Polar V650 cycling computer User manual

Below you will find brief information for cycling computer V650. The cycling computer V650 is a great tool for cyclists of all levels. It tracks your speed, distance, altitude, heart rate, and power output. It also has a built-in GPS and can be used for navigation. The V650 is compatible with a variety of sensors, including heart rate sensors, speed sensors, cadence sensors, and power meters. With its large display and user-friendly interface, the V650 is easy to use and provides all the information you need to improve your cycling performance.

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Polar V650 Cycling Computer User Manual | Manualzz




Key features

  • Tracks speed, distance, altitude, heart rate, and power output
  • Built-in GPS
  • Large display and user-friendly interface
  • Compatible with a variety of sensors
  • Provides all the information you need to improve your cycling performance.
  • Route guidance
  • Smart Coaching
  • Navigation
  • Data analysis
  • Training plans

Frequently asked questions

To pair a heart rate sensor with your V650, first wear the heart rate sensor as instructed in Wear the Heart Rate Sensor, then go to Settings > General Settings > Pairing > Pair new device. V650 will list the devices it finds. Tap the one you want to pair. Pairing succeeded tells you that the pairing is complete.

To start a training session with your V650, first go to PROFILE and choose the sport profile for your ride - Road biking, Mountain biking, Indoor cycling or Other. Then choose Bike 1, Bike 2, Bike 3 or Bike 4. If you have turned on GPS in the profile you chose, the V650 automatically starts searching for the GPS satellite signals. Keep your V650 still with the display facing upwards during the search. It typically takes 30–60 seconds the first time. In future it should take only a few seconds. The V650 has found the GPS satellite signals once the green circle around GPS is static. After finding the satellites, the V650 calibrates the altitude. Altitude calibration complete tells you that the calibration is ready.

To use the route guidance feature on your V650, first go to ROUTES to see a list of the routes you've added to favorites in the Flow web service and synced to your V650. Choose the route for your next training session by tapping on the circle on the left side of the route name. Tapping on a route tile brings up a preview of the route. The chosen route is shown in the ROUTES tile. Press the front button to begin your ride.
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