Bang & Olufsen Beogram 4002, 4002-6000 Turntable User manual
The Beogram 4002 and Beogram 4002-6000 are high-fidelity stereo record players featuring fully automatic operation and high specifications. They are designed for playing vinyl records at 33 and 45 RPM. The Beogram 4002 features a tangential arm, which tracks the disc in a straight line, ensuring optimal sound quality. The Beogram 4002-6000 is a more advanced model that can also play CD-4 quadrophony discs.
BEOGRAM 4002 BANG & OLUFSEN LP Beogram 4002 - a high-fidelity stereo recard player featuring fully automatic operation and high specifications. It isa development of Bang & Oluf- sen’s first electronically con- trolled record player with tangential arm which tracks the disc in a straight line, The new MMC 4000 pickup uses an elliptic naked diamond, stylus force 1 gramme. Also the rotation of the disc is electronically controlled and consequently is independent of mains-voltage variations. We wish to congratulate you on your Beogram 4002. We hope that these instructions will help you to realize the’ full benefit of your stereo system so that you will have no problems in attaining your objective - listening to music. Yours faithfully, Bang & Olufsen CONTENTS setting up Key Plan Operation Care of Discs Pickup Maintenance Oo © Wm в об N Technical data 060 PHONO SETTING UP The job of setting up your Beogram 4002 after transport and unpacking is covered by a separate manual, The unit should be placed horizontally on a table or shelf system. In order to allow the dust cover to be opened completely, suffi- cient free height should be provided above the unit corresponding to 46 cm between two shelves as shown in this sketch. Connection to Amplifier The cable fitted with a DIN plug should be run to the PHONO input {low impe- dance) of a high-fidelity stereo amplifier or stereo ra- dio. 50/60Hz Mains As received by you, your Beo- gram 4002 is set to 220 volts, and if this is your local mains voltage, all you have to do is to plug the mains lead into a wall socket. If not, the unit must be switched to the proper vol- tage, it has provision for switching between mains vol- tages of 110, 130, 220, and 240 volts AC. The change-over switch is located in the bot- tom of the unit and is easily turned, using a coin, Your Beogram 4002 will operate on mains frequen- cies of both 50 and 60 Hz without switching of any kind. Stylus Force Adjustment Recommended stylus force for the MMC 4000 is 1 gramme. The adjusting device (13) allows adjustment of stylus force between 0 and 1.5 gram- mes. Use the screwdriver which is provided, reading the value on the small scale, 12 du + CO OF — \ Rea Y \\ \ VA M \ X 4 À X m \ 3 1 \ X \ = % Y Y A = BEOGRAM 4 33 3 = \ \ y \ X \, L TED E ef X \ и X X \ X 4 k \ X / Ra 4 À \ \ \ | X \ X 7 = A = ON <= 10 11 12 13 Stop and rapid outward travel Slow outward travel LIFT SLOW inward travel Start and rapid inward travel Selection of 45 r.p.m. Selection of 33 r.p.m. Adjustment of 45 r.p.m. 45 r.p.m. indicator 33 r.p.m. indicator Adjustment of 33 r.p.m. MMC 4000 pickup Stylus force adjustment OPERATION Your Beogram 4002 is very simple to operate. All you have to do is to put a disc on the turntable and press the ON button. The automatic control system will then make the turntable rotate at the correct speed and bring the pickup in to the first groove of the disc and lower it, When the disc has finished, the pickup lifts and travels out to the side, and the turntable stops. Manual Operation Your Beogram 4002 also has provision for more individual operation. You can stop playing, introducing a pause, begin playing in any desired place on the disc, or repeat a section, Stop If you wish to stop playing be- fore the disc has finished, press OFF, The pickup will then rise and travel sideways out, and the turntable will stop. 33 BEOGRAM 4002 45 = № Ww & сл ос ON== = > => OFF VA ON << Pause You can introduce a pause anywhere you want while playing a disc. A light pres- sure applied to LIFT - with this symbol - will lift the pickup, and the pickup will be relowered when you press a second time. Arbitrary Lowering If you do not wish to listen to a disc from the beginning, press ON again, The pickup will now