CARVIN BX1600 User manual
Below you will find brief information for Bass Amplifier BX 1600. This powerful amplifier delivers 2x325w at 8 ohms, 2x500w at 4 ohms, and 2x800w at 2 ohms. It features a bypassable 12AX7 preamp tube, extensive tone controls (including a 9-band graphic EQ), a compressor, and bi-amping capabilities. Use multiple speaker cabinets for maximum output.
The BX Series Bass Amplifier Heads offer classic natural bass tone with unprecedented tonal control and extended headroom. The BX1600 “dual” mono block amplifier delivers 2x325w at 8ohms, 2x500w at 4ohms, and 2x800w at 2ohms. Bridge mode allows both amps to drive one output for 1000w at 8 ohms and 1600w at 4 ohms.
Four discrete Class A input stages produce the harmonic basis for the preamp right from the input jack. It begins with a boutique flat response, then we add extensive tone control allowing you to carve out your signature sound. Harmonic content increases as you turn up the DRIVE control producing rich harmonics at maximum settings. Solid design, bullet-proof construction and a list of indispensable features assure the BX1600 will be the heart of your rig for years to come.
• Discrete Class A input stages
• Bypassable 12AX7 preamp tube
• Preamp DRIVE and master VOLUME controls
• Biamp CROSSOVER LO & HI levels
• 3 mid sweep semi-parametric EQ, BASS, and TREBLE
• 9-band Graphic EQ with front panel switch (or by optional FS22 footswitch)
• Signal MUTE front panel switch (or by optional FS22 footswitch)
• EFFECT LOOP front panel bypass switch (or by optional FS22 footswitch)
• DIRECT OUT balanced XLR with independent LEVEL control, switchable
“Pre-Post” and “Ground Lift”, DC isolated
• TUNER output jack independent of MUTE switch
• Single knob optical COMPRESSOR
• LED panel lighting
• Locking AC cord receptacle also accepts standard cords
• High current Twist-Lock BRIDGED speaker output
• SPEAKON ® -1/4” combo jacks for Amp 1&2
• Metal shaft controls with threaded metal bushings mounted directly to front panel
• Circuit boards are MIL SPEC, double sided, FR-4 glass epoxy
• Lightweight design
• BX1600 -19” 2U aluminum chassis
If you are like most players, you probably want to plug in your new amp and get started playing right away. Before you start, be sure your amp is plugged into the correct AC voltage.
1. With POWER off, connect a speaker cabinet to one of the rear SPEAKER OUTPUTs.
2. Set the DRIVE, MASTER volume, and the two amp volumes to “0” and set the ACTIVE
INPUT switch for your type of bass.
3. Set all tone controls to their center “0” position and the CONTOUR to FLAT. This is the
“FLAT” setting for the amp. For now, turn off the graphic EQ.
4. Now, turn the amp ON. Turn up the volume on your bass guitar. Gradually increase the amp VOLUME control to the desired level. If no sound is heard, turn down the VOLUME control and check the MUTE switch.
5. Increasing the DRIVE control will add harmonic richness to your sound. Turning up the
DRIVE also increases volume. Re-adjust the MASTER volume after adjusting the DRIVE.
6. Adjust the tone controls to your liking. Keep in mind that turning up a tone control isn’t always the answer. Sometimes turning down one of the MID controls will get you the sound you want.
7. Need more volume? There is a limit to the amount of volume a speaker can produce and driving a speaker beyond it’s limit can damage it. Even though these are powerful amplifiers, adding more speakers is the only way for substantially more output. Every time you double your speakers, you increase your acoustic output by a factor of four.
This guide will help get you started. Have fun exploring the features and sounds of the
BX1600. Take the time with your new amp to realize it’s full potential.
RECEIVING INSPECTION—read before getting started
INSPECT YOUR UNIT FOR DAMAGE which may have occurred during shipping. If damage is found please notify the shipping company and CARVIN immediately.
SAVE THE CARTON & ALL PACKING MATERIALS. In the event you have to re-ship your unit, always use the original carton and packing material. This will provide the best possible protection during shipment. CARVIN and the shipping company are not liable for any damage caused by improper packing.
