rating ..................................................................................................................................................... 80 dB ISO 9001 Factory .................................................................................................................................................... No Certified by a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL) ......................................................................... Yes Model G0454 -8- The information contained herein is deemed accurate as of 5/15/2017 and represents our most recent product specifications. Due to our ongoing improvement efforts, this information may not accurately describe items previously purchased. PAGE 2 OF 3 G0453/G0454 (Mfg. Since 3/08) SECTION 1: SAFETY For Your Own Safety, Read Instruction Manual Before Operating This Machine The purpose of safety symbols is to attract your attention to possible hazardous conditions. This manual uses a series of symbols and signal words intended to convey the level of importance of the safety messages. The progression of symbols is described below. Remember that safety messages by themselves do not eliminate danger and are not a substitute for proper accident prevention measures. Always use common sense and good judgment. Indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, WILL result in death or serious injury. Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, COULD result in death or serious injury. Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, MAY result in minor or moderate injury. It may also be used to alert against unsafe practices. NOTICE This symbol is used to alert the user to useful information about proper operation of the machine. Safety Instructions for Machinery OWNER’S MANUAL. Read and understand this owner’s manual BEFORE using machine. TRAINED OPERATORS ONLY. Untrained operators have a higher risk of being hurt or killed. Only allow trained/supervised people to use this machine. When machine is not being used, disconnect power, remove switch keys, or lock-out machine to prevent unauthorized use—especially around children. Make your workshop kid proof! DANGEROUS ENVIRONMENTS. Do not use machinery in areas that are wet, cluttered, or have poor lighting. Operating machinery in these areas greatly increases the risk of accidents and injury. MENTAL ALERTNESS REQUIRED. Full mental alertness is required for safe operation of machinery. Never operate under the influence of drugs or alcohol, when tired, or when distracted. G0453/G0454 (Mfg. Since 3/08) ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT INJURY RISKS. You can be shocked, burned, or killed by touching live electrical components or improperly grounded machinery. To reduce this risk, only allow qualified service personnel to do electrical installation or repair work, and always disconnect power before accessing or exposing electrical equipment. DISCONNECT POWER FIRST. Always disconnect machine from power supply BEFORE making adjustments, changing tooling, or servicing machine. This prevents an injury risk from unintended startup or contact with live electrical components. EYE PROTECTION. Always wear ANSI-approved safety glasses or a face shield when operating or observing machinery to reduce the risk of eye injury or blindness from flying particles. Everyday eyeglasses are NOT approved safety glasses. -9- WEARING PROPER APPAREL. Do not wear clothing, apparel or jewelry that can become entangled in moving parts. Always tie back or cover long hair. Wear non-slip footwear to reduce risk of slipping and losing control or accidentally contacting cutting tool or moving parts. HAZARDOUS DUST. Dust created by machinery operations may cause cancer, birth defects, or long-term respiratory damage. Be aware of dust hazards associated with each workpiece material. Always wear a NIOSH-approved respirator to reduce your risk. HEARING PROTECTION. Always wear hearing protection when operating or observing loud machinery. Extended exposure to this noise without hearing protection can cause permanent hearing loss. REMOVE ADJUSTING TOOLS. Tools left on machinery can become dangerous projectiles upon startup. Never leave chuck keys, wrenches, or any other tools on machine. Always verify removal before starting! USE CORRECT TOOL FOR THE JOB. Only use this tool for its intended purpose—do not force it or an attachment to do a job for which it was not designed. Never make unapproved modifications—modifying tool or using it differently than intended may result in malfunction or mechanical failure that can lead to personal injury or death! AWKWARD POSITIONS. Keep proper footing and balance at all times when operating machine. Do not overreach! Avoid awkward hand positions that make workpiece control difficult or increase the risk of accidental injury. CHILDREN & BYSTANDERS. Keep children and bystanders at a safe distance from the work area. Stop using machine if they become a distraction. GUARDS & COVERS. Guards and covers reduce accidental contact with moving parts or flying debris. Make sure they are properly installed, undamaged, and working correctly BEFORE operating machine. -10- FORCING MACHINERY. Do not force machine. It will do the job safer and better at the rate for which it was designed. NEVER STAND ON MACHINE. Serious injury may occur if machine is tipped or if the cutting tool is unintentionally contacted. STABLE MACHINE. Unexpected movement during operation greatly increases risk of injury or loss of control. Before starting, verify machine is stable and mobile base (if used) is locked. USE RECOMMENDED ACCESSORIES. Consult this owner’s manual or the manufacturer for recommended accessories. Using improper accessories will increase the risk of serious injury. UNATTENDED OPERATION. To reduce the risk of accidental injury, turn machine OFF and ensure all moving parts completely stop before walking away. Never leave machine running while unattended. MAINTAIN WITH CARE. Follow all maintenance instructions and lubrication schedules to keep machine in good working condition. A machine that is improperly maintained could malfunction, leading to serious personal injury or death. DAMAGED PARTS. Regularly inspect machine for damaged, loose, or mis-adjusted parts—or any condition that could affect safe operation. Immediately repair/replace BEFORE operating machine. For your own safety, DO NOT operate machine with damaged parts! MAINTAIN POWER CORDS. When disconnecting cord-connected machines from power, grab and pull the plug—NOT the cord. Pulling the cord may damage the wires inside. Do not handle cord/plug with wet hands. Avoid cord damage by keeping it away from heated surfaces, high traffic areas, harsh chemicals, and wet/damp locations. EXPERIENCING DIFFICULTIES. If at any time you experience difficulties performing the intended operation, stop using the machine! Contact our Technical Support at (570) 546-9663. G0453/G0454 (Mfg. Since 3/08) Additional Safety Instructions for Planers OWNER'S MANUAL. This machine presents significant safety hazards to untrained users. Read and understand this entire manual before starting the planer. KICKBACK. Be familiar with kickback. Kickback happens when the workpiece is thrown towards the operator at a high rate of speed. Until you have a clear understanding of kickback and how it occurs, DO NOT operate this planer! REACHING INSIDE PLANER. To avoid serious personal injury from spinning knives, never remove guards or reach inside the planer while it is connected to power. DULL/DAMAGED KNIVES. Only use sharp, undamaged knives. Kickback may occur and the cutting results will be poor if the planer is operated with dull or damaged knives. BODY PLACEMENT. To avoid getting hit if a kickback occurs, always stand to one side of the planer during the entire operation. PLANING CORRECT MATERIAL. Only plane natural wood stock with this planer. DO NOT plane MDF, plywood, laminates or other synthetic materials that can break up inside the planer and cause injury hazards. GRAIN DIRECTION. Planing across the grain is hard on the planer and may cause kickback. Always plane in the same direction or at a slight angle with the wood grain. LOOKING INSIDE PLANER. Wood chips fly around inside the planer at a high rate of speed during operation. To avoid injury from flying material, DO NOT look inside the planer during operation. CUTTING LIMITATIONS. To reduce the risk of kickback hazards or damage to the machine, always operate within the published capacities found in the Data Sheet (beginning on Page 5) for this planer. CLEAN STOCK. Planing stock with nails, staples, or loose knots may cause debris to be thrown at the operator at a high rate of speed and will damage the cutterhead knives. To avoid these hazards, always thoroughly inspect and prepare the workpieces. CLEARING JAMS. To avoid serious personal injury from the spinning cutterhead, always stop the planer and disconnect it from power before removing jammed workpieces. INFEED ROLLER CLEARANCE. The infeed roller is designed to pull material into the spinning cutterhead. To avoid serious personal injury, always keep hands, clothing, jewelry, and long hair away from the infeed roller during operation. DISCONNECT BEFORE ADJUSTMENTS. To avoid unexpected start-up and serious personal injury, always disconnect the planer from power before performing adjustments, maintenance, or service. No list of safety guidelines can be complete. Every shop environment is different. Always consider safety first, as it applies to your individual working conditions. Use this and other machinery with caution and respect. Failure to do so could result in serious personal injury, damage to equipment, or poor work results. G0453/G0454 (Mfg. Since 3/08) -11- SECTION 2: POWER SUPPLY Availability G0453 220V Circuit Requirements Before installing the machine, consider the availability and proximity of the required power supply circuit. If an existing circuit does not meet the requirements for this machine, a new circuit must be installed. To minimize the risk of electrocution, fire, or equipment damage, installation work and electrical wiring must be done by an electrician or qualified service personnel in accordance with all applicable codes and standards. This machine is prewired to operate on a power supply circuit that has a verified ground and meets the following requirements: Nominal Voltage............................... 220V/240V Cycle...........................................................60 Hz Phase..................................................... 1-Phase Circuit Rating....................................... 20 Amps Plug/Receptacle.............................. NEMA 6-20 Cord..........3-Wire, 12 AWG, 300VAC, “S”-Type G0454 220V Circuit Requirements Electrocution, fire, shock, or equipment damage may occur if machine is not properly grounded and connected to power supply. Full-Load Current Rating The full-load current rating is the amperage a machine draws at 100% of the rated output power. On machines with multiple motors, this is the amperage drawn by the largest motor or sum of all motors and electrical devices that might operate at one time during normal operations. G0453 Full-Load Current Rating at 220V....................... 15 Amps This machine is prewired to operate on a power supply circuit that has a verified ground and meets the following requirements: Nominal Voltage............................... 220V/240V Cycle...........................................................60 Hz Phase..................................................... 1-Phase Circuit Rating....................................... 