TracFone Phone User guide
Below you will find brief information for Phone. This guide will help you activate your new phone, set up your account and use various features such as making calls, sending SMS, and accessing the mobile internet. It will also guide you on managing applications, personalizing your phone with ringtones and wallpapers, and setting up security settings for your phone.
START HERE PLEASE READ THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SERVICE IN THE SERVICES GUIDE IN THIS PACKAGE (or at BEFORE ACTIVATING YOUR PHONE OR ANY SERVICE PLANS. Locate the ACTIVATION CARD Inside Your Package First ACTIVATE WITH A NEW NUMBER 1. Go to or call 1-800-867-7183. 2. Select the Activation option, and select Activate with a New Number. If you are transferring your phone number, please refer to the center panel. 3. Provide the phone Serial Number shown below. CREATE AN ACCOUNT Create an account at to maximize your TracFone experience. Benefits Include: • TracFone Programs • Offers • Promotions • And much more... ® TRANSFER (PORT) YOUR CURRENT NUMBER 1. Gather the following REQUIRED INFORMATION: A. To transfer (port) your number from another Company, you MUST PROVIDE: • ACTIVE phone number to transfer • Current Service Account Number, Name and Address • Current Service Account Password or PIN • Alternate contact phone number KEEP YOUR SERVICE ACTIVE Add Airtime BEFORE your Service End Date to keep y service active. Enroll in a Plan: Enroll in one of our Value Plans at Tra by using a credit or debit card and we will add your Service Days automatically. This service includes pre reminders, payment receipts and credit card expirat B. To transfer (port) your number from another TracFone, you MUST PROVIDE: • ACTIVE phone number to transfer • Your current phone’s Serial Number Buy an Airtime Card: There are several ways to buy an • Go to or call 1-800-867-7183 • Shop at local retailers (find store locations at TracF 2. Go to or call 1-800-867-7183. 4. Provide your Service Plan PIN, or purchase one using a credit or debit card. 5. Call *22890 from your phone. Make sure to include the * (star) key. 6. If the Activation is successful, you will receive a confirmation message. 7. Make a call to complete the Activation process. 8. If you do not receive a successful confirmation message, wait a few minutes and call *22890 again. Questions? Visit or call 1-800-867-7183. ® ACARD-TFXT830C Add an Airtime Card: There are several ways to add card directly from your phone: • Download the TracFone My Account App and sele Add Card option. Standard data rates may apply. O • Go to and select Add Airtime. Or • Call 1-800-867-7183. 3. Select the Activation option, and select the option that applies to you: • Activate my TracFone with a new number • Transfer my existing TracFone number and service or transfer my number from another company To help you keep track of your Minutes, Text, and Data balances, and to view your Service End Date, download* the free TracFone My Account app from Google Play. If you have a QR reader installed in your phone, you can scan the QR code shown here to download* the My Account app to your phone. 4. From the red panel on the left, follow steps 3 - 4. When prompted, provide the required information listed above. YOUR NUMBER TRANSFER IS COMPLETE WHEN YOUR CURRENT PHONE STOPS WORKING. 5. From the red panel on the left, follow steps 5 - 8 to complete the Activation. *Standard data rates may apply. ® services guide For more information and the latest Terms and Conditions of Service, visit PLEASE RECYCLE QUAG-TFXT830C Thank you for buying a TracFone! You made the right choice. 1. Headset jack 2. BACK Press to go back to the previous screen, menu or option. 1 3. HOME Press to access the Home screen. Press and slide your finger upwards along the screen to open Google Search. 4. CHARGER/USB DOCK 5 6 5. PWR/LOCK To turn your phone ON, press and hold until your screen lights up. To turn your phone OFF, press and hold to open the phone options menu. Tap Power off and then tap OK. 6. volume 7. APPLICATIONS 8. RECENT APPLICATIONS Press to open the recently-used applications window. 7 2 3 4 8 table of contents 1.GET STARTED 1.1 What’s in Your Package 1.2 Activate Your TracFone 1.3 Set up Your TracFone Account 2.ABOUT your Tracfone SERVICE 2.1 Keep Your Service Active 2.2 Know Your Service Plans and Refill Options 2.3 Know Your Service Enrollment Options 3.HOW TO USE Your tracfone 3.1 Unlock Your Screen 3.2 Find Your Serial Number 3.3 Find Your Phone Number 3.4 Make and Receive Calls 3.5 Make International Calls 3.6 Set Up Your Google™ Account 3.7 Set Up Your Voicemail 3.8 Send Text Messages 3.9 Set Up Your Bluetooth® 3.10 Take and Share Your Pictures 3.11 Personalize With Ringtones and More 3.12 Manage Applications 3.13 Use the Mobile Internet Services 3.14 Security Settings 3.15 Additional Features 3.16 Tips TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SERVICE/ Health and Safety Information 1. get started 1.1 What’s In Your Package 1.2 Activate Your TracFone 1.3 Set up Your TracFone Account 1.1 What’s in your package tracfone 1.2ACTIVATE your TraCFone back cover A. Locate your ACTIVATION CARD and follow the instructions on the card. CHARGER If you are a current TracFone customer it’s easy to transfer your service to another TracFone. To transfer your service, go to, then select the Activate Phone tab and select Activate/Reactivate. To keep your existing phone number, select Transfer my number and service from one TracFone to another and follow the instructions. You will need the information on the red Activation Card in your package to continue the Activation process. For additional help, call the TracFone Customer Care Center at 1-800-867-7183. START HERE PLEASE READ THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SERVICE IN THE SERVICES GUIDE IN THIS PACKAGE (or at BEFORE ACTIVATING YOUR PHONE OR ANY SERVICE PLANS. ACTIVATE WITH A NEW NUMBER 1. Go to or call 1-800-867-7183. 2. Select the Activation option, and select Activate with a New Number. If you are transferring your phone number, please refer to the center panel. 3. Provide the phone Serial Number shown below. START HERE PLEASE READ THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SERVICE IN THE SERVICES GUIDE IN THIS PACKAGE (or at BEFORE ACTIVATING YOUR PHONE OR ANY SERVICE PLANS. ACTIVATE WITH A NEW NUMBER 1. Go to or call 1-800-867-7183. 2. Select the Activation option, and select Activate with a New Number. If you are transferring your phone number, please refer to the center panel. 3. Provide the phone Serial Number shown below. CREATE AN ACCOUNT Create an account at to maximize ® START HERE ACTIVATE WITH A NEW NUMBER 1. Go to or call 1-800-867-7183. 2. Select the Activation option, and select Activate with a New Number. If you are transferring your phone number, please refer to the center panel. 3. Provide the phone Serial Number shown below. Questions? Visit or call 1-800-867-7183. ACARD-TFXT830C 4. Provide your Service Plan PIN, or purchase one using a credit or debit card. 5. Call *22890 from your phone. Make sure to include the * (star) key. 6. If the Activation is successful, you will receive a confirmation message. 7. Make a call to complete the Activation process. 8. If you do not receive a successful confirmation message, wait a few minutes and call *22890 again. Questions? Visit or call 1-800-867-7183. ACARD-TFXT830C 2. Go to or call 1-800-867-7183. ® • TracFone Programs • Offers • Promotions • And much more... ® 1. Gather the following REQUIRED INFORMATION: A. To transfer (port) your number from another Company, you MUST PROVIDE: • ACTIVE phone number to transfer • Current Service Account Number, Name and Address • Current Service Account Password or PIN • Alternate contact phone number B. To transfer (port) your number from another TracFone, you MUST PROVIDE: • ACTIVE phone number to transfer • Your current phone’s Serial Number 4. Provide your Service Plan PIN, or purchase one using a credit or debit card. 5. Call *22890 from your phone. Make sure to include the * (star) key. 6. If the Activation is successful, you will receive a confirmation message. 7. Make a call to complete the Activation process. 8. If you do not receive a successful confirmation message, wait a few minutes and call *22890 again. ® PLEASE READ THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SERVICE IN THE SERVICES GUIDE IN THIS PACKAGE (or at BEFORE ACTIVATING YOUR PHONE OR ANY SERVICE PLANS. LOCATE THE ACTIVATION CARDyour TracFone experience. Benefits Include: YOUR PACKAGE FIRST TRANSFER (PORT) YOUR CURRENTINSIDE NUMBER 4. Provide your Service Plan PIN, or purchase one using a credit or debit card. 5. Call *22890 from your phone. Make sure to include the * (star) key. 6. If the Activation is successful, you will receive a confirmation message. 7. Make a call to complete the Activation process. 8. If you do not receive a successful confirmation message, wait a few minutes and call *22890 again. Questions? Visit or call 1-800-867-7183. ® ACARD-TFXT830C D.To complete the Activation process, you MUST call *22890 from your TracFone, wait for the confirmation message, and then make a call. 3. Select the Activation option, and select the option that applies to you: • Activate my TracFone with a new number • Transfer my existing TracFone number and service or transfer my number from another company 4. From the red panel on the left, follow steps 3 - 4. When prompted, provide the required information listed above. YOUR NUMBER TRANSFER IS COMPLETE WHEN YOUR CURRENT PHONE STOPS WORKING. 5. From the red panel on the left, follow steps 5 - 8 to complete the Activation. PLEASE RECYCLE KEEP YOUR SERVICE ACTIVE Add Airtime BEFORE your Service End Date to keep your ® service active. Enroll in a Plan: Enroll in one of our Value Plans at by using a credit or debit card and we will add your Minutes and Service Days automatically. This service includes pre-charge reminders, payment receipts and credit card expiration alerts. Buy an Airtime Card: There are several ways to buy an airtime card: • Go to or call 1-800-867-7183 • Shop at local retailers (find store locations at SERVICES GUIDE Add an Airtime Card: There are several ways to add an Airtime card directly from your phone: • Download the TracFone My Account App and select the Add Card option. Standard data rates may apply. Or • Go to and select Add Airtime. Or • Call 1-800-867-7183. To help you keep track of your Minutes, Text, and Data balances, and to view your Service End Date, For more information and the download* the free TracFone My Account app from latest Terms and Conditions Google Play. If you have a QR reader installed in your of Service, visityou phone, can scan the QR code shown here to download* the My Account app to your phone. *Standard data rates may apply. QUAG-TFXT830C ® 1. Gather the follo A. To transfer ( you MUST PR • ACTIVE phon • Current Serv • Current Serv • Alternate con B. To transfer ( you MUST PR • ACTIVE phon • Your current C. To Activate go to or call 1-800-867-7183 from another phone. You will need a TracFone Service Plan or a credit or debit card to complete your activation. SERVICES GUIDE TRANSFER (PORT 2. Go to TracFone. B. This Card has the Serial Number you need to Activate your phone. activation card ® 3. Select the Activ applies to you: • Activate my T • Transfer my ex transfer my nu 4. From the red pa prompted, prov YOUR NUMBER TR CURRENT PHONE 5. From the red pa the Activation. 1.3 Set Up Your TracFone Account A. Set up My Account My Account can be created upon activation of your phone at This is where you will create and update your personal profile information, update credit/billing information, view your Service End Date, and more. My Account is the best place to: • See TracFone Programs • Access Special Offers and Promotions • Buy or Add a Service Plan • Enroll in Monthly Value Plans • Check Balance/Service End Date • Update Personal Profile and Manage Credit Card Info • Get International Calling Information • View TracFone Support Forum • View FAQs B. TracFone My Account App TracFone provides easy options to help you keep track of your Minutes, Text, and Data balances, as well as to view your Service End Date. Simply download* the free TracFone My Account app from Google Play™. If you have a QR reader application installed in your phone, you can also scan the QR code shown here to download* the TracFone My Account app directly to your phone. *Standard Data rates may apply. 2. about your tracfone service 2.1 keep your service active 2.2 Know Your Service Plans and Refill Options 2.3 Know Your Service Enrollment Options 2.1 keep your service active IMPORTANT To keep your Service Active, you must refill your Service Plan BEFORE your Service End Date. TracFone Airtime Plans add Minutes and Service Days to your phone. To find your Service End Date, go to our website at and log into your Account or you can call our Customer Care Center at 1-800-867-7183. 2.2know your SERVICE PLANS AND REFILL options A.Pay As You Go Flexible Airtime Card options let you add Minutes and Service Days as you need them. Each card adds Minutes to the Airtime balance and 90 days to the Service Days left on your TracFone. W !WrvKicEe!WErvW ice! !ice ice Se NE ONKatESeON OKOSeKrv Serv atN LO reLO LreOLOat at G G Gre Gre me me me me Sa Sa Sa Sa thisthisthis this cardcard adds adds card card adds adds 60 60 60 60 for talk, for talk, text text for for talk, talk, texttext & web & web & web & web Airtime/ Airtime/ Airtime/ Airtime/ Refill Refill Card Card Refill Refill Card Card 90 DAY 90 DAY 90 90 DAY DAY SERVICE SERVICE PLAN PLAN SERVICE SERVICE PLAN PLAN NO CONTRACTS NO CONTRACTS NONO CONTRACTS CONTRACTS NO BILLS NO BILLS NONO BILLS BILLS NO FEES NO FEES NONO FEES FEES NO SURPRISES NO SURPRISES NONO SURPRISES SURPRISES DO EVERYTHING DO EVERYTHING DODO EVERYTHING EVERYTHING ™ ™ ™ ™ FOR LESS FOR FOR LESS FOR LESS LESS see back seepanel back for panel PINback for number PIN number see back see panel panel for PIN fornumber PIN number card has card no has value nocard until value purchased until purchased and scanned and scanned card has no has value no value until until purchased purchased and scanned and scanned 60 Minutes 90 DAYS W !WrvKicEe!WErvW ice! !ice ice Se NE ONKatESeON OKOSeKrv Serv atN LO reLO LreOLOat at Airtime/ Airtime/ Airtime/ Airtime/ Refill Refill Card Card Refill Refill Card Card G G Gre Gre me me me me Sa Sa Sa Sa thisthisthis this cardcard adds adds card card adds adds 90 DAY 90 DAY 90 90 DAY DAY SERVICE SERVICE PLAN PLAN SERVICE SERVICE PLAN PLAN 120 120 120 120 for talk, for talk, text text for for talk, talk, texttext & web & web & web & web NO CONTRACTS NO CONTRACTS NONO CONTRACTS CONTRACTS NO BILLS NO BILLS NONO BILLS BILLS NO FEES NO FEES NONO FEES FEES NO SURPRISES NO SURPRISES NONO SURPRISES SURPRISES DO EVERYTHING DO EVERYTHING DODO EVERYTHING EVERYTHING ™ ™ ™ ™ FOR LESS FOR FOR LESS FOR LESS LESS see back seepanel back for panel PINback for number PIN number see back see panel panel for PIN fornumber PIN number card has card no has value nocard until value purchased until purchased and scanned and scanned card has no has value no value until until purchased purchased and scanned and scanned 120 Minutes 90 DAYS W !WrvKicEe!WErvW ice! !ice