TACTIC Original Alias game User manual

Below you will find brief information for game Original Alias. Original Alias is a word explaining game where teams take turns explaining words using synonyms or opposites. The goal is to get your partner or team to correctly guess as many words as possible before the sand in the timer runs out. The team that’s first to reach the finish space wins the game! The game includes a game board, 400 cards with 3200 words, sand timer, 6 game pieces.

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Key features

  • word explaining game
  • teams take turns
  • synonyms or opposites
  • sand timer
  • game board
  • 400 cards with 3200 words
  • 6 game pieces

Frequently asked questions

The teams take turns explaining words. The players in every team take turns explaining. The number of words guessed correctly = steps forward on the game board. Mistakes and skipped words = steps backwards on the game board. The space your team’s game piece is on determines the words you should explain. The first team to arrive in the finish space wins the game!

You are not allowed to use any part of the word when you’re explaining, nor a word that’s partly the same. For example the word “shoe string” cannot be explained by saying “the stringy thing you have on your footwear”. You can’t explain the word “banker” by saying “someone who works in a bank”, because the words “bank” and “banker” have the same stem. With compounds the guesser usually gets half of the word right quickly. E.g. if the word you’re explaining is “dogcatcher”, the guesser might say “animal catcher”. Once the guesser gets half of the compound right (in this case the word “catcher”), the explaining player may use it to explain the rest of the word. You can use opposites. The easiest way to explain the word “big” would be to say “the opposite of small”.

If the explaining player accidentally says any part of the word, that team will have to take a step backwards on the game board. If you come across a very difficult word, you can skip it, but each skipped word will result in a backwards step on the game board.
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