SHIPMENT SHORTAGE. If you find items missing, they may have been shipped separately.
Please allow several days for the rest of your order to arrive before inquiring.
RECORD THE SERIAL NUMBER on the enclosed warranty card and below for your records.
Keep your portion of the card and return the portion with your name and comments to us.
SERIAL #_________________________ INVOICE #___________________ DATE___________
Output Power
8ohms, THD <1.0%
4ohms, THD <1.0%
2ohms, THD <1.0%
8ohms BRIDGE
4ohms BRIDGE
Input Impedance:
2x 325w
2x 500w
2x 800w
Varies input gain and harmonic content Drive Control:
Tone Controls:
3 Semi-Parametric Mids:
9-band Graphic EQ:
Biamp crossover:
Power amp levels:
AC Requirements:
Power Requirements:
Dimensions (no cabinet):
Weight :
CONTOUR: variable mid shaping, FLAT (off) to SCOOP
TREBLE: +/-12dB @ 10KHz
BASS: +/- 12dB @ 50Hz
+/-12dB @ 50-500 Hz, 200-2k Hz, 800-8K(Hz)
+/-12dB @ 50,80,125,250,500,800,1.3k,2.6k,5k(Hz)
100Hz - 2kHz
Master, LO & HI
USA Model: 120VAC, 50-60 Hz
European Model: 240VAC, 50-60 Hz
(2U) 3.5”H x 19” W x 10.5”D
8.6 lbs. (3.85kgs)
One year parts and labor
Optional Accessories: FS22 footswitch
SV2 2RU rack case
120V18L7 replacement 7’ locking AC cord (US)
800-854-2235 CARVINAUDIO.COM
76-42506B 122216
2 3 6 7 8 7 11 12 13 2
1 4 5 9 8 10 14 15
1. INpuT jAck
The 1/4” phone jack is a high impedance instrument input designed to handle both active and passive basses in connection with the ACTIVE switch.
2. Blue jewel lIghT ANd pOweR SwITch
The power switch turns on the amplifier and is indicated by the large blue jewel light over the input jack.
3. dRIVe cONTROl
The DRIVE control adjusts the input level to the class A preamps. The DRIVE control serves two purposes. DRIVE can be used to adjust the input sensitivity for the differences in bass pickups. DRIVE will also change the harmonic content of your sound. Turning the knob closer to 10 will create a more overdriven tone. The DRIVE will also change the volume of the amplifier, so use it in combination with the MASTER control to achieve the desired volume.
The advantage of a compressor is to the reduce peaks and other sudden loud parts (transients) of your playing so you can increase your overall volume. For example, in slap bass playing, the plucked notes can put out peaks that would distort the amplifier at normal playing volumes. If the amp’s volume was adjusted for these peaks, the rest of the notes would be too quiet to hear with the band. When the compressor is adjusted to where the LED comes on for loud peaks, the amplifier can be played louder without distortion. It’s like having someone re-adjusting the volume of the amplifier to prevent distortion when the peaks occur.
10. 9 BANd gRAphIc equAlIZeR
The 9 band graphic EQ has been designed with center frequencies most requested by professional bass players. This EQ can be used to fine tune the tonal content of the amps output. Since the graphic EQ is switchable with either the optional FS22 footswitch or the EQ switch on the front panel, it can be used during passages of a song when the bass needs to punch through the mix. Musicians that play more than one bass on stage will also find this useful to get the sounds they desire out of each instrument. The BLUE LED located above the GRAPHIC EQ IN switch signifies when the graphic EQ is working. NOTE: When the front panel GRAPHIC EQ switch is off, it cannot be turned on with the footswitch.
4. MuTe SwITch
The MUTE switch turns off the output of the amplifier. A blue LED indicates the MUTE switch is on. The MUTE switch is ideal for changing basses and silent tuning on stage, since the rear tuner output is never muted. The mute feature can also be switched with an FS22 footswitch.