ice Se NE ONKatESeON OKOSeKrv Serv atN LO reLO LreOLOat at Airtime/ Airtime/ Airtime/ Airtime/ Refill Refill Card Card Refill Refill Card Card G G Gre Gre me me me me Sa Sa Sa Sa thisthisthis this cardcard adds adds card card adds adds 90 DAY 90 DAY 90 90 DAY DAY SERVICE SERVICE PLAN PLAN SERVICE SERVICE PLAN PLAN 200 200 200 200 NO CONTRACTS NO CONTRACTS NONO CONTRACTS CONTRACTS NO BILLS NO BILLS NONO BILLS BILLS NO FEES NO FEES NONO FEES FEES NO SURPRISES NO SURPRISES NONO SURPRISES SURPRISES for talk, for talk, text text for for talk, talk, texttext & web & web & web & web DO EVERYTHING DO EVERYTHING DODO EVERYTHING EVERYTHING ™ ™ ™ ™ FOR LESS FOR FOR LESS FOR LESS LESS see back seepanel back for panel PINback for number PIN number see back see panel panel for PIN fornumber PIN number card has card no has value nocard until value purchased until purchased and scanned and scanned card has no has value no value until until purchased purchased and scanned and scanned W !WrvKicEe!WErvW ice! !ice ice Se NE ONKatESeON OKOSeKrv Serv atN LO reLO LreOLOat at Airtime/ Airtime/ Airtime/ Airtime/ Refill Refill Card Card Refill Refill Card Card G G Gre Gre me me me me Sa Sa Sa Sa thisthisthis this cardcard adds adds card card adds adds 90 DAY 90 DAY 90 90 DAY DAY SERVICE SERVICE PLAN PLAN SERVICE SERVICE PLAN PLAN 450 450 450 450 NO CONTRACTS NO CONTRACTS NONO CONTRACTS CONTRACTS NO BILLS NO BILLS NONO BILLS BILLS NO FEES NO FEES NONO FEES FEES NO SURPRISES NO SURPRISES NONO SURPRISES SURPRISES for talk, for talk, text text for for talk, talk, texttext & web & web & web & web DO EVERYTHING DO EVERYTHING DODO EVERYTHING EVERYTHING ™ ™ ™ ™ FOR LESS FOR FOR LESS FOR LESS LESS see back seepanel back for panel PINback for number PIN number see back see panel panel for PIN fornumber PIN number card has card no has value nocard until value purchased until purchased and scanned and scanned card has no has value no value until until purchased purchased and scanned and scanned 200 Minutes 90 DAYS 450 Minutes 90 DAYS Phones powered by Android™ give you triple the talk, text, and data on Airtime Plans that you purchase and add to your phone. Airtime/ Refill Card 60 minutes 120 minutes 200 minutes 450 minutes Keep your Service Active with a variety of Airtime cards and Monthly Plans. Choose the option that best fits your needs. You can change or add plans at any time without penalties or fees. 3x Talk Time 180 minutes 360 minutes 600 minutes 1,350 minutes + 3x Texts 180 texts 360 texts 600 texts 1,350 texts + 3x Data 180 MB 360 MB 600 MB 1,350 MB (1.3 GB) TracFone Airtime and Data rates and the availability or selection of Airtime and Data Plans may vary and are subject to change without notice. Airtime and Data Plans are not returnable or refundable. W !WrvKicEe!WErvW ice! ! Se NE ONKatESeON OKOSeKrv atN LO reLO LreOLOat at G G Gre Gre me me me me Sa Sa Sa Sa thisthisthis this cardcard adds adds card card ad 11Ye 1Ye 1Y for talk, for talk, text tex for for tal & web & web & web &w see card has card no 0 xt YEAR CARD: Adds 1 year (365 Days) to the Service 1Days left on your TracFone and 400 Minutes to the Airtime/ Refill Card 90 DAY SERVICE PLAN NO CONTRACTS NO BILLS NO FEES NO SURPRISES W ! ice NE OKat Serv LO W ! ice NE OKat Serv LO Airtime/ Refill Card Gre me Sa W ! ice NE OKat Serv LO Airtime/ Refill Card Gre me Sa Airtime balance left on your TracFone. this card adds 120 90 DAY SERVICE PLAN 90 DAY SERVICE PLAN this card adds 200 NO CONTRACTS NO BILLS NO FEES NO SURPRISES see back panel for PIN number as no value until purchased and scanned for talk, text & web DO EVERYTHING FOR LESS™ 450 DO EVERYTHING FOR LESS™ for talk, text & web 1Year see back panel for PIN number card has no value until purchased and scanned see back panel for PIN number card has no value until purchased and scanned for talk, text & web DO EVERYTHING FOR LESS™ for talk, text & web 365 DAY SERVICE PLAN this card adds NO CONTRACTS NO BILLS NO FEES NO SURPRISES TracFone handsets powered by Android™ give you triple the talk, text, and data on Airtime Plans that you purchase and add to your phone. DO EVERYTHING FOR LESS™ Airtime/ Refill Card Gre me Sa 90 DAY SERVICE PLAN this card adds NO CONTRACTS NO BILLS NO FEES NO SURPRISES W ! ice NE OKat Serv LO Airtime/ Refill Card Gre me Sa see back panel for PIN number card has no value until purchased and scanned NO CONTRACTS NO BILLS NO FEES NO SURPRISES DO EVERYTHING FOR LESS™ see back panel for PIN number card has no value until purchased and scanned 400 Minutes 365 DAYS Airtime/ Refill Card 3x Talk Time 1 Year/ 400 minutes 1,200 minutes + + 3x Texts 1,200 texts 3x Data 1,200 MB (1.1 GB) C.Buy Airtime or Data Plans AT RETAILERS Nationwide: Airtime and Data Cards are available at over 100,000 retail stores nationwide. Find a retailer by visiting ONLINE: Visit us at and select the Airtime tab. Follow the prompts to complete your purchase. By calling: Call our Customer Care Center at 1-800-867-7183 to purchase Airtime before your Service End Date. You may also purchase a Data Plan and add it to your TracFone powered by Android™ at any time as long as your service is Active. B. Data Add-On Data Plans let you add Data to your Android™ powered phone as long as your Service is Active. Data Plans can only be added to TracFone handsets powered by ‣ Plans will be available at retail locations and at IfData you need additional assistance, please call our Customer Care Android™. Once you Activate your phone with one of the TracFone Airtime Plans, you can add a Data Plan as necessary. The Data Plans will not add service days. Data add-on plans do not Double or Triple. Center at 1-800-867-7183. W EW EW NE N N W EW EW NE N N W EW EW NE N N Data-OnlyData-Only Data-Only Card Card Card Data-OnlyData-Only Data-Only Card Card Card Data-OnlyData-Only Data-Only Card Card Card DATA DATA DATA ONLY ONLYONLY DATA DATA DATA ONLY ONLYONLY DATA DATA DATA ONLY ONLYONLY (no service days) (no service days) (no service days) (no service days) (no service days) (no service days) (no service days) (no service days) (no service days) this this this this this this this this this card adds card addscard adds card adds card addscard adds card adds card addscard adds 300 300 M300 B M BM B for web for web for web 750750 750 MB MB MB NO CONTRACTS NO CONTRACTS NO CONTRACTS NO BILLS NO BILLS NO BILLS NO FEES NO FEES NO FEES NO SURPRISESNO SURPRISES NO SURPRISES for web for web for web 2 GB2 GB 2 GB NO CONTRACTS NO CONTRACTS NO CONTRACTS NO BILLS NO BILLS NO BILLS NO FEES NO FEES NO FEES NO SURPRISESNO SURPRISES NO SURPRISES for web for web for web NO CONTRACTS NO CONTRACTS NO CONTRACTS NO BILLS NO BILLS NO BILLS NO FEES NO FEES NO FEES NO SURPRISESNO SURPRISES NO SURPRISES for Android -powered for Android -powered for Android -powered for Android -powered for Android -powered for Android -powered DO EVERYTHING DO EVERYTHING DO EVERYTHING DO EVERYTHING DO EVERYTHING DO EVERYTHING for Android™-powered for Android™-powered for Android™-powered DO EVERYTHING DO EVERYTHING DO EVERYTHING phones only phones only phones only phones only phones only phones only phones only phones only phones only ™ ™ ™ FOR LESS™ FOR LESS™ FOR LESS™ FOR LESS™ FOR LESS™ FOR LESS™ ™ FOR LESS ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ FOR LESS FOR LESS see back panel for see PIN back number panel for seePIN back number panel for PIN number card has no value until card purchased has no value and card until scanned has purchased no value until and scanned purchased and scanned see back panel for see PIN back number panel for seePIN back number panel for PIN number card has no value until card purchased has no value and card until scanned has purchased no value until and scanned purchased and scanned see back panel for see PIN back number panel for seePIN back number panel for PIN number card has no value until card purchased has no value and card until scanned has purchased no value until and scanned purchased and scanned TracFone Airtime and Data rates and the availability or selection of Airtime and Data Plans may vary and are subject to change without notice. Airtime and Data Plans are not returnable or refundable. 2.3know Your SERVICE ENROLLMENT options A.Monthly Airtime Plans TracFone offers the same conveniences as contract plans, but without the contract! Choose the Airtime Plan that works best for you: Individual Plan Family Value Plan TracFone Service Protection Plan Enroll your TracFone in an Airtime Plan and enjoy these benefits: Automatically receive Minutes and Service Days on your TracFone every month. Airtime Plans start at $9.99/month. No contracts or cancellation fees. B. Where To Enroll In order to enroll in a Monthly Airtime Plan you must have a valid credit or debit card. To enroll: Go to OR Call us at 1-800-867-7183 3. how to use your tracfone 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 Unlock Your Screen Find Your Serial Number Find Your Phone Number Make and Receive Calls Make International Calls Set Up Your Google™ Account Set Up Your Voicemail Send Text Messages Set Up Your Bluetooth® Take and Share Your Pictures Personalize With Ringtones and More Manage Applications Use the Mobile Internet Services Security Settings Additional Features Tips 3.1Unlock Your SCREEN 3.3 Find Your Phone Number To unlock your screen, press the LOCK icon and swipe it across the screen in any direction. If the screen is dark, simply press PWR/LOCK to enable it. 1. Press the HOME key. 2. Press the Applications icon. 3. Slide your finger from right to left across the screen. 4.Tap Settings. 5. Slide your finger upwards along the screen to access additional options. Tap About phone. 6.Tap Status. Slide your finger upwards along the screen to access additional options. Your phone number will appear under My phone number. 7. To return to the main screen, press the HOME key. 3.2find your serial number 1. Press the HOME key. 2. Press the Applications icon located at the bottom center of the screen. 3. Slide your finger from right to left across the screen. 4.Tap Settings. 5. Slide your finger upwards along the screen to access additional options. Tap About phone. 6.Tap Status. Slide your finger upward along the screen to locate the row titled MEID DEC. The number series in the field is your phone’s Serial Number. Do not use the number in the row labeled Serial number. 7. To return to the main screen, press the HOME key. 3.4make and receive calls Make a Call 1. Press the HOME key. 2. Tap the Phone icon at the left bottom of the screen. If the keypad does not appear on the screen, tap the keypad icon located at the bottom center of the screen. 3. Enter the phone number you wish to call, including the 3-digit area code. Entering a 1 before the area code may be necessary in some areas. 4. To place the call, tap the Phone icon at the bottom of the screen. 5. To end the call, tap the End call icon. Receive a Call 1. To answer an incoming call, slide the Phone icon to the right across the screen. 2. To end the call, tap the End call icon. See inside front cover for help locating your phone keys. 3.5 make international calls You can call over 100 international destinations from your TracFone at no additional cost. Please wait 2 business days after your TracFone is Activated to make international calls. A.From your TracFone, dial 1-800-706-3839. If you are in Alaska, Hawaii and the U.S. Virgin Islands please dial 1-305-938-5673. We suggest that you add these numbers to your contacts for easy dialing. B.Select your language: 1 for English, 2 for Spanish. Listen to dialing instructions. After selecting a language, dialing instructions can be interrupted at any time and you can skip to step C. C.Dial 011 + Country Code + City Code + Telephone Number. For calls to the Bahamas, Bermuda, Canada and Dominican Republic just dial 1 + City Code + Telephone Number. AVAILABLE INTERNATIONAL DESTINATIONS Calls to cellular phones are not included unless the word “Cellular” is specifically listed next to the country name. Numbers in parentheses indicate the Country Code. Albania - Tirana (355) Andorra (376) Argentina (54) Australia (61) Austria (43) Bahamas - Cellular (1) Bahamas (1) Bangladesh - Cellular (880) Bangladesh - Chittagong (880) Bangladesh - Dhaka (880) Bangladesh - Sylhet (880) Belgium (32) Bermuda - Cellular (1) Bermuda (1) Bolivia - La Paz (591) Bolivia - Santa Cruz (591) Brazil (55) Brunei - Cellular (673) Brunei (673) Bulgaria (359) Canada - Cellular (1) Canada (1) Chile (56) China - Cellular (86) China (86) Colombia - Cellular (57) Colombia (57) Costa Rica (506) Croatia (385) Cyprus - Cellular (357) Cyprus (357) Czech Republic (420) Denmark (45) Dominican Republic (1) Estonia (372) Finland (358) France (33) French Antilles (596) French Guiana - Cellular (594) French Guiana (594) Georgia (995) Germany (49) Gibraltar (350) Greece (30) Guadeloupe (590) Guatemala - Telgua (502) Hong Kong - Cellular (852) Hong Kong (852) Hungary (36) Iceland (354) India - Cellular (91) India (91) Indonesia - Cellular (62) Indonesia - Jakarta (62) Indonesia - Surabaya (62) Iraq - Baghdad (964) Ireland (353) Israel (972) Italy (39) Japan (81) Jordan (962) Kazakhstan (7) Kenya - Nairobi (254) Lithuania (370) Luxembourg - Cellular (352) Luxembourg (352) Macao - Cellular (853) Macao (853) Malaysia - Cellular (60) Malaysia (60) Malta (356) Mexico (52) Monaco (377) Netherlands (31) New Zealand (64) Norway (47) Panama (507) Paraguay (595) Peru (51) Poland (48) Portugal (351) Romania (40) Russia - Cellular (7) Russia (7) San Marino - Cellular (378) San Marino (378) Saudi Arabia - Riyadh (966) Singapore - Cellular (65) Singapore (65) Slovakia (421) Slovenia (386) South Korea - Cellular (82) South Korea (82) Spain (34) Sweden (46) Switzerland (41) Taiwan - Cellular (886) Taiwan (886) Thailand (66) Turkey (90) United Kingdom (44) Uzbekistan (7) Venezuela (58) Vietnam - Ho Chi Minh (84) Zambia (260) Note: Please wait to be connected; DO NOT press any other key on your TracFone or your call might be disconnected. D. TracFone Frequent Numbers Service With TracFone, making international calls is really easy! Our Frequent Numbers Service offers you up to ten U.S. 800 numbers, which you can link to your most frequently dialed international numbers in any of our available international destinations (with this service, you do not need to follow steps A, B and C from section 3.5). Just dial any of the ten U.S. 800 numbers that you can program through our website or by calling TracFone, and you will be quickly connected with the international destination you want at no additional cost. Visit our International Long Distance website at or call our Customer Care Center at 1-800-867-7183 to set up this service for free. E. TracFone International Neighbors Service (Available only for Mexico) With our International Neighbors Service, your family and friends living in Mexico can call your TracFone directly without paying for an international long distance call, and your TracFone will deduct the same number of Minutes as if it were a local call. No international long distance charges for anyone! With Active service, TracFone will assign you a Mexican phone number that will be linked to your TracFone for free. Your family and friends can dial this local phone number and you will receive the call on your TracFone here in the U.S. To register for International Neighbors Service, and to assign specific phone numbers, register at TIP: To enjoy this unique service, make sure you keep your service Active. If your Service Days Remaining end and your phone is deactivated, you will lose your Mexican phone number. Should this happen, you can get a new Mexican phone number when you re-activate your TracFone. 