AlliedSignal KMA 24 audio panel marker beacon receiver Maintenance manual
Below you will find brief information for audio panel marker beacon receiver KMA 24. The KMA 24 is a audio panel with both speaker and headphone isolation amplifiers and a marker beacon receiver. The separate isolation amplifiers provide complete independence of speaker and headphone selection. This allows the same audio input to be selected for both headphones and speaker and still retain isolation between inputs.
"AlliedSignal AEROSPACE MAINTENANCE MANUAL BENDIX /KING* KMA 24 AUDIO PANEL MARKER BEACON RECEIVER MANUAL NUMBER 006-05180-0001 REVISIÓN 1, DEC. 1981 WARNING PRIOR THE EXPORT OF THIS DOCUMENT, REVIEW FOR EXPORT LICENSE REQUIRE- | MENT IS NEEDED. COPYRIGHT NOTICE ©1999 ALLIEDSIGNAL INC. REPRODUCTION OF THIS PUBLICATION OR ANY PORTION THEREOF BY ANY MEANS WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION OF ALLIEDSIGNAL IS PROHIBITED. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT THE MANAGER, TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS, ALLIEDSIGNAL, ONE TECHNOLOGY CENTER, 23500 WEST 105TH STREET OLATHE KS 66061 TELEPHONE: (913) 782-0400. KING KMA 24 AUDIO PANEL/MARKER BEACON RECEIVER TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION IV GENERAL INFORMATION Paragraph 4.1 General 4.2 General 4.2.2 Audio Isolation Amplifiers 4.3 Detailed Circuit Theory 4.3.1 Marker Beacon Receiver 4.3.2 Isolation Amplifiers SECTION Y MAINTENANCE Paragraph 5.1 General 5.2 Test and Alignment 5.2.1 General 5.2.2 Test Equipment Required 5.2.3 Test Alignment Procedures Isolation Amplifiers Test and Alignment Marker Receiver Test and Alignment 5.3 Overhaul 5.3.1 Inspection 5.3.2 Cleaning 5.3.3 Disassembly/Assembly 5.4 Troubleshooting SECTION VI ILLUSTRATED PARTS LIST Item 1. Final Assembly 2. Board Assembly Page 4-1 4-1 4-3 4-3 4-4 KING KMA 24 AUDIO PANEL/MARKER BEACON RECEIVER LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Figure 4-1 4-2 5-1 5-2 5-3 KMA 24 Block Diagram KMA 24 Block Diagram Audio Amplifier Test Set Up Marker Beacon Receiver Test Set Up Audio Panel Troubleshooting Flowchart Marker Receiver Troubleshooting Flowchart Final Assembly Board Assembly Audio Schematic Marker Receiver Schematic N À = Un =0N “cm KING KMA 24 AUDIO PANEL/MARKER BEACON RECEIVER SECTION IV THEORY OF OPERATION 4.1. GENERAL The KMA 24 is an audio selector panel with both speaker and headphone isolation amplifiers and a marker beacon receiver. The separate isolation amplifiers provide complete independence of speaker and headphone selection. This allows the same audio input to be selected for both headphones and speaker and still retain isolation between inputs. 4.2 general theory of operation The general block diagram is shown in Figure 4-1. 4.2. GENERAL The 75MHz marker beacon receiver 1$ а single conversion superheterodyne receiver with a crystal controlled Local Oscillator (L.0.) frequency of 85.7MHz. The Intermediate Frequency (IF) is therefore 85.7 - 75 = 10.7MHz which allows the use of commercially popular 10.7MHz crystal filters to satisfy the IF bandwidth requirements. Automatic Gain Control (AGC) is derived from the detected IF and is used to control the gain of the single IF amplifier. Three active filters are used to differentiate between the three modulation frequencies (400Hz, 1300Hz, and 3000Hz) that are used on marker beacon signals. The output of these active filters is amplified and sent to the audio selector switches as marker audio. Also, each of the active filter outputs is detected and causes the corresponding Lamp driver to illuminate the appropriate amp. 4.2.2. AUDIO ISOLATION AMPLIFIERS In order to achieve isolation between audio inputs, it is necessary to attenuate the audio inputs with a resistor network. After this attenuation, the signal must then be amplified to provide an output equal to the input. This is exactly how the headphone amplifier is aligned at the factory. An input of 1 volt Will produce an output of 1 volt and since the input and output impedances are both nominally 500 ohms, the overall power gain for the headphone amplifier is 1 = OdB. The speaker amplifier is also adjusted to provide 1 volt of output for 1 volt of inpyt. However, since the output impedance is 4 ohms while the input impedance is 509 ohms, a power gain (V /R) is realized in the speaker amplifier. This power gain is the output power (1“/4) divided by the input power (17/500) or 1/4 x 500/1 = 125 = 21d8. Therefore the speaker amplifier provides 21dB more gain than the headphone amplifier, plus the output impedance of the speaker amplifier is much Lower. Both amplifier gains can be adjusted independently if the one-to-one voltage ratio is found to be unsatisfactory. MM GO1 6-3 Page 4-1 KING KMA 24 AUDIO PANEL /MARKER BEACON RECEIVER MARKER TONE LAMP FROM MARKER R.F. > RECEIVER "| DETECTORS | ©] DRIVERS ANTENNA SPE AKER AMPLIFIER [— TO SPEAKERS INPUT AUDIO INPUTS SEE SWITCHES HEADPHONE |. +9 HEADPHONE AMPLIFIER À AIRCRAFT POWER AIRCRAFT POWER „| 99V | >» e.5v SUPPLY REGULATOR FIGURE 4-1 BLOCK DIAGRAM. (Dwg. No. 696-0151-00) MMOO1 6-3 Page 4-2 KING KMA 24 AUDIO PANEL /MARKER BEACON RECEIVER 4.3. DETAILED CIRCUIT THEORY The detailed block diagram of the KMA 24 is shown in Figure 4-2. 4.3.1. MARKER BEACON RECIEVER The 75MHz marker beacon signal is received from the marker beacon antenna and immediately attenuated to the desired amplitude by pots R101 and R102. R101 is used to set the HI sensitivity threshold at 200uv and R102 to set the LO sensitivity threshold at 1000uv. Switch S101B selects the threshold desired. The RF preselector consists of three tuned circuits T101, T102, and T103, each Of which is center tuned to 75MHz. This preselector will provide about 70d3 of attenuation at the image frequency (96.4MH2) and beyond. The Local oscillator (L.0.) utilizes a fifth overtone crystal, Y101 to provide 85.7MHz injection to the mixer. This injection is mixed with the received frequency of 75MHz at the dual gate FET, d101. The mixer output is the difference frequency of 10.7MHz which is selected by T104 and the four pole crystal filter FL101. R163 and L102 ensure proper impedance matching at the output of the crystal filter which wants to see a resistive 5K. The 3dB bandpass of FL101 is at Least +15KHz to allow for variations in ground station frequency. The response at +200KHz is at least 40d8 down to satisfy TSO selectivity requirements. | 1101 is an integrated circuit broadband amplifier which provides about 55dB of gain at 10.7MHz. The differential output of I101 is applied across the primary of T105 which is tuned to 10.7MHz providing more IF selectivity. The secondary of T105 drives an active detector consisting of Q103 and 6104. Q103 provides the base to emitter bias voltage of about 0.7V which keeps 019% right on the verge of conduction with no signal in. Any signal is then detected by Q104 since any negative going voltage causes Q104 to conduct while any positive going voltage shuts off Q104. ALL the Automatic Gain Control (AGC) action required by the receiver is performed by 1101 which has a minimum of 60dB of AGC. Maximum gain is attained when the AGC terminal (pin 5) is held Low. Minimum gain results when pin 5 is held high. This AGC voltage is determined by the differential amplifier, Q105 and Q106. R113 and C111 have an RC of about twenty times the period of the lowest frequency of modulation (400Hz). This effectively wipes the modulation off of the detected IF signal, providing a DC voltage at the base of Q105 that is equal to the DC voltage at TP101 plus the average of the AC voltage at TP101. Since the DC voltage never changes, the voltage at the base of 8105 15 therefore proportional to the AC or signal voltage at TP101 with a DC step offset. The DC offset is controlled by R159 which was chosen to provide a convenient voltage level at the base of Q105 when the desired signal voltage is present. The signal voltage is allowed to increase until the voltage at the base of Q105 is equal to the fixed voltage at the base of 9106. When these two voltages are equal, Q105 begins to conduct, robbing current from Q106 which allows the AGC voltage at TP104 to rise, thereby decrasing the gain of 1101. Therefore, the AGC voltage provides the negative feedback required to keep the signal at the input to the detector constant at about 1V peak to peak. It is desirable to have an AGC loop with a "fast attack and slow decay". In other words, a good AGC Loop will respond to a sudden burst of input signal but will not respond rapidly to a sudden fading of input signal. This type response is provided by CR101, C112, and R161. A negative going change in voltage at TP104 will be conducted by €112 through CR101 to