King KMA 20 Audio Control System, KR 21 Marker Beacon Receiver User manual

Below you will find brief information for Audio Control System KMA 20, Marker Beacon Receiver KR 21. You can pre-tune seven aircraft receivers and listen to any of them at will. The pilot can be listening to one radio on the speaker while the copilot listens to another on the headphones, without confusion. The KMA 20 automatically matches the appropriate COMM receiver to the transmitter selected. A complete Marker Beacon superheterodyne receiver is built into the KMA 20. This radio is crystal-controlled at 75 MHz for stability and selectivity.

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King KMA 20, KR 21 Audio Control System User Manual | Manualzz




Key features

  • Pre-tune seven aircraft receivers
  • Automatic receiver matching
  • Built-in Marker Beacon receiver
  • Crystal-controlled receiver for stability
  • Isolation amplifier for clear audio
  • Remote-mounted marker beacon lights
  • High/low sensitivity control
  • Ambient light sensor for optimal visibility
  • Speaker and headphone output
  • Microphone selection for communication

Frequently asked questions

You can pre-tune seven aircraft receivers and listen to any of them at will.

The AUTO switch automatically matches the appropriate COMM receiver to the transmitter selected. When you change the COMM 1/COMM 2 transmitter selector switch, the receiver will automatically switch to match the transmitter.

The HI-LO/TEST toggle switch controls the Marker Beacon Sensitivity and lamp test. HI sensitivity enlarges the reception area, while LO sensitivity allows for more precise detection of the marker signal.
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