ERITECH SYSTEM 3000 Lightning Protection System Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual

The ERITECH SYSTEM 3000 is a comprehensive lightning protection system designed for a variety of structures and applications. This manual provides detailed instructions for installation, operation, and maintenance of the system.

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ERITECH SYSTEM 3000 Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual | Manualzz




Key features

  • ERITECH ERICORE downconductor
  • ERITECH DYNASPHERE air terminal
  • Grounding system
  • Lightning Event Counter
  • Structure Bonding Braid

Frequently asked questions

Pre-installation requirements include a CAD analysis design, grounding system design, and downconductor route selection.

The downconductor can be lugged and connected to the ground rod using a clamp, or simply connected using the clamp.

The Structure Bonding Braid helps ensure that the upper end of the downconductor is adequately electrically bonded to the structure, relieving electrical stresses on the downconductor and masonry surfaces.

The Lightning Event Counter (LEC IV) is a device for registering and recording the number of strikes that the ERITECH SYSTEM 3000 has intercepted.

Regular inspections and maintenance are recommended to ensure the system's effectiveness. Refer to the manual for specific maintenance schedules.
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