the base of Q106 which will reduce its collector current thereby tending to reduce the voltage at TP104. Therefore we have negative feedback through this network when the voltage at TP104 is decreasing and which will be the case when the received signal is decreasing, thus we have "slow decay”. On the other hand, a positive going change in the voltage at TP104 will not be passed on to the base of Q106 since CR101 will block a positive going inpulse. This allows the voltage at TP104 to increase as rapidly as is required to react to a sudden burst of input signal thereby providing a "fast attack". R161 simply keeps a steady state current in CR101 so that a smell negative going signal at TP104 (less than one diode drop) will provide immediate feedback at Q106. The marker audio is buffered by the emitter follower 9108 to provide a Low impedance source of audio for the tone filters. The tone filters are active filters with a closed Loop center frequency voltage gain of 5 and a Q of 2. The 400Hz filter consists of 1102A, C113, C114, R121, R122, and R123. The 1300Hz filter is composed of 11028, C115, C116, R125, R126, and R127. The 3000Hz filter consists of I103A, C117, €118, R129, R130, and R131. The outputs of the active filters are summed by R133, 134, and 135 then amplified by I1038 sent to the audio panel as the marker receiver audio. CR102 and CR103 provide a 1.4V threshold to preevent noise and small signals from being heard. R137 determines the closed Loop gain until CR102 and CR103 start conducting. The ultimate gain can be set by adjusting R149. MM001 6-3 Page 4-3 KING KMA 24 AUDIO PANEL/MARKER BEACON RECEIVER @109, Q110, and Q111 are the tone detectors. The emitters of all three of these transistors are connected to a common point. This tends to ensure that only the strongest tone gets detected at any given time since when any one of these transistors conducts, it raises the voltage at all three emitters, thus effectively raising the threshold for the other two detectors. The current passed by one of the detector transistors causes its associated lamp driver to turn on and Light the appropriate lamp. Q112, Q113, and Q114 are the Lamp drivers. R150 and C119 provide a slight delay in triggering Q112 on to prevent noise spikes from lighting the blue lamp. Identical RC delays are located in the other two lamp circuits. Marker lamp dimming is provided by V101 and 115. V101 is a Light sensitive resistor that decreases in resistance as the intensity of Light falling on it increases. With no light at all, its resistance is very high such that the base voltage of Q115 is virtually determined only by R146 and R147. The emitter voltage of Q115 will then be that required to cause DS101, 102, and 103 to glow dimly in a dark environment. As the ambient Light increases, the resistance of V101 decreases, raising the base voltage of am. The emitter voltage of 115 is also raised causing any Lamp that is illuminated to put out more ignt. The current supplied to the lamp drivers will never exceed about 600ma since at this current a voltage drop of 0.6V will exist across R138 causing Q@107 to conduct base current away from Q115. This current Limiting is to prevent damage to circuitry should one of the external marker lamp lines become shorted to ground. Middle marker sense is simply the middle marker (amber) lamp voltage supplied through R162 except that Q116 holds this Line low when lamp test is activated since during lamp test the blue Lamp voltage will be high causing Q116 to turn on. This Line is intended to be used for autopilot coupling since flight control systems cue off the middle marker to reduce the gain of the system as the range decreases. Providing the separate Line in the KMA 24 prevents the autopilot gain from being stepped down when Lamp test is activated. Lamp test is provided by S101T when the pushbutton is depressed by shorting R143, 144, and 145 to ground, causing all three Lamp drivers to conduct at the same time. 4.3.2. ISOLATION AMPLIFIERS The 18 vertical pushbuttons on the front panel of the KMA 24 control the selection of a maximum of 9 audio inputs (including the internal marker receiver audio), or 8 audio inputs if the AUTO function is utilized. In addition, 2 direct wired audio inputs are provided that bypass the input switches. ALL eleven of these audio inputs are Loaded with 510 ohm resistors contained in U201. The inputs see this load at all times, whether or not they are selected by the panel. Pushbutton switches $2018 (bottom) through $2098 are used to select the audio to be heard on the headphones while S201T (top) through S209T provide speaker audio selection. Physically the top and bottom switches are paired up with each pair consisting of two double pole-double throw switches, both of which are mounted on the same set of six pins. Electrically, however, the top and bottom switches are single pole-double throw because the top switches have a shorting bar on the right side only (looking at the switches from the front of the unit) and the bottom switches have the shorting bar on the left side only. This unique construction provides the electrical capability of two switches while using the PC board space of only one switch and requires no special mechanical support for the top row of switches. The audio inputs selected for the headphone amplifier are summed by the 51K resistor module u202. Likewise, U203 is a 51K resistor module that sums the audio inputs selected for the speaker amplifier. Each summing resistor is connected to ground when its associated switch is in the "out" (unselected) position and to 250 ohms (510 ohms in parallel with a 500 ohm source) when its switch is in the "in" position. This configuration provides maximum isolation between inputs and amplifiers with a minimum of attenuation to the desired input and very little change in output Level when additional inputs are selected and unselected. The headphone amplifier consists of 1201 and the auto-transformer T201. 1201 is an audio amplifier with a fixed voltage gain of 50. R202 and C204 load the output to prevent high frequency oscillations. R201 is provided to adjust the output amplitude. The output is rated at SOmw into 500 ohms. Supply voltage for 1201 is provided by its own separate power supply consisting of the 15V zener diode CR202, current limiting resistor R207, pass transistor Q202 and the filter capacitor c202. For 13.75V operation, CR202 does not conduct and Q202 operates in a saturated mode. With a 27.5V supply, CR202 provides Q202 with a base bias of 15V. Therefore about 14.3V will be supplied to I201. MMOO1 6-3 Page 4-4 KING KMA 24 AUDIO PANEL /MARKER BEACON RECEIVER The speaker amplifier utilizes the same audio amplifier integrated circuit (1202) as the headphone amplifier. 6203 1$ an N-channel junction field-effect transistor (J-FET) that functions as audio transmission gate. The source of Q203 is normally shorted to its drain allowing audio to pass from U203 to 1202. However, anytime the microphone is keyed, the gate of Q203 is pulled low causing the source to drain impedance to increase dramatically thereby muting the audio by at least 55d8 to prevent feedback that could cause oscillation during transceiver transmission. The altimeter warning audio Line bypasses this mute circuit to allow it to be heard at all times including when the mic is keyed. R213 adjusts the volume of the 500 ohm audio inputs on any speaker that happens to be selected but this pot is normally used to set the cabin speaker volume since that is the speaker of primary interest in connection with these inputs. R214 adjusts the volume of the internal (passenger address) and external (ramp hail) speakers only during the time that the mic is keyed. In other words, R214 controls the amplification of microphone audio. Microphone bias is supplied by the transceiver selected, but with the mic switch in the INT or EXT positions the mic bias must be supplied by the KMA 24. This is the function of R212 along with the filter R211 and C210. The microphone audio is passed by C211 to the resistor divider R225 and R214, then to pin 2 of 1202. The output of 1202 is fed to the primary of T202. The secondary of T202 is center tapped to allow the application of supply voltage to the bases of Q204 and 8205. Q206 and Q207 are the power amplifier transistors in a grounded collector, emitter follower configuration. The grounded collectors allow simple heatsinking and the emitter follower, push-pull configuration provides an audio output that is very low in distortion. The primary of the output transformer, T203 is center tapped to provide aircraft power to the emitters of Q206 and 207. 