SINGER 211G 146, 151, 157, 158, 351, 357, 358, 451, 457, 651, 657, 658 sewing machine Service Manual
Below you will find brief product information for sewing machine 211G 146, sewing machine 211G 151, sewing machine 211G 157, sewing machine 211G 158, sewing machine 211G 351, sewing machine 211G 357, sewing machine 211G 358, sewing machine 211G 451, sewing machine 211G 457, sewing machine 211G 651, sewing machine 211G 657, sewing machine 211G 658. These are high-speed, single-needle machines designed for a variety of fabrics. They feature a vertical axis hook with metered lubrication, a safety clutch, and an adjustable feed driving eccentric.
SINGER 211G146, 211G151, AND 211157, 158, 351, 357, 358, 451, 457, 651, 658 Form 30-289 G/1073-894 I, SINGER Service Manual MACHINES 211G146, 211G151 AND 211G157, 158, 351, 357, 358, 451, 457, 651, 657, 658 THE SINGER COMPANY Copyright © 1965 by The Singer Company Copyright under International Copyright Union All Rights Reserved under Inter-American Copyright Union Printed in West Germany * A Trademark of THE SINGER COMPANY CONTENTS DESCRIPTION......... o2enoorervaoredoocrerarcoo 3 INSTALLATION. LL. 112611 ee a a a a ane ae aa a aa aa a 0 4 LUBRICATION 11212104 La aa ae aa a a a aan aa» 4-5 ОРЕВАТОК |МЕОВМАТЮМ. ................... 5-9 ADJUSTMENTS. Re 9-16 INDEX Arm Shaft Connection Belt Replacement. ........... 16 Installation. ori ii ie eee чо, Bobbin Case Opener, Adjusting.........eerecoon. 14 Bobbin Case Opener, Timing.......eeoresocccer. 14 Needles... RR RER ee Bobbin Case, Removal From Sewing Hook......... 13 Needle Bar Bushing (211G146)............eeec... Bobbin Removal.......oeroooorneocacororrensooarr aa 7 Nedle Bar Height (211G146)..............eene... Bobbin Replacement... cirri 7 Needle Bar Height (211G151 & 211G157).......... 10 Bobbin Thread Tension.......0eeeeesrecorerecomerco 8 Needie Bar Position Relative to Presser Bar...... 10 Bobbin Winding........enencacoorerererecarerer. 7 Needle Bar Rock Frame 16 Description of Machines .......o_eeorerorarcerare.. 3 Needle Setting. .........eccoreocarerereenecor e 6 Feed Dog Adjustment. .......eeeececroroonerecoe. 15 Needle Thread Tension. ......ecrencoacrecca aro 8 Feed Eccentric Adjustment... ovine... 15 Pressure on Material .........eeor.eccdoocoreree.. 9 Feed Reversing Mechanism (211G157).......eee... 11 5111-10 eae 5 Feed Reversing Mechanism Stitch Length Regulation sera 9 Adjustment (211G157/158) 0..0.00000000000 0070 11 Take-up Lever Remove 16 Hook Height.....0.0.00000000000 0000110 12 Thread Controller. co. oi iii iii ieee 8, 9 Hook Lubrication....120201000 0000000400 000000 0000 5 Thread Tensions.......eoececooecacareooocononoeo 8 Hook Position Relative to Needie..........reoneoo 12 Threading Bobbin Case........ñecoeeooororevaror. 8 Hook Removal......oeerocaosorero encororroo „13, 14 Threading (Lower)........eoreoccsercorererrecen. 7 Hook Timing......-eoccossrerarecrerrocarearene. 13 Threading (Upper).........oceoccacecoorerarore 6 DESCRIPTION OF MACHINES — The Singer 211G146, 211G151 and 211G157 are high speed, single needle, long arm, precision lockstitch machines, designed for top performance on a variety of medium to heavy weight fabrics. GENERAL FEATURES Vertical axis hook with metered lubrication. Hook can be removed without disturbing hook shaft. Safety clutch, adjustable to sewing conditions, to prevent hook damage during occasional strain, Fully automatic lubrication to all moving parts from two reservoirs enclosed in the machine. Thread lubricator reservoir, inside face plate, filled through oil hole without disturbing face plate. Adjustable feed driving eccentric located on hook driving shaft, produces a uniform stitch length at all speeds. 2 Oil reservoir in hook saddle permits controlled lubrication to bobbin case, bobbin case opener mech- anism and hook, Arm shaft, hook shaft, and belt driven bed shaft are mounted in ball bearings at rear and in automat- ically lubricated plain bearings in front. Plunger for changing length of stitch is on top surface of bed. Needle bar and needle bar driving mechanism are lubricated automatically from oil reservoir in machine arm. Sleeve type take-up. Thread take-up guard. Belt drive, Knee lifter. Needle bar stroke: 1-5/16 inches. Bed: 18-3/4 inches long, 7 inches wide. Space at right of needle: 10-1/2 inches. Federal Stitch Type 301. SPECIAL FEATURES 211G146 DROP FEED Primarily for shoes and a variety of leather products. Ball bearing