Connecting the Workabout to your PC
You are going to physically connect the Workabout to one of your PC serial communication ports.
To do so, you can either use a
Serial cable DB9F-DB9F (Part Number: A2803 0006 01)
RS232 port
PC communication port
Or a Workabout Docking Station Kit:
Docking station
and its power supply
Serial cable
Or LIF converter and 3Link serial Cable:
LIF Converter
3Link Cable
Switching the unit ON
Once the physical connection has been established, press the
unit on
key to turn the Workabout
If the unit is switched on for the 1 time or sits at the Psion logo screen
Press the
key and use the
key to select the System screen option.
key to bring up the following screen known as the System screen:
Then press the
Bringing up the system screen status windows
Now, press
to bring up the following status window on the right side of the system
The status window always shows:
The current date and time
The name of the current application or file
The status window may also show:
A “Caps Lock” indicator, if the “Caps Lock” key is on.
A low battery indicator, when the batteries are getting low.”
An SSD indicator, if there is a “Solid State Disk” in drive A or B
A “Link” indicator, if you are using a PC Link Cable or one of the communication ports.
Turning the remote link On
Select the Remote Link from the Spec menu, and
As shown in this dialog box, the Link is currently
Turn it on, using the
navigation keys.
Port name and baud rate
If you are using a docking station kit, or a LIF converter with a 3Link cable,
make sure to select the port C and set the baud rate up to 19200 then press
Otherwise, if you are connected to the Workabout RS232 port select the port A
or B and set the baud rate up to 115200 baud then press [Enter].
If one of the following messages appears as you try to activate the link:
Make sure that the Workabout is properly sitting into
the docking station and that the docking station is
powered or select another port.
The port you specified is currently used by another
application. Try to locate this application and to
terminate it.
Now that the link is active, the following
should appear into the system screen status window
At this point, you can start any Psion PC communication software, such as RCom, PsiWin (*), to
establish a link between the two systems.
(*) Special notes about PsiWin 2.3.x
Q. Why does PsiWin 2.3.2 / 2.3.3 not work with Workabouts?
To connect to WorkAbouts, you must install this registry patch after installing
We wish to point out that PsiWin 2.3.2 and 2.3.3 are beta versions, released for
the purpose of bug testing, and which include recently discovered bugs. The
patch for 2.3.2 was not made in time for inclusion in 2.3.3, therefore the patch is
required for both versions.
If PsiWin cannot establish a link between your Workabout device and PC,
desktop icon and select the Properties menu option
right-click on the
hit [Cancel] as the below animated dialog box appears
click the ‘Connections’ tabulation of the ‘My Psion Properties’ dialog box
verify the current settings:
select only the COM port the Psion is actually connected to, otherwise the program will
continually try to locate a Psion on other COM ports.
Do not leave Baud rate set to ‘Maximum attainable’. Set it to the same speed as the
Psion remote link
Hit [Apply] and try establishing a link.
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