208 is physically mounted to the same heatsink as Q206 and Q207 and therefore senses their temperature. The base-emitter voltage drops of Q206 and Q207 change with temperature, but the base-emitter drop of Q208 will track this change, thereby keeping crossover distortion and idle current drain to a minimum. The secondary of T203 has two taps on it. The 8 ohm tap provides 1.414 times the voltage supplied by the 4 ohm tap. Therefore, for any given amplifier output, the power delivered by the 8 ohm tap to an 8 ohm speaker will equal the power delivered by the 4 ohm tap to a 4 ohm speaker. However, to simplify output switching, only one tap can be used in any installation. The 4 ohm tap should be used whenever any of the speakers to be driven are 4 ohm. In most cases this tap will provide adequate power to an 8 ohm speaker (about 1/2 that delivered to a 4 ohm speaker). However, if all the speakers to be driven are $ ohms then F202 can be changed to the 8 ohm tap to increase the power delivered to the 8 ohm loads. This tap should not be used to drive a 4 ohm load. A regulated voltage of 9.5V is supplied to the speaker preamplifier and the marker receiver by 1203 and the pass transistor Q201. 1203 is a voltage regulator programmed to supply 9.5V by the precision resistors R203 and R204. The regulated voltage is monitored at pin 10 of 1203 through R205 and CR201. Current Limiting will result before this voltage reaches 12V. The base current of Q201 is also monitored and when it becomes excessive, current Limiting will result. R206 determines the point at which current Limiting begins. | Mic switch S210 is a six position five pole rotary switch used to control five functions. Deck 1 (the closest to the front of the unit) routes the microphone audio to the selected transceiver, or to the KMA 24 speaker amplifier if either INT or EXT are selected. Four lugs on top of deck 1 serve as the mount for one of the panel lamps. Deck 2 routes microphone key to the proper transceiver. P.A. mute (passenger address mute) is merely mic key when $210 is in the INT position to be used to mute the normal audio on the passenger address system. Deck 3 selects the audio input corresponding to the transceiver in use and routes it to the AUTO switches. The top half of deck 3 is a separate pole and is used to turn power on and off. Deck 3 is the only deck of the switch that has shorting contacts. Deck 4 routes the output of the speaker amplifier to the proper speaker. CR206 is a 3V zener provided to eliminate high voltage spikes induced onto the mic key Line by transmitter relay coils. Six panel lamps are used to illuminate the front panel. They are all connected in parallel for 13.75V Lighting and three in series with the other three for 28V Lighting. Three speaker load resistors are provided, R226, 227, and 228. They are used to load the 4 ohm outputs of transceivers with speaker amplifiers and also to load the KMA 24 external and internal speaker outputs if these speakers are not used. MMO01 6-3 Page 4-5 KING KMA 24 AUDIO PANEL/MARKER BEACON RECEIVER MIDDLE MARKER DETECTOR SENS Q 116 THRESAOLD| — ¡pReseLECTOR IF BANDPASS IF AMP IF DETECTOR AUDIO 400 Hz FILTER NE TO EXT ANT sio! —el TIOI,102,/03 F—s MIXER Lt FILTER Tor TIOS _— Q103, 0104 а BUFFER æiTIOZA CH3,114 AUDIO DRIVER ————» BLUE RIOT RIOZ CIO1,102 qlo! TIO4 FLIOI | , Q 108 RI21,122, (23 9112 LAMP DETECTORS | F 1300 Hz FILTER AMBER TO EXT 11028 CH5S, 16 DRIVER [——™ AMBER RI25,126,127 Q113 LAMP 85.7 MHZ AGC AMP «— 3 LOCAL 10% OSCILLATOR ЮЗ @106 3000 Hz FILTER WHITE YIOI QIO2 CRIO! AMP TO EXT I03A CI7, 118 el Q109,10, 11 DRIVER ———> WHITE R129,130,131 QI14 LAMP 4 : | AUDIO AMP LAMP MARKER AUDIO TIO3B RIA9 DIMMER CR 102, 103 VIOI,Q115,0107 413.75/27.5 VDC AIRCRAFT POWER 9.5 V SUPPLY VOLTAGE MARKER BEACON RECEIVER 2A AUDIO ISOLATION AMPLIFIERS 3.57 7 REGULATOR 1203,020| R203, 204 [UNSWITCHED AUDIO INPUTS (2) SPEAKER SPEAKER SPEAKER \| SUMMING MUTE PREAMP N | POWER AMP. NE 20s “0208 1202 T202 | * 020.208 208) INPUT Q207 T203 “ AUDIO SELECTOR 1 | an INPUTS SWITCHES 5 ALIMETER WARNING (500.0) 10 | en | N HE ADPHONE HEADPHONE SUMMING AMP . > —e TO HEADPHONES $201- 209 NETWORK 1201 T201 | AUDIO INPUT i an 15V REGULATOR TRANSCIEVER CR 202 Q202 AUDIO INPUTS (3 R207 INTERCOM MIC N TO HF OR TEL MIC KEY IN SELECTOR MIC AUDIOS KEY > TRANSCIEVER FROM SWITCH N TO COM | MIC AUDIO B KEY MICROPHONE | MIC AUDIO IN $210 у TRANSCIEVER то сом г a KEY - MIC AUDIO 8 KE TRANS CIE VER MIC BIAS INT. OR EXT MIC AUDIO R211, 212 C210 MMOO 6-3 roy wii TO CABIN SPEAKER = TO INTERNAL SPEAKER EXTERNAL SPEAKER FIGURE 4-2 BLOCK DIAGRAM (Dwg. No. 696-0152-00) Page-7 KING KMA 24 AUDIO PANEL/MARKER BEACON RECEIVER SECTION Y MAINTENANCE 9.1. GENERAL INFORMATION The maintenance section contains test and alignment procedures for an operational KMA 24. Also included in this section are overhaul and troubleshooting procedures. Before maintenance is attempted on the KMA 24 it is advisable to have a thorough understanding of the theory of operation. 5.2. TEST AND ALIGNMENT 5.2.1. GENERAL INFORMATION The following section (5.2.2) Lists all of the test equipment required to test and align the KMA 24. if alignment does not produce the result desired then the troubleshooting procedures (section 5.4) should be used. 9.2.2. TEST EQUIPTMENT REQUIRED Items A through E are required to test and align the audio isolation amplifiers and items € through I are required for marker receiver test and alignment. In addition to the equipment Listed, a KMA 24 rear connector (KPN (B0-1094-58) and pins (KPN (B0-1107-46) are required to connect the KMA 24 to the equipment. FUNCTION SUGGESTED MODEL A. Audio Signal Generator HP200CD B. Audio Power Meter Eico 261 C. AC Voltmeter Ballantine 314A D. Power Supply 10 to 33VDC à 1.5A E. Oscilloscope Tektronix 465 F. RF Signal Generator (75MHz) HP 668 G. 6dB Pad H. Frequency Counter (75MHz) I. DC Voltmeter 9.2.3. TEST AND ALIGNMENT PROCEDURES A. Unless otherwise specified, all tests are to be performed under ambient conditions. The supply voltage shall be either 13.75 or 27.5VDC. В. Definitions 1. RF Input Voltage The RF input voltage is defined to be the voltage at the signal generator with a éd8 pad connected between the signal generator and the KMA 24 (hard microvolts.) The transmission Line shall be RG-58A/U. 2. Standard Test Signal A standard test signal is a 75MHz +.005% carrier that is amplitude modulated 95 +3% successively at 400 +1%, 1300Hz +1%, and 3000Hz +1%. 3. Receiver Threshold Receiver threshold is that RF input voltage of a standard test signal that just produces a Lamp on condition with the signal level increasing. MMOO1 6-4 Page 5-1 KING KMA 24 AUDIO PANEL /MARKER BEACON RECEIVER AUDIO POWER GENERATOR KMA 24 METER 4.0. LOAD | or POWER A.C SUPPLY ‚С. 13.75/27.5V DC an VOLTIMETER FIGURE 5-1 AUDIO AMPLIFIER TEST SETUP AC VOLTMETER | RF SIGNAL | GENERATOR EDB PAD | KMA 24 |}-——æ#OSCILLOSCOPE | | ï Ÿ AUDIO FREQUENCY SUPPLY GENERATOR COUNTER 13.75/275 VDC FIGURE 5-2 MARKER BEACON RECEIVER TEST SETUP MMOC1 $-4 Page 5-2 > KING KMA 24 AUDIO PANEL/MARKER BEACON RECEIVER Isolation Amplifiers Test and Alignment Connect equipment as shown in Figure 5-1. b. Speaker Amplifier (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) NOTE If the cabin speaker in a particular installation is known to be a single 8 ohm speaker, then F202 should be placed in the 8 ohm position and the cabin speaker output should be terminated with an 8 ohm load for the following tests. When this is done, the same results should be obtained with the 8 ohm Load that is specified for the 4 ohm load in paragraphs 3 and 4. Terminate the cabin speaker output with a 4 ohm load. Apply a 1VRMS, 1KHz signal at the COM 1 audio input and select COM 1 for the speaker. With the MIC select switch in any of the three transceiver positions, the cabin speaker output should be 1 + 0.25VRMS across the 4 ohm load. If not, adjust R213 for a 1VRMS output. Monitor the speaker amplifier output on an oscilloscope (TP207) and check that the output is not clipped when the audio input is increased to provide rated output. (7 watts with a 13.75V supply and 12 watts with a 27.5V supply). Check that the speaker amplifier operates with either a 13.75 or 27.5VDC supply. Microphone Amplification (1) (2) (3) Terminate the external speaker output with a 8 ohm Load. Apply a O.SVRMS, 1KHz signal at the mic audio input. With the MIC select switch in the EXT position, the external speaker output should be 5.5 *1.0VRMS across the 8 ohm Load. If it is not, adjust R214 for a 5.5VRMS output. NOTE This “adjustment is designed to provide maximum volume without clipping from the external and internal speakers when talking - loudly into the microphone. This setting can be modified to suit individual requirements. For