PRODUCT AVAILABILITY: Halo 2 and Halo Devices
For the most up-to-date information regarding Apple devices and iOS versions that are supported for use with the
TruLink application, visit www.TruLinkHearing.com.
Ensure that the hearing devices have been programmed and paired prior to use of the TruLink mobile application.
Refer to the TruLink for Apple Devices: Setup QuickTIP for additional information.
NOTE: The Apple operating system (iOS) is responsible for connecting to the hearing devices and maintaining that
1. Select Remote on the bottom navigation bar.
» Slide finger along individual Right or Left sliders to adjust volume of
right and left hearing aids individually.
» Slide finger along the “Slide to Adjust” slide pad to adjust volume of
both hearing aids.
» Select the Mute icon to mute both hearing aids.
NOTE: Small gray dots by the volume sliders on the Remote screen
represent default volume settings.
» Double-tap anywhere on the slide pad to return to default
volume settings during volume adjustments.
Volume Changes
1. Select Memories from the top of the Remote, Personalize, or Tinnitus
» Inspire-created memories will populate under Hearing Aid
» Custom memories will populate under TruLink Memories.
2. Select the desired memory by tapping the memory name.
3. The current memory will display on the top left corner of the screen
once the memory menu is closed.
4. Refer to Creating and Personalizing Memories below for additional
information regarding creating and personalization of memories.
Memory Changes
Comfort Boost is an instantaneous, highly aggressive noise management setting.
Comfort Boost is deactivated by default.
Setup Comfort Boost: Select Settings (the gear icon), then slide Show Comfort Boost
to the ON position. A Comfort Boost icon will be visible on the Remote screen.
Turn Comfort Boost On/Off: Select or deselect the Comfort Boost icon on the Remote
screen to turn Comfort Boost ON or OFF. The icon will highlight blue when ON.
NOTE: Comfort Boost will automatically turn OFF when:
» Memory is changed
» Streaming is activated
» Programming session (including SoundSpace) is engaged
Comfort Boost
The professional may create up to four memories in the Inspire software, and the
patient may then create additional custom memories using the TruLink application.
The patient can customize the memories using SoundSpace and Noise Manager, and
memories can be geotagged.
1. To create a new memory, select the Hearing Aid Memory that provides the best
sound quality for the current listening environment. These settings will serve
as the baseline for adjustments.
NOTE: To personalize an existing Hearing Aid Memory or TruLink Memory,
select the information icon next to the memory name.
2. Select Personalize on the bottom navigation bar.
3. Select Create Custom Memory.
4. Enter a unique memory name, then select Continue.
5. Select Launch SoundSpace to make adjustments to bass and treble. Select
Noise Manager to make adjustments to the microphone direction, wind
noise management, machine noise management, and background noise
management. Refer to SoundSpace or Noise Manager below for more
SoundSpace provides patients with the ability to create custom memories to
personalize their unique listening environments.
1. After selecting Launch SoundSpace, move the pulsing blue icon around the
SoundSpace screen. Real-time changes to the sound quality will be heard.
2. Select Done once the desired sound quality is found, then select OK to save the
current settings as a new memory.
3. Select Memory Location to assign the memory to a geotagged location. Refer
to Geotag below for additional information
NOTE: Memory Location will read “Location Not Assigned” by default. This
indicates that the memory is not currently assigned to a location.
Geotag allows the user to assign a memory to a location on the map. When the user
is within 100 meters of the assigned location, TruLink will change the hearing aid
memory to the one that has been assigned for that location (Location Services must
be enabled on the Apple device).
1. After selecting Memory Location, choose Geotag on the top of the screen.
2. Select the location marker icon or tap and hold a location on the map to drop a
location marker.
3. Select Save.
4. Memory Location will now read “Geotag Assigned”. Once a geotag is assigned,
devices will automatically switch into the assigned memory when the patient
returns to the geotagged location.