travel in across the disc until you lower the stylus into the groove by pressing LIFT. This movement across the disc is relatively quick. If you prefer slower scanning, press (4) instead. Movement will occur only as long as you press the button. To lower, press LIFT (3). Repeat When you wish to repeat a sec- tion you have already heard, you can do it in two ways: Rapid scanning: By pressing OFF you can cause the pickup to travel out until you lower the stylus by pressing LIFT. Slow scanning: Keep (2) depressed until the stylus is above the desired place and thereafter press LIFT. Discs with Large Centre Holes To play a disc with a large centre hole, the record spindle should be fitted with the adap- tor which is supplied, before putting the disc on. 33 45 OPE 133 EIS 45] Speed Your Beogram 4002 automa- tically selects the proper speed, indicated by illumina- tion of one of the scales, 33 or 45, In the case of the special 17 cm discs to be played at 33 r.p.m. you can select the speed yourself: First press ON, and keep 33 depressed until the stylus has been lowered into the groove, Fine Adjustment of Register Your Beogram 4002 has two pointers and adjustment knobs for reading and (if required) adjusting the register, The 33 and 45 r.p.m. speeds can be adjusted individually, and carrect adjustment is where the pointers are at 0. Towards + or — the speed is higher or lower, respectively, than the standard speed. Care of discs In designing the Beogram 4002, every effort has been made to ensure that your records can be played a large number of times with no deterioration of sound quality. However, there is something you can do yourself; for example, you can minimize wear by avoiding dust par- ticles and finger prints on your records, Dust can be wiped off using one of the aids which are commercially available, but it is better to try to avoid the necessity for remaving it. We assume that you keep your discs in their jackets ar albums. It is not immaterial how you take out a disc because the friction against the inner side of the jacket is enough to give the disc a static charge so it will attract dust, Hold the disc jacket so that its sides bend away from the disc. Put your hand in below the disc so that the middle finger touches the centre hole and the thumb grips the rim of the disc, and without touching the grooves of the disc. Pull the disc out of its jacket in such a manner that the jacket only touches the rim of the disc, not the actual surfaces. Only hold the rim of the disc when putting it on the turntable, Keep the dust cover of your Beogram 4002 closed while playing the disc. Put the disc back in its jacket in the same careful manner, avoiding friction between the sides of the disc and the jacket. By doing so you help to re- duce the need for anti-static wiping of your discs. Should this become necessary, pro- ceed as follows: Put the disc on the turntable; press ON; wait until the pickup has been lowered; then press LIFT. The pickup will now lift while the turntable continues to rotate, and you can wipe the disc. Cleaning the Pickup Stylus Dust is practically certain to collect around the diamond stylus proper. The cleaning brush supplied with your Beogram 4002 is specially designed for clean- ing the stylus, and the sketch shows how Lo Use it. Hold the brush up against the metal housing of the pickup cartridge, behind the stylus proper, and thereafter move IT forwards in the direction of the transparent section of the pickup. MMC 4000 CAUTION: Brushing in the opposite direction will ruin the stylus assembly, thereby rendering the pickup cartridge unserviceable. Do not use detergents - use only this brush. The protective hood should only be put on the pickup during transport of the Beo- gram 4002, not every time you have finished using it. Replacing the Pickup Cartridge Should it become necessary to replace the pickup car- tridge because of damage to the stylus assembly or some other defect, the entire pick- up cartridge should be taken off the arm and a new ane inserted, Hold the pickup firmly with one hand while carefully moving the cartridge from side to side, pulling out- wards with the other. À new complete cartridge car- ries this designation: MMC 