Installation Record
Model Number _________________________
Water Test _____________________________
Capacity Of Unit ________________________ Max. _____________ Per Regeneration
Mineral Tank Size: Diameter _______________ Height ________________________
Under Bedding _________________________ Amount _______________________
Type Of Media _________________________ Cubic feet _____________________
Brine Tank Size ________________________
Salt Setting Per Regeneration _____________ Pounds per cubic foot
Valve Programming
Water Hardness________________________ System Capacity_______________________
Regeneration Time__________________________
Regeneration Cycle Step #1: Brine tank fill
Regeneration Cycle Step #2: Brine making
Regeneration Cycle Step #3: Brine & slow rinse _________
Regeneration Cycle Step #4: Backwash _________
Regeneration Cycle Step #5: Fast rinse
Regeneration Cycle Step #6:
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Home Owner’s Manual
Professionally installed by on ____/_____/____
The AquaChamp home water treatment system is one of the most advanced water conditioning systems available today. This system is designed to provide you with superior performance and efficiency, together with state-of-the-art information and control systems. Most of the settings on this system require adjustment by a water conditioning professional in order to ensure optimal performance. This simple owner’s manual is designed to provide you with the basic operational information. For all other system questions or concerns, please contact your local
Aquachamp dealer .
The media inside this system uses salt to condition the water. After the media has used all of its own salt, the salt must be replaced. This replacement salt comes from the brine tank. The process of salt replacement from the brine tank to the media is called the regeneration step.
Regeneration normally takes place automatically at night so that it does not interfere with the normal use of conditioned water. This valve has the ability to count the gallons being used and to calculate when the system should be regenerated.
Therefore, the system will not regenerate until it is necessary. In order for the regeneration to proceed properly, there must be salt in the brine tank.
The AquaChamp water conditioner has been designed to continuously monitor your water supply and how you use it in your home. When the valve is on, a small arrow will be lit in the upper left hand corner of the display window.
Valve State: CHG (Change of State) CHG will be displayed when the lower drive changes from one state to another in dual piston valves. INI (Initializing) INI will display on the screen for 30 to 4
5 seconds when initializing after a power failure reset or programming. RGQ (Regeneration Queued)
RGQ indicates that the reserve has been entered in a delayed system and regeneration has been queued. When in the main screen, press the Shift button to toggle service (SRV) with RGQ. Service
(SRV) SRV will display when the unit is in service.
LED Status Lights: Blue LED: Illuminates while the unit is in service and no errors exist. The unit will always be in service unless a regeneration trigger has occurred (green LED light will be displayed).
Green LED: Illuminates when the unit is in Regeneration mode, unless an error condition exists.
Red LED: Illuminates when there is an error.Flow
Indicator: A rotating line (appearing as a rotating star shape) will display on the screen when flow is going through the the meter.
Occasionally you may want to fully regenerate the conditioner manually before it regenerates automatically. This would be the case if you see that the “volume remaining” is low, but you know that you will use a lot of water during the following day. Occasions for this may be the anticipated arrival of guests in your home or of an unusual amount of laundry to clean the next day. If this occurs, merely press the “Extra
Cycle” button once. The “In Service” arrow will now begin flashing, which indicates that the softener will now regenerate during the coming evening regardless of the automatic function of the control. After this regeneration, the system will begin its normal function of counting gallons until the next regeneration. If you press and hold the “Extra Cycle” button for more than five seconds, the system will begin regeneration immediately, and not wait until the evening hours.
This system is protected from power outage by a super capacitor located behind the front display panel. This allows the controller to continue keeping the proper time and counting gallon usage during a power outage. The control display will not light, but the system will continue to keep time and gallon count for up to twenty-four hours of power outage. When power is restored, the system will resume operation as before the power outage.
Should you ever need to shut off the water going to the water conditioner, you can turn the system bypass valves at the rear of the control valve. Merely turn the valve handle as indicated in the diagram.
The manufacturer suggests that all programming changes be made by a trained technician.
Your system installer has programmed your water conditioner to meet the specific parameters of your water supply and your projected water usage. However, there may be an occasion when you need change the time of day setting on the water conditioner . Setting the Time of Day:
Press and hold the Up or Down button for 2 seconds. Press the Shift button to select the digit you want to modify. Press the Up or
Down buttons to adjust the value. Press the
Extra Cycle button to return to the normal display screen, or after a 5 second timeout.
NOTE: The “D” button (Diagnostic) can be pressed to exit without saving.
Like any household appliance, this system requires regular maintenance to ensure optimum performance. We recommend that you keep the conditioner clean and clear of debris.
Additionally, we recommend that you refrain from putting anything inside the brine tank unless specified by your water conditioner dealer.
To do otherwise may damage the internal parts of the water conditioner.
The water conditioner uses salt for regeneration. Again, we suggest that you follow the recommendation of your dealer as to the type of salt used in your system. We do recommend that you always have a fresh supply of salt on hand so that you can keep sufficient salt in the brine tank.
We also recommend that your system receive a scheduled cleaning of the brine injector and other internal parts which may collect dirt from the water supply and salt over time. Contact your installer to schedule a regular maintenance visit.