3.6Set Up Your Google™ Account 3.8Send Text Messages To access Google Play™, as well as other applications on your phone, you will need to add or create a free Google Account (i.e. Gmail Account). 1. Press the HOME key. 2. Tap the Messaging icon. 3. Tap the Compose + icon located at the lower left side of the screen to create a new message. 4. Enter the contact name or the mobile number of the desired recipient in the To field. If entering the contact, tap the name when it appears. 5.Tap Type message and enter the message you wish to send. 6. When finished, tap the Send icon located to the right of the message screen. 7. To return to the main screen, press the HOME key. 1. Press the HOME key. 2. Tap the Google icon. 3. Tap the Gmail icon. Follow the tutorial on your screen to add your Google Account. 4.To return to the main screen, press the HOME key. The first Google account that you register to your phone will be your Primary Google account. Once you register a Google Account to your phone, your contacts, calendar entries, and Gmail will sync with your primary Google Account. It can take up to 15 minutes for your phone to sync with the Google server. 3.7Set Up Your Voicemail 1. Press the HOME key. 2. Tap the Phone icon at the left bottom of the screen. If the keypad does not appear on the screen, tap the keypad icon located at the bottom of the screen. 3. Press and hold the 1 key for several seconds. Your phone will automatically call Voicemail. Once the call is connected, follow the voicemail prompts. 4. To end the call, tap the End call icon. To access the horizontal QWERTY keyboard, simply turn your phone to the horizontal position. Tap to enter recipient TAP TAP Tap to enter recipient Tap to enter message Tap Send tap to enter message TAP SEND 3.9Set Up Your Bluetooth® 3.10TAKE AND SHARE YOUR Pictures To pair your phone with a Bluetooth headset, make sure that both are fully charged. Have your headset within a range of 30 feet from your phone. Make sure your device is ON and in Pairing or Bonding Mode (refer to the user guide of the device you are attempting to pair with). Please remember that you can connect to only one device at a time. Take a Picture 1. Press the HOME key. 2. Tap the Camera icon. 3. To take a picture, press anywhere on the screen. The picture will be automatically saved in your Gallery. 1. Press the HOME key. 2. Press the Applications icon. 3. Slide your finger from right to left across the screen. 4.Tap Settings. 5. Tap the ON/OFF button to the right of Bluetooth to turn it ON. 6.Tap Bluetooth. A list of the available devices will populate. 7. Tap the name of the desired device and wait for the devices to pair. 8. Follow the prompts on the phone screen to complete the pairing process. 9. To return to the main screen, press the HOME key. Share the Picture 1. Slide your finger to the left across the screen to see the last image captured. The Complete action using window will appear. 2.Select Gallery or Photos. 3.Tap Always or Just Once. Your phone will display the last image captured. 4.Tap the Share icon at the top of your screen. If it does not appear, simply tap the screen. The sharing options will appear on the screen. 5. Tap the Messaging icon. 6. Enter the contact name or the mobile number of the desired recipient in the To field. If entering the contact, tap the name when it appears. 7. To send a message with the image, tap Type message and enter your desired message. 8. When finished, tap the MMS icon. 9. To return to the main screen, press the HOME key. IMPORTANT: If you are prompted for a PIN, please refer to your headset’s user guide. A commonly used PIN for headsets is 0000. Enter the PIN into your phone and follow the prompts to complete the pairing process. 3.11Personalize With Ringtones and More A.Personalize with Ringtones 1. Press the HOME key. 2. Press the Applications icon. 3.Slide your finger from right to left across the screen. 4.Tap Settings. 5.Tap Sound. 6.Tap Phone ringtone. 7. Tap the ringtone of your preference to listen to it. Slide your finger along the screen to access additional options. 8.Once you have selected the ringtone you wish to use, tap OK. 9.To return to the main screen, press the HOME key. B.Personalize with Graphics 1. Press the HOME key. 2. Press the Applications icon. 3. Slide your finger from right to left across the screen. 4.Tap Settings. 5.Tap Display. 6.Tap Wallpaper. 7. Select the folder that contains the graphic you wish to use. 8. Thumbnails of the available images will be displayed. Tap the one you want to use. You may need to size and frame the image. 9.Tap Set wallpaper. 10.To return to the main screen, press the HOME key. C.Download Applications and Content From the main screen, tap the Play Store icon to access Google Play™. Browse thousands of apps, games, music and more. The Play Store W ith phones powered by Android™, you can access over 1,000,000 free and pay-for apps that are available at the Play Store. To purchase content or an app from the Play Store, you will need a Gmail account and a credit or debit card. The purchases you make are a transaction between you and Google and/or the Application Developer. Customer Care will not be able to provide technical assistance or refunds/credits for your purchases. We suggest that before you purchase any apps, that you look at the reviews about those that you are interested in purchasing. The Play Store may allow app orders to be cancelled within 15 minutes. Please refer to the Play Store website for details. If you receive an error code during the purchase process, visit 3.12Manage Applications 3.14 Security Settings 1. Press the HOME key. 2. Tap the Applications Icon. 3. Slide your finger from right to left across the screen. 4.Tap Settings. 5.Tap Apps. 6. Note the tabs at the top of the screen. To see what apps are currently running, tap the RUNNING tab. 7. Tap the application that you would like to manage and choose what you would like to do. 8. To return to the main screen, press the HOME key. Set your Screen Lock options There are several security options that will protect your data and limit access to your phone. To set up your preferences: 1. Press the Home key > Apps icon > Settings > Security > Screen Lock. Select the Screen Lock that you prefer. 2. Follow the on-screen prompts to set up the security option of your choice. Applications running in the background can drain the battery and slow down the processing speed of your phone. 3.13Use the Mobile Internet Services The TracFone Mobile Web allows you access to news, sports, weather, entertainment, and more directly from your phone. To access the Mobile Web, press the Home key, then tap the Chrome icon. Your phone will then connect to the Mobile Web. Access and Data consumption begins when your phone makes a data connection and ends when the data connection terminates. Total Access and Data Consumption Charges will depend on the size of the content and the actual time it takes to download or transmit the content or multimedia message, and to access or view the Information Service. For additional information about Data consumption charges, refer to the latest TracFone Wireless Terms and Conditions of Service at IMPORTANT: After your phone is Active, it may take up to 1 hour to access Mobile Web Services. Forgot your security setting? If you attempt to unlock your screen with an incorrect pattern more times than what is allowed and have registered your Gmail account to your phone, simply tap on Forgot pattern? once it appears at the bottom of your screen and then sign into your primary Gmail account. This will unlock your screen, but you will need to create a new screen lock. If you are still unable to unlock your screen, please call the Customer Care Center at 1-800-867-7183 to reset your phone. Be aware that this erases all data from the internal memory of your phone and restores the phone to the original factory settings. Once your phone is reset, you can recover your synced information by logging into your primary Gmail account. 3.15Additional Features A.Access or Replace a microSD™ Memory Card Your phone accepts a microSD card of up to 32GB. To access the card: Locate the memory card 1. Power your phone OFF. 2.Remove the back cover by lifting it using the USB port notch, located on the bottom edge of the phone. 3.The memory card slot is located on the right edge of the phone. Remove the card 1. Gently slide the memory card out. We recommend that you have your phone turned OFF. 2. Replace the back cover. Insert the card 1. Arrange the microSD card so that the gold bars on the card are facing down and gently slide it in until it clicks into place. 2. Replace the back cover. 3. Power your phone ON. B. Transfer Your Music Files Your phone can play MP3, AAC, AMR, and WAV files. Before you try to transfer music files, you will need a USB cable a memory card, and a computer. Refer to your computer’s user guide for instructions on how to transfer content. Your phone does not support DRM protected music files. The unauthorized copying of copyrighted materials is contrary to the provisions of the Copyright laws in the United States and in other countries. This device is intended solely for copying non-copyrighted material, material for which you own the copyright, or material which you are legally permitted to copy. If you are uncertain about your right to copy any material, please contact your legal advisor. For additional information and to learn more about how to use your phone, please refer to 3.16TIPS To access notifications in the Notifications Bar at the top of the screen, slide your finger from the top of the screen and drag the Bar down. All new messages and notifications will be displayed; tap the notification you wish to see for direct access to it. Your phone has several customizable screens that give you easier access to your most commonly used content and applications. • Slide your finger across the screen in either direction to access the different home screens. • To move an icon to a particular screen, go to the screen where you want the icon to be, tap the Applications icon, then tap and hold the icon of the application you wish to move until it appears on the desired screen. Y our phone will automatically back up to your Gmail account. In order for your contacts, paid apps, calendar, and Gmail to be restored when you set up an Android phone using the same primary Gmail account: 1. Tap Home > Applications icon > Settings > Add account > Google. 2.Select your primary Gmail account and then tap to select the features you would like automatically backed up/synced. Multimedia and other files will need to be backed up manually. To back up files like your photos and videos, search the Play Store to find the app that fits your needs. Data Managing Tips Wi-Fi®: Use a secure Wi-Fi connection at home or other locations where it may be available. You can use a Wi-Fi finder app to help you locate available Wi-Fi networks. Connect to Wi-Fi before you stream music, video, and other data heavy content. A UTO UPDATES: Turn off auto updates on your apps or change your settings to update using Wi-Fi only. PHOTOS: Turn off automatic photo uploading or change your settings to upload using Wi-Fi only. Don’t wait until it’s too late to back up your phone! A Master or Factory Data Reset erases everything on the internal memory of your phone including the Gmail account access. You should remember your Gmail account’s user name and password before performing a factory reset. After a reset is performed, you can sync your information to your phone again by logging in to your primary Gmail account from your phone. To extend your battery life, follow some of the tips listed below: • Check Running Services and close any unnecessary applications. • Use the Apps feature to end/shutdown applications that are running in the background. • Turn off Bluetooth® and GPS when not in use. • Turn off automatic application sync. • Set Screen Timeout to the lowest setting (factory default is 30 seconds). • Reduce your data usage. • Reduce use of the Live Wallpapers. • Use the factory charger provided to avoid battery damage. E MAIL: Turn off push e-mail or set e-mail accounts to sync every hour or greater. You can also set e-mail accounts to update manually and get email only when you want it. M OBILE WEBSITES: Access the mobile web site version of your choice since full web sites require more data to view and browse them. B ACKGROUND APPS: Turn off Apps running in the background. They constantly use data and can also slow down the processing speed of your phone. USAGE ALERTS: Download a Data Usage App to help you keep track of your data usage. With Android™ 4.0 and later versions, you can set a mobile data limit reminder in Menu > System settings > Mobile data. For additional information about your phone, you can view or download the manufacturer’s manual at Please read these Terms and Conditions of Service (“Terms”) carefully. These Terms are a legally binding agreement between you and TracFone Wireless, Inc. (“TracFone”). The Terms contain important information about your legal rights and require that certain disputes be resolved through Arbitration instead of a court trial. By purchasing and/or activating a TracFone branded wireless phone (“TRACFONE”) or a TracFone branded SIM card or CDMA network access code (“BYOP”) and/or purchasing, redeeming and/or using any TracFone service (“Service”), “You” the customer, acknowledge and agree to these Terms. TracFone reserves the right to modify these Terms at any time in its sole discretion Any modifications to these Terms are effective and will be binding upon you once posted on the TracFone website at tracfone. com. Always check our website for the most current Terms. 