roller presser. Clearance under roller presser: 1,4 inch. Maximum stitch length: 6 per inch. 211G151 COMPOUND FEED Ideal for stitching coats, overalls, rainwear, work- clothes, sports outerwear and similar items. Combination of needle feed and drop feed prevents slipping of upper and lower plies of material during sewing, insuring uniform stitching and even plies. Clearance under presser foot: 1/4 inch. (3/8 inch clearance available on order). Maximum stitch length: 5 per inch. 211G157 COMPOUND FEED/REVERSE FEED Similar to machine 211G151 with addition of feed re- versing mechanism controlled by hand or foot. Direc- tion of feed can be reversed at any time, and at any speed. Spring biased reverse lever resumes forward stitching position immediately, when hand or foot pressure is released. Clearance under presser foot: 1/4 inch. (3/8 inch clearance available on order). Maximum stitch length: 6 per inch. The 211 G 158 machine is the same as the 211 G 157 machine, the only variation is the fact that a stitch length of approx. 10 mm can be obtained with this machine, depen- ding on the material sewn. The maximum speed recommended for this machine (211 G 158) is 1800 rom. The 211 G 351; 211 G 357; 211 G 358: 211 G 451; 211 G 457: 211 G 651. 211 G 657 and 211 G 658 machines are compound feed varieties within the machine class 211 G. Machine Features Max. St. Length Max. Speed 211 G 351 Large Vertical Axis Hook. All other features comply with 211 G 151 machine. 5 SPI = 5 mm 2,700 RPM 211 G 357 Large Vertical Axis Hook. All other features comply with 211 G 157 machine. 6 SPI = 4.2 mm 2,700 RPM 211 G 358 Large Vertical Axis Hook. All other features comply with 211 G 158 machine. 2% SPI = 10 mm 1.800 RPM 211 G 451 Underbed Thread Trimmer with Thread Wiper. Ai other features comply with 211 G 151 machine.* 5 SPI = 5 mm 4,000 RPM 211 G 457 Underbed Thread Trimmer with Thread Wiper. All other features comply with 211 G 157 machine * 6 SPI = 4.2 mm 4,000 RPM 211 G 651 Large Vertical Axis Hook; Underbed Thread Trimmer with Wiper. Al! other features comply with 211 G 151 machine * 5 SPI = 5 mm 2,700 RPM 211 G 657 Large Vertical Axis Hook; Underbed Thread Trimmer with Wiper. All other features comply with 211 G 157 machine * 6 SPI = 4.2 mm 2,700 RPM 211 G 658 Large Vertical Axis Hook: Underbed Thread Trimmer with Wiper. _ All other features comply with 211 G 158 machine.* 27 SPI = 10 mm 1.800 RPM For machines with UTT, Service Manual Form No. 30-349G should be used as supplementary literature. " these machinesare not equipped with the automatic needle thread lubrication. The lubricating pad has to be soaked manually if needle thread is to be lubricated. STOP DRAIN STUD а PIPE r———— WN 4 Fig. 2. Installation View INSTALLATION Fasten drip pan to table with its left end even with left end of cut-out. Fasten knee lifter bracket in location shown in Fig. 2 Assemble it so that lifter rod does not strike drip pan. Screw slots in bracket provide necessary adjustment. Set stop-stud to stop the action of knee lifter as soon as presser foot is raised enough to trip hand lever. Screw drain pipe ‘nto drain hole in drip pan and attach oil jar as shown. LUBRICATION vam A TA TEA TSE EE TT : A a UIT a A CARTE TETE TE a не TT 2, = 1 : Lh T т = ar tor 1 Tear” f=.- Е + x Em, “€ +. > . - Role E a a Eos . A WET NAAA 7 . LE - Para SE e Ka a - wf Leo _ к =”. : > ,; 5} Ч = Lo . J Ti of pst APRA пор o VERTE Ae ENE т М Te С VES Sih T° Liver, У x = daa tu 5 E :.HIG Lote EA ¡EA ra brug) Ch gi EE Ea ac Tr: ra mE T. x -1 Ti AA 3 ‘ns Fig Ti то йо 3 Are = = Ty. - e - E + Ay EAT x “ A; fra 'm R 7 DE Te ‘Arm Rese ir . ad : +3 7 + - : + = "ets: € ; PE > , Te in - ? Ty Te AT = , A ELE Ra" Das ain = rh ays "a A Sal AE E Et rado EZ iv gE Ti “ OTE a E NN VALIA or TI" EY: Ae tre IA All moving parts are lubricated from two reservoirs enclosed in the machine. Before starting the machine, all reservoirs should be filled and critical areas lubricated. FILL THREAD LUBRICATOR RESERVOIR WITH SINGER’ THREAD LUBRICANT “TYPEE'— FH ON——— WHEN MACHINE Ju. IS RUNNING OFF WHEN MACHINE IS IDLE FOR MORE LUBRICATING THREAD LUBRICANT PAD Fig. 5. Thread Lubrication "BEFORE STARTING MACHINE 55 FALL TO HIGH MARK +: a ABLA + ak aad ed 4 WF Ey 7 3, ег _\ , - 1. SL SATUR a A AE prey H af v., EE Use Singer Oil ‘Type A’ ог ‘Туре C'' for arm reservoir and hook saddle reservoir. Fill machine arm reservoir to high mark on oil sight as indicated in Fig. 3. The machine arm