example, if intercom is to be used, R214 should be set to provide the desired Listening Level on the headphones while talking normally into the microphone. c. Headphone Amplifier (1) Terminate the headphone output with a 500 ohm load. (2) Apply a 1VRMS 1KHz signal to the COM 1 audio input and select COM 1 for the headphones. (3) With the MIC select switch in any position, the headphone output should be 1 +0.25VRMS across the 500 ohms load. If not, adjust R201 for a 1VRMS output. (4) Monitor the headphone output on an oscilloscope (TP205) and verify that the output is not clipped when the input signal is increased to provide the rated output of SOmW (5VRMS across 500 ohms). (5) Check that the headphone amplifier operates with either a 13.75 or 27.5VDC supply. Rev 1, December, 1981 Page 5-3 MMOO1 6-4 d. KING KMA 24 AUDIO PANEL/MARKER BEACON RECEIVER Audio Mute (1) Terminate the cabin speaker output with a 4 ohm load. (2) Apply a 5VRMS, 1KHz signal at the COM 1 audio input and select COM 1 for the speaker (no other inputs selected). (3) With the MIC switch in any of the three transceiver positions and with the microphone keyed, the cabin speaker output should be no more than 10mV into 4 ohms (400uW). Frequency Response (1) (2) (3) Terminate the cabin speaker output with a 4 ohm load. Apply an input signal at the COM 1 audio input and select COM 1 for the speaker. Adjust the Level of this input signal to provide an output of 2VRMS into a 4 ohm load at 1KHz (1 watt). Vary the frequency of the input signal and verify that the output does not vary more than 6dB over the frequency range of 350-6000Hz. “The output voltage must not drop to Less than 1VRMS into 4 ohms over this frequency range). Marker Receiver Test and Alignment Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 5-2. de Marker Receiver Test (1) With a standard test signal applied, the receiver threshold shall be 200uV +3dB with the sensitivity switch in the HI position and 1000uv +3dB with the sensitivity in the LO position. These specifications should be met with “each modulation frequency. The HI sensitivity threshold is adjusted with R101 and the LO sensitivity threshold with R102. (2) The marker audio output at TP102 shall be 1VRMS +6dB. (3) Lamp test should Light all three marker Lights. (4) The proper marker Lamp will be on with the other two Lamps off when the amplitude of a standard test signal is varied from 2000uV to 50,000uV. This specification should be met in both the HI and LO sensitivity positions and with each of the three modualtion frequencies. (5) Middle marker sense should go high in synchronism with the middle marker Line (amber Lamp). It should not go high when Lamp test is activated. (6) The marker lamps shall dim when Light is blocked from striking the photo resistor V101. b. Marker Receiver Alignment (1) Connect a temporary jumper between TP104 and ground. (2) Apply a standard test signal of sufficient strength to cause an audio signal of about 0.5V peak-to-peak at TP101 with the marker sensitivity switch in the HI position. (3) Adjust T101, T102 and T103 to produce maximum signal at TP101. Reduce the input signal strength as required to prevent clipping. (4) Adjust T104 and T105 for maximum response at TP101. (5) With the marker sensitivity switch in the HI position, adjust R101 for receiver threshold while applying a standard test signal of 200uv with 1300 Hz modulation. Adjust R149 for O.5VRMS at TP102. Rev 1, December, 1981 Page 5-4 MMOO1 6-4 Ae KING KMA 24 AUDIO PANEL/MARKER BEACON RECEIVER (6) Place the marker sensitivity switch in the LO position and adjust R102 for receiver threshold while applying a standard test signal of 1,000uV with 1300 Hz modulation. (7) Place the marker sensitivity switch in the HI position. Remove the temporary jumper between TP104 and ground. Apply a standard signal Level of 50т\. Adjust R229 for 1.0VRMS at TP102. 9.3 OVERHAUL 5.3.1 INSPECTION This section contains instructions to assist in determining, by inspection, the condition of assemblies. Defects resulting from wear, physical damage, deterioration, or other causes can be found by these inspection procedures. To aid inspection, detailed procedures are arranged in alphabetical order. A. Capacitors, Fixed Inspect capacitors for case damage, body damage, and cracked, broken, or charred insulation. Check for Loose, broken, or corroded terminal studs, lugs or leads. Inspect for Loose, broken, or improperly soldered connections. Chassis Inspect the chassis for deformation, dents, punctures, badly worn surfaces, damaged connectors, damaged fastener devices, component corrosion, and damage to the finish. Connectors Inspect connectors for broken parts, deformed shells or clamps, and other irregularities. Inspect for cracked or broken insulation and for contacts that are broken, deformed, or out of alignment. Also, check for corroded or damaged plating on contacts and for loose, improperly soldered, broken, or corroded terminal connections. Covers and Shields Inspect covers and shields for punctures, deep dents, and badly worn surfaces. Also, check for corrosion and damage to finish. Potentiometers Inspect all potentiometers for evidence of damage such as dents, cracked insulation or other irregularities. F. Resistors, Fixed Inspect the fixed resistors for cracked, broken, blistered, or charred bodies and loose, broken, or improperly soldered or corroded terminal connections. G. Terminal Connections Soldered 1. Inspect for cold-soldered or rosin joints. These joints present a porous or dull, rough appearance. Check for strength of bond using the points of a tool. 2. Examine the terminals for excess solder, protrusions from the joint, pieces adhering to adjacent insulation, and particles lodged between joints, conductors or other components. 3. Inspect for insufficient solder and unsoldered strands of wire protruding from conductor at the terminal. Check for insulation that is stripped back too far from the terminal. 4, Inspect for corrosion at the terminal. Rev 1, December, 1981 Page 5-5 ММ001 6-4 KING KMA 24 AUDIO PANEL/MARKER BEACON RECEIVER H. Transformers 1. Inspect for signs of excessive heating, physical damage to case, cracked or broken insulation, and other abnormal conditions. 2. Inspect for corroded, poorly soldered, or loose connecting wires. I. Wiring Inspect wiring for breaks in insulation, conductor breaks, and improper dress in relation to adjacent wiring or chassis. 5.3.2 CLEANING A. Using a clean, Lint-free cloth Lightly moistened with a regular cleaning detergent, remove the foreign matter from the equipment case and unit front panels. Wipe dry using a clean, dry, lint-free cloth. | B. Using a hand controlled dry air jet (not more than 15psi), blow the dust from inaccessible areas. Care should be taken to prevent damage by the air blast. C. Clean card-edged connector by rubbing contacts Lightly with pencil eraser. 5.3.3 DISASSEMBLY/ASSEMBLY Disassembly of the KMA 24 is rather simple; therefore the final assembly drawing provided in Section VI of this manual should be sufficient for disassembly/assembly instructions. NOTE Switches $201 through S209 and S101 are each treated as a single part and are supplied as such. Disassembly of the top portion of the switch from the bottom portion should not be attempted. If either the top or the bottom portion should go bad, the entire assembly should be replaced. 5.4 TROUBLESHOOTING Two troubleshooting flowcharts are provided = one for the marker receiver and one concerning all audio panel functions. The only overlap is the +9.5V supply used on both. The troubleshooting procedure for this supply is contained in the audio panel troubleshooting procedures. The flowcharts should be self-explanatory, therefore no written comments are given. The detailed theory of operation should be read before troubleshooting is attempted. Once started, the troubleshooting procedures should be continued until the top row of boxes is completed from Left to right. Rev 1, December, 1981 Page 5-6 MMO001 6-4 KING KMA 24 AUDIO PANEL /MARKER BEACON RECEIVER AUDIO PANEL START MIC AUDIO MIC KEY GOOD FREQUENCY RATED AMPLIFIERS YES] AMPLIFIER YES AMPLIFIER ES] aria YES Soy YES! For ALL 3 [YES] GOOD FOR ES] AUDIO NTE ES! RESPONSE vere EST ouTeuT о FUNCT ons FUNCTIONS G 00D TRANSCIEVERS TRANSCEIVERS GO 6000 СНЕСК (SPEAKER ) [ [ [ [ [ OUTPUTS HNO UNO NO NO NO NO NO CHECK CHECK CJ201 CHECK CR 205, GOOD AT CHECK SPEAKER & CHECK CHECK wie EAKERD $210 DECK 3 CR 206 S210 DECK | 0203. CR 203 TP 206 PES] cueck cas 204.0205 AMPLIFIERS (BOTTOM) $210 DECK 2 , , — & Q208 IO TO = to suPPLIED TO MES anys TED PES T201 PINS =] CHECK T201 CHECK C208 1201 PIN 14 с209 ‚ с219 NO NO 14/28 V ves | CHECK @202 SUPPLIED TO CR 