30 Amps Plug/Receptacle............................NEMA L6-30 Cord..........3-Wire, 12 AWG, 300VAC, “S”-Type A power supply circuit includes all electrical equipment between the breaker box or fuse panel in the building and the machine. The power supply circuit used for this machine must be sized to safely handle the full-load current drawn from the machine for an extended period of time. (If this machine is connected to a circuit protected by fuses, use a time delay fuse marked D.) G0454 Full-Load Current Rating at 220V....................... 25 Amps The full-load current is not the maximum amount of amps that the machine will draw. If the machine is overloaded, it will draw additional amps beyond the full-load rating. If the machine is overloaded for a sufficient length of time, damage, overheating, or fire may result— especially if connected to an undersized circuit. To reduce the risk of these hazards, avoid overloading the machine during operation and make sure it is connected to a power supply circuit that meets the specified circuit requirements. -12- For your own safety and protection of property, consult an electrician if you are unsure about wiring practices or electrical codes in your area. Note: Circuit requirements in this manual apply to a dedicated circuit—where only one machine will be running on the circuit at a time. If machine will be connected to a shared circuit where multiple machines may be running at the same time, consult an electrician or qualified service personnel to ensure circuit is properly sized for safe operation. G0453/G0454 (Mfg. Since 3/08) Grounding Instructions This machine MUST be grounded. In the event of certain malfunctions or breakdowns, grounding reduces the risk of electric shock by providing a path of least resistance for electric current. The plug specified under "Circuit Requirements" on the previous page has a grounding prong that must be attached to the equipment-grounding wire on the included power cord. The plug must only be inserted into a matching receptacle (see the following figures) that is properly installed and grounded in accordance with all local codes and ordinances. G0453 GROUNDED 6-20 RECEPTACLE Current Carrying Prongs 6-20 PLUG Grounding Prong Figure 3. Typical 6-20 plug and receptacle. G0454 L6-30 GROUNDED LOCKING RECEPTACLE Grounding Prong is Hooked L6-30 LOCKING PLUG Serious injury could occur if you connect machine to power before completing setup process. DO NOT connect to power until instructed later in this manual. Improper connection of the equipment-grounding wire can result in a risk of electric shock. The wire with green insulation (with or without yellow stripes) is the equipment-grounding wire. If repair or replacement of the power cord or plug is necessary, do not connect the equipment-grounding wire to a live (current carrying) terminal. Check with a qualified electrician or service personnel if you do not understand these grounding requirements, or if you are in doubt about whether the tool is properly grounded. If you ever notice that a cord or plug is damaged or worn, disconnect it from power, and immediately replace it with a new one. Extension Cords We do not recommend using an extension cord with this machine. If you must use an extension cord, only use it if absolutely necessary and only on a temporary basis. Extension cords cause voltage drop, which can damage electrical components and shorten motor life. Voltage drop increases as the extension cord size gets longer and the gauge size gets smaller (higher gauge numbers indicate smaller sizes). Figure 4. Typical L6-30 plug and receptacle. Any extension cord used with this machine must be in good condition and contain a ground wire and matching plug/receptacle. Additionally, it must meet the following size requirements: NOTICE G0453 Minimum Gauge Size................12 AWG G0454 Minimum Gauge Size................10 AWG Maximum Length (Shorter is Better).......50 ft. Current Carrying Prongs No adapter is available or should be used with this machine. If the machine must be reconnected for use on a different type of electric circuit, the reconnection should be made by qualified service personnel; and after reconnection, the machine must comply with all local codes and ordinances. G0453/G0454 (Mfg. Since 3/08) -13- SECTION 3: SETUP Needed for Setup This machine presents serious injury hazards to untrained users. Read through this entire manual to become familiar with the controls and operations before starting the machine! Wear safety glasses during the entire setup process! The following are needed to complete the setup process, but are not included with your machine: DescriptionQty • Assistant...................................................... 1 • Safety Glasses......................... 1 Per Person • Forklift (rated for at least 1000 lbs.)............. 1 • Shop Rags & Cleaning Solvent... As Needed • Floor Mounting Hardware............ As Needed • Straightedge 4'............................................ 1 • Dust Collection System............................... 1 • 4" or 5" Dust Hose w/Clamps...................... 1 Unpacking The Model G0453/G0454 is a heavy machine. Serious personal injury may occur if safe moving methods are not used. To be safe, get assistance and use power equipment to move the shipping crate and remove the machine from the crate. Your machine was carefully packaged for safe transportation. Remove the packaging materials from around your machine and inspect it. If you discover the machine is damaged, please immediately call Customer Service at (570) 546-9663 for advice. Save the containers and all packing materials for possible inspection by the carrier or its agent. Otherwise, filing a freight claim can be difficult. When you are completely satisfied with the condition of your shipment, inventory the contents. SUFFOCATION HAZARD! Keep children and pets away from plastic bags or packing materials shipped with this machine. Discard immediately. -14- G0453/G0454 (Mfg. Since 3/08) Inventory The following is a list of items shipped with your machine. Before beginning setup, lay these items out and inventory them. If any non-proprietary parts are missing (e.g. a nut or a washer), we will gladly replace them; or for the sake of expediency, replacements can be obtained at your local hardware store. Box Inventory: (Figure 5) Qty A. Planer (Not Shown)..................................... 1 B. Dust Hood................................................... 1 C. Foot Pedal................................................... 1 D. Handwheel.................................................. 1 E. Caster.......................................................... 1 F. Extension Wings......................................... 2 G0453 Hardware and Tools (not shown) • Set Screws M8-1.25 x 20 (Wings)............... 4 • Hex Bolts M8-1.25 x 30 (Wings).................. 6 • Flat Washers 8mm (Wings)......................... 6 • Lock Washers 8mm (Wings)....................... 6 • Handwheel Bushing.................................... 1 • Handwheel Handle...................................... 1 • Hex Nut M12-1.75 (Handwheel)................... 1 • Flat Washer 12mm (Handwheel)................. 1 • Hex Bolts M6-1 x 10 (Dust Hood)............... 3 • Flat Washers 6mm (Dust Hood).................. 6 • Hex Nuts M6-1 (Dust Hood)........................ 3 • Cap Screws M8-1.25 x 20 (Dust Hood)....... 3 • Hex Wrenches 2.5, 3, 4, 6mm............ 1 Each • Wrenches 10/12, 14/17, 17/19mm....... 1 Each • Knife Gauge................................................ 1 G0453/G0454 (Mfg. Since 3/08) G0454 Hardware and Tools (not shown) • Set Screws M8-1.25 x 20 (Wings)............... 6 • Hex Bolts M8-1.25 x 30 (Wings).................. 6 • Flat Washers 8mm (Wings)......................... 6 • Lock Washers 8mm (Wings)....................... 6 • Handwheel Bushing.................................... 1 • Handwheel Handle...................................... 1 • Hex Nut M12-1.75 (Handwheel)................... 1 • Flat Washer 12mm (Handwheel)................. 1 • Flange Bolts M6-1 x 12 (Dust Hood)........... 6 • Hex Wrenches 3, 4, 5, 6mm............... 1 Each • Wrenches 8/10, 12/14, 17/19mm......... 1 Each • Knife Gauge................................................ 1 B C D F E Figure 5. Model G0453/G0454 inventory. NOTICE If you cannot find an item on this list, carefully check around/inside the machine and packaging materials. Often, these items get lost in packaging materials while unpacking or they are pre-installed at the factory. -15- Cleanup The unpainted surfaces of your machine are coated with a heavy-duty rust preventative that prevents corrosion during shipment and storage. This rust preventative works extremely well, but it will take a little time to clean. Be patient and do a thorough job cleaning your machine. The time you spend doing this now will give you a better appreciation for the proper care of your machine's unpainted surfaces. There are many ways to remove this rust preventative, but the following steps work well in a wide variety of situations. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions with any cleaning product you use and make sure you work in a well-ventilated area to minimize exposure to toxic fumes. Before cleaning, gather the following: • Disposable rags • Cleaner/degreaser (WD•40 works well) • Safety glasses & disposable gloves • Plastic paint scraper (optional) Gasoline and petroleum products have low flash points and can explode or cause fire if used to clean machinery. Avo i d u sing t h e s e p r o d u c t s to c l e a n m a c hin e r y. Many cleaning solvents are toxic if inhaled. Only work in a well-ventilated area. NOTICE Avoid chlorine-based solvents, such as acetone or brake parts cleaner, that may damage painted surfaces. Basic steps for removing rust preventative: 1. Put on safety glasses. 2. Coat the rust preventative with a liberal amount of cleaner/degreaser, then let it soak for 5–10 minutes. 3. Wipe off the surfaces. If your cleaner/degreaser is effective, the rust preventative will wipe off easily. If you have a plastic paint scraper, scrape off as much as you can first, then wipe off the rest with the rag. 4. Repeat Steps 2–3 as necessary until clean, then coat all unpainted surfaces with a quality metal protectant to prevent rust. -16- G0453/G0454 (Mfg. Since 3/08) Site Considerations Weight Load Physical Environment Refer to the Machine Data Sheet for the weight of your machine. Make sure that the surface upon which the machine is placed will bear the weight of the machine, additional equipment that may be installed on the machine, and the heaviest workpiece that will be used. Additionally, consider the weight of the operator and any dynamic loading that may occur when operating the machine. The physical environment where the machine is operated is important for safe operation and longevity of machine components. For best results, operate this machine in a dry environment that is free from excessive moisture, hazardous chemicals, airborne abrasives, or extreme conditions. Extreme conditions for this type of machinery are generally those where the ambient temperature range exceeds 41°–104°F; the relative humidity range exceeds 20%–95% (non-condensing); or the environment is subject to vibration, shocks, or bumps. Space Allocation Consider the largest size of workpiece that will be processed through this machine and provide enough space around the machine for adequate operator material handling or the installation of auxiliary equipment. With permanent installations, leave enough space around the machine to open or remove doors/covers as required by the maintenance and service described in this manual. See below for required space allocation. Place this machine near an existing power source. Make sure all power cords are protected from traffic, material handling, moisture, chemicals, or other hazards. Make sure to leave enough space around machine to disconnect power supply or apply a lockout/tagout device, if required. Lighting Children or untrained people may be seriously injured by this machine. Only install in an access restricted location. Lighting around the machine must be adequate enough that operations can be performed safely. Shadows, glare, or strobe effects that may distract or impede the operator must be eliminated. Model G0453 X = 42" Y = 28" Model G0454 X = 555⁄8" Y = 365⁄8" Electrical Installation X Y Dust Port Feed Direction Figure 6. Minimum working clearances. G0453/G0454 (Mfg. Since 3/08) -17- assembly Lifting & Moving Base Unit Assembly To assemble your planer: 1. Install M8-1.25 x 20 set screws in the holes in the bottom of the wings (see Figure 8). The Model G0453/G0454 is a heavy machine. Serious personal injury may occur if safe moving methods are not used. To be safe, get assistance and use power equipment to move the shipping crate and remove the machine from the crate. The cabinet stand on the Model G0453/G0454 planer is equipped with four lifting bars that pull out in order to lift and place the planer, as shown in Figure 7. Lifting Bar (1 of 4) Hex Bolts & Flat Washers Set Screws Figure 8. Front extension wing installed (Model G0454 shown). 2. Attach the table extension wings to the planer table with the M8-1.25 x 30 hex bolts, 8mm lock washers, and 8mm flat washers, as shown in Figure 8, but do not fully tighten the bolts at this time. 3. Using a straightedge as a guide and the set screws for leveling control, position the extension wings even with the table, then fully tighten the hex bolts. Figure 7. Lifting the planer with a forklift. Tip: When positioning the lift forks, place shop rags or cardboard between the forks and the cabinet stand to avoid scratching the paint. -18- Note: Be aware that the bed rollers will give you a false reading with your straightedge if they are raised above the table. Move them down or work around them when leveling the extension wings. G0453/G0454 (Mfg. Since 3/08) 4. Place the bushing on the handwheel shaft. 5. Insert the key into the shaft keyway. 6. Screw the handle into the handwheel. 7. Place the handwheel on the shaft and secure it with the M12-1.75 hex nut and 12mm flat washer, as shown in Figure 9. Figure 9. Installing the table height handwheel. 8. Model G0453: Attach the dust hood to the top of the planer with the M6-1 x 10 hex bolts, 6mm flat washers, and M6-1 hex nuts as shown in Figure 10, then attach the bottom of the dust hood to the planer with the M8-1.25 x 20 cap screws. Note: You will need to reach into the dust hood to get access for fastening the nuts. Model G0454: Attach the dust hood with the provided M6-1 x 12 flange bolts. 9. Remove the two cap screws already installed on the left-hand side of the head casting. 10. Attach the switch bracket with the two cap screws, as shown in Figure 11. Figure 11. Attaching magnetic switch. NOTICE Before starting your machine, you must make sure the gearbox has the proper amount of oil to avoid machine damage. 