reservoir contains an oil vibra- ting pump which releases oil only when the machine is operating. Remove oil gauge as shown in Fig. 4 and fill hook saddle reservoir to full mark on gauge. Lubricate hook gears and opener gears by applying a generous supply of oil to oil holes indicated in Fig. 4. Use Singer Oil “Type E" for thread lubricator reservoir. Fill thread lubricator reservoir through oil hole in face plate as shown in Fig. 5. THREAD LU- BRICATOR CONTROLLER MUST BE ON WHEN MACHINE IS OPERATING AND OFF WHEN MACHINE IS IDLE. To increase thread lubrication, turn con- troller in counterclockwise direction as shown in Fig. 5. AA — FA GEN REA NE Le чт a c a E 1 . Me a APE a dre T "Ea a Lt, TAE ar +, Va mm A EAT en Fi . тб. . В "2 ve Ta - НЫ . ar E = - Ca E wr, TA 101 a - У нож" PUY IPS aie PIAS SEE TTT FIRES Uy 2 a o. ATLAS ren ea Re Pa 0 В "o e A TA 1 - ва CoE al SEL - - ication (Step One) =~ 7° Hae aa D 008 HOOK LUBRICATION The bobbin case raceway is lubricated by oil pumped from the hook saddle reservoir while the ma- chine is operating. The amount of oil received by hook raceway is very important. To check this, first remove bobbin case. Then with the machine running, hold a small piece of white paper near the hook for about 10 seconds. À distinct spray of oil should be visible on the paper. If there is no trace of oil or an excess of oil on the paper, proceed with the following steps: 1. Tip machine and loosen control valve set screw shown in Fig. 6 and return machine to upright position. 2. Turn contro! valve screw shown in Fig. 7 clock- wise for more oil; counterclockwise for less oil. Re-tighten control valve set screw. A short test run of at least a minute should be made between adjustments to insure uniform oil flow. After each adjustment of oil control valve screw, oil control valve set screw should be securely tightened. SPEED Maximum speed for machine 211G146 is 3500 stitches per minute. y = LT сои A A TE : a. . - rá E. a E „5 ‘ a LAUDE, mY oa + . e A UE x" MZA Pia ME) - . os Lo a “co . IR Qi E . 2 . . E WL * CONTROL” Ten 11.5 Co Co Ds aa a siy - La ; DAI. e AE OE = . . a ‘ ams TRY. > -. a oo deta” MS e e a NA ar A gs Jai, ve Step Tw o) RET, a имама. MM. 14 0-25 T0 TX Th TEE: 7 —]—_ , Fa ld Mea CS E Maximum speed for machines 211G151 and 211G157 is 4000 stitches per minute. Maximum efficient speed is dependent upon the nature of the operation, the ability of the operator and the type of material being sewn. Never run a new machine at maximum speed im- mediately following a new installation. A speed of 500 stitches per minute less than maximum is recom- mended for the first 100 hours of operation. NEEDLES For machine 211G 146, use Singer Needies, Catalog 1740. For Machines 211G151 and 211G157, use Singer Needles, Catalog 1901 for 1/4 inch clearance under presser foot and Catalog 3355 for 3/8 inch clearance. Size of needle for a particular operation is deter- mined by size of thread and type of material to be sewn. Orders for needles should state quantity required, size number and catalog number. For example: - 100 Needles, Size 14, Catalog 1740 EEE TE SETTING THE NEEDLE 1. Turn machine pulley over toward you until Ea needle bar is at highest position as shown in Fig. 8. ‘LOOSEN { NEEDLE SCHAMPING SC SCREW © 2. Loosen needle clamping screw 3. Insert needle into needle bar to highest posi- tion, with long groove of needle to left of opera- tor and eye of needle parallel to machine arm. 4. Tighten clamping screw. THREAD Left twist thread should be used in needle. Either left or right twist thread can be used bobbin. To determine thread twist, hold thread as shown in Fig. 9. With left hand holding one end of thread, twirl other end with thumb and forefinger of right hand over toward you. If left twist thread, strands will wind tighter. If right twist thread, strands will TOA Fe | THRE ‹ e COPE 9. “Thread. Twict Determination 7 e At de o PEARL NETA DEN TAS A AA unwind or separate. UPPER THREADING Turn machine pulley over toward you until needle in Fig. 10. bar is at highest position. Draw about 2 inches of thread through needle eye Pass thread through threading points as indicated to start sewing. BEHIND OIL Threading Needle à Fig. 10. Upper Threading LOWER THREADING BOBBIN REMOVAL |. Open slide plate in bed of machine Во 2. Turn machine pulley over toward you until needle bar reaches highest position. СЕ 3. Raise bobbin latch and lift out bobbin as in- dicated in Fig. 11. pan