4000 type 8954410 Each MMC cartridge is supplied packed complete with calibra- tion card showing the technical data of that particular unit. Each MMC 4000 unit is individually matched. This is yaur guarantee that it meets the technical data specified for it. Checking the Stylus Force Stylus force is adjusted as de- scribed on page 2. A check on the stylus force can be performed with the stylus- force balance which is pro- vided, Place the balance on the chassis deck, to the right of the turntable, and control the pickup so that it is lowered an to the scale of the balance. To do this, first press ON and quickly there- after (4). By alternately pressing (3), (2) (3) and (4) (3), cause the stylus to go down on that point of the balance where equilibrium exists, Read the number an the balance, and you can see whether ¡t agrees with the reading on (13). If the disagree- ment is too great, we suggest that you have your dealer adjust the pickup-arm counterbalance weight. Measuring accuracy of the stylus-force balance is 0.1 gramme, Conversion to 4 Channels Your Beogram 4002 can be converted so that it will also play CD-4 quadrophony discs. The pickup cartridge must be replaced with an MMC 6000, which covers a frequency range up to 45,000 Hz. Also required is a CD-4 decoder, to be installed in the record player. A separate, external decoder of another make may be connected instead. Last- ly, the record player and de- coder must be connected to a 4-channel amplifier system. MAINTENANCE The external surfaces of your Beogram 4002 can normally be kept clean with a dry cloth. Any grease marks on the metal surfaces can be removed with a soft cloth moistened in a cold or luke- warm solution of detergent in water, followed by thorough wiping with a dry cloth. Take care not to damage the stylus! Put the protective hood on before wiping the meatal sur- faces of your Beogram 4002. Dust Cover Repeated wiping with a dry cloth will cause the dust cover to eventually pickup a static charge. We therefore suggest that you occasionally use detergent whe wiping the dust cover. Do not use alcohol as it may attack the material Teak and Rosewood If the wood surfaces seem grey and dry you may apply a thin film of teak or rosewood oil, though not more than once or twice a year. Use a thin grade oil, especially for rosewood. Blond Oak Do not use oil under any cir- cumstances - even non-ojl de- tergent or wax can cause dis- coloration of the untreated surface, The removal of dark spots should be left to an expert. TECHNICAL DATA DIN 45 500 Requirements Subject to change without notice BEOGRAM 4002 Type No. 5501 Sound system Stereo, matrix Output 2x1 mV Speads 33 - 45 rpm. Tonearm Tangential Pickup cartridge MMC 4000 Automatic record-size Yes Automatic pickup movement “es Automatic speed selection Yes Wow and flutter, DIN <1 0.2% <+ 0.05% Wow and flutter, WRMS <+0.025% Rumble DIN unwalghted > 3588 > 42 de Rumble DIN weighted > 55 de > 65 dB Speed deviation <+ 1.5% — 1% < 0,02% Speed control range >6% Dial for speed 2 pointers Stylus pressure range 0-1.5gram Tangantial tracking 0,049 Lift system Electronic Antiskating Parallel tracking, error angle compensated Motor Cantrolled synchronous Drive system Turntable Dust cover Power supply Belt dd em 2.2 kg Hinged and detachable 110 - 130 - 220 - 240 volts Frequency 50 - 60 Hz Power consumption 40 watts Dimensions W x H x D 49 x 10 x 38 cm Weight 12 kg Pickup MMC 4000 Stylus Elliptical naked diamond Radius of curvature Spherical 15 um £5 pm 5x 17 yum Frequency range 40-12500 Hz +5 dB 63.5 - B,000 Hz £2 dB 20-30,000 Hz £2.5 de 50 - 20,000 Hz + 1,5 dB Channel separation 1000 Hz > 20d8 > 25 de 400 - 10,000 Hz 215dE > 20 de Channel differance <2dB <15d8 Intermodulation <1% < 1% Recommended stylus pressure <5 gram 1 gram Compliance >4 % 10 ~% emidyn, 30 x 10 7° em/dyn. Effective tip mass 0.5 mg Output mV /cm/sec. 0.6 mv/47 kohms BEOGRAM 4002 - 6000 BANG & OLUFSEN Ju | | 1 bent as | | \ 1 Dust cover 2 Turntable y A 3 Pick-up ASSEMBLY AFTER A BED T RA NSPO R T | and adapter Assembly after Transport Your Beogram 4002-6000 is protected in several ways against damage in transit, It is important that your Вео- gram is correctly assembled and set up after it is