11. Remove the gearbox fill plug (see Figure 12). Fill Plug Figure 10. Dust hood attached. G0453/G0454 (Mfg. Since 3/08) Figure 12. Gearbox fill plug. -19- 12. Using the short end of a clean hex wrench, dip it inside the fill hole and remove it. —If the end of the hex wrench is coated with oil, then the gearbox oil level is okay. Replace the fill plug and skip to the next section. —If the end of the hex wrench is not coated with oil, then you need to add more oil. Refer to Page 32 for instructions on how to do this. NOTICE Replace the gearbox oil after the first 20 hours of operation. This is a normal breakin procedure. 15. Insert the hex bolt into the hole in the back side of the caster assembly, and tighten the bolt just enough for it to be snug without hampering the pivot action of the caster. 16. Install the foot pedal to the caster and secure together by inserting the pin between the two parts. 17. Lock the caster and pedal in place with the E-clip and washers, as shown in Figure 13. Hex Bolt & Nut Pin, E-Clip & Washers 13. Remove the pin and hex bolt that are already mounted in the foot pedal bracket. 14. Align the caster assembly with the mounting holes in the foot pedal bracket. Bracket Foot Pedal Caster Figure 13. Foot pedal and caster installed. -20- G0453/G0454 (Mfg. Since 3/08) Dust Collection DO NOT operate the Model G0453/G0454 without an adequate dust collection system. This planer creates substantial amounts of wood dust while operating. Failure to use a dust collection system can result in short and long-term respiratory illness. Recommended CFM at Dust Port • G0453...........................................400 CFM • G0454...........................................625 CFM Do not confuse this CFM recommendation with the rating of the dust collector. To determine the CFM at the dust port, you must consider these variables: (1) CFM rating of the dust collector, (2) hose type and length between the dust collector and the machine, (3) number of branches or wyes, and (4) amount of other open lines throughout the system. Explaining how to calculate these variables is beyond the scope of this manual. Consult an expert or purchase a good dust collection "how-to" book. Check Gearbox Oil It is critical that you make sure there is oil in the gearbox before proceeding with the test run. Refer to the Lubrication instructions for the gearbox on Page 32 for more details on which type of oil to use, how much to use, and where to put it. GEARBOXES MUST BE FILLED WITH OIL! Test Run Once the assembly is complete, test run your machine to make sure it runs properly and is ready for regular operation. The test run consists of verifying the following: 1) The motor powers up and runs correctly and 2) the stop button safety feature works correctly. If, during the test run, you cannot easily locate the source of an unusual noise or vibration, stop using the machine immediately, then review Troubleshooting on Page 33. If you cannot find a remedy, contact our Tech Support at (570) 546-9663 for assistance. Before starting the planer, make sure you have performed the preceding assembly and adjustment instructions, and you have read through the rest of the manual and are familiar with the various functions and safety features on this machine. Failure to follow this warning could result in serious personal injury or even death! To test run the machine: 1. Make sure you understand the safety instructions at the beginning of the manual and that the machine is set up properly. 2. Make sure all tools and objects used during set up are cleared away from the machine. 3. Make sure the gearbox has the correct amount of oil (refer to Gearbox Oil on Page 32 for detailed instructions). NO OIL SHIPPED WITH MACHINE! Requires 80W–90W or Equivalent Gear Oil. G0453/G0454 (Mfg. Since 3/08) -21- 4. Push the OFF button in, then twist it clockwise so it pops out. When the OFF button pops out, the switch is reset and ready for operation (see Figure 14). Re-Tension V-Belts The final step of the setup process must be done after approximately 16 hours of operation. During this period, the V-belts will stretch and seat into the pulley grooves and need to be properly tensioned to avoid severely reducing the life of the V-belts. Refer to V-Belts on Page 37 for detailed instructions. Recommended Adjustments Figure 14. Resetting the switch. 5. Verify that the machine is operating correctly by pushing the ON button. —When operating correctly, the machine runs smoothly with little or no vibration or rubbing noises. —Investigate and correct strange or unusual noises or vibrations before operating the machine further. Always disconnect the machine from power when investigating or correcting potential problems. 6. Press the OFF button to stop the machine. 7. WITHOUT resetting the switch, press the ON button. The machine should not start. —If the machine does not start, the OFF button safety feature is working correctly. The Test Run is complete. —If the machine does start (with the OFF button pushed in), immediately disconnect power to the machine. The OFF button safety feature is not working correctly. This safety feature must work properly before proceeding with regular operations. Call Tech Support for help. -22- For your convenience, the adjustments listed below have been performed at the factory. However, because of the many variables involved with shipping, we recommend that you at least verify the following adjustments to ensure the best possible results from your new machine. Step-by-step instructions for these adjustments can be found in the SERVICE section starting on Page 33. Factory adjustments that should be verified: • Table height chain tension (Page 39). • Chip breaker height (Page 40). • Pressure bar height (Page 40). • Infeed/outfeed roller height (Page 40). • Roller spring tension (Page 43). • Chip deflector positioning (Page 43). G0453/G0454 (Mfg. Since 3/08) SECTION 4: OPERATIONS Operation Overview To reduce the risk of serious injury when using this machine, read and understand this entire manual before beginning any operations. The purpose of this overview is to provide the novice machine operator with a basic understanding of how the machine is used during operation, so the machine controls/components discussed later in this manual are easier to understand. Damage to your eyes, lungs, and ears could result from using this machine without proper protective gear. Always wear safety glasses, a respirator, and hearing protection when operating this machine. Due to the generic nature of this overview, it is not intended to be an instructional guide. To learn more about specific operations, read this entire manual, seek additional training from experienced machine operators, and do additional research outside of this manual by reading "how-to" books, trade magazines, or websites. To complete a typical operation, the operator does the following: 1. Examines the workpiece to make sure it is acceptable for planing. 2. Puts on safety glasses or a face shield, a respirator, and ear protection. Loose hair, clothing, or jewelry could get caught in machinery and cause serious personal injury. Keep these items away from moving parts at all times to reduce this risk. NOTICE If you have never used this type of machine or equipment before, WE STRONGLY RECOMMEND that you read books, review industry trade magazines, or get formal training before beginning any projects. Regardless of the content in this section, Grizzly Industrial will not be held liable for accidents caused by lack of training. 3. If necessary, uses a jointer to make one surface of the workpiece flat. 4. Correctly adjusts the worktable height for the operation. 5. If the workpiece is longer than can be supported by the planer table, arranges for assistance or roller accessories to support the workpiece. 6. When all safety precautions have been taken, turns the planer ON, then sets the correct feed rate for the operation. 7. Stands to one side of the planer path to reduce the risk of kickback injuries, then, with the flat surface of the workpiece facing down, feeds the workpiece into the planer until the infeed roller grabs it. 8. Once the workpiece is clear of the outfeed roller, turns the planer OFF. G0453/G0454 (Mfg. Since 3/08) -23- Planing Tips • Use the full width of the planer. Alternate between the left, the right and the middle of the table when feeding lumber into the planer. Your knives will remain sharp much longer. • Scrape all glue off of joined boards before planing. Dried glue is extremely hard on the knives. • Plane ONLY natural wood fiber. Do not plane wood composites or other materials that could break up in the planer and cause operator injury or property damage. Workpiece Inspection Some workpieces are not safe to use or may require modification before they are. Before cutting, inspect all workpieces for the following: • Material Type: This machine is only intended for workpieces of natural wood fiber Attempting to use workpieces of any other material that may break apart during operation could lead to serious personal injury and property damage. • • To avoid chipping, plane the workpiece with the grain. NEVER feed end-cut or endgrained lumber into your planer. • Keep your work area clear to help ensure safe working conditions. Foreign Objects: Inspect lumber for defects and foreign objects (nails, staples, imbedded gravel, etc,). If you have any question about the quality of your lumber, DO NOT use it. Remember, wood stacked on a concrete floor can have small pieces of stone or concrete pressed into the surface. • Always true any cupped or warped stock on a jointer before planing and feed the workpiece into the planer with the flat face down. This will ensure the workpiece will not rock or twist as it goes through the planer. • Large/Loose Knots: Loose knots can become dislodged during operation. Large knots can cause kickback and machine damage. Always use workpieces that do not have large/loose knots. • When possible, plane both faces of the workpiece so that they will be parallel with one another. • Wet or "Green" Stock: Avoid using wood with a high water content. Wood with more than 20% moisture content or wood exposed to excessive moisture (such as rain or snow), will cut poorly and cause excessive wear to the machine. Excess moisture can also hasten rust and corrosion of the machine and/or individual components. • Excessive Warping: Workpieces with excessive cupping, bowing, or twisting are dangerous to cut because they are unstable and often unpredictable when being cut. DO NOT use workpieces with these characteristics! • Minor Cupping: Workpieces with slight cupping can be safely supported if the cupped side is facing the table. On the contrary, a workpiece supported on the bowed side will rock during operation and could cause severe injury from kickback. -24- G0453/G0454 (Mfg. Since 3/08) Wood Hardness Feed Rate The species of wood, as well as its condition, greatly affects the depth of cut the planer can effectively take with each pass. The infeed and outfeed rollers move the workpiece through the planer while keeping it flat and providing a consistent rate of movement. The speed that these rollers move the workpiece through the planer is known as the feed rate. The chart in the figure below shows the Janka Hardness Rating for a number of commonly used species. The larger the number, the harder the workpiece, and the less material should be removed in any one pass for good results. Note: The Janka Hardness Rating is expressed in pounds of force required to embed a 0.444" steel ball into the surface of the wood to a depth equal to half the ball's diameter. Species Janka Hardness Ebony 3220 Red Mahogany 2697 Rosewood 1780 Red Pine 1630 Sugar Maple 1450 White Oak 1360 White Ash 1320 American Beech 1300 Red Oak 1290 Black Walnut 1010 Teak 1000 Black Cherry 950 Cedar 900 Sycamore 770 Douglas Fir 660 Chestnut 540 Hemlock 500 White Pin 420 Basswood 410 Eastern White Pine 380 Balsa 100 Figure 15. Janka Hardness Rating for some common wood species. G0453/G0454 (Mfg. Since 3/08) Generally, low feed rates are used for dimensioning passes, while higher feed rates are used for finishing passes. Figure 16 illustrates the three different positions of the feed rate control knob: • Push the knob in to use the high feed rate (30 FPM for Model G0453, and 20 FPM for Model G0454). • Pull the know out to use the low feed rate of 16 FPM. • Move the knob to the center position to place the gearbox in neutral. High Low Neutral Figure 16. Feed rate control knob positions. NOTICE Only change the feed rate when the planer is running, but DO NOT attempt to change the feed rate during any cutting operations or damage to the gearbox will result. -25- Depth of Cut Bed Roller Height The depth of cut on a planer means the amount of material that is removed from the top of the workpiece as it passes underneath the cutterhead. Bed Roller Height Range...............0.002"–0.020" The depth of cut is set by adjusting the distance of the table below the cutterhead. This distance is the thickness of the workpiece minus the depth of cut. The correct height of the bed rollers will vary, depending on the type of material you intend to plane. However, as a general rule, keep the bed roller height within 0.002"–0.020" above the table surface, as illustrated in Figure 18. 