BOBBIN WINDING = a” Vague Fi g. - ae US noo a ra e ост a UNT E = Attach bobbin winder to table with driving pulley in front of belt as shown in Fig. 12. TEL YA TTR ¿e о, ET es TTR Lt Saad; 4 x ape er -_ ® зо Securely place bobbin on bobbin winder spindle. Pass thread through thread guide, then around and between tension discs as shown. Wind thread clock- wise around bobbin a few times as indicated in Fig. 12. Move bobbin winder pulley over against machine belt and start machine. The amount of thread to be wound on bobbin is regulated by screw B, Fig. 12. To wind more thread on bobbin, turn screw B inward. For less thread on bobbin, turn screw B outward. This screw should be regulated to stop bobbin winder spindle when thread on bobbin is 1/16 inch short of bobbin rim. If thread winds unevenly on bobbin, loosen tension bracket screw A, Fig. 12, and move bracket to right or left to obtain even winding. Adjusting knurled nut C, Fig. 12, regulates tension of thread being wound on bobbin. For fine thread, use light tension. Bobbins may be wound while machine is stitching. BOBBIN REPLACEMENT Place bobbin on center stud with thread wound in a Pone TERRE Fig..] sE counterclockwise direction as shown in Fig. 13. Draw about 2 or 3 inches of thread from bobbin. Mo nf. rte kG O: Ps e . A +. un 3 i > wy ke rs 2 A Cregg De - $ i A т + a E Ed Ч +H FE A a se a 3 : pig 4 PSI DANA ES DA ap na CAS ab. RES - - "IX emg ï MPL ROC = wo ' + . . E. = Le - > {fé mea > te 32 ar FA Ay «я : TT gr hy FE EU E was 0- Je MERS AS Aran Lin a ik iw ET 5 > & - LA ; E. # E. PCC - te of SAY ma ary Bobbin Remóv > E 244 pére hs = n Replde ry NTT CEA TRF TT AO a - + а” a = 55 vo 1 > "LIFT LATCH a . n = EA * - LT Son TTF F . 1 Eau 14 ‘- чо. IND > 23 ja Ti 5, po Md Sn “A Ya 47 de "al A * Y AA TR И 4 y Ё © 1 В TR ? PEC = №. A LAT Bo A La Ae e med EL a je 1. N ао = И кот, PAT "” Р 7 ri м ES 3 3 ed pe > Ad К у . AE О - E я ни (7 ri y a . h г. и MET ak dE A7 “1 PR CCE Вии uy Lait far Mag 3. ER: Le TA un LAE fe Td ees ae Bre EL Nps * RE a cS al НИ L E TIO a + a 3 cire e. Aa Ы A ” A © - A 3 Fi, a Ea e a ul on Я re > yr, ly r 200% San Pa e Г в bé] Y Fa A Год q я A Px A RY) de, я LHL J D 4 1 9 y h 4 pH A ый ge ny paid Wat Frain y] y Lat >= dr ET [ de , er TRE, fuit A y LL A a ren a - han e i Ц A ES rd e var PRE eT => TU A BOBBIN £4 EN EI A a E PLA THREADING BOBBIN CASE Draw thread through slot in edge of bobbin case as shown in Fig. 14, then to the left and under pro- jection as shown in Fig. 15, leaving about two inches PULL THREAD THROUGH SLOT Fig. 14. Bobbin Threading (Step One) not: 7 UE TA TE UAT van A DH a — e e a 1 Li» va В > AM aha . ' Li > Je Lu Te “+, e 1, is No CL a" EE Ton o : 3 mass A4 = KA: a y E NS to : ТЕ Ce +R SEAL О A it E +; ce, e e te CA 5 5 SE сы ETS + + = Pa 4 5 a ¥ a Cede cf E у + x - + £- E: - : a N eva E > a NE a 114 4 ros 4 - Nr + — чё € hy = - À a k das -. hi TEE TA. : > hi NR 4 Ya ri A 35 O == AA E. A Не 2 AE aa 7 a ea Toba A E, DL à má ы "5 u EA +“ TE - & © T= “чае — ie Ne He LES per ; 7 PS LW Loy I ed an ie TE ee NE D DE ES : y: E RES AO ona LE AQ ERA Abat О ERE BET “pe rid, Re Et ME Ce rer AE ; “et #* == Ar + “ TRF, ie - a leedle. “Thread Tens ion Tn Ma mE re 3 . : gel? BE iS E E E pue ae Ly AE wi EL HE CU AE 3 À Adi Ludo RTT eT TT TA er Qi AS e oer Tre ke EY TE - 3 e, e ET de DAA EE, ET ет - Pax, Do реа ni: + 8 E ta; Mure a MORE TENSIÓN ait 7 Fier =. ; A dd ne - ri of thread above the slide to start sewing. Close slide, leaving just enough space for thread to pass freely. DRAW THREAD TO LEFT AND UNDER PROJECTION DRAW THREAD UP AND OUT TWO INCHES Fig. 15. Bobbin Threading (Step Two) THREAD TENSIONS Tension on thread should be as light as possible yet sufficient to correctly set stitches in material. NEEDLE THREAD TENSION Regulate needle thread tension only when presser foot is down. To increase tension, turn thumb nut shown in Fig. 16, clockwise. To decrease tension turn this thumb nut counterclockwise. BOBBIN THREAD TENSION Bobbin thread tension is regulated by the screw nearest to the center of tension spring on the outside of the bobbin case shown in Fig. 17. Turn machine pulley slowly until screw is accessible. To increase tension, turn screw inward. To decrease tension, turn screw outward. THREAD CONTROLLER The thread controller should draw up slack thread before needle point enters fabric. to prevent needle from penetrating thread. To adjust thread controller, |oosen set screws Ce E A and B, shown