202,R207 CHECK 1201] J241 PIN 7 R208 Jno CHECK CABLE HARNESS SEPERATE SUPPLY FOR HEADPHONE NO vEs| mae oa ONE YES{ AUDIO MIC [YES| CHECK BIAS VOLTAGE ADJUST R214 AT JUNCTION | ”| AT C211 [ *IRela, 1202 ОЕ К212 8 С2!! WITH MIC KEYED | Y NO NO CHECK CHECK R2ll, R212 $210 DECK | C 210 NO [PROBLEM IS SWITCHED + 9.5V SUPPLY|YES YES YES| AUDIO AT yes CHECK 6000 —o WITH ALL LE AUDIO AT PE TP 207 _— $210 DECK 4 AUDIO INPUTS TP 206 bno } ко YES CHECK SWITCH Q204 & Q205 AUDIO SIGNAL FOR THE INPUT YES [BASES 2 DIODE YES AUDIO SIGNAL |yE 5 |SUPPLY VOLTAGE YES| CHECK T203 F202 GOOD ON Q204 8 ON 0206 8 ON 0204 8 += OR INPUTS WITH DROPS BELOW SECONDARY PROBLEM SUPPLY VOLTA Q205 BASES Q207 EMITTERS Q205 EMITTERS] NO | NO no ко bno NO AIRCRAFT ALTIMETER CHECK MUTE Q208 EMITTER CHECK C215 CHECK POWER AT |YES| CHECK WARNING [YES [CIRCUIT Q203| |2 DIODE DROPS |YES| CHECK T202 a T202 CHECK T203 @204, 0205 Q20! EMITTER “| Q201 @ 1203 AUDIO AT CR203,C208 BELOW SUPPLY "| SECONDARY PRIMARY SECONDARY Q206, 0207 TP 206 C209 VOLTAGE ко 1 No bno CHECK YE CHECK F201 GOOD ¡—e s2i0 DECK3 R213, 1202 CHECK Q208 (ТОР) MMOO1 6-4 FIGURE 5-3 AUDIO PANEL TROUBLESHOOTING FLOWCHART (Dwg. No. 696-0155-00, R-0) Page 5-7 KING KMA 24 AUDIO PANEL/MARKER BEACON RECEIVER MMOO1 6-4 FIGURE 5-4 MARKER RECEIVER TROUSLESHOOTIN FLOWCHART (Dwg. No. 696-01560-00, R-0) MARKER RECEIVER START MARKER PROPER LAMP MIDDLE MARKER LAMP TIVITY SET MARKER PS ES uno -— MESILAMP TEST (ES LieHts wiTH 'ESIMARKER sensel' ES) DIMMER LES ЗЕМЗ СМИ ES AUDIO OUTPUT GOOD GOOD MODULATION GOOD OPERATES LEVEL I Ino | мо Ino | мо 60 ТО $РЕАКЕВ CHECK Q!O9 CHECKQIIG CHECK VIOI ALIGN AMPLIFIER QHO,QII! ns & TROUBLESHOOTING a alo? RECEIVER NO LAMP TEST | | EXTERNAL | Ев LIGHTS AT MARKERLAMP|YES] CHECK LAMPS LINES GO HIGH LEASTIBULB) | IOURING LAMP TEST ÿNO CHECK Ql2, QU3 Qlla NO OVER CURRENT], | CHECK FOR ACTIVATED SHORT ON 07, RI38 LAMP LINES NO YES QS GOOD |[—w{ CHECK SIOIT NO ALL 3 TONE ADJUST CHECK TP 101 AUDIO [YES| SIGNAL AT YES! FiLTERS (YES YES 11038, GOOD QIO8 EMITTER 6000 R149 CRIO2, 103 [no Ino CHECK 1102 A,B, OR CHECK QI08 LOSA AS APPLICABLE NO L.O. RUNNING Е СНЕСК AT PROPER YES) SIGNAL AT (YES! SETECTOR F REQUENCY Q104 BASE 9103, 9104 ino I TP104 VOLTAGE NOISE TPIOI SIGNA CHECK LESS Tian “YEs|OR NOISE CHANGESHES| RIOLRIO2 lygs|ADIUST TI04 || TION TIO26 YES| CHECK MIXER TP 101 SIGNAL == — 910! 9102, У1Ю! 4V WITHOUT WHEN TP 104 8 SIOB GOOD TIO3 GOOD | SIGNAL VOLTAGE CHANGED AFFECTED? ¿No мо у ко CHECK AGC CHECK AMPLIFIER TP 105 Goob MES) CHECK [lol TI04 600D PES) CRYSTAL 0105, 0106, FILTER FLIOI Page 5-9 NAME 3 SYMBOL Rev. МКК ALTO PART NUMBER 066 =] 015 5eN0 066=]6055=01] 066 =] 055-007 N 66 =1 5 5= 3 O012=312 7-00 N12=1161=00 012«1192«01 016=—1082=02 035=1361=18 047=4938=01 047=4939=01 147 =4 94004 047=5508= 02 057=2234= 00 057=2274=00 057+2274=0] 057-22 14+ П2 057-22 74 = ()3 073-04 12-012 OT6=10A0=N0N ORAR =()655=AN NEReNBR4G=N] DRRe)REH«N] DRR=(18R T=5] OBR=0918=03 089=2140=00 089=5569=023 089=25573=03 089=5573= 05 NEZYeAIOR03 RZeRNIA=IN (190)=-0] 76=N4 1, December, 1981 KING RANIN CURPARATINN PARTS 1 ISTING UNITS KMANN24 REV NI: LAST FCI: EC) DATES NESCRIPITA CIF 1m MK R AUDIA MKR AUDIO MKR AUDIO MKR AUDIO TAG CVR FA RITIIIM Сук FA TAPE PRES SEN ,400 AR AR PREITECTIVE CVER FA ТОР (VR A FA RT“ CVR A EA MTG RACK A FA CHASSIS W/HDW A FA S/n TAG FA LENS DECAL FA LENS DECAL FA LENS DECAL FA LEAS DECAL FA FRIIT PANEL A FA HOLD Diwn SCR FA LENS EA PSHATN MARTZ EA PSHRTN VRT EA LENS W/TRANSFER A FA KiNG мун A FA NET HEX FSNA 4=40 FA SCR IHP 2e56X3/16 FA SCR THP 4=401X3/16 FA SCR THP 4=4(1X5/16 FA SCR FHP 4e4nX3/16A FA WSHR FA RING RTNR 2125 FA 13 6/1 2/1 - = “1418 X AR — LE. — NEON ASSY NM: 13 6/12/71 - ww w=» =01 AR t 8 — § — о Вох) Вод“ L + OA6=-1055=200/03 13 é/12/1 {12 mou .— wend bund {+ — NE ON 13 6/12/71 . ww = 3 AR — — | ей Ad — Page 6-1 МАМЕ: SYMBOL Page 6-2 MKR AIT PART NUMPER 150=0042«10 200=5837=00 200=5837=01 KING PARTS LISTING UNITI KMAON74 REV NAM: LAST ECO: ECO DATE: DESCRIPTION CODE uM TURING SHNK , 187 FT RMAFI) ASSY À FA RMNARD ASSY A FA RADIO CORPORATION ASSY NN: 13 | 13 6/12/71 6/12/1 -00 «01 ol e 1 1 1 Rev. 066=1055=-00/93 13 13 6/ 12/1 6/1271 “02 «3 o ol ] | 1, December, 1981 10-6£6b-2b0 (2)00-0b12-680— 0£ -9£08-680—] vO-9210-060— KING KMA 24 AUDIO PANEL/MARKER BEACON RECEIVER “SNOLLAAS HSNd ONITIVLSNI 340438 SAN3 HOLIMS OL (00-280I-910) ALY JO INNOWV TIVWS AlddY ‘Z : -SN31 LYISNI 40 S3IVIENS 1V14 ANOI9 LON SH0G INTO LVHL 3HVD ONIMVL ‘00-9601-910 N/d 9NIX Yid H30NOG HIdNS 10 LNNOWY TIVWS 9NISN (£0/00-2880-880) SN37 1NOYJ NI 30H OL (00-9590-880) SN317 L1M3SNI HOIYVLIV ‘I : SALON (7) £0-6995-680—= E), £0/00-b/22-250 CAR £0-8160-880 (E < (W/8 335) IS-Z880-880 00-1911—210 (#)£0~€265-680 (W/8 339) 10/00-2£85-007 (1 3LON 335) 00-5690-880 © 7 so-00co-6s0 ¿O-elb0-£ZO (2) 10-P880-880 (81) 10-6880-880 (2 310N 33S) ¿0-8065-2b0 | \ совок —-01-2b00-06I > €0-6955-680 pu (у, TIVL30 33S) (b) £0-6965-680—=É, 00-b£22-250 Page 6-3 (2)00-42ii-210 Ja 8, NOILIIS a Ci ~= 39V1d NI d3N19 Si (00-9690-880) SN37 LYISNI IT | a > o a 340438 310H d34OBH3LNNO9 a 30 S39VIUNS IUISNI OL x Y3NDOVT ONIHSNHE AlddV ‘434 €0/00-.880-880 10-8£6b-¿b0 FIGURE 6-1 FINAL ASSEMBLY (Dwg. No. 300-2487-00, R-4) | === (P)o0-221-2I0—= YX WV, —vL3a "NMOHS SY “SH3A0O9 WOLLO ONV dOL N33ML38 ONV HOLON NI O3431N39 39 OL SVL N/S ® Г == O O Rev. 1, December, 1981 MMOO1 6-7 >) SYMBOL MAME: RNARD ASSY PART NUMBER 200=5837=00 200=5837=01 008=0038=N] 009«5837=10 012«1174~00 N12=1192-NN 025e0003=02 025=0018=44 025«N00]18=«99 N26=0001«00 N26=0011«00 047-260} - 00 047+4935=01 N4T7+4937«0] 047e5401=02 088=0886«00 089«2188=22 N89w2]19]1=22 0RJe5573-05 N089«59N03«05 089=5907=05 090=70296=00 091=0156=00 091 =0286=02 150=0005=10 150«0006=10 150«0101«00 KING RADIO CORPORATION PARTS LISTING 1NITs KMANO24 REV NOS CESCRIPTION BJARD ASSY BOARD ASSY TER“ RIFUR ,OBAL PC RM MKR RCVR INSUL TAPF PRES SEN .125 WIRE 226 RED WIRE 266 YEL “IRE 266 RLY NTRE 266 wHT WIRE CNP TIN 266 CA FAX 316 COVER GRAND FNGR NLR PLT FENCE LAMP HSG RRKT LAMP MSG NUT HEX FSNA 440 NIT HEX ESNA 6=32 SCR THP 4=40X5/16 SCR PHP 4e40X5/16 SCR PHP 6=32X5/16 FUSE CLIP WSHR STEP NYL INSUL XSTR „687 TURING TFLN 2NAWG TURING TFLN ]8AWG SLDR SLEFVE Rev. l, December, 1981 FCO DATES CODE UM > > EA EA EA AR AR AR AR AR AR AR EA EA EA EA FA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA AR AR FA ASSY ND: 2n 20 11/01/71 11/0171 yv © E E VD E oo E” «00 =01 X X 3 3 1 1 1 1 AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 AR AR AR AR 200=5837=00/01 Page 6-5 NAMES SY MBAL C101 C102 C103 С) 04 C105 C106 cio? C108 C1N9 C110 C111 C112 C113 C114 C115 C116 C117 C118 C119 C120 (121 C122 C123 C124 C125 C126 C127 C128 C129 C130 C131 C132 C133 C134 C201 C202 C203 C204 C205 C206 C208 C209 c210 C211 C212 C213 С214 C215 C216 C217 Page 6-6 RIJARD ASSY PART NUMBER 106«0001=17 106-0007} =} 7 999999998 114-7502 (00 114=7104=005 113«510]1=nN} 113=3270=00 113«3180=«00 114=5222=0) 113«5102«00 097=0068=11 097=0068=00 108=5028=06 108=5028=06 108=5028=05 108=5028=105 108=5028=04 108=5028=04 097=0068=10 097720068 =10 097=006R=N0 A97=0068=00 109=20007=03 114«5222=0] NGT7T=0068=10 097=006R=«10 097=0068=10 097=0068=00 N097=N068=00 1}]3«3100«00 109-0007» 03 097-0068 = 10 111«0001=08 109=0007=05 N97—-0068=1]1 N9T=0068=00 109«0007=03 097=0068=21 114=6472«00 114«7104=00 114«7)104=00 09 7=006R=24 111=0001=00 NIG) 082.10 (197=0068=00 109-000 7-03 097=0068~11 109«0007=05 109000700 САР CAP NOT CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CaP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP САР САР САР cap cap CAP CAP САР САР САР САР САР САР САР САР САР САР САР САР САР САР САР САР САР САР САР САР KING PARTS UNIT: PRESCRIPTION FC FC e 5SIPFICIZSON »51PF103500 USED NE DC DC DC DC DC NC AL AL PC PC PC PC. PC PC AL AL AL AL AL NC NC AL AL AL AL AL NC DC AL CR DC AL AL DC AL DC DC OC AL CR TN AL DC AL. DE DC SKPF 10O0V . 1UF l6V 100PF 500V 27PF SNOV 18PF 500V 2200PF 500NV . ON1IUF 500V Go. TUF 25V 10UF 16V , DISUFIZ50OV . 015UF3IZ50V 0047UF 3250V ona 7UF32Z5NV e DO27UFIE4HO . 