5. AcTIVe SwITch
Set the ACTIVE switch to the OUT position for standard bass pickups. If your bass uses a battery with an onboard active preamp, set the switch to the IN position.
A blue LED indicates the ACTIVE switch is on.
The CONTOUR control provides a variable mid range scoop. When this control is set to
“FLAT” (OFF) there is no change to the mid range frequencies. As you turn the contour control clockwise, the mid range is scooped at the center frequency at 250Hz. When the CONTOUR control is set to maximum the mid-range is cut by -9dB at 300Hz.
The BASS and TREBLE controls are custom shaped tone controls designed to deliver punchy lows and crisp highs for a variety of bass sounds. When a control is turned to the right it boosts the tone and when turned to the left cuts the tone.
The affected frequency for the TREBLE control begins at 5kHz.
The affected frequencies for the BASS start at 80Hz and can deliver a great deal of volume.
Be careful not to distort the output or overpower the low end of your speakers.
ÊeFFecTS lOOp SwITch
The green LED above the front panel EFFECTS switch indicates when the EFFECTS LOOP is active. When the EFFECTS switch is off the EFFECTS LOOP is bypassed. The signal is still present at the SEND jack, but the RETURN is not active. The EFFECTS LOOP can also be switched using the optional FS22 footswitch. NOTE: When the EFFECTS switch is off, the loop cannot be turned on with the footswitch.
The electronic crossover is used for a biamped speaker configuration. When the X-OVER switch is ON, the BX1600 is in biamp mode and the BLUE LED above it will be lit. To select the crossover frequency, rotate the CROSSOVER FREQ control knob until the desired frequency is obtained. Low frequencies go to AMP1, and high frequencies go to AMP2. This allows speakers designed for specific frequencies to be utilized to their fullest potential, and allows the user even greater control over the tone of thier rig. To start, try setting the CROSSOVER
FREQ at 300Hz (about “9 o’clock” on the control).
13. MASTeR VOluMe
Use the MASTER to control the overall volume of the amplifier. Reduce the MASTER level if clipping occurs as indicated by the PEAK LEDs (see #15). Using the COMPRESSOR will also help prevent clipping. The MASTER control also affects the HEADPHONE output.
8. SeMI-pARAMeTRIc MId Sweep TONe cONTROlS (leVel & FReq)
These three EQ’s can take some time to learn how to use. Start with the LO MID sweep.
The FREQ control does not function if the GAIN control is set in the center “0” position.
To demonstrate, turn the GAIN to the right for full boost. Now play your bass and turn the
FREQ control from left to right and notice the how the added mids change frequency. Now turn the GAIN to the full left and turn the FREQ control again and notice the reduced mids.
Then, try this with the MID and HI MID. As you can hear, there are many variables, so write down some of the settings for future reference. The mid sweep system controls can be very effective to fine tune your overall sound.
14. pOweR AMp cONTROl
The 1 LO and 2 HI levels control the volume to the individual amps. These are used to balance the low and high frequency speaker cabinets when in CROSSOVER biamping mode.
To set the balance, turn up the 1 LO knob until the desired volume level is reached. Now turn up the 2 HI knob until the desired balance has been achieved. Use the MASTER volume to set the overall volume.
9. cOMpReSSOR (cOMp)
For some people, a compressor is a new feature. What it basically does is reduce the volume of the incoming signal as it reaches a preset maximum level. As the COMP knob is turned up (clockwise), the compressor lets a lower percentage of peak signals to pass through. This percentage is called the “compression ratio”. When the knob is at the off position (full counter-clockwise) the ratio is 1:1, where all of the input signal passes through the compressor without being affected. At the MAX setting, the compression ratio is 3:1.
ÊpeAk ledS
The red PEAK LEDs are clipping indicators for the amplifier(s). If the amps are clipping, use the MASTER to reduce the level. The COMPRESSOR may also serve to help prevent clipping. Be sure not to run the amps with heavy continuous clipping (PEAK LEDs ON) or your speakers could be damaged.