in Fig. 18. Turn thread controller О, me a ip spring stop counterclockwise for more controller | | action on thread or clockwise for less action. Tighten set screws A and B. Thread controller action TENSION should be in- creased for heavy thread and decreased for light thread. A To adjust thread controller action tension, loosen eM or Е set screws B and C shown in Fig. 18. Turn tension stud slightly counterclockwise for more tension or ON due clockwise for less tension. Tighten set screws B and | в” co a мове | € e - a Ш a CC. Svs sax ry m . EE С. TL Ta A ás o E Fis. 18, Thread Controller ‘Adjustment deny TE RRR TE ee RDS 5e Ei STITCH LENGTH REGULATION 1. With machine OFF, depress button shown in 3. Turn machine pulley in direction (+) when a longer Fig. 19 on bed surface. NEVER DEPRESS stitch is desired {less SPI) and in direction (-) when a BUTTON WHEN MACHINE IS ON. shorter stitch is desired (more SPI). 2. Turn machine pulley over toward you slowly 4. Release button. NEVER START MACHINE UN- until button drops (snaps) into position. TIL BUTTON IS RELEASED. BUTTON. Ned 2 TES, FEA pis : ve VER Ch a PRESSURE ONMATERIAL rate Pressure of roller presser or presser foot on ma- Зет terial should be as light as possible while being sufficient to insure correct feeding. aoa CU ESR 15 тм EDO MO Y a TAE a + . rr ple Ay. re EE Cul. A FE x ну М NU Tr AL Et. = nto FAY he я 6 T 5 а . ha 5” " x + LRH a A hi а ВЧ lache re ro я 14 " e 1 "A N Lu ma" E Je e De „Бека ола 3 ma anta um DM = NE . A "1 er => а | , * “ wl эр бой : - =. 7 nr ; HE" . . La Pressure is regulated by screw shown in Fig. 20 E + LB de at rear of machine arm. Turn screw downward to in- Ai of + crease pressure or upward to decrease pressure. 19. 20° Pressure Adis ‚ Era 28 5 = ia ; El E. Ea i eA CRA A al Yor o E ta a а - УЗ 24 Eo жа 3 A - uf . | ге + ой - “41 + A } + в 4 | || я Ta el . 4 — 4 L Ви + 1 kh - 7 : 3 0 ci 4 > ', . i o «À ! % SCREW Xx В 4 . Lr Na т, о: eE * Le EU * Ba DOT €” a va à" a a ELA ze # A RIT SEA TES 5 + и A Ру AL Y LAA, a Fira ge ja hf Se - Aa 2 ad : a ey as NA A Ie ai А Да Ко, Ë TE ë CAs К 5 = o. e ВЕ . E de Pu “о e od + Ta Hh vu ~ 5 - ит ; a o x € oh = A - ; Ti st ca TE LE iE RETA SDE ; 4; — EN Ne РВ уе st e ny ad I Seria HANI hi ‘сте FLE ET SE frp e EY ВЫ 11:2 22. Needle Bar Hei she Adjus tment CT зы > : TEA “E FEAT Fa SE E у er A - 4 y e = aed . 1 UPPER TIMING MARK Fig. 23. Needie Bar Adjustment 10 ADJUSTMENTS SETTING LOWER NEEDLE BAR BUSHING (211G 146) The correct gauge distance from throat plate seat to bottom of needle bar bushing is 2.738 inches, as indicated in Fig. 21. To adjust needle bar bushing, loosen bushing set screw shown in Fig. 21 and set bushing at correct distance from throat plate seat. Re-tighten bushing set screw. SETTING NEEDLE BAR HEIGHT (211G146) Remove face plate, slide plate and throat plate. When needle bar is at lowest position of its cycle, the correct gauge distance from throat plate seat to needle stop in needle bar is .984 inches, as indicated in Fig. 22. Needie bar is correctly set when, at the lowest position of its cycle, the upper timing mark is level with bottom edge of needle bar bushing. If needle bar is not correctly set, loosen needle bar clamping screw shown in Fig. 22 and correct needle bar position. Re-tighten needle bar clamping screw. SETTING NEEDLE BAR (211G151 AND 211G157) When needle bar is at lowest position of its cycle, the correct gauge distance from throat plate seat to needle stop in needle bar is .973 inches, as indicated in Fig. 23. Needle bar is correctly set when, at the lowest position of its cycle, the upper timing mark is just visible at lower edge of needle bar frame as shown in Fig. 23. If needle bar is not correctly set, loosen needle bar connecting stud pinch screw shown in Fig. 23 and correct needle bar position. Re-tighten needle bar connecting stud pinch screw. DISTANCE OF NEEDLE BAR FROM PRESSER BAR (211G151 AND 211G157) The distance between needle bar and presser bar (after regulating stitch length so that there is no feed movement) should be 17/32 inch as shown in Fig. 24. If the distance between needle bar and presser bar is more or less than 17/32 inch, first turn ma- chine pulley over toward you until needle bar is at highest position. Remove cover plate from front of machine arm after removing screw (directly behind cover plate) in rear of machine. Loosen needle bar frame clamp screw shown in Fig. 25. Move needle bar frame forward or backward