TracFone Phone User guide

Below you will find brief information for Phone. This guide will help you activate your new phone, set up your account and use various features such as making calls, sending SMS, and accessing the mobile internet. It will also guide you on managing applications, personalizing your phone with ringtones and wallpapers, and setting up security settings for your phone.

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TracFone Phone User Guide | Manualzz




Key features

  • Activate phone with new number or transfer existing
  • Create TracFone account and manage profile
  • Keep service active with Airtime Plans
  • Make and receive calls
  • Send text messages
  • Set up Bluetooth®
  • Take and share pictures
  • Use mobile internet services
  • Manage applications
  • Personalize with ringtones and wallpapers

Frequently asked questions

Go to or call 1-800-867-7183. Select the Activation option, and select Activate with a New Number. Provide the phone Serial Number shown on the Activation Card.

Go to or call 1-800-867-7183. Select the Activation option, and select Transfer my existing TracFone number and service or transfer my number from another company. Provide the required information, including your active phone number to transfer, current service account number, name and address, current service account password or PIN and alternate contact phone number.

You must refill your Service Plan BEFORE your Service End Date. You can add Airtime Plans, buy Airtime or Data Plans at Retailers, online or by calling TracFone.

From your TracFone, dial 1-800-706-3839. Select your language (1 for English, 2 for Spanish). Dial 011 + Country Code + City Code + Telephone Number. For calls to the Bahamas, Bermuda, Canada and Dominican Republic just dial 1 + City Code + Telephone Number.

Press the Home key, then tap the Chrome icon. Your phone will connect to the Mobile Web.
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