1. ACTIVATING YOUR TRACFONE SERVICE: You may activate your TRACFONE or BYOP by calling Customer Care at 1-800-867-7183 or by visiting and following the instructions that came with your Services Guide or activation kit. Any promotional or bonus minutes that are included with a new TRACFONE or are issued upon activation of your Service are not transferable or refundable. Promotional minutes and bonus minutes have no cash value. Any attempt to transfer promotional, bonus or other free minutes may result in the permanent deactivation of your Service without a refund. When you activate Service, you will have the option of registering and providing your name, address, email address and alternative contact telephone number. If you elect not to register at the time of activation, you may not be able to obtain copies of your call detail records since we will be unable to authenticate You as the lawful owner of the account. In those situations, we require a valid Subpoena or Court order before records may be released. ® terms and conditions of service Your TRACFONE can only be used with TracFone Service and cannot be activated with any other wireless carrier or service. Certain mobile phone features may not be available throughout the entire network or their functionality may be limited. Some TracFone features are available only on TRACFONES and will not be available with BYOP. All plan rates, features, functionality and other product specifications are subject to change without notice or obligation. All talk and standby times are quoted in Digital Mode and are approximate. If you are activating your Service with BYOP, you must use a compatible phone that does not interfere with our Service and complies with all applicable laws, rules and regulations. Devices capable only of using data are strictly prohibited and Your use of any such device is grounds for immediate termination of Service without a refund. You are responsible for ensuring that your BYOP wireless phone is compatible with the Service and meets all Federal laws and standards. You are further responsible for the purchase and maintenance of any additional hardware, software and/or internet access required in order to use the Service. TracFone Service will only work with wireless devices that are compatible with our network. Not all services are available with all wireless devices or on all networks. We may remotely change your wireless phone’s software, applications or programming without notice. This could affect your stored data, your phone’s programming and how you are able to use your wireless phone. The wireless telecommunications networks used to transmit calls for the Service are owned and operated by various licensed commercial mobile radio service providers (“Carriers”), not TracFone. When You activate your Service, you will be provided with a telephone number or you may, in some circumstances, port-in a number from another carrier. Please note that You have no ownership rights to any telephone number, IP address or any other identifier associated with your Service and You acknowledge and agree that we may change any such number, IP address or other identifier associated with your Service at any time without prior notice to You. For more information and the latest Terms and Conditions of Service, visit 2. TERMINATION OF SERVICE: TracFone may terminate this Agreement at any time without notice if we cease to provide service in your area. Either party may terminate this Agreement (which will terminate Service) at any time and for any reason. Unused Service at the time of termination will not be refunded. 08/2014 You agree not to use your Phone for any purpose in violation of these Terms or applicable law. WE CAN, WITHOUT NOTICE, LIMIT, SUSPEND, OR TERMINATE YOUR SERVICE FOR VIOLATING THESE TERMS OR FOR ANY OTHER GOOD CAUSE, including, but not limited to, if You: (a) engage in any deceptive or fraudulent conduct with respect to the Service; (b) allow anyone to extract, clone, reverse engineer or tamper with your TRACFONE, the software and/or hardware on your Phone or your SIM card; (c) threaten or commit violence against any of our employees, agents or customer service representatives; (d) use vulgar, offensive or inappropriate language or otherwise engage in harassment when interacting with our representatives; (e) interfere with our operations or Service; (f) engage in abusive messaging, emailing or calling; (g) modify a TRACFONE from its manufacturer’s default specification; or (h) use the service in a way that adversely affects our network or the Service available to our other customers. We reserve the right to, without notice, limit, suspend or terminate your Service for any other operational or governmental reason. In addition to permanently terminating your Service, criminal offenses (i.e., threatening violence, etc.) will be reported to the appropriate legal authorities for prosecution. Any provision of this Agreement which by its context is intended to apply after termination of the Agreement will survive termination, including, but not limited to, restrictions on the use of TracFone products and the provisions governing dispute resolution and requiring arbitration of disputes. 3. AIRTIME VOICE AND TEXT MESSAGING RATES: Feature Phones: TracFone airtime is issued in unit increments. All calls are charged at a rate of one (1) unit per minute. With some older TRACFONE models, roaming calls (refer to the Roaming Section of these Terms) are charged at the rate of two (2) units per minute. There is no additional charge for nationwide long distance or for international long distance to countries designated at The rate to send or receive a text message varies by TRACFONE model and is disclosed on your TRACFONE package. For most feature phones, the rate to send or open a text message is 0.3 units. Smartphones: Smartphones have separate buckets of units for voice calls, text messaging and data usage and have the triple minute feature. For example, a 60 minute Pay As You Go TracFone card redeemed on a Smartphone will provide 180 minutes for voice, 180 text messages and 180 MB of data. Voice calls are charged at the rate of one (1) unit per minute. Text messages are charged at the rate of one (1) unit per text. Data is charged based on actual usage. TracFone does not generally participate in Premium SMS services or campaigns. Premium SMS refers to activities that usually involve sending a text message to a designated “short code” or buying or attempting to buy SMS services from anyone other than TracFone. Premium SMS campaigns include activities such as casting a vote, expressing your opinion, playing a game, subscribing to a service, or interactive television programs. You should not attempt to participate in Premium SMS campaigns, unless it is a TracFone authorized campaign. Any text message you send to a “short code” will in all likelihood not go through. Any charges you may incur as a result of any attempts to participate in Premium PSMS services or campaigns (not authorized by TracFone), whether you incur charges as deductions from your TRACFONE handset or from your credit card, are not refundable. AIRTIME USAGE: Airtime minutes will be deducted for all time during which your Service is connected to, or using, the wireless system of any Carrier. Use of a wireless system typically begins when you press the “send”, “call” or other button to initiate or answer a call and does not end until you press the “end” button or the call is otherwise terminated. Airtime minutes are deducted for all incoming and outgoing calls, including calls to toll free numbers, 411, 611, Customer Care, simultaneous calls (airtime minutes will be deducted for each call separately) and calls to access your voice mail. Airtime minutes are not deducted for calls to 911. For outbound calls, you may be charged airtime for incomplete and/or busy-no answer calls. Airtime minutes are deducted in full unit increments; partial minutes are rounded up to the next minute. Airtime minutes will also be deducted for use of other services such as text messaging and accessing the TracFone Mobile Web (“WAP”). Airtime minutes are deducted for all text messages sent and incoming text messages which are opened. No credit is given for dropped calls. 4. ADDING AIRTIME: Your Service will only operate when you have airtime units and service days available. Add airtime to a TRACFONE by entering the PIN number from a TracFone Prepaid Wireless Airtime card (“Airtime Card”) or retailer cash register receipt at the Redeem Airtime or Add Airtime menu. You can also add airtime to a TRACFONE and/or TracFone BYOP through the TracFone website at or by calling 1-800-867-7183. AIRTIME ON DEMAND: Airtime On Demand is available on certain TRACFONE handsets. Airtime On Demand allows you to buy Airtime directly from your TRACFONE by registering your phone and credit card at tracfone. com. Airtime on Demand purchases are governed by these Terms. AIRTIME CARDS: TracFone Airtime Cards are available in various denominations of minutes and service days. For each Airtime card you purchase and add to your TRACFONE or BYOP feature phone, you will receive the number of minutes and service days indicated on the card. For Smartphones, you will receive triple the number of minutes indicated on the card for voice, text messages and data (for example, with a 60 minute card, a Smartphone will receive 180 minutes of voice, 180 text messages and 180 MB of data). The service days will run from the day you add the Airtime card. Each additional card you add will further extend the “Service End Date” by the number of days specified without limitation. The “Service End Date” is the last day of your service period. Airtime minutes added to your TRACFONE or BYOP do not expire with active service and usage within a period of twelve (12) consecutive months. AIRTIME VALUE PLANS: Available TracFone Value Plans are described on TracFone’s website at You may enroll in a Value Plan by registering your TRACFONE and credit card at All TracFone Value Plans are governed by these Terms and the applicable Value Plan’s Terms and Conditions which are also available at TracFone may modify its Value Plan offerings at any time. In the event of any modification that increases the charges associated with your Value Plan, you will receive 30 days notice prior to being charged the new rate. Value Plans may not be combined with any other discount or promotion. DOUBLE AND TRIPLE MINUTES FOR LIFE: Some TRACFONES and Airtime Cards include a Double or Triple Minutes for Life feature. All smartphones (including TRACFONE branded products and BYOP phones) include the Triple Minutes for Life feature. Any minutes included with a Double or Triple Minute Airtime Card will not double or triple. The Double or Triple Minutes feature applies to the life of a single TRACFONE or BYOP. The Double or Triple minutes feature is not transferable even if Your phone is damaged, lost or stolen. Only purchased minutes that are redeemed after the redemption of a Double or Triple Minute card will double or triple. Promotional, bonus and other non-purchased airtime minutes will not double or triple. You may not add a Double or Triple Minute card to a TRACFONE that already has a Double or Triple minute feature or card. Doing so will not result in any additional doubling or tripling of purchased airtime. Double and Triple Minute Cards and phones that include the Double or Triple Minute feature will not double or triple the value of Data Cards. A Smartphone with a Double or Triple Minute feature will double or triple the amount of voice, text and data associated with each card (for example, a 60 minute card redeemed on a Smartphone with the triple minute feature will receive 180 minutes for voice, 180 text messages and 180 MB of data). SAFELINK CUSTOMERS PLEASE NOTE: If you are a SafeLink Customer on Plan Option 1 or 2, TracFone Airtime minutes added to your SAFELINK phone do not expire with active service and Usage (as defined in the SafeLink Terms and Conditions) during a consecutive sixty (60) day period. If you are a SafeLink customer enrolled in plan option 3, all of your unused minutes expire at the end of each month upon your receipt of your free 250 monthly minutes unless you have purchased and added a TracFone airtime card to your phone. You may carry over unused airtime minutes on the SafeLink 250 Minute Plan for up to 3 consecutive months. By purchasing and adding a TracFone airtime card before the 25th of the month, your unused airtime minutes (including your free monthly allotment and any additional TracFone Airtime cards) will carry over for 3 consecutive months from the date of your last TracFone Airtime Card redemption. If you purchase and redeem a TracFone Airtime Card on or after the 26th day of any month, your airtime balance will be reset and not be carried over to the next month. The minutes you purchased will be carried over together with your next three allotments of free monthly minutes. Adding more than one Airtime Card at the same time will NOT extend your airtime carry over for more than the 3 consecutive months. The 3 month carry over is effective from the date of redemption of the last airtime card redeemed to your phone. Charges for MMS (e.g., picture messaging) on Feature Phones. You will be charged 1.0 unit to send or receive a multi-media message (the “MMS Charge”) and a WAP Access Charge (described below) based upon the time it takes to send or receive the multi-media message. TracFone airtime has no cash value and is non-refundable. TracFone Airtime Cards, airtime rate plans, and card denominations are subject to change without prior notice. Additional Access Charges for Data Services and MMS on Feature Phones. In addition to Content and MMS Charges, there is always an additional Access Charge of 0.5 units per minute associated with downloading content, accessing/viewing Information Services or utilizing MMS. Total Access Charges will vary depending on the size of the content and the actual time it takes to download the content, access/view the Information Service or utilize MMS. 5. SERVICE END DATE: If you do not purchase and add airtime prior to the Service End Date, your TRACFONE Service will be deactivated on the Service End Date and you will lose your TRACFONE phone number even if you have minutes remaining. To prevent this from occurring, please keep your TRACFONE Service active by purchasing and adding one or more airtime cards before the Service End Date. Notwithstanding the Service End Date, TracFone reserves the right to discontinue service and deactivate any TRACFONE or BYOP for which there is no voice, text or Data Services usage for a period of twelve (12) consecutive months. If your Service is deactivated, your Service can be reactivated by purchasing and adding an Airtime Card. Once reactivated, Your TRACFONE or BYOP may be assigned a new phone number. Airtime which remained unused at the time of deactivation will still be available if Service is reactivated within 60 days from the deactivation date otherwise; any unused airtime will be lost. 6. TRACFONE DATA SERVICES: With certain TRACFONE phone models, you can download ring tones, graphics, access information services such as news, weather and sports (“Information Services”) and utilize multi-media services (“MMS”) (ringtones, graphics, Information Services and MMS are collectively referred to as “Data Services”) through TracFone Mobile Web (“WAP”). Data Services are additional Services offered by TracFone, and there is an additional charge or debit of units or data for use of such Services. In order to purchase, download or access TracFone Data Services, You must have active service and sufficient available airtime or data (for Smartphones). Each time you access the WAP, usage will be deducted (“Access Charges”). Access Charges begin when your TRACFONE or BYOP device makes a data connection. This should occur shortly after you open your browser, send or receive a multi-media message (e.g., a picture), initiate a content download or if WAP access is initiated for any other purpose. Access Charges end when the data connection terminates. This should occur shortly after you close your browser, successfully receive or send a multi-media message (e.g., a picture), after a successful content download or after any other closure of a WAP session. The WAP access duration and the related Access Charges are NOT determined from the exact