0027UF3Z5N JUF 25V 1UF 25V 1UF 25V ТОНЕР 16V JOUF 16V „ОБР 25\у 2200PF S00V 1UF 25V 1116 25V LUF 25V 10UF 16V 10UF 36V 10PF 500V . ISUF 25V l'iF 25V « OOGRUF 50V . lUFE 25V 4, 7UF 25V JOUF 16V , OSUF 25V 33UF 25V 47NOPF SOOV s1UF 16V c1UF 16V 1NNUF lev .OLUF 50V JOUF 35V JQOUF YéV . OSUF 25V 4.716 25V e lUF 25V a NIUE 25V LISTING KMANN24 REV NO: EC) DATES CADE tM RANIN CORPORATION 2n ASSY NO: 20 200=5837=00/01 11/01/71 11/01/71 * 00 #01 Rev. 1, December, 1981 Rev. NAMES HNARD ASSY SYMBOL C218 C219 C220 C221 C222 C223 C224 C225 C226 CJ101 CJ201 CRIOI CR102 CR103 CR20] CR207 CR203 CR205 CR206 nsiol DS102 NS103 Ds201 ns202 N$203 NS204 05205 NS206 F201 F202 FL101 1101 1102 1103 1201 1202 1203 1101 1, December, PART NUMBER 114«7104«00 114=7502«00 113«5102«00 113«5102=00 097=#0057=29 109=0007=05 113«7203«00 097e006R=N0 114«5222=0] 026=0018=0] 026+0012=00 007 «6016-00 007-6016" 00 O0T=60]16«00 077.601 6=N0O 007» 501 1-17 О07 «+6046» (Об 007-6025 (0 007+50]1=25 037-0N2Re05 037=0028-=04 037e0028=n4 037=0013«00 037«0013=00 N037«0013«0( N37=0013«00 037«0013=00 037-001 3=n0 036-0058=03 036=0057=1N N17=0075«00 120«3020«00 120=3022=00 120+3022=00 120e3129en2 120=3129=92 1202302300 1981 CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP WIR WIR DIN DIN ОТО ОТО OTC NILO NIG NTO LMP LMP LMP LMP LMP LMP LMP LMP LMP FUS FUS FLY KING RANIN CORPORATION PARTS LISTING NIT: KMAON24 REV NOS FCO DATES NESCRIPTINAN CODE UM DC .1UF 16V EA DC SKPF 100V FA DC ,00lUF 500V FA OC. .Q0luF SOOV EA Al, 150UF 63V EA NC „ДР 25у EA DEC ,O2UF 12V EA AL 10UF 16V EA DC 2200PF SOQV EA E CKT.IMPR 24AW0 EA E CKTJMPR 22AWG EA S 3N4154 FA S 1N4154 £A S 1N4154 EA S 184154 EA Z 11V 1W 5% EA SU 1NOYAA FA S 1N4N03 EA 2 36v lw 5% EA 634 Т) «1/4 б\у FA 2114 Tl=1/4 AV EA 2214 T1=1/4 б\у EA 7219 T1 12V FA 7219 T1 12V EA 7219 T1 32V EA 7219 T1 12V EA 7219 71 12V EA 7219 T1 12V FA F AGA 32v 3A EA E 275 125V 5A FA R 10,7MH2 4P FA MC1350P EA LMI45ANRI3R EA EMI 45ANA33IR FA | M3BEN=3 EA | M38HN=T EA LIA723C883R EA a 2711H 5% EA 20 11/01/71 en fu dl Se fa dl a a A ped ей bed Cand рав tee ha oad ASSY NOS 20 11/01/1 *(] bod al Dl al hal dl jad ad AE) had ll fed ей рый nd 200+5837=00/N1 Page 6-7 NAME: BIJARD ASSY SYMBOL L102 £103 L201 L202 L203 L204 L205 L206 L207 1.208 L209 L2)0 t211 L212 L213 L214 1.215 L216 L217 L218 1.219 L220 1.22] L222 L223 L224 1.225 (226 L227 L228 L229 L230 1231 L232 0101 0102 0103 0104 0105 0106 0107 0108 0109 0110 Q111 0112 0113 Ql1le Page 6-8 PART NUMBER 019e72084=54 019=2084=05 013«0006=03 0)3=0006=N73 013«000A=N3 013=0006=03 013-0006#03 0} 3»0006»03 013=0006=03 013=0006«03 013«0006«03 013000603 013«0006«03 013-0006=03 013=0006=N3 N013=0006=03 013«0006«03 N13«N00k=03 013=0006=03 013=0006=03 0) 3=0006=03 013-0006=03 N13«0006=03 013-0006=03 013-0006=03 013=0006=03 013«0006=03 013=0006«03 013=0006-03 013=«0006=03 N13=0006=03 013=0006=03 013=0006=03 013-0006=03 007045200 007«0195=00 007+0238=00 007=0238=00 007=0078«00 007=0078=00 007=0078=00 00T7=0078«0N 007+0078+0] 007=0078=01 N0T=0078«0]} 007=0245=00 007=0245=00 007—-0245=N0 KING PARTS LISTING UNITS DESCRIPTION CH 27UH 5% CH ,220UH 10% FERR FERR FERR FERR FERR FERP FERK FERK FERF FERD FERR FERR FERR FERR FERR FERF FERR FERR FERR FFRR FERR РЕКЕ FERR FERR FERR FERR FERR FERR FERR FERR FERR FERR XS TR XS TR XS TR XSTR XSTR XS TR XS TR XSTR XSTR XSTR XSTR XS TR Y STR XSTR BEAD READ READ BEAD READ READ BFAD BEAD BEAD BEAN BEAD READ BEAN BEAT BEAD BEAD BEAD READ BEAD READ READ BEAD BEAD BEAD READ BEAD READ BEAD BEAD READ READ READ Ww zZ Го pr Nu PNP PNP NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN PNP PNP PNP MPSHIJO FPN4917 FPN4917 2N3415 2N3415 2N3415 213415 283417 213417 283417 MPSU9S MPSU95 MPSU95 KMANN24 REV NO ЕСО DATES CODE UM RADT( CORPORATION 2n ASSY NOS 200=<5837=00/01 20 11/01/1 ]1/01/] «QO =] pad jad md jet dl ja pa fed bud food fond ud fd fd Rev. 1, December, 1981 NAME: BOARD ASSY SYMBOL 0115 0116 0201 0202 90203 0204 0205 0206 0207 0208 R101 R102 R103 R104 R105 R106 R107 R108 R109 R110 R111 R112 R113 R114 R115 R116 R117 R118 R119 R120 R121 R122 R123 R124 R125 R126 R127 R128 R129 R130 R131 R132 R133 R134 R135 R136 R137 R138 Rev. l, December, KING RADIO CORPORATION PARTS UNIT3 PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION N0T=0208«01 XSTR NPN MJEROO 007=0078=00 XSTR S NPN 2N3415 00T7=0292=00 XSTR S PNP 2N6109 DOT=0244=00 XSTR S MPSUNS5=e3 007=0267=01 XSTR FET J113 D07=N161=00 XSTR S PNP MPSAS6 007016100 XSTR S PNP MPSAS6 Q07:0335=02 XSTR S PNP TIP4ZB 007=0335«02 XSTR S PNP TIP42R 007=0333«00 XSTR S NPN HS5305 133«0110=17 RES VA 100 14 20% 133+0110+17 RES VA 100 Iw 20% 130+-0101#13 RES FC 100 Tw 5% 999=9999=98 NOT USED 999-9999»98 MOT USED 130=0273=13 RES FC 27K TW 5% 130=0331«13 RES FC 330 Tw 5% 130=0153=13 RES FC ISK Tw 5% 130=0471=23 RES FC 470 Qw 5% 130«0473=13 RES FC 47K Tw 5% 130=0101«13 RES FC 100 TW 5% 130=0472=13 RES FC 4,7K TW 5% 130=0103=13 RES FC 10K Tw 5% 130=051)1«13 RES FC 510 Tw 5% 130=0123=«13 RES FC 12K TW 5% 130=0473<e13 RES FC 47K TW 5% 130e0512=13 RES FC 5,1K EW 5% 130=0123=13 RES FC 12K TW 5% 130=0561=13 RES FC 560 Tw 5% 130e0561=13 RES FC 560 Ты 5% 131e0273e13 RES CF 27K EW 5% 136«287)1=72 RES PF 2,87K EW 17 136=2673=72 RES PF 267K EW 1% 131=0274=13 RES CF 270K EW 5% 131=0273=13 RES CF 27K EW 5% 136=2871=72 RES PF 2.,87K EW 1% 136=2613=72 RES PF 261K EW 1% 131=0274=13 RES CF 270K EW 5% 131+0203+33 RES CF 20K EW 5% 136«2051«72 RES PF 2,05K Ew 1% 136=2003«72 RES PF 200K EW 1% 131=0204=13 RES CF 200K Ew 5% 130-0333» 13 RES FC 33K Tw 5% 130=«0333=13 RES FC 33K Tw 5% 130=0333=13 RES FC 33K TW 5% 130«0113=«13 RES FC 11K TW 5% )30=0514=#13 RES FC 510K TW 5% 130=0010=33 RES FC 1 Hw 5% 1981 LISTING K MA 0024 REV NO: EC) DATES: CODE UM EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 20 11/01/71 11/01/1 +00 $ Jn a job Jal ol fund ный faut fod js das jui ей fod mb fot fd fd Gad fred jah ja a pd ей od pd fad bd bd fod fod fd bd bd fod nd jee bd al dl pr Y Y 1 Frs ASSY NO: 20 #01 fd ped fad a a al al da pod de fd pod fd put fond fd fod фей рей ей рей ав fu fa al ad ей fod fd je fl al fo dl ll Jal рай {ной ll A rl Y A A 200e5837«00/01 Page 6-9 KING RANIN CORPORATION PARTS LISTING NAMES RBIJARD ASSY UNITE KMADO24 ASSY NO: 200«5837«00/01 | REV NOS 20 20 ECM DATES: 11/01/71 11/01/1 SYMAOL PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION CADE UM =0n -01 R139 130«0103=]13 RES FC 10K Tw 5% EA 1 | R140 130=0103«13 RES FC 10K Tw 5% EA 1 1 R141 130=0103+#-13 RES FC 10K Tw 5% EA 1 1 R142 130+0472+13 RES FC 4,7K Tw 52 EA 1 1 R143 130»0753»+13 RES FC 75K Tw 5% EA 1 1 R144 130=0753=13 RES FC 75K Tw 5% | EA 1 1 R145 130=0753«13 RES FC 75K Tu 5% EA 1 1 R146 130=0103«23 RES FC 10K QW 5% Ea ] 1 R147 130=0133=23 RES FC 13x Qw 52 EA 1 1 R149 133011324 RES VA 100K 20% A EA 1 1 R150 13C=0302=13 RFS FC 3K TW 5% EA 1 1 R151] 13N«N302«13 RES FC 3K TW 5% EA 1 1 R152 : 130=-0302+-13 RES FC 3K Tw 5% EA 1 1 R153 130=0103=13 RES FC 1OK TW 5% EA 1 1 R154 130+0103+13 RES FC iNK TW 57 EA 1 ] R155 130=0103=13 RES FC 10K Tw 5% EA 1 1 R156 130«0101=13 RES FC 100 Tw 5% EA 1 1 R157 130»0473=13 RES FC 47K Tw 5% EA 1 1 R158 130«0103=13 RES FC 10K TW S% EA 1 1 R159 130=0623=13 RES FC 62K Tw 5% EA 1 1 R160 130=0101=13 RES FC 100 Tw SZ EA 1 1 R161 130«0104=13 RFS FC 100K TW 5% EA 1 } R162 130=04672=13 RES FC 6,7r Tw 5% EA 1 1 R163 130e0152=13 RES FC 1.5K TW 5% EA 1 } R201 133+-0113+16 RES VA 5K 20% À EA 1 1 R202 130+0100+23 RES FC 10 QW SZ EA 1 1 R203 136=e2371+72 RES PF 2,37 Ew 1% EA 1 1 R204 136=7151e72 RES PF T7,15K EW 1% EA 1 O1 R205 130=0471=13 RES FC 470 TW 5% EA 1 1 R206 130=0560=13 RES FC 56 TW 5% EA 1 1 R207 130e0182=35 RES FC 1.8K HW 10% EA 1 1 R208 130=0100=23 RES FC 10 OW 5% EA 1 1 R209 130«0103«13 RES FC 10K Tw 5% EA 1 1 R210 130«0104=13 RES FC 100K Tw 5% EA 1 1 R211 130=«0101«13 RES FC 100 Tw 5% EA 1 1 R212 130=0391=23 RES РС 390 @м 5% EA 1 1 R213 133=-0113=-16 RES VA 5K 20% A EA 1 1 R214 133=«0113=16 RES VA §K 20% A EA 1 1 R215 130=0100=23 RES FC 10 Qw 5% EA 1 1 R216 130e0513=13 RES FC 51К Ты 5% EA 1 1 R217 1302047313 RES FC 47K TW 5% | EA 1 1 R218 999 «9999-98 NIT USED EA - - R219 130e0103=13 RES FC 10k Tw 5% EA 1 1 R220 130=0224=13 RES FC 220K Tw 5% EA 1 1 R221 130«0153=13 RES FC 15K Tw 5% EA 1 1 R222 130=«0153«13 RES FC 15K Tw 5% EA 1 1 R223 130=0301=13 RES FC 300 Tw 5% EA 1 1 R225 130e0333=13 RES FC 33K Tw 5% EA 1 1 R226 — 132.0107e33 RES WW 16 3,25W 5% EA 1 1 R227 132«0107=33 RES WW 16 3.25w 52 EA 1 1 Page 6-10 | Rev. l, December, 1981 МАМЕ BNARD ASSY SYMROL R228 R229 5101 $201 $202 $203 $204 5205 $206 $207 $208 $209 $210 T101 1102 1103 1104 7105 T201 T202 1203 TP101 TP102 TP103 TPIO4 TP205 TP206 TP207 1201 202 U203 11204 1205 viol Y101 Rev. |, December, PART NUMBER 132-0107=33 133-0113=19 031 +038 501 031 0385-00 031038500 03} «0385.00 031-0385." 00 03) » 0385 + (000 031=0385=00 031«0385«00 031 +0385-00 О31+0385-00 03} + 0393-00 019-3047 -00 019-3047 +00 019-304 70/11 019=8076=00 N19«8076=00 019=5078=00 019=5093=00 N1]19=5092«0N0 008=0096=n1 008=0096=01 008=0096=01 008=0096»=01 008=0096=01 008=0096=01 008«0096=01 015=0050=00 N15«0059«00 015=«0059=00 N15=0049=00 015=0049=00 134—-5005=04 044 =0045=00 1981 KING RADIM CIIRPARATION PARTS LISTING KMADOD 24 REV NOS NTT DESCRIPTION RES WW RES VA SwITCH SWITCH SWITCH SWITCH SWITCH SWITCH SWITCH SWITCH SA] TCH SWITCH ROTARY 16 3.25W 5% 10K 20% B PATR PAIR PAIR PAIR PAIR PATR PAIR PAIR PAIR PAIR Sw XFMR 75MHZ7 BLU XFMR T5MHZ BLU XEMR 75MH7 YEL XFMR IF XEMR IF XFMR OUT SON XFEMR SPKR AMP IN XFMR AUD DUT TERMINAL TEST PNT TERMINAL TEST PNT TERMINAL TEST PNT TERMINAL TEST PNT TERMINAL TEST PNT TERMINAL TEST PNT TERMINAL TEST .PNT RES MOD RES MON RES MOD ENTWK CAP 220PF 20% *NTWK CAP 220PF 20% PHOTODE TECTOR XTAL 85, 700MHZ ECN DATES CODE UM > р > | ‚> 5» >» > > > EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA FA EA EA EA EA EA EA FA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 20 11/01/71 11/0) / 1 =} 1 1 bad ja fod ja Set 20 «(}] ) ей id Ded ый pad ASSY NOt 200=5837#060 /01 Page 6-11 KING | KMA 24 AUDIO PANEL/MARKER BEACON RECEIVER BUSS WIRE FOR L20I- L232 026 -000!