to correct its position. Re-tighten clamp screw. Distance between needle bar and presser bar should be 37/64" (14,68 mm) in the case of 211 G 158 machines. REVERSE FEED MECHANISM (211G157) To reverse feed direction by hand, push reverse lever completely down in order to have same stitch length as in forward stitching position. To reverse the feed with foot treadle, the foot treadle chain should be connected to hole in reverse feed lever shown in Fig. 26. Release hand lever or foot treadle only when you wish to resume forward stitching. ADJUSTING FEED REVERSING MECHANISM Adjust stitch length to 5 stitches per inch. Loosen screw A and adjust crank shown in Fig. 26 so that needle will penetrate fabric 5 times in each inch of stitching. When you depress the reversing lever, the eccentric head of the bearing pin B should rest a- gainst the bearing block. Loosen set screws C and turn bearing pin B until the stitch length is the same in reverse feed as in forward feed. Tighten all screws. 211G158 only The maximum stitch length of approx. 10 mm is being limited by the Feed Reversing Shaft Crank Hinge Stud Stop A" Fig 26 Alin reverse feed the stitch length is only approx. 1/3 of the forward feed stitch length. 17/327 (13.49 mm) — 37/64” (14,68 mm) of 211 G 158 machines Fig. 24. Distance Between Needle Bar and Presser Bar - . NEEDLE BAR FRAME . on) “SHAFT CLAMP SCREW © = VERSE LEVER EN ME EE | Ses «Flg. 25. ‘Reverse Feed Mechanism. CEE НАС CRANK, MT ER fils A E E NE SEO a AS A a e a E E LE 5 ds 2 PT EI Bt > a Eo “В NE Qe: as BEE, STE Fe Sat TR A y Ta da ESA dE" Gh = : SA a rc ce or а x A ES a © £ ; ore IN RE REY go uo Е a ss FEED LEVE US Fig. 26. Reverse Feed | ЗЕЕ © = } A dt Г S Fig. 26 À © 11 5 Tah e ASE 2 ag R.TIMI * y я Же У ДИО. A в pod 55 | E Ae TS TRL I NG ENC TR Lt CNEA > LT В + Fe PA ‘+ La + [4 к. и НЕА , A ; . PT or WEY tid ed SRT Te AR E A Зи y 1 5 ка wT h CM #28 xa A Е а a FE E Ч = # * + п АРБ Вст РР =. ¿e > kr PE AZ MATA A ой EL Lim E > " Ra 3 M r - Fig. 27::Sewing Hook. eight Adjustment (Step One ! Re > oo . i wap A - yy ds EE ET E] haz В у! В + aa Ean RER OSA a HOOK GIB HOOK HEIGHT ADJUSTING SCREW HOOK HUB SOCKET SCREWS NEEDLE GUARD Fig. 28. Sewing Hook Height Adjustment (Step Two) 12 ADJUSTMENT OF SEWING HOOK HEIGHT When lower timing mark on needie bar is just visible at lower end of needie bar frame on upward stroke of needle, the hook should pass about 1/16 inch above upper edge of needle eye as shown in Fig. 27. To adjust height of sewing hook, first fasten throat plate to bed of machine and place bobbin case stop finger in sewing position. Pass a .032 inch shim between bobbin case stop finger and throat plate. If shim is too tight or too loose, turn machine pulley over toward you so that the hook hub socket screws shown in Fig. 28 are accessible with a socket wrench. Loosen both screws and remove cloth washer from bobbin case. Turn bobbin case until one of the holes is in line with hook height adjusting screw. To raise hook, turn hook height adjusting screw downward. To lower hook, turn hook height adjusting screw up. Re- tighten socket screws and turn hook height adjusting screw again just enough to leave a light tension. Check sewing hook timing. ADJUSTMENT OF DISTANCE BETWEEN SEWING HOOK AND NEEDLE | To prevent hook point from dividing strands of thread, it should pass as near to the needle as pos- sible without hitting it. Turn machine pulley over toward you until sewing hook point is in the position nearest to needle. Tip machine and loosen hook saddle screws shown in Fig. 29. Adjust hook saddle until hook point is as close to needle as possible without hitting it. Re- tighten hook saddle screws BE SURE HOOK DRIVING GEARS SHOWN IN FIG. 29 ARE CORRECTLY SET WITH RELATION TO FACE OF HOOK SADDLE. USE .008 INCH SHIM. The function of the needle guard shown in Fig. 28 is to prevent hook point from strikingneedie, if needle is deflected after penetrating material. The needle guard can be bent with a pair of pliers, if necessary, but care should be taken to prevent guard from inter- fering with normal path of needle. Hook Height (Fig. A) 211 G 351, 357 358 The height adjustment of the hook serves to achieve the proper clearance @ between the throat plate and the bobbin case stop. Adjustment (Figs. A and B) 1. Loosen and remove hook as instructed on page 14s. 2. Adjust hook height by adding or removing washers O . (Four washers can be added at the most!) 3. Replace an fasten