moment you press a button on your device to open or close the browser. In addition to the Access Charges, there may be additional charges for any content you select to download (“Content Charge”). The Content Charges vary depending on the type of content you purchase and download. You will be advised of the Content Charges prior to finalizing your purchase. The Data Services you purchase and download may only be used or viewed on the device for which they were purchased and cannot be transferred to any other device, including a new or replacement device. Data Services are non-refundable and non-transferable. Purchasing Data Services with Airtime Minutes on Feature Phones: The charges for Data Services purchases are determined by the last airtime card redeemed and the appropriate dollar-to-minute conversion factor. The charges for Data Services in U.S. Dollars and/or minutes and the dollar-to-minute conversion factor(s) are subject to change at any time without prior notice. The current Dollar-To-Minute Conversion Factors for Data Services may be accessed on the TracFone website. Click on “Airtime” and from the drop down menu select “Apps & More” and then “Cost.” The chart details the number of minutes you will be charged for each dollar you spend for the Data Services you purchase. Data Plans for TracFone Smartphones. TracFone Smartphone users may purchase TracFone Data Cards which will provide a specified amount of data access without minute deductions. Data Cards provide a set amount of data access identified on the face of the card, denominated in megabytes or gigabytes. Data Cards do not double or triple, even if redeemed on a phone activated as a double or triple minutes phone. Data Cards can be added to your phone at any time, as long as the Service is active. Data Cards do not include minutes or service days which must be purchased separately through airtime cards. Unused data will expire upon your Service End Date. Data Cards are available online and at retail locations. Modifications, Interruptions, or Discontinuation of Data Service. TracFone does not guarantee the availability of Data Services at any time and reserves the right to modify, suspend, interrupt, discontinue or permanently cancel Data Services, or portions thereof, without notice. Data Services are not available in all areas. TracFone is not responsible and will not be liable for any modifications, interruptions or discontinuation of the Data Services or for any failure in receipt of the purchased Data Services. If the Data Services, for which you subscribe, are modified, interrupted, discontinued or canceled, TracFone will NOT provide refunds for any used or unused subscription time. If you cancel, or attempt to cancel a Data Service download, a subscription purchase or a multi-media message in progress, or if this process is otherwise interrupted through no action on your part, you may nevertheless be charged in accordance with these Terms. Non-Rated Content. TracFone content is NOT rated and you are solely responsible for the use of such material, which may be offensive or objectionable to you or to others. You agree not to hold TracFone liable for any offensive or objectionable content. 7. INTERNATIONAL CALLS: You may place international long distance (“ILD”) calls to landlines (and some cellular phones in certain countries) at no additional charge. See for available countries and details which are subject to change without prior notice. In order to place an ILD call, you will need to dial the ILD access number 1-800-706-3839 and follow the instructions. From Alaska, Hawaii and the U.S. Virgin Islands, you will need to dial 305-938-5673 as the ILD access number. Airtime deductions for ILD calls begin the moment the ILD access number is dialed. Airtime deductions will apply for dropped or misdialed calls and busy destination numbers. When placing ILD calls, you may experience connection failures more frequently than with domestic calls. TracFone will not credit airtime minutes deducted for unsuccessful calls. Although ILD calling is available to some countries, You will not be able to make or receive calls on your TRACFONE when you are located outside of the United States, Puerto Rico or the U.S. Virgin Islands. TRACFONE International Neighbors is a service that enables callers in Mexico to set up a local number to ring on a TRACFONE in the US. See the TracFone website or call 1-800-867-7183 for further details. 8. EMERGENCY CALLS: If you are in an area where your TRACFONE is searching for a wireless signal or there is no wireless signal or wireless service, it is highly probable that a call to 911 will not go through. Do not rely solely on your TRACFONE in an emergency situation. In an emergency, locate the nearest landline phone and call for help. 9. UNAUTHORIZED USAGE; TAMPERING: The TRACFONE handset is sold exclusively for use by you, the end consumer, with the TRACFONE Service available solely in the United States, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Any other use of your TRACFONE handset, including without limitation, any resale, unlocking and/or reflashing of the handset is unauthorized and constitutes a violation of your agreement with TracFone. You agree not to unlock, reflash, tamper with or alter your TRACFONE or its software, enter unauthorized PIN numbers, engage in any other unauthorized or illegal use of your TRACFONE or the Service, or assist others in such acts, or to sell and/or export TRACFONE handsets outside of the United States. These acts violate TRACFONE’s rights and state and federal laws. Improper, illegal or unauthorized use of your TRACFONE is a violation of this agreement and may result in immediate discontinuation of Service and legal action. TRACFONE will prosecute violators to the full extent of the law. You agree that any violation of this agreement through your improper, illegal or unauthorized use or sale of your TRACFONE shall entitle TracFone to recover liquidated damages from you in an amount not less than $5,000 per TRACFONE handset purchased, sold, acquired or used in violation of this agreement. may be temporarily refused, limited, interrupted or curtailed due to system capacity limitations, technology migration or limitations imposed by the Carrier, or because of equipment modifications, upgrades, repairs or relocations or other similar activities necessary or proper for the operation or improvement of the Carrier’s radio telephone system. TracFone reserves the right to substitute or replace any TracFone equipment (including handsets) with other TracFone equipment of comparable quality. TracFone cannot and does not guarantee that your communications will be private or secure. Although it is illegal for unauthorized people to intercept your communications, such interceptions can occur. Some functions and features referenced in the Manufacturer’s manual for a particular TRACFONE may not be available on your device. TracFone does not warrant or guarantee availability of the network or of any Services at any specific time or geographic location or that the Services will be provided without interruption. Neither TracFone, nor any Carrier, shall have any liability for Service failures, outages or limitations of Service. Because of the risk of being struck by lightning, you should not use your phone outside during a lightning storm. You should also unplug your phone’s power cord and charger to avoid electrical shock and/or fire during a lightning storm. Some TRACFONE handsets have SIM cards. If your TRACFONE has a SIM card, then you agree to safeguard your SIM card and not to allow any unauthorized person to use your SIM card. You agree not to, and not to allow any other person to, directly or indirectly extract, alter, bypass, copy, deactivate, remove, reverse-engineer or otherwise circumvent, clone or reproduce the encoded information stored on, or the encryption mechanisms of, your SIM card or TRACFONE Phone via any software and/or hardware methods. The Carriers, TracFone, or its service providers, may, from time to time, remotely update or change the encoded information on your SIM card. You may not use Your Service when you are located anywhere outside of the United States, Puerto Rico or the U.S. Virgin Islands, including offshore or in international waters. Any such usage is considered unauthorized for which your Service will be immediately suspended. In the event of suspension for this or any other unauthorized usage, you will not be entitled to receive any refunds for your handset or unused airtime. 13. LIMITED WARRANTY: A new or reconditioned TRACFONE is covered by a one year limited warranty, set forth below, administered by TracFone. TracFone accessories have a 90-day limited warranty against defects in materials and workmanship under normal use by the purchaser. 10. COVERAGE MAPS: You will find coverage maps on our website, These maps are for general informational purposes only. However, TracFone does not guarantee coverage, service availability or the rate charged for any particular call. Even within a coverage area, factors such as terrain, weather, structures, foliage, signal strength, traffic volumes, service outages, network changes, technical limitations, and your equipment may interfere with actual service, quality and availability. Thus, it is possible your phone will roam even in the area depicted as your home calling area. Actual coverage and service areas may vary from the maps and may change without notice. 11. ROAMING: “Roaming” occurs when a subscriber of one wireless service provider uses the facilities of another wireless service provider. Roaming usually occurs when you make and receive calls outside of your network coverage area. When your TRACFONE is roaming, an indicator light on your handset may display the word “Roam” or “RM” on the screen while the phone is not in use. For most TRACFONE models, roaming calls are charged one (1) unit of airtime per minute, the same as all other calls. For some older TRACFONE models, roaming calls may be charged at the rate of two (2) units of airtime per minute. Even if you are using your TRACFONE in your network coverage area, roaming can occur if there is a high volume of callers in the area, if your Carrier’s signal is too weak or for other reasons. Instead of having a call blocked or dropped, your device might use another’s Carrier’s tower or network to enable your call to go through. Thus, roaming is based on the Carrier tower receiving and transmitting the call; not your physical location at the time the call is made. If you have one of the older TracFone models that deduct 2 units per minute of use when roaming, you should check the roaming indicator on your TRACFONE to determine actual areas where the roaming rate applies. When the TRACFONE roaming indicator is displayed, the roaming rate will apply to calls made or received in that area at that time. Availability, quality of coverage and Services while roaming are not guaranteed. TRACFONE Smartphones and BYOP phones do not roam. 12. LIMITATIONS OF SERVICE AND USE OF EQUIPMENT: Service is subject to transmission limitations caused by certain equipment and compatibility issues, atmospheric, topographical and other conditions. Further, Service How to obtain Warranty Service. To obtain warranty service from TracFone on a new or reconditioned phone or TracFone accessories, please contact Technical Support at 1-800-867-7183. If your problem cannot be resolved over the phone, our TracFone technicians will provide you with a Ticket Number, which you will use to send your phone and/or accessories to the designated TracFone Service Center for repair or replacement, at TracFone’s discretion. Terms of Limited Warranty. TracFone warrants to you, the Customer, that your TRACFONE (“Product”) is free from defects in material and workmanship that result in Product failure during normal usage, according to the following terms and conditions: The limited warranty for the Product extends for one (1) year beginning on the date of the purchase of the (1) Product. (2) The limited warranty extends only to the original purchaser (“Consumer”) of the Product and is not assignable or transferable to any subsequent purchaser or end-user. (3) The limited warranty extends only to Consumers who purchase the Product in its original packaging from an authorized dealer. (4) During the limited warranty period, TracFone will replace or repair, at TracFone’s sole option, any defective Products or parts (except as excluded below), or any Products or parts that will not properly operate for their intended use (except as excluded below) with new or refurbished replacement Products or parts if such replacement or repair is needed because of Product malfunction or failure during normal usage. TracFone may, at its sole discretion, replace the Product with a refurbished phone of the same model if available, or if not available, of a comparable model. The limited warranty does not cover loss of personal information, passwords, contacts, music, ringtones, pictures, videos, applications or other content, memory cards, software, defects in appearance, cosmetic, decorative or structural items, including framing, and any non-operative parts. TracFone’s limit of liability under this limited warranty is the actual cash value of the Product at the time the Consumer returns the Product to TracFone for repair, determined by the price paid by the Consumer for the Product less a reasonable amount for usage and depreciation. TracFone shall not be liable for any other losses or damages. These remedies are the Consumer’s exclusive remedies for breach of this limited warranty. (5) Upon request from TracFone, the Consumer must prove the date of the original purchase of the Product by a dated bill of sale or dated itemized receipt. (6) The Consumer shall have no coverage or benefits under this limited warranty if any of the following conditions are applicable: a) The Product has been subjected to abnormal use or conditions, improper storage, exposure to moisture or dampness, unauthorized modifications, connections or repairs, misuse, neglect, abuse, accident, alteration, improper installation, or other acts which are not the fault of TracFone, including damage caused by shipping. b) The Product has been damaged from external causes such as collision with an object, or from fire, flooding, sand, dirt, windstorm, lightning, earthquake or damage from exposure to weather conditions, an Act of God, or battery leakage, theft, blown fuse, or improper use of any electrical source, damage caused by computer or internet viruses, bugs, worms, Trojan Horses, cancelbots or damage caused by the connection to other products not recommended for interconnection by TracFone. c) TracFone was not advised in writing by the Consumer of the alleged defect or malfunction of the Product within fourteen (14) days after the expiration of the applicable limited warranty period. d) The Product serial number plate or the enhancement data code has been removed, defaced or altered. e) The defect or damage was caused by viruses or other software problems introduced into the Product. (7) TracFone does not warrant uninterrupted or error-free operation of the Product or Service. TRACFONE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, OR FITNESS (8) FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR USE. THE FOREGOING LIMITED WARRANTY IS THE CONSUMER’S SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY AND IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. TRACFONE SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, PUNITIVE OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF ANTICIPATED BENEFITS OR PROFITS, LOSS OF SAVINGS OR REVENUE, LOSS OF DATA, PUNITIVE DAMAGES, LOSS OF USE OF THE PRODUCT OR ANY ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT, COST OF CAPITAL, COST OF ANY SUBSTITUTE EQUIPMENT OR FACILITIES, DOWNTIME, THE CLAIMS OF ANY THIRD PARTIES, INCLUDING CUSTOMERS, AND INJURY TO PROPERTY, RESULTING FROM THE PURCHASE OR USE OF THE PRODUCT OR ARISING FROM BREACH OF THE WARRANTY, BREACH OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE, STRICT TORT, OR ANY OTHER LEGAL OR EQUITABLE THEORY, EVEN IF TRACFONE KNEW OF THE LIKELIHOOD OF SUCH DAMAGES. TRACFONE SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR DELAY IN RENDERING SERVICE UNDER THE LIMITED WARRANTY, LOSS OF USE DURING THE PERIOD THAT THE PRODUCT IS RETURNED FOR REPLACEMENT OR WARRANTY SERVICE OR FOR THE LOSS OR UNAUTHORIZED USE OF CUSTOMER PASSWORDS, PERSONAL INFORMATION, CONTACTS, PICTURES, VIDEOS, APPLICATIONS, MUSIC, RINGTONES OR OTHER CONTENT. (9)Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental and consequential damages, so certain of the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you (the Consumer). This limited warranty gives the Consumer specific legal rights and the Consumer may also have other rights which vary from state to state. (10)TracFone neither assumes nor authorizes any authorized service center or any other person or entity to assume for it any other obligation or liability beyond that which is expressly provided for in this limited warranty including the provider or seller of any extended warranty or service agreement. This is the entire warranty between TracFone and the Consumer, and supersedes all prior and (11) contemporaneous agreements or understandings, oral or written, relating to the Product, and no representation, promise or condition not contained herein shall modify these terms. 14. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES: EXCEPT FOR THE LIMITED WARRANTY SET FORTH IN THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS, AND TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, TRACFONE SERVICES AND DEVICES ARE PROVIDED ON AN “AS IS” AND “WITH ALL FAULTS” BASIS AND WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND. WE MAKE NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE CONCERNING YOUR SERVICE OR YOUR DEVICE. 15. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: TracFone will not be liable to you for any indirect, special, incidental, consequential, exemplary or punitive damages of any kind, including lost profits (regardless of whether it has been notified such loss may occur) by reason of any act or omission in its provision of equipment and Services. TracFone will not be liable for any act or omission of any other company furnishing a part of our Services or any equipment or for any damages that result from any Service or equipment provided by or manufactured by third parties. 16. INDEMNIFICATION: You agree to indemnify and hold harmless TracFone from any and all liabilities, penalties, claims, causes of action, and demands brought by third parties (including the costs, expenses, and attorneys’ fees on account thereof) resulting from your use of a TRACFONE and/or TracFone Services including with a BYOP device, whether based in contract or tort (including strict liability) and regardless of the form of action. 17. DISPUTE RESOLUTION: You agree that you will first contact us with any dispute and provide a written description of the nature of the dispute, all relevant documents and other information concerning the dispute and your proposed resolution before taking any formal action. If we are unable to reach a resolution of your dispute within 60 days of your notice to us, you agree that instead of filing a lawsuit or small claims action in a court of law, you will submit the dispute to binding arbitration as set forth in this provision. You may forward your dispute to: TracFone Wireless, Inc., Attn: Dispute Resolution Department, 9700 NW 112 Avenue, Miami, FL 33178. BINDING ARBITRATION: PLEASE READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY AS IT AFFECTS RIGHTS THAT YOU MAY OTHERWISE HAVE. IT PROVIDES FOR RESOLUTION OF ALL DISPUTES AND CLAIMS (INCLUDING ONES THAT ALREADY ARE THE SUBJECT OF LITIGATION) EXCEPT FOR CLAIMS CONCERNING THE UNAUTHORIZED SALE, EXPORT, ALTERATION AND/OR TAMPERING OF YOUR TRACFONE, ITS SOFTWARE, THE SERVICE AND/ OR PIN NUMBERS, THROUGH ARBITRATION INSTEAD OF SUING IN COURT IN THE EVENT THE PARTIES ARE UNABLE TO RESOLVE A DISPUTE OR CLAIM. ARBITRATION IS BINDING AND SUBJECT TO ONLY A VERY LIMITED REVIEW BY A COURT. THIS ARBITRATION CLAUSE SHALL SURVIVE TERMINATION OF TRACFONE’S AGREEMENT WITH YOU. This provision is intended to encompass all disputes or claims arising out of your relationship with TracFone, arising out of or relating to the Service or any equipment used in connection with the Service (whether based in contract, tort, statute, fraud, misrepresentation or any other legal theory). Nothing contained in this arbitration provision shall preclude TracFone from bringing claims concerning the unauthorized sale, export, alteration, and/or tampering of your TRACFONE, its software, the Service and/or PIN numbers in state or federal court. References to you and TracFone include our respective subsidiaries, affiliates, predecessors in interest, successors, and assigns. All claims will be resolved by binding arbitration where permitted by law. You must first present any claim or dispute to TracFone by contacting our Executive Resolution Department (as indicated above) to allow an opportunity to resolve the dispute prior to initiating arbitration. The arbitration of any dispute or claim shall be conducted in accordance with the American Arbitration Association (“AAA”) under the Commercial Dispute Resolution Procedures and the Supplementary Procedures for Consumer Related Disputes (collectively “AAA Rules”), as modified by this agreement. The AAA Rules are available online at or by calling the AAA a 1-800-778-7879. You and TracFone agree that use of the Service evidences a transaction in interstate commerce and this arbitration provision will be interpreted and enforced in accordance with the Federal Arbitration Act and federal arbitration law. You and TracFone agree that any arbitration will be conducted on an individual basis and not on a consolidated, class wide or representative basis. Further, you agree that the arbitrator may not consolidate proceedings or more than one person’s claims, and may not otherwise preside over any form of a representative or class proceeding. If the preclusion of consolidated, class wide or representative proceedings is found to be unenforceable, then this entire arbitration clause shall be null and void. All fees and expenses of arbitration will be divided between you and TracFone in accordance with the WIA Rules, except that TracFone will reimburse you for the amount of the filing fee in the event you prevail in the arbitration. Each party will bear the expenses of its own counsel, experts, witnesses, and preparation and presentation of evidence. If for any reason this arbitration provision is deemed inapplicable or invalid, or to the extent this arbitration provision allows for litigation of disputes in court, you waive to the fullest extent permitted by law, (i) the right to a trial by jury and (ii) any claims for punitive or exemplary damages. Unless TracFone and you agree otherwise, the location of any arbitration shall be in the state where You reside or in Miami, Florida. Either or both parties may participate in the proceedings by telephone. TracFone and You agree that no arbitrator has the authority to award punitive damages or any other damages not measured by the prevailing party’s actual damages. Neither You nor TracFone shall disclose the existence, contents, or results of any arbitration except to the extent required by law. Judgment on the award rendered may be entered by any court having jurisdiction thereof. 18. GOVERNING LAW: This Agreement shall be construed under the laws of the state in which you, the customer, reside, without regard to the state’s choice of law rules, except for the arbitration provision contained in these Terms, which will be governed by the Federal Arbitration Act. 19. PRIVACY POLICY: To view the TracFone Privacy Policy, refer to the TracFone website found at All rights reserved. The spiracle logo, TracFone and TracFone Wireless are registered trademarks of TracFone Wireless, Inc. a subsidiary of América Móvil (NYSE: AMX). ® ® © 2013 TracFone Wireless, Inc. Updated 11/14/2013 health and safety information Battery Use & Safety Warning: Your mobile device contains a battery that should only be removed by a Motorola approved service center or recycler. • Don’t try to remove or replace the battery yourself. Attempting to remove or replace the battery may damage the battery and may cause burning and injury. • Don’t try to take apart or fix your phone. Attempting to take apart or fix your phone may damage the battery and may cause burning and injury. • Don’t crush, bend, or expose your phone to heat or liquid. This may damage the battery and may cause burning and injury. Battery Charging Notes for charging your product’s battery: • During charging, keep your mobile device and charger near room temperature for efficient battery charging. • New batteries are not fully charged. • New batteries or batteries stored for a long time may take more time to charge. • Motorola batteries and charging systems have circuitry that protects the battery from damage from overcharging. Third Party Accessories Using third party accessories, including but not limited to batteries, chargers, headsets, covers, cases, screen protectors, and memory cards, may impact your mobile device’s performance. Using a non-Motorola battery or charger may present a risk of fire, explosion, leakage, or other hazard. Motorola’s warranty doesn’t cover damage to the phone caused by non-Motorola batteries and/or chargers. For a list of Motorola accessories, visit,en_US,sc.html (in English only). Driving Precautions Responsible and safe driving is your primary responsibility when driving a vehicle. Making calls or using applications while driving may cause distraction, and may be prohibited or restricted in certain areas—always obey local laws and regulations for the use of mobile devices and accessories in the vehicle. While driving, ALWAYS: • Keep your eyes on the road. • Use a handsfree device if available or required by law in your area. • Enter destination information into a navigation device before driving. • Use voice activated features (such as voice dial) and speaking features (such as audible directions), if available. • Concentrate on driving, and stop using the mobile device if you can’t concentrate. Pull over safely before using your mobile device to send messages, surf the web, or use other applications. Seizures, Blackouts & Eyestrain To reduce eyestrain and avoid headaches, it is always a good idea to hold the screen a comfortable distance from your eyes, use in a well-lit area, and take frequent breaks. Some people may be susceptible to seizures or blackouts (even if they have never had one before) when exposed to flashing lights or light patterns, such as when playing video games, or watching videos with flashing-light effects. Discontinue use and consult a physician if any of the following symptoms occur: seizures, blackout, convulsion, eye or muscle twitching, loss of awareness, or disorientation. Caution About High Volume Usage Warning: Exposure to loud noise from any source for extended periods of time may affect your hearing. The louder the sound, the less time is required before your hearing could be affected. To protect your hearing: • Limit the amount of time you use headsets or headphones at high volume. • Avoid turning up the volume to block out noisy surroundings. • Turn the volume down if you can’t hear people speaking near you. If you experience hearing discomfort, including the sensation of pressure or fullness in your ears, ringing in your ears, or muffled speech, you should stop listening to the device through your headset or headphones and have your hearing checked. Repetitive Motion When you repetitively perform actions, such as pressing keys, you may experience discomfort in your hands, arms, shoulders, neck, or other parts of your body. If you continue to have discomfort during or after such use, stop use and see a physician. Children Keep your mobile device and its accessories away from small children. These products are not toys and may be hazardous to small children. For example, a choking hazard may exist for small, detachable parts. Supervise access. If a child does use your mobile device, monitor their access to help prevent loss of data or unexpected charges for data or application purchases. Glass Parts Some parts of your mobile device may be made of glass. This glass may break if the product receives a substantial impact. If glass breaks, don’t attempt to service the device yourself. Stop using your mobile device until the glass is replaced by a qualified service center. liquids Don’t expose your mobile device to water, rain, extreme humidity, sweat, or other liquids. drying Don’t try to dry your mobile device using a microwave oven, conventional oven, or dryer. extreme heat or cold Don’t store or use your mobile device in temperatures below -10°C (14°F) or above 60°C (140°F). Don’t recharge your mobile device in temperatures below 0°C (32°F) or above 45°C (113°F). dust and dirt Don’t expose your mobile device to dust, dirt, sand, food, or similar materials. cleaning To clean your mobile device, use only a dry soft cloth. Don’t use alcohol or other cleaning solutions. shock and vibration Don’t drop your mobile device or expose it to strong vibration. protection To help protect your mobile device, always make sure that all connector and compartment covers are closed and secure, and avoid carrying it with hard objects such as keys or coins. Operational Warnings Operational Warnings Obey all posted signs when using mobile devices in public areas. Potentially Explosive Areas Potentially explosive areas are often, but not always, posted and can include blasting areas, fueling stations, fueling areas (such as below decks on boats), fuel or chemical transfer or storage facilities, or areas where the air contains chemicals or particles, such as grain dust, or metal powders. Turn off your mobile device before entering such an area, and do not charge batteries. In such areas, sparks can occur and cause an explosion or fire. Symbol Key Your charger, mobile device, device display, user’s guide, or packaging may contain symbols, defined as follows: Symbol 032374o 032375o Definition • ALWAYS keep the mobile device more than 20 centimeters (8 inches) from the pacemaker or defibrillator when the mobile device is turned ON. • Use the ear opposite