0.002"–0.020" Table Although the correct depth of cut varies according to wood hardness and workpiece width, we recommend a maximum depth of cut no more than 1⁄ 16”. A series of light cuts will give better end results and put less stress on the planer than trying to take off too much material in a single pass. The planing depth of cut is controlled by using the table height handwheel on the right side of the machine. Rotating the handwheel clockwise raises the table. The depth of cut is read directly from the inch/millimeter scale on the front of the planer, as shown in Figure 17. One complete turn of the handwheel raises or lowers the table approximately 1⁄ 16". The range of material thickness that can be planed is 3 ⁄ 16"–8". Table Height Handwheel Roller Figure 18. Recommended bed roller height above the table surface. When planing rough stock, set the rollers high to keep the lumber from dragging along the bed. When planing milled lumber, set the rollers low to help minimize snipe. To ensure accurate results and make the adjustment process quicker and easier, we recommend using a Rotacator (refer to Page 28) to gauge the bed roller height from the table surface. If a Rotacator is not available, a straightedge and feeler gauges can be used, but care must be taken to achieve accurate results. Depth of Cut Indicator & Scale Figure 17. Depth of cut indicator and scale. -26- G0453/G0454 (Mfg. Since 3/08) NOTICE Bed rollers that are not adjusted to the correct height or out of alignment with each other can cause poor finishes, inconsistent planing thickness, and other undesirable results. Tools Needed Qty Hex Wrench 3mm............................................... 1 Wrench 14mm.................................................... 1 Rotacator............................................................ 1 4. Rotate the eccentric adjustment hex bolts to raise or lower the bed rollers until they are the desired height above the table surface. 5. Verify that both sides of each roller are at the same height, then re-tighten the four set screws to secure the setting. 6. Re-check the roller heights to make sure they did not change when you secured them. —If the roller heights are not correct, repeat this procedure until they are. To adjust the bed rollers: 1. DISCONNECT PLANER FROM POWER! 2. Lower the table all the way to give yourself room to work. 3. Loosen the set screws above each of the four roller adjustment hex bolts (see Figure 19). Set Screws Adjustment Hex Bolts Figure 19. Bed roller height controls. G0453/G0454 (Mfg. Since 3/08) -27- ACCESSORIES SECTION 5: ACCESSORIES Some aftermarket accessories can be installed on this machine that could cause it to function improperly, increasing the risk of serious personal injury. To minimize this risk, only install accessories recommended for this machine by Grizzly. NOTICE Refer to the newest copy of the Grizzly Catalog for other accessories available for this machine. G1738—Rotacator™ Precision Planer Tool The Rotacator is a dial indicator on a magnetic base and is designed for quickly and accurately setting the critical tolerances needed when adjusting any planer, so that nasty surprises such as non-parallel and chattered cuts can be eliminated. Helps adjust infeed/outfeed rollers, pressure bars, chip breakers, and bed rollers. Also a great setup tool for other machines! Accurate to 0.001". Indicator rotates 360° G6701—HSS Replacement Knives for Model G0453, Set of 3 G6702—HSS Replacement Knives for Model G0454, Set of 4 G2790—Universal Knife Grinder This dry-type Knife Grinder is ideal for sharpening planer and jointer knives. High quality cast iron construction, together with large knife holding capacity (will sharpen up to 20" planer/jointer knives) makes this grinder an excellent investment. Features a heavy-duty 1⁄ 2 HP 110V motor, knife holding angle adjustable from 20° to 70°, and adjustable-height 120 grit grinding wheel. Figure 21. G2790 Universal Knife Grinder. H7768—15" Byrd ® Shelix Cutterhead H7768—20" Byrd ® Shelix Cutterhead Made in the USA by Byrd, this indexable carbide insert cutterhead is the best money can buy— period! The inserts are not only placed in a spiral pattern, they are also positioned at an angle so the shearing action leaves a glassy smooth cut on the toughest and most figured woods. Comes with 5 extra replacement inserts. Great upgrade! Figure 20. Rotacator™ Precision Planer Tool. include dust collector Figure 22. Byrd® Shelix Cutterhead. -28- G0453/G0454 (Mfg. Since 3/08) T20501—Face Shield Crown Protector 4" T20502—Face Shield Crown Protector 7" T20503—Face Shield Window T20448—Economy Clear Safety Glasses T20452—"Kirova" Anti-Reflective Glasses T20456—"Dakura" Clear Safety Glasses H0736—Shop Fox® Safety Glasses These glasses meet ANSI Z87.1-2003 specifications. Buy extras for visitors or employees. You can't be too careful with shop safety! T20502 T20503 T20456 T20452 H9155—Dispoz-A-Blade ® System 15" (Includes 3 Holders & Knife Inserts) G5858—Dispoz-A-Blade ® Knife Inserts 15" HSS (Set of 3) H9156—Dispoz-A-Blade ® System 20" (includes 4 Holders & Knife Inserts) G5859—Dispoz-A-Blade ® Knife Inserts 20" HSS (Set of 4) Install a Dispoz-A-Blade® Knife system in your new planer and save up to 70% on knife replacements for the life of your machine. Each knife insert is double-edged, so you get two knives in one, and is indexed so that all knife inserts can be installed at the same height in just minutes. Yes, that means you can throw away the knife gauge! T20448 H0736 Figure 23. Our most popular eye protection. G8982—Roller Table Use this versatile roller table wherever you need extra workpiece support. Features all steel welded construction and measures 19" x 65" long. Comes with 9 ball bearing rollers and has four independently adjustable legs for any leveling requirement Adjustable in height from 26 3 ⁄ 8" to 44 1⁄ 8". Figure 25. Dispoz-A-Blade® Holder and Knife. G5562—SLIPIT® 1 Qt. Gel G5563—SLIPIT® 12 oz Spray G2871—Boeshield® T-9 12 oz Spray G2870—Boeshield® T-9 4 oz Spray H3788—G96 ® Gun Treatment 12 oz Spray H3789—G96 ® Gun Treatment 4.5 oz Spray Figure 24. SHOP FOX® Roller Table. G0453/G0454 (Mfg. Since 3/08) Figure 26. Recommended products for protecting unpainted cast iron/steel part on machinery. -29- SECTION 6: MAINTENANCE Always disconnect power to the machine before performing maintenance. Failure to do this may result in serious personal injury. Schedule For optimum performance from your machine, follow this maintenance schedule and refer to any specific instructions given in this section. Note: This maintenance schedule is based on average daily usage. Adjust the maintenance schedule to match your usage to keep your planer running smoothly and to protect your investment. Every 8 Hours of Operation: • Clean machine and protect unpainted cast iron. • Lubricate feed rollers bushings (Page 31). • Tighten loose mounting bolts. • Check/sharpen/replace damaged or worn knives (Page 36). • Check/repair/replace worn or damaged wires. • Resolve any other unsafe condition. Every 160 Hours of Operation: • Check/tension/replace V-belts (Page 37). • Clean/vacuum dust buildup from inside cabinet and off motor. • Lubricate table height worm gear (Page 31). • Lubricate table height chain and sprockets (Page 32). • Lubricate drive chain and sprockets (Page 32). Yearly: • Change gearbox oil (Page 32). Cleaning & Protecting Vacuum excess wood chips and sawdust from the outside of the machine, inside the cabinet, and off the motor. Protect the unpainted cast iron surfaces on the table by wiping the table clean after every use—this ensures moisture from wood dust does not remain on bare metal surfaces. Keep tables rust-free with regular applications of products like G96® Gun Treatment, SLIPIT®, or Boeshield ® T-9 (see Section 5: Accessories on Page 29 for more details). Every 40 Hours of Operation: • Clean cutterhead and check knife height (Page 36). • Lubricate table columns and leadscrews (Page 31). -30- G0453/G0454 (Mfg. Since 3/08) include oil headers & frequency chart Lubrication NOTICE Failure to followed reasonable lubrication practices as instructed in this manual for your machine could lead to premature failure of components and void the warranty. Columns and Leadscrews The table rides on the columns and is moved by the rotation of the leadscrews inside the columns. For Model G0454, loosen the dust sleeve (see Figure 28) to access the columns and leadscrews. Apply a thin coat of SAE 30W oil to the outside surface of the columns and brush on a light application of multi-purpose grease to the leadscrew threads. Move the table up and down to distribute the lubricant. Your planer features bearings that are lubricated and sealed at the factory. These bearing do not require any further attention unless they need to be replaced. If a bearing fails, your planer will probably develop a noticeable rumble or vibration, which will increase when the machine is under a load. The bearings are standard sizes and can be replaced through Grizzly (refer to the Parts Breakdowns beginning on Page 49 for bearing identification). Follow the maintenance schedule on Page 30 and the procedures listed below to properly lubricate the other planer components, which are essential for long life and trouble-free operation of your planer. Feed Roller Bushings The infeed and outfeed rollers rotate inside bushing blocks on both ends of the rollers. Add 2–3 drops of SAE 30W oil to the center hole of the four feed roller tension adjustment bolts on top of the head casting, as shown in Figure 27. Column Dust Sleeve Figure 28. Model G0454 column dust sleeve. Table Height Worm Gear Remove the three cap screws that secure the worm gear housing (see Figure 29), then lift the housing and handwheel assembly off the machine. Clean away any debris from the housing and gears, then brush on a moderate amount of multi-purpose grease to the gear teeth. Worm Gear Housing Lubricate Here Figure 29. Location of the table height worm gear housing. Figure 27. Lubrication locations for the feed roller bushings. G0453/G0454 (Mfg. Since 3/08) -31- more explanation where plugs are Table Height Chain & Sprockets Gearbox Oil The table leadscrews are synchronized by the table height chain and sprockets located underneath the base of the planer. Remove the front and rear cabinet panels to access these parts (see Figure 30). Use shop rags and mineral spirits to clean away debris and grime, then brush on a light coat of multi-purpose grease to the chain and sprockets. The gearbox oil should be changed after the first 20 hours of operation to clear away any debris inside the gearbox, then changed annually thereafter. Although it is not necessary to remove the drive chain cover to access the fill and drain plugs, it is more convenient to do so (see Figures 32–33). Replace the gearbox oil with 80W–90W gear oil until it just reaches the fill plug. Drain Plug Figure 30. Table height chain and sprockets as viewed from underneath the base. Drive Chain & Sprockets Figure 32. Gearbox drain plug. The infeed and outfeed rollers receive the transferred power from the cutterhead through the drive chain system on the right side of the machine, as shown in Figure 31. Remove the table height handwheel and the safety covers attached to the inside of the drive chain cover, then remove the cover to access these parts. Use shop rags and mineral spirits to clean away any debris and grime, then brush on a light coat of multi-purpose grease to the chain and sprockets. Fill Plug Figure 33. Gearbox fill plug. Figure 31. Drive chain and sprockets. -32- G0453/G0454 (Mfg. Since 3/08) SECTION 7: SERVICE Review the troubleshooting and procedures in this section if a problem develops with your machine. If you need replacement parts or additional help with a procedure, call our Technical Support. Note: Please gather the serial number and manufacture date of your machine before calling. Troubleshooting Motor & Electrical Symptom Possible Cause Possible Solution Machine does not start or a breaker trips. 1. Stop push-button engaged/faulty. 2. Power supply switched OFF or at fault. 3. Thermal overload relay has tripped. 4. Wall circuit breaker tripped. 5. Plug/receptacle at fault/wired wrong. 6. Motor connection wired wrong. 7. Contactor not energized/has poor contacts. 8. Wiring open/has high resistance. 9. ON/OFF switch at fault. 10.Start capacitor at fault. 11.Centrifugal switch at fault. 12.Motor at fault. 1. Rotate button to reset/replace it. 2. Ensure power supply is on/has correct voltage. 3. Reset; adjust trip load dial if necessary; replace. 4. Ensure circuit size is correct/replace weak breaker. 5. Test for good contacts; correct the wiring. 6. Correct motor wiring connections (Pages 47–48). 7. Test all legs for power/replace if faulty. 8. Check/fix broken, disconnected, or corroded wires. 9. Replace switch. 10.Test/replace if faulty. 11.Adjust/replace centrifugal switch. 12.Test/repair/replace. Machine stalls or is underpowered. 1. Feed rate too fast. 2. Workpiece material not suitable. 