unpacked. If you wish, you may leave this to your dealer. The following components are enclosed in the foam in- serts in the carton: 1 Dust cover 2 Turntable 3 Drive belt and adapter 4 Pick-up The pickup carton contains the following items: SP 15 pickup Tae with stylus guard Screwdriver Tor stylus force adjustment Cleaning brush for pickup stylus Balance for checking stylus force. NOTE: Keep the original packing and this instruction for use at a later transport. Unnecessary da- mage may be done to the record player if it is sent without being correctly secured and packed, To prepare your Beogram for use, proceed as follows: Turn three lock screws in the bottom of the turntable unit anti-clockwise against the stop (towards PLAY). Turntable and Belt, and One Inside Lock Screw (1) “= Pad | у mo a" коня. (2) Fo IT (3) / À f E ee Lol | A a = ЕЕ — (4) (5) si A а ee . il . cn ЗЕ . nee cette A E = Using a small screw- driver, release two spring locks, one in either side in the back left and right corners, marked A in the sketch, The wooden frame may now be pushed approx, 1 cm forward, thereby releasing the aluminium chassis decks. Lift up chassis deck B and remove it towards the right, Lift up and remove chas- sis deck C. Close to the pickup lift- ing system is a lock screw which secures the system during transport. This screw should be turned anti-clockwise and re- moved. (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) The turntable and belt can be mounted in va- rious ways. The simplest one is to put the belt on the turntable before lowering the latter on to the shaft, First put the belt around the turntable belt-face on the under side. The bright side should face outwards, and the belt should tem- porarily be placed up a- bove the rim as shown in the sketch. Then lower the turntable on to its shaft and bring the belt around the mo- tor belt pulley without twisting it. Turn the turntable slight- ly to check that the me- chanical transmission is smooth and unimpeded. Lower chassis deck C back into place: the spring bar should point towards the top right cornar, Put chassis deck B dia- gonally down; the mil- led edge (see sketch) should face left, towards C, and be pushed in be- low the spring bar. Move the wooden sides and front backwards. Pickup (1) Remove the transit pro- tection device, inserted between the two arms. (2) Insert the pickup cartridge in the pickup arm, (3) Remove the stylus guard, Mounting the Dust Cover The dust cover has an alumini- um panel which contains the hinge and spring system proper. To secure this panel to the turn- table unit, proceed as follows: (1) Turn two screws in the rear corners in the bot- tom of the turntable unit anti-clockwise, pressing a finger against the sur- face of the lock bushing to prevent it from rotat- ing, (2) When the screws have been loosened sufficient- ly to permit the bushings to get raised 5 - 6 mm, the aluminium panel of the dust cover may be brought in below the heads of the two lock bushings. (3) Retighten the screws. You may find it neces- sary first to close the cover and bring it into position before finally tightening the screws. All other information - ampli- fier connection, mains voltage, mains frequency, adjustments and operating procedure - is given in the enclosed operating instructions for the Beogram. ps ">

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Key features
- Fully automatic operation
- Tangential arm
- Electronically controlled rotation
- MMC 4000 pickup with elliptical diamond stylus
- Adjustable stylus force
- Manual operation features
- CD-4 quadrophony compatibility (Beogram 4002-6000)
- Dust cover
Frequently asked questions
The setup process is described in a separate manual. It involves placing the unit horizontally, connecting it to an amplifier, and adjusting the mains voltage if necessary.
Simply place the record on the turntable, press the ON button, and the automatic control system will handle the rest. The turntable will rotate, the pickup will lower into the groove, and the unit will stop automatically when the record is finished.
Use the provided screwdriver to adjust the stylus force between 0 and 1.5 grammes using the small scale on the adjustment device.