8 OHM 325W/CH 1000W BRIDGE
4 OHM 500W/CH 1600W BRIDGE
2 OHM 800W/CH
50/60HZ 500VA
19 22 21 20 16 17 18
25 23 24
ÊdI leVel (dIRecT OuT)
The DI LEVEL controls the output level of the XLR DIRECT OUTPUT. The DI level is not affected by the MASTER level.
ÊdIRecT OuT pRe/pOST SwITch ANd gROuNd lIFT SwITch
The direct out PRE/POST switch allows the choice of either a simple buffered signal straight from the input jack (PRE mode) or a processed signal including the Drive,
Compressor, Tone, Graphic EQ, and Effect Loop processing (POST mode).
If a hum occurs when connecting the XLR to a mixer, try using the GND LIFT switch. The
GND LIFT switch lifts the ground pin 1 of the XLR to 100 ohms above chassis ground.
21. AMp INSeRT jAckS
The AMP INSERT jacks are TRS (Tip-Ring-Sleeve). The “TIP” is the SEND and the
“RING” is the RETURN. Using a TRS (Tip-Ring-Sleeve) insert cable, the preamp signal can be sent out via the TIP to an external processor and then returned to the internal power amp via the RING. If a standard (Tip-Sleeve) instrument cable is used, the signal can be routed from the preamp to an external power amp. These insert jacks break the signal to the internal power amplifier.
Use the MASTER (or AMP 1 & 2) controls on the front panel for SEND adjustments.
When the CROSSOVER is OFF, both outputs receive the same full range signal. When the CROSSOVER is ON, AMP 1 receives the low frequency signals and AMP2 receives the high frequency signals.
ÊdIRecT OuT XlR jAck
The DIRECT OUT XLR jack provides a balanced independent output for going direct to the main PA or recording input. The front MASTER control does not affect the output level. The XLR is protected against Phantom power (DC voltage) on cables coming from mixer inputs.
22. TuBe BYpASS
The TUBE BYPASS SWITCH removes the 12AX7 preamp tube from the signal path.
23. TuNeR lINe OuT jAck (uNMuTed)
The TUNER LINE OUT jack is provided as a place to connect a tuner. This output is unaffected by the MUTE function so you may tune your bass quietly while using the MUTE.
The optional FS22 footswitch can be used to remotely control 2 of these 3 features:
MUTE, Graphic EQ, or EFFECTS LOOP bypass.
The two configuration switches set the functions of the FS22 footswitches.
The FS22 Left “Channel” switch switch is connected to the Ring of the 1/4” plug.
The FS22 Right “Reverb-Effects” switch is connected to the Tip of the 1/4” plug.
There are four configurations.
RING switch setting
TIP switch setting
“Channel” function
Graphic EQ
Graphic EQ
MUTE not used
”Rev. - Eff.”” function
Effect Loop
Effect Loop
The rear LEDs near each switch light whenever the Effects loop or Graphic EQ are ON.
If the rear switches are set for Effects Loop or Graphic EQ set the front panel switches so the feature is ON, and the footswitch can turn the feature OFF or ON.
Most standard footswitches with latching switches and a stereo (TRS) plug will work.
24. SpeAkeR OuTpuTS (See IMpedANce chART ON BAck pAge)
The BX1600 uses high current Twist-Lock speaker connectors. OUTPUT 1 and OUTPUT
2 use the green combination 1/4”- SPEAKON® jacks which will also accept standard
1/4” plugs. Multiple speakers can be attached by chaining cabinets together, so long as the total impedance is not below 2 ohms for each OUTPUT 1 or OUTPUT 2 jack and
4 ohms for the BRIDGED OUTPUT jack. Twist-Lock cables are recommended due their high current capability.
25. AMp BRIdge SwITch ANd led
The rear BRIDGE switch enables the full power of both amps in the BX1600 to be sent to the center BRIDGED OUTPUT connector. The LED will illuminate to indicate BRIDGE mode.
Total minimum impedance is 4 ohms. The center black BRIDGED OUTPUT connector will not accept 1/4” plugs. DO NOT connect speakers to OUTPUT 1 or OUTPUT 2 when in BRIDGE mode.
NOTE: In the BRIDGE mode, both the MASTER and POWER AMP1 controls adjust the output volume.
20. eFFecTS lOOp (SwITchABle)
The SEND jack is the output of the preamp and is designed to deliver the proper level to the input of an external effects processor. The SEND signal source is after the
TONE CONTROLS and COMPRESSOR (#7, #8, & #9).
The RETURN jack is designed to receive signals from the output of an external effects processor. When a signal is plugged into the RETURN, it breaks the connection between the preamp and the internal power amp. The RETURN signal goes through the GRAPHIC
EQ (if active) and MASTER controls to the power amp(s).
The EFFECT LOOP can be bypassed with the front panel switch (see #11) or optional
FS22 footswitch (see #19).
26. Ac pOweR & FuSe
Insert the locking power cord into this jack and push until fully inserted. Plug the cord into a grounded 3 prong power source. No attempt should ever be made to use the amp without the ground connected.
The locking AC cord (Carvin part# 120V18L7, US version) is supplied with the amp.
However, a standard AC cord can be used.
To detach the cord from the amp, press the yellow release lever on the underside of the cord near the amp.
The FUSE is located internally on the circuit board. To check or replace the fuse, remove the power cord and the enclosure lid. If the fuse is blown repeatedly, it is likely the amp will require service.
cROSSOVeR (bi-amping) and BRIdge modes on the BX1600:
The BX1600 is capable of three different power amp modes, each with different advantages:
1. DUAL MONO mode (standard)
Both the X-OVER switch and the rear BRIDGE switch are set to “OFF”. Each power amp receives the same mono signal (unless effects are used in the AMP INSERTS). Speakers can be connected to one or both OUTPUT 1 and OUTPUT 2 speaker jacks. The balance of volume between the two speaker outputs can be set by the “1 LO” and “2 HI” POWER AMP controls. This mode can useful when using two different speaker cabinets (such as a 4x10” and 2x10”) that have unequal output levels or when using cabinets with low wattage ratings.
2. CROSSOVER mode (bi-amping)
With the X-OVER switch “ON” and the rear BRIDGE switch “OFF”, power amp 1 (LO freq) handles frequencies below the CROSSOVER FREQ setting. Power amp 2 (HI freq) handles frequencies above the CROSSOVER FREQ setting. Subwoofers such as 15” or 18” speakers should be plugged into the
“OUTPUT 1” speaker jack. Full range (or high frequency) enclosures should be plugged into the “OUTPUT
2” speaker jack. The balance of volume between the two speakers is set by the “1 LO” and “2 HI” POWER
AMP controls. The CROSSOVER mode takes full advantage of the frequency response of these two different types of speakers.
3. BRIDGE mode (mono, full power into one speaker load)
The rear BRIDGE switch is “ON” (CROSSOVER settings are disabled). Plug speakers into the BRIDGED
OUTPUT jack. DO NOT use OUTPUT 1 or OUTPUT 2 speaker jacks in the BRIDGE mode. This mode is used to get the most power into one speaker enclosure or several identical enclosures. Be sure your speaker(s) can handle 1600watts for 4ohm or 1000watts for 8ohm enclosures. If two identical speaker enclosures are used, each one will receive 1/2 the wattage. When using speakers of unequal impedance make sure they can handle the full wattage.
The MUTE function has been inadvertently engaged.
Speakers have been improperly connected.
Effect Loop has been improperly connected.
The BX1600 speaker connections are incorrect when in the CROSSOVER mode.
Tweeters or midrange drivers have been damaged from too much power.
The drive control is turned all the way up.
The active switch may need to be turned on.
Try switching the rear GND LIFT switch IN or OUT.
Try switching to pre DI.
Check for noise from external effects or bad cabling.
Make sure the rear BRIDGE switch is “OFF” when using OUTPUT 1 and OUTPUT 2 speaker jacks. Check for incorrect speaker connections when in the CROSSOVER mode.
To get more output, use multiple speakers or enclosures. Every time you double your speakers, your acoustic output goes up by a factor of four. Load the amplifier down to its lowest minimum impedance for maximum RMS power.