3. Dust collection ducting problem. 1. Decrease feed rate. 2. Only cut wood/ensure moisture is below 20%. 3. Clear blockages, seal leaks, use smooth wall duct, eliminate bends, close other branches. 4. Clean motor, let cool, and reduce workload. 5. Use sharp blades/inserts; reduce feed rate or depth of cut. 6. Tension/replace belt(s) (Page 37); ensure pulleys are aligned (Page 45). 7. Wire motor correctly (Pages 47–48). 8. Test for good contacts/correct wiring. 9. Test/repair/replace. 10.Replace loose pulley/shaft. 11.Test/repair/replace. 12.Test all legs for power/replace if faulty. 13.Test/repair/replace. 14.Adjust/replace centrifugal switch. 4. Motor overheated. 5. Machine undersized for task. 6. V-belt(s) slipping. 7. Motor wired incorrectly. 8. Plug/receptacle at fault. 9. Run capacitor at fault. 10.Pulley/sprocket slipping on shaft. 11.Motor bearings at fault. 12.Contactor not energized/has poor contacts. 13.Motor at fault. 14.Centrifugal switch at fault. Machine has vibration or noisy operation. 1. Belts slapping cover. 2. Knives/gibs at fault. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Blade at fault. V-belt(s) worn or loose. Pulley loose. Motor mount loose/broken. Machine incorrectly mounted. G0453/G0454 (Mfg. Since 3/08) 1. Replace/realign belts with a matched set. 2. Resharpen/replace knives; set knife alignment/ height correctly. 3. Replace warped/bent blade; resharpen dull blade. 4. Inspect/replace belts with a new matched set. 5. Realign/replace shaft, pulley, setscrew, and key. 6. Tighten/replace. 7. Tighten mounting bolts; relocate/shim machine. -33- Motor & Electrical (continued) Symptom Possible Cause Possible Solution Machine has vibration or noisy operation. 8. Motor fan rubbing on fan cover. 9. Bed rollers protruding unevenly. 10.Motor bearings at fault. 8. Fix/replace fan cover; replace loose/damaged fan. 9. Adjust bed rollers (Page 26). 10.Test by rotating shaft; rotational grinding/loose shaft requires bearing replacement. 11.Replace bearing(s)/realign cutterhead. 12.Replace switch. 13.Check/replace chip deflector and realign (Page 43). 11.Cutterhead bearings at fault. 12.Centrifugal switch is at fault. 13.Chip deflector hitting knives. Machine Operation Symptom Possible Cause Possible Solution 1. One or both of the bed rollers are set too 1. Lower the bed rollers (Page 26). Excessive snipe (gouge at the end of high. the workpiece that 2. Rear extension wing slopes down or is not 2. Adjust the rear extension wing set screws to make is uneven with the the extension level with the main table (Page 18). level with main table. rest of the cut). 3. Raise the height of the chip breaker or pressure bar 3. Chip breaker or pressure bar set too low. (Page 40). Note: A small amount of snipe 4. Workpiece is not properly supported as it 4. Use an assistant or roller beds/stands to properly is inevitable support the workpiece as it leaves the planer. leaves the planer. with all types of planers—the key is to minimize it. Workpiece stops/ slows in the middle of the cut. 1. Depth of cut too deep. 2. Pitch and glue build-up on planer components. 3. One or both of the bed rollers are set too low or too high. 4. Chip breaker or pressure bar set too low. 5. Feed rollers set too low or too high. Consistent chipping pattern. -34- 1. Reduce the depth of cut (Page 26). 2. Clean planer components with a pitch/resin dissolving solvent. 3. Lower/raise the bed rollers (Page 26). 4. Raise the height of the chip breaker or pressure bar (Page 40). 5. Adjust the feed rollers to the correct height (Page 40). 1. Knots or conflicting grain direction in 1. Inspect workpiece for knots and grain direction; use only clean stock (Page 24). workpiece. 2. Sharpen/replace knife (Page 36). 2. Nicked or chipped knife. 3. Reduce feed rate (Page 25). 3. Feed rate too fast. 4. Reduce the depth of cut (Page 26). 4. Depth of cut too deep. 5. Adjust both sides of chip breaker to the correct 5. Misaligned chip breaker. height (Page 40). G0453/G0454 (Mfg. Since 3/08) Machine Operation (continued) Symptom Possible Cause Possible Solution Fuzzy grain. 1. Workpiece has high moisture content or 1. Sticker and allow workpiece to dry if moisture content is over 20% or has surface wetness. surface wetness. 2. Sharpen/replace knives (Page 36). 2. Dull knives/inserts. Long lines or ridges that run the length of the workpiece. 1. Nicked or chipped knife. Uneven cutting marks, wavy surface, or chatter marks across the face of the workpiece. 1. Feed rate too fast. 2. Chip breaker or pressure bar set unevenly. Glossy surface. 1. Knives are dull. 2. Feed rate too slow. 3. Depth of cut too shallow. Inconsistent chip marks. 1. Chips are not being properly expelled from 1. Use an adequate dust collection system; adjust the around the cutterhead. chip deflector in or out, depending upon your setup (Page 43). 1. Sharpen/replace knives (Page 36). 1. Reduce feed rate (Page 25). 2. Adjust the height of the chip breaker or pressure bar (Page 40). 3. One or both of the bed rollers are set too 3. Lower/raise the bed rollers (Page 26). low or too high. 4. Adjust knives to the proper height (Page 36). 4. Knife heights not correct. 5. Replace cutterhead bearings. 5. Worn cutterhead bearings. G0453/G0454 (Mfg. Since 3/08) 1. Sharpen/replace knives (Page 36). 2. Increase feed rate (Page 25). 3. Increase depth of cut (Page 26). -35- make it clearer re: removing Setting/Replacing Knives Planer knives are extremely sharp and can quickly cause a serious injury to your hands or fingers. Always wear heavy leather gloves when handling these knives to reduce the risk of cutting injuries. Note for G0454 Only: The cutterhead for the Model G0454 ships with both springs and jack screws to adjust the knife height (see Figure 34)—which one you use is up to your personal preference. However, you should remove the components that you will not use from the cutterhead before proceeding. Loosen Tighten Jack Screw (G0454 Only) Setting the height of the knives correctly is crucial to the proper operation of your planer and is very important in keeping the knives sharp. If one knife protrudes higher than the others, it will do the majority of the work, dull much faster, and produce poor cutting results. e parallelism The knife gauge that is included with the Model G0453/G0454 is designed to set the knives 0.059" higher than the cutterhead surface. Note: If you need to replace or sharpen a knife, you can remove the knife from the cutterhead during Step 4 of the following procedure. Thoroughly clean out any debris from the knife slots before replacing the knives. Replacement knives are available through Grizzly (refer to Page 28 for options). Tools Needed Qty Hex Wrench 2.5mm (G0453)............................. 1 Wrench 10mm (G0453)...................................... 1 Hex Wrench 3mm (G0454)................................ 1 Wrench 12mm (G0454)...................................... 1 Knife Gauge....................................................... 1 Knife Gib Spring Gib Bolt Figure 34. Cutterhead components (G0454 cutterhead shown). 4. If you have not already done so, loosen the cutterhead gib bolts until the knife is completely loose, then position the knife gauge over the knife so that the knife edge is directly under the center pad, as shown in Figure 35. Center Pad Knife Gauge To adjust the height of the knives: 1. DISCONNECT PLANER FROM POWER! 2. Remove the dust hood and the top cover to expose the cutterhead. Figure 35. Knife gauge correctly positioned over the knife (G0453 cutterhead shown). 3. Remove the belt cover, then rotate the cutterhead pulley to give you good access to one of the knives. -36- G0453/G0454 (Mfg. Since 3/08) 5. Jack Screws (G0453 & G0454): Insert the hex wrench into the jack screws through the access holes in the cutterhead (see Figure 36). Rotate the jack screws to raise or lower the knife until it barely touches the center pad of the knife gauge with all legs of the gauge still firmly on the cutterhead, then snug the gib bolts enough to hold the knife in place. Jack Screw Access Hole V-Belt Tensioning/ Replacement NOTICE After the first 16 hours of use, the V-belts will stretch and seat into the pulley grooves. The V-belts must be properly re-tensioned after this period to avoid severely reducing their useful life. Three cogged V-belts transfer power from the motor to the cutterhead, and then to the infeed and outfeed rollers with the use of the drive chain system. To ensure efficient transfer of power to these systems, make sure the V-belts are always properly tensioned and in good condition. Figure 36. Jack screw access hole in the cutterhead. Springs (G0454 Only): Push down on the knife gauge until all legs of the gauge are firmly on the cutterhead and the knife just touches the center pad of the gauge, then tighten the gib bolts enough to hold the knife in place. 6. Slightly tighten the gib bolts, starting at the middle and working your way to the ends by alternating left and right, as illustrated in Figure 37. 5 3 1 2 If the V-belts are worn, cracked, or damaged, replace them. Always replace the V-belts with a matched set of three, or belt tension may not be even among the belts, causing premature belt failure. Tools Needed Qty Phillips Screwdriver............................................ 1 Wrench 19mm.................................................... 1 To tension/replace the V-belts: 1. DISCONNECT PLANER FROM POWER! V-belts and pulleys will be hot after operation. Allow them to cool before handling them. 4 Figure 37. Gib bolt tightening sequence. 7. Repeat Step 6. 8. Repeat Step 6, but final tighten the gib bolts. 9. Repeat Steps 4–8 for the rest of the knives. G0453/G0454 (Mfg. Since 3/08) -37- 2. Remove the V-belt cover from the left side of the machine to expose the belts, as shown in Figure 38. Note: A collection of black belt dust at the bottom of the belt cover is normal during the life of the belts. Cutterhead Pulley 4. If the V-belts need to be replaced, raise the motor to release the belt tension (refer to the next step for instructions), roll them off the pulleys, then replace them as a matched set of 3. 5. To adjust the V-belt tension, loosen the top motor mount hex nuts (see Figure 39), then adjust the bottom hex nuts to raise or lower the motor. Motor Pulley Note: The V-belts are correctly tensioned when there is approximately 3⁄4" deflection when moderate pressure is applied to them midway between the pulleys, as illustrated in Figure 40. V-Belts Approximately 3 ⁄4" Deflection Cutterhead Pulley Figure 38. Belt cover removed to expose the V-belts and pulleys. 3. Remove the front cabinet panel to access the motor, as shown in Figure 39. Motor Mount Hex Nuts Motor Pulley Figure 40. Belt deflection when V-belts are correctly tensioned. 6. When the V-belts are correctly tensioned, make sure the motor mount hex nuts are tight, then replace the cabinet cover and the belt cover. Figure 39. Front cabinet cover removed to expose the motor. -38- G0453/G0454 (Mfg. Since 3/08) Table Height Chain Tension The table height chain transfers movement from the elevation handwheel to the columns that control table height. The chain drive can be adjusted to remove slack if the chain stretches over time or is loosened during table leveling procedures. Tools Needed Qty Phillips Screwdriver #2....................................... 1 Wrench or Socket 12mm.................................... 1 To adjust the table height chain tension: 1. DISCONNECT PLANER FROM POWER! NOTICE During the next step, DO NOT let the chain fall off the sprockets. It can be very difficult to return the chain to its proper location on the sprockets without changing the table adjustments. 3. Loosen the lock bolts shown in Figure 41, and push the idler sprocket against the chain with moderate hand pressure, then while maintaining the pressure on the idler sprocket, re-tighten both lock bolts. 4. Clean and lubricate the chain and sprockets (refer to Table Height Chain & Sprockets on Page 32 for detailed instructions). 2. Remove the front and rear cabinet panels to gain access to the chain system, as shown in Figure 41. Idler Sprocket Lock Bolts Figure 41. Table height idler sprocket and lock bolts (viewed from underneath the planer base). G0453/G0454 (Mfg. Since 3/08) -39- Feed Rollers, Chip Breaker & Pressure Bar Heights It is essential that the feed rollers, chip breaker, and pressure bar are set at the correct distance below the cutterhead to ensure that the workpiece moves through the planer evenly and the correct distance from the cutterhead knives. To ensure accurate results and make the adjustment process quicker and easier, we recommend using a Rotacator for these adjustments (refer to Page 28). If a Rotacator is not available, a 6' 2x4 cut into two even sized pieces and a feeler gauge set can be used, but care must be taken when jointing the wood to achieve accurate results. Using a Rotacator Tools Needed Qty Hex Wrenches 3, 5mm.............................. 1 Each Wrench or Socket 10mm.................................... 1 Rotacator (see Page 28).................................... 1 1. DISCONNECT PLANER FROM POWER! 2. Make sure the knives are set to the correct height (refer to Setting/Replacing Knives on Page 36 for detailed instructions). 