the pacemaker or defibrillator to minimize the potential for interference. • Turn OFF the mobile device immediately if you have any reason to suspect that interference is taking place. Regulatory Information Your Motorola mobile device is designed to comply with national and international regulatory requirements. For full compliance statements and details, please refer to the regulatory information in your printed product guide. European Union Directives Conformance Statement The following CE compliance information is applicable to Motorola mobile devices that carry one of the following CE marks: Important safety information follows. Your battery or mobile device may require recycling in accordance with local laws. Contact your local regulatory authorities for more information. Don’t dispose of your battery or mobile device with your household waste. See “Disposal & Recycling” for more information. For indoor use only. Listening at high volume to music or voice through a headset may damage your hearing. Radio Frequency (RF) Energy RF Energy Exposure to RF Energy & Device Operation Your mobile device contains a transmitter and receiver of RF energy. It is designed to comply with regulatory requirements concerning human RF exposure. For optimal device performance, and to stay within the RF exposure guidelines: • Hold your mobile phone like a landline when talking on it. • When using the mobile phone next to your body (other than in your hand or against your head), maintain a distance of 1.5 cm (3/4 inch) from your body to be consistent with how the mobile phone is tested for compliance with RF exposure requirements. • If you use your mobile phone with an accessory case or holder, make sure the accessory is free of metal. Follow Instructions to Avoid Interference Problems Turn off your mobile device in any location where posted notices instruct you to do so, such as hospitals or health care facilities. In an aircraft, turn off your mobile device whenever instructed to do so by airline staff. If your mobile device offers an airplane mode or similar feature, consult airline staff about using it in flight. Medical Devices If you use an implantable pacemaker or defibrillator, or other medical device, consult your healthcare provider and the device manufacturer’s directions before using this mobile device. Persons with a pacemaker or defibrillator should observe the following precautions: 0168 0168 Hereby, Motorola declares that this product is in compliance with: • The essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC • All other relevant EU Directives For products that support Wi-Fi 802.11a (as defined in your product information): This device is restricted to indoor use when operating in the 5.15 to 5.25 GHz (802.11a) Wi-Fi frequency band. The following gives an example of a typical Product Approval Number: 0168 Product Approval Number You can view your product’s Declaration of Conformity (DoC) to Directive 1999/5/EC (to R&TTE Directive) at (in English only). To find your DoC, enter the Product Approval Number from your product’s label in the “Search” bar on the website. FCC Notice to Users FTCCh The following statement applies to all products that bear the FCC logo and/or FCCID on the product label. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. See 47 CFR Sec. 15.105(b). These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. • Increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver. • Connect the equipment to an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. See 47 CFR Sec. 15.19(a)(3). Motorola has not approved any changes or modifications to this device by the user. Any changes or modifications could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment. See 47 CFR Sec. 15.21. For products that support Wi-Fi 802.11a (as defined in product information): In the United States, do not use your device outdoors while connected to an 802.11a Wi-Fi network. The FCC prohibits such outdoor use since frequencies 5.15-5.25 GHz can cause interference with Mobile Satellite Services (MSS). Public Wi-Fi access points in this range are optimized for indoor use. Industry Canada Notice to Users This device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause interference and (2) This device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device. See RSS-Gen, Section 7.1.3. This device complies with ICES-003 requirements for Class B ITE (Information Technology Equipment). CAN ICES-3 (B)/NMB-3(B) Software Notices Warning against unlocking the bootloader or altering a product’s operating system software: Motorola strongly recommends against altering a product’s operating system, which includes unlocking the bootloader, rooting a device or running any operating software other than the approved versions issued by Motorola and its partners. Such alterations may permanently damage your product, cause your product to be unsafe and/or cause your product to malfunction. In such cases, neither the product nor any damage resulting therefrom will be covered by warranty. Important FCC information: You must not make or enable any changes to the product that will impact its FCC grant of equipment authorization. The FCC grant is based on the product’s emission, modulation, and transmission characteristics, including: power levels, operating frequencies and bandwidths, SAR levels, dutycycle, transmission modes (e.g., CDMA, GSM), and intended method of using the product (e.g., how the product is held or used in proximity to the body). A change to any of these factors will invalidate the FCC grant. It is illegal to operate a transmitting product without a valid grant. Location Services Motorola mobile devices can provide information about their approximate location to applications, using sources including GPS, AGPS, and Wi-Fi. GPS (Global Positioning System) uses government-operated satellites that are subject to changes implemented in accordance with Department of Defense policy and the Federal Radio Navigation Plan. These changes may affect the performance of location technology on your mobile device. AGPS (Assisted Global Positioning System) uses your wireless service provider’s network to improve GPS performance. Airtime, data fees, and/or additional charges may apply in accordance with your service plan. Contact your wireless service provider for details. Your mobile device can also use Wi-Fi signals to determine your approximate location, using information from known and available Wi-Fi networks. Mobile devices transmit location-based information when connected to a wireless network or when using other location technologies like GPS. If you use applications that require location-based information such as driving directions, your mobile device will provide location information to them. These applications may share location information with third parties, including your wireless service provider, applications providers, Motorola, and other third parties providing services. Emergency Calls When you make an emergency call, the cellular network may activate the AGPS technology in your mobile device to tell the emergency responders your approximate location. AGPS has limitations and might not work in your area. Therefore: • Always tell the emergency responder your location to the best of your ability; and • Remain on the phone for as long as the emergency responder instructs you. Navigation If your Motorola mobile device provides navigation features, note that mapping information, directions, and other navigational data may contain inaccurate or incomplete data. In some countries, complete information may not be available. Therefore, you should visually confirm that the navigational instructions are consistent with what you see. All drivers should pay attention to road conditions, closures, traffic, and all other factors that may impact driving. Always obey posted road signs. Privacy & Data Security Motorola understands that privacy and data security are important to everyone. Because some features of your mobile device may affect your privacy or data security, please follow these recommendations to enhance protection of your information: • Monitor access: Keep your mobile device with you and don’t leave it where others may have unmonitored access. Use your device’s security and lock features, where available. • Keep software up to date: If Motorola or a software/application vendor releases a patch or software fix for your mobile device that updates the device’s security, install it as soon as possible. ecure Personal Information: Your mobile device can store personal information in various locations, • S including your SIM card, memory card, and phone memory. Be sure to remove or clear all personal information before you recycle, return, or give away your device. You can also backup your personal data to transfer to a new device. Note: For information on how to backup or wipe data from your mobile device, go to • O nline accounts: Some mobile devices provide a Motorola online account. Go to your account for information on how to manage the account, and how to use security features such as remote wipe and device location (where available). • A pplications and updates: Choose your apps and updates carefully, and install from trusted sources only. Some apps can impact your mobile device’s performance and/or have access to private information including account details, call data, location details, and network resources. • Wireless: For mobile devices with Wi-Fi features, only connect to trusted Wi-Fi networks. Also, when using your device as a hotspot (where available), use network security. These precautions will help prevent unauthorized access to your device. • Location-based information: Mobile devices enabled with location based technologies such as GPS, AGPS or Wi-Fi, can transmit location-based information. See “Location Services” for more details. • Other information your device may transmit: Your mobile device may also transmit testing and other diagnostic (including location-based) information, and other non-personal information to Motorola or other third-party servers. This information is used to help improve products and services offered by Motorola. If you have further questions about how using your mobile device may impact your privacy or data security, please contact Motorola at [email protected], or contact your service provider. Disposal & Recycling Mobile Devices & Accessories Please don’t dispose of mobile devices or electrical accessories (such as chargers, headsets, or batteries) with your household waste. Warning: Never dispose of batteries, either separately or within a mobile device, in a fire because they may explode. Mobile devices or electrical accessories should be disposed of in accordance with the national collection and recycling schemes operated by your local or regional authority. Or, you may return unwanted Motorola mobile devices and electrical accessories to any Motorola Approved Service Center in your region. For details on approved national recycling schemes and Motorola recycling activities, go to: materials in which you own the copyright, or materials which you are authorized or legally permitted to copy. If you are uncertain about your right to copy any material, please contact your legal advisor. Packaging & Product Guides Product packaging and product guides should only be disposed of in accordance with national collection and recycling requirements. Please contact your regional authorities for more details. Open Source Software Information For instructions on how to obtain a copy of any source code being made publicly available by Motorola related to software used in this Motorola mobile device, you may send your request in writing to the address below. Please make sure that the request includes the model number and the software version number. MOTOROLA MOBILITY LLC OSS Management 1000 Enterprise Way Sunnyvale, CA 94043 USA Hearing Aid Compatibility in the US In the US, specific hearing aid compatibility (HAC) performance ratings can help clarify how certain wireless phones and hearing aids may perform together. HAC compliant wireless phones are capable of working with hearing aids that have a minimal immunity rating of at least 2. The immunity rating indicates how susceptible a hearing aid is to picking up interference from a digital wireless phone. It can rate the performance of the hearing aid for either microphone and/or telecoil coupling. Some hearing aids are more immune than others to this interference noise, and phones also vary in the amount of interference they generate. The US performance rating system for HAC compliant wireless phones is as follows: The “M” (microphone) indicates that the product has been tested and rated for acoustic coupling. The “T” (telecoil) represents that the product has been tested and rated for inductive coupling. The higher the “M” or “T” rating, the less likely the hearing aid user will experience interference when the hearing aid is set to the respective microphone or telecoil mode. The highest values to date are 3 and 4 (e.g., “M4” or “M3/T3”). To determine if a product is rated for HAC, please look for the HAC rating or logo on the phone’s packaging. For a list of current HAC models, visit Results will vary depending on the user’s hearing aid and hearing loss. If your hearing aid happens to be vulnerable to interference, you may not be able to use a rated phone successfully. Trying out the phone with your hearing device is the best way to evaluate it for your personal needs. To couple the device to your telecoil equipped hearing aid, switch your hearing aid to the “T” or telecoil setting. Then, enable the ‘Hearing Aid’ mode feature on your Motorola phone with the following sequence: Apps > Phone >Menu > Settings >Hearing aids. Motorola Mobility hearing aid compatible phones have been tested and rated for use with hearing aids for some of the wireless technologies that it uses. However, there may be some newer wireless technologies used in this phone that have not been tested yet for use with hearing aids. It is important to try the different features of this phone thoroughly and in different locations, using your hearing aid or cochlear implant, to determine if you hear any interfering noise. Contact your service provider or Motorola for information on hearing aid compatibility. If you have questions about return or exchange policies, contact your service provider or phone retailer. Software Copyright Motorola products may include copyrighted Motorola and third-party software stored in semiconductor memories or other media. Laws in the United States and other countries preserve for Motorola and third-party software providers certain exclusive rights for copyrighted software, such as the exclusive rights to distribute or reproduce the copyrighted software. Accordingly, any copyrighted software contained in Motorola products may not be modified, reverse-engineered, distributed, or reproduced in any manner to the extent allowed by law. Furthermore, the purchase of Motorola products shall not be deemed to grant either directly or by implication, estoppel, or otherwise, any license under the copyrights, patents, or patent applications of Motorola or any third-party software provider, except for the