MFJ 1769 - ROTATABLE DIPOLE, 4-BAND,(20,15,10,6M) manual

MFJ 1769 is a 4-band rotatable dipole antenna designed for 20, 15, 10, and 6-meter bands. It's compact and lightweight, making it suitable for small roofs, townhouses, apartments, and condos. The antenna can handle up to 1500 Watts SSB/CW on 20, 15, and 10 meters and 1500 watts on 6 meters. Its bidirectional pattern helps reduce QRM/noise while maximizing signal strength in desired directions, enhancing DX capabilities. With a turning radius of just 13 feet, it can easily be rotated using a lightweight TV rotator like the HyGain AR-35.

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MFJ 1769 - ROTATABLE DIPOLE, 4-BAND,(20,15,10,6M) manual | Manualzz




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