hook as instructed on pagel4a. 4. Check hook height in compliance with Fig. A threrby ensuring that the throat plate is properly seated. Clearance- 0,032” Zwischenraum 0.8 mm Fig. Al y g 7 < a S = o o \ < 211 G, 351, 357, 358 Fig. B 12a TIMING THE SEWING HOOK Regulate stitch length so that there is no feeding motion. Remove throat plate and turn machine pulley over toward you until lower timing mark on needle bar is just visible at lower edge of needle bar frame on up- ward stroke of needle. With needle in this position, sewing hook is correctly timed if hook point is at vertical centerline of needle blade. If sewing hook is not correctly timed, loosen socket screws shown in Fig. 30 and turn to proper timing position specified above. REMOYING BOBBIN CASE FROM SEWING HOOK Remove hook gib screws, indicated in Fig. 31(a), from sewing hook. Lift off hook gib and remove bobbin case. REMOVING SEWING HOOK FROM MACHINE Remove presser foot, throat plate and feed dog. Loosen hook hub socket screws shown in Fig. 32. Lift hook off end of shaft. To remove hook shaft, first remove ball bearing retaining cap screws directly under hook shown in Fig. 31(b), Tip machine back and loosen hook shaft gear hub socket screws shown in Fig. 30. Lift out shaft from top end. If shaft does not lift out easily, loosen screws in cover plate of hook saddle just enough, at first, to permit the oil to drain out. Then remove cover plate completely, being careful not to damage the gasket. Tap the end of hook shaft. В e РИ ще To e E Xin >= Fis. 31. Bobbin | Case, Remove Ns - > so ске т: с КЕМ $ L- LA Na LS p= _ cover Plate = E E © E Tu NA #53 e a o beh ei „Fig. 30. Sewing + Hook Timing Adjesiment чл As > + Pue, TRI AT A A Е HOOK GIB uw 31 wos CE BOBBIN:CASE - pp 4 wd ее . re AT й Nc Ne ar CTE E me - L - Li Lo AA Gand Sal PE. 7 3 phi Y eres - TES AA Ma e LEONA ps Hg TEA LEN OI : e T ? “tt * F Ho A ma d'au- 7 VEN ty. > > A . + : a A CPI, нра, г т, | - a L + AA ah a Re e he opa e = . В EU + y Sr . Г E Tios I Jl. A ион = - ms 7 MT Pal Wo y AAA ! "Ni AT et с. Pod ay mR e A STE A en AA A A >. + Sa + зе ел : Ea e. + Hy > € a E Za 52-653 HOOK HUB SOCKET SCREWS Fig. 32. Bobbin Case Removal 13 “BOBBIN CASE © CAP | STOP PNR SCREW E MARK B Ces 33. Bobbin Cae Open ner er Adjustment Cum ; REFERENCE TERS TAT TT = = e à ART - io mE em ae maT een Aw ^ 20° - EE. Lat ax ta > Fes "+: + 5 a. . visé EN ire En г В = Tis 14 - A и ae ow i Ea e EE E A add к, К тре к, - a PD À E dica a EEE REPLACING SEWING HOOK CAUTION: The hook is equipped with a screw in the hub for adjusting the vertical position of the hook relative to the throat plate seat. This position is set with a gauge at the factory. WHEN REPLACING A HOOK, CARE MUST BE TAKEN TO SEE THAT THE BOBBIN CASE STOP FINGER, SHOWN IN FIG. 33, FITS CORRECTLY IN THE THROAT PLATE. For correct adjustment, see instructions concerning hook height adjustment on page 12. ADJUSTING BOBBIN CASE OPENER The bobbin case opener, shown in Fig. 33, should be set so that it touches the bobbin case as lightly as possible and turns the bobbin case enough to make a sufficient orening for the free passage of thread between throat plate and bobbin case. TIMING BOBBIN CASE OPENER Turn machine pulley over toward you until lower timing mark on needle bar is even with edge of needle bar frame on upward stroke of needle. When needle bar is in this position, reference mark A should line up with reference mark B on hook saddle, as indicated in Fig. 33. If opener shaft is out of time, tip machine back and loosen socket screws shown in Fig. 34. Return machine to upright position and turn opener driving shaft with screw driver in cap screw shown in Fig. 33. Tighten socket screws in opener driving gear hub. Hook Fig. A (211 G 351, 357, 358) Removal 1. Remove presser feet, throat plate and feed dog. 2. Remove bobbin case and bobbin. 3. Turn out screws Q and remove hook gib € . 4. Remove bobbin case base O from hook @ . 5. Turn out screw © . 6. Remove hook @ with needle guard O from machine. Replacement 1. 