3. Lower the table at least 4" below the head casting, then lock it in place. 4. Remove the dust hood, top cover, and belt cover. 5. Using your Rotacator, find the BDC of any knife edge by slowly rocking the cutterhead pulley back and forth, then set the Rotacator dial to zero (see Figure 43). Dist. Below Knife Edge at BDC (Figure 42) A. Infeed Roller........................................ 0.040" B. Chip Breaker....................................... 0.040" C. Pressure Bar....................................... 0.008" D. Outfeed Roller..................................... 0.020" call out components BDC (Bottom Dead Center) C Figure 43. Using a Rotacator to find BDC. A&B D Figure 42. Planer component recommended clearances (illustration is not to scale). -40- G0453/G0454 (Mfg. Since 3/08) 6. Move the feed speed knob to the neutral position to allow the infeed roller to freely rotate. 7. Keeping the Rotacator dial at zero, position it under the right-hand side of the infeed roller and find the BDC of a serrated edge by rocking the infeed roller back and forth. 12. Use the same zero reference on the Rotacator dial from Step 5, perform similar steps as described above to adjust the height of the chip breaker to its recommended specification given at the beginning of this subsection. The adjustment controls are shown in Figure 45. 8. Loosen the jam nut and use the set screw shown in Figure 44 to adjust the height of the infeed roller bushing block until the Rotacator dial shows 0.040", which is the recommended distance for the infeed roller below the cutterhead. Roller Bushing Block Adjustment Jam Nut & Set Screw Figure 45. Adjusting the chip breaker height. Jam Nut & Set Screw 13. Model G0454 Only: Repeat Step 12 for the pressure bar height adjustment. The adjustment controls are shown in Figure 46. Figure 44. Infeed roller bushing block and height adjustment controls. 9. Repeat Steps 7–8 on the left-hand side of the infeed roller. 10. Re-check both sides of the infeed roller and, if necessary, make further adjustments until the infeed roller height from side-to-side is 0.040" below the BDC of the cutterhead knife, then re-tighten both jam nuts. 11. Keeping the same zero reference on the Rotacator dial from Step 5, repeat Steps 7–10 for the outfeed roller, but adjust it until it is 0.020" below the BDC of the cutterhead knife. G0453/G0454 (Mfg. Since 3/08) Adjustment Jam Nut & Set Screw Figure 46. Adjusting the pressure bar height. 14. Re-install the belt cover, top cover, and the dust hood. -41- Using Wood Blocks Tools Needed Qty Hex Wrenches 3, 5mm.............................. 1 Each Wrench or Socket 10mm.................................... 1 2x4 6' Long......................................................... 1 Feeler Gauge Set............................................... 1 1. Build the wood blocks by cutting a straight 6' foot long 2x4 in half. Note: Having the wood blocks at an even height is critical to the accuracy of your overall adjustments. For best results, make the 2x4 square with a jointer and table saw before cutting it in half. 2. Make sure the knives are set to the correct height (refer to Setting/Replacing Knives on Page 36 for detailed instructions). 3. DISCONNECT PLANER FROM POWER! 6. Remove the dust hood, top cover, and belt cover. 7. Use a feeler gauge to adjust the table until there is a 0.040" gap between the wood blocks and a cutterhead knife at BDC, which is the recommended distance for the infeed roller below the cutterhead knife. 8. Lock the table in place, as the wood blocks will now be your reference point. 9. Using the feeler gauges and the wood blocks instead of the Rotacator, perform Steps 8–14 in the previous Using a Rotacator procedure to set the feed rollers, chip breaker, and the pressure bar to the correct distance below the cutterhead knives. Note: Keep in mind that you will have to repeat Steps 7–8 above for each change in distance as specified on Page 40. 4. Lower the bed rollers below the table surface (refer to Bed Roller Height on Page 26 for detailed instructions). 5. Place the wood blocks along the sides of the table, as illustrated in Figure 47. 36" Figure 47. Wood blocks properly positioned on the planer table. -42- G0453/G0454 (Mfg. Since 3/08) Roller Spring Tension Positioning Chip Deflector The infeed and outfeed rollers keep the workpiece moving through the planer. There are springs that exert downward pressure on the rollers while still allowing them to raise with an uneven workpiece surface.Properly roller spring tension is crucial to keep the workpiece moving through the planer during operation. Chip Deflector Gap Setting.............................. 1⁄4" Roller spring tension will vary depending upon the type of wood you are planing. When adjusting the roller spring tension keep the following in mind: • If you are planing milled lumber with a relatively consistent surface, use less spring tension. • If you are planing rough lumber with inconsistent surfaces, use greater spring tension to keep the stock moving through the planer. • If the workpiece consistently stops feeding during operation, the roller spring tension may need to be increased. Tools Needed Qty Hex Wrench 6mm............................................... 1 it's designed so #4 is higher.... To adjust the roller spring tension to factory recommendations: When properly distanced from the cutterhead, direct the chips into the dust hood, and keeps them from falling onto the outfeed roller and being pressed into the workpiece. Tools Needed Qty Wrench or Socket 10mm.................................... 1 Fine Ruler or Calipers........................................ 1 To adjust the chip deflector gap: 1. DISCONNECT PLANER FROM POWER! 2. Remove the dust port, top cover, and belt cover. 3. Use the cutterhead pulley to rotate the cutterhead until a knife reaches the closest distance to the chip deflector (see Figure 49), then measure the distance between the knife and the chip deflector. Chip Deflector 1. DISCONNECT PLANER FROM POWER! 2. Adjust tension cap screws #1–#3 so that they protrude 1⁄8" above the head casting, and adjust cap screw #4 so that it protrudes 5⁄16" above the head casting (see Figure 48). Cap Screw #4 Figure 49. Chip deflector and securing hex bolts. Cap Screws #1–#3 Figure 48. Roller spring tension adjustment cap screws. G0453/G0454 (Mfg. Since 3/08) -43- 4. If the distance measured in Step 3 is not equal to 1⁄4", then loosen the four hex bolts that secure the chip deflector and adjust the gap to 1⁄4". 5. Re-tighten the hex bolts, then replace the belt cover, top cover, and dust hood. Scale Calibration Anti-Kickback Fingers The anti-kickback fingers are an important safety feature of your planer. The fingers hang from a rod suspended across the head casting and in front of the infeed roller, as shown in Figure 51. This design allows the workpiece to easily enter the planer but reduces the risk of kickback by digging into the workpiece if it moves backward. Although correctly set at the factory, the scale can be adjusted for accuracy if it becomes necessary. Tools Needed Qty Phillips Screwdriver #2....................................... 1 Scrap Piece of Stock.......................................... 1 Calipers.............................................................. 1 Anti-Kickback Fingers To re-position the scale: 1. Plane the scrap piece of stock until it is flat and of even thickness along its length. Note: Turn the board over between each pass. 2. Use calipers to measure the board thickness. 3. If there is a discrepancy between the board thickness and the reading on the table height scale, loosen the two screws shown in Figure 50, adjust the scale in relation to the pointer, then re-tighten the screws. Figure 51. Anti-kickback fingers. Check the anti-kickback fingers regularly to ensure they swing freely and easily. If the fingers do not swing freely and easily, first clean them with a wood resin solvent, then inspect them for damage. If any of the fingers are damaged, the device must be replaced before using the machine. Do not apply oil or other lubricants to the antikickback fingers that will attract dust, and restrict the free movement of the fingers. Screws Scale & Pointer Proper operation of the anti-kickback fingers is critical for the safe operation of this planer. DO NOT operate the planer if the anti-kickback fingers are not operating correctly. Failure to heed this warning could result in serious personal injury. Figure 50. Table height scale. -44- G0453/G0454 (Mfg. Since 3/08) Pulley Alignment Proper pulley alignment prevents premature V-belt wear and unnecessary load on the motor. The pulleys are properly aligned when they are parallel and in the same plane as each other. —If the pulleys are not in the same plane, loosen the cap screw or hex bolt securing the pulley to the shaft, then adjust the pulleys in or out until they are aligned. —If the pulleys are not parallel, loosen the four motor mount hex nuts, then rotate the motor on its mount until the pulleys are parallel. Tools Needed Qty Straightedge 3'................................................... 1 Hex Wrench 6mm............................................... 1 Wrenches or Sockets 14mm.............................. 1 3. Re-check the pulleys and repeat Step 2 if necessary. To check/re-align pulleys: 4. When your are satisfied with the pulley alignment, re-tighten all fasteners, then replace the belt cover and cabinet covers. 1. DISCONNECT PLANER FROM POWER! 2. Remove both cabinet covers and the belt cover, then use the straightedge to check pulley alignment, as shown in Figure 52. Figure 52. Checking pulley alignment. G0453/G0454 (Mfg. Since 3/08) -45- machine SECTION 8: WIRING These pages are current at the time of printing. However, in the spirit of improvement, we may make changes to the electrical systems of future machines. Compare the manufacture date of your machine to the one stated in this manual, and study this section carefully. If there are differences between your machine and what is shown in this section, call Technical Support at (570) 546-9663 for assistance BEFORE making any changes to the wiring on your machine. An updated wiring diagram may be available. Note: Please gather the serial number and manufacture date of your machine before calling. This information can be found on the main machine label. Wiring Safety Instructions SHOCK HAZARD. Working on wiring that is connected to a power source is extremely dangerous. Touching electrified parts will result in personal injury including but not limited to severe burns, electrocution, or death. Disconnect the power from the machine before servicing electrical components! MODIFICATIONS. Modifying the wiring beyond what is shown in the diagram may lead to unpredictable results, including serious injury or fire. This includes the installation of unapproved aftermarket parts. WIRE CONNECTIONS. All connections must be tight to prevent wires from loosening during machine operation. Double-check all wires disconnected or connected during any wiring task to ensure tight connections. CIRCUIT REQUIREMENTS. You MUST follow the requirements at the beginning of this manual when connecting your machine to a power source. WIRE/COMPONENT DAMAGE. Damaged wires or components increase the risk of serious personal injury, fire, or machine damage. If you notice that any wires or components are damaged while performing a wiring task, replace those wires or components. MOTOR WIRING. The motor wiring shown in these diagrams is current at the time of printing but may not match your machine. If you find this to be the case, use the wiring diagram inside the motor junction box. CAPACITORS/INVERTERS. Some capacitors and power inverters store an electrical charge for up to 10 minutes after being disconnected from the power source. To reduce the risk of being shocked, wait at least this long before working on capacitors. EXPERIENCING DIFFICULTIES. If you are experiencing difficulties understanding the information included in this section, contact our Technical Support at (570) 546-9663. The photos and diagrams included in this section are best viewed in color. You can view these pages in color at -46- G0453/G0454 (Mfg. Since 3/08) wiring diagram g0453 G0453 Wiring Diagram Magnetic ON/OFF Switch A2 NO13 A1 5L3 3L2 1L1 Contactor NHD 09D 220V Grnd 17 ON 18 NO14 4T2 2T1 6T3 A2 17 18 19 2 21 0 OFF 98 2T1 The motor wiring shown here is current at the time of printing, but it may not match your machine. Always use the wiring diagram inside the motor junction box. OL Relay NHD BTH-25 96 97 4T2 95 6T3 NEMA 6-20 Plug (As Recommended) Hot G Ground Hot Motor Grnd Start Capacitor 200MFD 250VAC Run Capacitor 20MFD 400VAC G0453/G0454 (Mfg. Since 3/08) READ ELECTRICAL SAFETY ON PAGE 46! -47- wiring diagram g0545 G0454 Wiring Diagram Magnetic ON/OFF Switch A2 NO13 A1 5L3 3L2 1L1 Contactor NHD 35D 220V Grnd 17 ON 18 NO14 4T2 2T1 6T3 A2 OFF 32 30 8 26 2 98 2T1 The motor wiring shown here is current at the time of printing, but it may not match your machine. Always use the wiring diagram inside the motor junction box. OL Relay NHD BTH-21 96 97 4T2 95 6T3 NEMA L6-30 Plug (As Recommended) Hot G Ground Hot Motor Grnd Start Capacitor 300MFD 250VAC Run Capacitor 60MFD 400VAC -48- READ ELECTRICAL SAFETY ON PAGE 46! G0453/G0454 (Mfg. Since 3/08) G0453/G0454 (Mfg. Since 3/08) 8 6 21 25 59 55 5 52 52 1 57 7-2 7 97 27 99 7-3 98 68 53 54 72 51A 71 49 102 101 91 47 16 11 15 48 48A 12 17 44 18 43 45 20 33 46 42 39 31 40 108 41 9 28 26 88 89 93 76 73 93 77 74 86 90 75 92 81 95 94 79 70 84 1413 29 30 96 36 109 2 69 37 80 35 5 38 82 61 83 94 60 34 100 112 4 62 92 50 103 58 7-1 5 67 7-4 6 58 56 118 3 82 83 78 107 63 65 111 66 64 106 105 104 110 63 parts breakdown SECTION 9: PARTS G0453 Headstock Breakdown -49- G0453 Headstock Parts List REF PART # DESCRIPTION REF PART # DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7V2 7-1 7-3 7-4 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 48A 49 50 51A 52 53 54 55 56 57 COGGED V-BELT MX-60 OIL FILL LABEL CHAIN 06B-1 X 49 31LINKS CHAIN 06B-1 X 63 24LINKS FLAT WASHER 6MM CAP SCREW M6-1 X 12 MAGNETIC SWITCH ASSEMBLY V2.01.11 MAGNETIC SWITCH COVER ASSEMBLY CONTACTOR NHD C-09D 230V OL RELAY NHD NTH-21 17-21A MAGNETIC SWITCH PLATE HANDWHEEL LABEL IDLER BRACKET COLLAR EXTENSION SPRING CAP SCREW M6-1 X 8 HANGER SHAFT BRACKET IDLER PULLEY IDLER MOUNTING SHAFT HANDWHEEL COLLAR STAR KNOB M8-1.25 BELT COVER FLANGE BOLT M6-1 X 12 HEX STANDOFF BELT GUARD FLANGE BOLT M6-1 X 10 SAFETY HATCH CAP SCREW M8-1.25 X 45 CHAIN DRIVE COVER POINTER PHLP HD SCR M6-1 X 12 FLAT WASHER 6MM PHLP HD SCR M6-1 X 12 HANDWHEEL SCALE HANDWHEEL HANDLE HANDWHEEL HEX NUT M12-1.75 FLAT WASHER 12MM KEY 4 X 4 X 20 WORM GEAR BALL BEARING 6201ZZ INT RETAINING RING 32MM CAP SCREW M5-.8 X 55 WORM HOUSING WORM HOUSING ASSEMBLY RETURN ROLLER CAP SCREW M5-.8 X 14 ROLLER STAND 3.505" V2.01.08 FLAT WASHER 6MM HEX NUT M6-1 HEX BOLT M6-1 X 10 CAP SCREW M8-1.25 X 20 DUST HOOD FOAM PIECE 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 86 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 118 119V2 P0453058 P0453059 P0453060 P0453061 P0453062 P0453063 P0453064 P0453065 P0453066 P0453067 P0453068 P0453069 P0453070 P0453071 P0453072 P0453073 P0453074 P0453075 P0453076 P0453077 P0453078 P0453079 P0453080 P0453081 P0453082 P0453083 P0453084 P0453086 P0453088 P0453089 P0453090 P0453091 P0453092 P0453093 P0453094 P0453095 P0453096 P0453097 P0453098 P0453099 P0453100 P0453101 P0453102 P0453103 P0453104 P0453105 P0453106 P0453107 P0453108 P0453109 P0453110 P0453111 P0453112 P0453118 P0453119V2 FLANGE BOLT M6-1 X 10 TOP COVER FLAT HD SCR M6-1 X 8 CUT LIMIT PLATE SET SCREW M8-1.25 X 16 E-CLIP 15MM ANTI-KICKBACK FINGER SHAFT ANTI-KICKBACK SHAFT COLLAR ANTI-KICKBACK FINGER FLANGE BOLT M6-1 X 12 CHIP DEFLECTOR SET SCREW M6-1 X 20 CHIP BREAKER SHAFT FLANGE BOLT M6-1 X 12 HOLD DOWN PLATE HEX NUT M6-1 SET SCREW M6-1 X 18 CHIP BREAKER HEX NUT M12-1.75 LOCK WASHER 12MM EXT RETAINING RING 12MM LOCKING ROD OUTFEED ROLLER SPROCKET OUTFEED ROLLER HEX BOLT M6-1 X 16 FLAT WASHER 6MM INFEED ROLLER SPROCKET HEX BOLT M8-1.25 X 16 HEX NUT M5-.8 SET SCREW M5-.8 X 12 PLATE OILER SET SCREW COMPRESSION SPRING ROLLER BUSHING BLOCK KEY 5 X 5 X 16 INFEED ROLLER KEY 8 X 8 X 35 MOTOR PULLEY MX HEX BOLT M8-1.25 X 20 COLLAR CUTTERHEAD PULLEY MX E-CLIP 8MM KNIFE JIG SHAFT KNIFE JIG FOOT KNIVES 3-PC SET 15" X 1" X 1/8" GIB SCREW GIB JACK SCREW M5-.8 X 12 ADJUSTING NUT BALL BEARING 6205ZZ BALL BEARING 6204ZZ KNIFE CUTTERHEAD 15" HEAD CASTING KNIFE SETTING JIG ASSEMBLY POWER CORD 12G 3W 72" 6-20P V2.08.12 -50- P0453001 P0453002 P0453003 P0453004 P0453005 P0453006 P0453007V2 P0453007-1 P0453007-3 P0453007-4 P0453008 P0453009 P0453011 P0453012 P0453013 P0453014 P0453015 P0453016 P0453017 P0453018 P0453020 P0453021 P0453025 P0453026 P0453027 P0453028 P0453029 P0453030 P0453031 P0453033 P0453034 P0453035 P0453036 P0453037 P0453038 P0453039 P0453040 P0453041 P0453042 P0453043 P0453044 P0453045 P0453046 P0453047 P0453048 P0453048A P0453049 P0453050 P0453051A P0453052 P0453053 P0453054 P0453055 P0453056 P0453057 G0453/G0454 (Mfg. Since 3/08) G0453 Table Breakdown 208 210 213 207 209 212 214 215 208 210 211 207 213 211 209 216 203 205 206 204 REF PART # DESCRIPTION REF PART # DESCRIPTION 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 SET SCREW M8-1.25 X 20 HEX BOLT M8-1.25 X 30 FLAT WASHER 8MM LOCK WASHER 8MM TABLE EXTENSION WING STAR KNOB M12-1.75 LOCK BOLT 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 GIB WEDGE DOG SET SCREW M6-1 X 16 ECCENTRIC SHAFT BALL BEARING 608ZZ BED ROLLER MAIN TABLE P0453203 P0453204 P0453205 P0453206 P0453207 P0453208 P0453209 G0453/G0454 (Mfg. Since 3/08) P0453210 P0453211 P0453212 P0453213 P0453214 P0453215 P0453216 -51- G0453 Columns Breakdown 316 318 324 329 320 325 319 326 320 317 322 321 332 305 330 314 314 304 323 305 328 330 327 315 313 312 331 311 310 333 307 306 309 303 308 REF PART # DESCRIPTION REF PART # DESCRIPTION 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310A 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 CHAIN 12.7A X 134 EXT RETAINING RING 15MM LIFTING BAR HEX BOLT M8-1.25 X 20 FLAT WASHER 8MM EXT RETAINING RING 15MM SPROCKET SPROCKET BRACKET ASSEMBLY HEX NUT M10-1.5 FLAT WASHER 10MM KEY 5 X 5 X 16 SPROCKET EXT RETAINING RING 12MM KEY 4 X 4 X 12 GEAR 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 CAP SCREW M6-1 X 20 LEADSCREW NUT PRIMARY LEADSCREW SECONDARY LEADSCREW SET SCREW M10-1.5 X 12 INT RETAINING RING 40MM BUSHING PRIMARY COLUMN INT RETAINING RING 42MM BALL BEARING 6302ZZ SECONDARY COLUMN FLAT WASHER 12MM HEX NUT M12-1.75 HEX BOLT M12-1.75 X 45 BASE -52- P0453303 P0453304 P0453305 P0453306 P0453307 P0453308 P0453309 P0453310A P0453312 P0453313 P0453314 P0453315 P0453316 P0453317 P0453318 P0453319 P0453320 P0453321 P0453322 P0453323 P0453324 P0453325 P0453326 P0453327 P0453328 P0453329 P0453330 P0453331 P0453332 P0453333 G0453/G0454 (Mfg. Since 3/08) G0453 Cabinet Stand Breakdown For Machine Manufacture Date Prior to 03/08 430-1 For Machine Manufacture Date of 03/08 or After 430A-1 430-3 430-6 430-4 430-2 430A-6 430A-5 430A-2 430-5 430A-4 430A 430 453 449 428 429 438 440 441 454 436 434 444 445 431 435 432 433 439 437-1 429 450 437 427 407 406 409 408 402 429 429 405 428 441 401 442 448A 410 411 412 413 443 417 416 414 423 418 445 444 416 415 G0453/G0454 (Mfg. Since 3/08) 424 426 422 421 420 419 425 -53- G0453 Cabinet Stand Parts List REF PART # DESCRIPTION REF PART # DESCRIPTION 401 401-1 402 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430A 430A-1 P0453401 P0453401-1 P0453402 P0453405 P0453406 P0453407 P0453408 P0453409 P0453410 P0453411 P0453412 P0453413 P0453414 P0453415 P0453416 P0453417 P0453418 P0453419 P0453420 P0453421 P0453422 P0453423 P0453424 P0453425 P0453426 P0453427 P0453428 P0453429 P0453430A P0453430A-1 RUBBER FOOT HEX NUT 3/8-16 PLASTIC GROMMET UNIVERSAL WHEEL 78MM DIA HEX NUT M8-1.25 FLAT WASHER 8MM HEX BOLT M8-1.25 X 65 SLEEVE EXT RETAINING RING 9MM FLAT WASHER 12MM SHAFT 12MM PEDAL HEX NUT M8-1.25 HEX BOLT M8-1.25 X 100 FLAT WASHER 8MM HEX BOLT M8-1.25 X 50 BRACKET INT RETAINING RING 35MM BALL BEARING 6202-2RS TROLLEY WHEEL TROLLEY WHEEL SLEEVE LOCK NUT M12-1.75 FLAT WASHER 10MM TROLLEY WHEEL BOLT TROLLEY UNIVERSAL KIT HEX BOLT M8-1.25 X 45 HEX NUT M8-1.25 FLAT WASHER 8MM MOTOR 3HP 240V 1-PH V2.03.08 MOTOR FAN COVER V2.03.08 430A-2 430A-4 430A-5 430A-6 430A-7 430A-8 430A-9 430A-10 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 437-1 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 448A 449 450 453 454 P0453430A-2 P0453430A-4 P0453430A-5 P0453430A-6 P0453430A-7 P0453430A-8 P0453430A-9 P0453430A-10 P0453431 P0453432 P0453433 P0453434 P0453435 P0453436 P0453437 P0453437-1 P0453438 P0453439 P0453440 P0453441 P0453442 P0453443 P0453444 P0453445 P0453448A P0453449 P0453450 P0453453 P0453454 MOTOR FAN V2.03.08 R CAPACITOR 20M 400V V2.03.08 S CAPACITOR 200M 250V V2.03.08 JUNCTION BOX V2.03.08 BALL BEARING 6205ZZ BALL BEARING 6203ZZ CENTRIFUGAL SWITCH 16MM 3450 CONTACT PLATE16MM FLAT WASHER 12MM HEX NUT M12-1.75 ADJUST BOLT SET SCREW M6-1 X 8 LOCK COLLAR SET SCREW M8-1.25 X 12 PLATE CONNECTING ROD BUSHING SET SCREW M6-1 X 12 MOTOR MOUNT PLATE PHLP HD SCR M6-1 X 20 CABINET COVER CABINET STAND HEX BOLT M12-1.75 X 120 FLAT WASHER 10MM HEX NUT M10-1.5 PEDAL ASSEMBLY KEY 5 X 5 X 30 BALL STRAIN RELIEF HEX BOLT M10-1.5 X 70 PLATE CONNECTING ROD -54- G0453/G0454 (Mfg. Since 3/08) G0453 Gearbox Breakdown 534 535 505 504 515 501 512 513 507 529 539 531 528 533 532 530 528 525 538 508 542 524 536 526 517 524 537 503 516 514 502 521 506 503 527 522 511 540 509 520 510 519 518 523 500A 541 REF PART # DESCRIPTION REF PART # DESCRIPTION 500A 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 GEARBOX ASSEMBLY BALL BEARING 6204ZZ EXT RETAINING RING 20MM OIL PLUG CAP SCREW M6-1 X 25 GEARBOX BASE GASKET PIN 5 X 10 BALL KNOB M10-1.5 O-RING 15.8 X 2.4 P16 HANDLE SHAFT SHIFTING FORK HEX BOLT M8-1.25 X 16 FLAT WASHER 8MM KEY 5 X 5 X 16 SPROCKET OIL SEAL 20 X 35 X 7 BALL BEARING 6204ZZ BALL BEARING 6201ZZ STEEL BALL 4MM COMPRESSION SPRING KEY 5 X 5 X 50 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 SHAFT GEAR BALL BEARING 6201ZZ KEY 5 X 5 X 10 GEAR SHAFT GEAR BALL BEARING 6201ZZ KEY 5 X 5 X 14 GEAR SHAFT GEAR FLAT WASHER 6MM PHLP HD SCR M6-1 X 8 CAP SCREW M6-1.0 X 20 LH GEAR 14T OIL SEAL 25 X 40 X 10 CAP SCREW M5-.8 X 12 FLANGE COVER CAP SCREW M8-1.25 X 50 GEARBOX COVER FLANGE BOLT M6-1 X 12 CHAIN 06B-1 X 49 P0453500A P0453501 P0453502 P0453503 P0453504 P0453505 P0453506 P0453507 P0453508 P0453509 P0453510 P0453511 P0453512 P0453513 P0453514 P0453515 P0453516 P0453517 P0453518 P0453519 P0453520 P0453521 G0453/G0454 (Mfg. Since 3/08) P0453522 P0453523 P0453524 P0453525 P0453526 P0453527 P0453528 P0453529 P0453530 P0453531 P0453532 P0453533 P0453534 P0453535 P0453536 P0453537 P0453538 P0453539 P0453540 P0453541 P0453542 -55- G0453 Label Placement 117 19 116 10 113 114 451 452 334 115 446 447 REF PART # DESCRIPTION REF PART # DESCRIPTION 10 19 113 114 115 116 SPEED CHANGE LABEL BELT COVER LABEL RESPIRATOR/GLASSES LABEL VL READ MANUAL LABEL VL EAR PROTECTION LABEL VL ELECTRICITY LABEL 117V2 334 446 447 451 452 P0453117V2 P0453334 P0453446 P0453447 P0453451 P0453452 MACHINE ID LABEL CSA V2.08.12 GRIZZLY.COM LABEL 10 X 1-1/2" GRIZZLY NAMEPLATE MODEL NUMBER LABEL GRIZZLY GREEN TOUCH UP PAINT GRIZZLY PUTTY TOUCH UP PAINT P0453010 P0453019 P0453113 P0453114 P0453115 P0453116 Safety labels warn about machine hazards and ways to prevent injury. The owner of this machine MUST maintain the original location and readability of the labels on the machine. If any label is removed or becomes unreadable, REPLACE that label before using the machine again. Contact Grizzly at (800) 523-4777 or to order new labels. -56- G0453/G0454 (Mfg. Since 3/08) G0453/G0454 (Mfg. Since 3/08) 3-2 2 19 24 3-3 3 20 3-5 54 52 53 3-4 3-1 56 1 52 19 105-1 105-2 27 103 102 18 117 66 55 68 49 48 48A 98 38 77 10 76 32 39 112 41 6 84 75 85 81 105A Machine Manufacture Date of 03/05 or After 82 91 83 78 30 104 11 5 29 37 36 88 90 100 115 14 13 34 45 46 17 42 105 Machine Manufacture Date Prior to 03/05 95 74 73 36 58 72 35 37 57 89 69 79 80 9 40 43 15 47 44 12 67 97 65 107 25 99 96 28 94 93 29 26 106 59 8 70 71 51 64 50 109 108 109A 101 87 116 114 113 4 86 92 111 110 60 62 63 62 61 G0454 Headstock Breakdown -57- G0454 Headstock Parts List REF PART # DESCRIPTION REF PART # DESCRIPTION 1 2 3V2 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4V2 3-5 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 32 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 COGGED V-BELT MX-60 CAP SCREW M6-1 X 12 MAG SWITCH ASSEMBLY V2.01.11 MAG SWITCH FRONT COVER MAG SWITCH BRACKET CONTACTOR NHD C-35D 220V OL RELAY NHD NTH-32 28-32A V2.08.12 MAG SWITCH REAR COVER CHAIN 06B-1 X 67 CAP SCREW M6-1 X 10 HANDWHEEL LABEL OIL LEVEL LABEL IDLER BRACKET COLLAR EXTENSION SPRING HANGER ROLL PIN 6 X 20 BRACKET IDLER PULLEY IDLER MOUNTING SHAFT HANDWHEEL COLLAR HEX BOLT M6-1 X 12 FLAT WASHER 6MM STAR KNOB M8-1.25 BELT COVER HEX NUT M8-1.25 FLAT WASHER 8MM HEX STANDOFF BELT GUARD FLANGE BOLT M6-1 X 10 SAFETY HATCH CAP SCREW M8-1.25 X 40 CHAIN DRIVE COVER CUT LIMITER POINTER PHLP HD SCR M6-1 X 12 FLAT WASHER 6MM HANDWHEEL SCALE HANDLE HANDWHEEL HEX NUT M12-1.75 FLAT WASHER 12MM KEY 4 X 4 X 20 WORM GEAR BALL BEARING 6201ZZ INT RETAINING RING 32MM CAP SCREW M5-.8 X 55 48A 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 WORM HOUSING ASSEMBLY RETURN ROLLER CAP SCREW M6-1 X 16 ROLLER STAND FLANGE BOLT M6-1 X 12 DUST HOOD TOP COVER GASKET FLANGE BOLT M6-1 X 12 TOP COVER HEX BOLT M5-.8 X 12 CUT LIMIT PLATE SET SCREW M8-1.25 X 12 E-CLIP 15MM ANTI-KICKBACK FINGER SHAFT ANTI-KICKBACK SHAFT COLLAR ANTI-KICKBACK FINGER FLAT WASHER 6MM FLANGE BOLT M6-1 X 15 CHIP DEFLECTOR PLATE FLANGE BOLT M6-1 X 12 HOLD DOWN PLATE HEX NUT M6-1 SET SCREW M6-1 X 20 SET SCREW M6-1 X 12 ADJUSTING SHAFT HEX BOLT M8-1.25 X 20 LOCK WASHER 8MM PRESSURE BAR CHIP BREAKER BRACKET SET SCREW M6-1 X 16 PRESSURE PLATE SHAFT FLANGE BOLT M6-1 X 12 PLATE SPRING HEX NUT M6-1 SET SCREW M6-1 X 20 CHIP BREAKER HEX NUT M12-1.75 LOCK WASHER 12MM EXT RETAINING RING 12MM LOCK ROD OUTFEED ROLLER SPROCKET OUTFEED ROLLER HEX BOLT M6-1 X 16 FLAT WASHER 6MM -58- P0454001 P0454002 P0454003V2 P0454003-1 P0454003-2 P0454003-3 P0454003-4V2 P0454003-5 P0454004 P0454005 P0454006 P0454008 P0454009 P0454010 P0454011 P0454012 P0454013 P0454014 P0454015 P0454017 P0454018 P0454019 P0454020 P0454024 P0454025 P0454026 P0454027 P0454028 P0454029 P0454030 P0454032 