To Remove Geotag: Select Memory Location: “Geotag Assigned”, deselect the
location marker icon, then select Save.
Noise Manager allows patients to make adjustments to the microphone direction,
wind noise, loud noise, or background noise settings of custom memories. These
features are used to balance comfort and clarity in different types of noise. The
user must be in that noisy environment for the feature to activate so that they can
hear differences between settings.
1. After selecting Noise Manager, swipe right or left to choose between
Microphone Direction, Use in Wind, Use in Noise, or Use in Crowd.
2. Microphone Direction: Adjust this feature to help focus where the
microphones pick up sounds. Tap the microphone simulation icon to choose
» Adaptive: Automatic, adaptive null steering to protect speech at all angles
around the listener.
» Dynamic: Automatic switching between omnidirectional and directional
modes based on the environment.
» Omni: Fixed Response; amplifies sound from all directions equally.
» Directional: Fixed response; amplifies sound from in front of the listener
more than from behind via a hypercardioid polar plot.
3. Use in Wind: Adjust this feature to make listening more comfortable
when in windy areas. Adjustments will be more noticeable when in windy
environments. Higher numbers correspond with more wind management.
» Increase the value for more comfort in windy environments
» Decrease/turn off for less wind noise management.
4. Use in Noise: Adjust this feature to make listening more comfortable
when machine-type noise is present. Adjustments will be more noticeable
when in noisy environments. Higher numbers correspond with more noise
» Increase the value for more comfort in noisy environments
» Decrease/turn off for less noise management
5. Use in Crowd: Adjust this feature to make listening more comfortable
when in crowded areas. Adjustments will be more noticeable when in
crowded environments with background noise. Higher numbers correspond
with more crowd noise management.
» Increase the value for more comfort in crowded environments
» Decrease/turn off for less crowd noise management
6. Changes will automatically save to the hearing devices in real time.
Microphone Direction
Use in Crowd
Memory Summary allows the user to view details on all features set for each memory
at a glance.
Select Memories.
Select Memory Summary.
View all memories and the features that are enabled for each memory.
Select the memory name to toggle between viewing memory location and a
text summary of memory features (including tinnitus, phone streaming, audio
streaming, and geotags).
5. Select Map to view a map of all geotagged memories.
Memory Summary
The hearing devices can be configured to automatically switch into an optimized
memory whenever the iPhone is detected to be traveling 10mph or faster (Location
Services must be enabled on the iPhone).
1. Select Memories to open the memory menu.
2. Select “i” next to name of desired memory to be used, or create a custom
memory in SoundSpace to be used in the car.
NOTE: The suggested memory is Car. If a Car memory is not enabled in Inspire,
suggested memories include: Crowd, Outdoors, or a custom memory.
3. Select Automatic Memories, then select On for this memory beneath Car to
enable automatic switching into selected memory when traveling 10mph or faster.
Designed to create an automatic, personalized streaming experience. The hearing
devices will automatically switch into the preferred memories when streaming phone
calls and audio. Automatic Memories for phone calls and audio streaming default to
Stream Boost settings. To create custom automatic memories:
1. Select Memories to open the memory menu.
2. Select “i” next to the name of the desired memory to be used for phone calls or
audio streaming, or create a new memory in SoundSpace.
3. Select Automatic Memories.
4. Select Set under Phone or Audio.
5. Select hearing aid microphone settings when streaming. Options include:
» Off (Stream Boost)
» No Change: Microphone volume of the hearing devices remains at full gain.
» Decrease: Microphone volume of hearing device reduces to half gain.
» Mute
6. Select Save. Once saved, hearing devices will automatically stream phone calls
and/or audio using the selected memory.
Automatic Memories
The TruLink Hearing Control application works with the hearing devices to deliver
hands-free phone conversations with binaural streaming.