2. ONDA PH Check proper seat of disc @ on the hook shaft @ . Fasten needle guard @ on the hook by placing its stop O into the appropriate hole of the hook @ . Place needle guard @ together with hook @ onto the hook shaft © so that the pin © is seated in the appropriate hole of the hook. Tighten screw @ . Place bobbin case base into hook @ . Replace hook gib and fasten with screws @ . Replace bobbin case and bobbin. Replace feed dog, throat plate and presser feet. 14a SET SCREW Z TAKE-UP LEVER >— ho тт вос me tly Lor e. a a Cd 114197 MEE ais af hr e „5 a x 4 et - Ta £- _- PULLEY SET SCREWS E © | . a EA - 24 557.4 hve E Sega call TEMS ee sa — : a lea? DOTE TB EL E US a AT TE LINA % Ve TAO o o AA a a re UY 5 a. ет, о. e o a ve Porron AT OIL a us SE E ARM SHAFT CONNECTION GUARD N BELT PULLEY COVER PLATE Fig. 38. Take-up Lever Removal REMOVAL OF TAKE-UP LEVER Remove arm top cover and face plate. Loosen take-up lever hinge stud set screw shown in Fig. 38. Remove take-up lever hinge stud and take-up guard. Lift take-up lever out through slot A in top of arm shown in Fig. 38. + edi TE ae HE at Ta ! В + el > а E x es barda Fld ter TA ve UE nie ee 2) To Fond eN a E nd pnd я ГУ Рая Frat E fr . 2 Pi "a ER Ta TE apie he wd ЗН » = pe TL "т La gimmie LA EA" FL) + La E De i 3 LJ Par; LO du oN REMOVAL OF NEEDLE BAR ROCK FRAME Remove face plate and arm top cover. Loosen take-up lever hinge stud set screw shown in Fig. 38. Extract take-up lever hinge stud, tcke-up guard and take-up lever. Remove cover from front of machine arm after removing a screw (directly behind cover plate) in rear of machine. Loosen needle bar frame shaft clamp screw shown in Fig. 39. Pull needle bar rock frame with its shaft from machine. REPLACEMENT OF ARM SHAFT CONNECTION BELT Remove needle, to avoid damage, before proceeding to replace belt. Tip machine and slide belt off lower pulley shown in Fig. 40. Loosen two set screws in machine pulley and remove pulley and ball bearing. Lift belt up and draw it around arm shaft through space at B indicated in Fig. 38. Replace belt through ball bearing space at B. After placing belt over arm shaft connection belt pulley, replace machine pulley with ball bearing. To remove all end play from shaft, tighten set screws in ma- chine pulley and (holding needle bar crank in place) tap machine pulley into position with palm of hand. Tighten machine pulley set screws. Turn machine pulley over toward you until thread take-up lever is at its highest position. Then turg hook driving shaft until the setting mark A on safety clutch is in line with setting mark B cut into machine bed as shown in Fig. 40. With both arm shaft and hook driving shaft in position, slip belt over lower pulley. This procedure should correctly time sewing hook with needle. Check timing as indicated on page 13. The Same! To get replacements that are the same as parts in new machines... BUY PARTS AND NEEDLES MADE BY SINGER TO BE DOUBLY SURE... of new machine performance, make sure that all replacement parts and needles are identical to those in new SINGER machines. Look for the trademark SINGER O on every package or container @ on the needle or numbered part Needles in containers marked “For Singer Machines” are NOT made by SINGER. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: The improper placing or renewal of the Trademark “SINGER” or any other of the Trademarks of The Singer Company (ail of which are duly Registered Trademarks) on any machine that has been repaired, rebuilt, reconditioned, or altered in any way whatsoever outside a SINGER factory or an authorized SINGER agency is for- - bidden. ">
Key features
- Vertical axis hook
- Safety clutch
- Adjustable feed driving eccentric
- Automatic lubrication
- High speed operation
- Single needle
- Long arm
- Drop feed
- Compound feed
- Reverse feed (211G157, 211G158)
Frequently asked questions
The manual covers the SINGER 211G series, with variations such as 211G146 (drop feed), 211G151 (compound feed), 211G157 (compound/reverse feed), along with other models like 211G351, 211G451, and 211G651.
These machines feature a vertical axis hook with metered lubrication, a safety clutch, an adjustable feed driving eccentric, and automatic lubrication.
A drop feed machine is primarily designed for leather and thicker materials, while a compound feed machine combines needle feed and drop feed to handle multiple layers of fabric. The 211G146 is a drop feed machine, while the 211G151 is a compound feed machine.
The 211G157 and 211G158 machines have a reverse feed mechanism, which allows you to sew in both forward and reverse directions. The 211G158 also has a longer maximum stitch length capability.
For the 211G146 machine, you need to use SINGER needles from Catalog 1740. For the 211G151 and 211G157 machines, you can use needles from Catalog 1901 for 1/4 inch clearance or Catalog 3355 for 3/8 inch clearance.