If you go below the minimum load, your amp will shut off and go into the “protect” mode.
To reset, turn your amp off and connect the recommended load.
TWIST-LOCK cables are recommended for your BX1600 because of their high current capacity. While standard 1/4” speaker cables will work, 12 GA TWIST-LOCK cables will allow higher currents to pass through the cable to extract every watt from your amp.
Two 8 ohm speakers
Four 8 ohm cabinets
Three 8 ohm speakers
Two 4 ohm speakers
One 8 & one 4 ohm cabinet
Two 8 & one 4 ohm speakers
Two 2 ohm speakers
Three 4 ohm speakers
Two 4 & one 8ohm speakers
= 4 ohms
= 2 ohms
= 2 ohms
= 2 ohms
= 1 ohm
(OK) (OK for BRIDGE)
(OK) (not for BRIDGE)
= 2.66 ohms (OK) (not for BRIDGE)
(OK) (not for BRIDGE)
= 2.66 ohms (OK) (not for BRIDGE)
(OK) (not for BRIDGE)
= 1.33 ohms (no)
= 1.6 ohms (no)
The BX1600 is a powerful amplifier. As with any amplifier, make sure your speakers are suitable for the available wattage. Driving speakers with too much wattage will cause them to distort and eventually fail. If distorted sound is coming from the speakers, reduce the volume until the distortion stops.
This symbol is intended
DO NOT OPEN the product’s enclosure that may be of sufficient magnitude to constitute a risk of electric shock to persons.
This symbol is intended to alert the user to the presence of important operating
DO NOT OPEN tions in the literature accompanying the appliance.
WATER AND MOISTURE: Appliance should not be used near water (near a bathtub, washbowl, kitchen sink, laundry tub, in a wet basement, or near a swimming pool, etc). Care should be taken so that objects do not fall and liquids are not spilled into the enclosure through openings.
POWER SOURCES: The product should be connected to a power supply only of the type described in the operating instructions or as marked on the appliance.
GROUNDING OR POLARIZATION: Precautions should be taken so that the grounding or polarization is not defeated.
POWER CORD PROTECTION: Power supply cords should be routed so that they are not likely to be walked on or pinched by items placed upon or against them, paying particular attention to cords at plugs.
SERVICING: The user should not attempt to service the appliance beyond that described in the operating instructions. All other servicing should be referred to qualified service personnel.
FUSING: If your unit is equipped with a fuse receptacle, replace only with the same type fuse.
Refer to replacement text on the unit for correct fuse type.
Your Carvin product is guaranteed against failure for 1 YEAR unless otherwise stated.
Carvin will service and supply all parts at no charge to the customer providing the unit is under warranty. Shipping costs are the responsibility of the customer. CARVIN
ORIGINAL INVOICE IS REQUIRED TO VERIFY YOUR WARRANTY. Carvin assumes no responsibility for horn drivers or speakers damaged by this unit. This warranty does not cover, and no liability is assumed, for damage due to: natural disasters, accidents, abuse, loss of parts, lack of reasonable care, incorrect use, or failure to follow instructions. This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied. No representative or person is authorized to represent or assume for Carvin any liability in connection with the sale or servicing of Carvin products. CARVIN SHALL NOT BE
Avoid spilling liquids or allowing any other foreign matter inside the unit. The panel of your unit can be wiped with a dry or slightly damp cloth in order to remove dust and bring back the new look. As with all pro gear, avoid prolonged use in caustic environments (salt air). When used in such an environment, be sure the amplifier is adequately protected.
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Outside the USA, contact your dealer or go to for your nearest service center. Include a written description of the problem with serial number and date of purchase.
The conductors in the AC power cord are colored in accordance with the following code.
U.K. MAIN PLUG WARNING: A molded main plug that has been cut off from the cord is unsafe. NEVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD YOU INSERT A DAMAGED

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Key features
- 2x800W at 2 ohms
- Bypassable 12AX7 preamp tube
- 9-band graphic EQ
- Bi-amping capabilities
- Optical compressor
- Extensive tone controls