normal, non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use that arises by operation of law in the sale of a product. Content Copyright The unauthorized copying of copyrighted materials is contrary to the provisions of the Copyright Laws of the United States and other countries. This device is intended solely for copying non-copyrighted materials, The Motorola website (in English only) also contains information regarding Motorola’s use of open source. Motorola has created the website to serve as a portal for interaction with the software community-at-large. To view additional information regarding licenses, acknowledgments and required copyright notices for open source packages used in this Motorola mobile device, please go to Apps > Settings >About phone > Legal information >Open source licenses. In addition, this Motorola device may include self-contained applications that present supplemental notices for open source packages used in those applications. Export Law Assurances This product is controlled under the export regulations of the United States of America and Canada. The Governments of the United States of America and Canada may restrict the exportation or re-exportation of this product to certain destinations. For further information contact the U.S. Department of Commerce or the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade. Product Registration Product registration is an important step toward enjoying your new Motorola product. Registering permits us to contact you for product or software updates and allows you to subscribe to updates on new products or special promotions. Registration is not required for warranty coverage. Please retain your original dated sales receipt for your records. For warranty service of your Motorola product you will need to provide a copy of your dated sales receipt to confirm warranty status. Thank you for choosing a Motorola product. Service & Repairs If you have questions or need assistance, we’re here to help. Go to, where you can select from a number of customer care options. You can also contact the Motorola Customer Support Center at 1-800-734-5870 (United States), 1-888-390-6456 (TTY/TDD United States for hearing impaired), or 1-800-461-4575 (Canada). How to Obtain Service or Other Information 1. Please access and review the online Customer Support section of Motorola’s consumer website prior to requesting warranty service. 2. If the Product is still not functioning properly after making use of this resource, please contact the Warrantor listed at the Motorola website or the contact information for the corresponding location. 3. A representative of Motorola, or of a Motorola Authorized Repair Center, will help determine whether your Product requires service. You may be required to download, or otherwise obtain and accept software updates from Motorola or a Motorola Authorized Repair Center. You are responsible for any applicable carrier service fees incurred while obtaining the required downloads. Complying with the warranty process, repair instructions and accepting such software updates is required in order to receive additional warranty support. 4.If the software update doesn’t fix the problem, you will receive instructions on how to ship the Product to a Motorola Authorized Repair Center or other entity. 5. To obtain warranty service, as permitted by applicable law, you are required to include: (a) a copy of your receipt, bill of sale or other comparable proof of purchase; (b) a written description of the problem; (c) the name of your service provider, if applicable; (d) your address and telephone number. In the event the Product is not covered by the Motorola Limited Warranty, Motorola will inform the consumer of the availability, price and other conditions applicable to the repair of the Product. To obtain service or other information, please access and review the online Customer Support section of Motorola’s consumer website at Motorola Mobility LLC Global Limited Warranty Global Warranty What does this Limited Warranty cover? Motorola Mobility LLC (“Motorola”) promises to the original purchaser (“you”) that this Mobile Phone, and any in-box accessories which accompany it (the “Products”), will be free of defects for a period of 12 months from the date of original purchase (“Warranty Period”) provided that the Products are used for normal [consumer/ end user] purposes (the “Limited Warranty”). This Limited Warranty covers only a purchase of new Products from Motorola or an authorized reseller or distributor of Motorola Products and accompanied in-box by this written Limited Warranty. This Limited Warranty is personal to you and not transferable. Claims under this Limited Warranty may only be made in the country of purchase. If, following a repair, there are fewer than 90 days remaining in the Warranty Period, the Warranty Period will be extended to end 90 days from the date of repair. THE PROMISES MADE TO YOU IN THIS LIMITED WARRANTY ARE IN ADDITION TO, AND DO NOT REDUCE OR OTHERWISE AFFECT, YOUR STATUTORY RIGHTS. What will we do if you make a claim under this Limited Warranty? If you make a valid claim under this Limited Warranty, Motorola will (at its discretion) either (1) repair the Product using new, used, or reconditioned replacement parts; or (2) replace the Product with a new or ‘as new’ reconditioned Product; or (3) refund the purchase price. Any refunded or replaced Product shall become the property of Motorola. What is not covered? This Limited Warranty does not cover the following unless they occurred because of a defect in materials or workmanship: (a) Batteries or any protective coatings the performance of which naturally deteriorates over time. (b) Cosmetic damage, including scratches, dents, cracks or other cosmetic damage from normal wear and tear. (c) Damage caused by use with non-Motorola products. Defects or damage that result from the use of nonMotorola branded or certified compatible products, accessories or other peripheral equipment and/or software. (d) Damage caused beyond the reasonable control of Motorola, including damage caused by (i) accident, abuse, misuse; (ii) operating a Product outside its permitted or intended uses as defined in the Products’ User Manual, Quick Start Guide, Online Tutorials, and other documentation provided to you (including use of the Products for [commercial rental] purposes); (iii) improper storage (e.g. subjecting the Product to extreme temperatures), abuse or neglect (e.g. broken/bent/missing clips/fasteners/connectors); impact damage (e.g. dropping the Product); (iv) contact with liquids, water, rain, extreme humidity, unusually heavy perspiration or other moisture; sand, food, dirt or similar substances (except for Products sold as resistant to such substances, but then only to the extent the damage was not caused by incorrectly securing the phone’s protective elements or subjecting a Product to conditions beyond its stated specifications or limits); or (v) flood, fire, earthquake, tornado or other acts of God not within Motorola’s reasonable control. (e) Unauthorized service. Defects or damage resulting from someone other than Motorola or a Motorola authorized service center servicing, testing, adjusting, installing, maintaining, altering, or tampering with the Products. (f) Products that have been modified in any manner without the written permission of Motorola, including (i) serial numbers, date tags or other manufacturer coding that has been removed, altered or obliterated; (ii) mismatched or duplicated serial numbers; (iii) broken seals or other evidence of tampering; or (iv) which have been modified or show evidence of attempts to modify them. IMPORTANT: IT IS ILLEGAL TO USE THIS PRODUCT IF IT CEASES TO COMPLY WITH THE GOVERNMENT AUTHORIZATIONS THAT APPROVED ITS RELEASE. THEREFORE, YOU MUST NOT MAKE CHANGES TO THE PRODUCT AFFECTING ITS EMISSION, MODULATION, TRANSMISSION CHARACTERISTICS, INCLUDING POWER LEVELS, OPERATING FREQUENCIES AND BANDWIDTHS, SAR LEVELS, DUTY-CYCLE, TRANSMISSION MODES AND THE INTENDED METHOD OF THE PRODUCT. (g) Normal wear and tear or otherwise due to the normal aging of the Product. (h) Defects, damages, or the failure of the Product due to any third party communication service or network you subscribe to or use with the Product. (i) Software. What other limitations are there? • TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, MOTOROLA DOES NOT GIVE ANY WARRANTIES OR MAKE ANY REPRESENTATIONS, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN RELATION TO THE PRODUCTS. IN PARTICULAR, MOTOROLA DOES NOT WARRANT OR REPRESENT THAT THE PRODUCTS WILL MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS, WORK IN COMBINATION WITH ANY THIRD PARTY HARDWARE OR SOFTWARE OR SERVICES, PROVIDE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR-FREE SERVICE, OR OPERATE WITHOUT RISK OF DATA LOSS. • YOU SHOULD BE AWARE THAT NO RETAILER OR OTHER THIRD PARTY IS AUTHORIZED TO MAKE ANY REPRESENTATIONS ON BEHALF OF MOTOROLA OR TO MODIFY THIS LIMITED WARRANTY. • TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, MOTOROLA SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY STATUTORY WARRANTIES WHICH MIGHT OTHERWISE APPLY. • TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, MOTOROLA SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT OR UNDER OTHER LEGAL THEORY (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), FOR DAMAGES IN EXCESS OF THE PURCHASE PRICE OF THE PRODUCTS, OR FOR ANY INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, OR LOSS OF REVENUE OR PROFITS; LOSS OF BUSINESS; BUSINESS INTERRUPTION; LOSS OF OPPORTUNITY; LOSS OF GOODWILL; LOSS OF REPUTATION; LOSS OF, DAMAGE TO, OR CORRUPTION OF INFORMATION, DATA, SOFTWARE OR APPLICATIONS (INCLUDING ANY COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH RECOVERING, PROGRAMMING, OR REPRODUCING ANY INFORMATION, DATA, SOFTWARE, OR APPLICATIONS STORED ON OR USED WITH MOTOROLA PRODUCTS); OR OTHER FINANCIAL LOSS ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE ABILITY OR INABILITY TO USE THE PRODUCTS OR SERVICES PROVIDED UNDER THIS LIMITED WARRANTY. BY MAKING A CLAIM UNDER THIS LIMITED WARRANTY YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU UNDERSTAND THAT. • SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE LIMITATION OR EXCLUSION OF CERTAIN DAMAGES SO THE DISCLAIMERS MAY NOT LIMIT YOUR LEGAL RIGHTS AGAINST MOTOROLA. THIS WARRANTY GIVES YOU SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS. YOU MAY ALSO HAVE OTHER RIGHTS THAT VARY FROM JURISDICTION TO JURISDICTION. THIS LIMITED WARRANTY DOES NOT SEEK TO TAKE THOSE RIGHTS AWAY UNLESS THE APPLICABLE LAW ALLOWS YOU TO CONTRACT OUT OF THOSE RIGHTS. My Product is defective, what should I do? 1. Review the online Motorola customer support website at for troubleshooting information. 2. If the Product is still not functioning properly after you have followed troubleshooting instructions suggested on this website, please contact Motorola using the contact details provided on the customer support website at 3. If your Product is covered by this Limited Warranty, you may be required to download, or otherwise obtain and accept software updates. You are responsible for any third party data costs incurred when obtaining the downloads. Before we can provide any further support under this Limited Warranty you must first comply with the warranty processes (1), (2), and (3), repair instructions, and accept any necessary software updates. 4. If the software update does not fix the problem, you will receive instructions on how and where to ship the Product for assessment. We will generally need: (i) proof of purchase; (ii) a written description of the problem; (iii) the name of your mobile network service provider, if applicable; (iv) your address and telephone number. We will only use this information for the purposes of processing your claim under this Limited Warranty. 5. If the Product is not covered by this Limited Warranty (and you do not have any other statutory rights in your place of usual residence), Motorola will inform you of the availability, price, and other conditions applicable to the repair, replacement, or refund of the Product. Copyright & Trademarks Safety, Regulatory, & Legal Copyright & Trademarks Copyright & Trademarks Motorola Mobility LLC Consumer Advocacy Office 600 N US Hwy 45 Libertyville, IL 60048 Note: Do not ship your product to the above address. If you need to return your product for repairs, replacement, or warranty service, please contact the Motorola Customer Support Center at: 1-800-734-5870 (United States) 1-888-390-6456 (TTY/TDD United States for hearing impaired) 1-800-461-4575 (Canada) Certain features, services and applications are network dependent and may not be available in all areas; additional terms, conditions and/or charges may apply. Contact your service provider for details. All features, functionality, and other product specifications, as well as the information contained in this guide, are based upon the latest available information and believed to be accurate at the time of printing. Motorola reserves the right to change or modify any information or specifications without notice or obligation. Note: The images in this guide are examples only. MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Motorola Trademark Holdings, LLC. Android, Google, Google Play, and other marks are trademarks of Google Inc. The Android robot is reproduced or modified from work created and shared by Google and used according to terms described in the Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution License. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © 2014 Motorola Mobility LLC. All rights reserved. Caution: Motorola does not take responsibility for changes/modification to the transceiver. Product ID: XT830C Manual Number: 68017688001-C ">

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Key features
- Activate phone with new number or transfer existing
- Create TracFone account and manage profile
- Keep service active with Airtime Plans
- Make and receive calls
- Send text messages
- Set up Bluetooth®
- Take and share pictures
- Use mobile internet services
- Manage applications
- Personalize with ringtones and wallpapers
Frequently asked questions
Go to or call 1-800-867-7183. Select the Activation option, and select Activate with a New Number. Provide the phone Serial Number shown on the Activation Card.
Go to or call 1-800-867-7183. Select the Activation option, and select Transfer my existing TracFone number and service or transfer my number from another company. Provide the required information, including your active phone number to transfer, current service account number, name and address, current service account password or PIN and alternate contact phone number.
You must refill your Service Plan BEFORE your Service End Date. You can add Airtime Plans, buy Airtime or Data Plans at Retailers, online or by calling TracFone.
From your TracFone, dial 1-800-706-3839. Select your language (1 for English, 2 for Spanish). Dial 011 + Country Code + City Code + Telephone Number. For calls to the Bahamas, Bermuda, Canada and Dominican Republic just dial 1 + City Code + Telephone Number.
Press the Home key, then tap the Chrome icon. Your phone will connect to the Mobile Web.