-00 SEE NOTE 3 . NOTES: | || FOR -00 VERSION CJ 201 IS IN THE INPUT POSITION. FOR —-O! VERSION CJ 201 IS 2 IN THE AUTO POSITION. NRT © = ' 2. F202 INSTALLED IN THE 4x POSITION, IF ALL SPEAKERS IN INSTALLATION ARE В опт, NAN VS F202 SHOULD BE IN 8ohm POSITION. IF ANY SPEAKERS IN INSTALLATION ARE 4 ohm, SSSA], що Ш F202 SHOULD BE IN 4ohm POSITION. (SEE DETAIL С). 3. ASSEMBLE UIOI, UlO2, UIO3, GIOS, AS CLOSE TO THE P.C. BOARD AS POSSIBLE. CIO = Feo 090-0296-00 (2) AND U205 TO BE BENT AS SHOWN, ALLOWING A HEIGHT ZLEARANCE OF .300. - ) = | (SEE DETAIL 0) Г ~~ 026-0011 -00 see E20 20 (_) Ноева Q S88 —_LEH— 09I- 0156-00 ojo + c222 || 091- 0286-02 ЧЕН 089-5907—05 ( 2 PLC'S) \\ — = À 089-2188-22 047- 4937-01 DETAIL "A" T203 y 047-4935-01 SIDE VIEW 088 — 0886 — 00 | | SRE NOTE € GND TO 047-4936-0I 909-5837 - 10 1 TYP. 3 PLC'S DS 103 (WHT) $ 3 / 089-2191-22 025—-0018-99 DS 101 e we (2) ТО Е103 a {BLU)025~0018~66 G |. DS 102 Q105, Q 106, 0103, Q104 Q 203 a 047-2601 — 00 (YEL) 025-0018—44 Q107, Q 108, Q 204, Q205 Q109, Q!10, T 207 Q SOLDER SLEEVE alii, Qli6 089-2188-— 22 SS à 150 -0101-00 «© © {3 PLC'S) COAX SHEILD 3 о“ GROUNDED TO FENCE 089-5903—05 ^ 008-0038-01 [3 PLC'S) + (E108) IS — es (REF.) 8 G2 В NX D т: E BB С ED B_ EC ElO4 Е105 — mi BE PIT [IL | | S101 | | 520! | | S202] | $203 i LR DH UU 1 047-5401-02 Е. тен = = cg ВЕ Г. 025-0003 -02 (2) Fors горел Sar 18 Gi IB SS LAIA end hm LIL | FI НИ HE | He212 HEAT SINK — 12-1192 - Q 101 Q 201, @ 206, анг, Q 113, Q 115 Q 102 | $206 | | $207| | 5208 | | S209] о 92-00 0 207 на, 9202 SURFACE THIS | E И НИ | | aa —— —— E 205 u205 5 210 E208 F 202 an da 5 300 | Q оо ° |" PC. BO > ~~ 7 — , | pe zoe | | Ps | £203] > 150-0005-10 (2) 088-0886,-00 Q SEE DETAIL - 05201 || | [ose | F 202 8a o Hr DETAIL "D" DS 206 DETAIL В —_— -- 150-0006-10 SEE NOTE I: DETAIL "C" V 1OI И SEE NOTE 2 SEE DETAIL "E > FIGURE 6-2 P.C. BOARD ASSEMBLY (Dwg. No. 300-5837-00, R-15) Rev. 1, December, 1981 MMOO1 6-7 Page 6-13 KING KMA 24 AUDIO PANEL /MARKER BEACON RECEIVER BUSS WIRE FOR L20I-L232 026-0001-00 SEE NOTE 3 (E106)COAX NOTES: — - (E 107) GND ( т | I. FOR -00 VERSION CJ 20! IS IN THE INPUT POSITION. FOR —OI VERSION CJ 20} IS , IN THE AUTO POSITION. i SEDO SON NO Sana © = 2. F202 INSTALLED IN THE 42 POSITION, FOR Ba POSITION SEE DETAIL "С". NN hy NICO OO OJ aN oN SEL SERS SERN SISSY Si — 3. ASSEMBLE UIOI, UIO2, U!O3, Q108, AS CLOSE TO THE PC. BOARD AS POSSIBLE. | | C110 AND U205 TO BE BENT AS SHOWN, ALLOWING A HEIGHT CLEARANCE OF .3C0. SEE DETAIL "р", : QS roo 090—0296—00 (2) a > _ ( u 205 ) A yd 3 Mii TP 204 S 025-5004—00 NS O 089-5573 —05 L.-—— 091- 0156-00 + c222 Г — 091-0286-02 FÉ] | ова-взо-сов (2 PLC'S) = =X Q207 Wii © N = a va D CR206 CR 203 CR205 À _ _ NY 089-— 2188-22 047-4937 0! DETAIL "A" T203 y ——047-4935-01 SIDE VIEW 088- 0886-—0 ME OTE GND TO 047-4936-01 — E 009-5837- 00 -4936-01—» — TYP 3 PLC'S = DS 103 = (WHT) В ee © 089—2191-22 025- 0018-99 DS 101 | LJ (2) TO EI03 | ФО (BLU) 025-0018-—66 С Ч © DS 102 Q105, Q 106, Q103, Ql04 047-2601— 00 (YEL) 025-0018—44- Q107, Q 108, Q 204, Q205 | Q109, Qllo, T202 y SOLDER SLEEVE ан, QIIG 089-2188— 22 SS a 150-0101-00 | = O © (3 PLC'S) COAX SHEILD oF GROUNDED TO FENCE L —] _ _ — 1 3 > 089-5903-05 1 QUE o 008-0038—01 (3 PLC'S) y o YA oJ (E108) > Is ` max es = à 3 D : 7 a DER > zed | 15 C 203 i o Viol г Е A e ui + SEE DETAIL "B” 0204 Da 6 D — B C E | T q 8 C E 028. _ — {| Cr où Fama - — | Ц L | L | ЦИ Ц ЦИ | | Ц cf18 025-0003 —02 (2) ee | GI ls As HH Leioa! | [11] 1111 || H В || ПН Nr | +(celz HEAT SINK | 201, Q 206, 112, @ 113, 115 102 |s202[ | | | $293 | | | | $204 | | | | $205 | || | $206| ||| $297 | ||| $298 | | | | 5 209 | 150-0042-10— Q10 Q 0 207 ola à 207 Q SURFACE THIS 910 LULU dd LU Jb 1 DETAIL "E | Sp a > CD CN CS a CS Ga Gp с L LI E 205 INPUT u 205 047-4936 - Ol s 210 E 206 Cy 201 F 202 Es. Е NE 204 E B 42 309 PC. BD 088-0886, —00 E NE Q Q Q Q Q DN ZN] | Val ‚ ва ha > CJ 201 \ 2 UN 0520! DS 202) 05203 06206 Ds 205) E203- 50-0005-10 (2) Q 208 AUTO 82 — — — — — — — — nn DETAIL "D" Ds 206 DETAIL 8 == 150-0005 10 SEE NOTE | DETAIL "C" ую! DLE SEE DETAIL "E" FIGURE 6-2 P.C. BOARD ASSEMBLY (Dwg. No. 300-5837-00, R-0) MMO016-8 Page 6-13 KING KMA 24 AUDIO PANEL /MARKER BEACON RECEIVER 2.8 V pip т 770us rosy —# MKR AUDIO < RII9 $ 560 RI36 SIOT © о © 4 25 \ IK 38 TO De - = 8,8 V 95v R149 — +9 5V Жо 5у 400 Hz FILTER 100K — Srias Saiaa dries ii. LE AMPLIFIER 0 \ y A Ema Snes gai P/O J241 Г. Ми Sie 7 2 R123 R137 ST > | PRESELECTOR a Ne í 267K 100K ) $ #159 RI22 cs À 49 5v wy сие Tio! os S 91K 9,5V 287K 015 TT ; то? T103| CRIOS Ces + + 50V ES A o € 6 16V | E | 2 = AA A= | m33 |B >The с120 | ; ri vw 3 33K > TPIO2 10 RI38 Qs +9 5V ni MO] A 2 | vw \| + | 50V [O HW _ K = RI34 J « it RIO2 Se- в! | 1300 Hz FILTER 33K # 2.5 TO6V cial 0510! l ! I VI cu5 RI35 3K 50v OK @107 ‹ = | | (7 RI25 NL > | | EI 27 4700 $ 127 33K Wh AN E [ y - - - Î di | f > 261 K VA => > 24! #+00v | 4 3 x RI26| Che 1% C28 Q109 RISI RISA alls oz 3TO8V | LL , | p.05 3 RII8 © Кб CRIS LOvDC Te 4700 1102 1 3K 10K LIGHT DIMMER 3 КК = - = 3 12K $4TK Z12K ° pt 6 ; — > + 5 ‘ | | Tr 104 ‹ = т + > g E102 RIS7 Qll6 1 L229 -e + 05103 — —e Y 2 M 4 + БИ | — ——W.—— 5 A 47K M SENSE | | | es + cue Q106 0105 RI ies RIS2 Pr 4 9114 WHT E т с130 сло! AÑ AAA L Fee RIGZ & 10 == С127 МММ wy = «> | | | X 0.7V 1 3009 Hz FILTER | s0v 3 EIS = 47K® — lev + 55v СИ! $ cur | allo 7 L230 -— ото том осо == == == — 25V = - MT SRB +95y > 200k L23 Cll | > RIOS 2700 * a 1103 cias ~~ 4 | AMBER LAMP 470 QW of г "SO > o" AGC AMPLIFIER = + 3 lt 1 ) 370 7V L232 0 8v | +] с123 ‹ RI32 $ RI139 à RI402 Ri41 H*0.0V ? МЫ e | WHITE LAMP lo L NOTE ALL VOLTAGES MARKED WITH X WERE : 200K + e 10K $ 10K 310K at] cl22 | 5 7 9 a LT = TAKEN WITH NO RF INPUT li 1 47K Tio *00V Prouz04 L 75 = = = = ] ALL OTHER VOLTAGES WERE TAKEN WITH THE | 16v NOTE oov | 2209! MODULATED TA 10004» STANDARD TEST SIGNAL | ALL RESISTORS ARE IN —-1/8W 5% UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED L-——-----—- 72-4 z x CAPACITANCE VALUES ARE IN MICROFARADS UNLESS 1,8 THE LOCAL OSCILLATOR WAVEFORM HAS A PERIOD oov OTHERWISE NOTED + OF 11 67ns ALL OTHER WAVEFORMS ON THIS SHEET %0 OV - HAVE A PERIOD OF 770us i,2Vptp 1 2v cial clos | 4 TO6V ptp T- 7 70us ЮР! TI 18pt LIOI T 7708s 1.8W ptp = = 27yh | GND Г || — о о о о — — = — — FIGURE 6-3 MARKER RECEIVER (Dwg. No. 002-5837-00, R-9 (Sheet 1 of 2) Rev. 1, December, 1981 MMO016-7 Page 6-15 HOS HAJY YUI KING KMA 24 AUDIO PANEL/MARKER BEACON RECEIVER 2.8 Y ptp T 77O0ys +9 SV = MKR AUDIO 9 % 4 25 V 25T06V Shao SIT Yoo > RI36 к “ а севу RI | 38 TO 7.5v [57 =~ 6 4 \ ZZ | 1 TIO4 +9 sv 8,8 V 9.5 у x 400 = TT bad AY T IF AMPLIFIER 9 \ / 9 N Jz FILTER S RIALS SRI44 $ В143 Р/О 424 Г e > 75K $75x $ 75К ! RI2I CH3 À | | — ' 3,25 V é 27K 015 VE | cios L 1 Pos TIOS 0103 ne ) {| --|- r------ ; | RI63 = | DETECTOR $ 859 | ов RI22 cue — cue |! г ж | ASK ’ | RIJO 7 7 A 6 I103| CRIO3} jo |+ | 50У 000 o ! 