P0454034 P0454035 P0454036 P0454037 P0454038 P0454039 P0454040 P0454041 P0454042 P0454043 P0454044 P0454045 P0454046 P0454047 P0454048A P0454049 P0454050 P0454051 P0454052 P0454053 P0454054 P0454055 P0454056 P0454057 P0454058 P0454059 P0454060 P0454061 P0454062 P0454063 P0454064 P0454065 P0454066 P0454067 P0454068 P0454069 P0454070 P0454071 P0454072 P0454073 P0454074 P0454075 P0454076 P0454077 P0454078 P0454079 P0454080 P0454081 P0454082 P0454083 P0454084 P0454085 P0454086 P0454087 P0454088 P0454089 P0454090 P0454091 G0453/G0454 (Mfg. Since 3/08) G0454 Headstock Parts List REF PART # DESCRIPTION REF PART # DESCRIPTION 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105A 105-1 105-2 INFEED ROLLER SPROCKET HEX NUT M6-1 SET SCREW M6-1 X 20 HEX BOLT M8-1.25 X 20 ADJUSTMENT PLATE OILER SET SCREW COMPRESSION SPRING FEED ROLLER BLOCK KEY 5 X 5 X 22 INFEED ROLLER HEX BOLT M8-1.25 X 25 CUTTER PULLEY FLAT WASHER KEY 8 X 8 X 35 MOTOR PULLEY MX V2.09.07 MOTOR PULLEY WASHER TAPERED HEAD SCREW 105A 106 107 108 109 109A 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 124V2 P0454105A P0454106 P0454107 P0454108 P0454109 P0454109A P0454110 P0454111 P0454112 P0454113 P0454114 P0454115 P0454116 P0454117 P0454124V2 MOTOR PULLEY MX V2.09.07 CUTTERHEAD PULLEY MX E-CLIP 8MM KNIFE JIG SHAFT KNIFE JIG FOOT KNIFE SETTING JIG ASSEMBLY KNIVES 20" X 1" X 1/8" 4-PC SET COMPRESSION SPRING GIB SCREW GIB JACK SCREW M5-.8 X 12 BALL BEARING 6206ZZ CUTTERHEAD 20" 4-KNIFE HEAD CASTING POWER CORD 12G 3W 72" L6-30P V2.08.12 P0454092 P0454093 P0454094 P0454095 P0454096 P0454097 P0454098 P0454099 P0454100 P0454101 P0454102 P0454103 P0454104 P0454105A P0454105-1 P0454105-2 G0453/G0454 (Mfg. Since 3/08) -59- G0454 Table Breakdown 205 207 210 204 206 209 212 211 205 207 213 204 207 210 206 214 208 202 203 201 REF PART # DESCRIPTION REF PART # DESCRIPTION 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 HEX BOLT M8-1.25 X 35 FLAT WASHER 8MM LOCK WASHER 8MM EXTENSION WING STAR KNOB M12-1.75 LOCK ROD GIB 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 WEDGE DOG SET SCREW M6-1 X 12 ECCENTRIC SHAFT BALL BEARING 6201ZZ BED ROLLER MAIN TABLE SET SCREW M8-1.25 X 20 -60- P0454201 P0454202 P0454203 P0454204 P0454205 P0454206 P0454207 P0454208 P0454209 P0454210 P0454211 P0454212 P0454213 P0454214 G0453/G0454 (Mfg. Since 3/08) G0454 Columns Breakdown 319 324 332 321 328 326 322 323 324 329 320 325 335 317 333 336 307 327 308 304 331 333 330 318 334 312 306 316 315 305 309 314 311 310 303 313 REF PART # DESCRIPTION REF PART # DESCRIPTION 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 CHAIN 08A-1 X 66 DUST BOOT PHLP HD SCR M5-.8 X 10 DUST BOOT SEAL EXT RETAINING RING 5MM LIFTING BAR FLAT WASHER 8MM SPROCKET HEX BOLT M8-1.25 X 25 BRACKET EXT RETAINING RING 15MM SHAFT HEX NUT M10-1.5 FLAT WASHER 10MM KEY 5 X 5 X 16 SPROCKET EXT RETAINING RING 12MM 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 KEY 4 X 4 X 12 GEAR BUSHING CAP SCREW M8-1.25 X 20 LEADSCREW NUT PRIMARY LEADSCREW SECONDARY LEADSCREW SET SCREW M10-1.5 X 12 INT RETAINING RING 38MM PRIMARY COLUMN INT RETAINING RING 35MM BALL BEARING 6202ZZ SECONDARY COLUMN FLAT WASHER 12MM HEX NUT M12-1.75 HEX BOLT M12-1.75 X 60 BASE P0454303 P0454304 P0454305 P0454306 P0454307 P0454308 P0454309 P0454310 P0454311 P0454312 P0454313 P0454314 P0454315 P0454316 P0454317 P0454318 P0454319 G0453/G0454 (Mfg. Since 3/08) P0454320 P0454321 P0454322 P0454323 P0454324 P0454325 P0454326 P0454327 P0454328 P0454329 P0454330 P0454331 P0454332 P0454333 P0454334 P0454335 P0454336 -61- G0454 Cabinet Stand Breakdown 429-1 429-4 429-2 429-5 429-6 429 447 440A 546 433 427 428 437 430 431 434 432 438 441 436 428 426 440 404 408 407 406 405 401 406 405 406 439 542 409 412 410 411 416 415 442 422 413 443 444 -62- 423 425 421 417 415 414 420 419 418 424 G0453/G0454 (Mfg. Since 3/08) G0454 Cabinet Stand Parts List REF PART # DESCRIPTION REF PART # DESCRIPTION 401 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 429-1 P0454401 P0454404 P0454405 P0454406 P0454407 P0454408 P0454409 P0454410 P0454411 P0454412 P0454413 P0454414 P0454415 P0454416 P0454417 P0454418 P0454419 P0454420 P0454421 P0454422 P0454423 P0454424 P0454425 P0454426 P0454427 P0454428 P0454429 P0454429-1 RELIEF BUSHING UNIVERSAL WHEEL 78MM DIA HEX NUT M8-1.25 FLAT WASHER 8MM HEX BOLT M8-1.25 X 65 SLEEVE E-CLIP 9MM FLAT WASHER 12MM SHAFT 12MM PEDAL HEX NUT M8-1.25 HEX BOLT M8-1.25 X 100 FLAT WASHER 8MM HEX BOLT M8-1.25 X 50 BRACKET INT RETAINING RING 35MM BALL BEARING 6202-2RS TROLLEY WHEEL TROLLEY WHEEL SLEEVE LOCK NUT M12-1.75 FLAT WASHER 10MM TROLLEY WHEEL BOLT TROLLEY UNIVERSAL KIT HEX BOLT M8-1.25 X 45 HEX NUT M8-1.25 FLAT WASHER 8MM MOTOR 5HP 240V 1-PH MOTOR FAN COVER 429-2 429-4 429-5 429-6 429-7 429-8 429-9 429-10 430 431 432 433 434 436 437 438 439 440 440A 441 441-1 441-2 442 443 444 447 542 546 P0454429-2 P0454429-4 P0454429-5 P0454429-6 P0454429-7 P0454429-8 P0454429-9 P0454429-10 P0454430 P0454431 P0454432 P0454433 P0454434 P0454436 P0454437 P0454438 P0454439 P0454440 P0454440A P0454441 P0454441-1 P0454441-2 P0454442 P0454443 P0454444 P0454447 P0454542 P0454546 MOTOR FAN S CAPACITOR 300M 250V R CAPACITOR 60M 450V MOTOR WIRING JUNCTION BOX BALL BEARING 6206ZZ BALL BEARING 6204ZZ CENTRIFUGAL SWITCH 19MM 3450 CONTACT PLATE 19MM FLAT WASHER 12MM HEX NUT M12-1.75 ADJUST BOLT SET SCREW M6-1 X 8 CONNECTING ROD LOCK COLLAR PLATE CONNECTING ROD SET SCREW M6-1 X 12 MOTOR MOUNT PLATE FLAT HD SCR M6-1 X 20 FRONT COVER REAR COVER CABINET STAND HEX NUT 3/8-16 RUBBER FOOT HEX BOLT M10-1.5 X 55 FLAT WASHER 10MM HEX NUT M10-1.5 KEY 5 X 5 X 30 PEDAL ASSEMBLY PLATE CONNECTING ROD G0453/G0454 (Mfg. Since 3/08) -63- G0454 Gearbox Breakdown 505 506 500A 516 514 513 508 535 529 536 530 501 532 540 533 531 529 534 509 502 526 525 539 537 528 527 525 522 507 538 504 515 524 523 517 504 503 521 541 518 512 510 520 511 543 519 REF PART # DESCRIPTION REF PART # DESCRIPTION 500A 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 GEARBOX ASSEMBLY BALL BEARING 6204ZZ CHAIN 06B-1 X 51 EXT RETAINING RING 20MM OIL PLUG CAP SCREW M6-1 X 25 GEARBOX BASE GASKET PIN 5 X 10 BALL KNOB M10-1.5 OIL RING 12 X 17MM HANDLE SHAFT SHIFTING FORK HEX BOLT M8-1.25 X 16 FLAT WASHER 8MM KEY 5 X 5 X 16 SPROCKET OIL SEAL 20 X 35 X 7 BALL BEARING 6204ZZ BALL BEARING 6201ZZ STEEL BALL 4MM COMPRESSION SPRING 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 543 KEY 5 X 5 X 50 SHAFT GEAR BALL BEARING 6201ZZ KEY 5 X 5 X 10 GEAR SHAFT GEAR BALL BEARING 6201ZZ KEY 5 X 5 X 14 GEAR SHAFT GEAR FLAT WASHER 6MM PHLP HD SCR M6-1 X 8 CAP SCREW M6-1.0 X 20 LH GEAR 14T OIL SEAL 25 X 40 X 10 CAP SCREW M5-.8 X 12 FLANGE COVER CAP SCREW M8-1.25 X 50 GEARBOX COVER FLANGE BOLT M6-1 X 12 -64- P0454500A P0454501 P0454502 P0454503 P0454504 P0454505 P0454506 P0454507 P0454508 P0454509 P0454510 P0454511 P0454512 P0454513 P0454514 P0454515 P0454516 P0454517 P0454518 P0454519 P0454520 P0454521 P0454522 P0454523 P0454524 P0454525 P0454526 P0454527 P0454528 P0454529 P0454530 P0454531 P0454532 P0454533 P0454534 P0454535 P0454536 P0454537 P0454538 P0454539 P0454540 P0454541 P0454543 G0453/G0454 (Mfg. Since 3/08) G0454 Label Placement 122 16 16 121 118 7 119 544 545 120 337 445 446 REF PART # DESCRIPTION REF PART # DESCRIPTION 7 16 118 119 120 121 SPEED CHANGE LABEL BELT COVER LABEL RESPIRATOR/GLASSES LABEL VL READ MANUAL LABEL VL EAR PROTECTION LABEL VL ELECTRICITY LABEL 122V2 337 445 446 544 545 P0454122V2 P0454337 P0454445 P0454446 P0454544 P0454545 MACHINE ID LABEL CSA V2.08.12 GRIZZLY.COM LABEL 13 X 2" GRIZZLY NAMEPLATE MODEL NUMBER LABEL GRIZZLY GREEN TOUCH UP PAINT GRIZZLY PUTTY TOUCH UP PAINT P0454007 P0454016 P0454118 P0454119 P0454120 P0454121 Safety labels warn about machine hazards and ways to prevent injury. The owner of this machine MUST maintain the original location and readability of the labels on the machine. If any label is removed or becomes unreadable, REPLACE that label before using the machine again. Contact Grizzly at (800) 523-4777 or to order new labels. G0453/G0454 (Mfg. Since 3/08) -65- -66- G0453/G0454 (Mfg. Since 3/08) WARRANTY CARD Name _____________________________________________________________________________ Street _____________________________________________________________________________ City _______________________ State _________________________ Zip _____________________ Phone # ____________________ Email _________________________________________________ Model # ____________________ Order # _______________________ Serial # __________________ The following information is given on a voluntary basis. It will be used for marketing purposes to help us develop better products and services. Of course, all information is strictly confidential. 1. CUT ALONG DOTTED LINE 2. How did you learn about us? ____ Advertisement ____ Card Deck 4. 5. 6. ____ Catalog ____ Other: Which of the following magazines do you subscribe to? ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ 3. ____ Friend ____ Website Cabinetmaker & FDM Family Handyman Hand Loader Handy Home Shop Machinist Journal of Light Cont. Live Steam Model Airplane News Old House Journal Popular Mechanics ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ Popular Science Popular Woodworking Precision Shooter Projects in Metal RC Modeler Rifle Shop Notes Shotgun News Today’s Homeowner Wood ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ Wooden Boat Woodshop News Woodsmith Woodwork Woodworker West Woodworker’s Journal Other: What is your annual household income? ____ $20,000-$29,000 ____ $30,000-$39,000 ____ $50,000-$59,000 ____ $60,000-$69,000 ____ $40,000-$49,000 ____ $70,000+ What is your age group? ____ 20-29 ____ 50-59 ____ 40-49 ____ 70+ ____ 30-39 ____ 60-69 How long have you been a woodworker/metalworker? ____ 0-2 Years ____ 2-8 Years ____ 8-20 Years ____ 20+ Years How many of your machines or tools are Grizzly? ____ 0-2 ____ 3-5 ____ 6-9 ____ 10+ 7. Do you think your machine represents a good value? _____ Yes _____No 8. Would you recommend Grizzly Industrial to a friend? _____ Yes _____No 9. Would you allow us to use your name as a reference for Grizzly customers in your area? Note: We never use names more than 3 times. _____ Yes _____No 10. Comments: _____________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ FOLD ALONG DOTTED LINE Place Stamp Here GRIZZLY INDUSTRIAL, INC. P.O. BOX 2069 BELLINGHAM, WA 98227-2069 FOLD ALONG DOTTED LINE Send a Grizzly Catalog to a friend: Name_______________________________ Street_______________________________ City______________State______Zip______ TAPE ALONG EDGES--PLEASE DO NOT STAPLE WARRANTY AND RETURNS WARRANTY AND RETURNS Grizzly Industrial, Inc. warrants every product it sells for a period of 1 year to the original purchaser from the date of purchase. This warranty does not apply to defects due directly or indirectly to misuse, abuse, negligence, accidents, repairs or alterations or lack of maintenance. This is Grizzly’s sole written warranty and any and all warranties that may be implied by law, including any merchantability or fitness, for any particular purpose, are hereby limited to the duration of this written warranty. We do not warrant or represent that the merchandise complies with the provisions of any law or acts unless the manufacturer so warrants. In no event shall Grizzly’s liability under this warranty exceed the purchase price paid for the product and any legal actions brought against Grizzly shall be tried in the State of Washington, County of Whatcom. We shall in no event be liable for death, injuries to persons or property or for incidental, contingent, special, or consequential damages arising from the use of our products. To take advantage of this warranty, contact us by mail or phone and give us all the details. We will then issue you a “Return Number,’’ which must be clearly posted on the outside as well as the inside of the carton. We will not accept any item back without this number. Proof of purchase must accompany the merchandise. The manufacturers reserve the right to change specifications at any time because they constantly strive to achieve better quality equipment. We make every effort to ensure that our products meet high quality and durability standards and we hope you never need to use this warranty. Please feel free to write or call us if you have any questions about the machine or the manual. Thank you again for your business and continued support. We hope to serve you again soon. ">
Key Features
- 15" or 20" planing capacity
- Mobile base for easy transport
- Adjustable depth of cut
- Controlled feed rate
- Dust collection ports
Frequently asked questions
What is the maximum cut width for the G0453?
The maximum cut width for the G0453 is 15 inches.
What is the maximum cut width for the G0454?
The maximum cut width for the G0454 is 20 inches.
What is the maximum cut depth for the G0453?
The maximum cut depth for the G0453 is 1/8 inch when planing a board 6 inches wide.
What is the maximum cut depth for the G0454?
The maximum cut depth for the G0454 is 1/4 inch when planing a board 6 inches wide.
What are the power requirements for the G0453?
The G0453 requires a 20A, 240V, single-phase electrical circuit.
What are the power requirements for the G0454?
The G0454 requires a 30A, 240V, single-phase electrical circuit.