1. Select the Phone icon on the iPhone, then select the contact name or dial a
phone number to initiate the call. The phone conversation will stream to both
1. The iPhone will indicate the arrival of an incoming call.
NOTE: If the call is received while streaming media, the stream will be
interrupted by the call.
2. Select the Accept or Decline icons on the iPhone.
Audio Routing Options
The user has the ability to change the audio routing for phone calls and streamed
audio. Audio may be routed to the hearing devices, to the speaker of the Apple device,
or to another connected Bluetooth device.
1. Select Settings, General, Accessibility, Hearing Devices, then Audio Routing.
2. Select Call Audio to change audio routing for phone calls or Media Audio to
change audio routing for other streamed media.
3. Audio Routing defaults to Automatic. Options include:
» Always Hearing Devices: Audio will stream to hearing devices by default.
» Never Hearing Devices: Audio will stream to Apple device by default.
» Automatic: Audio will stream to the Bluetooth device that is currently connected
(this is managed by iOS).
The iPhone’s ringtone can play in the hearing devices when an incoming call is
received. This feature is only available on Apple devices running iOS 9.0 or later.
Hearing Devices Play Ringtones defaults OFF. To turn ON:
1. Select Settings, General, Accessibility, then Hearing Aids.
2. Slide Hearing Aids Play Ringtones to the ON position.
3. When an incoming call is received, the user will hear their unique iPhone
ringtone in their hearing devices.
Hearing Aids Play Ringtones
The TruLink Hearing Control application works with the hearing devices to
deliver pristine binaural audio streaming from a variety of Apple devices.
Audio streaming refers to all streamed audio (such as music, movies, GPS
directions, FaceTime), except for phone calls.
1. Select the desired media on the Apple device.
2. Begin streaming audio to hearing devices.
3. Adjust volume by:
» Moving volume slider within the screen of the media application that
is streaming audio.
» Pressing mechanical volume buttons on Apple device.
NOTE: This will adjust the volume of the streamed input, not the
volume of the hearing aid microphones. Use the volume slide pad on
the Remote screen to adjust the hearing aid volume.
Audio Streaming
Select the gear icon in the TruLink application to access Settings.
Settings includes the following Information:
Settings includes the following Features:
Remote Microphone
Find My Hearing Aids
Default Home Memory
Show Comfort Boost
Retain Demo Mode
Refer to the TruLink for Apple Devices: Setup QuickTIP for additional
information regarding Settings, Information, and Features.
The professional may enable the tinnitus stimulus in any memory of
the hearing devices. Refer to the Tinnitus Technology QuickTIP for more
information on programming devices with the tinnitus stimulus.
The user may adjust the volume and modulation speed of the tinnitus
stimulus only in memories where the professional has configured the
tinnitus stimulus in Inspire or in custom TruLink memories based off of
those memories. The Tinnitus screen will not be visible on the TruLink
application if the professional has not enabled the tinnitus stimulus in any
NOTE: If Tinnitus is selected when in a memory where the tinnitus
stimulus is not enabled, a screen will inform the user to have their hearing
professional enable the tinnitus stimulus for that memory.
Select the desired memory with a tinnitus stimulus enabled, then select
Tinnitus on the bottom navigation bar.
1. The Tinnitus screen will default to the Volume view.
Tinnitus Stimulus Volume
» Slide finger along individual Right or Left slider to make monaural
adjustments of tinnitus stimulus level.
» Slide finger along the Slide to Adjust Tinnitus Level slide pad to
make binaural adjustments of tinnitus stimulus level.
NOTE: Small gray dots by the sliders represent default tinnitus
stimulus volume settings. Double-tap anywhere on the slide
pad to return to default tinnitus stimulus volume settings during
1. Select Speed.
» Select O, 1, 2, or 3 to make binaural adjustments to modulation
NOTE: “0” indicates no modulation, “3” indicates fast modulation.
2. Select Show R/L to adjust modulation speed in individual devices, if
Tinnitus Stimulus Speed/Modulation