1 L 1/16V | = > — | | 1 LL Зв | | > 47K = sls 3 RI33 B_ > 7946 4 с120 | | | FL 101 | 210K +2 6 Riza V7] 33K > TPIO2 , LO, RI38 915 +9 5у HIGH 1 1 Y Y | J RIO2S $101 В 6 1 | | “T_ 2200pf 270K = | RI34 + 0" HW E104 100 < Lo { = = | а — = 1300 Hz FILTER 33K »* 25T06V czy | 05101 pz + | x 7 Lom | *3 av” 2108 Г 4 AAA 15 TO46V RISO Le y va Qll2 BLUE SRI46 7 55 70 88V 9,5V RI CIS RI35 3K Q107 S 10K +95V a) 25 4700 & RI27 33K x AM AN | = velo и | 4 2 pt > 261K MANY К + *00V | + VA 26) cae _L ”* ue, alos RISI №154 a на Е105 зто ву = $ 2874 4700 T Tlo2 | 3K 10K GE LIGHT DIMMER $ R147 | TTT = м > , + | or В Nas т ФЕЮ2 RIS? еб 1 L229 05103 ид ni — | Ad ————AMA——— 5 RIS2 RII55 WHY 47K 1 " 2 | MM SENSE + = R 128 3K IOK 914 4 { C130 | 270K ci27 e AY L Too ries T° 3000 Hz FILTER 1 50V ato ss =_ QE103 Ll 47K $ + lev RI29 Снт ; Leon — — - — +9 5V 2700 с e 49 AMP DRIVERS AD | 5 | BLue came = - an = < RI3I 4 Ÿ os ‘ | 5 290K 9% / 2 св | 12 L231 $ 470 QW 2130 2700 | “5 7103 1 50V au ~~—{ 4 | AMBER LAMP 1% pf 2 4 L / s 0 av tt { AAA 3 A зто ту L232 Cl23 L RI32 2 RI39 ERIZOS RIAL al »* 0.0 V e , с | WHITE LAMP 10 = NOTE ALL VOLTAGES MARKED WITH ¥ WERE R120 $ 200K = o glo IOK 2R142° cl22 | 5 7 9 4 TT + ¡ev TAKEN WITH NO RF INPUT a 347 = — = — - - elm = fee о = — — —|-- — т о — Ll + 3 “Tio, x00v p70 uz04 == ЕТ | | ALL OTHER VOLTAGES WERE TAKEN WITH THE : = NOTE 00V | 220pf .0. APPLICA L.0 | MODULATEO WITH mea STANDARD TEST SIGNAL | ALL RESISTORS ARE IN “> 1/8W 5% UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED L------==- ZZ | Y 101 LIO NS | + CAPACITANCE VALUES ARE IN MICROFARADS UNLESS ie 85 7 MHz 22 ph THE LOCAL OSCILLATOR WAVEFORM HAS A PERIOD cov OTHERWISE NOTED | a Lacy OF 11 67ns ALL OTHER WAVEFORMS ON THIS SHEET %0 OV = | cio? | 27pf TPIO3 | U cial clos | 4 TO6V ptp юм Tiepr LION ——— T-770us 1.8Vptp - = 27 ph | T-770us GND т 11.67 = + ns L т о о о — — _ À FIGURE 6-3 KMA 24 MARKER RECEIVER (Dwg. No. 002-5837-00, R-0) (Sheet 1 of 2) Rev. 1, December, 1981 MMOD1 6-8 Page 6-15 HIS HAJH HIN KING KMA 24 AUDIO PANEL/MARKER BEACON RECEIVER 75/275 VDC Р/О 9241 P/O SEE NOTE 3 13 75/15 VDC Ja4l o \ Oo © $2018 — =. —o R208 a 10QW +13 75/27 5 VDC L213 DO] 2 R207 \ ^^ oy 7 AIRCRAFT POWER > L20I SEE NOTE HF/TEL J 2 500 IN Q202 | 13/14 3 VOC > ооо L202 s2028 = — ow] COM | 9 j— 0 500 IN vib TP 205 Loja — e “a 3 | HEADPHONES осо B —— L203 $203 10 A —0 COM 2 SCC IN осо L2C4 $2048 —— NAV | 12 —0 500 N 13 75/27 5VDC | Q201 1 F20I + o a < р < 3 | | | I I ооо L20 $2058 NAV 2 13 +2” р- —0 500" IN | +. o— +13 75/27 5 voc See] 20 | ARCRAFT POWER vere ‚|Е202 E201 3A ño ! VOLTAGES MARKED WITH AN X ARE WITH c222 NO AUDIO INPUT SELECTED ALL OTHER loa T Cat VOLTAGES AND ALL WAVEFORMS ARE SHOWN ооо DME 6 eS -0 500 IN || ооо R203 = WITH A 1 0 VRMS 1000 Hz AUDI Р a HEADPH 2 828Vptp $ 237K — | creo | 15/26 8VDC 63V Lote z O INPUT SELECTED ONE AMP ov 3 1% AC E203 Ca F 28V INST LGT 2 ALL WAYE FORMS HAVE A PERIOD OF Ims 10 16 05206 | DS205 | DS204 р р D 14V INST LGT y FREQ TI 7 I5K №+ МЕР compsens V7 0s20! | DS202 |DS203 MKR AUDIO < — 000 1% 1218 a E INST LGT GND 4 4 + L207 $2088 = ADF/ADF | S |- —0 500 IN ооо L208 $2098 =— dl —— SEE NOTE ADF2 i re 500 IN t c206 (TYP) “TT 4700pf a - 220K | L209 = 7 Les AAA — — — | = pa SPEAKER AMPLIFIER = *3/268v г | 6 3 raw | | 19 COMI | LOAD NOTES 227 L THE ADF 2 500 n INPUT CAN NOT BE USED ее IF THE AUTO FUNTION IS USED j 16 3 1/4W Vw ANY ONE UNIT CAN HAVE EITHER HF OR TEL BUT NOT BOTH T= TOP B=BOTTOM RE T203 16 3 VAW | a | aux ALL RESISTORS ARE INn 1/8 W UNLESS a | LOAD OTHERWISE NOTED CAPACITANCE VALUES HO O— T202 5 Re] > <= ||| ña |9 Кое TEL RINGER E 9 5v XMIT * sv +9 5V - т | L210 +9 5\ MUTE 9 ALTIMETER ура + | 3 5 7 2 Hu 9 ооо dd «Hit т o ! x | P/0 \ 000 - $2027 wig A 3 R210 16 COM 2 LOAD nN Lezo R209 саг *L | À. cas T 001 e T ‘ i 20813 10K C209 poe |35v LI 0203 | lok a 12 3 / 26 1у R228 a — — wi N ARE IN MICROFARADS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED 3-Lo-—e 5 CJ 201 SELECTS BETWEEN THE AUTO FUNCTION 20 OR A SECOND ADF INPUT F202 2A o PES TE CABIN poz - SPKR 5K + 223 ADJ 000 S203T —- = 21 | ——— NC ] R216 SIK 2 828 Y ptp | HH Las R211 C2l MIC ~ R24 000 ; : —— — 0G R212 Ol 5K € $2047 1 — — << | 1 8 NC 390 QW ADJ. — E —12Law—8-vw—L 9— NC К R225 K 33 C224 2828vV ptp (10 RMS) 200 5-1 / ANY INPUT | S205T —— (Nave | 1 — 4 AN i | | 1 —o ) ! * —3 ? | 13/26 8 v | | [ 1 d— N | que —= 000 ! -2 S206T = b uz203 —0 INT SPKR CABIN SPKR HF/TEL MIC AUDIO COM | MIC AUDIO 00 I S207T = = —0 y * ———9 SV . 2 in COM 2 MIC AUDIO ооо (0.0 TO 2 0V WITH MICROPHONE KEYED) L224 yy EXT SPEAKER $2087 _ - — KADFI | L225 206 | — 15 HF/TEL MICKEY | COM | MIC KEY У COM 2 MIC KEY + 18 PA MUTE 2 15 4 14 Io 12 16 É À — — — — — an м д он = = == = — _— — os IL Ei: P/0U205 | [P/O y o с lo с o | с | сом г AUTO |N DECK3 miCAUDIONN DECKI | AMPOUT N DECK4 MICKEY DECK2 | —9 ——- ee (ТУР) | 2200 | COM | N N N N - в HF/ TEL | N N N N = L CJ201 SEE NOTE 5 N \ N N COM _ AUTO = $210 \ = |] N Dn NT hy wr “Г `` i CR206 MICKEY N N N N HF/TEL UZ0I 36V N N N Norr 510—- Ÿ CR203 yey ___ = No No NN PP \ [ | | I | | ir fs [IN Nim у x IT о ЖЕ С Ч 4 al a осо S2097 ар — — Ko] 3 3 1 a à ° y o o Or (Ml meme $+—o bs : | 1 ul С lo FIGURE 6-3 MARKER RECEIVER meckern Ivy [62 e Wahoos 2 of 25” к? MIC AUDIO IN | Laz + e o но = = = = = — — =? — mR Tae > | CR205 9 © —- 7 La -— 8 — Е206 то < To E201 DECK 3 E205 TOP TO E202 | Р/О 0205 Rev. 1, December, 1981 | Zot Lye) TS | | 2206 PT | MMO016-7 Page 6-17 + L KING KMA 24 AUDIO PANEL /MARKER BEACON RECEIVER Р/О 424! 13.75/275 VDC SEE NOTE 3 R208 P/O 13 75/15 VDC / 10 QW | L213 O J241 ооо \ Ç AN +13 78/27 5 VOC ae 7 | AIRCRAFT POWER — 0 a L201 o a SEE NOTE — HF/TEL y ja Q202 7 2 500 In ооо 4 13/14.3 VDC 22 2 . = comi 5 L202 520 ° [ajo | ТР 205 “L214 500 IN ооо —@- pe 3 | HEADPHONES Ad „= COM 2 IO Las o d SOC IN ооо -— 95V 13 75/27,5VDC os soos Jee НАМ a He © ‘ Q20l 1 F201 L215 NOTE ~ | +13 75/27 5 VDC 500 in ооо —e —o ma] 20 | AIRCRAFT POWER Во (wz ] E202 E201 3A | VOLTAGES MARKED WITH AN X ARE WITH L205 $2058 + NO AUDIO INPUT SELECTED ALL OTHER NAV 2 13 id e —o I~ 222 VOLTAGES AND ALL WAVEFORMS ARE SHOWN Nave —— > 13/26 BVDC + 150 WITH A 10 VRMS 1000 Hz AUDIO INPUT SELECTED 900 3% 2 828Vptp av L216 2 ALL WAVEFORMS HAVE S206B a GO 1 НЕАОРНОМЕ АМР ov E203 = a LE F 28V INST LGT HAVE À PERIOD OF Ims OME s | 206 o e, Le игог 05206 | 05205 | Ds204 500 IN an | г —— 4 |. ооо | J E204 L217 — (kr | 2 on D |14V INSTLGT Mm“ „= МЧ v_ FreaL У2[-9 0520! 202 _|DS203 d 7 15K + 5 s DS 9 1% INT REF COMPSENS У ооо + 3 ? 56 e PA Е | INST LGT GND — ir] = ER $2088 1 - Gor 1 | LI - + +4 ern ADF/ADF | $ , 10205 o и204 500 — IN ооо 1220pf | 220pt $2098 _o — e 2 £206 UTYP) ' (TYP) „ | 5209 o pis _ T 4700pt Еее -| Abs do ez- | SEE NOTE ADF2 oe R220 500 IN = 220K 1.209 AMA R226 TEL RINGER | 17 L2C SPEAKER AMPLIFIER 16 3 VAW 19 | comi ll NN LOAD NOTES * 5v XMIT * L | THE ADF 2 500.n INPUT CAN NOT BE USED 9 RAT aw IF THE AUTO FUNTION IS USED L210 +95 MUTE AVA 16 | COME 2 ANY ONE UNIT CAN HAVE EITHER HF OR TEL ALTIMETER | T Y | м LOAD BUT NOT BOTH 9990 4 R209 3 T= TOP B=BOTTOM c208\< C209 R228 S201T yg — —~ CHF/TEL | 1 Ye 10K R219 12.3 / 26 IV pt c---- A wy 0203 | IOK | 18 3 vaw 14 | AUX 4 ALL RESISTORS ARE IN.A 1/8 W UNLESS o | 4 | LOAD OTHERWISE NOTED CAPACITANCE VALUES '0204 @ ооо В N ARE IN MICROFARADS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED < 220 S202T г — — : 5 CJ 20) SELECTS BETWEEN THE AUTO FUNCTION 77 _ © o A lOOK CABIN pois « OR A SECOND ADF INPUT ! | SPKR sk ; | 000 -7 УФ Ta ADJ. e CUE NL т — 21 NC o se | © ' - 1 2 828 V ptp п € cai MIC 7 R214 I | o 5K € 900 a 8 —NC ADJ S204T ue — muy —12Lamn—9- ww 8— NC я | —_— I 7 ‘ || 6 + R225 caz4 1 | 33K “55 ооо 5 Lane ANNY INPUT 2826 eto (10 RMS) $205T | ava) | = = UN. | * © ? — 3 Anne } 13/268 V | | 9 000 [2 AN | L219 $2067 E] | | — —— U INT SPKR o p Bra 1220 51K Lo W | CABIN SPKR ооо | 1 a K HF/TEL MIC AUDIO 11110 L222 2077 op — pe P | COMi MIC AUDIO 5 * L223 ) 9 5v ее H | com2 MIC AUDIO ооо (0.0 TO 2 OV WITH MICROPHONE KEYED) L224 Xx | EXT SPEAKER L225 S208T — Ko] e 15 | HF/TEL MICKEY o = L226 R COM | MIC KEY 000 | | ° L227 | v | com2 MICKEY _ —_— | L228 $2097 L= 4 > * e re Зе 23 4 —e fa 18 PA MUTE $ —o ) 0 08 el by 14 81 bè 8 6 13 12 15 4 114 10 ЕЁ 2 ê 4 | os FA EE AT Vous 7 wo EL" | с | 220)! U204 = o Co DECK3 © DECK] © o с | 220pf = COM 2 AUTO MIC AUDIO AMP OUT DECK4 MICKEY TYPE -- 1 COM | N N x 1,18 HF/ TEL | N N N = || CJ201 SEE NOTE 5 N N N AUTO / N $210 N, N EXT x CR206 MIC KEY D N N N HF/TEL 36V N N N N ore: Y CR203 = A A LEN u 10 — CR205 9 Ih — Lan 4 8 — MIC KEY IN | Y Lo — то E202 |2 — FIGURE 6-3 KMA 24 MARKER RECEIVER MIC AUDIO IN a L212 N D = - 10 E201 * T (Dwg. No. 002-5837-00, R-0) - vo ann т DECK 3 zos ait ‹ Р/О 0205 L (Sheet 2 of 2) EE 1 22091 (MP | L 220€ рр | ее OT _ Rev. 1, December, 1981 MMOO1 6-8 Page 6-17 2 + ">

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Key features
- Speaker and headphone isolation amplifiers
- Marker beacon receiver
- Independent speaker and headphone selection
- Three marker beacon tone filters
- Audio mute circuit
- Adjustable sensitivity for marker beacon reception
- Lamp test function
- Middle marker sense output
Frequently asked questions
The separate isolation amplifiers in the KMA 24 provide complete independence of speaker and headphone selection. This allows the same audio input to be selected for both headphones and speaker and still retain isolation between inputs.
The KMA 24 can select a maximum of 9 audio inputs (including the internal marker receiver audio), or 8 audio inputs if the AUTO function is utilized.
The marker beacon receiver in the KMA 24 detects and decodes marker beacon signals, providing audio output and visual indication of the beacon's presence.
The audio mute circuit in the KMA 24 uses a J-FET to mute the audio output when the microphone is keyed, preventing feedback that could cause oscillation during transceiver transmission.
The lamp test function allows the pilot to verify that all the marker lamps are functioning correctly.